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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  August 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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gorilla. texas fort worth zoo hosing down when temperatures soar above 105 degrees. thus full advantage scooping water of the floor and spinning around under the stream and looks like a happy gorilla, doesn't he? a reminder animals are just as for local to the heat as we are. >> playing the water, we both felt like that when it's hot jumping around in the water. certainly a lot of folks will need it the next couple of days feeling like gusts because it's so hot out there. also, i just want to say over to pick up the alligator but i know people in florida are not impressed. >> that's how fox reports this saturday august 2424. ♪
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>> i am a lisa blues along with cheryl, jason chaffetz and tom shillue. welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight, donald trump and rfk junior antiestablishment power move. >> robert f kennedy junior. [cheering] >> i don't think i've ever introduced anyone that got applause like he just got. >> the crowd goes wild for the 20 teaming up to take on the spot. lucas tomlinson live at the white house tonight. >> let's get to the video tape, donald trump alongside bobby kennedy junior last night in arizona. >> for the past 16 months, bobby has run an extraordinary
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campaign for president of the united states. he also went after me a couple of times, i didn't like it. his candidacy inspired millions and millions of americans, raised critical issues too long ignored in this country and brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign, grounded in the american values of his father, robert kennedy, a great man. [cheering] john f. kennedy bobby and i will like together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to this people. >> rfk junior said he would have won the election of the system was more honest. >> i thought a call from the president and we had a very good talk and he invited me to see him and we talked about not about the things that separate us because we don't agree on
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everything about the issues that bind us together and one of the issues he talked about was having safe food and ending the chronic disease epidemic. our children are the unhealthiest mistake his children in the world. don't you want healthy children? don't you want the chemicals out of our food? don't you want regulatory agencies to be free from corporate corruption? that's what president trump told me he wanted. >> kennedy added, this is not the democratic party of his uncle and father. >> thank you, lucas. i feel like i -- we should call him bobby. first name basis. jason, the trump campaign put out a memo talking about you look at states like arizona, the 2020 turnout model.
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the net boat gained in arizona would be 41000 votes, four times biden's margin in 2020. how significant is this endorsement? >> i think it's very and significant, tells us about the democratic party today, did you think you would see the democratic party rejecting a kennedy? the idea that a kennedy would join forces with the donald trump, i think it's a big deal. he wasn't going to get the majority but will probably get the last 5%, people disaffected by both parties that feel offended by how democrats ran their process nominating somebody, it wasn't a fair fight, they sued him every chance they could get kept him off the ballot. they did not allow him to participate in a fair way and there's a lot of people offended so last 5%, the bit that makes the difference, i think it is a huge win for donald trump that will translate. >> you touched upon the
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realignment. we will listen to why rfk junior decided to endorse donald trump. >> don't you want a president is going to get us out of the worst and rebuild the middle class in this country? he told me he wanted to end of the censorship because american democracy is the free flow of information. can you think of anytime you can look back in history and say the people we are censoring for the good guys? [cheering] they are always the bad guys because it's always the first step down the slippery to totalitarianism. do you want the president is going to protect america's freedoms? i want you to ask, don't you want a safe environment for your children? don't you want a president that will make america healthy again?
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[applause] god bless you and "god bless america". >> he talks about how the democrat party has left behind working-class voters and now it's about censorship, big pharma, big everything. we seen the realignment and politics for the republican party has become the party of the working class so how does kennedy endorsing republicans further solidify the realignment? >> we see with the trump campaign if you look at the w francis, he may have the leadership support, kamala harris but the membership is different and we see that will be the boat likely to go republican but editorial board made a good line about why he saw this rejection by the democrats of rfk junior, they believe the campaign, the democrats played dirty politics to keep them suppressed, a kennedy to book your points and it's interesting, democrats blame themselves for the
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endorsement as mr. kennedy might have dropped out and not endorse another candidate so arizona and georgia in particular if the story changes because of his position with the trump cam campaign, they only have their selves to blame. >> talk about dirty politics, rfk junior talking about how biden mocked the landslide in the fact that they own the russian press kept opponents of the ballot and that you've got dnc doing what they've been doing, democrats trying to push trump off the ballot. >> an interesting number, 80%. >> yes, putin's landslide. >> that is alarmingly similar to mainstream media actively supporting the democrats. we saw a study this week that the media is somewhere around
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85% positive for kamala my 85% negative trump so they are actively campaigning for the democrats so when rfk talks about press freedom, it's the same breath talking about the first amendment about people's ability to express themselves and say what they need to. the democrat party believes freedom of the press is the freedom of the press to censor us because the press right now is in with big tech deciding what can and can't be said. the second thing rfk is on about his medical freedom. i want him to be charged from of the fcc for the cdc but put him in charge of one of them. >> and let's get them so stay on the media the dnc trying to tell people rfk junior's weird and media tech got even weirder.
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>> that is a very low bar. >> this showboating crazy. there's one movie for me summed up the whole thing, dumb and dumber. neither one of these men are serious political actors in this phase that will move the leader. this is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. try to get logic, good luck with that because you can't understand what he says and if you can, you can't understand what the house, let's gibberish and that is exactly what that is. >> cnn killed on social media cutting away from rfk junior and talking about media censorship and dnc ratings the process so they proved his points. >> cut him off and let him speak in wouldn't allow people and to mock him, for the party of joy? they are downright mean to
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people. heaven forbid you disagree with somebody they are all about inclusion until you disagree with them democrat they want to go after rfk junior making the same mistake we saw in 2016 being dismissive and rude elitist when he came to donald trump and there were two rfk junior. nobody saw donald trump in 2016. >> we should learn about the censorship and you mentioned that earlier, i don't think people realize how dangerous what's happening. >> is a real danger but they spent so many years talking about a danger to democracy but when they saw it wasn't working, they switched so what is it is trump and his vp weird? work are they actually dangerous to democracy? if you're weird, the eye of the beholder to leave it up to the voter. i don't think this will work because it shows they are not
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serious. >> if you put tampons in a boys bathroom, you can't win the weird, that's very weird. i digress. rfk junior joined shannon bream to talk about trump and endorsement tomorrow on fox news sunday 2:00 p.m. eastern. he will want to watch that. a jampacked the "big weekend show" coming up including this -- >> madam vice president, congratulations. are you ready? [laughter] >> you would think the dnc would have made her a little less camera shy. her new excuse for dodging the press plus, don't tell kamala harris about this one. traded astronauts will have to stay in space a lot longer. also, the media says the democrats have a new model of masculinity. just bring in the coach. >> we are driving down the fi field.
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[cheering] boyd we have the right team. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". donald trump promises to create a commission to investigate the assassination attempt against him and release all documents related to the jfk assass assassination. as secret service takes out nearly six weeks after trump was nearly killed on live television. cb cotton has the update and i. >> former president donald trump now promising the american people if he is elected he will get answers on the assassination attempt he survived and a decades-old tragedy. >> i am announcing tonight upon my election, i will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts. [cheering]
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the will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of president john f. kennedy. [cheering] they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month. >> john f. kennedy's nephew stood alongside the former president as he delivered his latest campaign thomas. glendale arizona rally came a few hours after rfk junior endorsed trump. while on the trail, trump responded to the news that five secret service agents are now on administrative leave following the public pennsylvania sho shooting. >> i have great confidence in the secret service. they never gave us the number of people in terms of secret
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service people necessary. >> monday, a bipartisan congressional press investigating will to work the rally site pennsylvania and meet with local officials. >> it looks like kamala harris and tim walz will do their first interview next week but the details are a bit murky. >> they are slated to sit down for their first joint interview next week after mounting pressure on harris to lay out more for policy positions and while it's still not clear who it will be with and when, the interview provides an opportunity for standardbearer of the democratic party to prove her doubters wrong. >> the end 34 day streak since harris doesn't held a press conference or a single interview? her campaign, they are deflecting. >> when will she sit down with media on a one-on-one capacity and answer questions?
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>> i think she will sit down on her time. as you mentioned, it's a timeframe, we have make sure we are getting out into voters. i think people forget how short of a timeframe it's been. we had a change of the top of the ticket and elected a brand-new vice presidential nominee. we had to host a convention and we have to make sure we communicate with voters so there is no rest for the wicked. our campaign will do all we need to do and vice president harris will make herself available to speak to the press her time and when she's ready. >> i find that rich to say that got to communicate with the potus. they don't even have policy up on the website let alone sitting down and doing an interview. >> a smart little calculation i think avoiding the press because they don't care, jessica mentioned that last night on the five. don't care if anyone is mad at
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them for not doing an interview, they are riding the wave of nonstop new cycle has been the harris campaign so why would you go in front of an interview and risk being asked specific hard policy questions making a mistake? does the last come back? they will play out as long as i can i think they are just trying to campaign in the basement but a new style. i don't think it is a dumb idea, i think it's brilliant. >> a sad commentary because the biggest problem or kamala harris is that she is kamala harris. week on policy, no accomplishments as the vice president of the united states and her words salads are notorious at this time. let's see what cnn was saying when she was vice presidential side biden's campaign. >> one of biden's weaknesses
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according to these critics is his number two, vice president kamala harris. her numbers are great either. a poll showed half of voters have a negative view of harris, one of the lowest ratings for the pole and among democrats she is more popular but listen to nancy pelosi earlier tonight here on cnn. >> vice president kamala harris, the best running mate? >> he thinks so and that's what matters. >> that was a ringing endorsement. she thinks highly of what president biden seems to think and feel. the thing about a press conference or interview, that's not the message republicans should play. they should demand press conferences and conflicting questions the american people, debates and townhall style questioning from people, real issues. i think trump should take no debate, we are not doing it.
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either five or nothing, get up and answer questions. trump should say i'm holding a press conference, i will hold ten, i will do 50 if you do five because trump love to do 50 in the press would have to cover him. ten times use that one, trump campaign, they should force the issue because she can't answer questions from real reporters and real americans. none of this abc warning programs, it's ridiculous. >> peter doocy tried to get in a question and asked if she will do an interview, this is how it went. >> congratulations. are you ready? [laughter] >> there is those giggles. [laughter] >> i don't care if she wants to spend because the trump campaign reporting party member of the physician she's previously held. she's gas lighting aligned to
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the american people, trying to reinvent herself. i had a buddy of mine text me after her speech and said the speech last night mostly from military cut taxes, secure the border so kamala harris, the most liberal senator in 2019 now trying to hijack the republican agenda, jump agenda and a lot of celebrities and hollywood people in attendance for speech which makes sense because it we are watching is a movie, a production. she's an actress, it's all fake ever since joe biden dropped out in july, it's all a production. i hope americans wake up before the movie is over because when the movie is over, they are still left with inflation, open borders and wars breaking out around the world so time to wake up. >> sort of like saying beyoncé is coming out. oh, whoops. she didn't show up. >> you like to us, ha ha. >> keep the ratings up. gavin newsom and former obama operatives say the quiet part
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out loud, take out joe biden. ♪ ♪ suit who will will will will
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is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. have
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♪ >> welcome back to the "big weekend show", president biden on vacation this weekend, $37 million range that belongs to a billionaire donor who biden calls a friend. biden has been mayor since farewell speech at the dnc convention. matt finn lives in california today. >> the president, first lady, hunter biden and family generated from the dnc here to southern california staying at the extravagant state of joe.
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our camera captured the first lady with hunter biden family yesterday. doctor biden has been seen several times out and about the past week, noticeably absent, the president from what we can gather the he's not left since he arrived five days ago although it's possible he is going to church or venturing out this evening. we asked the first lady how the president has been passing days in california. >> has the president spending his time in california? >> welcome to california. how's the president doing since the convention? >> no answer there. as president has been on vacation, data has come in showing us job growth far weaker than expected according to the bureau of labor statistics, more than 800,000 jobs reportedly created over 12 month period through march this year never
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actually existed. here in california today, there was an anti- biden wrote trump rally. dozens and dozens if not hundreds of probe trump supporters drove cars passed the streets where the president is vacationing right now, honking horns. the messages that biden's policies are not welcome here in this valley and they hope is not planning on retiring here in this area. of course the past couple of days we have talked to people who are president biden reporters. >> thank you for that live report. after this, gavin newsom obama's former aide, joking around about biden to. >> how you feel about this which? [laughter] >> we went through an open process. [laughter] it was bottom of. [laughter] i don't know if you know that. [laughter]
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>> a great primary. >> thirty minutes but the convention. [laughter] >> he saying the quiet part out loud researchers 30 minutes, within 24 hours, she was the nominee and everybody else -- not happening. >> i like the fact that gavin newsom will do an interview, he'll do the opposite of what kamala harris will do. he will sit down and talk to fox and they are joking but it is real, the voters never had a chance. she stopped and that it and that is what rfk junior said, there's no process, no vetting, no questions, no interviews, no press conference, none of the rigors you have to do to get the nomination. >> and you've got to remember, this is gavin newsom who didn't see a political office he didn't
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want to run for and you know 2028, that's not that far away. >> you look at rfk junior who said in the name of sammy democracy, a democratic party dismantles it and the democrat party top-down party, a party of clues and kicking people off the ballot like they tried with donald trump at rfk junior, censorship and welfare. democracy dies in darkness, the process installing kamala harris was done in the darkness and the constitution says we the people because our government is supposed to serve us. does anyone feel that way anymore? this marriage between big tech, media and the democrat party continues to be interwoven, the big is bigger and we the people get smaller and lose our voice in the process and that is the direction the democrat party are taking us. >> i think biden, this is my
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theory. watching that speech at the convention, i don't think he wants kamala to win. it was a passive-aggressive speech, he tied her to his policies over and over and an aggressive way screaming you cast the boat, you help me with my agenda. she is trying to separate herself from him and he's trying to eliminate the fact that they are together. why? i think he wants her to lose so he can tell the story. >> is widely reported is very angry. they had to be careful having obama's and kamala and biden altogether. they actually kept them sep separate. >> what they tell us he belongs on mount rushmore. something doesn't add up. [laughter] >> with got a lot more coming up. don't tell kamala harris about this one, astronauts were going to have to stay in space a lot
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longer. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show" with kamala harris at the home of the base counsel, astronauts were supposed to be in space bar a week now spirited for another six months. nasa announcing the two are stuck until february when elon musk spacex will rescue them. christina coleman has the update from los angeles. >> leaders announced astronauts will not return to earth on the boeing carolina spacecraft that carried them into the international space station.
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instead, they will remain in space until february and compound on a dragon spacecraft. the decision after going carolina had helium leaks and trust issues. >> one of the important factors if we just don't know how much we can use thrusters on the way home before we encounter a problem because of the heating effects of help. >> going carolina spacecraft will return to earth next month without a crew following technical issues. >> are partners told us they would be able to execute either option and they thought the car belongs to nasa because of a wider view of the risks inv involved. we conducted a poll in the organizations indicated they thought we should proceed. >> boeing's first mission for nasa under five billing dollars contract, at least five other missions planned.
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>> thank you. boeing has taken a reputational hit. what does it mean for boeing? >> the 2737 that crashed, 300 people dead, the door plug incident this year which is still being investigated and still debated about. it does not look good but nasa made a smart calculation because 2003 you have the columbia space shuttle crash and 86 the challenger space shuttle when it took off, a teacher on board. they are afraid it will come back and the thruster problems will cause a potential accident but they will stick with boeing because they want to different programs that support the space station.
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the great american company and thousands of jobs that i want to see anything further happened to boeing they hope they can repair the reputation. >> you elon is one of the most criticized guys in the world besides donald trump yet here he is coming to nasa's rescue. >> understand if you look back, president obama took us to where the only way to get into space was contract with the russia and donald trump understood and made changes in created space course and allowed elon musk and spacex to drive and have boeing and spacex, we got to be self-sufficient. let's feel for these astronauts and their families, they were supposed to be up there eight days and now they are coming back in february. >> the last launch working for congress. this seems like a horror film. supposed to be there two weeks
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and now six months. >> these astronauts, you got to admire them, they look like they are having a good time but they are lost in space. danger. >> lost in space, they should have a robot like friendly robots who can chat with them. >> should i admit i don't know the reference? [laughter] still ahead of the "big weekend show". obsessed much? trump derangement syndrome takes center stage. thus the media says the democrats have a new model of masculinity. >> we are driving down the field and we have the right team. ♪
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the dnc filled with joy, good vibes and an obsession with trump. >> we are going to defeat donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump. >> donald trump is an unserious man. >> iran out of fingers counting the trumps. the dems said trump more times in the key issues they 14 commander-in-chief 160 times. the next night leaders in the left said trump's name 60 times 93 they screamed the former president name the four times and last night of harris' big speech, they said trump 91 times only mentioning crimes in the border nine times. >> did you notice that? >> unfortunately i had to watch it all because i wanted to talk about it on fox but they had
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trump derangement syndrome, they don't have a website, kamala harris the platitude and flat out lies to try to rewrite history with the biden-harris administration did in two say they are all about freedom. about school choice? how about the other freedoms? it gets under your skin if you listen because they are not serious and they are trying to gaslight people and rewrite history. >> you said it might work avoiding the press for kamala, to think they can run a campaign essentially that is we are not trump? >> we will see in november that is their strategy. they are making this she is the anti- donald trump candidate and biden didn't really do that but what we have seen if you look at the tik tok videos, there is a whole kamala crew putting videos on tik tok and they say basically you have two choices,
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democracy or not and donald trump is the enemy and he is evil. that is exactly what they are doing. >> i have $18 and they said this tik tok think might be effective. they are making her cool on their phones because they don't see this stuff, data watch conventions, they just look at tik tok and said she got better names and they say it might w work. >> it might be that, we are the country when we saw during covid, get the vaccine, how heidi want me to jump? people rolled over for the government. to me what it shows us his democrats hatred supersedes their love of country or cares about issues voters care about and i do think joe biden's candidacy was based on hatred for donald trump. kamala harris is trying to do
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the same thing because she owns this administration's policy failures so she's trying to get as far from them as she can, she's running as fast as she c can. >> a pep talk from coach walls at the dnc. >> let me finish with this, the team. [chanting] it's the fourth quarter. we are down a field goal but we are on offense and we've got all. we are driving on the field. [cheering] boy do we have the right team. [cheering] >> do democrats have a new masculinity problem? they are embracing beta males. media describing him as a midwest man's man and doug is the model of masculinity and the left loves it. >> they are doing so in trying to go forward male figures, temples being one of them.
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doug imhoff last night who can speak to men out there who might not be the testosterone laden gun toting kind of guy who wants to listen to hogan and the players who came out at the rnc but also in addition, understand it's okay in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own skin who supports a woman. >> i'm going to go back this way because i went this way before. >> they think masculinity can be more like a hat. >> i put on a flannel shirt and they sell camo house and apparently he's masculine and now they want him to feel the low t, i don't know what they are trying to do but this is a
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party that tells us rachel levine is a woman because he puts stress on so they are confusing. masculinity is up positive thing in the fine beat up in new york, i hope for a masculine man who can protect me so it's conf confusing. >> it seems to wake you out, you said you don't want to talk about it. >> i don't know what is going to appeal as far as of vote. i'm tired of the whole gender discussion in general, let's talk about policy, physicians and experience. i really don't care and they focus on that, i think it's a mistake. it does seem that she has tried to pick the topic of her gender, hillary was all about busting the glass ceiling. i have noticed harris is not doing that. otherwise that's about it.
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>> she thought this guy added the orange pheasant hunting hat and she thought she needed that element to hurt campaign. >> the big hunter out there but if you allow men to compete in women's sports, you don't own any space here that says you are about equality and balance and everything. >> he was an assistant coach, never head coach. he lies about everything, very strange. >> stick around. big weekend flops dnc addition and follow the "big weekend show" that big weekend show. ♪
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why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time now for the big weekend flops. dnc addition, our picks for the biggest bails of the week at the democratic national convention. i'm going to go first. unbelievable but listen to what president bill clinton does when he compares joe biden to george washington. come on man, listen. >> and then he did something that's really hard for a politician to do. he voluntarily gave up political
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power. [applause] georgia washington knew that. and he did it. and he set the standard for serving two terms before it was mandatory. [laughter] >> yes, right, that's the way it down for that is the way that went down, come on pickwick to give it power the same way lincoln did but that is what he meant to say. [laughter] that is closer. quite still at the door hit you on the way out. don't let the double door hit you with the good lord split you. [laughter] >> i'm going to jump in oprah winfrey repeats the democrat talking point and said voters are choosing joy, watch. >> let us choose a joy ♪ ♪ >> that's all you've got, oprah? i stayed awake to watch that and come on i mean you took the talking points you did not give
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me anything. opera you are above this, ma'am. and just going to say it >> i thought i want a car when she said that. >> weawhere's the car? dnc speaker tied tells democrats to behave until after the election. >> we have got 70 days you all. after 70 days we can go back to being crazy. [laughter] >> i want to know what happens. i'm little afraid of what happens next. [laughter] that is a little scary. i'll do so much with the flag but you've never seen them try to wrap themselves in the flag the way they did it. >> normally they are burning it. >> outside they were. it star-studded dnc got a tutorial from kamala harris nieces. >> hello everybody my name is amara. >> my name is lee lelah her lite sister. what are you here to do? >> to teach you how to say your
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auntie's name. >> so how do you pronounce it? >> you say, like a, in a sentence. >> and then you say a lot like la la la la la law. [laughter] put it together it is one, two, three. >> the helpmate. that help me i get it wrong sometimes to me is like caribbean and caribbean i followed up. >> it should sound like kamala because i think they were cute. think they were cute. that brings me joy not opera yelling joy at us. >> hi go back to the books, oprah. that does it for us. all right thank you lisa. proceed back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪


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