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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> if you were to run out right here right now, at least $16. we will find pocket square. >> this is incredible. [laughter] >> what is the drinking that jacket? >> i'm going to nicola. >> drunk in the rain. >> that concludes the musical portion. thank you for watching fox news saturday night. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. saturday at every saturday. do not forget to follow us on social media at the end saturday night. for more, i'm coming to a city near you, a couple of stops left. tickets on sale at fox listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. good night from new york york city. i'm your main man, jimmy fallon. we will see you next saturday. and remember, you can be republican. you could be a democrat. just don't be a. well done. there it is.
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this is a fox news alert i'm john scott live in new york. we are following breaking news out of the middle east where overnight israel's defense forces say they preemptively struck several hezbollah targets in lebanon. the idf claims the iran backed group was preparing to fire missiles and rockets toward the israeli territory. tensions have been rising in that region for weeks since the assassination of a senior hamas leader and a top hezbollah military commander. they were both killed in separate attacks. iran blames israel for both deaths, although israel has only claimed responsibility for the death of the hezbollah commander. this also coming as ceasefire and hostage talks between israel and hamas resume. this weekend. u.s. officials hope a cease fire will calm tensions in that part of the world. fox news correspondent trey yingst is live in israel. we're hearing. trey, that ben-gurion airport is closed for arrival and departing flights. we're also
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hearing that israel's security cabinet is convening in the next hour or so. what do you know? yeah, john, this is breaking news. israel has launched preemptive strikes against the iran backed lebanese militant group hezbollah. we know those strikes are ongoing at this hour. it comes as new rocket and drone alerts are sounding across northern israel. the israelis released a statement overnight saying that these strikes began as they saw hezbollah was preparing to attack israel. the past three weeks have been filled with tension across the region. in late july, we know that the israelis took out a top hezbollah commander, fouad soukar, in the southern part of the lebanese capital of beirut. that strike was in response to a rocket attack that killed 12 children in the northern golan heights city of majdal shams. this all led to the rising
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tension across the region that has been unfolding since the october 7th massacre, but again tonight, the israelis, making a decision to launch preemptive strikes against hezbollah in southern lebanon. the israeli military says the organization was preparing an attack. this information coming from israel's top spokesperson, daniel hagari, who also released a statement indicating that new instructions would be given by israel's home front command. this is the organization responsible for communicating messages to the israeli public, such as when to shelter in place and when to stay close to protected areas. we can confirm at this hour that israel's international airport, the ben-gurion airport just outside of tel aviv, has diverted all incoming flights. they're also delaying flights, leaving the country in preparation for the possibility of hezbollah launching long range rockets and missiles into central israel. we also know the israeli security cabinet is
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set to meet in less than an hour. it will be led by israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and the country's defense minister, yoav galant. and i do just want to look here. we're continuing to get incoming updates as we speak. daniel hagari, that top spokesman for the israeli military, will be making a statement in just about ten minutes giving more information on these preemptive strikes that took place overnight in southern lebanon. we know at this hour there are still rocket alerts sounding in northern israel. the lebanese militant group hezbollah starting their response to these strikes that took place overnight. and again, the country is bracing for the possibility that the situation could unravel. it's why the country's airport is diverting flights at this hour, and the country's security cabinet is set to meet in less than an hour. john. so these preemptive strikes, trey, is the thought that they went after some of the stockpiles of these rockets and missiles that otherwise would have been launched at
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israel. that's exactly it. the statement that we received from the israeli military said that a launch was possibly just hours away when this decision was made. now, reports do indicate that the israelis notified the americans that have significant assets spread throughout the region in anticipation of an attack from hezbollah. we always knew that this was a possible option. i've spoken with israeli defense officials over the past hour and also members of the country's military who are gathering what information we have to determine what a possible response from hezbollah might be. but i can tell you, according to this statement, that we initially received overnight, the israelis felt that an attack could be imminent from hezbollah and the statement included this information. it said at the time, quote, israeli air force fighter jets are striking targets belonging to the hezbollah terrorist organization that posed an
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imminent threat to the citizens of the state of israel. so, again, the israelis were acting on what they say was active intelligence. they were able to use intelligence on the ground, satellite imagery and other information to determine that hezbollah was about to launch a rocket and missile attack against israel. and again, this is an attack that hezbollah had promised since july 30th when the israelis conducted an airstrike in southern beirut against fouad sukar, a top hezbollah commander who was reportedly responsible for that rocket attack that killed 12 children in majdal shams, that city in the northern part of the golan heights. the israelis have maintained a state of heightened alert since that day in late july because, remember, it also coincided with the death of the leader of hamas, ismail haniyeh, in the iranian capital of tehran. so israel was bracing for the possibility that both iran and hezbollah could launch a joint attack
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against israel. but in recent days, the alarm bells were sounding. i spoke with officials here on the ground in tel aviv just last night, and they indicated that preparations were being made for the possibility of a hezbollah attack. this was an incredibly sensitive piece of information, though the possibility of a preemptive strike against hezbollah. exactly what we saw israel do overnight. and at this hour, we can report that dozens of israeli strikes took place against the iran backed organization in southern lebanon. that number may actually be higher, but we are waiting to confirm that information from the video that we reviewed from southern lebanon over the past hour, there were significant strikes and some secondary explosions that took place. yet more evidence indicating hezbollah was preparing to launch that attack against israel. they had the rocket launchers in place. they were preparing for that attack. i do want to just give you a little bit more information about some of the
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targets that hezbollah may try to strike in response to the these preemptive strikes that took place against southern lebanon. remember these northern israeli cities are incredibly close to the border and close to the hezbollah positions, and you have some significant population centers like the northern city of haif, israel's third largest city. and there you have not only a military port, but also a civilian port. you have iron dome batteries and bases in the northern part of this country. and what we are seeing right now unfolding and i continue to look down as we get these notifications coming in. there are ongoing rocket and drone attacks being launched by hezbollah as we speak. john and it is an indication that hezbollah is immediately responding to these strikes. they're targeting some of these northern areas and that city of haifa, that sensitive port city that we just talked about. there is a city just to the north of that called akko, and sirens were sounding in akko over the past hour, again an indication that this is a
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rapidly unfolding story. and i do again, this is just information coming into me right now. a an official in the israeli military says the country is bracing for a response from hezbollah, possibly even larger than what we are seeing unfolding right now in the northern part of the country. this official says they planned a big attack. we are waiting to see if our strikes canceled that plan. so again, the country has to remain on high alert at this hour. and i can report at this moment. and again, this is breaking to fox just now. this is information that has not yet been reported at this hour. i can report, according to a source familiar, that the u.s. secretary of defense, lloyd austin, just wrapped up a phone call with israel's defense minister, yoav gallant. we can expect a statement in about seven minutes to be released by israeli officials, likely to provide more details on what that phone call was about. but
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again, according to a source familiar u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin just spoke over the phone with israel's defense minister yoav gallant, following the israeli strikes that took place against the iran backed group hezbollah in southern lebanon. john. all right. trey yingst reporting live from israel. trey. thank you. joining us now, the director of national security law and policy program at george mason university and former chief counsel and senior advisor for the senate foreign relations committee, jameel jaffer jameel from the sounds of what trey is describing, would you suspect that much of the, you know, the fireworks, if you will, of hezbollah's attack have been blunted that that the israelis managed to, get some of these rockets before they got off the ground? well, it's hard to know. you know, hezbollah has such a huge rocket force there in the
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northern part, aimed at the northern part of israel and the southern part of lebanon. and so it's hard to know how much we do know that what admiral hagari has indicated was they hit about 70 targets inside of lebanon, killing about 20 fighters, hezbollah fighters in the last few days. this, this this attack. but we also know that, you know, in the last just since october 8th alone, we've seen over 6700 rockets, missiles and explosive, unmanned aerial vehicles fired at by hezbollah at at israel. so we know that they have used a portion of their, of their artillery capabilities, but not nearly all of it, we note that you're the director of national security law, and policy at george mason. the israelis, you know, say that they have to make these preemptive attacks because of the threats from their neighbors. the israelis get criticized for that. is there any, internationally is there any reason that israel
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could not or should not be doing what it's doing tonight? well, one, israel has a right of self-defense as against hezbollah, which has conducted hundreds, if not thousands of strikes against israel in recent years and hundreds in recent weeks, obviously we know as trey just talked about, the strike on majdal shams that killed 12 children, but we've seen tons of that. we've just seen strikes against in the golan just a few days ago. so it's not as though hezbollah has not been conducting attacks against israel, and israel doesn't have a right of self-defense beyond that, even the united states and other nations have asserted under international law rights. under international law, a right of preemptive self-defense. that is to say, you don't have to stand by and watch a threat gathering on your border, knowing the enemy is going to attack you and do nothing about it. and in this case, at a minimum, israel has the right of self-defense against the attacks. have already taken place and likely also under international law, has that right of preemptive self-defense as well. it's widely believed that iran is the one pulling the strings
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here, telling hezbollah and hamas, when to fire and what to fire at. why does iran not attack israel directly? they did it that one time with a barrage of rockets and missiles that really didn't do much. well, you know, iran in some ways acts as a coward here. we know that they pull the strings behind hezbollah, behind palestinian islamic jihad, and now increasingly behind hamas. this is how they like to operate the houthis as well. they operate through proxies. at the same time, we know who's behind it. and the reason they continue to get away with it is because we don't hold them accountable for their actions, whether it's against us, against international shipping or against our allies in the region, including israel. you know, iran has gotten away with this for many, many years. they killed hundreds of u.s. soldiers in iraq with explosive formed penetrators that they gave iraqi insurgents. we know they did it. we know they have blood on their hands, but we don't make iran pay the price.
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and so, you know, iran, i think today is not attacking directly because they're afraid of the inevitable retaliation. and so they prefer to act through proxies, assuming as they've been proven right, right before that we and the israelis won't respond directly against them when they conduct these attacks. there are there are iranian spy ships for instance, working in in the seas off iran. and those would be prime targets for israeli attacks for american attacks. i mean, they have been using those ships to coordinate attacks on not only u.s. warships in the region, but even civilian shipping. why not go after those, spy ships? no, that's exactly right. in fact, you know, i had the chance when i worked at the house intelligence committee a while back to be aboard the john stennis in an american aircraft carrier in the persian gulf. and what's crazy is that you actually see these iranian gunboats patrolling inside of our aircraft carrier perimeter within, you know, amongst u.s.
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destroyers and cruisers that are protecting that aircraft carrier because it's a small operating space. so taking out those vessels would not be hard to do. but i think there's a concern with us and the israelis, the israelis less so than us, but a concern about prompting a larger conflict. it's a conflict, i think, that we and the israelis would win, but it's a conflict that nobody really wants to provoke. and so everybody's sort of looking at one another and saying, okay, who's going to go first? and what kind of a response do we engage in in order to demonstrate that we're serious? but not tip the tip the situation over into a full scale conflict? yeah. after iran launched that barrage of missiles and rockets at israel, israel responded, hit a couple of military targets. but you could also hit oil targets in iran, could you not? and badly cripple what little hard currency that country is able to generate? no, i think that's exactly right. and again, it's important to note that when iran shot its missiles and drones and the like that were targeted at israel, they aimed
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indiscriminately and luckily or perhaps by by, you know, effort between the us and our allies and the israeli iron dome and other systems, we were able to knock down the vast majority of those missiles, but they were shooting at civilian targets. and as a general matter, when we respond, when the israelis respond, we go after military targets. and so that's i think the difference between folks that that fight through terrorist groups, that that fight through proxies and that conduct attacks against civilians. and so this is part of the challenge we face, particularly as israel looks and fights the war in gaza against hamas, which hides inside of civilian populations and tells civilian populations not to leave when they know military strikes are coming. jameel. jaffer, jameel, thank you. thanks, john. and again, if you're just joining us, israel says it carried out retaliatory attacks or preemptive attacks, i should say. iran says it was in response to the assassinations of a senior hamas leader and a top hezbollah military
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[ cheering and applause ] >> story in five words! rfk suspense campaign, endorses trump. [ cheering and applause ] [ cheering and applause ] >> what do you think this means? >> i think this is a strong message that shows moderate democrats have more in common with republicans than the progressive party. i think this is a good thing. it was clever what he did. because he still wants to support the people voting for him, i think it's crazy -- we should have a third party and a fourth party in my opinion, people should have a choice. but what he did was clever
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because the attacks of the dnc and how they went after him and tried to destroy him for just having a difference of opinion -- he was in line with them, he was a democrat, you know his family's history. so he took his name off the ballot in the swing states so he will have no bearing impact, which is a huge blow for the democrats. but he is still running in blue states to give them another option. basically what he did was a big giant middle finger to the democratic party. [ cheering and applause ] >> paul, they keep talking about democracy, this is what they were running on originally. we have to save democracy. but they iced him out and he knows the democratic party is now the most undemocratic of institutions. >> it is unbelievable. this is like democracy by the cheese, they are all shaving each other. they sale take my name off of those states but they are all getting revenge. back to pelosi.
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what she did to biden was like murdering an old aged woman. with a 22, it was like she stuck a shaven him in the day room. >> it would be like -- it's like bingo gone wrong. >> that's right. they drank too much ensure. so it really is like the mask coming off and you see what politics is really about. democratic politics, particularly. because that is a venerated name and he could be the difference here because he is pulling at 2e a close election a matter where it stands so this could matter. but his bus showed up at the protest field during the dnc. and i think i got a bit of insight as to why, may be, he is pulling out. because we have a clip. the bus pulls up and it is filled with two or three hipsters who are wearing the
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wool caps. everybody is screaming, yelling, the communists are there shouting him down, they hate kennedy, these guys climbed up on top of the bus and started throwing out free t-shirts. all the communism went away. >> let's see it! [ chanting ] [ ♪ ] >> this is amazing footage! paul, you were a writer, you are on air and know you were a cameraman for fox news. >> i know, i have to join a different union. [ laughter ] but it was amazing to watch. and there was a girl they're selling the communist newspaper -- she was giving it out nice at all read anything. i said i'd read it and she handed it to me and i figured she is a communist, shall give it to me on the arm and i want
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to walk away and she said that'll be five dollars. >> fantastic! cat, what do you think of this? is this big for trump? what percentage of the kennedy vote do you think trump will get in these swing states? >> i think it is not surprising to me that a lot of the support for kennedy would go to trump regardless, because i think a lot of it was people who are particularly upset about covid. and obviously democrats were more so pro- lockdown, especially in some of these states, like here in new york city we were in lockdown forever, it felt like. but i also just -- one thing -- and i disagree with rfk on plenty of things and one thing i was like about him was that he was willing to have conversations about policy, regardless of whose policy it was. so i hope that doesn't change about him. because i think there are very few voices, at this point, that are willing to do that in this hyper- partisan climate that we
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have, especially now that there is an election. but regardless of the election, as a hyper- partisan climate so i hope he doesn't lose the one thing i liked about him the most, that he is willing to have conversations about policy. >> adam, what you think? do you like him? >> i did like him. i think it would have been interesting because we had our first black president with obama, then her first orange present with trump, and then we would've had our first constipated president. [ laughter ] >> he sounds like he's constipated! [ laughter ] but i think things got weird, it was getting weird. to stories that were coming out like he had a worm in his brain and then kamala harris said the worm was put in her tequila. [ laughter ] and it is just like the bayer that he ran over and put in central park. it just kept getting stranger and then the bear would have survived but he wasn't vaccinated. [ laughter ] and then some of the things that
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he's like -- that they ask him, did you ever sexually assault your nanny? and he says, he said listen, i have a lot of skeletons in my closet. it is a weird answer. are they her skeletons? so i just don't know. he has done a lot of things that -- i don't know. >> i thought you had one more. that's all right, i was going to give you one more but we were coming up to commercial, what you think, off the paper? >> it's going to help trump. >> up next! up next, manly forms of recreation to ward protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots.
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john scott, live in new york. we're following breaking news out of the middle east, where overnight, israel's defense forces say they preemptively struck several hezbollah targets in lebanon. the idf claims the iran backed group was preparing to fire missiles
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and rockets toward israeli territory. tensions have been rising in that region for weeks since the assassination of a senior hamas leader and a top hezbollah military commander. they were both killed in separate attacks. iran blames israel for both deaths, though israel has only claimed responsibility for the death of the hezbollah commander. this also comes as a cease fire and hostage talks between israel and hamas resume this weekend. u.s. officials hope a cease fire will calm the tensions in the region. let's check in with doctor rebecca grant. oh, we do have trey yingst. trey is. all right. trey yingst. we are. yeah. john. we continue to follow developments out of northern israel where hezbollah is responding to the preemptive israeli strikes that took place overnight. dozens of them targeting the iran backed group
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in southern lebanon. as a security source tells fox news that these strikes were meant to remove an imminent threat. the emphasis here on imminent. the israelis had gathered intelligence that hezbollah was preparing to launch a massive attack against israel in response to the july 30th killing of fouad soukar, a top hezbollah commander in the southern part of the lebanese capital of beirut. tension has remained high across the region over the past several weeks, as the israelis and their counterparts across the region, also the americans, were able to observe hezbollah movements getting into place preparing for this attack. and we also understand that as we go forward, the israelis know that there could be a larger response from hezbollah. and that is part of the reason that the ben-gurion airport was closed at this hour. we know that incoming flights were
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diverted. also, all flights leaving the country were canceled as the airspace over israel is now closed over the central part of the country. a notice to airmen issued over that area around ben gurion international airport. we also know the israeli security cabinet is set to meet at this hour. they will be discussing the ongoing situation across the region and the preparation for the israeli people, amid the possibility that hezbollah launches a larger attack in response to these preemptive strikes overnight. john. all right. trey yingst reporting live from israel. keep us updated. trey. thank you. and now joining us, iris, independent researcher, doctor rebecca grant. doctor grant, it appears that israel has managed to, you know, take out some of the assets that hezbollah was planning to fire at israel. but hezbollah is reported to have thousands, maybe tens of
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thousands of rockets and missiles at the ready. it's going to be it's going to be a tough battle for the israelis. yes hezbollah is the biggest armed non-state actor in the middle east, possibly 100,000 rockets of all different types, some short range, some longer range. and i think this was a very necessary move by israel picking up the intelligence of an imminent attack. and actually a smart move to try to contain further possible attacks from hezbollah and restore some deterrence. and i'll also tell you, israel's defense minister has warned for weeks that israel's air force was ready to attack hezbollah. if that's what it took. and it appears that that they have done so. the question is, you know, how many of these rockets, how many of these missiles were they able to preemptively take out? and is there going to be some kind of
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a follow on attack from hezbollah? yes. and the key here of course, is israel's surveillance of that area. and in order to mask for a big attack like this, you know, this tells me that israel had a pretty good perspective on what was going on. and because israel is striking with its air force, they have the ability to continue to strike and strike. if they pick up intelligence of other massing of rocket battalions or missiles or drones moving into place. so while hezbollah has a lot of weaponry, israel has a pretty deep arsenal and an ability to strike back. and i think the hope is that this will eventually contain this before we see something like a repetition of the 2006 war that that went on for about 30 days between these two sides. and it bears mentioning that this all
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started at least this most recent round with the october 7th attacks on israel, in which some 1400 israelis were killed or kidnaped. doctor rebecca grant, thank you. thank you. and again, if you're just joining us, israel says it carried out preemptive strikes against several hezbollah targets in lebanon overnight. the idf claims the iran backed group was preparing to fire missiles and rockets toward israeli territory. tensions have been rising in that region after the assassination of a senior hamas leader and a top hezbollah military commander, both killed in separate attacks. we'll keep you updated throughout the night as this throughout the night as this event, as eve if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long-lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina,
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♪ it's coming your way, it's video of the day ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> yes, football fans like first
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downs, not partisan clowns. this comes to us from morning joe and it's upon amiss daytime dolt. for context, they just watched a clip of tim walz at the dnc spewing more football metaphors than al michaels trapped in a thesaurus. [ laughter ] according to scene your pompadour, the democratic party is the party of the nfl now. >> i tell you what, the democratic party really, the sports analogies and everything else really came tumbling out. they seem to be the party of the nfl now. >> it is the party of football. i don't know if people appreciate. this is something i did not think was possible. >> i did not see it coming. >> i come from a world of sports, in my lifetime i have not ever considered that the democratic party would be the party that has the most plausible claim to the largest organism in a culture war, which
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is football. >> crazy, right? but then again, the nfl and the democratic party have one thing in common, they can both cause brain damage. [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> adam, conservatives are kind of like -- they own the mma world, right? that seems like a conservative thing. do you think the democrats will be able to take football? >> no. at the dnc they kept saying they were the new vision of the future and their first speaker or first guest was stevie wonder. [ laughter ] but i think that they may be like the nfl because the jets should have tampons in their locker room. i'm a jet fan! but they are calling them tampon
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tim and i think it's lazy. it is right there. but, yes,, maybe you like the nfl, the democratic party have a couple billionaires that support black people. i could have left that one out. >> all right cacti risk -- you used to play football -- football is the all-american game. >> we have to stop this [ bleep ] right now. hold on with the carwash, ladies and gentlemen. first of all, they are not taking over camouflage, they are not taking over football. they should have more meetings talk about how football is bad, it's misogynistic men. it wasn't like you had nfl athletes in line on the stage right there, guys being held against their wills by their wives go up and some of the poor bastards had to wear jerseys that did not fit anymore and not one of those guys was fired up or smiling, they all just stood there. because in the third row was
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there wife going... so the football world is done playing outside, they've nothing to worry about. it sounds good but i'm sorry, when you have one of the dumbest group of nerds ever put together on that morning joe show talking about what is hip and cool and none of them can say football -- he didn't know what sport they were talking about. he probably thought it was a soccer game in europe. they have no clue and if you go to morning joe for anything besides reminding you how much better your life is, that's it. [ cheering and applause ] >> and you are a sports fanatic. do you think the democrats will be -- [ laughter ] do you think the democrats will make inroads to the crowd? they have tried to politicize it with kneeling and everything else. >> i have to be honest with you, i don't really understand that segment. i know very little about
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football but i'm trying to learn it because the lions were good last time. and i want to be able to hop on the bandwagon a little earlier this time if they are good again. but i'm not a sports gal. but the guy called football on organism? i don't think that is true. >> no. >> i think it is a stretch, i really think it is a stretch. everyone loves football on the whole world except for me, at least that's how it feels so i think people of all political persuasions enjoy football, no one has ownership over it. >> that's right. paul, they are trying to take right wing culture. they think they can co-opt it, that's how little they think of right wingers because they think it is all the camouflage hats, hunting, football, everything. >> the economic policy, the border. all of a sudden, when they run, we need to go to the right, let's mime that we are republicans until november 6th. then we go back to the party that has done everything they've done. let's return to adams point.
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they're not the party of the nfl, they are the party of the new york jets. which means they promised new faces every year, things are going to change, things will be so much better. and then right into the crap out of the box. and i say that as a jets fan. that is just how it is. but a more broad point would be, no wonder msnbc ratings are what they are, because somebody decided that america wanted to wake up to that? no. >> they literally had commercials in a documentary saying the nfl was like the slave trade. and we forget all of this crap that they do. it's a joke. politics are not needed in sports, wrestling in movies, just enjoy the show but when you try to do it, at least be authentic. someone should have been there and said what team? >> he is trying to build his he-man bona fide, but not a lot of offensive lineman with that haircut.
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>> exactly. >> not a lot of offensive lineman what their balls and there wife's purse either. >> i wasn't going to say it. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ farxiga ♪
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[ cheering and applause ] >> announcer: you were
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watching mailing it in. >> welcome to mailing it in, let's get to the first male question. stella asks, for which product could you be the best spokesperson? that is good. i bet some of you have been offered things, what do you think? what would you like to endorse? >> vasectomies. [ laughter ] >> oh my gosh! i mean that's it, one word. adam, what do you think? >> probably drugs and why you should not take them. i used to have a cocaine problem but i overcame it through poverty. >> it's a way out, right? [ applause ] >> cat, what you think? >> i would have said nicotine gum but i can't do that anymore, the baby doesn't like it. >> but you would endorse it because it's a good way to stop smoking. >> i stop smoking, stop vaping, i love nicotine and now obviously i cannot touch it. whenever i see people talk about what their first meal will be like after pregnancy runs like
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sushi, artist wants nicotine. >> paul, what do you endorse? >> i don't want to endorse anything. i absolutely cannot figure out an answer for this. all i can think of is something i discovered recently, witches have you seen these little packets that you put in water the next morning after a big night and you feel better, the little hangover cure things? i would endorse them from here to the moon because they have saved so much work time for me and have made me a lot more productive. that is the only thing i can think of. >> that's the same thing as getting a vasectomy. [ laughter ] >> okay, next up, what is your most eccentric possession? i will start with this one. this is kind of weird, i have a miley cyrus gold record. >> while... you win. [ laughter ] >> i was doing a gig, a corporate gig and they were auctioning things and nobody -- okay. i'm not going to explain it.
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>> it fell in your lap. somebody else wants it, i'll just hold onto this gold miley cyrus record! >> what do you have? >> i have a platinum miley cyrus record. [ laughter ] and i keep it in a glass case. >> cat, what you have? >> probably my own coffin. when i threw funeral for myself on my 30th birthday. a time between that and uncle sam costing for my cat. >> that's amazing. >> if you never looked it up, she had a birthday party where she was in a coffin. >> was it full-size? >> i was in it, so yes! >> adam? i don't even want to ask but i will ask. >> i live in california, so it's a wife. i used to be a sex addict so i checked myself into a marriage. >> that's good. that's good. >> paul, what you think?
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>> eccentric items? >> he is a gold record, platinum record, i have miley cyrus. [ laughter ] maybe not. i have -- one of my detectives when i was working, a great guy from the border of pakistan and afghanistan back home. and he brought me back a version of a pakistani guitar, it is an ancient instrument and it was messing around with it and i really like it and it's most unique thing in the world. and i asked him, what do i do to restrain it? and he told me, it's going to be a little bit hard because the strings are made from cat. >> cat got, that's right! >> and i don't think you can get them here. >> i would go with that. >> if you got a few cats, maybe once getting old. >> let's do rapidfire for the last question. steve allen asks, what movie from the past do you still sometimes watch? >> here's my list. casablanca, the great escape, what you think?
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>> happy gilmore. five kids, once he line, no rules. >> any movies? >> scarface, blazing saddles and stir crazy. >> three great comedies. adam? >> rocky, roadhouse and diehard. >> paul? >> scarface as well because a buddy of mine is in the background, in the stink act which i think is the best script hollywood did. >> i always forget the ending. don't go away, we will here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! what the biggest companies deliver is exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees.
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