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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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inevitably of the democrat party infinite trophic number and political interventions always in the name of the people and some virtuous were the cause, a steady decline of liberty said rise exploitation of the people. fewer and fewer masterminds every bureaucrat and enforcer rain over the citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. abuses of power limitless as are the justifications and slowly but surely with the people get used to it and vote for it until one day the grip is too tight. then it's too late. too late. i'll see you tomorrow night, sunday ♪
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♪ if. [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪
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♪ will: we begin with a fox news alert, a live look at the border between israel and lebanon after heavy rocket fire overnight between the idf and the iranian-backed terror group hezbollah. pete: if jeff paul joins us now from tel aviv with the latest. good morning, jeff. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. israel finds itself in a heightened state of tension after the fighting between israeli forces and hezbollah escalated to proportions we haven't seen in quite some time. officials here in israel have lifted some of the restrictions hay placed on the public, but they are very much watching and waiting to see if hezbollah will strike again or if this latest escalation was enough of a
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response. this all a started early this morning local time here in israel as israeli forces launched a wave of airstrikes targeting hezbollah infrastructure using 100fighter jets. this was a preemptive strike after is reilly intelligence received information hezbollah was mounting a massive attack on israel. hezbollah fired upwards of 320 the rockets and trones, mostly targeting northern israel. local media is reporting hezbollah had plans to launch an estimated 6,000 rockets and uavs. previously, hezbollah referred to what happened early this morning as a, quote, first phase. however, hezbollah has since issued a statement saying in part, all offensive drones were launched at their designated times from all their positions, thus, our military operation for today the has been completed and accomplished. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu also reacting to the escalation saying this.
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>> translator: we are determined to do everything we can to protect our country, return the residents of the north safely to their homes and continue to to uphold a simple rule, whoever hurts us, we hurt them. >> reporter: the u.s. confirmed it had no involvement in the preemptive strikes, but the white house did release a statement saying president biden is closely monitoring events in israel and lebanon p. at his direction, senior u.s. officials have been communicating continuously with their israeli counterparts. we will keep sporting israel's -- supporting israel's right to defend itself. we also have those ceasefire negotiations, speaking of regional a stability, that are set to the pick back up in cairo, egypt. the u.s., qatar and egypt are all working to try to get israel and hamas to agree to a new peace deal. clearly, hamas will be watching that as well as iran whos has long threatened the only thing that has prevented them from launching an attack on israel is
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a potential ceasefire deal. back to you guys. pete: jeff, thank you very much. will: thank you, jeff. pete: let's bring in a former idf if spokesman, served in the idf for 24 years, senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracies. colonel, thanks for being here. based on what you've seen and what you know, is this the beginning of something larger? there's obviously been ongoing tension in the north. israeli citizens aren't even living there because of the fear of a barrage like this, or does this prevent a wider war up there? >> yes, good morning, and thank you for having me. i'm afraid if that if this because not signal a change in israeli strategy, it only was a very specific preemptive action designed to thwart or to diminish a hezbollah attack against israel. it is not a strategic shift. this does not mean that israel has finally taken the decision
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go on the offensive against hezbollah, and unfortunately for israelis living in northern and central israel, it means that we're back to business as normal. normal meaning that the israeli civilians are bombarded in their homes if they are back in their homes. and if they are not in their homes and they are forced to flee from them, there's no significant strategic shift from israel, hezbollah will continue to fire rockets and drones. we'll have to listen to see -- to hear what the leader, the chief terrorist of hezbollah, he'll speak at 6 p.m. local time. hen we'll see if he's really trying to turn the page and to kind of wrap up this event or if he wants to to escalate this further. i don't think he will. will: the report we just listened to from jeff paul suggests that -- and we've heard this on several occasions -- iran has put on hold what seemed like an imminent attack against
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israel to allow these peace negotiations to take place with hamas. hezbollah seems to have a different approach. this is described as a preemptive strike by israel. imminent idea that these rockets would be launched from hezbollah. so hezbollah and iran are on different pages right now on whether or not to launch offensives? >> i don't think so, no. i think that hezbollah is executing iranian policies. the iranians, i think, are quite ware of how vulnerable they are -- aware of how vulnerable they are. i think that they have heard quite strong rhetoric from the u.s. behind closed doors. they have seen u.s. posturing in the region, and they know that we, the israelis, are up and ready to retaliate against any iranian attack and, therefore, they have perhaps decided that it wouldn't be the best thing from an iranian point of view to attack israel from iran. thus, the next order of business would be to have their lebanese proxies do the dirty work for
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them. and by doing so, endangering the lebanese state, and of course, threatening israeli civilians. and what hezbollah tried to do early hours this morning israeli time is probably to avenge the killing of their chief of staff, their number one military leader a few weeks ago. he was assassinated by israel in beirut, and this is the scope of what's happeningful but -- happening. but we have to keep in mind that what israel is trying to do is to fight off or fight or defend against attacks from the south by hamas, one iran ally, attacks from the north by hezbollah, the biggest and most strongest and powerful and dangerous iranian ally in lebanon. while also keeping close tabs at the source of instability in the region which is iran. and all of this is happening simultaneously, and we have the negotiations. i wouldn't call it peace negotiations, but rather ceasefire and hostage release
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negotiations which have been going on almost forever. we try to the remain hopeful for the sake of the families of the hostages, but it seems as if hamas isn't going to come to the table and agree to the american and israeli offers and that we are, looks like we are close to square one. rachel: yeah, i was just going to ask you about those ceasefire talks that are set to resume in cairo. so you don't feel very hopeful about that? >> no. i mean, the israeli delegation is there now in cairo with senior members, the top negotiator s. they're, you know, operating according to the framework of the american initiative that has been put forward and agreed upon with israel. it has tacit approval of the egyptians according to what i've heard in media reports, and now we're all waiting, the entire middle east and parts of the world are waiting for the head of a terrorist organization in
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gaza to agree to the terms, to agree to ceasefire, to return the israeli hostages and to get a lot of palestinian convicted criminals back into gaza and to put a temporary stop to the fighting. sadly, and i say this as someone who really wants to see my fellow israelis back home to their families, i am not very optimistic about it, and i don't think that hamas has the correct, how should we say, incentive in order to finally say, yes, we agree and let's move on to end the suffering and the casualties and the fighting. i don't think hamas wants that. pete: doesn't seem like it. lieutenant colonel, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. good morning. pete: we think about the scope of this preemptive strike, if it is 100 tofighter jets, 6,000 rockets, sounds like a lot ands it is, hezbollah has over 100,000 rockets pointed at israel in southern lebanon, so
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this -- it sounds like it isn't a strategic shift. they're not trying to crush hezbollah, they're trying to prevent an onslaught, is what it sounds like. interestingly, the guy that israel killed in hezbollah, he was responsible for the beirut bombing that killed 240 americans in 1983. so that that shows you who we're dealing with and the time frame of a lot of this. i think the interest other interesting point is iran hasn't retaliated yet for the killing of their top commander, and that may say a lot about what they believe israel could do to them if they did. rachel: i was just going to ask you, what does that tell you? pete: i don't think -- they want to make it look like it's the ceasefire talks. i think that's a nice finishes r way for iran to sprint. they realize, oh, my goodness, they can reach and touch us in our home many iran, maybe we want the back off. so you use hezbollah to to has -- harass. no one knows for sure is, but certainly, israel has a lot of possibilities. will: fox news if poll shows
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americans are extremely or very concerned about a growing war in the mideast. 74% concerned about war between israel and that -- hamas, and 77% concerned that war escalating. rachel: i don't really know what exactly this poll says. i mean, we see a lot of protests on the streets. i think there's a lot of exhaustion among americans about wars that we end up getting involved in. you hear on the campaign trail a lot of, you know, whether it was the donald trump or during the primary other republican candidates saying we don't want world war iii, you know? and that, a lot of people are concerned who's at the helm right now. i mean, you know, what pete's describing, you know, this is -- this sounds like a tinderbox, and we don't know who's in charge. will: well, i think it's always been -- it's trite to say it's complicated, but you look at a second poll from fox news, 60% side more with israelis in this conflict, 29% with palestinians.
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that doesn't factor in something i agree with you about a, rachel, the number of americans that are concerned whatever the outcome, it drags america into this kind of conflict. pete: yeah. and, rachel, to your point, it's hard to know not just what the white house's stance is right now, but who is in charge. [laughter] who's making these calls. and there was a lot of eyeballs on what vice president kamala harris said at the dnc on thursday where she kind of said both things at the same time. watch. >> i will always ensure israel has the ability to defend itself. at the same time, what has happened in gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. [cheers and applause] so many innocent lives lost. rachel: meanwhile, president trump has another message to netanyahu. we know that the message to iran and the terrorists by biden is, don't. president trump has been telling
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netanyahu to just get it over with quickly and stop the killing. listen. >> the last time i saw him was at mar-a-lago, and he came with his wife and a large group of people. we had a very good relationship with him and with israel. again, this would never have happened, october 7th would have never happened, would have never, ever happened. he asked for the meeting, we had the meeting. it was about two hours, two and a half hours long, and i expect i might be talking to him, but i haven't since then, no. >> >> reporter: -- not to take a ceasefire deal? >> no, i didn't encourage him. he knows what he's doing. i did encourage him to get this over with, you want to get it over with. it has to get over with fast. have victory and get it over with. it has to stop, the killing has to stop. pete: no doubt president trump is a strong ally of israel, did a lot of hinges to have their back. yeah -- a lot of things to have their back.
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yeah, right now it's a lot of confusion. ongoing conflict, more churn which makes more likelihood for bad outcomes. let's turn to a few additional headlines starting with this, the us islamic state is claiming responsibility for the knife attack we told you about yesterday that left 3 dead and 8 hurt at a festival in germany on friday night. police arresting a 26-year-old syrian man they say committed to the crime. admitted to the crime. police raided this refugee home yesterday as a security source claims the man was in germany seeking asylum and then he started stabbing people, yelling allahu akbar. got it. and the seattle tacoma international airport getting hit with a possible cyber attack, a series of delays and cancellations caused by, quote, internet and web system outages to the port of seattle early yesterday morning. airport officials encouraged
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travelers to check with their airlines for the latest flight information as they work to restore full service. as of this morning, there's only a few delays and cancellations according to flightaware. and thousands of christians are expected to march for today in boston. the event is being called the largest yes, sir chan gathering -- christian gathering on boston common since 1950. the march will feature local worship, singers and speakers and will begin at 22 p.m. eastern. good stuff -- the 2 p.m. eastern. and nasa says the two astronauts who have been stuck in space for more than 80 days won't be able to return to earth until at least next year. >> nasa has decided that butch and sunny will return with crew 9 next february. starlineer will return uncrewed. our core value is safety.
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pete: sunny williams and butch wilmore first took off in early june for an 8-day mission -- ♪ if a 3-hour tour ♪ [laughter] pete: but thruster issues and helium leaks impacted the starliner. they'll now have to wait at least six more months before flying home on a spacex vehicle, and those are your headlines. rachel: i would rather be on the island than stuck in space. pete: oh, yeah, for sure. rachel: that was a lot more fun. also this does not make america look great again. this is the terrible for nasa. will: how irritated do they get with each other? if i mean, that's the show, that's the story. rachel: yeah. it should be a reality story the. will: they have supplies -- rachel: yeah, they're running splice up to them. will: they're not married -- pete: supposed to have an 8-day relationship -- will: i'm just tired of your face!
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rachel: what if we got caught on this set, stuck on this set and couldn't get off? will: i'd be over there. [laughter] rachel: no, you're stuck here -- will: i think the space station's bigger. pete: it's a little bigger. you've got areas, and you can float around. rachel: for a while. [laughter] all right. well, battleground blitz. trump set to rally the rust belt this week as harris and walds hit the trail in -- walz hit the trail in georgia. but as kemp endorses trump right here on forbes is the democrats' peach state push -- that's a lot of ps there, is it farfetched? will: former georgia congressman doug collins weighs in next. ♪ lowe's knows when you need a new appliance, you want it at the right price. and right now you can save big on the latest whirlpool appliances. like the new whirlpool range with wipeclean™ coating that makes it easy to focus more on the cooking... and less on the mess. shop lowe's now for great labor day deals.
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presence of tensions in the middle east. what do you think americans should understand about the biden administration versus a potential trump administrations versus harris' approach the american leadership and how it impacts what we're seeing in israel? >> well, i think the first thing we have to understand is right now the biden approach just seems to be talking and really not, you know, taking into account the real reasons behind this. let's remember, he's part of the harris administration because she's part of the administration right now. she is the vice president. she could be speaking up to the president on these issues right now and seemingly does not. she doesn't ever mention it. i think donald trump's talked about the real root of this problem, iran. the real root of the problem was getting iran back into its position of having money, having power, having oil9 and the things that the biden administration a have allowed through the lifting of sanctions and giving away a much more appeasing approach to iran which has allowed them to fund -- remember, they don't have to do it directly.
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they do it through hezbollah, hamas, the houthis in other places. thises has caused a could drone in this area to just get hotter concern cauldron to just get hotter. also israel being our strongest ally in a region that is very volatile, we're seeing when you put iran back into the mix as a power player which donald trump had taken away, it causes what you see right now. will: well, let me ask you about your home state. it's one of the big focuses of the 202024 election, obviously, with states like pennsylvania, michigan, georgia promises to determine the outcome of donald trump versus kamala harris. here's the current polling. donald trump, according to new york times-sienna poll, donald trump, 51, kamala harris, 44. now, a big moment occurred last week, and i think it flew a little bit under the radar because it happened at, basically, the same time as the 'em do contact national convention. your governor, brian kemp and donald trump i don't know if the words is making amends or
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getting on the same page, but here's what brian kemp had to say with hannity. >> we gotta win, you know? we gotta win9 from the top of the ticket on down, so we need to send donald trump back to the white house. we need to retake the senate. we need to hold the house. we need to hold our legislative majorities that we have in the great state of georgia. it takes hard work. will: i think trump posted something complimentary about kemp on truth social after that. could it play in georgia that kemp and trump are at least for the moment on the same page? >> yeah, i believe so. i think they'll stay on the same page because as you said, will, it was under the radar a little bit. kemp was always onboard with making sure that the ticket won. as i've talked about before, i think we've said, they do have differences. and just like a lot of people do, they all come together on the same policy that vice president harris would be a disaster for this country. and i'm glad to see what brian kemp said and even what donald trump said. this puts us on the same a page in georgia. georgia is definitely a trump
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state. i think vice president harris and tim walz are going to find that out when they come to south georgia especially. they can go to pockets of democrat strongholds, but georgia as a whole is tired of the economic policy. and we've been hit very hard by the illegal immigration and drug problem, and we've actually had our residents killed by illegal immigrants, and this is something that's going of to play. she's got to answer why she has done nothing on the economy and the border. getting them on the same page is a great day. when georgia comes together, just ask florida state what happens. [laughter] will: okay. all right. florida state had a rough day yesterday -- >> it was not a good day. will: in ireland. former congressman doug collins here on "fox & friends", thank you so much. >> have a great day. will: idf strikes back as hezbollah launches rockets towards israeli territory. the impact on hostage and ceasefire negotiations, next.
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pete: we're back with a fox news alert, tensions rising in the middle east. the idf strikes hezbollah targets in lebanon overnight after a detecting the terror group is preparing for an imminent attack on israel. senior fellow for the foundation of defense for democracy joins us now. thank you for being here. we're hearing reports of 100 fighter jets, maybe 6,000 rockets preemptively struck. how much capability does lebanon have pointed at israel these days? >> pete, great to be with you. the best way the let the audience know about what iran's most important terrorist group and, in fact, one of its oldest terrorist groups has pointed at the neck of the jewish state state is to say that the lebanese hezbollah group has more military capabilities than most conventional or standard european armies. they have a robust arsenal of aerial threats to include
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mortars, irams, drones, rockets, ballistic missiles as well as pgms and track tank guide -- antitank guided missiles. pete: so if 6,000 rockets were taken out, that would be a fraction of hezbollah's capabilities at this point, but significant. does it look like a massive attack was averted here by israel? >> yes, absolutely. of the reported size of hezbollah's arsenal, there's numbers that go as high as 150-200,000, so it depends on which estimate you want to use. make no mistake, hezbollah was not deer thed. the fact that this group -- deterred. the fact that the patron of this group with, the islamic republic of iran, believed it was in its interest to try to fire this large volley against israel means the larger deterrence architecture has not been enough to deter this group which is why
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this important preemptive action brought to you by very critical and sharp israeli intelligence was noded to be taken. pete: yeah, i don't know how many israelis are out of their homes in northern israel, but i know it's a lot. miles and miles of territory in northern israel are abandoned at this point because something like this was expected. you said deterrence hasn't worked. what would work? what would prevent hezbollah from threatening the jewish state? >> the most important thing is to make sure that the ally of the jewish state takes the shackles off of its partner and puts it on the source of the conflict which is the islamic republic of iran. since october 8th iran has been able to benefit from anytime it threatens an attack or anytime if techs rise, america rushes ia rushes into the region and puts the shackles on israel rather than iran. step number one is to undo those political shackles, make sure that leaders both in jerusalem as well as beirut know that washington stands with israel
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and that a we'll be able to support the targeting of real, critical infrastructure that lebanese hezbollah uses to be able to produce, procure and proliferate this robust arsenal that they have, essentially like a knife against the member of israel. and more importantly, a better track record against iran's proxies in the renal. in iraq, syria and jordan, the u.s. has been hit 175 times and has only militarily responded 11 times. that is far too few. pete: well, hopefully israel has a clearer friend in the white house in the beginning of next year. that might change a lot of of what's going on on the ground. sir, thank you very much. behnan, thank you very much for your time the. >> my pleasure. pete: from podcast, tiktoks and memes across social media, both parties are getting creative in order to try to reach gen-z voters. what do young americans really want to see and hear? we ask our gen-z panel coming up next. muck take it from me, if you want a t-shirt to sleep in --
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i say, tim tok. >> want to welcome you to the tiktok. >> thanks, man. >> madam vice president, are you on tiktok? >> well, i've heard that recently i've been on the for you page, so i thought i'd get on here myself. >> the president is now on tiktok. it's my honor. ♪ ♪ hey, hey, i'm giving it back ♪ rachel: by the way, a that trump video showing his entrance into tiktok at 174 million views. but what's really important to the youth vote? joining me now, or three gen-z voters, former democrat turned independent, grace, former tiktok influencer link lauren, and democrat henry. welcome to all three of you. i'm so fascinated to have you. i want you to take a look at this poll. this is a fox news poll. it's registered voters under the age of 35. this was before rfk got out of
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the poll. so 46% for harris, 41 for trump, 5% for rfk, 3% for west. so i'm going to go if to you, grace, because, grace, you were a democrat. you're starting to lean, you were starting to lean republican. but but you were debating with rfk jr., so now how does this new endorsement by rfk jr., him dropping off the race and endorsing trump, impact your vote? >> yeah. so i think for me originally it was a toss-up between rfk jr. and trump. but after rfk jr. dropped out, i think i'm ultimately going to have to vote for trump. just because the -- [inaudible] that's been wrecked by this current administration and the fact there are no policies currently listed on kamala's web with site or that she has even
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really talked about has kind of showed to me that it really is for them all vibes, no policy. [laughter] rachel: all right. well, that's an interesting take. i'm going to go to you, henry. you're a democrat. that's been sort of the beef with the can kamala campaign, at least from the if pundits, but i'm hearing it from another gen-zer. there is nothing on her web site with policy, and it's very social media-heavy and tiktok-hiv. what do -- heavy, what do you make of that and what do you say? >> yeah. uh-uh think i would respectfully disagree with grace and say that the harris campaign has put out some really excellent policies, actually, for my generation. one that i think you can point to is her housing policy. she wants to cut red tape and build 3 million new homes as well as give us first-time home buyers a $25,000 bonus for down payments. so this alone is just huge policy for my generation. getting us on the housing ladder
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and helping us achieve the dream of american home ownership. that alone is one huge policy. rachel: you know, it's been really interesting to me. i have children who are in, part of your generation, and housing has become this huge or issue. who knew? because, remember, they were saying, you know, you'll rent and you'll be happy, but it turns out young people actually do want to own their own home. link, talk about that policy and also since you're an influencer, how much of social media emphasis these candidates should have, how much is that going to actually help them versus the substance as we've been talking about. >> absolutely. well, first off, great to be with you bright and early morning. the one thing i can say about young voters is we are not monolithic. but when you look at every single poll, the top concern for young americans right now is how can i afford a home. how can i keep a roof over my head, have equity and asset in the way that my parents and
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grandparents did. so for any politician out there looking to bring young people into their coalition, it is not rocket science. identify their top concerns and then use social media and influencers to reach them and show how you're going to enrich their lives with policies. the one thing i haven't seen from kamala harris yet is how is she going to get any of this passed. she's promising $25,000 to first-time homeowners, she has no path to get this passed. she won't answer questions. if you're not willing to answer questions from voters, you really shouldn't be many in charge of the nuclear codes. >> could i -- or -- rachel: go ahead, henry. >> oh, i just, i would put the challenge back to former president trump and what, how he's going to get anything that he wants passed. the only policy that i've seen from him is a plan to personally dictate interest rates, which is something that has never happened in the history of this country and would great wily destabilize our -- greatly destabilize our financial system. the independent federal reserve
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has been a cornerstone of keeping our economy stable, so i don't really see what's coming from the trump side on this either. rachel: i want to ask you about this, i was really surprised to hear at the dnc, for example, they wined and dined the influencers. they had boat parties, roof tom lounges -- rooftop lounges, they had access to the candidates. both parties are trying to do the social media route. how important is that, grace, that they actually get in this game? i mean, kamala's obviously doing better than donald trump in terms of followers, but tell me your thoughts on that. >> yeah. i think social media is incredibly important just because the young voters are spending so much time on social media nowadays. but i think a lot of times the politicians underestimate social media as it can be a great tool to inform and spread if policy and really show us what you want to do in the next four years
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instead of just using memes and templates just to, like, get your name out there. i think, you know, a lot more cocould be done with social media. rachel: really quick, link, since you're an influencer, i've got to get your thoughts on this. >> there's nothing that's ever going to beat retail politics, but if you're trying to reach young people, yu got to go to -- you've got to go to social media. they're not going to see news shows, you've got to get them on tiktok, x and instagram, but you've got half content that answerses their questions and concerns. less coconut memes, more policies and more substance. rachel: i know you were advising the rfk campaign, are you going to to join the trump campaign? >> i'm very happy doing political analysis and calling it like i see it. i welcome everyone from the left, the right, the middle. rachel: all right. thanks, link, thanks, henry. you guys are great.
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>> thank you so much. rachel: all right. houston, we have a problem. their original mission was supposed to last just 8 days, and now nasa says two astronauts are stranded in space, and they will stay there until early next year. a former astronaut outlines the options next.
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ow! uh oh. you, ok? no... i mean yeah. -just hit my melon. -yikes! should we see a doctor? i can't tell a doctor i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathlete! i had a concussion.
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most happen doing ordinary things. sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked.
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will: back now with a couple of headlines. a 50-foot yacht catching fire in clearwater, florida, good samaritans saving the two people onboard taking them to a nearby marina. there were no injuries reported, and the coast guard helped put out the blaze. no word on what caused the fire. to dublin, ireland, where florida state and georgia tech helped kick off the new college football season yesterday, the yellow jackets pulling off the upset over the seminoles thanks to this last second kick. >>44 yards away to do it -- [cheers and applause] he got it! will: georgia tech wins 24-21. looking ahead to the rest of the season, fox sports college football analyst brady quinn will join us later, who's going to make the 12-team college
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football player, we're up to 12. those are your headlines. let's turn to rick rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: we have a hurricane, just became a hurricane in the last hour, hurricane hone, and it's moving just to the south of the big island of hawaii. it's not going to make a direct landfall, but a lot of rain falling on the big island. it's going to continue to pull away, but it's certainly been a rough one for about the next 24 hours or so. we're almost in the peak of hurricane season, and we've been expecting one of the most active hurricane seasons ever in the atlantic. take a look at this. next seven days, no tropical development expected. it's a very interesting season that has a shaped up where it is not behaving like we thought it was going to the happen. maybe around 7-10 days from now i think we'll start to see that change just a little bit. back across the lower 48, big heat building in across parts of the central plains, all kinds of heat advisories in effect. watch temperatures the next few days, upper 90s.
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a lot of areas feeling well over 100 to. severe weather tomorrow you see those temps cooling down behind this, but heat of summer, this is actually what they call the dog days of summer, guys, when you're good month of -- you're into the month of august. this is the dog days. pete: for sure. pretty soon it's 101 in nashville. got it. rick: you bet. rachel: thank you, rick. nasa is finally vealing their plan for the strangest astronauts stuck -- stranded restaurant -- astronauts. >> nasa has decided that butch and sunny will return with crew 9 next february and that starliner will return uncrewed. our core value is safety the -- safety, and it is the our north star. will: the boeing mission was supposed to last just 8 days but they'll now be in space for
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another 6 months. pete: let's bring in former astronaut jose hernandez. jose, we sort of joke about it, thought it was going to be 8 days, now it's going to be almost a year. does this surprise you? i mean, would they go up for 8 days thinking, well, we might have to stay, or are they as surprised as the rest of us? >> good morning. no, it doesn't surprise me that nasa made the call for them to stay the on until february because, you know, we're taking the safest route to ensure the astronauts return home. now, butch and sunny knew this was a test flight, and if everything went right, it would have lasted 10 days. some issues, maybe 80 days, but it looks like they have some unresolved issues that they're concerned about and, thus, they're taking the safest route and coming home on a competitor's space vehicle. so no one in the space industry was surprised probably with the exception of boeing.
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but i think that's the right call. rachel: so what do we know about these astronauts? i think about my husband coming home late from work and i'm expecting him, they're going to be, you know, there 8 months. what do we know about their family, what do we know about them and what do they do up there? >> yes. well, you can't ignore the fact that there is some psychological effect because i'm sure both butch and sunny had plans after returning from 10 days in space 2 weeks out, 3 weeks or a month out that have all changed now. but, you know, nasa a -- nasa has a very good filter to select folks that are mentally strong and are able to adjust. these guys are professionals. they will be able to to adjust and come out, you know, with flying colors through this. now, what are they going to be doing? well, they're going to be integrating themselves into the crew of the international space station and conducting science.
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the international space station is a traveling, orbiting national laboratory. there's a lot of science that needs to be done, and just imagine it being the laboratory the of a graduate professor with a lot of graduate students. there's always more work than graduate students, so they're going to be a welcome sight to the international space station the crew to conduct science. so they'll be very, very busy conducting science and doing experiments. will: how big is the international space station just as a physical accommodation for the next several months? you said integrated into the crew. how many people are at the space station currentliesome. >> yeah. my understanding is there's six people on the crew, and you add two more, that's eight. when i went up into space, there were six on the international space station and seven of us on the space shuttle. it was 13 representing 5 countries, and it's pretty big. it's about as big physically as
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a football field, but from the inside it's probably like a 4-bedroom home. there was times when i would be doing so busy working that i wouldn't run into one of the other 12 crew mates there. so there's the plenty of space for them. rachel: that's interesting. pete: and food, i imagine that's fine, right? there's plenty. >> right, right. we've got resupply missions. first of all, we always have contingency of food, water and air, so that's not an issue, but they're bringing some more over. and then, you know, they'll send them over their care packages for thanksgiving, christmas, those types of things for family items that i think are very important when you're up there. will: that's great insight. jose hernandez, thank you. rachel: all right, we're just getting started. more "fox & friends" in moments. stay with us. ♪sa ♪le and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save.
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