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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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[background noises] click significant escalation between hezbollah and israel a preemptive strike to stop the terror group from launching a major attack. the region is bracing for the potential for an even larger conflict with more assaults from hezbollah hamas perhaps a running government that supports them but hello welcome to "fox news live" i am rich edson. >> i am molly mine. good to be with you. about one year at israeli fighter jets struck at dozens of hezbollah at launch sites in southern lebanon has boldly responded by firing hundreds of rockets. for now both sides appear to be pulling back. this becomes a cease-fire and negotiators are meeting in cairo this weekend to hash out details of the u.s. proposal to end up fighting in gaza. and secure the return of hostages still held there by hamas. rich: for terrorism finance analyst is here and moments with analysis plus for live box team
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coverage. lucas thompson is standing by we begin with that trey yingst live on the ground in tel aviv. trey, what is going on over the last few hours? has there been a pause in some of the fighting in the rockets? where do we expect things to go from here? >> good afternoon. and southern lebanon. the israelis are launching the preemptive strikes against iran back group hezbollah gathering intelligence the organization was going to launch a massive rocket drone and missile attack against nor northern and central israel. according to a source familiar israeli destroyed 6000 pieces of ammunition, including missiles, rockets and drones. some of them were preparing to launch at israel. others awaiting an position for strikes in the future. we do know according to the same source two thirds of the
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ammunition that was going to be launched at israel was destroyed. we are also getting information from that leader of hezbollah who spoke from lebanon earlier today indicating his organization is assessing the damage and success of an operation that hezbollah carried out during the strikes against northern israel by the organization firing and drones and rockets into the northern part of this country. claiming without evidence north of tel aviv wasn't targeted during those strikes. true exchange of fire unfolding but again the country bracing for possibility this could escalate but right now there are no further special instructions from the home front command for the civilian population. the region does appear to be a relatively stable following the strikes overnight conducted by israel. >> this is all the backdrop of negotiations out of an ongoing but we just heard secretary of defense lloyd austin has spoken again with his israeli
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counterpart. when you talk about these negotiations it still feels like an end to this conflict is pretty far off? >> it's a great point right now as we speak they are negotiating teams cairo, egypt they try to push forward those conversations about the possibility of a cease-fire deal that would end the war in gaza after 324 days. we do know according to a senior defense official leadership here in tel aviv remains hopeful about the possibility of an agreement. the first phase of a deal that could seat some hostages release in exchange for palestinian prisoners. but again the americans or try to push forward the deal with the help of the egyptians hopeful some sort of agreement to address the war and gossett could give all parties in the middle east and often went to ask leading tension. >> you got a new book coming out black saturday and some fresh reporting about israel and hezbollah in there. what a get that question or text my new book on black saturday is
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set to be released on october 1. we have some reporting about a preemptive strike called off at the last minute for eight days into the war. following a black saturday at te october 7 massacre. israeli officials met here in tel aviv israel's version of the pentagon and made a decision to strike the iran back to group hezbollah on wednesday october 11. before the strikes were set to take place there was a conversation between israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden but ultimately prime minister called off the strikes while there were jets in the air. this is one incident among many as the war was developing in the early days of this conflict that i write about in black saturday. the book truly takes the reader behind the scenes in the early days of the war following october 7 massacre as the middle east was bracing for the possibility of a much larger conflict. have we have seen over the past days a lot of fluid situations
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and changes on the ground. not just on the front with gaza but across the region. rich: great reporting there, trey yingst chief foreign correspondent live for us in tel aviv. molly: president biden heads back to rehoboth beach delaware today after spending nearly a week on vacation in california. the administration says he's closely monitoring the situation in the mid east. lucas tomlinson monitoring at all live from the white house. >> officials here say they continue to monitor the situation in the middle east from the situation room president biden has received a periodic updates. last night's national security adviser jake sullivan numerous briefings with defense secretary lloyd often spoke to his israeli counterpart promising to continued support. earlier on the sunday talk shows ambassador to the united states had to say the following about the conflict with hezbollah and potentially lebanon.
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>> i think they are contemplating an attack on israel. but decided for now to put it on hold. i think the main reason for that was messages from israel and the u.s. a very strong u.s. force in the region which can tells you. >> biden's top military advisor the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff air force general cq brown as you see is in the middle east right now. meeting with the jordanian counterparties expected to air capture strike groups the middle east with them the strike group overnight. the big stick the strike group hasn't been deployed for the past seven months. some think i run is gotten the message increase firepower in the region is doing that. delaying or preventing iran from launching another major attack on israel like it did back in april. still not everyone thanks i run
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is been deterred. at least not financially. here's donald trump's former national security advisor h.r. mcmaster. >> not enforcing the sanctions had resulted in $100 billion transferred to the iranians which they used to intensify the proxy wars in the region. from iraq to yemen to lebanon and obviously to gaza the october 7 attack vinyl influence in the it's a cancer on the middle east most malignant form of this cancer that leaders bear responsibility another tear underscores americans responsibility perhaps a little dig at the white house for accusations for many republicans about slow rolling some of these weapons. officials say they do not see
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signs that hezbollah is prepared to carry out another surprise strike after the thumping from israelis last night. they are there to protect the skies they are launching ballistic missile the state of israel would the assets on the ground and in the sea in that region. lucas, thank you paid for more on this let's bring in jonathan former secretary terrorism finance analyst vice president for the defense of democracy. thank you for beating us your insight on this sunday but you've traveled extensively in the region. written a lot of books and had some success in keeping some of the funding that flows into hamas far away from the chair organization. i want to get your thoughts are chief foreign correspondent trey yingst detailed the preemptive measures to stop this attack by
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hezbollah for they had some success. how significant of a ramp up is this latest effort by hezbollah? >> it is significant we do not know the exact numbers but some suggested last night from the israeli media but the figure at something like 6000 rockets. which to me seems like a very, very large number. i have not been able to verify that this morning. it does sound like hezbollah was trying to target you in a 200 which is the cyber command. they are going after high value targets inside of israel. the preemptive response was significant. obviously took out all the long-range rockets. they intercepted all of the uav. i think forced hezbollah to pay a price. i've also heard israel successfully took out a bunch of rocket launchers that would prevent hezbollah from firing long-range missiles again. which may explain why and how
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hezbollah is standing down. the big question remains will hezbollah try again? last night they warned this was only phase one of their reprisal against israel for taking out back on july 31. the man who engineered the rocket attack that killed 12 kids on a soccer picture back in mid july. molly: absolutely put this has been viewed as a retaliation on the part of hezbollah. trey is saying about two thirds of their planned a weapon usage for this particular attack have been taken out by israel. i went to take a listen it. this is senator lindsey graham. he is signed by the efforts underway, the cease-fire and hostages and what he is really think is happening behind it all. >> so as to the hostages i would hold iran responsible for their well-being. i would tell the ayatollah if these people do not come home
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alive the ones that are left alive and if we don't get the bodies of the fallen we are going to blow up your oil refineries. that is the only way you're ever going to get the hostages release is to put pressure on iran. >> what you make of that suggesting knowing hamas and hezbollah around proxies? >> iran is to be held accountable for all of this. they are the ones who have armed, trained, indoctrinated, financed all of these different terror groups attacking both the u.s. and israel over the last 10 months. israel is responsible what is interesting at least in the reports i have heard the israelis have actually put some oil facilities within their targeting packages. it has been this white house rejecting those targets on multiple occasions. that is the way to force iran to pay a price. once they understand their regime is being threatened. their financial stability is
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being threatened. that is likely the thing that would force them to stand down as the one thing this white house has been not allowed israel to do from that moment this crisis began on october 7. >> would you make of the ramp up into u.s. assets and admit to that area? a reporter at the white house lucas thompson detailed some of it. the uss abraham, the strike group. there's a cruise missile submarine the amphibious ready group. there is a really long list of things that have been placed there in the middle east and the arabian sea do you think that is the deterrent to ironic? >> i'm not a military specialist. i can tell when there's a lot of firepower in the region and that is exactly what we are looking at right now. it is intended to deter the iranians are attacking. it does appear that has worked. the eye iranians are now saying they are not going to attack or they have deferred indefinitely. instead what they did was deploy hezbollah which is what they've
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done from october 8 on. you've got to remember it hezbollah has fired 6700 rockets and drones and missiles into israel since october 8 and iran's been directing the vast majority of that. even though we may have deterred iran from attacking, but we have not done yet we have not determined the proxy network. they are at the ones to beat deterred it will be interesting whether to see israel's preemptive strikes last night with the pinpoint an intelligent weather that begins to change hezbollah calculus by. >> an excellent job bringing us back to hezbollah. it has far more resources than hamas but we have a graphic that explains to people just how dramatic the resources hezbollah has compared to hamas. as you mentioned they have advertised this latest attack as phase one. what do you anticipate next 24-48 hours if you could have a
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crystal ball or make any predictions? >> from what i understand both sides are going to stand pat. the israeli said they do not need to escalate any further and hezbollah from what i can tell appears to be licking its wounds. they claim they hit certain bases last night for their trying to say their attack was successful. i think we all know that is not true. i would say this hezbollah has an arsenal 20000 rockets or so. that precision guided munitions which could be very lethal. very precise. their military is trained alongside a russia and i iran id they have the ability it is assessed by the israelis the european military like the czech republic. this is no joke here. so things begin to escalate it will get seriously. molly: jonathan schanzer thank you for your analysis we appreciate your time.
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rich: bipartisan group of lawmakers sent to visit the site former president trump was shot and butler, pennsylvania. what are they looking to learn? that is coming up next. (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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molly: members of the congressional task force
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investigating the attempted assassination of former president trump are expected this week to visit the site where it happens. this, as we learn several members of the secret service have been reassigned following the shooting. we've got former secret service agent charles moreno and jack to react. first we go to cb cotton who spent a considerable amount of time in pennsylvania herself. what do we know about the lawmakers trip? >> i can tell you 10 members of the 13 member task force will be headed back to butler, pennsylvania tomorrow for it up close look at the grounds were a 22-year-old essentially duped as 3 billion-dollar agency, the secret service for the task force says one of its gold is accountability. these lawmakers will be touring the ground of the butler farm show and meeting with local law enforcement and hopes to get their perspective on what took place back on july 13 when it would be assassin thomas crooks managed to fire off eight rounds from an unsecured roof 150 yards from the rally stage. former president trump was
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injured, a firefighter was killed and two other men seriously wounded. congressional testimony from both the secret service and state law enforcement revealed a series of communication technology failures leading up to and during the rally. as of monday five secret service agents were involved in the rally security preparations are now assigned to remote worker. a source said that number five could be more. meanwhile whistleblowers continue to come forward to share security failures or to say save the assets were denied during rally prep. the secret service responding to fox news this morning saying and part quote the u.s. secret service takes seriously its responsibility to share important information about its protective operations and is cooperating with a wide range of reviews and investigations related to the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. but, a lawmaker involved in one of the many ongoing probes is painting a different picture.
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>> all i can really tell you is secret service and the fbi are basically dragging their feet. they are stonewalling us proof got some transcribed interviews but the documents we request are heavily redacted. parks task force will get underway tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. local time. a lot to watch out for. >> for interesting that certainly brought forth a lot of information. cb, thank you for following all this force we greatly appreciate it. rich: for more on this let's bring in charles marino former secret service agent dhs advisor. charles, thank you for joining us this sunday afternoon. i went to get into the next stage of this investigation for the our complaints from congress the court's investigation ongoing with the fbi and secret service is taking way too long. do you think it is and where it does congress fill in the gaps? >> i would anticipate the fbi investigation is going to take a little longer the fbi had to
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statutory authority to investigate the assassin. they took over very quickly from the secret service. that got martin d mark digging h respect overseas platforms we have heard so much about we have not received an update from the fbi on them. the going to make sure that is a buttoned up to make sure most importantly whether or not the shooter was acting alone or if he had help and other accomplices that day. that is very important. if far as a secret service internal investigation regarding the overall security planning and the failures that took place that day, it should be rather quick. they know who was assigned to. they knew with the responsibilities were. they know all the paperwork that was created to support that event. that should be done rather quickly. congress should get the answers they are looking for in terms of
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what failed and to what level of coordination took place with the state and local law enforcement on the ground. rich: i want to read you something from culberson michael wells from florida he is a republican. i find it hard to believe i went to see where is the proof how did he learn to build ied? did he learn to install remote detonators? how did he conduct those certain searches and not get popped i still have lots of questions. like a >> to the issue whether or not he acted alone looming over all of this is whether there is a connection to their running government that's trying to assassinate members of the trump administration after the hit on soleimani back in early 2020. do you think the nexus th they'e strong enough evidence for we might never know? >> i don't think we know right now for sure and we may never know depending on if the fbi can crack these encrypted messaging platforms. we heard an update yesterday about the founder of telegram
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being taken into custody in france. there is always been a very rough relationship between u.s. law enforcement authorities in these encrypted platforms. even some companies here domestically in terms of a law enforcement getting access to devices and suspected terrorist acts. not that this is a terrorist act right now. i want to rule out all is possible there's no threat environment coming out of iran specific to former president trump. that is what i think the bipartisan commission is going to be looking at when they go up to butler. did the resources and other tools match the threat level specific to the former president? with local law enforcement given the tools by the secret service whose responsibility for securing this event to be successful in their jobs? and the posting of the agr building 130 yards away that
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failed to take place will certainly be the highlight of the visit. >> much of this depends on the investigation. what we have seen thus far enough on the ground and butler to have sufficiently done the job. were they shortstaffed you think i having post standards around the vent for state and local the secret service bears the responsibility for effectively implementing the memes making the request of state and local law enforcement that are participating in the security plan. making sure they are assigned appropriately to help mitigate
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those risks. that's been identified in advance by the secret service. that obviously did not happen. i anticipate this a bipartisan commission is going to get it fearful, and fearful from state and local law enforcement about the lack of coordination and communication with the secret service. that's a big problem for a. >> all this about a dozen weeks ahead of the presidential election ballots like this thank you so much for joining us. we turned back to the middle east preemptive strikes at hezbollah. alex hogan is alive in israel with more. alex coming to you for. >> this h is been one of the biggest clashes on israel's northern border and the last 10 months at p pay will break downe latest that leader of hezbollah finished speaking. all of that coming up after thee break.'s beating these two every thursday.
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[background noises] steven back to the top story tension in the middle east approach a boiling point for israeli jets dropping a rockets into southern lebanon this morning and a preemptive strike against hezbollah targets. alex hogan is alive in tel aviv with more on this developing story. >> the idf said it carried out this preemptive strike around 5:00 a.m. targeting as many as 40 hezbollah military launches sites in southern lebanon. who used about 100 fighter jets to do that. this is a look at some of the footage that was released by the idf early this morning of what it says in the strikes was able to take out as many as 1000 rocket launcher barrels. most were direct at the northern part of israel f but some of thm were directed at the central
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part of a country although all of the preemptive rockets and later on rockets that were fired were reportedly shot down. israel said that it carried out this strike after its intelligent suggested that 70 was about to carry out a massive attack within minutes at israel's prime minister benjamin tried what address the country strikes earlier today. >> we are hitting hezbollah with surprising blows for three weeks ago we eliminated his chief of staff to date we foiled his attack plan. beirut and tehran should know this is another step on the way to change the situation on the north and return our resident safely to their homes. in retaliation today hezbollah fired more than three and 20 rockets and drones for the northern part of israel. everything again fired down toward the central part of the country was intercepted. hezbollah call this attack a success. saying this was revenge for the killing of the end of july
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israel said at least one of its service members wasn't killed and two others have been wounded in today's attack on the north. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the country is taking all means to properly defend itself and to return civilians to the north morning this is not over. so hassan nasrallah the leader of israel just finished speaking saying there's going to be a lot of evaluation and the hours potentially days to come as to whether this strike was enough. whether that was a successful revenge despite the fact we heard from hezbollah earlier it ssaying this was the conclusion of the attacks. we'll have to see if there could potentially be more attacks to follow in the days ahead in the words we just heard. we've also been hearing fighter jets overhead in the last 30 minutes. something we have not heard throughout the day so we will continue to monitor the situation. >> great points there
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potentially signaling more activity in the days and hours to come. alex hogan live in tel aviv thank you. rich: robert kennedy junior speaks on "fox news sunday" after his decision to suspend his presidential campaign and support donald trump read both are gearing up to hit the campaign trail this week with just over 10 weeks left until election day. madeleine rivera is live in washington with more. >> robert f kennedy jr. decision to suspend his campaign and back former president trump was slammed by family members as a betrayal. he says he was not driven by animosity. >> i do not act out of anger or revenge or resentment. it is a bad motivation. it's like swallowing poison and hoping someone else will die and so i don't do it. i am very pragmatic and practical i am focused on one thing which is how do we restore the health for our children? >> kennedy and trump agreed to
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form a unity government. that is the extent of their relationship at this point. kennedy says there are no guarantees he will be offered at position a trump administration even though trump said he would be open to the possibility. >> i met with president trump, with his family, with his closest advisors and we made a general commitment we were going to work together. >> a jury is out whether he trumps help bid it. the polling took a major hit dipping into the low single digits after president biden dropped out of the race fox news polls last month show kennedy pulling support in key battleground states. trump is hoping he can draw some of those backers to his camp. democratic national committee was quick to brush off kennedy's endorsement saying good riddance. they're coming off of a high after last week's convention. vice president kamala harris campaign said they raise a record $540 million since they
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launched last month. this week they are kicking off a bus tour in georgia. harris and her running mate will campaign together in the state criticism of her speech at the dnc it lacked policy particulars are she has yet to give a sitdown interview continue to haunt her. trump is expected to head to michigan and pennsylvania later on this week. rich: madeleine rivera life for us here in d.c. molly: jerome powell signaling on friday interest rate cut may come very soon if that happens. athe feds at next meeting it could be pivotal ahead of the election but let's bring it former reagan economists art laffer. thank you for joining us with their expertise on this sunday. greatly appreciated. i want to get your thoughts on that. i feel like we are kind of ready for an interest rate drop now? are we actually going to see that? what are we going to make of these latest? >> i note bobby kennedy fairly
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well and his family part he is a very, very impressive person for this alliance with trump will have a material impact on the election i believe it. now back to powell, he is the following markets and frankly i think it's late to bring interest rates downplayed the inflation has been coming down dramatically. it has leveled off by the way. we had by no mean have seen the end of inflation with this. nor have we seen the beginning of prosperity. but this is really making a mistake because the faster the economy grows the lower inflation will be in the slower it grows the higher inflation will be. very simply there's a huge apple crop the price of apples drop but this is a big production year the best way to bring inflation down is to add economic growth and increasing output and not a reduction in output. that cannot for wanting to talk
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politics it's been exciting last week for sure by cap by me for jumping on that one way to try to weave it altogether. the fed had their last meeting in july. powell had said you needed more data to know inflation was going down for you do have that chart? at any rate you're look at the numbers we are seeing in the hints being dropped by federal reserve chair powell, or visiting for the election your thoughts as we had closer? >> take a look at the red line very carefully but goes way up 9.1 and then drops back down. we see what drops back down and then levels off. and probably a year. look at the year-over-year thing we have not looked inflation would think if they do, do the cut in interest rate before the election i think it will be at part mildly the and the objectives they want to do
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before they lowered interest rates. and they are going to lower interest rates i believe for the election. quick stealing tax plans of course we had into an election harris and trump are very different plans for colorado governor on harris' attacks the plan compared to trumps, take a listen. click save also excited of course by kamala harris middle-class tax cut putting more money back in the hands of middle-class families. increasing their buying power. very strong contrast to former president trump's tariff tax plan that would increase the cost of household items by 10 -- 20%. >> he likes what harris has put out there, your thoughts? >> 's entrant in my office when his 13 13-year-old years old im the biggest attack tax qatar he's cut property taxes once he redid the income tax in colorado
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i don't see harris going in that direction at all because the governor of colorado will be compelled to support my team. but frankly, he is a big tax qatar i think harris is a big tax increase her. we would be much better off cutting taxes under trump that we would under harris. molly: we appreciate your thoughts today. former reagan economists art laffer thank you for joining us greatly. >> hurricane is hitting hawaii hard right now. how is the big island and dealing with the heavy rain and winds there? robert raise on the ground. >> hurricane hone tracking south of the big island affecting all of the hawaiian eyes of the biggest impacts right now on the big island. we wilwe'll have more after this break.
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molly: several flights are canceled and hundreds delayed at the seattle-tacoma international airport. authorities say a possible cyber
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attack could be to blame. multiple airlines reported an internet and web systems outage yesterday. officials say they are still investigating what went wrong. but systems are back up and running. no word yet from the faa. rich: hawaii is on high alert as hurricane hone bears down on the big island. the category one storm of flwithflooding rain and damaging winds. robert ray is alive in hilo, hawaii. good afternoon to you good morning from hilo on the big island of hawaii. as hurricane hone is tracking to the west. take a look at some of these images from the big island and the hawaiian islands as the system has brought in heavy winds. the turns mate tropical storm overnight. and overnight what we have been experiencing is a delusion of the rain in some areas up to
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14 inches or more on the southern shore of the big island. the seat closest impact of the hurricane winds. in hilo x has about 40000 people we've got about 5 inches of rain 40 -- 50-mile an hour wind gu gusts. the topography is very, very difficult. mildness and hilly it's tough to gauge the actual windows speed. the swells on the pacific have been massive. the roadways have been very dangerous when you drive it. you look at some these visuals with the heavy rain, two lane highways, very little light there are power outages. at the 15000 customers without power those are rural areas many roadways are blocked. in fact the hawaii beltway just south of the black sand beaches is cut off at this point because of the shutting and potential mudslides down there. there is a declaration of emergency signed by hawaii's governor that will be in place
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to open up resources for anyone who may get stranded. copper roadways and national guard will be on standby like i sasaid power outages continue to fluctuate rooted beaches and parks are closed because officials do not want anyone near the shores here. this hurricane is continuing to track to the west. circulation every single island and in hawaii will feel the imp. the light just came up here and we will see the effects for the next at least 12 hours hawaii in the bull's-eye. rich: "fox weather" correspondent robert ray anna and hawaii, thank you. we will be right back. i thought i was sleeping ok...
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rich: billionaires co tell grandma's been arrested in france our investigation of the popular messaging app. the reported allegations are pretty serious. madison scarpino is alive and london with the latest on this. what do we know so far about this arrest? >> 39-year-old was reportedly detained last night after his private jet landed at an output outside of paris. to put lack of moderation.
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friendship media is reporting there is allegations telegram has been used for money laundering, drug trafficking and allowing the sexual exploitation of minors. telegram is one of the most downloaded apps in the world. it has nearly 1 billion users and its popularity is up there were things like facebook, instagram, tiktok and you to abrade the app increasing popularity has been scrutinized by several european countries including france over data breach of security concerns are. the app is particularly popular in russia and ukraine. it has been the main source of content from both asides about the war and politics there. with zelenskyy and the government. according to reuters the arrester prompted a warning from moscow to paris. elon musk is speaking out about all of this pair he's has freedom of speech here in europe is under attack. rich, we did reach out to telegram about all this and are
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waiting to hear back. rich: madison scarpino lie for r assent london thank you. molly: the reaction continues to yesterday's announcement from nass of the two astronauts stuck at the international space station since june will now be there until february. what was supposed to be an eight day mission now turning into an eight month stay. christina coleman has been following all this for us. she is in los angeles today. >> pouring and after nasa made the big decision to leave astronauts b butch wilmore and suni williams in space until next february as opposed to having them return home sooner. they will also return to earth capsule that carried them to the international space station, nasa cited safety as the main factor for their decision. note in the star liner had and thruster issues and pretend and fox and friends former astronaut josé fernandez weighed in. knew this was a test flight.
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everything went right it would have lasted 10 days. some issues may be 80 days. and it looks like they have some unresolved issues that they are concerned about. and thus they are taking the safest route coming home on a competitors space vehicle. >> and the nasa plans are butchd sunny to return to earth on a space exit dragon capsule and february is out of the bowling star liner the president and ceo spacex respond on twitter writing spacex stands ready to support nasa however we can. nasa or the boeing four-point to billion dollar contract elon musk spacex companies $2.6 billion contract to help develop the agency human spaceflight systems. since then spacex has completed multiple crude flights as for boeing, this space mission of the troubled star light it was the first one nass is putting for the star liner to return to earth without a crew next month.
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molly: christina coleman thank you. just incredible bravery on the part of these astronauts. rich: unbelievable where they will continue working, continue conducting experiments up there but eight months in space, while that is something. while zoo and berlin is probably presenting the second offspring of female panda. her twins were born a few days ago have been under special care is the week after their birth is the most important for survival. just 2000 adult pandas in their natural habitat. each birth is a very important for the endangered species. it has taken many years, molly, but as a tv man i finally read a story about pandas. molly: i was feeling the same way. panda watch the dream comes true. [laughter] that's the best way to end in the show. how lucky are we and it was double painted the twin pandas. support that's written in germany's international phenomena with got pandas
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