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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  August 26, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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israelis actually planned a preemptive strike against hezbollah just four days after the october 7 massacre. jets were in the sky and just about one hour before that strike was set to take place, it was called off following a conversation with president biden. we have more information about that in the book coming out october 1. >> i've got mine on order. thank you very much. my podcast living the dream drops today. speaker author disability advocate johnny erickson. we talked about jesus. dedication on the nearness of our savior. check out the podcast we like to get your podcast. that is it for today. thank you for joining us. have a great week. we will see you next fox news sunday "life, liberty & levin." starts in three common to trauma ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. two great guests. i am sam very blessed to be in this position to have this platform but even more i am blessed to have you as an audience, why? you are patriotic, you are smart, you are attentive, and you want to learn part you want to know you want to help save this country. i'm with you one 100%. last evening's program i talked a bit about democracy. we are going to call this democracy part two we are going to dig even deeper. i'm glad you're with us. anyone call this group called freedom house? they are left of center but are pretty good organization that keeps track of fascism, authoritarianism, that is regimes that are oppressive and
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repressive. they put up this report in 2017 their latest report talking about what's happening throughout the world they are very concerned about if the thet focuses mainly on communist china and russia it addresses other countries as well. and so the concern is we are seeing democracies more and more that are turning into authoritarian regimes. now, let's talk about this. this is important. i want to relate this to the united states as they go through this, you think about this too and what is happening in your country our country. going to talk about repression in the modern authoritarian straight and the strategy of the modern authoritarians within democracy. repression they say is more subtle and calibrated. exploitation. looking for opportunities but advance the cause of authoritarianism in a relatively
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free society. crippling your political opposition without annihilating it. you create the impression you still haven't opposition but you cripple it. it's not an effective opposition. the capturing of societal institutions. academia, and so forth and so on. dominate all branches of government pretty still have these be still referred to separation of powers and branches of government and so forth and so on. but control them. sound familiar? electoral systems that give the illusion of democracy the elections are fundamentally unfair you create accrued majoritarianism. it was a minute warning us about that? his name is donald trump dominate the media. that media and the party need to be essentially the same. oligarchical control of the media. we have that today use high
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production, use entertaining content. but still the government/party what i will call the state and the monopoly party control the media. control of the security forces. control of the key elements of the economy. re- writing the history of the country to serve the purposes of the party. the purposes of the agenda. because the party is more important than the country. that you used to destroy or conquer the party. plowed through institutional checks and balances in the name of democracy. and political mandates. we are doing it for the people we were elected. define all repressive acts as democratic i order to legalize repression. maintain control over the
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electoral process behind the scenes false diversity and inclusion. maintain control of the political process the electoral process talk about the diverse population, how many people are voting. it's a fantastic democracy when it's not create the illusion of competitive elections. while squelching it in reality you need a government party we have a government party is called the democrat party keeps building the bureaucracy. that is why the bureaucracy is in full legislative mode when the democrats control it. they use regulation these executive orders these executive branch to bypass congress. that is why they will shut down the government before they will cut 1 penny for the massive administrative state because the government the democrat party the administrative state and the media are effectively one.
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it brinbrings us to the governmt media. we have a party media look at the democrats that populate all of the media platforms look at the corporations that are democrat supporting corporations that own the media platforms are simply no question about it. this massive administrative state serves the purposes of the democrat party it is permanent, it is freedom killing, it is a leviathan it is ubiquitous force with immense police powers. the government is to be a neutral entity when you have a democracy. but not in authoritarianism. increasing authoritarian state it tolerates the plurality of parties as long as it is the dominant party. as long as the government functions for the one party. the government and the party
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collude to do things like restrict free speech. to rewrite our language, pronouns, what's a woman? to impose beliefs and thought processes. crt, dti, esg, you name it. rewrite the language. change the meaning of words. impose a ne new belief systems. thought control constantly day in and day out and the government run schools. in their media. in their culture. shame people do not go along dismissed them accuse them of being things they are not. we call this propaganda and brainwashing and ultimately fundamentally the goal is to reengineer society and the individual. to acquiesce to the demands of the party in the states. you see this all around you,
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america. but they did not write this freedom house for america they were talk about russia, china, other regimes. i am talking about america. big government, more spending, more bureaucrats, irs agents, ruled by regulation ruled by executive order of the representatives of the people. more audits, more investigations more penalties more fines price controls wage controls government run healthcare and eliminaeliminate the private se. nationalized drug companies by snatching their patents a wealth jack which is in owner tax on private property. for taxes for successful people demonize them as rich crippling taxes on american industry. call them corporate taxes. government control of education. government control of the upbringing minnesota throughout this country parental rights are
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under attack. control what your children read in public schools and elsewhere. and when you object and say take that filth off the shelf you are accused of book burning and book banning. the destruction of the nuclear family. all kinds of sex accident sexual perversion reassignment and all the rest is an attack on the nuclear family. and the social bonds. we shape the family. we shape the population all of this reengineering rejiggering is intended to power the government and the party. the government and the democrat party. mass amnesty they've already told us what that means to reshape the electorate. mass voter registration eliminate voter id, early voting late voting voter harvesting, drop boxes that is not democracy
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it's happening right now propaganda war against the founding 1619 refers 1776. the war on the constitution the war on the bill of rights, the first amendment, the second, the fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, the 14th amendment separation of powers eliminate the electoral college to impose the democrat party in the big cities. in fact the court with leftist if you cannot pack it change the court. eliminate the filibuster. so you do not slow down juggernaut of democrat party big government legislation that you can never reverse. destroy them. but they claim you are defending them for excuses we are defending democracy we are defending law. we are defending constitution witbrings us directly to the democrat party convention last week. when was it? what was that convention? it was a farce a farce of democratic process glitzy,
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highly produced, star-studded that media it was slobbering all over it media analysis wall-to-wall coverage, music, all the rest, fancy it was abomination of authoritarianism on full display. that is what it was was a fake fraudulent convention celebrate the successful coup by kamala harris the vice president against joe biden president that is what it was. it was not obama, it was not pelosi, it was heresy. she overthrew the president. she did it to create the pretense of a democratic primary that had all the markings and the fascist disenfranchisement of millions of voters. they toppled the parties democratically elected nominee for a buffoonish, incompetent,
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inexperienced, extremist ideologue who would never could never receive the presidential nomination for a legitimate process. not one vote. that is white dictatorship, marxist regimes, monarchies, islamist states, that is way they operate. this is a first for the united states of america and it is happening right in front of your eyes. the media have been covering it. they've been covering it like a pillow. suffocating it so you could not really understand what is taking place. but we are told by the party and its immediate the democrat party and its immediate it was his stihistoric but it was joyful. that it was exciting, spectacular, the first black woman nominee for president ever. of course the vice president had already been selected by the party and something called a virtual nomination. i've never seen anything like it. many days before at last week's
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convention and without a single vote from any citizen without any challenges without any debate. nothing, zero. that is a coup. she was selected she led the coup, she organized it, she was selected. and the convention was nothing more. it was a fake. it was not a political convention. a complete fabrication of propaganda operation the full support of the governmen government/democratic party media it is now no serious interview for this candidate no serican noserious press events h the party press no access, nothing. just in kind media hundreds of millions of contributions from the phony press the democrat
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party democrat in billions of dollars to create a fiction of our great new historic leader with paid tv ads party surrogates spread out from capitol hill in different organizations from within the media telling us what to think, what kamala harris really believes. she is not flip-flopping, massive propaganda, brainwashing obligation like authoritarian regime she will eventually deign us and honor us with an interview may be a couple of debates she will show a little ankle here and there. but nothing that might reveal her grand planned. her past record, or incoherence, her babblings, her anger. remember that? her staff all the time uses the f word now she smiles and laughs and is joyful. complete fiction re-created
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image. that is all it is not going to give us anything that will pierce this fictional veil to protect her from us, we the people we are the unwashed. we have just got to go along with this just go vote and vote for her. this is democracy according to the democrat party and its media. this is what they seek to defend and their election we are defending democracy they say word the real danger to democracy they tell us over and over again as the other party the republican party. not donald trump now remember he is a hitler. he wants to be a dictator. just remember he hates the constitution. adjuster member january 6 that is the republican party that help that help primaries the party that honored the results of the primaries the decision of the voters the party that had a real convention and a real nominating process.
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the party that nominated for president a real candidate who actually campaign throughout the country. who was ubiquitous who did interviews, press events with friend and foe alike who does not conceal his views, his policies and his plans are. a candidate who campaigns everywhere and anywhere who speaks for 60 -- 90 minutes. he talks too long they say who is demanding more debates not less. he is the man who was supposed to democracy? that will be donald trump of the republican party. you see donald trump on the republican party they not only defend democracy, they practice it. i will be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we are here with our friend pete hegseth. it's good to have you, pete, tomorrow august the third year anniversary of one of the greatest debacles in american military history. that is the surrender to the taliban in afghanistan. the unbelievable murder of 13
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american soldiers and hundreds of people wounded. we have americans held hostage they are still that they never talk about. we have allies, friends, interpreters and others who were there which this administration has nothing. i understand giving billions of dollars to the taliban. now kamala harris said she is less on biden spoke too. she was proud of it. she was proud of what took place. isn't this the problem with somebody who has no experience in foreign-policy foreign polil security and does everything place on ideology? wes yes the only dish of no experience she has been learned from the guy who has been wrong as bob gates is set on every major foreign policy decision for the past 40 years to include his own administration. kamala harris was right there when joe biden made this call. if she had an inkling of an understanding of how bad this would unfold she should have and would have spoken up but she didn't. which means she is completely complicit with abandoning our men.
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with the 13 who were killed while we relied on the child and for our security. at not just that but the chaos and pulled that enfolded aroundd after that. the invasion of ukraine because of vladimir putin's on a stop sign. the same thing in israel with the attack from hamas. she is now on both sides of it. she will not explain what she would do in ukraine either. she has no world view she doesn't ideologue who comes from eight marxist background is ambivalent about america's role in the world. this is the harris/biden administration at this point she would've made the same call joe did between the world sees the same signals from her. mark: you don't pete hegseth if you are a serious person, a sensitive person and she is almost 60 years old. she has lived a life and you actually learn as you go along in life. you know you have absolute no background, experience or even common sense when it comes to national security and military affairs, wouldn't you pick as a running mate someone who does?
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would you pick as your running mate somebody, who when they were called to duty to deploy he went awol. i'm tired of people saying thank you for your service. thank you for nothing. you are and the national guard. we were paid to be in the national guard. you volunteered to be the national guard and when it's time to act like you're in that national guard and step up and deploy your unit that you commanded, you want and awol yn scared. that is what he did would you pick somebody like that is your running mate when you don't know a thing about national security and foreign policy? orcs of course if governing is what you believe in you would but if you are an ideologue who is thin-skinned you pick another ideologue will be happily be deferential to you because he is happy to be there. they're both comet is adjacent at best. they both have really radical worldviews who are exactly right about tim walz is tim awol. such blank 24 seasons in the nfl and then your team finally makes
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it to the super bowl we say no, i'm good i'm out a watch from the sidelines cast in and try to become a congressman while you do a 28 month tour in iraq this unit saw combat he abandoned his men. its foreign policy experience as a whole lot of nothing. it is destroying minnesota as his background is not just an ideological ticket at the grossly incompetent to who was l about themselves and a guy i know i stored with looks at tim walz and said spotlight ranger. that guy at love loved it in pee but when it took was about time to have the battlefield he said no, i am good, i'm good. mark: is worse than that. you have to be some kind of a psycho to keep going around and acting like you did something you did not do. when it comes to gun control i did not carry rifles like that into combat. you didn't carry a thing into combat. when it walked out of the coin he has produced indicating he
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did combat or he is on c-span talking about. a multi- set at 10,000 times. this guy is a pathological liar pretty light about his dui. his light about being a coach in football. he goes who comet is china 30 times i don't think i've been to mcdonald's 30 times. this guys bad news pretty is a psycho when you have her who was an ideologue who can barely complete sentences who is hiding from the american people us she is hiding from us she does not want us to know her real view she does not want to know us to know she babbles just like biden does sheet they don't want us to know they pretend he is from the midwest and now they said it like heavy or white guys are in the middle west i thought we were supposed to hate. this is the ticket they offer, right? what you saw it all on display at the dnc. the left like to talk a lot about cultural appropriation. dude with the doing right now political appropriation they say freedom everywhere. what are they mean?
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freedom to abort babies and pushed him up into schools they throw on camo hats with the blaze orange on that we like to hunt we are outdoorsmen suddenly they love football and coach they stand with israel and they believe in borders. america is a center-right country they want common sense they do not want radicalism they know they are our radicals are hiding it in the media's letting them hide it. walz is a place example of that he is not some everyday midwest guy. hatlet the cities of minneapolis and burned because of ideology we have to expose them for the radicals that they are because that media of course will not do it. they want to look like republicans this country does not want t with the radicalism e selling. mark: pete hegseth will be return the border with the greatest level of slavery taken place in this country since the end of the civil war. women sold into slavery. children told into slavery the vast majority people of color. she may not be the borders are, of course she was but she is the vice president of the united
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states. she does have power to do something about it. what exactly has she done? we will be right back.
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in gaza. talks are expected to continue over the coming days. now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: will come back america. the non- borders are vice president of the united states was in charge of the border.
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we have more slavery going on in this country as a result of this open border we have had since the end of the civil war 300 30,000 unaccompanied children they don't know where they are. she claims to care about children. how do you get a promotion when you have this kind of a record a disastrous record and you say hey am qualified to be president of the united states. i have a question i'm not answer a question what is this? >> and governments full of people who fail up and kamala harris as always example of that. i am the one that went secure border. i want a border security bill. she knows full well what unfolded on her administration's watch but she was supposed to be in charge of the border. she wanted it wide open because that is with the left wanted to do. she did not care one bit about
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african average americans who are affected by this crime. that is why donald trump is so smart going to the border pole in age of mom said those of others who killed by illegals. humanize this issue. americans care about the safety and security of their kids. kamala harris betrayed that she can give one speech was she going to do and donald trump questions are on that? what's going to do a chesson actual interview if she ever has wings i don't know she will she can't they will cover for as long as they can. it was her job, she failed it now she wants a big job shall do more of the same as she gets it. mark: you know pete hegseth she keeps talking to the bipartisan legislation that was negotiated in secret. not a single republican house he supported it. three moronic republicans supported it would enshrine for all time biden's executive orders that wou it would have mt impossible for donald trump, god willing who becomes president to actually secure the border. it would have been tried in millions of illegal aliens every single year coming into this country and they say i will sign that. here's my question, where are
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the 300 30,000 unaccompanied minors question forget about legislation forget about signing what about all the slavery that's occurred? why don't you go down there? why don't you speak out? why don't you do something about it madame vice president? we are supposed to give you a promotion when you screwed up as vice president of the united states? what is this bipartisan legislation nonsense? quick shame of the three republicans were foolish enough to sign onto it so they could call a bipartisan wind it's not bipartisan at all. you are right at sex trafficking its defense helps dead americans. why people can't see this drives me nuts. they choose to ignore it. do know the reason why? no other networks cover this. you cover, bill melugin covers at griff jenkins covid we cover it. others don't. a lot of americans may see the crime and see a little bit of that but they will believe her lies when she says we want to control the border. no they don't. state what it wide open if they
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could have date would have and they did not. trumpets keep trying tying arch less three and a half she could sing forward fort how do you look forward when you are the last three years? you cannot let her get away with that. mark: able to how, you are on to something. forget about history, forget about the past. it is all corrupt, feudalism, capitalism, monarchal as him, get rid of it. the world begins today, it is a clean slate. you call her at marxist. president trump calls or a marxist. i am glad enough of this progressive nonsense. enough of the socialist nonsense these are american marxists. they sound like marks, they promote it, they attacked the family, they attacked sovereignty, they attack capitalism. they attacked the constitution. if it walks like a marx, and it quacks like eight marks, it is a marx. pete hegseth i want to thank you my brother god bless you for all
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you do. >> thank you mark. mark: we will be right back.
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right now, save up to $1,000 during our labor day sale. visit or a store near you. ♪ ♪. mark: hello america. our friend brent a immediate research center founder and president for for full days of coverage of this convention. i did not learn anything about a thing. we had the media telling us what you think. the media telling us it is joyful. the vibes are great we have jon karl telling george stephanopoulos that kamala harris reminds her of ronald reagan and margaret thatcher. are these guys smoking something did we learn something from this convention? >> you know i will give you some numbers which startled me. we took the survey of democratic voters leading into the elections to see what they knew
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about kamala harris. market, the numbers are not to be believed. 71% of democrats did not know she's supported reparations to atone for slavery. 86% did not know that she supports giving death row inmates the right to vote. 73% of democrats did not know she was a cosponsor of the radical green new deal. 81% of democrats did not know health insurance is one of the most important issues out there that she is in favor of eliminating all private health insurance you heard me right. 71% of democrats did not know she was in favor of defending the police. 78% of democrats did not know she set up the fund to bail out protesters during the 2020 riots. the border is the number to issue facing americans. democrats, republicans alike are
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looking at the board being overrun they are horrified by what is happening. with that in mind i 72% of democrats did not know that as a border czar she had never once been to a conflict zone they are pretending she was never the borders are. 77% of democrats did not know that she supports eliminating ice. but here is the big one the one that jumped off the page to me. 74% of democrats do not know that she is in favor of not making it a crime to cross the border illegally. in other words complete open borders. anyone can come in and it is not a crime to do that. 74%. so that was leading into the convention. i can guarantee you leaving the convention nothing has changed because they never addressed any one of these issues.
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had they made their case to the american people on all of these things saying i believe these things. i believe death row inmates out to get to the right to vote i believe we need to illuminate the police i believe we need to have open borders. i believe we need to take away her private health insurance. had she made that argument, donald trump would be ahead by 30 points right now. mark: you are one 100% right so let's dig into this a little bit. for days at wall-to-wall coverage of a convention we learn absolutely nothing. it's also weird the media are so weird the people they interviewed are so weird the whole thing is just strange. we are supposed to mean the greatest democracy in the face of the earth were supposed have the greatest repress on the face of the earth. we have a candidate for president of the nine states is the vice president of the united states the american people do not know and if she has her way, if a party has her way and the media have their way the american people will never know
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about her right up to and including on election day. i see liberals and democrats on this network and other networks say but it is working. what is working? it is not working for the american people. what do you see? >> it is working because the same democrats in the media are enabling it. i would think if i were a political reporter the old fashion bob novavax kind of political reporter this election cycle would be the most intriguing election of my lifetime in the middle of a campaign the democratic nominee the presumptive nominee who also happen to be the president of the united states is thrown under the bus by the democratic political machine. i mean what a story to investigate? and yet silence it. kamala harris who was considered
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the whole time she was vice president and absolute and napped vice president everybody did. suddenly, suddenly overnight literally overnight the entire democratic machine to clear she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. this is a great story for that media to investigate. and yet, and yet, and yet they have been the ones to put the combustion. all of this talk about kamala harris won't do it interview. what about reporters during the story? this is lost reporters are deliberately keeping the kibosh on her record. they do not want the american people to know who she is. mark: that is what happens in authoritarian regimes. not great constitutional republic so what is this? an authoritarian regime are great constitutional republic? we will explore that will be returned i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance
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client a lapdog media with them. because so many democrats populate so many of these newsrooms and these platforms. they have come together. they did it with bite another doing it with her. but i listen to on the polling numbers, i see a downside and upside do you see a downside and upside to? >> the downside is the strategy is working. it is working beyond their wildest dreams. america believes the democratic party believes that kamala harris is a moderate. rachel maddow her read on the speech it was you will remember where you were when you heard the speech on this night. this is an inflection point in history. that is how they presented this. it is working when you see the democrats don't know anything about her radical record and the fact that she, along with a vice
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presidential candidate is the most radical person ever to run for the presidency of the united states. the bad news for the trump campaign is this is working to perfection. they bury good news for the trump campaign is you can drive a truck right through this if he focuses on these issues. if this were donald trump speaking right now i would give a speech and i would say my opponent believes that we need to pay reparations for slavery. my opponent believes death row inmates need to have the right to vote. my opponent cosponsored the radical green new deal. my opponent wants to eliminate your private healthcare. my opponent supports defunding the police. my opponent supports putting together bail funds to bail out radical protesters. my opponent as border czar never went to a conflict zone. my opponent believes in
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abolishing ice in my opponent believes it should not be a crime to enter this country illegally. if you support that, please vote for my opponent. if you don't support that if you love america vote for me. boom. and i would say go play golf in scotland i would back on election day you all talk among yourself and let me know. that is a speech i would give. mark: [laughter] i don't know about that. [laughter] i would add to my opponent takes hamas statistics and uses them against the state of israel. my opponent does not believe in free speech. my opponent does not believe in this supreme court read my opponent believes in destroying the electoral college we could go on and on and on and i think president trump is been doing more and more of that. the problem is people say why do keeyou keep whining about the media? first of all confronting a
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corrupt state run media weather in the united states, or russia, or china, or cuba or venezuela or iran is not whining. that is your civic duty. that is your patriotic duty. we do not have free press in this country if you have demonstrated over and over and over again. we have a party press have a press defense centralized authoritarian government. tell me if you agree or disagree is about them to how many more election cycles are we going to allow them to interfere in the elections of the american people are not aware of the candidate the democrats run? whether he is mentally disabled, or whether the candidate is as dumb as a doorknob. >> the public needs to understand there is no daylight whatsoever between that media, the news media and the democratic party. if i was hilary clinton's press secretary on i wanted to put out
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a statement about how good hilary clinton speech would be i was had the feeling here was when hilary clinton spoke it is almost as if someone had plugged in a cable, a current, had connected there's pure electricity in the room. there was a report from a cbs reporter. if i were somewhat in the democratic machine with the convention, i would want a reporter to go up to chuck schumer and ask about the electricity in the room. and ask talk to me about the atmosphere in here is it electric? and then i would want that same exact reporter three minutes later on air to say senator schumer was not lying when he said that there is a lots of electricity excitement right now. if i were somebody i would want someone to say the bench right now is as electric written
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notice they are using the same word is as electric as anything i've seen and the democratic party. that is what i would want too. that was rachel maddow. the reporters are giving the talking points of the democratic party. the public must understand this. you are not getting news anymore what you are getting is a talking point of a radicalized democratic party. there is no other discussion. mark: brent bozell, thank you my friend. keep up the good work precooked thank you for what you are doi doing, mark. mark: we will be right
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that's right, where's waldo today? nobody knows.s. the vice presidential candidatea best knowns for putting tampons d boys bathrooms and going awol when he was callell wd to . he's also a candidate who has visited china 30 times. has visited more than any states in thee in country. a we have a media, media that thinks itself is a free press when in fact it is odd, good, al jazeera. we are in a pickle ladies and gentlemen. then they claimed they represent democracy. we must defeat them. for the sake of democracy, the three sake there sake of the children and grandchildren. that is what i am committed to. i will see you next week on life, liberty. ♪ ♪


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