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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 on the east coast, it is monday, august 26, this is "fox and friends." three years later america remembers the 13 servicemembers killed at abbey gate and their families want answers. >> it is shameful and disgusting the treatment our families have been given and no accountability whatsoever. >> brian: white house shows this picture at work. house speaker mike johnson tells voters not to be fooled. >> gas lighting the american people. this is for all the marbles, this is most important election of our lifetimes. >> steve: doos on the loose, i will hit the streets of new york to find out how parents feel about rising cost of supplies
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and you'll be shocked at the amount of supplies the kids will lose and you have to buy again. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> ainsley: today marks three years since the terrorist attack that killed 13 servicemembers in the withdrawal from afghanistan. >> brian: a suicide bomber carried out the attack at the airport in kabul. >> steve: griff jenkins has more, families are demand ing accountability. one fathers he's not gotten any. >> griff: that attack marking the deadliest attack in decades. troops were screening afghans trying to make it on to one of the last flights leaving the
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country. this is our coverage from when the attack first happened. >> fox news alert, back to big news in kabul. we're hearing about knowa explosion that has taken place at the airport in kabul. this is the warning we were getting last night. worst has happened. >> large explosion outside abbey gate. >> the president has been briefed. >> -- i think some americans got hurt, too. >> there was a suicide bomber on foot and then a fire fight broke out. >> no words to describe what is going on. all access points blocked by the taliban. >> there is no safe gate at the airport. >> we can confirm at fox news,
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the death has risen, 13 u.s. ceas servicemembers 12 marines and one navy medic died in kabul today. >> griff: the taliban has taken over in afghanistan. the soldiers embodied who we are as a nation, we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will never be able to repay. you guys spoke with speaker johnson about it, here is what he had to say. we will issue congressional gold medal there families, highest honor congress can pay to any group and we'll do that. we have to make sure the american people know that sacrifice. it was greatest foreign policy blunder of our lifetimes. >> griff: we are not expecting
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to hear from president biden, he's in rohoboth beach on vacation this week. >> steve: wasn't he on vacation last week? >> griff: that was california vacation, this is delaware vacation. >> steve: what about next week? >> brian: in three months, permanent vacation. he will be a lame duck. what happened in afghanistan, no one has been held accountable for it. the president of the united states does not want to hear what went wrong. general mackenzie wrote a book and mark milley made recommendations. the generals came out and said they did tell the president and he did not want to hear any of it. >> ainsley: decisions that were
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made in kamala was in the room, last person in the room with joe. it is affecting the families and afghan families, it is affecting families reeling from psychological and physical effects. these families will never get over losing 13 children. this was badly handled. they are saying, three years later, we're seeking answers. >> steve: an hour or 45 minutes ago we have the father of lance corporal schitz. he heard the news, he did not think his son would be impacted because his son was on the tarmac not at the gate. he got word and their lives
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changed forever. he made it clear so far from this administration, no accountability. watch this. >> we know we can't bring our kids back. we want to see the military in the field now, those families never be put through what we've been put through. it's been shameful temperature is incredibly disgusting the treatment our families have been given, we've been given no accountability whatsoever. not a single person has been fired, they have been promoting people that should not have a job anymore. we are getting lied to. it has to stop. >> brian: suicide bomber thought to be let out of bagrams m chl >> ainsley: congressional gold medal, president trump has spoken to the families.
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joe biden was on the tafrmac whn the bodies were brought back to american soil, checking his watch. >> steve: harvard to believe, feels like flash, it was three years ago. >> brian: donald trump spent time with them. they try to say donald trump does not like the military, explain that to those families and families that deal with them, that sel selfishness does fly. there is a reason most cops, firefighters and military family members will be voting for them. >> steve: that sound beat bite was mark schmitz, he founded freedom 13 with goal of helping veterans create retreats and temporary housing for families. w website is the, a
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great organization, it sounds like. president biden left his california vacation and he's now on vacation in rohoboth beach. >> ainsley: on campaign trail, kamala harris and former president trump will be in key battalion states this week. >> brian: peter doocy at the white house. >> peter: staffers like when president biden leaves town, they can get a lot done. this photo, we are working for you, the president is not here. he left california vacation for delaware vacation where he will be for a couple more days. vice president kamala harris is in town, she will be going to georgia, only battalion state of the week. trump will have wisconsin and michigan on thursday and pennsylvania friday.
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harris campaign is claiming they'll put their candidate out for their first sit-down interview this week, first since replacing biden on july twop. >> the vice president said she will sit down for an interview before end of this month and that will happen. the vice president has done 80 plus interviews this year already as vice president and been out talking to voters and taking questions on a number of issues. >> peter: she and donald trump will debate on september 10 on abc. donald trump saw an abc interview with tom cotton and now he's openly questioning why he should do an abc debate and i was texting with a campaign official who is telling me confirming reports there is some sort of holdup between biden
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team and trump team about whether or not the mics will be muted when not somebody's time to speak. harris team wants mics hot the whole time and trump team is pushing back there. that is where we're at. >> ainsley: are they sure they want that? president trump will have the opportunity to say, no, i didn't, you are not for fracking, you want to take away private health insurance. he could speak while they are asking questions. >> peter: you could make an argument, either way who it helps and doesn't help, that is where they're at now. >> steve: if they want to leave the mics on, harris campaign thinks she will be able to bait him to say something he would regret, something
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unpresidential. >> peter: right, but until then headline that is great interest to the audio guy at abc. >> steve: do they want a live o audience? >> peter: they are ironing all that out. part of the problem, the harris campaign did not agree to ground rules prior to july 21. biden campaign did. it is a lot of same people, that is a big difference. >> ainsley: we know how that, woed for them. thank you. >> brian: they said, you got to stick with the september 10 debate, you committed to emthem. by the way shgs we will change the rules. you can't have it both ways, we will change the rules, but stay with the debate. and fallon said donald trump
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does not trust himself enough to mute the mics. with biden-trump debate that went so well for joe biden, he has been forced to retirement. i think they like the fact make it clean and clear and crisp answers. i think they want to make it look like trump is tough debating a woman. different debating a woman than a man, i don't care hillary clinton or kamala harris. you can make a great point but look like a bully. >> steve: the harris team thinks she can bait him into losing his cool. >> ainsley: what peter was talking about the interview with tom cotton, jonathan carl was
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interviewing and tom cotton said kamala harris wants to eliminate private health insurance and he said, that is not her position now. he said she said that before, now what is her position, she has not talked about it or given an interview. >> brian: donna brazille is on the panel, what is george stephanopoulos doing on the sideline, a lot of reasons we does not want to go on abc. >> steve: kamala harris is running on things she did not used to stand for. >> ainsley: we think. >> steve: right, we have not heard the words out of her mouth. brian interviewed speaker of the house who said, you got to know. >> joe biden has been checked out for a long time and kamala
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harris knew the entire time. she was one of the people that bragged was last to leave the room as if joe biden were making decisions. only person our adversaries fear less than joe biden is kamala harris. imagine her commander-in-chief of the u.s. military. this is most dangerous time since world war ii? you cannot do that. make sure people understand, you can't make an emoegszal decision, make a decision based on record and not rhetoric. they are saying things untrue, gaslighting american people and expect the people are not able to figure this out. people are fed up and i think they will make the right decision in the election booth. >> ainsley: r.f.k. jr. was interviewed over the weekend. he ran for president and had a failed campaign, he said because of censorship.
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he had a tough time getting support from the democratic party. he teamed up with trump, he said trump reached out to them and agreed on four of the main issues, ending ukraine war, protecting children's health and reforming food supply. his family did not like it, they did not like he was running for president. they took pictures supporting joe biden. his sister was on with jen psaki and said it was betrayal of their father's legacy. listen. >> outraged and disgusted by my brother's gaudy and obscene embrace of donald trump. i completely -- separate and disassociation myself from r robert kennedy jr. and his f flagrant effort to -- my
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father's memory. >> brian: pretty amazing. donald trump and as she called him bobby kennedy, have been friends for years. he said some of his thoughts are out there, what they will find, areas they disagree enough. i think tulsi gabbard will endorse president trump this week, too. it is big deal, you can come over to a conservative side and not lose your identity. there will be a place for you. >> steve: what bobby kennedy jr. is doing, suspending his campaign, trying to take his name off the battleground states in an attempt to hurt kamala harris. he was on fox news talking about when he goes to the next family
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reunion, it will be complicated. >> my family is at the center of the democratic party. members of my family are working for the biden administration. president biden has a bust of my father at the oval office, been a family friend for many years. my family, i understand they are trouble said by my decisions, i love my family. we all need to be able to disagree with each other and love each other. >> brian: message to them. >> ainsley: you hate to see family members not talk over politics. this is one of the biggest political families. he said 60% of americans have chronic disease and said 75% of fda budget comes from f
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pharmaceutical companies. that is pretty scary and he says he wants to change that, hold them accountable, deal with food supply, and healthcare. >> brian: he wants nation brimming with vitality with hope and belief in itself. he goes on to say what he likes about what made america great again, which this guy named ronald reagan said and the movie is coming out, jonathan martin on that panel that donald trump did not like that panel, cornel west, too, they are trying to keep him off the ballot. they spent $100 million to keep him off the ballot. marc thiessen said it is
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debatable. donald trump said saw that and tried to get him and now he got him. >> ainsley: he's a democrat and supporting the republican. >> brian: theory a lot of disinfected republicans thought r.f.k. jr. was a safe harbor. >> steve: polls will come out before labor day. bipartisan house task force will visit butler, pennsylvania today, the sea tax of assassination attempt on trump's life. >> ainsley: madeleine rivera is in washington. >> madeleine: point of this task force is to understand what happened on july 13th and make sure it never happens again. the task force is made up of seven republicans and six democrats, they can subpoena materials related to the
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incident. it has been a month since the shooting. state law enforcement and secret service revealed technology failures leading up to the rally. >> our task force is doing extraordinary work working around the clock. there will be public comment today, a press conference, they have been getting answers and req requesting documents, they have been slow walked. we are pressing go. i am confident our task force will get it done. madeleine rivera secret service says they are committed to the investigation. five secret service agents involving in know plaing of the trip have been taken out of the field and placed on administration duties. folks who live in bethel park, pennsylvania tell the new"new y post" the family has always been
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an enigma and kept to themselves. a field hearing in d.c. today. >> steve: lots of questions. thank you. >> brian: fox news alert, u.s. j joint chiefs of staff in israel after idf and hezbollah trade rocket fire. general anthony tatah is next. (♪) (♪)
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>> steve: fox news alert. u.s. joint chiefs of staff chairman just left israel as united states works to avoid escalation in the middle east. idf and hezbollah traded fire across the border. trey yingst is in tel aviv. >> trey: israel launches strikes against hezbollah, the region waths to see what comes next. the iran-backed group said without evident they targeted military position and hit close to tel aviv. missiles were destroyed by the
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u.s. military. the region surveys the aftermath of the events, there was talks with minister of defense g gallant. american assets are spread throughout the region and israelis remain on high alert. >> fighting this organization for 10 months, they want to harm us and are waiting for the moment when systems are not high up. we're keeping alert and defense up. >> trey: with ceasefire talks ongoing in cairo, they hope to dee deescalate tension. talks were described as constructive, but they were rejected by hamas.
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there are 100 israeli hostages inside gaza and civilian death toll continues to rise. steve. >> steve: thank you very much. bring in retired army general anthony tatah. good morning. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: israel has some of the finest intel in the world. they knew something was cooking and did something about it. >> they have the best assets, imagery, human, they did an spoiler attack against ho hezbollah. they are on defense. you get intel they are about to strike and you strike out and diminish their capability to attack you. cla classic textbook what happened here, spoiler by israel. we need to forvice more guys in
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undisclosed bunkers. >> steve: israeli intel suggested hezbollah would hit israel with such magnitude of rockets and missiles it would overwhelm iron dome by three or four or five times. okay, we have a choice, we can hit them before they hit us or get hit. >> right, they did the math. it is a math problem. the dome can defeat x and they were going to diminish y. this is funded by iran and supported by iran and harris-biden regime splitting their support between iran and israel. change deescalation to unl unleashing israel to destroy hamas, destroy hezbollah and put
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maximum pressure like president trump had on iran. that would bring peace to the region. >> steve: israel made it clear, they will not stop until they are done. thank you for reporting for doout today. it is 8:30 in new york city. hiding harris, v.p. has yet to hold an interview and joe biden is taking another vacation. he was on vacation on the west coast and now off for another week on the east coast so who is running the country? is marc thiessen running the country? no, he has some thoughts coming up. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three.
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>> brian: fox news alert. live at arlington national ceremony. former president trump will mark three years since 13 servicemembers were killed in afghanistan. president biden will not be there. president trump will. ceremony the begin 9 a.m. eastern time, we will bring it to you when it happens. and arguing hearris should not have to focus on her platform. >> i don't understand where this vagary comes from. she released detailed plan on her economic agenda. >> brian: that went well, didn't it? is this another nancy pelosi moment? >> we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it. >> brian: should we elect her to find out what she will do. here is marc thiessen. they are backing up not
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releasing policy about a presidential candidate 70 days before the election. >> mark: it is not true. we know her platform, she told us in 2019 when she ran for president. she supports the green new deal and decriminalizing border crossing. that isser had platform. john carl says she does not believe that anymore, i have not heard her say that, sources say that. if she wants to repudiate that, that issin foo. she has to tell us and has to explain why. is it because it is political or did you have a change of heart? why do you not support green new deal and banning private insurance? what do you like about fracking?
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what is great about fracking? you have to explain it or it is fluff. by the way, why have you repudiated your entire previous platform. as my daughters would say, it is pretty sus. >> brian: they say she should not be in a rush to do anything. >> i have not heard any voters looking for policy papers. >> people don't vote on policy. >> way the american people think is less about minutia of policy and more direction of the country. >> brian: i agree, minutia of policy, you know, page 99. how about page one of what you will do. >> mark: shorter version of what they said was americans are
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stupid. they are not stupid, they don't want vibes, they want to know what you are going to do. americans understand decriminalizing border crossings and securing the border, between keeping their own health insurance and medicare for all. by the way, why is it democrats allow wrap project 2025 around donald trump's neck despite the fact he never supported it. kamala administration can -- to her staff and say, you know, donald trump never endorsed project 2025, why do you keep bringing that up. they say kamala harris does not believe those things because they are in the tank for her. >> brian: no more shocking resignation, just real quick
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look at this wall and dates coming up, early voting dating happening quick. that debate will matter a lot and sparring about what the debate will look like and where it will air. and vance-walz debate will matter. american people demand she tell them what she's going to do. thanks, mark. you will write about it in the wash "washington post." harris price gouging plan facing scrutiny as grocery story owner joins us and offended by accusation and back to school for students across the nation. doos is on the loose asking about the sky-high cost of supplies. the itch and rash of moderate to severe eczema
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>> brian: fox business want to give parents a voice where their kids go to school. >> ainsley: some teachers are not happy, it could expand
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voucher programs. here is why. hi, lydia. >> good morning. school choice policies have expanding in the past four years, use of education savings accounts. they allow parents to use t t taxpayer dollars. some have income limits. florida school choice policy, considered most broad allowing all students to have a choice in education. school choice advocates support this, public schools say tens of thousands of students are leaving there. nearly half school board candidates backed by desantis
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lost, they say that is a assign that they want fully funded schools. they want school choice. listen to this. >> we can use funding to educate kids. if that is not getting your kids where they need to be, then we wasted that money. >> that mom is a life-long democrat in arizona and says school choice is not about politics, it is about kids. we're diving in all week on fobs business, especially a special report friday night at 8:00 p.m. >> ainsley: today is first day of school across the country with more prepping to start in september. new report says parents are overwhelmed by the cost. >> brian: what does the average
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family spen on school supplies this year? doos is on the loose. >> steve: i'm on the loose. people are out going to work -- excuse me, do you have children? >> one year old at home. >> going to school? >> not yet, prices are insane. >> steve: any idea how much it costs average american family to send to kids back to school for supplies? >> $400. >> pretty close. it is $450. good luck with the one year old. how are you? >> great, how are you? >> steve: are you here for the shrimp over rice? >> we are not. >> steve: how much do you think the average family spends something like $458 a year on supplies. >> i can't believe it. >> steve: guess how much they lose during the course of the
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year? >> 75% of it? >> they lose $175 of the stuff. >> i can believe it. >> steve: do you have kids in school now? >> grandkids, yes. >> steve: do your kids say it costs too much? >> absolutely, it is terrible. >> steve: try the chicken over salad, delicious. thing about doos on the loose, draw a crowd. do you have children? >> four children. >> steve: are they back to school? >> my grandkids are going back to school and i'm trying to help them afford school >> steve: how are you doing that? >> giving up my money to help them go to school and helping a little on the side. hard for ends to meet now. >> steve: everything costs a
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lots, got to send kids to school. >> steve: when kids go to school, the house is quiet. >> most peaceful time in the world for families and moms. >> steve: that is beauty of gr grandkids. they are screaming and you go home. enjoy back to school season. >> thank you. >> steve: i did a fist bump. people looking forward to back to school, it is costly. in 10 minutes, dana perino and "america's newsroom" takes over. dana, it is back to school season. >> dana: i love back to school season, my favorite thing. i love to think about going to tar target and i would talk my mom into extra pencils and crayones
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with the sharpener on the back. >> steve: when i went back to school, we got new shoes. >> dana: my mom never let me have suede shoes and now i have a bunch. back in a new york mood and we have 71 days before election day, campaign is harder for both candidates from here. governor burgum will join us and israel and united states thwarted an attack over the weekend. and we speak to a nasa scientist about the ga lact tick ordeal and it is american dog day. you know what that means. we'll see you at n9:00.
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rsv? make it arexvy. >> ainsley: we have a live look at arlington national cemetery where former president donald trump will mark three years since 13 service members were killed in the abby gate terrorist attack in afghanistan. a wreath laying ceremony to honor them and expect the ceremonies to begin in 20 minutes. we'll carry it live here on fox. now to this.
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backlash growing toward kamala harris's price gouging plan. some argued the plan would hurt small independent grocers who profits have already collapsed under the biden-harris administration. a fourth generation independent grocer from south dakota mr. bouie. your family has been running your grocery store business since 1905. most of your customers are on fixed incomes. so how will this affect you, what are your biggest concerns? >> well, my biggest concern is that we just don't have a level playing field. us independents, we all work for the american dream, which is to work our butts off for our family, customers and our communities. and have a fair shake at things. that's just not what is happening today. >> ainsley: for the profit margins for independent grocery stores not that high. under kamala harris 1.4% before you have to pay taxes. under trump it was 5% in 2020.
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so how will this -- how does that impact you? how are you able to pay for these groceries and live your life and keep the doors open? >> well, the tough part for me is, you know, maybe not so much the money that i make but i cannot stand the perception we're getting from our customers that prices are so high when we are paying -- i'm paying more for that product than one of the big box stores are selling on the shelf. that's the part that makes it difficult trying to explain that to our customers. >> ainsley: eggs might be cheaper at wal-mart because they buy in bulk. if you don't buy as many. >> well, that part is true but i would argue that if my trailer backed up to the doors of general mills to buy a truck load of cheerios and wal-marts does, too, the price out to be the exact same.
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no better efficiency than a truck load of groceries. that isn't happening today. >> ainsley: federal ban on grocery price gouging. she will go in and dictate what you will charge for eggsened milk. state whip vest gait and impose penalties. meat processing middle men and competition in meat production. will this plan pass in congress? >> i am -- i guess for me i try and stay in my lane. i'm passionate about selling groceries at a fair price. so that is where my concern is. i don't know the ins and outs of this plan. the way things are going right now it isn't right for our consumers. >> ainsley: thank you so much. god bless you and wish you the best. bye, everybody. >> dana: we begin with breaking news. former president trump about to attend a wreath laying


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