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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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it is difficult and complex. we all make mistakes the first time. and it is how we recover from those mistakes that matter. so they have a lot of work to do to fix the problem and launch additional missions that are uncrewed first and then crewed. if you look at the spacex history and nasa's history there are mistakes along the way. the resilience and recovery that matters here. >> dana: it is a good thing they can help each other out. the rivally will continue with some heat. thank you, great to have you on the show. appreciate it. >> bret: thank you. >> when will you sit down for your first interview being the nominee? >> i want us to get an
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interviewed scheduled before the end of the month. >> dana: she keeps kicking the can down the road on her promise to sit down with an interview by the end of the month. i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off. good morning, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier. the clock is ticking. vice president harris has less than a week to keep up with that promise since announcing her campaign more than five weeks ago july 21st. she has announced some lofty goals but has largely left voters in the dark specifics on how she would enact or pay for them. democrats have been riding a sugar high since harris accepted the nomination. 36 days is a long time for a presidential nominee to go without facing direct questions when voters want to know about her plans to lead the nation. >> dana: house speaker mike johnson says until she answers those questions voters should focus on her history. >> they have no shame. you saw that on display at the
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democrat national convention engaging in fantasy over fact. we have to make sure people understand this is not -- you can't make an emotional decision here. you have to make a decision based on the record and not the rhetoric. >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn with the latest. >> and bret, the harris team is running out the clock but they claim they will meet their self-imposed deadline of a sit-down interview within the next five days. >> she has been out talking to voters and taking questions from reporters on a number of issues. so i know the vice president looks forward to sitting down for an interview. she looks forward to doing it before the end of this month. >> less certain today the harris/trump debate september 10th on abc. the harris campaign is telling fox in a statement that unlike the biden/trump debate we told abc and other networks that we believe both candidates mics should be live throughout the
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full broadcast. our understanding trump's handlers prefer the muted microphones because they don't think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. the trump team has rebuttal to that saying we accept the abc debate under the exact same terms as the cnn debate. the harris camp after having already agreed to the cnn rules asked for a seated debate with no notes and opening statements. we said no changes to the agreed-upon rules. >> i think it's a huge disappointment for the american people because they want to see these two folks on the debate stage talking about the issues that are important to the american people. but i guess if i had his positions, i would be scared to let the american people know what they were as well. >> vice president harris is here in washington today but we don't expect to see much of her until wednesday and thursday when she will visit her only battleground of the week, georgia. bret. >> bret: all right, peter doocy
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on the north lawn. thanks. >> dana: we want to bring in guy benson host of the guy benson show and mark penn former clinton advisor. great to have you both. mark, donald trump is practically an open book with what he wants to do compared to the new positions that kamala harris has put forward through her spokes people. what will happen? i think she might do fine in the interview. i don't know that they'll get a lot of specifics. >> well, i think it is going to expose the answer to that question. are there a lot of specifics there? i don't know what kind of interview people do in these last couple of days here that will be meaningful and set up going into the labor day weekend. i suppose everything gets pushed online but look, i think it's unacceptable for candidates to go this period in my book there should be three presidential debates, not one. there should be position papers, not a donate page on your
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website. and you should be before the press every two or three days because if voters aren't informed it is not a democracy with real votes. >> dana: if you become the president, that is the way it should be as well. guy, i want you to listen to tom cotton on abc sunday show with john charl yesterday talking about healthcare policies. >> camp hair who supported things like decriminalizing illegal immigration on taxpayer funded health insurance to illegal aliens or taking away health insurance for 170 million americans. she said when she ran for president she wants to eliminate private health insurance. how do you know that's not her position? >> she says she no longer -- >> she has not said that. she has not said that. maybe anonymous aides on friday night have said that. >> dana: tom cotton had that right off the top of his head, guy. >> he is right. tom cotton is repeating back the
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words of kamala harris last time she ran for president. she had an opportunity to build from the ground up her vision for the country and how she would govern. a centerpiece of that campaign was outlawing private insurance for 177 million americans. in her own policy briefing, in her own platform, that is what she said. she said let's get rid of all of that and move on. she was a co-sponsor of bernie sander's bill in the u.s. senate. so when a journalist tries to say oh she says dot, dot, dot about some change of heart on that question cotton is right to hammer away and say she hasn't said that. she hasn't said virtually anything of substance about anything at all, let alone in a lengthy sit down interview that we may or may not get. 37 days after joe biden was forced out of this race. it is embarrassing. >> dana: there was also an appearance by the vice presidential candidate on the republican side vance on "meet
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the press" talking about a middle class tax plan and kamala harris. watch. >> there is this whole thing that kamala harris did at the convention where she made a bunch of claims about what would happen and not enough actually reflection on what already happened, right? donald trump was already president. when kamala harris said if we do the think that trump did it will be worse, it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> dana: an economic debate of some sort in person, in the media, online. who has the upper hand on this moment on that, mark? >> well look, obviously trump and the trump campaign have an upper hand about 2/three of the people are unhappy with the current state of the economy. they are very unhappy with the 20% price increases that they are facing. i don't think either side, though, has put forward a clear economic plan. to really understand. i know there will be no tax on tips now apparently regardless of who wins but that is hardly a
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serious economic plan. again, as part of this dumbing down of a presidential campaign that is rather disappointing. >> dana: give me your best 15 seconds, guy. >> i think the harris campaign is trying to change the rules of this debate that they've agreed to because they want donald trump to interrupt their candidate so she can have a viral i'm speaking moment. that's what's going on here. >> dana: we'll listen to you on the radio today and see you on 20 other shows as well this week. great to see you both. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> bret: the middle east teeters on the edge of an all-out war. cease-fire deal is on the brink of failure and yet president biden is back at his delaware beach house after taking a week-long vacation in california. rich edson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware with more on this. good morning, rich. >> good morning. president biden last spoke publicly at the dnc after his speech that was a convention you
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remember originally designed for his acceptance speech. instead for the week president biden headed out to california where he was vacationing at a donor's ranch in santa barbara wine country before flying to his house in delaware. following a massive escalation of fighting between israel and hezbollah the president refused to take questions from the press on his trip back to the east coast. >> put joe biden on at midnight on a monday and he gave his speech. they sent him to california on vacation. kamala harris has been running around the country campaigning. i'm not quite sure who is running the place. >> the white house said the president is closely monitoring events in the middle east and that biden last week spoke with leaders of egypt, qatar and israel on negotiations the reach a cease-fire and free the hostages. national security advisor jake sullivan who is in canada says the biden administration is in constant contact with the
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israeli government. sullivan says his team is continuing to work to avoid a regional war. >> we have been concerned about the conflict escalating into an all-out regional war since october 7th and worked round the clock with partners and allies moving military assets, engaging in intensive -- >> he is traveling to another region this week to manage tension for a couple of days in china. bret. >> bret: rich, thank you. it is quite something when you have a sitting president deliver this speech well past prime time, then go to california, and then go to rehoboth beach. >> dana: for a week. he said he wanted to get a lot done including he was going to cure cancer, remember, in his speech? he said they'll do all these things. days are ticking by. when i looked at the calendar i
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like august is gone and there is also all that trouble in the middle east this weekend and a statement from the staff saying the president has been fully briefed and you don't hear from him or kamala harris and d.o.d. is left to figure out a way to speak about it or the state department. it is hard to imagine the next however many days it is, 100 days, 90 days that the president is going to be in office. >> bret: think about are we going to get any press conferences? probably not. major speeches? probably not. overseas trips and a lot of under the radar one would think. >> dana: amazing. we'll keep an eye on it. joe biden will be at the beach for the week right now. >> we were told lies. given incomplete reports, incorrect reports. >> my life and that of my family's has been on pause since the early morning of august 26,
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2021. >> dana: looking back on a grim moment of the biden-harris administration. today marks three years since the abbey gate attack at the cabal airport. there is also this. >> the u.s. put forward a bridging proposal that was accepted by israel and now it is up to hamas to say if they accept it or not. >> bret: the ring of fire surrounding israel showing no signs of easing up. ha hamas holding out and hezbollah attacks the jewish state again. >> dana: the ceo of telegram arrested bringing the battle over free speech on social media right to the corner office. rs, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> dana: we are marking three years since the abbey gate bombing the killed 13 american service members during the u.s. withdrawal there afghanistan. a look back at how that day unfolded. >> fox news alert back to the big news in kabul. we're seeing about an explosion that has just taken place at the airport in kabul. this was the warning we are getting late last night and overnight. the worst possibility appears to have happened here, dana. >> reports on the ground indicate an explosion, a large explosion outside of the abbey gate. >> i'm told the president has been briefed. >> i got a baby girl. she was five years old. she died in my hands. i think some others got hurt, too. people are running around. >> there was a suicide bomber on foot and then there was a fire fight that broke out. >> no words to describe what's going on down there. all access points to the airport
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have been blocked. >> there is no safe gate at the airport. >> we can confirm at fox news the death toll last risen yet again. it is 13 u.s. service members, 12 marines, one navy medic who died as a result of these two suicide bombings in kabul today. >> dana: the deaths of those 13 service members still raw for many americans. former national security advisor h.r. mcmaster is standing by. let's go to mark meredith in washington. >> good morning to you. today both president biden and vice president harris are offering renew ed tributes to the 13 service members killed three years ago today and white house deserves the blame for those deaths to begin with. review of the attack at abbey gate conducted this year by u.s. central command confirmed the bombing was conducted by a sole isis-k militant released by the taliban just weeks earlier. investigators say the attack was not preventable even as critics argue the u.s. had no plan how
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to end its 20-year war. today president biden wrote quote, we must never forget that each beloved service member we lost was a human being who left behind entire families and communities and together we must never stop striving to be worthy of their ultimate sacrifice. the white house says it is determined to honor the fallen. the mother of a lance corporal killed in the attack tells fox the president's sympathy falls flat. >> i blame biden for the death of my son. anything i have to say to the biden-harris administration would probably not be something that could be shared on the news. the biden administration is 100% at fault for why which son lost his life. >> republicans say they want to know more how involved vice president harris was in the afghan withdrawal. she told reporters she was the last person in the room but harris surrogates say she should not be blamed. >> we've got to stop assigning partisan blame on fundamental
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things like our national security. if we can't make mistakes and wrestle with that with a little bit of space to do better in the future, how do we expect to continue on the next 250 years as this great country that we are? >> former president trump keeping the issue front and center. the most embarrassing moment in the history of the country. >> bret: joining us now h.r. mcmaster former security advisor for president trump and author of the new book. at war with ourselves. good to see you. congratulations on the book. obviously this is three years. as you look at this, and the fallout from it, we also just recently saw the taliban had this parade and all of these weapons that were left behind there and there is a long list of them, more than $7 billion worth of weapons, how do you look at it now in retrospect? >> we are still dealing with are called the stain of august 2021.
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of course, we're seeing that in a number of consequences as we commemorate of loss of these servicemen and women. the consequences are in the area of resurgence of terrorist organizations in an area in the afghanistan pakistan border region where they already exists 28 to 30 u.s. designated terrorist organizations. we told ourselves lies over and over again. the administration told themselves lies about this bold line between the taliban and other terrorist organizations. we now know there are at least 65 al qaeda-related affiliated terrorist locations within afghanistan and you have terrorists in charge of the state. issuing passports to these people for example. the threat from terrorist has gone way up but worse than that. i think you can draw a direct line between august 2021 and the renewed invasion of ukraine in february of 2022. because i think putin looked at us leaving in such disarray in
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such a humiliating fashion and said these guys are finished. i'm going to have my way with ukraine. >> dana: if you look at this also call for number one the weapons left behind in afghanistan. the taliban had a parade with all the weapons but there is another weapon they have used one against women. last week the taliban announced that a woman's voice now also that should be banned. they must be silenced because it is intimate if you hear a woman's voice. all of that progress was erased. you don't hear the biden administration talk about that. >> they are in denial about it completely. these are people who were ex willing to various rights that are associated with their own view of what human rights are and then they abandoned the afghan people and threw them under the bus. what's most disconcerting about this period of time is that we negotiated our withdrawal, surrender essentially i think i would call it.
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a self-defeat at least with the taliban. across two administrations. but even the obama administration when they completely pulled out of iraq in december of 2010 didn't negotiate with al qaeda. why not just leave if we were going to leave? >> bret: you can see the scenario what we've seen over the weekend from israel taking preemptive action against that. the tinderbox the middle east is currently. the big picture. the middle of a political campaign. a lot of people looking at this. which is the better foreign policy in you have a unique point of view. you go after some of the style and ways that president trump dealt with things specifically. but if you were to determine which foreign policy as you see it is better for the world, which is it? >> yeah, bret it is that foreign policy of the trump administration especially in those 13 months where i served with him where we helped him
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make fundamental decisions about long overdue shifts to foreign policy. and administer important correctives. president trump affected the most significant shift in u.s. foreign policy since the end of the cold war. that's the shift from cooperation and engagement with china under the belief that china would play by the rules and as it prospered it would liberalize its government. that wasn't going to happen. we shifted to competition with china. people forget in the first year of the trump administration he imposed more sanctions on russian entities and individuals in one year than the previous eight years of the obama administration, closed russian -- i think these are important shifts in policy but especially in the middle east. what we've seen, i think, is the result of weakness and weakness is provocative and the
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perception of weakness within the biden administration policies have led to a much more aggressive iran. it was a factor in the october 7th mass murder attacks against israel and we still -- the biden administration is still struggling to act like they know what the return address is for all the violence. it is in tehran. >> dana: you have a new book out called at war with ourselves and the podcast good fellows, highly recommend it out of stanford and the hoover institute. a good show. thank you. >> some of these parents are fighting with their school districts for five years all which time their child has decreased literacy levels, has experienced significant trauma. >> dana: back to school season in full swing parents have a new playbook to take back the driver's seat in their kids' education. president harris's plan to address the housing crisis. critics saying her ideas are not
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ask your doctor about otezla. >> dana: we could be looking at a free speech firestorm. the ceo of a popular messaging app called telegram was arrested in france this weekend reportedly as part of an investigation into whether the app has enough moderators to keep criminal activity under control. grady trimble following this from washington. he has breaking news on it, too. >> we do, dana. we heard from the french president who says this arrest of the man was part of a judicial inquiry. macron says there is no political motive. the arrest is raising concerns about free speech and online censorship not just in france or europe but all over the world including here in the united states. authorities in france arrested this russian-born french citizen after his private plane landed at an airport outside of paris saturday evening.
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we're also learning that he is accused of failing to cooperate over cybercrimes and financial crimes on tell graham. critics say it more loosely moderates content and allows misinformation to spread online and doesn't cooperate with law enforcement. but free speech advocates argue this arrest is part of a broader attempt by governments to censor online speech and they say it is a slippery slope. >> do not think that those bad ideas will not be imported into the united states. this is the type of authoritarian actions we see out of rogue nations like iran or turkey, not western democracies in europe and not the united states of america. >> in a statement telegram says it follows all european union laws and that the man has nothing to hide and travels frequently in europe. goes on to say it is absurd to claim a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.
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other tech executives like musk and head of rumble are voicing support for him. musk shared a clip from an old video an interview where he says moderation is a propaganda word for censorship. rfk junior saying the need to protect free speech has never been more urgent. he cited protecting free speech as one of the reasons he joined and endorsed former president trump last week. >> dana: grady trimble with the story for us. charles payne host of making money is here. any thoughts on this arrest? >> yeah, freedom of speech is certainly front and center. the things that he is accused of. probably the best tweet saying paris is taking hostage as a means to gain access to private communication. the center ball of this is encryption. this has been a battle between governments and technology going
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back to the 1950s. u.s. and europe put the kibosh on it and couldn't export anything with encryption. they loosened it up in 1996. this has been the ultimate battle. access to all this information and freedom of speech and -- >> dana: we're dealing with that with the thomas crooks. the man who shot president trump. they can't get into his phone. >> they can't get to his phone. by the same token this notion that the government should be able to see everything and hear everything single thing that people do i think is something we've been afraid of at least western society has been afraid of for a long time. >> bret: speaking about government and economy, we're trying to get more details on the economic plan for kamala harris. she comes out the friday before the dnc week with the roll-out. interesting that the surrogates aren't talking about the price control part but they are focusing on the housing part. you say that this is opening up
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a can of worms. >> well, government intervention picking winners and losers open a can of worms. the government sending out a lot of money. that's how we got here in the first place. they ignited inflation that we didn't think. after four decades you wouldn't have thought we would be here the way inflation eroded the average household's spending power. the government has thrown out all kinds of trial balloons including more free land. subsidizing home builders. stocks there are through the roof. and think about this. i looked at existing home sales. that came out last week. houses from 0 to $1 hundred thousand sales were down 9 1/2%. they were down 9/ten percent. is there any real demand for these kind of homes to begin with? and what is affordability? do we want the government to start writing 40, 50, 60 billion
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to subsidize an industry that's doing well already? >> dana: how do you find out -- one of the things she wants to do is give $25,000 in down payment assistance. construct all these new units and everything. how do you decide who is a good qualified first time home buyer to get the $25,000 and do you get it to make your down payment or a tax credit? >> i don't think there will be any qualifications. the inside joke among home builders is as soon as 24 this goes into effect the next day it will cost $425,000. it will make it worse. it is throwing kerosene on the problem. >> bret: how the fed reacts and looking at jobs? >> the job market is the number one thing. we have a couple job reports coming out before the he will
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election. listen to what jay powell said on friday. he said we do not seek or welcome further cooling in the labor market or labor market conditions. remember, we had an 818,000 revision to the jobs we thought were created. those were wiped off the books. we're learning more and more. we had a report from philadelphia fed on the service part of that economy. full-time employment imploding. one thing we've learned in the past is when the jobs market falls apart it falls apart quickly. no doubt about this. the fed is worried about it and i think we'll start seeing that data. >> dana: wow. you are the most important person at fox right now. >> i don't take any days off. >> dana: take care, sleep well, rest up. we'll need you. thanks. >> bret: lawmakers investigating the assassination attempt on former president donald trump will visit the site of last month's shooting today. it comes as the gunman who fired at the former president is still an enigma to investigators.
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why the shooter's motive still remains a mystery right now. that's coming up. >> they are acting like it is a one-time incident that we can take our time to really unpack. no, these plots are happening right now as we speak. we need to be releasing information as we get it and they need to move a lot faster. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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>> dana: fox news alert for you. president trump after he left arlington national cemetery went to a retail center and spoke about the 13 fallen at abbey gate in afghanistan. listen here. >> the other side. as an example. today we had a celebration of some great people, some great, great people who passed away who were killed in the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, afghanistan. because we had an incompetent president with incompetent people leading it. every one of those people should have been fired. he never fires everybody. they all should have been fired. they took the military out first. do we have any children in the room? if i asked a child who should go first, they would say everything but the military.
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they took the military out first and then it was a bloodbath and a horrible thing. a horrible thing. i just went to arlington cemetery and you saw a ceremony with the parents, the sisters in one case, brothers in other case and these are people that should have never been killed. and when you see the fact that nobody is mentioning afghanistan. this is the third year. i hate to even call it anniversary. i don't like the word anniversary in this case. this is the third year of that tragic event and because of that event we did so badly that russia went in and invaded ukraine, israel was attacked as you know on october 7th. we have people don't respect us. they don't respect us anymore as a country. where is our president? we don't even have a president. we have a fascist person running who is incompetent and we have a president who is not even around. he went to california for a
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vacation because they threw him out of the party. and then he came back home and said will he go to the white house? no, he went to delaware to take another vacation. and he got russia over there with nuclear threats. we don't have a president. we have to have a real president that's respected. so as to your question, i think it is disgraceful and i think abc is a disgrace. i think having donna brazile sitting on that panel if she is the one that gave the answers and the questions to hillary clinton before a debate, i think abc is really should be shut out. i would much rather do it on nbc. i would much rather do it on cbs, frankly. i think cbs is very unfair but the best of the group. and certainly i would do it on fox. i would even do it on cnn. they treated us very fairly the last time. i think jake tapper was very fair and dana bash was very fair. but when i watched this interview of tom cotton, fortunately he is pro and knows what he is doing and when i
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watched the round table after that, i said the hostility is crazy. so we're thinking about it. we're thinking about it. they also want to change the rules. the deal was we keep the same rules. now they want to make a change in the rules because she can't answer questions. why doesn't she do a couple of question -- why doesn't she do something like i'm doing right now? she can't talk. we can't have another dummy as a president, okay? we cannot have a dummy. and the people from vietnam agree with that. [cheers and applause] >> would you want the microphone muted whenever you are not speaking? >> it doesn't matter to me. the agreement was that it would be the same as it was last time. in that case it was muted. i didn't like it the last time but it worked out fine. ask biden how it worked out. it was fine. i think it should be the same. we agreed to the same rules. same rules, same specifications.
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and i think that's probably what it should be. they are trying to change it. the truth is they are trying to get out of it. she doesn't want to debate. she is not a good debater, not a smart person. she doesn't want to debate. when i looked at the hostility during the weekend. you watch it. this week with george stephanopolous and the vietnamese didn't get that one. you got it, right? but no, we want to have fairness. we have to bring fairness back to the country and we have to have a president -- we are the closest to world war iii that we've been right now. we have a man who took a vacation in california and came back today and he is going to delaware for another vacation. going for another week. that's not the vietnamese. they are hard working people. >> how are you specifically preparing for the debate with
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harris? >> i'm not spending a lot of time on it. my whole life i have been preparing for a debate. you can go in and have all sorts of sessions. i watched mitt romney go in and he worked so hard. four weeks he locked himself into a log cabin and developed lock jaw. he couldn't speak. i watched other people. basically you have to be real. you can't cram knowledge into your head for 30 years of knowledge in one week. there is a little debate prep but i have always done it more or less the same way. you have to know your we rebuilt the military. >> dana: he went from arlington national cemetery. a ceremony there. he went to virginia to this retail center called the eden center and taking a lot of questions and taking questions including about the debate.
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i thought the debate was set september 10th. >> bret: we offered a september 4th. harris campaign said the first one we're doing is september 10th on abc and now the rules of the debate. it was locked into with the biden campaign. no audience, micks muted. same as the cnn debate the first time. now the harris campaign is changing that and the trump campaign has a problem with that. the former president also had a problem with the weekend show on abc talking about all of that. bottom line is this is kind of up in the air. we would love to host a debate here on fox. >> dana: it would be a fair one. i look forward to that. i know how much work it takes. we would be there to support everybody. the debate about the debates seems like that will be the week's news >> bret: another interesting thing he is in virginia and at the same place that ed gillespie used to campaign in. virginia is getting tighter.
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>> dana: makes you wonder a little bit. glenn youngkin the governor of virginia wants president trump to win and might have said it might be a good place for you to stop by. if you are talking races this close a little bit more could get you where you want to be. we'll pay attention to all that as his day continues. he heads to detroit next. stay with us, more "america's newsroom" is coming up right after the break. many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve.
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ground in butler, pennsylvania today touring the site of the shooting on july 13th. the visit of the bipartisan delegation comes as the mystery surrounding the gunman shows few signs of clearing up. joining us now charles moreno, a former national security analyst. thank you for being here. there is so many things we have yet to really know. we have this animation of the view of the shooter's perspective here. they are hoping to find some more information. as you look at this animation we have safe secret service officials out on administrative duty. what do you expect to come from this investigation, at least in the short term? >> i think it's important, bret, the independent commission go out to the site to get the lay of the land. see what the security challenges were and just how close that agr building where the shots came from was to where the former
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president was speaking at just 130 yards away with a direct line of sight to the stage. the other thing that will be important is they will be speaking with state and local law enforcement agencies that participated in the security plan that day. i anticipate they will get an earful about the planning, the coordination, and the overall communication with the secret service. there are four other investigations going on outside of the commission right now, two internal to dhs. the dhs inspector general and the f.b.i. who is handling the investigation into the shooter. i think that is where they are encountering some challenges based on what you were previously talking about with the encrypted messaging applications that were found on thomas crooks' phone. >> bret: senator ron johnson alleges the f.b.i. is dragging its feet and maybe even the secret service doing that, too. there is skepticism out there
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people who watched blue ribbon commission after blue ribbon commission end up in nothing or a report that doesn't cover everything. are you worried that that will happen this time? >> well, when it takes over 30 days for the secret service to place the agents involved in the security planning on administrative leave, that does not help the agency's overall credibility. i believe that all of the information on the secret service side related to the planning is already known and available and should be shared. the american public are going to demand transparency on this. what they need to know and when they need to know it. the agency can't tell the american people that they are wrong. a former president and republican nominee was almost assassinated on live tv. so they need to turn over that information. the f.b.i. hopefully will be able to wrap up their investigation soon. >> bret: all right. charles, as always, thank you. >> thank you. >> dana: a lot going on on this
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monday. the last week of august underway. before we go we have to do this happy national dog day. to all america's dogs and owners we have pictures of percy and cocoa. this is percy, e.t. also known as percy and he has been having the best summer. he has had a great summer for sure. >> bret: cocoa is a diva. amy is surrounded by guys with two boys and a husband so that's the female. >> dana: does cocoa have pink ears? >> that's pink feathers on the top of the ears. i don't have anything to do with that. >> dana: my grandmother had a dog named mo. they put ribbons in his air after he got groomed and my grandfather would say he would find the biggest manure pile to get into. >> cocoa likes them. >> dana: thank you so much. sandra smith is in for harris on the "focus." she is


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