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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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ignore the recommendations by generals and i want to acknowledge as well the people who stood. people ask they are rado of save our allies, tim kennedy and all of those who went in the gap after the failure of our leadership and government to save our allies and save americans. >> it was that day that a lot of people lost faith in the american dominic bided administration. we know the vice president to your point was the last person in the room and that was her words. at 2:00 p.m. eastern time today the house task force looking into the assassination attempt of former president trump will visit the butler p.a. fairgrounds where trump nearly was killed last month. those bipartisan lawmakers will be holding a press conference afterward. 418 to zero was a vote to establish that bipartisan commission. a lot of questions. we hope that they find answers. thank you to every impure dvr that show and we will see you tomorrow but for now, america reports. >> we have had multiple hearings
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with the former director cheadle, the current interim director row and we are not satisfied with how that is going. we don't want the american people to forget what happened just a few weeks back. >> every single american wants answers to this. and we want to know that our candidates are secure. whether you are a republican or democrat, we need to have the confidence that our candidates are secure and right now america does not have that confidence. >> john: in the next hour members of the bipartisan task force investigating the attempted assassination of former president trump are expected to visit the site where it happened and butler, pennsylvania, appeared we are also awaiting remarks from trump himself and destroy. he is set to address the national guard association. welcome to monday. i am john roberts and wash washington. >> sandra: good to be back with you. i am sandra smith in new york. this is "america reports." and butler task force chairman mike kelly and ranking member jason crow will be leading that group through the rally grounds
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before holding a news conference. it comes as we learned five secret service agents have been reassigned to administrative duties following an investigation into the shooting. >> john: a source telling us that more members could be facing disciplinary action. former secret service agent of the presidential protection division is on deck to react. >> sandra: let's get to see be caught. she joins us with the latest on the ground there. what can we expect during the lawmakers to her when it happens a short time from now? >> good afternoon sandra. democratic congressman jason crow and ranking member of the task force says today's visit is about allowing lawmakers to get up-close look at the scene so they know the right questions to ask and the right documents to ask for but today lawmakers will also be speaking with local law enforcement who were at the rally that day and the immediate aftermath of the shooting we all know that there was nonstop finger-pointing and the secret service faced heavy criticism for appearing to place
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blame on local law enforcement. today's bipartisan task force could use its subpoena power to get answers and crow says people are going to have to be held responsible. >> a lot of things went wrong. we know that. you don't have to be an investigation's expert or security expert to know that there were a cascading series of mistakes here. certainly some accountability is going to be necessary. >> joining crow today all six of the groups democratic lawmakers and four of the groups republican members including task force chairman mike kelly. the task force is expected to issue a report on the findings by december and the lawmakers could make recommendations for agency reform or new laws. crowe says the group is now weighing whether it should also issue interim reports. the task force was briefed by the fbi last week and congressman mike waltz told fox news the agency's shared
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progress accessing encrypted accounts used by a gunman thomas crooks. but he is still unconvinced that the shooter acted alone. today crow said he will not let the fbi curb efforts to get answers. >> we have received full cooperation on the ground in advance of our visit here today. i have seen no indication that there is any type of stonewalling or foot dragging. if i do, i will call it out. >> several republican lawmakers in d.c. were not selected to be a part of the task force held their own forum on the assassination attempt today and several of them suggested that they feel there is evidence of criminal negligence with what happened in the lead up to this rally. >> sandra: cb cotton on the ground there for us. thank you. john. >> john: of former secret service agent in their presidential protective div
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division. we are no closer or at least the public to knowing why the shooter wanted to kill the former president. do you think the secret service and the fbi have a good idea but they're just not saying. >> no. i think they are absolutely stonewalling. there've never been to agencies more in need of an eight makeover or public relations makeover than the fbi and secret service. they had an outstanding opportunity here to reinstill the public's confidence in their abilities yet they completely blew it. here we are a month and a half later and we have yet to hear a joint conference from the director of the fbi as well as the acting director of the secret service. given the magnitude of this event, plus let's not forget not only was president trump shot, you had an american citizen visiting an event with his family who was shot and killed, you are two other people shot. i think the american public isn't owed and interim press conference. give me something peered i don't need the whole story right now, but this should have been done from the outset. these people failed to realize the gravity of the situation.
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>> you are saying you think there is stonewalling going on. that would put you in the same camp as senator ron johnson who is a member of the senate it task force as well as the house speaker. listen to what they both said about that. >> all i can tell you is the secret service and the fbi are basically dragging their feet. they are stonewalling on spirits because they been taking in and getting the answers and requesting documents. they've been slow locked and that's a concern. we are pressing go and we need to get the answers to american people and i'm confident our task force will get that done. >> john: the two johnson's senators ron and mike think there is stonewalling but you heard crow saying he doesn't think they are stonewalling and if he saw it he would call it out. those are two very different points of view. >> how about this to prove my point. you had the acting director show up to testify 17 days after the incident and what does he do? he shows up with a giant photograph of himself visiting
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the rooftop and butler to show that he was there and he tells us about how much difficulty he has had sleeping over the course of the last 17 days. how about showing up with a giant photograph of the event site that shows where every one of your agents was, where every police officer was, and let's start with that. i don't care if you haven't had sleep in 17 days peered i have three people shot, one killed, and people traumatized and you have affected the presidential campaign for who knows how many years down the road. >> john: and terms of what happened and butler, former president donald trump said he did not receive adequate security. >> i just felt it. they never gave us the number of people in terms of secret service people that were necessary and yet biden who would have ten people at a rally was loaded up with secret service. so i've complained about that for a long time. they never gave us the number of people necessary. >> john: there are different
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protocols for former presidents versus sitting presidents. the secret service package for a sitting president is much greater than a former president. the secret service does not have a whole lot of experience with former presidents running for a second term nonconsecutive term. last time that happened was teddy roosevelt back in 1912. but that said, donald trump is a known quantity. he attacks tens of thousands of people to these events. wouldn't the secret service have to say protocols be. this is a unique situation and we need to cover it adequately. >> that's it. you don't need to be a student of history or you don't need to be able to recite what you said about president roosevelt. all you need to do is apply a little common sense here and take a look at what is going on. the day he left, president trump left office, the crowds that he has generated by his appearance have gotten bigger and bigger. he has become more and more outspoken and the focus of every
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fringe taking the world as well as organized groups considering his stance on the board appeared how is it that no one at the secret service puts up their hand and says to the weekly management meeting we need to increase this guy's level of protection. but then again this is the same leadership and management of the secret service that denied protection for rfk jr. citing no adverse actionable intelligence. did it ever occur to anyone there at that the guys last name is kennedy? are you not a student of history and have you not read anything in the last 60 years? it's inconceivable. >> john: to members of the family were assassinated within a period of about six years, that would seem to indicate there is always a threat that appeared cb cotton said that there was that idea of criminal negligence and vulture. would you agree? >> i definitely think it is something we need to look at. the fact that it took six weeks to place people on administrative leave following such a traumatic incident, there is not a police department or a law enforcement agency in the
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united states that would not have immediately relieved everyone of duty, sent them home and started interviewing everyone that was there. this was so poorly handled. not just the event but the follow-up after the event was so poorly handled and now we are six weeks into it and the fbi and the secret service have done nothing more than feed into every conspiracy theory. we will be talking about this event for the next 60 years. >> john: we are still talking about the kennedy assassination so why wouldn't we. we always appreciate your candid thoughts. thanks again and we will see you soon. >> thank you john. >> sandra: the u.s. promises ironclad commitment to israel as tensions flare in the middle east. cq brown met with is really minister of defense today to shore up military support. it comes after a massive attack from their ran back to proxy group hezbollah over the weeken. life rests in tel aviv in the hour appeared what is the
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latest? >> this intense exchange of fire so far appears to remain just that. it has not widened to a big regional conflict but tensions remain as the region waits and watches on what happens next and if an cease-fire deal is in the near future. the latest and massive escalation between israel and hezbollah started sunday morning using 100 fighter jets israel launched air strikes targeting hezbollah rocket locking positions. they said it was a preemptive strike after intelligence showed an attack from hezbollah was imminent. hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones it said were aimed at israeli military sites. most were intercepted by the iron dome as the israeli military reported little damage but three militants were killed as was one israeli soldier. during a televised address, hezbollah leader said the operation was completed but warned there could be more
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strikes. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacting this way. >> what happened today is not the end of the story. hezbollah tried to attack the state of israel with rockets and drones early in the morning. we are hitting hezbollah with surprising blows. >> high-level talks in cairo, egypt, ended without an official cease-fire deal. u.s. officials have indicated the latest round was constructive. they are expected to continue in the coming days and an effort to bridge the remaining gap. so far it seems the main sticking point is the presence of israeli troops and gaza in particular the philadelphia corridor. this separates egypt from gaza. it says this is how hamas smuggles in weapons and hamas is accusing israel of going back on past agreement. >> sandra: the very latest from there in tel aviv for us. thank you. john, obviously this is something we are watching moment by moment and checking the wires now because this is a situation
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that is fluid and could change any minute. >> john: it seemed yesterday after the initial strikes back and forth across the lebanese border into northern israel that everyone on both sides wanted to stand down but there is the possibility of further escalation. i also thought it was interesting to note that the leader of hezbollah gave his address from a bunker somewhere whereas the israeli prime minister was in a building above ground. interesting to note that hezbollah as hamas does continue to hide underground. >> sandra: we will keep watching all of that and now this. ♪ ♪ >> former president trump paying his respects to the 13 u.s. service members who were killed in the botched afghanistan withdrawal. how the heroes who died are being remembered today and what
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the families have to say three years later. gold star mom paula joins us coming up life. >> sandra: vice president kamala harris is on the road trying to gain ground. byron donalds on what it will take it for former president donald trump to do the same. com! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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>> john: fox news alert peered back to the big news peered we are hearing about an explosion that has just taken place at the airport in kabul. this is the morning we are getting late last night and overnight. the worst possibility appears to have happened here. >> ports on the ground indicate an explosion. a large explosion outside of the abbey gate.
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>> i'm told by a white house official that the president have been briefed. >> i think they got hurt. people are running around. >> there was a suicide bomber on foot and there was a fire fight that broke out. >> don't have the words to describe what's going on. >> i am told that there is no safe gate at the airport. >> we can confirm at fox news the death toll has risen yet again. it is 13 u.s. service members. 12 marines, one navy medic who died as a result of these two suicide bombings in kabul today. >> ceremonies being held today to mark three years since 13 u.s. service members were killed in afghanistan during a terror attack it abbey gate. former president donald trump early today laid a wreath in their honor at arlington national cemetery. next month the house speaker
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johnson will be awarding congressional gold medals to those victims families. army sergeant ryan canalis was one of those killed in the attack and his mother joins us now. i thought of you while every moment was playing. i can't imagine how hard it is to hear that. for us and our viewers who know that your son paid the ultimate sacrifice and how much you are all still grieving, how are you doing today and what is your message on this day? >> i wanted to be here this morning with a lot of his brothers and sisters in arms to pay tribute to him with the tpt 9,000 memorial workout. we do it each year and i was very aware that the president would be up at arlington and i did receive a call from him after we finished our work out
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and i'm very grateful for what he did on contribution for the three that are up there out of the 13. >> sandra: i wanted to ask you about speaker johnson announcing the congressional gold medals for those families who lost loved ones in this chaotic withdrawal. what does that mean to you and what does that mean to your family? >> it brings honor to our family, it brings honor to the 13 families, it brings honor to our nation and we will not forget. on this day in particular, we are all grieving over something that should have never, ever happened the way it did. >> sandra: we hear you paula. this is just some of the gold star parents that i know. so many of you have grown close over the years or at least day in touch. this is some of what we have heard from some of the other gold star parents here on fox news channel peered some from today and some over the
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weekend. >> we can't bring our kids back but what we want to see as the military that is out in the field right now, those families are never going to be put through what we were put thr through. >> there are people that need to stand up and say we screwed up and i apologize to us and apologize to the american people for what took place. to biden and to harris who said she was the last one in the r room. >> sandra: when it comes to president biden and it comes to this administration who obviously made all of the decisions involved here, where are you with that and in terms of accountability, what questions do you have and what more do you want to happen? >> obviously it is accountability. it's the lack of accountability that has really upset the nation on this. it is the lack of empathy and sympathy or a situation that could have easily been at least
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say i'm sorry. at least apologize for a lack of leadership. >> sandra: as we mentioned earlier this morning former president donald trump was there at arlington to honor those fallen soldiers and of course your son, ryan, and we have obtained this new video of the former president in this moment here he is putting flowers at the grave of your son. and i wanted to get you to react to that moment. >> he called me right after that and he expressed his sorrow at the fact that he would have to do that. he reminded me that there are good leaders in our nation who will step up when the time comes we will all be grateful when the change of hand happens.
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>> sandra: this is the former president earlier reacting to this being three years since abbey gate. this is during his campaign stop before that this morning he said this. >> some great, great people who passed away, who were killed and the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. afghanistan. because we had an incompetent president with incompetent people leading at every single one of those people should have been fired. we did so badly that russia went in and invaded ukraine. israel was attacked on oct october 7th. people don't respect us. >> sandra: i want to get your thoughts on that, paula. >> he's right. we lost a lot of credibility in our nation and in our world powers. we have lost it. and the only way we will gain it back as if we become a world power again.
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that we should be. >> sandra: and this is as i mentioned earlier the announcement from speaker johnson on honoring these service members including your son ryan. >> in congress we have a duty to honor the selfless sacrifice and the greatest price that was paid by those 13 brave servicemen and women. what we will do is issue for them for the congressional gold medal to their families. it is the highest honor that congress can pay to civilians or to military personnel, to any group. we will do that. we have to make sure that the american people know that sacrifice. it was the greatest foreign policy blunder of our lifetimes. >> sandra: our thoughts are with you and we know that this does not get any easier for any of you. i want to get a final message from you as i believe this is the first time you and i have spoken and that you have been on this program. people want to hear from you and they want to keep your son and those others memories alive.
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>> as we say and the respect and remember foundation that we found for ryan is we move forward. that's all you can do right now as a nation is move forward from all of this. and we have to do that because we are not just bringing honor to our 13, we are bringing on her back to our nation and that is what is so important right now. those 13 represent the many who are out there. they are willing to risk their lives also. so hang in there. we move forward together. >> sandra: a beautiful mes message. as we go to break, we will play out some pictures of your son so we can all remember him and see how full of life he was and it just an incredible human being. army staff sergeant ryan christian canals, one of the 13 american service members killedt day. thank you so much for joining us. >> yes, ma'am. thank you.with
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>> sandra: we will be right back. ed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at why do some things have to be so complicated? we don't know either stanley... but at least when it comes to dental care aspen dental makes getting new dentures and implants easier. with the technology and expertise to give you the right fit and $0 down plus 0% interest, if paid in full in 18 months. making things as simple as they should be. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> john: a live look at detroit at the national guard association as we await former president trump who will be addressing that association at its annual convention, a move that he made when he was running back in 2016. his address comes after attending a wreath laying ceremony for the 13 u.s. service members who were killed during the botched afghanistan exit today marks three years since that awful day. we will bring you the former president's remarks live when they begin. sandra. >> sandra: meanwhile the troubled boeing star liners returning to earth but without its crew. nasa has decided to keep the two astronauts aboard the international space station until next year. stretching their time and space from eight days, the expected amount of times, to eight months. with more on this. what led nasa to finally make
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this decision? >> good afternoon sandra. after weeks of debate, nasa finally decided in the face of safety that it was too risky to send those two astronauts back home in the troubled boeing star liner after lingering concerns of multiple helium leaks as well as problems with instructors. astronauts butch wilmore and sonny williams have been stuck at the international space station since the beginning of june and will come back in a spacex capsule in february. >> the best news is we have an american alternative to bring them home. >> nasa awarded boeing with a $4.2 billion contract and a elon musk spacex company with a $2.6 billion contract to help develop the agency's human flights space systems. say has completed multiple crude flights as for boeing this star liner flight was their first crude mission.
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>> it's disappointing that they are coming home on star liner but that's okay. it's a test flight. that's what they do. they knew those risks. >> one boeing employee tells the post we hate space acts and feels humiliated. the company is now bailing us out. as for butch and sonny, nasa says they support the decision fully and are enjoying their extra time and space paired they will continue not only research but help with tours around the international space station and in terms of having food and water, it is not a worry for nasa. they have frequent resupply medicines going up to the international space station. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: vice presidential nominee and minnesota governor tim walls facing fresh accusations of lying about his background. walz claimed he got an award from the nebraska chamber of commerce bay back in 1993 but a new blistering little from that chamber's president said that spiritless bring out our panel.
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it was barry kennedy who was the chairman of the chamber of commerce back in 1993 who wrote the letter to walz saying that falling. we have researched the matter and can confirm you have not been recipient of any word from the nebraska chamber of commerce but i'm not going to draw any inclusions in your intentions however we respectfully request that you remove any reference to our organization as it could be considered an endorsement of your candidacy. is he embellishing his record here? >> no. he corrected that. he got it from the junior chamber of commerce of nebraska. there was one word that he misspoke on or they wrote in a different way and he corrected it i believe almost 20 years ago. so i'm very happy as a democrat that this is the dump that the trump campaign is doing on tim walz who has gotten rave reviews and gave a great speech and america is falling in love with him. if this is the best they have,
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i'm pretty happy. >> john: here's a way that harris walz campaign responded to the letter that has resurfaced because it was sent in 2006. they said it governor walz speaks the way people speak openly and off the cuff. the american people appreciate that he tells it how it is and does not talk like a politician and they appreciate the difference between someone who occasionally miss speaks and a pathological liar like donald trump. what does that mean? >> great question. keep in mind that most people think politicians lie but even for the professionals, walz has to be admired. hardly to tell what comes out of tim walz's mouth that is truthful. what does that impact on who americans think they're going to vote for? is it going to be a vice president that says to the president i think differently on this issue. tim walz won't do that. he lines up clearly with where vice president harris is on the issues whether it be on the border, whether it be on price
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controls, whether it be on increasing taxes on everyday items. tim walz is for all of those things. and just as this vice president was with the president on the afghanistan move, just as this vice president was with president biden on adding a tax increase in this year's budget, and policy after policy area, tim walz will line up with kamala harris just like she lines up with joe biden. it is one big administration. >> john: one of the other issues he is accused of being misleading on is the claim that he and his wife went through ivf treatments. listen to what he said. >> look. that includes ivf. and this gets personal for me and my family. when my wife and i decided to have children we spent years going through infertility treatments. and i remember praying every night for a call for good news. the pit in my stomach when the phone rang and the agony when we heard that the treatments hadn't
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worked. so it isn't by chance that when we welcome our daughter into the world, we named her hope. >> john: it's interesting that he did go through fertility treatments he and his wife but he didn't go through ivf. it was intrauterine insemination. iui that his wife went through. and the big difference there is ivf can often create embryos that aren't used and then you have to discard them or think about freezing them in perpetuity. full disclosure my wife and i went through four rounds of ivf. the last time we rolled the dice and we threw it all. there were five that we had left. thankfully we didn't need to make the decision of leftover embryos but there's a big difference there and people say he was including himself in the latter category as opposed to a category that does not come with those same considerations paired what you say. >> he used a procedure called iui. i think he was trying to explain it in the easiest way possible. they used fertility treatments to have their kid. i don't think anybody is going to look at that and say oh, my god, i can't believe.
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>> john: thought the implications are totally different with ivf. >> he and his wife had a hard time having a child and the used fertility treatment to have it. he used the term ivf because that is what almost all americans understand. had he said iui he would've then had to spend 5 minutes. >> john: he could've set fertility treatments. >> he could have but i think if we are going to look at tim walz singh ivf instead of iui and j.d. vance of voting against making ivf legal in this country, he voted against that as a senator, i'm very happy if the trump campaign wants to have the debate over ivf versus iui and someone who tried to ban it and j.d. vance who wants a national abortion ban. to your point, tim walz lines up with kamala harris. j.d. vance love a hard time with donald trump. >> john: trouble when that debate. david. >> as you laid out, this is a very complicated issue for most americans who won't deal with this issue.
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but it does underscore the fact that americans are thinking who's going to make health care better and america. in this case you have a vice president harris who wants to give health care to those who come here illegally. so you as an american are paying the bill and trying to get into see the doctor those lines get longer and they get more complicated. it's also a vice president that on the health care issue has said we should get rid of private insurance. we should only have the government taking care of health care. if you are a voter in the larger discussion on health care issues including ivf and i you left, vice president harris will make it worse, not better our health care system. when americans are already struggling with not only access but the cost of health care. that's where it gives trump a great opportunity to correct one thing jonathan has said. vice president candidate j.d. vance and president trump have both said they would veto a national ban on abortion.
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just need to correct the record there. >> john: we didn't have time to get into the debate but lots of time to talk about that in the future. sandra. >> sandra: thank you very much john. and thank you for that discussion gentleman. a congressional task force investigating the attempted assassination of former president trump heading to the scene in butler, pennsylvania. plus this. >> i will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and american companies to create jobs, to grow our economy, and to lower the cost of everyday needs. >> john: vice president harris talking about her plans for the economy while pushing for price control. while some democrats are saying they doubt it could happen. our panel just ahead on whether it is all just a messaging tactic. stay with us. eze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long.
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>> sandra: vice president harris used her first economic policy speech to call for price controls but politico is reporting democrats are insisting privately that her plan will never pass through congress. dan green house's economist and strategist. steve moore is a senior at the economic advisor for the trump campaign. i don't know but maybe we shouldn't be surprised that they are trying to walk this back. it did not go over well with either side of the aisle this plan to put controls on prices. >> that's right sandra. and people were kind of aghast at this idea. i talked to someone who was a kamala harris spokesman and they said we will have grocery store police going down the aisles and telling the grocery store owners on what they can charge for their peanut butter or their
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eggs and that was praising this. but does show that kamala harris does not have a very firm understanding of the economy. the same thing, i'm kind of surprised that there has been no reaction from wall street about the crazy tax plan that she wants to double capital gains task and tax unrealized capital gains and increase tax on stock transactions which would kill the stock market and i'm asking my friends why it is the market not reacting and they are never going to pass that. what's the point of proposing these things if they will never pass? >> sandra: politico is reporting but "the wall street journal" is suggesting that democrats are enthused by this plan with this headline. praise gouging crusade. you were on vacation. price gouging crusade electrifies democratic delegates unified and blaming corporate greed for high prices for a look
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no further than this selection of democrats going after price gouging at the dnc. listen. >> she will take on the wall street firms that buy out millions of houses and apartments and then jack up the rent. >> the corporation's say your prices are up only because their costs are up. they are selling you alive. >> she will cut red tape so we can build more houses. help new homeowners afford a down payment and to take on corporations at unfairly high rent. >> sandra: maybe i like the spring maybe they will stick like with that. >> i was on vacation and i'm back and fired up about this. >> sandra: you are speechless. >> i want to phrase this correctly. it's correct to say that consumers are frustrated and fed up with high prices. understandably so. we've talked about it on the show numerous times. the numerous price levels are up
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25% since covert and people are upset about that and she is on the right path. >> you are being friendly with cents covid. those started very clearly in this administration after the baton was handed off. >> i don't mean to suggest otherwise but the point i want to make is it was audit to pick supermarkets who have notoriously low profit margins. 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% per this is not the industry that is gou gouging. >> sandra: as we discussed in the earliest hours following this announcement from kamala harris, this is already illegal in 40 states. if there was evidence of this, the states are armed with laws to tackle price gouging. why at the federal level should we see this as anything other than price controls? >> i think there is the source of the problem is that
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kamala harris and her running mate tim walz know nothing about business. this is kind of scary. they know nothing about how a business operates. the whole idea of making a profit is alien to them. meeting a payroll. meeting your expenses. for people like that to be telling businesses how they should operate is sort of offensive actually and the inflation rate because you made a good point. they keep saying cents covid. no, inflation started the month after joe biden came into office and we had it because they spent $5 trillion and they printed $5 trillion. that's why we have inflation. >> sandra: an important distinction. and this is former president trump taking on harris on her economic plans. these are his remarks on friday. >> we will not let kamala and her group turn america into a communist nation. not going to let it happen. can't let it happen. what we are doing is we are cutting taxes, regulations, we will defeat inflation and rapidly bring prices down and make america affordable again. >> sandra: what we have heard
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from both candidates so far, is he putting forth what would be necessary to bring these prices down? end of day that's all anyone cares about. they care about the inflation and they care about the high prices and they just want a better quality of life. >> if you want prices to come down, the answer is always supplied. you want more eggs, grow more expert you want lower gasoline prices, drove from her gas. that's always the answer. you don't want government prices to be regulated up or down by government coming out of washington. it's never going to work. >> sandra: appreciate the discussion. good warm up coming back from vacation. >> i agree with that. >> sandra: how can you not? economics 101. thank you so much guys. john. >> john: former president trump set to address the national guard association and detroit after attending a wreath laying ceremony for the 13 u.s. service members killed at abbey gate. we will bring you his remarks live just ahead.
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>> john: free-speech firestorm in europe. the ceo of a popular messaging app and telegram arrested in france this week and reportedly as part of an investigation into if the app has enough moderators to keep criminal activity under control. what could the implications be
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of the arrest and what implications are there for us free-speech? speak out that's the main concern. what happens next. the tech ceos are posting all over their platforms. they are worried they could be held criminally responsible for content that other people posted on their platform. a police spokesman and this particular case said telegram ceo pavlov derive is accused of failing to cooperate over cyber and financial crimes committed on the encrypted messaging app. we heard from emmanuel macron today and he says the rest of the telegram president took place at for an ongoing judicial investigation that is independent and it is no way a political decision. authorities in france arrested the russian born french citizen just after his private plane landed at an airport outside of paris saturday evening. critics has long said that
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telegram more loosely monitors content than other social media platforms and allows misinformation and disinformation and illegal content to spread online and it could be key here. it does not cooperate with law enforcement. but free-speech advocates say this arrest raises concerns about free-speech and online censorship not just in europe but around the world. >> this is a message to every citizen in france, and england. watch out what you say. watch out what you do. if you speak out against the administration we will know about it and we will come kicking in your doors. we do not want to begin seeing the same type of action here in the united states. >> telegram put out a statement saying it follows all european union laws and that durov has nothing to hide. travels frequently in europe. it adds that it's absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform and we are hearing from other folks including very prominent people
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like elon musk, rfk jr., the head of rumble all chiming in to voice their support for durov. >> john: i do suspect that if x were accused of things, elon musk would be the one they would accuse of. >> and he would post about it. >> john: i'm certain he would. thank you. >> sandra: a live look now as members of the bipartisan congressional task force investigating the attempted assassination of former president trump tour the site of that shooting. chris swecker is on deck and we are awaiting those remarks are from former president donald trump at the conference in detroit. we will bring you that live when they both happen. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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