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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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check this out. red sox camper danny jansen the first player in mlb history to not only play for both teams in the same game but in the same inning as well. in a june 26th game between the red sox and toronto blue jays jansen then on toronto up to bat fenway park. during at bat a rain delay. postponement of the game. a month later jansen was traded from the blue jays to the red sox. so today the game resumed with jansen behind the place as a pinch hitter he finished his suspended at bat for the blue jays. how cool is that? >> i love that. >> bret: tomorrow on "special report" a controversial u.s. rule that treats americans wrongfully detained or held hostages like tax criminals. we'll explain all of that fair, balanced and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" with guest host judge jeanine starts now. ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura
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ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city. we're two weeks out. and kamala is already trying to change the debate rules. >> the truth is they are trying to get out of it because she doesn't want to debate. >> judge jeanine: stunning accusations about secret service measures ahead of the rally where trump was almost killed. >> the secret service, you know, fbi are basically dragging their feet. they are stonewalling us. >> judge jeanine: senator ron johnson is here tonight. plus, vulgar hollywood celebs are trying to drag kamala across the finish line. >> i'm going to vote for [bleep] anyway no matter what she says on the stupid [bleep] interview. >> exactly. >> so don't [bleep] stop. >> judge jeanine: but, first with just 70 days to go until the election, the biggest question on everyone's mind is where are kamala's policies? the campaign tells us she has flip flopped on all her previous plans such as banning fracking
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and private health insurance. so, where is the new stuff? well, don't expect to find out anything between now and november. because, as kamala's campaign told axios, quote: there's not enough time. and that's just fine with left wing activists. >> remember details about obama's policy leading into his election into 2008. i don't. i think what we remember with the hope message which in fact did endure. she has a shorter runway. americans start voting early in september in some states. >> judge jeanine: what an insult to voters. they want y going into the booth completely blind to the democrat candidate's ideas about the country and demanding that you choose her anyway. in fact, you're supposed to be impressed by how she has dodged scrutiny to forge her own path. >> first month since has taken on the mantel of the nominee. done a good job of threading this challenging needle of saying here are the things that
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i have done, that i have been successful on but here's how i'm going to carry that forward in a new way and here's now that i'm at the top of the ticket here is how things are going to feel different. >> judge jeanine: well, for most of america things don't feel any different than a month ago. dangerous illegal immigrants are still crossing the border and roaming our streets. wages aren't ceefing you were inflation delivered since biden dropped out. soviet style price controls. it was so widely criticized her own party won't support it. democrat lawmakers and aides told politico such a bill has no chance of passing congress any time soon, even if the democrats win the white house and congress. so, what was the point of the plan? into the to lower prices but to redirect voters' anger about inflation to corporations.
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blame shifting, blame shifting, that's kamala's agenda and her campaign surrogates are following in lock step. >> how can democrats talk about a new chapter turning the page. you guys are the ones writing the book? well, you know that's not true, generics you know politics like i do. right now cece the maga republicans in congress killing all kind of pragmatic policies that we need to get done. >> judge jeanine: please, republicans are the only ones keeping the biden-harris administration from passing more radical and dangerous legislation. you want to see what the country would look like absent republicans? look at democrat strongholds like chicago and san francisco. harris-walz campaign will try to dodge questions shifted the blame throughout the rest of the campaign voters won't be fooled. joining us now is mollie hemingway, editor and k450e6 of the federalist and a fox news
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contributor. along with ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority. all right, good evening to you both. mollie, i will started with you. piece in the hill actually defends the media's treatment of kamala saying it's hard for the media to cover something that isn't there. but, mollie, why not try to press her to at least answer some questions? >> we have a situation right now in the country where we have a propaganda press that is fully aligned with the harris campaign and, in some ways, is even running that campaign. so, they are -- they are doing everything in their power to drag her across the finish line and they know because of her weakness, her intellectual weakness, her radical positions on pretty much every policy out there the way to drag her across lay low, not to do interviews and even have the president lay low as well. people forget but vice president kamala harris is the incumbent in a failed presidency that has been going on for more than
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three and a half years. and so, the press and the kamala harris campaign are best understood as the same entity. and so they will be doing everything in their shared interest. which is not dealing with the reality of what her policy positions are, and that's -- you know, that's a real threat to a republic that needs to know and have a campaign here. >> judge jeanine: all right. the harris campaign is trying to act like she is really serious on the issues. take a look at. this have you one candidate who is actually serious about better security. who is serious about comprehensive immigration reform that's kamala harris. another candidate who is solely interested in fanning the flames and serving himself. that's donald trump. that's the fundamental contrast on this issue and frankly all issues between our candidate, kamala harris, who is fighting to actually bring people together in search of solutions. >> judge jeanine: ned, what exactly has she con for the border? >> absolutely nothing. in fact, 12 million illegals for the three and a half years that she was border czar. i mean, they are lying through their teeth,and it's pretty
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obvious where she stands on all these issues. we have plenty of video footage and public staples. 100 percent for green new deal. 100 percent for universal healthcare. foe dined funding the police and confiscating guns. late term abortions. three weeks ago, judge, she was in the white house praising bidenomics. so we will assume she will be a continuation of that failed economic policy. and the other thing, too. to be aware of, the whole point of what is taking place right now. >> the reason that they're lying and stalling is not that she is going to be changing on any of those issues, it's that she is trying to hide for the voters with the help from the corporate propagandist who she actually is far left neo-marxist socialist candidate. the farthest left candidate democrats have ever put up. >> judge jeanine: without a doubt. you know, mollie, the dnc chairman offered absurd praise for kamala even for a democrat. take a look. >> scared to be beaten by this woman, this black woman who is
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so capable and so intelligent and is probably the most equipped person to be president of the united states walking on the face of this earth. >> judge jeanine: i remember when they said hillary was the most qualified person ever. how did that work out? up in the a few weeks ago everyone kind of agreed that kamala harris was a very bad vice president. she had been a drag on the biden ticket. in fact, she is not known for being incident electric actual bright spot. trouble with speak and retaining information. she can do a quick answer on something. doesn't do well with follow-up questions or any sort of details. that's why she has not done well in previous debate performances. her first answer usually is pretty good. once you have to get more substance, it's not there. but this gas lighting of the country that is going on, again, by democrats and the media, which are the same thing at this point, where they are taking this really problematic person and saying that she is actually great it might work in the short
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run but i don't know if it works through the election. >> judge jeanine: ned, finally, kamala harris' pledge to do an interview before the end of the month, this is the last week of the month do you think she dual it number one and will she probably do it with walz because she can't do it alone? >> if she does it, she will do it extremely friendly corporate propagandist outlet and softball questions. now incumbent on the trump campaign and any super pacs or conservative groups allied with trowrch nonstop running her statements on all of these issues, on tv ads, digital ads, every piece of literature they can find to make it very clear to the american people who she is. even if she wants to hide who she is. even if the corporate propagandist going to ally themselves with her and cover up for her until november 5th. >> judge jeanine: it will be very interesting. mollie and ned, thank you very much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> judge jeanine: it's been degree years since 13 u.s. service members were killed during the botched afghanistan pullout. and while biden may have been the one to make the final
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decision, he wasn't the only one involved. >> president biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was for president obama. he just made a really big decision. afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. and you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> as gold star families mourned the loss of their loved one at arlington national cemetery today, trump was the one who showed up for them. not kamala nor joe. neither of whom had any public events scheduled. >> form herb president being at arlington national cemetery for the wreath laying, the current president, current vice president both put out paper statements. i'm just wondering is, that enough given what happened three years ago? >> neither going to arlington nor any individual paper statement is ever going to be enough to repay these families.
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>> judge jeanine: john, kirby also suggested today that kamala and joe may not have even been invited by the families. joining us now is tulsi gabbard. former 2020 democrat presidential candidate and fox news contributor. tulsi, you were there today along with president trump. how important was it for him to be there today? one thing that ran through my mind as i was there, joining president trump in honoring the ultimate sacrifice that these 13 service members paid sharing the sorrow that these gold star families still feel and will always feel at the loss of their loved ones, meanwhile, where is kamala harris? where is joe biden? well, joe biden is on vacation and kamala harris is running a campaign based on joy and vibes her way around. i can tell how was not laughing, the families survivors of that
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of this democrats disastrous afghanistan withdrawal. this is personal for me, judge, and so many other americans who know firsthand the cost of war. we have seen and experienced it first happened we know how important it is to have a commander-in-chief who values every single one of our lives and has the strength and courage to exercise all means of diplomacy, meeting with dictators, allies, adversaries, partners in the pursuit of peace, recognizing that war is always and should always be a last resort. i endorsed president trump today because he has those qualities. and he has proven that he is that commander-in-chief. kamala harris has proven she is not we're closer to the brink of nuclear war than ever before. closer to world war iii because of harris and biden and their policies. >> one of the slain troops spoke out against kamala harris today, take a listen.
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>> vice president harris is now running to be commander-in-chief. i wonder do you have a message for her? >> you were with the whole administration in all of this. you hold the same accountability as president biden does you were right beside him in making these decisions. this administration has tried to sweep it under the rug. and that's absolutely not going to work for this nation. >> you know, tulsi, your response to that? >> i want to know if kamala harris has personally called every one of these 13 families and the families of those who came home injured there was a triple amputee there today there to honor the loss the of his brothers and sisters. has she called them to apologize for the decision they made that resulted in this disastrous withdrawal and an explosion and an attack that took these 13 service members' lives that was
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completely preventable. kamala harris is completely unfit to serve as our commander-in-chief. >> voters, regardless of whether you are democrats or republicans, need to know that truth. because that's really what this election is about, judge. it's not about democrats versus republicans. it's about having a president who stands for freedom, peace, and prosperity, which is donald trump versus having a president in kamala harris who attacks our freedoms and censors us and uses political retaliation. who pushes us to the brink of war. and who created this economic hardship for americans across the country. that's really the choice that we have before us for me as a service member, as a veteran, it's a very clear choice. i love our country. i cherish peace and freedom and i'm supporting donald trump in this election so he can be our commander-in-chief once again. >> judge jeanine: it's interesting, tulsi. cnn tried to attack trump for attending the wreath ceremony. listen. >> is he politicizing the soldiers' deaths. should he be at arlington
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national cemetery if he is going to make brings out of this. >> i just look at president biden under whose leadership we actually ended and made the tough decision to end our nation's longest war. that was the right decision by president biden. >> judge jeanine: i guess the question should have been why wasn't biden in attendance as well. i want to ask you just four years ago, you were one of four democrats running against donald trump. today you endorsed trump. why? >> like i said, i have just made the case the choice in this election is very clear and i'm county if elected as president again, donald trump has the strength and backbone to stand up to the military industrial complex and keep us out of these unnecessary wars of choice. i want to point back to that clip you just played. let's remember that joe biden on that debate stage did not even remember that his decision resulted in the deaths of 13 of my brothers and sisters in uniform. donald trump this morning, he didn't have a big crowd out there at arlington cemetery.
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it was him standing and grieving with these gold star families for hours you, this wasn't just a drive by photo op. he stayed with them for hours and helped to console them and thank them for their sacrifice that they have made for our great country. >> >> judge jeanine: was it emotional for the president. >> it was extremely emotional. it was extremely emotional for everyone who was there groups of loved ones and family and friends it was two survivors who were there at that attack in abbey gate in kabul who came back who were seriously injured now for the rest of their lives. it was such a powerful, powerful day. i'm grateful to have been there. to offer my own sincere gratitude for their service and sacrifice. but it's so important that we have leaders who do this, who not just do it for a photo op., but actually express as president trump did this morning. i saw it, i felt it, i experienced it. the sor sorrow that he felt fore great loss not only that
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families have felt but country endured. >> judge jeanine: he clearly didn't look at his watch as joe biden did. tulsi gabbard, thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> judge jeanine: coming up, kamala is getting scared, so she is trying to change the rules. the debate over the debate is up next. ♪
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trying to change the rules. let's go live to white house where fox's jacqui heinrich is standing by. all right, jacqui. >> jacqui: good evening to you, judge. the same campaign leadership team that wrote these rules for biden is now pushing to change them for harris. this is how they frame it, quote: the vice president is ready to deal with trump's constant lies and interruptions in real time. trump should stop hiding behind them the mute button. back in may they called for muted mics for the benefit of the american voters. saying, quote: there should be firm time limits for answers and alternate times to speak so that the time is evenly guided and we can have an exchange of views not an spectacle of mutual interruption. harris has yet to explain major
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shifts in policy positions in 2020, so it appears that her campaign is really trying to set her up for a repeat of this highlight. >> mr. vice president, i'm speaking. >> i have to weigh. >> in mr. vice president i'm speaking. [laughter] >> i'm speaking. if you don't mind letting me finish. we can then have a conversation. okay? >> style over substance is shaping up to be part of the sell. at least for now. harris still has not explained her border plan. her ads highlight trump's border wall on foreign policy. democrats say she will break from biden on key issues like israel but as for specifics they repeated biden's lines. >> of course it will be different leader different experiences. she supports israel's right to defend itself but the which manner it does so is critical. it's key. >> the points harris has explained have been quietly red lined by her allies. congressional democrats, ad cording to politico telling critics of grocery price kaplan that it's not viable and it's merely a messaging tactic.
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she is going to need a bit more from a messaging tactic ahead of this debate and also her interview, which is slated for some time between now and the end of this month, five days from now, judge. >> judge jeanine: it will be interesting to see if it happens, jacqui, what do you think? >> we will see, we hope. >> judge jeanine: thanks, joining. >> thanks. >> judge jeanine: joining us now is victor davis hanson senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor, two weeks before the debate and now kamala's team is pulling this. so, let me see if i have this right. i think trump first said yeah, he will go by the muted mic thing and then he said i don't care what you do. you can leave it on or leave it off. she, i suspect, wants that viral moment where she said also, at the dnc. to protesters at one of the valleys, it wasn't at the dnc, i'm speaking. >> yeah, i boy the point is that
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we're in a -- we have never been here before and we have never within here at all, judge. never had a debate before either candidate was nominated. trump agreed to that before the convention. and he went into a hostile territory at cnn. then they had another suggestion they go to abc where john karl, george stephanopoulos, rachel scott are on record as being very critical of donald trump, and he agreed to all the rules they went by in this historic preconvention debate. and then they -- they are trying to back out. we know what they're doing. because she is the only candidate in memory that she can lose the election in 10 minutes. and they know that because she doesn't -- after 500 words, she exhausts her vocabulary, wash, rinse, spin and repeat. know that this avoidance has become an obsession compulsion and fixation with them. they do anything not to let her
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go. the interview where she is running out the clock on that as we get to the end of august and her promised rendezvous with disinterested journalist. she has to have walz at her side. we have never seen that before where the president and vice president this late in the cycle will have an interview. i think she is in a doom loop. she knows she has to come out. people are getting angry that she is hiding. and, yet, she knows that if she does, she could lose the election. it's just like her platform. she knows she has to get a new platform. if she does get a new platform, everybody will say you have abandoned your radical woke path and we don't support you anymore. >> judge jeanine: right. the trump campaign told fox news digital that karen dunn, who is part of the team prepping kamala for the debate is simultaneously working as google's lead defense attorney in the biden-harris administration's lawsuit against the tech giant. the trump team is calling it a conflict of interest. your reaction to this, victor?
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j it's more of the same, judge. the thing that frightens them is he will debate anyone any time anywhere. everybody knows that the problem his handlers have if there are handlers, i don't think there are let him do whatever he wants. he speaks his mind on anything. that message to the american people like him or not is he authentic and general wine. this is the most stealthy campaign we have ever seen. >> this is a construct. they have taken the problem with joe biden being unable to speak extemporaneously and they have just mock i can't find it into her. they got the same problem this time they think they can get away with it because they only have 70 days and trying to run out the clock. as soon as she gets behind in the polls like two or three points she will be begging for a debate. she won't have a choice. >> judge jeanine: the chances of her getting behind in the polls are exacerbated by her speaking or her doing a debate. i think they know that i think they realize that this is where
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she stumbles when she has got to think. right, victor? >> yeah. yeah. and she is bleeding though. she can't debate and she can't avoid it and she is trying to run out the clock. there is mounting pressure. the r.f.k. development, trump has been very good on messaging, they got great ads. she is going to start to bleed. and she falls behind, she won't have a choice but. she thinks she can postpone that until the election. but there's a lot of ego grow centric narcissistic left wing reporters who want the occasion to give her softballs and give her credit and they are getting angry. expwreen jean going to be very interesting, victor. we are talking about r.f.k. later in the show so thanks for joining us. and, coming up: just how badly did the secret service screw up the planning at the butler rally? the shocking new allegations, next. ♪ ing, but sometimes it can start to slow down. but did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp?
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>> judge jeanine: secret service said they would deny extra manpower request ahead of the rally where trump was almost killed. senator josh hawley says the whistleblower told him the agents in charge of the trip were encouraged not request any additional security because, quote, trump is a former president and not the incumbent president or vice president. so, he wouldn't get it. >> they never provided us -- and i think it came from the white house. they never provided us with the number of people that we should have had for the massive rallies that he would h like the size of butler. you saw to you that sands and thousands of people as far as the eye could see. i have always said that i just felt it. they never gave us the number of people in terms of secret service people that were necessary. >> after hearing that it should
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come as no surprise to you that there are accusations the secret service and the fbi are stonewalling congressional probes. the house bipartisan task force investigating the shooting went to butler today and are ready subpoenas if the agencies don't cooperate. joining me now is wisconsin senator ron johnson. senator, thank you so much for being here tonight. how transparent has the secret service and the fbi been with you? >> well, judge, you first have to understand this is not my first rodeo investigating federal agencies. you know, the fbi, the secret service, they are the law. and they hold themselves above the law. so i understand the techniques they use. so, we have requested transcribed interviews. when we had acting director roe in front of our committee he said those interviews were starting days, not weeks. it took them a week or. so but, they are giving us secret service personnel that really can't tell us a whole
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lot. so we're not learning much. i wanted to immediately talk to the snirpts snipers. i also asked the deputy director of the fbi in that hearing, you know, will you release the 302s of your interviews. the fbi something like 460 interviews. their springs of those things are called 302s, again, they are the same as the single shooter. there is no rationale for them to withhold that information from congress. get those to us as soon as possible. we haven't received one 302 from the fbi which would be very helpful to us. we may not have to interview people if we understand that the fbi's interviews reveal what we need to know. you know, we have not talked, for example, to the sniper who took the shot. there are conspiracy theories out there that he had this person in his sight. asked for permission to take him out. was denied. the secret service denies that. but, i haven't been able to talk to that sniper. i haven't been able to get that information. so what i have been saying is if
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you are to design. >> judge jeanine: senator. >> judge, if you were to design a system, an investigation that was designed to raise suspicion and drive conspiracy theories, you couldn't do a better job than what the secret service and fbi are doing right now. >> judge jeanine: there is no question. you know, so things are so negligent so, reckless that they border on the intentional. and the failure to give you a 302 when you have oversight over this agency is rather stunning. what is their excuse? are they just, you know, stalling you or do they think -- are they saying you are not entitled to it? >> they don't give us excuses. >> judge jeanine: all right. >> when they redact information. congress is not subject to redactions. they can be redacted for foia requests. congress, we shouldn't have anything redacted. something censored we can go in a scif and review did so, if they do redact something, there has to be some explanation for
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doing something. there has to be a log. you know, they don't provide us those logs. this isn't just investigation these investigations for years. in the past. >> judge jeanine: senator, the fbi told the angle, quote: any suggestion the fbi is interfering with congressional investigation efforts is inaccurate and unfounded we remain committed to maximum transparency as we continue to share information with congress. senator? >> well then give us the 302s. >> i'm not saying they are interfering. i'm saying they are just not cooperating, they are not being transparent. not with us and not with the american public. what we know about what happened, on july 13th, comes primarily from local law enforcement, and rally goers. we really haven't heard any new information from either the secret service or the fbi. maybe a few things, but, again, there are so many questions remain unanswered there. >> judge jeanine: there are a
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couple of things. we just heard about five of these concrete service agents, including one ahead of the pittsburgh office being put on administrative leave. that didn't happen until like friday. do you think that that was, you know, that happened just before you guys went there and do you have any information on why they they were placed on leave? second question is it how it was it like a day they said crooks was acting alone. they didn't do an investigation at that point. >> yeah. i have no idea. i don't know who those five individuals are that were placed okay administrative leave. >> judge jeanine: special agents. >> why they were placed on leave. baffling to me that they released the body through cremation before we have seen any autopsy reports, any toxicology reports. you just can't explain these things. >> judge jeanine: senator, what would be the body tell you? would there be tattoos? what would you look for in a body? why cream mate him so quickly? >> well, first of all, again,
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acting director roe didn't tell the public it was actually a local law enforcement individual who took the first shot. was crooks hit twice? we don't know. the toxicology reports. was he being administered certain types of drugs like ssris? do they want to cover that up. there are reports he had encrypted accounts in different countries around the world. >> judge jeanine: we don't know what they say. >> that's not normal behavior. again, i agree with you, the fbi -- one guy acting alone on what basis have they made that call. >> judge jeanine: senator, thanks for being with us tonight. up next, elon musk to the rescue. plus, team harris sticks to what she knows best. her basement strategy. ♪
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experience how great splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) ♪ >> judge jeanine: elon musk to the rescue. the billionaire readying spacex to save two astronauts strand ted international space station by nasa and boeing. fox news senior correspondent kevin corke is standing by with all the details. kevin? >> it doesn't seem fair to say that elon musk consolidating his position as america's dominant private space company. how else at the describe the
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company. ferry home a pair of nsa astronauts from space butch will more and suni williams went up for what was supposed to be a short 8 day mission in space for 80 days on the international space station in weightless limbo yes they are fine. it's elon musk and spacex to the rescue to bring them home. it's going to take a while. the two astronauts will have to wait another six months for the spacex crew drag gone spacecraft to carry them home safely and they have plenty of work to do, we're told. and sufficient supplies this is happening despite the fact that elon musk is the numerous federal investigations into his company and companies, that means you are putting country over your political and personal preferences as if this story couldn't get any more interesting. i thought it notable to point out the chair of the national space council is none other than
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vice president kamala harris. who knew? >> judge jeanine: isn't that special? all right, kevin, thanks so much. >> now that the conventions are wrapped up. the candidates are starting their big campaign sprints around the country, well, at least trump is. today he made stops in virginia and detroit and later in the week he returns to michigan and will campaign in wisconsin old battleground states. >> this fight is no longer between democrats and republicans, this is a fight between communism and freedom. serious fight. that's why millions of traditional democrats including fdr democrats and jfk democrats and independents old fashioned liberals are joining our movement. >> judge jeanine: meanwhile, team kamala is struggling to keep up with trump's fast pace campaign launching a bus tour in georgia. joining me now is lara trump
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co-chair of the national committee. you just heard the president saying this isn't about democrats against republicans and we see that now with jfk jr. and tulsi gabbard's endorsements, how will the former president trump use that to change the minds of the independents and democrats? >> yeah. well, this is really, it's not about republicans vs. democrats. this is about saving our country, judge, at this point. and i think everybody feels it. you can feel the weight of this election. and i actually don't think you can overstate how monumental it was to receive this r.f.k. jr. endorsement on friday for donald trump. this is a guy in r.f.k. jr. whose family name is synonymous with the democrat party and, yet, he himself was so disenfranchised by this party and so dejected as a result of their tactics to keep him out of the race. remember, he wanted to run as a democrat, think about what the voters on the democrat side would have h they could have
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voted for somebody instead of given kamala harris. but he was so upset with the things that he saw happen that he said not only am i exiting the race, not only am i going to say i can't be a part of the democrat party anymore. but i'm going to go out and i'm going to endorse donald trump, talk about putting your country before your party. this was absolutely incredible. and you look, judge, at the margins by which some of those states you just mentioned were won in 2016 and 2020. and a lot of those states it came down to like 1% or 2%. you look at the fact that r.f.k. jr. is polling around 5% in a lot of the swing states. what did he do he? took himself off the ballot in swing states. even if donald trump is able to get 1% or 2% of the voters that would have otherwise voted for r.f.k., that could make this elections, you look at pennsylvania, you look at georgia, north carolina, arizona, nevada. this could be huge. bret. >> judge jeanine: it is huge. here is what cnn said.
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they were worried about r.f.k. endorsing trump and that could derail kamala's vibe train. go take a look. >> latest swing state polls show kennedy with 5% or 6% of the vote. when you think about it overall you may think it's no big deal. if that is the case in swing states, it is huge, it is everything. it is more than the margin between harris and trump in some of those staple states. >> judge jeanine: lara, 10 seconds how worried should they be? >> all she has got is the vibes. you got nothing look at her website. donald trump wants to deliver it back to we the people. fix what she broke. people know that and that's why r.f.k. came over and enendorsed along with tulsi gabbard. people know that. >> judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us tonight. a hollywood director tells kamala she might do well to shut up and is everything in the harris campaign staged? raymond arroyo has it in "seen and unseen," next. ♪
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>> laura: is then foreseen and unsure where real the story behind the headlines. for that return to fox news contributor raymond arrorate, ko public events today is still no interview since taking the nomination from joe biden. >> biden is probably sunbathing -- but kamala harris is probably doing debate prep at the white house and now director quentin tarantino is offering her this sage advice... >> she's all about winning the db election all right? it is a -- it's about deeply winning. it's a mad baby bash and she is running and she's not stopping to stumble because i'm going to -- no matter what she says in these bb interviews notably leave it up. >> exactly. >> that's a lot of cursing
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and a lot of boots -- i think he would call that kind of advice fiction. but judge, how does this square with what kamala harris said herself? >> never let anyone tell you who you are. you show them who you are. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: the amazing part of that is we -- blank slate. >> but like it's working for her for the time being but it's obvious that even quentin tarantino and her -- his supporters actually have confidence in what she articulating, policy, and! >> judge jeanine: they don't care. >> she's going to back the court. i want to talk about that either and you can believe anything you s see. everything is staged down to instagram dances. my favorite part of this is nancy pelosi counting the beads. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: there is still cringing but the hole harris campaign is fake. i had black when i read the washington post piece with the headline "doug m. half, modern-day sex symbol." >> i saw that. the upshot of the peace was either something -- he gave up his career to support his wife so kamala is the allah and she makes him a sex symbol. that this look like a thick symbol to you, judge? i'm just asking. >> hey. it's dug. [laughter] i'm on my way to an early meeting. again. it's doug. and for once -- what seem like far too many minutes i hung up. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: i don't know what to say. ray montgomery don't know what to say. keep thinking and charm when
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he says dog, it's dave. >> anyway you can't sell this is a sex symbol. come on down the next is the ideal in the masculine physique. so dodging an assassin's bullet is not masculine but this is masculine? come on, give me a break. >> judge jeanine: all right. raymond. and kamala's running mate tim walz no cut up in another like concerning a chamber of commerce. >> apparently when he ran for congress, back in 26 -- 2006's website stated he one an award from the nebraska timber commerce for his contributions to the business community. guess what? then president of the chamber of commerce said it never happened. i'm not -- another lie. there's a string of these lies judge. >> judge jeanine: that's really sad. the guy lies about anything from his service record to this. it's bad. >> to the white man, was he's cooking. [laughter] it's all a lie. meanwhile president trump went to an actual business
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today, of vietnam's restaurant in virginia he got a wild reception. >> make america great again! >> mr. trump: i learned vietnamese mack-- >> we will fight for you, sir. >> we need you for the next four years. >> judge jeanine: you know what donald trump is willing to go anywhere anytime. >> and it's not scripted and there are no tiktok dances. it's authentic. that's what people want to see. >> judge jeanine: raymond, thank you. that's it for us tonight. i'm judge jeanine pirro and four laura ingraham. make sure catch us every monday through friday "the five" and follow me on instagram at... [ text on screen ] thanks for watching, jesse watters takes it from here. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: welcome to


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