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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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voters get nothing from hearing candidates yell over each other." peter from st. paul, minnesota, "not only is kamala not from oakland, she spent most of her teen years in montréal, canada." woman is from berkeley in canada and never talks about it. we will. jake from collegeville, pennsylvania, "biden did an extra week of vacation to heal his wounds from all of pelosi's backstabbing." probably getting a little plastic surgery on the back. mark from nunavut act, connecticut, "instead of a presidential library maybe biden get a presidential sandcastle." [laughter] i'm just thinking him struggling to pick up that beach chair. that was stuff dvr the show, john is next. always remember, i am watters, and this is "my world." >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to. >> everyone: hannity," tonight the most deceptive, this on his carefully presidential campaign in human history, it rolled on apparently kamala harris and tim walz they are so toxic and radical and unlikable, frankly dangerous and incompetent that the harris campaign is trying as hard as possible to hide behind them away, for 70 days until election day. noted that interviews, no press conferences, no town halls. an entire financial campaign without any direct communication with the voters in our country. no questions, no interviews. and now little in terms of any specific agenda. they don't have time. al explain. it is insane but at some point this week we are told kamala harris and tim walz are planning to finally down for a joint interview. i'm sure weather one of her adoring contributors and fans in the mob in the state run media. don't expect any tough questions. don't expect -- just lots of
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phony joy in laughing and a lot of giggling and lying platitudes. there's a party of joy and a party of freedom! management people that would take away more freedom than any administration in history which i will explain. but also, tonight, kamala isn't just dodging tough interviews are any -- any interviews, she is also evidently afraid to debate donald trump. no less! unless, of course, restrict new conditions are now met. she refused to do a fox news debate altogether at that was just two risky for some too rescue for seminars and confident as she is in a last-minute, she wants to change the rules of the upcoming abc debate, rules that democrats themselves demanded in the first place -- first phrase nash my first place, rule she agreed to at the last minute. in contrast to previously agreed-upon rules, mahle now wants both mike's -- mics to
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be hard to hold them. reason is obvious, kamala, she wants manufacturing what i will call another i am speaking moment. very similar to the vice presidential debate in 2020. you might recall "i'm speaking, i'm speaking, did you know i'm speaking, i'm speaking to go take a look. she's speaking. >> she says because the president wanted people to remain calm that will last -- >> this is important and i want -- mr vice president, i'm speaking. and speaking. is this was to be a debate based on fact and truth and the truth and the fact is joe biden has been very clear that he will not raise taxes on anybody who makes less than $400,000 -- >> -- >> mr vice president, i'm speaking. >> the important is to say the true spirit i'm so glad we went through a little history lesson. let's do that a little more. in 1860 -- spirit i would like you to answer the question. >> mr vice president, i'm speaking. i'm speaking. okay? >> sean: he goes on and on.
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ritually tomorrow herbert debate phrase, you know, "i'm speaking, of the shirts and fundraising e-mails callahan -- you want the manufacturer another viral moment. "i'm speaking, mr trump." "i'm speaking." i'm speaking, she's speaking because they know even liberal abc even there she's going to get destroyed if the issues are about substance. and aside from a couple of horrendous economic policies like the disastrous idea of price controls, the largest tax increase in the history of our country in the history of the world, even taxing unrealized capital gains which is insane and possible, mahle has not detailed any other position. now there are not even policies are believed that are listed on her website, the mob completed as they are big donors that they are part of their get away with this and according to axioms -- axios today, at this news, don't expect to hear about
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kamala's believes moving forward. and the reason they're now giving is because there's not quite enough time to come up with policy positions and beliefs before election day. not enough time? nine has been in office nearly four years, she's already run for president one time. and detailed in tremendous amount of proposals, you know, medicare for all, universal healthcare, abolishing freedom and your right to private health insurance. oh that's right, defunding ice, the funding, dismantling b. loss as a concerned police, she wants to decriminalize illegal immigration and, of course, offer free healthcare, housing, medication, running mate wants precollege education for the unvetted illegals the element of the country. she very clearly said she wants to ban fracking and drilling, and get rid of the filibuster to pass the marxists 93 trillion-dollar green new deal and raise
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taxes on everyone and everything. these are her stated policy positions in her own words that the media refuses to show the country. unless she tells us something different, but she doesn't -- she doesn't get off teleprompter. of course, we know all about her readership failures as vice president. we know she's a real border -- border czar as a person in charge of the national space council. by the way those poor astronauts, we're going to get them in 2025, wow. also played a vital role in the afghan withdrawal disaster remember afghanistan, the disaster? will tonight mark the three year anniversary of the terror attack at kabul international airport. remember, 15 u.s. service members or more than 150 others lost their lives that americans abandon behind enemy lines and our allies that we promised we would never do this to pack they were abandon behind enemy lines to make many of them by the way we left a list of what. [laughter] with their names are many of them out of their homes,
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never seen or heard from again, thanks to joe and kamala. and while mass chaos was unfolding at kabul's airport it was one of the most devastating humiliating moments in american history and it was all caused by joe biden and kamala harris who brags about playing a critical role in that decision to begin the deadly withdrawal from afghanistan. you might remember kamala in her own words, take a lesson... >> president biden always said that he wanted you to be the last person in that room particularly for a big decision to see -- -- you just made a really big decision, afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable? >> i do. and i'm going to add to that. this is the president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. >> sean: know that was not courage. as a country of afghanistan
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was rapidly collapsing in horrific scenes of carnage and chaos unfolded in realtime, cab -- and i was smiles just days before service members were killed. take a look. >> pulled on. hold on. slow down, everybody. i want to talk about two things. first, afghanistan. we can have a hire per weight you right no and in particular, i -- my priority is making sure that we safely evacuate american citizens. afghans who worked with us, afghans that risk putting women and children, and that is one of our highest -- if not highest variety right n now. >> sean: what's so funny you mexican-americans are dead and we have hundreds of americans abandon behind enemy lines, our allies abandoned and many of them ended up dead. and by the way, today, trump,
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not kamala, not joe, they went to arlington national cemetery. president. >> that. to honor the service members who were more -- murdered during that joe biden couldn't be bothered. is now on his second consecutive beach vacation without a care in the world and we have no idea what kamala harris is doing today. earlier while president. >> i did this -- this to say, you know, as it relates to this very solemn ask that anniversary. take a look. >> mr. trump: caused by kamala harris, joe biden back the humiliation in afghanistan set off the collapse of american quit ability and respect all around the world. our country will never be safe again until we have fired those responsible for this disaster. when i think office, we will ask for the resignations of every single official. [applause]
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we'll get the resignations of every single senior official who touch the afghanistan calamity to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day. >> sean: wears kamala harris? why did she give a speech taking responsibility for the tremendous failures in afghanistan. you just three years ago she was bragging about success and being the last person in the room making the call believe afghanistan. and now she's mia, missing in action. 's pathetic, you know, how much -- how much -- how much more pathetic and you get? she's not attending she wasn't around three years ago, she had nothing to do with omit -- she wants americans to believe that she is not an incumbent and on the one i'm going to fix inflation got on the what i'm going to fix the border. what have you been doing the last three and a half years? you are the vice president of the country. and you're not responsible for the border crisis or inflation are any of the other failures of the administration that bears her
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name? is the biden-harris administration. instead everything is donald trump's fault? somehow democrats who have been in charge for what paul out of the last 16 years are completely blameless for any of our woes? the dog bites the bee stings your feelings that just blame trump. hay trump erin mcculloch joy. you know, have no agenda whatsoever can take a way people's freedoms and see your freedom party because that is what's happening, piccolo. >> donald trump will sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his wall street friends. >> donald trump, theegala tong an j.d. vance. >> let me tell you what a radical agenda is. and that is trump's project 2025. >> donald trump. >> donald trump speak. >> president joe biden: @.
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>> donald trump. >> when president from. >> the truth is that donald trump sees power as nothing more than a mean to his ends. >> to donald trump. >> donald trump. >> for years, donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. >> donald trump. >> donald from. >> donald trump. >> the felon has no plans to lower costs for families. but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. >> sean: they lie about abortion, the layabout project 2025, they lie about the economy cal raleigh about immigration. the lie about everything. this is the most bizarre this honest, campaign in history. to sum it up, the person i got zero primary votes has conducted zero interviews, zero press conferences and doesn't have any stated
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policy positions on their website and may not have time between no and election day, wants your board because she hates donald trump and they hope you do too even if your life was significantly better which it was under the last administration. they claim to be as they say the party of joy in the party of freedom. what you want to take a way your guns, they want to mandatory gun buyback. they want you and your family to pay for the unvetted illegal immigrants that they're allowing in to the country, they want you to pay for their housing counter healthcare education, even college education in minnesota. we want to force you to pay more for energy and by banning fracking and banning drilling. the freedom party, the joy party county want to take a way your gas power vehicles county want to force an ev into your driveway whether you walkman or not. to freedom and joy party wants to take a way your private healthcare system. the freedom and joy party wants to force stomach and hygiene products into boys' bathrooms and image storage want want to give your
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children gender affirming care and take away your knowledge and your consent. in other words, your right as a parent. what joy? what freedom? but in 70 days will frankly it is less than that but there's three weeks from tomorrow, early voting begins in pennsylvania or make that is 22 days from today. and mail-in ballots go out in places like north carolina in two weeks. there's not a lot of time. here was a reaction for the congressman mike waltz is with us along with aaron hoover, all-star father. u.s. marine corps sergeant taylor hoover that he was killed in afghanistan three years ago. mr hoover, my -- all our love and prayers and support for you and your family. i don't know if anyone ever overcome something like this. i would assume the answer is no. >> thanks for having me, and you are correct. the answer is absolutely not. you know, a parent shouldn't be the one burying their child. you know, it's a summer day
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-- sombre they but it also idea remember rents that we get to highlight his life and his actions, his heroic actions and those of his fellow members that were there with him that day. and, you know, for all the -- for all of the wishing and wanting and wish we had him back, you know, we could be -- couldn't be more proud of him and proud of all of the rest of them that stood tall and still in the breach that day, those two weeks leading up to that day and i continue to do so and grateful that we have men and woman still wanting to join up. >> sean: let me get to you, congressman. because i think this is important. the fact that they view this as a success and they bragged about it is alarming in and of itself.
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she is the last person in the room. okay. donald trump has a very different foreign policy. we didn't lose a single american the last 18 months he was president in afghanistan. and he's told us the story why he told us that he called the head of the taliban and actually head of the taliban no his exact position while talking to him and basically implying why do you show me a picture of my house, because i know where you are and i will come for you first. basically to me that what the message donald trump was saying -- sending. this is just one small -- one small position are what are the most radical positions ever and she doesn't want to talk to the american people. we have a lot of problems going on here and she just wants to duck and hide in dodge and weave and basically hide in the basement and the media so far is letting her get in the -- letter away with it.
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>> sean, president trump is a tough guy. he's a commander-in-chief. and he knows how to deal with whether it's the terrace actually, putin, or the ayatollahs. and when he tells abdul ahead of the taliban, excuse me, we are going to have a missile in your house if you don't live up to your end of the bargain, that you don't have any americans killed. that is what we need in a commander-in-chief and what we saw today in arlington was a commander-in-chief who cared at a commander-in-chief who was present and stood with these families at their gravesite and you know what else he promised them on top of promising accountability and to fire every official, he promises these families transparency. the other thing they haven't gotten from harris or biden. and when he's back in office, hillbillies all the tapes at
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all the videos, all the e-mails, you know, all of it so that they have the closure and the answers that they need. so this is a commander-in-chief we have to have anything that was so infuriating today, sean, was that everybody's standing there -- letter, i've lost we buried in combat, we had a cemetery full of people we lost but everybody standing there new this didn't have to happen. this was senseless. darren hoover did not have to lose his son, taylor avenue and that everybody knows you take the military out after you take our civilians and you take our allies out. i mean, president trump says it best, a 5-year-old would know that. so we have to have president trump back into office, as commander-in-chief that can take care of our families take care of our veterans and deal with the likes of the caliban, xi jinping, putin
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and the rest. >> sean: i don't think if your kamala harris at all like they haven't be a biden. what words, mr hoover, do you have for the american people. we saw what happened when the bodies were returned home and joe biden looked at them -- he was looking at his watch, right? >> yes, he was. every single time that a casket came off of that pl plane, he was checking it. you know, to the american people, just please understand that what president trump did today means all that we could have ever asked for in the world. he cares, he has done from day one when we sat down with him and both mar-a-lago, bedminster, when we were at his rallies, when we were at the rnc. the man cares deeply about this country and i wish. >> announcer: i wish so bad that the rest of the country can see what we see about his
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back behind the scenes, the love, the compassion. the honor the integrity behind everything that he does. and make no mistake about it, he is very measured. but as far as the biden and harris administration, we still, to this day, still, to this day, we have not worked best record. and my main question is how did this happen? how did you allow this to happen? i want to know the intel that the beast everything off of. to give them -- to get them to the point where they pulled everything out like they did and tell them how -- >> sean: to let them march all the way up. billet and march from province to province the problem and he didn't stop them. and then the next thing they know, there press -- they're back against a wall can be amended americans behind enemy lines and heroes like your son lost his life. working americans.
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and many more abandoned behind american lines. i'm very sorry, mr hoover. our prayers are with you, please know that. and know i speak for this audience. congressman waltz, thank you too. when we come back, kamala harris getting so desperate she's trying to steal yet another trump idea? wow. does she have one original thought? we'll explain, senator ted cruz is next. also coming up, newt gingrich suite ahead. >> ♪ ♪
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trump positions? know. they're finally slated to do an interview by the end of this month, probably laid on a friday night according to the left that is exactly the right call. harris allies and openly declaring that she really needs to avoid the cameras as much as possible until election day because it increases your chances of winning. up for bid american people see and hear the real kamala harris. take a look. >> she hasn't done an interview in a while here and certainly not since announcing. are you going to talk to her soon? what do you think she should do? which you do better to ignore all those calls to talk and keep doing what she's doing? >> part of harrison's caution and extra ordinary cash and when it comes interviews is why some democrats were nervous about making -- like not a policy and chuck schumer were more in favor of an open process because the fact is in that every -- almost over worst moments as vice president has come and live interview. >> doesn't matter
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this is about the bleed winning. >> you. know it is. >> is a mad [bleep] dash and she running and she's not stopping to stumble. >> and you know what -- >> and there's nothing wrong -- i'm going to vote for her deeply anyway no matter what she says -- in a stupid bp interview so nobly believe i it. >> your right. i couldn't be more on that page. >> sean: keep hiding, run out the clock, win at all costs, hide who you are from the american people. here with reaction former house speaker, pocket conservator newt gingrich is with us. i mean, the fact that even big news cnn is offering such wise council i guess is interesting considering that they claim to be journalists but putting all that aside, i'm not sure in the end that this is going to play well. i'm not sure that she's going going to be able to run and hide, you know, for the entire campaign. the only time problem i see
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is three weeks from tomorrow, early voting begins in pennsylvania. and. [ engine roars ] weeks we have mail-in ballots going out in phases like north carolina. so in that sense they are going to be people that are going to be casting votes without any knowledge that she sponsored the green new deal 93 trillion in the senate with bernie sanders. they're not going to know that she sponsored medicare for all universal healthcare, the elimination of private health insurance. no fracking capital drilling. free education and healthcare housing for illegal immigrants. the fund, dismantle, mobile laws. there will be a lot of people that don't know without that mr speaker, there will be casting about. that's frightening to me. >> i mean first of all, that is the job of donald trump and j.d. vance and their publican party. i mean -- is simply have to get that message across. look, she knows she's running alive. she knows that she couldn't possibly tell the truth and
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get elected. and she knows that she's not very good in an open flowing environment where she actually had to think. and so, she's doing exactly what's right for her. if she can get away with hiding and our party is incapable of getting the truth across despite it look, act of hiding tells you something. it tells you that she's hiding. and let -- what is she hiding? well, she's hiding everything about the truth. and i think we just have to say that over and over and recognize that this election is a very straightforward gamble. she thinks american people are stupid. within the american people are smart. lincoln always believed in the american people. margaret thatcher, ronald reagan, george washington got great leaders understand that a free country in the end you have to believe that the people are relatively smart. not geniuses, not harvard
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faculty. but smart. in people talk to each other everyday and i think, frankly, she's been losing ground not gaining ground despite all the fantasies of the propaganda media. high -- i personally think that trump should offer to debate her on cnn -- sorry, on c-span and on a straight up no media. she gets to ask him questions, he gets to ask her questions. and go on offense. sa like, i'd be glad to debate her without all of her allies in the news media and i'd be glad to let her ask anything she wants and i'll get to her anything i. ending the country would find it refreshing to actually have an lincoln and the resident two serious potential leaders stop directing each other without the mickey mouse bias baloney of the elite media. >> sean: but you know that's not going to happen. i know that's not going to happen. they're running out the clock. she's not going to do that. i mean last-minute, just
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think about this -- >> why? >> sean: then amended rules with the debates -- she demanded that they keep the abc debate with the same rules. know it looks like she's trying to get out of that by insisting a -- we want to change the rules last-minute. donald trump can't do -- he can't give into these unreasonable demands of her about it tells me she doesn't even want to debate -- the debate at this point that her advisers are telling her to get out any way she can. >> in 1858, stephen douglas was a potential presidential candidate. he was the incumbent senator. he was the dominant figure in illinois. and lincoln nagged him and nagged him and nagged him and finally, he agreed to one debate in each of the seven congressional district that it hadn't been in. and in the seven debates changed and he didn't have any news media county didn't have any mickey mouse baloney nah they were straight up
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conversations about freedom and slavery in the constitution. i think if donald trump says every day i'm eager to debate her, i'm happy to stand on the stage. she gets to ask me questions, i got to ask her questions. what is she afraid of? that all he has to say. what is he afraid of? and i think the truth is that he will grant her down. >> sean: i hope you're right. i hope every american understands everything that we're putting on the screen. the media knows about it. i have it on my website, the kamala files, her and her own words, or radicalism. you can hear it yourself permit and played it a lot of this program captivated on my radio program. have the walls -- walz files, you can download it, you can fit into social media, give it your fans, your families, and coworker and bypass the media. and deputize everybody in this audience and i hope they'll send it around.
6:33 pm it's free. anyway, newt gingrich. thank you. when we come back, kamala harris not trying to adopt donald trump's position yet again to get votes? we'll remind you of what she said in her own words. we'll check in with senator ted cruz, vivek ramaswamy en cam allen to change the debate rules straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: so unable to come up with any ideas overhung kamala harris continues to steal them from donald trump. take a look at this ad, laughably claiming she's going to be tough on the border on day one also inflation on the 12! too but here's the border one. >> announcer: as a border state prosecutor she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs. she passed the toughest
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border control bill in decades. >> sean: as border czar she allowed in to the country over 11 million unvetted illegal immigrants from 180 countries, from iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, china and russia and we know how people with terror ties in the country and we have no idea where they are nah and taiwo that we have seen rape, we have seen murder that we have seen violent crime rise through the roof and you're paying for all of it. another problem with that ad is the border walls in the add, you know, are allegedly part of doldrums border wall on the same border wall she marked repeatedly. you might remember. take a look. >> this is a crisis of the president's own making to fulfill his quest to build a vanity project called "the wall." this is responsible mack is the height of irresponsibility for the commander-in-chief to suggest
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that we have to build a wall across our southern border because they are -- there are terrorists who are trying to invade the country. it couldn't be farther from the truth. >> sean: under biden and harris, guess what we now now have people with terror ties in the country and in 2017 she called the border wall a stupid use of money. promising to block any funding for it and when asked about the wall, well, her running mate on the birley standard -- tim walz, he mocked the idea saying he'd invest in a company that made letters tall enough to reach the top of the wall to help out those that don't respect our laws hour border and our sovereighnity. take a look. >> he's not going to do anything. he talked about this wall. i always say let me know how it is, if it's 258 -- that's not how you stop this. >> sean: all right now in a pathetic attempt to win over
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undecided voters, kamala is flipping, flopping and flailing yet again. norcat on text, she was a tie-breaking vote to empower the irs to go after people's service records they make -- and she had nearly what, three and half years to get up on the border? she has read half years to take on inpatient. she said was transitory, the border she said was secure. and has border -- border czar she took over that ministration parts -- it has been a complete abject failure allowing millions of illegals to come into our country. take a look at your screen by the way see the names right there, take a close look. because the state run, correct media mob won't show you the names of the victims of the heinous crimes committed by unvetted harris-biden illegal immigrants nah this distance they came into office. you see because a nine has blood on her hands that. [laughter] as the joe. people --
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she didn't go down on the border because she had not been to europe either. meanwhile doubling down on these radical border poli policies, kamala's home state of california, you're going to love this one. then i'll close to approving and have a super majority in the legislature, 150,000-dollar loans for who? illegals. help them purchase homes. wow. can't make it a. here will ration exit senator ted cruz. senator, you're feeling the bite of this in texas. you see what she's doing, she's running, she's hiding, she's trying to run out the clock and now she says no tax on temps and meanwhile she was a tie-breaking vote that empowered the irs to go after service workers. she said the border was secure. she said that inflation was transitory. know she is owing to on the one fix inflation, which the
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board and solve all our problems? >> look, kamala is running a fundamentally dishonest campaign, you know, your ferns just their day one, the one was four years ago my partner what's fundamental he dishonest about the campaign is she's pretending that she's not the sitting vice president. she's pretending that joe biden is not currently the president of the united states. that these problems are all of her own making that the inflation we have is because of the wild spending and that that she and joe biden and the democrats did. the open border she's been the border czar for four years, this invasion is her fault not only her fault but she wanted it. listen and observe a kamala for years in the center. she is consistently been the most left-wing senator, she's voted for open borders over and over and over again. and now this entire election, she's trying to pretend her record doesn't exist. sean, is why she doesn't do media interviews, is why she won't answer questions.
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because they are very cynically trying to hide her in the basement. i think it's joe biden's basement. and i'll point out by the way my reelection campaign in texas, my opponent congressman colin allred, every bit as left-wing as kamala harris, he's doing the same strategies have been over 60 days without doing a press conference. it is and answer questions. thing joe biden and kamala and collin all right are in all the same basement and they're all there for the same reason it is they cannot defend their left-wing open border's record. >> sean: so far they've gotten away with it. so far your opponent has gotten away with it. and what -- but the clock is not on her side here. early voting begins in pennsylvania, three weeks from tomorrow. we have million ballots going out in north carolina for them in other states really are very quickly including wisconsin and michigan, senator.
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this is a serious crisis for our country. now they want last-minute debate requested with the rules they requested the rules they agreed to, -- know she doesn't want to do by either? my guess is she doesn't. my guess is and if i'm donald trump, i don't think you can give an anymore. i don't think you should never have agreed to a debate on abc. the questions in my mind are going to be written by george stephanopoulos. >> so they are going to be written by george stephanopoulos but look, sean, i think trump needs to do the debate and frankie i think he should agree to whatever stupid rules they want. is going to be hostile and read regardless. anything kamala harris would love to cancel the debate and blame it on trump. look, she's in a basement. you know what her challenged ever. you have an excuse to get out of a debate they can literally do nothing for the next 71 days except count on the social media -- and so i think trump -- >> sean: well what if he
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says we already agreed to the rules, either except a debate that you agreed to or, you know, walk away and hide. don't -- don't you think she ends up looking back on that? >> yeah, but you know what, i think she would be happy to walk away from that. my advice would be come up with whatever stupid will you want. if you want her to -- you want the microphones heart or not want her to have an encyclopedia talking points in front of her, i don't care. and want want to stand up directly in contrast to record her -- because on every front calle jarnkrok's records, we had success in this country got we had peace got we had and so my advice to the trump campaign is don't get -- kamala wants to pick this fight to have an excuse to get out of the debate. the letter out of the debate. we need her there because without a debate, her campaign will never answer a single question between no
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and election day and that is their only hope of winning his focus on joy and -- >> sean: how about this -- >> and not her disastrous record. >> sean: drobac is known for out of the this deal, i agree to your rule change, your -- you will agree to the second debate and then put the ball back in her court. >> sean: >> i think he can try but she'll say no. she'll say no. she will not agree to a fox debate. by the way trump is happy to go in front of whatever communist put in front of him as the moderators counter all hostile to him. because he's got the truth on -- she's trying to lie and cover up her record. colin all right my opponent is doing the exact same th thing. >> sean: all right. senator, ngyou. we're watching your crapping very closely. we appreciate it. when we come back we recommend for me on nine trying to change the debate rules. which donald trump do? i say negotiate. like he always does. straight ahead. >> ♪ ♪ we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce,
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: the residential debate between former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris is now slated for september the 10th as we've been telling you. is supposed to be on the very extremely radically liberal george stephanopoulos network of abc news president. >> is already speaking out about abc and the hostility towards his campaign and blasting kamala harris for trying to change the debate rules. there even by the way to enjoy several outlets. political is reporting to her campaign wants hot mics because they believe the baby can "get trump to lose his cool and say something" impolitic in mike because -- harris still can answer questions or discuss policy positions so just relying on
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trump to make a mistake coming here with a reaction former 24 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. maybe you can settle the debate. i'm sorry, this is the smirk this is the requested network that they get the moderators they want they got the rules they demanded. and last-minute now they want you will change. i think donald trump does what donald trump does best and that is go in, art of the deal, negotiate a second debate as part of the change. thoughts? >> look i think it good option has been destroyed by the fox news debate and if kamala doesn't want to show up till the american people for an hour what your policy vision actually is for the country. that was of the matter is -- >> sean: by the way -- yeah, so you know -- between the wednesday after the day of that date that she rejected -- i'm doing it on home with president trump in pennsylvania. so, you know. [laughter] >> great i think -- more authentic interaction with or
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without a moderator. thing that's what we need in the country. the reality -- how the media is covering for kamala har harris' policy positions, or policy deficits are the equivalent of biden's cognitive doesn't -- in the media has covered up for both of them. the reality is that when she says there's a tax on unrealized capital gains that she favors kelly say don't worry that will never pass. abolishing private health insurance for the ban on fracking or on offshore drilling, she no longer supports that. 's whatever it is what you really here for the media is not a defense of her actual policies. because so many of them including the price controls are in denver -- indefensible. all they'll say it don't take it seriously because his neighbor going gradually pass. that's wetting the debate is actually important. enforces kamala harris to own what her policy position actually are. and the fact that we are under 75 days to an election where we don't even know what one of the two major financial candidate stands on each of these issues is i think an actual undermining of american democracy and nobody is talking about it.
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>> sean: her campaign according to axios has now -- is no saying after we hurt or policies that do not go over well even with a washing phone -- about price gaging or couching artifact that she laid out the largest tax increase in history not only of the country but the world and you mentioned unrealized capital gains, that she -- you don't want to on anymore policy positions. there's nothing on her website about where she stands. on my website i have her in her own words telling everybody where she stands. but we don't know if she's standing by her previous statements. so i'm not even sure in a 90 minute debate that you can get out that kind of information. it seems to me that we're going to have to bypass that magbegor up media. >> one of the reasons i respect even principal left-wing liberal swell different views in mind like
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bernie sanders is at least go on her own -- their own policy positions. we don't get that out of kamala harris. but the truth is the most you talked about policy is -- it's our job no as republican party all the way up and down to say here is our alternative vision. she's not talking about policy, well we can joshua kloke by seeing where the ones that we do have a vision for the country. sealing the border, ending rampant crime, growing the economy and staying out of world war iii remodels are policies that most americans agree with. one of the things i respect about him trump -- >> sean: -- >> he offered real clarity on how to make him a pack-mac that is the contrast. >> sean: but on the one she's going to solve a vision problem that she said was transitory and secure the border which she told us was secure. you didn't hear that? >> the reality is -- the reality is. [laughter] almost orwellian copy almost -- you have no going public doesn't actually notice. on solving inflation got her plan on bringing venezuelan
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style price controls to the united states we know were that story ends. he actually had worse undernourishment crises in nations like venezuela after using price controls. we don't want that in the united states of america. we know what deterioration you do venezuela either through illegal migration order failed economic policies. that doing the american way and that is what doctor is going to give us. >> sean: vivek ramaswamy, we appreciate you being with us. when we geget this may come back, more. >> everyone: hannity" straight aheadd as. lonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always thank you for being with us and thank you for making that show possible. please set your dvr so you never missed an episode of "hannity". checkout fox news any time, all the time, every time, in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. [ ♪♪ ] [applause]