tv The Five FOX News August 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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along with the judge jeanine pirro, harold ford harold fordo, junior and greg gutfeld pick it is 5:00 in new york city and this is 'the five'. [ ♪♪ ] the debate over the debate isme somehow it is a back, the trump and harris campaigns clashing over their showdown on abc including whether the microphones will be muted. kamala harris wants them hot, with trump hopefully losing his cool on the microphone. trump steam wants to keep them muted as it was for biden. kamala harris attacking trump for wanting to stick to the rules after her campaign bashed him as a coward but wanting those same rules to change it back when trump ordered a new debate schedule after bidenfo dropped out. earlier the former president sayingrmnt that's fine, watch this... >> mr. trump: you want to change the rules because she can't answer questions. s we agreed to the same rules, i don't know, would rather have ie on probably blood agreed it
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would be the same as it was last time. t in thahat case it was muted. i did not like at the last time but it worked out fine. a lot of spending a lot of time on it, i think my whole life of been preparing for a debate. >> dana: team koe municipality responding with this, this resolved everything is set foree september 10th. it is not just the mikes, also accusing the debate host, abc news of political bias after this interview betweenotto republican senator tom cotton a and abc reporter jonathan carl the one taking away health insurance -- a. >> she said when she ran for presidential ones to alamedamina private health insurance on the job. >> she did that as an honor position -- a. >> party know that's on her position? she disaidd not say that, she hs not said that. maybe anonymous aids on a friday night have said that. >> dana: a lot to get to hear,d think tom cotton did a good job, judge, in a negotiation when heu
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have a deal, and let's say a new party comes and, and they accept that deal, then... i do think it is right to try to change the rules. i don't know. a from a negotiation standpoint what he think the trump team should do? >> judge jeanine: i think the trump team already has done what they need to do, okay,, you can have the mute mic mike on or off.f. saying i don't care i will do it anywhere. i'm not sure, in terms ofof contractual think is whether it's in the name of the democratic party or the bidenisc campaign or the biden harriseir campaign where he is presumed a principle as far as the agent appeared at will not get into that right now harold, thank you. u.but i will tell you somethingi what's interesting to me aboutth this whole thing, i think she wants the mute button off wil because if you recall one of the most viral moments that we remember from one of her rallies was it when she said, i am speaking to!ts and he think she really wants to have the ability to say that again and to stop trump and says
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i'm speaking. >> dana: saying that to depositing in protesters. >> judge jeanine: exactly.>> i i think the fact that theia mainstream media is covering for kamala harris and her inability to come out and make statements about what she standing beforesv does a disservice not only tout the media but also does a disservice to the independence. the independents who are lookino for policy recommendations from kamala harris, on one hand they can say they want harris she'sbt all about joy and everythinge. else, withers at peace in the middle that's like we want to know what you stand for beforeyh we actually think we will vote for you.u. i also think that is anotherr piece in the day that is no-confidence for, i don't thini kamala harris has confidence ina she talked about a price gaging which of never heard her talk about a fourth, she got itomic pained on her record on policy from the left and the right.k th and i think that she does not have the ability and is thethat
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confidence that we saw she lacked during the 3.5 years when she was the vice president. and finally i think that...i doi don't think she can multita. spending all of her time with the debate, nothing else. that is why she really much wants to do this but at the sama time i think she is frightened. >> dana: in the meantime weig are waiting for this big interview before the end of the month which is the trend of this week. are you giving an interview? fir >> harold: great to have you with me. i've said this before, she hasto to do interviews, has to do debates pick i agree with what the judge has said. and i will add on to it. the pettiness from both of thesf campaigns about mike's being ono or mikr e is being off, a reminder, you are running for the privilege of serving as guides the united states for a ordinarily campaigns get together, this is not a new phenomenon, your not the only
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candidates we've had, settlingo on the three debates per who is going to do what? it will be a little different. we deserve to hear you talk about mass security, economic growth, aspirations, education, reproductive rights, all thel th things you want to talk about. three times!side the fact we only talk about one it now is an embarrassment toto our system and people finally, get with it appeared we deserve her to. we deserve bettewe dr and when d the judge and i can agree on a monday afternoon -- five it wilb be a great week. >> i think harold just told him to get it together to be very i disagree. on one thank i like the pettiness. c because of residential commission was boring to!
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never got rid of it and both of these people havthe to negotiata debate. roomdrug testing.en t this shows how a president negotiates during the country. the kind of things that they care about and don't care about, get to see it is a little savvy. she is committed to one debate.u jessste junior just texted me,"e sanga please tell greg i want my shirt back aflac please tell jesse junior not to put ple band-aids on your hands.put [ laughter ]. >> jesse: these are judy'sir band-aids! all patroll .sh she saide she wants to sit dow, she wants mike's unmetered, andd she want as notes. john's to do everything differentle y joe biden did. so she wants to be interrupted. she wants trump to interrupt hen
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a man argues with a woman. interrupts a woman as i've beenn told many times like this as, licked the judges said, why does she need notes?re so it debate is probably not going very well if the team is asking for notes. she ha s a big challenge. she has to defend the biden record and also say what she would do differently. just to defend her own record. saying when her vision is, whatever that is. we don't know. and has to defend her role. and she has to somehow attack donald trump on in the economy,e immigration, foreign-policy and crimige, all areas by every metc has a much better record on. and has to do it with joy. >> dana: dear memory in 2012,r
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watching the debate together hingwhen she helped obama againt romney, and he saw jonathan karl, interesting saying that is not a common mike's position anymore. senator tom kohn basically hit that out of the park saying howk do youno know that? we don't know.e do >> harold: and glad you brought that up. this is why we talk. >> dana: thank you.jess >> greg: how do you debate isho somebodyw who is agreeing with everyone of your policies? is like paying tenants with the appointed on the same side as your net to. that where kamala harris is doing. she cannot dispute trump on any of those issues. on immigration he has been proven right, crime, inflationii he knows what he's she will have to agree with him. they going to have to catch trump, ring of hoaxes, all that stuff. to your point you hate saying, i'm not sure combining about
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media buys matters anymore at this point. i think it is a concern. with people just accepting you as unreliable, corrupt garbage? it's like being in a relationship, jesse, you know those, it's not a fun when a spouse is upset with you, but is is worse when they no longer care enough to be angry. and that is how america is with the media! they are not -- they're not evee taking this seriously anymore! have learned this is fake, it io manufactured for a specific end and that end it is kind of scary watching how this election unfolds.tchiit it is exactly how the media wants it to what does ourwh business model need? really tight, razor than race ae month ag ao it was not tight, it was a big gap between trump and biden, all of a sudden, here is
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comes in miraculously, nos interviews, no policy positions, it is a razor tide. is going right down to the wire. the media's echo pharmaceutical company. they need you on maintenance therapy. and you can only do that if youn convince them there is a reason to tune into. and gives you no reason to watch the news, but a tight race?in it keeps them a new business, year just like a drug. ever wonder why population of 400 million at this point, that always comes down to this margin of 300,000 votes, in key states? it is so evenly is split in thes united states, even when most of america is passed off about food prices, illegal immigration, crime and they don't like the past four years but yet it is. still razor then. a defies logic. should not be down the middle, should be 80 percent ofri americans saying wcae want something different.
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>> that's why i thought it be a red wave. [ laughter ]t th >> harold: if we did the way you thought, democrats would have won in 2000, democrats would have one in at 26 teen also.olle i'm a minority of a file for people in the democratic party who like it because i think itto enables talking about this, if not, democrats would have won every time. >> greg: very good harold. [ laughter ] >> dana: you know what, is good to be back around the table. up the next trump honoring the 13 killed in the afghanistan withdrawal three years ago, and not letting. >> everyone: off the hook over the chaotic will out to. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: joe biden spends thisbe week at a beach in delaware, with harris nowhere to be seen,h president trump was at the national cemetery honoring the 13 heroes killed during the biden administrations of botched afghanistan withdrawal three years ago today.o to trump later going to detroit anm hammering her role in the chaos. >> mr. trump: caused by kamala harris, july 10, the afghanistan withdrawal has cause a deterioration of cordova liddy around the world pick every, crisis they have created on the world stage candidth turnaround
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very quickly, we will turn it gi around. we need a strong leadership and the resignations of every single senior official wh o touched the of guinness ten calamity, to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day. e.fore it's also been thre years since come. >> everyone: approached being the last person into the rule that might room, when joe biden decided to go ahead with afghanistan withdrawal. jessica people considewal.r youe be the last person into the room because everybody keeps trying to ditch you. >> jesse: they just left. but you understand the refe reference, somehow she was involved in the decision, aide was her wise guidance that he was relying upon the. listener she was lost in theroom room in afghanistan, she was aboard as are an issue decideds on trillionsof of inflationary spending. all those three popular joe biden items, she is basically a
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conjoined twining. you cannot separate the two. and let's talk about foreign policy, what her part -- foreign-policy? a lot of room to maneuver to their as commander-in-chief, wek don't knowno who she is and what she believes, she will beyz paralyzed in aed situation when generals have a break with her. >> judge jeanine: auto likeesse that... >> jesse: controller! not in a sexual way! [ laughter ] f-16s getting sent over to ukraine and ukraine is actuallya now innovating russia,in and you going to have her as commander-in-chief? that is not spooked trump debrief today, and besides the emotional impact that had house out of the whole thing is, politically it was brilliant because they took the day off. it reminds everybody about what happened three years ago. and it was a very presidential look, it shifted the momentum,
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data and the rfk event on friday completely away from harris after her convention. har >> greg: it's a good point, joe is on vacation again, harria is distancing himselinf from the white house for campaigning.aign 's support of the 1000th time, who is running this country? >> judge jeanine: i wish i had i of the answer, all bci don't. think we all think of the same person, many of the former aides in the biden administration. this is what happened with the joe biden, when he was runningfo forr office he was at moderate, okay? he washe and that trojan horse s a moderate, bags up into the white house, they cannot eventh recognize who they are, wanting into the white house. jesse is right, this is the one area you truly cannot separate kamala harris and joe biden because it's not only always the last person in the room, but yoa feel comfortable, i do. and when is that democrats call
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it a strategic and moral failure, what happened was thewh trump -- was a biden administration, the samecr democrat use oatf those words, congressman ryan when it came to kamala harris, and he's as vice president harris, we cannot a assignss a partisan yes, you can! you made sure there aree consequences! we knew the leftareque and theyo the airport which has one runway. credible information, they identified the person, they w identified what he was wearing,g they had him shot in place but could noe t get the approval tos shoot. it was a rules ever engagement that was so messed up, that is why the biden administration0 lost 13 americans in whose names have not come out of job i's mouth as you sat there and watched the boxes come off as you looked at his watch for you know what, we know nothing about her history, all we know is thas when she says every daayy i have
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worn -- i mourned those 13, ae o shame on you. that is exaggeration we don'tt e believe. biden never publicly named them, he was now to somebody they arew enthralled with anitd neither is she. >> greg: herald, kamala harris said she's last person in the room but she denied who the dead person i n the room was cut joe biden. shouldn't she be heldsh accountable for that?oud b6 we talked about this in thead green room. [ laughter ] y this was a colossal and catastrophic failure. watching the president to walk with those families, president trump, with those families reminded me of that. the disappointing thing for me in all of this is two, first i have yet to hear a real accounting to what happened. i understand decision-making process, not disclosed, but what
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was learned from it and how to make sure we don't make the same mistake again. i'm a believeri iamn lessons learned,r an when confronted wih something like this again, you will know how and why, how to avoid this from happening again to another assignedag intentionality that any president, president trump, clinton, bush doug obama,y certainly not present biden as well. i think any president intends t' put war fighters in a position where theyt can be killed, the mate make wrong decisions about their intent is not to do that. out of thank he intended for that to having sai sd that if i was president trump, i would want to have the position in a room standing side-by-side with vice president harris and ask the question, why did you think when he heard that plan and finding out you were the last person into the room and did you agree with everything the president wanted to do and let the voters be the arbitrators over where there she was telling the truth or not?
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>> greg: >> greg: dana, taken whateverev you want. >> dana: i sheller wan. a political analyst, at this time into the campaign, he always look at who's winning that a big news cycle. last friday was the first timep in many weeks at president trump was able to win a new cycle one rfk junior endorsed him in. today, kamala harris, the only news she made today was about wanting to renegotiate of theth rules of the debate appeared, h instead made a lot of news by being there with the families and then going and taking questions, when he que went to s event aimed at detroit as well. she was so eager to be part and it to be seen, and with the president, i'm here doing everything, then the other night when joe biden, said and it cole macknak the tie-breaking vote o- the inflation reduction acbrt, waiting for the cheers, everybody clapped except for her. she just sat there likr e i knoe
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this is not -- this is one of my vulnerabilities. it wase like breaking to somebn over wase super sentimental, while you're pictures, the stars are named after you, newt. breakout when you can't erase it. president trump is making sure she cannot separate herself.or you willge not be able to forget she was part of joe biden and harris. >> greg: out of think that wasw appropriate to bring up on live utv. l [ laughter ]iv are the breakup. i'm fine! we are god, everything is great. got a dog. [ laughter ] moving along. up next, the media dragging rfk junior for endorsing trump.dors [ ♪♪ ] here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need,
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>> judge jeanine: that the liberals present doing everything they can to destroy the reputation of rfk junior after the independent candidate dropped out of the 2024 race ann endorsed on trump for presidentr rfk's relatives called his trump endorsement "a trail" and more than eager to exploit the kennedy family rift by hosting rfk sisters rory on her show so she can say this. >> separate and associate myself from robert kennedy junior andor his flagrant and and is a ndapplicable [ inaudible ] >> judge jeanine: but rfk is seeking the high road on hisily backstabbing family members, loo take a look at this... >> my family is at the center of the democratic party. i have met with my family w
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working for the biden administration. you're free to take their positions on these issues. think we all have to be able to disagree with each other and still love each other.d >> judge jeanine: already harold, when trump was first elected their wares so manyop people that unfriendedle a lot s republicans because trump was president. how do you disassociate from a sibling over politics? >> harold: i'm not sure if they've disassociated, think they disagree anociad i think hd the right answer. which is had family members in , working in administration, he has every right, rfk junior tosu endorse and support whomever he wants. when you do that he also helped her realize you will maybe incite some opposition to your point. adding to what, the kennedy name, there's not a name was synonymous with the democraticmr over the past 75 years, so the front page about our in-house newspapers talked about at this, the historic moment when rfkrfk
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junior placed at, you have to expect isn't able to react to this. 's family has every right to react the way they do, up they don't make it personal. i to youtr point, you and i have t hathe zomok that a comment, we have disagreed on many things that is a personal, and deepec personal respect. hope whatever he does goingn forward, how this campaigno ta however he is deported we can take him more on the issues and not his personal character. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, when harold was talking about of the kennedy name is symbolic with democratic partyoa politics, think rfk made it clear the democratic party does not show the beliefs his father and uncle dated.. >> dana: it's interesting tough live through the middle of a political realignment appeareddn even i was saying,, one of bille clinton was s speaking last tuesday night, that was the first election i voted in. thinking about the difference, how the parties have changed over time, think is change, people change, countries changei
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policies change, all of these things are happening here i ask you don't think that rv junior is president trump's key to victory. vdo i think he can help him inp some places? yes, think it remains how much and i hope that hit -- familyo herift can be healed because i don't want to hear about that. >> judge jeanine: jesse is rfk's endorsement of donald trump, is it about betrayal of the democratic party, is it about his or is it about his belief that trump is the better candidate are is it about eight pragmatic decision that he gets to talk on a bigger platform about the issues important to him like public health and chronic disease? >> jesse: dismaybe all of the above because he will be an advisor and he will be making america healthy again. if you have a shot and that, opportunity at a federal level, you take it. the democratic party left him he said. and the kennedy family said thei
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legacy olyf the father, jfk wast trying to cool things down with the russians, he is stronger to remove american troops from that, is trying to dismantle the intelligence agencies, he cut taxes, he was her free speech break and also a playboy lifestyle! there are a lot of similarities between donald trump andlo rfk junior. what it like as if you were a member of the political dynasty if your family does something you don't like, you can pointat out statements against them. wnow?ea uses or does something, speaking on behalf of of the waters, i'm sure my mother said, mice on, jesse watters, made a joke about kamala harris being manhandledsn by generals in a situation, and desecrated the memory of our grandfather and his conduct is disgusting, echo to see my mom doing that and i wish i had aoud political dynasty so i can take
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shots as well. [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: i appreciated that. jesse is hat kind talking about,e you mentioned unity. isn't that what donald trump wha seems to be on, hope and unity? you have rfk junior k. donald trump, tulsi gabbard, democratsn joining? before i think the democratshe don't understand this kind of unity because if you are going to have a different people, the have to represent a group. the have to say, like tulsi gabbard should come up and say as a female veteran of samoan heritage, she will not say that it. she just as and when it american. you look at it this diverse group of personalities and characters, whether it is rfk or tulsi gabbard, a lot of people leaving the democratic party are interesting minds of, you know, scott describes the trump think it as a pirate ship. nobody represents black or gaya. or black and gay, they are all
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individuals. for some reason that is rebelfo yesterday, to be an actual individual, it's like thehi scariest thing ingn the world.e' there are a lot of things i disagree about rfk but one thin i like about him from the beginning, never once criticize trump supporters. kourtis as trump but you neveris went after the million ofam americans because the guys a born listener. you had him on your show, he understands frustrations and cynicism, but you thinks there is something there that he can d actually learn from and it may be helpful! lastly, i think they are c creating the most antiestablishment campaign in modern history, when you look at all of the people this partnership moving forward? it's the expendables made the magnificent seven! it's kind of crazy, is no joy what is action. >> judge jeanine: what's>> w amazing is a secret service, hes suspended his campaignus on friday, secret service
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protection, they did not give ii to him until president trump was shot! of that isn't like an angry democratic party, it standing. anyway.ay ahead, how, kamala harris ist trying tkao steal another trump idea, the border wall is it! [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own.
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-jamie! don't say his name. -beetlejuice? saying his name three times is how you summon him. riiight. what if i say other words in between? -does that restart it? -don't overthink it! or what if i broke it up into two parts like someone said what's your favorite bug -- beetle -- what's your favorite morning beverage? -j-- -j-- [ body thuds ] you're welcome. "beetlejuice beetlejuice," in theaters september 6th. [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: after stealing no tax>> on tips, copycat a kamala harris ripping off another term idea, the big, be a border wall.f you're looking at images from a harris campaign that it makes it try to look as if you personally built it. is another 184 kamala harris on the record of trashing trump's border wall. >> at this administration has decided to do vilifying them an to trade on the demo for the sake of this presidents medievap
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vanity project called a wall. >> i will not vote for a walls. under any circumstances. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: she should just run under the slogan trumpet withouw the tweets because that is whate she's wanting to as right now! is so strange that it come election time, the democrats ru. into the middle, and then that t middle -- where am i? [ laughter ] anyway. what was in the middle, what policies they had just painted as extreme now they are embracing them. the wall make sense, they love the police, did you notice thath they are saluting the flag, the love the flag, they think families are need. i'm starting to like the democratic party except it only exists for 96 hours once every four years in august. it's like john carlson, she's
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just going to the center. >> dana: the clip which is shown of her was genuine 28th 2019, happening right around then? she was announced she was going to run for president, the bigfon wallet in california, presidentr trump tweeted lookes at her, shs wanted to watch! she's got something that appeared ten months later, and she had to pull out of the race because she had no support, loso all her money and she never wen to a primary to get a vote. what's happening here, there was not a primary, joe biden wasbi going to be the nominee, she never could have survived in a primary with the issues she's espousing today, sheet is it benefiting so much from this trump three-month campaign that all of a sudden she can say she is a moderate democratic but it's like weight, like oh! okay! i think john cotton was correct in asking the abc reported, how
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do you know that? she says she changed her mind o the border, why? i'm curious, what did you find? what is different? l because she does not have the answers, she gets to pretend or maybe she is! maybe she was playing a liberal democratic! i don't know. what we deserve answers. >> jesse: she will go intobate this trump debate cold, shall be able to test outlines back in it media interviews, this will be. tough. >> harold: think she will have the benefit looking out of the polling. and greg was right, dana is building on this think.ig [ laughter ]ht the republicans out of their convention, as a beginning to the first lady think had the president talk about for 20 y minutes of teamsters, in my 30 years following a never seen that, a publican leader with that kind of fiery speech about working people and about that,
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it was different. democrats with flagswith got veterans their, cops i think it's a result of twoings think is, 911 happening and a lot of young people going to thk military, the anna democratic party, i think it's a good thing when it military and veterans service. anou ld it two, looking out of e economic insecurities over the last 50 years and how the middle class has not grown its, some of the members for the upper echelon has, it is paved the way for donald trump's message of for a new kind of democratic message to evolve. we talked around this tableek about the middle class, maybe you were under the republican'sa convention, it is a win for thee middle of the country, for everyday working americans fromi both parties, finally, i exempt support when it comes my way. rfk junior is had my said terrible things about donald trump, trump said terrible things about him, but they have found somein common agreement. a think it is a positive think it, when they had republicani th
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speakers that convention, you have to give people room ande space to evolve and grow andlve hopefully come to your side.full >> judge jeanine: okay. i was not sure what greg was talking about, the election going over to the middle. and she says that she is fixing the border, fixing the board is tough but so is kamala the toughest thing that kamala harris has done, she has been vice president, is basically and she says this herself, is she supported the toughest bill on the border wall built, and theew amazing thing, the border bill, in the amazing thing, she believes as soon as people geta, over the wall, the get a free, health care, free education, free housing, they should be able to get drivers licenses, welfare, all while once you get past the wall.. it's like there is his temporary
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realignment to the middle but then when she goes back into the white house and she is elected,y she is tougher on the americanhi people than she's on the illegals. >> harold: in gaza get free sects changes in a >> up next, elon musk to rescueu the astronautssk, that kamala harris left stranded in space! [ laughter ] chase really knows how to put the hart in your local community. see what i did there? hey, jackie! (♪) evan, my guy! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started. somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? ooo, tacos! i got you. wait hold on, don't you owe me money? what?! your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase!
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♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call 1-800 eight million ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: elon musk is ask i related superhero, stepping up to rescue two astronauts stockee owned the international space station since june after the star liner had issues. greg your thoughts abouts ab mr. elon musk and those bowlingr star liner? >> greg: i feel bad for the boeing people, is like a guy who pulls over to fix a flat tire because the husband can do whate it, so the husband has to stand there while the shirtless late-night host anchor, twirling the jacket and spending the tire, is a woman looks at him like please rescue me from this loser named jesse.
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[ laughter ] your thoughts on this? d5 a couple of things, and thin the media has been pretty awful to elon musk in many ways, he takes a lot of abuse, it's a good thing that they man has taught what companies at least in it private a spacee exploration so eloexn musk cannn go them and help them. boeing whistleblower basically said we hate spacex, okay well, elon musk is the one that will be able to save these people and bring them back.em b imagined of the rolls were reversed, evian musk had people stranded and bowing had to help them, we would never hear the end about how great boeing is.i only has a lot to do to regainco public trust. >> judge jeanine: can i say something? >> greg: can we agree thatthat female hair floating in theth
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space? >> jesse: i love it! >> judge jeanine: at i agree with dino. leg is it before, if it's into the earth's atmosphere i am notb flying aoe boeing plane because the doors fly off. stop laughing. beyond the atmosphere they have shown that they cannot compete c with elon musk. and it's important to note thate a boeing has ai incentive based and elon musk is not, his company star liner. and finally i'm concerned about whistleblowers. at a control managercomm who committed suicide in march and another quality auditor,qual joshua dean who died of some brain eating disease in april and we have a third one, captioned dennis. so i'm concerned about boeing and i'm not sure we should be doing as much business as we do with boeing. >> harold: we have to support them but. just did you have a closing argument?
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>> jesse: not much of anen y argument, when you think aboutt, it is. this guy hasn't rescued astronauts, he is rescued free speech, he is rescue to the ukrainian military per they wilg be building statues of you onsk musk eventually, and e the democrats will topple them. this is an american hero here,rt and he needs to be treated with respect and the biden administration should stop suing him. this is not an appeal to have him on my show at all! [ laughter ] >> harold: he's only has done a lot of good for humanity tois treat not an appeal what he isme welcome anytime. >> harold: one of the mostera. important technologists of our era. "one more thing" is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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judge. >> okay. it's time for broke bread. ted. stella doodle sashay. >> your little high knees in this house right now. okay, so it's national dog day and happy national dog day. there's doodle taking red on a walk to show red the chickens in pennsylvania where my son lives. my son came and took a doodle. there are the chickens coming out from the chicken coop. read and doodle. no, not to touch them, but doodle, as you can see, was raised with the chickens. >> they're walking on her. and then here is red tent and stella, being their fabulous selves. no, that's not me. that is me. but that's not fabulous. that's them. anyway, who says five is a crowd? but there's two there. there's five. >> all right. tonight we got a great show. kevin o'leary. we're back at 10 p.m., by the way, emily orsted being targets entire. >> that's tonight at ten. let's do that. greg's drunk panda news.
10:00 pm
>> yeah, there was a pandas had a bachelor party out in midtown last friday, and it got pretty hairy. this is outside the bar. they went outside rudy's. >> they got did a bunch of shots. they were loaded, checked them out. >> you know, pandas, they can't hold their liquor and . yeah, exactly. woo! there you go. they deserve. there they go. >> getting the munchies. all right. you know that pandas have the closest fingerprint to a human. >> really? i learned that in trivial pursuit this weekend. >> excellent. i did not get that question right. i thought it was a baboon or something. >> happy 90th to pop. emma's grandfather turned 90. there is a cigar and scotch on his birthday. >> that's how i want to go. all right, let's go now to reno on politics top now with jim garrity from nassau. it is a fact that out and that's it for us handled. >> sorry. have a great night, everyone. >> welcome to jesse watterse to primetim
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