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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> voters get nothing from hearing candidates yell over each otherrohearing . >> peter from saint paul, minnesota not only is kamala, not from oakland. she spent most of her teen years from in montreal, c. ite woman is from berkeley and canada and never talks about it. hmm. we. jake from collegeville, pennsylvania. biden an extra week of vacation to heal his wound from all pul y season back stabbing. he's probably getting little plastic surger g littltic surgy. marc from naugatuck, connecticut instead of a a presidential library, maybe stden should get apresid presidential. i'm just thinking him struggling to pick up that beach chairling to p that . >> that was tough. dvr the show. sean's next. emembe >> remember, i'm waters and this is myr,
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>> sld. >> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, the most deceptive, dishonest>> eve phonythis o presidential campaign in human history rolls on. apparentlyy, kamala harrisamala and tim walz, they are so toxict and radical and unlikable, frankly, dangerous and incompetent that harris campaign is trying as hard as possible to hid ae hide them away for 70 days until election day. no sit down interviews, nonoted press conferences, no town halls and entirthe presidential campaign without any direct communicationncia with the voters in our country. no questions, no interviewss. and now little in terms of anyan specific agendd noa. me they don't have time. i'll explain. it is insane. alt at some poin net this week,t some we're told kamala harris and tim walz are planninint thit finally sit down for a joint interview, i'm sure,ll with oneh of our adoring contributors and fans and the mob and the stater o e media. don't expect any tough questions. don't expectexpect any t them te to answer to their own words.
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just lots of phony and laughingn and a lot of giggling and lying platitudeslot of. they're the party of joy and the party of freedom a from two people that would take away more freedom than any administrationreedom tha in his, which i will explain. but also tonight, kamala isn'tg, just dodging tough interviews or any kamal interviews. o she is also evidently afraid to debate donald trump now, unless, of course, her strict new conditions are now met. now, she refused to do a fox debate altogether that was just too risky for someone as incompetent as she is.last-m and now last minute she wantinso to change. ming a the rules of the upcominbcg abc debate, rules the that democrats themselves demanded in the first place. rules she already agreed to at t the last minute. in contrast to previouslyrules, agreed upon rules, kamala now wa hot the mikes to be m whole time.
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now the reason is obvious. carmelo she wantsfactur to manufacture what i will call anothein call anr i am speakingt very similar to the vice presidential debate in 2020, you might recall. i'm speakingpreside in 202. speaking. i am speaking. do you know? i'm speaking. you . .aking tagalog, i'm spead >> she's speaking, he said, because the president wanted people to remain>> she s. >> well, let's go. i'm i'm not. but, susan, this isn't susan. vc and i want to add to it. mr. vice president speaking. i have i'm speakin g. bate this is supposed to be a debate based on fact and truth and the truth and the factacd trut is je biden has been very clear. he will not raise taxes v on anybodyery e will who makes n 400,000 a year. >> repeal the trump tax cuts. mr. vice president, i'm speaking well, i'm speaking the important. >> you said the truth. i'm so glad we wenpirit through a little lesson. >> let's do that a littlea like1816. >> well, i'd like you to answer the question. the vice president speaking first. i'm speaking. okayresident, i'mspeaking.
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if i ended the democratic debates, it goes on and on. we'll show you tomorrow our favorite debate phrase. you know, i'm speakingking, of t-shirts, ads, fundraising emails. the harrisrtn, they want to manufacture another viral moment. i am speaking, mr. trump. i'm speaking. i'm speaking. i'm speaking. she's speakingr trump. becausebs they know even liberal abc,w even thereeven going to get destroyed if the issues are about substance and from a couple of horrendous economic policies like the disasterlicies stories idea of price controls, the largest tax increase in thei history of our country and the history of the world, evenyns unrealized capital gains, which is insane and impossible . kamala has not detailed any other position now, theret even aren't even policies or beliefs that are listed on her websitece . the mob complicit as theymob are big donors that arey with they're letting her get away with this. and according to axios t today, get this news. don't expect to hear about kamala's
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beliefs movingre forward. and the reason they're now giving now is there's not quite enough time to come up with policy positionsn da and believes before election day, not enough timey.. kamala has been in office nearly four years. ner's already run foe president one time and detailed a tremendous amount proposals. you know, medicare for all, universal health care, abolishing freedom and your right to private insurance. oh, that's right. defunding ice, defunding,di dismantling. no bail laws, as it were, as int concerns police. she wants the to decriminalize illegal immigration and, of course, offer free health care, housing, education and ale running mate wants free college education for the unvetted ele illegals they allow into the country. she very clearlyf th said she wa to ban fracking and drilling and get rid of the filibusted r to pass the marxist $93 trillion green new deal and raise taxes on everyone
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and everything. these are her stated policy her positions in her own words that the media refus wore to shw the country unless she tells us something differentunless s.t when she doesn't, she doesn't get off teleprompter. now, of course't --, we know all about her leadership failures as vice president. we know she's failed border czar and as the person astrharge of the national space council, by the way, those poor astronauts, we're going toe goin get them in 2025. wow. but she also played a vital in the afghan withdrawal disaster. remember afghanistan, aster? the disaster? well, tonight marks the three year anniversary of the terror e attack at kabul international airport. rememberional airpor, 13 u.s. sr members and more than 150 others lost their lives. americans abandoned behinds thau enemy lines and our allies that we promised we'd never do were this to. d they were abandoned behind enemy lines. many of them, by the way, we left the list of what their who their names are. wies are m ripped outfrom
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of their homes, never seen or heard from again. thanks to, joe and kamala. and while mass chaos was unfolding at kabul's airport, f it was one of the most devastating, humiliating moment ing humis in american history. l and it was all caused by joe biden and kamala harris, who brags about playing a critical rols whe. o begi that decision to begin the deadly withdrawal from afghanistae dewithdrn might rem kamala in her own words. take a listen. id tha >> president biden always said that he wants you to be the last d yot in the room,rm particularly for big decisions, part forhe was president obama. he just made a really big decision. afghanista -n. t pe were you the last person in theh room? yee rooms. and you feel comfortable? i do. and i and i'm going to add to that, this is a president who has an extraordinary amount of. >> courage. no, that wasn't courage as thec. country of afghanistan was rapidly collapsing, a horrific
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scenes of carnage and chaos unfolded in real time. smilldedl all smiles just days before service members were killed. >> take a look at i'm going to slow down, everybody i want abot to talk about two things. thin. afghanistan we couldn't have a higher priority right now. and in particular, my priority ev making sure that wei -- safey evacuate american citizens, afghancitizens who work for us n at risk, including women is ochildrenn and ch. and that is one of our highest, if not the highest priorit right now. funnynow.? e 13 americans are dead and we had hundreds americans abandoned behind enemy lines. our allies abandoneds, our, andd of them ended up dead. and by the way, today, trump not kamala, not joe.
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ceme went to arlington national cemetery. president trump did to honor the servic. e members who wered murdered during that terror attack at kabul's airporring th joe biden. he couldn't be bothered. n coulhe's now on his second consecutive beach vacation without a care in ths see worldv and we have no idea what kamala harris was doing today. earliea whr well, president trup had this to say. didt relates to this very solemn, sad anniversary, >> m a loosolemnk. caused by kamala harris. joe biden, the implication in afghanistan set off the collapse of credibility and respect all around the world. abily will never be safe again until we have fired thoser responsible for this disaster. >> when i take disaste will askr the resignations of everyngle o single officiaffl who will
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get the resignations of every single senior official who touch the afghanistan who e to be on my desk at noon on day. whereas, kamala harris, why didn't give a speech taking a responsibility for the tremendous failuresrs ago in afghanistan you just saw three years ago, she was braggingging abo about its succ and being the last person in the room making the calle cal to leave afghanistan. and now she's m.i.a. ben. ng in actio it's pathetic. you know how how much more pathetic caoun you getget? carlos now? pretending she wasn't around three years ago? s not atshe had nothing to do wt withdrawal. she wants americans tocumben believe that she's not an incumbent. and on day one, i'm going to piconk some place.i' and on day one, i'm going to fix the border. what have you beenhe borde doinl the last three and a half years? you are the vice president of you are nt oy and that what, you're not responsible for the border crisis ord you're inf or any of the other failuresfais of the administrationname?
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that bears her name is the biden-harris administratios n. t? instead, everything is donald trump's fault. somehow, democrats how demon char who have been in charge for, what, 12 out of the lastt letelb 16 years are completely blameless for any of our. the dog bites, the bee stings. you feeling sad? just blame trump, hate trump, and call it joy. you havehay trulloch no agenda f take away people's freedoms and say that you're for the freedoreed m because that'sccolo. what's happening. >> take a look. donaldald trum trump would selll this country for a dollar if it meant liningor his own pocketsdi at greasing the palms of his pas. street friend donald trump. take donald trump and j.d. vance. but let me tell you whatdical ag a radical agenda don, is, and that is trump's project. 2025. donald trump. donald trump. in fact, there are fewer border >> py than when donald trump left office. donald trump. when president trump.he
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>> the truth is, t donalruthder trump sees power as nothing more than a means to his ends. to donald trump. donald trump. for years, donalld trumpd trumpd everything in his power to try >> make people fear us. >> donald trump. donald trump. donald trump. the felon has no plans to costs for families, but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house extremely serious. >> they lie about abortion. ortn they lie about project 2025. they lie about the economylayabt >> they lie about immigration. they lie about everything. this is the most ything. bizarre, thi dishonest campaign in history. to sum it up, a person that got primary votes has conductedview, zero interviews, zero press conferences, and doesn'tress coy have any stated policy
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positions on our website may not have time betweed position w and election day wants your vote because she hates donald trump and they hope you do too, even if your life was significantly better, which it was under the last. ey cla they claim to be, as i said,imty the party of joy and the party. of freedom. but they want to take away your guns. they wan takt to mandatory gun buyback. they want you and your family to payo for the unvetted illegal immigrants that they are allowing intl imo their theh want you to pay for their housing, their health care, education, even college educatiog counter, evenn in mine they want to force you to payy more for energy. and by banning fracking and banning drilling,party, the freedom party, the joy party, they want to take away your gasoyan powered vehicles. v they want to force an ev intoehc your driveway, whetherle want nt one or not. the freedom and joy party wants to take away your privatto freel health care system. the freedom and joy party wants to force femininth e products into boys bathrooms. and in minnesota
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, they wanten to give your children children gender-affirming care and take away your knowledge and your consent. in other words, you're rightd ye as a parent, what joy, what freedom? whatbut in 70 days, well, franky it is less than that because three weeks from tomorrow, early voting begins ina. today.aniearl that is 22 days from today. and mail in ballots go out in places like north carolina in two weeks. there's not a lot of time hereao with reaction, florida congressman mike waltz is with us, along with darren hoover , gold star, father of us, marine corps sergeantu.s. taylor hoove marr. he was killed in afghanistan three years ago. mr. hoover. emy my. m all our love and prayers and support for you and your family. i don't know if if anyone ever noercomef anyos like this, i wod assume the answer is no. >> thank s having me, shawn.ect. and you're correct. the answer is absolutely noter you know, a parent shouldn't be the one burying their child.
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you know, it's a a somber day, but it's also a day of remembrance that we get tohlt highlight his life h and his actions, his heroic actions and those of his his fellow members that were there with him that day. and, you know, for all the for all of the wishing and wantingdh and wish we had him back, you know, we couldn't be more proud of him and proud of all of the rest of them that stood tall and stoodrest of in thewo breach that day. those two weeks leading up ha that daeeksup ty and that coe to do so and grateful that wewan have men and women still wanting to join up. let me let me get to you, congressman, because i think this is important. ant. the fact that they view this as a success and they bragged about it is is alarming in and of itself. shs alare is the last person ine
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room. okay. donald trump had a very different foreign policy. we didn't lose a singlean the american. the last 18 months, he was president in afghanistan las . and he's told us the story. why? he told us that he calledand the head of the taliban and the actually let the head of the his taliban know his exact position while talkinositiog to them and basically implying. why do you why do you show mepli a picturng we e of my house? because i know where you are are and i will come for you first.y basically, to me, that was the message donaldto trump sending. >> this is just one small - one small position of what are the most radical positions ever. and she doesn't wantnd s to talk to the american people. we have a lot of problems going on here. e. and she just wants to duckde i and hide and dodge and weave and and basically hide in the basement. get the media so far as lettinhg or getting away with it, letting her get away with it- l
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well, sean, president trump is a tough guy.'s a c he's a commander in chieomfand e actuhe knows how to deal with whether it's the terrorists she ,putin or the ayatollahs and when he tells, the head of the excuse me, we're going to have a, you know, a missile in your house if you don't livee up to your end of the bargain, then you don't have any americans killed. that's what we need in a commander in chief. weyr-in-cwe saw todahat at arlington was a commander in chief who cared. hia in chief who was presents pr and stood with these familieeseo at their graveside. and you know what else he promised them whaelse h on? top of promising accountability and to fire every official. he promised these families transport agency.e othe the other thing they haven't gotten fror gottenm harris or b, and when he's back in office, he'll release all the tapes,
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all the videos, all the emails o all of it, so that theyso tha have the closure and the answers that they need. so this is a commander in chiefn have to have. and the thing that was so wasin thfuriating todafuriaty, sean, s that everybody's standing there. look, i'veverybody's stand lost in combat. you know, we had a cemetercombay full of people we've lost. but everybody standing there s knew this didn't have to happen. this was senseless. darrenw thist ha hoover did notn lose his son, taylor, and that ever, tay buddy knows you take the military out after you takeu our civilians and you take our allies out. and we president trump says itp best. a five year old would knowso w that. so we have te hao have president trump back in office as commander in chief. that can take care of ourtake c families, take care of our veterans, and dealar our with ta likes of the taliban, xi, putin
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and, the rest. >> i don't think they fear>> kamala harris at all sea like they have him feared biden. what? well, what words mr. hoover, do you have for the american people? we saw what happened when the bodies were returned home. and jo whee biden look at his watch. >> he was looking at his watch, right? ye a t? s, he was. every every single time that a casket came off of that plane, you as checking it he was . >> you know, do the american people just please understand that what trump did today means all that we could have everor asked for in the world. he cares. n the he has done from day one whent n we've sat down with him, both mar-a-lago at bedminster, when we've been to his rallies when we were at the rnc. the man cares, whes deeply abous country, and i wish i wish soour ca: d that the rest of the country could see what wese see behind the scenes the love,e
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the compassion, the honor, the integrity behind everything that he does. make no mistaky e, it he's veryit measured. but as far as the biden-harrishr administrationis a, we stillsti, to this day, still to this day, we have not heard one thing. and my main questions, how did this happen? s hohow did you allow this to happen? i want to know the intel that they everything off of to give them to get them to the the point where they pulled everything out like they did and they let them out. how how dare they up -? nd mar they let them march from province to province to provinco provine, and they dn stop them. and then the next thing they knoknow, thw, their press,- their back against the wall. they abandoned americans behindne enemy lines and heroes like your son lost his lifes an lik 13 americans and many more abandoned behind lines. ri
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>> i'm very sorry, mr. hoover, but our prayers are with you. i'w. d knowi that and i know i speak for this audience. congressman walz, thank you, too. when we come back, kamala harris getting so desperate, she's tryino. g to steal yet another trump idea. wow. another ?does she have one orig? thought? well, explain. senator ted cruz is. also coming up, newt gingrich straight ahead. we're going to start blanketing the east coast, essential for people to start experimentation with production of street. they can sell as a heroin substitute and make millions of dollars. everybody thinks that's not going to happen to me. and i want the strongest stuff i can get. i have never seen up to that point in my career in this type of crisis, you probably find all kinds of people that think i'm an absolutely worthless human being. >> i don't care. we p well fohe here we gi we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash.
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>> all right. it has been 36 days since the democratic party coup and joe biden handed 3 control of the democratic party to kamala harris. and since thendemocr, she has de zero press conferences, no do, and unveiled only aal small handful of policy resitionndful ofs that are all e basically rehashing of biden's plans oren's pla stolen directlm
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donald trump. does she believe the trump positions now they ares? finally slated to do annally intervieslw by the end of this month, probably late on a friday night, according tha to the left. that's exactly the right call. harris allies they're now openly declaring that she really needs to avoig thatd camr the cameras as much as possible until election day because increases her chances of winning. god forbid, the americanhances o people see and hear the real kamala harris. >> take a lookd hear t. k. >> she hasn't done a big>> s interview in a while here and certainly not since announcinghe arview in. are you going to talk to her soon? what do you think? what do you think she should dkr o ? or does she do better to ignore all those calls to talk and just keep doin r toeg? e' >> she's doing. part of harris' caution, extraordinary caution when it >> ps to interviews is whytervis some democrats were nervous about making her the nomineewhye why people like nancy pelosi and chuck schumer were more in favoa chuckr of like an open p, because the fact is that every almost all oe ths f her worst mo as vice president have come in live interviews. >> and it doesn't matter how look, at this moment,
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it's about winning, right this is about winning. yeah. now it it's a mad >> and she is running and she is not stopping to stumble and know what. >> and there's nothing wrong with stopping this. -- iy- in to vote for it anywaho ,no matter what she says,d bp i'm a stupid interview, so don'intervt get up. >> you're right. i couldn't be more on that pagan . keep fighting, run out the clock, win at all costt the hide your who you are from the american people. here was reaction formere amr house speaker fox news contributor newt gingrich as well as welhouse l. i mean the fact that even faket news cnn is offering such wisees i guess is interesting considering they claim to bets journalists. but putting all of that asid e, i'm not sure in the endn th that this is going to play wella . i'm not sure that she's going to be able to run and hidet ge ab, you know, for r the entire campaign,
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the only time problem i see is three weeks from tomorrow. early voting begins in pennsylvaniearly a. av and in two weeks we have mail in ballots going out in placesnh like north carolina. so in that sense, there going to be people that are going to be casting votes without aning tog votey knowlede sponsored the green new deal, 93 trillion in the senate with bernie sanders. they're not going to knoh w thao she sponsored medicare for all, universal health care, the eliminatio ersal hen of private ins health insurance, no fracking, no drilling, freuran frackine e, health care, housing for illegal immigrant immigrants, defund legalants, dismantle, no bail laws. they're going to be a lot of people that don't knothere w, mr. speaker, that'll be casting a vote that that's frightening o me to me. isll, i mean, first of all, that's the job of donaldan party trump and j.d. vance and the republican party. i mean, they simply have to get those messages across, not she knows she's running a lie. she knows that she couldn'tget l
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possibly tell the truth and get elected. and she knows that she's not very good in an open, flowingn environment where she actually has to think. and so she's doing exactly get what's right for her. well, i mean, if she canwith get away with hiding and are p parties incapable of getting the truth across despites. but look, the act of hiding tells you something. it tells, you that she's hiding. and unless you say to yourself, oh, what she hiding?ding? well, she's hiding everything about thverythine truth. and i think we just have to sayh that over and over and recognize that this election was a very straightforward gamble. she thinks the american people are stupielectiond. ame we think the american people are smart. lincoln always believed in the american people. margaret thatcher, ronald reagan, george washingto n. our great leaders understand that in a free country, in the end, you have to believe that the people are relativelyve smart, not geniuses, not harvard faculty, but smart.
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and people talk to each other every day. and i think, frankly, groun she's been losing ground, not the ing ground, despite all the fantasies of the propaganda higha. i personally think that trump should offer to debatei pe on c. i mean, i'm sorry, on c-span. now on a straight out no, no media. she gets to ask him. he gets to ask her questions and go on offense and say,ad t look, i'll be glad to debate wio her without all of our allies in the news media. and i'll be glad to let her ask endinything she wantd be gs andl get to ask her anything i want. i think the country would find it refreshing to actually have, as lincoln and douglas did, e two serious potential leaders talk direct to eac serioush witt the mickey mouse biased baloney of the elite media. but but you know, that's not going to happen. i know that' s not going to. happen. they're running out the clock. she's not going to d o that it-minute mean, last minute.
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just think about this. out thisyou're they agree. they they demanded the rules with, the debates. she demanded that they keep the abc debateth with the same rule. now looks like she's trying to get out of that, insisting, oh, we want to change the rules. last minute. donald trump can't do that. trup he can't give in to theseable d unreasonable demands of heemr. w but it tells me she doesn't even want the debate at this point. an-- theand that her advisers t are telling her to get out any way she caget oun. in 1858, stephen douglas was a potential presidential candidate, step. he was the incumbent senator.he he was the dominant figure in illinoi wasinant s. and lincoln nagged him and nagged him and nagged him and. finally, he agreed to one debate in each of the o seven congressional districts that they hadn't been in yet. v another seven debates changed history and they didn't have any new s media.'t they didn't have any mickey mouse baloney. they were straight u any my moup
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conversations about freedom and slavery and the constitution the. p and i think if donaldy da trump says every day, i'm eagery to debate her, i'm happy to stand on the stage. she gets to ask me questions. i get to ask her questions. what is she afraid of that's o all he has to say. what is shf? e afraid of? and i think the truth is that he will grind her down. well, i hope you're right. righ amevery american understands everything that we're putting on the screen. the media knows about it. so i have a my website, the kamala files, her inn her own words, her radicalism. you can hear yourselradicalif. d i played it a lot on this a program. i played it on my radio program. i have lotf the walls. you can download it. you can put it on social media, give i t to your friends,l me your family, your coworkers, and bypasse the media.dia. i deputize everybody in this audience. and deputize they'll they'll set around hannity .com. it's free anyway.wt gin
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newt gingrich, thank when we come back, kamala harris now trying to adopt donald trump's position yet againg to to get votes, will remind you of what she said in her ownmind yoz we'll check in with senator ted cruz. vivek ramaswamy on kamalahang trying to change the debate rules straight ahead here. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life? do you know? you got to get on it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. >> it's worth it. life insurance is too important to put off another day. that's why selectquote makes getting coverage you need easy. for less than a dollar a day. now get up to a $2 million policy with no medical exam and same day coverage visits like whatcom. >> we shop, you save soon and the braves battle bryce harper and the phillies for william contreras and the
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. >> yeah, as border as are she allowed into the country , overy 11 million unvetted illegal immigrants fro1 milliom 180 cous from iran, syria, egypt, afghanistam 18n and chinaa an and russia. and we now have peopled with terror ties h in thewe country, and we have no idea where they are. and on top o ideaf that we haven rape, we have seen murder, we have seen violent crime risend through the roof. and you're paying for all of it. now, the problem with that ae ad is the border border walls. in the aadd you are allegedly part of donald trump's border wall, the same border wall she mocked repeatedly in might remember. take a look. rememberthis is a crisis of thed president's own makingen t to fulfillo his quest to to build a vanity project calledrot the wall c. this is irresponsible. it's the height of irresponsibility for the commander in chief to suggestes that we have to
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build a wall across our southern bordeern bordr bece there are terrorists who are trying to to invade e the country. >> it couldn't be farther fromer the truth. >> under biden. and. harris, guess what? we now have people with ties coy in the country. and in 2017, she called the border wall a stupid use ofy. money, promised to block any funding for it. prom band when asked about thern wall while her running mate, the bernieing of governorsbirly tim walz, he mocked the idea, saying he'tid in a companya comp that made ladders tall enough to reach the topan of the wall o help out those that don't respect our laws, our border o and our sovereignty. >> take a look. ke a loohe's not going to do anl he talks about this wall. i always say let me knowis wall- if it's 25 feet, then i'll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory. not ho how you. >> stop this. all right. now, in a pathetic attemptetic to win over undecided voters,
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kamala is flipping, flopping and flailing yet again. no tax on tips. , she was the tie breakings vote to empower the irs to goki afteng votr people, service wors that make their money on tips? and she had nearly, what,half three and a half years to get tough on the borde yo ger ll she had three and a half years to take on. inflation, she said, was transitory. ta the border, she said, waswa secure. and as borders are, she tooks se over the administration's position on this. it's been a complete abject failure allowing millions of illegals to come intor scre our country. take a look at your screen, by the way. you see the names right there. becay see s righ a close look, e the state run corrupt mob pravda won't show you the names ,the victims of the heinoushe crimes committed by unvetted harris biden, illegal immigrants. nvette that's just since they came into office. you see, becauseyou see kamalas blood on her hands, as does joe. these people would be aliv hande today except for the unvetted harris biden illegals.
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and for three years they lied and said the border is closed, the border is secure. she she didn't go down to the border, but because she hadn't been to europe either. o euroand meanwhile, doubling dn on these radical border policiesese radi, carmel, his hn state of california. you got to love this one. .they're now close to approving and they have a supermajorit sy and in the in their legislature, 150 thousanda dollars loans for who illegals to help them purchase homes. wow. can't make it? up here with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. ted senator, you're feeling the brunt of this in texas. shu see what she's doing. she's running, she's hiding. she's trying to run out the clociding, tk and now she so tax on tips. meanwhile, she was the tie breaking vote that empowered the irs to go after service? s she said the border was secure. knowsaid that inflation was transitory. now she's going to, on day one, fix inflatio she in, fix the bor
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and solve all our problems. >> well, look, kamala is running a fundamental, dishonest campaign. you know, you reference just there,, yo day one, day one was four years ago. part of what's fundamentallyur n about the campaign is she's pretending that she's not the sitting vice president. she's pretending that joe biden is not currently the presiden t t of thed united states, that these problems are all of her owatesn that the inflation we have is because of the wild spendinge is and debt that she and joe biden, the democrats, did, the open joe and. she's been the border czar for four years. this invasio czar n is her faule not only her fault, but she wanted it. listent only her i've served wia four years in the senate. she has consistently t been the most left-wing senator. she's voted for open borders over and over and over again. and nor again.w this entire ele, she's trying to pretend her record doesn't exist. she'shawn. it's why she doesn't do media interviews. it's why she won't answer questionos.
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because they are very cynically trying to hide her in the basementyying t. bid i think it's joe biden's basement. and i'll point out, by the way, my reelectio. an pointn campaignn in texas, my opponent, congressman, calling all reds, m every bit as leftwing as kamalas harris, he's doing the sam le strategy. he's been over 60 days without doing a press conference. he doesn't bee answer i think joe bidee n and kamalabi and colin all red are alle sa in the same basement. and they're all there for defesame reasot e all thn, whicy cannot defend their left-wing bo record.>> >> so far, they've gotten away with it. so far your opponent has gotten away with it. and it and i asking this question of newt gingrich, and he said, well, it's the trump campaign's responsibility ,but the clock is not on oure cc side here.nnsylvan >> early voting begins in pennsylvania three weeks from tomorroe weekw. we have mail in ballots going out north carolina before then and other states rolling out very quicklyes including wisconsin and michigan. senator, this is serious crisis
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for our country. now. they want last minutor e to they requested with the rules. they requested with the rules. they agree requesthed to. >> we either demand a change or what. now she doesn't wantw a debateer either. my guess is she doesn't. mydoesn't. is. and if i'm donald trump, i don't think you can give int n anymore more. i don't think you should ever have agreed to a debatk yo e on abc. the questions in my mind going to be written by george gg stephanopoulose. o they so they are going to be written by george stephanopoulos. but -- butbe look, sean, i think trump needs to do the debate. and frankly, i thinkneed he shod agree to whatever stupid rules they want. it's going to be hostile anytriggedd rules they going t . and i think kamala harris would love to cancel the debate and blame it on trump. look, she's in a basement. they don't want her challengedla ever. if they have an excuse to get out of a debate, they can literally don ext ou d for the p 71 days except count on the corporate media. >> st o what of trump's. >> and so i think that trump well, what if he say>> seas we w
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already agreed to the rules? either accept the debate that you agreey agreedd to, you walk away and hide. don't you thinank? she >> she ends up looking bad on on that. but >> yeah, but you know what?w wh i think she'd be happy to walkal away from that. my advice would be, come up wan with ever stupid rules you want. if you want her to wear a cheesehead while she's debating. the want the mikes, hot or not, you want her to have an encyclopedia of talkin ot wantgi in front of her? i don't care. i want to stand up directly and contrast'tre.nd her record and mine. because on every front, donald trump'o - becauss record, we had succesh in this country. we had peace, we had prosperity. we had recoris c gote d ped low, we had a secure border. we had peace globally. and on every level. kamala's record is a train wreck. and so my advice to thet ge trump campaign is, is don't get kamala wants to pick this fight to have an excuse to get out of the debate. don't let her out of the debat e . we need her there because without a debate, her campaignes will never answer a single
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question between now and election day. >> and that' and elecs their only hope of winning is focus on joy and hope and change. how about this? >> and not her disastrous record? trump is known for the art thi of the deal. how about this deal? agre rule change.r you agree to a second debatek in and then put it the ball back in her court. >> look, i think he can try. i think the deal i think he cane'll s try, but she'll say no. she'll say no. shayo.e will not agree to adeba fox debate. by the way, trump is happy to go in front of whateverte. you put in front of him as the moderators. they're all hostile to himm th o because he's got the truth on her hand. >> she's trying to lie and cover up her recor coli's ld calling. >> i'll read my opponent's doing the exact same thingright all right, senator, thank you. we're watching your campaign very closely as well. we app we appreciate it. all right. when we come back, vivek ramaswam e comey on trying to change those debate rules. what should donald trump do? i say negotiate like he always does. straight aheadlike h . >> i'm jonathan lawson here
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15% off with promo code. get 15 at take links. >> the presidential debate between is no aw slated forr septem september the 10th. it's supposed to b e on the veryextrem extremely radically liberal george stephanopoulos network of abc news. but president trump is already speaking out about abc and their hostility towards his campaign and blastingal kamala harris for trying to change the debate rolls there, even, by the way, suing george stephanopoulos. now, politico is reporting the harris campaign wants hot mikes because they believeve vp can, quote, get trump to lose his cool. >> say something. well, impolitic on mic because even with moderators on her side, harris still can't answere questions or discuss policy positions. so just relying on trumpe a
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to make a mistake. here with reaction caformer 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamate vivey maybe ya settle the debate. >> i'm sorrysettle, this is theh this is their requested network. they get the moderatorested nets they want. they got the rules they demande d and last minute. now they want a rule change. i think donald trump doesp what donald trump does best and that's go in artdoes of the dea, negotiate a second debate as part of a change. e thoughts? >> yeah. look, i think that athou good option is to justghts show upby at the fox news debate. and if kamala doesn't want to show up, tell the americafon people an hour what your policy vision actually is for the country. houwhat youthe truth of the ma, let's get to the bottom line. >> there were going to be debatesah, so now and novemb. >> i think it's super great. but when's the wednesday afteroa the day of that that date that she rejected, where i'm doing a town hall with president trump, pennsylvania. >> so, you know, he's great. you knowi think we welcome authi
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interactioc inn with or withouth a moderator. i think that's what we need in the country. the reality show, though, is how media is covering for kamala harris' policy positions. >> her police countrit mediay dy equivalent of biden's cognitive deficits in that the median th covered up for both of them. >> the reality is, when sheha says there's a tax bot o on unrealized capital gains that she favors, they say, don't worry, that'll never ized capealth pass. abolishing private health insurance or the ban ing or on offshore drilling. >> she no longer supports that. so whatever it is, what youmedi really hear from the media is not in defense of her actual. policies because so many of them, including the price controls, are indefensible man e all they'll say is don't takeit it seriously because it's never going to actually pass de. the that's why i think the debate is actually important. it forces kamala harriactuals tn what her policy positions actually are and.s the fact that we are under 75 days to an election where we don' dont even know where one oo the two major presidential candidates stands finah of these issues is, i think, an actual undermining of american democrack any
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that nobody's talking about. >> but her campaign, according to axios, is now saying, after we heard axios her policies thao not go over well, even what the washington post and new york times gover about e gauging or gouging or the fact that she laid out the largest tax increase in the history, ofe not only of the country but the world. and you mentioned unrealizedhe d capital gains that shepolicy p they don't want to put out any more policy positions. there's nothing on her about where she stands on my website. i havee ab her her own words telling everybody where she stands. but we don't knoe standsw she she's standing by her previous statements. standing b i'm not even sure ina 90 minute debate that you can get out that kind of information. it seems kind of to me that we're going to have to buy time on the corrupt media. >> one of the reasons i respect even principled left liberalslet who have different views than mine, like bernie sanders, is at leas-w s in mint they will own g
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their actual policy positions. we don't get that out of kamal a harris. >> but the truth is, the more she talks about policy, the more she goes down in the polls. t the h isthey've taught her tob from it. it's our job now as a republican partyli y up, all the wayur up and down to say, here is our alternative vision. >> she's not talkingternativ about policy where we can draw sharp contrast by saying we'recv the ones that actually do have a vision for the country. foaning the border, ending crime, growing the economy, and staying out of world war three. those are policies that most americans agrei remodepoliciese. one of the things i respect about donald trump, which you hear is that he evene him offered real clarity on how to achieve those things. >> kamala harris hasn't. that's-mac is contrast. >> but on day one, she's goinge to solve the inflation that she said was transitory and secure the border, which she told us was secure. you didn't hear that? >> well, the reality is the reality is and there's almost. right you say the opposite thing enough times. you hope the voting public doesn'y al t actually notice. >> on solving inflation. her plan of bringing venezuelanlations style price
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controls to the united states. we know where that story is. they actually had worse undernourishment crises in nations like venezuelctuallar using price controls. we don't want that in the united states ofg america.t we don't want to turn our nation into venezuela either through illegal migratio detern or their failed economic policies. let's do it the american way. and that's a donalfaconomicthats going to give us. >> all right, vivek ramaswamy, we appreciate you bein.ivekg with us. >> thank you. when we come back, more "hannity" straight out. >> we're going to start blanketing the east coast with fentanyl started experiment rotation, mass production of streets until they can sell it as a heroin substitute and make millions of dollars. everybody thinks that's not going to happen to me. and i want the strongest stuff i can get. i have never seen up to that point in my career this type of crisis. you probably find all kinds of people that think i'm an absolutely worthless human being. >> i don't care. here, here we go. >> one child dies from choking
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