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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 27, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> use promo code, save 20 today and get an extra $20 off. you'll pay just 995 for everything you see here will even add free shipping. and every order comes with cindy's 60 day money back guarantee. >> this special offer is not available any store. so don't wait. scan the code. call the number below. >> go to meaningful beauty .com. right now during the conventions, the biggest leaders on both sides of the aisle. we're on fox news. we appreciate you coming on and taking tough questions. more democrats, more independents and more republicans watch fox news than any other news network. fox news is watching. >> are you kevin o'leary? emily, dad's ♪ ♪ >> i'm judge jeanine pirro in
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four laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city. we are two weeks out and kamala o is already trying tof change te debate rules. speak with the truth is they are trying to get out of it because she doesn't want a debate. >> laura: and secret service agents and head of the rally where trump was almost killed.ln >> the service of fbi dragging their feet and stalling us. >> judge jeanine: senator ron johnson is here tonight. plus vulgar hollywood selection trying to drag kamala across tha finish line. s >> going to vote for her [bleepp anyway so don't [bleep] f we went but first, just 70 daysi to go until the election, the biggest question on everyone's mind is, where are kamala's policies? the campaign tells her she's flip-flopped on all of the previous plans such as banning
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fracking and reddit health insurance so where is new stuff? well, don't expect to find outka anything between now and november because as kamala's campaign told axios, "there is not enough time." that is fine with left-wing int activists. >> details about obama's policy leading into thedon' election in 2008? i don' i think what we remembered was thtee message and biden has a shorter runway. americans are voting early in september and some states. >> judge jeanine: what an insult to voters. they want you go to the vote quickly pined to the democratic candidate ideas about the country and are demanding that you choose her anyway. impact, you were supposed to bef impressed by how she's dodged brittany to forgire her own pat. speak with the first month she has taken on the mantle ofthin nominee, she has done this thref an challenging needle to saygoin
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are the things i have done and been successful one but here is how i will carry that forward ii a new way and here is how i'm at the top of the ticket and you are the how things will feel differently. >> judge jeanine: for most americans, things don't feel differently than a month ago. dangerously illegal immigrants still on the streets and wages aren't keeping up with inflation and democrats still don't have answers how to fix the country that they just look at those whole policies speech kamala deliverance and biden dropped c out. soviet style price controls. it was so widely criticized, her own party won't support it. democrat lawmakers told "politico" such a bill has no chance of passing congress anytimite soon, even if the democrats win the white house and congress. so what was the point of the plan? not to lower prices but to redirect voters anger about inflation to corporations.
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blame shifting, blame l shifting, that is kamala'soc agenda and campaign surrogates following walk in step. >> how can they talk about a new chapter turning the page? you guys are the ones writing the book.cs l >> you know that is not truew because you know politics like i do. right now we see the trump republicans in congress killing all kinds of pragmatic policies that we need to get down.ican >> judge jeanine: please! republicans are the only ones keeping the biden-harris administration from passing more radical and dangerous legislation. want to see what the country would look like absent republicans? look at democrats struggles like chicago and san francisco. they harris-walz campaign will try to dodge questions and shifg the blame throughout the rest of the but voters won't be fooled.50e6 joining us now is mollie hemingway, editor and
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commander of the federals andth founder of ceo america. molly, i will start with he'll come a piece in the hilt defends the media's treatment of kamala saying it is hard for the media to cover something that isn't there. but mollie comsomee out try notw press her to at least answer questions? >> we have a situation right now in the countryully where we hava propaganda press that it's fully aligned with the harris campaign and in some ways even running that campaign. theyso they are doing everythinn their power to drag her across the finish line, and they know because of her weakness, intellectual weakness, radical policies out there that the way to drag her across i ds to lay low and not have her do interviews and to even have the president lay low as well. people forget but vice presideni kemal harris is the incumbent in a failed presidency that has
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been going on three and a half years and so the press and the kamala campaign best understood as the same entity. they will be doing everything ia their shared interest, which is, not dealing with the reality of what her policy positions are. that is a real threat to republic that needs to know and have a campaign here. >> judge jeanine: all right the harris campaign is trying to act like she is serious about the issues. takectua a look at this. >> you have one candidate series about border policy anrehed comprehensive immigration which is kamala harris and one is fanning the flames and serving self which is donald trump. that is frankl oy all issues between our candidate kamala harris who is fighting to actually bring people togethert in search of solutions. >> judge jeanines sh: ned, whatd exactly has she done for the border?e th >> absolutely nothing. impact 12 million illegals for the three and halfmean years shs border czar or joe they aree sh lying through their teeth in it
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is pretty obvious where she stands on all these issues. we have plenty of video footage and statements and 100%e green new deal and 100% health care defunding the police and confiscating guns, late term. he w3 weeks ago, judge, she was praising bidenomics and continuing that failed policy. and another thing to be aware og is the whole thing taking place right now, the reason they are lying and stalling is nott because she will be changing on sh any of those issues but it's that she's trying to hide from the voters with the help of thet propagandists, who she actually is far left needlehest marxist socials candidate that they'ven ever put up. >> judge jeanine: without knowa doubt, only the dnc chairmanfor with absurd praise of b6 even for democrats.beat take a look. >> he scared to be beaten bywh this woman, this blacko in
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woman, who is so capable and so intelligent and is the most person to be equipped united states of america walking face of the earth. the >> judge jeanine: i remember when hille r was the most qualified person ever. how does that work out? >> up until a few weeks agowa everyone agreed kamala harris. was a very bad vice president that she had been ta drag on te b team ticket. impact, she is not known for being intellectual bright spot. she has a lot of trouble with speaking, retaining information. she can do a quick answer butth doesn't do well with follow-up questions or details. that is why not doing better in previous but the first answer is pretty good but once you have to get more substance, it is not there. but this gaslighting of theedia country that is going on again by democrats and theis media, which are the same things at this point, where takingll problematic person and saying she is actually great, it might work in the short run but i
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don't know if it works throughsp the election. >> judge jeanine: ned, finally, the si lx plans to do an interview before the end of the month. this is the last week of theumbe month. do you think she will do it, number one, to my, and wills she do it with walz because she can't do it alone? >> she will do it with friendly quote propaganda's outlet and it will be softball questions. it is incumbent upon the trump campaign and super pac or conservative groups allied witht trump to be nonstop running her statements on all of thesepiec issues, on tv ads, digitalto ads, every piece of literature they combined to make it clear to the american people who she is, even if she wants to hide who she is or even the propaganda's allied themselves with her and cover up untilting november 5th. >> judge jeanine: it will be bei very interesting. mollie and ed, thank you for being with us tonight.memb it's been three years since 13 u.s. service members were kille during the bosch staffonly
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afghanistan pullout and biden was the one to make the finaldet decision but he was not the onl involved. >> judge jeanine: present biden said he wanted you t o bewa the last person particularly for big decisions as he was foris president obama. he made a big decision: afghanistan. where you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you folk comfortable? >> i do. >> judge jeanine: the locale at star families more in the oneho loved ones arlington national. cemetery today and trump was the one who showedmala up for them,t be five nor joe and neither of. them had any public event schedule. >> the former presidentht ng at arlington national cemetery for the flag and the current president/vice president put out paper statements. is that enough, given what happened a few years ago? >> neither going to arlingtony nor any individual paper statement is evethr going to be
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enough to repay these families.n >> judge jeanine: john kirbyt also suggested today that kamala and joe may not even have been invited byn the families. joining us now is tulsi gabbardt former 2020 democratic presidential candidate and fox news contributor. tulsi, you were there along with president trump. how important was it for him to be there today? >> one thing that ran through mn mind as i was they are joining president trump and honoring the ultimate sacrifice that these 1r service members paid, sharingfa the sorrow of these gold star families still feel and will always feel the loss of their je loved ones.kama meanwhile, where is b5 and where is joe biden? joe biden is on vacation and kamala harris is running a campaign based on joy and bribes and laughing her way around. i can tell you who wasn't laughing with those families, the soviet survivors of that attack in this
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disastrous afghanistan i withdrawal. this is personals al f for me, judge, and so many other americans who know firsthand the cost of war. we have seen and experienced it firsthand. we know how important it i s to have a commander-in-chief that values every single one of our lives and has the strength andl the courage to exercise all means of diplomacy meeting with dictators, allies, adversaries, partners in pursuit of peace and recognizing work is in no way should be a last resort.ties and doors president trump today because he has those qualities, and he has proven hen is that commander-in-chief. kamala harris has proven she is not. we are closer to the break of nuclear war than ever before, closer to world war iii because of biden and harris and their policies. >> judge jeanine: tulsi, the mother of one of the slain spoke
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about kamala harris today. take a listen today. >> vice president harris running for commander-in-chief and doth you have a message for her? >> we hold the administrationaco and all of this the same accountability and you were right beside him and making rug these decisions. this administration has tried to the rug.under that is absolutely not going to work for this nation. >> judge jeanine: you know, tulsi, the response tois h that?er >> you know, i wansot to know if kamala harris has personally called every one of these 13 families and the families of those who kamala entered? there was a triple amputee tos honor of the loss of his brothers and sisters. and she called him totr ouapologize, apologize for the decision they made with a disastrous withdrawal anic explosion and an attack that took these 13 service members lives that was completely preventable?
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kamala harris is completelyr unfit to serve as ourno commander-in-chief. voters, regardless of democrats or republicans need to know that truth, because that is what thea election about.or it's not about democrats or republicans but having a president who stands for freedom, he' freedom, he's, prosperity, witch es donald trump. as opposed to kamala harris who attacks our freedoms and sensors us and cen uses political retaliation and push us to themi brink of war and who has created this hardship for americans across the country and that is the choice we have before us here and for me as a service member and federal income it is a clear choice. i i love our country and i cherh peace and freedom and i'm supporting donald trump the selection to be our e again.r-in-chief onc >> judge jeanine: cnn tried to attack trump for attending the wreath ceremony. >> is he politicizing the soldier's death and should he bh a arlington cemetery if he's
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going to make politics out ofde this? >> i just look at president biden under his leadership, who actually ended and made the tough decision to end our nation's longest war. that was the right decision by vepresident biden. >> judge jeaniney: the question should be why it wasn't biden in attendance as well? i want y to ask you for years ago, you were one of many democrats running against donald trump. justoday you endorsed donald t. why? >> like i said, made the cases and the choice in the selection is very clear, and i'm confident that if elected as president again, donald trump has thetary strength and the backbone tohese stand up to the military-industrial complex andr keep us out of these unnecessary wars of choice. want to point back to that clip you just played.t let's remember joe biden on the debate stage did not evenf remember that his decision resulted in the deaths of 13 ofh my brothers and sisters in uniform. donald trump this morning, heemt didn't have a big crowd at t
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arlington cemetery. it was him standing and grievinr with these gold star families for hours. this wasn't just a drive-bys photo up. he stayed with them for hours t and help to console them andve thank them for their sacrifice that they have made for ours it great country.t. >> judge jeanine: was it emotional for the president? >> it was extremely emotional.or it was extremely emotional for everyone that was there. s groups of family loved ones anda friends and two survivors there at that attack abrogate who came back and were seriously injured for the rest of their lives. it was such a powerful, our full day and i'm grateful to be there to offer my own sincere gratitude for service andea sacrifice. but it is so important we have leaders who do this, who not just do it for a photo off butrn spreads as president trump did this morning and i saw it, sor felted, experienced at the sorrow he built for the great loss not only these families c felt that our country endures.
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>> judge jeanine : and hes jo clearly didn't look at his watch as joe biden did.. ftse gabbard thank you for joining us tonight. coming up kamala is gettinge scared so she's trying to changt the rules. the debate over the debate is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: okay, so we are about two weeks from the second presidential debate, but the first between kamala and now they are trying to change the rules. let's go live to the white hous: where jacqui heinrich is standing by.e >> the same campaign leadership that wrote the rules for bidenso is now pushing to change thems for harris. w they frame it, "they l with hisut dea constant lies and trump shouldn stop hiding behind the mute button. back imun may, they called forqt muted microphones for the shoubenefit of the american vots saying, "there should be firm time limits fotor answers and alternate time to speak so the time is evenly divided we can have exchange of views not a spectacle of neutral ionsinterruption. "and2020 harris yet to major shf
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in 2020 so it appears that m campaign is to set her up for aw repeat of this highlight. >> mr. vice president, i'm speaking, i am speaking, mr. vice president, i'm f youing, i'm speaking i don't mind letting me finish, we can have a conversation, okay? i >> shaping up to be part of this for now but harris has not explained her border plan.poli her ads highlight trump border wall and she will break from biden on key issues likeree his roles but asked for specifics they repeated biden'se line spirits because she is a different person, different experiences and supports israel's right to defend themselves but the manner in which it does soe is critical,t is keep.quie >> even the plan harris has explained have been quietly do my quietly redlined by allieso e and democrats according to political and telling critics of her grocery price m that is notg viable. it is nearly a messaging tactic
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but she will need a little bit more than messaging tactic ahead of the debate and also her interview, which is slated for sometime between now and the ent of the month, judge. >> judge jeanine: it'll be interesting to see if it happens. what do yogeu think? j >> we will see. >> judge jeanine: thank you. joining us victor davisst hanson fellow at the hoove institution. it is two weeks before the debate and now kamala's team is pulling this. let me see if i have this right, trump will go by the muted microphone thing and then he said, i don't care e it what you do, you can leave it on or leave its off!, at she suspects once that viral moment where she said also at the dnc tone o protesters were e of the rallies, it was at the dnc, "i'm speaking." poi >> yeah, i think the point isben
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that, we have never been here before. and we've never been here before at all, judge hearing the whole we've never had a debate beforeo either candidate was nominated. and trump agree before the convention and went into hostile territory at cnn. they have another suggestion toc go to a pc john carville andca rachel scott are on record asd being veryto critical of donald trump and he agreed tote all of the roles in this historic preconvention debate. and then they tried to back out and we know what they are doing because she's the only candidate in memory that he could lose the election in 10 minutes and they5 know00 that. because after 500 words she exhausted her vocabulary and itn wash, rinse, spin, and repeat. and they know that and this is an excess of compulsion and sensation with him.t they will do anything not to lec
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her go. and in the interview finally shs is running out of the clock as we get to the end of august and promise rendezvous with disinterested journalist. she has to have walz beside herw and late in the cycle will have an interview. so i think she's in a do move. she knows she has to come out and people are getting angry she's hiding and yet she knows'j if she does, she can lose the election and just like her platform. she knows she needs a new platform but if she does get a new platform, everyone says we won't support you anymore. >> judge jeanine: the trump campaign told fox news digital tool told karen down part ofs prepping kamala is leadsimultaneously working as gy and the biden-harrisam administration's lawsuit against the tech giant.your the trump team is calling it a conflict of interest. your reaction to this, victor? >> it is just more of the
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same, judge. the thiname,g about trump is hel debate anyone on anythingan anytime anywhere. everybody knows that. that tthe poem is hammers are of there are hammers and i don't think theraks e are, he will dot he wants. he speaks his mind on anything. that message to the americane hi people is like him or not, he ih authentic and genuine. this iys the most filthy campain we have ever seen. this is a construct. they have taken joe biden being unable to speak extemporaneously a modified it into her. they have the same problem but n this time they think they can b get away with it because only have 70 days and they are trying to run off theas s clock.l as soon as she gets behind thete polls, she will be begging and she will have a choice. >> judge jeanine: the chancese of getting behind the polls are exacerbated by her speaking orze her doing a debate.this i think they know that.s theygo realize this is where she
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stumbles when she's got toan think. right, victor? >> yeah, and she's bleeding. she can't debate and she can avoid it and she's trying to run out ththe clock but there is mounting pressure. the rfk development and trump has been good on messaging. they have great ads she will start to fall behind, she won't have a choice.of she thinks she can postpone until the election, there is a lot of narcissistic who want to occasion to give her softballsrr and take credit. they are getting angry. >> judge jeanine: you know, itut will be interesting, victor, we arsoe talking about rfk later il the thank you foetr joining us. coming up, how badly the secret service blow up the plan to hit the butler rally? the shocking new allegations next. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: a shocking new whistle-blower report reveals the secret service saidi theyce would deny any extrast manpower request to have the rally where trump was almosttl ebkilled. senator josh hawley said the whistle-blower tolentsd him the agents in charge were encouraged not to request and need additional security because "trump is a former president and not the incumbent president or vice president so he wouldn't get it." >> they have never provided us and i think it came from the s white house, they have never provided us with a number of people we should have had for the massive rallies we have had the size of butler. use all thousands and thousands of people as far as the eye can see. i've always said that. i just felt that. they never gave us the number oc people in terms of h secret service people that were necessary. >> judge jeanine: after
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hearing that, it should come as no surprise there weree acaccusationsthey are stonewallg congressional probes. a bipartisan task force investigating the shooting meant to butler today and already threatenbpoes the peanuts if the agents don't cooperate. joining me now it's wisconsin senator ron johnson, senator, thank you so much for being here tonight. help transparent as the secret service and the fbi been with youudge? >> judge, you have to understand this is not my first rodeo. with federal agencies. the fbi the secret service hold themselves above the i understand the techniques they use.ecto so, we have requesteder transparent interviews. we had acting director and her committee anvingd said days, no weeks but it took them a week or so. but they are giving a secret service personnel and. can't tell us a whole
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so nots. doing much. wanted to immediately talk tong the snipers, but i asked the deputy director of the fbi at the hearing, will you release 302s of the interviews? and 460 interviews, they are transcriptions or call 302s and again, single sugar, there is no rationale for them to withhold that information from congress and said they will get that to us as soon as possible. we have not received one 302s hv from the fbi which would be helpful for us andwe we may not have to interview peoples if we understand the fbi's interviews, and we need to know. we have not talked, for exampleh the sniper that took the child. there are conspiracy theories hi had this person ined the site ad asked permission to take him i out. the secret service't b deniesben that, but i have not been ablert to talk to the sniper. i have not been able to get that
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information. so what i'm saying is -- if you design a system, ane investigation that was designed to raise suspicion and drag andh spare see theories, you could not do a better job than the secret service and fbi are doinr right now. >> judge jeanine: there was noer question. i have sai othd some things areo negligent and reckless they border on intentional. the failure to give you 302 whe you have oversight over thisey agency is rather stunning. w,what is their excuse? are they jusr t telling you, oro they say that you are not entitled to it? >> they don't give us excuses. >> judge >> judge jeanine: all right. >> when they rejecss ibjectav information, congress they can reject it for any request but congress should not have anything redacted. we should skip and reveal with. if they redact something, there has to be explanation and a law
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but they don't provide us those laws. this is not just this investigation but investigations for years in the past. >> judge jeanine: senator, thesi fbi told "thone angle," "any u efforts to interfere is unfounded. e towe remain compounded to transparencies to share information with congress. are"senator? >> then give u s the i'm not saying you are notlic. interfering but not cooperative and not transparent with us or the american public. we know what happened july 13 comes primarily from local law enforcement and rally goers. we really haven't heard any new information from the secret service or the may be a few things, but again, so many questions unanswered that should be o
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answered. >> judge jeanine: we just heard about five of the secret service agent s includingti one in theve pittsburgh office being put on administrative thi leave. that did not happen untilyo friday. do you think that happened just before you guys wentn there, ad do you have any information where they were placed on leave? the second question is, how was it within a day theyda said the guy was acting alone, crooks was acting alone? they didhave not do an investign of that point. >> i have no idea. i don't know who those five individuals were placed oneani administrative leave or what positions they held and why they were placed d on leave. the again, it is baffling to me, for example, release the body fory e cremation before we have seen in the autopsy reports or toxicology reports. you just can explain these you things. >> judge jeanine: t senator, what with the body tell you? would there be tattoos or what would you look for in the body? why cremate him so quickly?
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>> first of all, after theen director did not telfol the pubc it was actually law enforcement individual that took the first o shot.wa was crooks hit twice? we don't know. dru toxicology reports, was he intoxicated with drugs? they want to cover that up? he had different countries around the world but we still don't know what that was about. that was not normal behavior. the fbi -- one guy acting alone, on what basis have they made that call? >> judge jeanine: i get it,: se senator, thank you for being nex with us tonight.ue up next, elon musk to the rescue. plus, team harris fixe s what she knows best, her basement strategy. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: elon musk to the rescue. the billionaire writing space 62 save two restaurants at the s spacex station by boeing. senior correspondent kevin corke is standing by with all the details. >> evening, it seems fair to say elon musk spacex is truly consolidating his position as america's dominant private space company. how else to describe the company
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not compared to a pair ofspac astronauts from space. what was supposed to be an eigh day mission, they have been in space for 81 days on the internationa thel space stationn weightless limbo. yes, they are fine, but the star liner leaking he limb and it is elon musk and spacex to bring them home. they will have to wait anotheron six months for the spacex crewy dragon space to drag them home safely and they have plenty of work to do, we are told, and sufficient supplies. despite the fact elon musk is the subject of numerous federals investigations into his company and companies. and putting country over political and personalry preferences. as i f the story couldn't get more interesting, i thought it noteworthy to the national space counselor is none other than
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vice president kamala harris. who knew, judge. s >> judge jeanine: isn't that all right, kevin, thank you so much. knelt at the convention is wrapped upaignarou, the candidae starting the spreads arounleasde country, at least trump is. he may stop for china, detroit and michigan and will campaign d in wisconsin and pennsylvania all battleground states. >> this fight is no longer between democrats and republicans. this is a fight between communism and freedom. a very serious fight. that is why mil millions of traditional democrats including fdr, democrats, jfk democrats, independents and old-fashioned liberals are joining the movement. >> judge jeanine: meanwhile team kamala is struggling to keep t up with trump's fast campaign launching a post tour in joining us lara trump, cochair of the republican nationals
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committee.ou all right, you're the presidente saying this isn't about democrats against republicans we see now with jfk jr. and tulsi gabbard's endorsement.e mi how will the former presidenttsa trump use that to change the ocraminds of independent fluoret democrats?th >> this is really not about republicans versus democrats. this is about saving the country at this point, judge. you can feel the weight of the selection. i actually don't think you can overstate how monumental it waso to receive this rfk jr.a endorsement on friday for r donald trump. this i.f.ks a guy rfk jr. whose family name is synonymous with the democrat party, and yet, hec himself disenfranchised by this party and so dejected as amber result of their tactics to keepn him out of the race. remember, he wanted to run as a democrat. think about what the voters onwo the democrat side would have had and could have actually voted for somebodyf instead of giving
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kamala harris. he was so upset with the things he saw happen, that he said,y i "not only might exiting the race and not only will i say i canno be a part ofto the democrat paru and endorse donald trump. "talk about putting your countru before your party. this was absolutely incredible. an yd you look at the margins, judge, some of the s state you mention wotan in 2016 ralph in 2020 and a lot came down to 1% or 2%. you look at the fact rfk jr. is polling around 5% and a lot of the swing states. what did he do? he took himself off the ballotle and for some states.e even if donald trump is able to get 1% or 2% of the voters otherwise would have voted for thisthat would make election in pennsylvania and you look at georgia, north carolina, arizona, nevada, this could be huge. >> judge jeanine: it is huge wer and this is what cnn said and
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they are worried about rfk abou' rfk endorsing trump and that takcould derail kamala vibe tr. speak with the latest polls show 5%, 4%, 6% of the vote and is not a big deal. if that is the case in swing states, that is huge, everything more the margin between kamala and kamala harris l trump in the swing states. >> judge jeanine: how worried se should they be question marks because she has is the vibe train. look at your website and look at her speech, you got nothing. livedonald trump wants to give e country back to the people and fix the country she broke and that is why rfk came along alon with tulsi gabbard. >> judge jeanine: both of them huge and thank you for being with us tonight. a hollywooa hod director tells e might do well to shove off and is everything and for harris campaign stage? raymond arroyo has it next in
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"seen and unseen" next. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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>> judge jeanine: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we refill the story behind the headlines. bfor that, we talked to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. kamala harris had no publicti events and still no interviews since taking the nomination from joe biden. >> biden is probably at the beach, judge but kamala harris d is probably lily doing debate prep at the white house and now director is offering her thisce advice. >> it is all about winning the [bleep] election. it is not how wes look at this point but it's about [bleep] a winning. ndhe'sshe is not stopping.g i will vote for her [bleep] anyway and still [bleep] interview so don't [bleep] it up! thahat is a lot of cursing and a lot of who are less but i
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think you call that pulp fiction but judge how does the square with kamala harris said herself. >> never let anyone tell you who you are. you show them who you are!ar [cheers and applause] >> judge jeanine: you know, the main part of that is, we don't know who she is! she's a blank slate.r >> but is working for her for thr the time being, judge but nt even the supporters actually have confidence in what sheila is articulating, policy. and now we are seeing reports she will pack the court. t to talk about that either. you can't believe anything yo see. everything is staged down to instagram dances. my favorite part of this is e beats.losi counting th ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: that is soin crunchy, but the whole harris but i had tod laugh with "washington post" piece. o >> i saw that, judge the upshot of the piece was a sex symbol c because he gave up his career to support his wife so kamala makes him a sex symbol. does this look like a sex symbot to you, judge, i'm just asking? >> hey, it is doug! m [laughter] i'm on my way to an early meeting. again, it is doug! [laughter] remember i was trying to grab the words out of the air and put them back in my mouth. what seemed like far tooat many minutes, i hung up. >> judge jeanine: i don't know what to say. raymond, i don't know what to say. she can chung, it is dave,
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anyway.can' >> judge, you can't sell this ae a sex symbol and x they will tell us about estate of marshmallow man and a man and a mescaline physique. so dodging a bullet is not masculine but thise is masculi? come on, give me a break!>> >> judge jeanine: raymond, and kamala's caught up in a lot in the chamber of commerce. >> apparently when he ran for congress, judge, back in 2006 the website stated he won in a f work from nebraska chamber orofn commerce for the contribution to the business community. mercbut guess what the presidenf the chamber of commerce said it never happened. another life. there is a string of these lies, judge. >> judge jeanine: that is really sad. ththe guy lives from service record to this. bad. >> to the white man tacos he's cooking. it is alsl a lie. president trump went to an actual business today vietnamese restaurant in virginianam' and e
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got a wild reception. [cheers and applause] mac >> should i learn vietnamese? should i learn vietnamese? for >> we miss you and when each of the next four years. >> judge jeanine: he isme willing to go anywhere anytime. kamala harri s who it is not scripted and no tiktok dances.ic it is authentic and that is wha> people want to see. >> judge jeanine : raymond thank you. that ijudgs it for us tonight. i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham and make sure to catch me every friday >> todd: both kamala


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