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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 27, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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all these 10 nba players. went up to 10 recently, have now one of the biggest chinese company slave owner. owners got tied up 10 billion in china. nba knows that nba knows that more people watch nba games than the american population last year. they're trying to make that dirty money. please, all these nba players who is preaching to us about social justice in this country, please do not be part of their propaganda because that's all they care about. >> brian: i agree with you. i wish they were a little bit more cognizant of where those dollars flow from because china they do bad things and that needs to be aware to the american people. enes kanter free dodgers we appreciate your time. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪
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>> lawrence: the gang saul back together. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, august 27th. >> ainsley: welcome back. >> steve: so sorry. mark zuckerberg now says his company screwed up on the hunter biden laptop story and says he regrets not speaking out more about the pressure to censor americans. >> this is a big story. >> brian: and he is growing his hair out. more on that later. plus, hiding harris after 37 days without an interview, even her own supporters calling her out for not stepping up. >> votes are earned, not given. and they're earned through you going out there and explaining yourself. >> brian: he believes she has got a good story to tell. she just won't tell it. kellyanne will join us live this hour. >> ainsley: cell phones in the classroom. should children have them or not? >> brian: are you asking me? >> ainsley: we will debate, brian. anxious to hear your opinion. >> brian: so am i.
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>> ainsley: you get to decide. >> brian: i can't wait. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: we begin this hour with headlines we are following while tens of thousands of illegal immigrants continue to poor across our southern u.s. border a federal judge in texas is now blocking a biden administration program that critics say provides amnesty for about half a million people. the judge ordering a pause on a plan to give legal status to illegal immigrant spouses of u.s. citizens. this comes just days after a lawsuit filed by 16 g.o.p.-led states. it said the program would provide a pathway to citizenship for about 500,000 immigrants. and about 50,000 of their children. right now, a multi-state search is underway for the daughter of former major league baseball pitcher greg swing del. brenda swindle, the 29-year-old mother of three. was last seen on thursday at a bar and grill outside of austin, texas. police say she was with her
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ex-boyfriend, who also has not been seen since. kia suv was spotted in colorado on friday, also been seen in idaho. according to her parents, the ex-boyfriend has a warranted out from when he assaulted her last month. anti-israel protesters swarming cornell's campus now as the ivy league school in upstate new york began its fall semester yesterday. demonstrators spray painting graffiti, reading israel bombs, cornell pays and blood is on your hands. a junior starting r. joined "fox & friends first" first earlier. >> as we are starting a new school year it's imperative that administration members keep in mind that these overtly anti-semitic and blatantly illegal actions will continue on the campus so long as they go unpunished. >> ainsley: cornell the school guidelines for the protest are not to punish individuals or to
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suppress the views being voted but to protect the rights of all in our community. >> brian: that means nothing. >> ainsley: new overnight spacex is delaying the launch of historic mission that will include the first ever civilian spacewalk. polaris dawn was supposed to blast off this morning but now it's pushed back to tomorrow as crews are looking into a helium leak. once the mission makes it into the low earth orbit, billionaire jared isaacman and a spacex engineer will step outside a hatch of their crew dragon capsule and perform a spacewalk while being tettered to the ship. now to atlanta. where more than 17,000 penal showed up to watch the dream take on caitlin clark and the indiana fever. not only is that a state word for a women's game, but it's also more than what the nba's atlantic hawks averaged last year in the same building. as for the game, clark continuing her incredible first season, tying the record for
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most 3 pointers made by a rookie. >> not shooting the three that easily or that comfortably. >> i don't know if that's comfortable but it's nice. >> tied the wnba rookie record. >> ainsley: look at that court, pretty nice. >> steve: beautiful. >> ainsley: platinum cover, they ended up winning 84-79. >> brian: i can't believe the way she passes is so under appreciated. >> looks like her driving has improved over the off season as well. she used to be a shooter passed the ball a lot. now she is going in and taking a lot of hits as well. i think it's completely going to change her game. when you got someone that can shoot and drive to the rim, it just disrupts the court. >> steve: but she shares the ball and that's the key moves it around. >> brian: now to the nfl where lawrence -- we could do a sports
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show and call an audible. >> lawrence: this was supposed to be your lane about sports. so i thought i would. >> brian: going to expand it. i thought we were going to expand it. make it more of a sportscenter type show. let's roll some clips of the preseason. >> steve: indeed. it's a news channel so let's talk about some news. this is a blockbuster story we know that you know that the house judiciary committee has been looking into content moderation by big social media companies. there has been a lot of emphasis and a lot of concern about they are just so powerful and they let people get away with stuff that probably should be taken down. now mark zuckerberg has sent a letter to jim jordan who regards this as a big win for free speech and essentially what he says is he regrets that meta bowed to administration pressure from the biden white house to censor consent. and said that the interference was wrong. and -- but, he says, it was all
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meta's decision but he won't let it happen again. >> ainsley: this was one of the quotes from the letter that he sent to jim jordan 2021, senior officials of the biden administration, including those from the white house, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain covid-19 content including humor and satire and expressed significant frustration when we did not meet their demands. i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. >> brian: right. he also talked about the laptop story which is bizarre because president trump was the president at the time. so your kowtowing to pressure from the challenger, from the party out of power for the most part? >> ainsley: didn't want the story out before he was running against donald trump. >> brian: why does he have a say? fbi allegation was the trump people pressured me. you don't get any of that i wonder before you read the second letter. if he would be saying this at all if elon musk didn't buy x
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and expose everything. all the interplay between all these nefarious insider organizations, the fbi who were intimidating these organizations into doing what they wanted to do. now he feels free to do this but in the back of my mind, he also used millions of dollars of zuckerberg bucks in key battleground areas to tilt the messaging towards democrats. and gave money to the republicans but a fraction of the money. >> lawrence: so before we get to big quote from zuckerberg remember where the start was 51 intelligence agencies, former member of the intelligence community. they wrote this letter. i actually went back to that letter this mornings. this is what they said. this is the most stunning part of it. we want to emphasize if we do not know the emails provided by donald trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani are genuine or not. we do not have any evidence of russian involvement. just that our experience makes
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us deeply suspicious of the rush's government played a significant role. they had no evidence. there was no back and forth anything. it was just their experience that made them feel this way. >> steve: they wrote that letter i believe about three weeks before the election. >> lawrence: august 19th. >> steve: in july, according to the letter and it's on the house judiciary site, can you read it. what zuckerberg says is in the summer before that letter, he said the fbi around with of a potential russian disinformation operation involving the biden family and burisma. so, essentially, beware. and then he said this. zuckerberg said when we saw a "new york post" story reporting on corruption allegations involving then democratic presidential nominee joe biden's family. we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it. while waiting for a reply. it's since been made clear that the reporting was not russian
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disinformation and in retrospect we should not have demoted the story but they did. brian, you know, i'm with you on your theory on what's going on but ultimately, it's about they don't want to get regulated. and they are now caught. they have been revealed to have done stuff. because he even says. the decision to take the content down was ours. we own it. they made a really big mistake. rather than get regulated and have federal regulators, they are going to we blew it we won't do it again. the story turned out to be true. they didn't release that until after the election. many people we interviewed said there was that poll they would not have voted for joe biden if they had known. you can't compromise your content standards from pressure from an administration. on either side. and isn't facebook supposed to be platform where can you share your views? as long as it's safe and you are not threatening anyone. then you share both sides, republican views, democratic
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views, let the people decide. >> lawrence: ainsley it, goes back to the big point they have been talking about? who are the fact-checkers they keep saying they rely on the fact-checkers. why dots fact-checkers always lean to the left. >> why is facebook taking a stance? their public stance during covid. facebook's publicly stated goal was to push millions of people to get the covid-19 vaccine. >> i will take a step back even further when ophelia ferguson was here from hoover institute after trump won in 2016, he said the silicon valley is humiliated and their retribution for this. and i said why would they be humiliated because trump used facebook effectively and hillary clinton didn't. he put a person on it. had a team, worked directly with them. used messaging and through social media helped propel himself to the biggest upset win in modern political history. they feel as though they were taken advantage of, natural left
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wingers and they said there would be retribution. it was in 2020 when they used these multi platforms to suppress information that would have made trump maybe look good or look on an equal footing. instead they propelled all negative stuff about trump and pushed forward every positive thing about biden. >> steve: when you were talking about who were the fact-checkers and what were they doing? think about this? the fbi warns facebook hey, look out, there could be a story coming. then, there's that "new york post" story and then simultaneously, hey, wait a minute, the intel people, 51 of them all said that so, you know, you can line up, you can connect the dots and see why they would have cover to have taken it down. unfortunately, as we now know, the story was absolutely true. >> brian: he told it to joe rogan already. a lot of this is just formalizing what he seemed to have wanted to surprise joe rogan with that day as if he is going to confession. go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: the honeymoon phase is over for the campaign.
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now people want to know where kamala harris stands on her policies on her issues. it has been five weeks. no specifics on her policy. no news conferences. no major interviews. no town halls. she pulled out of the fox debate. and now she wants agreed upon rules for the abc debate and axios is even reporting that they're saying the campaign is saying there's not enough time to come up with policies and beliefs before election day. you might even know her policies. >> lawrence: you want the office and don't want to do the work. it's one thing if we are saying it now you have charlamagne tha god. she needs to do it watch. >> this is not about black men and women. it's about potential voters. whole reason for campaign season to explain american people why they should be in charge of this country. votes are earned and not given. they are earned through you going out there and explaining yourself. vice president kamala harris has to go out there and explain her agenda and why she is the person for the job.
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donald trump has to go out and explain his agenda and why he should get the job again. i don't understand any black person telling black people to just settle. just accept whatever the candidate has given you. don't ask any questions. and by the way they should be explaining without us asking. that's the whole point of them doing press conferences and media. the same way they have meetings for donors and rallies and press conferences explaining themselves and agenda to certain groups. they should have to explain themselves to black people same way. >> brian: sunday shows two weeks ago. one thing they said should should deanne interview? yeah. every day. he was one of the big believers in her when she was running in 2019. then when he came here for his book, i asked him what's with kamala harris she has been a disappointment. i go but why? he said i think she something held back by the biden administration. other people say she lost all of her confidence in the three and a half years. now that she's back. keep her in bubble wrap until november because they have no faith in her unscripted
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situations. >> lawrence: he also for the record is trying to help kamala harris. what is he talking about is, first of all, is he still going to vote for kamala harris. he has made it very clear where he stands with her. there has been this almost like civil war within the black community about some people saying we don't know anything about her. we didn't like her before. she hasn't done anything -- she haven't seen her in the community so we are not going to vote for her to which some of the democratic elites saying it is your duty to vote for her. this is historic. get on board. this is a barack obama moment. and charlamagne is saying, listen, these guys are not going to vote for you are because of this historic moment. you have to come out and talk to me. >> >> brian: give her the ball and clutch she will hit it. other people who know her don't give her the ball. just let her stay on the court. he has ultimate faith in her and he is disappointed that she is not doing interviews to this point. >> ainsley: look at j.d. vance and donald trump. they have been.
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>> brian: nonstop. >> ainsley: j.d. vance cnn twice, fox, abc, among other outlets. donald trump has called into news outlets our show several times. sat down with the producer and podcaster theo vaughn. two our chat with elon musk on x that we remember and multiple press conferences. >> brian: 19. >> ainsley: one recently at mar-a-lago. >> brian: before yesterday it was 19. 19 to 0. >> steve: harris and walz are going to start a bus tour tomorrow. >> brian: are they afraid to fly. >> steve: they're going to fly to the bus. >> ainsley: have to win those states. >> lawrence: what's that going to consist of? if it's just a rally style and not talking back and forth to people. >> brian: it's rallies. >> lawrence: kissing babies. when are we going to get a moment. >> brian: the babies can't talk with. >> steve: four days. she has promised an interview with a major outlet by the end of the month. so stay tuned.
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>> ainsley: i think it's being reported that both of them are going to interview together. >> lawrence: together. >> brian: 1-800-oprah she gets it and she will sing the questions. >> ainsley: if she gets uncomfortable and laughs she can step in. >> brian: can he wave his arms around. i don't know if he is calling a signal in from linebacker coach days. three prisoners prisoner swap. >> lawrence: pay hefty fines for not paying taxes while they were prisoners. >> ainsley: they should have been working on taxes while they were behind bars. >> brian: that's crazy, is there h and r block. >> most americans would be surprised to learn, this you guys. this is the reality that paul whelan, evan gershkovich and -- some semblance of normalcy. the three returned to the u.p.s. earlier this month as part of a prisoner exchange with russia. now they are potentially dealing
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with thousands of dollars worth of fees. per the irs, folks who fail to file owe 5 hers of the unpaid taxes each month a tax return is late. maxing out after five months. after that the penalty will continue until the tax is paid up to a max of 25% of the unpaid tax. congress is working to give detainees and hostages some relief. in may the senate stop tax penalties on american hostages act. bipartisan bill prevents the irs from slapping these fines and reimburses the fees paid by detainees and hostages released since 2021. >> they have been held hostage, why in the world would we want to add insult to injury to make them pay penalties and interest on top of a tax bill heartedly seems appropriate good way to welcome people back inappropriately held by other countries. countries such as russia, iran, venezuela, china, and so forth. >> irs says in part it is prepared to affected taxpayers
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and families provide tax relief under federal law. house speaker mike johnson's office says it is looking at the senate bill, lawrence, ainsley, steve and brian. >> steve: madeleine, chuck schumer has said -- i think actually the senate has passed something. so now for three weeks it's been sitting on mike johnson's desk. what's going on? >> well, our understanding, steve, is because this is a revenue measure, it has to originate from the house. so, once the house passes an identical measure presumably it heads over to the senate. because the senate has already filed the act, they will be able to close the gap if there are any and immediately sign it to the president's desk for signage. >> steve: now held hostage by red tape. >> brian: 86,000 irs agents. it's about time they crack down on prisoners, and we have been saying this for the longest time. prisoners have had it too good for too long especially when they are jailed overseas.
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lawrence, do you want to build on my point? >> lawrence: honestly, i don't know where you were going with that so i'm not going to touch it. why do they need to pass a law. is there no discretion in the irs. >> brian: no. have you met the irs? >> lawrence: this is wrong here. you know, they were captive. the commissioner can't do anything about it. the president can't make a phone call and say hey, let's lay off a little bit. you have to pass a law for everything? maybe, i don't know. >> steve: brian, you asked h and r block in russia? >> brian: can we find out? >> steve: there is a soviet block. >> brian: there you go. those are the good old days. >> steve: those. were there another story you are going to be talking about. tennessee mom of four kids is dividing the internet as she defends her decision to not volunteer at school events. she won't do it. instead she calls herself a venmo mom. here's how she explains that. >> be on pto, pta, room mom,
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team mom. i don't want to do i of in that i start getting stressed when they start asking for volunteers. oh, no, i know they are judging me because i'm not raising my hand. if the room mom needs money for everyone to participate. fine. i will venmo money right over. i told one of the coaches today i'm a venmo mom. >> steve: how crazy is it? she doesn't want to go school and do all that other stuff and volunteer but she will pay. >> ainsley: she has four children. >> steve: to help finance the stuff. >> ainsley: we all contribute in different ways. that's what she can do. that's what works for her. you don't want to stress her out, either. it's more important that she is not stressed and good mom at home. >> lawrence: as long as her kids are well-behaved, i think that's fine to have that view. if you are one of those bad kids dom school. venmo. >> brian: to me she has phobias going back to school brings back flashbacks. i would love to see her report cards from grammar school.
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>> ainsley: trying to balance four different schedules for her kids and probably cook for her husband or take care of him in certain ways and take care of himself. steve see it she might venmo him money for supper. >> brian: for 20 bucks go to the deli. >> ainsley: it's okay to say no. >> steve: at our house whenever there were opportunities to volunteer or go into the school we would go in. because we would want to see the people that the kids were talking about. well, there is mrs. smith. and there is that kid who took my lunch money. >> brian: i remember kaitlin had to ask me to come in and do something for school. she said i want to ask you. we need secret readers to come in and read to school. thinking she was going to ask me to do it. i was wonder if you would ask president bush because i saw him reading to kids on 9/11. i go, i don't know. but could i be a back up? she goes no, ask him. she was in kindergarten at the time. >> steve: today, of course, you would have to venmo some money to president bush? >> brian: i would have to go to a super pac.
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>> lawrence: how bold. >> brian: she likes her president. >> lawrence: like father like daughter. >> brian: could you get president bush? >> steve: i'm a venmo mom i don't want to do that stuff. it was a comment i'm a teacher and i don't want to go in. so, i would rather venmo in. >> ainsley: she might have a full-time job, too. a peach state push. >> we think we have chance to win in georgia and competed there in hard way. make donald trump defend every ounce of ground. >> brian: wasn't he telling us joe biden was a great candidate. 10 weeks to go in the presidential race. kellyanne makes her own prediction. just not yet. ♪ ♪
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hey, brian, good morning. lower level negotiating teams are still gheard cairo, egypt, to try to work on a cease-fire agreement. the conversations are reportedly moving forward with minor details being discussed, such as the names of palestinian prisoners that would be exchanged for israeli hostages. but hamas has rejected the
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current round of talks saying that the terms have changed from what the group agreed upon last month. with the war grinding on, new evacuation orders were given to palestinians in central gaza yesterday. these orders included the evacuation of a hospital that houses wounded and vulnerable gazans. this woman described what the constant movement ordered by the israeli military is like. >> i have left my children behind me near my furniture, and i'm now with my little ones and my daughter. only god can help us. may god not forgive whoever let us down. i have no money for transportation. i goal to area 17 where my family are staying on my foot. >> the war in gaza continues amid the back drop onen on israel's northern border. primitive strikes over the weekend that targeted hezbollah. the exchange of fire remains a daily event. hair strikes on monday and overnight along with rocket and drone alerts pounding in northern israel. officials here are still hopeful
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about the possibility of a cease-fire in gaza. and they are also looking at diplomatic solutions to try and divert a larger war with hezbollah. ainsley? >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, trey. tomorrow, kamala harris and tim walz head out on a bus tour across the state of georgia. and despite the latest polling, showing that trump is in the lead, by a lot, look at that in the state of georgia. harris' campaign co-chair says that they think they still have a path to victory in the peach state. >> we really think that we have a chance to win in georgia and going to compete there in a very hard way. we will make donald trump defend every ounce of gowned in america. >> ainsley: here to react is fox news contributor and host of here's the deal on fox nation, kellyanne conway. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: i know there are seven important swong states he has to win georgia and north carolina. the other have to be a combo. kamala's campaign is saying they think they have a chance in georgia. kemp and trump are united now.
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what do you think? do they have a chance? >> likely not but we take every vote and every swing state seriously. on the our side of this is 16 electoral votes. president trump won the state by 5 points in 2016. and that was followed by two governor's races, 2018 and 2022 where brian kemp, the sitting governor beat stacy abrams despite her very successful effort to register hundreds of thousands of new voters. i think that that helped in 2020. even when she wasn't on the ballot. look, this is very simple. governor kemp was on hannity last week. president trump followed up with an immediate social media post. they are burying the hatchet. they are working together to get those 16 electoral votes. i don't understand why kamala harris just took five days off. i guess a little staycation between the convention and campaign. she just took five days off between thursday and tuesday and now she is showing up with tim walz in georgia. meanwhile, trump and vance have their own separate schedules, vance in erie, pennsylvania and
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wisconsin on his own. that's what you want to do. focus on 21 counties, a few of which are in georgia. seven swing states, ainsley but 21 counties. so, in georgia, they now have voter i.d. for absentee ballots. that's required. georgia does a fantastic job of taking the early vote. having it ready to go and laying it over the day of vote. calculating and tells us voila who the winner is on the actual day. i think that's incredibly important. this is all about knock on doors, canvassing, making sure that the voter roll rolls are clean. election integrity. i think brian temp and his team have done great job on that. of course, president trump, is he out there. he has been going to georgia, he and j.d. vance are in georgia. you have to show up and they are doing the work in the swing states. they are giving local print, radio and television interviews. those can last full on a week when you are running for president and vice president. people appreciate you touching them close to home. >> ainsley: i saw one of his latest ads she is saying prices
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so high at the grocery store the next clip is we lo bidenomics so successful. then she complains about another price we love bidenomics. she is flip-flopping. she is changing her policies, we think, according to her campaign and background. but we don't really know what her policies are. now axios is reporting that there's possibly not enough time for her. her campaign is saying there might not be enough time to release these policies and donald trump is saying she is trying to change the debate rules even though they have already agreed. listen to this. >> do we have that soundbite of donald trump? here it is. >> keep the same rules. now all of a sudden they want to make a change in the rules because she can't answer yes, sir. why doesn't she do a couple of question and answers. why doesn't she do something that i'm doing right now? she can't talk. the truth is they are trying to get out of it because she doesn't want to debate. >> ainsley: how do you interpret it, kellyanne. >> no question they don't trust
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her to speak regularly. this is amazing to me. soaks sighted about a woman and sexist and misogynist not allowing the campaign to travel alone or speak on her own extemporaneously to members of the media. have the town hall. don't be afraid to take questions. make it as friendly as the pep rally that was the democratic convention if they want to. free kamala already. let her out. let us hear from her. and, ainsley, it's, you know, let's get past the laughs and gaffes and get serious here. when she does tell us what her vision are, -- her vision is when she does promise these policies, that's when she gets truly frightening. 65% estate and death tax? that's going to disseminate family businesses up and down this country. 44% on capital gains? and then the unrealized gains being taxed? donald trump is preparing for every single day by doing things like he did yesterday. facing the cameras, showing the real people impact at the border of the grocery and gas pies prices.
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she is not doing it. let me tell you something, if you are not practicing those muscles. if you don't have muscle memory for debates you can't show up and have people stuff your head with that joe biden didn't just lose that debate two months ago, donald trump won it. and can he do that again against kamala harris. >> ainsley: i hear she is prepping a lot. really quickly is donald trump prepping. >> he preps every day. you see him out there. he faces the music and talks about policy. the last 10 days have been remarkable for trump and vance. they are out there in the swing states talking about policy crime, the border, inflation, phoney policy, that's the way you prepare. he doesn't need the lighting and camera angles he does policy time with lots of people and debates are his sweet spots. >> ainsley: we know his policies but we don't know hers. here's the deal with kellyanne is available now on fox nation and catch new episodes every thursday. all right. it is 35 minutes after the top of the hour. out-of-control prices leave many americans unable to buy houses but california taxpayers could be on the hook to help illegal
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immigrants get their houses. stuart varney sounds off on that, next. ♪ without you ♪ as the leaves turn and the air cools, we remember why we hunt. it's about the stories, the memories, the traditions passed down from generation to generation. and at bass pro shops and cabela's, we're here to help you make every moment count. stock up for your next adventure during the fall hunting classic... our biggest sale of the year. our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you find the right products for your next hunt. bass pro shops and cabela's — voted america's best outdoor retailer. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack.
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storm that just skirted the hawaiian islands and several of them behind it that could, you know, bring some showers and thunderstorms and some tropical eesmghts to hawaii. we don't think direct impacts. watching where we could see activity developing there. that's your forecast. over to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: we don't have to watch it because you are watching it for us. >> janice: you go the that right. taxpayer funded program in oregon allows apply for mortgage assistance. in california a proposed bill would allow them to qualify for up to $150,000 in a down payment. but with home prices surging, 25% since 2020, the average american is struggling to afford a home. host of varney and company, stuart varney joins us now. okay, brother, so, give us this -- so these aren't all illegal immigrants. some of them just migrants with green cards, right? >> yes. but illegal migrants.
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qualify for the program. blue states are bending over backwards to help migrants. in all kinds of ways, food, cash. in california, free healthcare and now this move to help migrants with home ownership. in oregon the program is $30,000 grant. that's not a loan which has to be paid. that is a grant. that is taxpayer money and migrants qualify for this $30,000 grant. in california, they are expanding the eligibility of loan for home own, extending it to migrants, again, they are bending over backwards, not just by cash and food and healthcare but putting them into a home. i think it's going to make native born americans rather sour on the whole idea of millions of people coming to this country illegally and getting this kind of help. >> lawrence: i want people to come to the country. i love the idea of when people i just want to come to america and work. and looks like that has changed now and we are giving.
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>> stuart: that's where we started. couple years ago. let them work. let them work. now it's give them all kinds of help. what kind of help do you think i got 50 years ago when i first came to america? there was nothing. i had to prove that i was able to support myself. i had to show them the money. you don't have to be on the public rolls. now that's completely different. >> lawrence: things have changed. we are happy that you are an american now. kamala harris is taking on inflation in this campaign ad. let's watch. >> when i am elected president, i will make it a top priority to bring down costs. i will fight give money back to working and middle class americans. >> stuart: that's straight out of the playbook of the socialists, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren antibusiness. >> lawrence: i thought she was a moderate. >> stuart: has been we will hear from her mouth where she stands. from the moment gone to the left. antibusiness all the way. all government all the time. it won't work. can you rant and rave about
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price gouging and excessive profits. it does not work. inflation is the result too far much cash chases too few goods. kamala harris cast the deciding vote on that $1.9 trillion american rescue plan, chucked 1.9 million into the economy that created inflation. you don't get rid of inflation by going against price gouging and excessive profit. you just don't do it like that. >> lawrence: she wants a two for give her four more years. if you want more of this great analysis wa varney and company t #:00 a.m. should students have cell phones in class? it's a tech tuesday with kurt the cyberguy. that's next. ♪
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♪ >> steve: fox news alert. big news this morning. meta ceo mark zuckerberg apparently feeling bad now for kagan to the biden-harris white house that he admits pressured him into cens censoring content. in a letter sent to the house judiciary committee zuckerberg writes, quote: in 2021, senior officials of the biden administration, including those from the white house, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain covid-19 related content. including humor and satire.
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and expressed significant frustration when we did not meet their demands. i believe the government pressure was wrong. and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. kurt the cyberguy joins us right now. kurt, this is something. we know that the big social media companies instrumental over content moderation, now is he saying okay, yep. >> they have said do it and we did it. >> kurt: kudos to representative jim jordan who pulled that out of him by the way. before you put mark zuckerberg up on the pedal stall angelic guy coming clean just realize that our everyday lives are really the act of his censorship and other big tech censorship in the social media feeds that really drive at love what we're getting informationwise into our lives. so, you know, hey. nice move, not just the right direction. how many, you know, 500 steps the other direction, he has got a lot of work to do here.
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>> steve: absolutely, he doesn't want to be regulated by the federal government. >> kurt: bingo. >> steve: ultimately he writes it was our decision. we should look at that stuff. but it was my decision. this is a complete mea culpa. >> completely and you are right it's about the money for him and making sure he can continue to do whatever it takes to engage us so that facebook, meta, instagram, all the rest are just like a drug that we can't put down, period. >> steve: speaking of drugs we can't put down. i hold in my hand a smart phone. kids are heading back to school. enough to the debate is should cell phones be banned from classrooms? because, kurt, you know there are a number of states that have outlawed and essentially said don't take them into the room because they just are not good for your kid. if you want your kid to study in school don't give them a phone. >> pew research says 70% of high school teachers will tell that
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you cell phones are major problem and a huge distraction. well, no, duh. my nieces by the way are much younger went off to camp over the as i remember. while they're at camp, they had their phones teen taken away. guess what? they loved it. they didn't have the pressure of having to post their every five minutes of mundane garbage that is in essence an expression of who they are and if they don't do it, they become i object visible. it's a magnificent idea. and it should be, by the way, i don't know who gave this a green light to begin with why should you have a phone in the classroom? why should you oh, let me bring in my clock radio? let me bring in a drum? it's absurd. phones belong out of the classroom. yonder bags are great. this is great program. if a kid puts the phone in the bag, they shut it, they go in the classroom, you are not using your phone. when you leave the classroom,
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you tap a little thing on the outside of the door. and, bam, it unlocks it, you get your phone, you are back in business. it's a good way to balance it out. but right now, this is not a good thing to have phones in the classroom, period. >> steve: right. we have been doing stories about how a lot of parents now are saying, you know what? flip phones before high school and i have got my son peter doocy's flip phone from back in the day. sell this on ebay later today. >> it's a end interest. people are doing it. by the way, we are tracking another story that we'll have online at 30 party data that you give when kids are going back to will school. 30 party data, schools collect data on our kids and it's getting out there to a lot of sources. there are some steps you should be taking this morning to tone that down so you are not feeding the world with all your family's private junk, period. >> steve: good idea.
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all right. go cyberguy cot come and sign up for kurt's newsletter and everybody else, email us at should kids have he cell phones in class? kurt, thank you very much. >> good to see you, steve. >> steve: now we go over there to brian kilmeade. >> brian: let me tell you what is happening. red sox camp danny janss making major league baseball history first person to play both teams during the same game in the same inning. he took the field for boston yesterday in the resumption of a rain delayed game back in june. when the game ban jansen was wearing a toronto blue jays uniform. he was doppler radar indicated to boston last month. the blue jays ended beating the red sox 7-3 because any had to pick up that game where it left off. u.s. medal win hunter armstrong reflecting on his fate with a new interview on fox news digital. >> i mean, faith is my life. i don't see myself in my day-to-day life as an limp i don't know, i had to get these
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out of storage every day i'm a christian. when i'm competing then i'm a christian olympian. >> armstrong won gold in the relay paris olympics and silver in the medley relay. those are your sports headlines. enough to let's tell you what is coming up in the next two hours. more information. i don't want to get specifics. those are the people if you are keeping score. ♪ jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield
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