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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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finished the game playing for boston. that is something. >> bret: that's the same game. he is on both sides. that's pretty cool. >> dana: who won? >> bret: that's a big question. >> dana: something i should check if i do a sports story. don't know who won. toronto won. congratulations to the blue jays. i have been not firing on all cylinders today on sports. it has been a joy being with you. what do you have on special report tonight? >> bret: no clue. i meet with my staff right after this. it should be good and i'll be with you tomorrow. >> dana: there is a new fox nation special called "the five" behind if scenes. you don't want to miss that one. i'm sure it is hilarious. i'll see you on "the five." "the faulkner focus" is next. sandra smith is in for harris today. >> sandra: fox news alert top of
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the hour. biden-harris administration refusing to disclose information about terror threats at the southern border. fox news asked customs and border protection for the nationalities of terror watch list suspects. freedom of information act request was denied for the second time in the past three months. the cbp cited privacy concerns. all right. this is "the faulkner focus", i'm sandra smith in for harris, cbp told fox yesterday release of this information would reveal cbp investigative techniques used in apprehending and processing terrorists. we originally filed the foia request last october. agency rejected it in may saying the privacy interests of the individuals and the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. cbp's own southern border numbers show the encounters have skyrocketed under biden and harris. even the f.b.i. director admitted on multiple occasions
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how serious the terror threat is right now. >> all the lights are blinking red before 9/11. >> would you say there is multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. we have had dangerous individuals enter the united states. we're seeing a wide arare of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. we've seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole other level. >> sandra: we have more. >> good morning, sandra. customs and border protection says this is simply about national security. and to reveal details of those on the terror watch list crossing the border would endanger that security. now fox had asked just for the nationalities of those crossing simply to see where the potential terrorists coming into the u.s. are coming from. according to border patrol figures 422 potential terrorists have been encountered at our borders so far this year.
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the majority of those, 283 at our northern border. that total is about twice the number encountered in 2020. but in denying our request for information on those apprehended, cbp wrote quote such a release would enable potential violators to design strategies to circumvent the border security techniques developed and employed by cbp in its mission to secure the border. and in what would appear to be an admission that there are indeed weaknesses on the border, cbp also said quote the disclosure of the nationalities of known suspected terrorists that were apprehended by cbp as opposed to not apprehended could signal any vulnerabilities in law enforcement efforts of the u.s. borders or shortcomings within the u.s. government's national security mission. so bottom line here, sandra, the cbp is saying if the information is released, bad actors could
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sort of reverse engineer counter measures to avoid detection and thus make it easier for potential terrorists to enter the country. sandra. >> sandra: all right. jonathan, thank you. meta ceo mark zuckerberg is now admitting the biden-harris administration pressured facebook to censor americans. zuckerberg revealed the requests came from senior officials including the white house. and he says he regrets caving to their demands. zuckerberg wrote a letter to the house judiciary chairman jim jordan saying i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. i also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn't make today. zuckerberg claims the administration repeatedly asked meta to take down content related to the covid-19 pandemic. he also added the platform was wrong to suppress the "new york post" report on hunter biden's
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infamous laptop saying quote, it has since been made clear the reporting was not russian disinformation and in retrospect we shouldn't have demoted the story. we no longer temporarily demote things in the u.s. the white house said this about the laptop in 2021. >> is the white house still going with russian disinformation? >> i think it's broadly known and widely known, peter, there was a broad range of russian disinformation back in 2020. >> the stories -- [inaudible] >> yes, yes, yes. god love you, man. you are a one horse pony. >> sandra: michael schoenberger testified on the social media censorship. >> a huge step forward and provides closure to a really ugly part of america's history, the last several years we saw the biden administration
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behaving inappropriately. i'm concerned if you see a kamala harris administration they will try to restart the whole censorship apparatus once again. i think we have to remain vigilant in protecting our first amendment rights. >> sandra: hillary vaughn is on capitol hill and more on this for us. >> mark zuckerberg is apologizing. but the white house is not. even though mark zuckerberg laid bare his regrets pending what reads like a confession of his sins to congress, the white house is adamant and unapologetic. they don't think they did anything wrong and they don't have any regrets. white house spokesperson saying in reaction to zuckerberg's letter quote, when confronted with a deadly pandemic this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety. our position has been clear and consistent. we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the american people while making independent choices about the information
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they present. republicans think their influence over social media went beyond just trying to influence the narrative in their favor but actually violated the constitution. >> i want to see people prosecuted for violating the constitution of the united states and that's exactly what they did by pressuring zuckerberg to censor speech for biden harris administration have been involved in censor switch for a long time. it is against the law. government is not supposed to be involved in trying to somehow subvert your freedom of speech or freedom of thought. >> if vice president harris and democrats were hoping for a flood of zuckerberg donations this election cycle, mark zuckerberg says even though his spending was nonpartisan last cycle and didn't go to a politician or party he is staying out of this election and keeping his money out of it saying i want to address the contributions i made during the
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last presidential cycle. i know some people believe it benefited one party over the other. my goal is to be neutral and not play a role or appear to be playing a role. so i don't plan on making a similar contribution this cycle. the end of what is being called zucker bucks is a big win for house republicans celebrating it as a win and victory for election integrity in 2024. >> sandra: hillary vaughn on the kill. caldwell is with us. he is vowing to be neutral. do you think that's possible? >> based on what we've seen it doesn't appear to me and many other people watching the network that he can be neutral especially some of the commentary he has made in the past. the white house knew exactly what they were doing when they decided to pressure social media companies not just facebook, twitter and others in favor of
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their narrative. we know from a pew research study in 2023, 86% of u.s. adults get their news from their tablets and phones on social media. we know that is a set of facts and we also know that in the 2020 election, polling has come out since that election showing if people were aware of the hunter biden laptop story, they would have made a different choice and there is a significant enough percentage to sway the election in donald trump's favor. what is he doing now? cleaning up on aisle six, 100%. there is a strong likelihood the donald trump could win this election according to real clear politics average and electoral college. i know there will be a heavy interest among conservatives across the country to reform what's been going on social media sights. unbalanced. >> sandra: it can have a huge influence. is it enough to show regret or
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should there be accountability for the white house pressure? meanwhile gianno, a big government and big tech is teaming up in california. last week google agreed on a $180 million deal to fund struggling state-backed news organizations in the golden state. the "wall street journal" editorial board is calling this arraignment a danger to democracy and says this collusion between big tech in sacramento will turn media outlets into defacto government subsidiaries. what could go wrong here? >> exactly. we see a lot of that. talking about this story on mark zuckerberg and e.u. in paris now they have had issues. i can imagine if you are talking about putting government dollars, they will want to have some influence that they exert in these particular places. where does it end? it doesn't stop in california.
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it goes into other places as well. i'm sure there will be other places who want that kind of government funding. as you mentioned it is a dangerous step. we need independence in journalism. which we haven't seen. you no he that when you see the no tax on tips story from donald trump and you see the cbs headline that criticized it and kamala harris headline that said maybe it's a good idea. we need to make sure to get that out of there and make the press isn't derelict in their duties which i would argue they have been for many years now. >> sandra: talking about mark zuckerberg and suppression of information about hunter biden's laptop and how quickly it all happened. is the vow enough to say that we won't demote anything anymore? is that enough, gianno, or will the american public get the straight story? final thought. >> i don't think the american public is getting the straight story now. i imagine that things have been much more extreme than even what
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is being reported by mark zuckerberg. i would say that it isn't enough. you need to have accountability in place. we need to see what are the policies to insure this doesn't happen again and make sure there is transparency for the american public. a lot of us use the sites because we are on television and get information out to the public. how much of this information is actually getting out to the public or how many of us are being censored for our speech and we find out later the facts are actually in our favor? it is inappropriate and unacceptable and need to do something about it and need to be transparent to insure this doesn't happen in the future. >> sandra: good to see you in person last week and good to have you today. >> good to see you last week. >> sandra: students heading back to school at cornell university met with anti-israel protests and vandalism. many colleges and universities are putting new rules in place to try and prevent the violence and hate. we saw last spring.
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a new survey finds many jewish students are still fearful. this clip going viral marking three years since the deadly attack at kabul airport. >> he made a really big decision. afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> sandra: former president trump tore into the administration for the botched exit honoring the 13 fallen american service members and critics are calling out biden and harris for not attending any ceremonies yesterday. "fox & friends" co-host brian kilmeade will join us next.
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>> sandra: brian kilmeade co-host of "fox & friends" simm casting with us now. let's start here. yesterday marked three years since the abbey gate bombing in afghanistan. president trump honored those lost at arlington and ripped into the biden-harris administration over the botched exit that led to the deadly attack. >> we'll get the resignations of every senior official who touched the afghanistan calamity to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day. as vice president, kamala bragged that she was the last person in the room. she repeatedly praised the decision and said it led to a catastrophe but it was worth it. the incompetence and weakness on
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display from the biden-harris administration was an insult to every soldier, sailor, airman and marine whoever served in our u.s. military. >> sandra: trump attended the wreath laying ceremony yesterday. president biden or vice president harris didn't go to any ceremonies. kirby faced questions about that yesterday. >> neither going to arlington nor any individual paper statement is ever going to be enough to repay these families and try to make sure they know they are supported and loved and respected and admired for what they are going through. and nothing is going to assuage their grief. nothing we can say or do or flowers we lay will take the pain away. >> sandra: family members say the biden administration has never reached out to them in three years. my heart breaks for them. we had a gold star mother on our
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program on america reports. the grieving is like this happened yesterday. she lost her son, ryan. to think this administration has never reached out. i wonder, brian, what you think about the fact that we can role tape on kamala harris saying she was the last person in the room with biden when they made the decision that led to this horrifically chaotic withdrawal. >> the biggest military disaster in our his treer. we've been over it and played the sound bites from the families from your show yesterday. the one thing, cnn did one interview. that mother shocked them when she said yeah, i never heard anything from joe biden except i watched him check his watch at dover when my son, his casket was coming down the ramp. i noticed that. so did the other families. two is for him to stay on the beach on a day like this. people make mistakes but this was the biggest mistake in american history. and this was something that was
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anticipated by the generals who testified that they told joe biden that this was going to happen. joe biden tells george stephanopolous no one ever told me. nobody wants to pursue that. the other thing they are trying to do is say well the vice president was the last one in the room but listen to her statement that she wrote. as i have said, president biden made the courageous and right decision to end america's longest war over the past three decades. our administration demonstrated we can eliminate terrorists including the leaders of al qaeda and isis. if you talk to the f.b.i. director he knows we've lost all eyes and ears in the area. devastating. he is scared to death what's coming through our southern border at the same time. an impossible mix of terror hell. number two you know she said as i have said presidene courageou. she didn't say we because she wants to be able to say that's him, not me. but we're not buying it. we shouldn't. >> sandra: like she hasn't been
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in charge of the border either, right? brian, the families grieving you would think john kirby was defending kamala harris and joe biden not being at these events. you think it could be a step in the right direction. how about show up? i know so many of these families feel that way. we talked to them on our network and on our program all the time. >> an example. there were things leading up to 9/11 that said bin laden determined to attack. a lot of people were mad at president bush and rice for not picking that up. you know what they did? sat down for an after action report and listened to it. a book released on it. you know this president has an after action report done. i know two people that headed it up that were there at the landing point where these people were emptying out the carriers full of people at a third country and wrote it up. this president refused to read it. we'll give an oral presentation. fine. make it 15 minutes. they said okay, we'll knock it
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down to 15 minutes. got a call he doesn't want to hear it. do you think that george w. bush doesn't think sometimes when he goes to those 9/11 commemoration 15, 20 years later doesn't think to himself i wonder if there is something i can do? do you think it's easy? when you are a leader you show up on good days and bad. and you take responsibility. >> sandra: they did not. meanwhile, brian the "wall street journal" editorial board is responding to harris's statement marking three years since the botched withdrawal calling biden's decision courageous and right. they say it is good to know what she thinks but doesn't reflect well on her judgment as a potential commander-in-chief. the withdrawal decision was the worse of the of mr. biden's presidency. that harris embraces the failure suggests more of the same ahead if she wins in november. do you think voters will see it that way, brian? >> i hope so. when people come out and say that general kelly came out and
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said he had negative things to say about soldiers. if you read and talk to people like general mcmaster i had him on the show for a half hour yesterday. three star general. he never heard any of that. he gets moved generally by any time he sees a man or woman in uniform. when you see him show up and lay the wreath he appreciates it. people say after a 20-year war i'm proud of the way we left it. you know how many people watched that happen and look around missing a limb, not the same psychologically and lost their marriage or loved one and they say wow, this is the way you leave a 20 year war. that's my legacy giving it back to the people we took it from? taking away the freedom for 20 years that women and children had as imperfect as it was and you say you think that's good and the horizon watch on terror is effective? we don't even know who killed those 13 at abbey gate. we know the suicide bomber was. we don't know who was behind it.
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what group was behind it. we know this. if you happen to put water bottles into your trunk and got blown up we are sorry because joe biden killed you for the wrong reason. >> sandra: painful for so many. so raw talking to those families today, brian. meanwhile students at cornell university we want to ask you about this. they were welcomed back with more anti-israel protests. this was yesterday. [shouting and chanting] >> sandra: protestors vandalized the administration like israel bombs, cornell pays and blood is on your hands. the university's president did ultimately step down earlier this year. she insisted she was not forced out over the campus tensions. one student says the school is still failing to handle the situation. >> after the past year of unrest
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and lawlessness, this comes as no surprise at all to me and the administration's weak response that we just saw them put out yesterday and their inaction on behalf of disciplining these protestors send a clear message it is not themselves who cel been dictating university policy but it is the very students who the policies are meant to regulate. >> sandra: several college and universities have implemented new rules to curb the hate we saw across the nation last spring. many jewish students are still worried and fear new regulations won't be enough. new survey finds that 44% of college students and recent graduates say they rarely or never feel safe identifying as jewish on campus. 76% believe anti-semitism has gotten worse and 83% say jewish hate is a very serious problem. so they can have rules but will they enforce them and keep these
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students safe and away from fearing walking on their campus, brian? >> it is nuts. in our life sometime witnessing anti-semitism that we used to watch on film from the 1940s. but the jewish people and israelis say okay if we have to do it we know how to fight our way out of it. so do the israeli kids. we have to get ahold of this. there was a great story in national review. the third line is something we should all note. iran is providing financial support to american protestors through these other so-called pro-palestinian groups. we know that. the justice department, a democrat, others should be leading the fight to bring both sides together to push back on outside forces that are influencing the next generation of americans. i'll bring up something. faculty there teaching pro-palestinian anti-israeli courses. why are they doing this? these presidents become members of faculty in many cases like
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one of these i believe it was at harvard or yale. they lose their job, keep pay and go to another place until the heat goes off. there has to be a massive look at all this. why not a justice department investigation? are you happy that tiktok has 85% anti-israeli videos on there? and algorithms. is that something that should please any american? >> sandra: we appreciate you joining us. let you get back to work. you haven't been on radio or tv enough today. >> brian: we're simulcasting now. >> sandra: vice president harris promised an interview by the end of this month but nothing is scheduled. critics say she answer questions. lawmakers demanding accountability after the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. >> i just don't understand when you have the mostly let groups of law enforcement people in the world whose sole job is to
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protect that candidate how could we have failed. we have to understand we can never allow this to happen again. >> sandra: bipartisan group toured the site for a second time yesterday and big questions about the security failures that led to that shooting. former f.b.i. special agent nichole parker is up next. in t h. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you. can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge.
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a licensed humana sales agent. if you're eligible, they can even help enroll you over the phone in a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. so, call now. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> sandra: still a lot of questions about what led to the near assassination of former president trump more than a month ago. lawmakers on a bipartisan task force toured the site of the shooting yesterday in hopes of getting more answers. they are still working to interview federal, local and state officials. as well as rally attendees to get a better idea what went wrong on july 13th. the group is demanding accountability. >> where does the buck stop? who is ultimately responsible for what happened here? >> what's impressive to me is the proximity of everything here.
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particularly the position of the shooter and the position of the president. >> for many of us it raises more questions than we came with today. it is not a large place. >> being here and seeing the proximity of the buildings remind me how outrageous it was the former director of secret service did not come here. >> a lot of lines of sight that appear to have been unsecured that didn't have eyes on. >> a lot more questions than answers at this point. >> sandra: cb cotton is in butler, pennsylvania. so many questions. >> with less than four months to produce a report on their findings lawmakers on this task force say it is crucial to see the scene where one man was tragically killed and former president donald trump could have lost his life. >> i just want to know who was quarterbacking. the one that made the decision go ahead and let him go out there. the fact the president was out there for so long and visible to so many people and people seeing
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the shooter and the fact we didn't say get him off the stage. >> the three republicans and six democrats on scene went to the roof used by the gunman and walked the grounds where the rally stage stood. the lawmakers also spoke with local law enforcement who were there that day. but this group would not say whether conversations with the shooter's family would get underway. other lawmakers involved in their own investigations have accused the f.b.i. and secret service of stonewalling documents requests. yesterday the bipartisan congressional task force pushed back on that idea saying they have already received a briefing from the secret service and f.b.i. and one lawmaker with this warning if anyone drags their feet. >> this is the committee that will have the ability to subpoena records. if there is any moment where we feel we are not getting full and complete transparency that's exactly what we'll do. >> d.c. yesterday two former military snipers republican
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representatives crane and mills held their own briefing. the pair say their investigation will continue and could lead to some alarming discoveries. >> i think that criminal gross negligence and purposeful intent will be indistinguishable. there is a lot of things we can point to as critical failures. >> okay. but mike kelly, chairman of the house appointed task force tells me he believes it is too soon to say whether criminality leads to any of these security failures. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: cb, thank you. in "focus" now nichole parker fox news contributor and former f.b.i. special agent. does it surprise you this many weeks out we still don't have more answers as to what led to this? >> i am surprised because this is a moment in history, unmatched. a former f.b.i. agent as i can tell you when it's a priority
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for the f.b.i. they make things happen. it's an ongoing investigation. we understand that but it is also being looked at my multiple task forces and groups and the shooter is dead. he is not going to trial. he won't be standing trial. unless the f.b.i. is planning to charge another individual i don't understand the necessity to remain so stealth when americans want transparency and answers when americans very much don't trust the f.b.i. and secret service. i would expect they would be at the forefront being as open and answering as many questions as possible to put some of these conspiracy theories to rest. >> sandra: more information, more facts would help that case right, nichole? sharing a similar frustration as i hear from you congressman andy biggs part of a second group of house lawmakers investigating the shooting. he joined me here yesterday and expressed frustration with both the f.b.i. and the secret service. >> there seems to be a problem
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with getting us transparent information. we're under investigation, conducting an investigation. that's the problem, sandra, ultimately that the american people have. they say the secret service is investigating itself. f.b.i. investigating itself. we need to have outside information, outside investigators. >> sandra: i think about what a resource every single person who was in attendance at that rally would be. have they gone to that extent to get firsthand accounts from every single one of those rally goers? >> based on my experience, i'm not the investigator in this case, i have worked active shooter events and have been tasked with making sure every single person in a site was interviewed and i guess that has happened. neighbors, witnesses that were there that day, people that new thomas crooks. again, who is going to hold the secret service and f.b.i. accountability? this administration holds nobody accountable. afghanistan withdrawal but the same problem.
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do you think that mayorkas and garland will call up the secret service and f.b.i. directors and say you know what? you should get going on that? what i find mind-boggling sandra that i think americans need to remember in this, i believe this is a failure of the secret service leadership all the way from the top. they say they didn't deny resources to president trump. i believe they gave him the minimum amount of resources necessary so they could check a box and say we gave the resources necessary and let's move on. multiple whiz blowers saying we did not have enough help and support that day. we had hsi agents out there. what boggles my mind at the same time the secret service, joe biden has authorized full protective secret service details for the former secret service director cheatle in light of what has happened. she is now having full protective detail. in my opinion that's a huge misuse of taxpayer dollars, a huge misuse of personal
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resources at a time when they're strapped and under staffed and you will give her a full protective detail? to protect her because of the mistakes she made? managing her own organization? it's mind-boggling to me. >> sandra: pretty remarkable. the american public hungry for so many answers as to what led to all of this. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> sandra: and now to this fox news alert. israeli defense forces rescued another hostage from a hamas tunnel in gaza. he was taken during october 7th attack. netanyahu says israel will bring all the hostages home one way or another. >> we work tirelessly to return all of our hostages. we do this in two main ways, through negotiations and rescue operations, both ways together acquire our military presence on the ground and unceasing military pressure on hamas. we'll continue until we bring
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everyone home. >> 36 hostages are confirmed dead. it has been 326 days since the war started. now this, 37 days and counting for vice president harris as a candidate but still no interview, no news conference, no official policy page on her campaign website. how long can she keep this up? >> i think it is unacceptable for candidates who should be before the press every two or three days. if voters are not informed it is not a democracy with real votes. ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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>> sandra: breaking news. we're just learning of an incident at atlanta's airport, two are confirmed dead now and another person seriously injured after a tire exploded in the delta maintenance area near atlanta's airport. it happened early this morning. the plane which was reportedly a boeing 757 had traveled from las vegas to atlanta sunday night. not immediately clear what caused this explosion. delta has confirmed the deaths and issued a statement saying quote the delta family is
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heartbroken at the loss of two team members. the delta family is grateful for the quick action of first responders and medical teams on site. we're working with local authorities and conducting a full investigation to determine what happened. and now this. we were promised that vice president kamala harris would finally do a sit-down interview by the end of the month. we're waiting. 37 days as a candidate and still no sit-down interviews or news conferences. they say this apparent run out the clock strategy is working so far and that some in the media are helping her get away with it. sunday republican senator tom cotton locked horns with abc's jonathan carl insisting americans have a right to hearist from here. >> when she campaigned for president in her own right she did in fact promise things like decriminal idesing illegal immigration. >> that's the position she has
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clearly changed. >> no she hasn't. >> yes, she has. >> no, she has not. she has not said that. you pointed out senators sanders repeatedly things that her campaign has said. anonymous aides speaking on background reporters saying she no longer believes these things. okay, maybe she has changed her position on things like taking away your health insurance and confiscating your gun. if she has changed her position she owes it to the american people to come out and say in her own words when she changed and why she changed. >> sandra: democrats are coming to her defense. >> i think sometimes you all over exaggerate with importance of it. 72 or 71 days left in this election. you will see some of those things that you want to see happen. we can't get it all squeezed into one day. we have to remember this hasn't been a long time of candidate harris. >> sandra: power panel. leslie marshall and alex
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vogueall. thank you both for being here. leslie, she has press following her everywhere she goes. all she has to do is stop, turn to the camera and take questions. why not? >> she has. people say it wasn't a question or answer of substance. she gets slammed. she could walk on water and they will say it was low tide. bottom line here is her own deputy campaign manager on sunday on this network said she is going to sit down by the end of the month. i'm believing him until it doesn't happen. in her defense, when you are just a slight bit over a month you jump on the campaign trail. don't have your full campaign staff. you have conventions, you have swing state meetings. you have to pick a running mate. that is a lot. >> sandra: she doesn't have time. >> it is not hurting her. it is not hurting her right now. sandra. it is helping her. >> sandra: to leslie's points.
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that what's we hear. why change anything? do they have a point? >> i don't think they have a point. i think it is wholly indefensible. i have given more interviews in the last 37 days than she has. that tells you something. we had a convention with a brand-new candidate but who has been the incumbent vice president for three half years. she didn't pass her own platform. used the biden platform. she either has to tell the american people i believe everything that joe biden believed, which isn't a great look now or has to be honest about her positions. not the deputy campaign manager, not staff. she has to sit down with the american people. pick the reporter, pick all of them. when donald trump was president he gave more information to the american voters and public about what he believed in your typical departure ceremony than she has done in 37 days. that is not okay.
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>> sandra: how about some policy positions? i check every day, go to kamala i want to know specifics on the economy. she delivered a speech that got major backlash when she suggested price controls. why not list your policy details on your website and give an interview later if she wants? >> because honestly there are more people turning out for these rallies when you look at the numbers. when you look at the increase not just on the national level but swing states among certain demographics, latinos, women, african-americans, the list goes on. i'm not saying the website isn't important but i don't see it on top of the food chain. to his point the constitution is very clear about the role of the vice president. he just said when donald trump was president. kamala harris hasn't been president. hopefully she will be elected in november. vice president has two roles. in charge of the senate so a
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tiebreaker in the senate as we've seen her do and they're in waiting in case something happens to the president of the united states to step in. >> sandra: i appreciate the discussion. thanks to both of you for joining us. i suppose, alex, we'll see, leslie, we'll see. we are counting down the days and hours. >> i'm holding my breath. not a lot of time. she can't just run out the clock. the american people demand to know as the "washington post" even said democracy dies in darkness. if you aren't talking about what you believe that's the definition. >> sandra: have to leave it there. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris today. back with john roberts at 1:00 eastern time for america reports. "outnumbered" will be here after the break.
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