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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ cheering and applause ] >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's
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late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight, the ceo of meta, mark zuckerberg with a huge admission saying his company was, in fact, pressured by the biden harris administration to censor americans on facebook, something republicans say is clearly illegal. >> first amendment says that the government will not be involved in bridging your freedom of speech and that's exactly what they did by pressuring zuckerberg to censor speech. >> trace: the confession comes after years of silence from the social media giant, denial or defence from the biden harris administration, but all the while political views were being shut down or tampered with and conservatives were being targeted. >> we have promoted responsible actions to protect public health safety and security when confronted by challenges like a deadly pandemic and foreign attacks on our elections. >> trace: there is the denial
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appeared meantime major news from the trump campaign saying x. democrats tulsa gabbard and robert f. kennedy junior, who endorsed the former president, will serve on its transition team pure tulsa gabbard will join us in moments but first the senior national correspondent kevin cork's live with us on more on zuckerberg's confession of censorship. >> the list of i told you so's from the 2020 election continues to grow pure you may recall there were lots of complaints back then that social media giants like facebook were suppressing the so-called biden ... the hunter biden laptop story, even using censorship to discourage people from criticizing covid 19... turns out it was all true in a letter to the house judiciary committee, mark zuckerberg says as much, accusing the government of attempting to squelch content
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related to covid 19 including humour and satire, quote i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it or he added this, i also think we made some choices that with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn't make today. he also said the fbi warned meta in 2020 about a potential russian disinformation operation elated to hunter biden's laptop. when the new york post broke the story featuring e-mails, meta demoted the story, putting zuckerberg -- quoting zuckerberg it's since been made clear that reporting was not russian disinformation and we shouldn't have demoted the story. now a long with the documents the ceo said his company has provided a dozen employee... stressing meta's cooperation with the investigation which is ongoing. back to you. >> trace: kevin thank you.
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the fox news in a commonsense department things fall is coming. the election is near and you can almost smell freedom in the air finally marks zuckerberg has admitted that the biden harris administration did in fact repeatedly pressure meta, facebook and it's other platforms to censor covid 19 content. zuckerberg also acknowledged that hunter biden's laptop, you know the one that 51 liberal intel experts had the hallmarks of russian disinformation, it was actually legitimate. the real deal, no signs of disinformation. so after screwing up the 2020 election, zuckerberg suddenly offers up a... they give him a hall pass in that they are supposed to do what? just because he says he's going to be neutral, doesn't mean
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kamala harris is going to be any less radical. her campaign manager was part of the pressure campaign to censor facebook and now that same manager is building a campaign based on you guested, freedom. let's face it, nothing screams freedom like shutting down... and running for the country's top job without getting a single vote. at some point in the next four years commonsense is convinced that freedom will indeed ring but kamala harris is not about to take that call. let's bring in... thank you both for coming on, we appreciate it. i want to play some sound, this is talking about the whole censorship thing. he is denying that the biden harris administration ever was involved in any kind of censorship. >> you are not pressuring the big tech companies to take down accounts, you are not meeting
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with them to ask them to censor on your behalf. >> that is correct we are not. >> you are leveraging private companies to carry out censorship on your behalf, it's dystopian but it's unconstitutional. >> also falls. >> trace: the lies they just keep on coming don't they? >> it's no surprise that he is denying that, doesn't seem like he will face any consequences for what would appear to be lying to the american people. one thing that is really surprising some of the reporting we've been doing today is there is a change in silicon valley. you aren't going to see zuckerberg coming up for trump but i there's a recognition from a lot of tech leaders that what they are seeing is actually cause for concern. they rolled over four years ago, this time they are kind of on heightened alert. they are not quick to roll over. they see what's happening in europe where the european commissioner can basically
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issued this edict to elon musk that he could face consequences for just having a conversation with donald trump. they are seeing that the telegram ceo which is an anchor to messaging service allows people to send text without the government reading that, that ceo has been arrested in paris so i think there is an increasing sense that once you let the camel's nose in the tent if you are not standing up for free speech there are some disastrous consequences. >> trace: you talk about consequences, the daily caller says this, this is simply an admission of guilt that has already been known for years, a win for republicans would mean doing something about it. will anyone go to jail for this? of course not. if anything this is a win for democrats and their big tech allies. they admit to rigging the 2020 election and walking away scott free because there are no consequences anymore. >> absolutely not. if mark zuckerberg actually felt really bad about this than he could do something right now, he could stop suppressing and
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limiting conservative, libertarian, even left-wing talking points that he disagrees with on places like instagram and facebook. turns out meta is still doing that, conservatives like myself are still in jail as i call it because we get a person that complaints and then my information is deemed not proven true even though it's been written about by the new york times, daily caller, legitimate news organizations. if it's not something that his organization like they are not going to let it go through. >> trace: they have a pretty good point on the fears of censorship, watch. >> i'm very concerned that if you see a kamala harris administration they are going to restart the whole censorship apparatus once again, maybe do some censorship laundry and try to get government-funded ngos to do the dirty work so they can claim it's not barred by the first amendment's >> it's happened before.
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i knew you were going and we are on the same wavelength. this is absolutely cause for concern and it could happen again. i think what's going to be really interesting to see jim jordan is leading the investigation with the judiciary and we are seeing this maybe the first of many mea culpa's and it's one thing to hear an acknowledgement that what happened years and years ago was wrong, the question is how do you prevent it from happening yet again and that's a huge concern so i think we're going to need to see probably some sort of framework for accountability and disclosure because we need this monitored in realtime. it's not good enough to have knowledge of a conversation happening four years ago, we need to know that that is happening right now. >> the whole country has their hands on it, he spent $420 million on these election info structure thanks to democratic counties. he says i'm not going to do
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that,. >> it's in the cake and i think -- there really needs to be not just people like him not to testify and be held accountable to this. there's been so much money on lawyers but i think it's people in government that should be accountable to you and me, the american voter, the american taxpayer who was told that we're not doing this, we know what's best for you. the upper echelons of the federal government that reneged on their accountability to uphold i think my favourite amendment, the first one. >> trace: the best line is we know what's best for you and they still say we were just doing what best for you. thank you both. at the trump campaign now basking in the glow of two major endorsements by former democrats who are now independence and could prove to be pivotal. live with more on how this impacts the push to get former president trump back in office. >> the trump campaign announced today that tulsi gabbard and
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robert f. kennedy junior will be joining the transition team, giving them an opportunity to influence who will run the government if trump is elected. a row in a statement as president trump's broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud that robert f. kennedy junior and tulsi gabbard have been added to the transition team. they are both former democrats, rfk junior comes from one of the most famous democratic political families in u.s. history but decided to run for president as an independent. gabbard served as a democrat in congress but reregisters and it -- as an independent back in 2022, calling the democratic party a elitist couple of warmongers... she welcomed americans into the tent during her endorsement speech on monday, listen. >> whether you are a democrat,
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republican or an independent, if you love our country as i do, if you cherish peace and freedom as we do, i am but you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect president donald trump. >> it's important to note trump is not the only candidate receiving support across the aisle. kamala harris has also received endorsements from a growing number of republicans and some who spoke at the dnc last week. >> trace: ashley thank you. and with that let's bring in former democratic presidential candidate who is now backing donald trump, tulsi gabbard, it's great to have you on the show. the big news for us is you and rfk junior now part of the transition team. what does it mean? i'm not saying you have to define your role but what does it mean for two independence to join the trump transition team?
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>> i think it speaks to the bigger point about what president trump is doing here. he is showing that this election is not about the democrats versus republicans, it's about voters having the choice between president and donald trump who stands for freedom and peace and prosperity for all americans versus kamala harris who is a person who will certainly bring about an increasingly tyrannical government, more war and economic hardship, the same economic hardship we've seen over the last three and a half years and it's not about taking my word for it are an opinion or a view, both of these candidates , they have two very real records to compare and contrast and they couldn't be different. this is the choice before voters, rise above partisanship. president trump is showing he can bring people together who may not agree on every issue but who value what is most important which is protecting and defending our fundamental rights
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and freedoms that are enshrined in the constitution and making it possible to live in a truly peaceful and prosperous society. >> trace: it's interesting when you talk about kamala harris' record because there's more that you could be helping the former president with debate preparations. it's very well-established that you pretty efficiently took down kamala harris in 2019, is that something that you relish the opportunity to be able to help in that aspect? >> i want to be helpful in whatever way that i possibly can and if i can be helpful to president trump at all in this area, a really is to share the experience that i had and what i learned in sharing that stage with kamala harris back in 2019 and quite frankly the kinds of tricks that she will play in order to deflect away from her record which voters need to know about and the mainstream media, the propaganda media, is trying to cover up. she will rehearse some lines and
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deliver them very well. president trump knows the issues and he knows her record and i look forward to seeing him challenge her and expose the truth about who she really is. >> trace: a want to get your take on a couple of hot issues. one is this mark zuckerberg letter admitting that the administration pressured them during covid 19 to censor and he used the word sensor, set the laptop was not disinformation. what you think of that admission? >> it is what many of us have known all along and i'm glad he had the courage to come forward and speak the truth. especially right now. this is really important because you have kamala harris who is building her whole campaign around freedom. this is her new mantra that she is repeating, she repeated in her debate and in her speech at the democratic convention that she's going to be a president who champions freedom but the
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fact is as mark zuckerberg just exposed its harris and joe biden who got him and facebook to do their dirty work in censoring our right to free speech once again. her words do not match her actions but we have to turn down the volume on whatever it is she saying and look at her record because that tells us the whole story about why we should not allow her in the white house as our president. >> trace: great to have you on the show is always, best of luck to you and thank you. for more on former president trump's outreach across partisan lines let's bring in the host of ... thank you both for coming on. i want to play some sound, this is... talking to jd vance about the debate. >> he wants to do a debate, his attitude we agreed to the roles -- rules we agreed to, let's do
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it. >> trace: what you think of this and it might just be one debate so it could be even more important. your thoughts on the rules, regulations, this person wants to do that and the other person doesn't. >> we deserve more than one debate but i certainly hope that we will get that one debate scheduled for september 10th. it looks like things are panning out, may be about kamala harris campaign is okay with the original rules and doesn't want to be so entitled and greedy, she wants to change them. i think that was incredibly entitled what we heard yesterday and earlier in the week about how that campaign wanted notes, they wanted to be seated, they wanted the mics to be live for the all in 90 minutes because she wanted to get a viral moment of donald trump interrupting her so i hope they will stick with the original rules. they already swapped out their entire candidate so i don't think that's too much to ask. >> trace: she makes a great point because it seems like they are running scared or at least a
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little bit jumpy about these interviews and the debate and so fourth. the headline from the new york times reads... the joint interview airing at 9:00 pm eastern is the first time the vice president will face sustained questions from a journalist since president biden with -- withdrew from the race. it's walz and harris, she's not alone, it just seems to me like this is very protected. >> it is no doubt very protected and i think with good reason. kamala harris has a history of not performing very well on one-on-one interviews. you're still playing sound from that because it was just ineffective, she's not a good communicator in these settings and can often be caught flat footed so i she has been really trying to avoid this and playing to her strengths by staying on teleprompter and instead of doing a one-on-one interview she's going in with...
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she's try to make an argument that this is them you get to see them together because of the short timeline. i would argue she's having someone to fall back on i get -- in case things get tough. >> trace: what you think about adding rfk junior and tulsi gabbard to the team? is it beneficial to the former president? >> it absolutely is. they both come with a fan base that's a very loyal and dedicated fan base. as much as i love rfk junior, hearing tulsi gabbard endorse the former president is so important. there's a gender cap -- gap so she can really reach out to those folks, she can talk to suburban women, she can talk to everyday americans who may still be on the fence. the biggest problem the trump campaign has as they often talk to their own base and don't expand. i can't wait to see how she
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prepares donald trump for that debate with kamala. is going to be fantastic. >> trace: i think it's a key thing for the trump campaign to have. the fox news poll it says this. abysses choice for president you go back to august 2020, you had joe biden leading by seven points and now you have today this august, you have harris at 49, trump 50. you look at these numbers from four years to today you would think trump is in pretty good shape comparatively. >> you really do and it's interesting because we are all talking about how great kamala harris is doing she's doing much better than joe biden was a few weeks ago but this is by no means a shoo-in. we are not seeing momentum that's taking over donald trump and in many ways even hillary clinton saying she's the underdog especially when you look at the sweepstakes, there's not a sure thing here and despite the fact that kamala has momentum, she has a lot of road
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left to travel and donald trump is still looking pretty good in some of the polling. >> trace: there's a lot of road ahead, a lot of things could happen and in this crazy year it likely will happen. thank you both. and coming up, back-to-school means back to protests on college campuses. cornell students is -- students greeted with hateful messages. democratic nominee kamala harris finally agreeing to sit down as we talked about for an interview on cnn but she will not go it alone. she's bringing her running mate. what kind of vibes can we expect from them? >> i'm looking at coach walz right now. >> pretty much ground beef and cheese. >> do you put any flavour ring and it? >> no. >> trace: do you think it's a little odd that the person running for president full not do a solo interview? and why do you think that is? let us know, we will read your
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responses as always coming up in the nightcap. we are coming right back with what's happening at cornell university, crazy first day of school. back in a moment. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪
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>> a really does come as no surprise that this is how students choose to celebrate the beginning of the school year by terrorizing other students. >> the vandals explain the crime to the cornell daily sun saying we had to accept that the only way to make ourselves heard is by targeting the only thing the university administration truly cares about, property. after weeks of anti- israel protest in the spring, president resigned this summer, succeeded by interim president... >> this is his opportunity to make a legacy for himself and to show that violence and chaos will not be tolerated on this campus any longer. >> the vice president for university relations tells fox news we are appalled by the graffiti, spray paint and glass
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shattered overnight along the front entrance of day hall, property damage including graffiti will not be tolerated. this as new york governor met with 200 college leaders from across the state monday preparing for more protest as students return to campus. anti- israel protesters also demonstrated at columbia university in new york over the weekend. they posted -- protested in front of incoming freshman before classes start next week. >> trace: let's bring in the host of... thank you all for coming on. the associated press headline reads the following here, it looked like israel and hezbollah had gone to war but then they pulled back. the question everyone is asking is it the call before the storm, is of the column and maybe there won't be a storm?
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>> i think hezbollah has been humbled in a sense, embarrassed with that incredible israeli strike on sunday. the big question is as hezbollah likes it's wounds, what does its master do, the iranian regime still making noise about striking israel. leave almost have themselves in a corner. iran's leaders have been threatening a devastating attack against israel, now there's a debate inside the regime, if we hit israel, israel may unleash hell and return and israel showed and i think israel well this time around. i think the regime may be having second thoughts but they have to do something at this point. >> trace: you would think but we shall see. the fox news headlines has the following. still a lot of hostages left but this is a good sign. >> it's a very good sign. first and foremost did you notice how comfortable he was.
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he felt uncomfortable with his own israeli citizens and israeli soldiers and very comfortable with them. all the lies that everybody hears about apartheid this and that, it's not true. israel is on the march. i've said it 100 times, if america said to egypt open up your gates and let all the citizens of gaza out, israel could have ended this into weeks we could have had all the hostages out but for some reason america wants this to continue and they are not putting pressure on egypt. >> trace: a lot of or that some of the intel came from... first day of classes at cornell university, anti- israel protesters trashed the school. >> when you use bullhorns inside the library, when you set up an encampment right in the middle
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of the main park, there are met -- there are a million other ways to express yourself. it's inactive saying we are going to defy the administration and we are not going to live by the rules that everybody else has to live by. >> trace: a hateful act as well. >> absolutely and i think we see this as kind of the playbook of these protesters weather it's at the dnc or on college campuses, they want power and they want to dominate the conversation and say if you don't do it our way or else. now is a chance for these universities to put their foot down, stop this just like we saw in many states like florida, ended in five minutes, this is their chance to stop these protesters and disruptions on campus, and set it straight so that it doesn't continue for another full-year. >> trace: i'm wondering if you look at the protests that are going to start back up all over again, you look at what's happening in the middle east, does one fuel the other? do you get fuel from hezbollah
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and hamas and iran because they see what's happening in the united states and people are like maybe this is a good thing, let's get this back up. >> the october 7th anniversary looms, hard to believe it's been almost a year. they will ramp thanks up on campus than and as you just mentioned, israel, at the question out of if but when it has to decisively strike hezbollah. that's coming and we will see the radical leftists and islamists on campus run wild. i think the big question is where are the adults in the room on these college campuses? no accountability for the students at all. >> trace: not a lot of accountability. this is kind of heartbreaking. it's instructive but it's also heartbreaking. the headline is massive number of college students are afraid to admit they are jewish as anti-semitism sores on campuses. the survey, 44 percent of college students and recent graduates said they rarely are never feel safe identifying as
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jewish on campus as anti-semitism sores according to an eye-opening survey. >> it's a very big eye-opening. we have two thanks to say, you were telling me over the whole summer none of the campuses could've figured it out? there is something going on bigger... my question is where the jewish people going back to these campuses? create our own universities and we don't have to worry about going to cornell. never understood it. cornell and everybody else, you did nothing. >> i get there campus. and they deserve to go back to their campus. >> how is everybody on the campus right now? are they students or are they from the outside? if you're from the outside what you doing on the campus, if you are students why aren't you in class, why isn't there order on the campus? >> trace: brooklyn museum,
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muslim cleric who what's partnered with new york mayor eric adams on a campaign to end hate is now spreading it by calling for the annihilation of israel, publicly calling for this and we go back to the theme tonight, no consequences. >> it's not just consequences, they are getting praised for it. that's how open and honest they feel they can be in showing their anti-semitism. they are actually getting praise from the other side and i want to touch point with what you said about college campuses. what i've noticed is so many of the professors on college campuses right now are in alignment with these protesters. i think the university fear that if they side with the protesters half their faculty is going to leave and they won't have enough teachers to graduate their students. it has become so endemic and embedded within the faculty that it's really a total overhaul that needs to happen to. it's just telling the protesters to stop. >> trace: it's amazing that you can be anti-semitic and people say it's just their free-speech.
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>> this is america and 2024 and i think western europe, london, paris, they say they are afraid to show their identities and now it's in supposedly tolerant places like new york city and california. >> i'm not scared. >> trace: you are never scared which is why we bring you want to. coming up caitlin jenner live onset with her take on the latest way california officials are putting illegal immigrants about their own residence and kaitlin's take on title ix it, the biden administration getting knocked down by the supreme court next 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they start. and treatment is 4 times a year. in a survey, 91% of users wish they'd started sooner. so why wait? talk to your doctor. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection
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>> trace: we broke the story here and now the california dream or a home loan program is almost a nightmare for many state residents. the bill has now passed the senate meeting it is one step closer to illegal immigrants getting interest-free home loans paid by the taxpayers.
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marianne rafferty is life with details on this. >> the backlash has already begun against the bill that could give illegal migrants up to 150,000 california taxpayer dollars to buy a house. some republicans saying the interest-free down payment program should focus only on hard-working california citizens and not the undocumented. >> that money is money that will now not be available to veterans, first time buyer programs, two college students first time buyer programs, teachers, firefighters, police officers. >> the state-sponsored loan is repaid when the home is sold and applicants have to meet certain guidelines with the bill saying an applicant who meets the requirements for a lone under the home purchase assistance program shall not be disqualified by the agency solely based on the applicant's immigration status. >> ensuring universal access by all qualified borrowers to the california dream for all program will contribute to the overall success and vitality of
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california. >> the average home price in california now stands at over $900,000. need to make a minimum of 145,000 to even qualify for a modest home. some say with the states ballooning deficit it simply can't afford it. >> the state is already $60 billion in debt this year and here we are giving money away. >> the bill will head back to the assembly for a final vote before possibly hitting gavin newsom's desk. >> trace: let's bring in former olympian and fox news contributor and california resident kaitlin jenner. great to have you on is always. we will talk about title ix but i wanted your take on this because i it's fascinating, you live in california, 17 percent of california state residents can afford a home and we are on the verge of giving illegal immigrants, people who are not here legally, money to buy a home interest-free. it's baffling, your thoughts on this.
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>> i don't even recognize this country anymore. i don't recognize california anymore. i been here for 48 years and it's a shame to see what's happened in the state. this is what the country is going to look like if we elect kamala harris. kamala harris is san francisco liberals and that's what we have to look forward to. it's going to happen all across the country, she was in charge of the border, all of these illegals are because of kamala harris and now we are trying to give them money. we've got billions of dollars of debt in california and they are still giving it away. >> it but not to veterans and... the supreme court knocked down biden's title ix readjustment trying to change the regulations , a local judge wrote the following here which is spot on, title ix was written and
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intended to protect biological women from discrimination, such purpose makes it difficult to sincerely argue that at the time of enactment, discrimination on the basis of sex included gender identity, sex stereotypes, sexual orientation or six characteristics, that's not the way it was written. >> it's not even close. a recap for our audience, title ix has been around for about 50 years now. probably one of the greatest pieces of legislation not just for women sports but for women in general. it has made tremendous difference and brought women into sports which i think is absolutely great. look at the olympics we just saw. the gymnastics, the women were just phenomenal. the men are not that good. soccer the same way, the soccer teams all because of title ix and what has happened over the years and now they are trying to take all that away. joe biden and i honestly believe
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, to see what's happened here lately, joe biden had nothing to do with this. i believe it was kamala harris that pushed him to sign this legislation which allowed biological men into title ix protection. totally wrong. i've been against that from the beginning. the supreme court came in because 26 states came in and said this is wrong, we have to stop this so now the supreme court came in and in a 5-4 decision just stopped everything we will get back to that in just a second. you have to realize that kamala harris is the first democrat woman to be nominated for president of the united states and she is the most antiwoman woman out there. she has done nothing for women. she is -- she supported
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biological men and women sports. honestly i just can't believe this is happening in our country. i get back to the 5-4 decision because now you may notice there's an election coming up, have you noticed that? there's an election coming up and everything is political so we've got to go candidates to run for president in the united states. we have kamala harris who is for biological men and women sports, her running mate wants tampons in boys bathrooms and then we have donald trump. donald trump is really only made one major statement about this and he put it in agenda 47 and he said very simply one line, no men and women sports. i'm going with donald trump. i have to admit, we just have to. it's a shame to see what's
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happening right now but we have to keep it and fight. >> trace: coming up kamala harris finally doing a big interview and of course it's with what -- it's with affronting network but she's not doing it alone. her running mate will also be in the room, in the interview, is it all that the person running for president can't hold a solo interview? yes know why?ys will read your responses coming up in the nightcap that i'm proud to carry on.
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>> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, the buddy system. kamala harris will do an interview but only on a friendly network and only if she's not alone, she's bringing her running mate. is it all that the person running for president cannot hold a solo interview and why, ashley. >> about a month ago i said it's going to be about a month before we hear from kamala harris right here on the nightcap and i do think it's odd but i think she wants walz to be her fallback guy. >> trace: it's exactly what's going to happen and it's going to happen nine times. let me differ to my vice president.
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>> either she has a serious case of imposter syndrome or it she has such anxiety that she's afraid to get out there and be herself, this is not a good look. she needs to do one by herself. >> she is the one of the -- one of the most insecure people i've ever seen, she's way in over her head. she needs a security blanket and that's not what we need for somebody running for president of the united states. we need a strong individual, we have one who's running and it's scary to see this to be honest with you. >> we're not just watching this interview in america, our enemies are watching this interview, china, russia, iran, all these people, they sense weakness and we jump -- they jump on that. it means opportunity for these people and it's an embarrassment overall. >> i think the big question is are the american people going to be fooled here?
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november looms large picture cannot answer a question or do an interview by herself in the american people are really going to fall for this? >> i'm looking for the big circus. two days and one hour to go. she's coming on, she's coming on! >> trace: there it is, 97 percent say it's audit. it's embarrassing, she should be able to do an interview solo, even hillary could do that. her strength is also her killing seal, they do not answer questions they ask them. they can't take the chance of her bombing out, peter she needs someone to laugh with and that's our show. thank you for watching america's late news, i'm trace gallagher, kevin corke will be here tomorrow night, we will see you back here.
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iconic names like "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse >> i'm jessi: hee waters, alongi


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