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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  August 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: emily compagno, rich vos, kat timpf, studio audience, i love you america. >> trace: good evening. apm on the west coast 11 here in
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washington this is america's late news. fox news at night. breaking night tram campaign making its foray into the states on part of what were told is a deliberate strategy to win over voters and some of the nation's most competitive battlegrounds g pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin where the gmp is a vice presidential nominee spoke tonight. >> she's been the acting president for three and a half years in this country and their citizens are suffering, she should not be feeling joy. she should be feeling shame. >> kevin: shame, this as brand-new fox bowling shows a presidential race now neck and neck further south into the sun belt. the vp kamala harris making major ground among key demographics i could ship for better or worse when harris and walz sit down for her first interview since she launched her campaign. however, this is not a surprise some of you at
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home there's a lot of people out there frankly who are commenting about the fact that she is not going that is alone. summer calling it week. >> i think it's incredibly weak. weak sauce to show up with your running mate. and fact i thank the handling and gyrations over this over the last month show troubling lack of confidence and her political ability. >> weak sauce. plus the fbi releases new photos from a trump assassination attempt and information showing just how premeditated at corn to the feds the shooters attack was. we have new images on the way in just a few moments before first correspondent gary live in green bay with more on the tram campaign's push to win the rust belt. evening. >> get anything from the badger state. we are going to be here over the next ten weeks because the tram campaign is going to be spending a lot of time here in wisconsin, in which again, and in pennsylvania where they are hoping to turn
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democrats is a blue wall to read. we are told that senator j.d. vance is going to be playing a big role in those efforts given his upbringing in ohio and his ability to connect with blue-collar voters and communities who feel like they have been left behind. to that end this afternoon in pennsylvania and tonight in wisconsin he focused on the economy under the biden and harris administration. >> when she says that she's the candidate of the little guy the little guy can't afford to heat their homes because of her policies. the look i can't put groceries on the table because of kamala harris' policies on the little guy can't afford to buy a home because of kamala harris' policies. speeded new fox news polls show that race is tightening across the sun belt where harris is outperforming joe biden's numbers and now narrowly leads trump in arizona, georgia, and nevada, while john pulled a one-point lead in north carolina. the presidential race is
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particularly here in wisconsin. where that two elections have been decided by around 20,000 votes. the same g.o.p. chairman told us tonight that the democrat is blue wall in the midwest is on shaky ground. >> the working people in these three states particularly in these three states that have suffered so badly in the last four years, i don't think they can put them back together. it will be competitive. have no doubt about that. >> third party candidates can play a big factor in wisconsin. this week election officials here and in michigan rolled at rfk jr. will still appear on the ballot despite him dropping out of the race and endorsing a trump but he won't be alone. democrats are also worried that third party candidates jail and cornel west could hurt her as his chances in wisconsin after the state supreme court shot down the dnc's attempt to keep them off the ballot. a lot of folks remember
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in 2016 some democrats blamed joe for handing the state the donald trump by taking votes away from hillary clinton. there is concern that could happen again with her staying on the ballot in november. >> kevin: she is popular at last to be sure. thank you so much for your report. joining us from wisconsin. we bring in former trump advisor and public affairs senior president. along with trump when 20 -- 20 report circuit. harrison fields park i want to begin by showing you that's full screen. this basically maps out what we learned and the latest fox news survey. take a look at home. i find it fascinating for a couple of reasons when they talk about the former presidents among bloke -- black voters 19% that is a sizable number when you consider it was at 7%. back in 2016 what stands out for me is down there at the bottom right now the polling says he's
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trailing among independence, 40 to 50 feet -- 44, i'm going to be honest i've had this conversation previously. i'm oy sceptical when they talk about polling because i remember back when they were saying hillary clinton is a shoo-in, it doesn't usually work that way. what's more i thank the g.o.p. voter usually doesn't always participate. what the -- what say you? >> if you look at polling, you see respondents appall win it came to g.o.p. leaders they are not responding to paul's. like liberals are doing. you do point out you see donald trump with nearly 20% of st. paul's at 25% one night from the black voters. that's a historic level. that would mean the reelection of donald trump york you also look at lena's. and seen a lot of polls were you see leaners actually taking the side of the donald trump. why? because they want an economy that works for them. they want overseas conflicts to end, they want aborted that's secure. when you look at overall sentiment of how americans actually feel
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and the country 70% of corn to abc polling says they do not feel like this country is in the right direction. that means the country has a bad vibes when it comes to the biden and harris administration and they will vote based on the vibe of the moment which is not god and they want to change it. they want donald trump back. >> kevin: i'm so glad you said the white abatement. -- vibe. before you come and i this is tim walz talking about this idea of the joy and good vibrations where they believe the country is. and j.d. vance in a sound clip. >> this is truly about building towards a future, and you are that future. were in the room like this, and less everyone's spirits. they talk about that often are the positive and the joyful work that we can do and the things that we are trying to make sure happen. >> kamala harris is saying the economy is bad for workers, you're the vice president do a better job and we have a
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better economy. >> i think that's a pretty solid message. when you say it listen, you can talk about the buy and buy and how great things might be if you elect me but the truth is she's on the job right now. >> absolutely. thank you so much for having me on. and i look at this pall and i'm a harris campaign i would be worried. this is her peak. this is post dmc, this is one she supposed to be their most popular. they're having free concerts described as rallies. and i thank the more that she goes out there and talks out there with her babysitter -- babysitter the more people realize she can hide from a radical past. >> we have about 30 seconds left but i want to get your reaction and i'll get alexis as well. this idea of going out there with tim walz doesn't strike me and i thank a lot of people as an odd decision. you're supposed to be
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the commander in chief who can get out there and deal with russia and deal with china and deal with north korea. why do you have your security blanket and your vp or mic and that the wrong way? >> you're seeing it right. it goes to show you her campaign is not confident in her ability we cannot forget win we attempted she got less than 1% and dropped out -- dropped out of the race before states even voted. kamala harris as a candidate is terrible that's why the media has run 24-hour news circus to make it seem like she's not a part of this administration which is asinine but that she's more than what she is. i'm sorry. she is not who they think she is the american people will see through the it's been 39 days and she talk to reporters today with dana bash is not going to change the minds of people it's only going to expose her. spent 15 seconds for you. does this and badly? >> i think so. she's peaked during this paul as soon as you get that bearing she can't hide from her radical past.
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and what her and joe biden have done to this country for the last three and a half years. >> alexa henning and harrison fields. thank you for joining us. meantime critics on the right are aligned basing that bps first interview as democratic presidential nominee because it will apparently be a joint effort with her running mate tim walz. and its own -- oso going to be taped and not lie. it's happening on cnn. correspondent ashley stroh mirror. spent the long-awaited announcement did not do much to much to lessen chrism from republicans but in fact in mind of light in the fire. >> the fact that you have come a harris -- kamala harris on the other side who is yet to sit down for an interview has to have a safe space and her running mate to be with her, for any sort of a sitdown interview coming up is going to reflect very poorly on her. >> it's clear that her own team and her own party she needs a babysitter and that's why they're putting her
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vice presidential nominee on the stage with her. >> and some media outlets seem to question the decision with bbc riding the decision to make this a joint appearance may also feel a growing criticism that after escaping the rigours of month-long presidential primaries she is now dodging the scrutiny that comes with a solo interview. as a harris campaign sees it interferes harris said prior to receiving nomination and the questions she answers on the campaign trail don't count for nothing. >> she's been taking questions from reporters were asking her about her plants were asking her about the race were asking her about her vision for the country and she's been answering them. and she's done about 80 interviews this year. >> the stakes cannot be higher for the democratic presidential nominee but we won't know what impact the interview has until we see it for ourselves. which is thursday night. back to you. >> kevin: my friend ashley. we want to continue the conversation with national spokeswoman
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elizabeth pipko. and kaylee mcghee. me ask you about "the wall street journal " editorial wide i want to get your reaction to. it's quite fascinating how they are talking about this idea of having a conversation with her vp instead of going out there all by her lonesome. this is from the editorial board on that format will limit her time and answering questions. it will also make it harder for her to pose a follow-up questions that bore in on the vice president's contradictions her previous positions or get beyond general blather and seek specifics on taxes or foreign policy. mr. walz will be there with a parachute. to rescue the presidential candidate if she has a rough go or struggles to answer something. sounds pretty accurate to me what say you? >> that is the entire point is to protect harris from any unflattering comments she might make during an
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interview. maybe i should have brought my husband on sat dummy hold my hand through this interview. i'll say is that young woman kamala is asking to become the first female president. that's a very big and tall order. and she can't even sit down in a one-on-one interview and by the way i'm still hung up on the fact that this is the first time that she will be sitting down for an interview at all since announcing her candidacy. keep in mind early voting in some of these swing states starts next month. and i think this goes to show that this is a serious problem within the democratic party because kamala thinks she's entitled to american devotes. she does not want to go out and do the hard work of turning them. this is another part of that. >> kevin: tough to top that. the fact is i love one kaylee said jiving my husband, i can't imagine michelle obama needing to bring the former president on to be interviewed on cnn. i think she can handle herself all alone. what's a thinking do you think behind us, if you're the democrats?
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>> i'll say i wish my husband was with me tonight that would make my life a lot easier for me. i can't understand that thinking i want to echo with what's been sad. the fact is she does not believe she deserves this fault because the american people want to vote for her she believes she is entitled to the vote she doesn't believe she has to earn that anyway. i want people to remember it's not just kamala harris the presidential candidate here it's also kamala harris the current vp. it's joe biden the current president to people who are supposed to be responsible for right now bringing our own american hostages home from gaza fixing the accounting making allies of the american people that are in for some reason they don't get any answers they don't get the job done my own democrat friends or ask me why have they not heard from our president and vice president and whether the left right democratic. if you love this country you have a problem. we have to hear what you think about the major issues. quickly oh want to share this sound bite. this is dr. phil having a conversation with the
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former president. he talked about something i found fascinating he asked if he thought the vice president and the president were okay with him getting shot. listen to this. >> i'm not saying they wanted you to get a shot but do you think it was okay with them if he did? >> i don't know. that is a lot of hatred i'm not a threat to democracy at all. they are a threat to democracy but they will say that. that was a standard aligned just keep saying it. that can get assassins or potential assassins going. >> get them motivated that's a really scary part of this. >> that is a logic behind arguments like trump as a threat to democracy. if he was truly a threat to democracy, wouldn't you want him to be eliminated? that's a scary part of the rhetoric that democrats have been using. clearly a dead motivate someone to try and take out donald trump. it's amazing how quickly
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we have seen to move on from that entire at saga. i thank the reason we have done so is because that was a moment for many americans who might not have been keen on donald trump beforehand, but saw the way he reacted to it. and now they're going to carry that image with them into the polls. >> 15 seconds your thoughts on what the former president had to say. >> i had -- i'm honest i'm sad were here as a nation. the response i've seen from leadership and a lot of people and its country since the assassination attempt has been disgraceful all i can say donald trump deserves better. has family must deftly deserve better and the american people deserve better than we seen since the assassination attempt. >> kevin: a man in day. elizabeth pipko and kaylee mcghee. we patient your time. new questions about where exactly vice president harris stands on the number of issues. now while she herself has not said anything like this on camera it,
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her campaign is pulling a face on a number of key policy positions from the 2019 democratic party candidate. christina has more on that story. >> hello. great to see. as a senator kamala harris corresponds with legislation aimed at requiring new-car sales to be imagines for apr take a listen to what she said during this interview. >> by my plan by 2045 we will have basically zero imagine vehicles. only 100%. by 24 that's my .25. >> despite her support for this bold plan harris campaign official said she is not sport a mandate. and asked for them during they -- the mca she said she would sign bipartisan border bell. that will require millions of fines to be used it continue continue to build the board a while. something harris once called un-american
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during the job administration. also the camp lane named she no longer supports a ban on fracking another big policy reversal. >> was it something that changed her mind? specifically during the four years of the biden presidency? >> again the vice president is very proud of the biden-harris administration's record on energy production and the economy went large. she wants to continue to build upon the progress being made here. >> tom carden says he doesn't bite her as his flip-flopping on the key policy physicians. >> we know she has a record of that record back years in public office. that's what she believes that's what's in her heart. whatever she says now to get through the last ten weeks of this campaign is what she thinks is politically speeding it. >> harris' campaign has not said exactly why she changes her position on these key issues. >> thank you so much
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will see later on in the show. meantime let's get some analysis p or of some of these flip-flops in the vice president. were joined by the german chairman whatley. i don't mind telling you, more flip-flops then i sure shop and holly lupo -- honolulu. in so many and on so many big issues. i have a month -- a montage here i want to get a reaction on the other side just a sample of some of the changes we have seen for the vice president. >> i think is no question we have to critically re-examine ice and its role, i am in favour of saying we will not treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. >> i refuse to play politics with our security. and here is my pledge to you. as president i will bring back the bipartisan board the security bill that he killed and i will sign it into law. >> that was then and this is now what say you?
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>> it's a really remarkable to see how quickly they have tried to distance her from her own record and from her own the statements. the real question is we get into the meet of this campaign and she going to double down on positions that her and their handlers know are very unpopular, or will they actually flip-flop. right now we have seen 38 days of absolutely nothing. she has not been out there she has not been making these statements are sell. they've been from anonymous staffers. she has not defended any positions whether she's going to double down on these disastrous policies or if she's going to run away from them. i thank the only thing that we have seen in the last 38 days she is not ready for prime time if you cannot sit down and have a conversation about your positions, you are clearly not ready to be president of the united states. >> the depth of the changes is what i think is striking. let me share this very quickly this is from the daily.
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it reads in part in a span up just a month per team has systematically reversed pretty much every major policy proposal she's ever supported in her career. these changes are so significant and so completely unexplained that they would have immediately destroyed kamala harris' candidacy if she were running 28 years ago to that end kamala harris' campaign and just announce is most dramatic policy reversal yet contrary to everything at kamala harris has said for the past five years her campaign had just come out in support of donald trump's or the wall. and that 30 seconds i have left, when it hits like that i think everyone can be sceptical. and with good reason. >> these are anonymous statements coming out of the campaign. we have not seen kamala harris announce had any at least changes. defend any of these changes. >> kevin: looks like we may have just lost
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the satellite and there. we appreciate chairman whatley from the rnc joining us on the broadcast here tonight. we will move on coming up the fbi really says a new evidence were talking about photos from the champ assassination attempt and tonight were getting our first look at the explosives and this tutor thomas crux had on. and later in the night recent polling shows kamala harris gaining support apparently and it leading even among independents. according to some a survey. closing the gaps in the sun belt on top of all that. ever question tonight should the trump team be worried about the pole and a better question deer believe they are accurate? let us know accurate? let us know on x and instagram at @foxnewsnight quick timeout were back aftewrinr this. target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena at the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's,
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speed it 27 minutes after the hour it will come back everyone we have new information about the fbi investigation into the attempted assassination of former president donald trump along with some new images. of what the shooter brought with him to the pennsylvania rally. christina back live with those details. >> hello. the fbi released four new photos from their investigation into the attempt to assassinate former president donald trump in addition to new details about the shooter's disturbing behaviour. this photo released by the fbi shows to maxim guns, the air our style rifle was recovered at the shooting site in pennsylvania. a second father shows just assembled next to the backpack he was seen wearing at the rally authorities say it had a capsule's -- stock which expands white they did not see him with a rifle and he was on the
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rooftop where he opened fire. the third photo shows that to explosives they found and the car, the fbi said the receiver to detonate it remotely was a turned off thank goodness. the last of all the air conditioning unit that fbi officials say he climbed on to get to the roof of the building where he fired shots at trump the large white box to the right and that's father. the fbi has not identified a motive in this case but today during a press briefing they say he became hyper focused on trump's pennsylvania focused as a target of opportunity. they say it's online a search of events and trump they conducted what they referred to as an extensive attack. on planning. authorities again very concerned about this issue. and what has happened as their investigation continues. they have not found any evidence of any coconspirators in this case and again still no
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word on a motive as this investigation continues. >> kevin: christina thank you. meantime is really forces are ramping up operations in the occupied west bank. and overnight offensive targeting hamas militants killing at least ten and what's more a major city in the country has now been sealed off. correspondence report from tel aviv. >> and one of the largest operations carried out by the israeli forces soldiers descended upon the cities of jermaine overnight into wednesday morning. around 2:00 a.m. the army rated the camp with a large number of soldiers on foot. they raided the camp from different sides. we were surprised. >> israel says is latest counterterrorism campaign aimed at destabilizing. through air strikes and small arms fire as many as ten militants were killed. >> in a second very fast
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we felt something come down from us on this guy it was an explosion. >> palestinian warned about a came to it as claimed tensions. is really forces continued fighting in gaza. u.s. egypt and qatar are still pushing for a cease-fire deal so far no breakthrough this week. >> after a massive weekend escalation including israel, this tinge of between both sides continues. during a visit to the israel lebanon border israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu commanded troops for helping stop and surprise attack but says it's not enough. >> this is not the end of the story when will it be the end of the story? only one week return to security and the residence to their home safely. >> where learning is really forces have retrieve the body of a soldier who was killed and up ducted back on october seventh israeli prime minister netanyahu says they will do everything they can to bring all the hostages back home alive end.
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jeff thank you for more on the latest developments we want to bring again a former navy seal who tried with them and israel. i watched jeff report their and you and i have been in israel it's an amazing and fascinating and complicated part of the world but i see his report whether it's hamas or whether it's hezbollah. it seems to me like this is not something that is under control in any way, shape, or form though that seems to be the conversation that people continue to have that it could be soon. >> i think it's a fair assessment. complicated is a unique and accurate way to describe it. there really is no other region of the world were so many different factors, regional implications are all at play here. i think what we're finding now is that many of these other partners in the region are trying to test israel's resolve and spread the resources then. marginally israel has quite a bit of robust
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network and infrastructure they've also instituted some more civil defence protocols with their citizens read to help protect the unnecessary loss of life. but it certainly primed to escalate quickly the whole factor here is just how much we can deter external if her tension into this conflict so it does not roll up even more. >> interesting. i know we've spoken extensively about hamas we have not talked so much about hezbollah. this is fairly fascinating from "the new york times" today the headline with hezbollah israel contact contains the next move may be modest. it reads in part this way neither hezbollah nor its regional patron iran has found a better way to respond to embarrassing it is really strikes in a way that could warn israel off of another attack yet not provoke an even bigger war that could be devastating for them. this is fascinating because on the one hand you will see them say we made a strike were trying to appease our domestic audience if you well. at the same time you
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don't want to escalate things if you're them you're still looking for that off-ramp. >> that's a fair assessment. i think with some of these groups never responded they have a decentralized organization. when they make decisions, when they actually execute different protocols they're looking for in the most efficient protocol. that's part of why they attacked vessels along the red sea, it's a cheap, it's effective, and implicates billions of dollars of revenue. i think that what were going to find with hezbollah north of israel and lebanon their religion meant entity of the government. there in this difficult dance with wind to show solidarity with iran and solidarity with palestinian people all the while not completely undermine their ability to retain and use power. it is an interesting organization and the method that they use to go back and forth with israel. i do think we will find it the more limited approach, i don't think were going to see all of their resources and one last hurrah at least not yet. nothing till a couple of
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factors are united. >> kevin: 15 seconds left i want to get your thoughts on the israeli strike, their preemptive strike that happened over the weekend. >> i think israel now again they had to show strength they have to show fortitude they have caused it have recourse. the enemies withdrew withdraw and not bring full force to effort. >> kevin: a look that way. was a pleasure my friend thank you for joining us. coming up have you noticed how high your car insurance rates have gone up lately? brace yourself because it's going up even higher. incredible. i'll tell you about that story coming up. here is a fox news and night trip across america. first a live look at wildwood, new jersey. that's where near atlantic city shows the record for the largest -- longest boardwalk. nashville, tennessee, home of the country music hall of fame. if we ever open a bureau there, i am moving to nashville.
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and finally a live look at new mexico, estate is nickname that land of enchantment as a colorado kid it is beautiful. by the way a quick reminder if you can't join us life don't forget to set your dvr is, come on. you can watch us anytime. introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,
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>> kevin: 40 minutes after the hour surge -- surgeon cart insurance rates are projected to jump even higher in the year that's seen prices rise more than 15% address incredible. honestly joining us once again she has more on that story. why is this happening and what happens next? >> high again the rise of insurance costs is due to a combination of inflationary pressures. the hyatt repair cost and it increase and it crashes and severe weather events. this is all according to a new report that provides information about the insurance
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market. the average cost of full coverage in the u.s. rose by 15% and the first half of this year, and that number is expected to hit 22% by the end of the year. and three states the increases have been even more dramatic. with rates set to jump more than 50% this year and minnesota and california. the report says severe weather events that caused $1 billion or more in damage have been steadily on the rides impacting how insurers said those rates. inflation is also playing overall, vehicle maintenance and repair costs have also increased by about 38%. over the past five years and that of course leads to more exist if claims with insurance companies passing the cost to consumers. and to make things even worse at drivers appeared to be getting into more accidents. >> americans have, it seems like they're driving worse than before. accident rates are high, there up very substantially, year over year between 202021, and
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though they plateaued they have not come down to pre-pandemic levels. >> where is the most expensive audio insurance? mary land where the average annual cost of full coverage sits at $3400 that's according to ensure if ipr that's in part due to the spike of traffic fatalities and why state let's legend that places increase financial responsibility on insurance companies. the lowest insurance in a country that goes to hampshire. with an average annual rate of $1000. back to you. >> kevin: i might have to buy a place in new hampshire it so i can store my car. ashley thank you. let's get some insight on this latest inflation inflicted pain from a jump campaign senior economic advisor and heritage financer visiting fellow. >> i don't know why you have me here, i live and marilyn. i live and the highest estate i note exactly what you're talking about. it's happening throughout the country
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and these rights make it so expensive people are having a height -- hard time buying a car because the cost of insurance is a big part of owning -- owning a new car. we seen across the border housing and home insurance has gone up and maryland it's almost doubled as well as. apparently because the depreciation and home values. what this is telling us is that washington is lying to us when they say the inflation problem is over. it is true that food prices are rising arising as fast and gas prices, but so many other things in the economy are raising like auto insurance, like airline ticket. home insurance. one i'm here to tell you is that people still struggling with paying their bills. and this idea that kamala, will waking cut interest rates now inflation is not a problem. really? >> kevin: what you're talking about, let me tell you something, what i see as reporters,
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there over there in spring valley and they're saying, the economy is fine, no, it's not. a lot of people out there who are struggling, there is eerily hard i want to share this. this is with fox business as a headline. car insurance premiums can skyrocket and some states. is so outrageous. is is a new report published by insurance i shows the average u.s. rate for full auto surging to 23, 29 in the first half of the year, 50% increase from 2023, but he is the part that got me. a stunning or the 8% spike when compared to 2021. i don't want to hear anyone tell me that the economy is great. because unless you are doing really well for the rest of us, not so much. >> those insurance rates are almost as high as the monthly rate if you took out a route -- along for your car. and some was like paying two long payments. people are financially stressed out right now,
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every single paul shows up. i saw one the other day that half of americans say were still in the recession. what sonically not in a recession. but when your incomes don't keep up with the cost of living, then you're in a personal recession. >> don't forget the credit card usage is really gone that. have you been reading about this great. >> you better believe it. you have record high credit card debt. over a trillion dollars in credit card debts, and even more importantly the rate of delinquencies are starting to rise. what's happening is people are trying to maintain their standard of living but their paychecks are not keeping track with inflation so whether they had to do? they have to ring up more more debt on the credit card that's like the worst thing you do because you know how much they're going to charge you? >> 15, 20%. >> 25 or 30. >> and forgive me for being so animated but what really bothers me is i talk to people on the ground. who are really
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struggling and having a very difficult time. and so when i see people try to play this song out there that everything is great and the bye-bye you'll be fine they need to come together and figure out answers to solve the problem. >> the problem is people in washington, d.c., where we are right now were in the bubble be of a country. washington, d.c.'s, guide, and that trillion dollars is spent you go to main street usa. people are having a hard time paying the bills. steve moore always a pleasure. coming up a new polling showing the harris team closing the gap on the former president in the sun belt. but we are wondering, do you think that team jumps are we worried, and do you buy the poles? nightcap and your response is coming up. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪
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>> kevin: we are back with the nightcap crew. l is a go, and harrison fields our topic pole vault. recent polling here at fox showing o canada a gaining support were wondering do you buy the poles should deem jumpy worried about the poles, do you think they're accurate? >> i would not be it worried.
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i will not rest easy considering this is such a close race. he's continuing to work hard as he campaigns i think it's wide, a lot can change. that is going to be this debate. there's going to be this in here the reporter tomorrow with kamala. i think we're going to get new information and the voters can be swayed. >> ashley? >> i don't think trauma should be worried. i do not and have never believe the poles and i did not believe them after hillary clinton lost in 2016 when everyone was saying she's going to win. until i'm pulled i will not believe it. >> kameron? >> sometimes poles are the friend that lies to you that says you look good and it really don't. i think were going to see the not exactly the same. >> kaylee mcghee? span i don't read too much into them either because if they were accurate why would kamala harris be adopting all of donald trump's policies? >> elizabeth pipko? >> number 1 i'm part of team jump i can tell the
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we are not worried, number to the race had not begun yet kamala harris has yet to answer question that the poles me nothing. >> harrison? >> trump pulls highly for board immigration, crimes, and crime. he's going to win on those three issues. >> kevin: we asked you folks out there if you think team jump should be worried about the poles, and do you think they're accurate to begin with great 72% said don't be worried, six and nine on instagram, let's dive into some of your responses. jeff i think jump should be worried about the lie that the poles aren't showing her so high. willie adds days, dm jump should not worry about the poles because they're not accurate but team jump should not be complacent and leave nothing to chance or corruption. i love what he has to say about this. it's probably accurate as of today. independents change their minds after debates. that is so true. and tommy rice this, is
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too early for paul speculation, it's not over till the fat lady sings. i think that is fascinating. everyone thank you for joining me here today on fox news and a quick reminder all be back here failing in for a trace on friday night, tomorrow night we will have a jonathan here in the chair. in the meantime as always we appreciate you spending time with us here on america's late news fox news and night on kevin corke. have a great night.
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