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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 a.m. on thursday, august 29th. this is "fox and friends," i urge you to get dressed. terrifying video shows armed men taking over a colorado apartment complex. they are illegals, this is evidence of venezuelan street
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gangs taking over their city. it is a mess. >> lawrence: and taking a break to do an interview together. >> steve: we are asking dana perino what harris needs to answer for and what she would ask. republican governor brian kemp told us she absolutely needs to answer for the economy. >> sugar high on this economy is wearing off, all the money biden and harris doled out to 53 votes and starting to wear out. unemployment is going up. joy of buying a happy meal has worn off, people are getting hit in their wallet. >> rachel: they are. bringing faith to campus. un tos attend let's give him the glory event starting by ohio state football players. we'll talk to one of the players next hour. final hour of "fox and friends"
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starts now. mornings are better with friends. >> steve: today is a body day on the campaign trail. the vice president will sit down for her first interview in over a month along with her runningmate tim walz. >> lawrence: axios is calling out harris saying there are burning questions the vice president need to answer on policy flip flops. >> brian: she has basically taken the trump platform. lucas tomlinson joins us. >> lucas: vice president harris sitting down for her first interview taped alongside her running mate tim walz after weeks of dodging the press. new poll shows harris leading trump 45-41 nationally and has a 13-point lead among women and hispanic voters. new fox news poll shows harris with slight lead overtrump in georgia and nevada, states trump narrowly lost four years ago.
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trump is up in a state he won in 2020. and axios out with 10 burning questions harris needs to answer. price gouging, could you define price gouging for the american public. taxes, you say only wealthy taxes will increase, how high should they go? immigration, what changed from you to shift calling a border wall unamerican to now saying you would ensure more of the wall is built? inflation, what was inflation rate when you took office? that is straightforward. supreme court reform, will you ask any justices to resign after 18 years? >> here is a woman trying to break the ultimate glass ceiling and she needs to drag walz with her? i mean, even "wall street journal" says she needs a crutch. this is absurd. the woman has been in the race for 38 days and should be able
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to do a solo press interview that is not edited. >> lucas: president trump on the campaign trail stopping in wisconsin and michigan, good thing rachel is on set today. >> lawrence: that's right. >> steve: wisconsin expert. >> rachel: i am. >> lawrence: it is incredible that media organizations, we only get one interview, have to get their questions answered by proxy. she only has agreed to one interview. >> brian: as j.d. vance said yesterday, will she show up wearing blue suit and red tie? so much she's done to run from her record, run from 3-1/2 years as vice president and run to donald trump with strong on the border and economic principles and immigration and repurposing $650 million still out there and she talks about law enforcement. looking at polls, not a major
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bounce for somebody that named running mate and momentum of dnc. you have the georgia number and that is where donald trump is today. >> steve: fox news came out with sunbelt state polls and donald trump is still ahead in the state of north carolina. within margin of error. it is interesting, so as they do this bus tour through georgia, the strategy is democrats think that georgia is actually in play. and they always win atlanta. what they are trying to do is go to southeast georgia, sunbelt polls, and kamala harris just little ahead of trump goes to show how much difference it can make. i started to say, democrats can win atlanta, but they are going to southeast, they are trying to lose by smaller margin and that
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could be one reason trump campaign and trump's largest super pac spen more money in georgia in first two weeks of kamala harris than they spent in the entire year. it does and brian kemp told us and has said the road to the white house runs through georgia and this year looks like it does. >> rachel: it does. they are trying to on kamala's side, pump numbers in rural areas and run this like we're now for hunting and camel hatings and pretend they are down with that. brian kemp says trump is smart to focus on issues that matter. >> what he's done in the last few days and the campaign talking about specific messages like with our veterans, with national guard, honoring heroes that we have lost, specific
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things on the economy, his visit to the border, those draw direct contrast with kamala harris record. sugar high on this economy is wearing off, all the money biden and harris doled out to buy votes in different ways is starting to wear out. when people go to the grocery store, gas pump, rent and other things, affordability and cost. the joy of buying a happy meal has worn off, people are getting hit in their wallet everyday. that is what this race is about, economy, cost, 40-year high inflation that joe biden and kamala harris created. they are taking credit for inflation going down. hell, they created it to start with. >> lawrence: couple things here, i like how two grown men, donald trump, as well as the governor here, put away differences for
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greater of the party and say, we may disagree on things and duked it out, we want to win, we will put it aside. i do that with brian sometimes, he makes me upset, i give him a big hug. for the good of the show, we move forward. >> brian: which is good for the country. >> rachel: brian asked a couple great questions to the governor, if trump would go into atlanta and appeal to black voters and black business owners and asked him if he would hug it out and campaign alongside trump, it sounds like he's open to it. >> brian: they are going to do it, too much at stake. they both like each other, it is about 2020 election and i don't think anybody wants to talk about that right now. the question that should make trump feel good. who do you trust, who is better
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on economy? trump by substantial amount. not as much over joe biden, which trump's job to do is to pin the economy, bidenomics, on the vice president, which should not be tough. a lot of times you have surrogates who want to be president or senator and force them to adapt record of your party. you are asking her to take responsibility for her administration. unless she says i'm glad i'm out from under joe biden. >> lawrence: arizona, georgia, nevada and north carolina, are swing states, that matters. do you want a candidate campaigning to make sure you get -- we have not heard from kamala harris on where she stands on the trump taxes. we did, she said she would get rid of that. when she goes to georgia, will she tell the business community she's going to raise taxes or
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campaign and say your vote will be depressed, even though we had more turn out. >> brian: go back to the graphic, manufacturing job loss in key states. this is key, we hear diverting opinion on manufacturing in this country. they have lost 17,400 manufacturing jobs in michigan. wisconsin lost 2000 overall and in pennsylvania 8300. trump was in the process by dropping corporate tax rate bringing manufacturing back to the country. joe biden gets out there and says, i brought it back. numbers don't lie, you didn't. >> steve: fox news poll with sunbelt states, those opinions were asked of people after r.f.k. jr. dropped out of the race. here is the problem, there is that number there, more by s significant amount trust donald
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trump when it comes to the economy. problem for donald trump right now regarding r.f.k. jr., he drops out and says, okay, vote for donald trump. bobby kennedy jr. cannot get off the ballot in wisconsin and michigan, with third party candidates, they don't do it. he said vote for donald trump, when people go vote, they get ballot in the mail and vote -- >> rachel: there are states where biden is still on the ballot and republicans running those states ought to pay hard ball and do the same darn thing, republicans need to play hard ball and donald trump should talk about that. >> brian: what do you do, write in kamala harris? >> steve: i don't know what state joe biden is on the ballot. >> rachel: do research in the brain room, that is interesting question. >> steve: since she's been officially nominated, i don't know.
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>> rachel: another topic not being polled, censorship and government surveillance is a big issue with young voters and the tech community. go to this developing story, which is all about that. we have been following this telegram found er, brian interviewed that last hour. >> brian: a lot of references to me. >> rachel: you're on your a game, pat on the back there. ceo pavel durov has been let out of jail, but -- he is regarded as one of the most influential tech entrepreneurs in the world. he faces charges. complicity in crime distribution of child pornography, drug
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trafficking, fraud and refusal to cooperate. >> brian: faces 10 years in prison and fine. condemned by free speech advocates like x owner elon musk. i said should elon musk be worried about traveling, should mark zuckerberg be worried about traveling? should you be responsible if millions of people are on your site, which is your goal, should you be responsible for what they put on there in terms of c content? logically, no, there is protection in america for that. a lot of people think you should be responsible. >> lawrence: is this even free speech or dumb logic when it comes to what they are charging him with? they are essentially saying you are responsible for criminal activity that is happening on your platform. since we can't get data, we'll hold you liable. same for iphones, the
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governments wanted to hack into iphones for a long time and iphone says shove it, you can't do that. we protect our customers, we will not give you access unless you get a warrant through legal process. >> steve: what is different about telegram, if you want it to be encrypted, you have to opt into it. when you are on social media, if you see something inappropriate, you can report it. around the world, different governments look to make sure there is not stuff against the law. one of the charges against this particular guy, he is head of telegram, the fact that telegram will not cooperate with the government. inside, if x gets something from government and says these people are dealing drugs or there is
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child porn, they will do content moderation, apparently this guy would not deal with the governments. it is left there. >> rachel: if i believe these governments cared about child pornography, we would know everything about epstein right now, this is not about child porn or criminal activity, it is u.s. intel, our state department want access to this guy's encrypted information. the reason we know that is true, when he traveled to the united states, this guy had his engineer with him and fbi tried to get that engineer to work with him against pavel, and against telegram and this guy refuses to cooperate. this is about free speech and you are right, elon musk is next. >> steve: one other problem and we've heard some stuff from butler yesterday regarding fbi
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told us what the guy's motive was. when there is an encrypted app, they can't get into that. apple will not help the people. this is probably primary encrypted app that people involved in what they should not be doing use. >> rachel: the government should not be surveilling american citizens. >> steve: that is patriot act. >> rachel: i hate the patriot act. i'm done with that. all right. turn to the headlines. bryan kohberger, preponder in the death of four idaho students will be in court today. his legal team is still pushing for the trial to take place in bo boise. instead of where he stabbed the victims to death at off-campus home. bryan kohberger lawyers say
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venue change is needed because much the community's mob mentality. if a judge agrees, the trial would be in june of next year and prosecutors are expected to seek the death penalty. new videos of thomas crooks, ar-15 rifle and his backpack and explosives found in trunk of his car. matt whitaker joined us earlier to discuss. >> why was secret service not on heightened stance and why were additional resources not provided or request of resourceses frowned upon within culture of secret service. that is an important fact playing forward. >> rachel: investigators say crooks viewed this as target of opportunity but motive remains a mystery. first patient providing update
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into the ground-breaking experiment, nolandarbaugh, first person to get a brain developed by elon musk's company. he and his device, named eve, have begun learning french and japanese and started to relearn math in hopes of possible going back to school. >> brian: amazing. >> lawrence: are you going to tell guys what you have been talking about all morning? >> steve: probably not. >> brian: air pods are reading our minds. that's it. just saying. >> rachel: he was thinking about b boxing -- >> brian: intrigued. so many times i have air pods in and it is reading my mind and elon musk tweeted about it. steve, come back. >> lawrence: producers are asking us to save you right now.
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>> steve: air pods are reading his mind and giggling. >> brian: write us, if you have your air pods, been thinking about something and it hops up. >> lawrence: more "fox and friends" coming up. >> brian: write me. >> steve: people do that.
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>> steve: terrifying new video shows heavily armed men take over an apartment complex near denver, colorado. one city lawmaker says it is evidence of growing threat of violent venezuelan street gang. >> brian: chanley painter has more. >> chanley: police will not confirm details or specifics of gang violence. this is door bell video shared by a former resident of this apartment complex. group of men seen walking up stair case carrying handguns and a rifle. the owner of the video says it was taken before a shoot out that left one person injured and several vehicles riddled with bullets. there is video of two men forcing a door open. residents like the romero's says they moved.
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>> i can't wait to get out of this. we have to do this every time we get home, go out to take out garbage, every time we go to bed, we keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> we reached out to resources, they told us it was not a condemned building, we would have to wait, we did not want to wait. >> chanley: a large number of migrants have began moving in. this is close to denver. one aura city council member believes that video is evidence of growing threat from tren de ar aragua gang. they said they established a specific task force investigating criminal activity and have seized evidence we saw in the video in an ongoing investigation. >> steve: the family that moved
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out, apparently during one encounter in the complex, they go out to their car and their car is riddled with bullet holes employs >> brian: aura sees what happened with denver and they are saying they do not want this. the border is broking, they are coming here and dping to denver per capita, more in colorado than any other state. >> lawrence: the state wants to be sanct iuary state, they are blocking ice. they were -- illegal innovation into the country and fact we allowed them and giving them debit cards, make sure they have housing, kicked our kids out of their school, we found funds for them to be housed there and this is what they are doing. >> rachel: that woman locking her door, can you imagine the
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level of stress and anxiety you would have knowing that if you don't double bolt your door and that might not be enough, somebody could be on the other side and your own government knew prisons were be ing emptie and let them come over. if your government did not stop that, your government hates you. >> steve: your point about people living in fear, home is your safe space. >> rachel: should be a sanctuary, it is sanctuary for illegals, not citizens. >> brian: today harris will set from campaigning to do an interview. >> lawrence: dana perino tells us what she wants to hear from her today. >> brian: i can't wait. >> steve: come on down, you're next. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz
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>> janice: good morning, my friend from michigan, what is your name? >> ron. my mom and dad in michigan. >> janice: they watch "fox and friends"? >> yeah, every morning and every night, all night. >> janice: love it, hello and good morning. we have rain in the forecast, clear skies for most part. rain heading in our direct yoven along the gulf coast and toward midwest. my concern is for texas and louisiana. you could see many inches of rain over long holiday weekend, pay close attention to your forecast. that has been upgraded looks like an area of development
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moving toward the caribbean and there is labor day forecast, watching rain for texas and southeast and louisiana. you coming to summer concert series? >> oh, yeah, going to be a great time. >> janice: i look forward to seeing you. we have dana perino on the couch. rachel, it is you, hi, love, i'm sorry. >> steve: it's okay. switching gears. new report highlights growing tension within team harris which is made up of factions from obama white house, biden campaign, biden white house and new people she brought in. >> brian: you hate hearing this. senior white house correspondent peter doocy joins us. >> peter: leaking is not something you see from campaign where staffers think is going well. there is axios headline inside the tension in harris' franken
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stein team. entanglement of different entities has led to people feeling lack of role clarity. biden was surrounded by staffers who had been with them for a long time, harris is not. full of biden people, eric holder was obama era attorney general and his friend mark eshgliace, who was squeezed out of wilmington is back. until january, joe biden is still president, we saw him on the beach for hours yesterday. there is little going on back at biden white house, a well placed staffer who works inside told me there is growing sense of
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senioritis. >> steve: guy with the football, is he at the beach, too? >> peter: i think so, they handcuffed that thing on there. >> brian: leave it with the life guard. >> steve: after 39 days, kamala harris is giving her first formal interview since becoming democratic nominee. >> brian: how will it go? i want to discuss this wo co-anchor of "the five," dana perino. this is a huge event, 9:00 tonight, we'll be watching with tim walz. >> dana: it is a huge event because kamala harris and tim walz have made it that way. it should not be a big deal to do an interview. the fact we are on pins and needles is bizarre. this whole season has been bizarre. >> lawrence: she learned from her boss, biden big boy press conference, always an interview
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because they push us away and decide they have to at some point. >> dana: in some ways, she's been snake bitten by interviews in the past. if it is an easy interview, there always seems to be something that would then put her back in a corner for a while and she will not for a while and come out. they did not want tim walz to do their own interview, they don't know what their policies are together. media will, if you have any daylight between the two, you will drive a truck through it. >> rachel: she's being criticized for not having any interviews and for having tim walz next toer had as support. >> dana: i'm not that bothered by that. >> brian: i am. >> rachel: i'm thinking this is actually an interest ing maybe difficult situation for walz.
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if she stumbles and he's gcaugh pl plan-man of had splainning her, that is not good. >> dana: will dana bash address him? >> brian: what are you doing here? >> dana: they will start chitchatting, i think it will be tougher interview. questions are pretty obvious, they have been prepping. they gave up momentum they had after the convention. >> rachel: r.f.k. jr. changed that a lot. >> brian: look at flip flops she has to address, it is unbelievable, she is changing policy through surrogates. full screen available in the show. there you go. >> steve: brand new fox news
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polls for sunbelt state shows she's made up deficit joe biden was in and actually leading donald trump by one or two in all states except north carolina, he is ahead by a whisker. >> dana: that is why she's in georgia. governor kemp told trump, you cannot get to 27 dollar0 electoral votes without georgia. i don't think north carolina is as close as some believe. maybe trump wens by two, that would be different. one thing she's done in other states including house races, helped the down ballot ticket. we have ourselves a race. i think everything gets harder for kamala harris starting tonight. >> rachel: are numbers changing in georgia because the female black vote? >> dana: a lot of young people in atlanta could not take joe
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biden for a second and she's made them enthusiastic. >> brian: struggling in nevada and arizona in senate seats. >> steve: we were thinking about taking an extra hour, you will take over in 19 know not ms. >> dana: i am, sandra smith will join me. taylor riggs will be there and bobby shakocon. we'll be talking about aura, aura mall -- officials won't confirm that is the gang, that is interesting. >> brian: check their neck tattoo. >> dana: thanks for having me, i love your show and i love doos on the loose. >> steve: you never know what people are going to say. >> dana: or if they speak english. >> lawrence: square. >> brian: the french, that is
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what they speak. >> steve: they wanted to see if we were taking care. >> lawrence: you got one in by end of the show. good job. >> brian: thanks, dana. they say college football is religion and two are colliding at ohio state. >> encouraging to step out in faith, whatever you are going through, whatever you been through, there is god that desires you. >> brian: former wide receiver who led the faith movement will be next, don't move. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients. try pronamel mouthwash. don't mind me. i'm just the flu. i'm quite harmless, really. and when people ask, “but aren't you linked to dangerous flu complications like pneumonia,
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>> rachel: ohio state number two ranked football program is not just known for their defensive line this season, they are making headlines for bringing faith to their campus. >> i encourage you to step out in faith. whatever you are going through, whatever you been through, there is god that desires you. get into this worship and everything, i pray, we pray that you would see him as he sees you. >> rachel: you heard him worshipping and evangelizing, organizer of ohio state come to
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jesus event cameron babb joins us. instagram promo video was put out two weeks before and 2000 students showed up. what do you make of this and how many were baptized? i heard that was part of it, too. >> thank you for having me on. this was an event that dgod truy breathed on. this is testimony to who jesus christ is and what he has done in my life and my teammates life and columbus, this is testimony for mankind, truly to bring joy and peace that i believe and think we all believe that can truly only be found in jesus christo, bring it to columbus and the campus. there was over 50 baptisms, not
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too sure on the number, god did show up and delivered and saved and healed a lot of great people that were in a hurting position like i was before i met him. >> rachel: you gathered your teammates together and passed out 10,000 bibles. what i'm gathering, there is unh hunger out there, something not being satisfied by social media, tech, and secular culture. what do you sense from students, what are they desiring and looking for? >> everybody is looking for some sort of hope, human condition, throw around hope, love, different words and those things that we're looking and searching for can be found in jesus, his great love, talk about love and
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great sayings and great to say it, what does it mean? what does unity mean? it is found in the cross. jesus says when it comes to loving a friend, what does it look like? lay one's life down for a friend. jesus laid his life down for sinners, enemies of god, he desires for us to be his. this encouragement i will give the world and we gave students on campus from young to old is to repent of your sins and believe in gospel of jesus. he gives those that believe in his name and believes what he did on the cross, the right to be children of god, invitation to bring hurting souls and people looking for hope and love, it is encouragement to say, you are looking, you look in a place nowhere other than god, you will miss the mark. god is here, he's a presence god
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and seeking hearts of men and women, all ages and sizes, backgrounds. it was an honor and only because of him, all to bring him glory. it was not about a football team or anything besides jesus christ. the world is so divided and looking for answers and the answer is in jesus christ. he is great mediator that brought us to the father, put faith in jesus, and you will find a love, peace and joy unlike anything this world or any person or any touchdown or anything can give you. >> rachel: you are a remarkable young man and you are doing something incredible. we are in a spiritual battle and what you did is bringing people hope. thank you for joining us. super impresed.
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thank you. another harris flip flop walking back this stanch support for ev mandates. >> 2045, we will have basically zero emission vehicles only 100%. king? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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>> are you satisfied with the results you get from expensive nutritional supplements that don't contain more than 12 minerals? you can't get much benefit from 8 to 10 minerals when your body needs at least 60 minerals to be healthy. now, try immuno 150 with its 70 minerals and 80 other nutrients. i'm elmer heinrich, celebrating my 90th birthday as i make this commercial, with no dementia, no health problems, aches, or pains of any kind and the flexibility i had when i was 60. now, i have consumed immuno 150 for many years. i can still drive a golf ball 220 yards, work out, bench press 100 pounds, run, jump, and do about anything i did 30 years ago. now, i know it's because of the 70 minerals. now, look at the two videos on our website listed on the screen and consider placing an order online or call our toll-free number. and, by all means check the number of minerals in the product you take. i know you can be just as sharp and as healthy as i am and in as good of shape when you are 90 years old if you consume a full spectrum of minerals every day. the 70 minerals are the key, order now.
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>> steve: well, the harris campaign is fighting back against claims that kamala harris would push for an electric vehicle mandate. her record tells a different story. >> will everyone have to drive electric cars? >> by my plan by 2045 we'll have basically 0 emission vehicles only. 100%. by 2045. we want more families in america to be able to afford an electric car that is made in america. the future of transportation is electric. >> we are filling our tank. you usually can smell it and hear it and hear the guzzling sound. none of that. how do i know it's actually working? >> steve: the founder of the american energy institute jason isaac joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. great to see you.
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>> steve: despite what her team says it sure sounds like she is for an e.v. mandate. at one point we heard her say she would like to see i think 21 years from right now 100% of the cars be electric. >> the trump administration, president trump is right. he is opposed to an e.v. mandate. she says now and i worried about her neck from all the whiplash from flip-flopping on her decisions she might have a stiff neck but there really is already an e.v. mandate. electric vehicles on average according to the government rating get over 100 miles per gallon. internal combustion gas engine is average is 25 miles. the federal government is requiring that the corporate average fuel economy of all vehicles manufactured by companies like ford for chevy that they attain 59 miles per gallon. that increases up to 2030 to 90 miles per gallon. the only way to get that is to
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make e.v. they are forcing the manufacturers to manufacture more e.v.s that consumers just don't want. sales are declining. interest is declining. and they only currently make 8% of sales. >> steve: she has been very clear in the past that she was essentially for a ban on fracking. it will be interesting to hear tonight how she explains all the flip-flopping. i have a question for you, jason. that is, if people are supposed to drive electric cars, you would think the biden administration. they get money to build electric charging stations. in 2021 it put 7.5 billion to build half a million of them. so far, 2.4 billion has gone to the states and they were supposed to build half a milo million. so far they've built 69. not going the right direction
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real quick. >> it is certainly not going the right direction. she was the one that cast the lone deciding vote on the inflation reproduction act. it increased inflation significantly. this is the largest government hand-out of taxpayer dollars to companies, the most inefficient use of our dollars and increasing inflation and cost for gasoline vehicles and increasing cost for electric vehicles. dagen mcdowell was right yesterday when she said mark my word, the taxpayer will have to bail out these automobile manufacturers again. that's what -- now we're bribing them and forcing them to go down a path consumers don't want. >> steve: let's see how she explains it tonight. thank you very much. join us tomorrow. >> keep playing pickel ball. >> steve: justin moore and houser on the american concert series. see you then. >> dana: armed men roaming the hallways of a colorado com


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