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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 29, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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what question would you want her to answer tonight? >> she hasn't said anything. her campaign has put out statements by anonymous staffers. that's not the same. that is giving her plausible deniability to say i never said i reversed my ban on fracking. these green groups are being quiet because they know she is playing coy because they are in her pocket. an honest question would be ma'am, why did you reverse your fracking ban? do you really disagree with your fracking ban? was biden wrong to have a ban on fracking or cancel keystone pipeline? these are honest, easy questions. she won't get asked any of them today. >> dana: maybe the answers should be easy but might not be. thank you for joining us. we'll keep an eye on this oil spill in the red sea. appreciate you. >> thanks. >> democrats are now trying to make donald trump the incumbent. they want donald trump is for
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all these bad. the polling today, right direction, wrong direction. the country doesn't like where it's going when they go to the grocery store and fill up their tank of gas. >> dana: the 2024 candidates burn up the campaign trail with a battleground blitz in their run-up to labor day. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." bill hemmer is off today. sandra is fun first hour. >> sandra: former president donald trump and senator vance are in rust belt states and harris-walz are in the sun belt. this race is neck-and-neck in the sun belt. harris narrowing the lead trump held over biden but with the margin of error it could tip either way. >> dana: those voters say their big issue is the economy. he will talk to voters in michigan and wisconsin about that today. >> sandra: let's get to aishah hosni in central michigan
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outside the capital of lansing. hi, aishah. >> good morning. that's right. we're live outside a steel company where the former president will make remarks later this afternoon to talk about inflation, the economy, jobs, manufacturing as he really targets those independents and hard working middle class voters in these rust belt states. it looks like they have to put the energy into sun belt states as well according to fox news polling. look at the first poll here really tells you a lot what's going on in these very critical battleground states. harris now leads in battleground arizona by a single point while in georgia and nevada she is up by two points. trump has just a one-point edge in crucial north carolina. very important here this is all within the margin of error so very neck-and-neck. it is interesting, though, guys, because she has closed the gap at least trump was beating president biden by at least five points in all of these states
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before he dropped out. now polling also shows that harris has improved upon biden's numbers among women, black voters and those younger voters. the trump campaign has just released a new ad targeting black women featuring a dozen black women from some battleground states and in this ad they are denouncing harris saying i'm not with her. trump visits michigan and wisconsin today to talk about the economy. his running mate was in wisconsin last night reminding voters out there that harris is not a new candidate. >> she has been the acting president for 3 1/2 years in this country and her citizens are suffering. she should not be feeling joy. she should be feeling shame. >> so trump is also getting a helping hand from georgia governor brian kemp as he headlines a fundraiser for him tonight in that battleground state weeks after a very public quarrel. kemp says trump cannot win the
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white house without the peach state. >> i think former president trump has been doing and he can continue to do, whether you are black, asian, hispanic, indian, white, whatever, the money in your pocket is green and you have less of it now than you had four years ago. that's where the race is going to be about. >> the strategy sandra and dana right now for the trump team is asking these voters, middle class workers to take a real hard look at their lives, wallets, their refrigerator and bills. is life better now than it was under former president trump? that's the message they are taking on the road on the trail. back to you. >> sandra: very interesting as we see those voters showing up and lining up early in the morning. thank you, aishah. >> we have to remind people of the real record. kamala harris wants to defund the police. kamala harris wants to ban fracking.
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kamala harris wants to further entrench the e.v. mandate that sends your tax dollars to china. >> dana: vance putting trust and credibility on the ballot. arkansas senator tom cotton sits on the armed services, judiciary and intelligence committees. listen to past positions that kamala harris has held. >> we have got to critically re-examine ice. >> for people who like their insurance. >> let's eliminate that. that wall won't stop them. no, no, no. i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. by 2045 we'll have basically 0 emission vehicles only. 100%. by 2045. >> dana: having served in the senate with her to know how spokes people say she doesn't
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believe any of that? >> dana, why does she need to do an interview with cnn tonight or ever? that short set of clips tells you who kamala harris is. a san francisco liberal. those are not op-eds when she was in high school or college debating society. she was a 54-year-old woman running for president. we have the record of four years of failures in the biden-harris administration and four years in the u.s. senate. that's exactly what the american people will base their judgment on kamala harris is, not election eve conversions, lying and deceiving the american people about what she truly believes. she is a san francisco liberal. always has been and always will be no matter what she says on cnn or for the next ten weeks. >> sandra: i suppose there is room then in this interview to explain these changing positions. these flip-flops if you will. perhaps she can explain them out, maybe she can't. but that will be a big question,
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right? because as rich lowry was writing yesterday and said on the show yesterday that's going to be an opportunity for the trump campaign to highlight was she lying when she said these things? was it her just, you know, lacking concern for the voter? was it her not being herself, you know? is this going to be about character? >> well, sandra, i guess dana bash could give her an opportunity to try to reversal her positions. my understanding is she has one hour not 12 hours and that's what it would take to reverse her left wing positions. the american people are justified in concluding the kamala harris they heard when she ran for president in 2020 and tried to earn the nomination is the true camp hair. what she says ten weeks from election day trying to reverse herself or walk away from past positions is simply trying to
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deceive them and hide her true positions. look at what she said about banning hydraulic fracking. the most efficient way to produce oil and gas to power economic growth in this country. flatly she will ban it. if that's not what she believes now, when did she stop believing it and why? and why did she have this conversion from this firmly-held position she took when she was a 54-year-old woman to where she is now at 59 running for president. most people don't change their mind so severely over just five years when they are grown adults. i think she would have a tough time explaining that and every other potential flip-flop. it is proof that they aren't really flip-flops. they are lies. we know who kamala harris is based on her record. >> dana: i know you as a republican senator would love for the republicans to take the majority in the senate and good polls out today that show tightening races in some of the battleground states for the senate races. but there are a couple like
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nevada and arizona where you are way behind. what do you think president trump needs to do in order to stop her from helping the democratic ticket on the down ballot? >> president trump is doing exactly what he needs to do, which is win his race and turn out as many voters as he can so we can elect people like sam brown in nevada and kari lake in arizona and tim sheehy in montana or ohio, states not just presidential. two are, president trump will win easily in montana and ohio. other states like nevada and arizona, dave mccormick in pennsylvania, eric hovde in wisconsin. some of these places we have candidates who haven't held office before and not career politicians like brown in ohio, so they are still introducing themselves to voters. totally normal to see them a little behind in the polls. one thing to look at is where the democratic incumbents are.
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if you look at brown in ohio campaigning this weekend or tester in montana where i will be. they can't get close to 50% because the people in those states know that brown and tester vote with joe biden and kamala harris almost 100% of the time. >> dana: we appreciate you. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> every day when we come home we have to do this. every time we go outside to take out the garbage and every time we try to go to bed at night we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> sandra: people in aurora, colorado they live in fear of migrant gangs ant ring doorbell footage that appears to show armed men roaming the halls of an apartment complex there. people who live in that building say gang activity has forced them to move out.
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former f.b.i. official josh says law enforcement needs to step in. >> gangs rely on the fear to keep communities quiet. this is hugely concerning when you see the level of violence and intimidation that's going on. if you law enforcement at large which will be required to disrupt this gang doesn't focus on them, they will continue to grow. >> sandra: quite a warning there. aurora city counsel member says the video is evidence a venezuela gang is in the community. we know there are some major leaders involved with huge lengthy rap sheets accused of horrific crimes. but also reportedly very few details coming from law enforcement in that community. this gang has green lighted its members to attack police. there is absolutely no respect or fear of law enforcement and that makes that situation even more dangerous. >> dana: you said earlier she has been on the phone trying to get more information this week
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and that there are legislators in colorado in this area who don't want to come on to talk about it because they are worried about their own lives. this has gotten all upside down. >> sandra: lawmakers and one city council member from aurora speaking out about this. but also called business owners terrified. there was a major jewelry heist. target was ransacked and looted by some gang members and the businesses don't want to speak out about how they are boarding up because they fear they will be targeted by the gang members. >> dana: we'll keep on top of it and bring you more information as it happens. also this. the f.b.i. releasing new photos of the shooter's firearm and explosives. the shooter's interest in violence dates back to 2019 but his motive is still unknown. cb cotton live on the investigation. >> federal investigators continue their review of the shooter thomas crooks online history. even after reviewing five years
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worth of internet searches the f.b.i. says it is still not ready to name a motive in this case. this as we see up close images of how the shooter was likely able to carry out this horrific attack. take a look. these are the newly released photos of the shooters weapon. investigators say it may have been used to conceal the weapon in the backpack. these were the homemade explosives the f.b.i. says it found in the shooter's vehicle. agency says the receiver for remote detonation was in the off position. the f.b.i. says crooks searched things like how to make a bomb from fertilizer and this spring the agency says cooks began searching for president biden and trump's campaign schedules. in 30 days leading up to the shooting crooks had more than 60 searches related to trump and biden. investigators say while they don't think crooks had a set ideology. once the trump announced the
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july 13th rally. >> he became hyper focused on that specific event and looked at it as a target of opportunity. we've seen no definitive ideology left leaning or right leaning. it is really a mixture. >> the f.b.i. says it conducted more than 1,000 interviews and so far the agency says there is no evidence of any co-conspirators or foreign plot. the investigation could bring criminal charges in the case but officials wouldn't say whether the probe is eyeing any of crooks family members who we're told are cooperating. >> dana: thank you. [shouting and chanting] >> sandra: jewish students who faced violence last semester are returning to campus now. many are fearful of what they'll
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face this semester simply because they're jewish. >> dana: a major conflict of interest for vice president harris. why her assist from a google executive could be controversial against the debate. >> sandra: what it will take to discourage further aggression from iran before it's too late. r suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. beth wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget.
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>> sandra: iran and hezbollah teter the line from striking israel and prevent than an all out war. the u.n. urging the west to ramp up pressure on iran now before it develops stronger nuclear capability. rich goldberg a former national security council advisors. your thoughts on this situation
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and how would you characterize where this conflict is at this moment? >> iran is trying to stay in the driver eva's seat. unfortunately we're letting them. they want to stay in between hyper escalation and de-escalation. they like the idea of israel being squeezed and the united states being spread thin in the middle east. look at this. we have two carrier strike groups now deployed in the middle east, indo-pacific in vulnerable. hamas says no to a cease-fire and hezbollah rains down rockets on israel. the strikes continue. yemen the houthis continue to fire on the red sea. we have an oil tanker on fire with two carrier strike groups present and the nuclear clock continues to tick in iran. they want to avoid the sanctions relief from the united states going away and avoid u.n. sanctions coming back and avoid a nuclear strike on their
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nuclear program. they want us to come to them and try to appease them. that's what the biden administration is doing right now. what we should be doing is concentrating on all these may line activities and saying enough. we are going to support israel to the hilt and fighting back against the proxies and iran. we're not going to make the news about a cease-fire in gaza. we'll talk about all the seven fronts where iran is fighting and tell the ayatollah we're coming for your nuclear program if you don't completely dismantle it. >> sandra: very interesting all of that. the israeli ambassador to the u.n. gave an interview to fox digital and he emphasized not waiting. listen. >> we saw april 14th when they sent projectiles into israel. we will not wait for nuclear capabilities or allow them to
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achieve that. >> sandra: we will not allow them to achieve nuclear capabilities. to your point about timing and how the west should proceed here to prevent this from getting bigger. >> there are two key points everybody needs to understand. number one, look around the middle east right now. this is what iran can do without a nuclear weapon. can you imagine if this leading state sponsor of terrorism had nuclear weapons today? what that doesn't just mean in the middle eels but what it means for our force posture toward china and russia as well. understand the three components iran works toward a nuclear weapon. enrichment piece they've mastered it and have enough for a dozen bombs or more. the centrifuges to keep building. that capability is not going away unless they dismantle it all. the missiles, delivery systems. they have the largest miss will force in the middle east and capable of delivering a nuclear
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weapon and build a crude device to go boom in the desert. the third piece is the alarming. actual weaponization. intelligence community said it was the piece missing. they no longer say that in the last month or so. they now say iran is working on computer modeling towards a nuclear weapon. we are at a time of choosing. >> sandra: final question to you on developments with china and top chinese general us, the united states, in this meeting with the security advisor to stop colluding with taiwan. calling it a quote uncrossable first red line. what message is china sending? >> telling us what they've been telling us openly for the last couple of years. they're preparing to take taiwan. they want to be able to take taiwan by 2027. right now they are assessing us. do we have the political will to stand up to them and more importantly, do we have the military capabilities to defeat them? that's the part should worry
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every american. we're sleeping right now through a national emergency the likes we have not seen since the days before world war ii. we are on pace to be out matched by china in the indo-pacific. they can build 200 times the capacity of ships compared to the u.s. navy. we are not going to be able to win a multi-front war in the next few years. we have got to increase our defense budget and expand the defense industrial base. we're spending 3% of our gdp right now. we need to spend 5%. this is a national emergency. >> sandra: a big warning, rich. thank you for joining us. >> we'll continue fighting for borrowers. millions of americans now need a little bit of support. college debt shouldn't be a lifetime sentence. >> dana: back to the drawing board for the biden administration. the supreme court ruling against the student loan hand-out program again. what's the next step? the start of the college semester usually a joyous one
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for students and parents after a long summer break. for some this year this is fear and anxiety. we talked to a panel of jewish students how they coping and getting ready for new outbreaks of anti-israel protests. [shouting and chanting]
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>> sandra: the supreme court delivering amazeive hit to the admini administration blocking student debt being wiped out. biden is spending the holiday weekend in rehoboth beach, delaware. >> the supreme court has repeatedly knocked down the president's student loan forgiveness proposals. yesterday they did the latest while he was at the beach. beach day here at rehoboth for the president. the supreme court denied an appeal from his administration to overturn a lower court's order halting his latest
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proposal. the president has also faced ongoing criticism from republicans on his vacation this week and most of last. >> we were talking about joe biden being on vacation. how can we tell, right? the observation that there is a group of people running this without any leadership from joe biden is spot on. my experience for the last two years. there is nobody in charge. >> the white house tells us he is in charge and no such thing as a presidential vacation. biden is working while he is here. yesterday the white house says biden spoke about the war in ukraine with indian prime minister modi. he visited ukraine last week. last month met vladimir putin in russia the same day the russians bombed a children's hospital. zelenskyy wants to present biden with a peace proposal at next month's annual united nations general assembly. biden allies say the president will have a busy finish to his presidency an beyond.
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>> he is focused on moving forward. lots to do as you just mentioned in the remaining months he will be president and he and the first lady have a robust agenda for their service to our nation after january. >> national security advisor jake sullivan is in china meeting with xi. the white house says that aides are trying to work on a phone call between xi and president biden in the coming weeks. >> sandra: a breezy day there. thank you. [shouting and chanting] >> dana: intimidation, harassment and physical threats.
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we saw protests like this at universities last spring. now the fall emotion cess tear is about to get underway and these activist are set to pick up where they left off with a vengeance. we'll hear from three jewish students now. one is from columbia. one from ucla and one is at harvard. eli. i want to start with you and show people the video they might remember from seeing on our air. watch. >> look at this. i'm a ucla student. i deserve to go here. we pay tuition. this is our school and they are not letting me walk in. my class is over there and want to use that entrance. will you let me go in? this could be over in a second. just let me and my friends in. >> dana: your documentation of that helped to lead to something that could make a difference. do you think that you will see anything difference fall this year that you didn't last spring? >> i do think we'll see different things. the uc president released a
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statement about a week ago stating that you can no longer wear a mask to conceal your identity. encampments are illegal and blocking students based off their religious beliefs from certain parts of campus is not allowed. >> dana: maya, you get started next tuesday columbia university was just one of the places the president of the university has resigned. some of the people were the bad actors weren't even students. what have you heard since you are student body president? you have a big role to play here? >> so i think that over the summer columbia had the opportunity to reset. it is a little unclear what columbia will be doing this year especially with a new presidential change so last minute. it is very difficult for us as jewish students to judge until we're back on campus and see how columbia handles its first hurdles. however, the university needs to put an end to harassment of students right now. if the university really wants to protect freedom of speech, it is important to remember it can
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only occur if everybody is safe enough to speak. >> dana: charlie, you wrote a piece on may 21 titled i'm a jew at harvard and never felt so alone. what is happening is the intimidation of students to hide the fact that they are jewish. do you think that will change this year? >> i am hopeful. but at the same time, you know, every student who has been suspended will be allowed to return to campus with no more than a semester of probation. a slap on the wrist. so as of now i think the university sort of backtracking. i'm not sure if there will be anything different this year. >> dana: the authorization of jewish students who won't denounce their religion. as i understand it, it has been happening across the country. what do your parents tell you as
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you headed back to school >> my parents tell me to keep my eyes open. we know that even though they are no longer allowed to do it on campus they'll trying something else and find ways to go around the uc president's ruling. and jewish students need to be prepared for what is to come the start of fall quarter. >> dana: how are you preparing? >> we'll be pro-active this year instead of reactive. last year we didn't really know what to do and didn't know how to respond. this year we are going to continue sending emails and letters to ucla administration insisting that they enforce the uc rulings stating that you can no longer wear masks to conceal identity and hoping when the protests eventually happen that ucla invites local law enforcement to come in and arrest and take down the protestors. this is no longer about freedom of speech. this is harassment of jewish
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students. >> dana: they were very disruptive to the learning process. you had to go back to zoom school which you all did zoom school when you were in high school. do you hear frustration from the non-jewish students not part of the protests as well that would maybe join with you to fight back? >> yes, of course. i think people were really frustrated that the university's only solution was to shut down school. that is completely unacceptable. we pay a lot of money to be here to learn from people, a lot of different percent peabodyives and learn and ultimately the only solution for the university is dialogue. up until now dialogue has been completely shut down and that cannot stand further. dialogue is the only way to combat misinformation and disinformation and we need opportunities to learn from people with different perspectives as opposed to shutting down any opportunity to discuss. >> dana: charlie, let me give you the last word here on the last minute. on anything that you want to
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talk about but i would wonder would you write again what kind of feedback you got initially from may 21 and now heading into september? >> yeah, i think i definitely would. one thing i would say you asked about other non-jewish students talking about how we think so much of this movement is anti-american and burning the american flag and come to america and i would talk about this isn't just an issue for jewish and israeli students but really for our country and american values. >> dana: indeed. i wish you all the best. i know you will study hard. that's not in question. keep us posted and stay safe and your parents are right. keep your eyes open. >> sandra: showdown in the sun belt. in polling on the key battleground states. what they are now saying about the race at this moment. plus the quadruple idaho murder suspect is back in court today. his legal team making a big
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>> dana: you're looking at a wildfire burning in northeastern wyoming and southern montana. taken hay and hunting leases. a cousin last night told me they had an inch of rain the entire summer. the governors have declared states of emergency and relief efforts are going to need to come in in order to help these guys get through the year including their horses and cattle. firefighters are joining efforts to get fires under control and this is a place that doesn't get a lot of attention, sandra. it's not california. therefore, there is not a lot of attention on it.
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everybody should know this is happening and we'll keep an eye on it. >> sandra: heroic efforts to contain and put out those fires. our thoughts are with them all affected by that. fox news polling out of the all-important sun belt states. vice president harris closing the gap with former president trump. all four states within the margin of error making this race is coin toss. josh is the editor and chief of the jewish insider and joins us now. how do you see it this morning, josh? >> well, boy, a lot of fascinating numbers to digest from the fox news polling. it shows that the map is expanding and that the sun belt states, which were in trump's corner in the last round of fox polling, are now jump balls. georgia, arizona, north carolina. those are all toss-up states. it means that when biden was in the race he was pretty much looking to have to sweep pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan and the midwest to win the election. now kamala harris could lose
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pennsylvania but could win georgia and arizona and that would be enough to probably put her over the finish line. there are a lot more paths for kamala harris to get to that 270 given the new numbers. >> dana: in our poll it shows president trump is trusted by plus eight to do better on the economy than kamala harris. call for number two. so immigration if that's your number one issue trump plus 16. economy trump plus eight. israel trump plus eight. the most important issue to voters is the economy by a long way. 41%. the next one is immigration at 14. so if you look at this and doing the math, josh, if trump is favored on the economy by eight and the economy is the most important issue especially in the battleground states, does that mean that he has the edge? >> usually the candidate who is ahead on the issues is the candidate ahead in the race. but there is sort of a disconnect in the polling
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numbers here because you have trump leading on the economy and immigration but you also to my surprise had kamala harris up by one point as the candidate seen as the change candidate. that's hard to believe. she has been in office for the last four years. one of the things her team has done effectively so far is position her as someone new and not someone who has been part of the administration, which a lot of voters don't agree with. they don't agree with the policies helping them out. that's the goal for donald trump's campaign going forward. he needs to recapture that change momentum in addition to having the advantage as he does on these issues. >> sandra: which makes today very interesting. a taped interview will be happening with harris and walz airing at 9:00 eastern time tonight and i wonder if this will be a big moment and will it be a make or break moment or will she do just fine and continue on this momentum?
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>> it's a big moment. the first chance since she has been the nominee for anyone to interview her and ask her tough questions about where she stands on all these key issues including the economy, including immigration, including crime and all the other issues that voters say they care about a lot. harris has benefited from the lengthy sugar high from being tapped in a surprise to lead the ticket a month ago and now having a convention that she is coming out of from chicago. this will be the first real test to see whether she can handle the unscripted moments which will be getting some tough questions on where she stands on issues. is she the kamala harris the progressive candidate in 2020 who ran to the left and has been an emissary to the left as vice president over the last four years or trying to go back to the middle and can that convince skeptical reporters and voters? >> dana: last question here. she kind of sat on her convention buzz. she hasn't really been out there
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doing too much in the last five days or so. was that a mistake? >> it's been notable she has been off the trail. back on it today in georgia and doing this interview later today. look, i think she is preparing for the debate on september 10th. that's going to be the other big moment coming up and she can't afford to have a bad moment there. >> dana: great to see you, josh. thank you for coming on. vice president harris is tapping a lawyer from google to help her get ready for the upcoming presidential debate. some critics are calling this a blatant conflict of interest. plus the latest claims by idaho murder suspect bryon kohberger. why he says his trial should be moved. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $900 on select adjustable mattress sets,
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conflict of interest about the administration's lawsuit against google. the lead attorney is helping the vice president prepare for her debate with former president donald trump next month. david spunt is live at the justice department. >> it is an interesting story. the vice president has made it clear she have is not a fan of large monopolies and what those monopolies do to the consumer. as you mentioned we're hearing that she has employed the lead attorney who is representing google in a massive lawsuit against the united states. her name is karen dunn, respected attorney in washington, d.c. she worked for the obama administration and has handled many high-profile cases. she helped prepare then senator harris in 2020 for her debate against then v.p. mike pence. now "the new york times" bloomberg and "washington post" report she is back helping the harris campaign. one former d.o.j. official said to think of it this way. she is taking debate advice from the lead attorney from going
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google. the head of an agency that tracks issues. >> it's problematic that karen dunn has the ability to potentially get the next president of the country on the phone at a moment's notice and she might also be negotiating on behalf of google with the justice department in a few months. >> fox news reached out to the harris campaign about dunn's reported debate prep gig and reached out to karen dunn directly. the only ethics hurdle would be for dunn to tell google she would be advising harris. google goes to court in another few weeks presenting another question when the debate will be happening when the trial kicks off. it is expected to last many weeks, dana. >> dana: why invite the controversy is my question to sandra here. >> sandra: no kidding. the man accused of killing four university of idaho students is
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back in court today pushing for his case to be moved to boise 300 miles from where the murders happened. dan springer is live there in idaho for us and has the latest. what exactly is going to go down today, dan? >> well, sandra, the change of venue motion hearing is scheduled to start in about one hour and hear from four experts testifying there is no way bryon kohberger can get a fair trial here. he have is accused of murdering four students at the university of idaho in november of 2022. their families have said they want the trial here in moscow where it happened. but a survey done by a trial consultant for the defense showed passions still running very high in this county of just 41,000 people, which is dominated by the university. a lawyer in boise following all this legal briefs says the defense has made the case for
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moving the trial. >> people have a strong -- some of the quotes in the briefing a very strong moral sense of community justice. if the court system won't do it, then we are. data that they were able to pull together is significant and profound. >> prosecutors counter there is no place in america let alone idaho that you can find people who don't know about this case and have a lot of details about it and say that moving the trial will be costly and also very inconvenient. but, of course, this will be a death penalty case and so it is likely the judge will move this. doesn't want to have one more appellate issue raised after the trial. >> sandra: so tough for those families being drug through this. >> dana: before we go, 6-year-old patient at the
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cleveland clinic sharing some big news with his caretakers. watch here. >> i'm getting a new heart! >> you still want to go on an ice cream date? >> all right. >> dana: his name is john henry. the moment he found out his new heart was on the way. doctors performed the transplant the following day and now recovering at home and what a joyful spirit, no doubt his new heart will see him on to many great accomplishments in his life. >> sandra: that just made my day. thank god every day for all those doctors out there to make the miracle happen. amazing. thank you for having me today. >> dana: you will have america reports at 1:00. >> 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern time. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. john roberts.
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>> john: sandra, see you soon. today is


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