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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 29, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> we are getting terrifying new video out of aurora, colorado. this shocking doorbell footage you are seeing shows a group of armed men forcing their way into an apartment complex. residents are claiming that gang members have taken over the building, pushing them to leave their homes out of fear for their safety. one aurora city council member says this video is evidence of a venezuelan gang operating within the community. hello, this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno. joining me today, fox news correspondent molly line, fox news contribute her and present of american spirit enterprises tammy bruce, fox news contributor and form a state department spokesperson under president obama marie harf, and former new york congressman and gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin.
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first, live in denver with the latest. >> aurora police are not confirming this incident is connected to the gang, but they tell me that police are in possession of this video and have seized evidence. first, this doorbell video shared with fox showing a group of men walking up the stairwell at an apartment building in aurora, colorado. one has a long gun, three others with handguns. then there's this. [gunfire] two men forcing their way into that same apartment. edward and sidney romero moved out of the building yesterday they say because it felt too dangerous to stay, after this incident and a shoot-out earlier this month that left their car with bullet holes. the romeros say things changed in the building when migrants started moving end. all city councilmember daniel ju --says this building and oths
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have been taken over by the venezuelan gang. last month, the u.s. treasury department designated tda a transnational criminal organization, and folks who live in a handful of apartment buildings say they are scared and believe it's a problem. aurora police with a statement saying "we are aware the components of tda are operating in aurora. apd has been increasingly collecting evidence to show the gang is connected to crimes in the area. however, it would be improper at this time for the city and apd to make conclusory statements about specific incidents or provide details about law enforcement strategy and operations." a couple of things. yesterday denver police least a statement acknowledging their presence in neighboring aurora. aurora pd says they believe reports of the gangs influence our isolated, but the bottom line right now is we can't get confirmation if anyone has been arrested or where these men are. >> frightening. thank you so much.
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lee zeldin, i can't imagine the terror those residents feel. whether or not we know what gang or if there is gang affiliation occurring, at the end of the day, what we saw is long guns, frightening weapons, and really scary people in that apartment. >> this is not a staircase in central america. when you see this from within the united states, we know it doesn't have to be this way. we see budgets that are getting cut for law enforcement. we understand the impacts of what that means when resources are prioritized to people who are illegally in the country, like what we are witnessing in denver, where the budget cut for law enforcement is going down. again, it doesn't have to be this way. we have to secure our border. we need prosecutors to prosecute. we need laws passed that protect law-abiding americans instead of criminals, and we need to be backing our men and women in blue. i saw footage last hour from one of these houses from the apartments where it's not just a lock: it's three locks, and on
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top of the three locks, there was another room or a pole that is providing a fourth lock. can you imagine how much fear you have to live in to say "my top lock, the chain, and my doorlock is not enough." this is not a way to live. >> there's a lot of caricatures of this. the o.k. corral, people fleeing and leaving it to the guys in the street. a lot of thought that has relegated that level with extreme violence to certain communities. the whole point is we don't accept that. no american should accept that level of violence, stronghold that these people have good law-abiding residents under. yet this is the reality in aurora, colorado, in 2024? how'd you get here? >> exactly. these people in the apartment complex, this is not the wealthy of suburban denver. this is a struggling apartment complex. to them, it must file gaslighting. they've been saying "we been telling you there is this problem." they said that the apartment
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compex has issues with its leadership and how it's run." density counselors say they believe it's gang activity at some of the reporting out of colorado, here's a headline. "aurora lawmakers insist without evidence venezuelan gang responsible for apartment closure." that's from colorado public radio. "is not real, you are imagining it." it's fair to ask if it is connected to a transnational gang at? who are these people and why aren't they in jail? why do i have to live in fear? when will i have to move out?" they have two allegedly because we can't get confirmation from law enforcement because there is this constant talk about an investigation that's underway, and what they need are the results, they need to see this stop because this is terrifying. >> murray, when we talk about lately the transnational organization, the designation, what that means is, what that translates to our resources and charges. with that label means that
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certain resources can be allocated toward it and certain -- can be charged. regardless, this is patently unacceptable. do you see the vice president, candidate for president who has recently talked about transnational gangs, do you think she will address how unacceptable this is? >> i do. to li's point, she and president biden supported a bill that republicans killed in congress just earlier this year that would've provided more resources to denver and two other cities like denver to help them with this crisis. a lot of the reason that many of these migrants are in denver is because governor greg abbott, these are many of their migrants he bust up from texas and a political stunt that sent migrants all over the country where places weren't left able to deal with them. let's keep in mind why there are many of these migrants in denver. this is obviously horrifying. we look at this, we are, it is a very difficult thing to watch. i think kamala harris is going to continue saying "we supported the toughest immigration bill
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any democrat in decades has supported that would have sent money to do exactly this, to help these cities, some more resources to the border," and now on to the biden/harris policies, border crossings are at their lowest level since donald trump was president. we can argue about what happened the first two years, but where we are today there are fewer people across the border and more people actually getting apprehended, sent back, then since donald trump is president. >> tammy, the counter to that, many people argue that the lower numbers are because the government is reallocating where those numbers are from, and the issue isn't necessarily how the illegal immigrants got there: it's got they got there in the first place from the border, that other than signing legislation, what we needed is enforcement of laws a long time ago. we need to trim's policies to remain. that did not happen. where do we go from here? >> consider also the community that is targeted. traditionally, you've got immigrants all going to generally the same area, and
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then these gangs who have criminal intentions, with their long guns and handguns. one has to wonder where they get them. they are targeting immigrants who have been fleeing the the same activity at home. they come to this country to only face that here again because of the release of certain bad actors from certain south american countries succumb here with them. they've exported the problem that other people looking for refuge have been fleeing. we have allowed that to occur, with not cooperating with ice, with having the open border, not having enough staff to deal with who is coming in and who isn't. for those who would claim that this is a humanitarian thing to do, to let people in, we are having them upend their lives to come to this country to face exactly the same people that were terrorizing them at home. that is of course the opposite of what we should be doing, and
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that's why a closed border is the humanitarian thing to do as is legal immigration. >> a terrible pattern they are in and a terrible pattern we are now in. well, the fbi revealing new details in the trump assassination investigation. a live report next.
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>> the fbi is releasing new details and images from the trump assassination attempt investigation. the fbi says the would-be assassin saw terms butler, pennsylvania, rally as a target of opportunity -- saw trump's rally in butler, pennsylvania, as a target of opportunity. more on the investigation. >> this dates back to 2019, but
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even after reviewing thomas burks' internet searches since then, the fbi says it's not ready to name a mode of. that bus to get his have a clear picture of a mind-set that was not consistent. >> we see no definitive ideology associated with our subject, either left-leaning or right-leaning. it's been a mixture. >> these newly released evidence photos show their weapon, an ar-15 type semiautomatic rifle with a collapsible stock which may have helped him conceal the firearm in this backpack, according to investigators who also share these photos of the homemade explosives found in their vehicle. the fbi says it found searches like "how do remote detonator's work" and "how to make a bomb from fertilizer." and we are told that the fbi took this photo in the days after the shooting. investigators say crooks climbed on the air conditioning unit to get to the roof. the fbi says the shooter's
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online history shows searches from the rnc and dnc, and in the 30 days leading up to the shooting, more than 60 searches were related to former president trump and president biden. the ongoing investigation could bring criminal charges in this case, but the fbi wouldn't say whether it was crookes family members, who are cooperating. the fbi also appearing to address com -- conspiracies. >> the fbi has not identified associates -- with the advance knowledge of the tax. we have not seen any indication to suggest crooks was directed by a foreign entity to conduct the attack. >> the fbi says when the trump rally was announced in early july, crooks became hyper focused on the event, searching things like "where will trump speak from at the butler farm
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show." investigators say crooks' blood and toxicology results showed no signs of illegal drugs or alcohol. >> thank you. lee, what more questions does it raise, and what does it tell us? >> none of this adds up. the response we can't be getting back from the government is none of it is adding up for them either. we know so much because of videos that were posted on social media, reporting that you all do, and it leads to additional questions about how is it possible that president trump is still standing on that stage coming within a millimeter and millisecond away from losing his life, and when the fbi director goes before congress, and he is suggesting it might not have been a bullet, which then they have to walk back, correct their own fbi director, what are you trying to cover up? that's what the average american starts thinking.
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it requires the federal government for the fbi to be telling the american government what they don't know, and to continue to tell us that the more you search the less you know is not the right answer for americans demanding answers. >> here's the thing. in no way am i diluting the importance of finding a motive obviously, but to li's point, i want to know the how more than the wife. i want to know how this kid was able to murder someone and almost murder the former president. let's get more people on the hot seat that could get answers. >> i would argue that the why is the beginning of the how, that who is it that influenced this person, what is happening with the parents. what about what is happening online, what was the how that is attached to the why. that is a compulsion to do something. i would remind everyone when it comes to this other issue about
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our secret service, or federal law enforcement. the las vegas concert shooting, the biggest in american history, no motive. we don't know. there has been no information. the national christian school shooting, we have no idea why she did it. we have not been told that. this christmas parade murders with the truck, we just don't know, there is no motive. of course, the trump situation now. it's been how many weeks? we just don't know the motive. the motives of these things are importance. then we know how it manifested, why it manifested, where was their encouragement, all of those things. certainly with the attempted assassination of president trump that is especially important considering the additional threats out there. >> and to this point where he searched 60 searches for also president biden. it's a fine line between these shooters see no party diff difference. everyone should be worried. without uniting in the congress
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the day after. will the pressure remained so americans can get answers? >> mike kelly from -- they visited the butler, pennsylvania, site which i think there is nothing that can replace being there on the ground looking at the sight lines. effort jason crow talk about this. he served in more. you trained to look for sightlines and where you can -- they are starting to request federal and local state documents, interviews. i think congress in this case and a bipartisan way is focused on investigating something that really matters. it's not just about this one incident. the secret service has had real problems for a long time. this is a systemic. we talked about this a lot, so hopefully we can get more answers and more important to get some fixes to the secret service because we know the threats are just going -- as you said, he was searching for everyone, for democrats and
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republicans. >> congress did more in five seconds and the former director of the secret service did in the entire time. >> i was going to say that this was actually the exact point i planned to make about this discussion, about how effective congress has been on this issue and how there can be bipartisan agreement about it. i'm going to restate everything marie just said. being there in person, they have stood there and they have brought the american people and journalists the information that i which was coming more forthright out of sources like the fbi and the investigators. they have said "we are still working, they are still wor working," and i think they could be more forthright instead of the trickle that we are effectively getting to some degree from our congressional members that have stood there, that i've asked these tough questions and actually got in the answers in the public settings, down in washington that have been rather effective. one of the things that came out of the call that i thought was interestingly worded is the special agent charge of the fbi pittsburgh field office.
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our finding is the subject was only on the roof for approximately 6 minutes prior to the shooting. 6 minutes on the roof. i thought that was interesting information, and i think only his way too on. >> look at congress doing their job. restoring the faith. coming up, kamala harris is being called "scared" for bringing a plus one to her first interview since joining the democratic ticket. that's next.
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♪ ♪ >> for the first time in 39 days, kamala harris has been at the top of the democratic ticket. she is sitting down for an interview, but she will not face any of those questions alone. harris is bringing her running mate minnesota governor tim walz with her.
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let's go the details. >> good afternoon to you. this could give republicans the opening day have been looking for. could be a chance to expose harris and their views as a flip-flop are or may be weak on some policy issues, but for the harris campaign -- has been ducking to questions. she is sitting down with cnn this afternoon. that's former president trump. he posted online this morning about the anchor is going to be interviewing harris. "oh, she gave a fair but tough radio of comrade kamala harris, she will expose her as being an apt and w -- ill suited for vice president during her debate." millions of dollars on tv ads introducing her to tv voters.
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so far, that strategy appears to be working. the polling and brad graham states, and some belt states. not a huge lead, but within the margin of error. it's clear these remain true tonsils. georgia governor brian kemp will be headlining a fund-raiser for former president trump tonight and he says it's important republicans remain on message and -- with the peach state. >> after labor day, going into the debate, the race will reset. we need to be laser focused on her record. and with donald trump did when he was president, let people decide that they want four more years of the cost or they want a different direction in our country. >> harris and her surrogates are likely to -- attack against the georgia g.o.p. when they rally their supporters. should have a pretty packed house.
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>> thank you. what do you make of this? we finally get an interview. she's bringing her running mate with her but what you think of the accusations that he has some sort of protective teddy bear? >> that they should be tough and come with follow-up. should be able to bail her out. because they are both in there it doesn't mean half the time has to be spent on walz, but you should go after walz for the fact that he said he went to war even though he didn't, that he says he is a retired command sergeant major even though he's not. when is kamala harris looking to sit for that white extended tough one-on-one interview? when the sheet start warming up with the website? if she tries to give those answers, for example, about the border when talking about our first segment, you have to push back. it's her administration with joe biden there in the white house where they decided to stop construction of the
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border wall, ramped up catch and release, got rid of -- in mexico, got rid of title 42 without a replacement. you have millions of people coming into this country. >> both sat am not going to do it for little while longer. >> that is what is so heartbreaking. they're supposed to represent the people pack
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>> you climb higher up the mountain, the greater the fall. the x dictation on this interview that this is where we see the pulse change. >> the reason she is leading in most background and national staples is because she is talking to the american people.
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i will remind everyone that every major presidential ticket has done a joint interview coming out of the convention. eric holley jesse watters interview j.d. vance and donald trump together coming out of their convention. is well honed practice that tickets often do a first interview after the convention, shortly thereafter together, and i guarantee you -- >> if she does one interview, it's 40 days and then the election is less than 40 days away. >> unique difference after the convention and interviews is
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that the candidates have moved through primaries, that americans -- >> she is the vice president so you can hear from her a lot. >> when she is vice president we did not hear from her, or she was in fact praising bidenomics sang the border was fine and everything is great here. saying everything is just fine. now she is coming out and for whatever reason saying she doesn't agree with those things which means she things they failed. let me suggest also that -- interviewer needs to project the premise, kamala harris is no, that she is not the incumbents, has never held these positions, that a good journalist has would reject that absurd premise from the beginning. this might be an infomercial tonight, or we might see someone stumble into real good journalism and stick with it. at the opportunity for anna basch, a good opportunity.
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i want women to win but this has been embarrassing. we see around world women can lead. voting starts in about two weeks. the early male voting. why is that? she knows that she will be revealed. that is of course the problem. we will see what happens tonight. >> wonderful, the supreme court just dealt a blow to the biden administration student loan bailout. that is next. the world has changed. clearly, it's not the eighties in the nineties anymore. and when the stock market crashes and it does from time to time, our clients are protected against losses. literally, they go up with the market, lock in their gains, and when the market goes down, they don't lose anything. we keep it simple. our clients earn in a reasonable rate of return and they don't lose money.
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>> a major setback for the biden/harris administration's student loan bailout. the supreme court blocking their request to revive their plan. a federal appeals court in missouri blocked the entire program while lawsuits from the g.o.p.-led states, challenging their act, make their way through the lower courts. it is projected to cost as much as $536 billion over a decade. kamala harris is pledging to "aggressively defend their bailout with vice president harris writing "potus and i have canceled nearly $170 billion in student debt for almost 5 million americans. we are also fighting to defend our save plan which is lower payments for millions of americans. we won't stop fighting to build an economy that works for every american. i will go to lee in a moment about the cancellation of debt
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and what that really means, but emily, here she is. she has been running a campaign as though she has never met joe biden that none of what is happening has anything to do with her, like the border or the economy, and yet she completely owns this. now she's not even coming up for air. >> it's like we were fighting with your spouse. serves it, that is when she remains linked to him. the legality of this is quite clear. you cannot overreach your executive branch power. the conceptual fallacy is that the hardest working americans with the least amount are the ones that saddled this colossal debt. the problem is being used as a talking point and a carrot for those voters.
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is not going to succeed and is deeply impactful. >> going back to that, the word "canceled" is used a lot. if you use that, it's just gone now. is that's what's happening? the critics say americans will pay for it. what does that mean? how does that work? >> americans will pay for it. every time kamala harris is promising free stuff, free education, free housing, free money. them and they pander to get votes, the money comes from somewhere. the money isn't just owed by anyone's. what about the people who are paying off their loans. >> like me. >> why should they be penalized? the incentive, the reward? according to kamala harris and
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her principles, if you just don't pay it off at all, the democrats if they are in power in the white house can just pay it off for you, and then we'll end up with more people saying "the incentive is to default." it's perverse. it's bad policy. it's blatant pandering. >> college was supposed to be your entree into a good working life, something you could translate into having a family and the american dream which is the american middle class. is in the state -- the desire to cancel this debt the confession that the american university systems become a lemon? that they have spent all this money and you get nothing for it? isn't this about university reform that should happen? do all these people not have the money to pay the debt for which they went to college for four years? how does that happen? >> i think this is, at heart, a question about what we want our government money spent on.
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lee is right. nothing is free in washington. what democrats will say during this election is we want to put government resources into helping out people with a child tax credit. however thing kids have enough to eat, having people who are part of this predatory, and many cases, loan system, where there they will never be able to buy make a car house because they are saddled with this debt. those things help bring the economy. much of the student loan debt relief goes to middle and lower income americans. designed to help people who make less. under that system, we would help people -- pay for college then give tax breaks to the wealthy, which we know as of this week that the estimates about extending tax cuts to corporations would cost the american people would -- more
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than any of these that you are talking about. >> that was smooth, and she never answered my question. >> is also very true. >> if these are going to low income people who went to college for four years goes directly back to my question, molly yoo have the last word. >> i will just say quickly that the biden administration has consistently claimed despite the court actions that have taken place and tried to bring this effort back in that they have achieved some victories, and to the point of lower income, they just put out a release in july 2024, the biden/harris at administration approves $1.2 billion in additional student debt relief for public service workers pick some of the releases they have put up dating all the way back to last year. there was a fact sheet in december and on, have focused on all the little pockets they have managed to achieve on this issue. they have worked hard to claim victory in this topic. >> looks a lot of picking winners and losers, and who will get that benefit and who is not. politico is trying to separate kamala harris from joe biden but there's just one problem: she is
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>> kamala harris and tim walz are set to take the first interview in savannah, georgia, today. it will air tonight. what exactly will they say? we will be listening for that, while grocery store owners are speaking out about harris' policies and the effect it will have on them. the migrant crisis is making waves, as reporters show taxpayer cost and gang violence are both on the rise. the supreme court's decision on student loan bailouts. what does it mean for the biden/harris administration? all that and more coming up as
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america reports, top of the h hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it appears some are trying to separate vice president kamala harris from the biden administration, the one she currently serves in. it all started after republican vice presidential candidate j.d. vance said this. >> we have a president right now and vice president kamala harris who wants to raise the price of diesel, raise the price of gasoline, and have every trucker in this country drive an electric vehicle. six weeks ago when joe biden was still pretending he would run for president, what the democrats said is that our economy has been great for workers, and now six weeks later, kamala harris isn't saying it's been bad for wor workers, but "don't blame me, who am i?" the answer is you are a vice president, do a better job. >> take a look at how politico
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tried to frame those remarks. "vance tries to tyler harris to biden during a michigan rally." it's the harris/biden administration. she is joe biden's vice president. x users were quick to point that out with this community note appearing under the post. "kamala harris is currently serving as vice president of the united states for the biden/harris administration, a role she was sworn into on january 20th 2021. however, that note no longer appears alongside the post. it's a conspiracy and you know it. >> which part? [laughter] >> all of it. speak i think that's why it's hard for vice president to run for vice president. we have seen this. you're both defending, you have some of the weight of an incumbent's but you have to make a case about the future. i think kamala harris has embraced joe biden. she has visited swing states with him, done a lot of events with him, but she has also, i think, made a case at the
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convention, and maybe we will see in this interview tonight, about what a future could look like, that she's going to build on what they've done, that she is proud of the accomplishments but has a definitive vision that is her own for the future. she is on that pretty successfully. i think that's what you see republicans trying to say "no," but don't like her because he didn't like biden." that's not listed in the polls so far that we have seen. >> and that's why you are a state department books person. lee, i don't think vice president kamala harris was trying to build on the administration when she told people "you can finally buy a house under my watch, everything is racist now" spirit she is clearly painting the now as frightening unless it is about student loans or something she has cosigned on. >> day 1 was three and a half years ago. every time she talks about day t you trying to do it right now. if it's because there's so much effort inside the oval office, one vacation in california to
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his next in delaware, who was running the country? an indictment of the biden administration and kamala harris that it sounds -- the mess of the last three and a half years is nothing to do with kamala harris. one president trump was running in 2020 -- his policies to secure the border and make the country more energy independent, what was going on with the abraham accords, the caliphate, on and on and on. why is it that you are not witnessing kamala harris proudly standing there every single day, being willing to talk to the public and answer the tough questions and be at the press conference to defend this administration. instead she wants to make it all disappear. she wants to talk about it as if this didn't happen and make you believe that she is not in a position right now running in a country that she said she will do it in january. >> she told us she was the last
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person in the room after the botched afghanistan withdrawal. she and her team according to reports that insisted on the biden administration being called the biden-harris administration. something changed. >> there is no doubt she is linked to this administration and as maria noted it's tough for vice president, but they want to pick and choose. i will still be part of that. some of the other questions. does she agree with the biden demonstration, the fracking, which is currently in place, does she disagree with the harris of 2019? all of that will be major for wisconsin, michigan.
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>> she does support what has happened over the last four years. she was not a hostage in the white house. if you want four more years of what has happened but on steroids. when trump won the election on that debate night, he will make the election. switching her out, they know it was just his age. kind of been okay, and known that he has been in some trouble, but people just did not like the style of it or whatever. suddenly, the media was saying this is bad. i think this is what we're going to see tonight, the debate, her efforts to try to be the blank slate which voters can then project their hopes and dreams upon. that would be a mistake. >> stay with us. more "outnumbered" next.
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call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> we are keeping our eyes on the campaign trail. former president trump set to speak on the economy and inflation. that is in michigan later today before heading over to wisconsin for a town hall. meanwhile vice president kamala harris and her running mate tim walz will hold their own joint campaign rally. that will be in savannah, georgia. thank you to everyone for watching. do not forget to dvr the show. now onto "america reports." thank you for watching. >> every day when we come home, we have to do this every time we go outside to take o


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