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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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a lot of people don't think so. a lot of people believe they did it because i was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs on china. you know, no president had ever gotten anything from china. i got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing. and i save the steel industry also, as you know, those are the guys that like me the most. but now i see u.s. steel, the great u.s. steel. u.s. steel is being sold to japan. i don't like that. can you imagine u.s. steel, that was the greatest company in the world seven years ago, 60-something years ago, u.s. steel is going to be sold o japan come i wouldn't let it happen. such a big benchmark that shouldn't be going to japan. they should rebuild it. they should do whatever they have to do to work with them and make them great again, just like we're going to make our country
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great again pit. >> judge jeanine: donald trump hammering kamala harris on the economy while holding a rally in battleground michigan. hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro. ♪ ♪ >> what's going on? >> judge jeanine: hey! and i am still judge jeanine pirro come on with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and dancing greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ no more hiding from the most radical left-wing ticket in history. vice president kamala harris and her running mate tim walz sitting down this afternoon for a taped cnn interview. at long last, she finally answered for why she's flip-flopped on so many issues. watch this. >> how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made, that you've explained some of here, in your policy? should they feel comfortable and
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confident that what you are saying now is going to be your policy moving forward? >> the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. you mentioned the green new deal. i have always believed, and i have worked on it, that the climate crisis israel. that it is an urgent matter. to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the inflation reduction act. what we need to do to secure our border. that value has not changed. >> judge jeanine: donald trump marking kamala for bringing her emotional support running mate to the interview. here is what he told the daily mail. >> she's doing it with her vice president sitting there, so she's not very smart. ask her a question that she can't answer, she'll just look . he's sitting with her to help her out. this is not the kind of a person
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we need as president. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, i'm going to start with you. it seems that her answer to her flip-flopping is going to be "my values haven't changed," but does that ask plane her positions in 2019 when she was running for president and all of the things she did as vice president? >> jesse: they had 30 days to come up with an answer, and they came up with bad? [laughs] this is going to be a great campaign. never been more confident that i am now that donald trump is going to win this election. this is a great example of why she will never be president. the first question, why are you a flip-flop or? and she says, i'm not. saying i am not a flip-flop. values have changed? okay. you say in 20 years, you said in 20 years, you can't get a new car that is a gas-powered car. and now you say no, actually, that's not true at all. and then in her answer she says we are going to have deadlines.
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that doesn't make any sense at all. and when you listen to her, it's all kind of vague gobbledygook, washes over you, what is she talking about? she doesn't really bring you in. so your values haven't changed, all right, when you were a prosecutor you said you prosecuted people for crossing the border, and then when you are running for president you said crossing the border wasn't a crime, and when you were the border czar you are literally flying people across the border, and now you want to build a wall? but your values haven't changed? none of that makes any sense. and stephen miller was on the show last night, and he said they basically nominated someone, a democrat, who is afraid to go on cnn interview. you can walk around d.c. and just bump into people dying to do a cnn -- but they found the one person afraid to do cnn. now you know why she was afraid, because she knows she is not up to the job. she doesn't want the job, she doesn't understand the issues, she doesn't know where she
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stands on the issues. and she is like john kerry. remember the john kerry, i voted for it before i was against it? same thing with her. she's just not authentic. and that politically is the killer. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, john kerry, when he said i voted for it before i was against it, he starts to give you an explanation. she doesn't ask plane anything, the fact that she cosponsored the bill that says we want to mandate that you have to get an ev car and all of the things, the inflation reduction act, the and impact on inflation. >> dana: hadn't thought about that john kerry think for a moment. a guy named joe pounder worked on the campaign, i think the bush campaign, and he was watching him his job as a junior bird man was to watch town halls john kerry was doing. it wasn't like he did this and did an interview, a town hall come i voted for it before i voted against it. oh, wait, that could be something, that is what turned the whole campaign around. so moments like this is my
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campaign gets harder. she has had a really great 40 days and i think that cnn, i would imagine, gave the best clip for the promo, right? we get that at 4:00. i don't imagine they have a lot more great material that they are going to hold onto to try to get everybody to watch at 9:00 -- maybe they do, but kind of doubt it. she has a multiple-choice question, and she still doesn't answer. then she has to get into the word salad of the how do you diagram the sentence of basically measures and time. that is argo-2. it literally means nothing. plus she says my values are not changed. why in practice did everything change? in practice, in your values are that you wanted to prosecute criminals. in practice, the biden administration let all of these people come across. they are not putting any pressure on d.a.s across the country to hold anybody to
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account. last thing i would say is in the interview she basically admits that the inflation reduction act was a backdoor to get the green new deal done. and what did the green new deal do? it used all the prices, put all the money into the economy would help field inflation which is why the inflation reduction act as a problem. it's easy to monday morning quarterback, whatever today is, thursday morning quarterback, a communications decision. if you have to agonize this much to do one interview so that it becomes like the state of the union address and we are all waiting on pins and needles, going to send out excerpts before hand, i do think you have a problem. the other thing is tonight is the opening night of college football. who is going to watch it? >> judge jeanine: you know, jessica, what dana is saying is true. in practice she not only allowed the border to open up, but she was responsible for getting millions of minnesota bail fund. so she can say my values have changed, but everything that she
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has done affirmatively, whether the inflation reduction act or allowing the border to stay o open, and with fracking and saying all of these things, everything is contrary to what she now wants us to believe and by the way if she is breaking the glass ceiling and she is really close because she is the vice president now, why does she need the crutch? why does she need walz there when it is her inconsistencies that we care about, not his? >> jessica: well come on other days during the week you seem to care a lot about walz's inconsistencies. >> judge jeanine: not what i'm talking about kamala. now we are talking about kamala. >> jessica: you are seeing the ticket info. i think it is important to watch the entire interview before we totally malign her. i think the answer was reflective of a lot of conversations we have been having here on "the five" about opening up to an evolution. you can still say my values are the same, especially talking about an issue like health care or protecting the climate, but also being realistic about what
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you can get enacted. you can't just walk in and pass whatever you want. you have to work with people, you have to work across the aisle. they did their best at doing that. i think people are going to have to watch it and decide for themselves, but i will say that watching a little bit of trump today, listening to his allies, j.d. vance was out there being booed by a bunch of firefighters -- >> jesse: a round of applause -- >> jessica: /half the audience hated him. >> jesse: in boston come a deep democrat city -- >> jessica: brave man, j.d. vance, approval negative 17. the attacks on kamala that she is not very smart, not a smart person, trump is saying that, she is a dei hire, are not landing. just isn't working p or i don't know, jesse, if you stayed around to watch bret baier, the top of his show, he had all of the polls, showing the direct opposite of what you said -- >> jesse: so glad you brought that up. >> jessica: i am glad you brought that up. >> jesse: i happened to bring something. this is nate silver --
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>> jessica: i know who nate silver is. >> jesse: i don't need to remind you come i will tell the audience he is the go-to guy on the left. 52% chance trump wins. >> jessica: and what is kamala now in his forecast? so in our own polls, kamala hits 50% and georgia arizona and nevada, she is down one in north carolina. this is important because this is actually the measure of where the race is. what we are talking about doesn't matter as much as how people are going -- >> judge jeanine: what happens on election day. >> jessica: and i'm telling you if the election was held today, that kamala -- >> judge jeanine: looked, i asked a question that was not that. let me go to you, greg. they are saying, you know, she is more than a dei hire. she is this brilliant person. have you ever heard kamala harris give a serious interview? >> greg: well, i was touched by something no one brought up. she says that they held themselves to deadlines around
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time. there is nothing i hate more than deadlines that are untethered to time. a deadline that is not connected to time, it's not a deadline. they call it a deadline because it is attached to time. there was no joy there. that is what i noticed. i found that she looked miserable. i thing there was a lot of anxiety emanating from her. i think that is because of like you said all of the pressure that has been placed on her, 18 minute interview divided by two because of walz, 9 minutes attract question, left 5 minutes, that's enough room for maybe one of kamala's sentences, right, talk about a controlled burn. they had to localize this sucker. we haven't touched on walz and i think he had a really tough role because he had to know his place. he had to be there when necessary but not steal the spotlight be at we call it the reverse jesse at fox. you know, who intrudes were not needed and hogs the stage. the thing is, the key for walz,
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he couldn't help her. you can't mansplain. dana, do you know what mansplaining is? it's when a man, okay, explain something, typically to a woman such as yourself, in a manner that is kind of regarded as condescending or patronizing. it's like talking down to a woman, something i would never do to you, little lady. [laughter] unless you are confused about complicated things like math or economics, but i would never do that to you. there is only one way that harris can win and it has nothing to do with her. it's the media's responsibility to sustain the same amount of ecstatic coverage they created the last month for 68 more days. they can do it. they lied about biden for 3.5 years with no fatigue. but if this elevated artificial joy dips, she is dust. they can't let reality intrude. it's like one of those marathon dance contests.
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the media has got to keep their dance partner propped up all the way until november 5th, or the charity loses. >> judge jeanine: all right. this is a fox news alert. kamala harris and tim walz aren't battleground georgia holding their first rally since being named the democratic ticket. let's listen in. >> and to all the leaders with us today. good afternoon. good afternoon. [applause] i also bring greetings from our president and a great friend of the state of georgia, joe biden. [cheers and applause] and let us also send our love to the great president from the state of georgia, jimmy carter. [cheers and applause]
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so, georgia -- i love you back. i love you back. [cheers and applause] and we have 68 days to go until this election. 68 days to go. and i think you all have spent your time here sacrificing all your other obligations to be here together, us as one community, knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us, and i thank you for taking that time. [cheers and applause] and listen, so we are here to speak truth, and one of the things that we know, this is going to be a tight race until the very end. okay? so let's not pay too much attention to the polls because
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we are running as the underdog. and we have some hard work ahead of us, but we like hard work. hard work is good work. hard work is good work. [cheers] and with your help, we are going to win this november. we are going to win this november. yes, we will. [cheers] so look, georgia, let me say. and before that i was a courtroom prosecutor. before i was elected a united states senator, i was an elected attorney general, and before that and el elected distt
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attorney. [cheers and applause] my entire career i've only had one client: the people. [cheers] i stood for women and children against predators who abused them. i took on the big banks and delivered $20 billion for middle-class families who face foreclosure. [cheers] i fought against cartels who traffic in guns, drugs, and human beings. and i stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for-profit colleges. for workers who were being cheated out of the wages they were due. and for seniors facing elder abuse. and i will tell you those fights were not easy.
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and neither were the elections that put me in those offices. but we never gave up. because the future is always worth fighting for. [cheers] always. and that is the fight we are in right now, a fight for america's future. we, we fight for a future with affordable child care, paid leave, and affordable health care. [cheers] and on that last subject, let's finally expand medicaid in georgia. [cheers and applause] so people can take their job to a doctor or go to an emergency room without going into medical debt.
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we, we fight for a future where we build what i call an opportunity economy. so that every american has the opportunity to own a home, to start a business, and to build wealth and intergenerational wealth. [cheers and applause] and a future where we lower the cost-of-living for america's families. [cheers] so when i was attorney general, i went after price-fixing schemes. love you back, love you back. [laughs] and i will tell you, when we get this done together, my friends, and when i am president, i will take on the bad actors who
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exploit prices -- [cheers] to rip off consumers on everyday items. who rip off consumers on everyday items like groceries. i will take on big pharma and cap the cost of prescription drugs and insulin for all americans. [cheers and applause] i will take on the high cost of housing and work with developers to cut the red tape and build millions of new homes, and i will give 100 million americans a tax cut, including $6,000 to families during the first year of their child's life. [cheers and applause] understanding folks just need a little help from time to time, and it's not about just getting by, it's about getting ahead.
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$6,000 in the first year of a child's life could help pay for that car seat or the crib or the baby clothes. [cheers] and unlike donald trump, i will always put the middle-class and working-class families first. [cheers and applause] always. >> jesse: that's kamala harris and battleground georgia for her first rally since the dnc her opponent, donald trump, was in michigan today clobbering kamala on the economy. watch this. >> with your vote we will defeat a comrade kamala harris. she doesn't know what the american dream is. over the past four years, kamala and crooked joe biden have presided over an economic reign of terror, committing one financial atrocity after another. my vision is for a middle-class that is once again the envy of the entire world. >> jesse: new fox polls from the sun belt show the race in a dead heat.
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harris with a slight lead over donald trump in arizona, georgia, nevada, but trump is up in north carolina, and those same voters overwhelmingly trust trump on the economy by eight points. judge jeanine pirro, he's taking it to kamala hard on the economy. do you think he is going to stay on the economy? trump is up in. >> judge jeanine: the joy on the hope it all the other nonsense pure people are going to come back to their senses and say what matters is whether or not i can feed my family, whether i can buy my house, pay the rent, and maybe take a vacation one day, as opposed to paying this tax, essentially, which is the cost of inflation. i think that everything that kamala has said has been a nightmare, every time she broaches the issue of inflation. whether it is price gauging, and as a prosecutor she should know it is price gouging, and she was panned on the left and the right. that her second proposal was i
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want a tax unrealized gains. she really got hit on that one, too, so she is 0 for 2. the only thing she is good on is what she copied donald trump on, which was no tax on tips, and in the end, i mean, she could blame corporate greed and trump and covid and price gauging, as well as the g.o.p. and russia, but she is in charge. she signed, you know, she was one vote on that inflation reduction act which broke america's back. she can't get away with it. she can't say my values are still the same or not the same, doesn't make a damn bit of difference, americans are hurting. >> jesse: she has to run against the joe biden economy. she has to say i'm going to help lower prices and home prices that got big under joe biden and her. >> dana: i want to make just one point here. so we have been doing a couple of stories on "newsroom" this week about how many retirees are coming out of retirement looking for jobs because they are on a fixed income and all their costs have gone up so much that they
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can't make ends meet because cost of food has gone up, housing, like their housing insurance, we talked about, and their car insurance has gone up, so they have to figure out a way to get enough money coming in every month in order to make those basic payments. if i were president trump -- like for example, in georgia, it was in savannah, dana marie mcnichol, she was our reporter that was at a job fair, what do you think of the job fair? when you're in college and you go and look around, do i want to work here, do i want to work there? no, this was for retirees. maybe it was in florida. there was also one in georgia because we have done a story -- they are everywhere. we talked to a grandma in pennsylvania. she doesn't want to have to go back to work but she needs to go back to work. she is a retired nurse, she can't do the nursing work anymore because of her age, et cetera. if i were the trump-vance campaign i would call together some of these retirees and their grandchildren because the grandchildren are the ones who can't afford the housing because the housing market is all screwed up and the car insurance is going through the roof.
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talk about a sandwich generation, gen x is going got to help my parents, got to help my kids. could somebody help us at some point? and i would focus on then. >> jesse: focus on the american dream. trump brought that up a lot in wisconsin. i would stay on that message. >> greg: i agree completely, jesse. did i ever tell you the three legged stool behind the american dream? >> jesse: no, please tell me pure it. >> greg: sit down. for the american dream you need a canonic freedom, rule of law, and civility, right? these are the three things the left have kind of deliberately sabotaged under the guise of flowery language, but it is a radicau hike taxes, you punish people who want to achieve, economic freedom dies. than if you decriminalize theft, you release repeat offenders, you handcuff or defund the police, that results in cities where nobody wants to live, and you don't have businesses, people flee. lastly, if you demonize half the
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country, with rates or gender politics, there goes the civility. so you see it is very simple what is going on. trump is focusing, should be focusing on the american dream. economic freedom, rule of law, civility. right? i listened to his speech and i founded grounded in specific spirit he had a few detours here and there but he was referring to the reality of what people see, smell, and hear, which is way far away from the kind of insulting propaganda of vib vibe-ism. vibes don't bring down prices, cheaper bread or eggs, make it safer for your kids to get to school. vibes are what you sell when your policies ruin the vibe called life. >> judge jeanine: the life vibe. >> jesse: kamala harris is running a little better on the economy as opposed to joe biden against donald trump because she's not joe biden and because a lot of people don't really know her as well. how does she separate herself
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economically from the economic record of the administration? >> jessica: i think she has obviously been doing it pretty well. it was a 15-point advantage for donald trump in the last survey before this one, now it is an eight-point advantage. if she can get that down to three or four, that's a jump ball on that and that's exactly where we want to be peer the way she is approaching it is to say we have a lot to be proud of, but i hear you on inflation, calling out directly the prices of certain items, like i know when you go to the grocery store that bread is up 50%, et cetera, but she has a lot to talk about in terms of lowering costs for people, to your point, dana, definitely trump should cut with retirees, the democrats cutting ads with seniors at prescript and drug prices coming down astronomically because of what has gone on with the inflation reduction act. and she is up with seniors, a demo that trump needs, seniors are the most reliable voting bloc and some of these swing states she is up double digits with seniors. there was an analysis, penn warden put out their budget
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model. trump's plan would add $5.8 trillion to the deficit, hers and only at $1.2 trillion. moody's has that he would cause a spike in inflation. a lot of that has to do with his immigration policy that would be coming in. also these tariffs which he keeps maintaining our aren't a tax on the consumers but we all know they are. j.d. vance, no economist -- actually come all of the economists say that. right now if you are listening to him, he is not making a cogent argument on the economy, he is saying on day one i will fix it all, which is certainly not a plan. it didn't work for him when he said i will fix it all with health care, and it's not working on the economy as well as he needs. >> jesse: moody's also said there was going to be no inflation at they were dead wrong p. >> jessica: okay, that invalidates everything i said. >> jesse: what the economists say. anecdotal evidence, jessica. >> jessica: get a golf cart at the villages to tell you. >> jesse: how dare you. they are watching right now p at hi, villages. >> jessica: a lot of them for
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kamala, but that was the advantage. >> jesse: up next, the border czar, le gets asked about this. the migrant gang who took over an apartment complex in colorado. ♪ ♪ after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ your memory is an amazing thing, but sometimes it can start to slow down. but did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp? the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. prevagen. in stores everywhere without a prescription.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: where is a border czar when you need one? terrifying new video shows a group of armed an apartment near denver, colorado, and a building reportedly controlled by dangers venezuelan migrant gangs. residence say it is too dangerous to say and the city's mayor says this is the only building that gangs control. >> every day when we come home, we have to do this, every time we go outside to take out the garbage.
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every time we try to go to bed at night we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> it's been a nightmare and i can't wait to get out of here. >> some buildings actually under the same ownership that have fall into these venezuelan gangs where i am trying to walk it back and do the investigation as to how, there is a concentration of venezuelans in these three buildings. >> greg: you know, jesse, they are now capturing and holding territory in america. venezuela. this is literally an invasion. it is no longer some kind of flowery use of language. if only somebody could have predicted this. some guy with orange hair. >> jesse: oh, i thought you were talking about me, but my hair is not orange. the department of -- this report, border patrol, look for recently released prison gang
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members from venezuela as a border. because the intelligence agency released these guys and they were traffic up here and there is no way to know what their records are because we don't have any diplomatic relationship with maduro. we let them -- i say we, the border czar lets them in and then they go to denver and denver, you know this, dana, is like the sex trafficking hub because you have i-70 and i-25. you can just go north, go south, east, west, just shoot women and children all over the united states very easily. and this gang is vicious. they are doing heroin. they are selling fentanyl. there trafficking in women and children. now they have had a task force rung up with the locals and the dea to try to crack down on some of these people, and as you saw people are terrified. i wish there was someone in charge of the border here that might be able to prevent this. >> greg: so are you happy, jessica? looking at the are you happy?
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>> jessica: all i see is joy. no, it's horrendous, and it's organized, which i think resonates with people a lot more than random incidents where you can say that was one bad apple, this isn't the kind of swings in election because your health and safety is your primary concern, plus putting food on the table. i imagine this will be a major topic of conversation peer i don't know if dana bash talk to vp harris and walz about this in the interview, but trump has a 14-point lead on immigration. it was higher than that but that is pretty substantial, and for republican voters and the right-leaning voters, immigration for them is the number to issue behind the economy, so it's obvious they going to be very salient, and i hope they can do something like that. i can't imagine living under those circumstances with those people walking around my apartment building. >> greg: judge, maybe they are just looking for asylum. >> judge jeanine: they are interested in jobs. these are good people.
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they are looking for jobs, they have families, they are not going to hurt us. this is what they protected, the old slippery slope. there going to come in and take american jobs. they said no, that will never happen. now we know most of the new jobs are being taken by illegals. and then they set our economy will be overrun. they said no, they will help the economy pure and meanwhile in denver alone you have this hospital that is in financial crisis because of all the illegal immigrants there, and by the way, denver has more illegals per capita than any other city which is kind of interesting. these people are not criminals, not on crimes and now tren de aragua under the biden administration and this woman the border czar come i don't care what you call it, she is the vice president, she keeps talking about prosecution experience appeared where were you when the last three and a half years getting the united states attorneys, the attorneys general, you talk about, i just rode it down, 5 minutes ago she talked about trafficking in guns and i took down the cartels, and i stood up
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for this, you didn't do crap as the vice president, you let this periphery, and by the way, when trump was president, he took care of ms-13 come i use t, kill someone in front of the gang and they want you killed. tren de aragua is even worse and they are like oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with us. resources in this country, nonprofits are going to the illegals. they are not going to the americans who are living in those apartment buildings. we are overrun. it is an invasion. they are criminals. it's got to stop. trump, when he gets elected, he better start with the gangs because he did it with ms-13 and he will do it again. >> greg: dana, you know, what bugs me is essentially the people that are responsible for the virtue signaling in sanctuary cities don't really care about this because it's not happening in their neighborhood. so they might look at this and
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go this is so unfortunate, but it is not going to change their view because it doesn't really affect them at their front door. >> dana: not happening on rehobeth beach in delaware. this is disgusting. think of how many blue state governors and blue city mayors have asked the biden administration to please help us, they didn't help them, couldn't even get a phone call. they march them to the white house, eric adams was going to go, instead he gets his place ransacked. now you have a situation that will last for years. the decision of the last three years, why elections matter so much, the decisions of the last three years, people are going ta long time. this is my hometown area. my dad lives right nearby. i used to go to the aurora mall all the time, spencer's gifts. go to claire's and get some earrings. things like that. but aurora and all of those people deserve a lot better, and i guess you are going to talk about rehoboth beach next so i will let you do that in the tees because i just saw. >> greg: thank you, dana
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appeared all right, coming up, beach bum biden sabotaging kamala's campaign? we will discuss next. ♪ ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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when we started feeding bogie the farmer's dog, he lost so much weight. pre-portioned packs makes it really easy to keep him lean and healthy. in the morning, he flies up the stairs and hops up on my bed. in the past, he would not have been able to do any of those things.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: nobody appreciated my music today. my music choice was brilliant today, everybody, somewhere on a beach. president biden is somewhere on a beach in delaware, as his ex campaigns staffers are causing drama for the vice president. tensions of competing factions, kamala loyalists, obama, and survivors of biden campaigns. jamming all of these folks into one office is causing confusion about who is in charge and what everyone is supposed to be doing. classic problem, greg. classic.
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>> greg: joe, is this a his tenth day? >> dana: at least. >> greg: here is what worries me. is he healthy enough so much vacation? i mean, he is taking on a lot of time off. he needs a vacation from all the vacation. take some time off from the time off. i'm just wondering, though, is it any difference from doing nothing on the beach versus doing nothing in the oval office? it's a fair question. i think, though, i'm wrong, because he did worse than nothing. he pretended he was doing nothing. he did worse. he let others do something under the guise of a congenial layabout. so he was the youth useless front man for a radical takeover appeared i wish he was doing nothing. now we just see it, he is doing nothing all the time, he's been doing nothing for four years and that everybody else run the s show. it's really a disgrace.
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>> dana: i can't sit on the beach that many days in a row. >> greg: it's true appeared trump mix the best choice. what kind of leader sleeps in public? such a perfect point. >> dana: summary days in a row i get it, . >> jesse: i'm going to say notsomething nice about joe bid, i like his beach outfit. the print shorts and the blue hat and the aviators. that is all the nice thing laurel as i'm ever going to say. >> dana: he has good style. >> greg: a lot of time to pick out clothes. >> jesse: he gave that speech from the oval office, for the next six months, i'm going to dedicate my entire life to being your president, and he took three weeks off. this is great. i think this might have been part of the deal from the coup. you have to get out of the way. you can remind the voters that kamala's your vp. you can't be out and about how she is tranter campaign. >> dana: he is out and about and the cameras on him the whole day. >> jesse: because he doesn't on a private beach.
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have a pool at your house. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: in california last week -- he was not on the beach. >> jesse: a donors house. >> jessica: without a beach. he had a pool. he is on vacation. i don't think it really matters that much. he'll be back after labor day. the election is coming. to the axios story about the turmoil within the campaign, i'm sure that there are feuding factions in there, but they have been pretty damn cohesive out in public. the tone of the campaign, kamala hq account, clear about who they are, huge departure from where the biden hq was, david cluff, stephanie cutter, seems to be going very well. >> dana: judge, the story in axios or might it be of the stories about other previous times in other, where they would have to do a makeover because remember the 45 staffers, managed terribly. >> judge jeanine: was 92% of her staffers.
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they said there is no clarity among the team, you've got biden's team, obama's team, kamala's team, to forget the added marc elias, the guy who was involved with the steele dossier. i think the lack of clarity with all of these competing teams is reflective of the candidate for whom there is the ultimate lack of clarity. and i might say i agree with you, jessica, the fact he is on vacation doesn't matter that much. because he is not running the joint. >> dana: all right, "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ detect this: living with hiv, craig learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: leo learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. what stupid things have you done as a kid? how that is matching a priceless artifact a curious 4-year-old accidentally knocking over a vase while at a museum in israel and shattering it to pieces. has anyone ever shattered, not a priceless artifact, greg, you are looking like maybe you did. >> greg: no, i don't see the problem here. if you don't want people to break stuff at a museum, don't display broken stuff. every time you go to a serious
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museum, there is statues with missing noses. there is an ear missing, maybe an arm. everything is broken or chipped, which means over centuries people have been knocking crap over since the beginning of time. israel should build an iron dome. >> jessica: in the museum? >> greg: and iron dome in the museum. >> jessica: jesse, are you for that? >> jesse: sure. as i was researching the segment diligently it turns out the israeli museum curator invited them back for a tour, said there is no need to apologize. >> jessica: that is so nice. >> jesse: it makes me realize how generous and polite the israelis are. and jewish people are as a people, jessica. and that is what i take away from this. >> jessica: that's nice because that includes me. >> jesse: it does. >> jessica: i am a jew. >> jesse: you were jewish? this whole time you've been jewish? >> jessica: in plain sight. dana? >> dana: i feel sorry for the
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parents but i don't understand how the museum could place something like this that is so nice and precious in a place where a child could reach it. >> jessica: judge? >> judge jeanine: 3500 years and how old is the kid? four? i mean, there are certain things that are a given. a 4-year-old and a 3500-year-old vase. but the truth is the museum was very classy about the whole thing. >> jessica: >> jessica: any sevens the classiest. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ for a limited time, subway just dropped the price of every footlong in the app to $6.99. wait, subway did what?! $6.99 footlongs? yep! says right here. $6.99 for any footlong. get this deal in the subway app now before it's too late.
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>> judge jeanine: all right. we're having a very hot discussion here but it's time for "one more thing." jessica. >> jessica: so the hat that scott j chevrolet was wearing the day he was arrested in louisville sold at charity auction for $3,275. he signed and donated the white nike hat benefiting the kid's
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cancer alliance. he will remember he was arrested may 17th outside of the golf club. officer said he disobeyed traffic orders. ended up not being the case. unlike all the 10 weeks or something, is he not only week not winning a tournament or having a baby. >> judge jeanine: and the charges were dropped. >> jessica: they were wrong. >> judge jeanine: greg? >> greg: tonight another great show with jamie lissow. kelley o'grady is going to be on the show. kat timpf, she is pregnant and tyrus. hey, let's do something new. greg's this is funny. you want to see something funny? so the guy is on a bike, see, and he is not paying attention. check it out. and a tree falls, right? guy on the bike. is he probably looking at his phone. ha ha. ha ha ha. so, anyway he passed away. >> judge jeanine: he did not. >> greg: in lieu of flowers.
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>> judge jeanine: he pass away? >> judge jeanine: no he isn't. >> greg: that's why it's funny. >> judge jeanine: does that mean he passed away in the ground? >> greg: passed away, judge. not coming back. >> judge jeanine: you are going to get sued. >> greg: no i'm not. that's why this is called this is funny. he's fine. >> judge jeanine: passed away. okay. shut up. all right. mlb superstar shohei ohtani had his dog decoy throw out the cutest first pitch have you ever seen at orioles vs. dodgers game tuesday night. there it is. yeah. >> they were talking about -- >> dana: did he bet on it? >> judge jeanine: that's it. talk about hitting it out of the court. great job. i will be on at 9:00. >> jesse: people say the most forgiving people are the bolivians. at love other people say it's
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the spanish. the spanish throw tomatoes at each other. it's 150 tons of tomatoes just chucking it as hard as possible. 22,000 people just doing. this the t he tomato festival. do you know how they get rid of it? they just hose it down, greg. they hose it all down. that's how they get rid of it, because the natural acid at this of the tomatoes. >> judge jeanine: put it in a pot and boil it. >> jesse: nice, try, judge. investigation, did kamala really work at mcdonald's. turns out she didn't. >> judge jeanine: okay, dana? >> dana: lady made bread on a flight. influencer. went to spain and made this video like viral or something and something. that's all i got. >> judge jeanine: what happened to the bread? >> dana: i think they ate it. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. have great night. >> bret: all right, judge. myster


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