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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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an end at some point and we believe that you will be left with your faith and that's what we put our foundation in, it's our firm foundation and we stand firmly and it and it was an amazing event top to bottom to see the fruit of it, the amount of people that came and more important even the multitude of people that came but the hearts that were affected by it. >> i only have about 15 seconds but were students receptive to this? it seemed they were. >> absolutely. god was very evidently speaking directly to the hearts of many people. on talking people crying in front of the baptisms. it was so powerful. >> i love this. you've inspired me, thank you so much and good luck on the game this weekend. we'll be watching and rooting for osu. that's it for tonight and for laura and graham that's it for this edition. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time, tonight.
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>> to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around the time. >> and now we why they've been hiding harris. >> i did the french fries and ice cream. i worked for mcdonald's, i was a student when i was working at mcdonald's. >> jesse: did kamala lie about working at mcdonald's? the primetime investigation. >> my friends we did it. we weren't just marking time, we made a difference. >> dennis quaid adjoins primetime. >> kamala harris finally doing an interview, will you be watching? >> how no. >> jesse: the biggest bubble in american history, it's what
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the wall street journal is calling the harris campaign. who doesn't love soap bubbles especially those giant ones that seem to get impossibly big, is so impressive but the question is can they keep it from popping for two months? democrats have one job, keep the harris bubble from hitting any hard surfaces. if it does, she pops up your today that hard surface was cnn. after a month running scared to, kamala did an interview and brought her babysitter. the media gave her questions ahead of time. a combined list of 38 questions that kamala might want to rehearse before hitting hard services. the campaign picked the lowest rated cable news channel to do the interview, hours before holiday weekend and on the same night as the college football key -- season kicks off. they don't want anyone to see what we are about to show you. >> why is it it live? it's not a live interview, it's an interview that's going to be taped and then edited and then put out. so that's not even an interview
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than she's doing it with her vice president saying that so she's not very smart, when you ask her question that she can't answer she will look at him. >> jesse: the trump campaign says the interview only lasted 18 minutes. we will see. but the shot was a mess. she looked small and hunched over on a table from officemax, squished in between dana bash and her chaperone who towers over her inside a backlit café with her bus looming out the window. not presidential. and with a month to prepare, and this is the best she could do. >> how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made, that you explain to some of here in your policy. is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information, you are running for president and a democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you are saying now is going to be your policy moving forward
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>> i think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. you mentioned the green new deal i've always believed, and i have worked on it, the climate crisis is real, it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the inflation reduction act. we have set goals for the united states of america and by extension the globe. around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example. that value has not changed up your chi value around what we need to do to secure our border has not changed. i spent two terms as the attorney general of california prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of american laws regarding the illegal passage of
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grunt -- guns, drugs and human beings across our border. >> jesse: cnn asked aloud why didn't she flip-flop on everything and she said no i didn't. cnn gave her options. maybe able to of this or because of that. intend. kamala denied changing her position on everything even though her campaign spent the last month saying she changed her position on everything. she just said i'm the same california socialist who ran for president as the most liberal member of the senate. her values haven't changed. first she said she prosecuted human beings crossing the border , then win she was running for president she said it's not illegal to cross the border. then win she was... and now that she's running for president she wants to build a wall? and her values haven't changed. okay. this is what she said on the green new deal with. she sponsored a bill so you won't be able to buy a gas
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powered car in 20 years. then her campaign says she doesn't believe that anymore even though that's what she did in the biden administration. then she makes a huge mistake and admits the inflation reduction act was really just the green new deal and says this it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. deadlines around time. what other kind of deadlines are there? and biden's green new deal which she cast the deciding vote to pass which jacked up inflation creates deadline around time for gas powered cars to be phased out. so she values getting rid of the car you drive. even though her campaign literally said yesterday she didn't want to do that. >> i think the... that she may have changed on something, they are comparing something that may have been four years ago with something
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that was four years later, the situation changed. >> jesse: let's keep in simple. and happy de i thursday. the situation changed because of what biden and harris did to the country. they open the border, it backfired and now harris wants to build a wall to get elected. >> they go three years and they say we are good to do this are that. the only good thing that she's done is flip-flopping, she's the greatest flip-flop or. she probably get sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a marxist, fascist. >> jesse: the campaign starting to leak. the biden campaign never leaked because it was a bunch of old friends from delaware who never talk to anybody but harris inherited the biden campaign, brought in her loyalists and then obama parachuted his people on top. there's three warring camps inside the campaign and none of
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them trust each other. there is serious tensions between obama world and biden world. the feeling inside of the frankenstein harris campaign, nobody knows who's the boss. the staff is confused and frustrated by having to defend her flip-flops and radical record. she's just as confused as her staff. >> he even called for termination of the united states supreme -- in the supreme land of our nation, the united states constitution. think about what that means. >> jesse: i don't know what that means and needed a sheep or cheese been cramming too hard for the debate and can't get her line straight. she went from barack obama to joe biden. in the democrat numbers guru says the odds have shifted back to trump as the favourite. imagine getting a month of adoring press coverage and your fresh off your convention with oprah and michelle and the numbers say you will lose?
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if trump got a month of the coverage kamala got, he would win new york, in california and hawaii. the fundamentals haven't changed, their ticket just got a facelift. americans now more than ever believe the american dream is out of reach and harris who presided over the disappearance of hope and dreams, is running against herself trying to fool you into thinking she had nothing to do with the last four years. the kamala campaign is an illusion of change, it only bamboozled people focused on race and gender. >> just very excited about moving forward and all the energy and excitement that surround this movement right now so that's why i'm here. it's time for change and it seems like it's happening. >> jesse: what's the difference between joe biden and kamala harris beside race and gender? that's the only change that happened here. sticking with the woman who
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crossed the american dream isn't change. >> we will bring back the american dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger wetter we love the american dream. you don't hear about the american dream. home is lost time you heard about the american dream, they don't talk about it. they copy everything else i do. they will be copying and seeing the american dream... >> jesse: a house, family, safe neighbourhood and a good salary that leaves you comfortable in retirement, it's out of reach for millions of americans after four years of biden harris. wende barack obama was a young student at harvard he said many americans aspired to be donald trump. euphemistically quoting the average american who thinks i may not be donald trump now but just you wait. if i don't make it, my children will. kamala harris is running against the american dream. the american dream is donald trump.
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here now national press secretary for the... it's been a month, they decided on cnn they had all month to think about how they were going to answer the flip-flopping, would you think of the interview? >> i it's pitiful that the democrat nominee for president of the united states dodges the press or 40 days, goes into a safe space for her first big sitdown interview, and can't do it alone, has to bring her male running mate with her win she's trying to be the first woman president of the united states, what message does that send to young women and girls across this great country? she takes questions for less than 20 minutes? president trump is going to take more questions tonight from voters at his town hall in wisconsin then she took today but kamala harris did say one thing that we agree with and you nailed it, her values haven't changed. she has a radical, dangerously liberal from san francisco who
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cannot be trusted to lead this country. she has been responsible for the failures that have created an inflation crisis, a border crisis, foreign policy crises, all around this world and a future with kamala harris will have a ban on fracking, ban on gasoline powered vehicles, free health care for illegal immigrants and open border where criminals are allowed to run free out of prison and she wants to take away our guns. she will turn this great country into an american nightmare and she confirmed that with this disastrous interview today. >> you mentioned the town hall that's going on any minute now and primetime is going to dip into that momentarily if we think it's necessary. we talked about kamala harris saying she didn't change her values, her values have stayed the same. she's basically denying she's changed her positions at all. why wouldn't you say listen, i'm a california lady, i did the california politics thing and then win i became a national
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person i realized california was a little out there and people laughed, it's a little nuts and maybe i evolved and it -- i saw things that... people would've believed that a little more than just this focus group values answer. >> she's been trying to do that with her staff. she's been sending anonymous staffers to speak to publications who are so gullible in his country and the mainstream media that she was saying she was flip-flopping on her positions and we called out their bluff period she hasn't flip-flopped on anything. she is the same radical liberal from san francisco that she's always been look at her record appeared she's not going to suddenly secure the border like she's saying in her advertisements she voted against the construction of president trump's wall when she was a senator. she halted construction of the border wall when she became vice president and she has always supported week on crime policies that allow criminals to run
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free. she's still going to support her elimination of cash bail when it to our economy, she doesn't even know how it works. she never has a picture want the government to take over on the economy, she's anti- capitalism, she's a socialist. look at her commonest press control plan to. it would lead to poverty and famine and homelessness in his country, this election isn't bitterly becoming a fight between freedom which president trump stands for, reviving the american dreams, protecting good paying jobs here at home, putting more money back into the pockets of hard-working americans versus communism at a full-blown government takeover. with four years of that and kamala harris and -- and the rains if we are not in a world war iii we look a lot like venezuela, cuba and the former soviet union. >> jesse: have a great weekend. >> former press secretary for jill biden, how do you think she
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did on the interview? >> she spun very well for her boss. nice plug-in for the events and she's doing her job very well. >> jesse: what about kamala, the thing we just saw. she basically said i haven't changed after her whole stops spent a whole month saying she changed everything. >> your point is that they didn't get caught changing their position, they came out and said is how she feels about things. that wasn't like she got caught in a flip-flopped, they were ahead of it. that's the smart thing to do but what i would've advised. >> jesse: what you mean they were ahead of that? [ simultaneous talking ] >> they no longer are supporting a ban on fracking. that's great. that helps her in pennsylvania maybe a little bit. i don't think any election in pennsylvania has ever been determined by fracking. >> jesse: what changed and why did she change. >> had i'd been advising her i
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would've said you join the biden administration, you joined the ticket, what'd the biden harris at ministration do? we unleashed 1.7 million acres of the gulf for drilling, we greenlighted the willow project in alaska. we are producing more crude oil every day than the record hit by don't trump in 2019 and. have done an incredible job at failing so it doesn't surprise me that she supports fracking now because we been doing it for four years. >> jesse: they put a lot of land out of the way so you can drill on it and they basically said we want to get rid of the internal combustion engine in 20 years. and you and i are not here to argue about that. she doesn't explain why, maybe she will later tonight. >> i don't have a problem with what you said she should say. i'm representing however, many people are from california, you represent red, blue, purple, all over the place.
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>> jesse: we shouldn't be saying these commonsense things because they will watch the show and then they say what we said. >> i don't think it's ever should be a subject of discussion, it's a process story which is the worst thing you can do. one of the things that the biden team did was they ignore the press and the problem with that is when you need the press, you lose goodwill, you lose trust, he had none of it by the and which is what really did him in. and every little thing you say is amplified and your mistakes are scrutinized even more and the pressure is really hard for her. >> jesse: she's following the biden playbook of hiding and then losing the trust they had with the press and then making every interview that they do huge because you never here from them. >> every little thing you say will be scrutinized and everything is unfair to do to her peer she should be establishing a cadence of
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talking to the press off-the-cuff people connect when you do make mistakes and mistakes are forgiven. the more president trump does is forgiven is because he does engage in the media so much. that was always the problem that i had with the biden approach to the media. they have two months left. don't fix was not broken, they are winning. >> you think they are winning. >> i think all the polls say they are winning. >> did you see my brilliant monologue? nate silver says trump is going to win the. >> i saw the predictive monologue. >> jesse: talk to you soon. >> thanks for having me. >> jesse: we will take you to trump's town hall in wisconsin that just got started. plus what do voters want to ask kamala? >> you know like she doesn't... if you could ask her a question, what would you ask her? >> i would ask how do you get your hair so nice?
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>> jesse: primes not -- content is not satisfied with the information that's been trickling out about the assassination attempt. we are being shut out. the fbi put up a couple of photos hoping we would be satisfied but we want to know everything. why is the fbi so confident he was working alone if they don't know his motive? they've interviewed 1000 people and scrubbed his accounts and say they have no idea why he shot trump? sounds like they will blackhole it like the las vegas shooters motive remember? or hide the motive like the trans shooters. why did they incinerate his body and hose off the roof days after the shooting? and why is the secret service and the fbi stonewalling congressional investigators? aren't we all on the same side? why would the fbi make it harder
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for congress to find out how a former president was almost assassinated. wisconsin senator ron johnson has been investigating the shooting. senator first of all thank you for doing this investigation, no one else is. maybe a couple people in the senate and the house but what have you found that we need to hear? >> first of all you laid out the obstruction. i've been doing oversight investigating of federal agencies for almost ten years and i know the tricks of the trade. kino exactly how they stonewall you and how they slow walk the investigation we've been requesting transcribed interviews. we've done less than 12 yet the fbi has done over 1000 and about a month ago asked them, when can we see the transcriptions, the 30 twos from this interview and he said he would look into it. we haven't got one of the 30
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twos from that. of the people that we've asked to interview, we've done less than 12 interviews. they are not the top request. we have yet to talk to the sniper who actually took out him. it's incredibly important to talk to the individual and what we've been doing and we released our updated timeline, that's the way you do investigation. you put things into a timeline and ours is down two seconds and it really turns into seconds right around the shooting time and that is how you build the case that how you find out exactly is this person, is his memory foggy, is he telling us the truth on these things. [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: the biden harris administration is preventing you guys from interviewing the sniper that took out crooks? >> we haven't talked to him yet. these interviews take hours so they are involved but one thing
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you need is you need documents before you do the interviews, they've been turning the documents over to minutes before the -- before they conduct the interviews, heavily redacted. they would be really nice to have that 30 twos from the fbi interviews. if you were designing it to create suspicion and drive in conspiracy theories, this is how you do it. >> jesse: what are they trying to hide? it's worse than won't asked mike when they don't cooperate. that someone -- when we suspect something was wrong. i know it was wrong but now i it's really wrong if you know what i mean. thank you so much. please keep up the good work. a vision -- vicious venezuelan migrant gang took over our call -- an apartment complex. they are going door-to-door terrorizing americans. christina coleman has the story.
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>> disturbing video shows a group of armed men going upstairs to an apartment complex including one carrying a long gun. they say men roam around this building brandishing guns and breaking into apartments and last month a bunch of cars were riddled with bullets there. one resident moved out yesterday showed how she uses multiple locks to keep these guys out. >> every day when we come home we have to do this every time we go outside to take out the garbage. every time we try to go to bed at night we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> looked like she had five locks there. some of the residents say the crime started after migrants moved in. fox news hasn't independently confirmed who the men are in this video. today the merit weighed in. >> there are several buildings under the same ownership that have fallen to these venezuelan
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gangs. i'm not going to surrender any part of the city to a criminal element. >> they have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the american citizens, the residents that are trapped in these apartment complexes. >> in southern california some migrants to -- tried to board school buses at the front bus stops two days in a row, upsetting parents. >> twenty illegal migrants tried to get on the bus today at one of our bus stops. >> we don't know who these people are, we don't know if they have any criminal history or what their background is. >> the local sheriff's department is investigating the situation and working with the school district to try and keep all those kids safe. >> jesse: thanks christina. fox news alert, trump holding a town hall in wisconsin that's moderated by former presidential candidate and a colleague of ours... i believe he's answering a
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question from a mother about illegal immigration, let's listen. >> there's been no job creation from them. the jobs were filled by illegal immigrants with all of that being said, i want to give you a very positive answer. we are good to win this election, we're going to turn this country around and become an unbelievable growth country and your boy is going to have the greatest job. you want to have a lot of choice with job. you want him to go up and they get up and they... i look forward to every day because we are going to make america great again so i really do look forward to it. we are going to create a lot of jobs, does he want to stay here or go to a different state or anything? someplace in the midwest but this is a good place to stay right? wisconsin. we will be creating term -- tremendous jobs for our country and we are turning away, we are
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going to be closing the border, really closing it. did you see? [ cheering and applause ] >> kamala was for defunding the police, she was for open borders, everything that you are not against. i could go through 14 different. she's changing every single one of them. in fact, i we should see the men in the red hat and the woman in the red had that says make america great again. we should give kamala a make america great again had right? [ cheering and applause ] >> but the problem is that's not her believe. her belief is open borders, her belief is getting rid of social security, her belief is still all of these plans for health insurance like -- where you have one big government run mess and if you have private plans a lot of people it have private plans, they are incredible plans. that's what they want but with her she wants to have, it's really a communist type of
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government and i just saw her say she was sitting behind a desk doing this interview and i said you can make yourself big tonight, all you have to do is be fair. i haven't seen the questions but they gave out a sample and she's going to be on later on tonight. we are doing it live, why are we doing it live and she's doing it taped? she was sitting behind that desk , this massive desk and she didn't look like a leader to me. i don't see her negotiating with president of china up your chi don't see here with kim jong un like we did. we're going going to have to see what happens. november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of this country. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> is to president, there are a lot of people who want to feel hopeful about our future, i want to introduce you to luc who was one of those people. >> hello mr president. >> a good-looking guy. >> thank you. i'm a junior here at the university of wisconsin lacrosse. lb voting for the first time in november, i'm researching each candidate and i have two questions for you. first as i've been living on my own, buying my own gas and groceries i've noticed that everything has become more expensive. for me i try to eat healthy and stay lean. a pound of meat has gone from four dollars to seven dollars. i also would like to buy a home someday but that seems impossible now. what's your plan to make life more affordable and bring down inflation for someone like me? >> thank you, very good. [ cheering and applause ] >> it's probably the question i get most. they say you have to vote with
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your stomach, i don't know if you've heard it but it's a little bit true and groceries and food has gone up at levels that nobody has ever seen before. we've never seen anything like it. you take a look at bacon in some of these products and some people don't eat bacon anymore. and we are going to get the energy prices down. me get energy down, this was caused by their horrible energy. they won't wind all over the place but when it doesn't blow we have a little problem. this was caused by energy, this was really caused by energy and also there unbelievable spending they are spending us out of wealth actually. they are taking our wealth away but it was from energy and they've started cutting way back we were in third place when i left, we were by far in first place, beating russia and saudi arabia and we were going to dominate to a level that we've never seen before and then we had a bad election. i'm supposed to be nice when i talk about the election because everybody's afraid to talk about
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it. please don't talk about the election, please. if you can't talk about a bad election, you really don't have a democracy if you think about it right? [ cheering and applause ] but what they did is they took back the oil production, the oil started going crazy and that started the inflation. then they went back and they said go back to where trump was. the problem is we would've been three times that level right now. we would've been so dominant over russia and saudi arabia. saudi arabia, russia, a lot of oil. we had something in alaska that i created. ronald reagan wanted, they all wanted it and i got it approved. the first week in office they turned it back, they said no it's the biggest sight possibly
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in the world, could be bigger than saudi arabia. we agree to become the energy capital of the world. we are going to pay down our debt and reduce your taxes further and you're groceries are going to come tumbling down and your interest rates are going to be tumbling down and then you're going to go out and buy a beautiful house okay? you will buy a beautiful house. that's called the american dream. the american dream. thank you. >> i want to ask you a question about national security but first i it's important to point out what loukus talking about. the cost of groceries, the cost of gas, the cost of housing and mortgages and rent. everything has gone up. and kamala harris' planet that she has announced his government price controls. i think it's important to touch on you just laid out your plan, what's going to happen if she institutes price controls? >> that's a communist plan.
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it's never worked and it's been tried by others. richard nixon tried it and a lot of people tried it. it's been tried many times and it always leads to the same failure, tremendous inflation, lack of product. you don't have anything, the stores are not stocked, it has never worked. they want control and you know, it's been so often and everybody that comes in they say it sounds great. actually win she announced it she got absolutely slaughtered by even democrats because it doesn't work. it's unknown loser so now she doesn't talk about it. you notice she doesn't talk about climate change anymore? she's not talking about it. you know why? people don't want to hear it. they want to live a good life. they want to live a life, they don't want to stop your industry with climate change. they used to call it different things, a local warming. that wasn't working because it was getting a little bit cooler so they said what we call it...
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they camo with the words climate change because that takes care of everything. climates changing but according to them, we're all all going to be gone in about 12 years, in about three years. we do have a problem though. it's climate change but a different kind of climate change it's called a nuclear global warming. we can say that's global warming and if we don't have a smart president, you have five nations now with pretty massive nuclear power, some have very massive including us and russia. and china is behind, way behind a boat within four or five years they will catch up and we don't want them to catch up. the biggest problem in my opinion, the biggest problem our country has, the biggest problem in the world has his nuclear weapons. and they are a destructive force , the likes of which nobody has ever seen before and we have to make sure they are never
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used. we have to make sure it's not going to happen. [ cheering and applause ] >> you are exactly right and you brought up ronald reagan already. ronald reagan famously said a nuclear war can never be one and should never be fought. i think it's interesting you talk about climate change, the democrats and kamala harris were quick to talk about how climate change is an existential threat but what they are not talking about is the existential threat of nuclear war and world war iii which is exactly where we sit today because of the warmongers and their puppets, joe biden and kamala harris. they don't want to talk about it because the consequence of where they have taken all of us, the american people in the world is economic hardship around the world, a destruction of our economic well-being and an annihilation of humanity, our families and our kids. >> jesse: that was donald
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trump doing a town hall in wisconsin with our former colleague tulsi gabbard answering questions about inflation, house prices. we even a little global warming at one point he said we're going to give her a hat because she keeps stealing all of our policies. we will go back to that later if news breaks. ever since they got busted for lying about being a head coach, inflating his military service and telling kamala he can't handle spice, there's been growing doubts about the campaign. tonight one of kamala's key elements to her biography has come into question and it's a big one. >> i want to ask a question about a topic that really unites america. fast food so here's the deal of. i heard a rumour that you worked at mcdonald's, is that true? >> i did. >> i worked registered, drive-through and grill, i was a triple threat for the record.
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>> i did fries. >> justifies? >> and then i did the cashier. >> a producer who used to work the kitchen says fries aren't hard, they are the easiest and kamala didn't even start talk about cooking fries until she decided to run for president. there's no mention of mcdonald's and both of her memoirs and so far all report is looking into it have found no evidence. a reporter at the washington free beacon who's been investigating the story. what if you find? >> her story about her job at mcdonald's has shifted dramatically over the past couple of weeks. i first her campaign came out and said that this was the job that she worked to pay her way threw college been out they say she worked there for one summer. she didn't mention it throughout the first several decades of her political career, made no mention of it in both her books including her 2019 memoir to which she devoted an entire
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chapter to the struggles of's service workers. several biographies published in the past years. not of which mention her job at mcdonald's. the author at one of those biographies told us that he was not aware of the claim. we obtained a job application that she filled out for a position in 1987 that instructed her to list every job that she had for the past ten years. mcdonald's is not mentioned in that job application or in her resume at that time. we reached out to mcdonald's corporate several times asking if you can confirm her employment, no response. we reached out to mcdonald's in the alameda area, none would say if kamala worked at their location. we reached out to the harris campaign asking can you specify which location in the county that she worked at and they won't answer. so it's possible that she did work at mcdonald's for a few weeks in the summer of 1983 but
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when you put all of this together it raises some very serious questions about what has become a foundational narrative that democrats aren't relying on to connect her to the working class. >> jesse: mcdonald's keeps pretty good records of their employees? >> they have a full-time arc of this on file. we pestered them for weeks and never got a response. >> jesse: they know everybody who's ever worked at mcdonald's and you gave them a month or couple weeks and maybe future president of the united states, something you want to brag about if you were mcdonald's, they didn't get back to you with anything. and you are right, and we are not saying she never worked at mcdonald's. we are just saying it doesn't smell right if there's no evidence anywhere. anything else you would like to add a? you do a really good job with this investigative reporting.
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>> a great comparison is the 2008 campaign. obama's first job as an ice cream scoop or at baskin-robbins. the difference within then and now is that there was no mystery at all surrounding obama's first job. news outlets published the address in honolulu on their websites. they posted photos of the location. they proudly touted that obama used to scoop ice cream for them and the manager of that location joked to the los angeles times in 2009 that she turned into someone that the media professional, after dealing with so many reporters... the same can't be said about harris. is nothing but mystery surrounding her claim. >> maybe it was burger king and she forgot. it's been a long time. thanks as always, keep up the great work. com allow finally sat down for an end view but voters are still up with questions, burning questions. what does america really want to ask kamala that they'd didn't or
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wouldn't? johnny went to find out. >> kamala harris finally doing an interview, will you be watching? >> no. >> i can't wait to see what she has to say. >> i don't think she's good to bring anything to the table that's any different than the nonsense we are hearing day in and day out. >> she's been missing for a while. >> since she started running for president, what have you heard? >> she's emotionally damaged. >> she's an obama puppet. >> she's pro- abortion. >> for now. >> she flip-flops on all the issues. >> okay. >> membership in the cheese of the month club and the stick of the month club and copy of vegetarian times. >> she has done an interview in over a month, why is she so afraid of the press? >> i don't think she's afraid of
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the press so much as she is not prepared. >> the handlers are afraid of what's going to come out of her mouth. >> i don't think she's not sharing her platform. >> what is her platform than? >> i don't know... >> this interview was taking place on cnn to, do you think they will ask for the tough questions? >> she's a female so they will go easily on her. >> it since you are journalist if you come face-to-face with kamala what would you ask her? >> the question has to be where you bid and what you going to do? >> what are you going to do for the hood? >> go into detail on any of your policies. >> i would ask how do you get your hair so nice. >> what you love about being married to a jewish man? >> buckle up on a really bad driver.
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>> she's bringing her vp pick to set on the interview with her, what was the last time you brought someone to set him on a job interview with you? >> they are on the same ticket and they have the same views... >> she needs someone to help her out. she's a smart lady, i think that there is a method behind the madness. >> should she do a fox news interview? >> sure why not. >> she should come super prepared because you guys are... >> if you can't handle questions from fox news how was she going to base vladimir putin? >> i like you. >> she has a hole,.
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>> you know the thing. >> it she might not do fox news but you just did so what do you want to tell jesse watters? >> that was fun. >> so maybe she should do the show after all. >> jesse i'm not with her. >> jesse: trump is in the final battle and he's channeling his inner ronald reagan to fix the mess. >> stand there in the polling place and make a decision. i think when you make that decision might be... are you better off then you were four years ago? if you don't think that this was that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us fall over the next four, then i could suggest another choice. >> a president trump, he will make america great. >> both washington outsiders trump and ragan, strong communicators with a little
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splash of charisma. by didn't didn't have those qualities so he got shipped to the bhp or she's copying trump any chance she gets, it started with the camo hats than white dudes for harris was created couple of plays later the game is changed. the democrats have transitioned into freedom loving football watching flag-waving patriots and the media is helping them. calling her dnc the new party of reagan. are people going to buy this? dennis quaid plates ronald reagan in his new movie and he is here. what you learned by playing ronald reagan that makes you understand why so many politicians and now democrats want to emulate him? >> i found that he was actually a humble man. he wasn't a rich man either. of the great communicator. he transcended politics,
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democrat forward 40 years and a republican for the next 40 but he governed and lived his life by principles. which transcend politics and sometimes you make difficult decisions based on those principles they are going to get you through. >> you want to transcend politics, you never want to be a politician. you want to be an american and he was an american in so many ways wasn't he? >> he really was and he devoted fighting communism, he was a -- i would call a hawk but it took a cold warrior like him to be able to come to the negotiating table with the soviets and then he could be pragmatic, he could have a relationship with them instead of -- we were made fun of i think a little bit. we were to kumbaya during carter and his administration.
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can't we just befriend type of thing and carter did a great job of egypt and israel but the soviets, not so good. >> jesse: you mentioned him being the cold warrior, here's a little taste for the audience. >> general secretary gorbachev if you seek peace, if you seek liberalization and change, here to this... open this gate. >> mr gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> jesse: that forceful
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delivery and direct, not a threat but almost in order. you have that but there is so much optimism there and you can almost see donald trump in the last week or so being more optimistic, have you noticed that? >> i have because it's tough... the issues and where we are going to go with that. the issues around this election are so similar to the 1980 election between carter and reagan. inflation was out of control, we had hostages in the middle east, we have hostages in the gaza strip that nobody talks about them, i wish they would appear we were being told that we were a nation in decline, carter even , the mentioned that we were malays and ragan said no. we are not going this way and we followed them and look what happened, we won the cold war,
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our economy became roaring back. you people felt good about america and it's that optimism that's infectious. they talk about joy and everything but where is the platform behind that? it's not a platform. >> the american dream is a platform we just heard donald trump mention several times in the last 24 hours so if you want to be infected by optimism and real joy, go see ragan and that's out tomorrow. >> tomorrow at a theatre near you. >> dennis quaid everybody, thank you so much. president ragan. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: more primetime ahead.
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[ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: happy anniversary per to my amazing appearance, and andy steve, doctor waters and missus waters. the love each other so much, 54 years together, what a spectacular feat khaki keep it up love you guys pick as do some texts. gill from massachusetts, i was going to watch the kamala harris interview but i changed my position. [ chuckling ] at tim from hudson, north carolina. if kamala harris worked the ice cream machine at a mcdonald's that explains why it's always a broken. think of the fries are hard? that ice cream machine... nancy from munro, michigan, i knew kamala harris was not serving those patties at mcdonald's per russ from oklahoma city, is our raegan today with a fellow veteran, thank you to dennis quaid for an emotional ride. that will be good and it may be
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i was see it over the labor day weekend. holly from arizona guy don't shame your stopper for wearing lifts, men are just insecure. you know i think it's important if a man is insecurity and where lifts to shame them so they can stand at their normal height of brick shape from south carolina, sc you are my screensaver, is that weird? my husband is no, not weird at all! stare into that screen and basking my glow. watch the show to, we don't get a rating if he just stared that's going. that is all for us tonight, i will be going on a small assignment soon so just prepare, but i will have something to back when i return for my assignment. i'm watters, and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean:


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