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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 30, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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lowe's knows when you need a new appliance, you want it at the right price. and right now you can save big on the latest whirlpool appliances. like the new whirlpool range with wipeclean™ coating that makes it easy to focus more on the cooking... and less on the mess. shop lowe's now for great labor day deals. life doesn't stop for a cold. honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime,
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coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. louis! okay everybody, that's lunch! (♪) mud mask? (♪) ♪ >> rachel: well, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's friday, august 30th, and this is "fox & friends." it's a flip flop fallout. kamala harris defends her changing positions in her first interview since becoming the democratic nominee for president. watch. >> that i would not ban fracking as vice president i did not ban fracking. as president i will not ban fracking. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. [applause]
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>> rachel: how do pennsylvania voters feel about that? we will talk to j.d. vance coming up. >> lawrence: the "new york times" reveals biden senate allies help push him out of the race. the demand they made before he dropped out. >> steve: it is a crazy one. and it is friday, and today is the last, the final all-american summer concert series for summer 2024. and justin moore and randy houser are going to perform live. they are already lined up around the corner and down the street for the all-american summer concert series. guys will be on that stage. >> lawrence: is this our last one? >> steve: last one. this is the summer concert series. kind of the end of the summer is not with the calendar just with labor day. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> steve: all right. we have been waiting for it first official interview since becoming the democrat presidential nominee. kamala harris promising a new way forward despite her role as
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vice president for the last three and a half years. >> rachel: hairs is facing criticism by having running mate tim walz by her side. her campaign insists she will do a solo interview. >> lawrence: the vice president defending he her policy on climate and the border while struggling to lay out her day one agenda. >> first and foremost, one of my highest priorities is to do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class. when i look at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the american people, i think that people are ready for a new way forward. day one, it's going to be about one, implementing my plan for what i call an opportunity economy. i have already laid out a number of proposals in that regard. which include what we're going to do to bring down the cost of every day goods. what we're going to do to invest in america's small businesses.
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what we are going to do to invest in families. i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020. that i would not ban fracking. as vice president i did not ban fracking, as president i will not ban fracking. i believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. >> i think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. my value around what we need to do to secure our border, that value has not changed. i spent two terms a the attorney general of california, prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of american laws regarding the passage -- illegal passage of guns, drugs and human beings across our border. my values have not changed. so that is the reality of it. lawyer. >> lawrence: this is the question every politician gets.
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what are you going to do on day one? i mean, i'm not just talking about the presidency, senate candidates, what do you do on day one? what shy gave us was a dream. likes a if she had control of congress. they had a bill ready for her on day one, not what she plans on doing from a ceremonial standpoint, those bills that they are going to sign once she is sworn. in and it just shows you when it documents preparation. she is not prepared for even what she is going to do on day one. how can we trust a four year administration? >> rachel: donald trump was asked that question see had very clear orders executive orders he would sign. she also did not do a good john when dana bash went back and asked her well a lot of people will say why haven't you done this already? you are the vice president? she didn't have a lot to say there. she also flip flopped, you guys on a very important topic for a very important state called pennsylvania. so here she is talking about fracking. >> steve: these are some of the
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things that we would refer to as flip-flops. but last night she referred to them as, you know what? i still have the same values. for instance, in 2019. >> and we played a moment ago. that soundbite when she was running in the primary. she endorsed a nationwide ban on oil and gas fracking. we know that now, the campaign has come out and said she does not support a total ban on fracking. and then when it comes to the border, in 201, when asked which candidates believe crossing the border without documentation should be a civil offense, kamala harris raised her hand. however, today, kamala harris' campaign, now that she is running for president, says quite simply, unauthorized border crossings are illegal. certainly, with those two topics right there. i think we saw a preview of the presidential debate when it comes to fracking. and when this comes to the border. because, she was unequivocal last night. she said as president, i will not ban fracking. and she talked a little bit
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about the inflation reduction act, which she broke the tie in the senate, actually expanned fracking leases. when it comes to the topic of the border, we heard this a million times. she talked about how she as president would sign the bipartisan border bill, once it got through the house and the senate. and she told the story about how the former president saw that it would probably help joe biden and said hey, guys, on the republican side. let's not pass that. >> rachel: dig into that bill that bill is really about more money going to ngos to make the processing of more illegals over the border quicker, so the press isn't seeing everything that's happening. >> lawrence: the cap with the crossing fake crap. still catch and release as well. back with the fracking thing. she doesn't explain the change of position. so, madam vice president, you cast that vote. why did you do that? is that just because you were vice president? and you were carrying out what the commander-in-chief joe biden
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says? but, madame president, vice president, you going to be in the chair. or at least you hope to be in the chair. so do you go back to your original position in 2019? that follow-up is critical. because, it's a difference when you're the vice president and you have to work or cabinet member and you work within the system. your job is to serve at the pleasure of the president. and it looks like that her positions, her gut instinct is to be much more progressive. >> rachel: no question. you had lara trump on earlier in the show. and you got her reaction, so here that is. it feels like kamala harris is running for junior class president, versus president of the united states. did you go the no specifics whatsoever. and there was not a moment that i watched that interview and i as an american citizen felt competent that this is a person who understands the job as president of the united states. has a true plan of action to do
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anything for america. could negotiate with the world leaders on behalf of me as a citizen of this country. and i think it's kind of what we have come to expect from kamala harris. >> rachel: junior class president. maybe that's why she was talking to the band class the other day at the high school. >> lawrence: talking down to them you mean? >> rachel: like they were kindergartenerrers. >> steve: got to figure they went to a school because he was a teacher and coach. tim walz is good at smiling and nodding. we thought if she got into a word salad problem he would jump in. as it turns out last night lawrence you refer to it as a lay-up question what are you going to do on day one. dana bash asked that, question. clarifies did not answer it. so danna asked her again you didn't answer my question. what would you say? listen, you only got like 20 minutes. you are not going to waste a lot of time she turned to tim walz
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what are you going to do on the first day he didn't answer it either. >> rachel: she should have stayed with kamala. what you see here, too. you see those hearings in congress where the witness just needs to like fill up the time for the five minutes. >> lawrence: just monologue. >> rachel: that's what i found out was happening. she was talking slowly, using as many words as possible. but it was intentional to fill up the time because she knew this was only going to be a 20-some minute interview. >> lawrence: also to that point, rachel, walz, the governor, couldn't save himself. there was a moment there where he had to explain while he went out publicly and talked about his military service, and the ivf and all that and to just say it's grammatical errors. >> steve: he was able to work in the fact his wife is an english teacher. >> lawrence: i didn't find it cute. did i not. you had how many days to come up with an explanation to why you lied to the american people and you let down a lot of troops.
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people will accept an apology. but he didn't even provide that. >> rachel: no. >> steve: they were very risk averse. and what -- danna bash asked the questions we he wanted answers to. they just gave as innocuous an answer as they possibly could. as i said earlier, i think it is -- if i'm the trump campaign, i just got a little view of how they are going to answer fracking and how they are going to answer the border. and we're going to talk to senator j.d. vance who is running for vice president, let's see about 49 minutes from right now right here on the fox news channel. >> rachel: he also got a preview of what it is going to be like going against tim walz in that debate. >> lawrence: that's a good point. kamala harris has no covering up biden's fitness for office. >> rachel: "new york times" reveals shocking new details how president biden's own senate allies helped you pushed him out of the race.
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>> steve: rich edson is in a rainy rehoboth beach, delaware today. and, rich, who knew jack reed, senator jack reed played such pivotal role in squeezing out the president. >> yeah. not really an outspoken senator, not known for that but he let ld this off this meeting with ended one chuck schumer pressing president biden to get out of race. amazing report from the "new york times." first back to that interview last night. as you mentioned no major policy departures from the current administration. no regrets from vice president kamala harris on sticking by president biden when these calls were growing to get biden out of the race. >> not at all. i have served with president biden for almost four years now. and i will tell you, it's one of the greatest honors of my career. and i have spent hours upon hours with him be it in the oval office on or about the situation room. he has the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and
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disposition that i think the american people rightly deserve in their president. >> harris said generally it's time to turn the page on the last decade. she said when biden called to tell her that he was stepping aside she responded are you sure? this interview follows new report not guilty "new york times" that pressure from senate democrats was more pivotal factor in getting biden to drop out than previously known. you mentioned it, steve, senator jack reed reportedly said to stay in the race, biden would need an independent neurological exam with public results. the "times" tells the closed door meeting july 11th among senate democrats that convinced the senate majority leader chuck schumer to press biden to leave the race. john fetterman tried to rally democrats to support biden at the meeting. he asked senators for a show of hands of those particular something with the president only two went up. senators chris coons and tammy
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duckworth. trump campaign has responded to that harris interview said 16 minutes she didn't mention america's crime crisis. also says that over several minute she's barely addressed the border and economy. back to you. >> steve: so, rich, the extraordinary thing about this senate meeting, that you talked about where jack reed said okay. and joe biden wasn't there. it was his taupe advisers. he said listen we will get behind joe. he has to have cognitive press conference and have these people answer our questions. and they obviously decided we don't want that to happen. because, they never told joe biden. the advisers went back, they never told joe biden what the senator said. >> yeah in this report too it says when senator chuck schumer the senate majority leader went to address this with biden, that he was almost taken aback. >> lawrence: of course he was.
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>> senate conference was this against his running, was the thought that this isn't something that should happen again. real disconnect. and this was right after the president had sent that note to congress saying hey, guys, stop the talk. i'm running. >> steve: it's raining in rehoboth today. how many people have you seen head out to the beach other than the bidens? >> a brave soul walking a small dog across the street is about all we have seen today. >> steve: slow day in rehoboth. thank you, sir. >> lawrence: i'm not letting this story go. they just lie and lie. so apparently it's just like what we thought. everyone was talking behind the president's back about his mental cognitive state. but no one was willing to go and tell the president. kamala harris did the same thing again. in a national interview, we all saw what happened on the debate stage. if you have been watching fox news. have you seen it for three and a half years. the decline of the president. i do remember that the white house got very upset with you at
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one time because you said that someone wasn't patriotic for letting the american people. last week we had a cabinet secretary come on our program and lie again about it. the vice president just lied about it. and it's insulting to the american people, because we all have loved ones that have gone through this. we don't have to be doctors to know what's going on here. and everyone is acting like, none of this happened. incredible. >> rachel: given an opportunity to tell the truth. and now we know she is not going to tell the truth. rach. >> lawrence: no, no. >> steve: he has been protected by the family and by his advisers. the advisers were in the room with the senators. they said he has got to go. they never told him. >> lawrence: so cruel. >> rachel: president on the beach all week. >> steve: not today it's raining. watching cable, i know. >> rachel: probably watching the price is right. >> rachel: i was on it, actually. i will tell you about it later. >> steve: did you make it to the showcase? >> rachel: i made it to the
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wheel. we will talk about it later. [laughter] you are making me lose my thought. >> steve: i'm sorry. >> rachel: here's the deal. the real question is who is running our government? >> steve: right. >> rachel: i guess our government runs on autopilot. >> steve: jill biden. >> rachel: probably obama. this show runs by todd. todd is running it. >> steve: todd who? parents in southern california are afraid to send their kids to schooling after a group of migrants tried to stop and board a school bus that was loaded with kids inside. >> rachel: this is terrifying and todd piro has nor on that scary situation. >> i'm not running the show or running the country. this is terrifying. officials say a group of around 20 illegal migrants attempted to border a school bus, picking up elementary students. elm tri students in southern california on wednesday. this happened right near the u.s.-mexico border. just 24 hours before a smaller
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group of suspected migrants tried to get on another school bus in the same district. parents, of course, on high alert. >> 20 illegal migrants tried to get on a bus today out of one of our bus stops. it's just scary that these kids are put into this situation. >> we don't know who these people are we don't know if they have any criminal history, what their background is. >> todd: parents at the stop made sure the students got onto the bus safely and that no others boarded. the schooling district superintendent saying in a letter to parents that all bus drivers will be skipping over the stops where migrants are nearby. quote: police stay vigilant and if a bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop. it's horrible that it's come to that congressman darrell issa who represents the district is now calling for action, saying, quote: this is a direct result of the intentional biden-harris open border and all of the terrible consequences they have delivered upon the nation. now, the district has reported
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the case to the california highway patrol. san diego county sheriff's department and u.s. border patrol. i think we all agree this cannot -- cannot happen in america. >> steve: you know, thank you very much, todd. between those images of the venezuela presumed venezuelan gang going into that apartment dom plex. >> rachel: they took over the complex. they are charging rent. >> steve: i heard a story last night. it sounds like they have taken over a number of -- essentially they have become the managers at some of these places. you pair that with this thing where it's like okay, stop the school bus. we're hopping on. it's like where -- what happens going on? >> lawrence: they were warned that this potentially could happen in the country. and everyone that said it was going to happen this way, they were told that they were racist. even though the majority of the people that are screaming that this is a problem are latin americans. hispanic americans in the country that says they're living in our neighborhoods. this is going to be a problem for our community. but, all of that was dismissed.
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>> rachel: you just see how brazen and bold they are getting. totally emboldened and getting a message from our government that he they're not seeing anything in colorado. the governor is blaming the city council for bringing attention to it saying you are smearing the city. you are making us look bad. police don't want to do anything. the governor doesn't want to do anything. everyone wants to pretend like it's not happening. and that's why -- >> steve: because those images say the entire story. if we just told you the story, you would be like yeah, whatever. to see it with the long guns going in, that's just nuts. >> rachel: to see what happened with this bus. all right. well we are going to turn now to some headlines. idaho judge is bryan kohberger's hearing after defense shows social media post on the moscow murders. lawyers arguing a mob mentality against him in the county. the lawyers saying their survey found potential jurors saying that they would, quote, burned
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the courthouse down if kohberger is acquitted. tension authorities rescuing a young couple and infant child after they became stranded while hiking on a mountain. the family ran out of water and started experiencing signs of heat exhaustion after hiking for nine miles. officials performing an airlift rescue operation to transport them down the mountain where the family received medical care. their current conditions have not been revealed. and finally, the winners of the 2024 u.s.a. mullet championships were announced yesterday. pete hegseth was not in the running for this. >> steve: this is the kids division. >> rachel: kids division. 6-year-old camden cunningham the commander champion in kid's category after receiving 2200 votes. camden will be award add custom championship belt a go proaction
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camera. and, get this: $5,000 in cash. >> lawrence: i like his energy. that's something i would do with my shave. >> rachel: i like it. >> lawrence: we should interview him. >> steve: we had him on. >> rachel: would you do the mullet? >> lawrence: i don't care i have the right hair. a little curly. those shades. this is a kid that knows himself. right? >> steve: a future billy ray cyrus. >> rachel: no self-esteem problems among any of these people. >> steve: all right. thank you very much for the mullet news. >> rachel: you know. >> steve: don't go anywhere on this friday. j.d. vance is coming up here on the into i day "fox & friends." >> rachel: colorado's governor is dismissing venezuelan gang fears as local officials imagination. we will talk to the leaders sounding the alarm, next. >> lawrence: i guess these aren't real people. ♪
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police officer is dead and two others hurt after they were shot while responding to an incident overnight. chanley painter has the story. good morning, chanley. >> hey, lawrence, dallas police confirming three officers were shot in the line of duty around 10:00 p.m. last night. they say the officers responding to an officer in distress call
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near cliff community center found the officer shot in a marked patrol car. they exchanged gunfire with an armed suspect at the scene where two more officers were shot. as of right now, one is in stable condition. one in critical condition. and one officer is dead. after the shootout, the suspect fled the scene, leading officers on high-speed chase. the pursuit ended in louisville. according to police, when the suspect exited the vehicle he had a long gun. officers fired at the suspect killing him. >> our department is hurting, we have officers who are injured, who are in the hospital, and we lost one of our own. >> the two wounded police officers was reported with reportedly life-threatening injuries were taken to separate injuries. while the officer who passed away taken to methodist hospital. video shows honor guard lining the hospital entrance. saluting and paying respects to the fallen officer in what appears to be family escorted into the building.
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squad cars also lined the block leading to the hospital with their emergency lights flashing. the democrats p.d. says flags at all city facilities will be flown at half-staff as the department mourns the locals of one of its own, lawrence? >> lawrence: thanks, chanley, praying for my hometown this morning. terrifying footage from an apartment complex in aurora, colorado, that residents say has been overrun by armed venezuelan gang members. watch. >> it's been a nightmare and i can't wait to get out of here. every day when we come home, we have to do this. every time we go outside to take out the garbage, every time we try to go to bed at night, we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> we tried reaching out to the resources but they told us since it wasn't an actual condemned issue we would have to wait for that but we didn't want to wait for that. >> lawrence: unbelievable. governor of colorado gerald polis attacking the local council wen danielle who as she
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stands up for the residents. calling it all her imagination. she joins us alongside the former head of ice in the denver region who is also running for congress. john fav tore. thank you very much for joining the program. council woman, we will go to you first. did you make all this up? was this an ai video? >> i can't believe this is the stuff i am reading. i absolutely did not make any of this up. i love that is how our governor has quickly rushed in to say that that's the actual problem here. the actual problem here are his weak policies that have turned this state into a breeding ground for this gang activity. >> lawrence: before i get -- i want to back to you council
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women. this is not the only apartment complex. this is hang in other areas as women is that true? >> that's absolutely true. i currently know of, including the one that you see there in the film, i currently know of four others that's just in aurora. i do believe that there are some in denver, denver police officers are starting to speak out. but, of course, i do not represent denver. i just represent aurora. >> lawrence: so, john, let's go to you. this is your experience although you are running for congress. you used to run ice in the area. the ice spoke folks are telling me look, we would love to arrest them but we can't communicate with the local police because it's a sanctuary city. >> yeah, look. that's absolutely it. sanctuary policy in colorado. it's a sanctuary state. so, while council woman junior ski is very awesome and tough on the council pushed back on sanctuary passed a law in 2019,
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keeps all county officers from cooperating with ice. these are the kind of situations that we now see. this is horrifying. this should not be happening in the united states. >> lawrence: residents are outraged by. this are you the lone voice on the city council or are you getting some support? >> i definitely have some support. i think, you know, there have been several things since taking office i quickly built up my platform. i have been very vocal. i am by far the most vocal. i think usually, you know, things catch more publicly when i say them. but i do have some support on the council. and i'm very happy that ever since the this video footage has now come out a couple days ago the mayor is now coming out and telling the truth about these gangs taking over complexes i'm very happy about that. john, i'm hearing a lot of talk about task force.
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on the ground said says we don't need a task force. we need to be able too do our job. we know who the people are unleash the cuffs and we can arrest them turn them over to ice and get them deported is that true? >> we need a broken window strategy. we he need to be arresting these guys for the smallest crimes they are committing. putting them in jail figuring out who they are. we don't know who they are. came across the border. probably light lid vetted probably have criminal back grounds in venezuela. we don't share background information with venezuela. we need to start putting boots on the ground and arresting theist guys for shooting up cars. all the asawments they are committing we need figure this out and get fund control. >> lawrence: unbelievable turning an american city. great city. love the area. into a little venezuelan, little country there where they are able to just carry the gun harass residents. i hope they get ahold of this real fast. council woman, thanks for being the voice on this and john, thank you for your service. good luck in rush hour race. >> thank you.
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>> lawrence: unbelievable. so trump is set to rally voters in pennsylvania today where the cost of the iconic wawa hogie is up three bucks since he was in office. the role of inflation in the keystone state. plus, j.d. vance joins us live on "fox & friends." ♪ we're all in the same boat ♪ fishing in the same hole ♪ the time goes ♪ money, too ♪ trying to fix the broke cars y ♪ou wishing on the same stars. and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test.
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in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ♪ >> steve: well, former president donald trump making his way back to pennsylvania today rallying voters in that all-important battleground state. the latest fox news poll shows trump and harris neck and neck. look at that. 49-49. something that pollster nate
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silver says could be a problem for the vice president. silver warning, quote: if she is only tied in pennsylvania now, during what should be one of her stronger polling periods, that implies being a slight underdog in november here to weigh in is co-founder and chairman alex castellanos. >> good morning. >> we heard kamala harris yesterday, i think she was giving a speech -- time all blends together but between 5:00 and 7:00 in savannah. she said we are the underdog. what do you think about the state of the race right now in pennsylvania? >> well, i think nate silver is right. look, she had a tremendous launch at the convention. a month of add la tore media conch. hiding from the press she didn't reach the velocity. she put together the democratic coalition that joe biden had let fall apart great shoe seems to
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be doing well, tied, because people don't know who she is. she is a blank slate americans. we are very optimistic people. we are projecting a lot of our hopes and desires for something better on that blank screen. but she is beginning to fill that in. we are beginning to see that well, maybe she is not quite up to this job. i think we saw a lot of that in that cnn -- well interview? maybe -- i don't think it was even her first interview. it was just a really a campaign ad. >> an infomercial you might say. >> so for the people in pennsylvania. the number one issue just like across the country is the cost of stuff. everything costs so much. and so we got something that are unique to pennsylvania. alex, the 6-inch short hoagie from wawa which started in pennsylvania has gone up three bucks in the last since they
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took office. we have got the plain cheese steak from john's pork roast. it's up about 3 bucks. we have got the pittsburgher and cheese from the pro-monty burgers up about 3 bucks. a one day ticket to hershey park which my kids grew up going to and we love it up about 20 bucks a cold beer at a filly's game has gone up about a dollar 69 not getting cheaper to live in kamala harris' america. and not in pennsylvania where manufacturing has declined. where people are really hurting. and what is her answer to all of that? she supported all the policy that produced the -- and spends that produced all the inflation we have. now she is against those policies. so, you can't be a homemaker in the morning and a home wrerk at
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night and say you haven't changed your values. >> steve: right. >> that was her explanation for all these policy changes. she is trying to run away from the inflation she has produced. she is trying to say that oh, she is going to be the change for a nation of people who are out there hurting when she caused the problems that are making them hurt right now. so not a very productive interview. i think that's why nate silver is right. her glide path now. the more we get to know her. i think the less popular she is going to be because any exposure is overexposure for a candidate when there is not much there there. >> steve: alex, i want to get your opinion of the opinions of other people who saw exactly the same interview we did. watch this. >> she was very connected to her words. she seemed strong. she seemed competent. she seemed like someone who could be president of the united states. >> i mean, she is brilliant in her answers on both those questions. the first question about her values haven't changed and she
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does what's right on all these hiciousz. >> and she answered every question. now, you might not like the way she answered them but she answered them as a capable, qualified leader. >> she said, look, i ultimately said this is what i was going to do. i kept my word, and i will keep my word again. i thought that was the strongest argument she could put forward. >> steve: so that's what is going on on some of the other channels. alex, what do you think about their analysis of the analysis. >> isn't it remarkable the two different kamala harris america is seeing the one we saw last night, you know, talked about the time and deadlines on time which are the best kind of deadlines to have, of course. the one the media saw she answered every question. you would think that's the minimum after 30 days of prep that a candidate could do. walz was there to hold her hand and walk her across the street on her first day of school. >> steve: there you go. alex cast alan knows, thank you
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very much. have a nice holiday weekend. all right. it is 16 inins now burst top of the hour check in with adam klotz outside he has a counsel hat on to protect him from the rain is everybody is n. a good mood now? [cheers] >> adam: got the t-shirt, happy birthday it's your birthday. >> 71. >> adam: his birthday yesterday. happy birthday to you. [cheers] >> adam: another one back here. another happy birthday. everyone is having a great time. the rain has ended here. that's great news. a little good birthday gift. not the case anywhere. die in across the country. rain going to slow down travel before it's all said and done. rainy across the gulf coast. rainy up across the west. big travel concerns. a lot of people traveling here today, the next couple of days, slowing down at airports across the midwest and across the plains or the gulf coast. over here, i just took a couple steps over to the right, because
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the mclemores are here. we are eating. welcome back. been a great summer. i just wanted to the take a moment and say thanks to fox news, "fox & friends." it is an honor and pleasure the mclemore boys to be culinary experts for "fox & friends" and cook for all 15 concert series. we have done 45 concerts now. i do what i love with my father. it's an absolute pleasure and blessing. >> we want to thank everybody who helps you do what we do. master built, lanes barbecue. majestic pickles by mount olive. wonder bread, gather and grill cookbook. we could not do it. >> we love what we do. >> we brought the entire family behind us. [cheers and applause] >> let's go! >> justin moore and randy houser, guys. >> adam: i love they are here because i get to eat. >> steve: check out their cookbook gather and grill. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: thanks, guys. we'll be out shortly. meantime, here in the studio, two country hit makers are
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joining forces for an epic tour. justin moore and randy houser are here for the all-american summer concert series. the last one of summer 2024. how are you be randy? ♪osio ♪ ♪ to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients. try pronamel mouthwash. with chase freedom unlimited, you can cashback 3% on dining including take-out. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel.
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tour together, how does this moment feel? >> it's awesome. we were just kind of talking, i think we have known each other for like 20 years. and you came out right before i, i think, as far as artistry. and but we did a bunch of shows together like radio stuff over the years and became buddies and i always had the follow -- to follow -- you did an acoustics
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show where you did this one sings a song and this one sings a song. country music. >> you wrote his first single. >> i wrote his first failure. [laughter] >> steve: you have written a lot of hits. you broke trace adkins honky donk. >> that was the fest song i ever had roared job and family jobs and dallas jameson wrote it. crazy story about hanging out at the wild horse saloon in nashville and watching this big girl try to line dance. >> how much time do you guys spend at saloons? >> how much time did you spend in one last time. >> a little more time than i should have probably. >> rachel: like right off the
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beer -- >> it's part of the creative process. [laughter] >> we have our buses so that kind of becomes your own. >> steve: designated driver. >> saloon. >> someone besides us. >> lawrence: do you like to write or do you prefer singing? i write the song first and i know who is going to sing the song or do you specifically tailor it. >> i think anymore i don't really try to write for other people. it's so time consuming. i just kind of -- i mean, i have a little studio at my house. and i just go down there and just pray that god is going to give me something. and just. >> lawrence: it just happens? >> yeah, and it happens sometimes. and sometimes i wonder if he is still there. [laughter] >> we need to write that. >> rachel: on tour. now it's different. you talk about the younger days. now y'all have families. how did that work out as you are on tour? >> i mean, i think you have to
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just make the most of the time you have at home, obviously. i mean,. >> it is different. it's tough. for the first -- this week, i was in -- i did a private show in cape cod. first time -- and my wife and i have a 5-year-old and almost 2-year-old. first time she has left our boys since we have been -- since we have had kids. so we just had two nights together alone for the first time since we had kids. >> that's a rarity. >> and it is. it was amazing. but it's it's tough. you got the girls. it's a tough balance and missing our kids and all those things pretty bad. >> steve: we are looking forward to seeing the two of you sing together. they are going to be touring the country starting next week. >> we don't know if we know the songs though. take it easy on us. >> we have been inserted -- >> steve: justin, do you a radio show. do you want to read this plug right here? >> sure. my new album, this is my dirt,
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featuring this guy randy houser is out october 11th. and for tickets to our tour, go to justin moore >> rachel: well done. [cheers] >> lawrence: stay tuned. >> get outside. go do some singing. >> thank you so much. ♪ protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower
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