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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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other, flipping out each other very quickly. >> and you and i were talking about something that changed recently means they will be better information given to prospective students. >> so a lot of these schools are embedded in urban areas that have high crime. we talked about the migrant crime, other crimes. one of the ways parents can keep an eye on this before you go to school or students is something called the cleary report. it comes out of legislation. every school has to publish crimes that occurred on campus. it's not entirely accurate. the bottom line is you get a pretty good snapshot of your kids going off to school what you may be getting into, you should look it up. >> thank you for that, you can download at fox crime and whatever you listen to podcasts. thank you for watching today and now here is "america reports." >> i've heard criticism of some folks saying things, this is imaginary beard i can tell you
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the people in this apartment complex, the people of aurora, t imaginary peer migrant crime from this apartment complex involving a home invasion burglary, kidnapping, theft, the real things, real people being impacted. >> it is unreal. residents tell me they feel they are living in a third world country at this point. they are going block by block. they are going apartment complex by apartment complex. they are taking it over. >> you've got venezuelan gang members who have gone into an apartment complex, pushed out property management, and now they are intimidating the tenants there to pay them. >> john: officials in aurora, colorado, describing how venezuelan gang members are preying on residents of apartment complexes and taking over entire properties and there is growing concern that the restart of a controversial biden-harris migrant parole program could make the problem
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much worse. so as we head into this labor day weekend, a lot of people are worried. hello, i'm john roberts in washington. sandra, good to be with you pure. >> sandra: good to be with you and we are covering it. i'm sandra smith in new york. this is between nine. programs allows tens of thousands of migrants to bypass normal protocols to fly into the country. suspended in july after an internal audit revealed rampant fraud but yesterday dhs officials announced it will resume with additional vetting procedures. >> john: they say they fixed it. but that is doing little to assure people who fear migrants from troubled countries like venezuela are entering the united states. republican california commerce men darrell issa will join us with moments on this. >> sandra: the latest falls in his district. we begin our coverage with william la jeunesse. he is live out of los angeles covering that for us. hi, william. >> hey, sandra. a lot of this did start when the biden-harris team essentially opens the border, with
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apprehensions of migrants from those four countries -- cuba, haiti, nicaragua, venezuela -- went from 17,000 in 2020 to 600,000 in 2022. but rather than see them continue to overwhelm the border, the administration created that chnv program to bring the migrants in on planes and through the ports of entry and provide them with something called humanitarian parole. now it suspended the program in july because of widespread fraud. migrants were lying on their applications, sponsors were using fraudulent identities, including dead people, and traffickers were demanding payment from those they sponsored. >> the other issue with venezuela is, of course, it is a socialist government that doesn't have diplomatic relations with the united states so there is no way for the united states government to vet any of these individuals before they get here. >> now we are seeing the results, migrant crime in
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new york, chicago, denver, around the country, as many of those migrants are graduates of a venezuelan prison gang known as tren de aragua. the mayor in aurora and other local leaders are blaming the federal government. >> this has led to a situation where these criminal elements have been, you know, they just feel like they can do whatever they want because they know they are not going to get deported and they are just going to get released from jail. >> they are patrolling these complexes with guns. they go in. they beat up the staff. they hold guns to their heads. staff please. >> so colorado's governor jared polis says this is all part of a "misinformation campaign" that aurora officials are imagining the problem. the local d.a. says the governor is wrong. now homeland security, as you guys mentioned, says they have worked out the kinks in the chnv program. others tell me the problem is the u.s. is turning back migrants at the border, they haven't stopped coming through
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the darien gap, mexico is flooded with migrants, and they are tired of it and asking the united states to reinstitute this program to relieve the pressure. back to you guys. >> sandra: william la jeunesse live out of l.a. covering that for us beard william, thank you. john? >> john: sandra, another migrant story rattling a california community, an investigation found no crimes were committed when migrant groups try to get on board school buses in the school district. the parents are still on high alert. let's bring in republican california congressman darrell issa who represents the district where these incidents happened. you mentioned this in your x platform yesterday, yesterday you said "illegals are now trying to force their way onto our kids school buses." as i said an investigation found there is no legal activity but this is every parent's nightmare. kids on a school bus, they give them over to the custody of the school board and then strangers try to get on the bus.
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>> you know, john, only in this alternate reality we are facing here in california and in america would someone say that if you try to get out of a school bus, it is illegal, but if somebody illegally entering the country trying to get on a school bus, -- let's set the legal and illegal aside. the fact is it is another example of what happens when you have uncontrolled borders, what happens when you say to the world, come in, ignore the fact you are coming in legally because you are going to be paroled into the country, given public support. it is going to be wonderful, and it is not going to matter whether you are a criminal in your home country, whether you have any means of support, or whether you are going to come into this country for nefarious reasons, you are welcome. that is what this administration has done. it's what vice president harris was supposed to find the cause of. well, she found the causes beard the cause is the biden-harris
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and administration. >> sandra: congressman, thank you so much for joining us. this is sandra here in new york. we had a father on yesterday, jeremy adams, he has a son who goes to that school. he wasn't directly involved in this particular bus incident but he is terrified, he said this. >> at the end of the day, we don't know if these migrants are illegal or aliens who could be human traffickers, sex traffickers, whether they got on the bus and overpowered the driver, we just don't know. >> sandra: bottom line, they are strangers. they are strangers. and that is the point. this puts those kids at risk. so what is being done right now, congressman, to protect these kids have just gone back to school? >> well, i have communicated with our district attorney and with our sheriff to let them know that those actions are illegal in the state, not withstanding somebody else's opinion, and that we need to
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have that level of protection. the school district is going to be, if necessary, adding an additional adult on the bus to help control that. but look, the only health we are going to get is to change the direction that we had. i represent over 80 miles of the mexican border. we are the busiest region in the entire country as far as migrants, and we are getting the worst of the worst and the most unaccounted. we cannot that china, venezuela, cuba, and the list goes on, syria, yet under this administration, all are welcome, in some cases, flown in at taxpayers expense. >> john: when the interim at the very least the school district is saying if there is a gathering of what looked to be migrants, at a school bus stop, the boss is not going to stop there to drop off kids, it's going to go to the next bus stop down the road and the parents who have been waiting at the intended bus stop for the kids up to get in their cars, chase the bus down state route
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94 which is a narrow 2-lane piece of road, and chase after the bus. there has to be something better than that that they can do. >> we are going to be working with the school district. nicole, another constituent who was on earlier, did have a son on that bus, and yes, she is very concerned. in some cases, these bus stops, the children walk home a short distance from them. so the parents have not routinely needed to be there in an automobile. so the fix is not the right fix. the right fix is, in fact, these individuals, illegally in the country, need to be rounded up. under this administration, they are welcome to come in the country, but they are not welcome to try to get onto school buses. they are not welcome to congregate inside the state. unlike texas, where they would have been arrested, in california, we are just trying to get them to be moved away from their and taken away by the
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federal authorities. they are spending our tax dollars right now to relocate those people appeared i wish i wasn't having to look for a bade solution, but that's a lot of where we are under this administration. you know, next week we are going to have chairman jordan, going to be in here holding a border-related field hearing. that field hearing is going to deal with two areas. obviously the criminal element related to illegal immigration, and particularly the growth of fentanyl coming in through our borders p or we have the largest fentanyl locker in the country, with just one years worth of seizures, which is about 47,000 pounds or about 1% of what probably came over the border. >> sandra: congressman, that is obviously huge and growing concern in this country. quick final question on the details of this particular matter at hand, was there a camera on these buses? are we going to see any video of this? we know so many school buses do
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have cameras now. >> we do have that in california, it's a requirement. one of the challenges is we haven't set them up to look outward for people trying to get on the bus. but we are going to work to make sure at least this hole in the dike is patched so children in my district and others of the state will be safe. but it is not going to change the fact that once they get off the bus, they are in peril right now because there were criminal gangs, as you said, aurora, what do you call it, colorado, you know, right, you know, you see the effects of when these criminals begin to do their process. my district will be no exception. if they are doing it in colorado, you know of course we are going to have similar situations here in greater san diego. >> john: we do know you are holding a community meeting about this in jamul tomorrow, we look forward to hearing what
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happens there. thank you for joining us. >> thanks, john. thanks, sandra. >> john: now this. >> they have the same values. what have you changed your mind on literally every topic you previous they held an opinion on? if you look at the way kamala harris has governed, she has governed is a far left person. she is just trying to pretend she is not far left now. it is really absurd for kamala harris to sit there and say well, i don't actually believe in any of the things i told you. >> sandra: vice president harris denying a change in her values during her first major interview. it aired last night but her opponents are quick to point out her recent flip-flops on her stances, particularly on the border and fracking. team coverage with doug schoen and charlie hurt on her shifting policies and ari fleischer on the potential motives behind those changes. but first let's get to senior white house correspondent jacqui heinrich pure cheese live at the white house for us, so jacqui, what did we hear from harris? >> the vice president says search values have not changed,
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but on the border, 2019, illegal border crosses should be decriminalized and treated as a civil matter. now the campaign tells fox harris' view is the same as the administrations, that unauthorized crossings are illegal and "the vice president's positions have been shaped by three years of effective governance as part of the biden-harris administration." but asked to articulate that last night, harris gave no specifics. >> i believe there should be consequences. we have laws that have to be followed and enforced. that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. and there should be conse consequences. >> of course there can also be consequences for civil offenses, so a lot of space in that answer. but even this morning a campaign spokesperson kept it pretty loose. >> she talked a little bit about immigration, but i think, you know, the average american who might have sort of been tuning into the campaign but tuned into that interview last night, i
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think what they learned is that number one, she is always putting the american people first. >> despite countless times harris has said trump's border wall doesn't make anyone safer, the campaign is arguing that democrats have always supported border barriers as part of a comprehensive fix to the immigration system with other things like pathways to citizenship. but we couldn't find any examples that were more recent than the late '90s or the early 2000s, and the campaign has not answered whether harris would support additional border barriers as she continued to use trump's border wall imagery in her campaign ads. she's also gone through quite an evolution on fracking. in 2019 she said she was in favor of banning it, and in 2020 when she became biden's running mate all of her answers were that joe biden does not want a fracking ban and therefore it won't happen. she was pinned down about that last night and asked where did you change your mind? what evidence? she basically said she now believes that you can achieve a
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clean energy economy without a fracking ban but she also wants to stick to timetables on things like carbon emissions and back in 2020 she had a pitch on that, for instance, that would have banned gas-powered cars by 2035. so there are a lot of details that still need a little more meat on the bones, sandra. >> sandra: many agree with that. jacqui heinrich, thank you very much for your john? >> john: sander, one of the doctors charged in connection with matthew perry's death set to appear in court soon. what he is telling prosecutors just ahead. plus this. >> day one is going to be about one, implement and my plan for like: opportunity economy. my agenda includes what we need to do to bring on the price of groceries, for example dealing with an issue like price gouging peered. >> sandra: vice president harris doubling down on price controls but what about bidenomics? charlie gasparino and andy pozner will dig in. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga,
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>> day one, it's going to be about, one, implement and my plan for why: opportunity economy appeared i have already laid out a number of proposals in that regard which include bringing down the cost of everyday goods, what we are going to do to invest in america's small businesses, invest in families. my agenda includes what we are going to do to bring down the price of groceries, for example dealing with an issue like price gouging. >> john: vice president kamala harris doubling down on her price control plan while defending the biden administration's economic record as good work. many families are still struggling to make ends meet. andy pozner and charlie gasparino will join us in a few moments, but first we go live to fox business' kelly severity. she is in the michigan state fair today. kelly, what are fairgoers telling you?
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>> hi, john. there is a lot to talk about. this is the oldest state fair in the country. the state fair has a lot of highs and lows over the course of the nation. people are telling me it is not a simple decision to bring the whole family to the fair. at $42 a ticket, it's unclear how much you'll really be spending. the biggest draw is of course the food. on a hot day like this, something we have learned, the price of lemonade here has increased $2 because gloves, lemons, sugar, cups, everything across-the-board has increased in price for the business, and fairgoers are also feeling that pinch, as well. take a listen. >> maybe not going to go to disney world or any of those places. they are going to go to your local fairs and festivals. though for us, we are doing okay. >> food prices are 20% to 30% up. your housing prices are unbelievable. >> my wallet feels it, for sure. >> they decided they wanted to
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do everything. >> all for me was to have fun peered we got that. >> i'm going to show you how to make a lemonade. watch me do it. this is $12. it was $10 call went up a couple of dollars. all the vendors across-the-board told me they have seen the prices increase. spending increased ever so slightly in july. back to you. >> john: kelly severity for us. having fun with of the machines at the michigan state fair, nothing like that. kelly, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: i just want to know what a $12 lemonade tastes like. all right, for more on this let's bring in andy pozner, fellow at the heritage foundation, and charlie gasparino, author of the book "go woke go broke," maybe it is "buy lemonade, go broke." that is incredible. >> better have some vodka in that.
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[laughter] >> and good vodka. not the bottom shelf stuff. >> sandra: all righty, charlie, happy friday. let's dig into what we heard last night. what struck me is how she sort of owned bidenomics at the same time moved away from it, doubled down on price controls, make some more sense of this. this is more from harris last night. >> you maintain bidenomics is a success. >> i maintain that when we do the work of bringing down prescription medication for the american people, when we do what we did in the first year of being in office, to extend the child tax credit so that we cut child poverty in america by 50%, when we do what we have done to invest in the american people and bringing manufacturing back to the united states, what we have done to improve the supply chain so we are not relying on foreign governments to supply american families with their basic needs, i'll say that is
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good work. >> sandra: there was also the mentioned that they brought down inflation, when inflation is twice what it was when they took office. charlie, did any of that sit well with you, that they have been doing good work? >> well, they -- are they the federal reserve? the federal reserve and biden created inflation through spending monetary and fiscal policy. and it was just the federal reserve that brought down the rate of inflation. prices are still high peered in terms of substance, you know, listen. they are obviously just trying to get through the next, what, two months, so without doing anything substantively so they can address it before the election because in terms of substance she did not articulate really anything of substance. i was looking for a position may be different than biden. i was looking for detail on exactly what she was doing. a lot of rhetoric, a lot of hot air. you know, i'm not a cnn basher,
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i have friends over there appeared that interview -- dana bash did a horrendous job. you know, pinning her down. on the stuff. >> sandra: there seemed to be this embrace of bidenomics, but also she is running away from it. andy, you tell us what you thought. i don't, where was the acknowledgment that people are paying 25% more for their grocery prices, going to make the economy her priority day one, reminder, you are currently the sitting vice president. you have been at the helm of this economic peril for years now. >> i think her plan is to try to get on both sides of every issue she possibly can get on both sides of. she wants to take credit for anything good that happens during the biden-harris administration, and she wants to blame trump or blames nobody else or come up with some ill-defined solution to anything she things people perceive as not having gone right, as she
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tries to adopt president trump's policies as if they are her own. she acts like he is the incumbent and she is the insurgent when it is just the opposite. there is no acknowledgment of the problems that americans are facing. she claims they brought inflation down, they did bring it down from the heights they drove it to but still haven't brought it anywhere near where it was when -- >> ante, at the risk of incurring the ire of donald trup because the last time i got into it with you i was called a never trumper, but they didn't bring down inflation. they brought it up. they had nothing to do with combating inflation. it was the federal reserve that raised interest rates, that is pushing us into a recession, that got -- >> sandra: that was necessary because the white house ignored the inflation for so long. >> my bigger point is, sandra, she is just so obtrusive and borderline illiterate on basic
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economics. >> sandra: i saw you tweet -- >> let's, look, the reason the fed had to go in and raise interest rates was because there was such unadulterated spending after the two bills come of the american rescue plan -- >> sandra: she wasn't asked about that. real quick -- >> she was the tie-breaking vote to. >> sandra: and that is fact. real quick, before you go, fracking. here is what she said, real quick thought out of this. >> no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that i would not been tracking as vice president, i did not ban fracking. as president, i will not ban fracking. >> sandra: flashback to harris in 2019, her stance then. >> will you commit to implement in a federal ban on fracking your first day in office, adding the united states to the list of countries who have banned this devastated and practice? >> there is no question i am in favor of banning fracking. >> sandra: how can you have
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such a complete different take? and he come i will give you a final thought. charlie, as well. andy first. >> what we know is if she becomes president she will do everything she can to cut back on fossil fuels production to reduce america's major source of energy and a real driver of the economy. she has been opposed to that. she set her values haven't changed. one of those values is there is huge support for this green energy plan which will devastate the economy, devastate middle and working-class families. look, this opportunity economy, she's got to come up with some specifics. can't just keep talking -- >> sounds good. >> like an eighth grader giving a book report and didn't read the book. >> sandra: charlie? >> you know, sandra, you can't -- she embraces the green agenda, right, she basically said i want to go to carbon neutral and we want a timetable. i've written a whole book about the green agenda through esg, environmental social governments
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investing, you can't do that unless you ban fracking. that shows you just how economically borderline illiterate she really is. >> sandra: all right, thank you for your takes on that. everybody seems to have a different view of what happened last night but was it enough for her to keep up the might of she's got? that's another big question, as well. thanks for joining us and we will see if there is any nice notes for you, charlie appeared andy, thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> john: sandra, dr. charged with matthew perry's death will appear in court. how he is expected to plea coming up. plus this. >> i think people are ready for a new way forward. in a way that generations of americans have been fueled by hope and by optimism. >> sandra: vice president harris promising a new beginning while still defending the biden administration, so how will that strategy sit with voters?
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doug schoen and charlie hurt will tackle that next.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: so one of the doctors charged in connection of matthew perry's death is to appear in court today after reaching a plea deal. dr. mark tevez is the third person to plead guilty in the aftermath of the "friends" stars deadly overdose last october. jonathan hunt is live on this from l.a. for us. hi, jonathan. >> hi, sandra. one of a network of doctors and dealers according to prosecutor preyed on matthew perry's history of addiction. he is expected to become the third person in this case to plead guilty following the death of the friend star who was found facedown in a hot tub in his ho. the medical examiner ruled academy was the primary cause of death. perry had been using it in a legal but off label treatment for depression but wanted more than his doctor would give him and dr. mark chavez was one of
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those who allegedly help supply him. chavez was asked by another doctor, salvador plasencia, to help get the ketamine. chavez has admitted he did so, getting it through submitting a fraudulent prescription, selling it to plasencia for $4500, according to prosecutors plasencia had texted chavez saying "i wonder how much this moron will pay." dr. plasencia pleaded not guilty and remains one of the main targets of the investigation along with jazzing saying, known as the ketamine queen. dr. chavez meantime enters his guilty plea in court could still face up to ten years in prison when it comes to sentencing. sandra? >> sandra: jonathan hunt live out of l.a. thank you. john? >> john: vice president kamala harris, promising a new way forward despite heaping praise on the administration she have served in for the last three and a half years, the
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democratic nominee offering vague answers on policy during her first campaign interview that the same time defending her record. let's bring our panel. doug schoen, former clinton advisor and pollster. charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor. in terms of moving into a new era, here is what the price president said, listen. >> when i look at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the american pe people, i think people are ready for a new way forward. in a way that generations of americans have been fueled by hope and by optimism. >> john: saw a new ad this morning, she says instead of focusing on the politics of the past we need to be focused on the future, but doug, she is the politics of the past. >> and she wants you to forget that. her campaign is daresay an artful effort to distance herself from the biden administration which she is,
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of course, still part, and i thought her rhetoric as political rhetoric was very good. the real challenge now is can donald trump and the republicans challenge it in a way that raises credibility? frankly, john come have just not been successful raised against vice president harris to date. bottom line, she's gotten away with pivoting away from the administration, all the while taking credit for his accomplishments. >> john: charlie, should kind of challenge itself because let's take a look at the flip-flops from her policies in 2019. she has changed on the ev mandate come abandoned that, the border wall, decriminalizing border crosses, mandatory gun buybacks, fracking, and offshore drilling. yet she said in that interview my values haven't changed. >> yeah, on any one of these things, you would think it would become a major issue in a
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campaign where the press would really go after her. she did succeed last night in not doing any damage, i think, but the reason she didn't do any damage is because she really didn't get pressed on any of these issues that she should have gotten pressed on, and i think that any normal candidate who probably wasn't running against donald trump, i think the press would be a little bit tougher with her, and press her on these things. obviously she wants to talk about a new way forward and she is trying to go over the fact she is part of the f past, but n terms of her policy prescriptions, she is so vague and she has introduced this new slogan about hope and optimism, which is a little bit different from their other new one, which is hope and joy, equally ridiculous, and meaningless. all of it is a departure from hope and change, which of course democrats were very fond of just a few years ago, but she can't
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talk about hope and change because change would be not her. >> john: tim walz got asked about his tendency to embellish his past, particularly this idea that he carried weapons of war in war. listen to what he said. >> i said we were talking about come in this case, this was after a school shooting, the ideas of carrying these weapons of war. my wife told me my grammar is not always correct. >> john: the claim was more than bad grammar. that was an outright falsehood. >> that's right. it was an outright falsehood. he's gotten away with it so far. the republicans again have not been successful in undermining his credibility in the way that i think the democrats have been with j.d. vance, certainly, at
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the start of his campaign. charlie is right. the media hasn't been able to do its job or hasn't wanted to, but candidly, the trump campaign has not done its job in raising questions about vice president harris and vice presidential candidate tim walz. bottom line, the narrow lead that harris has is a result of her getting away with, i think, political -- what was the word you used, charlie? >> john: what do you think of that, charlie? trump unveiling a policy on ivf yesterday, saying private insurance should pay for it or the government should pay for it, is bound to upset some conservative support, but it is a good answer to the democrats and where they are, but in terms of the trump campaign bringing to light and focusing on
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kamala harris' obvious problems, doug says they are falling short of it. what do you think? >> you know, this goes to the heart of the lot of the complaints that both democrats and republicans have about donald trump. a lot of people in politics get the vapors every time donald trump puts a fine point on these things and starts attacking his opponents, but the reason he has to do it is because the press isn't doing it the way they should be doing it, and that's the way they are going to have to do it. he is going to have to c call of these inconsistencies himself. and i'm sure people will be very, they will get very upset and call him mean when he does. >> john: as they always do. charlie, doug, thank you for joining us pure hope you have a great weekend. don't labor too hard. sandra? >> sandra: the homelessness crisis is destroying l.a. businesses and now an iconic deli could be forced to close up
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shop after seven decades. the deli owner will be joining us live. plus this. >> i have been doing oversight investigating and federal agencies were almost ten years now. i know the tricks of the trade. i know exactly how they stonewall you and how they slow walk the investigation. >> john: wisconsin senator ron johnson accusing the fbi of hindering the bipartisan probe into the attended assassination of former president trump. what is going on at the bureau? former fbi special agent nicole parker is up next.
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>> we have yet to talk to the sniper who actually took out crooks. they have been turning the documents over to us literally minutes before conducting interviews, have heavily redacted.
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if you were designing an investigation to recreate suspicion and drive conspiracy theories, this is exactly how you do it. >> sandra: . >> sandra: all right, wisconsin republican sena senator ron johnson telling fox the fbi and secret service are stonewalling a bipartisan senate investigation into the attempted assassination of former president donald trump appear let's bring in nicole parker, a former fbi special agent and fox news contributor. what do you think of that allegation that they are stonewalling, nicole? >> sandra, i am not completely shocked by that, having worked at the fbi they are possessive of the information they have and they see themselves as the primary investigators and lawmakers we will get to it when we can and get it to you when we can. i can understand why lawmakers are pushing them. wouldn't it be nice if we had a law enforcement like the fbi that we trusted? the reputation is so tarnished,
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multiple investigations by multiple bodies and task forces because the trust is not there and that is sad. that is really sad for the fbi that they cannot be trusted enough that they have to do their own investigation. >> john: so nicole here is what the fbi is saying about all of this. in a statement to fox news, "any suggestion the fbi is interfering in congressional attempt to look into the assassination attempt in butler, pennsylvania, is inaccurate and unfounded. the fbi has been working closely with our law enforcement partners to conduct a thorough investigation into the shooting, and we have followed normal procedures in the handling the crime scene and the evidence." what do you say to that? >> and i would expect nothing less from the fbi. that sums like a cookie-cutter standard statement that you would expect. and i do agree with senator johnson, what they are doing and pressing the fbi, but something would like to bring to the bureau's attention, there are resources the fbi has that frankly lawmakers do not have the for example, the behavioral analysis unit. everyone is talking about motive, they want to understand the motive. there was a motive to this event
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july 13th. absolutely there was a motive. there is not a clear motive identified at this time but my guess is the profilers are focusing on the grievance first and they want to understand the preoffensive behaviors of the shooter and try to match his preoffense behaviors kinetically as well as his digital footprint and see how that plays out. the important part to note is there are individuals that are working clearly really hard at the fbi right now, but they are understaffed. there are four behavioral analysis units, four different units where they are working. there are about 20 active profilers at the fbi. so if you consider there's about 12,000 to 13,000 agents, there is not very many. you look at the profiler being tasked to do this, they are expected to go through all of this information, artifacts, metadata, it takes time here i worked at the b.a. you add complex violent crimes with them, and it does take a lot of time. there are profilers highly trained on here and forensic fronts that can take those artifacts and convert them into
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a behavioral context to give you a clear picture of the motive and the grievance. >> sandra: yeah, nicole, obviously, final question is whether or not secret service is in a position to keep everybody safe, as we are now weeks out from a major presidential election, and they are insisting that to be the case. in fact, the u.s. secret service says that now that the dod is providing assistance following the offensive july july 13th, they altered their protective operations in order to ensure the highest levels of safety and security. so we obviously hope that is the case and they can keep everybody safe. quick final thought on that, nicole? >> that is really not normal for dod to step in and assist secret service, usually hsi or diplomatic secured he services so that is very, very different but they are so understaffed right now, the secret service agents are leaving in droves, do not have proper support they needs, this incident just showing vulnerabilities and cracks, unfortunately. >> john: think of the campaign
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that lies ahead. nicole, great to see you. millions of americans expected to travel this labor day weekend. fox business' jeff flock on why so many are choosing to hit the road. that is coming up next. [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god. what? the host is coming back. (♪) [birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm... ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off.
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>> john: picture of ocean beach in san diego. labor day travel in full swing as millions of americans head to the airport or hit the highway. fox business is jeff flock is live on the pennsylvania turnpike because jeff is always in motion. jeff, one thing that is a little cheaper this year compared to last is gas pure and how much? >> yeah, good question, john. you say i am always in motion, unless i am in a traffic jam. you look out the front window, you see is not moving very fast through philadelphia right now. yeah, the cost of gas, that is a good thing, especially if you're sitting there idling and burning gas, not going anywhere. take a look at the numbers, this time last year, labor day, about $3.81 for a gallon of regular, and i was of a $3.55, getting almost a 50-cent break there.
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and overall it is not just gas prices but travel overall according to aaa down 2% this year, 2% cheaper by both air and on the ground this labor day holiday, so good news there. well, the bad news come of course, more people are traveling come up about 9%. let me explain the scenes you see outside this vehicle. not pretty getting out of the cities to the beach or wherever you are going, john. >> john: let's hope for good weather. it's a little gray out there. jeff flock on interstate for us, thank you. >> sandra: always love to hear from jeff. former president trump is set to speak soon in pennsylvania as polls show a very close contest they are. what will it take to put him ahead of vp harris? ari fleischer is here on this friday afternoon to wait in next. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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