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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> sandra: all right a live look at johnstown, pennsylvania, where former president trump will be rallying his base this afternoon as the fight for the must-win state intensifies. they are already there, john, that rally is not going to be underway until about 4:30, so they have quite a ways to go. welcome back. i'm sandra smith in new york and happy friday to you, john. >> john: oh, we are finally here, the last one of the summer season. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." the two campaigns stepping up their presence in pennsylvania, today marking president trump's fourth visit to the state this month, vice president will be there next week with president biden for their first joint event since she became the democratic nominee. this is the race for the white house continues to narrow. the latest fox news poll shows a virtual tie in the keystone state and the candidates economic pitches could decide the winner. >> sandra: we have fox news team coverage for you. ari fleischer joins us in moments. grady trimble covering the economic agenda laid out in harris' new interview.
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we begin at bryan llenas live in johnstown, pennsylvania. bryan, the crowd growing there. how was the trump campaign responding to this new interview so far? >> sandra, this crowd like at many trump rallies since early this morning. former president trump at his running mate j.d. vance are really zeroing in on a key phrase that vice president kamala harris said, and that is that her values have not changed. the trump campaign pouncing on that phrase, using it against her, saying that her true values are far left values, and they have not changed, despite her efforts to try to moderate some of her policies. here is former president trump and j.d. vance on the interview yesterday. >> there was a taped -- we are doing it live. why are we doing it live and she
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is doing it taped? but -- but -- but she was sitting behind that desk, this massive desk, and she didn't look like a leader to me, i'll be honest. i don't see her negotiating with president xi of china. i don't see her with kim jong un like we did with kim jong un. >> now back here in johnstown, we are in cambria county. this is a county that trump won in 2020 by 37 points, so this is trump country. we expect him to attack harris on her flip-flopping on the issue of fracking, being anti-and now she says pro-fracking. take a look at these numbers come of these attacks over the years have seemingly worked. the republicans have made huge gains in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. they have gained over 270,000 registered republicans since 2016, and in that time, democrats have lost just about the same number of voters. that's a half a million voters swing here in the commonwealth.
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now a big part of his pitch today is to suburban women, especially moms, and yesterday he announced that if he is elected, that all women in this country will be allowed to get free ivf or in vitro fertilization. trump says the federal government would foot the bill or he will mandate private insurance companies to provide ivf. earlier today, we asked female trump supporters at this rally what they thought about this new plan, and the response was mixed. >> absolutely, and i just think that shows how much trump really cares about women's rights because i haven't seen anyone else try to endorse that. >> i don't really like to give my opinion too deep on that, but i believe in women's rights. >> that is something i would have to disagree with. just personal opinion that i think that's something that you need that you should find a way. >> if the former president is
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going to win pennsylvania he will have to get those margins up in the rural counties and win over suburban women. tonight, sandra, he is headed to a summit in washington, d.c., to speak to moms for liberty. these are parents who want more parental rights and say in their kids education, so that really hammering home that point. sandra? >> sandra: bryan llenas for us. bryan, thank you p or john? >> john: sandra, vice present harris taking credit for the biting and ministries efforts to lower inflation while trying to chart her own path. her own economic proposals remain vague and critics are questioning whether they will actually help in the long run. fox business is grady trimble's live at the white house this afternoon with more appeared what did harris say about bidenomics, greedy? >> well, john, vice president harris stopped short of calling bidenomics a success, she didn't even use the work herself in a response to a question about bidenomics, but she did list a whole host of economic policies under the biden-harris administration which essentially amount to bidenomics and she called them
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good work. she was also asked about what she would do on day one if she were elected president, and to your point about giving some vague answers about economic policy, here's what she said. >> day one, it's going to be about, one, implement and my plan for what i call an opportunity economy, extending the child tax credit. there is the work we are doing about investing in the american family around affordable housing come a big issue in our country right now. so there are a number of things on day one. >> harris also said she is proud of bring down inflation to less than 3% despite the fact it was 1.4% when she and president biden took office. brian mentioned she was trying to explain her shifts in policy positions, like her past support of a fracking band, saying her values have not changed. the trump campaign going after her today, senator j.d. vance saying harris has been coached
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to pretend to be moderate but actually a far left person. >> if you think groceries are expensive now what happens when we increase the cost of energy even further, making it harder to get the food to the grocery store? if you think the cost of housing is bad now, what happens when we increase the cost of producing the materials that go into the houses? she is pursuing a policy, guys, that is going to make americans poorer in their own country. >> and in that interview, harris also blamed former president trump for what she called an economic crash, but as you know, john, most americans' gripe with the economy right now is the high prices and inflation didn't start surging until after president biden and vice president harris took office. >> john: and even though inflation is come down, the prices are still pretty high. grady trimble at the white house, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: ari fleischer, fox news contributor and former white house press secretary peer great to have you on p give us
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your take. >> oh boy. when i heard kamala harris last night saying her values haven't changed, that is like jeffrey dahmer saying i am still hungry. it means she is coming after you. it means she still wants to confiscate your guns, she still wants to decriminalize people coming over the border illegally, she still wants to give free health care to illegals, she still wants to have a green new deal, which is why i don't believe her when i say she wants to support fracking. you can't have both. all the things that she previously said are representative of her values. when she said that, she sent a huge signal to the progressive left, just let me win and on jeannie rhee 20th i will do everything i previously told you i do. that is what she said last night. >> sandra: andrew pozner joined us last hour and give us his take on what you heard, listen. >> i think her plan is to try to get on both sides of every issue she can possibly get on both sides of. she wants to take credit for
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anything good that happened during the biden-harris administration and wants to blame trump or blame somebody else or come up with some ill-defined solution to anything that she thinks people perceive as not having gone right. she acts like he is the incumbent and she is the insurgent, when it is really just the opposite. >> sandra: so can she have it both ways, to his point, robert? >> this is where i thought she also stumbled last night. she was the biggest defender of the bidenomics status quo you ever heard. she was bragging about all of the good things bidenomics did. she is out of touch when she says that. so what she really is trying to do is just get away with an empty campaign. biden got away with a basement campaign in 2020, she believes she can get away with an empty campaign. going to implement my plan without discussing what was in her plan. dana bash or cnn never followed up her probe. wait a minute, give me the specifics of that plan. you said you wanted a $25,000 housing credit, will that go to
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people who come to america illegally, yes or no? this is when you have to put her on the spot to show whether she can think or not, be fast on her feet, is she adept at policy? we have not seen that. the only thing she was specific on policy were all of the promises she made in '19 and '20 where she said she stands by those values today. >> sandra: byron donalds, joined bret and me earlier this morning, he had a similar take to you. listen. >> let's be very clear, she hasn't changed her positions and she said she hasn't changed her values. she didn't have any specifics and dana bash gave her an opportunity to provide specifics, but she sidestepped them all, and the reason why is because she has the same policy visions and values she had in 2019, but now she has to hide them from the american people. >> sandra: so i don't know, you tell me how much longer she can continue in this campaign without offering specifics. no actual policy details on her
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website, either appeared while i also play this out. there was the economy, and more specifically her stance on fracking. her flip-flop on the issue. watch. >> will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking, your first day in office? adding the united states to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice. >> there is no question i am in favor of banning fracking. i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020, that i would not ban fracking. as vice president, i did not ban fracking, as president, i will not ban fracking. >> sandra: how do you go from let me be clear i will ban fracking to i won't ban fracking? what does that mean? he win pennsylvania and then get in the white house and go back to your true values there? >> exactly. you cannot be for the green new deal, sandra, and allow fracking. it's impossible p or you cannot be net zero and allow that much gas extraction in the
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united states of america. it is a hypocritical stand to take. look, that is why donald trump is in johnstown, pennsylvania, today, cambria county. cambria county pennsylvania haply but in harrisburg and pittsburgh voted for barack obama over john mccain, . donald trump won it by 68-31 over joe biden. this is one of those rural areas that is shifting hugely republican. fracking is now an important part of the cambria county economy and kamala harris threatens it. this is the case donald trump has to make. donald trump needs to ignore all of her denunciation staff denials of previous stance and just told her to everything she said in 2019 ad '20. if i am trump come i get a giant tv screen behind me and play her clips saying what she said in 2019 and '20 and have fun and have a little mock debate with her. play another clip. another clip. that's the way he can bring it to life and show everybody what she said. she said it, it exists, and you
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can't let her walk away from it, and it is who she is and it is her values and that is what she said last night. >> sandra: see if she does more interviews. still a lot of questions where she stands on the issues and details about them p or we will see if anybody is listening. ari, thank you very much for joining us. good have your take on that. >> thank you p or. >> sandra: john, see if anybody is listening, obviously he offered some advice to donald trump how he can handle what he heard last night on that stage because he has more than two hours out but the crowd building in johnstown. >> john: they do listen because i remember a number of months ago dana perino said if i was the trump campaign, while he is waiting in court every day, i would take opportunities to go to places like the bronx or go meet with the electrical workers or whatever, and next thing you know, there he was doing it. i don't know, maybe ari's owed a consulting fee for that suggestion. >> sandra: there is the crowd. this is supposed to be underway about two hours from now. got some hard hats in the crowd
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and it looks like they are gearing up for the former former president's appearance, which should be happening soon, john. >> john: looking ahead to that. trial underway in the murder of ucla student breanna cook for the suspects long rap sheet and has many asking if this could he been prevented. we will break it down with leo terrell just ahead. plus this. >> every day when we come home, go outside to take out the garbage, every time we try to go to bed at night, we have to keep it like this so nobody can kick in the door. >> sandra: that new video showing armed men taking control of a colorado apartment building and a woman, how she defends herself against it. there are growing fears in the aftermath of all of this that are being dismissed as imagination by colorado's democrat governor. we've got brand-new reaction from that woman you just saw who was forced to lock up and has been driven out. if you have chronic kidney disease,
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection.
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therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> sandra: outrage at a colorado d.a. after an illegal migrant who killed a man in a semi truck accident faces only a year in prison. he was charged and pleaded guilty to only minor traffic violations. the migrant's truck veered out of control on that highway and dumped a load of metal rods, crushing and killing one man. four other vehicles were also crushed but one of those drivers left with serious injuries. john? >> john: wow, that's terrible. a colorado apartment building overrun by an armed group of men who local officials say are members of the dangers venezuelan gang tren de aragua. residents are understandably terrified, but the democratic governor of colorado,
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jared polis, is dismissing the takeover as just simply the locals' imagination. joining us now is cindy romero. she used to live in that very apartment building. she is now in her new apartment, which is outside of aurora. i believe it was your doorbell camera video that we have been watching for the last few days of what appear to be gang members, heavily armed, trying to get into the apartment across the hallway from yours. what did you see there and how bad did it get in that building? >> on this particular date, it was really bad. but it is not by any means an isolated occurrence, unfortunately. i have months, almost a year and a half worth of footage from six separate cameras. >> john: wow. were you home that day? >> i was. >> john: what did you think when you saw this taking place outside of your apartment? >> earlier that morning, i had seen several individuals
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carrying assault weapons down to the next floor of the building adjoining mine. and i reported it to the police. so all day we were nervous and on high alert, anyway. because they told us that they really couldn't do anything unless something happened. >> john: wait -- >> we were waiting all day for something to happen. we knew it was coming. >> john: wait a minute. you have people running around the apartment complex with long rifles and pistols. you call the police, and the police say they couldn't do and hang about it? >> they said they weren't coming. they called me about an hour, hour and a half later, said i apologize but we will not be there. >> john: did they give a reason? >> the reason was there was an ongoing investigation that they didn't want to interfere with. i assume there was a surveillance of some sort going on. but they never did show up. and then that night when the shooting broke out about 11:20 that evening, we again called
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911, frantically, please, come help us. we didn't get a response for an hour and a half. >> john: oh, my gosh. you ended up with a bullet hole in your car, as i understand. >> i have a bullet hole on the roof of my car, one side and one out the other, hit about five things on the way through. my husband also has bulletholes in his car. >> john: oh, my god. we were talking yesterday with mike coffman, the mayor of aurora. here's what he told us trump speak of these gangs apparently are attracted to where there is a concentration of venezuelan migrants, so they in fact have been pushed on property management into intimidation and collected the rents and arrests have been made but the operations are still ongoing. >> john: so you got to the point, cindy, where you said we can't do this anymore, we've got to get out and it was city councilwoman daniel juran ski who helped you get out. tell us about that. >> yes, absolutely. we were actually talking to a
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reporter from fox outside of that shooting that the next morning and he was actually the one that connected us with councilwoman jurinsky, who has been amazing. my first conversation with her she said, do you still live there? and i said yes. she said i'm going to get you out of there. >> john: so you are singing her praises. in the meantime, the office of governor jared polis is saying she is making all of this up. listen to what a spokesman said. according to police intelligence, this purported invasion, i guess come of these apartment buildings, is largely a feature of danielle jurinsky's imagination. what do you make of that? >> you can't fake video, and polis wouldn't last 5 minutes on that property. >> john: wow. here is what danielle said about it. listen. >> i absolutely did not make any of this up.
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i love that is how our governor has quickly rushed in to say that is the actual problem here. the actual problem here are his week policies that have turned this state into a breeding ground for this gang activity. >> john: cindy, why do you think the governor's office has its head stuck firmly in the sand on this issue? >> they don't want to admit they are part of the problem. it is the administration who we count on to make the rules for us to make the guidelines that we go by appeared i called 911, no help comes for me pure no help there is no mass of police that show up to make sure that we are defended. nobody showed up to help me. i didn't have a bulletproof vest. i didn't have five officers showing up with me whenever
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there was a problem. we were on our own, and we were left to die. no registration in this country. >> john: and we should point out that the scenes you are seeing on the right-hand side of the screen, those were taken from cindy's ring doorbell or video doorbell while she was inside her apartment. you can imagine what it was like living there. cindy, god bless you. we are glad you got out. >> thank you so much. i am so grateful every day that i got out. >> john: all right, we hope to talk to you again. we will see if maybe the governor takes care of this problem. thank you. >> it's not an imaginary problem p or. >> john: no, clearly not. thank you again. >> thank you. >> sandra: meanwhile homelessness, crime, and drugs taking over los angeles. now an iconic deli in downtown l.a. may be forced to close after more than seven decades in business. >> john: plus the trial and the gruesome murder of a ucla grad student now underway p had why was the suspect with a rap
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sheet dating back to 2010 on the streets in the first place? we will ask attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell about that.
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♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> sandra: the trial in the 2022 murder of a 24-year-old ucla grad student brianna kupfer is now underway. sean laval smith is accused of stabbing breanna to death while she was working alone at a furniture store. police say aft after say he stad her 26 times. leo terrell, the elements of this story and this case are just so gruesome, so horrible, the sobs in the courtroom drove the parents out, they couldn't tolerate it. just want to get your thoughts on what the public should think about this happening. >> what should have happened, it should have never happened. this young girl should be alive
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today. what is the problem, sandra? it is progressive criminal justice. this murder. he is going to get convicted. has been on the loose for 15 years, rested, released, rested, released, rested, released. north carolina, south carolina, california. assaulting an officer, misdemeanor crime. shooting a weapon into a vehicle where there was a young little boy. and now you have this situation. he was released by the district attorney office in l.a. regarding a misdemeanor possession of stolen property. why is he on the streets? because of progressive policy. george gascon, george soros, and guess who, the founder of progressive leadership in california, kamala harris. that is why this young lady is not alive today. you know what he is wearing right now? that monster is wearing a spit mask. that is not a covid mask, it is
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a spit mask because of his outrageous conduct. and the defense attorney, sandra, did not do an opening statement. why? let me be as clear as possible, 35 years practicing law, that guys went to be found guilty, not even a question. he left a recording of his horrific crime at the scene. dna, forensic evidence. it is a slam-dunk case. but this goes much bigger. it is an indictment against progressive district attorney. and one last statement. the progressives want us to coexist, to live with criminals in our neighborhoods come in our schools, in our retail stores, in our hospitals, they want us to coexist. that doesn't make sense, sandra. >> sandra: 6'2", 190-pound male basically walked up to that girl working alone in a furniture store and told her she never had a chance, turn on a video, the video recorded almost everything. i mean, the evidence against him, he left the knife there. there is digital audio
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recordings. there is security camera images. and we just had a second ago the number of mug shots dating back over the decades. how many times this guy has been arrested for absolutely abhorrent behavior. this is brianna's parents. they spoke to a local affiliate about what it hasn't been like since they lost their daughter. >> your brain ominously wakes up from a nap, a sleep, and you don't like someone electrocute you because your brain suddenly realizes my daughter is gone. >> you wake up, you think about it, you can't help it. you take a walk, yupik about it. you do anything, she comes to mind. she was really a good, good g girl. a good example of what more of us should be like. >> sandra: will this be a wake-up call to some of these cities that have allowed this to happen, but allow someone like that out on the street? >> no, not in california. i'm not going to lie to your viewers. no, it's not a wake-up call.
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we've got a progressive mayor, progressive governor, progressive u.s. senator who is now vice president. progressive district attorney's currently exist in california and throughout the nation. we need a complete overhaul. and one other point about this monster, he was looking for a one-on-one situation. he was basically lying in wait looking for a victim, and he found the victim. and more importantly, he not only showed his hatred toward this young girl, he had a hatred towards women. he had a hatred towards women. he is a monster. and yet he is allowed to roam the streets. it makes no sense. it is very frustrating to live in california. >> sandra: he had apparently gone store to store prior to reaching the one brianna was in it if it had more than one person working there, he continued working on until he fr working alone, and in those other stores he was ranting anti-women, going on tirades. just brutal. leo, thank you for joining us on
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that. >> thank you, sandra, thanks for having me p. >> sandra: john? >> john: that is just an unbelievable story. this a heartbreaking loss after hockey star johnny goodreau and his brother killed by a suspected drunk driver. more on that tragic story just ahead p. >> sandra: plaza rising crime in the homelessness crisis wreaking havoc all over california, including los angeles, of course, and businesses are affected. now an iconic deli has been open for over 70 years is being forced to close its doors, the owner of wenger's deli will be joining us next. ♪ ♪
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>> download to gaudreau. gaudreau in front. gaudreau scores! >> sandra: all right, it is the shocking and tragic loss we have to report. nhl star johnny gaudreau and his brother, matthew. they were killed in a cycling crash last night. the suspect was allegedly driving drunk when he hit the brothers. lauren green is here and has more on this tragic story for us. lauren? >> yeah, sandra, the gaudreau family is speaking out the first time since yesterday's tragedy.
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the brothers were supposed to be groomsmen and their sister katie's wedding tonight and now the family must plan their funerals. the family issued a statement saying "last night we lost two husbands, two fathers, two sons, two brothers, two sons and brothers in law, two nephews, two cousins, two family members, two teammates, to friends, but truly to amazing humans. johnny gaudreau was just a few weeks from beginning his third season with the columbus blue jackets. the accident happened around 8:20 last night when the brothers were both biking on a rural road in oldman township, new jersey. the driver and an suv struck them from behind while trying to pass a slower vehicle that had moved to the left to avoid the brothers on their bikes. 31-year-old johnny and his 29-year-old brother matthew sustained fatal injuries. the drivers of the suv, 43-year-old sean higgins, was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. he has been charged with two counts of death by auto. and is in custody awaiting a detention hearing scheduled for next week. both gaudreau brothers played
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hockey for boston college. johnny played 11 seasons with the nhl, first with the calgary flames, then signed a new deal with the blue jackets worth in a $70 million. the team releasing a statement saying they are shocked and devastated by the unimaginable tragedy. johnny played the game with great joy, which was felt by everyone that saw him on the ice. now johnny gaudreau leaves behind a wife and two young children. police say the accident remains under investigation. sandra? >> sandra: oh, our hearts break for their families. my goodness. thank you, lauren. john. >> president biden: >> john: so many things you want to say but hold your tongue p or too many needles, drugs, that is what the owner of langer's deli has to say about his downtown los angeles community. it is so bad he could be forced to close the neighborhood staple after 76 years of continuous operation. the owner of langer's deli, norm langer, joins me now appeared we should say your dad started this business back in 1947. the westlake area of los angeles
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literally across the street from macarthur park appeared what's going on in your neighborhood? >> it's just changed greatly over the years. the expanse of the park and all of the beauty that it's had as we go back to the '40s, prostrate 50s come out '60s, attracted a lot of people. but as you got into the '80s and a posture be 90s, a lot of immigrants in the area, problems with gangs, and it downgraded. l.a.p.d. has never had enough help -- help is the wrong word -- but enough officers to really enforce the laws on the books. and it's gotten out of hand on many different occasions. >> john: you look at macarthur park, it has been a mess since the 1980s. the highest concentration of people who use fentanyl in los angeles. i mean, there is so much drug use in that park. there is homelessness. i know it was closed for a
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couple of years, norm, to refurbish it and it was good for a little while, then it went back downhill again. >> well, the city was given a $1.5 million grant to clean up the park which took about six months, possibly a little more and once it was opened up again it went right down the drain. the problem, in my opinion, is you can't buy the cart before you buy the horse appeared you must clean up the street vendors and the gang problem and what exists on alvarado before you put any money into the park. i think that is what has to happen. i talked to the director of the park and they have no problem putting these vendors and such around a perimeter of the park, which will save a lot of the problems and issues that we have now. >> john: so what's it doing to the community? what's it doing to business? >> i'm sorry come i didn't understand you. >> john: i said, what is that situation to into the community
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and what is it doing to business? langer's is famous for your pastrami sandwich, there is probably no better in the world, even better then katz's deli come according to some folks, bt what is happening to business as a result of how the community is deteriorating? >> my business over the last five, six, seven years has deteriorated greatly due to crime in the area, but due to what i choose to call visual blight. now people don't want to make the trek down here and have to walk through it. now, in all honesty, my customers are safe. they have a one block walk from my parking lot, not a problem. i've spoken to the mayor yesterday and the day before. i've spoken to city council. councilwoman who was present at this time. we have had meetings. and i believe that they are on the right track to regaining, shall we say, regaining the park
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and regaining the area. it's not that i gave an ultimatum, but i'm getting tired of pushing this cart uphill. i expect some assistance from the city in cleaning up seventh street. in order for my customers to have a pleasant walk. a clean walk. and not be bothered by visual blight's. >> john: so you are actually at the point, norm, where you are thinking of closing down after 70-some-odd years. do you think you are in a position now where maybe the city is actually going to help and you will be able to stay open? >> if the city doesn't help -- and i don't see some signs in the next 2-3 weeks -- i will close. >> john: oh, wow. so what do they say they are going to do? because chronic lack of policing, basically lack of caring, has been at the root of all of this for 40 years. >> well, we can't say 40 years, it's really gotten out of control the last three or four years. the worst of it happened during
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the pandemic. we had more of an interest than we have ever had. it is not clean. it requires city services to come out on a regular basis, not once a month. we have alleys that need to be cleaned out. i have steam cleaning equipment to clean the sidewalks and leave the front of the restaurant clean, my parking lot clean. i wanted to be a pleasant experience for my customers. and generally speaking, it is, as long as they don't look north on alvarado. >> john: [laughs] you know, macarthur park was supposed to be a shining jewel for los angeles. now you are saying everything is good as long as you don't look in that direction. norm, we wish you well. we hope the city finally gets its act together and do something about this because the way it looks like you and your fellow business owners are trying to live really is untenable. we appreciate your time, sir. thank you. speak with my pleasure. take care and please be safe. >> john: let us.
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sandra? >> sandra: tennis game, set, match gearing up for another intense week at the u.s. open where the world's top tennis players are competing for the top spot. i can't wait for this. rick macey, hall of fame tennis coach, is here next. ♪ ♪ can you do this? as early as your 40s you may lose muscle and strength. protein supports muscle health. ensure max protein has a 30 gram blend of high quality protein to feed muscles for up to seven hours. so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: so week one of the u.s. open is coming to a close here in new york city and there has been a lot of action on the courts as top tennis stars from all over the world have faced off in some must-see matches. each are hoping to make it to the final of course. to rick macci, hall of fame tennis coach, joins us now p or coach, great to have you on p reese spoke to you last year, and you are back. how would you characterize the open this year? >> well, obviously the big news is carlos alvarez, the generational talent, four-time grand slam champion, only 21
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years old, shocked the tennis world, him losing in straight sets last night. mentally, he just wasn't there, and i think anybody listening should understand, tennis is a game of inches, from one ear to the other. mentally he wasn't there. he is 21 and greatness is on the horizon. >> my son plays a lot of tennis and when i woke him up to tell him what happened to alvarez, i said see, this can happen to anybody. tennis is such a mental game and sometimes it is just not your day. there was that and also this dan evans won the longest u.s. open match since at least 1970, this match apparently went on for five hours and 35 minutes, coach, tell us about that. >> yeah, in the blistering heat. it wasn't at night. five hours 35 minutes, it's a record, they made history, but i love the guys quote, the quote of the tournament, they go what are you going to do now? he goes, i'm going to bed. that was the quote of the
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tournament. he hasn't been playing well all year, and for him to pull this off, he did a lot of good stuff, but even better, he won his next round so now he is in the third round. >> sandra: the osaka loss, we were watching this closely come also in the second round. there have been some upsets here. your thoughts on that? >> you got to understand, she has four grand slams in her back pocket come has won the u.s. open a handful of times, but it didn't surprise me that she lost her karolina muchova. muchova's number 8 in the world. she is my dark horse again this year. wasn't really an upset but osaka, she took time off, had a baby, had a good win in the first round, but she had a brutal draw. so muchova is a great player and listen, she could win it all. >> sandra: that was a dynamite match on her part. you are right, shouldn't have called it an upset considering the rankings but perhaps osaka
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was the more known player that a lot of the crowd was there to see. what is your standout moment so far? i also know they have exited the u.s. open, what did you think there? >> it doesn't surprise me, he doesn't play that well at the u.s. open and mentally he is not in a good place. he says i'm not the player i used to be. i don't know if i would say that out loud to all of the competitors. but if i can back the truck up, we have to go, the doping stuff was kind of above his head, that is in the rearview mirror, he started off a little shaky but he is back on track, and how can we not talk about novak djo djokovic? he is usually the run running the show but the other day, you know, instead of giving the heat, he was feeling the heat. he was hanging out with the physio, the ice. that is why he is the g.o.a.t. he hung in there and persevered. he is onto the next round. what is amazing, he is the first player in tennis history to win
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90 singles matches in every grand slam. he is amazing. >> sandra: coach, always great to talk to you. my mind was blown, i think there has been a moment or two where the ai line judge has gotten it wrong, and they have had to stop play and replay -- i think it happened to coco gauff, we couldn't pull the tape. i don't know, i guess it's working, right? >> yeah, they are eventually going to go to that all the time but they will work the bugs out but that is definitely the way of the future. >> sandra: coach, awesome to have you back. thank you for joining us. >> thank for having me. >> sandra: hope to talk to you again soon. he is coaching this 8-year-old ukrainian girl and she blew my mind come i couldn't stop watching video. >> john: given his record, she will probably be the best in the world soon. unfortunately for me since unfortunately for me since federer and all of those folks, serena, i'm out. >> sandra: thanks so much for joining. g, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see.
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