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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 31, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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pete: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with a tragedy. in the world of sports as an nhl star and his brother are killed by a suspected drunk driver. johnny and matthew guy degree's college hockey coach joins us live to honor hair legacy. rachel: and former president trump rallying voters in pennsylvania and telling voters they're too smart to fall for this back and forth. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. i would not ban frack. as vice president, i did the not ban fracking. as president, i will not ban frack. fracking. joey: and oklahoma standing up for the flag after a school stopped this student from flying old glory. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend, it starts right now. ♪ -- running through our blood. ♪ ♪ joey: look at that beautiful
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skyline. do you know where that is? pete: joey, have you played the skyline game with us before? joey: no, i don't play that game, but i know this skyline. rachel: can i say it first, joey? joey: go ahead. rachel: that is definitely athens, georgia. joey: has definitely the city of championship. look at it, just beautiful. it's the probably a prettier sight from the street the level -- pete: i love the sight of that apartment building -- [laughter] joey: it wasn't the best angle of the city but, listen, it's a beautiful campus. it is that quintessential, like back in the late '90s, really 2000s, they were doing the tongue in cheek college movie, they filmed a bunch. of them in athens because it's the quintessential college town. pete: you have invited me to go to the bulldogs game which i have not done yet -- joey: you should go the next
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time tennessee plays -- pete: they're not playing this season. they're not plague anywhere this year. -- playing. rachel: will you have as much fun as adam is having? joey: you will have as much fun as adam. probably not start as early. they've got a 12:00 game, i bet all the dogs are up and barking by 8. pete: they're up barking -- joey: this is a little weird. they do a little barking. we win a couple national championships in the last couple years. pete: all right. good morning to athens, georgia. we're glad you are with us. and a son of athens is with us this morning -- joey: a neighbor. neighbor. pete: son, it'll work. rachel: son of georgia. pete: georgia a very important swing state in this election, no doubt, as is pennsylvania. i feel like every other day we're talking to you about an event that's happening pennsylvania, and yesterday president trump was in johnstown, pennsylvania.
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do you know who the former congressman from johnstown is who built an airport and named it after himself? jack murtha, democrat. he built an entire airport in johnstown just so he could have a direct flight to d.c. with taxpayer none. -- money. rachel: sounds about right. pete: government largess. he was a very powerful politician, and that's back when towns like johnstown were controlled by democrats. not anymore. johnstown is squarely between harrisburg and pittsburgh or, it's on the west side of pennsylvania, and now it is trump country. and you could see it yesterday. and this comes off the heels of the interview that kamala harris did on cnn n where she was edgeg any answers. he spoke to the people about -- of pennsylvania about kamala's flip-flops. >> you'd almost think they hate our country. [background sounds] kamala harris surrendered our energy independence, spent
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hundreds of billions of dollars on the green new scam. she's trying to take away gas stoves and heaters. she's vowed repeatedly that we will ban fracking. we will always ban fracking. she just said it today, i saw it. they have a clip from, like, two year years ago. she said, no, no, i'm in favor of fracking, like, last week. oh, no. then they start playing clips. we will always ban fracking. there will never be fracking. the people of pennsylvania are smart. they're not going to fall for it. she will destroy -- if you don't have fracking, you don't have a commonwealth. pete: rachel, you just said something. you know, i talked about a jack murtha's airport that he built with public money, and you said that was before the age of social media. rachel: yeah. pete: same thing with policy decisions. back in the day you might be able to change things here or there, now there's tv clips.
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rachel: that's right. you just heard donald trump talking about the flip flopping. we're going to show you that, because it's really stunning when you see it back to back. [laughter] >> no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020. that i would not ban fracking. as vice president, i did not ban fracking. as president, i will not ban fracking. i made very clear where i stand. we are in 2024, and i've not changed that position, nor will i going forward. i kept my word, and i will keep my word. >> will you commitment commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office adding the united states to the list of countries -- >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. rachel: at one point in that clip, my values haven't changed. that is a wink and a nod to the green radicals that she is friends with and part of. that that's her saying i'm for fracking now, but my values
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haven't changed. don't worry, i'm still with you. i'm still going to attack american energy and advance your crazy policies. joey: the the real deftness in this point and her answer if you watch the whole thing, at some point, i think it was earlier on in the interview, she brags about how the inflation reduction act really was the green new deal, and she's committed to that. what she's saying is i don't have to ban fracking. we're doing enough in so many places to stifle oil and gas and energy production that the that's no longer a top line item anymore. we're stopping liquid natural gas from getting out of the terminal, we're stopping permits from drilling. we're doing so much already. we've stopped the keystone xl pipeline. we're doing so much already, fracking isn't the priority now. pete: we're going to ban it without banning it. joey: exactly. the companies that would invest in fracking aren't going to spend that money, we don't have to ban it, because we've deterred hem from doing it. and fracking is a big deal in pennsylvania because it's akin
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to jobs and economy in the state. it should also be a big deal to everyone in the country because it's how one of the ways in texas in the early 20 sustain teens, one of the biggest ways we get cheap energy in this country. so even though you may not have fracking jobs in your state, what the result of it is, cheap energy, that affects all of us. rachel: yeah. and at the grocery store, not just at the pump. pete: for sure. all of that trickles up from energy, no doubt. we spoke earlier on the program to the president and ceo of jwf industries, steel industry in pennsylvania. he spoke at friday's rally with donald trump, and he talked about the flip-flop policies and how the middle class views it. watch. >> we know that she's very liberal. they're against any fracking. and thed sad part is our -- the sad part is our costs since donald trump has been out of office, our energy costs have gone up. our jobs have gone down in the fracking industry. you know, it was a wonderful thing where you had a fracking
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industry that was robust, it created jobs, it brought our utility costs down, it brought our gas prices down into our homes. we haven't had an order since six months since biden and harris took over office. you know, it's just to the point where you're hurting manufacturing. she says she wants to help manufacturing, help the middle class. it's the exact opposite. that's who the hell it is, the middle class, that she's affecting. pete: you know, if she was actually forced to answer any questions, where are you on the keystone xl pipeline. what would she say? i actually don't know. is he for it? is she against it? she was for it, is she against it now? she won't answer the easiest of questions, barely babbles an answer a out. but if there was any opportunity to ask her questions, i think people would be left confused because she's intentionally changed everything. rachel: and they're important questions, and we deserve answers before november. pete: and we won't get them.
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rachel: they had hart-hitting questions -- hard-hitting questions, will you hire a republican. pete: the dana bash thing is such a sham. did you see her interview with j.d. vance? rachel: i sent it to you. pete: she went after j.d. vance like she was going after darth vadar. rachel: it almost looked like a lovers' quarrel. [laughter] if. pete: and she's, like, well, know you've done this, but is it for this reason, this reason or this reason? if. rachel: yeah, multiple choice. a, b or c. [laughter] joey: on the tough questions, she led her to her answer. pete: correct. joey: she wasn't trying to get answers on record, she was offering an opportunity for kamala to correct the record, and that's exactly how she interviewed her. rachel: yeah. the kamala interview felt more like an oprah interview, like a soft thing. i mean, we should juxtapose those two -- we need to put them next to each other for you guy, and we'll try and get that before the end of the show
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because it is the absolutely -- pete: totally different person. joey: j.d. had energy and was vigorously answering questions, and he put dana on her heels a little bit. rachel: he was just, like, he couldn't get a word in. i don't know, it just -- joey: we wouldn't have a chance to even talk about kamala harris running for president had joe biden decided not to, or at least somebody deciding for him. this is nancys -- nancy pelosi reacting to bill ma a her. >> many times when i'm encouraging people to run, especially more women to run for office, nothing more wholesome than our political process in that. aren't we excited about -- >> yes. and sometimes the you're discouraging people to run. we're not going to get into that. [laughter] >> no -- >> whatever. >> people make their own decisions. >> absolutely, they do. [laughter] [applause] absolutely, they do.
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and i, but i just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for what you didn't do. [laughter] rachel: wow. pete: yeah. rachel: that was awkward tv finishes wasn't it? if. pete: it was. rachel: you like the hand gestures. remember when she clapped at the state of the group gone? [laughter] and she ripped up the speech? she is drama. speaking of drama, kamala harris was actually asked by dana bash about that whole installation of her into this position and how joe biden was forced out. but it wasn't quite said that way. and hearst her response -- here's her response, it was this very meandering filibuster. >> it was a sunday, so, here, i'll give with you it aring too much information -- >> go for it. there's no as much thing, madam vice president. >> my family was staying with us, including my baby nieces.
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and we had just had pancakes and, you know, auntie, can i have more bacon? yes, i'll make you more bacon. and then we were going to -- we were sitting down to do a puzzle. [laughter] and the phone rang and it was joe biden. and he told me what he had decided to do. and i asked him, are you sure. and he said, yes. joey: that's just -- it's cinematic gold. i mean, you just -- you're hanging on every word. every line that comes out. i was on gutfeld last night and tyrus talks about who has pancakes and bacon with syrup and puzzles -- [laughter] like, on the same a table. who's doing that in nobody. because she's making it up. it looked like a rehearsed story. remember that line and now i need to remember that line. nothing about it was general genuine. it was embarrassing. pete: i'm going to go into a
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little extra detail, and dana bash was like whatever you'd like to do, madam vice president. [laughter] go on as long as you liker our network is yours. [laughter] a sham. rachel: again, we have to show the two different interviews because it's the same reporter. pete: we do. rachel: this is the kind of stuff republicans have always a had to face, this double standard in the media. and this really encapsulates it. so we'll be sure to get that to you. joey: all right. we're going to move on here. hundreds of flights already delayed or canceled this morning as low -- labor day weekend kicks off. rachel: but a wash in galveston, texas, could make it even worse for the millions of holiday travelers. pete: fox weather correspondent brandy campbell is there with the details. hey, brandy. >> reporter: good morning. as you can tell, it's a rainy start here in galveston, texas, a spot that draws in people from all over for a sunny labor day weekend.
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unfortunately, they are in for quite a bit of rain, on and off storms throughout the weekend. all of this thanks to disturbance number one meandering off in the gulf of mexico. take a look at this map showing the weather along the coast. people in texas and louisiana will deal with storms on and off as they try to enjoy this last long weekend of summer. the national weather service saying we have a level 22 out of 4 risk -- flash flooding in parts of texas and louisiana, some spots seeing over 6 inches of rain in the last 32 days. we still saw folks jumping into the gulf making the best of the situation, one woman coming autoway from england. all the way. >> i told my son we brought it with us really. we're used to be rain, so it's no bother. >> we thought if it rains too much, we'll just go home early. i kind of like this weather every once in a while. and i've got curly hair now, so i don't have to -- worry about it.
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[laughter] >> reporter: all right, guys. we're going to send it back to you from here in galveston, texas. joey: we're going to turn now to some headlines. the dallas police department says an officer a was executed and two officers hurt in a targeted attack. the shooting happened on thursday night when the suspect walked up to officer darren burkes and struck the up a conversation while recording with his cell phone. he then pulled a handgun and shot burkes. when other officers arrived at the scene, he fired at them. after a highway chase, the suspect was killed in a shootout with police. hundreds mourning the fallen officer during a vigil last night at the scene. horrible. the mayor of aurora, colorado, promising to to clear apartment buildings after this video of armed suspected venezuelan gang members went viral. the mayor saying he's waiting for a municipal judge to issue an order to let law enforcement sweep buildings where gang activity has been taking place. he's also announcing a new task
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force just after officers arrested a tren de aragua leader known as cookie monster in relation to a shooting last month. and happening today, the lake mary all-stars will continue celebrating their little league world series championship with a parade. the florida little leaguers took down taiwan 2-1 last weekend and were welcomed back with a huge celebration in town. the parade kicks off at 10 a.m. and will end with a block party. probably no gronk celebrations for that team. [laughter] pete: with apple juice. good if for them. rachel: i love that. pete: all right. let's check in now with adam klotz who is also only drinking apple juice live ahead of penn state and west virginia today on fox. what's up, adam? adam: yeah, just nothing but juices out here this morning, as you can el. everyone's really excited. west virginia, morgantown, there
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are a couple -- as you can tell, or plenty of west virginia fans, but a couple of brave penn state fans. you see a few over there. and this is -- i want to show you something. [background sounds] if this says win or lose, at least we don't live in west virginia. this guy's been kind of hiding this sign a little bit because you're a little bit embarrassed about that. what's your guy's saying? we are -- >> penn state! adam: let's go -- what are your expectations for today's game? >> just a win. adam: to win. do you think you're a little bit of an underdog, what do you guys think? >> get it going. adam: the energy's definitely here because let's go -- >> mount nears! adam: so much fun, i'll toss it back to you. in the meantime, i'm going to say let's go! pete: drew aller is the
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quarterback for penn state? joey: i believe so. pete: he sleeps with a night light? that is an indictment. joey: it's got to be silent and dark -- rachel: is that a new way of teasing? what does that mean? pete: it just means he's a bibby, he's a wuss. -- baby. does sean sleep with a night light? rachel: no, he likes it dark. pete: like a real man. apparently, the penn state quarterback likes a night to light. that's a big indictment. [laughter] kamala harris changed her position on the border, a major election issue. coincidence? i don't think so. coming up. allison! (restaurant noise) ♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky, gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. over here!
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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♪ joey: welcome back. tributes are continuing to pour in for nhl star johnny guy degree and his brother matthew after the two were killed by an alleged drunk driver the family mourning the loss of, quote, two husbands, two fathers, two brothers, two family members, two teammates, two friends but truly two amazing humans. jerry york coached both of them at boston college, and he joins us now. good morning, coach, thanks for joining us. first off, tell us about these young men and what a tremendous
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loss this is. >> joey, they're two incredibly young guys, you know? from south jersey, no airs, no pretensions about 'em. you know, they showed up at our campus, you know, johnny, the oldest, so he was two years earlier. but about 5-6, 140. i put him into our locker room, we had chris cider from the rangers and brian from pittsburgh and seattle and some really good players. and they looked at him and says -- [laughter] coach, this is a young guy you're talking about after he left, yeah, that's him. is he as a good as you think he is? let's wait until the first practice. right after the first shift on the ice, everybody knew exactly what a special hockey player he was. we found out later what a special person he was. he treated everybody so kindly and fairly and just became a
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boston college hockey player that we all envision, very humble, hard working, just a terrific family, he came from. joe suis you know, johnny went on to have a tremendous career in the nfl. matthew became the coach for his high school team. both of them, i know that when you're a coach especially in college, you develop a relationship with players that lasts sometimes a lifetime. were you close to both of the brothers continuing on after they played for you? >> yes, and also with the family. you know, i have a little niche when i coach of course a lot of years, but hall of fame parent group, and they're my hall of fame parents, for sure. they were wonderfully supportive, came to a lot of games. both players were, you know, so happy to even grasp the -- so hard to even grasp what's happened. it's a complete nightmare for
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me, and i'm hoping to wake up. but it's there. it's true,st it's happened, and now we've just got to support mom and dad and younger sister katie who was just about to get married. joey: yeah, this whole story is tragic. he were killed by an alleged drunk driver, out on, i believe, a bike ride probably getting some good exercise in. and thing like this happen, tragedy strikes, but when it comes to the family, have you had a chance to speak to them personally, and i presume they're there for each other, but i guess the greater community of hockey is there for them as well. >> yes, it's. and, you know, it's not the bc family, it's the extended family. he's touched so many different segments from olympics to world championships, nhl, college, high school. so he's, you know, he's missed by all of us. but we'll always, i think,
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emulate, try to 'em late -- emulate what he brought. no ego, just a regular guy. i want to live a, you know, really good life, raise two young children. so we're going to have to step in, a lot of us, to help out with raising the children. jee joe coach, thank you so much for joining us. so sorry for this loss for the family and the community at large. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, joey. joey: yes, sir. more "fox & friends" next. mr.
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to do to secure our border. that value has not changed. i spent with two terms as the attorney general of california prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of american laws regarding the pass passage, illegal passage of guns, drugs and human beings across our border. my values have not changed. rachel: lieutenant christopher oliveraz joins us now. an absolute flip-flop on all these issues saying that she, you know, previously saying she wanted to get rid of i.c.e., she wanted to close i.c.e. detention the centers, now she wants to secure the border and support those agencies. you're in texas. you hear overwhelmingly from, you know, citizens and fellow law enforcement. do they believe this new position, new change? >> good morning, rachel. no, they don't. and, of course, we look at some of that message, and as you mentioned, you look beyond that when they first mentioned, when the vice president actually mentioned that they wanted to
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decriminalize illegal immigration and abolish i.c.e., that in itself sends a clear message to those that want the make the journey to the united states that there is not going to be consequences if you do cross the border illegally. and we've seen that in the last three and a half years with these disastrous border policies. so people that understand the border, that have been following the border, especially law enforcement officers, first responders, military soldiers that have been on the front lines from day one, they understand, they're not buying the messaging right now. and what's to say that, you know, if they do become, you know, in power again, they're going to flip-flop or reposition themselves again where we're going to see another catastrophic situation on our border. right now the current situation on the border has not been secured. we still have people crossing the border illegally. we still have human smuggling, drugs coming across the border, transnational criminal gangs that have been able to infiltrate the country and have been able to facilitate themselves across the country.
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so when we look at some of that messaging about being a previous attorney general and prosecuting human traffickers and criminals, well, the fact remains that in the last three and a half years we have seen a record number of criminals from other countries in the country right now. that's why now we see migrant crime, something we have never experienced before. the cartels have been able to establish themselves and been able the expand their criminal networks into the ideas. and human smuggling -- into the united states. and human smuggling continues to be a problem as a well. it has not been secured. if they already -- really want to do something about the border, they're still in power, but hay still refuse to do so. rachel: they restarted the chnv program that is bringing citizens from cuba, venezuela, nicaragua and honduras to the united states, they're processed in country and then known over. i spoke -- flown over. i spoke with tom homan earlier this week, and he said that program is in place to change the numbers so those people that
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come over through that program are not counted in the illegal crossings that cross through the land. and so that way they can artificially keep their numbers low and pretend that they're actually doing something on the border when, in fact, they're doing the opposite. they're increasing them. >> you know, absolutely right. and, of course, tom knows better. the pact is that right now the current add administration, they're trying to dethe steve the american people by keeping the number of border crossings low. they've been low since january. why is that? well or it's a political year and, obviously, they want to avoid the negative optics. they know that the border situation is a very serious issue across the country, so what better way, to get the numbers down right now to actually do something like that, not only through direct flights, but also the cbp11 -- cbp1 a.m. a. -- app. so it's going to look like the border is secure, but it's quite the contrary, and that's one
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thing the american people need to understand. don't be she dive -- deceived by those types of optics. the merge remains the same here in texas, rachel, from if governor abbott, our lieutenant governor, we all have been the same as far as messaging. we're going to continue using every resource at our disposal at the state level to secure the border. we have not backed down -- rachel: i know you guys are working hard. >> exactly. rachel: i've been with you on the ground, and i see what you guys are doing. it just feels like it's no wonder people are getting demoralized. by the way, that program was suspended because of corruption. you had one sponsor sponsoring 1800 people, you know? illegals. i mean, thing is, it's a joke. but we appreciate how you guys keep plugging away and trying your best and bringing attention to the issue. lieutenant oliveraz, we really thank you. >> thank you. i appreciate it. thank you so much. rachel: you got it. the state taking action when
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♪ ♪ ♪ adam: are we on? ♪ ♪ adam: can you believe it, guys? they let me sneak into the stadium. i'm with the director of the pride of west virginia which is what you're listening to right now, dr. williams. i've never been in a a setting like this before. it is so cool. what is it like for you but really for the kids to be out here in front of 60,000 fans, which is what's going to be happening a later -- a little
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bit later? >> a number of the students here are fresh maine. about 33% of the group is brand new, and this is a really, really exciting experience for all of them. we're excited to be here because we are going to be playing for a soldout crowd here in the stadium. adam: it's so exciting. you have been doing it here for a little while. can we hear it one more time as we toss it back? >> sure, sounds good. rachel: adam: rachel, we're going to play it out. pete: we got the whole west virginia marching band. rachel: it's amazing. by the way, fox's big noon kickoff airs live from morgantown the starting at 10 a.m. we'll check back with in adam. i was kind of hoping to hear the band right there -- joey: it's a rivalry game. i'm excited. rachel: we're going to turn to some headlines. nasa plans to the send two astronauts instead of four on spacex's next mission to the
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internation space station to leave room for two astronaut toss return next we're yeah. it's been three months since sunny williams and butch wilmore took boeing's starliner to space on what was supposed to be an 8-day ship, but helium leaks kept them there. the plan to the bring them home reportedly sparking heated argument between boeing and nasa executives with a return date now planned for february. listen to this, experts are worried for megyn meghan markle's lifestyle brand after noticing it hasn't put any products on sale since launching five monthsing ago. her brand, american riviera orchard, planned on selling cook ware and jam, but the brand logo is the only thing being advertise advertised on their web site and on the instagram page with no options for purchases. only some celebrities like kris jenner have been able to get their hands on the products. trademark issues and hiring
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troubles are humored to be fueling setbacks, but sources close to the butch chess are denying -- duchess are denying concerns. those are your headlines. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: maybe it's just building anticipation. rachel: that's a lot. five months come on. rick: if i had an umbrella, hey, it's going to come out in five months -- rachel: i'd lie it before the jam. reign. rick: rick thank you very much. we've got a humid day across a lot of the eastern seaboard and that's going to cause troubles later on. eastern great lakes, that's going to cause problems. but our real trouble area is here across that that a eastern texas and louisiana coastline. there's a disturbance here that probably will not become anything tropical, but it's the going to be stuck there, and so we're going to see wave after wave of rain, and that brings the threat for flooding over the
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next 4-5 days across most of the southwest and central coastline. be watching that. national hurricane center giving up to 20% chance of some sort of tropical development. you see that little spot there out in the atlantic? that 50%? that is one we're going to be watching over the next week, maybe getting towards the caribbean, could be something interesting to watch. plenty of time, and we'll keep you posted right here. pete, send it to you inside. pete: thank you, rick. the oklahoma school superintendent is taking a action after a high school teacher prevented a senior in one of the schools in oklahoma from flying an american flag from if his pickup truck last week. brand new guidelines will make schools across oklahoma ensure flags can be flown and that students recite the pledge of allegiance at least once a week. oklahoma state school superintendent ryan walters joins us now to discuss. ryan, thanks for being here. we covered this. it was edmund public schools, they're north of oklahoma city. they say they don't allow any
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flags which then by extension meant the kids couldn't bring american flags, so the kids are pushing back. what's your stance on this idea that no flags, only the american flag? how should schools look at it and what's your stance in oklahoma? >> hey, or look, we're not going to tolerate this anti-americanism. we've seen it being pushed by the biden administration, by the teachers unions. we're not tolerating it. we want our students flying the american flag. here's the reality, that is a flag that so many have died for. for us to have the right the fly it and be the greatest country in the history of the world. we want our kids to know that, love that flag, love this country. so we have acted swiftly to say this will never happen again. every single school in the state will protect a student's right to fly that flag, we will fly that flag, and we will promote patriotism at oklahoma schools. pete: and if i'm correct, the pledge of allegiance is required to be said once a week as well,
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right? >> that's right. we need to be saying the pledge. our kids need to -- we're also a redeveloping social studies' standards to get more of an understanding of the american founding. we have seen our schools become leftist indoctrination mills pushing hatred for country. that's not going to happen in oklahoma. our kids will understand what makes this country the greatest country in the history of the world. we will not allow the teachers unions to indoctrinate our kids, we won't allow kamala harris and joe biden to continue to push that narrative into our schools. our schools will teach americanism. pete: next step, get rid of social studies. the progressives made that up altogether 100 years ago a, but that's another story. the oklahoma legislature going into this school season has required a course on bible and incorporating the ten commandments into public school curriculum. it used to be that way in public schools, we used to be able to talk about god, talk about the bible, talk about ten commandments. now it's required in oklahoma. i think it's wonderful.
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but what's the response been from some of these school districts including in, you know, the tall buildings crowd in oklahoma city? if. >> hey, look, parents are very excited. we've got districts that are coming onboard that understand exactly what we're trying to do here. we're trying to teach real history. the left has weaponized the government against christianity, against the bible saying you can't talk about the bible when you talk about the pilgrims, when you talk about the rights endowed to us by our creator as thomas jefferson said, you're supposed to strip the those things out of our history? look, the left doesn't have to agree, but they cannot rewrite our history. our kids are going to understand the role the bible played in american history, its historical context. so the bible's going to be back in classrooms here in oklahoma. we will, absolutely, talk about the impact the bible had throughout our history. pete: it's a beautiful thing. you're right. we try to teach western civilization, the pilgrims or the founding and then we strip all of christianity out of it and wonder it's so empty for kids when we teach it. keep in touch with us about
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this, how this progresses over the school year and how you hold districts accountable that try to ignore it. ryan walters, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. pete: you got it. summer might be coming to an end, but don't put the grill away just yet. of course you're not going to, football season is coming, so it's prime if grill time. we have the perfect recipes for fall tailgates. and adam's rocking out at his own tailgate with the pride of west virginia. we own the stadium and the marching band right here on "fox & friends" right now, and they're playing for us. ♪ ♪ for one final summer celebration. that's why we've got the labor day deals you need... to end one season and start the next. get great deals in-store or online today. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting,
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non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good.
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♪ joey: it is labor day weekend, and the kickoff to college football season which means tailgating is officially here. rachel: and we're hungry. joey: yeah. rachel: here are some delicious recipes from john mclemore and tonya, they're author of the new cookbook, gather and grill. welcome to both of you. >> we are so glad to be here. there's lots of reasons, the summer concert series is over, so the family is going to take a little break. we love finishing up with our fobs and friends weekend crew. tonya's going to help me with
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some of these. we're doing appetizer ors for all the folks that are bowling. we've got the mac and cheese, we are adding the majestic jalapeno persons by mount olive the make that a super good mac and cheese with bacon bits. and then we're also -- pete: how do we get some of that? >> we always do something special. we're doing a chickle, do you know what it is? what's in a chickle? >> well, it's, very simply, a majestic picking, maple bourbon, bread and butter, and then you fly it with some cheese so it's cheese and pickle, and it's a chickle. rachel: where were you guys when i was pregnant for half of my life? that's the perfect pregnancy food. >> you asked me that yesterday, and i say id was -- said i was with tonya. [laughter] met me show y'all behind us, and
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everything we do at the concert and every time we do it here at fox or we're doing it on the master built grafty series gril. we smoke, we sere, but this is when we have a little fun. so we always serve up, that is super hot. we always serve up pulled pork and barbecue the all the vips. we also serve 'em up with some munchies, we have got some munchies right there,on ya, hand me one of those -- >> these have been opened. we've been eating them. >> we serve those to all the vips, we pull the pork, we make sliders. and what we love about what we do. last week we were cooking on the stage of the grand ole opry. helping the heroes. joey, you and i were hanging -- joey: country music legends for with there, it was a great cause. >> for warriors, joey has suffer offed with us -- surfed with us, so so joey and i have bffs, i guess -- >> georgia boys.
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rick: are you going to do the some of that? >> so i'm going to cut this up for y'all. so people are asking all the time, how do we do our pulled pork. we put it on the master built gravity series grill, we pull it, we're going the actually brand. i'm going to slice this for you all. but the key to getting pulled pork to the pulling stage is to get the internal temperature above 202 degrees. rick: you've got four seconds to slice it. joey: check out gather and grill, go get the book. it's awesome. it's got great stories. >> here we go. joey: it's an amazing cookbook. i've had a lot of fun with it. >> are you still having fun? this is hot. pete: don't move. two big hours -- rachel: oh, my you know. pete: and by then, we'll have some pulled pork for you. joey: we'll be back.
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