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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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molly: former president trump
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confirming to fox news that he is opposed to florida's proposed amendment that would allow unfettered abortion access across all nine months of pregnancy. trump called the measure radical. telling fox news that he will be voting against it. welcome to "fox news live," i'm molly line. hello to griff. griff: great to be with you, i'm griff jenkins. the former president adding that six weeks is not enough time, referring to the heartbeat protection law that governor desan a cities signed in -- desantis signed in 2023. david spunt is live on the set with us the fill us in with all the details. seems that the former president kind of threading the needle here, david. >> reporter: no question, griff. abortion is a huge issue. former president trump says that six weeks is simply problematic, by the same sense he did the not vote against that abortion bill. the former president made news during that fox news interview. he actually spoke to bryan llenas, our colleague, yesterday. before that the pennsylvania
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rally, he said he would vote no on the amendment in florida which would allow abortion after a six weeks. he said despite disagreeing with it, he'll ultimately vote against the measure because he says democrats allow abortions too late in the process. he also, like kamala harris, was asked if he would go bipartisan for his cabinet, and he said he'd consider putting a democrat at the big with table. >> if i found somebody that had the right views and was talented and was going to do good things for the country, i'd have no problem with it. >> reporter: now, after pennsylvania the president traveled here to washington, d.c. for a moms for liberty event where he called out vp harris' changing position on fracking. remember in 209 19, she said she was firmly against fracking, but here she was just a few days ago. >> do you still want to ban fracking? >> no, and i made that clear on the debate stage in 2020. that i would not ban fracking. as vice president, i did not ban
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fracking. as president, i will not ban fracking. >> reporter: looking ahead to this week, donald trump's legal problems in d.c. may have gotten another delay. special counsel jack smith, the man you see right there, announced in a court filing last night, griff, that he's going to leave it up to the judge for when to schedule trump's trial for his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 the election results. trump was supposed to go to trial in march of this year, but it was delayed by the supreme court. now judge tanya chutkan must decide what she'll do, even if she'll try to begin with a trial at all before the election. court watchers on both is sides of the aisle agree it seems unlikely. we'll know more when both sides are in court before her on thursday, but, griff, a lot of people, critics said that jack smith was going to go for hit -- it, he wanted to get this trial before the election. it appears now two months out from the election he's saying to the judge, i'm going to let you handle this, and he's somewhat taking a backseat which i think caught some people by surprise. griff: it caught the country by
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surprise because everyone thought this calendar of court dates was going to the really cripple the election process. but the reality is very different. covered all the details, david spunt, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. molly: president biden spending the weekend at his delaware beach home following the announcement that a u.s.-led raid in iraq killed 15 isis members and injured several u.s. service members. this as biden is expected to campaign with vp harris in battleground pennsylvania on monday. lucas tomlinson is live outside the white house with more. of lucas, to you. >> reporter: molly, the raid was led by army rangers from the 75th ranger regiment, part of the u.s. military's elite special operations command. the assault force targeted an isis compound in iraq's western anbar province. for many years this was an isis stronghold and al-qaeda stronghold. as you mentioned, 15 isis fighters were killed including some who tried to escape. the building was armed with
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numerous weapons, grenades, explosive suicide belts, we are told the congressman if does launched alongside iraqi counterparts. now, seven americans were injured in the operation, five being monitored for traumatic brain injuries and undergoing congressional protocols. the white house has not made any public remarks or statement about the operation. turning back to home, molly, you mentioned kamala harris saying americans are ready to turn the page about a white house that has been occupied by a democrat for 12 of the past 16 years. >> we have had in the former president someone who has really been pushing an agenda and an environment that is about a diminishing the character and the strength of who we are as americans, really dividing our nation. and i think people are ready to turn the page on that. >> reporter: brett stephens writing in his new york times
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column said harris was vague to the point of vacuous. she saided the question of why it took the biden administration more than three years to gain better control of the border which it ultimately did through an executive order that could have been in place years earlier. vice president harris returns to the campaign trail on labor day after enjoying a quiet weekend. she will be going to detroit, and then she joins president biden in pittsburgh for a rally. of course, president biden, a pennsylvania native. scranton joe, they call him. molly? molly: great reporting and another reminder that the war on terror continues. lucas tomlinson, thank you. brazil's supreme court has ordered the suspension of x, formerly twitter, nationwide after elon musk refused to name a legal representative in that country. musk shut down the company's operations in brazil last month after battling with the country's legal system regarding free speech. and requests from the court to have certain accounts blocked. griff. griff: molly, a suspected drunk
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driver is accused of hitting and killing nhl star johnny gaudreau along with his brother matthew in new jersey. the news leaving the hockey world in complete shock. c.b. cotton the has the very latest on this tragic investigation. hey, c.b. >> reporter: hi, griff. yeah, johnny gaudreau, known as johnny hockey, was going into his third the season with the columbus blue jackets. his widow now speaking out for the first time on social media about who her husband was off the ice, sharing photos of the 31-year-old with their daughter noa and their infant son writing in part, quote: the absolute best dad in the world, so caring and loving. the best partner to go through parenthood with. john never missed a single appointment, was the best at putting the baby to sleep and the apple of noa's eye. in another post, she shared these photos with the heartbreaking message reading in markets quote: thank you for the best years of my life.
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despite losing you, i am still the luckiest girl in the world to have been yours. thursday evening johnny was biking with his brother, matthew, a former professional hockey player, in their new jersey hometown. a suspected drunk driver in an suv struck them from behind while trying to the pass a slower vehicle according to state police. the brothers were pronounced dead at the scene the night before their sister's wedding which was or reportedly canceled after the tragedy. a gofundme for johnny's brother matthew, who was expecting his first child, can'ts to grow. both -- continues to grow. both brothers played hockey for boston college and their former coach reflected on their talent. >> we found out later what a special person he was as he treated everybody so kindly and fairly and just became a boston college hockey player that we all envisioned, you know? if very humble, hard working, good at academics.
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>> reporter: so the suspected drunk driver has been counted -- charged with two counts of death by auto awaiting a detention hearing scheduled finish next week. griff. griff: just a heartbreaking story. hockey fans calling it one of the darkest days in the sport's history, our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. c.b. cotton to, thank you. molly: and police in dallas say one of their own was killed and two more were hurt. this happened in an ambush on thursday night. officer darren burkes was in his patrol car with the other officers when the suspect, identified as a corey -- [inaudible] approached them, began a conversation and opened fire. he was killed in a a shootout after that highway chase. griff? ♪ ♪ >> what happened in aurora today is incredible because they basically have just taken over a swath mt. building, and they've -- the people are
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petrified. the people living in the building, they're leaving. and when they tell the police about it, i mean, the police, you know, they don't need ak-47s. griff: that's to former president trump the incident where a group who the aurora mayor says are part of a venezuelan gang storm thed an apartment complex with handguns in at least -- and at least one rifle. let's bring in former acting i.c.e. directer and fox news contributor tom homan. tom, you see that video. governor jared polis of colorado saying that this was the imagination, quote, imagination of those inhabitants who capture this venezuelan gang taking those apartments over. what to do you make of this and, more importantly, how does this happen? our viewers are watching this thinking how could anyone allow this to take place? >> well, look, this is a result of kamala harris' open border, right? she -- they've let 10 million
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encounters at the southern border, and many of them are criminals. so this is a result of the open borders. and president trump is right when he says a lot of criminals coming across that border. hell, not all of them, but many are. so i want to send a message to the elected officials in colorado who don't think they have a problem and say just get if out of the way, because when president trump gets back in the white house, we will go to colorado. we'll take the handcuffs off i.c.e. because this administration put handcuffs on 'em. we'll take the handcuffs off i.c.e. and put them on bad guys. we'll arrest them, deport them, make that community safe again. griff: tom, the suggestion is that these individuals on that video may likely be tied to the trend day rag what, the venezuelan gang with. the mayor telling fox news at least the leader in the area of the tda gang leader, a guy named cookie monster, has been arrested. so clearly, posing a security risk to the community.
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if -- how concerned and how important is it that the country realize that we're witnessing a venezuelan gang infiltrate our communities? >> look, it's just not colorado, it's in new york, it's in chicago. they're in all the major cities in the country. plus they're teaming up with ms-13 who's one of the most violent gangs out there. i said this back when i was the i.c.e. director, our gang's bigger than their gang, right? we've got 20,000 law enforcement officers that want to go out there and enforce immigration law, but they're not allowed to under the harris-biden administration. so what we're going to do, we're going to get president trump back in house and take these gangs on. look, president trump, we had unprecedented success on the removal of criminal aliens. and everyone keeps saying president trump's going to have this massive immigration round-up and it's going to tear families apart and sweep neighborhoods. that is just false. we are going to concentrate on the national security threats and the criminals first because they, they present the great
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danger. so we're going to go get those guys, we're going to deport 'em and keep them out of this country. and we're going to secure the border so gang members and criminals don't keep coming across this border and being released which is in violation of federal law. they should be detained. griff: well, tom, vice president harris on thursday said she's going to bring consequences. listen here. >> i believe there should be consequence. we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally, and there should be consequence. i'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws, and i would enforce our laws as president going forward. griff: your reaction, tom. >> there needs to be consequences for her for failing as the border czar. i don't care what she did as a prosecutor in california. i'm more concerned what she did as a senator and what she did as vice president. how come she hasn't applied
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consequences the last three and a half years? 10 million illegal encounters. 2 million gotaways. 600% increase in tex traffic trafficking. more -- sex trafficking. a record number of people on the terror watch list. and over a quarter million americans dead from fentanyl coming across that border. therto be consequences for her failure. what we need to do is secure this border under president trump. he's done it before. his success was unprecedented. secure the border and remove those here el law schoolly, especially the criminals -- illegally. it's easy. that should be a no-brainer. she failed to do that. she's there right now. secure the border right now. you're the vice president. she doesn't want to secure a border. this is about a an election. i guarantee you if she becomes president, the border's going to get worse and alien crime in this country is going to get a hell of a lot worse. griff: but the administration, including vice president harris, say that the numbers are much lower. [laughter] they've now got this executive
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order in place raising the threshold for asylum and things are under control, yet they did wait long to do it, but they say it's under control now. what do you say? >> i say they're playing a shell game, and they know it. look, they're taking thousands of illegal aliens and bringing them to the cbp1 app. heir bringing them straight to the -- they're bringing them straight to the port of entry, the same population but putting thousands through the port of entry so they don't have to count them as illegal entry. then they've got the chmv program, bringing people into our -- chnv up and the cbp 1 is app and the gotaways, you add those categories together it's still historic numbers beyond, way beyond the numbers trump had. they've just simply playing a shell game and lying to the american people. griff: i'm glad you brought that up, tom. before we run out of time, i want to often that crushes
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hnv -- chnv program. for viewers that aren't familiar, it's a legal pathway the administration created to bring in migrants from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela. many in some cases, at least in one case, a venezuelan raped a 15-year-old in a massachusetts hotel, thereby failing the screening process. but the program was paused because of it was rife with fraud according to the inspector general. they're restarting it. they announced that this week. what do you make of the decision to restart it? >> when they announced that program, i wrote an op-ed for before they even started that program. i said if they do this, you're going to see massive fraud and massive sex trafficking. and i was right. look, the fraud's been something i've never seen before. matter of fact, let me give you an example. one dead man sponsored 180 0 to illegal aliens coming into the
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country. these people are going to be a victim of trafficking, they'll force them into sex trade. this is rife for fraud and for sex trafficking. i called it before they even started it. and like you just said, they're turning it back on. they want to stand up there and talk about how humane this administration is. meanwhile, they're opening the door up to massive, massive child sex trafficking, female sex trafficking and forced labor. they have opened the doors to more sex trafficking in the united states with this program. and they claim it's a humanitarian process? no it's not. griff: yeah. >> they want to talk about family separations, under the trump administration 2500, meanwhile, they can't find 330,000 children? 330,000? their policies are inhumane. it's killing migrants, community members and u.s. citizens. griff: and, tom, just in the last 15 seconds i've got, if former president trump is
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reelected, should he end these legal pathways that this administration has done like chnv and like cbp1? >> yes. they're illegal pathways. he ought to end every one of them. we put the remain in mexico, stop catch and release, we continue the wall and we have the most secure border. look, we had the most secure in my three-and-a-half decade career, and joe biden unsecured it on purpose. trump knows how to do e -- this. we'll get rid of all this bull crap policies they got that bring people in, you know, what they call legally, but it's illegally. how many people can we bring into the united states that can be future democratic voters and turn turn the census around a so the democrats own the house for decades upon decades. no, we'll end these programs day one. we'll enforce the law that's written on the books and secure the border, no problem. no hesitation. secure the border in 90 days. griff: former i.c.e. director
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and fox news contributor tom homan, thanks for taking time. have a great labor day weekend. >> thank you, sir. thanks for having me. griff: molly? molly: will the u.s. allow ukraine to use american weapons further into russia? that's next. ♪ ♪ if from tempur-pedic automatically responds to snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring, then adjusts to help reduce it. don't miss our biggest sale of the year, with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets.
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molly: the israeli military conducted raids across the northern west bank which have killed multiple people. according to israel, nearly all militants including a senior hamas commander. israel and hamas if have agreed to three zones to be vaccinated against polio. it is a major development. jeff paul is tracking all of this from the ground in israel. jeff, to you. >> reporter: yeah, molly, as the fighting continues not only along the israel-lebanon border, but also in gaza, starting sunday there's going to be localized pauses in the fighting between israel and hamas. this was decided after an emerging health crisis in gaza, a case of polio discovered in the territory for the first time in 25 years. so the regional temporary pauses will allow doctors to to get into gaza and tray to start
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advantage -- try to start vaccinating 640,000 kids. some have started getting vaccinated, but the official campaign and series of these 8-hour pauses is scheduled to start on sunday all contingent, of course, on both israeli forces and hamas sticking to the agreement. >> this is a massive operation. the security, of course, is paramount, and we need all parties to ensure protection as well of them and, of course, the families as well as the health facilities and children. >> reporter: meanwhile, a fourth day of raids in the west bank is underway. israeli security forces say two militants were killed last night in two separate incidents. the first involved a car exploding at a gas station, the other an attempt thed car-ramming attack, a security guard outside an israeli settlement. the idf says they have killed more than a dozen militants during these raids which has left a path of destruction from airstrikes, gun battles and heavy israeli machinery.
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there's still this back and forth firing between hezbollah in southern lebanon as well as israeli forces in the north of israel. all of this, of course, as they try to get a ceasefire deal across the hine but so far no breakthroughs -- the line, but so far no breakthroughs just yet. molly? molly: jeff paul from tel aviv, thank you. griff? ♪ griff: ukraine's military is pressing ahead with its ground counteroffensive inside russia. it comes as high ranking ukrainian officials met with u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin at the pentagon. it's part of an effort to convince the u.s. to relax restrictions on using american weapons inside russia. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has that story from the pentagon. >> present -- >> present -- >> reporter: ukraine's defense minister arrived at the pentagon to make his case for the u.s. to relax restrictions on the use of american weapons inside russia. >> the united states has set a
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powerful example to to encourage other partners to stand by ukraine in this critical time. >> reporter: he arrived with a list of russian targets ukraine wants to strike using long-range missiles, some of the billions in military aid supplied by the u.s. the visit came a day after ukraine's foreign minister made a similar plea to european allies. >> if we allow the strike, we will significantly decrease the capacity of russia to inflict damage on our critical infrastructure. >> reporter: the biden administration has barred ukraine from using american weapons to strike russian air bases from which moscow is launching glide bombs that are terrorizing ukrainian civilians like girl in kharkiv who whose apartment block was hit killing 6, injuring 55 including kids on a playground. ukraine's request has been rebuffed in the past by u.s. officials who argue such a move could be escalatory, perhaps
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provoking putin to launch a nuclear weapon. >> as it relates to long-range strike, deep strikes into russia, our policy has not changed. >> reporter: concerns have mounted that with ukraine diverting thousands of troops from eight brigades in the east, it has opened itself up to russia taking a key logistics crossroads town in donetsk. so far putin has diverted his forces to expel ukrainian troops from inside russia, preferring to push further into ukraine. at the pentagon, jennifer griffin, fox news. molly: for more on the war on ukraine, let's bring in former deputy national security adviser for the middle east and vice president of national security at the heritage foundation victoria coates. victoria, thank you for your time on this saturday afternoon, this holiday weekend. we just heard this excellent report from jennifer griffin, she laid a lot of the ground down, but i want to talk about what the u.s. has already spent, $107 billion. and just last month now these
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u.s. f-16s arrived in ukraine. that's something they have expressed a lot of gratitude for. but ukrainian president zelenskyy really wants his hands to be untide as far as how he can use -- untied as far as how he can use all of the weaponry. so i want to get your thoughts on where things stand now in ukraine, victoria. >> well, molly, i'm not so sensitive about russian borders because putin a hasn't been sensitive about ukraine's borders or any other neighbors' for that a matter. my problem here is we are well over $100 billion, and there's no central for any kind of victory. they're just dribbling and dabbling out the aid. they finally sent the f-16s. one of them crashed, that's 700 million right there. and, you know, or congress -- 70 million. congress demanded, required in the most emergency supplemental that the the administration provide a strategy for why we're doing this.
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in early june. and they've blown through that deadline. they have no intention to the actually provide what congress has required them by law to provide to the american people. and the vice president just said in her dnc speech that she intends to double down on the as much as it takes aslong as it takes policy which is a strategy to to get nowhere. so, you know, i think we continue to just drift as jen reported. you know, there's some advances on the ukrainian side, some on the russian side, but we're no closer to a resolution than we were two years ago. molly: what do you make of the pentagon, this is the latest spending something like $125 million in just the latest package going forward, and as you mentioned, more transparency needed. how would that a come about? if. >> well, i mean, you would need a president that would level with the american people and explain why this is in our vital national security interests, why we should be spending all of
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these taxpayer dollars. and, oh, by the way, all of these emergency supplementals are just more debt on our kids -- and grandkids. if they, you know, two years into a war we should be able to go -- [audio difficulty] molly: yeah. shifting gears to israel, vice president harris had her first interview the other day. this is what she had to say about what's happening in israel and what she would do. oh, i'm so sorry, we lost victoria coates. our great iewd to her once again for her insight on this holiday weekend, is and we will head to griff. griff: all right. coming up, how former president donald trump is preparing to debate vice president kamala harris. it's coming up in less than two weeks. we're going to talk about it after this. ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein,
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♪ >> you won't see too many more interviews, and i have a debate coming up with this one -- [cheers and applause] and she didn't want to debate. she didn't want to debate. they were not happy about it, but they got the network that they wanted. she's not good at it, i guess, and they knew that. they knew something that we didn't know. i think she would have been better if she just did interviews even if they weren't great. griff: former president trump last night blasting kamala harris' performance during her first formal interview since entering the presidential race. let's bring in our political panel. with us today is jesse hunt along with brown strewn, hyatt, shareholder al molder. thanks for being here. september 10th, here comes the debate. obviously, there's still this fight even though the issue's been resolved, their mics will be muted. we saw just here in the last several hours vice president harris sort of trolling trump
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saying let's be transparent, let's keep the mics open. jesse, what do you make of it? >> obviously, she's trying to goad him, get him many a situation that, you know, makes him look a little aggressive in those sort of setsings. but, look, it's funny, trump has wanted to do a debate on this network. kamala was really interested in taking the gloves off and debating ideas, maybe she'd join you all as well, i don't know. griff: listen, we would certainly welcome that here at fox news. al, let me talk to you because in the debate, clearly you're going to the see more of the policy stuff, the former president trump's going to try and really draw her out on these policy shifts, flip-flop, if you will. now, in the interview it's clear that the line from the harris camp is, well, my values have not changed. but did do you feel like she gave real explanations as to some of her policy shifts whether it be fracking, whether it be border enforcement?
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if. >> i did, griff, and i also want to point out that all candidates shift positions over time. we're talking about positions she took in 2019 running in a democratic primary with 10 other candidates where you have go to the left. president trump, by the way, used to be pro-choice, used to donate to a.g. kamala harris and president bill clinton, so he's had some shifts in positions too. all politicians have shifts in positions. griff: jesse, i see you grimacing over here. >> the best part of all of this is she's unwelcome to the say it to the -- unwilling to say it to a camera in an interview safety. she needed tim walz as a safety blanket because she didn't want to have to go through all of these issues that she's moved on coming from her own staff, right? these are all done on background in different reported-out stories. she has yet to explain those things, and i think that's why trump is looking forward to this opportunity on the debate where he can actually litigate and scrutinize all the flops she's now had. griff: did you think she did
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well, aling? i mean, the media reaction not just on fox, but on cnn, msnbc was sort of, if you had to summarize it, well, she didn't make any mistakes, it was pretty good. but, i you know, home run, crushed it, earth shattering, these aren't words anyone in the mainstream media used to describe her performance. >> haven't heard those words, but she didn't need to have that happen. of she had to get out there, answer questions, articulate her vision and continue to be, in my opinion, the happier warrior in this race. americans want to vote for somebody who's joyful, who's postas opposed to someone who drives division and grievance. she has to maintain that to win. griff: well, let's talk about the polls for a second because in the sun belt statements, and we can put these up here, arizona, georgia, nevada, north carolina, you can see harris gaining ground, up 1 in arizona, 2 in georgia, 322 in nevada.
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trump still -- 2 in nevada. trump still ahead by 1 in north carolina. jesse, a sign for concern. >> democrats obviously had a lot of success in 202 in some of those -- 2022 in some of those states. what you saw with biden was democrats really starting to lose the enthusiasm game. there are undecided voters who are persuadable, but democrats were deflated. what kamala did reinvigorated them a bit, so you're seeing democrats coming home in some of those sun belt states. the problem for kamala harris is the top two issues in georgia and arizona, economy, immigration, and those two have been a huge struggle for biden and harris to navigate because they're responsible for what we're seeing at the southern border and the accumulating inflation american voters having to deal with every night when they go to the grocery store. griff: but, jesse, trump's struggling with women, and that's where harris sees an opportunity. and we're seeing now yesterday former president trump saying to fox that he'll vote now against
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the amendment in florida to expand abortion access beyond the six weeks which is the current thing. but then he also says, sort of threading the needle, that he doesn't support six weeks. is this a vulnerability for trump? >> i think the president has navigated the issue as a best as one can, right? for republicans rights now -- right now, roe and the overturning did create a new environment, and it's important for republicans to make their positions clear. i think trump has done that be -- but, obviously, this is something harris is going to focus on, trying to apeople to a lot of sub -- appealing to a lot of suburban women. i think, ultimately, the economy will weigh out when it comes time to cast your ballot and who you trust most there, and that is still something donald trump wins on. griff: al, what do you say? >> this election's a lot like 20212 when pram what was come -- president obama was coming off a
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terrible economy and things were improving. umly, the electorate decided to award the incumbent party that was getting things better although not where everyone wanted it yet. i think it's going to be similar. on the issue you just raised, 6-week access is no access at all because a lot of women don't even know they're pregnant. the president trump president is flopping around like a fish on a deck, he doesn't know how to navigate it, and it's a problem for him. and i think it shows he's not credible. on the one hand, he wants to mandate insurance funding for ivf, on the other hand, he's going to promote six weeks as a limit. that makes no sense. griff: al a, you're talking about flopping like a squish, now i have spongebob squarepants in my head. [laughter] i want to end with the ivf news. "the wall street journal" really going after former president trump saying he would support giving free ivf. here is a little bit of what the
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"wall street journal" opinion page writes: the irony is that mr. trump is mimicking barack obama in his affordable care act which demanded that insurance offer the federal government's preferred benefits regardless of expense. they conclude it with this line here we can show you, the ivf entitlement is a half-baked proposal from a republican party increasingly confused about its economic and cultural principles. jesse, al brought up this is similar to the 2012. you see the comparison that the "wall street journal" makes with obama. is this a good idea? >> it's reflect tiff of polling, right? that ivf is broadly incredibly popular among the american electorate, particularly some of the people who are undecided about who they're going to vote for for president. donald trump has always demonstrated he kind of marches to the beat of his own drum as it relates to a policy agenda. he's not beholden to orthodoxy, so as we're talking about this right now what has donald trump
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and j.d. vance focused on? the pro-family party. you've heard them talk about increasing the child tax credit. it was so popular, you saw kamala harris run out there and try to replicate it just like she did on the no tax on tips. talking about being pro-family, that's a lot of what trump and vance are trying to do right now, so the ivf conversation fits into that. griff al, about 10 seconds here for the last word. >> trump's out of touch with his own party. 48 out of 50republican senators voted against ivf funding. none of them want to drive more funding to affordable care about policies, which is what he's proposing. it's not credible. griff: great political possible. molly, send it back to you. molly: all right. a doctor charged in connection with matthew perry's death making his first appearance in court yesterday where the judge allowed him to remain free on bond but with several restrictions. christina coleman has the details for us. christina, to you.
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>> reporter: molly, san diego dr. mark chavez agreed to plead guilty earlier this month. federal prosecutors say he was part of a broad underground criminal network that supplied perry with the ketamine that ultimately led to his overdose death last october. others charged in this case include another doctor and an alleged drug dealer who prosecutors call the ketamine queen. chavez made his first appearance in federal court in downtown los angeles yesterday, and chavez's plea agreement he admitted to diverting ketamine from his former clinic, making false representations to a wholesale ketamine distributer and submitting a fraudulent subscription in the name of a former patient without their knowledge or consent. a judge told chavez he could remain free on bond if he adhered to certain restrictions including no longer providing medical care. >> my client is accepting responsibility. he is doing everything in his power the cooperate, to help in
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this situation, and he's incredibly remorseful. so far mark has agreed to an interim suspension if order so that he is not able to practice medicine. >> reporter: medical experts have been weighing in. local doctor -- a local doctor says perry's death was tragedy ec and preventable. he hopes the situation leads to changes. >> there are thousands of other people who are dying of prescription medications, narcotics or other anesthetic drugs like ketamine that are inappropriately prescribed by physicians because they're pressured to or because the doctors like making money off of it. there are ketamine clinics all over the place, and these are not being regulated properly. i really hope the one thing that comes out of this story is there's public attention on this and the government, the people who are supposed to be watching over this, do their jobs. >> reporter: chavez is the third person to the agree to plead guilty in this case. he is cooperating with prosecutors as part of his plea deal. molly?
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molly: -- public attention, certainly, has been paid. christina coleman, thank you. griff? griff: molly, coming up, a bipartisan effort to free imprisoned pastors in central the america. that's next. ♪ ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. chase really knows how to put the hart in your local community. see what i did there? hey, jackie! (♪) evan, my guy! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started.
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griff: police say 7 people are dead and 37 in the hospital after a commercial bus overturned in mississippi. it happened along interstate 20 the about a half hour west of jackson. investigators have yet to share how the crash happened, but we know no other vehicles were involved. molly? molly: there's a bipartisan effort by lawmakers and the biden administration to free 111 anything rag wan pastors doing held in managua. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram explains. >> reporter: molly, they were trying to spread the word of god. now bipartisan lawmakers are trying to spread the word that the pastors need help.
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>> this is something that really is unacceptable, that these christians would be treated like this, that, you know, and for not doing any crime. >> reporter: nicaraguan authorities jailed 111 pastors and the -- 2 lawyers nearly two years ago. a court convicted them of money laundering, sentencing them to 10-15 years in jail and millions in fines. >> everything with concern was arbitrary. >> reporter: the marxist government of daniel ortega has closed newspapers and schools, jailed political opponents and cracked down on religious freedom. >> like all their totalitarian regimes such as china and cue cue a -- cuba, the mode of religious prooppression is unique. >> reporter: the government was granted permission to conduct massive evangelical events then targeted the pastors after a big crowds showed up. >> the fact that they were saying that they sort of
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discovered something nefarious, there was no information, and it was totally bogus. >> reporter: lawmakers hope nicaragua feels pressure to free the pastors. >> we think of this happening many biblical times. they are basically just sharing the gospel, the good news of christ. >> reporter: the state the department is now involved. >> we believe that they are being held solely for exercising their right to freedom of religion or freedom of belief. >> reporter: and a higher authority is trying to help. >> >> translator: let us pray for nicaragua today to. >> reporter: they just stripped 25 catholic organizations of their right to operate in the country. there are two resolutions in congress to condemn nicaragua for holding the pastor toes. molly? -- pastors. molly? molly: chad pergram, thank you. great reporting. before we go, the videos that are going viral this weekend. ♪ ♪ knowing that he's getting good nutrition, that's a huge relief for me and my dad. (sings) old bean piglet head
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