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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight  GB News  November 24, 2023 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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tell . tell. us dougie, what can you tell. us >> well, ron and battles with the garda siochana. the police force here, you could see quite a heavy presence here beside me. and they have been very heavily . and they have been very heavily. with have been very heavy with the protesters down in here. there has been a lot of criminal damage done on shops . there is damage done on shops. there is also toilets burnt , the police also toilets burnt, the police car burnt. but the police are coming up the street and they're forcing them up and forcing them up as they trying to retake up as they go, trying to retake ground. batons are drawn and ground. and batons are drawn and we must say that the things through the night here are getting heavier and heavier. this off at about this all started off at about half when a young half one today when a young girl was and with two was stabbed and along with two other children and and other children and a woman. and this has been brewing in dublin for some time now. locals in this city are very much against the massive amount of immigration that has come in here. and they are now seen to be showing their frustration for how. >> now. >> dougie, thank you. 13 hostages held by hamas are due
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to be released tomorrow , though to be released tomorrow, though a spokesperson from the qatar foreign ministry said the first group of civilians will be released at 4:00 in the afternoon with the truce due to start at 7 am. local time. meanwhile, the foreign secretary has met with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, on a visit to the country. lord cameron said he wanted to see for himself the communities affected by last month's hamas attacks, and he hopes that those involved in the truce deal will make it happen . downing street make it happen. downing street says more measures could be introduced to kerb net migration . it comes as new figures showed that legal immigration to the uk hit a new record of 745,000 in the year to december . most the year to december. most estimates suggest immigration is now slowing, while the number of people leaving the uk is going up , energy bills are expected to up, energy bills are expected to rise after the energy regulator
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announced a 5% increase to the price cap from january. the average house hold will pay around £94 more over the course of a year. ofgem says the increase is mostly driven by market instability and global events right now on your tv onune events right now on your tv online dab plus radio and on tune in. this is gb news. now it's back to . patrick it's back to. patrick >> we are living in a giant mass migration ponzi scheme. the government has opened the floodgates and kept them open so their growth figures look better on spreadsheet and we just on a spreadsheet and we just have accept the have to accept all of the negatives. places , gp negatives. school places, gp appointments, crisis , appointments, housing crisis, cultural changes. we've just got to roll with this. have we.7 the to roll with this. have we? the net migration figures are in well in the year up to june 2023, 672,000 more people are now living in the uk. that's up from 607,000in the previous 12 months. that's the population of
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manchester plus about another 110,000. how many more houses are we building? 110,000. how many more houses are we building ? how 110,000. how many more houses are we building? how many 110,000. how many more houses are we building ? how many new are we building? how many new hospitals ? how many new schools? hospitals? how many new schools? well, nowhere near enough is the answer. but where are all these people coming from as well? well, the highest influx was from , 253,000. then from india, 253,000. then 141,000 from nigeria to 129,000 from the eu, 89,000 from china. 55,000 from pakistan. remarkably the people of ukraine who are fighting a war and genuinely need our asylum as well only accounted for 35,000 in those figures. look, these numbers are shocking , but i am waiting for shocking, but i am waiting for them to be revised up because it turns out that 2022 total was a monster 745,000, which was 140,000 more people than first reported. who's doing the maths here? diane abbott . to put into here? diane abbott. to put into context what a dustbin fire the government have created . david government have created. david cameron was elected in 2010 with a pledge to bring net migration
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below 100,000 and now in some sort of sick joke day been welcomed back into the cabinet. i'll give it about a week before tony blair's been sucked back up from the u—bend of the public toilet at westminster tube station. also have to be station. we also have to be honest here, the prime minister keeps saying focussed on keeps saying he's focussed on the , not focus. the small boats, not focus. seems be as good as a bloke seems to be as good as a bloke with a lazy eye in a cat rack staring at the small print of the opticians thick the opticians charts in thick fog 100 away. but fog from 100 yards away. but it's distraction in this, it's a distraction in this, isn't it? it's a distraction . isn't it? it's a distraction. the small boats stuff. it's a distraction from the legal stuff, what we voted stuff, from what we voted against consistently at every opportunity for the last. however many years. we've got our man in charge here. he keeps distracting us by he's distracting us by saying he's doing he can to shut doing everything he can to shut the back door . but doing everything he can to shut the back door. but meanwhile he's the front door wide he's left the front door wide open. room windows open. the living room windows are . there's big are gaping. there's a big neon sign saying, come on in, sign outside saying, come on in, suella piped up, she suella braverman piped up, she says. today is record numbers are a slap in the face to the british public who have voted to control and reduce migration at every opportunity. added.
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every opportunity. she added. when do we say enough is enough ? when do we say enough is enough? and his straight talking mp, danny kruger of the new conservatives group, speaking to gb news earlier, he took back control of our borders. >> but we've thrown them open and i think the people who put us into power in 2019 are absolutely entitled to be furious about this. there are some good reasons in terms of the that we've taken in the refugees that we've taken in over few years, but over the last few years, but that for these that doesn't account for these numbers. it's because we're taking of people taking large numbers of people on wages fill on very low wages to fill vacancies the workforce that vacancies in the workforce that should be filled by british workers . workers. >> meanwhile , the new home >> meanwhile, the new home secretary, james cleverly, he's got his muzzle on now, hasn't he, on short leash, he wrote, he, on a short leash, he wrote, this is not showing this figure is not showing a significant increase from last year's figures is largely in year's figures and is largely in line our own immigration line with our own immigration statistics . the government statistics. the government remains completely committed to reducing levels of legal migration, while at the same time focusing relentlessly on our priority of stopping the boats . nobody believes that that boats. nobody believes that that is the least believable thing
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i've heard since my missus says she's still fancied me. when i weighed 17.5 stone. okay, this is not a racism thing. this is a numbers thing. this is a complete and utter desecration of public trust thing . and our of public trust thing. and our politicians have been an absolute shower. and our country will never, ever be the same as a result. now, before i got the views of my panel, let me bring in westminster's most tapped in journo , its senior political journo, its senior political correspondent at the daily express, christian cage . express, christian cage. christian, i've got to ask you, what's in your whatsapps today ? what's in your whatsapps today? >> well , as what's in your whatsapps today? >> well, as you can imagine, there wasn't much pleasure. there was a lot of anger. i should also report that apparently obviously even i can't get personal access to this, but the official whatsapp group of tory mps was remarkable quiet, which is always concerning because if they're not having chats on that platform, where are those conversations happening and why don't they want people to see them ? but in personal them? but in personal conversations with me, yes,
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there was absolute fury . i had there was absolute fury. i had one red wall mp say that those one red wall mp say that those on the right are absolutely furious and we, the tory party , furious and we, the tory party, are taking the public as fools as they go on to ask. this is a this is this is an mp, right? what's the point of a tory government who can't be bothered controlling immigration, which is a question i think a lot of voters will be asking themselves . i voters will be asking themselves .i asked voters will be asking themselves . i asked another another senior party figure, i presume these figures will go down well in your area. and they replied , your area. and they replied, yeah, people are celebrating on the streets. we love a bit of uncontrolled immigration. uh, and also i believe you had one. >> i believe you had one involving involving a bus. is that right? >> i did this. this is the one. this is a red wall mp who mocked up this meme of the infamous vote leave brexit bus. don't
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know if we can see it, but they were they were saying that people are absolutely fuming and the government is trotting out some bull bleep line that we've cut net immigration after last year's figures were revised upwards isn't going to cut it either . ehhen >> yeah, there you go. it's on the screen now. >> apparently the new tory slogan drafted, drafted by an mp. this year's migration figures aren't too bad because last year's were actually much worse than we thought . uh, just. worse than we thought. uh, just. it's unbelievable, really, isn't it, patrick? >> it's strong stuff. christine. thank you very , very much as thank you very, very much as even thank you very, very much as ever. christine cowie there, the most tapped in journey in the land. let's get the thoughts of my panellist, daily telegraph columnist pearson is columnist allison pearson is conservative peer. lord bailey and author and broadcaster amy nicole turner. allison i'll start with you. you think rishi sunak should quit? >> yes. if you can't control your borders, the primary duty of a government under the prime minister is to protect the people and to maintain your
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borders. and they promise to. patrick. they promise, didn't they , to bring down the overall they, to bring down the overall numbers. people who voted for brexit did not expect in 2022 and 2023 to have a population the size of birmingham arrive going over two years. it's completely unsustainable . the completely unsustainable. the british people have been betrayed and lied to. they're still lying. that thing, as you said, that cleverly, the home secretary said they don't want to bring immigration down because it boosts gdp . but what because it boosts gdp. but what they don't say is that it lowers they don't say is that it lowers the quality of living and the standard of living for british people. as you said, schools, hospital cars, transport, everything is going to pot. and they are allowing more and more people to come in. we voted for an australian point based system which would have very high level of earnings and qualifications means for people to come in hard working people who would boost , working people who would boost, who would give taxes and would not be a sponge on the services, which is what is happening now.
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i am absolutely furious. the conservative party is dead. to me it is dead to millions of conservative voters. i've said to sean, they're going to get fewer than 100 mps next year if they're lucky. >> all right, sean , i'll come >> all right, sean, i'll come back to you on that. but before that, amy, i believe you have a radically that, amy, i believe you have a radic know. i saw you look at me >> i know. i saw you look at me when alison said the word sponge because see quite because i see it quite differently because you're differently, because you're talking about what's the number, 700,000. we're talking about 700,000. we're talking about 700,000 record numbers of taxpayer hours. we're talking about in—work visas. we're talking about care workers. so, for example , when i was caring for example, when i was caring for example, when i was caring for my grandmother, who died last year, all the carers that came in were from nigeria. last year, all the carers that came in were from nigeria . these came in were from nigeria. these are roles that we can't fill, so we're filling them with people from overseas who are contributing and there's a threshold, threshold threshold, a wage threshold which is around £30,000, which means they definitely don't take more than they put in. it has and has lowered, they've lowered the wage threshold. >> people can come in who earn
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£16,000 a year. no, that is true. that is true. >> it's an issue with dependents as well. i think they can bring in their families. >> but if you're coming from india work a to india to work as a doctor to prop up our nhs, i think the least you least we could do is say, you can wife and kids can bring your wife and kids like our all the sectors that you would depend on you mentioned would depend on migrant . tell how migrant workers. you tell me how they don't. then there's two things to say, right? >> this country was built on immigration, certain immigration, but to a certain level, and there's point where level, and there's a point where too much immigration costs you and if you come with your wife, your children, have earn your children, you have to earn an awful lot of money before you are not costing the public purse. that that that's a fact. it's a material fact. but the deeper thing is this. we are now approaching the point where our population is bigger than our income, and that is reflected in the huge amount of money we spend on public services and which part of the public services are under the greatest pressure. and what we've seen in the last 30 years in this country, become drunk on
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country, we've become drunk on country, we've beon ne drunk on country, we've become drunk on country, we've beon cheap nk on power. i'm sorry, on cheap imported labour and what that's done. it's worked big done. it's worked for big corporates because can corporates because they can employ rock bottom employ people at a rock bottom level. it has meant is level. but what it has meant is meant workers can't meant that british workers can't compete with price because they have bigger bills. have to have bigger bills. they have to pay have bigger bills. they have to pay they just can't pay more tax. they just can't compete with price. but the real political this we political problem is this we have arrived at a point very early on that if you talk about immigration, you're just accused of absolutely. of being racist. absolutely. immigration affects immigrants as because it's them who as well because it's them who loses jobs because there's only a certain amount of jobs. and someone explain to me someone needs to explain to me in particular, why is it that an immigrant can a particular immigrant can do a particular job, but someone who's based in britain can't? but that's are vacancies in the area such as health care? why we have massive vacancies is because we have so much cheap labour. we don't have to pay decent wages to fill those jobs. if we didn't have so much cheap labour, those jobs would and would be worth more money and more do. more people would do. >> why don't we? >> why don't we? >> amy, say that it's >> so, amy, you say that it's all of course we need care workers nurses. workers and doctors and nurses. and on, but hundreds of and so on, but hundreds of
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thousands this figure are thousands of this figure are students and it's a complete scam. they come in as mature students. they can bring hordes of dependents them who , by of dependents with them who, by the way, i've been finding out this week, are using foodbanks intended for needy british people . they, after they've people. they, after they've completed their degree, they can stay on for two years, get any job, then they apply for a work visa and then they're quids in and they're staying here. patrick and why the patrick and that's why the figures are going absolutely up massively. >> the problem is the public perception of immigration, which all three of you have highlighted. immigration highlighted. seeing immigration as negative when it's been as a negative when it's been proven over decades that it is a positive . hold on. positive. hold on. >> hold on. >> hold on. >> but this is the point. this is the point. so many people it's not the same as it used to be. >> all three of you get your knickers twist. knickers in a twist. >> fair enough. fair >> that's fair enough. fair enough. isnt true. >> e- e this e.— >> well, this country was built on as i said, am on immigration. as i said, i am the son of immigrants, so i don't see immigration in a negative point. but point i negative point. but the point i made was particular level made was at a particular level and a strong argument and there's a strong argument that long passed that long that we've long passed that long
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past there's things. past and there's two things. firstly, we need a office firstly, we need a home office that at who's that actually looks at who's coming here and interpret things properly clause 51 properly. we have a clause 51 that's been under interpreted since filling up when if you interpret it properly, it means we deal economic we can deal with economic migrants. the rules. >> i think my final point would just too much just be that too much immigration is far, far more beneficial than too little. immigration if all the immigrant workers left tomorrow , our workers left tomorrow, our entire society would crumbled. >> what about social cohesion ? >> what about social cohesion? >> what about social cohesion? >> who would do the jobs? who would pick the fruit? who would do farming? who would do the farming? who would who would in care homes? would work in the care homes? >> this is an >> now, this now, this is an interesting that interesting point because that is the argument. you know, for the immigration. i can the level of immigration. i can answer that. >> got this level of immigration. do you want to i'd >> do you want to answer? i'd love amount of people love it. record amount of people we in country are we have in this country who are economically inactive live, they could do, but they're stuck on the waiting list. if you're a young are they economically? >> young person in this country. >> one of key features that >> one of the key features that change being young change from my being a young person now is young people person to now is young people can't used can't get jobs like they used to. those young
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to. let's employ those young people before. >> you make jobs >> why don't you make the jobs work for people? >> point there, now >> now, the point there, now we're going to be having a discussion about this a little bit later show. it's bit later on in the show. it's about integration well, about integration as well, because numbers. because in all of these numbers. right. winds up because in all of these numbers. ri that winds up because in all of these numbers. ri that people winds up because in all of these numbers. ri that people get winds up because in all of these numbers. ri that people get bogged up because in all of these numbers. ri that people get bogged down. is that people get bogged down. i think you have to a bit initially, we're the basic initially, we're just the basic figures, but there's always a story these figures as story behind these figures as well . and that think, alison, well. and that i think, alison, you highlighting there , you were highlighting there, which about social which is what about social cohesion? which is what about social cohand1? which is what about social cohand sean's right. 50, 60, 70. >> and sean's right. 50, 60, 70. we saw waves of immigration coming in. there was time for people to integrate. now it's just mass. so many people coming in. nobody thinks you can integrate 1.2 million people every two years. it's going to be 15. birmingham's patrick by 2040, nobody can integrate that. you are going to fuel tension and resentment because people are going to see their communities change overnight. pressure on public services is and this is something which government intervention could help with. >> they could help with language services, they could help with
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integration, don't. not integration, but they don't. not at that scale to do it, not at that scale . that scale. >> right. >> right. >> okay, look, we're to an >> okay, look, we're off to an absolute everyone will absolute flyer, as everyone will imagine this story going to imagine. this story is going to keep tonight in a keep coming up tonight in a variety angles on variety of different angles on it. drill it. we really want to drill down on in view, it on it because in my view, it affects single walk of affects every single walk of life. you much life. so thank you very much for flying do want to flying star. but i do want to get the latest now from dublin because blamed because the police have blamed and quoting a complete and i'm quoting now a complete hoougan and i'm quoting now a complete hooligan lunatic faction driven by far right ideology for violent protests that have broken out just hours after a man stabbed a woman and three young children outside a school in ireland's capital city, protesters have let off flares , protesters have let off flares, attacked officers with fireworks and they've set a car on fire as riot police attempt to hold back the crowd from the city centre . the crowd from the city centre. now you can have a look . josh now you can have a look. josh howie mo josh howie mo .gov mo
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da damo da just fashanu bev turner renault zoe . na. turner renault zoe. na. >> that's when the garda is going to get seriously injured. this is. this is horrible. >> yeah. just little bit more >> yeah. just a little bit more additional context as to how we've ended up there. a five year old girl and a woman in her 30s have seriously injured 30s have been seriously injured and other people hurt. and three other people hurt. that knife in that was after a knife attack in dubun that was after a knife attack in dublin city centre. so so lots of unconfirmed rumours flying around as well. but coming up, we'll bring you the updates on that as we get it. but coming up, ousted home secretary that as we get it. but coming up, braverman)me secretary that as we get it. but coming up, braverman hitting:retary that as we get it. but coming up, braverman hitting backy suella braverman hitting back against on against the pressure on community cohesion due to spiralling net migration. should we worried about integration we be worried about integration in today's britain ? deputy ukip in today's britain? deputy ukip leader rebecca jane goes up against immigration lawyer hardeep singh bungle that will get plus next in the get fiery. plus next in the clash, commentator joanna clash, social commentator joanna jaflue clash, social commentator joanna jarjue goes head to head with reform party spokesman rupert lowe. in three short minutes time . why? well, i think the
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time. why? well, i think the young are completely ignorant on immigration. just ask nella .
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pm. on gb news, the people's channel. britain's news channel . channel. britain's news channel. >> former tory minister ann widdecombe coming up. but first, it's widdecombe coming up. but first, wsfime widdecombe coming up. but first, it's time for the clash now after these. absolutely astonishing new figures revealed that net migration hits a record
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high of three quarters of a million last year. rishi sunak has been forced to admit that the number of people coming into the number of people coming into the too high. well, the uk is far too high. well, i mean, else could have mean, anyone else could have told him that. meanwhile, over in the imaceleb the in the imaceleb jungle, the tiktok star that nobody's ever heard nella rose launched heard of nella rose launched a blistering attack on our brexit hero, nigel farage. his heinous crime simply wanting to bring britain's rampant migration under control . what? under control. what? >> this is what i was saying. >> this is what i was saying. >> apparently anti >> apparently your anti immigrants . immigrants. >> and who told you that? >> and who told you that? >> oh, the internet. >> oh, the internet. >> oh, the internet. >> oh, well, there we then . >> oh, well, there we are then. it must be anti—immigrant it must be true. anti—immigrant right? said is right? no, no. all i've said is we cannot on with the numbers we cannot go on with the numbers coming that are coming to britain that are coming. know why ? i'm one coming. do you know why? i'm one of the numbers, right? so. so that's it, then. so should it be 5 million a year? 10 million? question don't seem to question no, you don't seem to understand. hang understand. nigel. hang on. >> on, hang hang. >> hang on, hang on, hang. >> hang on, hang on, hang. >> immigrants, you and. >> immigrants, are you and. >> immigrants, are you and. >> on, hang hang >> and. hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. >> you been power a bit >> had you been in power a bit later immigrants . later about immigrants. >> so tonight i'm asking, later about immigrants. >> so tonight i'm asking , is >> so tonight i'm asking, is nella's outburst proof that
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young people don't have a clue about immigration? let me know your thoughts. gb views or tweet me at gb news. and while you're there, go and vote in our poll. i'll bring you the results very shortly. but to debate i'm joined by debate this now, i'm joined by the commentator joanna the social commentator joanna jaflue the social commentator joanna jarjue reform party jarjue and reform party spokesperson lowe. both spokesperson rupert lowe. both of thank you very much. of you, thank you very much. ladies first. joanna, do you think people are think that the young people are just completely when it just completely ignorant when it comes realities of mass comes to the realities of mass migration ? migration? >> don't think so at all. >> no, i don't think so at all. i mean, in terms of watching the episode with nella rose, i think her delivery was definitely really quite poor in the way that she articulated herself . that she articulated herself. but actually, if you listen closely , some of the rebuttals closely, some of the rebuttals that had to nigel's claims that she had to nigel's claims was , you know, things like, was, you know, things like, well, you know, it's because the nhs is underfunded. that's one of the reasons why, you know, our public services are struggling at the rate of migration. i think that this is something much wider something that's a much wider issue that we have to look at. and a kind of holistic way and i a kind of holistic way when we talk about the levels of migration , it's not just about
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migration, it's not just about the i've just the numbers. i mean, i've just been listening a programme been listening to a programme when about when you've been talking about net when we left the net migration when we left the european union, yet we still needed from all around needed people from all around the world and these are legal people, not illegal people . people, not even illegal people. and i think that in terms of it being young people, most people these days, whether you're young or old, tend get your news or old, tend to get your news from the internet. most people with a twitter account, whether you follow dup news or anywhere else, but that's a really key point. rupert , i'll throw that >> and rupert, i'll throw that over because to be able over to you because to be able to lob out what nella did, which was to say essentially, why do all black people hate you and then say, well, the internet tells me they do. i mean that literally is my concern about whether or not that's the level of or understanding of debate or understanding amongst the youth of today . ruth amongst the youth of today. ruth well , patrick, good evening. well, patrick, good evening. >> i haven't i haven't actually watched too much of i'm a celebrity it's not my favourite show. but i have to say the bit ihave show. but i have to say the bit i have watched it appears to me that is always on transmit that nella is always on transmit and very rarely on receive an
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and very rarely on receive an and you know, in any ancient society, the elder people all and she's only 26 as far as i understand it actually their wisdom and their experience is respected usually by most ancient civilisations that have that have basically gone on to develop properly. i think the problem today is , as joanna just problem today is, as joanna just said, the internet and the availability of so much information has meant that a lot of young people don't have the grounding in history or the knowledge of various sort of in—depth knowledge that's required because their attention spanis required because their attention span is so short. now, it should be a young person's world now they are. they should be taking a lot more interest in politics and hopefully joanna can spend her time encouraging them to do that. but i personally , i that. but i personally, i personally think she needs to listen a little bit more more clearly. she hasn't got the
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knowledge that you would expect to have from coming from experience . i've read joanna's experience. i've read joanna's comments. she doesn't think anybody over 70 should have a vote, which is quite extraordinary. that's ageist in itself. and the problem is that they're they're all poised and by a lot of these sort of ancient monopolies like the bbc, that drip poison into the bloodstream of britain. so they can't tell what's true and what's not okay, we'll get it. >> i'll come back to you, rupert. i'll come back to you. lots of lots of strong stuff there. lots strong stuff. joanna, i. i'll get you to come back i also just back to that. but i also just want to ask you know, that thing back to that. but i also just want stood k you know, that thing back to that. but i also just want stood k yofor now, that thing back to that. but i also just want stood k yofor me, that thing back to that. but i also just want stood k yofor me witht thing back to that. but i also just want stood k yofor me with nellai that stood out for me with nella as was says, well, as well was when she says, well, i'm numbers . and i'm one of those numbers. and you fine. but you think, right, fine. but nigel to get her to nigel was trying to get her to put figure well, how many put a figure on. well, how many is many how can is too many? how much can we cope and that cope with? and it's clear that she never actually really thought that . i, thought about that. and i, i worry that that's the case for a lot of young people. they go, i'm pro—immigration. yeah, but but about some but but think about some elements it, you know. elements of it, you know. >> i think that more so >> well, i think that more so from what i saw from the clip . from what i saw from the clip. and in fact, actually, let me
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respond to, guess, the attack respond to, i guess, the attack that's been given. think that's just been given. i think you've proved you've actually just proved my point , you know, some point that, you know, some people look at people really do just look at soundees headunes people really do just look at soundbites headlines and it soundbites and headlines and it really because really isn't about age because clearly and what you're referring to about me saying things about older people voting , clearly didn't go and , you clearly didn't go and watch of the topic watch the episode of the topic that i was talking about. you obviously went on a random article or maybe on social media and read a headline. so it just shows that actually it's not about, you know, whether nella is old or young. clearly, other people go on the internet and they're also very misinformed. but i'll come back to your question as well. and well, i think that in terms of immigration and in terms of the actual comment that was made, i think nigel was also trying to defend himself. and i think that, you know, nella wasn't actually far off because when you look at nigel's branding and the things that he talks about the things that he talks about the most, it is about immigration. and this isn't even about young or old because there was campmate had was another campmate who had a similar with nigel similar conversation with nigel a couple of nights ago talking
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about his breaking point poster and the brexit debate. so he is branded as that. and it's not just nella because she's young who has that opinion of him. it's also other people from other well . other generations as well. >> oh, okay. rupert, i can i just can i just say on immigration, it is not racist to have concerns about immigration, which is clearly out of control . which is clearly out of control. >> and at the end of the day, immigration in itself is a good thing. but it has to be targeted. immigration and it has to basically contribute to our society here and rupert out of control . control. >> rupert, i just want to i just want to get you on this because we're a bit pressed for time, which is that i think when some people generation people in the younger generation are confronted by questions like, think that like, right. do you think that everybody coming from a certain part of world might share part of the world might share your attitudes your progressive attitudes towards women or to gay rights, for example? it's almost like they very often haven't thought about that. and i'm concerned that someone's thrown a blanket over vast swathes of the younger
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generation an and told them, you know, mass immigration, good and anything else is evil. rupert well, you've got it. >> patrick you've got it. with climate change, they're being brainwashed on climate change. they're being brainwashed. they were covid they're being brainwashed. they were been covid they're being brainwashed. they were been brainwashed/id they're being brainwashed. they were been brainwashed over they've been brainwashed over diversity and inclusion . they're diversity and inclusion. they're being brainwashed over unconscious bias. i mean, there's so much rubbish now basically circulating amongst all of our media channels and a lot of our as i say, monopolistic, you know, operations like the bbc, which should be defunded. but people , should be defunded. but people, all the young people and i think joanna, you're only 29 as far as i can see. when i when i had a look at your profile, i mean, you're a woman's age on air. >> to be fair, rupert is not the most tactful you've ever done. >> you've already tried me >> you've already tried out me with so at least with other stuff, so at least it's accurate about one thing. >> the end of day , society. >> the end of the day, society. society should be a blend of old and there should and young. there should be respect listen to each other and should listen to each other and try and try and get to the truth. that's where that's where
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we should go. >> can i just say, really hope >> can i just say, i really hope to both back on either to get you both back on either together separately in together or separately in future. and continue a discussion as well. you know , discussion as well. you know, look, this is a really good clash to get us going. so, joanna, thank you very, very much. joanna georgie, a reform party spokesperson, rupert lowe, who 92. who doesn't look a day over 92. so you agree with? all so who do you agree with? all right. after tiktok star sophie reapen right. after tiktok star sophie reaper, tiktok star nyla reaper, after tiktok star nyla rose with nigel farage rose clashes with nigel farage in jungle, our young people in the jungle, our young people ignorant on the issue of immigration. well, we're on twitter now. and raheem says the problem is younger people view mass exclusively mass migration exclusively through a narrow lens. their lives are far removed from the awful consequences of uncontrolled . ben on uncontrolled migration. ben on twitter says, yes , they are twitter says, yes, they are ignorant, but they aren't taught to think for themselves anymore. anyway, all naive when we anyway, we're all naive when we are young, elliot says . it's not are young, elliot says. it's not just people ignorant about just young people ignorant about immigration. rishi sunak has lost our borders as lost control of our borders as well. look, verdict is in. well. look, your verdict is in. 97% of you agree that the younger ignorant about migration , 3% of you think they are not.
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well, the way things are going , well, the way things are going, there might not be that ignorant about it for too and about it for too long. and i think see, won't we, think we'll see, won't we, whether or not, you know, the ideology them claim ideology that many of them claim to to, whether to adhere to, whether or not they living in, that maybe they enjoy living in, that maybe they enjoy living in, that maybe they maybe they but they will, maybe they will. but coming wing coming up with a right wing donald trump lookalike winning the election ran on a the dutch election ran on a platform of and this is actually his platform, genuinely banning mosques and qurans could this phenomenon spread across europe as anger over uncontrolled immigration continues to build? former tory minister and brussels mep ann widdecombe offers her own rivalled insight that soon. but first, as former home secretary , suella braverman home secretary, suella braverman bemoans the pressure on community cohesion due to the booming migration figures. but also crucially , what they show also crucially, what they show about where people are coming from. okay, and move away from the and other parts of the the eu and to other parts of the world. is it fair to be worried about integration, immigration lawyer hardeep singh bhangal doesn't think so , but deputy doesn't think so, but deputy
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ukip rebecca jane will ukip leader rebecca jane will take him on. don't go anywhere
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isabel monday to thursdays from. six till 930 . six till 930. >> we're keeping a very close eye on what's going on in dublin in ireland, riots on the streets there after multiple people, including children, stabbed . and including children, stabbed. and so we'll keep you updated. but now, as discussed, record net migration figures were released earlier today, triggering fears about how the country absorbs so many new arrivals . so especially
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many new arrivals. so especially considering people are coming from in greater numbers, different parts of the world, other than mainland europe reacting . former home secretary reacting. former home secretary suella braverman said the pressure on housing the nhs , pressure on housing the nhs, schools, wages, community cohesion it's unsustainable. when do we say enough is enough ? when do we say enough is enough? when do we say enough is enough? when it comes to community cohesion , braverman is also on cohesion, braverman is also on record saying famously multicultural ism has failed. well i think this is quite important for a bit of context now. so the highest influx of immigrants into this country in the batch of figures was the latest batch of figures was from india at 253,000 and then 141,000 from nigeria , 89,000 141,000 from nigeria, 89,000 from china, and 55,000 from pakistan . man we're going to pakistan. man we're going to have another debate on this now. i'm joined by deputy ukip leader rebecca jane, an immigration lawyer, hardeep singh bhangal. both of you, thank you very, very much. so, rebecca, always ladies first. when you look at those numbers and potentially
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the areas of the world where people are coming from, do you think that makes integration an issue any more of an issue than it otherwise was ? it otherwise was? >> i do think it makes it an issue, and i do think it is something that we need to be concerning ourselves with. you know, it's something that's incredibly underplayed and i definitely feel like it is failing. you know, i don't disagree with anything actually , disagree with anything actually, that suella says, which is quite strange for me. i think it's a great shame that the position that she has been put in and the fact that she's no longer with the conservative party her the conservative party in her position and it has failed. you know, we do need to get a grip on this. do to do on this. we do need to do something our systems something about it. our systems are overwhelmed and are completely overwhelmed and yet nobody is actually doing anything about it. and it baffles my brain . baffles my brain. >> and i'll throw it over to you, you know, is it unfair, do you, you know, is it unfair, do you think, because the reason why we're having this discussion is because obviously brexit is because obviously post brexit now are seeing greater now we are seeing a greater influx of people in these net migration figures from places that the
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that are non—european. the theory there would be that maybe we in common as brits we have more in common as brits with in mainland europe with people in mainland europe than we do from other parts of the that just wrong? the world. is that just wrong? is that is that is that unfair for, well, a whole idea was that we would not allow european freedom , freedom of movement, of freedom, freedom of movement, of working , because the british working, because the british people were supposed to integrate as such and take up these jobs and the fact is, for seven years that has happened, especially if you look at the health and care sector, where there's still 165,000 vacancies that are primary only and the vacancies are being filled up by this huge rise in immigration. >> so these visas that are being granted, are people coming to work here and in fact, asylum seekers only made up about 50,000. they are. can i just. >> do you mind? sorry, i just want to i just want to keep this quiet, disciplined, quiet, quite disciplined, because a lot because we are talking a lot about show. because we are talking a lot abotthe show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real bit show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real bit i show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real bit i want show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real bit i want to show. because we are talking a lot abotthe real bit i want to zone. and the real bit i want to zone in on this bit is about the potential for social. the
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potential for social. the potential for social cohesion. theidea potential for social cohesion. the idea that maybe integration won't work so well. you look at these numbers, you see where people are coming from. do you think there is a risk of a lack of integration there ? of integration there? >> well, indians, if we take indians pakistanis and indians and pakistanis and nigerians , they've been coming nigerians, they've been coming here the including here since the 1960s, including suella, suella parents, rishi sunak's parents, priti patel's parents, sajid javid's parents. so if you look at them, they're a product of multiculture tourism. and could you say therefore , well, some people i therefore, well, some people i regularly say that they've failed. but the fact is they haven't failed to integrate. they've gone through british they've gone through the british system, gone to uni, system, they've gone to uni, they've contributed to society allegedly, and the fact is there are areas where people are and communities are gathered. so you get areas such as in birmingham and bradford and manchester and southall , but equally they're southall, but equally they're tourist attractions too, and touristy stuff too. and i wouldn't say they place an extra burden on in them communities. it's just where people prefer to
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live. so you'll find indians all over or people from indian origin all over the uk, from scotland to southampton . scotland to southampton. >> okay. so that's that's how. rebecca, what do you make of that then, we've that then, that we've got nothing worry about when it nothing to worry about when it comes integration? are quotes comes to integration? are quotes and quotes british societal norms will remain intact despite some of these numbers , but some of these numbers, but that's not what is actually happening, is it? >> you know , in britain today, >> you know, in britain today, there's nothing more unpopular than to actually just be british. and we are obviously, we are expected to integrate every single culture that comes here. and, you know , to here. and, you know, to a certain absolutely. so certain extent, absolutely. so but actually, the most unpopular culture of all is being british. and why is that ? why why are we and why is that? why why are we demonise for even saying that ? demonise for even saying that? because this is a land in which we live . so many people want to we live. so many people want to come here. it's such a brilliant place, we're now place, but yet we're now expected to turn into this expected to turn it into this multicultural epicentre of the world. like there's lots of great things about being british. but today it's almost
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becoming unpopular for what rebecca what, what bit of british culture or bits of british culture or bits of british culture or society are you concerned that it will lose . you concerned that it will lose. the bits that we will lose ? the bits that we will lose? obviously i think that our whole heritage, our whole, you know , heritage, our whole, you know, we are still apologising for obviously slavery, for and we are still expected to apologise for it for years upon years upon years to come. you know, we don't ever get to say about anything that is actually good to from britain . it doesn't to be from britain. it doesn't feel anymore, you know , and i feel anymore, you know, and i don't think that there's anything unpopular anything that is more unpopular very quickly because. >> no, because i think i think that's a really good point for me to just very, very quickly give up final this, give up the final say on this, which if we which is, i suppose, job if we create a country full of people who don't have any kind of shared history that might be a concern for people about about how we move forward . how we move forward. >> well, if we look at a lot of the countries where people are
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coming from, we do have a shared history. britain was actually in india for 300 years. so they the indian laws are modelled on british laws. they drive on the same side of the road. the court system is the the high system is the same. the high court supreme court and court and the supreme court and everything the everything like this. the traffic the traffic rules are the same, although they might not be adhered to. whole legal adhered to. the whole legal system is exactly based on a british system . so the roads, system is exactly based on a brit railwaysm . so the roads, system is exactly based on a brit railways are so the roads, system is exactly based on a brit railways are madee roads, system is exactly based on a brit railways are made byads, system is exactly based on a brit railways are made by the the railways are made by the british. and i can tell you, i don't think people are ashamed to be british, regardless the to be british, regardless of the colour . love british. colour. i love being british. i'm born in romford. i grew up between dagenham tilbury. between dagenham and tilbury. you i went to school. you know, i went to school. i born and bred in essex, my cockney rhyming, rhyming slang is brilliant. i wear a whistle to work . so there you is brilliant. i wear a whistle to work. so there you i'm to work. so there you go. i'm proud. i'm britain has the best human record in the human rights record in the world. a leader in world. britain is a leader in everything in the service industry . everything in the service industry. brilliant. i'm proud to be british. >> look, both of you, thank you very i i am fascinated very much. i am. i am fascinated by this discussion. and think by this discussion. and i think it's rear its head it's going to rear its head quite a lot going forward in one way or the other. so both of you, you much. that
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you, thank you very much. that is leader ukip, is the deputy leader of ukip, rebecca immigration rebecca jane and immigration lawyer hardeep singh bungle. i do to hear from you in the do want to hear from you in the inbox. when i come back, i'll go to is to that inbox because it is absolutely views and absolutely flying gb views and with but coming up with british found to be british soldiers found to be living in rat infested porter cabins while woke activists remain uncorrected , artistically remain uncorrected, artistically silent. do we care more about looking after people who come here illegally so it's not the legal people now, the illegal people that our own countrymen, people that our own countrymen, people who will fight and die for will explain why for britain will explain why i think need to do far more think we need to do far more very, very soon. but next, as holland has elected a right wing agitator to say the least. by the way, running on a manifesto that bans mosques and korans as well. should we be surprised by the shift to the right that is now sweeping across europe ? now sweeping across europe? former westminster minister and brussels mep ann widdecombe be arms in to offer her unique political analysis . this and political analysis. this and she's going to answer the question are brexiteers question as well. are brexiteers thick because a new study
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appears to suggest that they are 7 appears to suggest that they are ? i'll
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i've got a treat coming your way shortly because israeli government spokesman alon levy responds to kay burley's shocking , allegedly anti—israel shocking, allegedly anti—israel comments soon. i mean, he made mincemeat of her earlier on. he also kicks off about gary lineker and owen jones. so yeah, buckle up. but first, it's time for former tory minister ann widdecombe and a well right wing might be a bit of an understatement. candidate known as the dutch donald trump, who wants to ban mosques, has secured a huge election win that has sent shockwaves across europe. here's geert wilders celebrating his freedom party's historic victory in the netherlands last night. >> but a very pleasant result, of course, by far the largest party in the in the dutch political establishment. >> so i'm very proud.
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political establishment. >> so i'm very proud . at the >> so i'm very proud. at the same time, it it comes with a lot of responsibility . we people lot of responsibility. we people expect our agenda of hope, tougher asylum and immigration policy , the people having policy, the people having getting more money to pay for their utility fees and groceries i >> -- >> well, i mean, the fact is the dutch voted for him. but wilders is politic are causing outrage beyond holland with his party's manifesto calling for a ban on islamic schools , korans and islamic schools, korans and mosques . islamic schools, korans and mosques. he's also the man who, back in 2017 referred to. and, you know, this is highly offensive. dutch moroccans as, quote, scum. well, now it goes without saying, these policies are far more extreme than anything. i'd be comfortable voting for. but and should we really surprised by the dutch really be surprised by the dutch election results considering what we're seeing across europe ? what we're seeing across europe? maybe with growing immigration and legal and illegal? your thoughts are ? thoughts are? >> well, i think that once you to extend tolerance to a point
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where, um, you just accept anything, then inevitably you end up in the end with a reaction of intolerance. >> and this is a very , very >> and this is a very, very intolerant agenda and one which sits very oddly in the eu. so i'm going to be interested to watch that . now, of course, watch that. now, of course, we've already had the french for many, many years now , um, many, many years now, um, preventing the jihad. sorry, not the jihad . what am i talking the jihad. what am i talking about? preventing the hijab being worn in public, preventing the burqa being worn, the full burqa . now, they have done that burqa. now, they have done that for a long time. burqa. now, they have done that for a long time . this is going for a long time. this is going on hugely far. it is for a long time. this is going on hugely far . it is effectively on hugely far. it is effectively saying to people, you can't practice your religion and that icannot practice your religion and that i cannot see as being consistent with any sort of human rights at all. >> i don't really see how he does that. i can see maybe islamic schools because as i can you know, you maybe would do
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some kind of blanket thing on religious schools. i mean, i still think difficult by still think that's difficult by the i mean, banning the the way. but i mean, banning the quran book. and quran is a religious book. and it's imagine everywhere must it's i imagine everywhere i must say, i do feel uncomfortable about the idea of banning mosques because then i think about, well, i'll just think exactly about how would feel exactly about how i would feel if to ban if someone wants to ban churches, i think churches, you know, and i think you i don't if in practice you i don't know if in practice is to able do it, is going to be able to do it, but probably going to give is going to be able to do it, bla probably going to give is going to be able to do it, bla go. probably going to give is going to be able to do it, bla go. and ably going to give is going to be able to do it, bla go. and couldoing to give is going to be able to do it, bla go. and could this to give is going to be able to do it, bla go. and could this be give is going to be able to do it, bla go. and could this be the it a go. and could this be the end eu ? end of the eu? >> oh, i don't think it's going to be the end of the eu. i don't see anything as dramatic as that, but i certainly think it will tensions will promote enormous tensions within the eu. after all, this is democratically elected is a democratically elected government taking a line that i don't anybody else is don't think anybody else is going with when it goes going to agree with when it goes that rightly say, that far. as you rightly say, you know, banning korans is like trying to ban the bible. and evenin trying to ban the bible. and even in muslim countries, if you have your bible in private, there isn't an issue about it. so if it's going too far, i think he knows that it's going
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too far. but what he is doing is saying , you know, time to fight saying, you know, time to fight back. that's effectively what he's saying . yeah. he's saying. yeah. >> and amazingly as well, a lot of younger people voted for him as well, which which i think says a lot. and for a lot of people out there complaining about this guy now , i think they about this guy now, i think they maybe look themselves maybe have to look themselves in the whether or the mirror and wonder whether or not decisions and not some of the decisions and policies that they've put forward created forward have actually created this can i just this situation. but can i just we're a about eu we're talking a bit about the eu there because scientific study there because a scientific study published voting published by a remain voting academic university of academic at the university of bath found to discover that bath was found to discover that the lower your cognitive ability , the more likely you were to vote for brexit, which basically says clever people voted remain and thick people voted leave . and thick people voted leave. and your views to be accurate to be fair, and i don't really feel very fair to him. >> very fairto him. >> but to be very fair to him. >> but to be fair, if you look at the detail , it >> but to be fair, if you look at the detail, it is said that there is no causal flow. that is to say that being thick doesn't,
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you know, make you vote brexit. but it is the most extraordinary document. i mean, we can all think of academic , very, very think of academic, very, very clever people who voted to leave . it is a bit of clever people who voted to leave .itisabitofa clever people who voted to leave . it is a bit of a nonsense, but it's very, very typical of remain propaganda. they still can't face one very simple fact they lost out. >> yeah , but i mean, initially. >> yeah, but i mean, initially. initially it was you believed a lie that was funded by russia . lie that was funded by russia. all of this stuff and now , i all of this stuff and now, i mean, seriously still, they're just now they're going. right. well, that wasn't true. so you're just thick you think you're just thick and you think get it . get over it. >> yeah, get over it is exactly it as i said, they've lost. they've never got over that. they've never got over that. they believe that they had god they believe that they had a god given to win. cameron given right to win. cameron believed that and he lied and lied and lied about project fean lied and lied about project fear. and this man is now back as as , um, as foreign secretary . as as, um, as foreign secretary. so no , i mean, they're never so no, i mean, they're never going to stop moaning , but let
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going to stop moaning, but let them moan on while we get on with our trade deals and making the most, i think it was it wasn't the only thing i think the british public were or the brexiteers were quotes, quotes. >> a bit thick about was to assume that a load of politicians would actually enact assume that a load of politithey'd/ould actually enact assume that a load of politithey'd/ould iforlally enact assume that a load of politithey'd/ould ifor because :t what they'd voted for because time and time again we see that doesn't no offence to doesn't happen. no offence to you know you crack you and i know you do crack straight on, but that's ann widdecombe very widdecombe there. thank you very , very right. up , very much. right. coming up after sky news star kay burley faces criticism for her controversial comments on israel made live on air. i speak to israeli government spokesperson ellen levy. this clip went viral. it went absolutely viral. i'll play it for you a little bit. it made mincemeat of kay burley. this clip got millions of millions of millions of views. he was trending on twitter right. so views. he was trending on twithought right. so views. he was trending on twithought we're right. so views. he was trending on twithought we're going:. so views. he was trending on twithought we're going too views. he was trending on twithought we're going to lock we thought we're going to lock him down. we're going to get his reaction. exactly reaction. and that's exactly what we've done. hit back what we've done. he's hit back at burley and some at kay burley and some anti—israeli rhetoric being well demonstrated really by certain sections of the british media. but more than that , he's also
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but more than that, he's also been speaking about gary lineker and owen jones. so make sure you tune in for that. he does not hold back that guy. but next, after infuriating revelations of british soldiers living in rat infested porter cabins with woke activists , a seemingly activists, a seemingly unconcerned does the left care more about illegal immigrants than its own people? i'm not mincing my words. i'll see you in a tick. >> evening. i'm alex deakin. this is your latest weather update from the met office for gb news. the winds picking up out there. a blustery and cold day tomorrow, but most places will see some sunny spells as the reason for the change. a cold front is pushing south ahead of it, still quite mild behind it, very windy and much colder air arriving so strong. the winds, we actually have a met office yellow warning in place across shetland, but across orkney and the north—east of mainland, blustery of the mainland, very blustery with wintry showers coming in here. a little bit of snow is possible little bit rain possible. a little bit of rain will away england and will clear away from england and
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wales. places will be dry, wales. most places will be dry, getting pretty chilly, but temperatures holding in the temperatures holding up in the south—west. actually here south—west. but actually here dufing south—west. but actually here during tomorrow, temperatures will to fall away. we'll will tend to fall away. we'll start with cloud and still some patchy rain over maybe north wales, some showers just hitting parts of aberdeen shire and then the east coast of england, especially norfolk. seeing the odd shower. but for most places it's dry . for odd shower. but for most places it's dry. for many it'll be fine and sunny , but it ain't going to and sunny, but it ain't going to be warm with temperatures in single figures. a chilly day and feeling particularly cold in the east with this brisk wind . that east with this brisk wind. that wind will slowly ease wind will only slowly ease dufing wind will only slowly ease during saturday, but it should ease away, as will any showers just hitting the eastern side of england. and for most saturday is also set for yes, there'll be a frosty start, but then plenty of autumn sunshine lifting the temperatures to between four and eight celsius. so a chilly one ahead. goodbye
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>> good evening. this is patrick christys. tonight . riots on the christys. tonight. riots on the streets of dublin after children were stabbed. people are saying enoughis were stabbed. people are saying enough is enough. but what's really gone on there? we'll have the latest . an army of human the latest. an army of human rights lawyers and fanatics are desperate to stop illegal migrants being housed on a barge. but we have members of our actual army living in shipping containers because their barracks is infested with rats . has their barracks is infested with rats. has this lost their barracks is infested with rats . has this lost its rats. has this country lost its flipping mind? and the man who made mincemeat of kay burley? israeli government spokesman ellen levy, joins me and he's got a few words for gary lineker and owen jones as well. >> the outrageous accusation and i'm torn between wondering whether it's by people who are too to dictionary too stupid to open a dictionary and the definition or and read the definition or a question of projection . question of projection. >> yeah , of course. >> yeah, of course. >> yeah, of course. >> we'll be joined down under
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with ben leo for the latest reaction to nigel in the jungle. i've certainly got a few questions about that hat now. i will have all of your front pages, of front pages pages, all of your front pages at 1030 in the most entertaining newspaper review you will get anywhere on the telly. that's a promise. ready to promise. and getting ready to kick off the of kick off on the sofa of britain's best columnist, allison pearson. luscious lord bailey and amazing amy bailey and the amazing amy nicole turner. you're on telly, sean, this is patrick christys tonight it's live . tonight and it's live. always live now your politicians have let you down. okay, but i won't keep your views on net migration coming into me. com. it's at gb news on twitter and we'll see you after your headlines . you after your headlines. >> i'm theo chikomba in the newsroom . there are calls for newsroom. there are calls for calm as protests eaters clash
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with police after three children and a woman were stabbed in dublin. our reporter dougie beattie has more . beattie has more. >> there's been a lot of criminal damage done on shops. there is also toilets burnt, a police car burnt . but the police police car burnt. but the police are coming up. the street and they're forcing them up and forcing them up as they go, trying to retake ground and batons . and we must batons are drawn. and we must say that the things through the night are getting heavier night here are getting heavier and this started and heavier. this all started off about half one today when off at about half one today when a girl stabbed along a young girl was stabbed along with two other children and a woman and this has been brewing in dublin for some locals in dublin for some time. locals in dublin for some time. locals in this city are very much against the massive amount of immigration that has come in here. and they are now seen to be showing their frustration on 13 hostages held by hamas are due to be released tomorrow. >> a spokesperson from the qatar foreign ministry said the first group of civilians will be released, will be released at 4:00 in the afternoon with the truce due to start at 7 am.
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local time. meanwhile israeli defence forces said they killed a commander of the hamas naval forces in khan yunis . officers forces in khan yunis. officers are appealing for dashcam footage following a crash that killed four teenagers in north wales. jevon hirst harvey irwin, wilf fitchett and hugo morris were on a camping trip in north wales. their bodies were recovered on tuesday after a car was found overturned and partially submerged in water. nonh partially submerged in water. north wales police says it appears to have been a tragic accident . police are asking accident. police are asking anyone who has been travelling on the a4 085 in gwynedd between sunday and tuesday for information . downing street says information. downing street says more measures could be introduced to kerb net migration. it comes as new figures showed that legal immigration to the uk hit a new record of 745,000in the year to december . most record of 745,000in the year to december. most estimates suggest
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immigration is now slowing, while the number of people leaving the uk is going up, energy bills are expected to rise after the energy regulator announced a 5% increase to the price cap from january. the average household will now pay around £94 more over the course of a year. ofgem says the increase is mostly driven by market instability and global events . the prince of wales took events. the prince of wales took part in the mock assault in salisbury plain earlier. prince william threw smoke grenades from a warrior armoured vehicle as he joined a simulated attack on an enemy position. the exercise formed part of the future king's first visit to the first battalion of the mercian regiment as their chief colonel in chief. this is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car on digital radio, on your smart speaker . digital radio, on your smart speaker. smart digital radio, on your smart speaker . smart speaker by saying speaker. smart speaker by saying play gb news now it's back to .
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play gb news now it's back to. patrick on the day that it's emerged that we've got a net migration figure of around 672,000, and last year's figure is magically been rounded up to 745,000. >> it turns out we've moved serving military heroes out of a rat infested barracks and into shipping containers . we have shipping containers. we have people who fight and die for this country living in a 15 foot by six foot wide prison because we've had to move them out of accommodation where rodents could bite them in the night. this country has lost its flipping mind, the equivalent of the entire population of manchester, plus about another 120,000 people. net this year can be welcomed in. we can find room for all of these people . room for all of these people. oh, by the way, if you've got a problem with those numbers, then you're a and if you've you're a bigot. and if you've got a problem with a 745,000, we welcome last year, you must be an even bigger, this an even bigger, bigger. and this isn't now legal migration. isn't just now legal migration. okay? the reason why i know this
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country has lost its flipping mind is the way we treat illegal migrants compared to our military heroes. where are the human rights lawyers for our military personnel? where are just stop oil blocking a bus carrying young men prepared to fight for britain into shipping containers? the containers? where are the bleeding heart liberals? where's the outrage? apart from on this sofa right now? earlier this yeanl sofa right now? earlier this year, i went to ealing to report on ordinary brits living in shipping containers . here's what shipping containers. here's what some of them look like on the inside and the outside as well. these size or these are the same size or bigger , by the way. and the ones bigger, by the way. and the ones that we're putting members of our armed forces in. if it is inhumane and cruel and unusual punishment to house someone who is illegally entered britain in a hotel or a barge with a gym, a basketball court, an on site medical facility, the ability to come and go as you please, a canteen and a computer room, then surely it is inhumane to house someone who was born and bred here, has or is prepared to suffer the horrors of war for
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king and country in even worse accommodation . people on the accommodation. people on the bibby stockholm have better facilities and more freedom than some members of our armed forces. let that sink in and we have an entire section of the media. hundreds of politicians. goodness knows how many charities , a small army of human charities, a small army of human rights lawyers , some of them who rights lawyers, some of them who were found to be taking bribes to about asylum claims and to lie about asylum claims and one bunch of weird environmental loons all teaming up to fight their corner. could imagine their corner. could you imagine how quickly this problem will be sorted those and mighty sorted if those high and mighty moral of virtue decided moral bastions of virtue decided to actually go into bat for the people prepared to die to save their lives? whistleblowers speaking to the mail said , we speaking to the mail said, we don't let asylum seekers stay in places like this, so why the hell do we do it to our own troops who risked their lives? we're very, very busy unit and we're a very, very busy unit and we in a high standard we perform in a high standard across . it's a across the globe. it's then a kick the come back kick in the teeth to come back and squalor. the rooms and live in squalor. the rooms are can't put a tv in are tiny. you can't put a tv in there. for me , this is there. i mean, for me, this is just bias. it's actually reverse
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racism. it's all right for working class british lads to be sent battle , suffer the sent into battle, suffer the trauma of war, and then come home rat infested room or home to a rat infested room or a shipping container. but it's a complete the complete outrage when all the nice too full. so we nice hotels are too full. so we have to put illegal migrants in a instead. a refurbished barge instead. look say again. this look i'll say it again. this country has lost its flipping mind . but to country has lost its flipping mind. but to respond to me country has lost its flipping mind . but to respond to me now, mind. but to respond to me now, i'm joined again by daily telegraph allison telegraph columnist allison pearson conservative pearson, conservative peer lord bailey, author and broadcaster amy nicholl . turner allison, it amy nicholl. turner allison, it just winds me right up this in case you couldn't tell. >> can tell. yes lost our >> i can tell. yes lost our flipping mind . start by saying flipping mind. start by saying squaddies are the least whinging people in the united kingdom. so if they're complaining about their accommodation then it is pretty poor law. and i think i agree with you, patrick, which is that if we are paying £8 million a day to put illegal migrants, aka asylum seekers , migrants, aka asylum seekers, into three and four star hotels , into three and four star hotels, then something's gone very, very wrong. but as you say, the asylum seekers have got an army
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of human rights lawyers saying that they can't possibly be put in cramped accommodation without , you know, ceilidhs and discos and english language classes. but yeah , a very, very but yeah, a very, very different, very different , but yeah, a very, very different, very different, very different, very different, very different standards. double standard applied to our soldiers and it is , it is shameful. and it is, it is shameful. >> if i did a press release that was sent out to everyone in the media, amy, and it said the exact same story, but you changed the people involved of it. going to it. so i said, we're going to put seekers this put asylum seekers in this accommodation to put asylum seekers in this acc(squatters)n to put asylum seekers in this acc(squatters in to put asylum seekers in this acc(squatters in situation, to put squatters in this situation, the would turn to the the media would turn up to the one the asylum one involving the asylum seekers. unfortunately, seekers. well unfortunately, this after this is what you get after successive governments underfunding the ministry of defence ultimately defence who are ultimately responsible . responsible for this. >> took >> and it actually took a bleeding liberal to bring bleeding heart liberal to bring this up in the commons. liberal democrat morgan raise democrat helen morgan to raise concerns living concerns about these living conditions. see conditions. now i don't see i think it's frankly manipulative of this as frame it of you to put this as frame it in opposition to the living conditions of migrants. why is it necessary ? why can't we care it necessary? why can't we care about of things about both of those things simultaneously and as passionately, we don't passionately, but we don't though, this is only though, do we? this is only just come government come up. the government have been helen morgan.
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been ignoring helen morgan. she's in the she's been standing up in the commons week after it's commons week after week. it's ultimately the ultimately comes down to the ministry under ministry of defence under funding conditions funding this living conditions no one is happy with these living conditions, do you living conditions, but do you not to how unhappy we not compare to how unhappy we are with the living conditions of migrants they're completely of migrants? they're completely two things going on. two different things going on. >> that are >> i would argue that they are two things, sean. two different things, sean. >> that >> it's just divisive to do that and it is. >> it's just divisive to do that and hasten it is. >> it's just divisive to do that and hasten to it is. >> it's just divisive to do that and hasten to disagree with amy >> i hasten to disagree with amy because the point is that would because the point is that would be unuke because the point is that would be unlike many be so unlike you. how many people political world, people in the political world, in legal world were in the legal world were concerned about squaddies? in the legal world were concebezd about squaddies? in the legal world were concebe very out squaddies? in the legal world were concebe very clear. squaddies? in the legal world were concebe very clear. the uaddies? let's be very clear. the conditions are conditions they're living in are absolutely disgusting . it's your absolutely disgusting. it's your government. . yeah, the government. the fact. yeah, the government. the fact. yeah, the government has failed. i say again government again, the government has failed, has whole failed, but so has the whole political firmament because if we support groups of people we can support groups of people before we support our armed services, we need to ask ourselves some serious questions. reason we're questions. the only reason we're in position support these in the position to support these other because the other people is because of the rights freedoms that those rights and freedoms that those armed bought armed services have bought for us years. that's why us over the years. so that's why it's an absolute disgrace. and the thing well, the the second thing as well, the government and and i say the government and i and i say the government and i and i say the government has found money for all of madness. this
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all manner of madness. this should at the top of should have been at the top of their list. so whoever's responsible it is from the secretary of state for defence downwards guilty a massive downwards is guilty of a massive failure. and if you put it right into shaun bailey. >> yeah. alison for me it's this , this question of, of , it's this question of, of priorities and really weird priorities and this really weird mindset set that people are in. just stop oil on paper. well, they just want to stop oil. but but they don't. they want to stop the charleton migrant but they don't. they want to stop 1as charleton migrant but they don't. they want to stop 1as charltheymigrantfree crisis as well. they want a free palestine. want to do all palestine. they want to do all of know, no of this stuff. you know, no one's for the people of this stuff. you know, no one' are for the people of this stuff. you know, no one' are willing for the people of this stuff. you know, no one' are willing to r the people of this stuff. you know, no one' are willing to literally)ple of this stuff. you know, no one' are willing to literally die who are willing to literally die for this country , in my view. i for this country, in my view. i just i just don't understand the mindset media backs mindset of and the media backs them up. human rights them up. the human rights lawyers back them up. there's a ready made selection , a ready made selection, a smorgasbord of people in parliament ready to go into bat for disgrace for the utter disgrace of sticking come sticking someone who's come here illegally on a barge. then illegally on a barge. but then you've who have you've got people who have maybe done living in done tours of wherever living in shipping containers. >> but that's we've been >> but that's what we've been talking about this evening. patrick, there patrick, isn't it? is that there is complete double is this complete double standard. so when white working class people, which many squaddies are not all, there are obviously different
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obviously people from different community know, they're community as you know, they're racist . that's it. they're the racist. that's it. they're the lowest of low. and the lowest of the low. and the asylum seekers a sort of asylum seekers have a sort of halo of virtue around what halo of virtue around them. what we actually know at the moment is asylum seekers, is that asylum seekers, the government processing asylum government is processing asylum seekers to this country at a huge rate , much higher huge rate, much higher acceptance rate than france or other european countries . and other european countries. and why is that happening? because they want to get them the they want to get them off the books that they that they books so that they that they look like they've look they look like they've cleared, backlog. so cleared, cleared the backlog. so yeah, i mean, it is. but but the certain category of person white working class people mainly in this country , they are the this country, they are the bottom of the pile . and they and bottom of the pile. and they and they you know, they're some bottom of the pile. and they and th> we'll bring you those headlines. on dot . i headlines. bang on the dot. i just want to go quickly to the ministry defence spokesperson just want to go quickly to the min come defence spokesperson just want to go quickly to the min come out fence spokesperson just want to go quickly to the min come out fencysaidykesperson just want to go quickly to the min come out fencysaid there's;on just want to go quickly to the min come out fencysaid there's no has come out and said there's no outstanding pest control issues despite being said by
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despite what is being said by clive barracks. any reports are deau clive barracks. any reports are dealt with as quickly as possible. they say they're committed our committed to ensuring that our service have the high service personnel have the high quality accommodation they rightly and know who rightly deserve and i know who has policy pledge. has that as a policy pledge. >> in last manifesto . >> in the last manifesto. >> in the last manifesto. >> labour right. okay. right now the dublin tonight . the latest from dublin tonight. yes. the police have blamed a complete hooligan, lunatic, faction driven by far right ideology. their words for violent protests that have broken out just hours after a man stabbed a woman and three young children outside a school in ireland's capital city, protesters have been letting off flares, attacked officers with fireworks, a car on fire as fireworks, set a car on fire as riot police attempt to hold back the crowd from the city centre. there are also unconfirmed reports online in that a holiday inn hotel , reports online in that a holiday inn hotel, all that has housed migrants previous has reportedly been set on fire by the protesters . here's some clips.
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yeah, people are on the streets. they're due to some of the unconfirmed rumours about the individual believed to be involved. we'll keep you updated on that situation in dublin tonight. coming up, i'm bringing you the most lively and informative press preview anywhere in the country . and anywhere in the country. and tonight's press pack analyse all of tomorrow's biggest headlines and we'll also cross down under to get the live verdict from nigel. fifth day in the jungle. but next, israeli government spokesman alan levi joins me. he roasted sky news presenter kay burley earlier today. that clip went viral. so we thought we'd got to get him on and we've done it. he's got few words for it. he's got a few words for gary owen jones to gary lineker and owen jones to trust me. this guy kicks off and
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his owner, zach .
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gb news was the people's channel gb news was the people's channel, britain's news channel . channel, britain's news channel. >> fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie joins me for a spirited review of tomorrow's newspaper from pages soon. but before that, tomorrow sees the start of the israel hamas hostage deal. 50 of the kidnapped israeli civilians being sent home in return for
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150 palestinian prisoners . and 150 palestinian prisoners. and sky news presenter kay burley has sparked outrage after a car crash interview with israeli government spokesman ellen levi . government spokesman ellen levi. all day, the shocking clip has been going viral on social media. i wanted to speak to the man at the centre of the storm myself. you'll surely see the extraordinary moment that he had with kay burley. but first, i asked mr levi for an update. an important update, i think, on the israeli hostage situation . the israeli hostage situation. >> this is heartbreaking. we're talking about 240 hostages, including 30 children who have been held in a dark tunnel now by the terrorists who massacred and raped their way through these people's communities on october 7th. >> and every minute, every minute that hamas continues to hold our hostages in the dark and keep their families in the dark , is ongoing crime dark, is an ongoing crime against humanity. now we're doing everything we can to get them home. there is a deal in place to secure the release of the hostages. we're the first 50 hostages. we're starting with the women and children and we hope to continue
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and bring home all of the hostages, the men and the women , hostages, the men and the women, the old and the young, the soldiers and the civilians. we're committed leave one we're committed to leave no one behind strip . behind in the gaza strip. >> what have you made of the british coverage from what >> what have you made of the british seen coverage from what >> what have you made of the british seen of overage from what >> what have you made of the british seen of it'erage from what >> what have you made of the british seen of it songe from what >> what have you made of the british seen of it so farfrom what >> what have you made of the british seen of it so far ?om what you've seen of it so far? >> uh, look, it really depends. and as a government spokesman, it's not my job to give a telling off to specific media outlets, but i think it's fair to hasn't been given to say israel hasn't been given a shake in this conflict. a fair shake in this conflict. i've done about 150 interviews, television or radio since this war began. and sometimes i'm really flabbergasted by the questions i get. we're trying to present our side of the story. we're explaining why we're having to fight this awful war. we're the truth about we're telling the truth about the october 7th massacre. we're talking about the lengths that we bring our stolen we are going to bring our stolen children and sometimes, no children back and sometimes, no matter facts we present, matter what facts we present, there are people who will always twist it in a way that makes israel out to be the baddies in a way that really requires intellectual somersaults and gymnastics to try to pull that off. but we to continue
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off. but we have to continue telling why we are telling the story why we are fighting this war, the war that hamas declared us with the hamas declared on us with the october 7th massacre and why we have but win have no choice but to win because can't go back to because we can't go back to a world in which the terrorists just border , the army just over the border, the army of just over the border of terror, just over the border in the strip, can hurt our in the gaza strip, can hurt our people ever again. in the gaza strip, can hurt our peoi le ever again. in the gaza strip, can hurt our peoi thinkr again. in the gaza strip, can hurt our peoi think you ain. in the gaza strip, can hurt our peoi think you were alluding >> i think you were alluding a little bit to an interview with kay burley earlier today. >> i was speaking to a hostage negotiator this morning. made negotiator this morning. he made the comparison between the 50 hostages, hostages that hamas has promised , promised to has promised, promised to release as opposed to the 150 prisoners that are palestinians that israel has said that it will release and he made the comparison between the numbers and the fact that does israel not think that palestinian lives are valued as highly as israeli lives ? lives? >> that is an astonishing thing. >> that is an astonishing thing. >> accusation how did that make you feel at the time? >> flabbergasted, really. i've given many interviews, and that was the first question that left
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my jaw on the floor. the idea that since israel is releasing 150 palestinian prisoners convicted of violent offences in exchange for 50 hostages, that somehow means that we care less about palestinian lives because thatis about palestinian lives because that is the deal that we have agreed to. obviously if we could do a one for one swap, that would be preferable . obviously, would be preferable. obviously, if we could get our innocent hostages back for free for all 250 of them, 50 days ago, nearly 50 days ago, that would have been preferable. so the idea that you take israel's willingness to release people who have been convicted of violent offences in order to get innocent children who have been held in a tunnel 50 nearly 50 days and to turn that days ago, and to turn that somehow into a narrative of dehumanisation against israel, as if that somehow is a reflection that we are the ones missing a moral compass really. i think insinuations like that are outrageous. it is hamas that devalues lives that is hamas, that devalues israeli lives and
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palestinian lives. as we see from the reckless way that they've been trying to use innocent palestinian civilians as human shields in this war. and as you can see from israel's efforts to get them out of harm's way so that we can target the monsters perpetrated the monsters who perpetrated that , barbaric massacre that horrific, barbaric massacre on october 7th. >> i've been surprised by a >> i've been very surprised by a lot of the reaction of certain prominent figures. gary lineker, the footballer, former footballer them footballer being one of them in recent shah , had a tweet recent ali shah, had a tweet from a prominent left wing commentator in this country, owen jones , which basically was owen jones, which basically was an interview he did with somebody saying that what israel was engaging in was a textbook genocide because the intent is expressed so explicit so directly in such unashamed ways . directly in such unashamed ways. >> and it's continued to be expressed in this way, then i do think that what we're seeing in front of our eyes is a textbook case of genocide . case of genocide. >> gary lineker, of course, works for the bbc as well. i mean , again, what do you make
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mean, again, what do you make when you when you see people, prominent people all going out of their way to tweet something like that under the guise, by the way, of trying to remain neutral? i'm not expressing a view. i'm saying should view. i'm just saying you should have this . have a look at this. >> it's a really outrageous accusation. and i'm torn between wondering by people wondering whether it's by people who are too stupid open who are too stupid to open a dictionary read the dictionary and read the definition a question definition or a question of projection an act of projection because an act of genocide did take place on october 7th when hamas death squads invaded southern israel and murdered every one they saw as brutally as possible. when they burned people , beheaded they burned people, beheaded people tortured them, mutilated them, parents in front of their children, children in front of their parents when they committed acts of barbaric rape. that was a campaign of systems extermination by hamas's army of terror, which tells us that it wants to perpetrate another october 7th and another october 7th and a million october 7th, as many as it takes to murder every man, woman, child in our country and in response to that, we're fighting a war to target
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the did that? going the monsters who did that? going blue get blue in the face, trying to get civilians out of harm's way. despite hamas's efforts to embed itself in civilian areas in clear violation of humanitarian law . so to take the suffering law. so to take the suffering and the trauma that we have suffered, the deadliest massacre of jews since the holocaust, and to somehow turn that against us and turn us into the villains really shows an atrocious degree of total moral bankruptcy . of total moral bankruptcy. >> bosch , i think, is the best >> bosch, i think, is the best way of saying what he said there. ellen levi there, spokesman for the israeli government . we reached out to government. we reached out to gary lineker's, representatives for comment, but shockingly, we are yet to hear back. coming up, fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie joins me live in the studio to tuck into tomorrow's front pages . but next, the uk's front pages. but next, the uk's most entertaining paper review. you will not be bored as my panel of news gurus chews through the latest headlines. hot off the press. and of course , the breaking news from inside the jungle. and we will have the
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latest from dublin, where it is absolutely kicking off. see you
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>> you're listening to gb news radio . radio. >> welcome back. i've got the front pages here. but let's cross to australia now where our reporter ben leo is beachside for the inside track on another eventful day for nigel down unden eventful day for nigel down under. ben . under. ben. >> yeah. hi patrick. good evening. yeah. another cracking show just ended. tony baillieu, the former pro boxer and franky dettori, two new camp mates in the mix tonight . they both led the mix tonight. they both led two teams. the camp was divided in half a series of challenges which saw nigel get stuck into it. basically a box where he had animal organs thrown all over him, fish, slime and whatever else. unfortunately nigel lost nigel's team lost, which meant he's in the away camp, which is a downgraded one star camp. so no proper bed, no proper food and no luxuries like the home
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team have got . i suppose the team have got. i suppose the highlight of the show , highlight of the show, unfortunately, i'm going to have to this was as another to bring you this was as another showing nigel's backside and showing of nigel's backside and some rather hilarious pictures of him in the bath scrubbing himself. take a look at this . himself. take a look at this. oh, that's a sight for sore eyes. >> i just see something i never >> ijust see something i never thought i'd see. nigel's bare arse. i've seen it on the first day . sydney nearly 60 isn't too day. sydney nearly 60 isn't too bad, you know. it's good to me. nice little bum. lovely. good >> feeling happier today. >> feeling happier today. >> well, we've all had a peek at your bottom. is that right? >> that is right. >> that is right. >> that's not too bad, is it? >> that's not too bad, is it? >> it's not too bad, though. >> it's not too bad, though. >> well, there you go. i'll tell you what. >> it's not too bad. well, it's too not bad. nigel's bottom. oh. >> god . >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> farage was naked again. >> farage was naked again. >> a lot of nakedness from him. >> a lot of nakedness from him. >> you know, the only thing
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nigel farage loves more than being naked is having a big election . election. >> you did say election, didn't he? >> i did. >> i did. >> well, yes, i did, hugh. >> well, yes, i did, hugh. >> definitely . hugh patrick. >> definitely. hugh patrick. >> definitely. hugh patrick. >> i don't know what you guys are doing to me. i meant to be a serious journalist. i've travelled the world. i've interviewed prime ministers, royalty and now you want me to give assessment nigel's give an assessment of nigel's backside? here it is. he's backside? well, here it is. he's not in bad shape, is he? and i think actually, it shows that he doesn't give a damn what people think. like his politics, think. just like his politics, he to himself. and he stays true to himself. and that's quite a noble characteristic. play to characteristic. so fair play to nigel, what's assessment, nigel, what's your assessment, patrick, of his his bath time scene? >> absolutely cracking. yeah, 100. it really is. ben, just before i let you get going, what's the story with that hat, mate ? mate? >> what's the story and what's. sorry, patrick, with your hat ? sorry, patrick, with your hat? oh, it's my cameraman . he in the oh, it's my cameraman. he in the back of his van, actually , to be back of his van, actually, to be honest, a lot of locals have
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been have been giving me weird looks. who's this weird brit on the there go . it's the beach? so there we go. it's off if the viewers want it back again, know. but yeah, again, let me know. but yeah, there we go. >> look, ben, you're >> all right, look, ben, you're an you an absolute legend. thank you very to see very much, mate. great to see you. take try not to enjoy you. take care. try not to enjoy yourself much on the gold yourself too much on the gold coast now, reaction from our panel coast now, reaction from our panel. telegraph columnist panel. daly telegraph columnist allison conservative allison pearson, conservative peer lord author and peer lord bailey, author and broadcaster amy nicholl turner allison nigel's arse . oh allison nigel's arse. oh i wasn't expecting that. >> you know what he is doing ? >> you know what he is doing? he's covering himself in bubble bath , but he's covering himself bath, but he's covering himself in glory in there . i've been in glory in there. i've been watching. he's been doing really well. he's the camp fusspot . he well. he's the camp fusspot. he is tidying up. he's telling them all not to leave all the food out overnight and he's putting he's really getting his message across. he's actually injecting quite lot of interesting quite a lot of interesting politics it . politics into it. >> lord bailey, what do you think of nigel farage constantly getting his kit off while he's in good shape for a man of his age? >> and look, nigel is i think he's quite a likeable character.
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i think that's coming across. he's very about he he's very sure about what he believes and he's letting people know. and look, confident . know. and look, he's confident. you he's as with his you know, he's as with his politics, he's saying, this is me. take look. me. take a look. >> yeah, i mean, he's >> yeah, yeah, i mean, he's bafing >> yeah, yeah, i mean, he's baring all i mean, no one could accuse him of not, you know, going the extra mile, i suppose in that sense, it's good he's dedicated to his hygiene because there's nothing worse than having bath in your. having to bath in your. >> your swimwear. so he's >> in your swimwear. so he's just embracing the reality that he wants have a nice he just wants to have a nice clean time in camp. brilliant. fine. >> yeah. i mean, i don't know about all this. >> oh, great bod, i >> oh, great bod, really. i mean, can i. actually, the other day you called a victoria's secret model. someone that had been lamppost. been wrapped around a lamppost. so you need to so i'm allowed to. you need to go reiki things just because so i'm allowed to. you need to go rdroppedjs just because so i'm allowed to. you need to go rdropped a just because so i'm allowed to. you need to go rdropped a clanger.3ecause you dropped a clanger. >> , was like, oh, oh, we >> now, i was like, oh, oh, we can't body shame, we can't body shame. >> i said nothing. >> i said nothing. >> you just created a storm out of that anyway. right? okay. i think that's is probably enough of that anyway. right? okay. i's is probably enough of that anyway. right? okay. i thirnow. aboutprobably enough of that anyway. right? okay. i thirnow. about nigelyly enough of that anyway. right? okay. i thirnow. about nigel farage|gh for now. about nigel farage backside, although no doubt we'll to. i want bring we'll return to. i want to bring you of tomorrow's news you some of tomorrow's news tonight. most tonight. now in the most entertaining paper review
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anywhere very anywhere on telly, the very first front pages have just been delivered my press pack. delivered for my press pack. let's on them , shall let's see what's on them, shall we? we go. the mirror. make we? here we go. the mirror. make it stop . economy households are it stop. economy households are going to be £1,900 poorer. migration labour tory policy has been a total failure. the bills they talk about covid as well. they're breaking britain . that's they're breaking britain. that's the mirror we go to the independent tory at war over slapping face recall migration numbers. pm feels heat from suella braverman and right wing mps as net migration to uk triples to 745,000. yeah, i mean it's completely overshadowed. the tax cut stuff hasn't it? which arguably weren't that great anyway. and interesting picture story here. really interesting picture story. this hero crane driver who managed to hoist a workman to safety from a tower block inferno. i always go over to the metro . yeah, they've over to the metro. yeah, they've gone for this as well. i mean, it's an incredibly strong picture story. this winches from death . a builder stranded on a death. a builder stranded on a burning 16 storey office
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building and was rescued. that person deserves a knighthood . person deserves a knighthood. that's it. there we go. see so exactly. wow so this is an office block in redding, 16 stories, that bit of it. and bloke trapped on the roof. if you can just about make him out there. yeah. anyway crane driver down the crane driver comes. this guy's got to try and get in it. you can imagine the searing heat. look the inferno. oh heat. look at the inferno. oh god, the inferno. gets god, look at the inferno. gets him, manages to get him just as the smoke and the flames engulf the smoke and the flames engulf the side of the building. hoist him safety. good nurse me. him to safety. good nurse me. there are not enough pints in the world to make up for what you've just done. now over was you've just done. now over was you over to the daily express ? you over to the daily express? we'll get reaction on that. where's wrote the daily where's he wrote to the daily express failure halt express failure to halt migration the face to migration is slap in the face to the they say they've got the public. they say they've got an exclusive michael an exclusive from sir michael caine to caine and dame judi dench to people think daily express people who i think daily express readers, love. readers, of course, will love. and the i cabinet battle. on uk's migration care workers. yeah, this is interesting because they're talking about whether or they're to
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whether or not they're going to have crackdown care have a visa crackdown for care workers. we just, you workers. us aren't we just, you know, around the edges, know, fussing around the edges, fiddling rome burns, fiddling while rome burns, i suppose say there suppose you could say so. there we go. those your front we go. those are your front pages. more of pages. all right. more on all of those now in a little bit later on as well . those now in a little bit later on as well. but i am joined by my pack . so they're my press pack. so they're going to be getting stuck right to in this. but can i just actually delve into a story that belongs to you , alison, because you've to you, alison, because you've got something for people tomorrow in the telegraph. what is it ? is it? >> yeah, guitar builders , who is >> yeah, guitar builders, who is a far right , >> yeah, guitar builders, who is a far right, he genuinely is a far right politician in the netherlands, has stormed to a victory in the general election in the netherlands and has caused a huge amount of sort of shock and shock and surprise . shock and shock and surprise. but anyone who's been following the politics of that country, patrick, will know that migration has been looming large, causing a lot of consternation , action, and he consternation, action, and he has capitalised on that, particularly since the hamas attack and the pro—palestine march is so he's now left behind
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all the kind of mainstream people . and this is really based people. and this is really based on asylum seekers. geert wilders has a very hard line . he wants has a very hard line. he wants to shut mosques, ban muslim integration, immigration altogether. so very far right person. but really doing incredibly well in the netherlands. and of course, we're seeing that across the continent and what i'm writing aboutin continent and what i'm writing about in my piece is are we with all the tensions building here, are we going to have a party of the far right and a leader like that? and the issue here, patrick, i'm really talking aboutis patrick, i'm really talking about is that people who are not far right, but who have legitimate concerns , none of the legitimate concerns, none of the mainstream parties , certainly mainstream parties, certainly not in our country and in the netherlands , were not addressing netherlands, were not addressing the legitimate concerns about immigration and social cohesion . immigration and social cohesion. so they are flocking, flocking to more far right leaders. >> okay. so people can get get that full unabridged version in the telegraph tomorrow. so go do
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you guys always well worth a read? obviously and shaun bailey, how would you respond to that? >> i think it's right. you see gutfeld as he's been coming for a long time and a little while ago, if you go back 5 or 10 years, treated if he was years, he's treated as if he was a people responded a lunatic. and people responded to that way. but because to him in that way. but because liberals constantly telling liberals are constantly telling people you're far right not listening, they've they've allowed him to wander into the centre and he's won. it centre and he's won. now it feels like that couldn't happen here, but it also felt like it couldn't happen in the netherlands. and it has. and i and we've talked about immigration government immigration and the government has but has failed on the figures. but what's interesting is what would has failed on the figures. but whélabour resting is what would has failed on the figures. but whélabour party; is what would has failed on the figures. but whélabour party do what would has failed on the figures. but whélabour party do whenever ld has failed on the figures. but whélabour party do whenever we the labour party do whenever we talk about this, i always ask , talk about this, i always ask, where starmer ? because where is keir starmer? because he and his bunch are the chief people at telling people they're from the right and they're not listening to poor communities from the right and they're not liste are] to poor communities from the right and they're not liste are worried' communities from the right and they're not liste are worried about1unities from the right and they're not liste are worried about theires who are worried about their incomes, about their access to pubuc incomes, about their access to public services. and if he doesn't listen to them, we could get where racial get into a place where racial tension grows. and say this tension grows. and i'd say this now i born raised in now. i was born and raised in this country racial tension this country. racial tension to me highest it's ever me is at the highest it's ever been for quite some time.
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>> , i'm just going read >> yeah, i'm just going to read out mean, to but out i mean, i'll go to you, but i'll of the i'll just read out some of the manifesto. right from this guy. asylum feast on asylum seekers feast on delightful free cruise ship buffets. families buffets. while dutch families have back on groceries . have to cut back on groceries. immediate halt development immediate halt to development aid. a quote , netherlands first aid. a quote, netherlands first approach, including leaving the eu, proposes a ban on islamic schools. carranza mosques, headscarves would be banned from government buildings, he obviously then goes to the netherlands, is not an islamic country. he toned down his anti—islam message during campaigning, anti—islam message during campaigning , saying that he put campaigning, saying that he put some of his stronger views in the freezer . it's his sixth the freezer. it's his sixth election, lord bailey is right. you know, they should have seen this guy coming, i think, as as long as we continue to blame migrants for government's failings and inflame situations and there is inflation and poverty in countries, increasing poverty in countries, increasing poverty , and we continue to poverty, and we continue to avoid the truth , which is that avoid the truth, which is that the economics are wrong, that the economics are wrong, that the government policy is wrong .
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the government policy is wrong. >> and we continue to say it's because of migration , then because of migration, then that's going to happen that's what's going to happen here. i cannot believe that a secular country like like like we were talking about raises massive , serious concerns about massive, serious concerns about religious freedom . can you religious freedom. can you imagine something like this here? somebody leads the country saying they want to ban or ban mosques, but that's sickening. >> amy, this is the point i want to make. >> how can this not make you furious? >> it may well make me furious. everybody knows i'm a churchgoing christian. it would make in make me friends. i grew up in a very community. but make me friends. i grew up in a verypoint community. but make me friends. i grew up in a verypoint tryingnmunity. but make me friends. i grew up in a verypoint trying to unity. but make me friends. i grew up in a verypoint trying to make but make me friends. i grew up in a verypoint trying to make isrt the point i'm trying to make is liberals talk about people who feel way if they're feel this way as if they're silly and they won't silly fools and they won't listen to people who have legitimate concerns. a legitimate concerns. and if a liberal won't listen to you and this only alternative this is your only alternative and this is where you end up in the in the the netherlands, in the netherlands, netherlands the netherlands, in the neth hasnds, netherlands the netherlands, in the neth has ais, netherlands the netherlands, in the neth has a population erlands the netherlands, in the neth has a population of ands the netherlands, in the neth has a population of 17ds only has a population of 17 million only has a population of 17 miland they had last year >> and they had last year 485,000 immigrants coming in. that's a big chunk of the population. people do not want this vast demographic change happening so quick. why? and
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seanis happening so quick. why? and sean is right. why? because the country can't accommodate it. and wilders has said , let's put and wilders has said, let's put the dutch first for once. and i bet and i bet you that that would resonate in our country. let's put the british first for the same reason a lot of people here, amy, feel overly booked as they absolutely are overlooked. >> but that has precisely nothing to do with immigration. it does . it does. >> okay. >> okay. >> well, that's that's what we're on the clock, people. we're on the clock. but thank you much. good stuff. now, you very much. good stuff. now, coming sadiq khan to coming up, sadiq khan wants to introduce rent in the introduce rent freezes in the caphal introduce rent freezes in the capital, rent controls capital, but our rent controls a damaging fantasy. my damaging left wing fantasy. my panel will thrash that out. that's tonight's greatest britain union jackass. but britain and union jackass. but first, street icon kelvin first, fleet street icon kelvin mackenzie joins me live for some more reaction to tomorrow's front pages . i've got another front pages. i've got another nigel clip. are we doing this now on? oh, we're keeping you on the hook . i wonder whether or the hook. i wonder whether or not this one in valves is bad bottom. yep. stay tuned for all of the reaction suella took .
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well, here we go. because kelvin mackenzie is going to be talking about all of the latest front pages. a couple more. yes. there we go. a couple more have just landed in my lap here. kelvin we're going to start with with your old one, the sun. there we go . so quick step, danny rugby. go. so quick step, danny rugby. bad boy, danny cipriani joins christmas strictly and he's already cosying up to a dancer. well, there we go. okay. all right. so nine days after his marriage split, well, i wonder if what what's what's the reality that 745,000 record level of migrants. i'm just going to show people the telegraph before we get stuck into these kelvin daily telegraph cabinet pressure on rishi migration rishi sunak to slash migration in snap election speculation . as
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in snap election speculation. as treasury mulls early budget. they've got girt builders on the front as well. some stuff about the israel hamas alleged ceasefire. right and stay tuned because in a second we've got no more nigel in the jungle but kelvin yeah i mean what do you want to start off with there . want to start off with there. >> uh, well , the most important >> uh, well, the most important thing is , is the net migration thing is, is the net migration issue . issue. >> and fraser nelson has done a bit of research which shows that for thousand britons per day, per day apply for sickness benefit while we allow in 3000 new arrivals from , uh, new arrivals from, uh, predominantly india to nigeria , predominantly india to nigeria, pakistan, that's that's what happened last year. now so actually , can somebody tell me actually, can somebody tell me why 4000 of our people are applying for sickness benefit every day? why is that happening ? so i'm grateful to fraser
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nelson for putting these facts out . and the other issue that out. and the other issue that i've seen is that there's been a slight bounce in the tory. honestly, their basically done for so but why should you be surprised? >> anybody who's on who who is at the bottom of the pay pile now makes 1144 an hour which means that they will earn 25,000 a year. >> fantastic . anybody who's >> fantastic. anybody who's living off pension , uh, has just living off pension, uh, has just seen an 8.6 rise. but get about forget about any forget about taxation . taxation. >> ordinary people actually really benefited . really benefited. >> and the trouble is that the argument has been hijacked by people who earn , you know, people who earn, you know, 78,000, 80,000. they forget about the majority who don't . about the majority who don't. >> okay. and the story you're referring to there is on the inside of the times times, and it's got the headline benefit rise a surprise vote winner as tories climb by four points. so
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that's the very , very little that's the very, very little bump in the polls that jeremy hunt budget has got . kelvin, i'm hunt budget has got. kelvin, i'm going to play a clip now . okay. going to play a clip now. okay. of nigel farage undergoing his latest trial down under and then i'll get your reaction come . oh, i'll get your reaction come. oh, pretty grim. >> that's awful . uh now let's >> that's awful. uh now let's just drop that one. >> that is pretty smelly, nigel grace. nick poor nick and marvin close. marvin, i'm afraid you are the losing team . are the losing team. >> yeah . great. kelvin, what do >> yeah. great. kelvin, what do you make of nigel's moments in the jungle so far ? the jungle so far? >> uh, well, i've. i've just watched it, actually. >> an and, um, they're the explosion between him and bella rose. >> i found very disturbing personally. >> and i wondered whether she'd been put in by itv in order to create that very , uh, what
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create that very, uh, what i thought was very uncomfortable telling vision. >> but what is a fantastic television franchise is? and instead of that , turned into a instead of that, turned into a difficult and rather nasty explosion by her towards him basically saying , you know, basically saying, you know, black people don't, don't, don't like you . supposing she had said like you. supposing she had said in back to her well white people don't like you. can you imagine what kind of row there was? but thanks to nigel keeping his cool and basically saying, we've got nothing to talk to each other about, actually all went off reasonably well. but i, i, i think itv's director of television and even the ceo should come on and explain why why this this influencer was put in there when they knew full well that that would lead to a racial explosion. i think it's an absolute disgrace. and the cynicism is fantastic . cynicism is fantastic. >> i think what nigel is doing
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is he's pushing back on stuff very gently by saying very basic things like, okay, so how many people is too many people to have in a quick succession , have in a quick succession, which is basically really the conversation about immigration, especially in light of today's , especially in light of today's, you know, soon be record net you know, soon to be record net migration numbers when they inevitably again . inevitably bump them up again. and that a lot and you can tell that a lot of people especially people i think, especially younger haven't actually younger people, haven't actually thought . they haven't thought about that. they haven't actually thought about the specifics. like someone has specifics. it's like someone has thrown and thrown a blanket over them and said, good. and said, immigration, good. and that's it . that's it. >> well, they haven't got they haven't got a proper stake in society yet , have they? i mean, society yet, have they? i mean, you know , i'm not against i'm you know, i'm not against i'm maya, the young and all the all the bloody rest of it. but the truth about the matter is they don't own houses. they aren't in their pretend lose their 40s and pretend to lose their 40s and pretend to lose their jobs to people their 40s and pretend to lose theirjobs to people coming from their jobs to people coming from their jobs to people coming from the outside . and we are in a the outside. and we are in a difficult place. and i am sure that if we had a mr. wilder around right now, there would be around right now, there would be a lot of tension in the air. and
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actually i often wonder whether if the reform party was a bit tougher on the honestly , the tougher on the honestly, the muslim exclusion of integration, then i honestly think that actually the reform party would pass the conservative party in fact, not only do i think it, i'm absolutely sure the party thatis i'm absolutely sure the party that is going to destroy the conservatives is not labour. it's going to be the votes that go to reform . it's a very go to reform. it's a very dangerous area. and rishi should get real well , this ties into get real well, this ties into a heck of a lot of the front pages right now. >> the i cabinet battle on uk's migration chaos workers. yep, fine. but also cabinet pressure in the telegraph sunak to slashing migration, failure to halt migration is a slap in the face of the public. the express so bang, bang, bang. and yet kelvin is going to big when kelvin is going to be big when nigel out. have to nigel gets out. we'll have to see political ambitions see what his political ambitions are. but kelvin mackenzie, thank you very much. always an absolute superstar . you very much. always an absolute superstar. kelvin mackenzie, the former editor of the it's time to reveal the sun. now it's time to reveal today's greatest britain and union jackass . allison, who is
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union jackass. allison, who is your greatest britain? >> it's going to be mr nigel farage and his charming posterior , sure. but also posterior, sure. but also particularly . particularly not particularly. particularly not just the bum note, but for putting neil arrows straight in the jungle about immigration and conducting himself with great fairness and saying , let's agree fairness and saying, let's agree to disagree . to disagree. >> funny you should mention that , right? >> so when sorry all the is coming out now. so basically but this is what i was saying apparently your auntie immigrants and who told you that? oh, the internet told oh well there we are then. >> it must be true. it must be true. it must be, it must be true. >> oh, oh, yeah. >> oh, oh, yeah. >> okay. all right . sean. >> okay. all right. sean. >> okay. all right. sean. >> my greatest britain is the chancellor for his. he threw a to the army . he gave 10 chancellor for his. he threw a to the army. he gave 10 million to the army. he gave 10 million to say, look, we're going to do better for you. i think it's a start . it's not enough. but for start. it's not enough. but for the chancellor recognise him the chancellor to recognise him in the statement is in the autumn statement is a very because the very good thing because the armed particularly armed forces, particularly the army, we've had
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army, need more. we've had a recruitment it's been recruitment tough. it's been tough to recruit and it's because there enough going tough to recruit and it's bethose there enough going tough to recruit and it's bethose boys enough going tough to recruit and it's bethose boys and enough going tough to recruit and it's bethose boys and girlsugh going tough to recruit and it's bethose boys and girls oni going tough to recruit and it's bethose boys and girls on the.1g to those boys and girls on the. >> yeah, of course. now on the inside of the times they might be to agree with you. be inclined to agree with you. four bump polls four point bump in the polls there amy who's your there we go. amy who's your greatest britain. >> side, i've >> well on the flip side, i've gone winning gone with an award winning journalist. she's called holly anne provided some anne brooks. she's provided some expert analysis the dangerous expert analysis on the dangerous consequences that jeremy hunts welfare cuts will have on the disabled. the cuts are inhumane, as she points out, and the nhs needs so much more investment after 13 years of tory rule. and she highlights this particularly well. so i recommend you go read her articles and listen to her broadcasts. >> now . absolutely. no, thank >> now. absolutely. no, thank you bringing that up. you for, for bringing that up. and must say, from what have and i must say, from what i have heard, you know, it's heard, i'd say, you know, it's always a tremendous one when she's doing a writing. and also, like there , the audio like you said, there, the audio stuff well. my winner, though stuff as well. my winner, though , in sharp contrast, it must be said, is nigel farage, today's greatest briton is nigel farage and we've just about got time for the union jackass. >> alison, it's got to be the
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conservative party for promise thing in many manifestos to the british people that they would get overall immigration down, down. and we now have the highest level of immigration for 1500 years. >> very quick, sean mines is sidique khan for practical non about rent controls knowing the best way to destroy cities bombs and the second best way is rent control . control. >> it will mean that rents go up and there'll be less properties available. >> okay, let suella braverman because she's having a whinge about migration numbers whilst forgetting home forgetting she was home secretary mhm. okay. right . secretary mhm. okay. all right. the winner of today's union jackass. the winner of today's union jackass . and i think a lot of jackass. and i think a lot of people could have seen this coming. conservatives. coming. it is the conservatives. oh sean. it is. look, oh sorry sean. say it is. look, it is . i mean, you know, i can it is. i mean, you know, i can only play the cards. i'm dealt and so it's not been a great day was it? >> i love it that you've all elevated me to the prime minister. not my concern. minister. it's not my concern. it's a matter of time. >> the way that you be the only one left. >> if sean in charge, it'd >> if sean was in charge, it'd be oh, yes. yeah
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be much better. oh, yes. yeah oh,all right. yes. >> all right. oh, yes. >> all right. oh, yes. >> you very, much. my >> thank you very, very much. my wonderful great wonderful panel. really great stuff for stuff tonight. thank you. for everybody stuff tonight. thank you. for everytbeen in, been who's been tuning in, it's been a rip roaring we've dealt a rip roaring show. we've dealt with figures. with the net migration figures. we've over here to we've taken you over here to dubun we've taken you over here to dublin well, where we will be dublin as well, where we will be monitoring that situation here on very, very on gb news. very, very concerning stuff. and we spoke to the israeli spokesperson who went viral after making mincemeat out of kay burley earlier on. if you haven't seen all of that, watch back on all of that, watch it back on youtube. you tomorrow all of that, watch it back on yo 9:00. you tomorrow all of that, watch it back on yo 9:00. wow you tomorrow at 9:00. wow >> evening. i'm alex deckard. this is your latest weather update from the met office for gb news. the wind's picking up out blustery and cold out there. a blustery and cold day tomorrow, but most places will see some sunny spells. the reason for the change? a cold front is pushing south ahead of it. still quite mild behind it, very windy and much colder air arriving so strong, the winds, we actually have a met office, yellow warning in place across shetland, but across orkney and the north—east of the mainland, very blustery with wintry showers coming in here. a little bit snow is possible. bit of snow is possible. a little rain will clear
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little bit of rain will clear away from england wales. away from england and wales. most will be dry, turning most places will be dry, turning pretty chilly, but temperatures holding up in the south—west. but actually during but actually here during tomorrow, temperatures will tend tomorrow, temperatures will tend to fall away. we'll start with cloud and still some patchy rain over maybe north wales, some showers just hitting parts of aberdeenshire and then the east coast of england , especially coast of england, especially norfolk, seeing the odd shower . norfolk, seeing the odd shower. but for most places it's dry. for many it'll be fine and sunny, but it ain't going to be warm with temperatures in single figures. a chilly day and feeling particularly cold in the east with this brisk wind that wind will only slowly ease dufing wind will only slowly ease during saturday, but it should ease away, as will any showers , ease away, as will any showers, as just hitting the eastern side of england . and for most, of england. and for most, saturday is also set fair. yes, there will be a frosty start , there will be a frosty start, but then plenty of autumn sunshine lifting the temperatures to between four and eight celsius, a chilly one ahead. goodbye . ahead. goodbye. >> who is it ? ahead. goodbye. >> who is it? we're here for the
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show . show. >> welcome to the dinosaur hour. >> welcome to the dinosaur hour. >> with me, john cleese . >> with me, john cleese. >> with me, john cleese. >> haha, that was married to a therapist and you survived. i thought we were getting hugh laurie, second best man bellissima. >> you interviewed saddam hussein. what's that like? >> i was terrified. i'm playing strip poker with these three. >> oh , no thank you. >> oh, no thank you. >> oh, no thank you. >> cds need to be put in alphabetical order. >> oh, are you going to be problematic again ? problematic again? >> the dinosaur our sundays on
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gb news. >> i'm theo chikomba in the newsroom. there are calls for calm as protesters clash with police after three children and a woman were stabbed in dublin. our reporter dougie beattie has more. >> there has been a lot of criminal damage done on shops.
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there is also toilets burnt, a police car burnt . but the police police car burnt. but the police are coming up. the street and they're forcing them up and forcing them up as they go, trying to retake ground and batons drawn . and we must batons are drawn. and we must say that the things through the night here are getting heavier and heavier. all started night here are getting heavier ancateavier. all started night here are getting heavier ancat about all started night here are getting heavier ancat about half all started night here are getting heavier ancat about half one started night here are getting heavier ancat about half one today! night here are getting heavier ancat about half one today when off at about half one today when a young girl was stabbed along with other children a with two other children and a woman . this brewing woman. and this has been brewing in dublin for some time. woman. and this has been brewing in dublin for some time . locals in dublin for some time. locals in dublin for some time. locals in this city are very much against the mass amount of immigration that has come in here. and they are now seeing to be showing their frustration . be showing their frustration. >> 13 hostages held by hamas are due to be released tomorrow. a spokesperson from qatar foreign ministry said the first group of civilians will be released at 4:00 in the afternoon with a truce due to start at 7 am. local time. meanwhile israeli defence forces said they killed a commander of the hamas naval forces in khan younis. a commander of the hamas naval forces in khan younis . officers forces in khan younis. officers are appealing for dashcam
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footage following the crash that killed four teenagers in north wales. jevon hirst harvey owen wilf fitchett and hugo morris were on a camping trip in north wales. their bodies were recovered on tuesday after a car was found overturned and partially submerged in water. nonh partially submerged in water. north wales police says it appears to have been a tragic accident . police are asking accident. police are asking anyone who has been travelling on the a40 85 in gwyneth between sunday and tuesday for information on downing street says more measures could be introduced to kerb net migration . it comes as new figures showed that legal immigration to the uk hit a record of 745,000 in the year to december. most estimates suggest immigration is now slowing, while the number of people leaving the uk is going up , energy bills are expected to up, energy bills are expected to rise after the energy regulator announced a 5% increase to the price cap from january. the average household will pay


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