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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight Replay  GB News  December 7, 2023 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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gb news, it's 9 pm. this is patrick christys tonight. >> and this show is about to blow the lid off what remains of rishi sunak's credibility mentioned rwanda and the people here in the camps just laugh. >> it's become a bit of a joke. the threat hasn't put them off because no one here thinks for a second they're heading back to rwanda. they make to rwanda. if they make it to the uk, we exclusive reveal the sheer volume of people waiting to cross the channel. >> is a running joke >> rwanda is a running joke amongst migrants and we amongst the migrants and we expose human traffickers expose the human traffickers tactics sunak the boats tactics sunak stop the boats policy hasn't made a blind bit of difference. immigration minister robert jenrick has resigned after suella braverman set out her ultimatum. >> and if the prime minister leads that fight, he has my total support . thank you
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leads that fight, he has my total support. thank you . total support. thank you. >> well, moments later, the rwanda deal was published in suella immediately said it was rubbish. now rwanda is threatening to pull out of the deal , saying that they don't deal, saying that they don't trust britain to uphold international law . and as we're international law. and as we're about to prove right here on this show, it won't work anyway. rishi sunak , your time is up. we rishi sunak, your time is up. we cannot go on like this. go or call the general election now . call the general election now. on my panel tonight , pumped up on my panel tonight, pumped up and just about ready to go are christine hamilton. adam brooks and matthew laza . look another and matthew laza. look another tory leadership contest or a general election? those are the two choices i'm giving you because i don't see what the other one is. get in touch. and a poll on thatis and a poll on that is live right now at gb news on twitter. this is patrick
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christys. tonight it's electric right your headlines. right after your headlines. >> patrick, thank you. and good evening to you. well, it's been a fast moving day in westminster today. the prime minister has responded in the last hour to the resignation by the immigration minister robert jenrick, describing his decision to resign as disappointing and telling him in a letter he fears it was based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the migration situation. well, in his letter to the prime minister earlier , robert jenrick said the earlier, robert jenrick said the small boats crisis was doing untold damage to the country and could not continue in his position. when he so profoundly disagreed with the direction of government policy on immigration. he also said the government needed to place national interests above highly contested interpretations of international law. mrjenrick has been in his role since october last year and has timed
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his resignation to quit just after the government today published its new rwanda bill, which attempts to kerb illegal migration. and earlier today, the home secretary outlined that new emergency legislation to process illegal migrants in rwanda , saying it would prevent rwanda, saying it would prevent future legal challenges. james cleverly said that rwanda is now deemed a safe country within which uk migrants can be processed and that the new legislation works alongside other government measures to stop the small boats. mr cleverly added that there was no risk that migrants could be returned to their countries of origin from rwanda as a result of the new measures, and that other countries were now trying to copy the uk parliament and the public alike support the rwanda plan. >> other countries have since copied our plans with rwanda and we know from interviews that the prospect of being relocated out of the uk has already had a deterrent effect. this will be
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considerably magnified when we get those flights to rwanda. this treaty and this new bill will help to make that a reality i >> -- >> well, all the talk was of immigration today in westminster . earlier on, the former home secretary suella braverman, said the bill was destined to fail, adding that it posed a threat to the future of the conservative party itself. >> the conservative party faces electoral oblivion in a matter of months. if we interest use yet another bill destined to fail . do we yet another bill destined to fail. do we fight yet another bill destined to fail . do we fight for fail. do we fight for sovereignty or do we let our party die? now i may not have always found the right words in the past. madam deputy speaker , the past. madam deputy speaker, but i refuse . i refuse to sit by but i refuse. i refuse to sit by and allow us to fail. >> well, in other news today, bofis >> well, in other news today, boris johnson told the covid inquiry that he made mistakes dunng inquiry that he made mistakes during the pandemic. if you're watching on television, there
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are some flashing images coming up.the are some flashing images coming up. the former prime minister telling the inquiry that things should have been done differently and that he took full responsibility for the government's decision making . mr government's decision making. mr johnson apologised for the suffering caused, saying he should have twigged much sooner when the pandemic took hold in italy in february 2020. the government stopped short of introducing a hillsborough law called for by campaigners. however justice secretary alex chalk acknowledged the response to a report on the hillsborough disaster had taken too long, and he admitted it added to the pain for the victims and families of survivors in a new charter. the government has now set out how pubuc government has now set out how public bodies should act in the aftermath of similar major incidents in the future. and how bereaved families will be better supported . finally, pop diva supported. finally, pop diva taylor swift has been named time magazine's person of the year. it comes a week after it was
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announced that the singer songwriter was the most played artist on the spotify streaming platform for 2023. ms swift was picked from a group of nine finalists, which included his majesty the king and even barbie taylor swift's hugely successful world tour . eras will come to world tour. eras will come to the uk next summer on on tv online dab+ radio and on the tunein app. this is gb news britain's news channel . migrant britain's news channel. migrant madness in bonkers britain today started with rishi sunak making claims on tackling illegal immigration in that, for the reasons i'm about to reveal here on gb news, i don't believe he can actually stand up due to the number of illegal arrivals from albania by 90. >> increase the number of illegal working raids by 50% because of all the action we've taken, the number of small boat arrivals down by a third. madam deputy speaker. >> then came hurricane suella
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exposing the insan city of the human rights laws that sunak has been unable to change my time as home secretary . home secretary. >> i can say that the same human rights framework is producing insanities that the public would scarcely believe for an terrorists. we can't deport because of their human rights. terror lists. we have to let back in because of their human rights. let foreign rapists and paedophiles who should have been removed but are released back into the community only to reoffend . yeah, because of their reoffend. yeah, because of their human rights. >> sunak and cleverly don't want to leave the echr and take back full control of our borders . full control of our borders. suella set a stall out . suella set a stall out. >> it's no secret that i support leaving the european convention on human rights and replacing the human rights act with a british bill of rights that
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protects the vulnerable and our national security and finishes the job of brexit by extricating us from the foreign court and restores real parliamentary supremacy. so the rwanda plan was about to be published in full suella laid out her tests . full suella laid out her tests. firstly, the bill must address a supreme court's concern about the safety of rwanda . secondly, the safety of rwanda. secondly, the safety of rwanda. secondly, the bill must enable flights before for the next election. thirdly the bill must remedy deficiencies in the illegal migration act to ensure that removals can take place within days. removals can take place within days . a fourth, the bill must days. a fourth, the bill must enable the administrative detention of illegal arrivals until they are removed . fifth, until they are removed. fifth, parliament must be prepared to sit over christmas to get this bill done . bill done. >> and then came this ultimatum . >> and then came this ultimatum. >> and then came this ultimatum. >> um, and if the prime minister
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leads that fight, he has my total support. thank you moments later, the new rwanda deal was published and immediately a source close to suella clapped back. >> she said this bill doesn't come close to meeting suella test. it is fatally flawed . it test. it is fatally flawed. it will be bogged down in the courts for months and months and it won't stop the boats. it is a further betrayal of tory voters and decent patriotic and the decent patriotic majority who want to see this insanity brought end. insanity brought to an end. there were then serious rumours of our immigration minister robert jenrick resigning. then rishi to meet rishi sunak went to meet backbench tory mps in the 1922 committee to try to keep them on side as he was in there , there side as he was in there, there was a sensational intervention from the rwandan government. they to out of they threatened to pull out of the deal, said they are the deal, they said they are committed to upholding the highest standards of international without international law and without lawful behaviour from us here in the uk, rwanda will not be able to continue. then the new home secretary, james cleverly addressed parliament at 6 pm. and banged on a bit about how
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good the new rwanda deal is . good the new rwanda deal is. >> the treaty puts beyond legal doubt the safety of rwanda and ends the endless merry go round of legal challenges that have frustrated thus far. this policy and second guess the will of parliament. >> then the immigration minister resigned robert jenrick in his letter, he said, i am unable to take the currently proposed legislation to the commons, as i do not believe it provides us with the best possible chance of success. a bill of this kind that you are proposing is a triumph of hope over experience . triumph of hope over experience. shapps suella braverman is against it. the immigration minister , formerly close ally of minister, formerly close ally of sunak, has quit over it. it looks like this deal won't make it through the commons , let it through the commons, let alone the lords, let alone the courts, let alone the court of pubuc courts, let alone the court of public opinion. who wants a deal that involves the public spending hundreds of of spending hundreds of millions of pounds to send a handful of illegal immigrants to a country that and send that can reject them and send them or wants us to them back, or that wants us to continue pay for their bed continue to pay for their bed and board they're in
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and board while they're in rwanda. but here at gb news, i have come to my own conclusion that are being lied to about that you are being lied to about the even being the rwanda plan. even being a deterrent. i think you're being lied to about how well the government is doing working with the to combat the migrant the french to combat the migrant crisis. think you're being crisis. and i think you're being lied to about the sheer scale of the problem. waiting on the other side of the channel a full version of our exclusive special report from calais will be broadcast at 10 pm. tonight. here is a flavour of it. our home and security editor mark white and his amazing team blow the lid off pretty much every single one of the government's claims . claims. >> this group of migrants boarded a bus to accommodate provided by the regional government further inland . but government further inland. but these migrants will be back as soon as they get the nod from the smugglers that it's their turn to board a small boat and you just need to head to the rail station in calais for evidence of more migrant arrivals . police on the
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arrivals. police on the platforms can do little to stop them . this group of young men them. this group of young men tell me they're from afghanistan .khan tell me they're from afghanistan . khan just off the train from belgium. they plan to camp around calais as they wait for their turn on a small boat. >> unbelievable revelations coming your way. now, before i get the reaction of my panel to tonight's extraordinary events, let me bring in the spectator's political correspondent . a man political correspondent. a man very with his finger on the very much with his finger on the pulse. it'sjames heal . very much with his finger on the pulse. it's james heal . james, pulse. it's james heal. james, what's noise behind the what's the noise behind the scenes ? scenes? >> well, tonight, patrick, the mps are discussing all sorts of outcomes to this process . i outcomes to this process. i think just to take you back briefly to just before 5:00, when the bill dropped and finally, after a lot of speculation, we saw what the prime minister was proposing. they then followed a farcical two hours where no one was really sure what was happening with the immigration minister, robert jenrick, a man who robert jenrick, a man many who mps see as the sort of canary in the mine. and they're going to
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make their judgements on whether it was seen as palatable to it was seen as a palatable to him and right now i think there's a lot of range, a whole spectrum of different opinions being most being discussed. the most extreme , of course, is, you extreme, of course, is, you know, is there any alternative, is etcetera . is there succession, etcetera. but others are thinking, you know, hang on a sec, we really have no alternative. but 12 months before an election, how on earth do we kind of gather the conservative coalition together and so i don't see this going anywhere any time soon. this is a big, big night for the conservatives rishi sunak phrased it earlier tonight as united ii, and sounds like united ii, and it sounds like they're going to die. >> so you think that this is this it sounds you're this is it. it sounds you're quote you night or die. it quote there you night or die. it sounds the tories are going sounds like the tories are going to die. just expand on that . to die. just expand on that. >> well, in the sense that in the sense that they're clearly they wanted the party to hang together on this issue . those together on this issue. those divides will play out one way or another over the next few months . the hope, i think , was at
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. the hope, i think, was at least, that the government could keep a united front together, going through an election campaign. i, i think we're comparable to 97, where the euro issue flagged up . the key thing, issue flagged up. the key thing, i think , which is stopping i think, which is stopping anything in terms of succession planning, as i say, which i don't think is likely at this stage, is because there is no alternative. it's the tina, which is that there is an alternative. a year ago, of course, when we had similar not too dissimilar scenes on the floor house of commons too dissimilar scenes on the floorout house of commons too dissimilar scenes on the floorout underuse of commons too dissimilar scenes on the floorout under liz of commons too dissimilar scenes on the floorout under liz truss,nmons too dissimilar scenes on the floorout under liz truss, whats play out under liz truss, what we had was rishi sunak was the crown prince, etcetera. now i don't see it like that i don't see it like that and i think have big, big split think you have a big, big split in the tory party between the one group on the centre in the tory party between the orthe group on the centre in the tory party between the orthe partygroup on the centre in the tory party between the orthe party and) on the centre in the tory party between the orthe party and 0m the centre in the tory party between the orthe party and on thee centre in the tory party between the orthe party and on the righttre of the party and on the right you've got the european research group conservatives, group and the new conservatives, james, quickly james, i've got to ask quickly and finally, is there anything interesting in your whatsapps that's interesting messages that >> any interesting messages that have your way? just us have come your way? just give us a flavour. yeah i'm getting a whole range of messages here tonight in whatsapp. >> some blaming most of the left pointing at the right, the right
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pointing at the right, the right pointing at the left . some pointing at the left. some unspeakable from a couple unspeakable ones from a couple of people in government. about jenrick and some saying jenrick did the right thing. >> right. i mean, it's >> right. okay. i mean, it's a party that is eating itself alive. james hale of the spectator, thank you very, very much. that's the political much. look, that's the political landscape. to get the landscape. i'm going to get the thoughts now. okay thoughts of my panel now. okay author broadcaster christine thoughts of my panel now. okay author businessman christine thoughts of my panel now. okay author businessman andstine hamilton, businessman and activist adam brooks, former labour party adviser matthew laza christine , an immigration laza christine, an immigration minister has gone suella braverman has come out swinging . braverman has come out swinging. we are seeing a party divided . we are seeing a party divided. the rwandans are questioning whether or not we can uphold international law. does sunak resign now or call a general election ? election? >> well, there's a third option. he could take the pearl handled revolver into the library and just do it that way, couldn't he? i mean, it's all the whole thing. it's too little. it's too late. sunak and his liberal global elitist they've global elitist friends, they've dithered too long. and they finally produced. they came back from cleverly comes back from james cleverly comes back from james cleverly comes back from rwanda. it's funny, by the way, they've managed get way, they've managed to get three secretaries to
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three home secretaries to rwanda, a single rwanda, but not a single immigrant. comes back waving immigrant. he comes back waving this wonderful deal. bit this wonderful deal. it's a bit like in waving like chamberlain in 1938, waving his piece of paper, you know, peace for our time . it's nothing peace for our time. it's nothing of the sort. it hasn't got a hopein of the sort. it hasn't got a hope in it. it hadn't a hope in hell getting through before hell of getting through before today's developments unless they completely themselves completely divorce themselves from european convention. et from the european convention. et cetera. et cetera. there is no way it'll get stuck in the courts. it'll be appealed. injunctions. we'll end up in strasbourg. it isn't going to work. it'sjust strasbourg. it isn't going to work. it's just ridiculous. strasbourg. it isn't going to work. it'sjust ridiculous. it is lying to because this is is lying to us because this is sunak constantly says i will do whatever it takes. i mean, he's a dead man walking. he might as well go tomorrow and look at what conservative on what the conservative party on the now, we've just heard from >> now, we've just heard from a political insider, their top journalist, heal, saying journalist, james heal, saying that those messages that he's that in those messages that he's received, the tory party has chosen the british chosen death. well, the british pubuc chosen death. well, the british public have to choose public shouldn't have to choose death. why have to death. adam, why do we have to limp this? we don't. limp on like this? we don't. >> i would like the nuclear option. i would like him deposed as prime minister. mps as prime minister. the mps didn't members didn't want him. the members tory members didn't want him and the didn't him. he's
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the public didn't want him. he's the public didn't want him. he's the weakest prime minister that we've decades . he to me, we've had in decades. he to me, i look him , he might be a i look at him, he might be a nice guy. it screams out private school prefect. you know, he's not a leader. no. the immigration in this is a disgrace. what's going on in this country. we have got unverified males in the thousands walking around this country. we don't know if they're terrorists , if they're they're terrorists, if they're sex attackers, if they're criminals. it's a national emergency. i would like genuine asylum seekers. no, no, no, they're not. they're economic migrants. >> some of them will be. but i just remember that they called they called this country el dorado when they was questioned in the calais camp. >> they come here for free money and black market jobs. >> they come here for free money and black market jobs . at the and black market jobs. at the end the day, this is this is end of the day, this is this is unwinnable. an election is unwinnable. an election is unwinnable with rishi sunak. absolutely. would to absolutely. and i would like to see braverman see suella braverman as the leader of the conservative party. >> all right, matthew , i'll >> all right, matthew, i'll throw it to you on this. i mean, there was talk of things like setting up nightingale detention centres . suella braverman
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centres. suella braverman floated that idea. i mean, that's something that's a solution under labour. it's nothing. it is more of this under labour. this is one of the reasons why i'm so frustrated. no, no, no, no. >> look, i mean panto season started early in westminster, hasn't it? >> i mean it's an absolute farce and this and it shows that this government isn't to be in government isn't fit to be in power and why we need a general election now. we're not going to get not going to get get one. we're not going to get one may. not going one in in may. we're not going to one. to get one. >> i don't think in october. they'll hang on for as long as possible. look, the government could detention possible. look, the government could which detention possible. look, the government could which sounds ention possible. look, the government could which sounds scary, but camps, which sounds scary, but every other european country doesit every other european country does it rather putting does it rather than putting people but people in hotels. but the government put people government chose to put people in had to do in hotels. it's had years to do this. it doesn't need do it this. it doesn't need to do it in the next two weeks. it should have doing in the past have been doing it in the past two years or now. would you two years or more now. would you be as a labour supporter, be afraid as a labour supporter, if decided to get rid if the tories decided to get rid of and put braverman in? of sunak and put braverman in? >> would be more or less >> would you be more or less afraid next general election? >> i'd be. i'd be about the same, which is i think that this government has had the end. i
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mean, you win some, you lose some, they lose some support from centrist opinion. from sort of centrist opinion. they'd support from they'd gain some support from reform. need reform. but what we really need is start and a fresh is a fresh start and a fresh government and labour wouldn't be this on the be as farcical as this on the boats. got very a boats. labour's got a very a clear plan labour's also not clear plan and labour's also not going to promise because going to over promise because one problems is he one of the big problems is he keeps with stop keeps appearing with stop the boats behind him or in front of him on the lectern. and him on the lectern. and, and it's it's just amazing. it's just it's just amazing. >> till you see what >> just wait till you see what we've got coming your way. we've got of it 10 pm. we've got some of it at 10 pm. we've got some of it at 10 pm. we've got a little bit of before that as because we're we're got a little bit of before that as to )ecause we're we're got a little bit of before that as to tease.e we're we're got a little bit of before that as to tease're we're got a little bit of before that as to tease it. thosere're got a little bit of before that as to tease it. those boats going to tease it. those boats are going stop coming. are not going to stop coming. the are as bad as the numbers are as bad as ever. rwanda joke with rwanda is a running joke with blair. actually bothered blair. we've actually bothered to go out and talk to them. and the timing, frankly, couldn't be better. announced better. i am convinced announced that about that we are being lied to about this. this rwanda this. and even if this rwanda deal the ground, deal gets off the ground, i don't will through don't think it will get through parliament. don't it parliament. i don't think it will the lords. i will get through the lords. i don't think it will through don't think it will get through the don't think it the courts. i don't think it will public opinion will pass the public opinion test even if it did, test either. but even if it did, i just don't think it's going to work reasons that will work for reasons that we will expose right this show.
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expose right here on this show. also much, much also coming away, much, much more come, more because still to come, obviously, markle's more because still to come, obviouagency markle's more because still to come, obviouagency reportedly; talent agency is reportedly horrified by the almighty backlash caused scobie's backlash caused by omid scobie's book. controversy stop book. will the controversy stop meghan's most meghan's mooted comeback? most esteemed royal author angela levin but levin is live in the studio. but this good because this is going to be good because in conservative mps in the clash, conservative mps dame philip dame andrea jenkins and philip davies to head . after davies go head to head. after another of tory turmoil . a another day of tory turmoil. a bit on blue action for bit of blue on blue action for you. a civil war, but you. it's a fresh civil war, but is sunak in the last chance saloon ? stay tuned .
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fun. every weekend at 3 pm. on gb news, the people's channel, britain's news channel .
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britain's news channel. >> esteemed royal journalist angela levin is waiting in the wings. but right now it's time for the clash . former home for the clash. former home secretary suella braverman gave an eviscerating resignation speech while sacking speech. wasn't it? in parliament today outlining the five tasks sunak's new rwanda bill must meet to have her support and giving the prime minister a do or die ultimatum on immigration. >> watch the conservative party faces electoral oblivion in a matter of months . if we matter of months. if we introduce yet another bill destined to fail, do we fight for sovereignty or do we let our party die ? die now , i may not party die? die now, i may not have always found the right words in the past, madam deputy speaken words in the past, madam deputy speaker, but i refuse . i refuse speaker, but i refuse. i refuse to sit by and allow to us fail. >> i actually think she did always find the right words . i
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always find the right words. i don't mind saying that because look at the mess that we've got now. that speech must have now. but that speech must have put god sunak put the fear of god into sunak because hours he because just hours later he published the rwanda published the draft rwanda legislation. well, the devastating blow to the prime minister, wasn't enough for minister, it wasn't enough for immigration and long immigration minister and long term way, robert term friend. by the way, robert jenrick , has quit jenrick, who has quit anonymously. sources close to suella braverman are saying that the bill doesn't even come close to meeting her test. it is fatally flawed. it won't stop the boats and it's a further betrayal tory voters. in the betrayal of tory voters. in the clips to show you from clips i'm going to show you from calais you see, calais later, you will see, i think. anyway that really nothing has made a blind bit of difference. and even if this rwanda rubbish through, it rwanda rubbish goes through, it won't either. tonight won't either. so tonight i'm asking is rishi sunak in the last chance saloon or is it already too late? let me know your thoughts. email me some apps salute crackers in my inbox. i will go to that shortly. tweet me at gb news. while you're there, go and vote in our poll. the results coming your way in. just a tick. but to debate this now, i'm joined by the conservative dame andrea
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conservative mps. dame andrea jenkyns philip davies . both conservative mps. dame andrea jeryou,; philip davies . both conservative mps. dame andrea jeryou,; fyom davies . both conservative mps. dame andrea jeryou,; fyou very ies . both conservative mps. dame andrea jeryou,; fyou very much.oth conservative mps. dame andrea jeryou,; fyou very much. an of you, thank you very much. an absolute andrea, absolute pleasure. dame andrea, i will start with you. rishi sunak does he go? is it general election time? where are you on this ? this? >> he goes, that's why i put my vote of no confidence letter in philip. he is not an election winner. we've seen as trailing in the polls for virtually a year and i think we need a fresh start . we need a strong start. we need a strong conservative leader who actually connects to the public because unfortunately , rishi doesn't . unfortunately, rishi doesn't. >> philip, i'll throw it your way. same question. does he go is it a general election? does he soldier on? i don't think there's much more that we can take of this, is there? >> well, he's of course, he's going to carry on and he's actually doing what people keep asking him to do. >> and then as soon as he does what they ask him to do, they say, actually, we say, oh, actually, um, we don't like we don't like this anymore. >> if boris johnson had >> i mean, if boris johnson had brought particular brought forward this particular bill, got in front of
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bill, which i've got in front of me, safety rwanda asylum me, the safety of rwanda asylum and and god and immigration bill and god forbid boris never even proposed anything as remotely harsh as this. but boris had have this. but if boris had have brought this bill, brought forward this bill, andrea it andrea would have been saying it was thing since sliced was the best thing since sliced bread. if i can just bread. i mean, if i can just read out a couple of sections, patrick, because this is what people asking says people are asking for. it says here bill recognised here in the bill it's recognised that the parliament the that the parliament of the united sovereign and united kingdom is sovereign and the the act is the validity of the act is unaffected by international law . unaffected by international law. >> it says every decision maker must conclusively treat the republic of rwanda as a safe country and that a decision maker is the secretary of state, an immigration officer and a court or tribunal . court or tribunal. >> it says that the all of these things apply, not withstanding any provision in the human rights act goes beyond this . rights act goes beyond this. >> actually, it's much bigger than this one at a time. >> andrea, go on. and then i'll let philip come back. go on. we're being behind in the polls for so long. >> we're losing by—election after by election, i mean, even when boris in the wakefield one,
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when boris in the wakefield one, when supposedly you know, when a supposedly we you know, somebody convicted for somebody got convicted for paedophilia, we did better election results under boris than than we have under rishi and you know i put the blame actually patrick with the one nafion actually patrick with the one nation with their experiment , nation with their experiment, they got rid of boris, they got rid of liz, they got the leader they want and their experiment has failed . we need a leader in has failed. we need a leader in now who will, who will take the charge and connect to the general public. >> look, philip, >> right now. look, philip, it does rwanda are does look as though rwanda are seriously considering pulling out because of some out of this deal because of some of those notwithstanding agreements just read agreements that you've just read out would an out there. so that would be an absolute horror that absolute horror show if that happened. it happened. i mean, frankly, it would for would be embarrassing for us that , with its history that rwanda, with its history and track record , could look at and track record, could look at us and say that they don't trust us and say that they don't trust us to uphold international law . us to uphold international law. and as far as i can tell as well, this deal means that rwanda gets to pretty much pick and choose who it takes. can and choose who it takes. we can send people back and we're paying send people back and we're paying while they're paying for them while they're there as well. i is there as well. i mean, is that there as well. i mean, is that the people the deal? seriously that people
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are for here? are going into bat for here? >> well , you are going into bat for here? >> well, you can't have it are going into bat for here? >> well , you can't have it both >> well, you can't have it both ways, patrick. >> you can't have it that you think that suella has got this entirely right. >> is the rwanda scheme is >> this is the rwanda scheme is the scheme was developed by the scheme that was developed by bofis the scheme that was developed by boris johnson when suella was attorney general. >> it was developed by suella when she was liz truss's home home secretary. this is the rwanda scheme, which i think we all agree with, that this is the right solution is to send people to a third country. that's been the of everybody within the policy of everybody within the policy of everybody within the conservative party don't the conservative party i don't believe has a different believe anybody has a different policy. and the issue is, will this stand up in court? now, i've just quoted you and it says that it's not this will apply notwithstanding the human rights act, not withstanding any interpretation of international law. and on the european court of human rights, it says it is for the minister of the crown and only a minister of the crown to whether the united to decide whether the united kingdom will comply with any measure the european court measure from the european court of now that is of human rights. now that is what everybody has been asking for and that is now what the
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prime minister has delivered. that's would never have that's boris would never have proposed this in million proposed this in a million years. unfortunately but rishi sunak done it . and now sunak has done it. and now people are saying, why aren't boris? >> you know , andrea parliament, >> you know, andrea parliament, wasn't he to save brexit? boris would have come out strong on this had the remainers and one nafion this had the remainers and one nation not in our party had not had it in for him . had it in for him. >> okay, look, philip , with with >> okay, look, philip, with with covid, let's face it . covid, let's face it. >> philip, what is it that what is it in this bill that you disagree with? >> andrea it's not about the bill for me. i put my vote of no confidence letter in in rishi way before this . he is not way before this. he is not cutting through to the public. i care about our party more than i do promotional prospects. i know you don't care about that, philip. i'm not saying you do more know . and also, i more than you know. and also, i care about our country. this is actually about trying to get a leader who connects to the pubuc leader who connects to the public to save our country from a socialist cabal led by starmer
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i >> -- >> this is 5mm em >> this is what this does this get through? philip? does this, does this get through the commons, let alone the lord, let alone the courts? do you think this gets through commons ? this gets through the commons? >> yeah. as long as every conservative mp gets behind it, then it gets through the commons . can't think anything . and i can't think of anything in that conservative mps in here that conservative mps wouldn't this wouldn't want to support. this is about actually delivering to make the courts can make sure that the courts can overrule the will of parliament. that's what that's what we've all been asking government all been asking the government to done these to do and it has done these things. put the things. it has put the notwithstanding clauses the notwithstanding clauses in the bill, what suella asked bill, which is what suella asked for in her speech earlier on today. >> they're in there. look, i'm just going to i'm just going to interrupt to interrupt because i'm going to read you now. this is read this to you now. this is literally coming through to literally just coming through to me now, so i'm to spring me now, so i'm sorry to spring this you, but it's the nature this on you, but it's the nature of the beast. this the news of the beast. this is the news game of day. and game at the end of the day. and rishi sunak's hit back, right? so to so rishi sunak has hit back to robert you for robert jenrick. thank you for your your service in your letter and your service in government. hard work has government. your hard work has helped through this. helped us all get through this. your resignation is disappointing given we both agree flights agree on the end getting flights off that we can
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off to rwanda so that we can stop the boats. i fear that your departure is based on a fundamental of departure is based on a funisituation. of departure is based on a funisituation. it of departure is based on a funisituation. it our of the situation. it is our experience that gives us confidence that this will work . confidence that this will work. our returns deal with albania, that you were instrumental in securing has cut albanian arrivals by 90. the albanian arrivals by 90. the albanian arrivals are far more recourse with the courts than people will under this new legislation. but we have still succeeded in returning 5000 people so that is basically the main line . andrea, basically the main line. andrea, your response to that, that maybe robert jenrick has gone for the wrong reason. he's misunderstood our immigration. i mean, this still doesn't bode well. our immigration minister has misunderstood. >> i was. roberts during the >> was i was. roberts during the days of lockdown when he was the housing secretary i saw how strong he could be against the civil servants and he's a very smart guy. he would not have misunderstood anything . this misunderstood anything. this this is just i think this whole policy is just actually kicking the can down the road. and i
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defer to the star chamber, as we discussed last night, defer to the star chamber, as we discussed last night , the group discussed last night, the group of who will be looking of lawyers who will be looking over because and i defer to over this because and i defer to them, philip, i'll give you the final word. >> we're on the clock a bit here, but i'm about to play a clip from mark white in calais, which just shows that the numbers waiting to numbers of people waiting to cross are as cross the channel are as high as they've ever been. the french are the migrants they've ever been. the french are laughing the migrants they've ever been. the french are laughing at the migrants they've ever been. the french are laughing at evennigrants they've ever been. the french are laughing at evennigthis:s are laughing at us. even if this plan off the ground, it's plan gets off the ground, it's not going i mean, good not going to work. i mean, good grief, we've got to we've got to end we need someone new. end this. we need someone new. >> going to end. end this. we need someone new. >> this going to end. end this. we need someone new. >> this is going to end. end this. we need someone new. >> this is the going to end. end this. we need someone new. >> this is the wholeto end. end this. we need someone new. >> this is the whole point.. end this. we need someone new. >> this is the whole point. we all agree agrees. boris all agree suella agrees. boris agrees. agrees. i agree agrees. andrea agrees. i agree that deal this that the way to deal with this is people to a third is to send people to a third country. bill that the country. this bill that the governments produced today will allow happen will stop allow that to happen will stop the or the courts, whether here or abroad, from stopping us from doing that. and that will act as the deterrent to stop the boats. it's only and the it's the only hope and it's the only show town. the only it's the only hope and it's the only sithat town. the only it's the only hope and it's the only sithat anyone's the only it's the only hope and it's the only sithat anyone's proposed.y it's the only hope and it's the only sithat anyone's proposed . policy that anyone's proposed. >> look, both of you, thank you. absolutely top great. absolutely top stuff. great. thank that's andrew jenkins thank you. that's andrew jenkins there philip davies . now, there and philip davies. now, earlier on, i asked, as robert
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jenrick raises donation piles, the pressure on sunak would you rather go to a general election or a tory leadership race? adrian on twitter says the tories can't have another game adrian on twitter says the to musicalt have another game adrian on twitter says the to musical chairs another game adrian on twitter says the to musical chairs and her game adrian on twitter says the to musical chairs and hope ame adrian on twitter says the to musical chairs and hope fore adrian on twitter says the to musical chairs and hope for a of musical chairs and hope for a third time. lucky that's mocking the voters. they should call a general election and us general election and let us decide minister decide who our prime minister should be. cathy also says on twitter, only thing that twitter, the only thing that could is could save the tory party now is braverman. even she would braverman. and even she would have turning this around have trouble turning this around . general . and cath on twitter, general election . i've never voted election. i've never voted anything other than tory, but now i'll be voting labour. anything is better than this. gosh well, the verdict is in from our poll. can you believe it ? it's 5248, 52% of you would it? it's 5248, 52% of you would rather have a tory leadership race. 48% of you want a general election . coming up, tory deputy election. coming up, tory deputy chairman lee anderson reacts to robert jenrick resignation. plus, we blow the lid off the government's claims that the small boats crisis is under control . control. >> how much further into the woodland? multiple campsites far away from the spots. the police regularly raid ? we've spoken to
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regularly raid? we've spoken to a key contact who works in and around these camps and who has intimate knowledge of the people smuggling operations , mentioned smuggling operations, mentioned rwanda and the people here in the camps just laugh. >> it's become a bit of a joke. the threat hasn't put them off because no one here thinks for a second they're heading back to rwanda. they make to the rwanda. if they make it to the uk, the of that exclusive uk, the rest of that exclusive report mark white in calais report from mark white in calais coming up shortly. coming up very shortly. >> miss still to come, coming up very shortly. >>meghaniiss still to come, coming up very shortly. >>meghaniiss stitalent)me, coming up very shortly. >>meghaniiss stitalent agency as meghan markle's talent agency is horrified by the is reportedly horrified by the fallout omid scobie , fallout from omid scobie, shocking as the shocking new book as the controversy set meghan's next phase back several steps. royal author angela levin is ready and waiting . i'll see you
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isabel monday to thursday from six till 930 . six till 930. >> deputy chair of the tory party, lee anderson is on the way. but first, it's time for distinguished royal biographer and journalist and fan favourite angela levin. well, the fallout caused by ahmed scobie's latest book, end game , shows no signs book, end game, shows no signs of slowing with meghan markle's hollywood talent agency , wme hollywood talent agency, wme could also be called why me? i suppose. but anyway, reported to be horrified after two members of the monarchy were accused of making racial comments in a dutch translation of the book. now now, and what could be seen as a coordinated charm offensive. the royals were also out in force yesterday. prince william spent the morning flogging the big issue outside a west london tesco . princess
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west london tesco. princess kate, of course, opened a new children's surgery in the king, hosted more than 500 guests for a diplomatic banquet at buckingham palace. angela well, the royals seem to be brushing off the controversy. don't they? but you have an inside scoop on meghan's talent agency who are far from happy . far from happy. >> well, i don't mind them saying this. i mean, they said they were horrified and that is can't be just about the two names that have been mentioned , names that have been mentioned, but it must be about their client , i.e, but it must be about their client, i.e, meghan and it seems to me that they will think very carefully what they do next. but i've never really heard any really well known ad agency be so clear about what they felt , so clear about what they felt, but they didn't mention the writer they mentioned they mentioned it in general. so i think meghan needs to be very careful here because a lot of people have dropped her and this age agency who's actually said to her, stop moaning , you know,
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to her, stop moaning, you know, now you've got to be happy and positive because everyone's getting fed up with it. let's start again. so she got very close up to harry and dragged him along to all these dancing and singing and all that sort of stuff . but if he now feels he's stuff. but if he now feels he's got an even harder job to do to get her famous and in terms of what she's doing, not just because she's married to harry, it's going to be difficult. >> so you think there's a chance that the talent agency might drop? meghan markle yes. >> they saying that >> why are they saying that they'd quiet ? it was my they'd keep quiet? it was my feeling because it's going to be very, very difficult to get, you know, the sort of glamour . that know, the sort of glamour. that she wants and feels that she she would make them a lot of money, though. well yes, they make they can make lots of money. but the money is useful to her. and harry, just because they can spend it and have lots of jewellery and all their bedrooms and bathrooms. but i think actually she's somebody who
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needs to be adored all the time by the public. >> well, look, talking of meghan , it's time to talk about her other half. now, isn't it? the runaway royal, prince harry? he's once again taking up the high court's precious time this week, a 2020 home week, challenging a 2020 home office that removed his office decision that removed his automatic entitlement to armed police. by the way, don't blame him for on the home him for taking on the home office everyone office because everyone he takes on office at minute on the home office at the minute seems don't they? but on the home office at the minute see lawyers don't they? but on the home office at the minute see lawyers argue|'t they? but on the home office at the minute see lawyers argue that ey? but on the home office at the minute see lawyers argue that ey? was his lawyers argue that he was treated favourably when the treated less favourably when the decision was originally made . decision was originally made. look, angela, chose to leave look, angela, he chose to leave the royal skulk off the royal family and skulk off to states . why should to the states. why should taxpayers foot the bill for his police protection ? police protection? >> yes, i followed the previous court case that he was in. and it's very interesting because this time they've missed out a few very important things. last time . the whole point of it is time. the whole point of it is that he wants top notch policemen who have guns and know exactly what the intelligence is for him. 24 over seven, wherever he goes in the world, he wants
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one for meghan and one for each of his children. and that will cost us a huge amount of money, massive . so what he can do, he massive. so what he can do, he offered to pay for it, but they wouldn't let him pay for policemen. he can pay for very good protection officers who don't have guns and don't know absolutely the most up to date stuff . but he's absolutely the most up to date stuff. but he's come absolutely the most up to date stuff . but he's come back absolutely the most up to date stuff. but he's come back . stuff. but he's come back. that's why they said no, he couldn't. but he's come back to try and get that again in and his his lawyer said, you know , his his lawyer said, you know, it doesn't matter where he is in the world. it's the principle that his the king's son and he should have it. well, there we have it again. it's they want it all paid for all around the world. does that not carry some weight? >> i mean, the argument that he didn't choose what he was born into , no matter what he does into, no matter what he does going forward, he will always be our king's son. >> yes, but if he does anything to do with the royal family he
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if there is an event, if he comes over here, he has absolutely the protection that he wants , they do that. but if he wants, they do that. but if he's over here and he's making nasty comments about the royal family and his visiting friends and he's doing all sorts of things that have nothing to do with the royal family. >> well, there is a serious question as to as to what extent he's brought an element of risk on himself things about on himself writing things about the and saying how many the taliban and saying how many people he's killed and five taliban in spare. yeah, putting a kind of pseudo fatwa on your own head is not really be doing yourself any favours when it comes to needing protection . but comes to needing protection. but can i just finish off royal roundup with some more positive royal news? yes, because last night's diplomatic reception, the king and queen welcomed ambassadors from all over the world with queen camilla paying a touching tribute to her late mother in law by wearing the girls of great britain and northern ireland. tiara means something to you, i'm assuming angela doesn't mean much to me, but long thought to but there's long thought to be a favourite of queen elizabeth.
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now, how do you feel now, angela, how do you feel camilla is performing in her role as queen? so far? what was the symbolism of the outfits? they look like united front. they look like a united front. >> she's wonderful >> yes, i think she's wonderful for king charles. they know each other so well that he can trust her. it's very hard when you're a to trust anybody a monarch to trust anybody because things leak. we've because the things leak. we've got of examples that . got lots of examples of that. she makes laugh. she's she makes him laugh. she's really helping him handle his feelings about harry. and she does an awful lot of charity that he's not the least bit interested in, like domestic violence and all that sort of thing. but he has his own place. she doesn't want to be in the spotlight, so she's there for him. it was just like prince philip. she wants to be there and always helping him. and i think he's a different man and he's working hard and he seems much more popular and he's smiling a lot now , now. and smiling a lot now, now. and i think she's a terrific man. >> you just seem a world away from her. there with pen gate,
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doesn't it? right at the start there, when he was going through a immeasurable grief a immeasurable amount of grief and amount of and unimaginable amount of stress pressure of stress and pressure and all of that. was obviously very that. and he was obviously very frustrated lost temper frustrated and lost his temper a little bit, as everyone's inclined to from time to inclined to do from time to time, myself included. >> stressful , plenty of >> very stressful, plenty of people stressful . people stressful. >> yes, indeed. well, angela, thank you very, much. it's thank you very, very much. it's a wonderful angela there a wonderful angela levin there at royal biographer, royal guru. we'll be back on again. very very soon, no doubt . but coming very soon, no doubt. but coming up, i've got an exclusive report from the migrant camps of calais that blows apart any claims that the small boats crisis might, in fact , be the small boats crisis might, in fact, be easing. you don't want to miss this. >> this group of migrant s boarded a bus to accommodate provided by the regional government further inland . but government further inland. but these migrants will be back as soon as they get the nod from the smugglers that it's their turn to board a small boat and you just need to head to the rail station in calais for evidence of more migrant
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arrivals . police on the arrivals. police on the platforms can do little to stop them . this group of young men them. this group of young men tell me they're from afghanistan . iran just off the train from belgium. they plan . to camp belgium. they plan. to camp around calais as they wait for their turn on a small boat. yet their turn on a small boat. yet the emails are flooding in gb views >> thank you very much for everybody. i'm going to read in a couple of those. surely we could put together a special force, says bob in conjunction with european countries force, says bob in conjunction withtake european countries force, says bob in conjunction withtake the|ropean countries force, says bob in conjunction withtake the crooks countries force, says bob in conjunction withtake the crooks out. 1tries force, says bob in conjunction withtake the crooks out. that's and take the crooks out. that's in terms of the human traffickers . no doubt it would traffickers. no doubt it would have to be cheaper than this rwanda farce . i've been asking rwanda farce. i've been asking you as well in light of what we've seen today. okay so suella teeing off an immigration minister going the rwandans apparently thinking of pulling out of the deal now because they don't think we can uphold human rights law. okay. there's a joke in isn't there? in there somewhere, isn't there? and here we go. now, whether or not you think that rishi sunak should go, should call a general
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election, rwanda is a complete waste of taxpayers money, says john.john waste of taxpayers money, says john. john wants a general election now. where are you on that? stay tuned for the rest of that? stay tuned for the rest of that report from mark white in calais for as it blows the lid off the government's claims that calais for as it blows the lid off smallvernment's claims that calais for as it blows the lid off smallvernm�*crisis:laims that calais for as it blows the lid off smallvernm�*crisis is ims that the small boats crisis is improving. in my view, improving. and in my view, proves things. we're being proves two things. we're being lied that rwanda or this lied to and that rwanda or this version of it, even if it gets through, just won't work . next, through, just won't work. next, as gillian keegan confirms that the government won't be banning social transitioning, can the tories or any party be trusted with women's rights? stay
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now the education secretary, gillian keegan was hauled over the coals as an education committee meeting today. she confirmed that trans guidance will not restrict social transitioning in schools, meaning that kids will be able to choose which pronouns they use. i'm sorry , but for a
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use. i'm sorry, but for a country that i think is at the wit's end, given what we've seen today over the immigration stuff, is this not something they could got right? the they could have got right? the more liberal keegan set up a more liberal keegan has set up a showdown with the hardline women's rise warrior kemi badenoch , who was today kicking badenoch, who was today kicking the boot into controversial lgbt charity stonewall. look and listen . listen. >> we have engaged with numerous lgbt groups, but the facts of the matter is that many of them support self—id. that is not this government's policy. stonewall does not decide the law in this country. stonewall does not decide the law in this country . we badenoch law in this country. we badenoch has previously said that social transitioning should be banned in classrooms. >> so can the tories be trusted with women's rights and for children's rights for that matter? is there a split in the party over trans guidance in schools to respond to this now, i'm joined again by author and broadcaster christine hamilton. i've got businessman and activist adam brooks and former labour laza labour adviser matthew laza adam, i know you're particularly strong on this. what do you make of that idea that children now
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are going to be able still to socially transition ? and we've socially transition? and we've got to respect their pronouns all of this happening under a tory government? i think it's a clown world. >> i think it's a disgrace. and i the tories, they're i think the tories, if they're pandenng i think the tories, if they're pandering , they're going pandering to this, they're going to get wiped out on this as well because i speak to in because everyone i speak to in the real world and most of the people on twitter do not want this nonsense in our schools . at this nonsense in our schools. at the of the day, you've got the end of the day, you've got young choosing to young boys that are choosing to be that changing be girls that are changing amongst girls in changing rooms dunng amongst girls in changing rooms during pe. i've read, you know , during pe. i've read, you know, testimonies from from parents saying that is true. we've got boys using girls toilets . yes. boys using girls toilets. yes. come on. all right. how have we got here, patrick? now matthew at least kemi badenoch , who is at least kemi badenoch, who is also in government, can say what also in government, can say what a woman is. >> keir starmer can't what he has now, his definition is clearer. >> look, he made a fool of himself by not giving him much clearer answer. labour's position is absolutely clear. labour doesn't believe in self—id, which was the that what
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was worrying most people. this is just a this is just another example of a government at war. not only if we had the dispute between and jillian, who between kemi and jillian, who both sit around the cabinet table taking different positions, liz truss, positions, but liz truss, remember our prime remember her? our prime minister, she's putting forward a bill with a private members bill with which is to go even further than kemi has. kemi today has announced that she wants to shake up. basically if you get a self—id in new zealand, you can't. or another country. you have actually the have to actually meet the british your british standard to get your gender change certificate here. that's he's that's the change he's announcing. to announcing. liz truss wants to go and all social transitioning. >> christine what are your pronouns? i i, me, me, me how do you feel about this? you did ask i >> -- >> what? bum hm >> what? i'm not sure and i haven't picked up yet is whether are the parents going to be told because this to me is a fundamental issue. if you're a young child at school, fundamental issue. if you're a young child at school , says fundamental issue. if you're a young child at school, says i'm a and they're a girl, a boy and they're a girl, etcetera , etcetera, they etcetera, etcetera, are they going consult the parents? going to consult the parents? because they because hitherto they weren't going the parents? going to consult the parents? so i'd know on that. and
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i'd like to know on that. and there's something here which worries kemi badenoch there's something here which worriapparently kemi badenoch there's something here which worriapparently she1i badenoch there's something here which worriapparently she said,ienoch there's something here which worriapparently she said, what] said apparently she said, what chills me and me is the epidemic of young gay children being told that they're trans . now, young that they're trans. now, young children who are gay need help and support and they do not need to be told they're trans. it is yet and of course gillian keegan i can't remember the exactly the words she used and i'm perfectly aware that one of the words is something i don't use anyway, and certainly not live and certainly not on live television. anybody television. when is anybody going to give credit for going to give me credit for doing a good job or working hard or something? i mean, she should forget a little bit, think a little bit less about getting praised than herself. i mean, but another example, as but it's yet another example, as you tory party you say, of the tory party rent asunder on yet another issue. well look, no doubt some of this will be on the front pages a little bit later on. >> so we'll return to this topic with you. wonderful panel a bit later on. but coming up, rishi sunak dealt sunak has been dealt a devastating blow with devastating blow tonight with the resignation of his immigration robert immigration minister, robert jenrick, over the new rwanda deal jenrick, over the new rwanda deal. same day deal. that's on the same day
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former home suella braverman issued blistering issued sunak a blistering ultimatum immigration. the ultimatum on immigration. the political editor of the express david , he joins me to david maddox, he joins me to chew through shocking but chew through a shocking day. but next, lid off the next, we blow the lid off the government's claims that the small crisis is under small boats crisis is under control . an exclusive report control. an exclusive report that you don't want to miss from calais . calais. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of whether on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hi there. it's aidan mcgivern here from the met office. with the gb news forecast. it's been a cold, but for many bright day. however big changes take place overnight as increasingly wet and windy weather arrives from the west atlantic . areas of low the west atlantic. areas of low pressure are moving in from the west, bringing weather fronts, bringing strengthening winds, bringing strengthening winds, bringing increasingly wet, but also in places mild conditions. we start off with an early frost in the east, but as the cloud increases overnight, temperatures will actually rise through the night and we'll see
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that rain spread in as that rain bumps into the colder air. there'll be some hill snow over northern england. parts of scotland as well could affect some routes first thing some higher routes first thing thursday. but quite quickly through seen through the day, having seen some some snow some icy patches and some snow over hills, we'll the over the hills, we'll see the mild air sweep in across the uk , mild air sweep in across the uk, turning the rain to rain at all levels and actually it is going to be a soggy day for most of us with that rain heaviest in the west, strengthening winds , risk west, strengthening winds, risk of gales for western scotland andifs of gales for western scotland and it's not going to feel very pleasant with temperatures of 5 to 7 celsius in the east, although double figures for the west as that milder air takes a hold . friday is west as that milder air takes a hold. friday is a similar day with low pressure close by spiralling bands of rain or showers circulating around it. the weather once again the wettest weather once again in but those showers in the west, but those showers spreading most through spreading to most parts through the winds but the afternoon. gusty winds but feeling a bit milder in places as well. the weekend brings further spells of rain and showers . also some drier showers. also some drier interludes at times it looks like things are heating up.
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>> boxt boiler year. sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's 10 pm. and this is patrick christys tonight and we are about to blow the lid off the channel migrant crisis . the channel migrant crisis. >> and the people >> mention rwanda and the people here in the camps just laugh. it's become of a joke. the it's become a bit of a joke. the threat hasn't them off threat hasn't put them off because here thinks for because no one here thinks for a second they're heading back to rwanda. make it to the uk. >> the numbers waiting to cross the channel are as bad as ever. rwanda is a joke to the migrants. new deal is migrants. the new rwanda deal is revealed and it lets rwanda pick and who they accept it. and choose who they accept it. they can deport them back to us. we to pay them for where we we have to pay them for where we are giving them bed and board and we have to take their refugees . our and we have to take their refugees. our immigration minister gone accusing sunak minister has gone accusing sunak of not living in reality . of not living in reality. letters of confidence are
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letters of no confidence are going in rwanda might actually now pull out of the deal. suella braverman is back with a vengeance, though the conservative party faces electoral oblivion in a matter of months. >> if we introduce use yet another bill destined to fail, the rwanda plan probably won't get through the commons, in my view. >> it won't get through the lords, it won't get through the courts , it won't satisfy the courts, it won't satisfy the pubuc courts, it won't satisfy the public won't bloody work. public and it won't bloody work. on my panel tonight , christine on my panel tonight, christine hamilton, adam brooks and matthew matthew laza. this is patrick christys tonight and we're all over it. in just a moment's time, we expose the lies, in my view , expose the lies, in my view, about the channel migrant crisis and possibly hammer the final nail into rishi sunak coffin. see you after the headlines .
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patrick. >> thank you. good evening . >> thank you. good evening. well, as you've been hearing, the prime minister has described the prime minister has described the decision by immigration minister robert jenrick to resign as disappointing , telling resign as disappointing, telling him in a letter he fears it was based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. but in his letter to the prime minister earlier, robert jenrick said the small boats crisis was doing untold damage to the country and could not continue in his position when he so profoundly disagreed with the direction of the government policy on immigration. he also said the government needed to place national interests above highly contested interpretations of international law. mrjenrick has been in his role since october last year and has timed his resignation to quit just after the government published its new rwanda bill, which attempts to kerb . illegal attempts to kerb. illegal migration. well, earlier on today, the home secretary outlined that new legislation to process illegal migrants in
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rwanda, saying it would prevent future legal challenges. james cleverly saying that rwanda is now deemed a safe country within which uk migrants can be protests , protests and that the protests, protests and that the new legislation works alongside other government measures to stop the small boats . mr stop the small boats. mr cleverly added there was no risk that migrants could be returned to their countries of origin from rwanda as a result of the new measures, and that other countries wanted to copy the uk parliament movement and the pubuc parliament movement and the public alike support the rwanda plan. >> other countries have since copied our plans with rwanda , copied our plans with rwanda, and we know from interviews that the prospect of being relocated out of the uk has already had a deterrent effect . this will be deterrent effect. this will be considerably magnified when we get those flights to rwanda. this treaty be and this new bill will help to make that a reality i >> -- >> and yet earlier on today , the >> and yet earlier on today, the former home secretary, suella braverman , said the bill was
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braverman, said the bill was destined to fail, adding that it posed a threat to the future of the conservative party itself . the conservative party itself. >> the conservative party faces electoral oblivion in a matter of months if we introduce use yet another bill, destine to fail, do we fight for sovereignty or do we let our party die ? now i may not have party die? now i may not have always found the right words in the past. madam deputy speaker , the past. madam deputy speaker, but i refuse . i refuse to sit by but i refuse. i refuse to sit by and allow us to fail. >> well, in other news today, bofis >> well, in other news today, boris johnson told the covid inquiry that he did make mistakes during the pandemic. if you're watching on television, there are some flashing images coming the prime minister coming up the prime minister told the inquiry that things should have been done differently and he took full responsibility for the government's decision making at the time. mr johnson government's decision making at the time. mrjohnson apologised as for the suffering caused as well for the suffering caused , saying he should have twigged much sooner when the pandemic
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took hold in italy in february 2020. you would gb news across the uk on tv , in your car, on the uk on tv, in your car, on digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying play gb news. this is britain's news channel . this is britain's news channel. it's clear we're not being told the truth about the channel migrant crisis. >> we're being betrayed. we're losing the battle for britain's borders . that's why we borders. that's why we dispatched our home security editor to calais to lift the veil on what's really going on. but before we get to that exclusive report, let's have a look, shall we, at rishi sunak. and his home secretary outraged, falsely claiming that they've got a handle on the small boats emergency due to the number of illegal arrivals from albania by 90, includes the number of illegal working raids by 50. >> because of all the action we've taken, the number of small boat arrivals down by a third. madam deputy speaker, we'll continue to drive down those
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illegal crossing, those illegal small boat crossings until we have stopped the boats . have stopped the boats. >> so that's the context. okay the truth is that the governments are under policy has become the butt of jokes amongst channel migrants. a key source close to the people smuggling operations has told gb news is that the source also said that the sending migrants the threat of sending migrants to the east african had to the east african nation had not deterred people from trying to reach the uk crucial that and they're continuing to arrive in northern france in ever greater numbers. an exclusive interview he told our homeland security editor mark white that it's the people smugglers themselves who are responsible for the reduction in numbers crossing the channel. this year in order to increase the demand on the boats and push up prices . boats and push up prices. >> just days after french police cleared thousands of migrants and tents from makeshift camps around calais and here along the rail track, south of dunkirk,
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they're back this time much further into the woodland . further into the woodland. multiple campsites far away from the spots . the police regularly the spots. the police regularly raid . we've spoken to a key raid. we've spoken to a key contact who works in and around these camps and who has intimate knowledge of the people smuggling operations , says he smuggling operations, says he agreed to speak on the understanding. we protect his identity . there are, he says, identity. there are, he says, more people waiting to cross to the uk both here and at locations further inland than at any time since the small boat crisis began . and far from crisis began. and far from deterring crossings, the uk government's rwanda plan is a source of great amusement in these camps . these camps. >> mention rwanda and the people here in the camps just laugh. it's become a bit of a joke. the threat hasn't put them off because no one here thinks for a second they're heading back to rwanda. if they make it to the uk adamant reason
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rwanda. if they make it to the uk number adamant reason rwanda. if they make it to the uk number crossingt reason rwanda. if they make it to the uk number crossing in reason rwanda. if they make it to the uk number crossing in small;on the number crossing in small boats a lower than last boats is a bit lower than last yearis boats is a bit lower than last year is down to the people smugglers themselves . smugglers themselves. >> controlling the flow of small boat launches drives up the pnces boat launches drives up the prices and the gangs have become much more sophisticated in knowing when to launch . knowing when to launch. >> they've now linked into the met office data on weather patterns and tidal flows. if there's a weather window of a few hours, they know that. >> and he says they've even adopted the organised crime groups drug smuggling methods erg where criminals will tip off authorities about one drugs mule to ensure others on the same route get through . route get through. >> they'll send ten boats out leaked the location of 1 or 2. the french police seize them and everyone's happy . they tell the everyone's happy. they tell the brits to stop in the boats on these beaches. meanwhile a bulk of those are getting through near dunkirk. >> we filmed as this group of migrants boarded a bus to accommodation provided by the
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regional government further inland. but these migrants will be back as soon as they get the nod from the smugglers that it's their turn to board a small boat . and you just need to head to the rail station in calais for evidence of more migrant arrivals . police on the arrivals. police on the platforms can do little to stop them . this group of young men them. this group of young men tell me they're from afghanistan on just off the train from belgium. they plan to camp around calais as they wait for their turn on a small boat. regional politician philippe emery is adamant the migrant crisis is worse now than it's ever been, and the regular police raids are simply theatre. >> it's only a policy of appearance. two, three, four months. we clear the place and the migrants are coming , months. we clear the place and the migrants are coming, coming back again for me, it's worse than ever. >> and just like the migrants
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here, he's completely dismissed of the british government's rwanda scheme. >> i think rwanda is a joke. it's a joke, only a joke, only a joke with the winter weather, the frequency of launches from these beaches is reducing, but these beaches is reducing, but the numbers in the camps will continue to swell until the next set of police raids pass of the never ending cycle of uk bound migrants flowing through northern france . northern france. >> and you will keep trying to get to london. >> london? yes i go to london tomorrow . tomorrow. >> we report on the other route to the uk as thousands of mainly african men who can't afford the price of a place on a boat risk their lives trying to clamber aboard lorries . as mark white gb aboard lorries. as mark white gb news calais . the aboard lorries. as mark white gb news calais. the numbers are as high as they've ever been , and high as they've ever been, and the reason why the crossings are
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slowing down is because human traffickers are stopping them themselves. >> they're using the drug dealers tactic of potentially dobbing some people in so that they get caught whilst others come through and they're trying to drive up the prices. so that appears to have nothing to do with government policy. the migrants do not fear rwanda. the french, who we are paying millions and millions of pounds of taxpayers money to think the whole thing is an absolute joke. and if you thought that was bad, wait until you see what mark white has got for us tomorrow. because some of these figures about, oh so and so from a variety of different countries as their boat crossings as their small boat crossings are down, well, they might be, but crossings aren't but the lorry crossings aren't here to react to all of this is author broadcaster christine author and broadcaster christine hamilton, businessman and activist and former activist adam brooks, and former labour matthew matthew labour adviser matthew matthew laza. crystal keen. it appears that we are being lied to about this government's ability to stop the small boats crisis.
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absolutely >> if i hear sunak say once more, i will do whatever it takes about this or any other issue . i mean, i shall scream . issue. i mean, i shall scream. of course we're being lied to. it is absurd. and as you said, we're paying all this money to france. the head of the unit in france. the head of the unit in france who was responsible for controlling the migrants has been on extended working from home quotes for about 18 home in quotes for about 18 months, taking his full salary. he just swims and golf . et he just swims and golf. et cetera. et cetera. they don't take it seriously. the french. they just taking our money. and it's i mean, it is a complete joke. they've nothing about joke. they've done nothing about it. suella about it. suella talked about nightingale hospitals. why haven't they been building over the last five, 13 years? places for migrants to stay. so they're not. i mean, it's beyond belief. what is going on. and that report, i mean, of course , they report, i mean, of course, they don't care about rwanda because they know perfectly well it's never going happen and aren't never going to happen and aren't they funny? they're all men . did they funny? they're all men. did you see a single one of those clips that we played before?
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>> sunak james >> rishi sunak and james cleverly us that cleverly today telling us that they're getting a handle on this rubbish? must know rubbish? they must know what mark white well, they said cleverly at point today cleverly said at one point today that interviews we we're that in interviews we we're finding rwanda is already finding that rwanda is already a deterrent before it happens, not on the basis of the interviews that mark got to talking i. >> exactly. mean, don't >> exactly. i mean, i don't think he's talking to anybody. i think he's talking to anybody. i think to think he's talking to anybody. i thinit to think he's talking to anybody. i thinit politely. to think he's talking to anybody. i thinit politely. i to think he's talking to anybody. i thinit politely. i mean, to think he's talking to anybody. i thinit politely. i mean, it'sto put it politely. i mean, it's just another example of the government's to government's complete failure to get on the french government's complete failure to get taking on the french government's complete failure to get taking then the french government's complete failure to get taking the mickey e french government's complete failure to get taking the mickey at french government's complete failure to get taking the mickey at the :h are taking the mickey at the moment. we should be we should be with the french, be working with the french, not just handing but just handing them cash, but being hardball with being but playing hardball with the work the french to actually work together a deal. together and do a deal. >> overarching point there, >> the overarching point there, adam, massive adam, is we've had a massive hoo—ha today about a rwanda migrant far as i migrant plan that as far as i can tell, allows rwanda to pick and choose who they take, gives them deport them the ability to deport people sent to them people that we've sent to them if any of if they commit any kind of crime. know, it's easy crime. well you know, it's easy to someone you don't to fit someone up if you don't like the of them when they like the look of them when they get there. isn't it? also, we're paying get there. isn't it? also, we're paying bed board. paying for their bed and board. that's about. that's what the hoo ha is about. well, reality that rwanda well, the reality is that rwanda plan even work because well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers even work because well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers on an work because well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers on the fork because well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers on the otheracause well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers on the other side;e well, the reality is that rwanda pla|numbers on the other side of the numbers on the other side of the numbers on the other side of
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the channel are so great. >> let's remember left >> let's remember that the left try these are all try and say that these are all asylum seekers. the majority of these are economic these people are economic migrants thought they migrants. if they thought they was locked up was going to be locked up in some you know , and not some camp, you know, and not allowed the wild in the uk, allowed into the wild in the uk, it deter them. it would it might deter them. it would deter me because they see this country as the holy grail, the jackpot. now the numbers are already scary , but you wait already scary, but you wait until they they get asylum and they get all their family over they get all their family over the times these numbers by five. thatis the times these numbers by five. that is the reality . that is the reality. >> but what we're being told as well this is the other lie that is shattered. there in my view. we're being told, christine, we're money to we're giving all this money to the the boat the french. oh the boat crossings down by this crossings are down by by this amount. oh, it's working. the french to it. we have french are up to it. we have spoken exclusively for gb spoken there exclusively for gb news to a french politician on the ground to and an inside source who works between the british french. and both british and the french. and both of said that it's of them have said that it's a complete joke. the french aren't in it. we are not getting bang for our buck. >> no, we're not. and they say that number boats that that the number of boats are down, but the boats are
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bigger. it doesn't mean that bigger. so it doesn't mean that the number are down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean,iber are down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean, rishi are down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean, rishi and are down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean, rishi and his are down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean, rishi and his crew; down. bigger. so it doesn't mean that timean, rishi and his crew haven. i mean, rishi and his crew have been twiddling while rome burns. frankly, they really have. they have not had their eye on the ball. they have. i mean, what have they absolutely. have they done? absolutely. >> camps? >> on these camps? >> on these camps? >> absolutely. >> on these camps? >> on ;olutely. >> on these camps? >> on the :ely. >> on these camps? >> on the camps. nothing on the camps, is the that camps, which is the way that every other european country, including by including those run by centre—left governments, have camps. had camps when it camps. germany had camps when it welcomed a million people from syria on the camps at syria in 2015. on the camps at the moment guess who is the moment, guess who is campaigning against the camp in their constituency? james cleverly i mean, it's nimby, cleverly so i mean, it's nimby, nimby, nimby a lot of these country have a left wing media that are basically opposition and the left wing media will stop this government doing anything. and this government can't stop the building is chosen of the left chosen not to do it. of the left wing media upsetting them wing media and upsetting them that out. they've that they back out. they've chosen do it. that they back out. they've cho but do it. that they back out. they've cho but look, do it. that they back out. they've cho but look, we it. that they back out. they've cho but look, we look at this >> but look, we look at this now and the revelation and this is the revelation for people, of this, people, the timing of this, frankly, impeccable because frankly, is impeccable because we've got, you sunak in we've got, you know, sunak in turmoil . the immigration turmoil. the immigration minister today. suella minister resigned today. suella a tide rumblings of letters, a tide of rumblings of letters,
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of confidence going of no confidence going in. the tory between tory party is stuck between a rock and a hard place. do you replace year out from replace a leader a year out from a election ? i think that a general election? i think that would the fifth? the would be what, the fifth? the fifth year or i mean, fifth in a year or so? i mean, i've lost i've count. i've lost i've lost count. >> got much lose. >> i haven't got much to lose. have they? >> or just sleepwalk towards losing election. look losing an election. you look at those christine, losing an election. you look at thosthat christine, losing an election. you look at thosthat is christine, losing an election. you look at thosthat is that christine, losing an election. you look at thosthat is that is christine, and that is that is a fundamental area in which i think the british public are just being lied to. and we've we've proven that . in my view, we've proven that. in my view, as he got to go now. >> well, they haven't got much to lose, have they? they haven't got a hope in hell of winning under rishi sunak. i mean the membership didn't want him in the place. nobody really the first place. nobody really wanted him. mean, wanted him except him. i mean, he's be prime he's not suited to be prime minister not a leader. he minister he's not a leader. he has charisma. he's just minister he's not a leader. he has charisma. he'sjust a has no charisma. he's just a globalist frankly he globalist creep. frankly he shouldn't be there in the first place. i really don't think it makes any difference if he goes. but had suella or but i mean, if we had suella or kemi, i think it would kemi, then i think it would encourage a whole load of people. >> but obviously it's incredibly strong stuff that and no doubt there'll people watching this there'll be people watching this who sunak, you
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there'll be people watching this who is sunak, you there'll be people watching this who is actually sunak, you there'll be people watching this who is actually doing nak, you there'll be people watching this who is actually doing the you there'll be people watching this who is actually doing the best know, is actually doing the best under circumstances, under difficult circumstances, as french pull under difficult circumstances, as fingerench pull under difficult circumstances, as finger out. pull under difficult circumstances, as finger out. et pull under difficult circumstances, as finger out. et cetera. their finger out. et cetera. what to do about what are they going to do about how work with french? how we work with the french? >> we're at the >> and what we're doing at the moment being naive and moment is being naive and handing money handing them money and not getting them? getting getting back for them? you naive to you might be a bit naive to think the french want these think that the french want these people on their soil. of course they do. but under we they do. but under labour we got they do. but under labour we got the terrorists. the potential terrorists. but labour sangatte labour got the sangatte camp closed in the in the noughties. when david blunkett was in charge because he was home secretary, because he did a proper deal with the french. of course, at the moment you're just being with the just being naive with the french. if it wasn't for tony blair mandelson we blair and mandelson brown, we wouldn't blair and mandelson brown, we woulcwe need to is use thing we need to do is use anti—terror legislation, which is has pledged is what keir starmer has pledged to the gangs. you to do to stop the gangs. you should source and should stop it at source and anti—terror legislation would make a difference. >> that has shown , in >> what that clip has shown, in my proven is that we are my view, proven is that we are pursuing expensive rwanda pursuing a very expensive rwanda policy that may well not get through the commons. the lords or the courts, or make a blind bit of difference and all of these claims about there being things taken care of on the
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other side of the channel and what the government is doing to stop the boats is working, i think demonstrably there from mark either proven to mark white are either proven to be untrue or are at the very least shown to not be having that much of a difference. but tomorrow we also expose something else very damning. they talk about small boats, they can talk about small boats, crossings being down. a lot of that because the people that is because the people smugglers themselves are doing that they about it. that. they can talk about it. but wait till you see what is going on in the lorry parks because is another because that frankly is another way the government, in my way that the government, in my view, the figures. >> just to go back to the french , i'm going to come back to you, christine, because i because because, ever now this because, as ever now on this show we also have one other show, we also have one other story in town. >> right . what on earth >> that's right. what on earth has been going on down under >> that's right. what on earth has inigelioing on down under >> that's right. what on earth has inigelioing orin own under >> that's right. what on earth has inigelioing orin the under >> that's right. what on earth has inigelioing orin the jungle, >> that's right. what on earth h.countrylioing orin the jungle, >> that's right. what on earth with; orin the jungle, >> that's right. what on earth with a)rin the jungle, >> that's right. what on earth with a)rin th
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campaign surges on nick in the last couple of minutes has been voted out he's in the bottom two with jose and it was nick nick who's heading off now remember yesterday patrick i was stood outside the j.w. marriott, which is where the is the hotel where all the friends and family are staying. and it's where nick and it's where it's where nick is about to head very shortly. it's evicted it's where all the evicted campmates well . you should campmates go as well. you should be be seeing some footage be should be seeing some footage of it right now. it's a it's a lovely place. it's like the jungle afterlife. there's a lagoon , there's a lovely pool, lagoon, there's a lovely pool, bars . it's a five star luxury bars. it's a five star luxury resort . we even got some drone resort. we even got some drone footage. it looks like something out a james bond film or out of a james bond film or something, so don't feel too sorry for nick. he didn't sorry for nick. he. he didn't make the final six. but make it to the final six. but where he's going isn't too bad. patrick >> absolutely. i love that. that's a real inside look into where they're all going to be staying and well, you managed to walk through well . and were walk through as well. and were you then kicked out of there? arade dam when they realised that you weren't supposed to be there ?
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there? >> i just use my journalistic skills, patrick, to sleuth my way, way around. but yeah , i was way, way around. but yeah, i was allowed in. you know, i was allowed in. you know, i was allowed into the lobby and, and the pool area. it was, it was lovely. it's fantastic. >> one last quick question. one last quick question, mate. right with respect, is a man of with respect, how is a man of your complexion doing in the australian summer ? australian summer? >> doing in this doing in this heat? oh, not great, mate. i'm worried i'm going to look a bit like a piece of cooked ham . like a piece of cooked ham. >> yeah , good stuff, adam. try >> yeah, good stuff, adam. try and make it back in one piece, mate. fantastic look, here's a little clip of danielle and nigel sharing a sweet moment where she expresses her surprise that he's actually a nice person on yours. >> danielle kwasi kwarteng , >> danielle kwasi kwarteng, because the sun's going to come here. >> i'll make you a nice little spot. >> right. grab a pillow. >> right. grab a pillow. >> i never in a million years thought i'd have a friendship like this with nigel. ever. we're like, complete in like this with nigel. ever. we'views. complete in our views. >> can't believe how >> i really can't believe how nice whole camp is being to nice this whole camp is being to me. what you mean? people are
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me. what do you mean? people are quite you quite protective of me, you know, have nice . know, we have to be nice. >> love you. >> we love you. >> we love you. >> you're quite sort of. >> we love you. >> especially.e sort of. >> we love you. >> especially.e sort (so, like, >> especially. you're so, like, headstrong. i'm quite. headstrong. so i'm quite. >> very touched by it. >> i'm very touched by it. >> i'm very touched by it. >> oh, we love you . >> oh, we love you. >> no, i really am. >> no, i really am. >> we want to make sure you're all. all right. my motto is always treat others how wish all. all right. my motto is al\be s treat others how wish all. all right. my motto is al\be treated.thers how wish to be treated. >> what a blanket anything. to be treated. >> no, it a blanket anything. to be treated. >> no, god, lanket anything. to be treated. >> no, god, no ket anything. to be treated. >> no, god, no .at anything. >> no, god, no. >> well, nigel, live to fight another day in the jungle. coming up, the most entertaining pay coming up, the most entertaining pay anywhere on the pay per view anywhere on the telly. panel of experts are telly. my panel of experts are ready waiting to chew ready and waiting to chew through front pages through tomorrow's front pages and inside book. but and what's inside the book. but first, rishi been dealt first, rishi has been dealt a devastating blow with the resignation his friend and resignation of his friend and immigration minister robert jenrick over the rwanda jenrick over the new rwanda deal jenrick over the new rwanda deal. that's on the same day former home secretary alan braverman issued sunak with a blistering on blistering ultimatum on immigration and as you will have just seen, we here at gb news have revealed the scale of the problem. on the other side of the joined by the channel, i'm joined by political editor of the express , political editor of the express, david maddox. now move .
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weekend at 3 pm. on gb views, the people's channel, britain's news channel . news channel. >> welcome back. now, draghi day, to say the least in westminster , it's all suella westminster, it's all suella braverman called the prime minister's position into question. she said that the tory party would face electoral oblivion if sunak failed to ensure his updated rwanda plan was watered tight. well, that very legislation was announced just later . suella was not just hours later. suella was not convinced, far from it . sources convinced, far from it. sources close to the former home seck slammed the new rwanda deal as
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fatally flawed , saying it fatally flawed, saying it betrays the british people . and betrays the british people. and then to round off a wild day in westminster, immigration minister robert jenrick tonight joined the growing ranks of tory rebels. he's resign and he says icannot rebels. he's resign and he says i cannot continue you in my position when i have such strong disagreements with the direction of the government's policy on immigration. on the key bit in this for me a bill of this kind, you are proposing is a triumph of hope over experience . i've of hope over experience. i've got his full resignation letter in front of me here as soon as conservative government looks increasingly unstable and as we have just shown earlier on, go out and check this out online if you've not already seen it. we've got an exclusive package you've not already seen it. we'vefrom an exclusive package you've not already seen it. we'vefrom calais,jsive package you've not already seen it. we'vefrom calais, which�*ackage you've not already seen it. we'vefrom calais, which showed there from calais, which showed that the numbers of people waiting on the other side of the channel as high they've channel are as high as they've ever are ever been. the french are laughing despite the laughing at us despite the amount that we're amount of money that we're sending them. the migrants are laughing they are laughing at us and they are going keep and the going to keep coming. and the reason small boats are reason why the small boats are down, we now believe, because
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down, we now believe, is because the traffickers themselves the human traffickers themselves are slowing those boats down so that they can charge more for people to on. when rishi people to get on. so when rishi sunak james cleverly pipe up sunak and james cleverly pipe up and say, we're doing everything sunak and james cleverly pipe up anccan,. we're doing everything sunak and james cleverly pipe up anccan,. wthat doing everything sunak and james cleverly pipe up anccan,. wthat reallyeverything sunak and james cleverly pipe up anccan,. wthat really true? hing we can, is that really true? i'm joined the political editor joined by the political editor of , david maddox, of, david maddox, for inside track on a crazy for the inside track on a crazy day commons. david, look, day in the commons. david, look, what behind the what are you hearing behind the scenes? going down? scenes? how is this going down? is it the end of days for sunak? >> i think i think it's getting very close now. there's a lot of mps kind of with twitchy fingers and letters ready to write to ask for those that vote of confidence . that said, i don't confidence. that said, i don't think it's going to happen tomorrow. i've just had a phone call from a member of a common sense group, senior conservative mp who said that the meeting there this is a group along with there this is a group along with the new conservatives who are very much supporters of suella braverman trying to get control on the illegal immigration. the feeling there is that they need
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this so—called star chamber with sir bill cash, the veteran brexiteer and other lawyers need to look at this first and give their verdict and then they will see. but it's looking very bad for sunak at the moment. i wrote a piece yesterday which said that, you know , jenrick that, you know, jenrick resigning . that, you know, jenrick resigning. is the that, you know, jenrick resigning . is the trigger really resigning. is the trigger really for a vote of confidence in him ? for a vote of confidence in him? >> okay. i'm just going to play you a little refresher clip of what we've revealed from the other side of the channel. i'll get to react to this, david. get you to react to this, david. let's take much further let's take it away much further into the woodland, multiple camps , sites far away from the spots. >> the police regularly raid. we've spoken to a key contact who works in and around these camps and who has intimate knowledge of the people smuggling operations. >> he's mentioned rwanda and the people here in the camps just laugh. it's become a bit of a joke. the threat hasn't put them off because no one here thinks for a second they're heading back if they make it back to rwanda. if they make it
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to the uk. >> for all this hoo ha today >> so for all this hoo ha today about the rwanda plan, which is quite it quite possibly a dud anyway, it isn't going to work, is it? i mean, we just can prove that now i >> -- >> yeah. -_ >> yeah. so and it hasn't broken the human traffickers business model . i the human traffickers business model. i think your report is really very revealing actually , really very revealing actually, especially the fact that, you know, boats are being slowed down. and that's that's the reason that the number has dropped off. i think also some very bad weather this year at key points. also has had an impact on that. i mean, we've past months, we've sent people over there to do investigations on this. and you know, it's depressing , really how little depressing, really how little the french do in to particular really do anything about this. and stop this. and, you know, when you consider how much money we've given them , it's we've given them, it's ridiculous, really . ridiculous, really. >> so apparently rishi sunak said to the 1922 backbench committee today, he said, back me or lose me. well, what does
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that look like in reality ? we that look like in reality? we back him towards total annihilation. or lose him and have a go with somebody else. what? how do you see now this playing out in not just the coming days, you know, the coming days, you know, the coming months, going into the next election in your heart of hearts. what do you think happens as of yesterday, i was 40% sure there was going to be a leadership vote . leadership vote. >> i thought the likelihood still was that there wouldn't be, but there was a strong chance there would be. i'm now absolutely convinced that there will be a leadership vote. no conservative leader has actually survived one of these votes. they've they usually win them. but it's always a pyrrhic victory and it's always over. i think the problem sunak has got is threefold . his mps have is threefold. his mps have stopped listening . nobody really stopped listening. nobody really believes he has a mandate . eight believes he has a mandate. eight nobody believes he has a vision . nobody believes he has a vision. and you know, he now has a great
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deal of mps who really aren't going to stand again or don't think that they can win and don't believe that it can get any worse with a new leader. and that's where the problem is. and, you know , i, i honestly and, you know, i, i honestly think there's a good chance he'll be out . he'll be out. >> okay. david, thank you very , >> okay. david, thank you very, very much. and that is david maddox there, the political editor of .uk. get in touch, gb views or gb news out patrick, the government should take out more action, much more . action to action, much more. action to stop what's going on the other side of the channel. patrick as well says jack , talking as well says jack, talking as a brit, i think that we are being invaded and that is from jack. strong stuff in the inbox. keep those views coming in. but coming up, we are going to be talking to the mail on sunday's deputy political editor, anna mikhailova. she gives her mikhailova. and she gives her take on the big stories dominating tomorrow's front
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pages. but yes, in terms of those front pages, has there been any development? what will been any development? what will be on the front of the national newspapers tomorrow? so i will tell you in just a minute or two's
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>> i appreciate it. >> i appreciate it. >> can you hold that train of thought? >> you're listening to gb news radio . radio. >> let's bring you tomorrow's news tonight. now, in the most entertaining paper review anywhere on the telly, the very first front pages have just been delivered from my press pack. right. we're going with the metro. first massive picture of bofis metro. first massive picture of boris johnson at the covid inquiry. sorry for your loss. teary former prime minister apologises for the pain and suffering during a tragic, tragic year . suffering during a tragic, tragic year. we move on to the independent. same picture of bofis independent. same picture of boris johnson , bewildered, boris johnson, bewildered, rattled in coherent, johnson admits covid blunders. they also have as the other lead story there. as we can imagine, the immigration fiasco taking place . immigration fiasco taking place. i whiz you over to the eye now
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again, a series of photos of bofis again, a series of photos of boris johnson johnson sorry, but not sorry. boris johnson. apologies his ex—pm admits underestimating the virus. johnson also seeks to shift blame on to others. they also have, you know, their generic quitting the national same picture come on, guys, mix it up. i mean, it's really ridiculous. seriously, it is ridiculous. seriously, it is ridiculous. this they've all gone for the same picture. we don't accept your apology or else . the national the newspaper else. the national the newspaper that supports an independent scotland. it'd be if scotland. so it'd be weird if you did. johnson says sorry at covid inquiry victims blast distortion the truth. oh, distortion of the truth. oh, shock. horror. guess what's on the mail. same picture. sorry. the mirror. same picture. the dead hear your apologies . dead can't hear your apologies. fury as bungling. ex—pm says sorry to victims families . they sorry to victims families. they also have robert jenrick very much two stories in town here as well as a little something about as far as i can tell, kim kardashian, david beckham and victoria beckham, but not the kind of that would get you kind of story that would get you sued. guardian sued. the guardian says tories in as immigration in turmoil as immigration minister quits over rwanda.
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bill, hey, at least they've mixed up the picture of boris johnson. hat on johnson. he's got a hat on deluded johnson condemned as he denies major covid mistakes . denies major covid mistakes. they also have an interesting one on the side here. idf forces closing in on hamas leader. well, that is interesting . well, that is interesting. actually. the daily telegraph immigration minister quits as pm warned of electoral oblivion . warned of electoral oblivion. big picture of suella braverman on the front there. now they know which side their bread is buttered. also go on. buttered. they also go on. johnson with emotion as johnson chokes with emotion as he covid tragedies . he recounts covid tragedies. interesting difference angle. interesting difference in angle. there there? before the there isn't there? before the other there focusing on other ones, there focusing on johnson's , badenoch johnson's emotion, badenoch warns of epidemic of gay pupils told are trans kids. so told they are trans kids. so there we go right i'm going to go in on i can't not really a little bit of a discussion with my panel about boris johnson. but before before we do that, shall we remind ourselves of an interesting moment that took place with johnson place today with boris johnson and his whatsapps? what whatsapps do know why your whatsapps do you know why your phone was missing those 5000 odd whatsapps i don't know the exact
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reason, but it looks as though it's something to do with the app it's something to do with the app going down and then coming up again . up again. >> but somehow now . not right. >> but somehow now. not right. >> but somehow now. not right. >> i'm going to contrast to front pages here. bewildered, rattled, incoherent . that's the rattled, incoherent. that's the independent johnson chokes with emotion says the daily telegraph. adam which side are you on here? >> i was a bit of a boris fanboy before covid loved the man, but iended before covid loved the man, but i ended up going head to head with him, you know, fighting back against his, i think, authoritarian restrictions. didn't agree with a lot. i can't believe some of the things he is saying. i think he's just giving lip service. if i'm honest. i think if he was in this room now and i had a chat with him, he'd agree they went too far. so i don't really believe a lot of what is being in this inquiry. >> matthew the mirror, the dead
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can't your apologies. fury can't hear your apologies. fury as says to can't hear your apologies. fury as victims says to can't hear your apologies. fury as victims families ays to can't hear your apologies. fury as victims families .(s to can't hear your apologies. fury as victims families . do to can't hear your apologies. fury as victims families . do you to covid victims families. do you think this is a bit unfair on boris? >> no, i thought it was a pretty bumbling performance. at least he cut jokes. which is? he cut the jokes. which is? which once, but i think which is for once, but i think cut his that's what he cut his hair. that's what he should have. absolutely. should have. yeah, absolutely. he grimsby he shouldn't have his grimsby town needs town bobble hat needs to be consigned to the weekends. i mean, actually just made mean, it just actually just made him look. if a labour leader had worn was worn that hat, whoever was his comms have been worn that hat, whoever was his comms even have been worn that hat, whoever was his comms even if have been worn that hat, whoever was his comms even if they have been worn that hat, whoever was his comms even if they were 'e been sacked even if they were a former labour labour leader. look i think it showed that bofis look i think it showed that boris should never have been look i think it showed that boris rministerzver have been look i think it showed that boris rminister that1ave been look i think it showed that boris rminister that hee been look i think it showed that boris rminister that he didn't prime minister that he didn't have the qualities to be prime minister, the minister, which are the qualities sensible, calm qualities of sensible, calm decision making. so. rishi well, some people say that this inquiry has been absolutely loaded against. >> i thought the questioning was very actually. >> i thought the questioning was ven i actually. >> i thought the questioning was venl think, ictually. >> i thought the questioning was venl think, itually. >> i thought the questioning was venl think, i mean , there were >> i think, i mean, there were a lot of questions. there was a fraser nelson, there did a spectator the spectator said, you know, the obvious questions are, did anybody an anybody actually do an assessment cost benefit assessment of a cost benefit assessment of a cost benefit assessment lockdown, assessment of lockdown, etcetera. i thought etcetera. so i thought the questioning poor, questioning was quite poor, but that going for that kc is just going for headune that kc is just going for headline kc got a lot of facts wrong. >> he got the facts wrong. yes, he about europe, excess
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deaths. >> we was nowhere near the worst. we was like the middle worst. we was like in the middle of pack. yeah, he's he's of the pack. yeah, he's he's grandstanding basically grandstanding there basically it's on boris. >> $- ? the trouble is, with >> i mean, the trouble is, with hindsight, was hindsight, boris was fundamentally ill equipped to lead through lead this country through a lockdown because it offended all his libertarian sensibilities. and as i understand it, he fought his corner. but in the end, the combined weight of all these so—called experts convinced him that we had to lock down. he didn't want to lock, he didn't want to lock down. he fought it. and down. he fought against it. and i i actually think this turning. >> he on holiday after the >> he went on holiday after the first appeared. viewers first appeared. so sort viewers know the shows that know the data shows that infections were falling into all three we never needed three lockdowns. we never needed to lock down. course we didn't. and science that he and the science proves that he was . was right. >> he didn't want to zoom out. let's zoom out slightly. let's zoom out slightly just have zoom out slightly and just have a very quickly, though, a chat very quickly, though, about the actual point of this covid inquiry. now, some people watching will be thinking watching this will be thinking we want of this we need i want all of this exposed. oh, absolutely get exposed. oh, i absolutely get that. the leadership during that. but the leadership during lockdown , the science during lockdown, the science during lockdown, the science during
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lockdown, science during the lockdown, the science during the pandemic, of aslef pandemic, all of aslef was woeful right? absolutely pandemic, all of aslef was woeful and 1t? absolutely pandemic, all of aslef was woeful and now bsolutely pandemic, all of aslef was woeful and now we're ely pandemic, all of aslef was woeful and now we're confronted woeful. and now we're confronted by an inquiry that's going to go on i'm about 93 years old. on until i'm about 93 years old. it's to cost us, however, it's going to cost us, however, and way away. and and that's a long way away. and the with the questioning, especially with the questioning, especially with the the questioning, the botox and the questioning, is absolutely woeful as well. what's flipping point any what's the flipping point in any of this? >> well, one thing that just come there, come to mind, my mind there, there an inquiry into there should be an inquiry into there should be an inquiry into the advisers and the cmo's and the advisers and the cmo's and the scientists of this country that got it so badly wrong , that got it so badly wrong, especially over omicron right . especially over omicron right. rather than the politicians that they forced to come later. but they forced to come later. but they fully agreed into these decisions. at the end of the day, we gave knighthoods to people that got it badly wrong. i know sweden and it cost jobs. businesses and lives. the swedes disgrace sweden did this inquiry in about seven months. it's all it's available in english on the swedish government's website and obviously there's a lot to learn from sweden. so this is just ridiculous that it's going to go on months and months. this on for months and months. this is to more is only block to even more blocks is only block to even more blo all we know is how do
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>> all we need to know is how do we make it doesn't happen we make sure it doesn't happen again such a way like sweden , again in such a way like sweden, we need the lowest excess deaths in all right. stuff . good. >> all right. good stuff. good. this what we lively tonight. this is what we lively tonight. lively coming up, which lively now coming up, which politician telling politician has been telling shocking about the knife shocking lies about the knife crime epidemic sweeping our capital find out when capital city? find out when crown tonight's greatest britain and jackass. and make sure and union jackass. and make sure you tune in tomorrow night for part two of mark white and his team's exclusive report from calais , where he exposes the calais, where he exposes the true scale of not just the channel migrant crisis, but some of the lies being told. >> and you will keep trying to get to london. >> london? yes i go to london tomorrow . tomorrow. >> we report on the other route to the uk as thousands of mainly african men who can't afford the price of a place on a boat risk their lives trying to clamber aboard lorries . aboard lorries. >> yeah, we've done an absolute number on that . do not miss. number on that. do not miss. tomorrow, 9 pm. to 11 pm. on patrick christys tonight . but patrick christys tonight. but next on blue. civil war next blue on blue. civil war raging over rishi sunak's
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immigration failures. but there could soon be another tory party revolt trans guidance for revolt over trans guidance for schools. deputy political editor of the mail on sunday anna mikhailova join me for the paper review. don't miss it
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i'm delighted now to whizz you through some more of tomorrow's front pages with deputy political editor of the mail on sunday. it's anna mikhailova. anna, thank you. so i'll start with the times. okay. so we go with the times. okay. so we go with some backing. britain's lose their appetite for three square meals a day . i think square meals a day. i think everyone's on the old what is it, snp wegovy? i don't know the big one though. rwanda bill is doomed , says jenrick as he quits doomed, says jenrick as he quits johnson. sorry utter johnson. sorry for utter disaster the daily mail disaster of covid the daily mail will the tories ever give up fighting each other and start fighting each other and start fighting labour? robert jenrick unleash fresh tory chaos? there
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is also a picture of jennifer lopez , which i don't think i'm lopez, which i don't think i'm allowed to look at now. i'm allowed to look at now. i'm engaged. so let's start with the big one right on the front. there will the tories ever give up fighting other? anna up fighting each other? anna yeah, quite. >> and the leader on the front is also quite stark. it says that, you know, by all this infighting, they're basically trying to help keir starmer get into number 10 by making him look electable and prime ministerial so that is a pretty tough message for the conservative party this evening . conservative party this evening. i mean, i think today will certainly go down as the most significant day so far in rishi sunaks entire premiership. it is absolutely huge. he is effectively, by publishing this bill, he's taking on the right of the party. he knew that they wouldn't be happy with what's presented today. he knew that even though it offers a bit of you know, it shows a bit of ankle to what they wanted, it absolutely does not go anywhere near far enough for what suella
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braverman and robert jenrick have been have been calling for. so this idea generics so this idea that generics resignation should come as a surprise , which some people are surprise, which some people are putting out, is slightly ridiculous, not least to people who mail on sunday, who read the mail on sunday, because about because we wrote about it two weeks ago. because we wrote about it two weeyeah, o. because we wrote about it two weeyeah, indeed . i think it's >> yeah, indeed. i think it's really interesting. page, really interesting. front page, this from daily mail. this from from the daily mail. they with the comment they go in with the comment don't ministers understand how heartily sick the public are of their endless self—indulgence posturing? the only person these hysterics help is keir starmer , hysterics help is keir starmer, the oceangoing dud who too many tory mps seem hell bent on making look statesmanlike and electable . i mean, this is a electable. i mean, this is a plea from the daily mail, isn't it, to basically we get your act together and not let that guy in absolute. >> and the thing is, you know, i was reading robert jenrick letter today, which is pretty explosive. but one of the things that that stuck out me was that that stuck out for me was that that stuck out for me was that jenrick , who that jenrick, who was a relatively minister, you relatively young minister, you know, he isn't an old hat of the
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party. he says he served under five conservative prime ministers i mean, that in itself is absolutely ridiculous. and the fact that we are once again looking at a situation where a leadership contest is genuinely being talked about as likely in the next few months is honestly just absurd . but that is what just absurd. but that is what the situation we find ourselves in. i mean, i was speaking to one rebel today who said that three new letters of no confidence have gone in as far as they know this week. and this is even before jenrick resigned. so, yeah , this this is genuinely so, yeah, this this is genuinely happening. and it's kind of extraordinary. and you know, the big test is can rishi sunak get a grip right now but the counter to what the mail are saying on their front page which is just get behind this right is actually on the front of the times because it goes rwanda bill doomed, says jeremy khan. >> i mean it does look like it is really i mean, in terms of what it's supposed to achieve, which a deterrent. well which is a deterrent. well a deterrent, i suppose. and being able to deport people for processing in rwanda. i mean, it
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just doesn't really look like either those two things are either of those two things are going can pick going to happen. rwanda can pick and they take. they and choose who they take. they can send people they can send people back if they commit a crime, we're still going have pay for them. commit a crime, we're still goinwe've ave pay for them. commit a crime, we're still goinwe've just pay for them. commit a crime, we're still goinwe've just pay f0|exclusive and we've just done an exclusive report calais shows report from calais that shows the to come here the numbers waiting to come here are ever. and the are worse than ever. and the french have given up right. so, i mean, it isn't going work, i mean, it isn't going to work, is it? i mean, it isn't going to work, is i'well, forget, this is >> well, don't forget, this is kind rishi sunak. kind of a crisis of rishi sunak. so no one no one forced so making no one no one forced him to make stop the boats. his his target. he could have said cut down the boats or stop the rise of boats. but he's the one who said stop the boats . which who said stop the boats. which is why robert jenrick so robert jenrick was the man holding the pen on this bill. and he has basically said , i can't put it basically said, i can't put it through parliament because i don't believe it will actually stop the boats. so, yes, i mean, i think both things can be true. the legislation certainly doesn't got doesn't look like it's got a good start considering the minister in charge of its quit, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things the prime minister can do to go a bit further on on
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his policies. >> look, i know we're going to whiz through this very, very quickly, okay? badenoch warns of epidemic of gay pupils told that they are trans. that's on the front of the telegraph . look, front of the telegraph. look, talk me through this. this is another this another tory civil war. is this another tory civil war. is this a issue ? some people a really big issue? some people might culture wars. might call it the culture wars. what's going on? epidemic of gay pupils so this is pupils told the trans so this is some legislation that the government has promised a government has promised for a while just keeps delayed. >> but effectively it can be summed as the government summed up as the government ministers are trying to take action to safeguard children who who are essentially too easily allowed to transition and also to safeguard their parents and their teachers and their doctors from being potentially prosecuted and taken action against if they say anything against if they say anything against it to stop it. so kemi badenoch made some very strong comments in the in parliament today saying, you know what this guidance they're working on is going to do. what it didn't really address is the fact that there's quite a lot there's been quite a lot of
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infighting the scenes infighting behind the scenes within government where there are want are people who don't want this to and don't want any to go ahead and don't want any kind of guidance to toughen anything kind of guidance to toughen anyanna, you. fantastic >> anna, thank you. fantastic stuff. i hope to see you stuff. and i hope to see you again very, soon. anna again very, very soon. anna mikhailova there, of mikhailova over there, of course, the deputy course, who is the deputy political editor the mail on political editor of the mail on sunday. well, it's time now to reveal greatest britain sunday. well, it's time now to reve union greatest britain sunday. well, it's time now to reve union jackassatest britain sunday. well, it's time now to reve union jackass .est britain sunday. well, it's time now to reve union jackass . all britain sunday. well, it's time now to reve union jackass . all right,| and union jackass. all right, christine. greatest britain >> well, as always, the greatest britain. sorry. yeah, sorry, greatest britain. oh, suella. i mean , it was a slight toss up mean, it was a slight toss up between suella and kemi, but suella, her speech was brilliant. it was dignified, superb . it was exactly what the superb. it was exactly what the tory voters wanted. even if some of her tory colleagues didn't want. so suella bring out adam. >> well, i've gone for kemi. >> well, i've gone for kemi. >> kemi badenoch how am i going to choose this one? >> this is mine. we could >> so this is mine. we could unite. could unite. this is unite. we could unite. this is for speech on gender for her speech on gender recognition. yeah, it was pure common sense and i'm glad someone's corner . someone's fighting the corner. and mine is johnson, who's and mine is diana johnson, who's the labour mp who chairs the home affairs select committee. the labour mp who chairs the honit'sffairs select committee. the labour mp who chairs the honit's because .ect committee. the labour mp who chairs the honit's because she's)mmittee. the labour mp who chairs the honit's because she's been:tee.
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but it's because she's been standing victims of standing up for the victims of the scandal and the tories the blood scandal and the tories who first the blood scandal and the tories who on first the blood scandal and the tories who on rishi first the blood scandal and the tories who on rishi with first the blood scandal and the tories who on rishi with support of defeat on rishi with support of 22 tory backbenchers. and now the tories are saying, oh, they're not going to do the payout after the election. payout until after the election. so doesn't stop tax cuts and so it doesn't stop tax cuts and she's standing so i think she's standing firm. so i think she's standing firm. so i think she's great campaigner. she's standing firm. so i think sheyou great campaigner. she's standing firm. so i think sheyou what,:ampaigner. she's standing firm. so i think sheyou what,:am|actually >> you know what, it's actually possibly strongest three possibly the strongest three i've pick from on i've ever had to pick from on this . genuinely, there's this show. genuinely, there's a case i think case for all of them. i think just because it's today, suella braverman it . braverman gets it. >> union jack union, jack. there's always so many to choose from . i mean, boris's haircut from. i mean, boris's haircut really struck to my mind. i mean, for heaven's sake . but i mean, for heaven's sake. but i have and it's extraordinary have gone and it's extraordinary . haven't even touched on . we haven't even touched on this today because this subject today because there's earthquake stuff there's so much earthquake stuff going is the junior doctors going on. is the junior doctors going on. is the junior doctors going on. is the junior doctors going on strike over christmas all they're giving of themselves an extended christmas holiday? it's an absolute scandal. okay. >> mine's got to win. it's sadiq khan for claiming that knife crime has dropped under his tenure when in fact, it's up 40% since he took over. and knife
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crime is something i'm very passionate about and he's failing london. i think he should resign . okay. should resign. okay. >> strong. >> strong. >> go on. and mine is the department for work and pensions and the ministers in charge of it over last years. it over the last few years. their errors have left 200,000 pensioners, 1.3 billion out of pocket. may impossible pocket. and it may be impossible to the cash back to get them to get the cash back to get them to get the cash back to pensioners whose is to the pensioners whose cash is by you know what? by right. you know what? >> two top >> it's another two top selection from what's been a fantastic panel . adam brooks fantastic panel. adam brooks wins, though, with sadiq khan, right . okay. well, thank you right. okay. well, thank you very, very much for picking our way through what has been a monumental day in british political history. can i just politely remind you i'd also like say thank you very much like to say thank you very much for course, who's for everybody, of course, who's been listening. been watching and listening. if you our exclusive you missed any of our exclusive content calais, go back on content from calais, go back on youtube, little watch of youtube, have a little watch of it. putting out youtube, have a little watch of it. our putting out youtube, have a little watch of it. our website :ting out youtube, have a little watch of it. our website asg out youtube, have a little watch of it. our website as well, out on our website as well, but tomorrow. so if we lid off channel we blew the lid off the channel migrant today, we blow migrant crisis today, we blow the bloody doors off the back of the bloody doors off the back of the lorries that are coming through you might be through because you might be being channel being told that channel boat crossings and what's crossings are down and what's going lorry parks.
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going on in the lorry parks. mark while home security mark while our home security editor another exclusive on editor has another exclusive on this for tomorrow. up this show for you tomorrow. up next is headliners see in a bit a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hi there. >> hi there. >> it's aidan mcgivern here from the met office. with the gb news forecast. it's been a cold, but forecast. it's been a cold, but for many a bright day. however big changes take place overnight as increasingly wet and windy weather arrives from the west atlantic . areas of low pressure atlantic. areas of low pressure are moving in from the west, bringing weather fronts, bringing weather fronts, bringing strengthening winds, bringing strengthening winds, bringing increasingly wet, but also in places more milder conditions. we start off with an early frost in the east, but as the cloud increases overnight, temperatures will actually rise through the night and we'll see that rain spread in as that rain bumps into the colder air. there'll be some hill snow over northern england. parts of scotland could affect northern england. parts of scotlé higher could affect northern england. parts of scotlé higher routes uld affect northern england. parts of scotlé higher routes first |ffect northern england. parts of scotlé higher routes first thing some higher routes first thing thursday. but quite quickly
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through day, having seen through the day, having seen some some snow some icy patches and some snow over the we'll the over the hills, we'll see the mild air sweep in across the uk , mild air sweep in across the uk, turning the rain to rain at all levels and actually it is going to be a soggy day for most of us with that rain heaviest in the west. strengthening winds and risk of gales for western scotland . and it's not going to scotland. and it's not going to feel very pleasant with temperatures of 5 to 7 celsius in the east, although double figures for west as that figures for the west as that milder air takes a hold fridays, a similar day with low pressure close by spiralling bands of rain or showers circulating around it. the wettest weather rain or showers circulating arouragain'he wettest weather rain or showers circulating arouragain'hethettest weather rain or showers circulating arouragain'hethe west,/eather rain or showers circulating arouragain'hethe west, but1er once again in the west, but those showers spreading to most parts through afternoon. parts through the afternoon. gusty but feeling a bit gusty winds but feeling a bit milder in places as well. the weekend brings further spells of rain and showers. also some dner rain and showers. also some drier interludes at times that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . boilers sponsors of weather on. gb news widget .
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gb news widget. >> we're here for the show . >> we're here for the show. welcome to the dinosaur hour with me john cleese . with me john cleese. >> ha ha. that was married to a therapist. >> and you survived. >> and you survived. >> i thought we were getting hugh laurie second best. >> i'm bellissima. >> i'm bellissima. >> you interviewed saddam hussein. >> what's that like? >> what's that like? >> i was terrified. >> i was terrified. >> i'm playing strip poker with these three. >> oh , no, thank you . >> oh, no, thank you. >> oh, no, thank you. >> cds need to be put in alphabetical order. >> oh, are you going to be problematic again ? problematic again? >> the dinosaur. our sundays on gb news is
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good evening with gb news. >> our top story today, we'll start this bulletin with some breaking news. we're seeing reports of a shooting on a major shopping centre street in central brussels . this is shopping centre street in central brussels. this is in belgium. local media is saying four people have been injured in the incident and that the suspect fled the scene immediately . that suspect is immediately. that suspect is currently still on the loose. a manhunt is underway and belgium police are saying there's no indication at this stage it's a terrorist attack . but some local terrorist attack. but some local media outlets suggesting the shooting could be urban gang, as they put it, related. so suspect on the loose in brussels tonight. and it seems like four
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people have been injured .


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