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tv   Headliners  GB News  December 10, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am GMT

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minister has come under prime minister has come under pressure after it was discovered he paid £240 million towards a rwanda plan without a single flight taking off. tory sources say the mps will decide whether to support the legislation tomorrow or if necessary , hold tomorrow or if necessary, hold a second meeting ahead of the vote . a mother and son have died in a crash in derbyshire as police hunt a bmw driver who fled the scene. derbyshire police say the 59 year old woman was pronounced dead on site while the 22 year old son later died in hospital. a black bmw collided with the victim's fiat 500 car on chesterfield road around 10:20 am. on saturday. a 40 year old man has been arrested and remains in police custody, but the bmw driver fled the scene. met police say two teenage girls have been arrested on suspicion of robbery after a woman was attacked in london. a warning this video shows distressing images. footage of the attack has been circulating on social media showing the 20 year old
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walking in stamford hill and then being robbed and beaten . then being robbed and beaten. the woman who is from the orthodox jewish community was reportedly left bruised but didn't need to go to hospital . didn't need to go to hospital. the met police say it's keeping an open mind about the motive for the attack, but are treating it possible hate crime. it as a possible hate crime. mick donald has apologised after footage posted on social media showed a security guard mopping the floor where a homeless man was sitting. the video was taken on victoria street in london last night and shows the man trying to move sleeping bag trying to move his sleeping bag and away from the water as and duvet away from the water as it seeps underneath . in the it seeps underneath. in the video, he says , leave me alone video, he says, leave me alone before one security guard kicks a blanket out of the way and splashes more water along the pavement . macdonald said it was pavement. macdonald said it was shocked and saddened by the footage and fresh weather warnings have been issued as storm fergus sweeps across the country . leitrim village in country. leitrim village in ireland has been hit by a possible tornado as homes and cars are seriously damaged and emergency services were called
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after high winds from the storm flattened. trees, ripped rooftops off and left debris scattered on the street. yellow weather warnings and over 40 flood warnings have been issued across england and scotland. and gale force winds are likely to hit south wales and areas around the bristol channel. this is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car, on your digital radio and on your smart speaker. by saying play gb news now it's time for headliners . time for headliners. >> thank you. sophia hello everyone. welcome to headliners your nightly run through the next day's papers with three comedians. i'm one of them. i'm leo carson. tonight i'm joined by paul cox and kerry marx e—list the list of english comedy right here to me . yeah. comedy right here to me. yeah. have you been gigging this weekend? it's a list of three.
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>> is it? that's how sad our circuit is now . circuit is now. >> i'm a celebrity. get me out of here. finally. >> we're the only ones that haven't been outed for something dastardly. >> yeah, at the moment, it's just an elimination match. waiting for some dms to be to resurface from 2002. anyway let's have a look at monday's front pages. the daily mail leads with put a sock in it. lineker per the guardian, has rival tory tribes threatened sunak authority over rwanda scheme. the telegraph leads with prime minister under pressure to amend rwanda plan. the news has sunak fights for his future amid growing threat from tory right. the times has we will win legal battles , say officials and battles, say officials and finally the daily star has used an we have a problem and those were your front pages . and were your front pages. and kicking off the in—depth look into the papers with the
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telegraph pole setting expectations high there with the word in—depth on on on on the front of the page is obviously nigel farage, right? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> nigel, it's huge. congratulations to nigel for coming third in the jungle. obviously colleague future obviously colleague and future prime he's done prime minister. he's he's done really well actually isn't he, considering that he's gone in there and he's, he's his bogey man that everyone hates and he's, he's been the guy who's led everything that's ever led everything bad that's ever happened but turns happened in the uk but he turns out he's actually quite a nice guy who's a loving family man. charismatic, interesting , and charismatic, interesting, and likes to sing karaoke . likes to sing karaoke. >> yeah, and lots of stories as well. and it's interesting to see this painted some, you know, guardian and the guardian journalist and all the rest come out and said, oh, rest have come out and said, oh, look , he's failed. he's failed look, he's failed. he's failed another election. it's like he came third. i can't to see came third. i can't wait to see their paralympics coverage . their paralympics coverage. whoever's third on that podium, we forever find out the public don't think what they think. >> yeah , we're always told >> yeah, we're always told they're endlessly on every
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single subject. >> the public definitely think this and then they completely vote the other way. by the way, it's not me. >> this chair is really squeaky , right? >> it will add to when the stories get serious. >> it's to get it up for >> it's going to get it up for a hip replacement. >> i thought we were going to cover headline about you cover this headline about you may be swiftie, but you may not be a swiftie, but you should be glad your daughter is because got a daughter should be glad your daughter is becelise got a daughter should be glad your daughter is becel don't got a daughter should be glad your daughter is becel don't know. got a daughter should be glad your daughter is becel don't know. i'm a daughter should be glad your daughter is becel don't know. i'm notaughter and i don't know. i'm not a swiftie either. but i thought a swiftie was something to say about that than celebrity. about that than a celebrity. i thought was you thought swifty was was when you went to a and you know it goes wrong, but the i mean wrong, but the farage i mean returning you think it's returning do you think it's going to have sort of introduced them in way they them to the public in a way they won't seen before because won't have seen before because there been lot of there has just been a lot of farage bashing? haven't seen farage bashing? i haven't seen any of it. but he does keep surprising the public every single he does he's single time. and he does he's not to just suddenly not going to just suddenly vanish, this is vanish, is he? so no, this is just the beginning. >> i think genuinely the >> i think genuinely just the beginning. know, i was beginning. and, you know, i was very whether was very sceptical whether this was a him. but who am a good idea for him. but who am i? because it's turned out, i think, you know, to something think, you know, to be something that's of a boon farage
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that's a bit of a boon farage and his camp, i don't think it sort of jet propels into sort of jet propels him into frontline politics immediately. but one thing it will do straight away is boost reform. who said at 11% ahead of the lib dems, we could see reform on 12% this which would be huge, this week, which would be huge, which put them which would probably put them ahead of the tories. >> at the moment. that's a good point. >> i mean, a discussion >> i mean, i had a discussion this with somebody who was this week with somebody who was in politics were saying in politics and they were saying he's from the he's only borrowing from the tory the reformer, only tory party the reformer, only borrowing party at borrowing from the tory party at 11. of course, it doesn't 11. but of course, it doesn't matter who they're borrowing 11. but of course, it doesn't mattelike o they're borrowing 11. but of course, it doesn't mattelike o tazy're borrowing 11. but of course, it doesn't mattelike o ta sports)rrowing 11. but of course, it doesn't mattelike o ta sports game,g 11. but of course, it doesn't mattelike o ta sports game, it from, like in a sports game, it doesn't matter who you beat. if you're ahead of the dems, you're ahead of the lib dems, you're ahead of the lib dems, you're the dems. you're ahead of the lib dems. and that's politically. and that's huge politically. i mean, i don't know how it's going play but farage going to play out, but farage coming in the jungle, coming third in the jungle, getting exposure and getting so much exposure and being that being seen as somebody that people relate to. i mean, people can relate to. i mean, because huge thing in because that's a huge thing in politics somebody we can politics now, somebody we can all relate to, even people who hated watched hated brexit would have watched i'm and thought i'm a celebrity and thought i recognise someone i admire. yeah. nigel farage, and they yeah. in nigel farage, and they won't openly admit it, but they would done. would have done. >> think it's where we're >> i think it's where we're going. it's going to be
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going. i think it's going to be reality tv will be the way we choose prime ministers in the house commons. vote house of commons. we'll vote them time. it them out one at a time. it sounds like a much better system than got at the than whatever we've got at the moment because the last few prime haven't prime ministers just haven't been prime ministers just haven't beeand also the selection >> and also the selection process has long winded and process has been long winded and nowhere as entertaining. nowhere near as entertaining. >> the last prime >> well, the last three prime ministers have basically chosen themselves. the themselves. that's been half the problem. minutes. problem. the last five minutes. we all voted for was boris johnson. collectively as a as a nation. since we've had nation. and since then we've had two have just said, two others who have just said, i should do this. and then depending on who they're friends with, they've enabled with, it's been they've enabled it. so let's see what happens . i it. so let's see what happens. i mean, see what happens mean, let's see what happens this yeah let's see what this week. yeah let's see what happens and what's on the front cover the guardian. happens and what's on the front covcarrythe guardian. happens and what's on the front cov carry rivaliuardian. happens and what's on the front cov carry rivaliuard tribes >> carry rival tory tribes threatened sunak authority over rwanda scheme. >> so yeah, that's what's happening this week and it's once again , you know, we had once again, you know, we had robert jenrick who left this week and this is what we're going to see happen. i think i think illegal immigrants are going to get fed up with the whole thing and they're always
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going to leave as well. or this is going sooner or is all going nuts. sooner or later, going to be going later, we're going to be going to rwanda they'll be staying to rwanda and they'll be staying here. know , he's here. sunak you know, he's really he's he's on the line right now and he's already outlasted modern day tory prime ministers so how what's going to happen there ? there is a meeting happen there? there is a meeting on monday in which which 100 mps are trying to get their act together in advance of the vote on tuesday. and it's you know, we're at a stage where the authorities in rwanda are now pointing fingers at the uk and calling us immoral. and they get to play the high ground. so everything's falling apart and sooner or later someone's gonna have the foot down and have to put the foot down and make an actual decision. >> yeah, and they certainly seem to more political stability >> yeah, and they certainly seem to rwanda)re political stability >> yeah, and they certainly seem to rwanda whereitical stability >> yeah, and they certainly seem to rwanda where they'veability >> yeah, and they certainly seem to rwanda where they'veabilitthe in rwanda where they've had the same i think, 20 odd same leader for i think, 20 odd years. do you think years. but i mean, do you think this could i mean, the moment this could i mean, at the moment the tories look just doomed in the tories look just doomed in the next election. you think the next election. do you think they just roll the dice they could just roll the dice and rishi and and get rid of rishi and possibly, i don't know, even bnng possibly, i don't know, even bring boris back or bring bring
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nigel, nigel well, of nigel, bring nigel in? well, of course something course it would take something of to change the path. >> what's interesting here is both the guardian and telegraph have reported this. we're have reported on this. we're talking about the guardian now, however, talking however, they're both talking about glee. the about it with some glee. the guardian the that the guardian from the fact that the rwanda on its knees and rwanda bill is on its knees and is going the is not going anywhere, the telegraph, because they see rishi toppling and it is very, very possible that this week there could be a vote of confidence in rishi. he may bnng confidence in rishi. he may bring it himself, i think unless it's of the magnitude of boris returning or boris and farage, which by the way, i don't believe will happen at all, then it's probably just stick rather than twist because they're going to beaten either way. the to get beaten either way. the only can see is the only only thing i can see is the only way can see tories doing way i can see the tories doing well they had well is if they had a charismatic leader who was bombastic enough to deliver something like the rwanda bill and see it through. because right at the moment rishi snookered. either way, this is the sword of the metaphorical sword of damocles hanging over his premiership. and whatever happens, this week, i don't think he's got the minerals to
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deliver. and i think it it's the it's the beginning of the end or the end of the end immediately. yeah. >> of course. he's also facing the covid inquiry this week over his eat help out scheme, his eat out to help out scheme, which of dumbest which was one of the dumbest things that anyone could have come with during a time where come up with during a time where everyone being told keep come up with during a time where every distance being told keep come up with during a time where everydistance andg told keep come up with during a time where everydistance and thenj keep come up with during a time where everydistance and then suddenly their distance and then suddenly all sudden special deals. all of a sudden special deals. if go to restaurant, i if you go to a restaurant, i don't remember the don't remember all the restaurants kebab shop don't remember all the rest'crammed kebab shop don't remember all the rest'crammed in kebab shop don't remember all the rest'crammed in amongstb shop don't remember all the rest'crammed in amongst people like crammed in amongst people thinking this can't be right. >> know. mean , two kebabs >> i know. i mean, two kebabs here. this can't be right. >> well , it proved here. this can't be right. >> well, it proved one thing and that was that everything they said up until that point must have been somewhat of lie . have been somewhat of a lie. because. because. because it can't . all of a sudden you can't can't. all of a sudden you can't say, well , if we have the say, well, if we have the economy, covid away. that's economy, covid goes away. that's not it works. because up not how it works. because up until point, were saying until that point, we were saying you go anyone. you couldn't go near anyone. i mean, holding my breath mean, i was holding my breath walking dog walkers and all walking past dog walkers and all of like you say, if go of a sudden, like you say, if go into restaurant sit within into a restaurant and sit within two of someone. yeah. two metres of someone. yeah. >> licking each other's armpits. >> licking each other's armpits. >> the opposite what we just >> the opposite of what we just told >> the opposite of what we just tol(absolute opposite and moving
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>> absolute opposite and moving on. daily got on on. what the daily mail got on the cover. the front cover. >> paul sock in it. >> paul put a sock in it. lineker gary lineker has ignited another charity another bbc impartial charity rail an open rail after he signed an open letter criticising the government's rwanda policy and in other news, bears pulling the woods. i mean, can you woods. leo i mean, can you believe this? gary lineker has a has an opinion on this matter. i mean, it's got to the point now it's great for the mail and it's typical of the mail to report this in the way they have. and i would i agree with them on this. perhaps he should put a sock in it because just a thorn in it because he is just a thorn in the side of bbc. either he the side of the bbc. either he is trolling he and the bbc is trolling us or he and the bbc are trolling us. well what's interesting is so gary lineker was the for £49 million was on the hook for £49 million tax bill and he took or hmrc took him to court and gary lineker actually sort of managed to weasel out it in court to weasel out of it in court because he said, look, i do political activism, shows political activism, which shows i'm regular bbc employee. i'm not a regular bbc employee. >> that was the gist of it. a lot of people are saying that he uses political activism uses his political activism as a way of of weaselling out of way of sort of weaselling out of his responsibilities. and his tax responsibilities. and let's it the nice stuff
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let's face it all the nice stuff he all the nice stuff he wants, all the nice stuff that petitions lobbies that he petitions and lobbies the provide, they the government to provide, they would able to provide if he would be able to provide if he paid his instead of not paid his tax instead of like not paying paid his tax instead of like not paying tax . so, i mean, it paying his tax. so, i mean, it seems like is he cynically doing this? no, i don't think so, because i disagree with you both. >> i think i think football is a qualification to know about. absolutely everything. you know, once know a bit once you once you know a bit about then you become about football, then you become an expert all moral an expert on on all moral situations. and of course, he's he's opinion on he's really got an opinion on absolutely and he was absolutely everything and he was also just recently retweeting saying that that excuse of a human being owen jones for his opinions on israel and so on and he didn't have anything to say about october the 7th. but suddenly he's shooting his mouth off and insisting everyone watches whatever he has to say. yeah, i think he could put more more than sock in it, frankly. more than a sock in it, frankly. on with it. on footballing with it. >> i mean, one of those big football socks with the shin pad in it. yeah, we swallow it. we take the mick. i mean, kerry wasn't taking the mick mick, harry me of something
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harry reminds me of something that there's nothing that lineker there's nothing surprising lineker surprising about what lineker says. it falls down on one side surprising about what lineker sa'thet falls down on one side surprising about what lineker sa'the argument.n on one side surprising about what lineker sa'the argument. whatever;ide surprising about what lineker sa'the argument. whatever over surprising about what lineker sa'tisidegument. whatever over surprising about what lineker sa'tiside ofnent. whatever over surprising about what lineker sa'tiside of that. whatever over surprising about what lineker sa'tiside of that. whateveris,'er surprising about what lineker sa'tiside of that. whateveris, no one side of that argument is, no matter what is to the point matter what it is to the point that he will hold owen jones up as some sort of principle for us all abide by, though all to abide by, even though what doing is questioning what he's doing is questioning the decapitation of the rape and decapitation of women, children and men , and women, children and men, and he'll happily do this without any irony whatsoever. and, you know, people like us have to take the mick and be a statistic about it. but at the end of the day, it's quite a serious issue. >> and he does seem to just take the most expedient path, whatever the cool kids are saying, because anti—semitism somehow become saying, because anti—semitism somyear's become saying, because anti—semitism somyear's ice become saying, because anti—semitism somyear's ice bucket become saying, because anti—semitism somyear's ice bucket challengee this year's ice bucket challenge for all these on social for all these people on social media. he's just seeing that media. so he's just seeing that and along it. it's disgusting. >> it's another one. we get this absolute reversal, isn't it? ivan jones angle that unless he actually sees a penis going into actually sees a penis going into a vagina, doesn't happen. a vagina, it doesn't happen. >> but he said jewish women. yeah, got actually yeah, well, he's got to actually see and go, well, see that image and go, well, that really awful. that was really awful. >> i mean, i know we're >> well, i mean, i know we're not on but it was
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not on that, but it was terrible, terrible, terrible from him. >> optics terrible. >> the optics were terrible. i mean, he was saying, yes, we can see without their knickers see them without their knickers on naked and they're on and they're naked and they're cut and bruised stuff. but cut and bruised and stuff. but there's evidence beyond belief. >> but yeah, really it's just >> but yeah, it really it's just lineker he he he does do lineker is he he he does do i think exactly what you're think he's exactly what you're saying know saying is, you know what position going take on position he's going to take on everything is the position that has already been advertised as the of to have the the kind of position to have the safe, the safe, walk, safe, the safe, edgy, walk, pretend, anti—establishment woke position . position. >> right. well that's monday's front pages out of the way. come back in a moment boris back in a moment for boris johnson, farage johnson, nigel farage and nicolas sturgeon. sounds like a tough of snog marry. avoid tough round of snog marry. avoid seeing
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news radio . welcome back to headliners. >> i'm neil carson. i'm still here with paul cox and carrie marks kicking this section off with the mirror and it looks like gb news could be losing some to the world of some presenters to the world of politics. well, never politics. paul well, you never know politics. paul well, you never knoi' one thing i won't
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>> i mean, one thing i won't miss about i'm a celebrity. get me out of here is the mirror's obsession with nigel farage. and this part of this is just another part of that. mps want boris that. tory mps want boris johnson to return as pm in a bizarre deal with nigel farage, a group of right wing conservative mps . i think a group of right wing conservative mps. i think most of the conservative should be at least slightly on the right. mps are reportedly very nice if some of them were. >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> reportedly drawing up a bizarre plan for the disgraced xp ex—pm to team up with nigel farage at the helm of the party. the rebel mps want to crash mr sunak's government to make way for johnson return. so the only forjohnson return. so the only way this could be done, according to them, is a deal. could be struck between the tories and mr farage, who is not a pm by putting him and mr tice in the house of lords. and there's aspects to this there's so many aspects to this story. is this is very far story. this is this is very far fetched. it sounds like the mirror panicking slightly. i think part of this could happen, but it does feel like it feels like they've had a nightmare and
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woken up and written about it because a nightmare for them would be a boris johnson farage i mean, would for me, it i mean, that would for me, it would extend career would probably extend my career for several years, which for several more years, which would fantastic. but a farage would be fantastic. but a farage johnson premiership. wow. what i mean, they wouldn't even they wouldn't even worry about laws. we would we would be flying people to rwanda . it'd just be people to rwanda. it'd just be me and leo with three hours pilot training . off we go . pilot training. off we go. >> kyrees do you have such rose tinted view of the dictatorship that paul's imagining ? that paul's imagining? >> i love stories about things that aren't going to happen. >> yeah, exactly . >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> you know, waste our time. why not? and you're right, it does keep saying it's the possibility of a bizarre deal. it's not really bizarre, is it? it's surprising if they decided to become astronauts get become astronauts and get married space, would be married in space, that would be bizarre. would be just bizarre. but this would be just like surprise. like a bit of a surprise. really? yeah. they keep really? yeah. and they keep mentioning mps are plotting mentioning that mps are plotting to some to do this like it's some conspiracy they're all conspiracy that they're all telling it the former
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telling us about. it the former ukip leader has also made it into the final of the itv celebrity reality show, which we know he's now come third, sparking fears among tories that he will achieve a boost in popularity, which is lovely. i love reality love the fact that that reality tv is having this effect on us all now and deciding who's going to be or not. to be in or not. >> of course, i mean, in america, trump was the apprentice. >> yeah, i was the of it. and a spokesman mr johnson >> yeah, i was the of it. and a spokesman mrjohnson said spokesman for mr johnson said he would not be drawn into his political ambitions, blah, blah, blah, it really sounds blah, blah. it really sounds like it. loves this like he wants it. he loves this idea, it? i really. like he wants it. he loves this ideiyou it? i really. like he wants it. he loves this ideiyou mentioned'eally. like he wants it. he loves this ideiyou mentioned being anything >> you mentioned being anything to farage p&o. yeah. to do with farage p&o. yeah. all you to say something, you got to do is say something, but nothing. well, i don't know about that. i know. and then all of sudden got the of a sudden you've got the mirror my god. mirror panicking. oh, my god. >> it's going to be >> for us, it's going to be captured of the world. >> a source told newspapers >> a source told the newspapers that any deal between the pair would in tears, which would soon end in tears, which sounds going sounds like they're going to fight now as which is even fight now as well, which is even better someone says better when someone says that it's better when someone says that ifs endin better when someone says that it's end in tears it's going to end in tears playing hard get, it? playing hard to get, isn't it? yeah kind going, no, yeah it's kind of going, no, i don't want to go out with you,
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but if you do have fight, but if you do have a fight, moving on, we've got the guardian now and labour are sounding and like my sounding more and more like my dream tory party every day. >> they're having go >> this time they're having a go at nurses. at greedy nhs nurses. >> carrie, is wes streeting. >> he says the nhs uses winter crisis as an excuse to ask for more money. he talks here like he the nhs created winter he thinks the nhs created winter , so the shadow health secretary, he says, i don't think it's good enough that the nhs, i don't think it's good enough, is what he said. i don't think it's good enough for the nhs. uses every winter crisis and every challenge. it faces as and every challenge. it faces as an to ask for more money. an excuse to ask for more money. does think the nhs is a does he think the nhs is a person thinks nhs wants that person thinks the nhs wants that particularly? yeah, i'm willing to give people more freedom to innovate and create. i don't know what that actually means. so i was looking around to see what what actually is he going to such a big to do to make such a big difference innovate career? difference and innovate career? >> be using >> they're going to be using like and forks instead of like knives and forks instead of surgical implements. >> i mean, really good stuff like cost saving measures like that. cost saving measures a change. type of a major change. the type of thing offering. to
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thing is offering. he wants to make singapore health make a more singapore health system introduce system style and so introduce the of make normal for the idea of make it normal for patients have a single family patients to have a single family doctor, which doesn't mean a single doctor or a family doctor doesn't they're single, doesn't mean they're single, but they're a family. you get they're also a family. you get to see one doctor, which which i don't that's don't even think that's a particularly big change. and i don't particularly like it when i go to it's a surgery that has lots of doctors you can wait lots of doctors and you can wait a while for the appointment with a while for the appointment with a you want, a doctor that you want, or you can get doctor and see can get any doctor and see someone tomorrow, which seems absolutely me. absolutely perfect to me. it's like to barber, you like going to the barber, you know, either have the know, you can either have the barber you or you can barber that you like or you can have the one who's available right now, the one that right now, the dodgy one that checks rectum. that's the checks your rectum. that's the one to my barber. well one you go to my barber. well he's very good. >> oh, that top on the >> oh, welcome. that top on the on mantelpiece in front of on the mantelpiece in front of the mirror was. but these are the mirror was. but these are the is to change the mental the plan is to change the mental he's about the he's complaining about the mental which mental health act which gets a disproportionate black disproportionate number of black people who are sectioned, which i know we were sectioning i didn't know we were sectioning black apparently i didn't know we were sectioning blac doesn't apparently i didn't know we were sectioning blac doesn't happen»parently i didn't know we were sectioning blac doesn't happen in rently singapore. >> so really he's doing is >> so really what he's doing is i think they've got singapore i think they've got a singapore think they've fewer black
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singapore. what the mistake is made is >> what the mistake is made is assuming is like assuming that britain is like singapore. we are not singapore. yes. and we are not anything like singapore. singapore a tiny sort of singapore is a is a tiny sort of city state. it's run quite authoritarian , which i think he authoritarian, which i think he wants to get elected in singapore. what's going on here? and it's rich and they and it's very rich and they don't have masses of lovely, lovely winters as well . yeah, lovely winters as well. yeah, it's a balmy 30 degrees every all every day of the year. so yeah, i mean that's that's not a fair comparison to make. >> no, it's like wes streeting been on some sort of tory awareness training. it's fantastic. obviously he's a man preparing for power as a lot of people in his position are like starmer. cetera . starmer. et cetera. et cetera. and of course, what you have to do when you're preparing for power is every ideology you power is dump every ideology you had opposition start had in opposition and start talking reality of talking about the reality of things the nhs and what things like the nhs and what people actually want vote people actually want to vote for. well, exactly . you for. yeah, well, exactly. you know, panicking now know, and he's panicking now because knows well that because he knows full well that all the the he's had all the all the points he's had up this point about anything up to this point about anything are just nonsense, absolute nonsense. >> going to get real. >> and it's going to get real. >> and it's going to get real. >> yeah. and now it's going to
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get real. and they've got to say they don't. remarkable. he they don't. it's remarkable. he stopped saying they stopped short of saying they need the surplus need to decrease the surplus population scrooge some population like scrooge at some point need to point because he didn't need to go far did. he didn't go as far as he did. he didn't need make some sort of need to make some sort of personification of the or personification of the nhs or say know, just take say that, you know, just take the when it comes to when it the mic when it comes to when it comes wintertime. he didn't comes to wintertime. he didn't need to say any of that. he could have. he he needs, need to say any of that. he coanything, he he needs, need to say any of that. he coanything, to�* he needs, need to say any of that. he coanything, to learn he needs, need to say any of that. he coanything, to learn how needs, need to say any of that. he co anything, to learn how to eds, if anything, to learn how to communicate a lot better than this. if he's going to find himself a power vote. >> yes. we've got times >> yes. okay we've got the times now. the camper van now. and after the camper van scandal, sturgeon's scandal, nicola sturgeon's husband being husband is now being investigated luxury car. investigated over a luxury car. they're like imelda marcos crossed clarkson. crossed with jeremy clarkson. paul the phrase nicola paul kelsey the phrase nicola sturgeon's husband , peter sturgeon's husband, peter murrell investigated over 95 grand car. >> it was an electric jaguar. nice detectives are investigating the purchase of a luxury car by nicolas sturgeon's husband as part of their investigation into the snp's finances . so these people are finances. so these people are starting to look slightly less legit than , i don't know. derek
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legit than, i don't know. derek trotter. i mean, i don't really i mean, there isn't anything going, what is it? i mean, they've got motorhome homes, jaguars, scottish independence , jaguars, scottish independence, they're all just apps. you just absolute it's like it's like in goodfellas, you know, when they have the big heist and then , you have the big heist and then, you know, robert de niro says , look, know, robert de niro says, look, don't spend the money on anything flashy. >> and then people turn up with mink coats new pink mink coats and new pink cadillacs stuff. peter cadillacs and stuff. peter murrell up with murrell turned up with a 95 grand jaguar. murrell turned up with a 95 grand jaguar . and people are grand jaguar. and people are saying, whoa, that's an saying, whoa, that's that's an expensive car. then he expensive car. and then he suddenly flogged it. suddenly suddenly flogged it. he suddenly flogged we bang, we buy flogged it on. we bang, we buy any car, which is like, you know, that's, that's that's the sort of line that says i need to get grand. very, very get 70 grand. very, very quickly. for some reason, you know . know. >> so it's really blatant , you >> so it's really blatant, you know, if he's embezzled this kind of money out of it was out of 600,000 donations. yeah. so it's not like it's not like they've received millions and he siphoned off a few hundred thousand. siphoned off a few hundred thousand . this is like that's thousand. this is like that's already that's already 80,000. just on the car.
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>> yeah. leave some for charging it. >> and then on top of that it's 92 year old. it's 92 year old mother. he got a luxury motorhome , sprinkler systems, motorhome, sprinkler systems, garden hoses , montblanc pens and garden hoses, montblanc pens and video games . garden hoses, montblanc pens and video games. the garden hoses, montblanc pens and video games . the question garden hoses, montblanc pens and video games. the question is whether it all adds up to 503,000 out of. they've got 90,000 left, right ? yeah. so 90,000 left, right? yeah. so 97,000 left. so it'd be so really , if anything should be really, if anything should be done for stupidity , see if it done for stupidity, see if it turns out that he really has doneit turns out that he really has done it is idiotic. turns out that he really has done it is idiotic . and then done it is idiotic. and then nicola sturgeon said she later published a statement on social media stating that she knew beyond she knew beyond doubt that am innocent of any that i am innocent of any wrongdoing. she say wrongdoing. she didn't say i haven't done anything. i know beyond doubt. i'm absolutely certain that i didn't do anything. and i'm wondering whether emphasised the whether she emphasised the i spent for certain i know spent i know for certain i know i didn't do anything not talking about dodgy pete, but of course . about dodgy pete, but of course. >> and of course this is all
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speculation. yeah i can't wait for six months time. anyway, the guardian now warning that tory immigration rules could lead to a rise in marriages. immigration rules could lead to a rise in marriages . as it a rise in marriages. as it sounds like another benefit, a return to traditional values. kyrees >> is it a return to traditional values ? is it married? oh, values? is it married? oh, i see. we mean people used to do that, didn't they? yes. this is the visa rules, which they're saying is only going to be only the will be to get the rich will be able to get married. okay. so and james cleverly has said that a british citizen who wants to sponsor their foreign spouse live their foreign spouse to live with them in the uk will need to earn at least 38.7 38,700, which i think is a lot. you know, people are going to be going to the bank and saying they want a loan and is it for a house? is it for a car? no, it's for a spouse. so you need this kind of money to sponsor a spouse coming into country, which into the country, which which sounds at first sounds like fun. at first i didn't when i first read it, i thought maybe you can sponsor a spouse you sponsor spouse like you sponsor a penguin. you know, you could do it else. then it for somebody else. and then send to africa for christmas.
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>> yeah, totally. >> yeah, totally. >> just get up every year and tell you how they're doing and you get an update, out you get an update, find out how you're village. you're helping the village. yeah, not why this is yeah, i'm not sure why this is particularly. thought we were yeah, i'm not sure why this is parti i mean, this is they've focussed small part of focussed on one small part of it, mean the problem is it, but i mean the problem is when come here to when people come here to students here to work students or come here to work and you know, low wage and you know, fairly low wage employment till now, they employment up till now, they can bnng employment up till now, they can bring dependents and bring a lot of dependents and the poor have more babies right and yeah so the dependents that can then be you know, subject to they can claim welfare and all they can claim welfare and all the rest of it. so it's not the you know, people always say, oh, there's this, there's this net benefit of immigration. it's like, well, we tweak it. like, well, we can tweak it. singapore style and make it more of benefit if we, you know, of a benefit if we, you know, change, like change, change the rules like singapore with them, isn't it these days. singapore with them, isn't it the yeah.'s. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> singapore is the way to do it. >> i'm not sure it it.— >> i'm not sure it is it. >> i'm not sure it is though. i mean i've been quiet this year but it wasn't was it. i mean there's a couple of things going on always bamboozles me on here. it always bamboozles me this. 2000, i went to this. in about 2000, i went to canada my family for canada with my family for a
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month for a while pondered month and for a while pondered the idea of out there. the idea of moving out there. and was told very quickly that and i was told very quickly that if i wanted to move there, if i wanted to move out there, that would have that a family member would have to me, which meant that to sponsor me, which meant that essentially for ten this essentially for ten years this is the way. for ten is canada by the way. for ten years, would be able to years, i would never be able to claim a benefit, right? i'd have to to support myself. to be able to support myself. and i couldn't, the family and if i couldn't, the family would support me. yeah, would have to support me. yeah, we could introduce something like and know like that here. and i know £38,000 is a lot of money, but it's context a it's not in the context of a partnership living in partnership up. living in a house in great britain in these particular times. >> be carve outs >> and there will be carve outs for, know, people that for, you know, the people that we steal from other we need to steal from other countries, such as and countries, such as doctors and nurses rest of it. nurses and all the rest of it. so it's not you know, it's not the end of the world for anybody who to come here, like the who wants to come here, like the guardian is painting it anyway. we're halfway point now, we're at the halfway point now, but with for us trans and but stay with for us trans and female again, systemic female prisons again, systemic racism people and racism against white people and climate activist ice dumping chemicals in rivers. see
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listening to gb news radio . listening to gb news radio. >> so . welcome back to
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headliners. >> we've got the mail now with shocking news that the british military were spying on their own citizens who questioned covid. it's like something out of the soviet union poll . of the soviet union poll. >> it is, if not worse. actually, it's quite shocking. and at first you think this story you know, kind of just story is, you know, kind of just mail pie in the sky stuff. but let me provide quite a bit of context because i think needs context because i think it needs it. so raf intelligence it. so the raf intelligence officers join whitehall army officers join whitehall and army in lockdown. in spying on covid lockdown. critics, including david davis and peter hitchens . and peter hitchens. >> so they're spying on a on a member of parliament. >> absolutely. david davis was at the time and david davis, who, the way, was questioned who, by the way, was questioned who, by the way, was questioned who questioned the who himself questioned the modelling behind the alarming covid death toll predictions on social media and elsewhere was investigated . for that, peter investigated. for that, peter hitchens was outspoken about monitoring . he was monitored monitoring. he was monitored after sharing an article based on leaked nhs papers which claimed data used to publicly justify the lockdown was incomplete . right now, what
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incomplete. right now, what happened? what happened here is and is becoming more and more apparent every day, whether you went along with it or not, whether you were happy to go along with it or not. people were controlling the information. could be information. so you could be controlled and that in itself goes against anything in a democratic society and a couple of years ago, if you'd said that, that would be a crazy conspiracy theory. >> and we see the facts laid >> and now we see the facts laid bare. were these bare. there were these these government military government and military organisations, military literally that . literally doing that. >> thought the raf had better >> i thought the raf had better things their planes. things to do don't their planes. but also it's a terrible spying operation. i mean peter hitchens, had to say hitchens, whatever he had to say about could have just about covid, you could have just googled didn't googled it. yeah, you didn't need spy on it to find out. need to spy on it to find out. and thought, this kind of and i thought, this kind of spying like dissenters spying was like for dissenters in a or a situation or some in a war or a situation or some serious, know, threat to the serious, you know, threat to the country this is like some kind country. this is like some kind of practice spying outfit, isn't it? know , this is like if it? you know, this is like if you, you know, someone buys you, you know, when someone buys a telescope and they're a like a telescope and they're they're there's some they're planning, there's some pervert see women pervert is planning to see women changing their bedrooms but changing in their bedrooms but instead can't find any. so he
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instead he can't find any. so he just stares at someone gardening and caught . and that's and he gets caught. and that's what feels it's like what this feels like. it's like nothing really nothing actually really happened. absolutely happened. and it was absolutely pointless there is pointless other than there is a mechanism in place for the raf. and so on to do this. yeah. >> okay. got the telegraph >> okay. we've got the telegraph now trans insan city now and the trans insan city continues scotland plans to continues as scotland plans to put violent males in female prisons so that they have a nicer time. no, i'm not nicer time. and no, i'm not making this up. carrie, tell us more. >> well, this is scotland planning trans criminals planning to put trans criminals in prisons so they will in female prisons so they will have yeah as you have a nicer time. yeah as you just said, which of course many people are against. but i think we've got to allow it because scotland are going to do it. they are determined. >> do you think the kilt just makes it very difficult to tell who's who's trans who isn't? who's who's trans and who isn't? >> makes lots of sense. >> it makes lots of sense. people often as people leave prisons often as better than they went better criminals than they went in make many in because they make so many connections there. and it makes absolute sense for people to leave better which leave as better women, which is what's start happening what's going to start happening now. they said that now. you know, they said that to be with want be provided with they want people provided with the people to be provided with the opportunity. it's an opportunity. see, it's an opportunity. see, it's an
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opportunity to be women and opportunity to be with women and be supported, to work towards being housed in a jail cell that augns being housed in a jail cell that aligns with their affirmed genden aligns with their affirmed gender. they give them pink gender. they just give them pink curtains, do same . curtains, would do the same. really. be a cell that really. that'd be a cell that augns really. that'd be a cell that aligns the agenda, wouldn't aligns with the agenda, wouldn't i mean, paul, seem to the i mean, paul, we seem to the scottish government, the scottish government, the scottish seem scottish prison service, seem to be feelings of be focussed on the feelings of these without any these trans inmates without any regard the feelings of the regard for the feelings of the female prisoners not female prisoners who might not want to housed with a want to be housed with a biological male , might have been biological male, might have been subject to violence. biological male, might have been sublike to violence. biological male, might have been sublike mostlence. biological male, might have been sublike most female prisoners >> like most female prisoners have been , might been subject to have been, might been subject to male violence , and then be put male violence, and then be put at the risk of further violence . at the risk of further violence. >> i think you've hit enough there straight away because these are obsessed with these people are obsessed with groupthink, getting everybody to think however, in think the same way. however, in order to do so, they're taking individuals and changing everything around them to appease the individual male, which in this case is becoming more and more dangerous . i'd more and more dangerous. i'd like to be with women in prison . like to be with women in prison. well, of course you would, because you're problem. the reason you got into prison sometimes is because of the way you to deal with women
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you used to deal with women outside of prison. prison isn't. is place rehabilitation. is a place for rehabilitation. it's to go in and it's not a place to go in and discover and out discover yourself and find out what live as a what it's like to live as a woman. it's not a gap year in india. you get on with that in your own bloody time. pardon my language. >> sorry . you're going to move >> sorry. you're going to move on to the next one. >> yeah but did you have >> yeah. yeah but did you have something to say? >> no, i'm just going to read that part that say that this part that they say they've expressed concern on about being housed about being people, being housed alongside someone with the strength person was strength of a person who was assigned which is assigned male at birth, which is no assigned male at birth. no one's assigned male at birth. no one is assigned. you're not assigned human. you're not assigned human. you're not assigned chromosomes. they're worried about initiating , worried about initiating, initiating coercive relationships and the risk of pregnancy with non—transgender women. they say? lesbian women. what do they say? lesbian sex can make you pregnant . sex can make you pregnant. apparently. this is a new revelation about biology again. >> it's an absolute >> so yeah, it's an absolute clown world. anyway, got clown world. anyway, we've got the and staying with the male now and staying with scotland where they've decided that just being officer, that just being a male officer, police officer is misogynist. >> paul on police officer is misogynist. >> paul oh yeah , incredible >> paul oh yeah, incredible stuff. woke police madness . stuff. this woke police madness. a scottish cops get rid of wall
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of because has to many of honour because it has to many men on it. so this is a collection of portraits of former chief constables has been officially cancelled by police scotland as an example of unacceptable misogyny . so this unacceptable misogyny. so this is a bit like i mean there's a lot like removing photographs of all the men's100 olympic champions because it was too black. yeah, you know, it's of course there were white men that became chief constables in scotland over the last 100 years. can we stop all this revisionism going back and saying, this is you can't just take today's craziness and then take today's craziness and then take it back and implant it all over history and judge it by today's mental illness. >> and also some of the scottish police forces were quite progressive. i mean, i'm reading here the aberdeen hired its first female police officer in 1928, so that's 100 years ago. that's terrible. yeah that's pretty progressive. >> yeah. and they're also looking like some of the men they want remove from the, they want to remove from the, from the board are the ones who
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made these changes. yeah. and what's very strange about getting rid of this wall getting rid of this, this wall of honour is that i thought that's what we were doing is to, to show the men who are honourable and get rid of toxic masculinity and so on, but instead we're wiping them off as well. is scotland board. this is what i'm wondering about. are they just getting bored? i mean, have they forgotten about criminals and have they forgotten about criion|als and have they forgotten about criion and and have they forgotten about criion and they and have they forgotten about criion and they just and have they forgotten about criion and they just go, and have they forgotten about criion and they just go, whynd so on and they just go, why don't we just change a few pictures? yeah. and they want to do consultation called do this consultation called photovoice, officers photovoice, which asks officers to pictures examples to send in pictures of examples of like you've to send in pictures of examples of to like you've to send in pictures of examples of to picture; you've to send in pictures of examples of to picture ofou've got to have a picture of discrimination. now, apparently . discrimination. now, apparently. what it a fun what is it? is it a fun workplace competition? you know, is prize for it? is it is there a prize for it? is it if you're so fine , do it. but if you're so fine, do it. but what they're doing is this is what they're doing is this is what students should be doing, not cops. yeah i think students do of it as well. do enough of it as well. >> but yeah, in to your >> but yeah, in answer to your question scotland, question about scotland, basically with basically the problem with scotland this in scotland and you see this in other countries like ireland as well, you've got parliament well, you've got a parliament that much oversight that doesn't have much oversight and monitoring because it's a small they crazy.
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small country. so they go crazy. they have these ngos and they have all these ngos and special interest groups advising they have all these ngos and speciiandterest groups advising they have all these ngos and speciiand they groups advising they have all these ngos and speciiand they haveps advising they have all these ngos and speciiand they haveps rideaing they have all these ngos and speciiand they haveps ridea what them and they have no idea what them and they have no idea what the want and the eyes the public want and the eyes drift, drift from what drift, drift away from what they're doing, all of a they're doing, and all of a sudden go down crazy routes sudden they go down crazy routes and with trans biological sudden they go down crazy routes and and with trans biological sudden they go down crazy routes and and female ans biological sudden they go down crazy routes and and female prisons ogical sudden they go down crazy routes and and female prisons andal sudden they go down crazy routes and and female prisons and all males and female prisons and all kinds of crazy stuff. and 95 grand jaguars for the people running it . anyway, the guardian running it. anyway, the guardian now and have you found twitter or x or whatever it's called now insufficiently angry and right wing musk took over. wing since elon musk took over. well, good news. alex jones is coming back. katie tell us more. >> he keeps stepping it up, doesn't he? >> yeah. yeah this elon musk is saying that x will reinstate alex jones after polls. so there was a poll of users who wanted to be reinstated. i mean, i think he should be considered discredited for a lot of the things he said that are really, truly awful, including about these sandy hook school shootings that was horrifying for father who lost a child in for a father who lost a child in that. yeah. and it is a terrible thing. it's difficult for me because i'm a free speech. absolute or i used to be a free
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speech absolutist. you know what? i've changed a what? i think i've changed a fair bit on that. there has to be some limit because it's much like used to believe everyone like i used to believe everyone should sing until should be able to sing until i went a few karaoke nights and went to a few karaoke nights and i that no, there i realised that no, there are people definitely shouldn't people who definitely shouldn't be allowed to sing . i'm probably be allowed to sing. i'm probably one of as well. and one of those as well. and i think what it is, is we're seeing in incredible hypocrisy going on with free speech, which is probably what's more annoying us than anything else. and like we've this with the we've seen this week with the ivy schools facing ivy league schools facing congress, i know it's on congress, and i know it's on the anti—semitism thing again, but it's they were making it's more that they were making a place for calls of genocide for me and i'm forjews, which is to me and i'm jewish, but i'm okay with it . jewish, but i'm okay with it. it's as long as you're saying free speech for everyone, but not in an environment where you're all you're shutting down all other misgendering forms misgendering and other forms of speech. so i've got mixed speech. so so i've got mixed feelings i don't know. feelings on it. i don't know. how you feel on this? how do you feel on this? >> really interesting >> yeah, it's really interesting because i'm much like yourself in past, what i consider in the past, what i consider myself absolutist when it myself an absolutist when it came but came to free speech, but i consider an advocate now. consider myself an advocate now. i basically what you i think basically what you should able have is to be
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should be able to have is to be able what everybody is able to hear what everybody is saying, speak so that saying, let them speak so that we can hear, because that is the only you identify only way you identify the madness good stuff. and madness from the good stuff. and you there are some crazy you know, there are some crazy things that this man has said, but there are also some very interesting stuff that he said interesting stuff that he said in past as well. yeah. in the past as well. yeah. >> fact, he opened for doug >> in fact, he opened for doug stanhope, the comedian . it's stanhope, the comedian. it's quite, know, a respected quite, you know, a respected liberal comedian. you know, he's not he's not, you know, on the on the sort of right of the spectrum at all. so yeah, it's interesting. alex jones is one of those characters who sort of transfer blends political ideology . ideology. >> i just can't wait to find out what the water is turning gay now it's everything anyway , the now it's everything anyway, the meal now and it looks like britain is systemically racist after all. >> but it's against white kids. paul unbelievable. >> school admits white working class pupils are rapidly being left behind. in a report about how to improve results for ethnic minority children. so it turns out that the most neglected group of kids are also
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the biggest underachievers. and we've known this for such a long time . this isn't crept up on us. time. this isn't crept up on us. yeah i mean, every year it's just been overkill on everything, right? so we've adopted this mentality that we need to find. we need to find the biggest minority and then we need to look after them the most. and we need to neglect absolutely everything else in the process. and that's what they've done most of my life. i'm 44 years old and it i'm 44 years old now and it feels like for all of my life, all i've been told is that multiculturalism good and all i've been told is that multi
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kids absolutely fine because kids are absolutely fine because they're full the they're absolutely full to the brim white privilege. brim of white privilege. yeah. >> yeah. there's the >> yeah. well, there's the thing. but not thing. white privilege. but not everybody same amount everybody gets the same amount of privilege. don't of white privilege. i don't think got the same think any of us got the same amount as, you benedict amount as, you know, benedict cumberbatch but also kiri. i mean, fuel racism mean, this could fuel racism because like paul because people like paul obviously feel incredibly bitter. >> i'm sorry, the anger, i mean, the way way way one the way the way the way i'm one of people. of these people. >> am of these people. and >> i am one of these people. and it does it does upset me to some degree, not because not because i felt like i was oppressed by the any way, shape the structure in any way, shape or form. but every other group that gets some sort of that is gets some sort of welcome attention . whereas i welcome attention. whereas i think we've done that, sure. >> but i think we've done this a lot is there was a point where boys were doing better than girls school and we girls in school and so we changed teaching methods to try and more. and changed teaching methods to try and that more. and changed teaching methods to try and that was more. and changed teaching methods to try and that was expensive 3. and changed teaching methods to try and that was expensive boysj changed teaching methods to try and that was expensive boys and then that was expensive boys and then that was expensive boys and then boys scores went way down. and interesting about and the interesting thing about this was a survey that was done and think they trying to and i think they were trying to prove ethnic minorities had and i think they were trying to pr0\worst ethnic minorities had and i think they were trying to pr0\worst setbacks1inorities had and i think they were trying to pr0\worst setbacks and ities had and i think they were trying to pr0\worst setbacks and it's; had and i think they were trying to pr0\worst setbacks and it's gone the worst setbacks and it's gone against them. >> funny. >> so it's really funny. >> so it's really funny. >> they get the >> so they didn't get the findings wanted? yeah they findings they wanted? yeah they
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didn't that. didn't get that. >> and it's proved the total opposite. and it's really the belief that, well, it turns out ethnic better ethnic minority kids do better than poor white kids. so than the poor white kids. so really what we be doing really what we should be doing is the poor white is telling the poor white kids to country, singapore to another country, to singapore , to singapore, they'll do amazing . singapore is the answer amazing. singapore is the answer to everything. i mean, the answer be that they're answer could be that they're just . just thick. >> but that's true. >> but that's true. >> have considered that, >> have you considered that, paul? anyway one paul? anyway just one more section go. we've got nasty section to go. we've got nasty mcdonald's security, fat activists and good news for cry—babies . see you in a couple cry—babies. see you in a couple of
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welcome back to headliners . welcome back to headliners. we've got the independent now with the mcdonald's security guard really getting into guard not really getting into the christmas spirit. paul now furious security guard mops floor where homeless man is sitting outside mcdonald's. >> so this happened and there's footage of it. i'm not sure that we're showing it, but there's footage of this incident taking
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place. we do have this footage. oh, smashing. there it is. so this is at london, victoria street on saturday night. as street on saturday night. so as you see there, the guy is you can see there, the guy is mopping now, we mopping around. now, what we don't here just want don't know here and i just want this is my own opinion or the context we don't the context is we don't know the relationship two relationship between these two men. he's a men. well, you think he's a jilted lover, so what i do think is could have been is he could he could have been the bane of his life for the whole of his career, working outside that mcdonald's. and he's enough. he's just finally had enough. ultimately he ultimately what's happened is he splashed, his splashed, he splashed his sleeping don't think it's sleeping bag. i don't think it's his yeah. i mean, i don't his son. yeah. i mean, i don't want to speculate on what's happening, it looks happening, but to me, it looks like guard just like the security guard just wants homeless guy move wants the homeless guy to move from outside which, from outside the shop, which, you can kind of you know, i can kind of understand that sentiment. >> in the winter, >> but still, in the winter, splashing bag with splashing is sleeping bag with water. that's a man that's a that's nice, it? that's not nice, is it? >> it's not nice to him. >> they've sacked him even i think it's not nice. >> but this story. the story >> but this is story. the story is security guard does something horrible. people complain. mcdonald's horrible. people complain. mcdorit.d's horrible. people complain. mcdorit. is horrible. people complain. mcdorit. i mean, isn't that's it. i mean, this isn't one where us is going to one where one of us is going to disagree and go, no, actually, i think no, it's for
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think it's fine. no, it's for over homeless people. over the homeless people. >> but the independent do >> but what the independent do do story is that do with this story is say that in the first three paragraphs and add 60 paragraphs. yeah and then add 60 paragraphs. yeah about homelessness about the state of homelessness in which is in this country, which is probably much more important probably a much more important story. isn't covered story. and it isn't covered enough at all. okay. >> well, we're going to >> well, we're not going to cover because we don't cover it because we don't have time. we've meal now and time. we've got the meal now and fat activists are pushing for obesity discrimination laws. that's job that's got to be a tough job being fat activist because if being a fat activist because if you get too active, you might stop fat. stop being so fat. >> i love the daily mail >> carrie, i love the daily mail writing here. it's sitting picturesque foothills picturesque in the foothills of the skiing mecca the hiking and skiing mecca of the hiking and skiing mecca of the rocky mountains. boulder isn't fittest isn't known as america's fittest for nothing. someone's done for city nothing. someone's done a a creative writing a writing, a creative writing course with the course and got a job with the daily mail, and they're really angry about it. so they're trying prove can do trying to prove they can do something. talk about how something. they talk about how this town has residents who this this town has residents who go and naked whilst go for runs and naked whilst wearing on their heads. wearing pumpkins on their heads. and says just the locals and it says here just the locals might be just little might be just a little self—conscious, but not in boulder, where many people are only show off their only too happy to show off their athletic bodies. obviously the writer or seen writer has never been to or seen a documentary about a nudist colony have
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colony because they do not have to be fit . in fact, it colony because they do not have to be fit. in fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with whatsoever . so what it is, is whatsoever. so what it is, is the states are bringing in fat phobia laws. i don't know why it's called fat phobia is it fascism? maybe it's not really. no one is scared of fat people. not unless unless at the bottom of a phobia following up hill of a phobia following up a hill and safe . really? and you're safe. really? >> but what if you're a fireman? you've got to rescue one down a ladden >> is terrifying. yeah we >> that is terrifying. yeah we got britain. >> beauty not a thing. and >> beauty is not a thing. and you know, overweight myself . you know, i'm overweight myself. i'm it, but i'm willing to admit it, but i'm fine fact that it's a fine with the fact that it's a fact. fine with the fact that it's a fact . and also it's a fact. and fact. and also it's a fact. and a friend of mine told me that i have addiction chocolate. have an addiction to chocolate. i addiction. i'm i don't have an addiction. i'm just someone who's been really good and deserves a lot of treats. >> so, i mean, people say that people deny when they're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jife deny when they're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jif ideny when they're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jif i ever when they're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jif i ever got n they're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jif i ever got n th i y're fat. >> so, i mean, people say that pe0jif i ever got n thi wasfat. and if i ever got fat, i was i myself, i'd like to think that i would admit it for viewers listening on the radio just to help you out, i was going to say husky, but yeah, but it seems ridiculous to compare fatness or obesity to discrimination
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because, you know , it's not as because, you know, it's not as if you can change your sexuality or your race or anything by eating less doughnuts. now it's become like critical race theory and now it's critical mass theory critical. theory that's critical. >> going to run a race >> never going to run a race theory anyway. we've got the sun now huge old bone now with a huge old bone discovered a cliff. it's not discovered in a cliff. it's not cliff richard, it, paul? cliff richard, is it, paul? >> it's not. no. he's well >> no, it's not. no. he's well older than the dinosaurs . a older than the dinosaurs. a terrifying six foot long skull of an underwater t—rex has been discovered in dorset cliffs after 150 million years. well, i would argue it's not terrifying because it's been dead for 150 million years now. it would have been terrifying if it had come alive. when you when you poked at as you walking along the at it as you walking along the long walking along the beach. >> they'll probably >> well, they'll probably make a jurassic park about it. and that'll scary. that'll be quite scary. >> be. there's known as >> it would be. there's known as the paleo saw right, is how i'm going pronounce it. going to pronounce it. >> paleo saw, sadly, that's >> the paleo saw, sadly, that's all we've got time for, paul. but yeah, sorry. it's quite an interesting story. so sorry to cut the show nearly cut you off. the show is nearly oven cut you off. the show is nearly over, let's another over, so let's take another quick look monday's front
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quick look at monday's front pages. daily mail leads with pages. the daily mail leads with put a sock in it. lineker the guardian has rival tory tribes threatened sunak authority over rwanda scheme. the telegraph has prime minister under pressure to amend rwanda plan. the i news has sunak fights for his future amid growing threat from tory right the times leads with we will win legal battles, say officials . and finally the daily officials. and finally the daily star has houston, we have a problem . and those were your problem. and those were your front pages. and that's all we have time for. thank you so much to my guests , paul cox and katie to my guests, paul cox and katie marks. simon evans is back tomorrow 11 pm. with me and tomorrow at 11 pm. with me and bruce devlin. and if you're watching at 5 am, do stay tuned for breakfast. goodbye >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boiler is sponsors of weather on . gb news. weather on. gb news. >> hello. welcome to your latest gb news weather. i'm ellie glaisyer. unsettled weather continues as low pressure remains very much in charge of our weather over the next couple
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of days. storm fergus situated out to the west slowly moves its way towards us through sunday evening and into the start of monday, bringing with it some very rainfall, particular very heavy rainfall, particular to northern parts of england where the ground is already very saturated. could see some saturated. so we could see some localised the localised flooding through the early monday morning. early hours of monday morning. some too, some strong winds too, particularly across western wales the bristol wales and through the bristol channel wales and through the bristol channel, could see channel, where we could see gusts to 60 miles an hour. gusts up to 60 miles an hour. temperatures in the south generally around 7 or 8 degrees. but night across but a much colder night across northern of scotland where northern parts of scotland where we could see icy we could see some icy conditions, particularly across the south—west scotland the south—west of scotland through morning . a cloudy through monday morning. a cloudy start the northern half start across the northern half of the uk on monday. some showers continue along those eastern coast scotland, but eastern coast of scotland, but generally will be a much generally monday will be a much more most of us. more settled day for most of us. plenty sunshine as head plenty of sunshine as we head through afternoon and with through the afternoon and with some lighter winds, temperatures around degrees around 10 to 12 degrees across the it'll be feeling a the south. it'll be feeling a little pleasant we've little more pleasant than we've seen days . tuesday seen over recent days. tuesday starts a much cloudier picture, though. rain continues to push its way northwards through tuesday morning, again bringing us very heavy rainfall to
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us some very heavy rainfall to eastern parts of scotland where, again, could see some again, we could see some localised due that localised flooding due to that saturated further south, saturated ground. further south, there'll of heavy there'll be plenty of heavy showers pushing in from the southwest and quite blustery southwest and quite a blustery feeling to remaining feeling day to remaining unsettled through tuesday and wednesday. but hints of something little more settled something a little more settled are the horizon through are on the horizon through thursday and friday. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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good evening . good evening. >> i'm sophia wenzler in the newsroom . i'm gb news newsroom. i'm gb news understands . tomorrow tory mps understands. tomorrow tory mps will give their verdict on whether the rwanda bill is workable. conservative mp sir
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bill cash will present the findings ahead of the crunch. second vote on tuesday. the prime minister has come under pressure after it was discovered he paid £240 million towards a rwanda plan without a single flight taking off. tory sources say the mps will decide whether to support the legislation tomorrow or if necessary . tory tomorrow or if necessary. tory hold a second meeting ahead of the vote . the met police say two the vote. the met police say two teenage girls have been arrested on suspicion of robbery after a woman was attacked in london. a warning this video shows distressing images. warning this video shows distressing images . footage of distressing images. footage of the attack has been circulating on social media showing the 20 year old walking in stamford hill and then being robbed and beaten . the woman who is from beaten. the woman who is from the orthodox jewish community was reportedly left bruised but did not need to go to hospital, met. police say it's keeping an open mind about the motive for the attack, but are treating it as a possible hate crime . as a possible hate crime. baroness michelle mone says she made an error in publicly denying her links to the pr firm
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medpro. it was awarded government contracts worth more than £200 million to supply personal protective equipment after she recommended it to ministers. the national crime agency is investigating the firm and its connection to the conservative peer lady mone argues she is being used as a scapegoat by the government for its own covid failings . a judge its own covid failings. a judge has ordered the bbc to release emails related to martin bashir's controversial 1995 interview with princess diana . a interview with princess diana. a warning the following video has some flashing images. mr warning the following video has some flashing images . mr bashir some flashing images. mr bashir officially stepped down from his job at the broadcaster in 2021 after it emerged he had secured the interview through deception and faking documents. judge bnan and faking documents. judge brian kennedy said the corporation had been inconsistent and unreliable in the way it dealt with the initial inquest to release material under the freedom of information act. the material related to how the broadcaster handled the scandal when it came to light in 2020. fresh weather


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