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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  December 21, 2023 3:00pm-6:01pm GMT

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the headteacher demanding the headteacher resigns because he sent home a child at a primary school. remember who was displaying a palestinian flag . the mob are palestinian flag. the mob are calling him an islamophobe . calling him an islamophobe. they're demanding he is sacked. we've got a reporter on the way as we speak. we'll have all of that story throughout the whole show. also, sir keir starmer, the labour leader, sat down with our political editor, chris hope , for a gb news exclusive where sir keir talks about using the nuclear option. unlike cnd, corbyn also talking about an interesting prospect of using offshore containment facilities to process asylum seekers . to process asylum seekers. sounds like a good idea, but would you vote for the guy that's the big question. next story . another tory rebellion is story. another tory rebellion is looming in the new year. this time over a preposterous net zero tax on boilers forcing customers to get expensive heat pumps. and some of the tories don't like it. we'll be speaking
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to one of them in the show, prime, saying ordinary people out of the market paying once again for eco madness and brianna joy , um, who was sadly brianna joy, um, who was sadly murdered . the murderers are to murdered. the murderers are to be named . and the children, 15 be named. and the children, 15 and 16 now will be named when they are sentenced in february with echoes of the james bulger case, we'll be asking is this the right thing to do.7 all case, we'll be asking is this the right thing to do? all of that coming in this next action packed hour ? so this protest in packed hour? so this protest in leyton . in east london, i found leyton. in east london, i found out about it at 10:00 this morning. a friend of mine lives nearby. a young mum who's considering sending her school there. is 80% muslim there. this school is 80% muslim pupils demanding that the white headteacher be removed will be reporting from that live of the situation is on a knife edge. we'll be reporting live. all of that coming in the next hour. but first your latest news headunes but first your latest news headlines with tatiana sanchez .
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headlines with tatiana sanchez. >> martin. thank you. your top stories from the gb newsroom i'm a murder investigations being launched after a four year old boy died from a knife attack in east london. the met police said they received a call at around 1050 last night, raising concerns for the welfare of a child at a property in montague roadin child at a property in montague road in hackney. the boy was found knife injuries and found with knife injuries and was taken to hospital where he died. met police says. a 41 died. the met police says. a 41 year old woman has been arrested on murder . an on suspicion of murder. an inquest into the death of the asylum seeker on board the bibby stockholm barge has found. he died from compression of the neck caused by hanging. the albanian asylum seeker leonard farooqi was found unresponsive aboard the barge in dorset on the 12th of december, the coroner said there weren't thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the 27 year old. a prison review is to be held . on prison review is to be held. on the 9th of july. the teen murderers of 16 year old brianna
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joy murderers of 16 year old brianna joy will be named by the media when they're sentenced in february next year. a warning the following contains flashing images. they brianna 28 images. they stabbed brianna 28 times after luring to her a park in cheshire on the 11th of february. during the trial, media hadn't been allowed to name the defendant's , identified name the defendant's, identified only as girl x and boy y, both aged 16 but 15 at the time. her killers tried to blame each other for the stabbing, but yesterday both were found guilty of murder . a former british army of murder. a former british army soldier accused of spying for iran will stand trial in october next year. 22 year old daniel khalife november trial was put off after he allegedly escaped wandsworth prison by strapping himself to a food delivery lorry. khalife is charged under the official secrets act of gathering information that might be useful to an enemy of the uk. he's accused of passing sensitive material to iranian intelligence, which he denies . intelligence, which he denies. he a memorial service marking 35
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years since the lockerbie bombing , has years since the lockerbie bombing, has paid tribute to years since the lockerbie bombing , has paid tribute to the bombing, has paid tribute to the 270 people who died . the local 270 people who died. the local clergyman, who led the service called it a senseless act of violence . when the boeing 747 violence. when the boeing 747 exploded over the scottish town of lockerbie, it killed all 259 passengers and crew on board and 11 people on the ground . the 11 people on the ground. the bombing, which happened as the plane made its way from london to new york, remains the uk's worst ever terrorist attack . the worst ever terrorist attack. the labour leader says there's a real and constant threat to europe from russia as he visits british troops in estonia. sir keir starmer has been watching training sessions on a nato base bordering with russia. he's there to show his commitment to nato and has thanked servicemen and for courage, and women for their courage, integrity , loyalty and integrity, loyalty and professionalism . sir keir warns professionalism. sir keir warns that the west mustn't lose sight of moscow's threat to europe. i'm here to say thank you to our
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troops here in estonia who are based on the border pretty much with russia for the work they're doing keeping us safe, the work they're doing for nato, but also also to reaffirm our unshakeable commitment for nato and our unshakeable commitment to ukraine, and to remind everybody that russia is a constant threat , not just now, but into the future . future. >> let's move on to travel now. >> 18 mile an hour. winds are battering parts of the uk as storm pierre brings chaos to pre—christmas travel. one man has been taken to hospital after a tree fell to his onto his car in derbyshire . british airways in derbyshire. british airways flights have also been disrupted and national rail is reporting that routes across scotland and parts of england and wales are also affected. a yellow weather warning is in place in scotland until 9:00 this evening. that warning , also covering belfast, warning, also covering belfast, newcastle and . manchester. some
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newcastle and. manchester. some breaking news to bring you and czech police say there are. there are an unspecified number of dead and injured people at a site of a shooting at a downtown prague school on social media platform x, police have posted, based on initial information, we can now confirm there are dead and injured people at that czech school . more on this as we get school. more on this as we get it . and all eurotunnel services it. and all eurotunnel services have been temporarily suspended due to unexpected strikes by french staff. at least 24 eurostar trains have been cancelled . the eurotunnel cancelled. the eurotunnel website issued an apology, adding further updates will be provided shortly. the disruption is affecting journeys to and from london, threatening christmas plans for thousands of travellers . this is gb news travellers. this is gb news across the uk on tv in your car, on digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying play gb news. now back to . martin
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news. now back to. martin >> thank you tatiana. now let's get stuck in. we start with an extraordinary story developing in east london as we speak, a primary school has shut after what's described as escalating threats against staff. it comes after parents were warned about their children wearing palestine flags at the school . and i'm flags at the school. and i'm joined now in studio by our reporter charlie peters, to get the facts of the case. charlie, an extraordinary situation echoes of the batley grammar school situation. what's the latest ? latest? >> well, this is the barclays school in leyton in east london. it closed yesterday ahead of a planned protest which took place this morning after some parents complained that pupils had been discriminated against due to what they described as pro—palestinian solidarity . and pro—palestinian solidarity. and they also claimed that they were discriminated against due to them being muslim . and some of them being muslim. and some of them being muslim. and some of the claims put out today is that pupils were forced away from
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school, turned away or denied their lunch breaks or their breaks with their friends during the school day for wearing palestinian flags on their coats. in one example, an eight year old, it was claimed, was denied access to the school, and they say that several letters were sent to the parents of some of these pupils , where they were of these pupils, where they were threatened with referrals to the prevent programme, which is the government's counter—extremism duty and also to the local hate crime team in east london. this is the barclays school in leyton . now. this is coming at a combination of factors. it appears that reportedly at one event last month that the school , need event, , a children in need event, there were some people turning up palestine flags which up with palestine flags which could have been perceived by some as divisive considering the ongoing conflict in the middle east. now the lion trust academy . the lion academy trust, which runs the school, said in a statement that no schools had been shut and the letters had been shut and the letters had been taken out of context. but
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they said that of 1325 they said that of the 1325 pupils, just eight received these letters and they said we believe we are acting firmly on the basis of a range of evidence at hand and to suggest otherwise is a distortion of the facts. the trust also said that they had support from the department of education, ofsted and the police think the reference police and i think the reference to police there important as to the police there important as they attended this protest this morning, they said it was peaceful , but a road was closed peaceful, but a road was closed for two hours and footage seen on media showed several on social media showed several people outside the people gathering outside the school palestinian flags school in palestinian flags protesting outside the school gates. i spoke to a local mum in the area earlier today who said that they were concerned for the situation and they feared for their young families, saying that this sort of situation in inflaming tensions was bad not only for the local area but also for the children trying to seek an education and being denied that to the that opportunity due to the stoking tensions . stoking of those tensions. >> and some of the protesters are masked . they look are masked. they look intimidating. they're shouting through megaphones and they are
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demanding that the headteacher resign over this. they're accusing him of islamophobia . accusing him of islamophobia. um, an interview i saw which which purports to be from the father of the child, claims that the pupils at the school are 70 to 80% muslim, and they feel the headis to 80% muslim, and they feel the head is not representative of the community. very concerning. if the, the um, if the demands of parents could cost this guy his job and these protests were as you said, you know, perceived by some to be intimidating, certainly engaging very directly outside the school gates there. >> we've also seen footage of palestinian flags being put up overnight on a residential street by the school, on lampposts, on lampposts , one mum lampposts, on lampposts, one mum telling gb news this afternoon they didn't want to wake up and see these flags outside their window, outside their doors. so clearly a very inflamed situation on the school does deny the charge that it had discriminated against these pupils, pointing towards its policy on dealing with divisive
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or extremist content. now, of course , that rejection is likely course, that rejection is likely to further inflame the situation . in referring to flags as divisive or extremist . but we'll divisive or extremist. but we'll await further details from the protesters and indeed from the school , as further commentary on school, as further commentary on this situation is almost certainly going follow . certainly going to follow. >> okay. thank you, peter. and we a reporter on the way we have a reporter on the way now to the school , and we'll now to the school, and we'll have full of that have the full details of that throughout stick throughout the show. so stick around . now our exclusive around. now to our exclusive interview sir keir starmer. interview with sir keir starmer. and he's not ruled out launching nuclear weapons to protect the uk if he becomes prime minister next the labour leader next year. the labour leader spoke to our political editor, christopher visited christopher hope, as he visited uk troops at a nato base in estonia less than 100 miles from the russian border. >> sir keir starmer we're here in estonia on the russian border. >> it's a short drive away . how >> it's a short drive away. how safe is the uk under a labour government? >> absolutely. there's been an unshakeable to nato unshakeable commitment to nato ever since nato was first created, which of course was
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under a labour government . uh, under a labour government. uh, this is my second time here to this is my second time here to this space. i'm here today to say thank you to the troops, to reinforce labour's unwavering commitment to nato. but also, of course, our unwavering commitment to ukraine. and i've observed i was here 18 months ago here today . there's a real ago here today. there's a real driving sense of purpose here with the troops that are here on the front line . um, since that the front line. um, since that breach of the border into ukraine just 18 months or so ago, if you were in power, will you increase defence spending beyond 2.12% of gdp? well, we will always keep to our nato commitments. i think what you saw at the end of the last labour government was 2.5. so we're clear that the first duty of government is the protection of government is the protection of the country . and so we're of the country. and so we're very, very clear about that out in terms of the resource that must go with that commitment . must go with that commitment. >> and the ambition is for it to
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increase. well when the last labour government was in power, it was 2.5. >> but , you know, there is >> but, you know, there is a nato commitment here, which we will always make sure that we maintain. >> how far would you be willing to go personally to protect the uk? would you launch nuclear weapons at britain's enemies ? weapons at britain's enemies? >> think that the nuclear >> i think that the nuclear deterrent is very important to us. obviously, i'm not going to discuss with you the circumstance in which they may or may not be used , but, um, it or may not be used, but, um, it is a very important part of the defence of our country. but we are strongly committed to, along with our commitment to nato and to the security of our nation, which is paramount. >> but personally are you willing to launch nuclear weapons ? weapons? >> well, i believe in the deterrent, but as i say, nobody who aspires to be prime minister would discuss the circumstances in which that deterrent might come to be used . come to be used. >> and sir keir also told gb news that he would consider setting up offshore processing
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centres to deal with the surge in small boat crossings. >> will labour back tory amendments to weaken the rwanda bill next month? >> well, i haven't seen any amendments yet to the rwanda scheme. we do have to stop the boats coming across. we can't. the government has lost control of our borders. >> will you say now i will stop the boats? >> well, look, the government's lost control of our borders. i think the way to stop the boats is smash the criminal gangs is to smash the criminal gangs that running trade that are running the vile trade of putting the boats of putting people in the boats in first place. now we know in the first place. now we know that what the operation is. the boats pretty to boats are made pretty much to order. in order. now. they're kept in warehouses across europe, brought coast brought to the northern coast of france. i was director of france. when i was director of pubuc france. when i was director of public prosecutions , we took out public prosecutions, we took out terrorist gangs. public prosecutions, we took out terrorist gangs . we took out terrorist gangs. we took out people gangs. people smuggling gangs. i believe that can take out believe that we can take out these if we put the these gangs if we put the political capital to it, make the alliances across the necessary alliances across europe and do work with europol and others to take these gangs out. i want to stop the boats , out. i want to stop the boats, and i think that the only way to do that is to smash the gangs
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that are running the vile scheme in first that's where in the first place. that's where i'd put my energy. >> won't labour look at >> why won't labour look at offshore for offshore processing centres for migrants? offshore processing centres for migrants’.| there's >> well, i think there's a difference between offshore processing and essentially deporting people, which is the rwanda scheme. the rwanda scheme is a gimmick, a very, very expensive . we've paid expensive gimmick. we've paid hundreds of millions of pounds and nobody has gone to rwanda. other countries do offshore processing, and that is something, you know, i'll look at any credible option, but i think that the moment the single most important thing is to take out the gangs that are taking money to put people in those boats. so there we go. >> he's making his pledge to be the next pm, and i'm joined now by james daly, who's the conservative mp for bury north. always a pleasure james straight talking it's what like talking fella. it's what we like on this channel. so there we go. so keir starmer wouldn't commit to stopping the boats once again. he'd smashed again. he did say he'd smashed the and the criminal gangs. and also interestingly would look at offshore processing centres as can be trusted on
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immigration. >> no . >> no. >> no. >> he's voted 86 times against measures to stop illegal migration. >> he's voted 70 odd times against measures to delay or to tackle small boats. >> um, he will say anything to anybody , depending on what the anybody, depending on what the question is and what the camera is and what the political persuasion is. you tell me, martin, what does he mean by there is a difference in the albanian scheme to the difference in the rwanda scheme. you know, all know what the you know, we all know what the charade is about. they are there in favour of open door immigration. it's as simple as that. and he's trying to dodge the issue. so no, he certainly can't be trusted in respect of this. well he would say the difference rwanda difference is rwanda is a deportation scheme with no chance of return, whereas offshore containers is where you process. pi'ocess. >> process. >> and granted process. » and >> and if they're granted, they'll be allowed back into the uk. but i digress. you to uk. but i digress. you have to admit though, said he'd admit though, he said he'd pressed the nuclear if pressed the nuclear button if needed. makes a change cnd. needed. makes a change from cnd. corbyn in not nobody in the
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right mind believes that. >> you know, let's let's be fair about this. this is the man who tried desperately to get jeremy corbyn prime corbyn elected as prime minister. say minister. it is genuinely say anything about anything to anybody about anything to anybody about anything . come to greater anything. come to greater manchester and he's probably taking lead from andy taking his lead from andy burnham this is andy burnham because this is andy burnham's trade . say burnham's stock in trade. say anything about anything to anybody about anything to anybody about anything to anybody about anything to elected, deliver anything to get elected, deliver nothing . and then, you know, nothing. and then, you know, this is the typical labour way, i'm afraid. you know, we have to look at the facts. i sent out something to you about, you know, terms of know, his attitude in terms of what voting against. what he's been voting against. it's all semantics. you know, in the country. see through him. >> james daly as >> okay. superb. james daly as even >> okay. superb. james daly as ever, straight from the ever, shooting straight from the hip. bury hip. conservative mp for bury north. for joining hip. conservative mp for bury north. forjoining us on north. thanks for joining us on the show . now people are dead the show. now people are dead and injured after a reported shooting at a university party in prague. our homeland security edhon in prague. our homeland security editor, mike white, joins me now in the studio . mike, an in the studio. mike, an extremely concerning story. what's the latest? >> well , this is an event that >> well, this is an event that unfolded right in the city centre of the capital, prague ,
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centre of the capital, prague, in the old town . charles in the old town. charles university. some reports indicating that gunman was on the building, or at least neighbouring buildings with a long barrelled weapon shooting into the crowds below, into the central square there. that is a very popular part, of course, it's home to the university, but it's home to the university, but it's also in the historic old town, so it is home, or at least it attracts lots of people into that area . now what the police that area. now what the police in prague have said is that people have been killed . an people have been killed. an unspecified number of people killed and injured in prague today. officers um, have apparently eliminated, they say apparently eliminated, they say a gunman, uh, no further details than just that phrase eliminated , which normally means they've shot an individual. but we don't know if that person is alive or
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dead. they've said again , dead. they've said again, according to the police in prague, based on initial information, we can confirm there are dead and injured people at the site . um, this is people at the site. um, this is what they're telling local people. clearly they're trying to clear people out of that area at the moment as they deal with this. what was an active shooter situation ? uh, just one shooter. situation? uh, just one shooter. we know of. but as always with these kinds of unfolding situations, they don't know until they know was there one or more people involved. so while thatis more people involved. so while that is unknown , the area is that is unknown, the area is being evacuated . people are being evacuated. people are being evacuated. people are being warned to stay out of that area until they get enough in the way of resources in to be able to determine that it was just this one active shooter at that time, at this time, and we saw, um, footage on screens there of people fleeing the scene . scene. >> so, um, obviously widespread panic, but the killer has been eliminated and nobody else believed to be at large at
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present . present. >> no, i mean, as as always with these situations in the early stages, it's highly confused . stages, it's highly confused. people are hearing shots. they're seeing people falling around them. and the fact that the police are saying there is an unspecified number of dead and injured indicates that this shooter was active for some time before he was , in the words of before he was, in the words of the police, uh, eliminated. but several dead is the latest phraseology that the police are using , uh, to phraseology that the police are using, uh, to determine phraseology that the police are using , uh, to determine the using, uh, to determine the number of people who have been killed in this particular incident. >> okay . thanks for that update, >> okay. thanks for that update, mark. we'll have, of course , mark. we'll have, of course, have more on that throughout the show as details emerge on that concerning now the concerning story. now the teenage murders of brianna jacob can be named by the media when they are sentenced in february. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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>> the camilla tominey show sunday mornings from 930 on gb news . late. get up this news. late. get up this christmas eve and christmas day . christmas eve and christmas day. >> wake up with gb news for the finest festive start to your christmas for you and the whole family. >> christmas breakfast on gb news. >> christmas eve and christmas day from 6 am. >> i got you this. >> i got you this. >> oh good. okay. um, i got you a little something. ah >> ah, sure. it's nice . welcome
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>> ah, sure. it's nice. welcome. back. >> it's 325. you're watching or listening to martin daubney on gb news. in a few minutes, we'll look back at the lockerbie bombing. exactly 35 years on from uk's worst ever from the uk's worst ever terrorist attack. now as if the drive to net zero wasn't costing us enough, people are now being hit with what's branded hit with what's being branded a boiler , as rishi sunak is boiler tax, as rishi sunak is facing a major tory rebellion over his plans to fine boiler makers who do not meet heat pump insulation targets from next april , and insulation targets from next april, and manufactures manufacturers have already increased their prices of regular boilers, gas boilers by up to £120 per unit to compensate it. well, i'm joined now by catherine mcbride, who's a fellow at the centre for brexit policy . thank you for brexit policy. thank you for joining us on the show , joining us on the show, catherine. quite simply , this is catherine. quite simply, this is all stick and no carrot. people are being cajoled into getting
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these boilers that can cost up to £15,000. and now companies are being fined. and to offset those fines, the companies are simply charging consumers more for regular boilers. qed once again, the average taxpayer is paying again, the average taxpayer is paying through for the nose net zero. am i right? >> 100. it's kind of crazy. i don't know where the government thinks companies get their money from . um, but they only pool of from. um, but they only pool of money is their customers. so from. um, but they only pool of money is their customers . so to, money is their customers. so to, um, find fined them for not selling a product, which quite frankly , people don't want , um, frankly, people don't want, um, is ridiculous . there are many is ridiculous. there are many good reasons for people not getting heat pumps and often they live in in victoria , in they live in in victoria, in terraced houses where they don't have the appropriate outside walls . um, there'll be people walls. um, there'll be people who would need to completely draught proof their house before a heat pump would even work. so the costs of installing one can be a lot more than the cost of
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the heat pump . uh, you have a the heat pump. uh, you have a lot of additional costs of insulation to add to that. so i think to, to add insult to injury, by adding this fine, which is very regressive , it which is very regressive, it will hurt the poorest people the most. someone like rishi sunak might not notice an extra £120 on a new boiler , but for a lot on a new boiler, but for a lot of the population , that could of the population, that could actually tip them over the edge and they won't get a new boiler. and yet even new gas boilers are a lot more efficient than an old gas boiler , so we'd actually be gas boiler, so we'd actually be better off getting people to replace their boilers regardless of the cost. and catherine, there are thousands and thousands of comments on this today online from people. >> exactly as you say, saying i live in a farm house. i'd have to rip my entire walls out . i'd to rip my entire walls out. i'd have to replace all of my radiators. and even then it wouldn't it's too wouldn't work because it's too cold outside. is this yet another example? do you think catherine of metropolitan policy
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makers , who are tied to makers, who are tied to a zealotry , who don't understand zealotry, who don't understand the actual machinations of the real world? >> oh, 100. i would say not just sunak, but most of his advisers are quite young. many of them are quite young. many of them are renting. they don't own their own house. the cost of installing a boiler is not something they've ever had to do. it's something their landlord has to do , and so they landlord has to do, and so they really don't understand what the amount of money that is involved in maintaining houses. liz. and the fact that a large proportion of the uk's housing stock is already built and it was built 100, 150 years ago. uh, you know, if new houses can be built to the specifications to take a heat pump or should be built . heat pump or should be built. but there is another issue which everyone's avoiding at the moment. electricity is charged at a kilowatt hour , about four at a kilowatt hour, about four times the cost of gas.
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at a kilowatt hour, about four times the cost of gas . yes. so times the cost of gas. yes. so not only are they more expensive to install , they'll probably be to install, they'll probably be more expensive to run. um, so that there are a lot of reasons people still are not buying them because they're obstinate , because they're obstinate, they're not buying them because they've done the maths and they've done the maths and they've gone this doesn't make any sense. you know , why would i any sense. you know, why would i buy a substandard technology that costs me more? >> okay, catherine mcbride, fellow at the centre for brexit policy. we'll have to leave it there. thank you very much. it's there. thank you very much. it's the clean heat market mechanism. the is, labour will the trouble is, labour will probably vote this. it's probably vote with this. so it's going need to be going to be need to be a substantial revolt. otherwise this end costing you in this will end up costing you in your pocket. now you could start your pocket. now you could start your new year with £10,000 in cash, a £500 shopping spree and a brand new iphone. sounds amazing, right? well, here's how you could make all of those pnzes you could make all of those prizes yours . prizes yours. >> this is your chance to win cash, treats and tech in our very first great british giveaway. there's a totally tax
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breaking news. several people have been shot dead in prague. but first, here's your latest news headlines with sam francis . martin. >> thank you. good afternoon. i'm sam francis. the headlines this hour are . the gunman at this hour are. the gunman at a prague university building has been eliminated. >> that's after he killed bystanders injured dozens. bystanders and injured dozens. according police reports . according to police reports. officers responded to reports of a shooting at the school in prague in jan palach square. the entire university building has been evacuated. that's after an email was sent earlier to students and staff telling them to stay put and to lock their offices . a murder investigation offices. a murder investigation has been launched after a four year old boy died following a knife attack in east london. >> the met police said that they received a call at around 11:00 last night, raising concerns for the welfare of a child at a property in montagu road in hackney. the boy was found with
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knife injuries and was taken to hospital , where he later knife injuries and was taken to hospital, where he later died. >> a 41 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder . arrested on suspicion of murder. an inquest into the death of the asylum seeker aboard the bibby stockholm barge has found that he died from compression of the neck caused by hanging. >> the albanian asylum seeker leonardo farooqui was found unresponsive aboard the barge in dorset on the 12th of december. >> the coroner said. they weren't they weren't thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the 27 year old, a pre—inquest review is to be held on the 9th of july next year. >> a memorial service marking 35 years since the lockerbie bombing, has paid tribute to the 270 people who died . 270 people who died. >> the local clergyman who led the service called it a senseless act of violence . senseless act of violence. >> when the boeing 747 exploded over the scottish town of lockerbie, it killed all 259 passengers and crew on board and 11 others on the ground . 11 others on the ground. >> the bombing, which happened as the plane made its way from
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report. >> thank you sam . now let's get >> thank you sam. now let's get more on that big breaking news story. people are dead and injured after a reported shooting at a university party in prague. our home security edhon in prague. our home security editor, mark white, joins me now in the studio . mark, very, very in the studio. mark, very, very harrowing scenes . what's the harrowing scenes. what's the latest update? >> the very latest is that the czech republic interior minister has confirmed that the gunman is dead. has confirmed that the gunman is dead . he was, in the words of dead. he was, in the words of the police, eliminated after opening fire on crowds below. now there are some other pictures that we'll be able to bnng pictures that we'll be able to bring you shortly . in fact, bring you shortly. in fact, there you are. you see what appears to be that gunman with a long barrelled weapon open on the side of that building of that university building. so whether the university itself, charles university was targeted or whether he was . just using or whether he was. just using that as a vantage point we have yet to establish. but clearly he was able several storeys up to
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be able to shoot down at people in the main square. there which is right in the centre of prague's old town , very popular prague's old town, very popular with tourists . and of course, with tourists. and of course, the students for the university there going into that area around the philosophical faculty of charles university and the academy of arts and architecture and design, which are located . and design, which are located. in that area. and that appears to be the part of the building is on. now, you can probably see from those shots just quite incredible that there are about a dozen people or more who have gone over the side of that. that building , that, uh, balcony , if building, that, uh, balcony, if you like. uh, just hiding down below the top of the balcony. uh, clearly where he was shooting out from just keeping their heads ducked down in a very dangerous and precarious
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position to avoid being targeted by by this gunman. there are still images that show these people probably a bit better, but you can see them from the video just momentarily as that. uh, images is, uh, scooting back and forward from the building itself. and then onto the main square where the emergency services are arriving here. melissa. there are about 10 or 11 appears to be students just cowering on a balcony. >> mark. they've clearly escaped from inside and they're hiding outside to avoid being shot at. and the weapon we saw there , and the weapon we saw there, mark from the gunman, a sophistic , long barrelled weapon sophistic, long barrelled weapon with a sniper scope that that's a serious piece of kit. >> yeah, absolutely . i mean, >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, it's clear, i think from there that there's obviously access onto that balcony. probably students that maybe go out to socialise , have a smoke, socialise, have a smoke, whatever they might do . so they whatever they might do. so they were probably in that area when the gunman opened fire. but they've climbed over the wall of
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that. uh uh, area of that balcony there and really onto precarious position onto the ledge there, ducking down in the hope that they would not be spotted by the shooter. uh, well , the shooter now, as i say, confirmed just in the last few minutes by the interior minister , uh, in the czech republic, that the gentleman there, we believe with the long barrelled weapon has been eliminated . weapon has been eliminated. according to the police, killed and is now died. according to the interior minister , uh, a the interior minister, uh, a powerful looking weapon down by the, um, you know, from what we could see there on the long end of a lens and a bit fuzzy, but you can see the scopes, the sights on that long barrelled weapon , the tripod, uh, or at weapon, the tripod, uh, or at least the two legs at the front where he was able to wrest that , where he was able to wrest that, that weapon onto the balcony there as he was shooting down into the crowds below and just
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picking them off, we saw something similar a few years back. remember that casino in las vegas? yeah um, that very famous hotel where, uh, the shooter there, uh, was shooting out of one of the bedroom windows onto the crowds below. and of course , then people just and of course, then people just don't know where the shots are coming from. they're running. but a mass of people whose just easy for the shooter in las vegas . and clearly this vegas. and clearly this individual to just pick people off as they were running very sophisticated piece of weaponry weaponry. >> there . there will be a huge >> there. there will be a huge conversation about how he got that what that all means. that and what that all means. uh, been eliminated. so uh, but he's been eliminated. so for now, the danger has passed. yeah. >> i mean, the difficulty with these is that mainland these weapons is that mainland europe is just awash with weapons . many of them came from weapons. many of them came from the balkans, from the balkans war. uh, they were deactivated , war. uh, they were deactivated, and they've been sold in shops as kind of memorabilia , uh, of
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as kind of memorabilia, uh, of that particular time . but the that particular time. but the criminal gangs are taking these weapons and reactivating them, and they are flooding the criminal underworld old. and then sometimes falling into the hands of terrorists as well. we don't know what the motivation for this particular shooting incident was , was whether, you incident was, was whether, you know , this was someone who had know, this was someone who had a grudge , whether it's terror grudge, whether it's terror related , it's perfectly possible related, it's perfectly possible we await word from the police in the czech republic , from law the czech republic, from law enforcement there, as to why this man decided to go on this murderous rampage. right in the old town in the centre of this beautiful city. anybody that's been to prague will know just what an amazing old city there is. there it attracts, you know, many hundreds of thousands of people from right across the world every year to visit that city. >> absolutely no doubt that this guy had had planned this. i mean
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, it's a clear vantage point, um, chosen for its its proximity to multiple targets. we don't know if it was targeted. you can see there. look, he's on a balcony. well set up, well rested. he knows. he seems to know what he's doing with that. with that weapon. mark. you know, a he seems to know, here's a guy he seems to know, here's a guy he seems to know he's doing. you can't know what he's doing. you can't get identification on get a clear identification on him that. bit fuzzy . him from that. it's a bit fuzzy. um, but people cowering on balconies , they've obviously, as balconies, they've obviously, as you they've over. you said, they've jumped over. they're his bullets. they're hiding from his bullets. and the randomness of this attack on beautiful streets that many british tourists will be very familiar with. >> the difficulty >> yeah. i mean, the difficulty for enforcement as well is for law enforcement as well is that he has the high ground. so when they're arriving, you can see video in a second, see on this video in a second, one of the police cars there arriving in the square here, they then become targets themselves as they exit the vehicles and try to get a control of the situation. so they've got to work their way into that building and then work their way up , into that building and then work their way up, uh, to the area where this gunman is. all of
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that takes time . um, and while that takes time. um, and while that takes time. um, and while thatis that takes time. um, and while that is happening, this person still clearly was able to get shots off to the people who are running about confused on the streets below. it's a very difficult situation. i mean , difficult situation. i mean, it's difficult enough when you have gunmen who are on the loose and they're kind of running about at street level , but when about at street level, but when they have specifically picked a vantage point where they've got cover behind and that , uh, cover behind and that, uh, particular balcony up there as well, that stone balcony that he was behind, it's very easy or very difficult. i should say, from someone at street level . from someone at street level. uh, impossible. pretty much to try and pick them out. they need to get into the building. they need to get up to access that roof and to try and take him out that way , which clearly they've that way, which clearly they've done. will have taken some done. but will have taken some time to be able to do that. okay. thank you, mark white, for bringing us up to speed on that. >> in will, >> shooting in prague will, of course, more throughout
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course, have more throughout the show more details on show as we learn more details on this dramatic breaking story. now, teenagers murdered this dramatic breaking story. now, joyenagers murdered this dramatic breaking story. now, joy will ers murdered this dramatic breaking story. now, joy will be murdered this dramatic breaking story. now, joy will be named urdered this dramatic breaking story. now, joy will be named byered this dramatic breaking story. now, joy will be named by the brianna joy will be named by the media when they are sentenced. but brianna was killed last february , and a boy and a girl february, and a boy and a girl were guilty of murder were found guilty of murder yesterday . and let's speak to yesterday. and let's speak to our north—west of england reporter reaper, reporter sophie reaper, who's outside manchester crown court. sophie, hello to you again. very, very moving . testimonies very, very moving. testimonies from pair agents yesterday. from the pair agents yesterday. and now a latest dramatic development, a lot of people were hoping these children would be named and indeed sophie, that will be the case. >> it is indeed , although we >> it is indeed, although we won't be able to name them until their sentencing, which has been scheduled now for february 2nd. this morning here at manchester crown court, justice yip, who's the judge who's been presiding over this court case, heard applications from members of the press regarding the identification of girl x and boy y. they set out exactly the importance of public interest
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and as well the facts that ultimately, in just under two years time, when x and y turn 18, we'd be able to report on their identities anyway. now, in terms of not being able to report until the sentencing in february , justice yip said that february, justice yip said that was in order to give x, y and their respective families the opportunity to prepare for their identities becoming public. she mentioned the taking into consideration of various vulnerable parties. for example, girl x, there's been concerns expressed about how that could impact her potential rehabilitation and as well, the well—being of her family. justice yip telling the court that her family have already received death threats . she also received death threats. she also expressed concerns regarding boy y, who has autism, and that there have been worries about how that could impact him . how that could impact him. however, ultimately, justice yip made the call that the public interest is weighed more heavily than protecting their identity, saying that members of the
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pubuc saying that members of the public have the right to know so that they could try to understand exactly how two children carry out an children could carry out an attack this nature . so in attack of this nature. so in just over five weeks time, we will be able to bring you the identities of girl x and boy y, who as of yesterday, were found guilty of the murder of transgender teenager brianna joy i >> -- >> okay. thank you very much, sophie reaper, for that update on the brianna joy case from manchester crown court. now bnng manchester crown court. now bring you some more details on that big breaking story. um, people are dead and injured after a reported shooting at a university in prague . and i'm university in prague. and i'm joined again by our homeland security editor, mark white, for the full update of where we're at at the moment. >> well, the very latest is the interior minister confirming that the government at the centre of this is dead . that the government at the centre of this is dead. um, conflicting reports as to whether it was the police that actually took him out. they've said he was eliminated , which said he was eliminated, which would suggest that, you know,
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that they had, uh, killed this gunman. but there are some suggestions that the gunman may have taken his own life and fallen from this balcony. uh, as always, with these unfolding situations, martin, uh, you get conflicting reports , and it conflicting reports, and it becomes a bit clearer . we. so we becomes a bit clearer. we. so we think it's important just to share that with the audience and also with these caveats that, you know, these are conflicting reports. >> we've got some live shots from prague. there are multiple emergency vehicles on scene. as you'd imagine. the entire area closed off again , as you'd closed off again, as you'd imagine, a huge crime scene. >> this is charles university, right in the centre of the old town and surrounded . by the town and surrounded. by the emergency service vehicles at the moment, as always with these incidents, they've got to make sure that everyone is accounted for, both in terms of people that may have been caught up in this or may have in fact, there are as a picture we'll be
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bringing you shortly that shows the lengths that some of the students in the university took barricading themselves in to their own classrooms to try to stop this gunman getting , uh, to stop this gunman getting, uh, to them. and we'll bring that to you shortly. as soon as we get it cut up. but we'll just kind of piling through all of the feeds to look at the very latest and material for you. i think what we do have, though , is the what we do have, though, is the early stages of this incident, when this gunman was still opening . fire as some short opening. fire as some short video from that where if we take a listen , you can hear the a listen, you can hear the gunfire in the distance. let's have a listen . have a listen. >> and people were . you can hit >> and people were. you can hit. yeah. you can hear those shots rattling off there and other videos. mark shows people fleeing and abject panic. of course you would. and then we
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learned later on he was on a higher vantage point, shooting down into the squares. and as you mentioned , it appears we saw you mentioned, it appears we saw photographs of about ten to a dozen students on dozen students cowering on a balcony in fear of their lives out of his range. and the weaponry. this this man was using. mark look sophisticated . using. mark look sophisticated. >> yeah. no, there's no doubt about that. we could see in the still image of the, uh, perpetrator. the man is believed to be the shooter. showed what was a long barrelled weapon that had , um, the legs at the front had, um, the legs at the front of it that allowed him to rest that weapon on the balcony itself. as he continued to take pot shots down into jan palach square, which was full of people at that time, and old square in the old town that is very popular with tourists, but also , popular with tourists, but also, of course, students for the various charles university faculties . uh, the old buildings
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faculties. uh, the old buildings that are in this area. um, and as i say, you know, we've got reports that have been coming out from some of the students saying how petrified they were. um, still image that shows, uh , um, still image that shows, uh, various, uh , chairs and tables various, uh, chairs and tables and other items that have been placed up against the door to try to prevent anybody from getting in. see the picture on the right of the screen? for those that are watching on gb news television shows, the suspected gunman, you're continuing to see live pictures on the left hand side of our screen of the university, with all of the emergency services still in place, because, as i say, although this gunman , the say, although this gunman, the person they believe to be the main assailant here is now reported to have died , the reported to have died, the authorities never know . they authorities never know. they never know that there may be
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other accomplices. there may be other accomplices. there may be other gunmen out there . so other gunmen out there. so they've got to continue with these checks. a full check. they'll be sweeping the buildings of that university , buildings of that university, room by room. uh to go after anyone that might still be there and armed. but also, of course, to bring out the students who've barricaded themselves into classrooms and dormitory rooms. >> okay . thank you. morgan. >> okay. thank you. morgan. let's get the thoughts now of intelligence and security expert at the university of buckingham, professor anthony glees. thank you for joining professor anthony glees. thank you forjoining us, professor glees. so a dramatic and tragic situation in prague . yeah situation in prague. yeah >> yes. it's worth recalling that the place this took place , that the place this took place, the jan palach square, .is named after jan palach, who killed afterjan palach, who killed himself. >> burnt himself to death in 1969. uh, in protest at the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia . so it's a place czechoslovakia. so it's a place thatis czechoslovakia. so it's a place that is associated with protest
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against the state and of course, people like me, the absence of facts. it's all speculation . facts. it's all speculation. this may be a complete nut case, although from what we're hearing , it does seem to be a very carefully planned attack. now that doesn't rule out him being a nutcase , but it does make it a nutcase, but it does make it look, uh, premeditated . and if look, uh, premeditated. and if it's premeditated, the question is, what is it? premeditate wanted to do? and then people like me will say , you know, has like me will say, you know, has this got anything to do with the war in gaza ? war in gaza? >> and also so its proximity to christmas ? a lot of european christmas? a lot of european cities were on a higher alert of terror because of christmas, christmas markets . and anthony, christmas markets. and anthony, the weaponry we can see in the photographs of the man was using looks sophisticated, had long—range sights on it, had , long—range sights on it, had, um, had a stand at the front. this this is the weapon of destruction. this guy clearly knew what he was doing .
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knew what he was doing. >> cut that one. >> cut that one. >> i kept . >> i kept. >> i kept. >> well, it it you know, does look like that. >> that way that this was carefully planned . carefully carefully planned. carefully executed. of course, the perpetrator is dead. so uh, we need to have more details to be absolutely sure. yes, it is true that in the united states of america , you have campus america, you have campus shootings. you have school shootings, and they're often the result of a grudge that the shooter has, either against people teaching him. it always is him or fellow students. but again, as you say, uh, this is an area of protest . jan palach an area of protest. jan palach was a protester , a protester was a protester, a protester against the state. it is an obvious place you would choose if you wanted to make a political statement of protest against the state. and it is also the case that christmas market attacks, we think in particular of the awful christmas market attack in berlin a few years ago, christmas markets are very
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vulnerable . and what we're vulnerable. and what we're seeing happening in in gaza will undoubtedly be seen as a potential spark for many people who do want to make a protest against what the state of israel is doing. and that would be the initial fear. >> and anthony, we're seeing live shots now from prague and many , many emergency vehicles in many, many emergency vehicles in attendance. as you would imagine . and also dramatic pictures. online of students who barricaded themselves into a classroom. the shooter was in the building, obviously in fear of his life. and those pictures of his life. and those pictures of students cowering on a balcony, clearly trying to get out of the sights or the range of the shooter, a random , of the shooter, a random, terrifying event. anthony random i >> terrifying. maybe the result of, you know , a nutter wants to of, you know, a nutter wants to take it out on people he's jealous of ,
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take it out on people he's jealous of, uh, somebody protesting against the crisis in his own soul or a teacher he thinks a professor who he thinks has dissed him. it's a very cunous has dissed him. it's a very curious , disturbing case. and in curious, disturbing case. and in a place you wouldn't normally associate with, uh, a violent protest against what was going on in the middle east. but again , you know, there are many students at prague university. very fine university. they will come from all over everywhere, including from states directly touched by what they're seeing on their tv screens means. and it you know, the you can slip into violence. so quickly. what we're seeing here is, uh, evokes another thought, perhaps particularly at christmas time. but when we see the terrible pictures of suffering in gaza for this war of revenge . yes, we for this war of revenge. yes, we all understand israel has the perfect right to defend itself , perfect right to defend itself, has the perfect right to take
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out these hamas , uh, terrorists. out these hamas, uh, terrorists. but it doesn't have a perfect right to kill thousands of innocent people. and as i say , innocent people. and as i say, if you feel very aggrieved about something like this and you are deeply disturbed by it, it seems past history seems to suggest it's one step, then to acquiring a weapon and there are lots of weapons around , you know, not weapons around, you know, not least from russia . uh, this least from russia. uh, this could, uh, you know, the weapon could, uh, you know, the weapon could easily have come from russia . it's easy get hold of russia. it's easy to get hold of this. and make protest this. and make a protest in a place of protest . uh, we need to place of protest. uh, we need to be very mindful that if it is a terror attack . uh, then what has terror attack. uh, then what has happenedin terror attack. uh, then what has happened in prague at christmas could be replicated all over europe, including in the united kingdom, where more and more places have christmas markets. one just down the road from where we live in oxford. uh, it
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has become a british thing. and therefore it has become a target to you. >> okay. professor anthony glees , security expert at the university of buckingham, thanks for joining us on the show. and let's cross now to prague and speak to journalist philip haughey. philip, a dramatic situation . what's the latest situation. what's the latest from on the ground in prague ? from on the ground in prague? >> it's still developing >> well, it's still developing everything . we know at this everything. we know at this moment that there are ten people dead. moment that there are ten people dead . plus the attacker who has dead. plus the attacker who has been neutralised, and around 30 people injured. we know that. some of them probably around nine, are critically injured. the rest are moderately and lightly injured. these are the latest numbers provided by officials . and right now, officials. and right now, watching for the live pictures from prague streets. uh, and as you can see it as well. so it's still ongoing. uh situation. we are not get used to have this kind of, uh, events in prague. i have to i have to, um, i have to admit that the czech republic is
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one of the safest countries in the world. so, uh, as a journalist during last years, uh , i've covered this kind of stories in the western europe, but the central europe and the czech republic itself was very safe know so far safe place. what we know so far that the attacker was alone , uh, that the attacker was alone, uh, that the attacker was alone, uh, that he has been neutralised . that he has been neutralised. uh, there was a tweet by the minister of interior just 30s ago that he confirmed that there is no second attacker. uh, what we know at this moment that according to one of the czech outlets , uh, called novinki, uh, outlets, uh, called novinki, uh, there is a police raid in the in there is a police raid in the in the central , uh, central there is a police raid in the in the central, uh, central bohemia part in one, uh, in one house that, uh, there are there, uh, heavily armed police officers who are doing some kind of a raid and according to their information , uh, this rate has information, uh, this rate has been linked to, uh, to the massacre of the on the university. so i'm just reading it right now as the information is coming to me. but what i have to say that just to give you a
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hint, what we are talking about, the building, uh, in the in the in the central part of, of prague is very close to, uh, tourist, uh, very famous , uh, tourist, uh, very famous, uh, place for tourists. so just 2 or 3 minutes by walk there, there is an old town square with the very famous astronomical clocks . very famous astronomical clocks. uh, if you walk for three minutes to opposite side , uh, minutes to opposite side, uh, there is a charles bridge iconic venue. there is a charles bridge iconic venue . so, uh, that's that's venue. so, uh, that's that's a very, very popular place among tourists. uh, what we know so far that there are still people inside, locked inside the university building. there hiding, uh, themselves . uh, i've hiding, uh, themselves. uh, i've read some tweets by students who were inside during the incident. uh, and they wrote that they locked themselves inside their classroom. they put the furniture in front of the door, and they were ready to counter anyone who will try to get inside. so these are informations, uh, i have at this
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moment. but as i said, it's still developing, uh, more and more ambulances are coming to the scene. we've also seen a tweet uh, by, by the ambulance department, uh, from the nearby regions near prague that they're trying to help to prague ambulance. and so more and more, uh, emergency vehicles are coming there and, philip, we've seen pictures of the gun man and the weapon. >> he's using appears to be very sophistic . and it's a serious. sophistic. and it's a serious. piece of kit with a sniper scope and legs at the front. how easy is it to get hold of weaponry such as that in the area ? such as that in the area? >> well, i have to say that the czech republic, concerning the laws to holding a gun is quite strict . so if you compare it, strict. so if you compare it, for example, with laws in the united states, we are speaking about completely different world. yes, people can, uh, world. so yes, people can, uh, can buy a weapon if they have a license, if they go through some, some tests . but this kind some, some tests. but this kind of a weapon, we've seen on the
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picture, it's absolutely unusual in the czech republic . and i in the czech republic. and i have to, uh, again repeat this. this picture, uh, hasn't been, uh, hasn't been confirmed . so we uh, hasn't been confirmed. so we have to wait till the official, uh, official , for example, uh, official, for example, police department or minister of interior will confirm that this picture we are looking at at this moment is the attacker, because we've seen , uh, more and because we've seen, uh, more and more people on the roof of the university building hiding there. so we're not pretty sure if this is the attacker or if it's one of the first police responders. but compare the situation in the czech republic to the one in the uk. uh it's completely normal for police officers to be armed. so every single police officer on the street is armed comparing to those who are in the uk. uh, where you have some kind of a special armed unit, but those who are just on the streets don't have a firearm. they have different kind of arms. so that's a little bit different. >> yeah. philip, guy >> yeah. philip, the guy with the there, which to the gun there, which appears to be in question. he
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be the gunman in question. he doesn't look from the photographs can see. photographs that we can see. like would be part the like he would be part of the police an response unit police or an armed response unit . looks much more like . he looks much more like a civil person. but just to recap , civil person. but just to recap, you are saying the information you are saying the information you have locally 30, sorry, ten dead and 30 injured, nine seriously injured is that the latest information you have? philip >> yes. ten. ten injured, plus the attacker . so? so the total the attacker. so? so the total number is 11. but we have to split . uh, the victims number is 11. but we have to split. uh, the victims and number is 11. but we have to split . uh, the victims and the split. uh, the victims and the shooter. so, yes, there are ten people killed by a gunman who was neutralised . and there are was neutralised. and there are approximately 30 people injured . approximately 30 people injured. nine of them should be injured very seriously and are in a critical condition. >> okay. philip horky , thank you >> okay. philip horky, thank you for joining us from prague and forjoining us from prague and giving us that latest information on this dramatic breaking and it's this breaking story. and it's this people are dead and injured at a reported shooting at a university in prague. and our home and security editor, mark white joins me now in the studio with the latest. and, mark, we
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have that footage you mentioned there can the there where you can hear the gunshot s yes, absolutely . gunshot s yes, absolutely. >> just before we get to that, though, just to back up and confirm , um, what philip haughey confirm, um, what philip haughey was hearing at his end , uh, the was hearing at his end, uh, the prague emergency service office, um, spokesman has now confirmed that the number of dead , which that the number of dead, which includes the attacker is 11 uh, nine nine seriously wounded out of a total we believe , of 30 of a total we believe, of 30 people who have been injured. and that's the ones they know and have got to so far. and that's the ones they know and have got to so far . what is and have got to so far. what is going on at the moment. but as you can see from live shots , you can see from live shots, this is the area is being sealed off. there is a system matic search of the university buildings because there are people still barricaded in their classrooms. i think we've got two still image where we can show you of one of the classrooms arms in the university where are the students inside this classroom
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heanng students inside this classroom hearing the gunshots and realising that the gunman was at large , barricaded . uh, do we large, barricaded. uh, do we have that still image? >> yeah we do. we're going to cut to that now. um where the they got chairs and they got other , uh, desks and things like other, uh, desks and things like that up against the, the door. >> um, anyway, look, let's just move on. we've got the shots from , uh. from, uh. >> yeah, it's on screen now. you can see it. that's the barricade of the screen, and it's by a person called jacob weissmann . person called jacob weissmann. um, who said currently stuck inside my classroom in prague, shooter is dead , but we are shooter is dead, but we are waiting to be evacuated , praying waiting to be evacuated, praying to it out alive . i've to make it out alive. i've locked the door before the shooter tried to open it. that's the image from ex twitter you mentioned earlier the shots of gunfire that could be heard in the early stages of this incident. >> people filming on social media. let's have a listen to that. look at those images.
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>> yeah. the gunshots there . so >> yeah. the gunshots there. so this is from a distance away. and the shots are going off and must have been many, many shots with that many casualties, fatalities, ten fatalities, 11 including him, 30 additional injuries , nine serious. he must injuries, nine serious. he must have been a sustained period of gunfire. mark. >> yeah. and uh, philip hawking, his interview with you there, uh, was being very cautious about the image of what we believe is the gunman with that long barrelled weapon. however uh, we've, uh, examined a lot of images from the immediate aftermath and the unfolding event still and video where you can see, uh, that individual all, uh, two shots of him in the exact same balcony area where a group of about 10 or 11 students are actually he, um, you know,
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just perching on the ledge on the other side of the balcony, keeping their heads below to ensure that that gunman doesn't see them. uh but of course, uh, taking pot shots as he was doing down into the crowd . uh, what down into the crowd. uh, what may be the case as well, and what will unfold in the minutes and hours ahead, is that this gunman may have gone after the students in the university itself . i think from the reports itself. i think from the reports we're getting from the students about them barricading themselves in the classrooms would seem to indicate that that there was shooting activity in there was shooting activity in the university . perhaps then he the university. perhaps then he ended up on the roofs itself. um again, indications we'd reported at first the language of the police saying eliminated, which suggested perhaps that they had killed the gunman. there's other reports suggesting the gunman may have taken his own life . so
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may have taken his own life. so we just need to wait for the fullness of time to get that confirmed armed. but the gunman among the 11 people now confirmed to have died, 30 so far, that they're seeing have been injured, including nine, um, who have been seriously wounded. >> thank you. mark for that and for further analysis . now let's for further analysis. now let's chat to the former head of national counter terrorism security office, chris phillips . security office, chris phillips. chris, thanks for joining us. security office, chris phillips. chris, thanks forjoining us. so chris, thanks for joining us. so we now know 11 dead, including the gunman police say was eliminated. not sure yet if that was by the police or if that was by his own volition . 30 injured, by his own volition. 30 injured, nine. seriously, chris, this is a substantial, um , attack . a substantial, um, attack. >> it is a substantial attack . >> it is a substantial attack. >> it is a substantial attack. >> and clearly he, uh , he went >> and clearly he, uh, he went out planning this with a number of bullets that he obviously had available to him to have that kind of, uh, is pretty, uh, you know, it just shows how intense
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people , um, it's unusual in people, um, it's unusual in prague, i think, uh, but of course, we've seen these across the world. these types of attacks. uh, and when . across a. attacks. uh, and when. across a. >> okay, chris, i'm afraid we're having problems with your line, so we're going to back to so we're going to cut back to mark white in city. mark white in the city. we'll try back on mark try and get chris back on mark the detail is just emerging quickly . as we said, 11 dead, quickly. as we said, 11 dead, including the gunman, 30 injured, nine seriously sophisticated weapons, sustained penod sophisticated weapons, sustained period of gunfire , barricaded period of gunfire, barricaded students inside rooms. >> yeah . well you're looking at >> yeah. well you're looking at now are live images across the river there to that historic university building . uh, the university building. uh, the arts , uh, and other campuses arts, uh, and other campuses there that, uh , just listen to there that, uh, just listen to that main square in the old town of prague, very popular with
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with tourists. but of course , with tourists. but of course, with tourists. but of course, with the thousands of students who attend that university as well. um, and what, what we are told is happening now, as you would expect in any mass casualty event with an active shooter like this, is that police are methodically very slowly and carefully going from room to room in this vast university campus with the multiple buildings around there for, um, and they are clearing them, uh, clearing them of, uh, very scared and frightened people who have remained inside their classrooms and other rooms who have barricaded themselves inside, who are not yet, uh , inside, who are not yet, uh, convinced that the coast is clear, who, of course, have been told to shelter in place until the authorities can reach them. and what happens is when the police, uh , move their way from police, uh, move their way from room to room , they check that
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room to room, they check that for people making sure that they are all innocent members of the public. and of course , looking public. and of course, looking for any other potential casualties in this event. people that may have been shot and not yet identified because while the shooter was clearly from the images that we can see on the right hand side of the screen, there of the alleged shooter with a long barrelled rifle perched on that balcony , that perched on that balcony, that ledge shooting down into the square. there it looks as though from all the reports that are coming out that this shooter was also targeting people within the university itself . so while that university itself. so while that search goes on in, uh, very slowly, room by room, it may be some time before we get a full, uh, toll on the number of people that have been affected. and of course, everyone brought to safety. >> okay, let's get more from the intelligence and security expert at the university of buckingham, professor anthony glees. anthony glees us again on the
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glees joins us again on the show. anthony, uh, more detail emerging now. 11 dead in total, including the gunman who was eliminated , according to police. eliminated, according to police. we're not sure if that was by the police or by his own weapon. 30 injured, nine. seriously? anthony this is a large scale, sustained period of firing with multiple casualties . a serious multiple casualties. a serious terrorist, not serious incident . terrorist, not serious incident. >> yeah, very serious. terrorist, not serious incident. >> yeah, very serious . and of >> yeah, very serious. and of course, uh , thoughts? and have course, uh, thoughts? and have to go out to the people who've been killed and it is a terrible, terrible carnage. analyst so of course, we'll immediately want to say what was the purpose of this was this, you know, a lone wolf carrying out an act of terrorism ? was out an act of terrorism? was this a madman who managed to get hold of his very specialised weaponry ? the more we're weaponry? the more we're hearing, though , and the very hearing, though, and the very fact that the police have gone
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round, we're told to the place where the shooter lived and are beginning to carry out a search that fact added to the fact that the shooter is on a balcony shooting out , out, out with this shooting out, out, out with this weapon on that allows him to shoot a long distance , suggests shoot a long distance, suggests that the aim was to kill tourists and kill people on this iconic site. going to and fro to the christmas market in prague. whatever they have there. if the purpose had simply been to shoot students ants, you wouldn't take a weapon like this in order to do it. and you wouldn't be perched on a balcony looking out. so he's not shooting in, he's shooting out. and that is, again, consistent . uh, for those again, consistent. uh, for those who want to speculate with an act of terrorism rather than an act of terrorism rather than an act of terrorism rather than an act of revenge , and if the cops act of revenge, and if the cops know , know where to look for him know, know where to look for him . uh, look for where he lived . . uh, look for where he lived. that may also suggest that this
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is somebody about whom the authorities knew something . authorities knew something. >> and, anthony, we have heard reports of increased terror alerts across major european cities. of course, as you mentioned, because of the advent of christmas, christmas markets, of christmas, christmas markets, of course , becoming a major of course, becoming a major target for attacks , they're a target for attacks, they're a major target. >> you have lots and lots of people milling around . it's people milling around. it's impossible to protect, protect people and there is a kind of religious aspect of it that christmas markets are about christmas markets are about christ or about christmas, about christianity and the war in gaza is, of course, at heart a war concern . and with islam and concern. and with islam and judaism to quite different sorts of religion . and in the mind of of religion. and in the mind of a sick but well , well, uh, a sick but well, well, uh, trained a killer. this could be
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a kind of lethal cocktail, you know, add all these things together . arab, jew , uh, together. arab, jew, uh, christmas, uh, christmas markets, people enjoying themselves as we want to do in themselves as we want to do in the west. compare that to the. >> and you get an explosive cocktail in the mind of a somebody highly dangerous. so we're just getting, um, voice over there from the prague emergency services. >> beg your pardon? anthony, please carry on. >> well, i don't know how much you heard, but i think potentially, if this is an act of terrorism, is if it is prompted by what's going on in gaza, those awful, awful pictures coming in all the time . pictures coming in all the time. um, the elements there , the um, the elements there, the islam judeo ism, christianity, christmas , people freely going christmas, people freely going about their , their, uh, their, about their, their, uh, their, their christmas shopping and looking forward to christmas day. everyone there in christian europe , uh, if, if you've got a
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europe, uh, if, if you've got a bent and tortured mind seeing what's going on in gaza , uh, it what's going on in gaza, uh, it becomes a kind of lethal cocktail . so i would not be cocktail. so i would not be surprised if students were not the main target. even though we're told, sadly , a number of we're told, sadly, a number of them have died . but the main them have died. but the main target was people going over this iconic site in over the bndge this iconic site in over the bridge in this iconic site in prague, sitting ducks for somebody with, uh, a weapon of this nature. and of course, the police will need to find out how how this weapon was acquired . as how this weapon was acquired. as i say, i think it's probably too not difficult to think that came from russia or from , uh, from russia or from, uh, southeastern europe. the former yugoslavia has lots of weapons floating around there , but this floating around there, but this chap was trained . it seems you chap was trained. it seems you don't do this without training. and the way he set himself up on on the balcony suggests again training. so very dark day, dark
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day for people in czechoslovakia . dark day for everybody going to a christmas market. to be frank, i gave professor anthony glees thanks for that again . glees thanks for that again. >> and for more analysis, let's chat now to the former head of national terrorism national counter terrorism security office, chris phillips. chris, back . chris, thanks for coming back. 30 injured , nine seriously, 11 30 injured, nine seriously, 11 dead, including the gunman who was eliminated . the police say was eliminated. the police say we don't know if that's by the police or by his own gun. uh, sophisticated weaponry with a long—range scope on. obviously, the guy was very heavily armed in terms of ammunition in an incredibly serious and dramatic, terrifying incident. yeah >> and, uh, clearly he was out to kill a lot of people with that amount of ammunition. >> and , and, uh, purchased >> and, and, uh, purchased himself as it appears in a, in a location where he can basically shoot down onto a crowd of people. >> it's, uh, it's a nightmare scenario for the police . scenario for the police. >> and the police are still evacuating the building as we
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speak. chris. not thought to be any other accomplice or assailant now, but the aftermath of this will be huge , because, of this will be huge, because, of this will be huge, because, of course, there will be a tremendous amount of people inside that university area who will be traumatised . we've seen will be traumatised. we've seen images of students barricade themselves in for fear of their lives . the gunman in the lives. the gunman in the building at least they believed other students cowering on balconies trying to evade the sights and the sight line of this assailant and a huge police operation now will be coming forward . forward. >> yeah, and of course , uh, we >> yeah, and of course, uh, we don't know whether they've caught everyone involved in this that will be part of the investigation. and uh, and the very fast , uh, investigation very fast, uh, investigation will need to to, go into any anyone else that might be involved in this and, of course, you can never tell that one attack doesn't lead to another attack. so, uh, the police authorities, i think all around europe have been waiting for terrorism attacks . um, just with terrorism attacks. um, just with what's going on in the world and
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whether this is a terrorist attack or it's a single lone shooter that's got other , other shooter that's got other, other thoughts behind it, we don't know yet, but, um, it is a big concern. and of course, university is . university is. >> and chris has gone down there just about to ask him. we cut back to mark white, who still in the studio in interesting what anthony was saying . if this had anthony was saying. if this had been the intent to go and massacre students , i think massacre students, i think actually we've got chris phillips back now. chris, i was going to ask you, in terms of the modus operandi of a shooter on a balcony facing downwards, facing outwards, it would seem the most the primary motive wasn't to eliminate students, but maybe just random people down on the square below . down on the square below. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and it's, uh, it's the kind of perfect firing point, isn't it? we saw an attack similar to this, uh, in vegas a few this, uh, in las vegas a few years ago. uh, where a gunman decided to take up a high
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shooting point, and it's, uh, very , very difficult for police very, very difficult for police to counteract that until they get to him. um it does appear that the police have managed to deal with this situation , but deal with this situation, but there's a lot of investigation to go in to how he got the weapon and who he is, who his contacts are. and of course , the contacts are. and of course, the main one is the rationale . main one is the rationale. >> yeah. and chris phillips, we can see now live photos , can see now live photos, pictures of what appear to be emergency services, police combing the balconies, the upper balconies of those university buildings . and they'll be buildings. and they'll be evacuating the building . the evacuating the building. the prime minister has said that process is still in place. please confirm a large evacuation process ongoing. the police are sweeping those balconies as we speak. thanks for joining us. chris phillips, forjoining us. chris phillips, the former head of national counter terrorism security office, for your expert analysis . now, we're now going to a break and a reminder of this afternoon's big breaking news. ten people have been shot dead and 30 have been injured after a
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mass shooting in prague . the mass shooting in prague. the gunman has been eliminated . and gunman has been eliminated. and i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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monday to thursdays from six till 930. >> hello . >> hello. >> hello. >> thank you for being a big part of gb news. we'd like to wish you and your loved ones christmas season full of comfort and joy, as well as a peaceful and joy, as well as a peaceful and prosperous new year. >> from our family to yours, we are proud to be your channel. >> merry christmas, happy
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christmas , merry christmas, christmas, merry christmas, happy christmas, merry christmas , merry christmas, merry christmas here on gb news the people's channel. >> merry christmas . >> merry christmas. welcome back. >> it's 422 and you join us a dramatic breaking news story. there's been a mass shooting mass shooting in prague and i'm joined in the studio by our homeland security editor, mark white for a full update. how many mark do we know are dead, and what's the latest? >> 11 dead, including the gunman. according to the authorities in prague and as many as 30 people injured , nine many as 30 people injured, nine of those seriously , what's going of those seriously, what's going on at the moment? you're looking at live pictures, looking down towards charles university right in the centre of the old town in prague is that there is a systematic search taking place of the buildings there to try to
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identify any more injured, and also to clear some of the classrooms where some of the students and staff have barricaded themselves in to try to keep that gunman out. that gunman was on the roof of this building on the balcony . he'd building on the balcony. he'd got himself a firing position, firing down towards the old square itself . there are still square itself. there are still images that that we believe to be of the gunman, and the minutes before he was , according minutes before he was, according to the police in prague, a eliminated i don't know if we can bring you the still image they're showing , uh, the gunman they're showing, uh, the gunman on that building thing, uh, firing a long barrelled weapon out of the, uh , the roof area out of the, uh, the roof area and as well as that weapon , and and as well as that weapon, and then and the gunman, there were
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also , uh, students who were also, uh, students who were hiding , uh, also, uh, students who were hiding, uh, on the also, uh, students who were hiding , uh, on the roof of the hiding, uh, on the roof of the building. uh, it's khalife. >> yeah. and there was another image of a student who'd barricaded themselves into a room using chairs. there's the image. mark of the gunman as you said, sophisticated piece of weaponry . said, sophisticated piece of weaponry. long said, sophisticated piece of weaponry . long barrelled said, sophisticated piece of weaponry. long barrelled sniper scope and a tripod . um, set up, scope and a tripod. um, set up, obviously heavily armed in terms of ammunition . there's the image of ammunition. there's the image there. mark. >> yes , that's just one of the >> yes, that's just one of the classrooms where students and staff . have managed to pile staff. have managed to pile anything they could up against the door to try to keep this gunman out. now, that might indicate , although we're indicate, although we're obviously reporting on the fact that he was on the roof of this building shooting out from that ledge , it might indicate that he ledge, it might indicate that he was also firing into classrooms as he was making his way through the university itself. and we'll only really know in the minutes and hours ahead as the police are able to clear this
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university room by room, whether there are any other people inside the various rooms that might have been caught up in this, the hope would be that there are no more injuries and deaths and that, you know , we've deaths and that, you know, we've reached a total of , uh, four, 40 reached a total of, uh, four, 40 people injured, uh , and killed, people injured, uh, and killed, including the gunman . obviously, including the gunman. obviously, taking that to 41, uh, but this will be a very protracted operation. it always is, because even though the police are quite convinced , um, themselves, that convinced, um, themselves, that the gunman has been eliminated , the gunman has been eliminated, they just never know whether there might be other accomplices out there. so they will always, out there. so they will always, out of an abundance of caution, just very methodically make their way through, uh, room to room. we were speaking a little earlier to philip haughey, who is a local journalist in prague . is a local journalist in prague. he brought us the very latest , he brought us the very latest, philip, um, a dramatic situation
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i >> -- >> what's emma >> what's the latest from on the ground in prague? >> well, it's still developing. everything we know at this moment that there are ten people, uh, dead . plus the people, uh, dead. plus the attacker who has been neutralised. and around 30 people injured. we know that . people injured. we know that. some of them, probably around nine, are critically injured . nine, are critically injured. the rest are moderately and lightly injured. these are the latest numbers provided by officials. and right now, watching , uh, for the live watching, uh, for the live pictures from prague streets. uh, and as you can see it as well. so it's, uh, it's still ongoing , uh, situation. we are ongoing, uh, situation. we are not good. used to have this kind of , uh, events not good. used to have this kind of, uh, events in prague. i have to i have to, um, i have to admit that the czech republic is one of the safest countries in the world. >> so we have more live pictures there. you can see a huge police operation on emergency vehicles in attendance . those buildings in attendance. those buildings are being swept. we saw moments ago by police on those balconies. the balcony where the
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shooter would have been, um, police with flashlights , police with flashlights, clearing those buildings. the situation now is being mopped up afterwards and there is there is no reaction from local politicians . um, mark white, the politicians. um, mark white, the mayor of prague, has just spoken out saying he thought mass shootings were only a us problem. >> well, they're not, you know, i mean, even the czech republic have had, uh, you know, some mass shootings. they're not common. uh, but over the years there have been a few incidents. and what the, the issue that many european countries have, uh, unlike the uk , which is uh, unlike the uk, which is protected to an extent by the fact that we have a c between us and mainland europe , uh, is that and mainland europe, uh, is that there are no weapons that are out there that fall into the hands of criminals and others can get ahold of them for the right money. often they've come from the likes of the balkans. the conflict in yugoslavia, many of them were deactivated after
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the war and have been sold in shops as souvenirs taken by criminal gangs, and reactivated suella relatively easy to do that, and then used by criminals and sometimes , uh, terrorists as and sometimes, uh, terrorists as well . um, and sometimes, uh, terrorists as well. um, what we're told in terms of information that's coming out is that we, you know , coming out is that we, you know, prague itself is one of these european capitals that is hugely popular with tourists from all over the world. they want to go and see, especially the likes of the old city there, which is where this attack is taking place. lots of tourists in that area in the run up to christmas as well. one of the reports we're getting is that a newly married british couple were there, uh, in, in in prague, in there, uh, in, in in prague, in the city centre there, uh, and had to duck for cover as this gunman was obviously firing from the rooftop there. eat. uh, you can only imagine. it must have been an absolutely terrifying
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situation in, uh, for these people , because they wouldn't people, because they wouldn't necessarily know in the first instance where the shots are coming from and you remember going back to that mass shooting in las vegas from the hotel there a few years back, where there a few years back, where the gunman was in that elevated position, shooting out of his room, to down the people. i think it was at caesars palace hotel , uh, down onto the people hotel, uh, down onto the people in the square below. uh and many people killed and injured in that incident. well, clearly today as well. sadly, many people are being caught up in this and at least ten innocent members of the public killed another 30 so far that we know about that have been injured. >> and the czech president, peter pavel, has just said, just spoke and he said, i'm shocked by these events. i would like to express my deep regret and sincere condolences to the families and relatives of the victims claimed by the shooting . victims claimed by the shooting. okay. we'll bring you updates
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from prague as we get them throughout the show. but meanwhile, here's the latest news headlines with sam francis . news headlines with sam francis. >> martin. thank you. good afternoon . afternoon. >> the headlines this hour as we've been hearing the gunman at prague university in central prague university in central prague has been killed after reports of a mass shooting there. ten people have died and nine more have been injured . nine more have been injured. >> that's according to police reports coming to us. >> these are the pictures coming to us live from the scene where officers responded those officers responded to those reports shooter at around reports of a shooter at around 2:00 uk time this afternoon . we 2:00 uk time this afternoon. we understand that he opened fire from a roof at jan palach square in downtown prague. the university building has now been fully evacuated , and that's fully evacuated, and that's after an email was sent to students and staff telling them to put and to lock their to stay put and to lock their offices . offices. >> well, here in the uk, a murder investigation has been launched after a four year old
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boy died following a knife attack in east london. >> the metropolitan police said that they received a call at around 11:00 last night, raising concerns for the welfare of a child at a property in montagu roadin child at a property in montagu road in hackney . the boy was road in hackney. the boy was found with knife injuries and was taken to hospital, where he later died. a 41 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder . an inquest into the of murder. an inquest into the death of the asylum seeker aboard the bibby stockholm barge has found that he died from compression of the neck, caused by hanging . the albanian asylum by hanging. the albanian asylum seeker was found unresponsive aboard barge in dorset on aboard the barge in dorset on the 12th of december. the coroner said. they weren't there weren't thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding his death. a pre—inquest review is to be introduced in the new year. and that's the latest from the gb newsroom . you can get more on newsroom. you can get more on our website .
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our website >> thank you sam and you join us. there's been a mass shooting in prague. 11 are dead, 33 injured, including nine seriously. i'm joined in the studio by mark white, our homeland security editor. mark a dramatic event. what's the latest out? >> well, the operation is still on going in the sense that the police are still trying to clear the university . there are the university. there are charles university, right , right charles university, right, right in the centre of prague itself. we've seen live images from prague that show that operation underway with the emergency services surrounding the university and the old square. we've just got a hold of some other video that hopefully we can show you, which is in the, uh, while this incident was unfolding and the police who
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were in the area arriving at the scene, um, coming under fire, it seems, and taking a cover as well as a gunman was still firing into the crowds below at that time. let's take a look at that time. let's take a look at that bit of video . that bit of video. >> we're just waiting on those shots now, but we can see live shots now, but we can see live shots at the moment. um, again, just a huge mop up area mark of emergency vehicles. we saw footage shortly ago of what appeared to be armed police sweeping and combing those upper balconies to check everything is safe and there are no accomplices. >> yeah , i was talking just >> yeah, i was talking just a few minutes ago about the mass shootings that have happened from an elevated position, such as the shooting in las vegas in 2017. i said seized at caesars palace. that was wrong. my lovely friend carl tilsley, uh, who goes to las vegas very regularly , uh, pointed out was regularly, uh, pointed out was the, uh, mandalay bay hotel there that this 60 year old
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gunman was shooting out of, um, an and, uh, claimed many lives , an and, uh, claimed many lives, uh, in on on that occasion , one uh, in on on that occasion, one because he had a high vantage point and nobody could really see where the gunman was. they were hearing the shots and were just hearing the shots and running in all directions . so running in all directions. so i can only imagine that for a while, at least it was a similar situation here where people were heanng situation here where people were hearing gunshots and people were were falling injured. and fatally injured. uh, but not necessarily knowing where the gunshots were coming from. in the first instance. and that's why the police arriving on the scene, of course, themselves could become targets because a right in the line of fire. so they're taking up positions , but they're taking up positions, but they're taking up positions, but they know they've got to. then work their way into the building. in this case, the charles university, uh, campus to get in there and up onto the balcony itself with a view to trying to deal with this gunman.
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it's unclear at this stage whether the gunman took their own lives. the police initially said that the gunman had been eliminated, but there are other reports suggesting he may have committed suicide . committed suicide. >> okay. and i think we do have those pictures now to show you of police. there we go. mark, talk us through this . talk us through this. >> yeah, well, just have a >> yeah, well, let's just have a listen the video because listen to the video because i think you can hear gunfire . think you can hear gunfire. >> no, there's no audio on this. so so this is where the police are trying . they've they've are trying. they've they've located can see the police located you can see the police officer perched behind some of the street furniture there, uh, taking up a position . taking up a position. >> that's just what they've got to do. he's obviously aware of where the shooter is up on that university building. other police officers in, you know, with the cover , uh, inside , uh, with the cover, uh, inside, uh, the building there at the top of the building there at the top of the steps, moving forward, pushing into the building as they're trained to do. and then up the steps towards where the gunman is. but it was clear even
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at that stage, as , uh, fully at that stage, as, uh, fully kitted and fully armed , uh, kitted and fully armed, uh, police personnel were arriving, the gunman was still firing . the gunman was still firing. now, although, you know, in the czech republic, like many european countries , you will european countries, you will have armed police officers . they have armed police officers. they still in responding to an incident where you have a well armed gunman would require on specialist weapons and tactic teams, they call them in america . the swat teams that would come in and would push up to try to deal with these gunman themselves . themselves. >> tvs and pictures emerging now of the evacuation of the faculty of the evacuation of the faculty of arts at that university of building . um students appear to building. um students appear to be being marched out with their hands on their heads because i'm assuming at this point, mark, the will be making sure the police will be making sure that nobody who's inside the building will be will be connected this attack, and connected to this attack, and therefore marching them therefore they're marching them all, all you know, in case all, all out, you know, in case they could be linked to it. >> yeah, standard >> yeah, it's standard procedure. is what they procedure. this is what they will because until these will do because until these people have been questioned, uh, they're in the, you know, the
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police don't know whether they may be a suspect. someone linked to a suspect, you know, of course it's undignified for people, but, you know, they understand. yeah. uh, at the end of the day, the police have got to approach this with an abundance of caution and being asked to put your hands on your head. a small price to pay to be able to be led to safety by these armed police. that operation is still going on. we're looking again at live pictures out there. you see police, some of them with torches there. so what's happening is as they get into the many rooms, it's a big old university . so with lots of university. so with lots of different areas and faculties within the university, uh, each within the university, uh, each with dozens of classrooms and administrative, uh, rooms and other buildings, they all need to be cleared. one at a time . to be cleared. one at a time. uh, slowly but surely. and as they do that, they are finding more people who have had the good sense, of course, to hide
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in place as they were told to do , until the coast is clear , , until the coast is clear, until they are reached by the emergency services , by those emergency services, by those armed police teams. so as they do that, they're taken out. so we will still see from time to time groups of people being brought out with their hands on their head. they're taken to a safe area where they're looked after by the police with their just, you know, questioned , uh, just, you know, questioned, uh, a cursory , uh, sort of search a cursory, uh, sort of search and questioning of those individuals just to make sure they're okay, that they're not a threat to anyone else. and then they're taken actually to a holding area where they can be properly assessed and looked after because they've gone through a very traumatic ordeal. >> and there'll be a this entire area now, mark will be a crime scene with this amount of ammunition and projectiles fired off, 30 injured, 1010 dead, 11 including the gunman. that's a lot of ammunition has been let off over a sustained period of
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time and of course, this entire area, now that we're trying to chart where those bullets landed and the entire area will be, will hugely combed over and will be hugely combed over and closed off long time. closed off for a long time. >> yeah , that's the time >> yeah, that's the slow time operation that we will get into. we're still very much in the kind of fast time operation at the moment, because , as i say, the moment, because, as i say, they just have to make sure that all of the buildings are safe and that all of the injured are accounted for. so, i mean, i say fast time. it's a methodical search. uh, but it's still part of this initial emergency response where you have all of the emergency services, the paramed six fire brigade and the police , of course, all rushing police, of course, all rushing to help those casualties that are immediately in front of them. but then slightly slower time , uh, you will get the big time, uh, you will get the big search operation that's now underway. then then when the area is completely safe , can the
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area is completely safe, can the forensic teams , you know, the forensic teams, you know, the teams that you see clad from head to toe in the white coveralls, wearing the face masks and their head covered as well, so as not to contaminate the scene? we'll go through every single square inch of that crime scene to recover bullets , crime scene to recover bullets, to take photographs of where injured and fatally injured people fell uh, to also , of people fell uh, to also, of course, photographed the path and that the gunman took and that they'll also be assisted while that physical search is taking place by the other detectives who will be, as we speak, sifting through all of the information they have in the background of this gunman who was he who you know, who could he be connected to ? is there he be connected to? is there a history of violence and threats that were made by by this individual ? that were made by by this individual? what we will see if it's not already happened? i
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suspect it has already happened, is that properties immediately unked is that properties immediately linked to this gunman are being surrounded, raided and checked for anything that he might have had there . there may be other had there. there may be other weapons there . there may be weapons there. there may be a dossier , uh, some kind of dossier, uh, some kind of a statement that this person has made in their own home. there may be other family members or friends of this person that might know themselves what this person was up to, or , you know, person was up to, or, you know, sometimes it's not uncommon , sometimes it's not uncommon, even for someone, if they're if they've had some kind of an episode to do harm to loved ones , then to move out and then to do harm to other people in another location . so all of that another location. so all of that being factored in by the police as they continue now, this proactive investigation into who exactly this person was and what on earth motivated them to carry out this most horrific of events ? >> thank you mark. and if you're just joining us, a reminder this afternoon's big breaking news
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story. ten people have been shot dead and 30 have been injured after a mass shooting in prague . after a mass shooting in prague. the gunman has been eliminated . the gunman has been eliminated. i martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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sunday mornings from 930 on gb news . news. news. news. >> welcome back. it's 446. you're watching or listening to martin daubney on gb news. let's get the very latest now from
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prague, where a gunman has killed ten people. our homeland security editor, mark white, is still with me in the studio. mark 11 dead, including the gunman , 30 injured, nine. gunman, 30 injured, nine. seriously, what's the latest there? >> yeah, live and continuing coverage here on gb news of this unfolding event, which is still an active scene with police, armed police going through this ancient university in the old city in prague, going very carefully from room to room. you can see the video here as the people up on a ledge and about a dozen or maybe just under a dozen or maybe just under a dozen students hiding a police officer taking cover behind some officer taking cover behind some of the street furniture there, as at this point, the gunman was still active shooting down into the square to, uh, to the people below. um, as more in the way of specialist firearms officers arrived at the scene . you can
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arrived at the scene. you can see them on the ledge there, just perching , trying to keep just perching, trying to keep their heads down out of sight in their heads down out of sight in the hope that the gunman wouldn't spot them. there absolutely terrifying . of absolutely terrifying. of course, for them in the most precarious position imaginable. hopefully they were all right. we don't know what happened to these people. we know that at this stage, the gunman has, in the words of the police in prague, been eliminated . we had prague, been eliminated. we had initially thought perhaps he'd been shot by the police . there been shot by the police. there are other indications suggesting he may have taken his own life. that kind of information will come out in the fullness of time. what we can tell you is we now continue to look at live shots off prague there, courtesy of our friends, uh, in the czech repubucis of our friends, uh, in the czech republic is that this is still very much an active situation because we don't know, although we've got an indication of 30 people injured in addition to
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the 11 deaths, including the gunman in, um, we don't know whether that injury toll and indeed the death toll might rise indeed the death toll might rise in the minutes and hours ahead because because we won't know until they get through the, uh, the classrooms themselves. we will be bringing you very shortly some dramatic video , uh, shortly some dramatic video, uh, inside one of the classrooms where you can see that there are students who are hiding in the classroom itself and are also you can hear the gunfire in the building if we have that. i think we've got that now, let's listen to that
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problems. we have had some mass shootings in the past as pretty much every country has, but what they are used to, what they do see, are the images that come out of the united states on an almost daily basis , of the almost daily basis, of the school shootings and other mass shootings there, and they know about the drills at these students have to go through in the us to keep themselves safe and that's always the advice. shelter in place. barricade yourself in. if possible, contact the emergency services. let them know where you are so they will have done exactly that . and we know that from of course that video there from the other still images that have been coming out and the reports all over social media now that lots of students heeded that good advice and were able to do that, and that probably saved a lot more in the way of death and injuries from those students. >> okay. thank you, mark. and let's get more on this now by speaking to the founder of prague morning, massimo parisi.
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thank. prague morning, massimo parisi. thank . you forjoining us, thank. you forjoining us, massimo. a dramatic moment, huge moment. 11 dead, including the gunman, 30 injured, nine seriously, the mayor of prague has spoken out recently, saying this is not the kind of thing that happens in europe, but now it has . and can you explain to it has. and can you explain to us the mood on the ground in prague ? prague? >> yeah, well , uh, prague? >> yeah, well, uh, i mean, uh, basically you you said, uh , a basically you you said, uh, a majority of information so far, but, uh, i just reading the latest updates, uh, from , from latest updates, uh, from, from czech sources , uh, around 200 czech sources, uh, around 200 uh, students have been evacuated from , um, uh, from the faculty from, um, uh, from the faculty at. and the government will meet , uh, tonight at 9 pm. for, for, uh , uh, yeah, for emergency for, uh, uh, yeah, for emergency meeting . uh, um for, uh, uh, yeah, for emergency meeting. uh, um , i'm, i'm meeting. uh, um, i'm, i'm looking for other latest information . um, it
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looking for other latest information. um, it is , uh, said information. um, it is, uh, said that the shooter probably killed , uh, his father. this morning. >> it is it is not confirmed and represent, but it's, uh, it's a news that it's, uh , circulating, news that it's, uh, circulating, uh, across all the, uh, across all the czech medias. >> uh, is not from prague. uh, um , uh, from what we know at the um, uh, from what we know at the moment, the shooter is, is czech , but . , but. >> uh, we seem to have lost massimo. >> the latest , the latest >> the latest, the latest information from from from here, from prague. so massimo, would you mind repeating that for us? >> um, you you claim the gunman had murdered his father earlier ? had murdered his father earlier? >> yeah. they say , uh, yeah. >> yeah. they say, uh, yeah. >> yeah. they say, uh, yeah. >> um , several czech newspaper >> um, several czech newspaper says that this morning . says that this morning. >> um , he is supposedly he
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>> um, he is supposedly he killed his father in, uh. i'm telling . in a second in, uh, um, telling. in a second in, uh, um, side of prague , outside of side of prague, outside of prague. uh in, uh , the city. prague. uh in, uh, the city. it's, uh , uh, called houston . uh it's, uh, uh, called houston. uh try to find . but, uh, yeah, it try to find. but, uh, yeah, it happened around nine in the morning . morning. >> uh, and then and then he moved to prague . moved to prague. >> okay . okay. yeah. >> okay. okay. yeah. >> okay. okay. yeah. >> okay. okay. yeah. >> okay. massimo parisi, founder of prague morning. thank you for that update. mark. um, you said earlier often there can be a kind of family incident beforehand. massimo they're saying that newspapers in prague have stayed and that the gunman killed his father earlier in the day and then appears to have gone on a rampage in central prague.
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>> yes , sadly, this is what we >> yes, sadly, this is what we sometimes see when, you know, people , for whatever reason, people, for whatever reason, have an episode and, uh, decide to, uh inaya bulge in, you know, this kind of horrific event that sometimes they target those closest to them, family members, uh, their own home and, and go out to target wider people. we know that , um, apparently, he know that, um, apparently, he had created, according to reports , a telegram channel reports, a telegram channel saying that he wanted to carry out a deadly shooting . um, he's out a deadly shooting. um, he's been identified , but i won't been identified, but i won't give that name. so it come from any official source ? um, but the any official source? um, but the police were hunting him after this shooting. this murder of his father in a town outside prague. um and he had indicated that he wanted to carry on, uh, shooting people. um and also to emulate that, uh, a killer that had carried out a similar attack
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in russia in 23. >> okay . mark white, thank you >> okay. mark white, thank you for that. of course, we'll have lots more on this afternoon's big breaking news. ten people have been shot dead and 30 have been in mass shooting have been shot dead and 30 have be prague. in mass shooting have been shot dead and 30 have be prague. thei mass shooting have been shot dead and 30 have be prague. the gunman shooting have been shot dead and 30 have be prague. the gunman hasyting have been shot dead and 30 have be prague. the gunman has also in prague. the gunman has also been eliminated. we'll have more on that . i'm martin daubney on on that. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello again. alex burkill here with your latest gb news, weather forecast as we go through the run up to christmas, there will be some rain around for of us and also a bit of for most of us and also a bit of snow over the higher ground of scotland. looking scotland. it's also looking windy, strongest windy, although the strongest winds so far today winds we've seen so far today are starting ease with the are starting to ease with the low system clearing low pressure system clearing away the east. it is away towards the east. it is still going to be blustery though, through the though, as we go through the rest today. some showers to rest of today. some showers to watch for. could heavy, watch out for. could be heavy, could some could see some hail, some thunder some sleet or could see some hail, some thundbringing some sleet or could see some hail, some thundbringing some�*ne sleet or could see some hail, some thundbringing some ice sleet or could see some hail, some thundbringing some ice risks or snow bringing some ice risks across parts of scotland, particularly across shetland.
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however, the however, as we go through the night, some clear skies towards the we see the east subsiding as we see increasing amounts of cloud and some pushing in. and with some rain pushing in. and with those winds cloud those strong winds and the cloud temperatures much temperatures not dropping much for some places in for most of us, some places in the south holding up double the south holding up in double figures the south holding up in double figure across parts of scotland. north across parts of scotland. a frost here as we go a touch of frost here as we go through morning, also through friday morning, and also some further sleet or snow possible higher possible over modest higher ground of rain for ground outbreaks of rain for many of through friday many of us through friday itself. is looking like itself. and it is looking like a generally cloudy day, but some bright skies , perhaps even bit bright skies, perhaps even a bit of sunshine developing in parts of sunshine developing in parts of southwest in the of the southwest in the afternoon temperatures many afternoon. temperatures for many will nudge down compared to will be a nudge down compared to today, still relatively mild today, but still relatively mild for the time of in the for the time of year in the south. feeling colder in south. but feeling colder in those winds. saturday those strong winds. saturday then off wet start then gets off to a wet start across parts. some across northern parts. some heavy building across heavy rain building up across western parts of scotland, in particular dry air further south. there are a few spots of rain staying pretty cloudy . rain and staying pretty cloudy. further rain to come. then as we rain and staying pretty cloudy. furthrough| to come. then as we rain and staying pretty cloudy. furthrough christmas then as we rain and staying pretty cloudy. furthrough christmas eve] as we rain and staying pretty cloudy. furthrough christmas eve and we go through christmas eve and christmas day itself and it is going be at times. two going to be windy at times. two by by that warm feeling inside
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from boxt boilers sponsor of weather on .
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gb news. >> welcome back to gb news. i'm martin daubney. it's 5:00. our big story today. a gunman has killed at least ten people in a mass shooting in prague. 30
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others have been injured . police others have been injured. police say the gunman has been eliminated. i'll have the full story from the czech republic, but first, here are your latest news headlines with sam francis . news headlines with sam francis. >> martin. thank you . good >> martin. thank you. good afternoon. i'm sam francis in the gb newsroom. the top story this hour as we've been hearing the gunman at that prague university building has been killed reports of a mass killed after reports of a mass shooting there. more than ten people have died and nine more have been seriously injured, according reports . and according to police reports. and in the last few minutes, we're also hearing that the gunman's father was found dead earlier today. officer has responded to reports of shooting at 2:00 uk reports of a shooting at 2:00 uk time this afternoon. we understand he opened fire from a roof in downtown prague. the entire university building has now been evacuated. that's after an email was sent earlier to students and staff telling them to stay put and to lock their
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offices . here in the uk , to stay put and to lock their offices. here in the uk , a offices. here in the uk, a murder investigation has been launched after a four year old boy died following a knife attack in east london. the metropolitan police said they received a call just before 11:00 last night, raising concerns for the welfare of a child at a property in hackney. the boy was found with knife injuries and was taken to hospital, where he later died. a 41 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder . arrested on suspicion of murder. an inquest into the death of the asylum seeker aboard the bibby stockholm barge has found that he died from compression of the neck, caused by hanging . the neck, caused by hanging. the albanian asylum seeker was found unresponsive aboard the barge in dorset on the 12th of december. the coroner said there weren't thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the 27 year old, and a pre—inquest review is to be held on the 9th of july next year. the labour leader says there's a real and constant threat to europe from russia, as he visits the british troops in estonia . the british troops in estonia.
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sir keir starmer says that he has been watching training sessions on a nato base bordering with russia. he said he's there to show his commitment to the military alliance, and thanked servicemen and women for their courage, integrity, their loyalty and professionalism . sir keir warned professionalism. sir keir warned that the west must not lose sight of moscow's threat to europe . europe. >> i'm here to say thank you to our troops here in estonia who are based on the border, pretty much with russia for the work they're doing, keeping us safe , they're doing, keeping us safe, they're doing, keeping us safe, the work they're doing for nato, but also to reaffirm our unshakeable commitment for nato and our unshakeable commitment to ukraine, and to remind and everybody that russia is a constant threat , not just now, constant threat, not just now, but into the future as well. >> in sport , the eu's top court >> in sport, the eu's top court has ruled that fifa and uefa acted illegally in blocking the creation of the european super
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league, the proposed league involving 12 of europe's biggest clubs , including six english clubs, including six english teams, was announced in april 2021, but it collapsed shortly afterwards. now a judge has ruled that uefa blocking the formation of such a competition is contrary to eu law . the court is contrary to eu law. the court said both fifa and uefa are abusing their dominant position in the sport. it also said the ruling does not mean that such a competition as the super league must necessarily be approved in future. meanwhile home secretary james cleverly said the government is deeply uncomfortable with the european super league. >> we've made it clear that, i mean football is fundamentally a community sport. >> we've got one of the most competitive leagues in the world andifs competitive leagues in the world and it's great because it is competitive . we were deeply competitive. we were deeply uncomfortable with the breakaway league. the fans told us they didn't want a breakaway league . didn't want a breakaway league. >> the fans told us they wanted us to take action, so we have taken action. we'll continue to do to make sure that fan led do so to make sure that fan led review and the findings that
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have of it are have come out of it are implemented and will be underpinned . underpinned through legislation. >> winds of up to 115 miles an houn >> winds of up to 115 miles an hour, a battering parts of the uk as storm pier brings chaos to pre—christmas travel. one man has been taken to hospital after a tree fell on his car in derbyshire . meanwhile, british derbyshire. meanwhile, british airways flights have been disrupted and national rail is reporting that routes across scotland and parts of england and wales are also affected. it comes as a yellow weather warning is in place in scotland until 9:00 this evening. it also covers belfast, newcastle and manchester and there's more disruption to the christmas getaway with the euro tunnel services temporarily suspended due to unexpected strikes by french staff. at least . 24 french staff. at least. 24 eurostar trains have been cancelled and the eurotunnel website issued an apology , website issued an apology, saying further updates will be provided shortly. the disruption is affecting journeys to and from london, threatening christmas plans for thousands of travellers . this is gb news
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travellers. this is gb news across the uk. we're on your tv, in your car, digital radio and on your smart speaker now though. more from . martin though. more from. martin >> thank you sam. now let's get the very latest from prague, where a gunman on we now understand has killed more than 15 people. our homeland security edhon 15 people. our homeland security editor, mark white, is still with me. now. mark i believe there's a press conference at present, but fresh details emerging . emerging. >> yeah, as we speak , you can >> yeah, as we speak, you can see the images there of the police chief in prague surrounded by other officials, giving the very latest details . giving the very latest details. he has confirmed that more than 15, more than 15 people are dead , including the gunman . after , including the gunman. after the shooting at the charlie university at the faculty of arts . he is university at the faculty of arts. he is also university at the faculty of arts . he is also confirmed that arts. he is also confirmed that the alleged gunman was a student
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at the faculty of arts as well. there are reports that he had been posting on social media in the last day or so about his desire to carry out a mass shooting that he was fed up, that he he was hated by people and that he hated people all in return , the police chief has return, the police chief has also confirmed that the gunman's father was found dead earlier this morning, and that there was a search ongoing for the gunman in the aftermath of the discovery of this man's body , discovery of this man's body, where we now know, of course, that this gunman went on to go to the faculty of arts, where he was a student and to open fire within that university campus and out of the university campus from a position on the rooftop there , where he rested on an
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there, where he rested on an automatic weapon , a long automatic weapon, a long barrelled weapon that he was firing down into the streets below. so some very significant detail coming out from the chief of police there in prague in the early hours, really, of this incident, it only happened just a few hours ago . so the police a few hours ago. so the police chief confirmed , saying that the chief confirmed, saying that the body of the gunman was found within the faculty of arts building . there were reports building. there were reports that this gunman had taken his own life that would appear to be, uh , indicative of what the be, uh, indicative of what the chief of police is saying. there he's not saying that his officers killed this individual, but simply that his body was found within the faculty of arts itself . um, we can hopefully itself. um, we can hopefully show you as we continue to monitor the police press
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conference for any more lines that might come out. uh some video that was taken from inside one of the classrooms within the university and within the faculty of arts, where you can quite clearly hear , uh, gunshot quite clearly hear, uh, gunshot ringing out as those students were barricaded into that classroom itself. let's have a look at that footage . clearly absolutely terrifying for those students within that faculty building. but they did
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exactly what they're supposed to do. they're not used to mass shootings in the czech republic. many european countries don't see what they see unfolding in the us, but they've seen of course, many, many of these mass shootings in the us, and they're aware of that shelter in place rule , uh, to barricade yourself rule, uh, to barricade yourself into a place of safety, try to keep a gunman from entering the room that you're in. and that's exactly what many of those students and teachers did. within that university itself. and that may well have saved more lives . and that may well have saved more lives. but and that may well have saved more lives . but very, very more lives. but very, very disturbing news coming out from the police chief there as his confirming to the press in the centre of prague that more than 15 people have died , including 15 people have died, including the gunman at this stage, the injury toll is at 30. we've had no indication from the police chief that there are any more injured than that, but nine of
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those who were injured were reported to be in a serious condition. >> okay . thanks, mark. now we >> okay. thanks, mark. now we can speak to retired metropolitan police officer norman brennan. norman, thanks for joining us. more than 15 forjoining us. more than 15 dead now the gunman was a student at the faculty of arts at the university there in prague. earlier on, murdered his father, then gone on a rampage very heavily armed, 30 injured, nine. seriously, that's the current toll. norman, a huge and significant police operation will now ensue . will now ensue. >> you're absolutely . um. >> you're absolutely. um. >> you're absolutely. um. >> no, we don't know whether it's a terrorist attack or not, but i think, martin, it's a timely reminder of the anger and hatred around the world, especially with the war in ukraine. and over in israel and hamas and the demonstrations we've seen on london and more worrying is how many people are entering this country.
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fortunately, very few people , fortunately, very few people, uh, can get hold of firearms . uh, can get hold of firearms. >> if you're a top drawer criminal or you're in a criminal gang, there is a chance that you can get a hold of a firearm. but in in general, you've got you get hold of knives, you use , uh, vehicles. >> well, we all know that we have fortuitously not been attacked like france, paris and all these european countries , all these european countries, but it only takes one person to enter this country with a weapon such as the one that we've seen used this afternoon. >> and devastating pain can be caused on the streets of britain. >> now, if we don't know who's coming into this country or who self—radicalize . is, that is in self—radicalize. is, that is in this country that already flies below the radar. >> this could happen in britain at any time, and it's only for the grace of god. we haven't had such attacks apart from in dunblane and hungerford, which were several decades ago. >> but when we look over the
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waters , i think it's about time waters, i think it's about time that we should start looking at our own land and seeing how safe we really are . we really are. >> thank you. norman, i need to cut back now to mark white. mark, i believe we have some fresh details emerging. >> yeah, we'll back you >> yeah, we'll come back to you in second. norman but just in a second. norman but just want bring the very latest on want to bring the very latest on the injury total. we're told that 24 people are hurt. so that might be an indication because we were told before that 30 people had been wounded . the people had been wounded. the fact that the number of dead has risen to 15th may be an indication that actually those seriously injured, some of those at least have died. so 24 injured now and 5018 have been killed, which includes the gunman. one important confirmation from the police chief giving this news conference since the mass shooting. he said, is not linked to international terrorism . the to international terrorism. the gunman was 24 years old and he
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came from a village 13 miles out side prague. now the police confirmed as well that the suspect's father was found dead at that house in this village, 13 miles from prague this morning. so some important new bits of information. if we get any more, will interrupt you again . norman. sorry about that. again. norman. sorry about that. and norman bringing you back in now . how. >> now. >> um, the mayor of prague was talking about. this isn't the kind of thing that we're used to, but our world is changing . to, but our world is changing. we live in a world where individual shooters, for reasons we do not know, are entirely clear, can go on a spree. and the worst thing is that this cannot be solved. prevent actively. so norman clearly here the mayor saying these random events cannot be predicted. they cannot be controlled. and as you alluded to earlier, norman, that means it could happen anywhere, including it
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including in britain. it absolutely can't be predicted . absolutely can't be predicted. >> uh, m15 and m16 in britain, uh, they saved many, uh, terrorist attacks . well, we're terrorist attacks. well, we're not necessarily saying this is a terrorist attack, but as the mayor over at prague says that supposing somebody hates us so much in britain that flies below the radar from the police, m15, mr mi6, the british national that was under no suspicion whatsoever, all they have to do is to get hold of a weapons such as the one used over in prague, and look at the devastation that they could cause. it could be london. could be oxford, london. it could be oxford, liverpool, manchester. they only have to choose their area . and have to choose their area. and what is there that we can do to stop unfortunately , stop them? and unfortunately, fate sometimes is a part of life i >> -- >> okay. norman brennan , we'll >> okay. norman brennan, we'll come back to this story. thanks for joining us on the show. we'll have lots more from prague. very shortly. but now to news that thousands of passengers have been left stranded at euston and saint
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pancras stations last minute eurostar strikes and cancelled trains have caused mass disruption at two of london's busiest train stations. and join me now from saint pancras station is gb news reporter charlie peters. charlie the christmas getaway is starting and this has thrown a spanner in the works . the works. >> that's right on one of the busiest travel days of the year, tens of thousands of journeys have been disrupted this afternoon and this evening out of london. earlier today , of london. earlier today, striking action by french staff meant that some 25 eurostar services going out of saint pancras international have been cancelled. that disruption, expected to continue until 7 pm, although eurostar has said p.m, although eurostar has said that people on several services services after that time can anticipate some disruption here at king's cross. there have also been significant disruptions to the east coast main line . lner, the east coast main line. lner, the east coast main line. lner, the service they're releasing footage of a tree that had
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collapsed on lines near doncaster, causing significant disruption, which it expects to be relieved after about 5:30 pm. however, there are p.m. however, there are thousands of people queuing inside this ticket hall here and then just down the road at euston. significant disruption to the west coast main line avanti west coast the service provider there, saying that a tree had fallen down in the hemel hempstead area due to those winds by storm. pier up . those winds by storm. pier up. to 115mph recorded by the met office earlier today, beating the highs of 80 recorded earlier in the afternoon. so disruption expected to clear later this evening. but the departure boards at both stations still showing significant disruption. and if you're hoping to drive home for christmas with this disruption on the rails, there have also been reports of some roads being blocked off in in yorkshire due to issues. there with and some 40,000 with the wind and some 40,000 homes in yorkshire losing power
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due to the impact of this storm. yellow weather warnings have been issued throughout the uk due to ice and snow, and we are anticipating more disruption to rail and roads later this evening. thank you charlie peters for that update. >> travel chaos at euston and saint pancras now a reminder of this afternoon's big breaking news story. more than 15 people have been killed after a mass shooting in prague, police say the gunman has been eliminated on martin daubney on gb news, britain's
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that i knew had dbs and co weeknights from six. >> will eight get off this christmas eve and christmas day ? christmas eve and christmas day? >> wake up with gb news for the finest festive start to your christmas for you and the whole family. breakfast on family. christmas breakfast on gb news. christmas eve and christmas day from 6 am. >> i got you this. christmas day from 6 am. >> i got you this . oh good. >> i got you this. oh good. >> i got you this. oh good. >> okay. um i got you a little something . uh oh. something. uh oh. >> sure. it's nice . >> sure. it's nice. >> welcome back. 521. let's get the very latest now from prague, where a gunman has killed more than 15 people. our home security editor, mark white, is still with me in the studio. so mark, lots and lots of details have emerged in the past few minutes. what's the latest? yeah. >> police chief in prague giving
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us some some important new information. and chief amongst that was the fact that that death toll has now risen to 15 people, including the gunman and that gunman, according to the police in prague, was a 24 year old student from the faculty of arts . from the very building arts. from the very building that he opened fire on earlier this afternoon. you can see, uh, the police presence around that building, which is in the old town in the centre of prague . it town in the centre of prague. it remains sealed off this evening as the police continue to their room to room search. now they're telling us that 24 people, martin, have been injured. earlier that was at 30. but i think an indication that the death toll has risen and the number of injured has decreased. probably indicates that those nine seriously injured , some of nine seriously injured, some of them have now succumbed to their
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injuries . them have now succumbed to their injuries. um, we them have now succumbed to their injuries . um, we can show you injuries. um, we can show you some video actually, from one of the classrooms within the university . faculty of arts, university. faculty of arts, where the gunman was opening fire. students and staff within one of the classrooms had the good sense to barricade themselves in. and as the gunshots were ringing out, let's take a listen to this. you can quite clearly hear that . yeah.i yeah. i mean, clearly absolutely terrifying . and they can do terrifying. and they can do nothing other than keep themselves locked in that room. there is another still image that we've got that shows actually chairs, tables and other bits of furniture that has
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been put up against the door in one of the classrooms as well there. uh, just not an indication, i think , which is, indication, i think, which is, you know, it's sad in one way that it's indicative of this is what's got to be uppermost in the thinking of people in crowded places these days . but crowded places these days. but good that people seem to know what to do because they've seen so many of these mass shootings in the us . and they know that, in the us. and they know that, you know, the best thing to do is shelter place, try and is shelter in place, try and barricade yourself into a room to stop the gunman getting to you because you know, if they try a door they can't get through the door. they usually move to on a next room. that tends to the pattern here, tends to be the pattern here, but what we are still waiting to find out and what was not clear from that press conference with the police chief, is whether the gunman, a student at the faculty of arts himself, opened fire within the university or fired
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from the university . we the from the university. we the indications would seem to suggest that he must have been firing within the university as well, and that confirmation , as well, and that confirmation, as i say, that this was a student there, 24 years old, who had been posting on social media saying that he hated , uh, saying that he hated, uh, everybody that everybody hated him, that he wanted to carry out a mass shooting and emulate a number of other mass shootings that are taking place in recent weeks, including one in russia. >> and we also spoke to a journalist in prague on the show earlier, mark, who confirmed that the gunman had earlier in the day murdered his own father. >> yes . this the day murdered his own father. >> yes. this again , uh, more >> yes. this again, uh, more information that came out from the police chief's news conference since confirming that the gunman lived in in a village, that village was just 21km. 13 miles outside prague. and it was at that location then
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that police found the body of this gunman's father this morning . and then there was, uh , morning. and then there was, uh, a very sustained manhunt looking for this gunman, of course, who then turned up at the university opening fire. >> and we have some latest live pictures . there we go. there's pictures. there we go. there's a large crowd gathering in prague . large crowd gathering in prague. um, mark, i assume that either as a mark of solidarity or sheer curiosity , but this is a huge, curiosity, but this is a huge, huge area and an active crime scene. now mark. >> yes. and what is happening? because as i said to you over the last couple of hours , uh, the last couple of hours, uh, the last couple of hours, uh, the operation is still underway in terms of trying to clear those massive buildings, those faculties with, uh, there are dozens and dozens of classrooms and other, um, room rooms. um, uh , sort of facilities within uh, sort of facilities within the faculty that have to be cleared slowly. but surely, as they do that , then you will have
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they do that, then you will have people within the building being brought out. we've seen other images of them being escorted out with their hands on their heads. out with their hands on their heads . it's a out with their hands on their heads. it's a bit undignified , heads. it's a bit undignified, maybe a bit frightening for them, but it's a small price to pay them, but it's a small price to pay because the police , at the pay because the police, at the end of the day, don't know who is a threat and who isn't. so it's standard procedure to take them out in single file with their hands on top of their heads, out to where other police officers will be waiting. they're just can quickly assess who they are, whether they're armed, they'll quickly patted down to make sure that they're not a threat. and then they're given proper care and attention. medical attention , interviewed medical attention, interviewed properly in the fullness of time as to what they saw and heard and what they might know about the gunman as to say, according to the police, he was a student at that university. >> and we also have some footage from couple hours ago when from a couple of hours ago when this shooting started of people simply fleeing for their lives. obviously, the shooter was up on
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the balcony at this time. mark. there we go. shooting downwards, causing mass panic. >> yeah. so you had mass panic in square below with people in the square below with people running the police vehicles entering the scene by themselves becoming , uh, you know, getting becoming, uh, you know, getting into the line of fire. and you can see the hundreds, thousands, probably of people that were in that area just running, trying to get to safety because this gunman was on, as we know , on gunman was on, as we know, on the rooftop in an elevated position , able to pick out position, able to pick out people below , which is what he people below, which is what he was doing over a sustained penod was doing over a sustained period of time. so people had to get out of the way when the police arrived, they were in the line of fire as well. there was other images showing those police officers taking up covering positions behind street furniture. uh, in, in and out of the way of the line of fire of this gunman who we can see from this gunman who we can see from
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this still image with his long barrelled weapon, the two, uh, um , rests at the end of that um, rests at the end of that long barrelled weapon , uh, to long barrelled weapon, uh, to allow him to perch the weapon on the end there. and this remarkable image showing about a dozen or so students, uh, from the faculty of arts, who climbed out onto a ledge, ducking below that to get out of the line of fire in the hope that the gunman does not see them. hopefully they were all safe, but it must have been utterly terrifying for them as this incident was unfolding and the type of weaponry on display there, more sophisticated and heavy duty sniper scope, the amount of people hurt, the amount of people hurt, the amount of people killed , indicative of a people killed, indicative of a serious amount of ammunition. >> here's a good man who went heavily prepared, heavily armed, and caused absolute chaos. >> there is no doubt that this
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man had murder , uh, as his man had murder, uh, as his intention when he set out today with that weapon, with the ammunition, as you say. and with the posts that had been put on the posts that had been put on the telegram account and on social media saying how much he hated his fellow students, how much they hated him, and the fact that he wanted to commit mass murder , that he was mass murder, that he was inspired by a number of recent mass shootings . one of them, mass shootings. one of them, just this month in russia as well, involving a young child. uh, so that apparently he to some extent at least was an inspiration for him. quite what it was that sent him over the edge that caused him to murder his father , and then to try and his father, and then to try and open fire and take all these lives. we don't know. um, but the police still there are in this historic part of prague at the moment, as this remains an
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active crime scene even as they try to account for everybody that was in that university campus. okay >> mark white, thank you for bringing us up to speed. of course, we'll bring you all the updates from prague as and when we get them. but first is your latest news headlines with sam francis . francis. >> martin, thank you. good evening. the headlines from the gb news room. emergency services in prague say more than 14 people have been killed in a mass shooting at a prague university. dozens more are wounded. the gunman's body has also been found in the area. czech police are reporting the suspect's father was also found dead earlier today. suspect's father was also found dead earlier today . officers dead earlier today. officers responded to reports of a shooter at around 2:00 uk time this afternoon. we understand he opened fire from a roof in downtown prague, reports say the shooter was a student at the faculty of arts at charles university. and in the last few moments, we've heard that the
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police in prague are saying at this stage it's not expected to be a terrorist incident here in the uk. a murder investigation has been launched after a four year old boy died following a knife attack in east london. the metropolitan police say they received a call just before 11:00 last night, raising concerns for the welfare of a child at a property in hackney. the boy was found with knife injuries and was taken to hospital, where he later died. a 41 year old woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder . arrested on suspicion of murder. an inquest into the death of the asylum seeker aboard the bibby stockholm barge has found that he died from compression of the neck caused by hanging. the albanian asylum seeker was found unresponsive aboard the barge on the 12th of december. the coroner said they weren't there weren't thought to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the 27 year old, a pre—inquest review is to be held in july next year, and there's more travel disruption for the christmas getaway , with all eurotunnel getaway, with all eurotunnel services temporary suspended.
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that's due to unexpected strikes by french staff. at least 24 eurostar trains have been cancelled and the eurotunnel website has issued an apology, adding further updates will be provided shortly. the disruptions , the disruption, disruptions, the disruption, rather, is affecting journeys to and from london, threatening the christmas plans for thousands of travellers . you can get more on travellers. you can get more on all of those stories by visiting our website . for our website for a valuable legacy your family. our website for a valuable legacy your family . can valuable legacy your family. can own, gold coins will always shine bright. >> rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> well, here's a quick look at the markets today. the pound will buy you $1.2671 and ,1.1533. the price of gold, £1,612.49 per ounce, and the ftse 100 has closed at 7694
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points. >> rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> thank you sam. now let's get the very latest from prague, where a gunman has killed at least 15 people and now home security editor mark white is still with me in the studio. mark, um , obviously a very mark, um, obviously a very traumatic event, but some good news. a british couple who were taking their honeymoon in the city, caught in the crossfire , city, caught in the crossfire, as it were. what's their story ? as it were. what's their story? >> well, they're safe, which is good. we were saying before . good. we were saying before. what? you know, a honeypot , if what? you know, a honeypot, if you like. prague is for people from all around the world. it's an absolutely beautiful city, especially in the old city. and people will go there. will this couple from merton in surrey , couple from merton in surrey, tom lees and his wife rachel , tom lees and his wife rachel, just newly married , had gone to
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just newly married, had gone to prague for their honeymoon. they were in a restaurant in the museum in a bar. they're just having a drink. museum in a bar. they're just having a drink . when this police having a drink. when this police officer burst in, shouting instructions . means in czech to instructions. means in czech to everyone to get down, to stay in place. because of the situation outside. now he of course tom lees didn't know what this police officer was saying as he was speaking in czech , so asked was speaking in czech, so asked him to speak in english, and the officer then was able to tell them that the there was an active shooter situation and they should share water in place. that's what they did. they are safe, but understandably, of course, very shaken by what has happened here. and interesting. >> they were saying the staff were very calm. they turned off all the lights and urges to stay calm. the restaurant was relatively quiet. the policeman left urgently and we stood in the corner of the restaurant
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with everyone else being so calm. it didn't seem real to me, said mr lees. but it seems on that evidence handled very , very that evidence handled very, very well, kept them calm and kept them safe inside. >> yes, absolutely . and we can >> yes, absolutely. and we can now confirm that perhaps no surprise that the attack at charles university, uh, that the, the arts faculty there is the, the arts faculty there is the worst fatal shooting since czech independence . it's some 30 czech independence. it's some 30 years ago . the most recent years ago. the most recent shooting before this was in 2019, when , uh, at a hospital in 2019, when, uh, at a hospital in ostrava , when a man opened fire ostrava, when a man opened fire in a trauma clinic, waiting room and killed four people. so this massively , uh, more, uh , massively, uh, more, uh, significant in terms of the number of people who were affected , as we mentioned before affected, as we mentioned before , the, uh, suspect now dead, was 24 years old and a student at the faculty , we were told that
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the faculty, we were told that his lifeless body was found in the faculty of arts building. uh, so an indication from the police that they didn't shoot him, that they discovered , uh, him, that they discovered, uh, the man's body , which would the man's body, which would appear to then corroborate the other multiple reports that were getting that actually, this gunman had taken his own life . gunman had taken his own life. um, we are told that the, uh, this gunman began shooting on the fourth floor of the faculty of arts building that students in the faculty , in common with in the faculty, in common with students , uh, across europe, students, uh, across europe, were about to end their academic semester , uh, tomorrow and ahead semester, uh, tomorrow and ahead of that, were there , you know, of that, were there, you know, saying their goodbyes and just having a kind of leisurely christmas day really , uh, christmas day really, uh, festive , uh, end of, uh, festive, uh, end of, uh, semester period there before .
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semester period there before. they were about to split up for the festive period. we're told at 200 students were moved quickly , uh, to safety over the quickly, uh, to safety over the road to contemporary arts gallery building that was across the road , uh, hundreds of the road, uh, hundreds of others. shelter in place, of course, from the video that we were showing you in the in the classroom arms. >> and there's a fresh line coming out here. a director of a gallery at a concert hall across the square saying, i saw a young person on the gallery who had some weapon in his hand, like an automatic weapon, and shooting towards the mains bridge repeatedly, with some interruptions . and then i saw as interruptions. and then i saw as he put his hands up he shot put his hands up and threw weapon down on the threw the weapon down on the street. it lay there on the pedestrian crossing , so that may pedestrian crossing, so that may add fresh information. whether he took his own life or whether he took his own life or whether he was taken down by the police. this would seem to indicate maybe the police took him down after dropped weapon. maybe the police took him down afthis dropped weapon. maybe the police took him down afthis can'opped weapon. maybe the police took him down afthis can be )ed weapon. maybe the police took him down afthis can be corroborated,'eapon. if this can be corroborated, well , it's possible, if this can be corroborated, well, it's possible, think well, it's possible, and i think , as i said to you a few hours
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ago now, still stories ago now, um, still stories evolve and all we can do is honestly, uh, bring the information that we have , uh, to hand. >> and that was initial indication from the police that the suspect had been eliminated . the suspect had been eliminated. we took that to mean the police had shot him. then there were reports coming out saying that they believe the gunman had taken his own life and from what the police chief said was , is the police chief said was, is that his lifeless body was found dead, uh, within the faculty of arts, perhaps this corroborated the suggestion that he took his own life, but it's perfectly possible that, um , those possible that, um, those firearms officers who would have been on site and taking up positions were able to take the gunman out. we'll know in the hours ahead, and it's worth repeating. >> the interior minister has told reporters there is no indication at this time that this has any link to international terrorism. >> yeah, the police quite explicit about that at this
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stage , it appears, uh, to be an stage, it appears, uh, to be an act of vengeance, of some kind. a person who has flipped , uh, a person who has flipped, uh, who has decided to kill his own father for whatever reason, who's been posting about how much he hated , uh, his fellow much he hated, uh, his fellow students and who wanted to commit mass murder. uh, clearly , commit mass murder. uh, clearly, other news agencies have been . other news agencies have been. speaking to people in prague as well, getting reactions from people, uh, a local tv reporter called katerina . volavkova uh, called katerina. volavkova uh, from a foreign news channel called tv nova , uh, near the called tv nova, uh, near the site of the attack when it occurred and she said that everyone is in shock . she went everyone is in shock. she went on to say personally , i never on to say personally, i never experienced anything like this in prague. i watched students being evacuated and i had tears in my eyes that they had to witness this, she said , um, she witness this, she said, um, she said this is the busiest season
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for prague. not not surprising. as i say, it is a beautiful european city. she, uh, that people would be attracted to, especially at christmas. um uh, she said, we've had , uh, our she said, we've had, uh, our most famous christmas market, uh, and it brings, uh, my, you know, breaks my heart. she says that visitors here had to witness this and were caught up in the terrible mass shooting as this gunman , from that high this gunman, from that high vantage point there opened fire on the thousands of people below. >> and as the news percolates globally, mark and world leaders are commenting, um, zelenskyy in ukraine says shocking reports of tragic events in prague. innocent people were killed and injured. my sincere condolences to the families of the victims. i wish those injured a speedy recovery and emmanuel macron, of course, president of france , course, president of france, expressing solidarity with the victims. and if you're just joining us, a reminder of this afternoon's big breaking news story, at least 15 people have
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been killed after a mass shooting in prague . police say shooting in prague. police say the gunman has been eliminated. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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p.m. only on gb news, the people's channel, britain's news channel. people's channel, britain's news channel . welcome channel. welcome. back. >> it's 546. you're watching martin daubney on gb news. and now let's get the very latest from prague where a gunman has
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killed at least 15 people are now homeland security after mark white still with me in the white is still with me in the studio. so mark, for the benefit of those joining us late , can we of those joining us late, can we have a recap of this horrific day in prague? >> yeah, we had very important >> yeah, we had a very important update police in update from the police in prague. there they weren't into for quite a bit of detail, uh, about the, the shooting, the fact that the suspect was 24 years old. he was himself a student at the faculty of arts at charles university in the old town in prague and ancient university, well regarded and um and that suspect is among the dead , his lifeless body. the dead, his lifeless body. the police say, was found within the faculty of arts. what's unclear at this time, martin, is whether the gunman took his own life or whether he was taken out by the armed police , who got to the armed police, who got to the scene , um, and were obviously.
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scene, um, and were obviously. able to pinpoint where this man was on the roof of the building that you're looking at at the moment, that's looking down towards faculty of art. and towards the faculty of art. and as the police adopted their covering positions there, because they were right in the line of fire themselves as they arrived on the scene in this central square, uh, over looking the university , um, other the university, um, other students were actually, um , students were actually, um, perched very precarious out on the ledge and credible images of about a dozen students who clearly felt . they had nowhere clearly felt. they had nowhere else to go than to climb over, uh, and onto the ledge itself and then just duck down behind the ledge to try to avoid the gunman who was perched for there. down that balcony. uh firing down onto the street below. now, according to the police chief, martin, he said
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that the gunman opened fire initially started firing on the fourth floor of the faculty of arts campus. um what we don't know is whether he actually targeted actively any of the classrooms within the faculty or whether he used because it may have been the balcony. he was on, looked probably about the fourth floor. it was , um, you fourth floor. it was, um, you know, it was a few floors up, certainly. um it may be that he just used a position, an area he knew well, being a student there to get a high level position , to get a high level position, uh, vantage point to shoot down into the square . into the square. >> and two key points that came out the czech interior minister saying there is no indication that this crime has any link to international terrorism, but a salient point that came out from the police chief, mark was earlier in the day , the gunman earlier in the day, the gunman had murdered his own father. >> yeah. the gunman lived in a
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village which is we're told about 13 miles. uh 13 miles outside prague, 21km outside prague. and it was at that location this morning that the body of the gunman's father was discovered in that property that they lived in. and then it was a very detailed manhunt for this gunman , uh, who had also then gunman, uh, who had also then been posting on social media of his desire to carry out a mass shooting . the fact, he said that shooting. the fact, he said that he'd been inspired by a number of recent mass shootings, that was actually confirmed by the police chief in the news conference that he gave that this gunman had said he had been inspired by recent mass shooting events , in particular, one in events, in particular, one in russia just earlier this month, uh, in which a young girl was
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caught up in that shooting as well . um, so caught up in that shooting as well. um, so the gunman in, uh, at that point had gone to the university . he clearly the university. he clearly the police responded quickly. now in the czech republic, like many european countries, is you'll have armed officers, but usually most of them, they're carrying sidearms, which is not at all suitable for coming up against someone with a long barrelled weapon from a high position . so weapon from a high position. so they rely . on on those specially they rely. on on those specially trained firearms officers just like in the united states , like in the united states, you've got special weapons and tactic officers , swat officers, tactic officers, swat officers, we call them. every country has their own version of that and we saw them arriving on the scene and taking up positions to be able to deal with the gunman as they push forward. and they push forward as quickly as they can, but they've got to safeguard their own uh, uh, positions as
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well to make sure that they don't become , uh, a victim of don't become, uh, a victim of the gunman . so that takes time . the gunman. so that takes time. and while they're doing that, this gunman was still clearly in a position to be able to fire down, uh, to take out people on the ground. and we now know, according to that police chief, that at this stage, more than 15 people have been killed in 24 others have been injured . and it others have been injured. and it may be that as the hours and minutes tick on and as the police continue their systematic search of all of the buildings and all of the rooms within the various university faculties and campuses in this area, that they find more casualties, we can only hope that they don't. but we know that from similar incidents in the states , as he incidents in the states, as he searches are carried out , more searches are carried out, more victims emerge. >> it's just a recap. more than 15 dead in a mass shooting in
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prague. the gunman confirmed 24 years of age dead. a student at the faculty of arts. um earlier in the day had killed his own father. um was eyewitness reports say he threw his gun to the ground, put his arms up. we still don't know if he took his own life or was taken down by the police . and obviously a huge the police. and obviously a huge crime scene is underway. we can see there are people fleeing these random, um , gunfire. these random, um, gunfire. people hiding on balconies, barricading themselves into doors, guns , shots ringing out doors, guns, shots ringing out across this historic city. a british couple there on their honeymoon confirmed as safe . i'm honeymoon confirmed as safe. i'm joined in the studio now by michelle dewberry michelle. astonishing scenes. >> well, yeah, i mean absolutely awful. i was watching some of that footage that you've just been playing there, and when you listen to it with the sound as well, you hear those gunshots, it's terrifying. and you imagine, know, caught imagine, you know, being caught up that. up in something like that. you're running and
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you're just you're running and just for the best, aren't just hoping for the best, aren't you? and, there was you? and, you know, there was children in pushchairs as well. you that on your you had some of that on your footage as well, didn't you? just unimaginable. it just unimaginable. isn't it absolutely unimaginable. >> mark the pictures, the >> and mark the pictures, the earliest pictures we saw of people just fleeing for their lives, clattering lives, just clattering downstairs, scattering absolute terror, absolute bedlam. your worst nightmare ? worst nightmare? >> yes. and i, i think, you know, if we can look to positives in such a wretched situation version one of the positives is the fact that because we've got so many of these mass shootings coming out from the us in particular, people know what to do if they're in buildings, which is shelter in place, lock themselves in, in this case to themselves in, in this case to the classrooms and offices, put chairs and tables and anything they can find to barricade the doors. because they know that a marauding gunman , they'll try, marauding gunman, they'll try, they might try and kick their way in the door, but if they can't , they move on to try and can't, they move on to try and find the next victims so that
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may well have saved many more lives here. >> okay, dramatic day in prague. we leave you with live images on screen. a mass shooting , more screen. a mass shooting, more than 15 dead, 24 hurt after the break is michelle dewberry with dewbs& co. i'll see you the same time tomorrow . time tomorrow. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar , the sponsors of whether solar, the sponsors of whether on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hello again, alex burkill here with your latest gb news, weather forecast as we go through the run up to christmas , through the run up to christmas, there will be some rain around for most of us and also a bit of snow over the higher ground of scotland. it's also looking windy, strongest windy, although the strongest winds far today winds we've seen so far today are to ease with the are starting to ease with the low pressure clearing low pressure system clearing away towards the east, it is still going to be blustery though, go through the though, as we go through the rest of today. some showers to watch out could heavy, watch out for. could be heavy, could some could see some hail, some thunder also sleet thunder and also some sleet or snow, some risks snow, bringing some ice risks across scotland, across parts of scotland, particularly shetland .
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particularly across shetland. however, as we go through the night, towards however, as we go through the nigieast towards however, as we go through the nigieast subsiding towards however, as we go through the nigieast subsiding as towards however, as we go through the nigieast subsiding as we owards however, as we go through the nigieast subsiding as we see �*ds the east subsiding as we see increasing amounts of cloud and some pushing in. and with some rain pushing in. and with those winds the cloud those strong winds and the cloud temperatures much temperatures not dropping much for of some places in for most of us, some places in the up in double the south holding up in double figures further figures but chillier further north across parts of scotland, a frost here as we go a touch of frost here as we go through also a touch of frost here as we go througfurther also a touch of frost here as we go througfurther sleet also a touch of frost here as we go througfurther sleet or also a touch of frost here as we go througfurther sleet or snow also some further sleet or snow possible modest higher possible over modest higher ground rain for ground. outbreaks of rain for many through friday many of us through friday itself. and it is looking like a generally day. but some generally cloudy day. but some bright skies, perhaps even bit bright skies, perhaps even a bit of sunshine developing in parts of sunshine developing in parts of the southwest in the afternoon. temperatures for many will down compared to will be a nudge down compared to today, but relatively mild today, but still relatively mild for the time of year in the south. colder south. but feeling colder in those winds. saturday those strong winds. saturday then gets off to a wet start across northern parts. some heavy rain building up across western parts of scotland, in particular drier further south. there are a few spots of rain and staying pretty cloudy. further rain to come. then as we go through christmas eve and christmas day itself and it is going at times going to be windy at times >> by that warm feeling
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>> two by that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers as sponsors of weather on .
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teenage killers of briannaj will be named. do you agree with that decision? should there ever be a case where a criminal has anonymity and of course, the junior doctors are still on strike? and are you still supporting them? and get this right , the police will be able right, the police will be able to run facial recognition searches on a database containing images of britain's 50 million driving licence holders . this 50 million driving licence holders. this is all under a new law that's been quietly shuffled in. do you support that? are you of the campaign? have you got nothing to hide? don't worry about it. or do you sit there and think, hang on just a second. that is my privacy that we are talking about. and bradford university is set to introduce scholarships for white working . good. working class males. good. that's i say. it's about that's what i say. it's about time. some positive attention finally went that group . do finally went to that group. do you agree


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