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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight  GB News  January 5, 2024 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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and rising river flooding and rising river levels. the met office is warning of possible power cuts and fears homes and businesses could be flooded. train operators are also warning services could be cancelled and to check before travelling . to check before travelling. detectives investigating the murder of a teenager stabbed on new year's eve in london are appealing now for the public's help . they've released images of help. they've released images of two people they want to identify and talk to after they were pictured in north london on sunday night. 16 year old harry pitman died during what's been described as an altercation in as crowds gathered on primrose hill in london to watch the new year's eve fireworks . prince year's eve fireworks. prince andrew has been reported to the police by the campaign group repubuc police by the campaign group republic , after more sexual republic, after more sexual allegations were revealed in epstein court documents in the united states, including an orgy with underage girls. bill clinton and the late professor stephen hawking are also among names mentioned among 150 others
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in the court documents detailing connections to the sex offender jeffrey epstein . many of those jeffrey epstein. many of those named are not accused of any wrongdoing , named are not accused of any wrongdoing, but the unsealed files are part of a civil lawsuit against epstein's associate, ghislaine maxwell , associate, ghislaine maxwell, who is herself serving a 20 year prison sentence for recruiting underage girls. for epstein . underage girls. for epstein. more documents are expected to be unsealed or unredacted in the coming days . a man has been coming days. a man has been arrested and remains in custody after multiple gunshots were fired in liverpool last night . a fired in liverpool last night. a 49 year old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and robbery, police said. it received reports of shots coming from a shop and further incidents outside a cinema. a nearby property in the croxteth and norris green areas of the city, no one was injured in any of the incidents . now the number of the incidents. now the number of the incidents. now the number of people putting up their homes for sale hit a record high on
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boxing day . property website boxing day. property website rightmove saying just over 10,000 new properties came on the market. that's the biggest number of people selling since 2011. the number of buyers contacting estate agents about homes for sale also jumped. that was 17% higher than on boxing . was 17% higher than on boxing. day 2022. on tv, online, dab+ radio and the tune in app this is gb news, britain's news channel. >> we are edging increasingly close to a coalition of chaos . close to a coalition of chaos. keir starmer used his new year speech today to do what he always does reveal absolutely nothing about what any of labour's policies are. oh hang on, hang on. wait. what's that? i think we've i think we've got a labour policy announcement. have. a labour policy announcement. have . we. oh no. we are just a have. we. oh no. we are just a country looking at a labour
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leader asking for some words other than non—dom tax status . other than non—dom tax status. he spoke today about restoring trust in politics. everyone . trust in politics. everyone. agrees as well that it's been like this for a while. >> that britain needs change, wants change is crying out for change, and yet trust in . change, and yet trust in. politics is now so low , so politics is now so low, so degraded that nobody believes you can make a difference anymore . trust. anymore. trust. >> this is sir flip flop we're talking about here. where was he on brexit? >> we agree that we put this decision out to the public for vote. >> yes. did we agree that we'd accept the result ? yes. have we accept the result? yes. have we got to accept the result? yes. so the first position is a matter of principle . matter of principle. >> yeah. then he said this . >> yeah. then he said this. >> yeah. then he said this. >> i'm really pleased that whatever outcome the next prime minister puts before us, whether that's a deal some sort or no that's a deal of some sort or no deal that's a deal of some sort or no deal, we've agreed that it must be subject to another referendum and in that referendum, remain
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must be an option , and labour must be an option, and labour will be campaigning for remain. he set out a £28 billion green investment plan, now he's rowing back on it. >> starmer wanted to bring pubuc >> starmer wanted to bring public services, rail, mail, energy and water into common ownership, nationalise them . ownership, nationalise them. then they've rolled it out, he wanted to protect free movement. now he's ruled it out. he stands with the unions. no, not physically , of course. whatever physically, of course. whatever you do as a labour mp, certainly a shadow frontbencher, please don't actually physically stand next to the unions because you might get sacked. obviously so when he says that he won't be hiking tax , do you believe him hiking tax, do you believe him now? it'll probably be 20 minutes before tax goes up which bnngs minutes before tax goes up which brings me on to the lib dem coalition of chaos. ed davey has parked his removals van on a tory blue wall, a reminder that it is still not illegal to drive in socks and sandals. and he officially said that he'd get into bed with the reds. >> i'm focussed on general election, i announced today that we think the general election
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should be on may the 2nd, and it couldn't come soon enough. we'll be tabling a bill in parliament next week, which would give mps the chance to call the general election, rather than rishi sunak and hiding sunak running away and hiding away . let's have that general away. let's have that general election need that election now, people need that change. yeah davey wants to have a £5 billion a year free social care plan. >> well, how would they pay for that without tax hikes? starmer appears to have ruled out just that, though a lib—lab coalition would almost definitely mean votes for kids. >> a big believer in 16 year olds being able to express their views have their vote and win darts tournaments . darts tournaments. >> labour wants to build 1.5 million homes. the lib dems want a load of local council seats by blocking planning applications. in september, ed refused in september, ed davey refused to answer seven times if the lib dems would push britain to rejoin the eu. neither read nor keir really appeared to know what a woman is. look, things are bad now. the tories have been utterly useless, utterly
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useless. okay but it is worth thinking about how chaotic an actual lib—lab coalition would be. let's get the thoughts now of my panel. we've got startel telegraph columnist allison pearson . we've got conservative pearson. we've got conservative peer lord bailey and the i'm just going to call you anarchist. it's lisa mckenzie . anarchist. it's lisa mckenzie. thank you very, very much. it's because, you know why? because i can't pronounce ethnographer. there are. okay, good luck. there we are. okay, good luck. alison, i'll start with you. how likely do you a coalition likely do you think a coalition of is ? of chaos is? >> think there'll be >> i don't think there'll be a coalition i think labour will get comfortable majority , get a comfortable majority, which based on clawing which will be based on clawing back snp seats in back a lot of snp seats in scotland and red wall voters who backed boris huge numbers are backed boris in huge numbers are massively upset with the non—conservative conservative government. i think the lib dems will pick up a few seats in the blue wall, but i think i think labour will. you won't like this, patrick, but i think they will get a comfortable majority on their own. and i'm hearing from senior sources in the conservative party that they are now out how how few
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now working out how how few seats they'll be to down two. and that's with reform only and with nigel farage and reform . with nigel farage and reform. and i think if it's with nigel farage and reform, we could be looking at going below 100 seats for the conservatives but should we yes we should, we be afraid? yes we should, absolutely. i think under keir starmer we would have, uh, an explosion of wokery. i think our woke civil service, woke universities, woke nhs. they would be given absolute licence to, you know , enforce pronouns to, you know, enforce pronouns on the rest of us. the and the net zero thing would go gangbusters and would penalise ordinary working . families. the ordinary working. families. the only consolation i can find shaun bailey is that lots of us are going to be under arrest for not using the correct pronouns, and to be a very and so it's going to be a very nice jail cell with a few of us, isn't it, sean? >> should be afraid >> should we be afraid of a lib—lab coalition? look, we absolutely should. >> i have some >> i unfortunately, i have some sympathy alison do sympathy for alison saying i do think labour a lot of
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think labour will get a lot of seats in scotland, which seats back in scotland, which will electoral will make them a real electoral risk. lib dems have risk. i think the lib dems have talked hooking talked about, um, hooking up with because know with labour because they know they any seats. they won't be getting any seats. they get a few down in they may get a few down here in the south east. there's some very cushy parts of the south—east south—west south—east and south—west that may support them, but i can't see red wall seats doing it. see the red wall seats doing it. if the choice is lib dem, labour or the dems or conservative, the lib dems don't quite don't stand a chance. quite frankly, the in the in the frankly, in the in the in the red do think red wall seats. but i do think it'll be a chaos and a real reason. it will be chaos is reason. it will be a chaos is because starmer built because keir starmer has built a coalition of disgruntled groups. all of those all of the isms, all of those things people things that he's brought people to all of to him. he has to please all of those and that's going those people, and that's going to and on top of to be impossible. and on top of that, how is he going to build the of things the economy? most of the things he's enormous he's pledged will cost enormous sums we forget him. sums of money. we forget him. we, the public, don't have it. there is no government money. all our money, and we don't have it. mean, there it. okay. i mean, lisa, there does too much does not appear to be too much of policy in sight at the of a policy in sight at the moment from labour. >> into bed with >> if they do get into bed with the dems, there's going the lib dems, there's going to be clashes over tax. be huge clashes over tax. there's be huge clashes there's going to be huge clashes over and over planning reform and building i mean, the one building houses. i mean, the one thing that appear be thing that doesn't appear to be
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much is for much of a clash on is votes for kids potentially, kids and potentially, maybe even, it, rejoining even, dare i say it, rejoining the eu. >> i don't think that's going to i think that's going to i don't think that's going to happen. worried happen. i'm not worried about it at start, how how at all. for a start, how how labour keir starmer? very labour is keir starmer? not very is actually is a very sort of pinky conservative actually the lib dems. let's be honest what they will do if they get even a hint of a smell of power, they will fall immediately and say we will fall immediately and say we will do whatever you want. you know, they have got they've got form on this . so i think rather form on this. so i think rather than sort of be worried about the future, let's learn some lessons from the past. you know, labouris lessons from the past. you know, labour is not labour. and the lib dems are what they've always beenis lib dems are what they've always been is quite yellow backed. >> you're saying that you're saying that, lisa, but keir starmer , when he was a starmer, when he was a barrister, represent did some of the most unpleasant, uh, islamists and jihadists and got them off and made them stay in our country when they should have been deported. so i can see him coming up, ramping up islamophobia to legislation,
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which is going to make it impossible for normal people to express their views. >> you don't think that there he was, just following the cab rank rule and his job? rule and doing his job? >> think he he said >> i think he he once said something basically any something like, basically any qualms about immigration in should make anybody feel uneasy. but he is not he is not a he. i think immigration is bad now. it will be ten times worse under laboun >> this this is the challenge. they've always used the word safe and legal routes . never safe and legal routes. never said what that's meant in the launch never said he launch today, never said what he will what's important will do. and what's important whilst opposition . of whilst you're in opposition. of course you're not giving too much but you have much policy, but when you have an it incumbent on an election it is incumbent on you tell people what you're you to tell people what you're going that he going to do. the fact that he hasn't that shows you hasn't done that shows you that he worried he'll he is worried about what he'll have well, every single have to do well, every single time that every single time. >> a lot of the time when he said something, it he it's there's been the old reverse ferret within i mean he ferret within seconds. i mean he talks in politics. i talks about trust in politics. i mean yeah, i get it, i get it that people will be shouting at their tv screens now saying,
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well, you know, come on, the tories better. we've had, tories are no better. we've had, you very squiffy on you know, very squiffy data on immigration. of immigration. we've had loads of problems to problems when it comes to conservative not conservative party i'm not denying i am denying that. but what i am saying know saying is we either don't know what at the what keir starmer wants at the moment he told us moment or or he told us something then reversed it. something and then reversed it. >> i think do know what >> i think we do know what keir starmer wants be starmer wants, he wants to be prime i think that's prime minister. i think that's it. is actually what it. that that is actually what keir starmer has always wanted . keir starmer has always wanted. he wants to be prime minister. i don't think fair enough though. >> i mean, in right >> i mean, he's in the right job, isn't he? >> he's that, >> if he's doing that, he's in the right he's doing the the right job, he's doing the right having no policy. right things. having no policy. um, really much, you um, not really saying much, you know, annoying know, not really annoying anybody real extent . anybody to any real extent. >> i've also been told that, uh , >> i've also been told that, uh, angela rayner is on a very tight leash indeed at the moment. >> i've heard that as well. >> i've heard that as well. >> she's. she's not allowed. no bevvies ange the moment bevvies for ange at the moment were she, you know, she's were until she, you know, she's got absolutely no going got to be absolutely no going around, know, half cut and around, you know, half cut and shouting because shouting tory scum because that'll you know. yeah. >> nothing banana republic >> nothing about banana republic but but the joke about but but but but the joke about him minister him wanting to be prime minister is quite true. is actually quite true. >> and that's why he hasn't
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strode out and said what he wants. the wants. he he just thinks the tories terrible . if tories have been terrible. if i keep enough, it'll all keep quiet enough, it'll be all about them, me. yeah. about them, not about me. yeah. the reason i once got in trouble for saying admire jeremy for saying i admire jeremy corbyn. i don't at all corbyn. i don't believe at all in his politics. couldn't in any of his politics. couldn't be away. but he told you be further away. but he told you what politics didn't what his politics was. he didn't lie if you voted for lie to you. if you voted for jeremy corbyn, you knew what you were if you for were getting. if you vote for keir starmer, could you say the same? >> that's why jeremy corbyn is a bad because he bad politician, because he actually tells everybody everything. people. yeah, everything. scared people. yeah, yeah, keir yeah, yeah. and that's why keir starmer looking at starmer is kind of looking at the playing field and going, i want top job. but want to be in the top job. but it comes back. >> reason i give to you >> the reason i give it to you in that way, because it comes back to trust, right? you may not corbyn. not have liked jeremy corbyn. i was fan, but you could was not a fan, but you could trust what he was saying. if keir wants to keir starmer wants to return to trust, switching trust, he can't keep switching all look we had keir all the time. look we had keir starmer coming out starmer essentially coming out today and saying 16 year olds should today and saying 16 year olds shoalison, this of >> alison, is this a way of trying the deck, do you trying to rig the deck, do you think for future generations, future think it would be >> yeah, i think it would be absolutely disastrous if they've figged absolutely disastrous if they've rigged through rigged the deck through immigration. they've basically brought client brought in, they've got client communities
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brought in, they've got client com they ties do brought in, they've got client comthey ties do with and they would do that with young who they've strove young people who they've strove to not have educated properly in schools democracy schools about democracy and freedom of speech. so that, to me is a very sinister prospect. i'd be very, very frightened by that. but you've got to accept, patrick. they're not voters are not keir starmer. not looking at keir starmer. they for they the visceral dislike for the tories is so great now that it will overrule any of the legitimate fears we're discussing. >> i want, i want to tell you alison is wrong, but she isn't. and i think rishi really needs to step out now. he needs to get out say, look, here's what out and say, look, here's what we're do. of this we're going to do. none of this managerial be bold. managerial stuff. be bold. >> let's, let's >> i think let's, let's, let's be we've the british be honest. we've got the british pubuc be honest. we've got the british public out there and the british be honest. we've got the british public always re and the british be honest. we've got the british public always rein1d the british be honest. we've got the british public always rein in.the british be honest. we've got the british public always rein in. youiritish be honest. we've got the british public always rein in. you know, we are a moderate. we are a moderate nation. i'm an anarchist. i'd love us to be more anarchic. we're not. we're a very moderate nation. we're quite the quite conservative with the small they start rolling small c once they start rolling out. if keir starmer out. you know, if keir starmer stands up and says, i'm going to give old the vote, give 16 year old the vote, i imagine everybody over the age of 25 go, is part of of 25 would go, this is part of the reason part the the reason this is part of the reason why raising the reason why i'm raising the lib—lab of chaos,
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lib—lab coalition of chaos, because can see that one because i can see that being one of lines the lib of the red lines for the lib dems, and just dems, potentially, and just quickly, you've not got dems, potentially, and just qui> i think they're just manoeuvring the person manoeuvring for the person who's going when sunak is going to take over when sunak is soundly okay. and soundly beaten. okay. and i think they are working out how bad is the defeat going to be. and they think it'll be bad if reform will probably take 10% in most tory, it's going stand most tory, it's going to stand in every tory in every single tory constituency. so they could take 10 to 13. if nigel attaches himself firmly to reform you could be looking at going over 50 between 15 and 20, and that would be that would take the tories below 100 seats. so what we're talking about now, patrick, is who who is going to be the next tory leader. kemi badenoch do you think she that's
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who your money's on? uh, yeah . who your money's on? uh, yeah. >> okay. well, on that bombshell , as they say, we will no doubt return to that at some point. but coming up, snowflake, british film bosses have slapped trigger old james trigger warnings on old james bond fears they bond movies over fears that they may will speak may cause offence. i will speak with actress and star bond girl jenny hanley on whether she thinks the likes of sir sean connery roger moore deserve connery and roger moore deserve to by the wokesters. to be targeted by the wokesters. but the head to head, but first, in the head to head, the is rocked by the royal family is rocked by yet allegations yet more shocking allegations about links to about prince andrew's links to the paedophile jeffrey the disgraced paedophile jeffrey epstein. refusing to epstein. but they're refusing to address it. does firm have address it. does the firm have to now comment on his behaviour? and prince andrew has been referred to the police by the anti—monarchy group republic. well, mail on sunday editor at large charlotte griffiths joins me and ceo of that anti—monarchy group , republic, graham smith, group, republic, graham smith, will also do battle on that imminently . that will be imminently. that will be fascinating. so i'm really looking forward to that. but before though , it is of before that though, it is of course, final week our course, the final week of our great british giveaway, your chance the latest iphone chance to win the latest iphone a spree worth and ten
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a shopping spree worth and ten grand in cash. yes, make sure that you don't miss out. lines close and here's how close on friday and here's how you win. you can win. >> the final week to see >> it's the final week to see how you could be the winner of the great british giveaway. >> your chance to grab three amazing prizes! first, there's £10,000 in tax free cash to spend however you like. what would you spend that on next? you'll receive a brand new iphone 15 pro max and finally, we'll send you on a shopping spree with £500 worth of vouchers to spend in your favourite store. but hurry as lines close at 5 pm. on friday for another chance to win the iphone.the for another chance to win the iphone. the vouchers and £10,000 cash text gb win to 84 9002. text cost £2 plus one standard network rate message or post your name and number to gb zero one, po box 8690. derby de192 ukip only entrance must be 18 or oven ukip only entrance must be 18 or over. lines close at 5 pm. this friday. full terms and privacy nofice friday. full terms and privacy notice at forward
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slash win. good luck . slash win. good luck. >> okay, in a matter of mere moments, i talk to the man who is trying to put prince andrew in prison. stay tuned
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on gb news. the people channel, britain's news channel . is britain's news channel. is patrick christys tonight only on gb news now coming up after the
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james bond franchise is the latest film series to be given woke trigger warnings, i'm joined by former bond girl jenny hanley , but it's time now for hanley, but it's time now for our head to head . now the royal our head to head. now the royal family are tonight battling yet more shocking allegations about prince andrew's links to the disgraced paedophile jeffrey epstein . epstein. >> a new court papers unsealed in the us last night. it is alleged that the duke york alleged that the duke of york groped breasts of johanna groped the breasts of johanna sjoberg , who was recruited by sjoberg, who was recruited by epstein's co—conspirator ghislaine maxwell, to work as a massage therapist. the documents also allege that prince andrew took part in a quote , underage took part in a quote, underage orgy on holiday at orgy whilst on holiday at jeffrey epstein's caribbean home and that one of epstein's victims, known only as jane doe three, was forced to have sex with the prince on three separate occasions, all while she was a minor. so far , she was a minor. so far, buckingham palace have refused to comment because andrew is no longer a working member of the royal family, but given the bombshell new allegations with the duke of york, as previously
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said, are categorically untrue. tonight i asking how much tonight i am asking how much longer the stay longer can the royals stay silent? firm have to silent? does the firm have to comment on his behaviour ? let me comment on his behaviour? let me know your thoughts. email me right now gb views at gb news. com tweet me at gb news. make sure you and take in our sure you go and take in our poll, is on twitter right poll, which is on twitter right now. debate this, i'm now. so to debate this, i'm joined by the editor at large of the mail sunday, charlotte the mail on sunday, charlotte griffiths, and the ceo of anti—monarchy republic , anti—monarchy group, republic, graham both of you, thank graham smith. both of you, thank you much. now, i hope you very much. now, i hope you're charlotte. you very much. now, i hope y normally charlotte. you very much. now, i hope ynormally ladiescharlotte. you very much. now, i hope ynormally ladiescharl
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taking this seriously and investigating this, because if they don't , what does that do in they don't, what does that do in terms of emboldening powerful men and thinking they can get away with this kind of thing? and what's that do in terms of the confidence of women reporting kind thing to reporting this kind of thing to the also, andrew the police? but also, andrew needs to be properly investigated, which so far investigated, which has so far not so we're saying not happened. so we're saying that the police need to respond. the parliament should be talking about this and the king should be responding about how much police got back and have you heard anything from the police, greg? no. well, i reported them today, police don't. and today, so the police don't. and today, so the police don't. and to honest , the police to be honest, the police don't normally you normally get back to you personally unless you're personally unless you're personally but um, uh, personally involved. but um, uh, you know, we do expect them to respond in some way. >> okay. um, charlotte, what do you make of that? the police should really be getting involved now. >> i think . >> i think. >> i think. >> i think the matter the matter is done. i mean, cressida dick said originally, didn't she, that no one is above the law, but . the, you know, the whole
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but. the, you know, the whole thing, the whole matter was dropped back at the back at the time and there's no real new evidence here, is there? >> i mean, it's the same stuff that that we've known about before. massive, before. there's nothing massive, massively i actually i massively new. so i actually i don't the will get massively new. so i actually i don'tto the will get massively new. so i actually i don'tto you, the will get massively new. so i actually i don'tto you, to; will get massively new. so i actually i don'tto you, to be will get massively new. so i actually i don'tto you, to be honest.l get graham >> okay. and charlotte , do you graham >> oithe and charlotte , do you graham >> oithe royal harlotte , do you graham >> oithe royalharlotteshould)u graham >> oithe royalharlotteshould be think the royal family should be commenting? would commenting? they are, some would say hiding behind the fact that he conveniently, he is now quite conveniently, no longer royal. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, royal. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, i royal. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, i mean, royal. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, i mean, it/al. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, i mean, it is. he is now quite conveniently, no lon yeah, i mean, it is quite >> yeah, i mean, it is quite convenient because that's the whole point. the whole reason they stripped andrew of his hrh status was so they wouldn't have to comment. and sort of to comment. and as a sort of punishment of sorts. but you know, the whole thing is, is that, you know, this will get dredged up. it seems to be an annual occurrence. and the royal family have taken really drastic, , action drastic, serious actions, action to they don't have to make sure they don't have to comment single it comment every single time it comes and again. so, comes up again and again. so, you know, yes, it is convenient . you know, yes, it is convenient. it it was of the plan. it's it it was part of the plan. it's the strategy. >> why should they not? >> okay. why should they not? >> okay. why should they not? >> know, is our head >> you know, charles is our head of a public of state. it's a public position. it's a monarchy, which means it's a family are in
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means it's a the family are in pubuc means it's a the family are in public positions. and when these things happening, 20 odd things were happening, 20 odd years ago. um, andrew, who was a, uh, official government trade envoy and he was an active member of the royal family on the taxpayers , uh, ticket. now, the taxpayers, uh, ticket. now, the taxpayers, uh, ticket. now, the fact that he's now left or stepped back or whatever is , is stepped back or whatever is, is neither here nor there, they have to answer questions about what? who knew what, when, why. it took them 11 years to get him to step down, despite the fact that we've known about these sorts things. uh, for so sorts of things. uh, for so long, we've known about his relationship epstein since relationship with epstein since 2011. about the 2011. we've known about the allegations against him since 2014. you would not be 2014. you know, you would not be saying , uh, no one would be saying, uh, no one would be saying, uh, no one would be saying, look, no, of course they don't have to comment or they should only comment to make this all away it a prime all go away. if it was a prime minister or a opposition leader or a any public figure , or a any other public figure, you know, public figures should be accountable and they should answer questions to the press, um, directly , not the questions, um, directly, not the questions, not the just simply put out statements, but actually answer
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questions and accountable to questions and be accountable to the public. >> mean, charlotte, is >> okay? i mean, charlotte, is it not maybe just going to hang around bad smell unless around like a bad smell unless they do comment, it will hang around smell. around like a bad smell. >> commenting they know >> but commenting is they know perfectly commenting if perfectly well commenting if prince charles or king charles were to comment, not were to comment, it would not make away . it would make were to comment, it would not mten away . it would make were to comment, it would not mten timesiway . it would make were to comment, it would not mten times worse it would make were to comment, it would not mten times worse and>uld make were to comment, it would not mten times worse and ind make were to comment, it would not mten times worse and in answer it ten times worse and in answer to the reason why it took so long for andrew to step down from his hrh status, don't forget the queen was having to make that decision and it's her own whole thing was own son. so the whole thing was incredibly convoluted by the fact you know, any mother fact that, you know, any mother having decision. it having to make that decision. it wasn't business decision. wasn't just a business decision. this woman in her son as this is a woman in her son as well. so that sort of delayed m atters. matters. it's not that complicated >> it's not that complicated because, you know, it was always made a huge point. it was always made a huge point. it was always made about the fact the made about the fact that the queen duty first, and queen took put duty first, and she of state and is she is head of state and he is a pubuc she is head of state and he is a public official. and that has to be dynamic through which be the dynamic through which this the fact this is looked at. and the fact that took so before that it took so long before anyone took action is anyone took any action is appalling. and these accusations have not away. they he is have not gone away. they he is still are just not
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there. >> graham. oh, look, i will put this to you. they are just that. and obviously you are the ceo of the anti—monarchy group republic, so does, to be republic, so it does, to be fair, that logic. they fair, follow that logic. they are you would are accusations. but you would want do want you would want to do anything would to the anything that would lead to the destruction monarchy. so destruction of the monarchy. so they it fair, it fair they are is it fair, is it fair for me to ask you, graham graham, it fair for me to ask graham, is it fair for me to ask you the realistically, you are assuming these allegations are true because it suits your narrative. denies true because it suits your narratand denies true because it suits your narratand therefore denies true because it suits your narratand therefore there'senies true because it suits your narratand therefore there's no s them and therefore there's no real go any real need for us to go any further. great >> is plenty of >> i think there is plenty of reason think that this should >> i think there is plenty of reainvestigated that this should >> i think there is plenty of reainvestigated fort this should >> i think there is plenty of reainvestigated for athis should >> i think there is plenty of reainvestigated for a start,|ould >> i think there is plenty of reainvestigated for a start, he .d be investigated for a start, he kept on refusing to or suggesting never suggesting that he'd never met virginia the virginia giuffre, despite the very obvious evidence to the contrary . he has since paid out contrary. he has since paid out £12 is the estimated £12 million. is the estimated figure to, uh , avoid having to figure to, uh, avoid having to go to court and explain himself in the united states . you know, in the united states. you know, there is plenty of reason to think that there may be some truth this , and we need to truth to this, and we need to have that properly investigated, not simply it. uh um, not simply have it. uh um, speculated press , speculated through the press, but actually have a proper criminal investigation. and i can ican criminal investigation. and i can i can tell you now if this was anybody else, if it wasn't
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prince andrew, if it wasn't a royal, it would have been investigated. royal, it would have been inve�*thatted. royal, it would have been inve�*that though, is it? true that though, is it? >> . i was talking with bill clinton. >> is it? i mean, you know, i know what you mean, but i get what you mean. the idea, the theory that that should be the case. i mean it objectively case. but i mean it objectively isn't the case, right? because we're people who we're seeing other people who are and doesn't are named here, and it doesn't really happening with really seem to be happening with them. can you them. but, charlotte, can you just peel the curtain back for us family the us on the royal family at the moment? reacting moment? how will they reacting to i mean, this to this? i mean, is this just old news for them in a way? have they been through this process already? they've dealt with well. >> e! e’u- eul- >> you know, it is old news. what that what slightly different is that charles? i think there was there's inkling of hope there's some inkling of hope that charles might one day be able to bring andrew into able to bring andrew back into the i think that just the fold, and i think that just isn't going to happen anymore. i think walked isn't going to happen anymore. i thini
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think maybe this might be the first since become first time since he's become king be king that charles will be realising . hold on a minute. you realising. hold on a minute. you know, this is just this never know, this is just this is never going happen. going to going to happen. i'm going to have be pretty tough on my have to be pretty tough on my brother and seriously at brother and keeping seriously at arm's length forever more. >> , well, obviously his >> yeah, well, obviously his lifestyle is not being tough on his brother. >> and you know, we have had sexual offence allegations against numerous celebrities. go back 30, 40 years and the police have investigated them and prosecuted with andrew. it's 20 years ago. he had police officers with him for most of the time. they know where he was. they know whether or not he was. they know whether or not he was in woking. pizza express or wherever he's claiming to be. um, was being um, you know, he was being caught out saying things which are he are complete nonsense and he should properly should therefore be properly investigated. not investigated. and that has not happened. >> argument against that >> the argument against that graham, is graham, though, to be fair, is that they might have been there and they might it's not and they might know it's not true. you know, the true. you know, that's the that's the where that falls down, if he down, isn't it, really. if he was surrounded by police, that's why investigate was surrounded by police, that's why point stigate was surrounded by police, that's why point stigane was surrounded by police, that's why pointstigan investigation was surrounded by police, that's winot pointstigan investigation was surrounded by police, that's winot to ioii'il stigan investigation was surrounded by police, that's winot to proveigan investigation was surrounded by police, that's winot to prove igan guilty gation
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was surrounded by police, that's winot to prove igan guilty gato n is not to prove him guilty is to find out what the truth of whether is guilty. and whether or not he is guilty. and that simply happened, whether or not he is guilty. and that raises ply happened, whether or not he is guilty. and that raises doubts happened, whether or not he is guilty. and that raises doubts asppened, whether or not he is guilty. and that raises doubts as toened, which raises doubts as to whether you know, why is it not happening? do we not have happening? why do we not have that here? well, that happening here? well well, look, to you look, i would love to have you both again very, very shortly both on again very, very shortly because imagine this story is because i imagine this story is going to bubble away, isn't it? >> the editor at large at the >> as the editor at large at the mail sunday, charlotte mail on sunday, charlotte griffiths and the ceo of the anti—monarchy griffiths and the ceo of the anti—m(smith, just graham smith, who has just written, andrew graham smith, who has just writpolice andrew graham smith, who has just writpolice over andrew graham smith, who has just writpolice over that. andrew graham smith, who has just writpolice over that. but rew graham smith, who has just writpolice over that. but look, the police over that. but look, who agree with? more who do you agree with? as more allegations links allegations about andrew's links to epstein arise, should to jeffrey epstein arise, should the comment his the royal family comment on his behaviour, simon says behaviour, simon on twitter says i believe he's been i don't believe he's been charged or convicted of any crime media should give him crime. the media should give him a . fair enough. on a rest. fair enough. julie on twitter says all the allegations are andrew mess and he alone must take responsibility for them. he's hiding behind his family now. that's a good point. should front up this? should he front up to this? i mean, he won't, will he? chris on the royal family on twitter says the royal family shouldn't speak on behalf of andrew, make sure andrew, but they can make sure he's banned from he's permanently banned from pubuc he's permanently banned from public appearances and kept out of for the rest of his of sight for the rest of his life. well verdict is now life. well your verdict is now in. we go . 41% of you
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in. oh, here we go. 41% of you agree that the royal family should comment on new prince andrew allegations. 59% of you say they should not. so really quite split there, especially given the nature of some of our polls. the royal family aren't commenting on the latest prince andrew but of andrew allegations, but of course, revelations first course, when revelations first emerged his links to jeffrey emerged of his links to jeffrey epstein back 2019, this is epstein back in 2019, this is what they said. then the duke of york been appalled by the york has been appalled by the recent of jeffrey recent reports of jeffrey epstein's alleged crimes. his royal the royal highness deplores the exploitation of any human being, and suggestion that he would and the suggestion that he would condone, participate in or encourage any such behaviour is abhorrent. coming up as boris johnson slams the met police investigation into alleged israeli war crimes, should our coppers focus on solving knife crime and burglaries and getting anti—semitism off our streets here, instead of picking sides in the middle east, they can't even find people here who are committing crimes. former tory minister ann widdecombe lets rip at that shortly. but next, the british film institute proved their woke credentials by slapping trigger warnings on old
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james films . i slapping trigger warnings on old james films. i went down to james bond films. i went down to their oh seven exhibition today to ask visitors whether or not they agreed with the move, former bond girl jenny hanley also joins me live in her exclusive take. this is patrick christie's tonight only on
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isabel monday to thursdays from six till 930. loads coming your way. >> lord bailey will be hitting back at those allegations by
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carol vorderman that he is indeed a sexist live on this show . in just indeed a sexist live on this show. in just a indeed a sexist live on this show . in just a few moments show. in just a few moments time. but now snowflakes who gets shaken and stirred by cereal womaniser spy james bond will now be given a trigger warning before watching any of the early legendary films. the bodyin the early legendary films. the body in charge of promoting british flicks, the british film institute has slapped cautious , institute has slapped cautious, uh, trigger warnings on 007 movies because they quote , may movies because they quote, may cause offence. now it comes as the bfi hosts an event at london's southbank that celebrates the work of john barry. so he's the english composer who wrote the scores for 11 bond films, including goldfinger and you only live twice . here's what they said on twice. here's what they said on their website. please know that many of these films contain language, or other language, images or other content that reflect views prevalent in its time but will cause offence today. well, 1964 hit goldfinger , featuring hit goldfinger, featuring villain oddjob , has been villain oddjob, has been criticised by disability campaigners because he had a cleft palate . meanwhile, you cleft palate. meanwhile, you only live twice sir sean connery
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tries to blend in with japanese locals with a disguise that included enhanced eyebrows , a included enhanced eyebrows, a wig and makeup. well, i went down earlier to the bfi event at southbank and i asked visitors there what they thought about film bosses going soft . film bosses going soft. apparently the character oddjob is now offensive. really >> okay, no, i find that very strange. >> i didn't think in that way. then and i am resisting . the then and i am resisting. the temptation to, uh. because i'm oversensitive myself . oh, villains. >> we've always like a deformity or something ugly about them. is and i guess that kind of thing. i don't really agree with bond films and certain films like that are always set for how thoughts and how the life was back in the day . back in the day. >> do you think we've gone a bit soft? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> we absolutely . >> we absolutely. >> we absolutely. >> i just don't understand why anybody would be bothered . anybody would be bothered. >> well, i'm delighted to be joined now by a bond girl of the
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007 film franchise is actress jenny hanley, who was in the 1969 film on her majesty's secret service and one of blofeld's angels of death, alongside bond actor george lazenby. jenny thank you very much for joining lazenby. jenny thank you very much forjoining me. great to much for joining me. great to have you on the show. i mean, i suppose you are as well placed as anyone to know whether or not you know, are issues about you know, there are issues about the franchise that needs to the bond franchise that needs to be addressed modern be addressed for modern audiences. that audiences. do you think that they've too woke with they've gone too woke now with these warnings ? these trigger warnings? >> well, yes , i do. i mean, >> well, yes, i do. i mean, i was born in the 40s, so i lived through the 60s. and when there saying that things have changed, i think it's insulting to give us a warning . i think it's insulting to give us a warning. it's i think it's insulting to give us a warning . it's babysitting us a warning. it's babysitting everybody knows a little bit about the film. they're going to go and see number one because it costs so much nowadays . but costs so much nowadays. but number two, you know , you don't number two, you know, you don't want to go and see a film that you know nothing about. so if i
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went to see a film in that had been made, say, in the 1940s, i don't want someone saying, it's me to upset you because it's not in colour . it me to upset you because it's not in colour. it will be in black and white. i know the bond films were made in the 60s. you know what to expect . what to expect. >> okay. um, what was it like? can i ask behind the scenes? was it, you know, were there issues there at all, ever, you know, or was it all absolutely fine ? and was it all absolutely fine? and that wasn't also a kind of moment of its time behind the scenes for you . scenes for you. >> when you say issues, what do you mean? well, the kind of things that they say about bombs. >> so the exact same things i will say that they are trying to slap trigger warnings on. right. so outdated attitudes towards women very example or, you know, general offensive stereotypes etc. you know, one of the allegations, of course , is allegations, of course, is about, um, you know, some issues with to do with racism , for with to do with racism, for example, with the way i don't want to say i agree with any of this, the way, the way that
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this, by the way, the way that sean was portrayed, sean connery was portrayed, you know, that know, was there any of that behind the scenes or not? >> no, we were actors doing our job. was the 60s. um, the job. it was the 60s. um, the film that i was in was made in 1969. uh, we did our best. the scripts were fabulous . it's the scripts were fabulous. it's the special effects were extraordinary. um yeah. you've got all sorts of new ways of filming new ways of looking at things nowadays , and you've got things nowadays, and you've got a new word woke. we didn't have that word . that word. >> no, no. and do you think it sucks the life out of it? really that people these days have gone a little bit soft when it a little bit too soft when it comes this stuff? like you're comes to this stuff? like you're looking offended? looking to be offended? >> yes, i do, i, i actually looked up what woke was and work was originally alert to injustice in society. it was an american word which was hip. in the 60s. and the definition has
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changed. it now seems to be if you're upset by anything , you you're upset by anything, you are the innocent party. you are woke, and everybody else is wrong. um and the idea that odd job apparently with his cleft palate , represented the trope, palate, represented the trope, which, by the way, i didn't realise was a trope which is part of the reason why i sometimes wonder whether the people introducing these trigger warnings fact actually warnings are in fact actually the biggest society the biggest, biggest in society because see because they appear to see things never even things that have never even crossed my mind. >> that because he had >> but that because he had a disability and was a villain, that it plays into the trope that, um, disabled people are in some way sinister or villainous. presumably this just will not have been something that crossed people's minds at the time. no no, absolutely not. >> you didn't go and find something wrong with somebody to make them a baddie , because make them a baddie, because ofsted see what you're saying in
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parenthesis is because he had this problem. he had a mental upset and therefore he became a baddie. oh come on, no, it's making more out of things than they were when they were made . they were when they were made. >> okay. and you don't fear for the potential cancellation of bond going forward then ? bond going forward then? >> you can't cancel something like that . i mean, it was like that. i mean, it was written in, what was it , the written in, what was it, the 19505. written in, what was it, the 1950s. and that is the time . do 1950s. and that is the time. do you want to change shakespeare and say that you can't study shakespeare at school now ? shakespeare at school now? because romeo and juliet was underage sex? because there's, um , murder poisoning , drowning um, murder poisoning, drowning in shakespeare's plays. you become very , very much of become very, very much of a patsy . i think it's like patsy. i think it's like babysitting . it is. i think babysitting. it is. i think people people know what they're going to go and see. and if they
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don't, they should have done their homework . and if they're their homework. and if they're upset , that's their own upset, that's their own perception . then. perception. then. >> well, jenni, can i thank you very, very much. and just say, i hate to inform you that, in fact, in some shakespeare plays they put trigger warnings they have put trigger warnings on, i would a round on, but i would give you a round of applause. but of course, we wouldn't want to upset anyone. so i'm going to jazz hand you out. so thank you very, very much jenny. great stuff. all right. soon. that's right. see you soon. that's jenny hadley former bond jenny hadley there. former bond girl. right. girl. fantastic all right. coming unmissable 10 coming up in my unmissable 10 pm. hit out at the p.m. monologue, i hit out at the junior doctors strike. they've just an incredibly just taken an incredibly sinister even more sinister turn. and even more sinister turn. and even more sinister . i think they're sinister turn. i think they're putting above patients putting pay above patients now. people being told to not people are being told to not just stay away from the nhs, but get your relatives out of that. also so not to be missed. lord sean bailey will hit back at a pylon that he's a sexist bully after these comments that he made last week about carol vorderman . vorderman. >> on one hand, she's got all that stuff , you know, she's a
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that stuff, you know, she's a serious political commentator and then if you look at her instagram, saw pictures of her bums and boobs. he'll bums and her boobs. yeah, he'll respond to that. >> but next, boris johnson lays into met police for their into the met police for their investigation into so—called israeli war crimes. hang on a minute. should it not already depleted coppers be focusing on cleaning knife crime cleaning up knife crime and burglaries tweeting us burglaries and stop tweeting us to say, can you help us find this britain's street? this person on britain's street? no nonsense former tory minister ann lays our ann widdecombe lays into our plot. next. patrick plot. that's next. patrick christys tonight only on
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gb news. this is patrick christys tonight only on gb news now coming up. should ed davey face serious questions over his alleged failures in the subpostmasters honzon failures in the subpostmasters horizon scandal. in fact, i'll go further . should he resign, go further. should he resign, i'm joined by the journalist michael crick, who's led the charge on holding ed davey to account on this. but first, bofis account on this. but first, boris johnson has slammed the worrying politicisation of the met police after
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counter—terrorism officers launched an appeal for witnesses travelling through british airports to report allegations of war crimes in israel. i mean, come on. the force's investigation into israeli war crimes comes just weeks after they begged the to public help them identify pro—palestine protesters suspected of inciting racial hatred and of committing hate crimes. you want us to do your for job that? someone who's on film, someone who's out there in this cctv city that we've got at the moment. you need our help for that. do you ? yeah. come on. for that. do you? yeah. come on. i'm joined now by the former conservative minister ann widdecombe. and look, you widdecombe. and look, thank you very is the met taking very much. is the met taking sides is met basically sides here is the met basically essentially becoming too political . political. >> well, met is wasting its time. >> enormously. >> enormously. >> we've got record levels of gun crime in this country. record levels of knife crime. and we've got officers worrying about have the israelis committed war crimes? i mean, never mind what hamas did that started this war. um, and, you
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know, they are looking at something that is happening in, in a completely different theatre of the world. uh, instead of focusing on what's happening here, uh, in which citizens just are no longer safe. i mean, you try walking the streets of london now , if the streets of london now, if you're a woman on your own, you know , very late at night, you know, very late at night, you won't see a copper . you won't won't see a copper. you won't see a policeman too busy investigating what israel's doing. >> w- doing. >> find it absolutely >> yeah, i find it absolutely insane that they to insane that they want to investigate israel for war crimes. but we have , you know, crimes. but we have, you know, how many unsolved rapes, how many burglaries, how many stabbings ? it's just it's just stabbings? it's just it's just astonishing. i mean, they've got their priorities wrong here. astonishing. i mean, they've got the well, rities wrong here. astonishing. i mean, they've got the well, totally. wrong here. astonishing. i mean, they've got the well, totally. iwrong here. astonishing. i mean, they've got the well, totally. i mean, here. astonishing. i mean, they've got the well, totally. i mean, this >> well, totally. i mean, this is something the is something for the international criminal court. it's not something for the met. uh, and, you know, as far as i'm concerned, what are these war crimes, anyway? it appears to be, they've dared to be, uh, that they've dared to bomb and in doing so, bomb hamas. and in doing so, have killed civilians. well i'm afraid tragically , it is. that afraid tragically, it is. that is a normal effect of war, you
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know. and would they like to investigate britain for dresden? do they want to investigate america for hiroshima ? it's america for hiroshima? it's a horror double aspect of war. but that doesn't make it a war crime. to go to war is not a war crime. >> it's amazing, isn't it? the mental gymnastics of the metropolitan police did to justify people calling for muslim armies on the streets, and jihad and all of this stuff. oh, jihad's loads of oh, jihad's got loads of different meanings, we oh, jihad's got loads of diff now meanings, we oh, jihad's got loads of diff now going ings, we oh, jihad's got loads of diff now going tols, we oh, jihad's got loads of diff now going to investigateve are now going to investigate some the some war crimes. and the metropolitan actually did metropolitan police actually did give us a statement. right? so they said met's crimes they said the met's war crimes team a duty to support team has a duty to support international bodies, including team has a duty to support inteinternationalies, including team has a duty to support inteinternational criminal ding the international criminal court. or court. we've not opened or conducted based war conducted our own uk based war crimes investigation into israel. that israel. any information that could be linked to potential israeli is assessed israeli war crimes is assessed by the wct and, where relevant , by the wct and, where relevant, it will be passed to the icc so they are appealing for that information, which does leave the question well, why, if you're going something you're not going to do something but on to success, but moving on to success, dharmaram is kick started campaigning next campaigning for the next election. speech today, election. in a speech today, which tried to frame the
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which he tried to frame the labour party as a party of hope, national renewal, he also labour party as a party of hope, national renewal , he also stuck national renewal, he also stuck the boot into jeremy corbyn with this thinly veiled attack. quick clip . clip. >> that's who we are now , a >> that's who we are now, a changed party no longer in thrall to gesture politics, no longer a party of protest, a party of service politics shouldn't be a hobby or a pastime for people who enjoy the feeling of power . pastime for people who enjoy the feeling of power. and nor should it be a sermon from on high a self. >> all right, there we go. and your response, keir starmer. there >> well , let there >> well, let me ask this question. >> how many people in this country can afford private education for their children? i would say very few. how many can afford private health? i would say very few. it is for the state to provide those services and to provide them adequately and to provide them adequately and well, so that people who can't afford any, any options to that actually do get looked after. now, the state does not do that and hasn't done it for a
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long time and wasn't doing it under last labour government under the last labour government . uh, and it's a question of priorities , as you know. and priorities, as you know. and what actually is it that labour stands for anymore? well, it's not the working man. it's not the . uh, i don't the working man. uh, i don't know what labour stands for. it stands some sort of stands for some sort of metropolitan elite , woke view of metropolitan elite, woke view of the world. but it's not for the people who put in a hard day's work for not much pay, and who rely on the state for their services, and that is what irritates me. i am not interested in whether . irritates me. i am not interested in whether. keir starmer thinks jeremy corbyn is wonderful or thinks he's stupid, because he said both in his time and i don't know which is true. i am very interested in what labouris i am very interested in what labour is going to do for if you like the labouring classes and i haven't seen any sign, no , no. haven't seen any sign, no, no. >> and he says one thing and then just reverse ferrets quite quickly. and thank you very much . conservative . that's former conservative minister widdecombe there. minister ann widdecombe there. now launched the now coming up he launched the lib dems election campaign with a of cringe yesterday.
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a dollop of cringe yesterday. but does sir davey have more but does sir ed davey have more serious questions to answer when it comes to the failures of the post office scandal? michael crick and a former sub—postmistress , wendy martin, sub—postmistress, wendy martin, give their views shortly . but give their views shortly. but coming up at 10 pm, i take a swipe at the latest sinister, sinister spin on the doctors strike and shaun bailey hits back that that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsor of weather on gb news is . of weather on gb news is. >> good evening, i'm alex burkill here with your latest gv news, weather forecast . while news, weather forecast. while some of us may see a touch of frost patches frost and some fog patches tonight , there is still some tonight, there is still some heavy rain affecting southeastern parts. an area of low pressure has pushed its way up we went through today, up as we went through today, bringing some pretty rain bringing some pretty heavy rain across areas , and that across southern areas, and that rain is now going feed rain is now going to feed a little bit further north eastwards, affecting particularly east anglia into lincolnshire through this evening overnight could evening and overnight could cause travel disruption and cause some travel disruption and some further flooding is possible too. but that rain
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gradually clear away gradually trying to clear away through hours. a few through the early hours. a few showers elsewhere, but also some dner, showers elsewhere, but also some drier , clearer weather, drier, clearer weather, particularly inland areas , particularly for inland areas, could for a touch of frost could allow for a touch of frost and also patches of fog. and also some patches of fog. first tomorrow morning. first thing tomorrow morning. otherwise as we go through tomorrow, bit of wet start for tomorrow, bit of a wet start for some eastern parts. a lot of that away, but that rain will clear away, but for shetland and some for orkney, shetland and some persistent continuing persistent rain continuing into the perhaps the afternoon, perhaps a little bit sleet well. bit of sleet here as well. otherwise some showers, most likely for parts of wales, western england, maybe coastal showers and showers for scotland and northern but something northern ireland. but something a bit drier sunnier a little bit drier and sunnier further inland temperatures for many in single figures many staying in single figures as we look towards saturday and it's going to be quite a cloudy story for eastern parts. a few showery outbreaks of rain likely here, sunnier though further west with just a few coastal showers possible. some blustery winds , quite likely for winds, quite likely for scotland. elsewhere lighter winds as high pressure builds in and that high pressure is likely to through sunday into to dominate through sunday into monday largely but monday, bringing largely dry but chilly weather for many. by by looks like things are heating up
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i >> -- >> boxt boilers sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's 10 pm. this is patrick christys tonight. get your relatives out of hospital. what do you want ? pay restoration. do you want? pay restoration. now. we want it now. >> junior doctor strikes caused carnage. >> patients are urged to get out and stay away . also, this man and stay away. also, this man has to go . has to go. >> still, to be honest with you, matt, i was deeply misled by a post office executive's lib dem leader, ed davey's >> p45 should be delivered after his role in the postmaster scandal. plus carol vorderman accuses lord bailey of sexism. >> on one hand, she's got all that stuff, you know, she's a serious political commentator. thenif serious political commentator. then if you look at her
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instagram, it's all pictures of her bums and her boobs. >> well, shaun bailey responds shortly. and bbc shortly. and the bbc has got a bit personal. how your hole? >> you you . how very dare you >> you you. how very dare you find out what's on tomorrow's front pages before anyone else on the panel tonight? >> it is stark columnist allison pearson, bailey , himself an pearson, lord bailey, himself an anarchist. lisa mckenzie. get ready britain . here we go ready britain. here we go. militant unionists have lost the plot. and hospitals are in meltdown. that's after the news. but i want to hear from you two. about what stories you think we should be covering local should be covering in your local area. there's something area. if there's something happening that feel happening near you that you feel very strongly email me very strongly about, email me stories patrick at stories for patrick at okay, we will look into it because we have got your back and we are back after the .
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news. >> patrick, thank you and good evening to you. well, the top story tonight is that the prime minister confirmed today. he is now working towards a general election in the second half of this year , both labour and the this year, both labour and the liberal democrats were pushing for spring election . the prime for a spring election. the prime minister declined to rule that out, saying instead that he wants on the economy, wants to focus on the economy, cutting taxes and tackling illegal migration. and the labour leader said he's ready to go to the polls now, criticising the prime minister for delaying the prime minister for delaying the vote , sir keir starmer said the vote, sir keir starmer said he would stand up for working people and said the character of politics would change if labour won power . politics would change if labour won power. for politics would change if labour won power . for now, let's just won power. for now, let's just bnng won power. for now, let's just bring up to date with the weather tonight across the uk, heavy rain and winds are battering britain, causing flooding right across the country , which means havoc for country, which means havoc for residents , businesses and residents, businesses and motorists . motorways have been motorists. motorways have been water logged tonight. these are the scenes if you're watching on television just outside southampton. we've also learned that homes have flooded that homes have been flooded and in derbyshire , cows drowned. a
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in derbyshire, cows drowned. a rescue attempt was mounted but but some cows had already drowned by the time derbyshire constabulary got there. not shire county council has declared a major incident along the river trent because of flooding and rising river levels there, and the met office is warning of possible power cuts and outages. train operators also warning services may be cancelled. it's best to check before you're travelling . let me before you're travelling. let me just bring you some more breaking news concerning the weather that we're learning in the last half hour. we can tell you here in london, on the you that here in london, on the river thames, party boat has river thames, a party boat has sunk heavy rain. we sunk after heavy rain. we understand it's the london party boat company. it's a floating bar and restaurant and nightclub. the port of london authority advising vessels to pass that area. it's near temple pier on the thames. with great caution. we understand at this stage that nobody was on board, but nevertheless, that boat has sunk tonight in london. now, news away from the weather
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detectives investigating a murder of a teenager stabbed on new year's eve are appealing now for the public's help. they've released two images of people they want to identify and speak to after they were pictured in north london on sunday night, 16 year old harry pitman died dunng year old harry pitman died during what's been described as an altercation as crowds gathered on primrose hill to watch the new year's eve fireworks . prince andrew has fireworks. prince andrew has been reported to the police by the campaign group republic after more sexual allegations were revealed in epstein court documents in the united states , documents in the united states, including an orgy with underage girls. bill clinton and the late professor stephen hawking are also among over 150 people mentioned in the documents detailing their connections to the sex offender, jeffrey epstein. many of those named aren't accused of any wrongdoing . the unsealed files were part of a civil lawsuit against epstein's associate ghislaine maxwell , who is herself serving
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maxwell, who is herself serving a 20 year sentence for recruiting underage girls. for him, more documents are expected to be unsealed and unredacted in the coming days. to be unsealed and unredacted in the coming days . and finally, the coming days. and finally, teenager luke littler has vowed to come back stronger tonight after losing last night in the world darts championship final. the 16 year old was beaten by luke humphries, who claimed the title as well as half £1 million in prize money. luke humphries has pledged to donate some of that to prostate cancer uk , a that to prostate cancer uk, a charity he says is close to his heart . the winner told gb news heart. the winner told gb news heart. the winner told gb news he is proud to be the new darts champion. he feels incredible. >> um, you know, it's something i've obviously dreamed of for many , many years and, uh, you many, many years and, uh, you know, to go out and do it last night in such emphatic fashion, you know, it's so, so pleasing for me. um, you know, worked incredibly moment incredibly hard for this moment and, you know, to go on and win in my first world final is, you know, amaze an amazing feat on
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tv, your radio and your smart speaken >> this is gb news, britain's news channel . get your relatives news channel. get your relatives out of hospital that is where the militant junior doctors union has got us to today. >> their smug co—chair fully lost the plot. doctor robert lawrenson tweeted the nhs hates doctors . i wonder if he hates doctors. i wonder if he hates patients . the bma refused around patients. the bma refused around 20 requests to allow junior doctors to cross picket lines in order to protect patients safety critical incidents and black alerts have been declared almost every part of the country. accident and emergency departments are telling people to only come in if their conditions are life threatening. and yes, that warning i issued right at the start of this has been issued to relatives of patients on wards to get your relatives out . now, doctor relatives out. now, doctor lawrenson is trying to spin it as the nhs hates doctors health journalists are in cahoots with the government and these strikes
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aren't really impacting patient care, patient care was care, because patient care was already so bad. but he let himself down today by retweeting this because because this is from a chap who says that he's a junior doctor as a particular hospital, that chap then went on to say that his trust declared a critical incident on the 6th of april. this is in 2022, before doctors strikes the 6th of april, the 11th of july, the 11th october, the 20th of 11th of october, the 20th of december, 29th of december, and the 29th of december. that was in 2022. okay to say, hey, look, we've always had critical incidents, all right? so just a coincidence then, is it that 2023 doctors strike happened to also be held in april, july , october and in april, july, october and december ? right. it appears in december? right. it appears in my opinion , that they've chosen my opinion, that they've chosen those times when they knew that it would have the biggest impact. it cost taxpayer impact. it cost the taxpayer a heck of a lot to train a doctor more than any other degree. in their first year of trading. their median earnings are £36,583, comfortably above the national average. by year two and still in training , they're
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and still in training, they're on £43,115. five years after graduation, people who studied medicine or dentistry are on average earning £52,600, far higher than for any other subject. in fact, their nearest competitors are economics graduates . at £44,200. those graduates. at £44,200. those stats are available online. i do think they should be paid more. i want to emphasise that again because i'm sure loads of people will be shouting at their computer screens or television screens you screens right now. so there you go. i think they should be go. i do think they should be paid a bit more actually, and i do think that there should be something elements do think that there should be so the hing elements do think that there should be so the student elements do think that there should be so the student loan. elements do think that there should be so the student loan. okay.3lements do think that there should be so the student loan. okay. butients of the student loan. okay. but but a great pension. but they do get a great pension. the opportunities to do lucrative . and they lucrative private work. and they want a 35% rise today. want a 35% pay rise today. hospital trusts are begging people to get their relatives out of hospital. if they can take the burden off the nhs. people are dying . 1 million people are dying. 1 million appointments and operations cancelled and millions on a waiting list and the guy who was the public face of this doctor, robert lorenson woet , won't even robert lorenson woet, won't even commit staying in britain to
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commit to staying in britain to work in our nhs if he gets exactly the pay offer that he wants. well the i mean, i've got a long career ahead of me and things might change again in the future. you could you could be a part of all of this now and then, just leave anyway, uh, i hope to have a long and successful career about 4050. are you actively planning on going to canada or australia as it stands right now? it currently stands right now? no but you're not ruling it out in future. in the future. >> i'm not ruling >> oh, correct. i'm not ruling it the future. no. yeah. it out in the future. no. yeah. good luck in canada, doctor lawrence, because they've actually strike once. >> apparently in 1962. and there were about the were protesting about the creation health creation of a public health system. to respond now i'm system. but to respond now i'm joined again by star daily telegraph columnist allison pearson, conservative lord telegraph columnist allison pearso baileyervative lord telegraph columnist allison pearso bailey andtive lord telegraph columnist allison pearso bailey and anarchist _ord telegraph columnist allison pearso bailey and anarchist lisa shaun bailey and anarchist lisa mckenzie. look thank you very much, everybody. um, i've got to go to you first on this. alison the idea now that relatives are being warned to get their loved ones out of hospital because of some of these smarmy doctors
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strikes . strikes. >> i'm boiling about this, patrick. so let's have a look. the british people pay £180 billion a year for the nhs. and they're basically being told, as we were told during lockdown, stay at home, don't bother the nhs, die quietly. lots of stay at home, don't bother the nhs, die quietly . lots of people nhs, die quietly. lots of people did die quietly. lots of people missed out for two years on cancer treatment , cancer cancer treatment, cancer diagnosis. i've spoken to younger people who've got advanced stage four cancers now because they were told to stay home and there was a huge backlog which was built up 7.5 million people on a waiting list because lots of doctors weren't doing their during lockdown doing their jobs during lockdown . and now we've got this huge backlog . and guess what? it's backlog. and guess what? it's stay home again because the junior doctors want this completely implores ludicrous pay completely implores ludicrous pay rise of 35. the bma is a hard left , politically hard left, politically motivated, organised nation which wants to bring down the conservative government. they have accepted the doctors in scotland have accepted a pay
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rise of 12, but they won't accept it. in england because it's politically motivated and frankly, there will be hundreds if not thousands of people who will die because these doctors and many doctors hate what's happening . they hate it. they happening. they hate it. they think it's entirely unethical and don't believe that they're doing this. we're doing this to help the patients. no, it's selfish, it's unethical. it's immoral, and it's lethal. and they should be banned by law from striking. look at what's happened today, the developments today. >> okay. so you've got now hospitals saying critical incidents. try and get your relatives out. if you possibly can. that co—chair of the bma's junior doctors started junior doctors union has started hitting hates hitting back. the nhs hates doctors, . we're against doctors, right. we're against the greg. all the the nhs now greg. all of the press, everyone. you're all in cahoots with the government over this. you're trying to throw us under he's gone full tonto. it's an i sense a lot of >> it's an i sense a lot of student politics here. and i wonder if that individual in charge is charge understands what he is playing playing with
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playing with. he's playing with the and also the lives of people and also the life of the nhs. £180 billion a yeah life of the nhs. £180 billion a year. and we're asked to go and collect our relatives and bring them home, he is risking the reputation and the love that this country has for the nhs through the covid period. so we canonise the nhs. we shouldn't have he's single have done that. but he's single handedly undoing that piece of work and people will start to ask much harsher questions of the nhs when, when this, when this keeps playing and the this keeps playing out. and the other piece here is other real crucial piece here is the waiting list. now is no longer fault of the longer the fault of the government. the wait list now is very quickly becoming the fault of doctors. of junior doctors. >> lisa, give them a pay >> um, lisa, give them a pay rise, stay here rise, but make them stay here for years. look i'm not only for ten years. look i'm not only i'm not somebody that's going to support her. >> a sort of middle class , um, >> a sort of middle class, um, you know, the. >> i know what you mean. >> i know what you mean. >> you know, i'm not. i'm not. you know, i'm not that. but i do think, you know, when the people on the front line are screaming and telling you something, i do think have to listen . and think you have to listen. and whatever think about junior
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whatever we think about junior doctors and his posh voice. and i didn't like him. know, i didn't like him. you know, i didn't like him at all. i don't , didn't like him at all. i don't, you know, but they are telling us something from the front line . and it's not just them. ambulance workers are saying it. um, nurses are saying it that the hospitals are running on nothing . you know, i've had nothing. you know, i've had friends whose parents, elderly parents have been on trolleys for the whole of christmas. you know, the health or health care is in danger . know, the health or health care is in danger. and so we've got i think we do have to listen to them. >> but i feel like this action is endangering the healthcare. even more. it's a system of £180 billion annually. in it, somebody needs to do something about that. this not what about that. this is not what needs and if you needs to be done. and if you look at the rates pay for look at the rates of pay for junior doctors significantly ahead officers, of ahead of police officers, of ambulance drivers, no one is saying they shouldn't get some more money, but that's unreasonable. >> okay, so let's just say we give them a pay rise right? of i don't know, i'm going to put a number on it's not 35, but give them a significant pay rise
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should it come with the condition that have to condition that you do have to stay britain for the next ten stay in britain for the next ten years you think years or so, do you think because you've got people like that, that guy rabble rousing because you've got people like that,on at guy rabble rousing because you've got people like that,on at gpicketabble rousing because you've got people like that,on at g picketabble rhe's g now on the picket lines? he's loving think . absolutely loving it. i think. absolutely loving it. i think. absolutely loving it. relishing in it. i looked in the the other looked him in the eye the other day. i saw it, yeah, he's off anyway, he? day. i saw it, yeah, he's off anydor, he? day. i saw it, yeah, he's off anydo you he? day. i saw it, yeah, he's off any do you think’ day. i saw it, yeah, he's off anydo you think he is, though? >> do you think he is, though? do mean, do you? i do, do do you? i mean, do you? i do, do you think. do you think they are not. >> no. % everyone. no not not >> no. not everyone. no not not everyone. and i actually i'm glad asked because i do glad you asked that because i do want hard between want to draw a hard line between some doctors that i some of the other doctors that i saw strike there and that saw out on strike there and that particular individual i saw leading it all. saw i saw leading it all. i saw i saw a big difference, actually, a big difference. to get back difference. but just to get back to then, you to that question, then, do you think should be made to think they should be made to stay a amount of time stay for a fixed amount of time if get patrick, lots of if they get patrick, lots of these don't want to these doctors they don't want to see, the nhs see, uh, reform, um, in the nhs to mixed provision to make it a mixed provision system, would give system, which would give them more which have more money, which would have more money for patients. >> new treatments, the >> and the new treatments, the public, partnership public, private partnership that nearly countries nearly all developed countries have, want to and work have, they want to go and work in they say, in australia. and they say, isn't marvellous australia in australia. and they say, isbecauservellous australia in australia. and they say, is because rvellouslotslustralia in australia. and they say, is because rvellous lots of tralia ? because there's lots of wonderful of doctors and wonderful ratios of doctors and nurses patients. we get nurses to patients. we get paid
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a more money because a lot more money because australia has system which australia has the system which the socialist bma opposes for our country. okay, it's madness . our country. okay, it's madness. and a strong points based immigration system. >> by the way, based immigration control. >> but they can't say, oh, we won't have reform nhs. won't have reform in the nhs. the a grotesquely the nhs is a grotesquely mismatched organisation . amanda mismatched organisation. amanda pritchard, ceo of the nhs , never pritchard, ceo of the nhs, never to be seen when these terrible situations are happening . i situations are happening. i agree with you patrick. i think doctors and nurses and ambulance staff, paramedics , they should staff, paramedics, they should be getting good pay rises and paid extremely well. midwives we haven't got enough midwives. we've got tiers of middle management in the nhs who do sod all, basically , so there needs all, basically, so there needs to be a whole revamp. but they cannot, they cannot ask for 35% pay cannot, they cannot ask for 35% pay rise in the week when the most elderly people are likely to be admitted to hospital with pneumonia because they will be killing people . killing people. >> it's not too strong, it isn't too strong, and i think we do need to look at two things. one, when we pay a lot to qualify every doctor. what do we get
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back? when do they work on the private they leave? private and when can they leave? those two things need to be looked at. when you talk about paying looked at. when you talk about paying people, particularly with a their a public purse, look at their pensions, their pensions are substantial anybody pensions, their pensions are subsinitial anybody pensions, their pensions are subsin the anybody pensions, their pensions are subsin the sector. nybody pensions, their pensions are subsin the sector. so iody else in the private sector. so yes , you have to be careful yes, you have to be careful about saying they're not getting paid agree paid a lot. again, i do agree they should be paid a bit more, but at it in the but we need to look at it in the rounds. i go back to my rounds. but i go back to my point. the nhs is run horrifically. it is the only system like this in the world. nobody this and nobody has copied this and there's a reason for that. and we need wholesale change in the nhs are to pay anybody nhs if we are to pay anybody properly and it's to be good provision for the public, we could do potentially again, because, look, we want to try and look for solutions here generally. one thing i think do >> one thing i think we could do is the repayments of the is look at the repayments of the student loan. >> yes. i mean i think we definitely should look at that. i nurses have pay definitely should look at that. i theirnurses have pay definitely should look at that. i theirnur�*all have pay definitely should look at that. i their nur�*all their�*iave pay definitely should look at that. i their nur�*all their training)ay for their for all their training and i think that's really unfair . know, work at . um, also, you know, i work at a university that we do nursing degrees, you know , i'm not sure degrees, you know, i'm not sure that nursing we do policing
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degrees as well. i'm not sure we need degrees. we need people to be to work and to care . be able to work and to care. yeah. very good point. and i think need to have these think we need to have these debates what got and debates about what we've got and rather than throw the baby out with the bath water, let's let's think about what we've got in this country and how we can best use them. >> of the worst mistakes of >> one of the worst mistakes of the david government was the david cameron government was they nurses they scrapped the nurses bursaries. right. but but bursaries. all right. but but but you have to do a lot. >> the one thing they scrapped the nurses bursary and they changed it to a student loan system, more nurses system, which meant more nurses came system. and came through the system. and if you apply that innovation you if you apply that innovation with patrick's idea that you would look the student loan, would look at the student loan, how much they pay back, if they pay how much they pay back, if they pay it back on what rate they're paying pay it back on what rate they're paying it back to have state enrolled nurses? >> not academic kids enrolled nurses? >> were ot academic kids enrolled nurses? >> were caring, academic kids enrolled nurses? >> were caring, who emic kids enrolled nurses? >> were caring, who didn't ids enrolled nurses? >> were caring, who didn't mind who were caring, who didn't mind changing dressings , taking changing the dressings, taking the chamber pots away, whatever . the chamber pots away, whatever. we should go back to having a mixed which mixed system of nursing, which has . has. >> yeah, yeah. i just think, you know, we this situation know, we have got this situation now it's kicked on again
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know, we have got this situation nothe it's kicked on again know, we have got this situation nothe in it's kicked on again know, we have got this situation nothe in the's kicked on again know, we have got this situation nothe in the last:ked on again know, we have got this situation nothe in the last 241 on again know, we have got this situation nothe in the last 24 hoursgain in the in the last 24 hours since we last spoke about this, where now got where you've now got this critical incidents up, where you've now got this critiand ncidents up, where you've now got this critiand black|ts up, where you've now got this critiand black warnings up, where you've now got this critiand black warnings coming red and black warnings coming out, you've know, the out, you've got, you know, the co—chair bma's co—chair of the bma's junior doctor saying that the nhs doctor union saying that the nhs hates you've got all of hates doctors. you've got all of this stuff. meanwhile, people are won't are dying and that guy won't even staying in even commit to staying in britain long time anyway. i britain a long time anyway. i just it bonkers. but come just find it bonkers. but come up, he's been called a misogynist, a sexist, a bully for his comments last week about , uh, well, tory hater carol vorderman, on one hand, she's got all that stuff , you know, got all that stuff, you know, she's a serious political commentator and then if you look at her instagram, it's all pictures of her bums and her boobs. lord shaun bailey boobs. well, lord shaun bailey will his about the pile will have his say about the pile on and the former countdown star. i've of course, encouraged to her 1 star. i've of course, encouraged to her1 million star. i've of course, encouraged to her 1 million or so social to her1 million or so social media followers . sean will media followers. sean will respond shortly, but next he launched the lib dems election campaign with a dollop of cringe yesterday. but does sir ed davey have serious questions to have more serious questions to answer when it to his answer when it comes to his failures as a minister overseeing office overseeing the post office horizon scandal? hundreds of sub
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postmasters were put through the wringer under his watch, but he says that the office bosses says that the post office bosses misled him .journalist misled him. journalist and broadcaster crick, who's broadcaster michael crick, who's been leading the charge on this ed actually, ed davey scandal, actually, and former sub—postmistress wendy martin, who of course is a victim of all of this. we'll give their take on the man who refused to rule out a coalition with the labour party yesterday. but that, though, but before that, though, it's the great the final week of our great british , your chance to british giveaway, your chance to win iphone, win the latest iphone, a shopping ten grand in shopping spree and ten grand in cold, cash. make sure you cold, hard cash. make sure you don't lines close on don't miss out. lines close on friday. you can win. friday. here's how you can win. >> the final week to see >> it's the final week to see how you could be winner of how you could be the winner of the giveaway . your the great british giveaway. your chance to grab three amazing pnzes. chance to grab three amazing prizes . first, there's £10,000 prizes. first, there's £10,000 in tax free cash to spend however you like. what would you spend that on next? you'll receive a brand new iphone 15 pro max and finally, we'll send you on a shopping spree with £500 worth of vouchers to spend in your favourite store. but hurry as lines close at 5 pm. on friday for another chance to
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win the iphone. the vouchers and £10,000 cash text gb win to 84 9002. text cost £2 plus one standard network rate message or post your name and number to gb zero one, po box 8690 derby rd 192, ukip only entrance must be 18 or over. lines close at 5 pm. this friday. full terms and privacy notice at forward slash win. good luck . forward slash win. good luck. >> good luck everybody. now up next, former subpostmistress wendy martin and journalist michael crick give their take on whether lib dem leader sir ed davey, frankly should step down over this post office scandal . over this post office scandal. this is patrick christys tonight. it's only on gb
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on gb news, the people's channel on gb news, the people's channel, britain's news channel . channel, britain's news channel. >> this is patrick christys tonight only on gb news. shortly we will be hearing from lord bailey in response to those allegations of sexism lobbed out there by carol vorderman, which has been trending online and making headlines for the last day or two. but now a new itv drama is telling the tragic story of hundreds of uk post office workers who were wrongfully accused of theft because of an i.t error between 1999 and 2015, the british post office scandal is arguably one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in british legal history , with more than 700 people wrongly convicted of stealing,
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many put behind bars and lib dem leader sir ed davey , who was leader sir ed davey, who was postal affairs minister when the honzon postal affairs minister when the horizon software scandal was made public, claimed yesterday that he was blocked from meeting campaigners . campaigners. >> um, i was a postman , um, post >> um, i was a postman, um, post the minister for post offices for a short time and i regret um, not doing more. i feel, to be honest with you, matt, i was deeply misled, uh, by post office executive . office office executive. office >> i saw a massive bus and is he just driving it over? people to protect his own skin. oh, i see what's he doing? is he reversing back over again? back over them again? campaigning postmaster, though, alan you just on alan bates, who you just saw on your earlier on, your screen earlier on, reportedly davey in reportedly approached davey in 2010, never meet him as 2010, never got to meet him as the lib dem leader didn't think the lib dem leader didn't think the would serve any the meeting would serve any useful were misled useful purpose. were you misled on mr davey and on that as well? mr davey and post office workers still post office workers are still fighting quarter fighting for justice. a quarter of a century on, i'm joined now by journalist and author michael crick, and he's been leading the
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charge on highlighting some of the issues and the questions that ed davey has to answer for. look, michael, talk me through why he has to answer these questions and exactly what those questions and exactly what those questions are. you know, imagine i, davey, here. i, mr davey, here. >> well, uh , for a start, he is >> well, uh, for a start, he is the leader of the liberal democrat. and at least officially his party. >> uh , is fighting the election >> uh, is fighting the election due this year. >> uh, to put him in number 10. and what happened back in the early teens? and that disgraceful letter that he wrote to alan bates , uh, is really to alan bates, uh, is really sheds a lot of light on his character. i mean, i don't know if you've read the letter and i've retweeted it today on . my i've retweeted it today on. my personal twitter feed at michael l crick so people can see it there. it shows no sympathy key to the problems that alan bates and his colleagues, uh , uh, and his colleagues, uh, uh, faced at the time and have faced ever since. it was clearly written by a civil servant, yet signed by him. um, and he he just showed no judgement . its
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just showed no judgement. its weakness, actually, as a minister, he listened to his officials and decided he wasn't allowed to meet the, uh, post office subpostmasters . um, he office subpostmasters. um, he should have a strong, uh, politician would have said to his officials, forget about that. i don't care what you say. i want to hear what these people say. i want to hear what mr bates says. have him in. and if they'd no, no, we they'd said, no, no, no, we can't have him into the department of business, he could have of have met them at the house of commons. met them commons. he could have met them in all sorts of other places. so my message to, uh, fellow broadcasters, including yourself, patrick, in the unlikely event ed davey unlikely event that ed davey appears program , um, is appears on your program, um, is that the election , in the that during the election, in the run to it, is that all of run up to it, is that all of them ask him this these them should ask him this these questions, you know, why were you so weak at the time? do you not any regrets? not have any regrets? what should done instead ? should you have done instead? but want a witch hunt but i don't want a witch hunt here. i mean, it's easy to sort of name lots of names and say they should all lose their jobs and all of that. i actually want to be more constructive here. i want to what fundamentally
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want to know what fundamentally went wrong this arm of went wrong in this arm of british and let's british government. and let's not forget, was also a not forget, there was also a private company involved here through who isn't isn't through jitsu, who isn't isn't being mentioned much , and being mentioned much, and they're still getting loads and loads government contracts. i loads of government contracts. i want to learn about what want to learn more about what went wrong and how we can resolve it, how we can stop it happening yeah indeed. happening again. yeah indeed. >> so this letter that you mentioned there , um, is ed mentioned there, um, is ed davey. says thank for davey. it says thank you for your letter on the 20th of may from requesting from alan bates requesting a meeting since 2001, when the royal set up as royal mail was set up as a pubuc royal mail was set up as a public limited company, the government as only government as its only shareholder government has adopted an arm's length relationship with the company, so it has the commercial freedom to run its business. the integrity of the post office horizon is an operational horizon system is an operational and contractual matter for the pol, and not the government. basically, off basically, he's shoved it off now he's saying he took terrible advice this is everyone's fault. apart from his does this say a lot about the bloke he potentially, if we go the same way the old coalition days, way as the old coalition days, could well end up being our deputy could
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deputy prime minister. he could end up being deputy prime minister >> i you're absolutely >> i suppose. you're absolutely right this right there. and i think this letter really puts a big question mark over his fitness to hold , uh, public office. to hold, uh, public office. i mean, that letter , i mean, if mean, that letter, i mean, if i'd written that letter, if you'd written that letter, we would have said, dear mr bates, i'm extremely concerned to read about , uh, the allegations that about, uh, the allegations that you have been making about the behaviour of the post office and fujitsu can ring my fujitsu. please, can you ring my office and come and see me? i mean, he all he had to do was listen to bates and take it from there, instead of which he blocked him and because of that, the campaigners , the the campaigners, the subpostmasters their campaign subpostmasters at their campaign went on for a lot longer. it's still going on, of course. uh, thanks to mr bates and all of his extraordinary colleagues. and amazing , his extraordinary colleagues. and amazing, uh, itv and what an amazing, uh, itv drama it is . i mean, i've been drama it is. i mean, i've been watching one episode every night. we've finished night. we've just finished watching latest one. it watching the latest one. it really is an incredible story and luck to them and my own and good luck to them and my own personal regret is that as a journalist, i didn't pursue the story. so i'm at fault as well
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in way because i felt , in a small way because i felt, well, private were doing well, private eye were doing a great job were, and great job as they were, and computer weekly doing computer weekly were doing a great and i didn't want to great job, and i didn't want to be their be seen to be stealing their story. i think on reflection be seen to be stealing their stojournalistsink on reflection be seen to be stealing their stojournalists to on reflection be seen to be stealing their stojournalists to the reflection be seen to be stealing their stojournalists to the media on be seen to be stealing their stojournalists to the media too, on journalists to the media too, should have focussed a lot more on this, which is one of the greatest, uh, scam calls really miscarriages of justice. but it's not the only miscarriage of justice that's gone on in government. i mean, there's the libor scandal where, uh, more than went to jail libor scandal where, uh, more tha offences went to jail libor scandal where, uh, more tha offences which went to jail libor scandal where, uh, more tha offences which now ant to jail libor scandal where, uh, more tha offences which now itt to jail libor scandal where, uh, more tha offences which now it now ail for offences which now it now appears, didn't really , uh, appears, didn't really, uh, occur. and what's more, it appears that the established was doing far worse. yeah. >> let me just come in here quickly because you made a really interesting prediction, actually, to actually, which i'd like you to bnng bring to our viewers and listeners, which is unless ed davey out in of this, davey gets out in front of this, which he hasn't done right, davey gets out in front of this, wh now e hasn't done right, davey gets out in front of this, wh now e donet done right, davey gets out in front of this, wh now e done that. 3 right, davey gets out in front of this, wh now e done that. okay:, he now hasn't done that. okay this is going to absolutely dog him election. it him throughout the election. it will this journalist will do. could this journalist pursue way they pursue him in the way they should the general election? >> will have do series >> he will have to do a series of big name, big, big interviews with big television and radio,
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uh, presenters and they, they if they've got any guts about them, any, any backbone about them should get should be asking davey about this and pursuing him about this , but also him about this, but also learning more about what went wrong about this, because it is really boils down to a question of character . and as you say of character. and as you say frankly, it hadn't even occurred to could he could be to me he could be he could be deputy minister a year deputy prime minister a year from now. >> absolutely . look, michael, >> absolutely. look, michael, thank very as and thank you very much as ever. and i look forward to talking to you about again because, about this again soon, because, i you're going to let i mean, you're not going to let this and neither should this one go and neither should anybody else. michael crick their extraordinaire, anybody else. michael crick their we extraordinaire, anybody else. michael crick their we reachedtraordinaire, right. we reached out to ed davey comment and received davey for comment and received the statement the the following statement from the liberal offered come on the he was offered to come on the show way, and show tonight, by the way, and bitterly that the post bitterly regrets that the post office were not honest with him at goes out office were not honest with him at the goes out office were not honest with him at the caughtgoes out office were not honest with him at the caughtgoe in>ut to the families caught up in this miscarriage of justice. he will with the will fully cooperate with the inquiry to get to the bottom of what all right. what went wrong. all right. coming disney lost coming up, disney has lost billions office and billions at the box office and stock market over their obsession with woke riddled content. why does the director of the new female led star wars
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movie have a goal to quote, make men uncomfortable? fans reckon it will be disney's biggest flop yet. we'll find out more about that shortly. but next my that shortly. but next in my press pack, liveliest press pack, the liveliest newspaper review anywhere on the telly, i will dive deep into all of newspaper front of tomorrow's newspaper front pages before getting into pages before getting stuck into the stories with my top the best stories with my top panel the best stories with my top panel. plus, lord shaun bailey responds to the row that erupted over these comments made last week about carol vorderman. >> on one hand, she's got all that stuff you know, she's a serious political commentator and if you look at her instagram, it's all pictures of her bums and her boobs. yeah he responds shortly. >> patrick christys >> this is patrick christys tonight, only on gb
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radio. >> this is patrick christie's tonight, only on gb news it is time to bring you tomorrow's news tonight in the liveliest pay per news tonight in the liveliest pay per view anywhere on the telly. here are your front pages . we go with the guardian .
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. we go with the guardian. labour will fight fire with fire. starmer warns that the tories and there is also a big picture of britney spears saying i'll never return to the music industry. good. the i next we whizz over to the i. it says no tax cuts for two years under laboun tax cuts for two years under labour, hence starmer. we touched on this earlier. it's just be a question of just got to be a question of credibility isn't it. how much can you trust him? the can you really trust him? the daily we whizz over to daily telegraph we whizz over to their now no tv has so few sailors that ships must be scrapped. new frigates are unable to be manned unless existing warships are dismantled and we go to the mirror. cops must probe andrew sex claims call for investigation after duke named in pal epstein's court papers. we had the ceo of republic, the anti—monarchy group , on earlier. he's reported group, on earlier. he's reported andrew to the police , the sun andrew to the police, the sun says time to give andrew the chop as prince andrew is named 69 times in the epstein dossier , 69 times in the epstein dossier, the king has been given advice to chop him . that's what we're
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to chop him. that's what we're going to zone in on right now with my panel, we have, of course, got alison peston, shaun bailey and lisa mckenzie. alison, i'll start with you. is it time for our charles to give andrew the chop? what do they even mean? >> it's quite hard to know what's left to take away from him. he gave back his military titles to his. his late mother, the queen. um, he's no longer styled hrh. he is, i think, bizarrely, a member of the privy council. i think if charles is abroad , he and harry and harry, abroad, he and harry and harry, another another rogue in the house, isn't he in windsor, i think? yes. still in the still in frogmore house or whatever. it's quite difficult to know. yeah. there's, there's, you know , about as disgraced he , he's about as disgraced as he can be. um, just to raise a slightly human note , i know slightly human note, i know we're all supposed to despise him. and what with him. and what he did with epstein he's alleged to epstein and what he's alleged to have on, you know, if have done on, you know, if you're to travel to you're going to travel to something known as lolita island you're going to travel to some'shouldiown as lolita island you're going to travel to some'shouldiowcleverilita island you're going to travel to some'shouldiowcleverilita islato , you should be clever enough to know getting know you're getting yourself a member royal you member of the royal family. you shouldn't be going there. he is a patrick. you a human being, patrick. you know, something bad
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know, you bat something bad could happen if you pushed. if you take every last thing away for your views. >> what? what bad? i mean, i don't know what he could do. i mean, well, he could be very he's very he is allegedly very depressed. i mean, the, the headune depressed. i mean, the, the headline when i read the headline, was thought it was headline, i was i thought it was really funny because it's like he's the chop. and he's going to get the chop. and i are going i was like, are they going to kill him? or, you know, what is it they're going do? it that they're going to do? well, know, he is well, because you know, he is a member of their family. he's a, you know, a member of you know, he's a is a member of the family. not the royal family. well, he's not a member of the royal family now, um, he's now, is he? um, but he's a member their family. member of their family. oh, really? going to really? what are they going to do with him? so i think i think at i'm just going at this point i'm just going to say, the family are say, uh, the royal family are almost definitely going to almost definitely not going to kill. >> i'll come in on that one. i haven't gone to them for comment, but for sure we don't need to. i mean, sure, your your views this, you think that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust this, you think that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust pickhis, you think that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust pick up you think that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust pick up lisa you think that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust pick up lisa point ink that need to. i mean, sure, your your vjust pick up lisa point what|at i just pick up lisa point what could i just pick up lisa point what coulook, first thing is this >> look, first thing is this serious point these papers. if there's anything reveal, there's anything to reveal, well, could be some real well, there could be some real choppy him as
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choppy waters ahead for him as an for royal an individual, for the royal family particular, charles's family in particular, charles's first the royal first duty is to the royal family he may have to do something. interesting thing something. the interesting thing is, could he do? he's is, what could he do? he's removed hrh. i mean , we removed his hrh. i mean, we don't know. so let's see what happens.i don't know. so let's see what happens. i hope there is no more allegations to come. you know more than what we already know. but if there is, the king is in a difficult position. but if there is, the king is in a d there's)osition. but if there is, the king is in a dthere's also on. but if there is, the king is in a dthere's also talk but if there is, the king is in a d there's also talk on the >> there's also talk on the front of sun as well. front page of the sun as well. about hitler being offered some kind massive, massive kind of massive, massive film deal and they deal and watch that. and they and there you go. we'll turn to that in a, in a little bit. okay. because uh, now on last week's show, my panellist lord bailey commented on carol vorderman's increasingly erratic political commentary in her self confessed, clumsy fashion that referred to her looks and celebrity lifestyle . celebrity lifestyle. >> i have some sympathy for that. if she conducted herself like a grown up, she doesn't. she organises pilings. two of us sit on his sofa have been piling on her a bit, piling by her and look, on one hand, she's got all that stuff, you know, she's a serious political commentator. then her then if you look at her
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instagram, pictures of instagram, it's all pictures of her bums and her boobs. what her bums and her boobs. so what is it? what here? she is it? what is it here? she can't but at the end of can't be both. but at the end of the day, if you're going to do what right, make sure what she did right, make sure you it factually well. you do it factually well. >> sharon's were >> sharon's comments were cupped >> sharon's comments were clipped online, clipped up and shared online, which outrage among which has sparked outrage among some quarters on social media. carol herself called sean a misogynist on twitter, adding so sean thinks that women who wear lycra the shouldn't be lycra in the gym shouldn't be allowed a political opinion or i assume, she also assume, a vote. she also encouraged her nearly 1 million twitter followers get hashtag twitter followers to get hashtag sexist. sean trending and it's fair to say that he's been on the receiving end of a huge amount criticism. okay and, um left his commentator as well. marina purkiss blasted. are you saying women cannot our political opinions and have bums or boobs? because guess what, women can it all. she said , women can have it all. she said, your weasel a your misogynistic weasel of a man . anti—brexit campaigner femi man. anti—brexit campaigner femi oluwole also piped up hashtag sexist. sean keeps uh on. carol vorderman's instagram, then rages about her yada yada yada. now we did reach out to carol to ask for her involvement and or
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comment on this specific segment of tonight's show . she comment on this specific segment of tonight's show. she didn't respond, but who better to have this out than the man himself? shaun bailey. and look, sean , shaun bailey. and look, sean, how do you respond to what's been said about you online? >> look, there's two things to say. express in say. did i express myself in a clumsy way? of course i did, you know, and it could have been done the point done better. but the point stands. she's you stands. she's a glitzy, you know, , uh, stands. she's a glitzy, you know, , uh, um, know, positive, uh, um, celebrity . as her instagram celebrity. as her instagram would show . if you go on her would show. if you go on her twitter, she's she is a bully. she's pursued people. she organises pilings that create great victory and hate the amount of racist abuse i've had. for instance, because of the piling she's organised, has been incredible. and the point i was trying to make is you can't on one hand be in front of our children saying, look, this is how the world could change. it could which is could be positive, which is great she's a very great stuff. she's a very successful, active, successful, very, very active, very woman . but then very intelligent woman. but then on hand, organising on the other hand, organising real bullying, instance, real bullying, for instance, some her comments some of her comments about people of because people are not of value because they don't a degree. she they don't have a degree. she said thing to johnny
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said a similar thing to johnny mercer and his wife. you know, if at now and your if you're at home now and your child a degree or child doesn't have a degree or you have a degree, what you don't have a degree, what does make think about does that make you think about yourself? discourse yourself? political discourse in this so. do this country has become so. do you polarised? >> want to apologise to >> do you want to apologise to her for making the comments about the physical appearance? no. what i want to do is make the point about this. >> the was, i was >> the point was, yes, i was clumsy it, but i was trying clumsy in it, but i was trying to the that we in to make the point that we in a country where we are at each country now where we are at each other's and she is the other's throats and she is the chief architect of that. she's number one the country. number one bully in the country. the she's written the things that she's written online, things that said online, the things that she said misogynistic and otherwise, are incredible. and she's used her massive platform. she has an enormous form and what she enormous plan form and what she should be doing in my opinion, is using it for good instead, she's organising tremendous pilings . she's organising tremendous pilings. i've had people stop me in the street. i had a woman stopped me the street and say stopped me in the street and say to you know, what was the to me, you know, what was the deal? did say that? so deal? why did you say that? so we an exchange and she said we had an exchange and she said to me, but sean, she said similar and similar things, and she's a bully. why is she going bully. why? why is she going
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unchallenged? i wanted unchallenged? and i all i wanted people right? people to know is this right? yes. i'd expressed myself. >> well, go on, just go on. what would you wish you'd express? >> i wish i'd just said to. look. a successful not not look. she's a successful not not brought the bums in the stuff i wish i'd just said to her. you're a successful woman. you're a successful woman. you're a successful woman. you're a intelligent woman. you're a very intelligent woman. yeah, have your yeah, and you can have your political opinions. for instance, online on her and her followers to make it about followers tried to make it about herself. i never women herself. i never said women can't have vote. from can't have the vote. i'm from the we know the black community. we know what like. to the what it's like. not to have the vote. wasn't i was vote. that wasn't what i was getting i was trying to getting at. what i was trying to say successful say is, you're a successful woman who's got a tremendous platform, and with platform, right? and with that platform, you've chosen to bully and and that's and demonise people. and that's not helpful. could do not helpful. you could do something not helpful. you could do sonokay.g lisa, that, >> okay. well, lisa, on that, i think some of the outrage online was about the idea that a woman can both post a picture of themselves in whatever state they want to post them in, you know, and have genuinely valid, obviously political views, etc. and surely that is the case. both of those things can exist. yeah. >> i mean, they can they can
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exist at about the same time. and when women can did did they, did they tell you to vote in a sort of ex—porn star ones as their president or prime minister? you know, women and it doesn't lessen her her ideas about politics. not to me, anyway . so, yeah, women can do anyway. so, yeah, women can do all of those things is where i agree with sean , is that . the agree with sean, is that. the political debate now, this culture war stuff is horrific and doing nobody any favours. and what is happening on twitter is literally just what's happening on twitter now , you happening on twitter now, you know, and it's interesting that people use the different platforms for different things. um, and i think that is because the nature of the platforms and the nature of the platforms and the political discourse that has come out of all this pile on stuff is rubbish. and alison, i'll bring you in on this now. >> yeah. big claims of sexism, misogyny, etc. what was your take on that? i think my misogyny radar is pretty keen and i sit next to this one most
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thursday evenings, and he doesn't set off my misogyny radar. >> sean is deeply respect , full >> sean is deeply respect, full of women, and he comes from the jamaican community, whereas he's always telling me that women rule the roost. so you are he is not sexist and he's not misogynist. i think patrick, the honest truth is, in this kind of discussion on tv, people are chatting . people say things any chatting. people say things any week. you could be something could be snipped out of something that you say, and it could be used out of context, or it could be, you know, she said this. she said that, and it could miss out the context entirely or indeed miss out the character of the person . uh, character of the person. uh, there are misogynists in our society who are very, very upsetting . they the way they upsetting. they the way they treat women is disgusting. to go around , you know, to go around around, you know, to go around accusing people on the basis of one thing i think is i think it's completely wrong. i also think carol vorderman is has been a bit of a political chameleon in was the maths chameleon in she was the maths are under david cameron. she was all the tory functions very big
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cheese in the conservative thing. now she's uh very, very much, um , you know, sucking up much, um, you know, sucking up to labour, i would say perhaps angung to labour, i would say perhaps angling for a damehood. that's just a kind of random observation. but in many ways, you know, she is, as sean said, she's a she's a very clever, very, very accomplished and clever brainy person from a very ordinary background. so we, you know, we salute her. i just don't think it's very helpful . don't think it's very helpful. oil panel shows to be just oil on panel shows to be just picking out, you know, one thing that's been mis said. >> okay, um, we did reach out to carol. hey a heck of a lot of noise on social media. heck of a lot of noise that we're debating this on tv shows, on other tv channels, as you will no doubt be aware, sean, be acutely aware, sean, obviously, obviously obviously, you know, obviously carol did not want to come on obviously, you know, obviously caro has! not want to come on obviously, you know, obviously caro has nott want to come on obviously, you know, obviously carohas not come to come on obviously, you know, obviously carohas not come and ome on obviously, you know, obviously carohas not come and said on obviously, you know, obviously carohas not come and said we and has not come and said we wait to see if there's any comment this, but there we comment on this, but there we go. coming up, uh, we are going to be talking about former post office ceo paula vennells. yes.
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because, because, because, um, we are going to be doing our greatest britain and union jackass think we can jackass. i think, i think we can guess which one that's going to 90, guess which one that's going to go, we? but will either of go, can't we? but will either of them take tonight's gongs? plus, disney has lost billions at the box stock market box office and the stock market over obsession over their obsession with woke riddled does the riddled content. why does the director new wars director of the new star wars movie have a, quote, goal ? movie have a, quote, a goal? sorry to quote, make men uncomfortable ? well, i certainly uncomfortable? well, i certainly felt uncomfortable felt particularly uncomfortable trying to read that autocue there for a second, but fans reckon it'll be disney's biggest flop yet. this patrick flop yet. this is patrick christys tonight and i'll have more you
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this is patrick christys tonight only on gb news, and it's time that we return to the liveliest pay per that we return to the liveliest pay per view anywhere on telly. more from pages for you now, britain braces for long and dirty election battle that's in the independent for you. there we go to the daily express next, which is rishi's tax cut. pledge kicks off election battle . well, kicks off election battle. well, they're all getting a bit shirty
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about tax now aren't they? it's about tax now aren't they? it's about flipping time. the times doctors told nhs belongs to all of us, not just you. the bma rejects requests to help patients amid the strike. big prince andrew picture . we go to prince andrew picture. we go to the metro now. andrew in audience . epstein island. so i audience. epstein island. so i mean straight to the point now from the metro to be honest the epstein files and we go to the daily mail, the daily mail, new epstein prince epstein bombshell for prince andrew to andrew will never return to royal fold after quotes underage orgy insiders the that orgy insiders tell the mail that plans will to force the plans will go ahead to force the prince of royal lodge. so prince out of royal lodge. so basically they might serve him out and make him homeless as well. discussed the vast well. and we discussed the vast majority these stories majority of these stories already show. already at length on this show. and little bit pressed and we are a little bit pressed for now, thought i'd for time now, so i thought i'd do highlight the mood a do is just highlight the mood a little . right. because little bit. all right. because we have been a keen eye little bit. all right. because we some been a keen eye little bit. all right. because we some ofan a keen eye little bit. all right. because we some of the a keen eye little bit. all right. because we some of the clips a keen eye little bit. all right. because we some of the clips that leen eye little bit. all right. because we some of the clips that have eye on some of the clips that have been trending and on bbc. been trending online and on bbc. look north presenter struggled to straight face. i'm not to keep a straight face. i'm not surprised as they launched a new segment about polls . now segment about polls. now potholes are issue that we potholes are an issue that we care about here at gb
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care deeply about here at gb news. we know that you it matters to you, but here's how they chose to go about the pothole . pothole issue. >> that time of year >> now it's that time of year pothole season. we're already being contacted by viewers watching the programme, but we want to know how bad it is, where you are and we will come and film some of the worst. how big is your hole? you you can tweet me at look north at bbc. if you can send a picture . norton is always in a hole. if you can tweet me a picture, that would be good as well . uh, the would be good as well. uh, the biggest potholes . we'll be biggest potholes. we'll be having some of them on the programme. >> i mean, so how big is your hole ? right. that guy's always hole? right. that guy's always in a hole, he said. and uh, send me your pictures of your hole right. can i just. can we just spare a thought for the poor bbc? look, north intern who's been tasked with manning that email inbox? right. that is going to be absolutely staggering. um, yeah . look at
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staggering. um, yeah. look at that. there we go. there we go. astonishing, isn't it? i mean, i hope they knew that they were in on the it's done well for on the joke. it's done well for them we're for all them anyway. look, we're for all them anyway. look, we're for all the potholes. piles are a massive problem. >> it's the, you know, forget tax is everybody. it's the >> this is everybody. it's the state of the nation. you drive down any road you said you got, you got a new car straight into a pothole. >> i think bbc look north has done a sterling job on that. you know, they've really caught up. >> have when i see that >> they have when i see that i just people outside of just think people outside of britain is britain would think what is going britain. yeah going on in britain. yeah >> what are they doing? right. we're have to rattle we're going to have to rattle through this now. it's for through this now. it's time for today's britain today's greatest britain and union all right, let's union jackass. all right, let's keep this snappy. alison, your greatest britain is rosie duffield. >> fantastic and brave labour mp . she's been completely exonerated of ludicrous charges of anti semitism and transphobia here because all rosie did patrick was she liked a tweet by the comedian graham linehan . uh, the comedian graham linehan. uh, no sense of humour, but she's
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she's fantastic. all right . more she's fantastic. all right. more like her. >> sure. my greatest britain is the two lukes luke littler and luke humphries, who played in a darts final. estate a really riveting final, but most importantly, great sportsmanship , great brotherly love on the stage. a real good example . stage. a real good example. >> yeah, darts is an absolute winner, it? winner, isn't it? >> is my local >> anyway, mine is my local council i think councils council because i think councils get a lot of stick. but gedling borough council in nottinghamshire have put money, uh, towards warm hubs so people can go and sit and be warm and not put the heating on. and that is very important at the moment. >> hey, there you go. right the winner of today's greatest britain it's the leagues. britain it's the two leagues. >> two leagues, right ? >> it is the two leagues, right? >> it is the two leagues, right? >> your union jackass. alison >> your union jackass. alison >> oh, the dreadful paula vennells, who was in charge of the post office when hundreds of hardworking subpostmasters and subpostmistresses were arrested, harassed , jailed, pregnant harassed, jailed, pregnant postmistress, jailed, lost their jobs, lost their family
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reputation as this dreadful woman still hanging on to her cbe great jan moir in the daily mail ever day, the former post office boss keeps a cbe is an affront to victims. yes, okay. >> sean mines is the rmt union for next week's strikes . um, for next week's strikes. um, they are going to decimate london. so many londoners need to get to work this is the time of year we want to get going and they're going to stop that. sadiq khan needs to look at minimum rules very quickly. claudia winkleman, she gets >> claudia winkleman, she gets on nerves . she gets on my on my nerves. she gets on my nerves . i on my nerves. she gets on my nerves. i don't like this new programme. watch what's on us. yeah.i programme. watch what's on us. yeah. i don't like this. traitors! they're shower traitors! they're rogue. shower and she's also got me out a bit. she's goth. she goths me out . she's goth. she goths me out. >> all right, all right, all right. today's winner. today's >> all right, all right, all right. tisiay's winner. today's >> all right, all right, all right. tis alison.1ner. today's >> all right, all right, all right. tis alison. of r. today's >> all right, all right, all right. tis alison. of course('s winner is alison. of course we're paula. look, thank you to we're. paula. look, thank you to my wonderful panel. you to my wonderful panel. thank you to everyone i'll everyone who's watching. i'll see at nine. keep see you tomorrow at nine. keep fighting. fight. see you tomorrow at nine. keep figiang. fight. see you tomorrow at nine. keep figia brighter fight. see you tomorrow at nine. keep figia brighter outlook1t. see you tomorrow at nine. keep figia brighter outlook with boxt >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar , sponsors of weather on .
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solar, sponsors of weather on. gb news. >> good evening. i'm alex burkill here with your latest gb news, weather forecast. while some of us may see a touch of frost and some fog patches tonight, there is still some heavy rain affecting southeastern an of southeastern parts. an area of low pressure has pushed its way up as we went through today, bringing pretty heavy rain bringing some pretty heavy rain across areas , and that across southern areas, and that rain is now going to feed a little bit further north eastwards, affecting particularly east anglia into lincolnshire through this evening overnight could lincolnshire through this evenirsome overnight could lincolnshire through this evenirsome overn disruption and cause some travel disruption and some further flooding is possible too. but that rain gradually trying clear away gradually trying to clear away through hours. a few through the early hours. a few showers elsewhere, but also some dnen showers elsewhere, but also some drier, clearer weather, particularly for inland areas, could for a touch of frost could allow for a touch of frost and also some of fog. and also some patches of fog. first thing tomorrow morning. otherwise as we go through tomorrow, of a wet start for tomorrow, bit of a wet start for some parts. of some eastern parts. a lot of that will clear away, but some eastern parts. a lot of tha orkney, ll clear away, but some eastern parts. a lot of tha orkney, shetland,vay, but some eastern parts. a lot of tha orkney, shetland, somert for orkney, shetland, some persistent rain continuing into the perhaps a little the afternoon, perhaps a little bit sleet here well. bit of sleet here as well. otherwise some showers, most likely for parts of wales, western england, maybe coastal showers for scotland and
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northern but something northern ireland. but something a dner northern ireland. but something a drier sunnier. a little bit drier and sunnier. further temperatures for further inland temperatures for many in single figures many staying in single figures as we look towards saturday and it's going to be quite a cloudy story for eastern parts. a few showery outbreaks of rain likely here, sunnier though further west with just a few coastal showers possible. some blustery winds , quite likely for winds, quite likely for scotland. elsewhere lighter winds as high pressure builds in and that high pressure is likely to dominate through sunday into monday, largely dry but monday, bringing largely dry but chilly weather for many by that warm feeling inside . warm feeling inside. >> from boxt boilers sponsor of weather on gb news .
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with gb news. >> the news at 11:00, it looks like we're in for a general election in the second half of this year. that's according to the prime minister today. this year. that's according to the prime minister today . rishi the prime minister today. rishi sunak admitted as much in a visit to the east midlands. both labour and the liberal democrats have been pushing for a spring election, but he refused to be drawn on that, saying instead he wants to focus on the economy, cutting taxes and tackling illegal migration. meanwhile sir keir starmer says he's ready to go to the polls now and he criticised the prime minister for delaying the vote at all. sir keir starmer vowed in his new year speech to stand up for working saying the
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working people, saying the character politics will character of politics will change wins power. change if labour wins power. well, our other main story tonight, heavy rain is continuing to batter britain tonight, causing flooding havoc for residents. businesses and motorists. motorway . crews have motorists. motorway. crews have been waterlogged. take a look at these pictures if you're watching on tv of scenes just outside southampton , homes have outside southampton, homes have been cows were drowned been flooded. cows were drowned in one field in derbyshire . in one field in derbyshire. derbyshire constabulary tried to get a rescue effort there but some cows were saved but some drowned earlier. not hampshire county council declared a major incident along the river trent because of flooding and rising river levels. there and large parts of north yorkshire, worcestershire, northamptonshire, cornwall and gloucestershire are under flood water tonight . the met office water tonight. the met office has warned of power cuts and travel disruption right across all affected areas, and train company gwr is advising people not to travel at all after its tracks were flooded and routes were made impassable . well, were made impassable. well, let's just bring you some detail
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on that breaking news


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