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tv   Neil Oliver - Live  GB News  January 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm GMT

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in milnthorpe . uh, sanctuary in milnthorpe. uh, they're asking for your old christmas trees, believe it or not, as help for their residents. stay with me to hear more about that. all that and lots of chat with our regular panellist and friend greg swenson. first, an update on swenson. but first, an update on the headlines with sam francis . the headlines with sam francis. >> neil, thank you very much. good evening. i'm sam francis in the gb news room. well, our top story at six is that flood hit households affected by storm henk offered thousands henk are being offered thousands of pounds in government support, but in eligible areas can but people in eligible areas can apply for up to £500 to help with the immediate costs . with the immediate costs. there's also an offer of up to £5,000 in grants for some homes and businesses. £5,000 in grants for some homes and businesses . there are still and businesses. there are still 210 flood warnings in place across england, with exceptionally high and in some cases record river levels . great cases record river levels. great western railway is urging passengers to check for cancellations as several lines are closed due to flooding . a 16
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are closed due to flooding. a 16 year old boy has been remanded in custody charged with the murder of harry pitman, who was stabbed in london on new year's eve. the teenager died following what police say was an altercation in as crowds gathered on primrose hill to watch the fireworks. the suspect , who cannot be named, has also been charged possessing been charged with possessing an offensive . harry's sister offensive weapon. harry's sister has paid tribute to him, saying he had a heart of gold and that he had a heart of gold and that he wouldn't be involved in violence the prince andrew had violence. the prince andrew had daily massages during weeks that he spent at jeffrey epstein's home in florida . that's home in florida. that's according to the convicted pedophile's housekeeper, newly released court documents in the us include her testimony from 2009, which says the prince and his then wife, sarah, duchess of york, were friends with epstein and the now convicted sex trafficker ghislaine maxwell. the unsealed files were part of a civil lawsuit against maxwell, who's serving a 20 year prison sentence for recruiting underage girls for epstein. prince andrew strongly denies any wrongdoing .
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strongly denies any wrongdoing. well here in the uk, rishi sunak is facing a growing battle over his rwanda plan. that's as his former immigration minister is threatening to vote it down unless changes are made . the unless changes are made. the bill has passed its second reading in the commons, but robert jenrick abstained from that vote, claiming it wouldn't succeed in its current form. it follows reports that the prime minister also had doubts that the scheme would not be able to send migrants rwanda , and send migrants to rwanda, and would channel crossings would not stop channel crossings when he was chancellor, mr sunak also proposed a smaller initial volume in flights, with just 500 flown in the first year of the scheme. instead of the initially proposed 1500. well, meanwhile , proposed 1500. well, meanwhile, the chancellor says that he's not sure if the government can afford to offer voters any more tax cuts before the next election. a 2% reduction in national insurance comes into force today , which jeremy hunt force today, which jeremy hunt claims will benefit 27 million people and save the average family. with two earners nearly
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£1,000. this year, however, the government has frozen the income tax threshold , which has pushed tax threshold, which has pushed many into higher brackets , many into higher brackets, offsetting the benefits of that national insurance cut. the chancellor admits that further cuts are unlikely. >> it was right to support families through covid and through the cost of living crisis. and yes, taxes had to go up in that period. but we are a conservative government that wants to bring down taxes because we recognise that families are finding life really tough. it's the start of a process. as chancellor, if i can afford to go further, i will. i don't yet know if i can, but we want to do this because it helps families and it's also helps to grow the economy . grow the economy. >> well, we've learned today that russia has used north korean ballistic missiles in ukraine for the first time. that's to according an independent weapons expert . the independent weapons expert. the united states has described it as a significant and concerning escalation in the cooperation between the two countries. dutch researcher joost olympians, who was among those to examine the
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debris, says russia is violating international law . international law. >> russia should be adhering to the sanctions on north korea . the sanctions on north korea. uh, even more so when it's in the case of, uh, highly significant type of weapons system like, uh, this, uh, short range ballistic missile systems that we're now seeing. so that's a really a very gross violation . a really a very gross violation. and, uh, it's just that there's no, uh , physical mechanism in no, uh, physical mechanism in place to , uh, prevent russia place to, uh, prevent russia from importing, uh, clandestine only even, even very obviously , only even, even very obviously, clandestinely importing , uh, clandestinely importing, uh, weapons systems if they choose to do so . to do so. >> almost 700 afghans that were promised sanctuary here in the uk still haven't been relocated. two thirds of those who were eligible who supported british efforts during the war are yet to be resettled . that's more to be resettled. that's more than two years after the taliban's takeover. some 1500 are still stuck in third countries like iran and pakistan. the former the foreign
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secretary, rather david cameron, says plans are in place to bring those refugees to the uk, but that it's difficult to predict just how quickly people in afghanistan can be brought to safety . and alaska airlines has safety. and alaska airlines has grounded all boeing 737 max nine aircraft. that's after a window and part of the fuselage blew out of a plane in mid—air. the plane was forced to land in emergency shortly after taking off from the us state of oregon. social media footage here shows the large hole in the plane where the emergency exit had previously been 177 people on board were on board, but no one was luckily hurt. an investigation has since been launched. this is gb news across the uk. we're on tv in your car, on digital radio and of course on digital radio and of course on our website. two now though, it's back to . now though, it's back to. neil. >> how many of yesterday's
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so—called conspiracy theories must be revealed as the truth before we that worn out label is finally abandon? ed? it's still out there. of course , casually out there. of course, casually tossed at anyone questioning lies old lies and new lies. for as long as it lasts. i'll be proud and relieved to wear the badge of conspiracy theorist like a battle scar. it's been a couple of years , at least for me couple of years, at least for me now, but to be a conspiracy theorist is to have been right all along. despite the efforts of the paid for liars and it's also to be demonstrably well ahead of the gullible still believing in smoke and mirrors conspire kc theorist was first used by the cia to shut down those who doubted the official line about the murder of john f kennedy, that fishy old tale about a lone shooter and a magic bullet. and then that lone shooter being shot by another lone shooter before he could talk. that was in the 1960s. and from then the label conspiracy theorist worked for decades as theorist worked for decades as the means to make thinking people too scared to speak. when they smelt a rat. let 2024 be
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they smelt a rat. let 2024 be the year of clearing out the rubbish, the trash, the long overdue year when the pastor sell by date labels, conspiracy theorist among them are cast into the dustbin of history. conspiracy theorist is hardly the only label used for ridiculing and so discouraging the truth over the last couple of years, those paid for liars were churning them out like there was no tomorrow. indeed, frightening people into thinking there would be no tomorrow unless they did as they were told, was the whole point of the exercise, sighs granny killer covidiot denier. after conspiracy theorist. my own personal favourite is unvaxxed still actually applied as though it were an insult. i sit here before you, loud and proud as an unvaxxed conspiracy theorist, although i'll be honest and say , although i'll be honest and say, like many others, i worried about the consequences of outing myself as someone who had refused the jab jab. remember when to admit being unjabbed was not just to risk ridicule, but
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exile from society, inability to earn a living. what was i afraid of for some of the time, i think i was actually afraid of being right, because what i came to think about those products as the months passed and the coercion to submit to them intensified, kept me awake at night. but i know now that i've yet to meet anyone that regrets not letting that succession of pncks not letting that succession of pricks anywhere near them. to this day, i don't know anyone personally who died of covid, but i do know or knew too many people who have since and suddenly and unexpectedly died of something else, or been diagnosed with life changing chronic illness. hardly a month goes by without my hearing about another heart attack, another stroke , another 20 something stroke, another 20 something dropping dead when no one had any reason to doubt they were in otherwise perfect . health. since otherwise perfect. health. since january 2023, since january 2022. sorry, there have been more than 100,000 excess deaths
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in the uk, 30,000 more than the total of british civilians that died during the six years of world war two. what rational person resists resists asking questions about a statistic like that ? more questions about a statistic like that? more and more serious people , scientists and people, scientists and physicians among them , question physicians among them, question whether covid 19 even was a pandemic and suggest the deaths of the elderly during that time were , at least in part, on were, at least in part, on account of treatment meted out to them. that was in appropriate, to say the least . appropriate, to say the least. all of this is in the public domain , and i say demands domain, and i say demands serious contemplation. pfizer is being sued by the state of texas for allegedly mis selling its vaccine product. they're wildly overstating its efficacy . the overstating its efficacy. the astrazeneca product has long since been withdrawn and is routinely labelled defective and yet bill gates, who has described vaccines as his best ever investment, is out and about, promoting the use of
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products built upon the mrna platform in livestock and arable crops that might be the food of billions of people having conspiratorial tendencies may actually be the best protection out there. more and more of us, say the elephant in the room when it comes to a grown up conversation about all the unexpected dying is the suggestion of a temporal link between excess deaths and the rollout of the jabs , a factor rollout of the jabs, a factor among all the rest, and surely demanding of rational consideration, is that excess dying in both 2022 and 2023, when hardly anyone died of covid, continued at over 9% after the rollout of the products marketed and frantically pushed by all and sundry as vaccines against the disease . whatever those people disease. whatever those people are dying of , it isn't covid. are dying of, it isn't covid. pfizer have long since made clear they were never even asked to test if their product would stop transmission from person to
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person. and yet the apparent certainty of its stopping the spread to granny was preached as holy writ. it's no longer a sin to raise the subject , at least to raise the subject, at least anywhere but in the house of commons and in parliaments all around the west, obviously, and everywhere there are louder and louder calls for the once and for all withdrawal from the market of the various injectable . but still most medical professionals are yet to voice any doubts or concerns of their own. how long must we wait to hear at the very least, evidence of their curiosity about what happened and is happening ? all happened and is happening? all that inexplicable dying and accelerating illness from tens of thousands of health professionals who actively promoted injections and who are in many cases still doing so. i make no apologies for still banging on about the jabs and the excess deaths. despite the ridicule, it still draws in my direction and i'll keep on banging on until every last drop of the truth is squeezed into
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the public domain. but my incredulity at the maintenance of conspiracy theorists as an inqu of conspiracy theorists as an insult goes much further than that. insult goes much further than that . right now, we're being that. right now, we're being treated to the epstein client list , the list that was list, the list that was maintained and jealously guarded by the world's most famous dead paedophile, most famous apart, maybe from jimmy savile honoured by royalty and the state. both, like many people , i don't for like many people, i don't for one minute accept that jeffrey epstein committed suicide to me. no serious, honest person could accept as much at face value. swallowing the official line that outside his super secure cell, his guards were asleep and the security cameras turned off. just at the time when he managed to break his own neck by hanging from a naughty sheet while in a seated position , a feat not seated position, a feat not replicated before or since in any so—called soft hanging and yet surprise , surprise to yet surprise, surprise to question the state narrative on that shaggy dog tale and the corruption it revealed was also to be a conspiracy theorist, maybe even a domestic terrorist,
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to use another label. currently being oversold by those with so much to lose. now that conspiracy theory, which is to say, talk of murder to silence a blackmailer financed by people ficher blackmailer financed by people richer and more powerful than him is openly discussed . who him is openly discussed. who knows what more might be revealed from that murky store . revealed from that murky store. it's still borderline treasonous to question the legitimacy of the 2020 us election, and yet we have long known that the truth of the hunter biden laptop, the honest and open revelation and discussion of which at the time might have affected that election in a way not beneficial to his dad .joe election in a way not beneficial to his dad . joe was determinedly to his dad. joe was determinedly suppressed by the media and the tech giants acting in concert. if that's not interfering with an election in favour of one side over another, i don't know what is this time around with the latest us election looming, the latest us election looming, the democrat white house is striking from ballots the name of their biggest and most popular rival, and even doing the same to what it considers
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renegade democrat candidates . renegade democrat candidates. the us government may yet put donald j. trump in jail to try and thwart his return to the white house once the land of the free. now, more and more commentators are describing the us as behaving increasingly like a banana republic and yet with a straight face, hillary clinton and the rest of us political royalty loudly declare they're acting to defend democracy itself if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. and i say, what's quacking in and around the white house now is a flock of shameless crooks as corrupt and dangerous to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as it gets. of course , happiness as it gets. of course, conspiracy theorists, granny killer covidiot, covid denier, election denier, domestic terrorist and the rest are hardly the limit of the name calling in an attempt to shut down questions about the war in ukraine, anyone asking was automatically to be labelled a putin apologist. now, a generation of ukrainians lies cold in the clay to be sickened
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by the slaughter of tens of thousands of people in gaza. children and babies. among them is to be labelled an anti—semite , despite the fact that jewish people all over the world have joined the pleas for the killing to stop. it's not just bombs and bullets snuffing out lives in gaza now, but man made famine and its attendant pestilence. all four horsemen of the apocalypse are therefore abroad in that tortured scrap of land. and yet the majority of the nafions and yet the majority of the nations of the west cheer them ever onwards . i've been called ever onwards. i've been called all the names. it's virtually a rite of passage on the road to accepting the obligation. we have as members of the human race to voice doubt and ask questions about courses of action being adopted on our behalf by people. we did , or in behalf by people. we did, or in our case, didn't vote for. here's the thing exactly how long is the lag between the bandying about of conspiracy theorists and the application of more accurate labelling instead being perhaps person who knew
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and said so? despite the certainty of abuse? how long is it to be in future? two years? two months? two days? because it feels to me like the gap is closing faster and faster. so many state and corporate lies are exposed . those of us paying are exposed. those of us paying attention already await the next lie. cyber attack , war against lie. cyber attack, war against iran, whatever . we're stepping iran, whatever. we're stepping out into a new year , and i'd out into a new year, and i'd like to hope it might be a year of change for the better. away from state sanctioned lies and towards truthful answers to questions from honest people. the us is not alone in contemplating an election this yeah contemplating an election this year. at least 40 countries around the world are doing likewise. we'll likely have one. two. i said it was time to clear out the trash , and i mean it out the trash, and i mean it. joining me tonight is my friend and one of my favourite regular panellists, the chairman of
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republicans overseas, greg swensen. good evening greg. great to be here neal 2024. here we are . now, it sounds to me we are. now, it sounds to me like a significant moment in time. um 3 billion people plus scheduled to vote elections around the world. how do you see it unfolding? yeah. >> it's amazing. it's half the world's population , i think. world's population, i think. look, i'm an optimist. it can't be worse than 2023. in terms of the labels and all the things you mentioned in the monologue, which, you know, which which is troubling . and the optimist troubling. and the optimist hopes that things will change and that people who speak the truth will not be treated as conspiracy theorists. the list is long. you hit a lot of them, but there are many others, and that's troubling. but i think that's troubling. but i think that there's pushback, neal, and you saw it this week with the ousting of the one of the great liars in american education, which was the president of harvard, gai . claudine harvard, justine gai. claudine guay, so you know, guay, sorry. so you know, i think the pushback has started
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and i think you'll see more of it. and that's a good sign. >> i agree , and i endeavour to >> i agree, and i endeavour to be optimistic , but it also seems be optimistic, but it also seems to me almost inevitably, that so many people are so jaded and so exhausted by everything that's happened without respite over the last few years. >> how are people expected to regroup and do something positive? >> that's a great question. and people just tune out , you know, people just tune out, you know, they just say, i'm just going to the 90 y just sa y, i'm j' ust goin g to they just say, i'm just going to go back to my job and my family and look after my children and go to church on sunday and be civically involved and not obsessed but obsessed with cable news. but but i think that there's a lot to do. and i think there's there is some positive momentum. it's not just happened not just what happened at harvard. week. think, you harvard. this week. i think, you know, pushback is real. the know, the pushback is real. the parents, the so—called, you know, the white supremacists that were going to school board meetings or the domestic terrorists were we terrorists that were saying, we don't want garbage , you don't want this garbage, you know, taught to our children that's, you know, that started a good years ago. but good couple of years ago. but it's working, and i think you're
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seeing it. and hopefully we'll seeing it. and hopefully we'll see the elections where see it in the elections where people you know, let's let people say, you know, let's let the people vote. and the best thing that we can do is vote. the bums out. as you said, as long as we're permitted to by big brother, i mean, when you see that, know, elections see that, you know, elections are, are people's only are, are are people's only practical hope in many respects. >> and yet what do you make of the fact that in america, the lead republican, the most popular politician in america is off? is being taken off the ballot? what's going on? >> it's the ultimate election interference. right. and they started this with the with the indictments and followed by the mug shot. and now by taking him off the ballot in maine and colorado. interestingly that's elevating president trump . you elevating president trump. you know, he was basically in a dead heat with ron desantis back in march of 23. cnn had him down two points to desantis , and they two points to desantis, and they started indicting him. and all of a sudden he's picked up 15 points. so, you know, i think and look, i would ron
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and look, i would prefer ron desantis to the nominee, but desantis to be the nominee, but i would prefer to it by going i would prefer to do it by going to the ballot box. and that's and that's the shame this. to the ballot box. and that's and by|t's the shame this. to the ballot box. and that's and by the :he shame this. to the ballot box. and that's and by the way,1ame this. to the ballot box. and that's and by the way, thee this. to the ballot box. and that's and by the way, the democrats and by the way, the democrats are not just doing it to trump. they're doing it the they're doing it in the democratic party. i think, as you mentioned in the monologue, the congressional i mean, the presidential candidate from minnesota whose minnesota is a congressman whose surname phillips . i can't surname is phillips. i can't remember first name. he's remember his first name. he's not you know, not that memorable. you know, he's legitimate candidate and he's a legitimate candidate and he's a legitimate candidate and he running properly. he's a legitimate candidate and he running properly . and he is running properly. and marianne williamson, you might think she's an oddball, but she ran in 2020 and was on ballots all over the country. and yet they they kept both phillips and williamson off the ballots in florida and north carolina . florida and north carolina. that's the democratic party. and the democrats do see that they're doing this in the name of defending democracy, which is so ironic when in fact they are using such undimmed , erratic using such undimmed, erratic methods and really vile putting the constitution on so many levels. i mean, just the list , levels. i mean, just the list, again, is so long, you know, the smear campaign on brett
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kavanaugh , the student loan kavanaugh, the student loan forgiveness, which was illegal and unconstitutional , opening and unconstitutional, opening the border and creating a humanitarian crisis, which is horrible, the way that women and children are treated at the border. that's all done on purpose by biden, and it's against the law. it's against the congress voted that the border must be secured , and it's border must be secured, and it's up to the executive branch to execute those laws. and they're failing to do that. so you know, this this there's the list is long. and i think, again, the pushback is real. um, the news in the us. and i think jennifer will tell you this later, the news in the us is almost 100% about the border. and the elites in washington just ignore it completely . like it's completely. like it's a non—issue. but for the for the people, it's a big issue. >> for the people. it's quite a year ahead. first break coming up after which i'll be joined by politician and broadcaster george galloway. what does a politician of 50 years experience see coming in the year ahead? don't go anywhere
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in horror at the 28 billion that they want to borrow for this net zero nonsense. >> my next guest. uh, well, he's no stranger to political controversy, that's for sure. uh, former mp george galloway, hardly alone . now, in calling hardly alone. now, in calling for voters to turn away from the union party and vote for anyone other than labour or the tories. uh, george joins me now. i hope to talk about all of that. and more. good evening, george. thanks for joining more. good evening, george. thanks forjoining me. thanks for joining me. >> welcome always . >> welcome always. >> welcome always. >> george, uh, this is this sounds like, um, it could be a year like no other. something unprecedented lies ahead. you know, we've got 40 elections around the world. half the world's population . what do you world's population. what do you prognosticate and prophesy about? what could and should lie ahead ? ahead? >> well, it in 48 was the year of revolutions . uh, 2024 is the of revolutions. uh, 2024 is the year of elections. but if the
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election is carefully rigged between tweedle dum and tweedle dee, or in the phrase that i gave birth to a decade or two ago, two cheeks of the same backside side of what use are election your american guest? uh, what is, uh, was shilling for ron desantis was the difference between joe biden and ron desantis absolutely no difference at all. what's the difference at all. what's the difference between ron rishi sunak and sir keir starmer? there are all blairites now . there are all blairites now. blair has become the hegemonic force in british and indeed international politics. woke and liberal at home and imperialist and waging war abroad . that's and waging war abroad. that's the choice that we face. and so in a polity in which there is a
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uni party, there is no real choice. what is the electorate supposed to do? some of us in small parties will be trying to offer a choice. i hope to run for mayor of london as you know, that would certainly be a choice between me and little sadiq khan . but inevitably there will be probably the great majority of constituencies in britain where there is no real choice, in which case i say stay at home or go and spoil your ballot paper. dear blair, that none of the above are good enough for you . above are good enough for you. and if the choice in america is, as i, uh, just, uh, indicated, if donald trump is shanghaied out of the process made illegal, even put in jail. out of the process made illegal, even put in jail . well, that's even put in jail. well, that's what american people should be doing. also are we holding our breath in a sense, you know
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well, what happens in america , well, what happens in america, whatever happens in america , whatever happens in america, dictate something profound about the future that lies ahead . the future that lies ahead. well, i think we've become more or less one country, neil, uh, the great oscar wilde, one of our greatest, uh, said we were two countries divided by a common language . actually, i common language. actually, i think we are increasingly one country. there's no doubt where the head of that new body is . the head of that new body is. uh, but, uh, we, uh, are effectively in thrall now, uh, to the united states and all of their woke liberalism is now our woke liberal ism. i saw it coming. i'm so old. i saw it crossing the atlantic. the khalife fornication, uh, of british politics came from california. came from the united states. and uh, in terms of the war in ukraine, uh, the war, uh,
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in gaza, uh, the attitude towards china , the, uh, all towards china, the, uh, all manner of international issues , manner of international issues, our positions are identical . our positions are identical. now, i put it before it's one thing to be a vassal to, you know, jack kennedy. uh, or even bill clinton. let's be fair. but when you're a vassal to joe biden inches from idiocy , uh, a biden inches from idiocy, uh, a man who doesn't know where he is or what day of the week it is when you're taking orders from him . my god, you've come down in him. my god, you've come down in the world. >> george. beer with me. greg schilling, for ron desantis is there a point? is there a choice 7 there a point? is there a choice ? is there a choice for americans in america ? or is it, americans in america? or is it, as george says, that it's just two cheeks of the same backside? >> i'll agree with george, especially in the uk, because i can't tell often. can't tell the difference parties. difference between the parties. bons difference between the parties. boris and rishi when they were together now rishi alone together and now rishi alone
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basically governed like tony blair. i mean, you know , they blair. i mean, you know, they might well have been labour might as well have been labour and they, they actually accomplished things in accomplished some things here in the that biden could not get the uk that biden could not get donein the uk that biden could not get done in america because they didn't the votes windfall didn't have the votes windfall taxes, bans , as you taxes, fracking bans, as you know, all kinds of things that only biden could dream of. so there is some argument to the uni party here. and i do think in america, too, if you look at some of the candidates, i would argue nikki haley looks a she's argue nikki haley looks a she's a george bush, john mccain , mitt a george bush, john mccain, mitt romney, republican ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy are not they are actual conservatives . so are actual conservatives. so i think in america, we still have a choice. we have real concerns in the republican party. i'm not saying all of them are. and i thought 2008 , 12 were were thought 2008, 12 were were disappointing, but i think you have a choice now. >> george. do you believe in your heart that meaningful change is still allowed ? will change is still allowed? will the will the powers that be the
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incumbents allow ? if the people incumbents allow? if the people demand change, george, will that be made manifest ? be made manifest? >> well, i did for many decades of my life, almost three of which i spent in parliament. uh, i must say, i'm losing a very great deal of faith in that . i'm great deal of faith in that. i'm leaning towards the old slogan , leaning towards the old slogan, if voting changed anything , they if voting changed anything, they would. they wouldn't allow you to do it . uh, would. they wouldn't allow you to do it. uh, we used to would. they wouldn't allow you to do it . uh, we used to believe to do it. uh, we used to believe in our country that we had freedom of speech until it was taken away from us. i have to, i think, lean towards the view , think, lean towards the view, uh, that they'll only allow you to vote as long as the parameters involved in the choice . the dichotomy is so choice. the dichotomy is so narrow, uh, that it will make no meaningful difference. and i'm, i didn't use the 1848 year of revolution analogy lightly. uh, i believe that britain. i can't
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speak for any other country but britain needs revolutionary change. it needs complete change. it needs complete change. virtually everything about our country now, apart from the people , are rotten. all from the people, are rotten. all the institutions we believed in, the institutions we believed in, the police, the civil service, the police, the civil service, the bbc, uh, the law, uh, all, all of parliament, uh, the monarchy, all these things are hollowed out, uh, where they are not completely rotten. uh, you know , i would once with my first know, i would once with my first children, i would once have said, if you're in trouble in any kind of trouble, ask a policeman . well, i wouldn't do policeman. well, i wouldn't do that. now uh, over the experience of previous years, i would have once said. and my father went to his grave believing that if you heard something on the bbc, whether or not it was politically nuanced , not it was politically nuanced, it, uh, it would be as close to the truth as you'll find in any news media in the world. that
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would be a laughable claim to make. uh, nowadays . uh, so, um, make. uh, nowadays. uh, so, um, l, make. uh, nowadays. uh, so, um, i, i'm thinking that we need more than a choice between , uh, more than a choice between, uh, sunak and starmer if we're going to get out of this hole that our leaders have dug for us. >> absolutely . george. george, >> absolutely. george. george, you've been saying the things that need to be said for as long as i can remember. keep doing so. it's been a pleasure to have your cogent argument on the show tonight. thanks we'll tonight. thanks very much. we'll speak i hope another speak again soon. i hope another break, after which it will break, uh, after which it will be turn of american be the turn of american political expert jennifer ewing to talk about the fact that , to talk about the fact that, well, trump is now officially off the list of candidates in colorado and what that, amongst other things, may mean for american politics. please don't go anywhere
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let's stop. let's put an end to this. it's frightening how many kids carry knives .
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kids carry knives. >> welcome back to neil oliver live. it's all politics tonight, folks. and now a chance to look at what's happening on the other side of the atlantic ocean in the united states of america. donald trump has asked the us supreme court to reverse an unprecedented colorado ruling that him from running for that barred him from running for president in that state. colorado's top court said last month mr trump was not an eligible primary candidate because he had engaged in, quote, insurrection action over the us capitol riot. i'm joined now by jennifer ewing to talk about what this means for us politics. thank you for joining me . me. >> thanks for having me. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you. um, these manoeuvrings to strike a any politician from the ballot. um, is us leading towards the territory of banana republic ? territory of banana republic? >> well, let's hope not. and i've been in california for the last three weeks, visiting family over christmas and everything. and one thing that i've really pleased to hear
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i've been really pleased to hear when i talk to people, no matter what their political persuasion is, and california is famously, uh, well, recently a very blue state, though it used to be red, you know, home of reagan and nixon and steve bannon. but for now it's blue. but people, um, even if they are fans of even if they are not fans of donald trump and would like nothing more than to not see him be the president again, they want to take care of that at the ballot box. and even governor newsom, governor of california , newsom, governor of california, who um, you know, i'm not a huge fan of he he's come out and said, hey, let's beat this guy at the ballot box. so i'm very hopeful that most people and not just people who are republicans and certainly not people who are just trump fans, realise that the losers in this situation are it's not trump , it's the well, it's not trump, it's the well, it's not trump, it's the well, it's colorado voters in this case. and it's the american people. we are the people who should decide. and it's very simple. >> how did america how did americans get to this point ?
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americans get to this point? >> how can this have happened in the home of the free, the land of the free? >> sure. well, we've also we've always been a country that uses the law more. right. you get sued more over here. whether it's somebody spills a mcdonald's cup of coffee on their hand and sues mcdonald's or somebody's dog bites somebody. so we've always been a little more litigious . i think little more litigious. i think what's and, um, greg what's happened and, um, greg and i and a lot of the republicans overseas uk have believed that what the democrats have wanted all along is to run against trump in the general election. right? because otherwise they would not keep putting indictments after indictment. you know, 91 charges. i think greg said earlier before these indictments started, he, um, trump and desantis were neck and neck . desantis were neck and neck. right. and with each indictment, he goes up. but i think that's backfired a bit on them. i think they are a little surprised at how many people continue to defend him. and even people who
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perhaps were not going to vote for him saw the slippery slope. if you you know, towards if you said, you know, towards this republic and are now this banana republic and are now kind of board, so what's kind of on board, so what's happened haven't been happened is they haven't been able to be in with the charges and the indictments. so they're using these. let's remove him from the ballot, which is it's ridiculous and quite a few states have already looked at this and overturned it. uh, michigan judge looked at it and, you know, michigan's fairly blue state and said, this is you state and said, no, this is you know, is political. i'm not know, this is political. i'm not i'm not taking him off the ballot now , of course, it goes ballot now, of course, it goes to the supreme court and one of the craziest things heard the craziest things i've heard is, the supreme court is is, oh, um, the supreme court is right leaning because, you know, there's well , that's how the there's well, that's how the numbers go. and perhaps , uh, numbers go. and perhaps, uh, clarence thomas or somebody should recuse themselves because his wife, you know, has been an activist on the republican side her whole life. i mean, that's crazy , especially when you look crazy, especially when you look at these colorado judges and a lot of the judges in the different states, they are politically appointed. so it's
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just strange that people are picking up on this once we get to the supreme court, bear with me, jennifer, while i just bring some of this to greg. >> um, jennifer raises the angle that america is a litigious society, litigious population. um should and can americans have faith in in the supreme court and that trump is taking it to the highest court. can they should they trust that justice will be done? i think they can, because the justices are constitutionalists, you know, they don't rule because someone's right or left. >> they actually rule based on their understanding of the constitution. so i think if it gets to that level , yes. and you gets to that level, yes. and you know , those of us who maybe know, those of us who maybe would prefer a different candidate, you know , in perhaps candidate, you know, in perhaps we would want trump to be off the ballot, right? if we were purely interested in our candidate. but that's the same that jennifer mentioned. governor newsom, we don't want that. nobody wants that. i want
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to win at the ballot box. that's the way it should be. and i think you're seeing that pushback. why trump's pushback. that's why trump's numbers 45 to 60. numbers have gone from 45 to 60. there's 15 points of resentment in there that that the inner circle or the vips can decide who gets to run and who doesn't. and the democrats did this in 2020. bernie sanders was clearly winning the nomination. biden came in fourth in iowa and fifth in new hampshire. he was dead and buried, and they got together and the smoke filled room and said, biden's going to be the candidate. and that's how it worked they, you it worked out. so they, you know, the democrats have done this sometimes i wish this before. sometimes i wish in a the republicans a funny way that the republicans could it, too. but that's not could do it, too. but that's not something i endorse. let something i would endorse. let the voters vote win the argument. when the when the persuasion, the persuasion, jennifer, the there's 40 elections this year, half the world's population are going to be invited to vote . going to be invited to vote. >> when you when you look at that, you know, if you had a
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crystal ball, you know what. how do you see that playing out? if i can do you see that playing out? if icaniane do you see that playing out? if i can invite you to make predictions about whether or not you a difference will be you think a difference will be made this year, that will that will shape the longer future, for sure . for sure. >> and you're right, you know, 40, you know, the 40, 40, 40. and i think it's also 42% of the world's gdp, you know, are voting this year. so there's also a lot of a lot of money at stake. so we start what in january month in taiwan. january this month in taiwan. that's a big one. obviously, you know , if the, uh, i was told if know, if the, uh, i was told if the pro the pro china, um, uh, team wins, then actually that's better because it will make china feel a little more safe. and you start off there, you obviously go through the different ones. you go to ours, the united states in november. and i think, well, if you look at europe, you've obviously seen this sort of centre right nationalist, populist movement. there is definitely one in the united states and actually is i agreed a lot with what your
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previous guest, george um galloway, said with regards to a uni party and everything, but where i disagree with him is saying everybody is the same. i do think in the us we have a proper centre right grassroots movement. um, there is a uni party as well, but at the grassroots people are paying attention. it started with the tea party years ago. um, and the freedom caucus and, and they're strong. look what happened. um, last january with the speaker of the house. so it's even within the house. so it's even within the republican party, there's people who are more freedom focussed and more, as greg said, you know, party focussed, like a nikki haley . nikki haley. >> sure, sure. >> sure, sure. >> greg george george mentioned 1848 year of revolutions as well , in so much is at stake and in play , in so much is at stake and in play this year, you know might we see might we see something that in years to come will look back on and say, wow, the game changed in 2024 or not. >> and hopefully it changed for the better. there's going to be some here. i mean, you some hiccups here. i mean, you can't of the world's can't have 49% of the world's population voting and not have
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some controversy. see, i think the election very well could the us election very well could be the most controversial if they keep doing these anti democratic or extra constitutional things to favour their their candidate of choice. but as jennifer said, this movement in europe was a really good sign. we're seeing the pushback that i mentioned earlier in the united states, the movement in the netherlands. surely in argentina, you know, around the world there is a, a movement to take back away from the elites, away from these, these institutions that have lost their souls and, and don't represent the truth, whether it's in academia or media or especially in government. i think you're seeing the pushback . there'll be some winners, there'll be some losers. but i think the conservative, freedom focussed right will be winning more than losing . more than losing. >> thank you for that. greg and jennifer ewing, thank you so much for being able to join us this evening . thank you for your this evening. thank you for your contribution. we'll speak again
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soon. i hope. now we're on top of another break and then it will be the lakeland wildlife oasis that's launched an appeal. looking for your christmas trees instead of just throwing them away. don't go anywhere
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welcome back to neil oliver live. now don't say that. we're not capable in this show of a change of direction . uh, next up change of direction. uh, next up , a zoo in milnthorpe is hoping that there can still be some use found for your unwanted christmas tree . lakeland christmas tree. lakeland wildlife oasis have actually launched an appeal asking for any potted trees to be donated to them instead of being thrown away. i think there may be a bit of a delay on getting hold of our contributor this evening, but greg, it's got to be a good thing right? recycling at the grassroots level , inviting
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grassroots level, inviting people rather than throwing the trees away . it's great. give trees away. it's great. give them to the animals. of trees away. it's great. give them to the animals . of course, them to the animals. of course, we're yet to hear what the animals are going to do with the christmas i'm christmas trees, but listen, i'm conservatives are for conservation, right? >> in the it's in the word >> it's in the it's in the word right. and like to conserve things. all good. you know, it's not existential crisis i not the existential crisis i think we have. >> greg bear with me. >> i'm greg bear with me. joining me now i hope is the manager of the living collection , eccles, tell us more. , dan eccles, to tell us more. good evening dan. hello hi, dan. what is this all about? i mean, seriously, what are the what are the animals? uh, god love them . the animals? uh, god love them. going to do with old potted christmas trees? well we've all been there, haven't we? >> we've all wanted a potted christmas tree for christmas so that you can keep it in the garden and reuse it next year. uh i've done that for the past three years, and every single time my has been way too time my tree has been way too scruffy bring inside. uh, scruffy to bring inside. so, uh, they usually get wasted or burnt. what we will probably be doing with the is either doing with the trees is either brightening the visitor brightening up the visitor areas, which is really important , too. um, we've had a lot of
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ash dieback the past few ash dieback in the past few years , so just make making the years, so just make making the visitor areas a bit more filled out is really important . and out is really important. and that's a big thing because we've got, uh , a really big expansion got, uh, a really big expansion coming up. it's the biggest expansion in the zoo for 25 years. uh, so lots of exciting new exhibits, new species , uh, new exhibits, new species, uh, including extension to our fossa. so so in terms of the trees that will go in with the animals, um, we have a number of cold adapted animals. um, that would naturally live alongside fir and spruce trees, which are your main christmas trees. fir and spruce trees, which are your main christmas trees . so your main christmas trees. so things like our flagship species , which is the snow leopard. um snowy owl, our scottish wildcat and our raccoon dog, they all come from boreal forests. so as well as making the enclosures look a bit prettier, it's also really nice and stimulating for them . and making those does it them. and making those does it doesit them. and making those does it does it when you when you've seen it in the past, does it demonstrate really make a difference to the animals
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because you know, it's all about the animals. >> does it that that tweak to their, to their environment, to their, to their environment, to their ecosystem? do you see it having effect ? having a beneficial effect? >> absolutely. you see lots of exploratory behaviour a year exploring that new part of their environment. uh some of the bigger animals, like the snow leopards, uh, do like to wreck it as well. so i can't guarantee all the trees will survive. uh, but that's just as stimulating for them as well . for them as well. >> so i do love the idea. i have to say, um, of the thought of a of my potted christmas tree becoming part of the landscape for a snow leopard. >> that's that's pretty. that's pretty exotic . a pretty exotic pretty exotic. a pretty exotic future for what might otherwise have been put in the skip . have been put in the skip. >> exactly. yeah. because otherwise they generally just get wasted as put in the skip, as you say, or burnt or whatever. but this is a nice way of reusing those trees and putting them to use pretty special. >> greg, you know, the idea that we can that something as, as, as humble as as christmas humble really as as a christmas tree we've lost the use for
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tree that we've lost the use for can and can actually make can go out and can actually make a difference to the, to the life of , of a difference to the, to the life of, of animals in an enclosure. >> no one will ever accuse me of being a tree hugger. i'm all for cutting the trees down as long as you put them back. yeah, yeah. and so this is a great mission and good. good for him. >> do do you have a way in >> do you, do you have a way in which people can get on board with this? is there a website? is there something that you can name check if people are actually a position you actually in a position to, you know, to jump aboard and give actually in a position to, you knoythey jump aboard and give actually in a position to, you knoythe helpp aboard and give actually in a position to, you knoythe help you're rd and give actually in a position to, you knoythe help you're looking ive actually in a position to, you knoythe help you're looking for? you the help you're looking for? >> yeah, so if you go >> yeah, totally. so if you go on to website, you can find on to our website, you can find our address, shoot us a our email address, shoot us a line if you've got something to our email address, shoot us a line us.)u've got something to our email address, shoot us a line us. christmasomething to our email address, shoot us a line us. christmas trees.iing to our email address, shoot us a line us. christmas trees. we're give us. christmas trees. we're too not picky. we'll take christmas trees, potted native trees, uh , horse chestnuts trees, like, uh, horse chestnuts or hazel . um, even houseplants or hazel. um, even houseplants can be put to use, um, just the only thing we ask is that they're in good health, so don't give us dead or dying plants. but, yeah, just find the email address on our website and let us know that you've got something for us. >> lovely stuff. dan as i say, i
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always like to try and end on a positive note and the idea that there's even hope for this year's christmas trees going into the future makes my heart swell a little bit with gladness . thanks, dan forjoining me . so thanks, dan forjoining me this that's just about this evening. that's just about all we've got time for this evening. uh, thanks to all of my brilliant guests, to george, to jennnen brilliant guests, to george, to jennifer, also, of course, to my brilliant panellist, greg swainson . uh, the saturday five swainson. uh, the saturday five is up next, but first, it's your latest weather looks like things are heating up. >> box spoilers, sponsors of weather on gb news hello there. >> i'm greg dewhurst and welcome to your latest gb news, weather. looking at the next 24 hours or so, it's going to remain cold, frost and ice tonight. some fog patches again as well and then fairly dry and bright through sunday. it's itself . and that's sunday. it's itself. and that's because high pressure is going to dominate into next week. it starts to draw in colder air
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from the east. and we'll all nofice from the east. and we'll all notice that. but for this evening and overnight it generally still a westerly split across the country. clear skies across the country. clear skies across scotland, northern ireland, parts of and the ireland, parts of wales and the south—west fog and south—west some frost fog and ice forming here, icy stretches elsewhere as well. temperatures hovering close to freezing, falling well below freezing in the glens of scotland down to around —7 or 8, possibly a little lower in 1 or 2 spots, but it means a sunny start here. any fog patches will slow to any fog patches will be slow to clear the north—west of clear across the north—west of the but they will eventually the uk, but they will eventually lift and break to allow sunny spells elsewhere generally spells and elsewhere generally dry with spells. scattered dry with sunny spells. scattered showers on a brisk north showers though on a brisk north easterly breeze across south—east england and some feeding in off the north sea for northern england. two and temperatures on the side, temperatures on the cold side, generally to 5 celsius, add on generally 3 to 5 celsius, add on the wind. it the strength of that wind. it will feel colder than the numbers suggest near freezing and another icy start monday morning. plenty dry weather, morning. plenty of dry weather, a brisk easterly wind developing across england and wales in particular. it could blow in a few wintry showers, but most
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places dry and bright and it stays largely dry through tuesday and into wednesday as well. and staying on the cold side . side. >> brighter outlook with boxt >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's saturday night and this is the saturday five. i'm darren grimes along with albie amankona alex armstrong, benjamin butterworth and belinda de lucy. tonight on the show, it's time that the former post office ceo was stripped of her cbe. the royal mess that is prince andrew, duke of york must be cleaned up once and for all and should tax payers be funding hip hop courses for criminals? i'm sick of rich boomers and their houses, knife crime epidemic
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sweeping britain and i blame laboun sweeping britain and i blame labour. it's 7 pm. and this is the saturday five. happy new year viewers! as we saunter into 2024, while the rest of the country is busy making resolutions , they'll making resolutions, they'll inevitably break like pretending to enjoy kale smoothies or vowing to finally use that dusty treadmill here on the saturday five we're bucking the trend and our new year's resolution. well it's quite simple to crank up the heat in our debates until the heat in our debates until the thermometer bursts . the thermometer bursts. tonight's verbal gladiators. first up, it's benjamin butterworth, so walk. it's a wonder he ever sleeps. then there's alex armstrong. so far from walk, he might as well be hibernating . and albie amankona hibernating. and albie amankona is a true blue tory that might not have won elsewhere, but will always have a seat here on the saturday i know our valiant
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attempt at


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