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tv   Neil Oliver - Live  GB News  January 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm GMT

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commentator, among other things , commentator, among other things, glenn beck to talk about the upcoming american elections , upcoming american elections, where it's looking like trump versus biden 2.0. also on gb news this evening, we'll discuss the surge in illegal crossings on the mexican border with former adviser to donald j on the mexican border with former adviser to donald] . former adviser to donald j. trump, mr sebastian gorka. and i'll be asking why farmers in poland are the latest to take to the streets in protest . all of the streets in protest. all of that and lots of chat with my panellist for this evening. academic and emeritus professor of sociology frank furedi. but first, let's get the latest news headunes. headlines. >> i'm sophia wenzler in the gb news room. a major incident has been declared as emergency services warn a building engulfed in flames in liverpool could collapse. fire fighters and police are evacuating surrounding buildings. currently there are reports of
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there are no reports of casualties. smoke could be seen across the merseyside skyline . across the merseyside skyline. in merseyside, fire and rescue services say the blaze is based on fox street in liverpool city centre, and they're urging the pubuc centre, and they're urging the public to avoid the area. a government spokesperson says the business and trade secretary and the chair of the post office limited have agreed to part ways with mutual consent. henry staunton has resigned from the position after being appointed to the role just over a year ago . the post office has come under fire over its handling of the horizon. it scandal. government officials say an interim will be appointed shortly , and a appointed shortly, and a recruitment process a new recruitment process for a new chair launch in due course , chair will launch in due course, in the in accordance with the government code of public appointments . queen camilla has appointments. queen camilla has visited the king in hospital . as visited the king in hospital. as he recovers from a procedure for an enlarged prostate. the king is resting at the london clinic for a second receiving for a second day after receiving treatment. buckingham palace says king is doing well. says the king is doing well. it's the same hospital where the princess of wales is being cared for following abdominal
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treatment . charles former treatment. charles former butler, harrold, told gb butler, grant harrold, told gb news. the british public's response to the royal health scare show how much they care. people said he was a centric. >> he was old fashioned, out of touch.i >> he was old fashioned, out of touch. i never saw that when i worked for him and i think that's what the public are getting to see and that's where there's affection. so the there's this affection. so the fact is having this fact that he is having this procedure obviously public procedure, obviously the public want let them know want to kind of let them know that thinking of them. that they're thinking of them. and same princess of and the same with princess of wales. understand been wales. i understand there's been many, letters many, many, many letters and cards sent to her wishing her the of health. the best of health. >> grant shapps says our >> grant shapps says it's our duty the navigation duty to protect the navigation of the sea after a british of the red sea after a british backed oil tanker was hit by a houthi missile. the vessel in the gulf of aden went up in flames on friday after it was targeted by houthi rebels ablaze in marlin luanda's cargo tank was extinguished with the help of indian, us and french navy vessels, all crew are reported to be safe and the united kingdom is pausing funding for the united nations gaza aid group following allegations that
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staff participated in the october 7th attacks. the foreign office says the uk is appalled by the allegations that unr wa staff were involved in heinous acts of terrorism that the uk government has repeatedly condemned , and the uk is condemned, and the uk is suspending any future funding, as are finland. the us, italy, australia and canada. following a review , representatives from a review, representatives from the gaza relief agency have pleaded with allies to reverse the decision. a spokesperson for the decision. a spokesperson for the foreign office says we remain committed to getting humanitarian aid to the people in gaza who desperately need it. up in gaza who desperately need it. up to 11,000 staff working for john lewis and waitrose could lose their job over the next five years. that's according to the guardian newspaper. their reporting that the john lewis partnership , which owns both partnership, which owns both stores, is considering cuts to at least 10% of the workforce . at least 10% of the workforce. it thought the measures could affect staff in its head office, supermarkets and department stores. last year, the retailer warned it would have to cut staff numbers and scrap bonuses after customers cut back on
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spending . a legal challenge is spending. a legal challenge is being launched to stop a new government law, which would prevent or limit border force strike action. the new legislation aims to ensure minimum service levels during industrial action by allowing employers to order staff back to work, public and commercial work, the public and commercial services union says it will make the challenge article 11 the challenge under article 11 of european convention on of the european convention on human rights and greta thunberg has joined protesters marching against the expansion of farnborough airport. the climate activists joined extinction rebellion and local residents. plans have been submitted to rushmoor borough council to increase flights from 50,000 to 70,000 a year. the group are for a ban on private jets, which they say are 30 times more polluting than passenger airlines. mr burke says using private jets in an escalating climate emergency is completely detached from reality . this is detached from reality. this is gb news across the uk on tv in your car, on your digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying play gb news now it's
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back to . neil back to. neil >> anyone fancy war with russia or with china maybe? or iran or nonh or with china maybe? or iran or north korea or all four together? that was the mood music that seemed to be coming out of the nudge unit. come psyops out of the nudge unit. come psyops department last week when a retiring senior soldier said it was time to mobilise the nafion it was time to mobilise the nation . our government has nation. our government has already committed us to a new 100 years war to save ukraine and the apparent threat of russia coming our way, moving ever closer to our fields and beaches and landing grounds, disturbed sleeping ghosts general peter sanders, outgoing chief of the general staff, spoke about the need for a citizen army that must start getting ready for war, about how vladimir putin is a threat to our way of life. apparently, sweden and finland are out of the traps faster than us, with their populations already on what sanders called a war footing. he's invoked world wars
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one and two, citing and lamenting national unprepared widnes for both. 100 years after the carnage of the western front. and here we are again. your country needs you . it will your country needs you. it will be pals battalions next. white feather emojis for objected wars. except, i suspect not. and in this awakening land of ours and in awakening population ones elsewhere, it's not just the likes of me saying as much. all is not what it seems. it feels like the latest bid by them upstairs to keep us downstairs perpetually fearful, uncertain and more likely to stop asking questions about other stuff and get back in line before you know it, they'll have us digging for victory and putting up anderson shelters . except i read last shelters. except i read last week that growing your own food in the garden is bad for the environment, worse even than farming. who knew? the farming. who knew? and the planning department would never let you build an air raid shelter. street put out shelter. downing street put out a line or two saying the generals remarks, quote hypothetical scenarios of a
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future potential conflict. close quote were not helpful , and quote were not helpful, and ruling out plans for conscription . but it all felt conscription. but it all felt a bit good. cop bad cop to me. you go somewhere and say we need a call up to face the beast from the east. scary old vlad. and then i'll say , hush now, don't then i'll say, hush now, don't you worry your pretty little heads about it. that will keep them rattled for bit longer. them rattled for a bit longer. there's nothing a perceived there's nothing like a perceived threat our children to focus threat to our children to focus minds. the thought of minds. and the thought of a citizen army. even the mention of conscription conjures for every parent images of teenage boys and girls in uniform and marching away . in boys and girls in uniform and marching away. in his boys and girls in uniform and marching away . in his speech to marching away. in his speech to an armed vehicles conference on wednesday , sanders said ukraine wednesday, sanders said ukraine brutally illustrates that regular armies start wars. citizen armies win them. the last time i looked, ukraine was half a million down, half a million dead, and that ukraine citizen army was nowhere near winning anything. quite the opposite , in fact. more opposite, in fact. more heartbreaking even than footage of row upon row of gravestones
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beanng of row upon row of gravestones bearing photos of young faces of the images that emerged last week allegedly showing mass graves where the dead lie nameless but still, we send more billions of pounds to keep it going so that a person must ask what or who we might send next. if you take a breath and pull back from all that's going on in the world, nothing makes sense . the world, nothing makes sense. for one thing, for the longest time , the message out there has time, the message out there has been that britain , this land of been that britain, this land of ours, is mostly a basket of deplorables . those younger deplorables. those younger generations that spring to mind when anyone mentions a call up for a citizen army, have been ianed for a citizen army, have been invited all of their lives. in the case of the youngest to believe britain is a land of white supremacists, of descendants of slave traders, that britain's imperial past was all about stamping on the faces of indigenous populations around the world. britain bad everywhere else, better . our everywhere else, better. our children's schools and universities filled their heads with notions about how much harm britain has done , how much harm
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britain has done, how much harm we're still doing. most recently to the climate with our infernal industry, our gas boilers and the hard won productivity of the farmers who feed us. and yet now the message is that the time has come to stand up and fight for what? right for king and country ? our children have been taught that our way of life has been the cause of all the trouble in the cause of all the trouble in the world, but they're still supposed to fight to defend it. and with what shall they fight? our steel industry is on its last legs , and for the vast last legs, and for the vast amounts of energy required by the stuff of war over looking, the stuff of war over looking, the fact that it takes years and not to tool up for war not weeks to tool up for war will shortly depend only on windmills and solar panels. it makes no sense. no one's born feeling love of country . it's an feeling love of country. it's an acquired characteristic , acquired characteristic, dependent upon what a child is told from the very beginning. first by family and then by the community. we tell children britain is a land made rich on slavery and the oppression of others. oppression made by war. and you get what we have.
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generations that would rather be elsewhere. it's also increasingly a world, a western world, at least, where nation states protected by rigorously maintained and defended national borders , are treated as relics borders, are treated as relics of a xenophobic , racist west way of a xenophobic, racist west way past its sell by date, and instead of encouraging populations from local to national to feel and then take personal responsibility for making decisions affecting the lives , it's about pushing public lives, it's about pushing public private partnerships and stakeholder capitalism. the ambition of the world economic forum towards a world without borders, where people are rootless and without loyalties to place , where all the to place, where all the decisions that matter are made not by them, but for them . in not by them, but for them. in the boardrooms of transnational banks and corporations . we live banks and corporations. we live in a world where our so—called leaders are signing up to decades long defence contracts when they're not gathering to discuss that is pandemic preparedness , where you have preparedness, where you have ceos hand in pocket with world leaders making decisions that
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are nothing to do with national interests, like the well—being of people and only about profit for themselves and their stakeholders . if we accept all stakeholders. if we accept all that , then it's a world full of that, then it's a world full of stockpiles and bullets and missiles in want of wars, endless wars that do no more than make space in the warehouses for more of the same ching ching, ching and more warehouses piled high with vials filled with the latest so—called vaccines awaiting the orders resultant from the next so—called pandemic, determined by bill gates world health organisation . i say don't fear organisation. i say don't fear pandemic peace. at least nowhere near as much as you should fear pandemic preparedness and the loss of liberty and control of your own life. that must inevitably ensue. nato and the governments of the west told us the war in ukraine was about defending democracy, and nothing at all to do with nato expansion ever closer to russia, when demonstrably the opposite is true, democracy be damned for fear the pesky people might
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elect populist politicians. god forbid, instead of bought and paid for progressive stooges . paid for progressive stooges. and by now, nato is a thousand miles closer to russia than it was at the end of the cold war, when the west made solemn promises to keep its hands off the east. modern war is about making money round and round and round it goes where it stops in the same old pockets , that's the same old pockets, that's where. and plenty more where that came from. are you ready ? that came from. are you ready? are your children ready to fight? freedom. for fight? not for freedom. for hearth and home, for kith and kin, but to secure the revenue streams of corporations like blackrock, vanguard and state street a global machine of so street in a global machine of so many mindlessly spinning cogs, our children might be rendered into minced meat. the burning of our money right before our eyes, urinating down our backs while telling us it's raining while people at home can't afford to heat their homes and the english channelis heat their homes and the english channel is no obstacle but a bridge. thousands of people are on the move in our direction , on the move in our direction, many from those countries who have been busy dropping bombs on
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for decades. as many of those incomers of unknown identity and intent . but incomers of unknown identity and intent. but i'm all for efforts to defend our country. but in many ways, that effort is like the maintenance of a house before adding to it, contemplating extensions and better wi—fi. the job starts with making the structure wind and water tight, and for years, our house has leaked like the proverbial sieve. now, one of our most senior soldiers says we need more soldiers when we don't even look after those. we have . even look after those. we have. our government has no respect for veterans. that's true here. and in the united states of america, newcomers to the uk are housed in four star hotels, and many of them in accommodation built for our fighting men and women. while countless numbers of veterans, many of our veterans, many struggling, struggling with all the consequences of military service, , physical and service, wounds, physical and mental ptsd are homeless and ignored on the streets. they gave so much to defend. across the pond, the southern border is non—existent. millions are bused into states already groaning
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under the weight of new arrivals. whole new towns are being built to house them. the democrats say it's democracy itself that's on the ballot in the united states. but much like the united states. but much like the democracy we're all supposedly fighting for in ukraine, back home, those democrats are doing their very best to strike their strongest opponent off the ballot altogether , if not throw him altogether, if not to throw him in try explaining that in jail. try explaining that kind democracy to the 70 odd kind of democracy to the 70 odd million americans who voted for donald j. trump last time, and those who've already given him their landslide backing iowa their landslide backing in iowa and hampshire. but their landslide backing in iowa and hampshire . but with and new hampshire. but with trump already won trump having already won primaries, are. what on primaries, they are. what on earth will his opponents do next? here's the thing ours is now a land led by those with no respect for place for the past. quite the opposite. they have no respect or concern for life, either anti—human as their agenda plainly is. it's all blatantly displayed in the lessons taught to our children. it's there in the shaming disregard for the well—being of those who have already stood up disregard for the well—being of th
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country. back to where i began. i don't for a minute our i don't believe for a minute our leaders have conscription in mind. yet at but mind. not yet at least. but i firmly believe the objective is to keep the population on edge, constantly anxious about what's coming next. it's plain to see they've arrived at what they think is a winning formula fear of disease , engineered shortage think is a winning formula fear of money, , engineered shortage think is a winning formula fear of money, deliberate ed shortage think is a winning formula fear of money, deliberate shortage ge think is a winning formula fear of money, deliberate shortage of reliable, affordable energy , reliable, affordable energy, existential fear of the end of the world and wars without end. the antidote to the fear is knowledge. know that the key players a world technology players in a world of technology , censorship, of , they control of censorship, of dissent, of control of our money, energy and food. it's all and only about wealth . and the and only about wealth. and the power. confers and the power. wealth confers and the most game any them most lucrative game any of them can think of is war. the only war worth fighting now is the war worth fighting now is the war we must all fight against the fear, and those who sell it. joining me tonight is academic and professor of sociology at the university of kent . frank.
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the university of kent. frank. freddie frank, thanks for joining me tonight. freddie frank, thanks for joining me tonight . it feels joining me tonight. it feels like there was never any respite . i don't remember the larger part of my life being dominated by my never ceasing anxiety from the media and from politicians. i think that's true. >> i think that it's a constant, uh, sort of battle where on monday you get up and the big problem is global terrorism. by tuesday, it mutates into a global warming and human extinction. and then it just kind of moves on and on and on. so there's this kind of constant, uh, not narrative of fear that's in the air. but i think there's something else which is often overlooked, which is that very often it's not just simply a question of, uh , fear simply a question of, uh, fear mongering, but the very fact is that our elites, the people that run society, are themselves confused and disoriented and anxious . and you get this sense anxious. and you get this sense that day to or haven't got a clue about the direction of
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travel. and i think for that reason , when they, uh, recycle reason, when they, uh, recycle their fears on the rest of the society , it becomes particularly society, it becomes particularly intense . intense. >> why are they anxious , after >> why are they anxious, after all, to all intents and purposes, their hands are on the levers. they can they can direct where we're going. >> well, you see, they can direct as managers , but not as direct as managers, but not as leaders. i think one of the characteristic feature of our elites is that they haven't got anything that gives them a sense of cohesion. ian. they're all individuals, all fragmented and atomised . and in the old days, atomised. and in the old days, there be what used to be there would be what used to be called a noblesse oblige , which called a noblesse oblige, which bound who were bound together people who were on where they basically kind on top where they basically kind of talked from the same standpoint. they sang from the same hymn sheet, whereas now if you look at them, i look at the tory party. it's all just a collection of individuals, not even cliques . they're just even cliques. they're just atomised individuals. even cliques. they're just atomised individuals . and when atomised individuals. and when you have this kind of confused group people on top with group of people on top with nothing to bind them together,
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then they themselves feel relatively weak. and i think it's their own sense of weakness and lack of clarity . that means and lack of clarity. that means that, you know, they probably spend more time on a psychology couch than anybody else does . couch than anybody else does. and what they're doing is they're making the rest of the world pay for the fact that they themselves have got no idea about what's coming up, where things are going, and they recycling their anxiety on the rest of the world. >> what about what do you make of this way in which we seem to they seem to have arrived back at the four horsemen of the apocalypse . you know, they want apocalypse. you know, they want they want talk of disease, pandemic sick. they want fear of war. obviously its attendant death and uncertainty about food and how it should be supplied. what why have we cycled all the way back to these ancient fears ? way back to these ancient fears? >> i think you're right. one of the things that has happened is that we no longer have normal
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problems or normal threats. every single threat that we face is turned into an existential threat. so so we've always had conflict, and there's always been tension between brit and russia and china. there's nothing new about that. but suddenly those normal tensions, which have been around for a long time, have been escalated and really revved up, intense fight. so now for the first time since the cold war , we don't since the cold war, we don't just talk about tensions and conflict and conflicts of interest. we're now talking about the possibility of a war, uh, which i think is very dangerous . uh, which i think is very dangerous. it's dangerous because once you begin to adopt that kind of narrative of, you know, we talk about war, militarism , um, getting more militarism, um, getting more guns, getting more weapons then it does have its own imperative, and it has its own logic. and what i really worry about is when that people begin to say when is that people begin to say something and they don't really mean it , something and they don't really mean it, suddenly saying mean it, but suddenly by saying it , it becomes little bit more it, it becomes a little bit more real and the more you say it,
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the more you talk about wars and conscriptions, more it then conscriptions, the more it then becomes that then becomes something that then provokes reaction . and after provokes a reaction. and after all, you can easily get a chain reaction like you're getting in yemen at the moment with the houthis, who suddenly have emerged nowhere as this emerged out of nowhere as this important global player that we have to fight is what we don't really know . we're kind of really know. we're kind of reacting very ineffectively, but who knows where that's going to lead to? i i feel increasingly that there's a there's a disconnection between whatever it is the, the politicians or the elites or the leaders, whatever you want to call them, you know, their wheel is turning , but the but the teeth of the cog not meshing at all or cog are not meshing at all or less and less with that of the people. >> all the more and more the people are just looking on at them in some kind of confused and disbelief . i almost take and disbelief. i almost take reassurance from that. >> well yes sir, no , i take >> well yes sir, no, i take reassurance from that and it's great that all over europe the people are on the march and the
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kind of reacting against these elites. but the problem is, is that at the same time , when you that at the same time, when you have people on top who are still on top are feeling out of control, and they feel that they've lost the trust and the authority , they know that authority, they know that they're not very legitimate . but they're not very legitimate. but as far as ordinary people are concerned, they can really at that end up doing crazy that point end up doing crazy things . they that point end up doing crazy things. they can that point end up doing crazy things . they can really struggle things. they can really struggle to find some of establishing to find some way of establishing points contact. and one of points of contact. and one of the things you often hear is that the elites are complaining that the elites are complaining that the elites are complaining that the people have let us down. it's almost like they blame ordinary people for the fact that they themselves are confused and haven't got any kind of direction . so under kind of direction. so under those circumstances, you do end up with a situation where things become even more unpredictable than they are, than they were before . before. >> what do you make of the nofion >> what do you make of the notion that, uh, politics is downstream from culture and that if people are increasingly disenchanted with not persuaded by politics and politicians , by politics and politicians, that the solutions have to come
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from elsewhere ? from elsewhere? >> yes, i think that's true. now it wasn't always the case, but i think today, when ideologies have become very, very weak, people feel that they, their values are something that they have to find for themselves. they know that the value is that they learn in schools and in universities and on the media, are alien to their very, very being . so you have a situation being. so you have a situation where they almost instinctively understand and that either they stand up for something that is being pathologized, or if they don't stand up for that, then they basically get dismissed as no hopers. >> i think we're on a break now. our first break of the evening, after which i'll be joined by political commentator and radio host glenn beck to talk about the state of affairs in us politics. this is neil oliver live on gb news.
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parents. imagine that earlier on gb news radio .
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gb news radio. >> welcome back. my first guest this evening is american conservative political commentator glenn beck. this year's race for the white house looks like being a repeat of four years ago, with donald trump emerging as the republican rival to democrat biden . rival to democrat joe biden. welcome, are you ? welcome, glenn. how are you? >> could be better . welcome, glenn. how are you? >> could be better. i'm sorry >> i could be better. i'm sorry for my appearance. we had a breakdown on the, uh, i blew out a tire. so i'm sitting in my car right now. >> well, well, it's good, it's good to see you. >> um , where to begin? glenn how >> um, where to begin? glenn how how confident are you of a fair election in the us in november ? election in the us in november? uh it is our best hope. >> so. i am , uh, confident that >> so. i am, uh, confident that that , uh, our >> so. i am, uh, confident that that, uh, our system will work as best as it can. um, you know, we've gone to these , uh, month
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we've gone to these, uh, month long elections , uh, where you long elections, uh, where you can, uh , get a ballot. some can, uh, get a ballot. some states are just mailing everyone a ballot , and states are just mailing everyone a ballot, and it's just written , a ballot, and it's just written, uh, just riddled with trouble . uh, just riddled with trouble. well, however, uh , we it's the well, however, uh, we it's the best thing we can hope in. and, uh, there's some other things that are happening here in america that, um, took place this week that i think put us in a very precarious. this week that i think put us in a very precarious . situation. a very precarious. situation. the whole world should be praying for peace . uh, uh, and praying for peace. uh, uh, and logic in the united states, which we haven't seen a lot of recently, but it is, uh, very it's frightening . it's frightening. >> well, frightening then tell me what those developments have been this week, glenn . been this week, glenn. >> so, uh, i, i am currently in texas , and, uh, we are are texas, and, uh, we are are probably sitting at a flash point we haven't seen since 1859. um, we have a constitutional crisis that's going on right now . um, that is
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going on right now. um, that is serious. we have had this administration has brought several constitutional crisis up, but none of them have risen to this level . we have open to this level. we have open borders here. there are 10 million people that we have no idea who they are . um, we know idea who they are. um, we know that. idea who they are. um, we know that . uh, 120 that we have that. uh, 120 that we have captured were on the terrorist watch list, but we have no idea who else in that 10 million is here. um it is collapsing our school . it's collapsing . uh, our school. it's collapsing. uh, our hospitals, we are a year away from serious problems to texas has declared, um , after has declared, um, after approaching the president. uh, ten times officially and putting him on notice that texas is being invaded and we need him to secure the border. he has failed to even respond to any of those ten attempts. our constitution
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allows . then if there is an allows. then if there is an invasion, if the federal government does not allow or does not secure the border , then does not secure the border, then the governor of each state can call out their national guard . call out their national guard. uh, and so texas has done that. 25 states now are sending their national guard down to texas. however the president has threatened that he will nationalise the national guard and tell them not to protect the border. that puts the national guard the individual soldier, into . a position. do i follow my into. a position. do i follow my state or do i follow the federal government ? usually that's an government? usually that's an easy, um, answer , but this time easy, um, answer, but this time we have no idea . we have no idea. >> with all of that going on, glenn, uh, with with, uh, what you've just described , uh, with you've just described, uh, with
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the way the primaries have gone . the way the primaries have gone. with trump, you know, being the you know, the being the preferred candidate in both, uh, with, with nikki, with nikki haley , uh, you know, you know, haley, uh, you know, you know, you know, who was much trumpeted, you know, seeming to be falling away in terms of support and with all of that that you're describing is a is a merica? is america a safe place ? merica? is america a safe place? s . o merica? is america a safe place? s . 0 no. all right. frank we s. 0 no. all right. frank we seem to have lost. we seem to have lost our, uh, our contributor at the moment, um, mr glenn beck. i'm not sure. are we? we don't have. we don't. we'll try and get. we'll try and get glenn back. what do you make of what you heard glenn saying? you know, i mean, suggesting. i mean, that's that's that is very unfamiliar testimony, isn't it, about uh, you know, about a state, uh, you know, becoming a potential almost a battleground. texas is now battleground. well, texas is now becoming the main focus of what could potentially become a civil
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war because cause you have, on the one hand, a president who switched off, he's not interested in securing the border. >> he's actually a big advocate , >> he's actually a big advocate, fan of mass immigration coming in from the south. he's got no problems with that. and then you have the governor of texas and other people who are basically doing what they can to close the borders down because they're paying borders down because they're paying the price for this. now, what's happened is that a lot of the states, mainly with the other states, mainly with republican governors, have mobilised . and i mobilised people there. and i think that if the nationalise the national guard, then that's going to be the conflict. i cannot imagine the national guard of all these states saying, yes, sir. yes, president. we'll go back and we'll pretend this never happened. >> glenn, i think we have glenn back. >> glenn, i think we have glenn back . glenn >> glenn, i think we have glenn back. glenn and what >> glenn, i think we have glenn back . glenn and what else to >> glenn, i think we have glenn back. glenn and what else to add into the to add into the mix? i know that truckers and others are are on their way to texas . are are on their way to texas. you know, aside from the national guard, you know, the very idea of texas, you know,
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the lone star state becoming a flashpoint for the future of america, the. >> you asked me right before i lost you. and again, i apologise. neil. i have so much respect for you. please forgive me for this trouble. um but, uh, the you asked me as america safe and, um , i, i will tell you and, um, i, i will tell you that, um , i fear for my country that, um, i fear for my country more than i ever have . um, more than i ever have. um, america could be a place that, uh , if is at war with itself. uh, if is at war with itself. um, at any time , it's going to um, at any time, it's going to take, um, honestly , an act of take, um, honestly, an act of god to , uh , to snake through all god to, uh, to snake through all of these, um , barriers. there of these, um, barriers. there are so many people that are trying to make us collapse. they
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want they want war. they want chaos. want they want war. they want chaos . they whatever it is . and chaos. they whatever it is. and then you add on top of that, um, a people who feel like they haven't been heard for, uh, quite a while . um, the rich are quite a while. um, the rich are getting richer . the, uh, the wef getting richer. the, uh, the wef is, um, you know, through esg and some of their plans ramp things up, and it's a constant poke, poke, poke. and if we don't follow the constitution , don't follow the constitution, then i fear there is real trouble coming in the next year. and i do not wish for it. i pray that it doesn't happen, but the whole world should be on their knees praying for the united states. if we go into chaos, the rest of the world may go into chaos. >> glenn , just while i've got you. >> and in case i lose you again, who would you nominate as? uh, mr donald trump's running mate , mr donald trump's running mate, uh, for the upcoming election?
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who would you put him? side by side . with the problem that we side. with the problem that we have right now is i don't think that this is this is crazy territory , neil. territory, neil. >> but we're in crazy times in america. um, i don't think joe biden is going to be the nominee for the democrats. i just don't think he's going to mentally make it. and he does not have the support of the democrats . the support of the democrats. uh, and mass , uh, if they had uh, and mass, uh, if they had another candidate , i think they another candidate, i think they would go with that candidate . if would go with that candidate. if he should vacate office next time, if he wanted second time kamala harris is not presidential quality. >> just on the tick and clock and a ticking clock. glenn who would you who would you put beside mr trump as a running mate? >> uh, as a running mate . um, i
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>> uh, as a running mate. um, i wish it was vivek ramaswamy or ron desantis. um, but i don't i don't think it will be. and i don't think it will be. and i don't think it will be. and i don't think nikki will be ehhen don't think nikki will be either. glenn i've got to go to i've got to go to a break here. >> thank you so much for making all of that effort to be with us this evening. we'll speak again soon, i hope. lots of love for now. bye bye. glenn after the break, which is upon us break, which is right upon us now, be joined by the now, i'll be joined by the former assistant and former deputy assistant and adviser president adviser to president trump, sebastian the sebastian gorka, to discuss the situation mexican border situation on the mexican border that glenn beck alluded to. there. you're watching neil oliver on
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schools earlier on gb news radio show . show. >> welcome back to neil oliver live. my next guest this evening is sebastian gorka, former adviser to donald trump. he joins me now to discuss the surge in border crossings that's creating so much political upheaval in the us. seb gorka thanks. upheaval in the us. seb gorka thanks . so good to see you
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upheaval in the us. seb gorka thanks. so good to see you again i >> -- >> good to see you. it's been a while. happy new year neil. >> happy new year to you. we were just talking to glenn beck and he was obviously very fearful potential in fearful about the potential in texas specifically , uh, texas specifically, uh, 8 million. uh, well, illegals in three years. uh 60% of the women and children who are coming across being raped en route. you've spoken about all of this . you've spoken about all of this. what do you how do you take this this story forward after what glenn beck had to say? look it's very serious. >> i look at it a little less hyperbolically than than glenn does, but this is a constitutional crisis . and constitutional crisis. and beyond that, this is a national security threat. why? well let's go back to seven seven or to 911 and remind ourselves just what a handful of individuals can do. the greatest terror attack in the modern age was 19 men with a, you know, box cutter knives and cs gas spray that killed 3000 people in 102 minutes. that's 19 men, as you say. there
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are 8 million who have crossed the borders illegally in the last three years that we know of. i spoke to stephen miller, my former white house colleague, just last week on my radio show, an america first. and i said, okay, 8 million that we know of how many illegals are in how many illegals are there in the country. he's the the country. and he's the expert. he said million. expert. and he said 40 million. now, look at the numbers, now, if you look at the numbers, just the raw numbers , it's just the raw numbers, it's 10,000 plus a day crossing the border illegally with no background checks. if you're a bad guy, if you're al—qaeda, if you're isis, if you're al—nusra, if you're hamas, what are you going to do if you know american borders are empty, you're going to secreting your operatives to be secreting your operatives into those hordes of illegal immigrants . and as a result, we immigrants. and as a result, we could be on the cusp of something very, very bad occurring in america. and that's why the governor of texas said, i'm sorry, uh, i am responsible for the people of my state. we are a republic of states . texas are a republic of states. texas was its independent owner nation back in the 19th century. so he's taking action. and god
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bless governor abbott, because biden is preventing the securing of the border . of the border. >> said, what would your, uh, old boss do if he was ? what old boss do if he was? what would he do tomorrow if he was in charge tonight? >> well, you know , i get asked >> well, you know, i get asked this question a lot, >> well, you know, i get asked this question a lot , like, >> well, you know, i get asked this question a lot, like, you know, what would president trump do with with regards to, uh, ukraine the war in the ukraine and the war in the middle rising middle east and the rising china? just laugh when china? and i just laugh when anybody deep , guttural anybody asks me a deep, guttural belly laugh because i tell them it wouldn't have happened . we it wouldn't have happened. we had four years of peace under my old boss. no new wars. and then we are. we are, you know, replaced by this senile old git in the white house. we have the invasion of ukraine. we have the disastrous surrender of afghanistan. we have the slaughter of the innocents in israel, the largest massacre of jews since the shoah, since the holocaust. what would what would the president do? well, eh, it wouldn't have happened. but what are we going do if god are we going to do if god willing? everyone their
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willing? everyone does their part trump is part and president trump is re—elected flicking a re—elected like flicking a switch, neil, we will revert to everything did on day one of everything we did on day one of the trump administration secure the trump administration secure the border as we did back then, and then deport them all. as my good friend mark morgan, the former commissioner of customs and border protection under president trump, i asked him on the show recently, how are we going to get rid of all these illegals broke the law to illegals who broke the law to come here? he we're going come here? he says, we're going to them. one by and to deport them. one by one. and that's what has to happen. neil said . said. >> but how do you address the oxford union? and heard you oxford union? and i heard you point a connective tissue point out a connective tissue between the existence of a connective tissue, between george washington all the way through to obama and that connective tissue was that they were all congressmen, senators or . yeah. and or generals, elites. yeah. and that what america was crying out for and chose in 2016 was somebody who was not out of that elite . how did the ideologues elite. how did the ideologues get so far away from 70 odd million or more american
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citizens as well ? citizens as well? >> well, look, our founding fathers saw leadership as a. civil and civic duty. >> but would be horrified by the idea of a professional political class, the likes of which we have today . we have members of have today. we have members of the congress and senate today who've been there for 40 plus years. that's horrific. even george washington, when he was offered a king like position after his time in office as president, said , no, i'm going president, said, no, i'm going back to my farm to be an american citizen. so the irony of it all, as an immigrant to this nation that i have to remind my fellow americans who were born here, they did something incredibly special in 2016, especially brexit. for the first time in our history , the first time in our history, the people gave , you know, the two people gave, you know, the two fingered salute to the elite and said, we don't want a president who's a former congressman, senator or governor or retired general and they picked this
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building magnate, this guy from queens who'd never run for any office, you know, including county dogcatcher. and he won the first time. 64 million people said enough with the elite. it's like the 17.5 million. who said , enough with million. who said, enough with the communism of brussels and voted for british independence . voted for british independence. so this is the recrudescence , so this is the recrudescence, the rebirth of national sovereignty. but we need president trump back in the oval so we can seal our borders to begin with. >> bear with me, said frank furedi. do you think, america, do you think the world in a way, is still reeling from 2016, when trump was elected to the white house and britain voted to leave the european union? well, you know, at the meeting at davos, at economic forum, at the world economic forum, that's all they talked about . that's all they talked about. >> at all they talked about was the threat that was represented by these two magnificent events . by these two magnificent events. and i think they still haven't learned to deal with it. and now now with populist movements on
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the rise everywhere in europe, they really are worried that somehow their way of life is going to be challenged in a way thatis going to be challenged in a way that is far more reaching than what happened in 2016. >> and lastly , while i still >> and lastly, while i still have, you said, what do the democrats do? do you see biden running or do you see a last minute change of plan? >> well, first, i'm honoured to be on the same platform. thank you neil, with professor furedi. my you neil, with professor furedi. my parents escaped hungary in 1956. my father was a prisoner in a communist prison camp there. so god bless you, sir. um, i he can't run. i mean, if the election were today, the polls are very clear. president trump would romp home with a 49 or 50 state victory. he's he's crushing the incumbent right now, ten months before the election. he's getting more senile, more incompetent. and so president trump, that's why he's facing all these legal battles . facing all these legal battles. that's why democrats are trying to remove his name to illegally remove his name from the voting ballots. i mean, this is the sheer fascism of today's democrat party. so no, if they were rational and of
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course, they're not rational, they'd replace him at the convention. the only way to really get rid of an incumbent president is some kind of shenanigans with superdelegates, as they did with bernie sanders in of hillary clinton . so in favour of hillary clinton. so some kind of shenanigans at the democrat convention, or he'll be convinced to say, oh, i'm too sick or i want to be with my grandkids. although he disowns the grandchild from hunter biden with a with that stripper, which is a little piquant, then , little bit piquant, and then, uh, i expect they're going to parachute in or attempt to parachute in or attempt to parachute in or attempt to parachute in this slick , uh, big parachute in this slick, uh, big hairdo. grinning white teeth. governor of california gavin newsom, i think gavin newsom is, as we say here, the hail mary pass for the democrats. but it's going to be shenanigans at the convention if it does happen. >> i suggested in what i said at the top of the show here that, uh , it's futile for our our uh, it's futile for our our government to be pushing notions of a citizen army and because love of country has been so
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eroded in the young and i wonder you've suggested that what trump stood for in 2016 and presumably would stand for again is just a kind of simple love of country that his opposition have forgotten . forgotten. >> yeah . let me look. >> yeah. let me look. >> yeah. let me look. >> i thank you for mentioning my speech at the oxford union. i dwelt on this . it's gone viral dwelt on this. it's gone viral more than a million views in five days. it's on my twitter feed. please check seb gorka on twitter for a longer explanation. but i've said this on my radio show now for about three years. the division between the population here, and i think the same goes for the uk. the land of my birth is not right or left or republican or democrat or labour vice conservative. it's one question alone, neil, and you know this. you write about this in your books. it's whether you love the country or whether you hate it. if deem your country and if you deem your country and western the western civilisation to be the bane the world, you know, bane of the world, you know, white supremacist, neo colonialist, patriarchy , colonialist, patriarchy, cisgender, all that neo—marxist
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garbage. if you hate that country , you will be of the left country, you will be of the left today if you love it, if you believe in judeo—christian civilisation, in the bulldog spirit, the churchillian spirit of the uk, if you love america as president trump does, you will be of the right. you will be what is a what is derisively called a populist today. but the dividing line is do you love your country or do you hate your country? it really going to leave that going to leave that question hanging there? >> thank much. so >> seb, thank you so much. so good to see you again. thanks for now. speak soon. final break. which more farmers break. after which more farmers protests week protests in europe this week and we'll getting latest on we'll be getting the latest on what's in poland. what's happening in poland. you're
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welcome back to the final part of the show. now, we've been following here on neil oliver live. the farmers protests. we've looked at the netherlands, we've looked at germany last week and now the protests are in
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poland, all about the european green deal . poland, all about the european green deal. i'm now joined by michael russell, uh, a polish politician, to update me on the story there. uh, michel, politician, to update me on the story there. uh, michel , thank story there. uh, michel, thank you so much forjoining us. um uh, as i say, first the netherlands, then in germany , netherlands, then in germany, it's in other places in the world. how many countries does this have to spill into before politicians generally take nofice politicians generally take notice of what farmers are saying ? saying? >> hi neal, thanks for having me. i think that the crucial issue regarding the thing that we are seeing right now in poland, not only in terms of the, the farmers protest that we are that we are having last week , over 120, about 120 places where the people were protesting is basically boils down basically to the things that seb gorka told you just a couple of minutes ago, because we are having not only the farmers protest that that we are seeing right now that are are basically
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aimed at the problems caused by the eu policy , on the one hand, the eu policy, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the former soviet union , putin's former soviet union, putin's regime attacking ukraine, that stopped the ukrainian grain exports through the black sea, which was the story that we all followed while the war in ukraine, russian war in ukraine progressed because stopping this grain export that caused , uh, grain export that caused, uh, massive imports of grain through poland or to poland, actually, what caused the major economical problems for polish farmers. but this is only the one part of the problem. and basically this is one of the key issues here, because the second and actually number one issue is the issue is the eu policies regarding the farmers and the agricultural market, that those protests are also protest against the green deal policies that are imposing certain solutions to the polish
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farmers. and those are the problems that we are facing here. but if you think about it in a broader sense, this is actually the thing that seb gorka said . this is the division gorka said. this is the division of people who love their country and people who love some other, bigger entities. we do have in power . since october 15th, a new power. since october 15th, a new government in poland, and this is a government of men who is very well known or actually , very well known or actually, should i say, very badly known in great britain, which is donald tusk, a man who is responsible for all the scandalous policies of eu just going to run out of time. >> there. michael, i'm so sorry. thank you so much for at least raising the problems in poland. we'll speak again more completely. i hope that's all for me. this thank you. for me. this week. thank you. frank, so we didn't frank, i'm so sorry we didn't have up, it's have more time. next up, it's this saturday, five. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boiler oilers, sponsors of whether on . gb news.
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of whether on. gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather forecast. i'm craig snow. we're looking ahead to sunday. for most of us it's going to be a very mild. there will be some wet and windy weather. however across the north. so the reason for the mild conditions is we're dragging some very air dragging in some very mild air from spain and portugal from parts of spain and portugal and will really move right and that will really move right across the country as we go through course of sunday. through the course of sunday. back of saturday. back to the rest of saturday. and for many parts of england and wales, to be a and wales, it's going to be a fairly with the fairly dry night with the clearest of skies over clearest of the skies over towards east. scotland and towards the east. scotland and northern ireland seeing plenty of that will be of cloud, and that cloud will be thick in places to thick enough in places to produce spots rain, but produce some spots of rain, but mild under the clear mild here. but under the clear skies. further will see skies. further east we will see a of frost. but a bright a touch of frost. but a bright start for the east as we start sunday morning . elsewhere are sunday morning. elsewhere are plenty of cloud and again there will some spots of rain and will be some spots of rain and drizzle but the cloud drizzle around, but the cloud will to break up across will tend to break up across many areas. a bright many areas. so a bright afternoon some sunny afternoon with some sunny spells. on we to spells. but later on we start to see this band of rain move in across parts of northern ireland and western scotland,
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accompanied strong accompanied by some very strong winds. as we move into the winds. here, as we move into the afternoon soon, but in the sunshine very mild for the time of year, could see highs reaching 15 to 16 degrees and to monday we really the country is split into half by this band of rain. so if you stuck under here it will be quite a cold and wet day to the north of it, cooler, day. to the north of it, cooler, blustery showers to the south of it. remaining rather it. remaining mild but rather cloudy into middle of cloudy into the middle part of the week. remains changeable the week. it remains changeable with around where with temperatures around where they time of they should be for the time of year. yeah >>a yeah >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar for sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> it's saturday night and this is the saturday five. i'm darren grimes along with albie amankona
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. nana akua, benjamin butterworth and queen gammon herself, belinda de lucy. tonight on the show, sir keir starmer says he's changed the labour party. has he? hell your country needs. >> know the draft isn't >> you know the draft isn't daft. uk needs to follow daft. the uk needs to follow japan and go tough. >> love on fat not assist in chief. >> donald trump is a threat to britain and it's time to bring back capital punishment . back capital punishment. >> bring back the death penalty. it's 7 pm. and this is the saturday five. >> welcome . to the saturday >> welcome. to the saturday five. i must say, i'm absolutely tickled pink to see gb news inspiring the bbc of all places. their latest reality telly sensation in the trade seems sensation in the trade is seems uncannily own uncannily similar to our own gem, the saturday five treachery. check backstabbing? check. and check. check. in—fight and check. betrayal well, check. it's
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almost as if they've


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