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tv   Headliners  GB News  February 1, 2024 5:00am-6:01am GMT

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a string next election following a string of threats and incidents which culminated in an arson attack on his constituency office in december . in his constituency office in december. in a message posted on social media tonight, he said since my election as mp in 2010, i've sadly had several serious threats to my personal safety and just some context, last yean and just some context, last year, mr freer told the old bailey he and his staff decided to wear stab vests and carry panic alarms after learning that ali harbi ali, who went to on kill southend west mp sir david amess, had first scoped out his finchley office. there'll be no routine checks on goods traded between the uk mainland and northern ireland after the government published details of its deal with the democratic unionist party today. its deal with the democratic unionist party today . the unionist party today. the agreement sets the stage for the return of power sharing at stormont after the dup withdrew almost two years ago. the new deal will also see a package of more than £3 billion to support
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pubuc more than £3 billion to support public services in northern ireland. it's expected to be debated in parliament tomorrow . debated in parliament tomorrow. full coverage right here. gp news the home secretary conceded today that the number of asylum seekers like to be sent to rwanda under the government's £240 million scheme, could actually be quite low. answering questions at the home affairs select committee this morning, james cleverly admitted he couldn't say how many of the 33,000 asylum seekers identified as eligible would eventually be sent to rwanda . meanwhile, gb sent to rwanda. meanwhile, gb news understands 200 illegal migrants have been rescued today after their boat got into difficulties in the early hours of the morning in the english channel of the morning in the english channel, attempting to cross from france in poor weather. the four small boats were brought ashore by border force officials following a rescue, so far this yean following a rescue, so far this year, around 1200 migrants have made the crossing roughly the same number as this time last year.
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same number as this time last year . nicola sturgeon says her year. nicola sturgeon says her biggest regret during the pandemic was not locking down soonen pandemic was not locking down sooner. the former first minister gave evidence that the covid inquiry today, where she also admitted to deleting whatsapp messages , insisting she whatsapp messages, insisting she acted in line with scottish government policy . ms sturgeon government policy. ms sturgeon appeared emotional as she recounted that part of her wished she'd not been first minister when the pandemic took hold. >> that is . >> that is. >> that is. >> and lastly, labour says it will set out plans to renationalise british railways next month. the party announced the news last year but speaking exclusively to gb news earlier on today, the shadow transport secretary said the public will find out more detail on their plans in 2 or 3 weeks time. well for more background to our stories , do sign up for gb news stories, do sign up for gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen. if you're watching on tv, or you can go to gb news. com slash alerts. you're watching britain's news channel.
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>> thank you paulie. >> thank you paulie. >> hello and welcome to headliners. >> your run through the next day's newspapers with three comedians. i'm one of them. i'm leo carson. >> tonight joined titans >> tonight i'm joined by titans of the stage louis shaffer and cory marks. >> how are you both doing? >> how are you both doing? >> of the stage. i'm >> i'm a titan of the stage. i'm doing great. are you doing? doing great. how are you doing? yeah, all right. doing great. how are you doing? yanou're all right. doing great. how are you doing? yanou're wearing. doing great. how are you doing? yanou're wearing a brand >> you're wearing a brand new jacket well. jacket as well. >> i wearing new >> i am wearing a brand new jacket and name. right um , i am jacket and name. right um, i am wearing a branded jacket and i think my tie is. if you think my tie is too thick because i don't know the last time i wore a tie was, like, 30 years ago. >> i really regret starting this line of banter. >> know, uh, anyway, let's >> i know, uh, anyway, let's let's tomorrow's let's have a look at tomorrow's front pages. >> the daily mail leads with. i've politics >> the daily mail leads with. i'v> the daily mail leads with. i'v> the daily mail leads with. i'v
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leads with mps demand for billion pounds bailout for councils in cash crisis could just fire some of them, the times says. >> get back to basics, police told the daily express . has 5600 told the daily express. has 5600 migrants identified for first rwanda flights and the daily star has. throwing a sickie is good for you and those were your front pages . and let's have a front pages. and let's have a closer look at those front pages, starting with the daily mail and that shocking story about the minister standing down. >> yes. good news. oh no, it's not good news. um, i mean, it depends if you're an islamist or not. well, you could say it was an islamist that did this thing. i've been driven of politics i've been driven out of politics by supporting by death threats for supporting israel. freer, and israel. this is mike freer, and he's was the mp for he's the he was the mp for finchley and golders green, which is a very jewish area. and he was supporting israel. and i don't think they liked him for supporting israel. and they thought he was jewish thought he was he was jewish ish, and he was a jewish. so it's a drag when that happens.
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but the good news is it was just one angry, mentally ill man and not the forefront of an entire wave of war. that's that's hitting our shores. well, are you sure, louis? >> i detect a hint of sarcasm there because we've seen a huge amount of threats and attacks. i mean , we've attacks in the past. mean, we've attacks in the past. obviously david amess was was killed by by, uh, by a muslim fundamentalist over, over his stance on, on i think it was iraq and syria. yeah. and we've seen since the, since the gaza crisis kicked off, we've seen a huge number of threats and, uh, you know, physical attacks as well in the street. >> but i'm saying if you want to be negative and put a negative spin on this story. yeah you can do that. >> you could easily put a negative spin on a death threat. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and somebody's to >> and somebody's having to leave that desperate. >> and else was >> and somebody else was murdered. but doesn't mean murdered. but that doesn't mean hello, . hello, by the way. >> hello, kitty. >> hello, kitty. >> yeah. thank you. i was going to say hello the beginning, to say hello at the beginning, but you were but i didn't know you were introducing item
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introducing lewis. and each item of clothing long. of his clothing when i'm long. >> sorry . >> i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. >> yeah, this this is a lie. >> yeah, this this is a lie. >> think it a serious death >> i think it is a serious death threat. wrong. threat. and it's wrong. a politician obviously needs to be able their able to, uh, state their opinions a piece , um, a opinions and for a piece, um, a so—called movement. this so—called peace movement. this seems aggressive. seems extremely aggressive. i watched the march in manchester. i was sitting at costa coffee and they stopped by to yell at me and the cost coffee me and the cost of coffee because they got the wrong coffee shop, so they weren't even they were even sure which one they were protesting against. i think. and even doesn't make even then, that doesn't make particular sense. but, um , yeah, particular sense. but, um, yeah, we're seeing strange time . i we're seeing a strange time. i think i've seen a lot of this on social media where someone stands up, even against anti—semitism, and they're being torn now torn down, and i call it now committing suicide is to committing career suicide is to say, you think you think the jews are okay. even, um , jews are okay. even, um, obviously everyone's allowed their opinion, but there's got to be a balance here. we've got at the moment also is people coming primary schools to coming out of primary schools to protest. time, protest. at the same time, jewish going jewish jewish children going to jewish schools, being told not to wear their give their uniforms in case they give themselves away because they could so i think could be in danger. so i think it's important to for everyone to opinion. but same to have an opinion. but the same
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time like 170 military time, there's like 170 military conflicts going on right now. there's 50 wars, and this one is like it's not like this is like is it's not like this is taking precedence over everything else. it's like nothing and nothing else exists. yeah and it's just this it's insane. >> even the conflict >> this isn't even the conflict that's the most muslims that's killing the most muslims at the moment. for some at the moment. but for some reason , in our youth, uh, and reason, in our youth, uh, and muslims in the uk just focus in on this. uh, and the only reason i can think of the focus on the israel gaza problem above anything else is because jews are involved. yeah yeah. i can't i can't really see anything else than you know. >> oh, you're really advised to get a jewish enemy if you want to get focus to get, uh, get some focus on your to get, uh, get some focus on youyeah . and, and labour are >> yeah. and, and labour are facing an exodus of voters, apparently, who are upset. i apparently, uh, who are upset. i mean, this is something that's bleeding into politics. lewis, do you we're going to see do you think we're going to see an starting up in an islamist party starting up in the uk? an islamist party starting up in the iik? an islamist party starting up in thei don't think an islamist party starting up in the i don't think we will, >> i don't think we will, because the at the end of because the at the at the end of the day, as we say, um, they have no place to go, you know , have no place to go, you know, there there's not enough of there's not enough islamists to
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have their own party. so there's like what, five, 6 million muslims in the uk. >> so i think, i think that have a pretty deep well of support to draw on a deep. >> but it's still not deep enough be a the the enough to be a the way the political system works in a parliamentary democracy is, is you've got to get a lot of first past post. well, got past the post. well, they got george and was george galloway and that was a start . start. >> anyway, moving on. we've got the kerry, have the telegraph. kerry, what have they cover? they got in the front cover? >> so telegraph >> okay. so the telegraph i think on the think we're on the covid inquiry, uh, going to inquiry, which is, uh, going to be going on forever. inquiry, which is, uh, going to be going on forever . uh, give it be going on forever. uh, give it 100 years. we'll still be talking about it. and who's done what and um what you have what and why? um what you have is nicola sturgeon, who who is a picture of her on the front page . i think of the guardian as well. she's uh, telegraph. she's she's pressing that tear out isn't what she did, is she spent, uh, she spent the time dunng spent, uh, she spent the time during the pandemic, uh, doing spent, uh, she spent the time durioppositeandemic, uh, doing spent, uh, she spent the time duriopposite oermic, uh, doing spent, uh, she spent the time duriopposite of anything, doing spent, uh, she spent the time duriopposite of anything borisg the opposite of anything boris did now did as a principle. and now she's copying him at the covid inquiry crying . um, so we'll inquiry by crying. um, so we'll see well that works out. i see how well that works out. i don't know whether it made you
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feel sorry for her or not. she's accused um, know, accused of, um, you know, whether or did she whether she lied or did she politicise the pandemic to promote her agenda of independence ? and doesn't independence? and it doesn't look like she did. it's more that she did. that's that's an opinion , i think. yeah, that's opinion, i think. yeah, that's what's going on. >> and it would sort of be backed up by the fact that a lot of the evidence, the whatsapp messages have just gone missing, almost vardy almost as if, uh, rebekah vardy is charge data is in charge of the data protection, which she promised she in 2021. she would keep in 2021. >> she made statement saying >> she made a statement saying that that she had to that she knew that she had to keep and would yeah and keep them and would do. yeah and now making a statement now she's making a statement saying delete them. saying that she did delete them. so yeah, that's kind of an opposite looking back over them. >> yeah . there were clues but >> yeah. there were clues but but it's ridiculous. >> the things you're saying because she's a politician and you're saying lied. you're like saying she lied. that's politicians do. that's what politicians do. that's what politicians do. that's not a surprise. she's not a preacher or something. she lies . deception, ulterior motive lies. deception, ulterior motive . burner phones. yeah, but usually they lie in a way that you know what they mean and what
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they're saying and why boris would like that. >> boris lied a lot, but you still knew meant. yeah, still knew what he meant. yeah, trump lied the time, but you trump lied all the time, but you still knew what he meant. trump lied all the time, but you stilyeah./ what he meant. trump lied all the time, but you stilyeah. it'siat he meant. trump lied all the time, but you stilyeah. it's true; meant. trump lied all the time, but you stilyeah. it's true thatant. >> yeah. it's true that politicians don't politicians lie, but they don't have not like. >> it's not like. >> it's not like. >> like had no choice >> it's like she had no choice because the job. >> it's like she had no choice bec they the job. >> it's like she had no choice becthey do the job. >> it's like she had no choice becthey do have the job. >> it's like she had no choice becthey do have to the job. >> it's like she had no choice becthey do have to trwhen >> they do have to lie when they're when doing an they're when they're doing an entire scam, which was what covid was . yeah. so if want covid was. yeah. so if you want to continue it to do it, you have to lie. so why are we mad at her? would just not at her? i would just prefer not to hear voice again . to ever hear her voice again. >> an we'll see what we >> an okay, we'll see what we can do. >> moving on. what's the front cover of the guardian? lewis? well news in here. >> uh, but the main news i think. well, mps demand for billion dollar bailout for councils and cash crisis. um, the councils are going broke. but the big news is , according but the big news is, according to the guardian, is gen z males increasingly see feminism as harmful . why is this on the harmful. why is this on the front page of the guardian? >> because the guardian pushes a feminist agenda. yeah, exactly . feminist agenda. yeah, exactly. >> and they're super sensitive about it. gen z are people from 16 to 29, and they say 60 to 29,
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16 to 29, and they say 60 to 29, 16 to 29, and they say 60 to 29, 16 to 2016. hey, that's a massive, massive range. and they're saying 1 in 4 of them are anti—feminists , which is are anti—feminists, which is even more than baby boomers like myself. wow. >> so the feminist movement seems to have been curdled and has got itself involved with, i don't know what wave they're on their own about. 13th wave at their own about. 13th wave at the moment, but they've sort of allied themselves with the trans movement, which me doesn't movement, which to me doesn't seem feminism . that seems seem like feminism. that seems like haven't like like patriarchy. i haven't like lumpy blokes with like neil patrick, being to patrick, baldness, being able to go women's go in and dominate women's sports, that's i'm pretty sports, that's that's i'm pretty sure that's not what gloria steinem burner bra for. steinem is. burner bra for. >> it's funny what you see an ideology do when it's when it's allowed long you allowed to run long enough, you know, starts off from a know, and it starts off from a place of, uh, extreme , uh, place of, uh, extreme, uh, extremely unfair situations to sort out, uh, until it's reached where it is today. of course, it went through gender, feminism, and seeing going and what we're also seeing going back thing is that back to the israel thing is that after on october after what happened on october 7, saw disappointingly 7, we saw a disappointingly a lot organisations go lot of feminist organisations go completely silent or or or
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worse, justify october 7, which was an incredible . yeah, yeah, was an incredible. yeah, yeah, totally. therefore anything's allowed. and, you know, it's like the people who cry, you know, were banging the drum for me to, uh, seem to think that sexual assault is when a man puts his hand on a woman's knee, but not when hamas commit horrific . horrific. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah, exactly. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> yeah, exactly. yeah, yeah, yeah . so seeing kind yeah. so we're seeing this kind of, you know, i think of, um. you know, i think there's a lot people growing there's a lot of people growing up as well, because up in it now as well, because during, century, during, uh, last century, there were real issues to sort out. and now it's very much and now it's all very much fine point. children growing up point. um children growing up today with quotas around them, they understand why they don't really understand why those , because those are necessary, because they've many female they've got as many female teachers and. they've got as many female teachers and . there's a, you whatever. and. there's a, you know, a big female, um, uh, representation in so many different companies and so on. but i think they're growing but i think they're also growing up tate, who's, uh, up with andrew tate, who's, uh, who, and there's of these who, and there's a lot of these male are now male activists who are now knocking over straw men and whether should called knocking over straw men and whetrwomen,should called knocking over straw men and whetrwomen,sh0lthey're alled straw women, but they're knocking targets. knocking over the easy targets. yeah. know, knocking over the easy targets. yeah. like know, knocking over the easy targets. yeah. like andrew know, knocking over the easy targets. yeah. like andrew tate, |ow, knocking over the easy targets. yeah. like andrew tate, they're people like andrew tate, they're appealing to, young appealing to, to young men because what's, what's your
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other because what's, what's your oth the gives femi . >> the guardian gives you femi. yeah. like you know what i mean. oh, jones . oh yes. owen oh, and jones. oh yes. owen jones. on. yeah. me jones. come on. yeah. teach me how to man. it's like you joking. >> he'll never get that. yeah yeah, >> he'll never get that. yeah yeaanyway, finally what's on >> he'll never get that. yeah yea frontay, finally what's on >> he'll never get that. yeah yea front cover ally what's on >> he'll never get that. yeah yea front cover ofy what's on >> he'll never get that. yeah yea front cover of the /hat's on >> he'll never get that. yeah yea front cover of the daily on the front cover of the daily star? carry um. >> me? okay i can do >> oh, is it me? okay i can do this. a sickie for good this. throw a sickie is for good you. um, this is a guy who is saying this, which it often turns out to be, um, who's saying that? it's healthy to throw a sickie, which he doesn't mean actually throw someone who is which is a shame, is sick, which is a shame, because find that really because i find that really healthy. i've had great thing healthy. i've had a great thing to lot better to do. you feel a lot better about up about yourself. you pick up someone who's physically ill and see toss them, see how far you can toss them, you unless they're you know, unless unless they're sick obesity. and then he's sick with obesity. and then he's saying, well, you pick a sick person, um, basically person, obviously. um, basically he's saying, robert bryant, here he's saying, robert bryant, here he is. he's from open study college . uh, and he's giving a college. uh, and he's giving a thumbs up to throwing a sickie. he makes you feel good and healthy. i don't think bosses are going to go for this. i don't think boss is going to go. um, should lie to us um, yeah. you should lie to us once in a it's once in a while. it's particularly. know
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particularly. it's hard to know what good. what makes you feel good. whether day whether it's taking the day off or deceit and or whether it's the deceit and getting it. yeah. you getting away with it. yeah. you know. look at me. know. ha look at me. >> i think i think it is, know. ha look at me. >:they ink i think it is, know. ha look at me. >:they they're ink it is, know. ha look at me. >:they they're trying it is, know. ha look at me. >:they they're trying make know. ha look at me. >:thesthey're trying make know. ha look at me. >:thestheyaetrying make know. ha look at me. >:thestheya bading make know. ha look at me. >:thestheya bad situation.
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information is a crime . information is a crime. >> welcome back to headliners i'm leo kurtz, joined by louis shaffer and carrie marks. kicking things off with the daily mail and the great replacement is a far right conspiracy . theory that says conspiracy. theory that says that europeans are being replaced with migrants in unrelated news, another 6.1 million migrants are coming to britain. louis >> thank you. more good news soaring migration from . red soaring migration from. red school, the nhs and housing. but it's i don't think it's this is the office of national statistics. so these are the people who know. they the people who know. they say the population going or population is going to grow or may . grow. they don't know what may. grow. they don't know what the future's going to bring. well, they do because they've published it. they publish it. so same
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so it must be true in the same way covid deaths and way they said covid deaths and shut covid. shut up about covid. >> tell us about sorry . >> tell us about sorry. >> tell us about sorry. >> it it says it's going to >> it says it says it's going to go to 73 million people. and go up to 73 million people. and the you call it, the truth is, as you call it, a replacement not replacement theory, it's not it's replacement. it's not a replacement. just tell the is tell us the story. the story is people moving why is people are moving in. why is this news? it's news is because the wants to build the government wants to build houses, because they want to make houses . and make money off of houses. and they other hand, they they or on the other hand, they want to be afraid that want people to be afraid that people in. people are coming in. >> getting news >> it's like getting the news from ahmad, guy at bus from ahmad, guy at the bus stop. it's . it's amazing. >> so wait, wait. ask him >> so wait, wait, wait. ask him what the story is. let i'm worried about . my view because worried about. my view because i spent so long sitting next to this mad guy at the bus stop. >> i'm the bad guy. >> i'm the bad guy. >> i'm the bad guy. >> i like that i'm going to tweet that. i'm going to tweet that right now. >> you wait all day for a mad guy, and then three come along at once, soaring migration. >> they're saying he's going to overrun don't overrun schools. i don't remember when it started running schools, overrunning remember when it started running schools, that's overrunning remember when it started running schools, that's what'sunning remember when it started running schools, that's what's going| them, but that's what's going on. homes need them, but that's what's going on be homes need them, but that's what's going on be every homes need them, but that's what's going on be every home and need to be built every year, and we're at 67.33 million we're currently at 67.33 million in the country. but we're going to get up to 70 million by 2026,
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which doesn't actually sound like a massive increase. but what's a 3 million increase? but or just well, what's going to happenis or just well, what's going to happen is 70, 74 million by another ? another. yeah, sure. another? another. yeah, sure. and also they have babies so and babies are another form of immigrant that i'm totally against. they get into the country through tunnels. they don't language . the don't speak the language. the gaga goo goo. what the hell does that and have you seen how that mean? and have you seen how they dress? don't dress that mean? and have you seen how theyus,ess? don't dress that mean? and have you seen how theyus,ess?they? don't dress that mean? and have you seen how theyus,ess?they? babies ress that mean? and have you seen how theyus,ess?they? babies anyway, like us, do they? babies anyway, so we need cap so they're saying we need a cap on overall numbers, also on overall numbers, but we also need cap on, you know, other need a cap on, you know, other people to stop babies . people to stop all these babies. but, um, prime minister but, um, and prime minister rishi facing facing rishi sunak facing is facing increasingly to increasingly shrill calls to act, which i think goes like this act, act that is a good act. yeah, that's that's baritone. i couldn't go quite as sure as i was hoping to there. >> but the truth is, can i make a point ? can i make a point? a point? can i make a point? you're just telling the news. i'm tell news. i'm not here to tell the news. i was being shrill. point is that this needs immigrants this country needs immigrants to pay this country needs immigrants to pay for people who are old. who, who, who . are on social, or what
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who, who. are on social, or what do they call the pension here? yeah, on the pension . right. if yeah, on the pension. right. if you care about if you want to reduce immigration, you should die . die. >> i'm going to disagree with louis because louis just i louis just because louis just i enjoy disagreeing louis. louis just because louis just i enjothe sagreeing louis. louis just because louis just i enjothe problem] louis. louis just because louis just i enjothe problem with louis. louis just because louis just i enjothe problem with bringing but the problem with bringing people people? there's an people. people? yes, there's an ageing generation , but bring ageing generation, but you bring people children people in, they have children and have another ageing. and then we have another ageing. it's . inflation problem. you it's an. inflation problem. you end up still doing the same. inflation yeah. >> and also we've got ponzi >> and also we've got a ponzi scheme. economic scheme. our our entire economic system this ponzi system seems to be this ponzi scheme dependent on scheme where we're dependent on cheap at the cheap labour coming in at the bottom all bottom and flooding into all those positions propping those positions and propping up this . yeah, we're this vicious cycle. yeah, we're bringing people in and putting them of them at the top, like 75% of somalians in the uk are on benefits, they're benefits, apparently. so they're coming and of coming in and instead of contributing to the to the taxpayers pot, they're taking away from it. and so it just seems like every ponzi scheme crumbles eventually. but certainly this ponzi scheme needs to crumble , you know, needs to crumble, you know, before the or inflate forever , before the or inflate forever, which you can't do. >> it's going to burst the people who run this country are trying foment a yugoslavia
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trying to foment a yugoslavia type civil war, trying to, you know, make the country fall apart like like in lebanon. >> i don't even like people. >> i don't even like people. >> that's my problem. that's why i don't want too many people around. >> e even around. >> even like the people around. >> are even like the people around. >> are here en like the people around. >> are here already. he people around. >> are here already. i; people around. >> are here already. i don'tile who are here already. i don't even irish people. even like irish people. >> numbers of >> i like small numbers of people. know, i came from an people. you know, i came from an age you a park, age where if you wanted a park, you know what you did? you parked, that parked, you parked. that was that. you wanted to ring a company. just the company. you just rang the company. you just rang the company. and call company. you didn't go and call waiting. got too many waiting. and you've got too many people in the world. now, this is can buy is the real problem. you can buy a house with money. >> eggs. a house with money. >> can eggs. a house with money. >> can i eggs. a house with money. >> can i just eggs. a house with money. >> can i just sayeggs. a house with money. >> can i just say there is hope? >> can i just say there is hope? >> to mars. there's hope. >> i don't i personally don't think hope, but you've think there's hope, but you've got this. got to believe this. >> glad said >> hope. i'm glad you said it. even it's true. even though it's not true. >> okay, well moving on. we've got telegraph and let's got the telegraph now and let's see disappeared. see where that disappeared. no we've now a we've got the mail now with a classic recipe classic french recipe for a protest. several thousand farmers, some burning and farmers, some burning tires and loads of sprayed loads of manure sprayed on politicians . magnifique. politicians. magnifique. >> yes, it's a dirty protest. obviously with manure going everywhere. and there's , um, everywhere. and there's, um, thousands of, um, tractors being used for the protests , which
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used for the protests, which i've been stuck behind. one tractor and it's awful. yeah. so what? that's like, i can't even begin to imagine, um, and footage from the protest, you see the fires on the motorways completely blocking the motorways . right. and the motorways. right. and the director general of britain's institute in export of export and international trade, that's marco farage. tony has said that the strikes could halt the supply needed produce , supply of much needed produce, if not resolved soon. i've written that that's a foregone conclusion . yeah. very good. conclusion. yeah. very good. thank you very much. i was very proud of that. and that's why i've any the rest of i've not read any of the rest of the um, yeah. and also the news. um, yeah. and also half of our , uh, fresh half of our, uh, fresh vegetables and fruit are coming from the eu. and is from the eu. and this is a problem within the eu because it's it's spreading now to it's and it's spreading now to spanish farmers italian spanish farmers and italian farmers. um, and the blame is going on to the war with ukraine and climate change and a whole load of, uh, import laws and so on being passed in, um, in france. but you know, i think it really is their problem. they should sort it out and give us our food, give us our give our food, give us our food, give
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us . us our soufces. >> us our sources. >> so, i mean, we're seeing this across europe. a big across europe. there's a big pushback against these restrictive laws and the spikes in and diesel and fertiliser costs and net zero as well, which is, uh, you know, the european union , the global european union, the global government comes in and says , government comes in and says, you've got to shut down these farms that have been operating for of years and for hundreds of years and providing with providing people with food, which like which doesn't sound like the best when actually best idea when people actually need to eat. need food to eat. >> it is a great idea. if you want dead. and that's want people dead. and that's what they want. they want people dead. is what team world dead. this is what team world wants. want to destroy dead. this is what team world wants. they/ant to destroy dead. this is what team world wants. they rant t right. i mean, it doesn't it doesn't look like it's doing very well . if it is, we've got
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very well. if it is, we've got the telegraph now, and elon musk tried to charge tesla $56 billion for his work as ceo . i billion for his work as ceo. i mean, that's a bit much considering he spends most of the on twitter. the day on twitter. >> yeah, yeah. well the day on twitter. >> is yeah, yeah. well the day on twitter. >> is elon yeah, yeah. well the day on twitter. >> is elon muskeah, yeah. well the day on twitter. >> is elon musk and yeah. well the day on twitter. >> is elon musk and yeehe well the day on twitter. >> is elon musk and yeehe he .l this is elon musk and he he he elon musk risked losing the status as the world's richest man if the tesla pay deal ruled unlawful. this is a really unlawful. and this is a really interesting story because it takes place in delaware , which takes place in delaware, which is where all the corporations have their businesses because they got like , you know, lax tax they got like, you know, lax tax laws. yeah and but they're also very strong on the, you know, they're fair and this is they decided that that he's been paid too much money for in 2018. he was given 56 billion. he wasn't he's not the sole owner of the company. there's a board of directors. yeah. it could have been voted out by the shareholders . so this been voted out by the shareholders. so this is basically a way for delaware. delaware shooting itself in the foot. there's a war against elon musk in the same way there was a war against laurence fox and, uh, donald trump. right?
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>> yeah. and this, uh , this deal >> yeah. and this, uh, this deal was, um , conditional on tesla was, um, conditional on tesla being worth at the time when he said when they agreed this bonus and i think it was 2018, uh , and i think it was 2018, uh, tesla was worth $50 billion. and musk said , look, if i get it to musk said, look, if i get it to $650 billion, will you give me this handsome bonus? and then he did . he got this handsome bonus? and then he did. he got it. it this handsome bonus? and then he did . he got it. it was like did. he got it. it was like worth $1 trillion at one point. >> and so they're taking it away from to from him. yeah. it's going to literally cares about literally no one cares about delaware . yeah. but it's going delaware. yeah. but it's going to it's very to kill the state. it's a very sad story though. >> i mean, it's really sad. he could have been the richest man in the world and i awful in the world and i feel awful for that not going to for him that he's not going to manage that. the manage to do that. i love the fact told the court that fact that he told the court that the was justified the deal was justified to finance landing human finance his aim of landing human beings think is beings on mars, which i think is the claim anyone the weirdest claim anyone has ever for for a a pay ever made for for a a pay increase or any . well, i'm going increase or any. well, i'm going to people on so you to land people on mars, so you know, it to me. to land people on mars, so you knorhe it to me. to land people on mars, so you knorhe admitted it to me. to land people on mars, so you knorhe admitted to it to me. to land people on mars, so you knorhe admitted to angelo's,|e. to land people on mars, so you knorhe admitted to angelo's, who but he admitted to angelo's, who runs the place. >> i'm going to a man >> yeah, i'm going to land a man on mars. >> well, go. go for something bigger stop bigger than that. why? why stop there? admitted that it there? um, he's admitted that it was , uh. that reasoning be
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was, uh. that reasoning might be viewed crazy . which viewed as kind of crazy. which is very nice of him to admit that isn't he's got that really, isn't it? he's got realistic, also says that really, isn't it? he's got realisum, also says that really, isn't it? he's got realisum, incorporate your that, um, never incorporate your company state of company in the state of delaware. good advice delaware. so that's good advice for billionaires, isn't it? for us billionaires, isn't it? all billionaires all all the billionaires out there rich there will be lots of rich people are going to take people who are not going to take their business to delaware. >> yeah, well, i certainly won't. halfway won't. well we're at the halfway point, join us in a moment. point, but join us in a moment. for people getting rich on benefits , paedo hunting benefits, paedo hunting going wrong speaking wrong and russell brand speaking out.
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>> you're listening to gb news radio . radio. >> welcome back to headliners. we've got the telegraph now with the news that it pays to be a scrounger. families on benefits can make equivalent of 70 can make the equivalent of 70 grand. a risk that grand. isn't there a risk that this will scottish this will lead to scottish people becoming class? people becoming middle class? scary >> yep. um. i think these are some cases i'm not quite sure. they're not giving us a percentage here of, uh, how common this is, but there are families that can particularly says families with a single people can earn more than, um,
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other single people who are actually out working. um, i'm sure most claimants are honest, but of course, there are some who are sure most claimants are honest. i'm sure they are. i don't but this is a don't doubt that. but this is a comedy show. but of course. but of course there are always those comedy show. but of course. but of ccunderstandare always those comedy show. but of course. but of ccunderstand theilways those comedy show. but of course. but of ccunderstand the system hose comedy show. but of course. but of ccunderstand the system and who understand the system and are really good at cheating the system, are the ones system, and those are the ones who got no excuse not to be working be great working because they'd be great at put as much effort at work. they put as much effort into they do , into any job as they do, understanding how the system works. you know, they can works. yeah you know, they can solve loads of problems, but any sort had sort of interaction i've had with , you with the benefit system, you know, my dad or know, like helping my dad out or , know, because he's old, uh , you know, because he's old, uh , it seems like the , and it just seems like the system is so cumbersome and so opaque. >> it's just for people >> it's just there for people who how to work it's who know how to work it. it's like, know, one of these like, uh, you know, one of these systems for offshoring your tax or whatever. >> people really good >> some people are really good at and they can just at it, and they can just reel off benefit available off every benefit available and how them all. so how to get around them all. so but don't i don't think but i don't think i don't think it most people. it is. most people. >> but i think there's something very about among very british about want among the the lower the working classes, the lower classes and who i know, i know
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many and i don't know many, i know one, i know one. there's something that bitterness to be here. we are just we're taking what's rightfully due us, what was stolen from us, from the queen and the royal family. yeah they get their benefits. we want our benefits. well, yeah, because that's , you know, because that's, you know, friends grew up with friends i grew up with in scotland it a viable scotland saw it as a viable career working the benefit system, out a bit . system, finding out a bit. >> all saying >> now they're all saying they've adhd . that seems to they've got adhd. that seems to be the new yeah, think be the new thing. yeah, i think it's, there was a figure it's, um, there was a figure here that, uh, 1 in 5, here saying that, uh, 1 in 5, i think children know 1 in 9 children now have a disability. >> so disabilities are really catching on. yeah. um, once again , obviously, i don't want again, obviously, i don't want to say anything that doesn't suggest there's lots of disabled people benefits, people who should get benefits, but who know but there's also people who know how to gain that benefit as well. of course, there's well. um, and of course, there's plenty people work plenty of people out of work who'd to be working become plenty of people out of work wcomedian.» be working become plenty of people out of work wcomedian. everyone ng become plenty of people out of work wcomedian. everyone else ecome a comedian. everyone else is. >> , yeah. uh, moving on. >> yeah, yeah. uh, moving on. the democrats want to use taylor swift to swing the election for some reason . the guardian are some reason. the guardian are reporting is conspiracy reporting this is a conspiracy theory. lewis. yes.
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>> you hit the nail in the head. us right wing conspiracy theory touts swift as a pentagon touts taylor swift as a pentagon asset . they're saying the right asset. they're saying the right wing people are saying that taylor swift is being used by the government to, as a psyop to promote joe biden. yeah, like that's something new. she spoke out for joe biden that's something new. she spoke out forjoe biden like four out for joe biden like four years ago. and the truth is, all hollywood people, they're all left wing people because they're all they're they're all they want something for nothing to basically . yeah. so why? basically. yeah. so why? >> and they all live in big gated communities. they're not going to be affected by, you know, crime and deprivation know, the crime and deprivation and, the social and, you know, the social upheaval that from any of upheaval that comes from any of the democrats create. >> the other w the other >> but the other thing, the most important is this? important thing is why is this? you out this you pointed out like, this is a weird story. why is why is this news? it's in the guardian because they want to embarrass the right . yeah. as as loonies. the right. yeah. as as loonies. because we're we're quote unquote conspiracy theorists. yeah. >> but i mean, the fact is, kerry , that they get called kerry, that they get called loonies all the time.
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>> they'd rather divert that. sorry. >> you were saying the democrats approached taylor swift to see if she if she represent them. >> that's not really a conspiracy, is it? you'd kind of think something backdoor somewhere rather than just, like, . just ask if like, openly. just ask her if theyif like, openly. just ask her if they if she'd represent them. and she's seeing, uh , and of course, she's seeing, uh, travis kelce. uh, he says here a star end they star tight end which they haven't explained . they haven't haven't explained. they haven't explained for the british audience , which that that's audience, which is that that's uh i looked it up. it's a blocker who protects the quarterback play quarterback during passing play and i thought it and nothing like i thought it was better than was , was a better story than it was, but idea what that but it's not my idea what that means. but it's not my idea what that mearwords . but of course, their words. but of course, everything's a conspiracy . now everything's a conspiracy. now follow the breadcrumbs. i've known in this business quite a lot of conspiracy. i knew i knew a guy who was involved with the, uh, heavily involved with the flat um, conspiracy flat earth. uh um, conspiracy idea.the flat earth. uh um, conspiracy idea. the nasa and so on is lying to and behind that, of lying to us. and behind that, of course, yeah um, and course, the jews. yeah um, and he told me once that he said they're controlling the air carry. i was like , how do you carry. i was like, how do you know? and he think about know? and he said, think about it. they ? yeah. and it. why wouldn't they? yeah. and that was his argument, which i
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thought was a very good one. i i heard another, i heard another conspiracy the conspiracy today about the princess she's princess of wales that she's actually, you know, in actually, you know, she's in hospital problems actually, you know, she's in hosjit's problems actually, you know, she's in hosjit's actually problems actually, you know, she's in hosjit's actually because 3roblems actually, you know, she's in hosjit's actually because she's ms and it's actually because she's having pregnancy . having an alien pregnancy. right. okay. that's mine. i made that one up. i made that one up. but around 1990s but but spread it around 1990s style theories. style conspiracy theories. >> now when >> it's not like now when conspiracy theories are just something going to come something that's going to come true yeah, a lab true in six months. yeah, a lab leak face mask not working, leak or face mask not working, or damage . right? or vaccines damage. right? >> so i'm not >> exactly. so? so i'm not a flat earther, but i'm open to it. if somebody's got some evidence, you contact me at louis schaefer and twitter. well, it looks pretty. >> pretty flat from here. anyway we've got the now and some we've got the star now and some paedo pretty paedo hunters made a pretty catastrophic mistake . a catastrophic mistake. a schoolboy school girl error. >> in this case, we don't really find out much what happened find out much of what happened here than this. guy, here other than this. this guy, michael was he's michael chapman, who was he's been arrested for , uh, on been arrested for, uh, on a charge of paedophilia and. and the paedo hunters, which i don't know how to really take that, you know, nazi hunters are really uh, vampire really brave, uh, vampire hunters. that takes a bit to do. and hunters. but paedo and treasure hunters. but paedo
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hunters, sounds a bit hunters, i think sounds a bit easy, lame . easy, a bit lame. >> you know, it depends how old you are. >> well, other hunters, >> well, well, other hunters, paedophiles are on the hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, paeiprhiles are on the hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, pae if you es are on the hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, pae if you go are on the hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, pae if you go after| the hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, pae if you go after a he hunting. >> well, well, other hunters, pae if you go after a paedophile >> if you go after a paedophile but you look like a child, you could. >> you're right. could make >> you're right. you could make it for yourself >> you're right. you could make it is for yourself >> you're right. you could make it is necessary. for yourself >> you're right. you could make it is necessary. umyourself >> you're right. you could make it is necessary. um do rself >> you're right. you could make it is necessary. um do you: than is necessary. um do you remember the story a few years ago the ago where the, uh, the paediatrician's house got attacked in newport and attacked down in newport and because they thought she was, um, misunderstood the word um, they misunderstood the word paediatrician. read to the end of we don't of the world. um, we don't really happened here. of the world. um, we don't re says happened here. of the world. um, we don't re says they happened here. of the world. um, we don't re says they got)pened here. of the world. um, we don't re says they got the red here. of the world. um, we don't re says they got the wronge. it says that they got the wrong guy car but it guy in a car park, but it doesn't say where they went and asda to. >> wasn't attacked >> yeah, but he wasn't attacked or anywhere. this >> yeah, but he wasn't attacked or michael anywhere. this >> yeah, but he wasn't attacked or michael chapman 3. this >> yeah, but he wasn't attacked or michael chapman and this >> yeah, but he wasn't attacked or michael chapman and theys guy, michael chapman and they got the wrong guy. they got the wrong . wrong. >> so they need to take my course your. i call it course and know your. i call it i call it nonsense . yeah, i got i call it nonsense. yeah, i got jokes. yeah, nonsense . yeah. jokes. yeah, nonsense. yeah. >> i mean the shocking thing to me is, is this guy who actually did something who wasn't even a vague actually, he vague thing. he actually, he actually sent dirty pictures to children on. >> so people he thought were children, thought were children. >> so he did actually do bad things . things. >> but he hasn't then, has he?
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>> but he hasn't then, has he? >> the not the who >> no, not the not the guy who was mistaken guy, but the was the mistaken guy, but the actual guy. yeah. they actual guy. yeah. who they actually did catch like two weeks , he, he i mean, weeks later he, he, he i mean, he actually sent messages to adults to adults then, right? actually to adults then, right? actually to adults . but adults then, right? actually to adults. but it would have adults then, right? actually to adults . but it would have been adults. but it would have been kids. a bad person. kids. so he was a bad person. >> they're >> adults pretending they're kids. intended >> adults pretending they're kids. and intended >> adults pretending they're kids. and he intended >> adults pretending they're kids. and he might intended >> adults pretending they're kids. and he might have ded >> adults pretending they're kids. and he might have said crime and he might have said it's not a crime. it's a crime. it's stealing a decoy car . it's like stealing a decoy car. really? yeah. okay yeah, yeah, it's definitely a crime. >> and he probably did it with other kids like really other kids that were in court. i'm not on his side. >> his side. by the >> i'm not on his side. by the way. not, i'm i'm not way. i'm not, i'm not, i'm not defending him. you know what it is? >> he's the mad man at the bus. and the problem. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad the problem. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men problem. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men at oblem. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men at them. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men at the bus. got >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men at the bus. i'mot >> he's the mad man at the bus. and mad men at the bus. i'm them two mad men at the bus. i'm them supposed be. anyway, the supposed to be. anyway, the point tie though. can point is nice tie though. can you please speak anyway , you please let me speak anyway, he was sentenced to two years in prison. right for this. okay? he's a bad man. but then they suspended it so he didn't have to go to prison. >> didn't to go to >> so he didn't have to go to prison. that's insane. we've got the for anyone the mail now. and for anyone following the russell brand trial, after all those accusations against him, well done. because there been done. because there hasn't been a but has spoken about
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a trial. but he has spoken about his louis. his ordeal. louis. >> yeah, he took a took a chance . know. . good news, i don't know. disgraced russell brand speaks for deny for the first time to deny multiple allegations , multiple rape allegations, calling them hurtful calling them painful, hurtful attack during tucker carlson interview . it's he was on the tv interview. it's he was on the tv . he spoke for the first time in like two and a half months after this has happened. looked this has happened. and he looked he and horrible . he looked drained and horrible. he on. but, uh, he kept on going on. but, uh, but but you know, people are going to believe him, are going to believe him. the people who aren't him aren't going to believe him are going him, but he going to believe him, but he basically his excuse is that people are out to get him because he's been attacking the deep state. people are going to believe him , are going to believe him, are going to believe him, are going to believe him. the people that are not him. not going to believe him. >> does seem quite >> i mean, it does seem quite a coincidence you know, coincidence that, uh, you know, if guilty of anything, the if he is guilty of anything, the establishment channel for all the, the bbc, all the all the media companies and the media professionals were happy for it to happen, uh, while they were making money from him. but as soon soon as he soon as he, as soon as he flipped and, you know, stopped being perfect of being this, this perfect sort of
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cut—out and started cut—out socialist and started talking other stuff. they cut—out socialist and started talkinfrom other stuff. they cut—out socialist and started talkinfrom . other stuff. they came from. >> an story, isn't >> that's an old story, isn't it? we do see all these it? and we do see all these allegations used as political tools. there's always that tools. so there's always that little bit of doubt . um, i'm little bit of doubt. um, i'm glad they've stopped. they didn't the word comedian in didn't put the word comedian in here, which quite nice. here, which is quite nice. they just which is just put russell brand, which is i like a lot of this i feel i feel like a lot of this kept repeat comedian, kept repeat saying comedian, comedian, as if they comedian, comedian as if they were go our were having a go at our whole profession because this one person know, he's more person who you know, he's more they could said celebrity they could have said celebrity or writer or you or they could say writer or you know, could avoid know, they could avoid reflecting on this. he didn't really uh, the green really do the, uh, the green rooms and the comedy clubs. i rooms and the comedy clubs. so i don't accept the don't accept i don't accept the suv- don't accept i don't accept the guy. says that guy. but it also says that he's he's publicly for the he's spoken publicly for the first time, but of course, he's spoken first spoken publicly for the first time times . now, time in a couple of times. now, uh, did make a statement uh, he did make a statement immediately after this. this happened. immediately after this. this happened . yeah. um, and, uh, happened. yeah. um, and, uh, he's he's rejected the allegations in the strongest possible terms, which no one ever rejects. allegations on mild terms . it's always so mild terms. it's always so strong . um, but now i think he's strong. um, but now i think he's putting himself . he's comparing putting himself. he's comparing himself with alex jones and
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david eicher. i'm not sure that's a good way for him to go. really? yeah, yeah. push, push too to, uh. too far on that edge to, uh. you can't win that be taken seriously because what do seriously because what they do is he i'm david is he says, i'm like, david eicher, jones. is he says, i'm like, david eiciand jones.bring the >> and then they bring up the worst alex jones has worst thing that alex jones has done. a of done. well, there's a few of those. they oh, few those. they say, oh, a few things that he's done. whatever it david eick, he it is, it's like david eick, he mentions . so it must mentions hitler. so it must be russell supports hitler. yeah. >> well, yeah. the guardian literally connections like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've connections like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've got connections like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've got tornections like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've got to move»ns like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've got to move on like >> well, yeah. the guardian literawe've got to move on now. that. we've got to move on now. and the times now with the latest instance of go woke, go broke, have just lost broke, harvard have just lost out on half $1 billion of funding. >> kerry, we're seeing this more and more. i don't know whether it's even a backlash or a people have let a lot go on the social justice worrying . worrying. yeah justice worrying. worrying. yeah war. the war on words and free thinking that comes with critical theory. yeah. um, which you know, universities should be places where people discuss new ideas and so on, but they've become, uh , somewhat forceful become, uh, somewhat forceful and taken us away from critical thinking to, to a library. we've
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kind of got bogged down in all this. so we get to the point where, um, you've got this, um, gay - where, um, you've got this, um, gay . what's what's her name? gay. what's what's her name? claudine. gay. uh, who was the president of harvard? yeah uh, and she got her job and she got she got herjob through a diversity and through through a diversity and through through a diversity and through through a dissertation that was plagiarised . even the plagiarised. even the acknowledged parts of the back were plagiarised, which didn't make sense from someone else. it didn't make sense article didn't make sense to the article she'd didn't make sense to the article she the and then she pushed didn't make sense to the article sh diversity and then she pushed didn't make sense to the article sh diversity and, then she pushed didn't make sense to the article sh diversity and, um,| she pushed didn't make sense to the article sh diversity and, um,| shesort;hed to diversity and, um, uh, sort of idea. it turns out she's very rich. her family owned half of hi—tea, which is nothing wrong with that, but it's still it makes you a bit of a fraud. yeah, her a yeah, apparently it makes her a bit fraud for everything bit of a fraud for everything she to about. she was claiming to be about. and this a and also, what makes this all a fraud that , and also, what makes this all a fraud that, um, and also, what makes this all a fraud that , um, the ivy fraud is that, um, the ivy league universities, they're biggest the. is qatar, biggest donor is the. is qatar, right? yeah. so they're still getting in huge amounts of money and kind of odd that and it's kind of odd that they're following a political agenda that suits another country well . country as well. >> so what's shocking is a reminder of how generous americans are, how rich
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americans are, how rich americans are. they're giving 300, $200 million. you can't get a british person to give. that's the difference between americans and the british. the purpose of the if you're a success as a british person, if you hold on to your castle, if you hold to on your stuff, to give to your kids. yeah, the queen is a success in america. you're a failure if you hold on to your stuff. you've got to give it away. you've got to help people. you've got to help people. >> yeah, but we're seeing we're seeing and elite seeing harvard and other elite universities a lot of universities losing a lot of donations, since , donations, particularly since, uh, a of professors and uh, a lot of professors and students on campus came out with horrific anti semitism in the wake, which i said at the time, though, when saw the though, when i saw the presidents of the ivy league schools uh, evidence schools giving, uh, evidence to congress and i agreed with them, i agreed them free speech i agreed with them free speech and awful things and let people say awful things and let people say awful things and so on. >> but you've got believe >> but you've got to believe that across the board you can't you can't say group you can't say for one group and then spaces then have safe spaces for everyone then have safe spaces for evejuste then have safe spaces for evejust brought the >> just brought it in with the anti semitism. after years of anti semitism. after years of anti white racism i was like,
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well thanks much. guess i well thanks very much. i guess i know stand. yeah yeah exactly. >> yeah yeah . >> yeah yeah yeah. >> yeah yeah yeah. >> anyway it for part >> anyway that's it for part two. coming up government two. but coming up government training , training on microaggressions, why women look cheap and why women should look cheap and to vegan. you won't to how annoy a vegan. you won't want that
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welcome back to headliners. i'm still here with cory marks and mr stumble. words according to somebody on twitter who we've got the mirror now this. i think they printed your letter this time. >> i know i'm having a this is my letter. i fell flat with carnivorous plans to annoy my vegan roommate. it serves her right. and this is this is some a woman who has a vegan. and the vegan was getting more and more vegan was getting more and more vegan and it's annoying as it is. and this supposedly she was so, so, so it wasn't me. this was somebody else. oh yeah. and some some non—vegan bought carnivore plants. what do they call those?
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>> venus flytrap like venus flytraps pitcher plants and then fed them meat right in front of meat. >> meat? you can't feed the mistake. >> meat flies. yeah >> meat flies. yeah >> no, they eat meat right ? yeah. >> well, fly flies, a meat flies, flies flying the meat off the fly. >> this seems like a wef. >> this seems like a wef. >> anyway , this is this is from >> anyway, this is this is from reddit, which means it probably never happened . it was made up never happened. it was made up by maybe. maybe carrie made it up. i'm not on reddit. by maybe. maybe carrie made it up. i'm not on reddit . name up. i'm not on reddit. name a city. they don't name a town. and they put it in the newspaper just to make fun of vegans . just to make fun of vegans. >> oh, who'd do that if they had any energy left after the day after walking up a flight of stairs, they'd do something about that. moving on. we've got the telegraph now in last week we were told that is we were told that russia is poised britain. poised to invade britain. this week we're that a week we're told that it's a spent force. people just make spent force. do people just make up would up the news, louis? uh, i would it appear way. it would appear that way. >> saying that, >> thank you for saying that, because believe. because that's what i believe. it's of bull. it's all a bunch of bull. russian will be russian offensive will be completely exhausted by spring. this . and this this is the telegraph. and this is guy who like is what this guy who is like a spy is what this guy who is like a spy the ukraine says that.
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spy for the ukraine says that. that the russians are going to be exhausted and then we attack. according to the which he's not a very good spy. if he's revealing what the plans of the ukrainian thing and this is because basically russia is winning . winning. >> this is a nonsense. russia i mean, it's a stalemate at the moment. borders are moving at best, like tens of metres. >> exactly . >> exactly. >> exactly. >> and russia, i mean, it's an attritional war as well. and russia is losing on a magnitude like five times the vehicles that that ukraine is losing. >> i have not heard that the truth is russia is three times the size of the ukraine and has a lot more people that they can lose. so whatever happens, all the decent ones have left russia. >> they're sort of left with, uh, left with their empty the criminals. >> yes, they're screwed, but so is so is the ukraine. but this story is in the newspaper for to give people , people the belief give people, people the belief that they should keep on sending money to that bottomless pit. >> it's not a bottomless pit. and also, when we send money, we
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don't money. we send don't send money. we send military get military equipment and then get reimbursed for honestly. and reimbursed for it, honestly. and the ukraine, this is i the cost of ukraine, this is i don't understand why people oh my there's much money. my god, there's so much money. it's like the cost of net zero for is trillion. the for the eu is $1 trillion. the cost of ukraine is $50 billion over four years. it's a it's a accounting error in the in the scheme of the european union. it's disgusting that is it's disgusting that ukraine is being out, you know, hung being left out, you know, hung out and being being out to dry and just being being fed teaser teaser bits fed like teaser teaser bits of kit . i think fed like teaser teaser bits of kit. i think we should we fed like teaser teaser bits of kit . i think we should we should kit. i think we should we should go all in and just finish it, end it . go all in and just finish it, end it. people go all in and just finish it, end it . people have people have end it. people have people have died. shouldn't. i'm going end it. people have people have dietell shouldn't. i'm going end it. people have people have dietell you shouldn't. i'm going end it. people have people have dietell you for»uldn't. i'm going end it. people have people have dietell you for twor't. i'm going end it. people have people have dietell you for two reasonsjoing end it. people have people have dietell you for two reasons why. to tell you for two reasons why. one reason is we're one reason is, is that we're going to need russia our going to need russia against our real and make real enemies, and we'll make russia one of our puppet states . russia one of our puppet states. >> it's going to be fantastic. >> it's going to be fantastic. >> they're going to collapse. and i think. are you. yeah it's going and they will going to collapse. and they will make ukrainian make you look like a ukrainian with haircut, that with that horrible haircut, that buzz cut. i'm proud to look ukrainian. >> so we've got the times now and the government is wasting our on trainers to help our money on trainers to help staff spot microaggressions . staff spot microaggressions. these people need a full size aggression right in their stupid
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faces. >> kerry. yeah, really you >> kerry. yeah, really did you not me the last two not see me during the last two stories doing this? listen i was talking too much. i've been quiet for two stories. how good's that? i gave you loads of space, so. no, no, don't feel bad. >> i'm thinking to myself. right? >> it's all. $1- m- m— >> it's all. it's all fun. um. rolling is a is rolling your eyes is a is a microaggression. um, nodding , microaggression. um, nodding, winking and so on is considered a microaggression, i think. i think they're getting mixed up between auction between an office and an auction . um, and, uh , well, this is, . um, and, uh, well, this is, um, more than 160,000 has been spent by the government since 2002, when hiring consultants , 2002, when hiring consultants, train staff, blah, blah, blah. um it really does get down to head nods and so on. um and i think what we need is for everyone to keep a poker face so that no one gets offended in any office place or, or maybe all white employees should get botox. yeah, that's what they should so no one should pay for. so no one accidentally their face in accidentally moves their face in any possible way. >> people accidentally >> i've seen people accidentally like someone in training and diversity training, which is a massive of money and massive waste of money and backfires. diversity backfires. somebody in diversity training at clock. training looked at the clock. the trainer accused them of
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rolling their eyes and they were. they were sanctioned. they were. they were sanctioned. they were sent to and sanctioned were sent to hr and sanctioned by ratchet's. but by the nurse ratchet's. but there of this. there is a part of this. >> be rude. you know, >> don't be rude. you know, people at their phones people looking at their phones rolling on. rolling their eyes and so on. that's rude. don't don't be rude. but this is being turned into else being into something else as being an extremely of extremely aggressive form of call americanism. call it an americanism. >> federal case >> you're making a federal case out of it. it's making a big deal out of it. it's making a big deal. teaching when you deal. and what teaching when you teach this teach employees about this stuff, just going give stuff, it's just going to give them what is rude them ideas of what what is rude and rude to make and what isn't rude to make more complaints. >> well, let's quickly >> yeah, well, let's quickly fit this we've meal this one in. we've got the meal now with sound advice for women who to find a good who want to find a good man. look, cheap. >> because this is >> lewis. yes, because this is matchmaker. who? who works with high value singles reveals why looking and sounding expensive will it harder to find true will make it harder to find true love, only if you're woman love, but only if you're a woman like is new. this is news. like this is new. this is news. the truth is , some lady in the truth is, some lady in beverly hills say, don't look like. no man wants like. because no, no man wants an expensive no man can an expensive woman. no man can get. and it's not that women are always thinking, um, they're thinking, uh, the reason he doesn't like me is because he's
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envious of me. or what's the other word they use? uh. he's insecure. well , see, insecure. yeah, well, see, matchmakers are feminists or women. >> uh , women. uh matchmakers are >> uh, women. uh matchmakers are women. feel insecure and threatened . it's like they threatened. it's like they don't. my wife earns a lot more money than me. i love it. yeah they're great. >> i one of those. my plan they're great. >:to one of those. my plan they're great. >:to try one of those. my plan they're great. >:to try and|e of those. my plan they're great. >:to try and marryiose. my plan they're great. >:to try and marry anz. my plan they're great. >:to try and marry an old,' plan they're great. >:to try and marry an old, very] is to try and marry an old, very rich is to try and marry an old, very fich edge is to try and marry an old, very rich edge of rich lady at the edge of a cliff. is i'm cliff. this is what i'm planning. do know what she's planning. i do know what she's saying here is, you know , if saying here is, you know, if you. if you don't be, don't be the uh, because people the bugatti. uh, because people don't want to spend that kind of money that should act money and that you should act cheaper dress cheaper. cheaper or dress cheaper. but that's advice . is this be that's not my advice. is this be cheapen that's not my advice. is this be cheaper. don't don't act it. don't dress it . um, be be a don't dress it. um, be be a discount . discount. >> yeah, clearly a discount. >> yeah, clearly a discount. >> i'll take the bugatti if it's. if i can afford it. so. >> good men, men rather >> good men, men would rather hang outwith. >> okay, well, the show is nearly you. >> okay, well, the show is nea you you. >> okay, well, the show is nea you want you. >> okay, well, the show is nea you want to you. >> okay, well, the show is nea you want to see you. >> okay, well, the show is nea you want to see yreally quickly? >> no. it's over. i didn't realise it was over. >> the show is nearly >> anyway, the show is nearly oven >> anyway, the show is nearly over, so let's another over, so let's take another quick front over, so let's take another quick the front over, so let's take another quick the mail front over, so let's take another quick the mail leads1t over, so let's take another quick the mail leads with pages. the daily mail leads with i've driven out of politics
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i've been driven out of politics by death threats for supporting israel . the telegraph post israel. the telegraph has post office turns down derisory office hero turns down derisory payout. the guardian leads with mps demand for billion pound bailout for councils in cash crisis. the times has get back to basics , police told the daily to basics, police told the daily express has 5600 migrants identified for the first rwanda flights and the daily star has throwing a sickie is good for you and those we are front pages and that's all we have time for. thank you to my guest, lewis and kerry. tomorrow kerry. we'll be back tomorrow with different people. goodbye >> brighter outlook with boxt >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar , sponsors of weather on . solar, sponsors of weather on. gb news. >> alex deakin here with your latest weather update. good evening . i'm trying a bright day evening. i'm trying a bright day for many tomorrow , though for many tomorrow, though certainly in the south a cooler feel . it's been quite certainly in the south a cooler feel. it's been quite mild today. it's also very very today. it's also been very very windy winds windy today. those winds continue to ease down at the moment. a storm system heading its way norway. this weather its way to norway. this weather front's southwards,
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front's been sinking southwards, bringing a band but bringing a band of rain but still very blustery in northern scotland. plenty of showers packing in here. rain will packing in here. that rain will spread parts of spread across southern parts of wales and southern england before tending to fizzle out through the early hours, so most places become dry and clear through the night. still very blustery, with showers blustery, though, with showers across far a hint of across the far north. a hint of across the far north. a hint of a touch of frost, maybe over parts of midlands parts of the midlands and central parts of wales, where we keep the clearer skies. but for most we'll start at about 3 or 4 celsius in the morning, for and most it's a fine day tomorrow. early rain over the channel, clouds clearing away. still plenty in northern plenty of showers in northern scotland. plenty of showers in northern scotl.although the winds will here, although the winds will ease for a time before more wet weather then pushes into the highlands the western highlands and the western isles later on. for most, it's dry and bright, sunshine , bright, hazy sunshine, temperatures than temperatures lower than today, certainly the south, 7 to certainly across the south, 7 to 9 c. friday will be a very mild day. we will still have outbreaks of rain in western scotland, some drizzly conditions over the hills of west england and west wales at times. but for most, friday's
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just dry and cloudy, quite blustery again . but it will be, blustery again. but it will be, as i said, very mild with temperatures in double figures. some places climbing into the teens.looks some places climbing into the teens. looks like things are heating up. >> box spoilers, sponsors of weather on .
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1st of february. today, nine people have been injured, including two children, after a suspect acid attack in london. >> a top tory mp quits amid safety concerns after experiencing intimidation over his pro—israel views. >> the bank of england expects interest rate figures to remain the same as the study reveals.
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35% of people claim to be on the bnnk 35% of people claim to be on the brink of homelessness . brink of homelessness. >> a very small percentage of people have enough money to survive for three months. you compare that to just 6 or 7 years ago. people had disposable income that would keep them going for 6 to 12 months. now, most people have less than three. >> the siege of paris french farmers continue their blockade over falling incomes, but experts warn it could spark food shortages here in the uk and in the small. >> in the small, in the small. >> in the small , in the small. >> in the small, in the small. the sporting man city, liverpool and spurs all win and the transfer window shuts. but did it really ever open ? it really ever open? >> in yesterday's wet and windy weather in the north? today is a brighter and calmer day, although it won't be blue skies and sunshine everywhere. i'll have the full details in the forecast coming up soon. >> morning to you. i'm stephen dixon and i'm ellie costello, and this is breakfast on .


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