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tv   Dewbs Co  GB News  February 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm GMT

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michelle >> thank you. i can tell you we will have some significant breaking news coming to us from buckingham palace very shortly. we don't have any detail on exactly what that news is so far, but we do know it concerns a member of the royal family. let's take you live then, to buckingham palace and talk to gb news royal correspondent cameron walker, who is standing for walker, who is standing by for us. cameron, what are you heanng? >> polly, i've just received a statement from buckingham palace . i'm going to read it out. it says during the king's recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted.
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subsequent diagnosis, diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancen tests have identified a form of cancer. his majesty has today commenced a scheduled of a schedule of regular treatments dunng schedule of regular treatments during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone pubuc advised by doctors to postpone public facing duties. throughout this period, his majesty will continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. the king is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention , which was swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure . he recent hospital procedure. he remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible . his majesty as soon as possible. his majesty has chosen has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation, and in the hope that it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by my cancer. so there we have it. buckingham palace has confirmed that his majesty
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the king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. if you remember earlier last month on the 17th of january, buckingham palace announced that he had been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate , which at the time prostate, which at the time buckingham palace said was benign. the reason he decided to make his diagnosis public very similar to this statement issued this evening, was to encourage other men or people to seek treatment and medical support if they are experiencing similar symptoms to his majesty. again then the palace have emphasised that the king can continue with dufies that the king can continue with duties behind the scenes. those carrying out the duties via working through his red boxes , working through his red boxes, signing government papers and reading cabinet's minutes, which suggest that his condition , suggest that his condition, although clearly very serious , although clearly very serious, is not debilitating . um is not is not debilitating. um is not stopping him from carrying out
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his constitutional duties. but as buckingham palace says , as he as buckingham palace says, as he is undergoing treatment for this cancer diagnosis , so any public cancer diagnosis, so any public facing duties he will not be doing for the foreseeable future , we the king, has actually returned to london. the royal standard is flying above buckingham palace . he was buckingham palace. he was treated for an enlarged prostate at the london clinic and the london clinic, alongside king edward. the seventh hospital are two private hospitals here in central london, which are frequently used by the royal family for medical issues. buckingham palace has also um released an unpublished picture . released an unpublished picture. i don't know if we can bring it to you, um of the king. it was taken by samir hussein. um, at the british ambassador's residence during the state visit to france. back in september 2023, and it it's understood that it has no greater significance than being a recent
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unseen portrait . they've just unseen portrait. they've just decided to release it because, of course, we haven't seen this photograph, uh, before. before. and it perhaps harks back to a happier time. the state visit to france was seen widely seen as an incredibly successful tour, and it showed king charles as a is a really strong international british diplomat exercising his powers of soft diplomacy . so powers of soft diplomacy. so although this cancer diagnosis will clearly come as a shock to members of the public, it appears the king is in very good spirits. he says that he is grateful to the medical team for their swift intervention. of course, he was in hospital for a couple of weeks ago and he has commenced with treatments for that diagnosis. no word on whether her majesty the queen is with the king or whether she is going to be postponing public duties. but of course , it's just duties. but of course, it's just adding to the now growing number of health scares and problems are to do with the royal family. the princess of wales continues
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to recover from her abdominal surgery at home in windsor. she's not expected to be seen until after easter, and prince william is, as far as we understand it, still william is, as far as we understand it , still expected to understand it, still expected to continue with his royal duties tomorrow. after a period of helping his wife . so just to helping his wife. so just to recap, buckingham palace has confirmed this evening that the king has been diagnosed with cancer. >> cancen >> cameron walker thanks very much indeed. well, as that sinks in for us here in the uk and indeed for our viewers across the world, let me just reiterate for you that news that's just come to us in the last few minutes from buckingham palace officials, his majesty the king, king charles the third has been diagnosed with a form of cancer that's the careful choice of words in this case. and he has begun a schedule of treatment. um, it also continues to say dunng um, it also continues to say during the king's recent hospital procedure for a benign prostate enlargement, a separate
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issue of concern was noted. subsequent diagnostic tests have identified , and i'll repeat this identified, and i'll repeat this particular choice of words, a form of cancer. his majesty has commenced a schedule of regular treatments. we understand during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone all his pubuc by doctors to postpone all his public facing duties parties. but we are told his majesty will continue with his , uh, state continue with his, uh, state business and official paperwork as usual behind the scenes, king charles has added he's very grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure , and recent hospital procedure, and he remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible. it is important to stress that his majesty the king has decided to be very open about this, and he's referred to that in this statement, he said he's chosen to share his diagnoses to
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prevent speculate , caution in prevent speculate, caution in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by this cancer. so that news just in to us in the last five minutes, the king has been diagnosed with cancer , according diagnosed with cancer, according to buckingham palace . you're to buckingham palace. you're watching . gb news. watching. gb news. >> thanks very much for that, polly. i am michelle dewberry and i'm keeping you company here until 7:00 tonight alongside me to dissect that news that we have just heard there about our king, king charles. uh, the sad news that he has got cancer. i've got the house peer and the former to boris johnson. former adviser to boris johnson. kulveer ranger and the writer and matthew stadlen. and broadcaster matthew stadlen. good to both you. good evening to both of you. before we start our conversation here in the studio , though, here in the studio, though, let's live to our royal let's cross live to our royal commentator, cameron walker for an update. good evening cameron , an update. good evening cameron, what can you tell us.7 good evening michelle. >> well, as you said , buckingham
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>> well, as you said, buckingham palace have confirmed this evening that his majesty has been diagnosed with a form of cancen been diagnosed with a form of cancer. it's understood that it is not prostate cancer. of course . he went into hospital course. he went into hospital for separate treatments on an enlarged prostate in the middle of january. i'm also told that his majesty the king returned from sandringham to london this morning. the royal standard is flying above buckingham palace here and he is going to be treated as an outpatient. so he is not going to be returning to hospital at this stage as an inpatient to receive treatment. he he clearly has a very a very experienced medic staff. michael dixon is the head of the medical household and he clearly has seen that it is appropriate for his majesty to receive treatment at home here in london, rather than at hospital . clearly, this than at hospital. clearly, this is an incredibly serious announcement from buckingham palace. but of course, with some
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hope as well . of course, it was hope as well. of course, it was dunng hope as well. of course, it was during that treatment for an enlarged prostate that doctors discovered this separate issue, which is which been identified as a form of cancer. there's a series of scheduled, scheduled regular treatments . he's been regular treatments. he's been advised to postpone all public engagements for the time being . engagements for the time being. but another positive point he is well enough to continue duties behind the scenes, so going through red boxes, signing government papers, reading cabinets , minutes as well. the cabinets, minutes as well. the king in the statement, buckingham palace says that the king is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention , which was made intervention, which was made possible as i said, by his hospital procedure , and he is hospital procedure, and he is glad that by making his diagnosis public, he is encouraging the wider public to seek support and treatment if they are experiencing treatments. if you remember michelle back a few weeks ago when the king made his enlarged
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prostate diagnosis public, the page on the nhs website, which displays those symptoms in a 24 hour period, went up by kind of 12 times a number of times, which equated to one page view for every five seconds, which shows the power that the king has when it comes to influencing and shaping public opinion and mood . and the king, of course, mood. and the king, of course, wanted to share this diagnose this, to encourage others to seek support if necessary . i seek support if necessary. i hope that cameron walker . hope that cameron walker. >> uh covid. i'll pick up with you . i mean, you know, this is you. i mean, you know, this is quite a shock, really. um, we had this conversation. it just feels like days ago now when the king was very transparent about the prostate treatment that he was undergoing , as cameron was was undergoing, as cameron was just saying. then it did inspire such a wave of people to go forward and seek help and support if they felt they needed it. so this is quite a shock at this news. this news this evening. >> yes, you're right, michelle,
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because, you know, i'm no medical expert, been medical expert, but it's been good hear the royal family good to hear the royal family being as kate has been in being open as kate has been in hospital as the king has been in hospital. but i think the challenge is we weren't expecting any more serious news. we were actually, you know, quite we'd the king quite happy. we'd seen the king at yesterday. you know, at church yesterday. you know, looking to retake on duties. so a sense of relief . but this news a sense of relief. but this news obviously the nation will feel this is quite shocking. we await further news as to exactly the detail, but we'll all probably be hoping and some praying that it isn't too serious. >> indeed . um, joining me now is >> indeed. um, joining me now is the royal commentator , michael the royal commentator, michael cole. good evening michael, the royal commentator, michael cole. good evening michael , to cole. good evening michael, to you. uh, this is very sad and shocking news tonight , isn't it .7 shocking news tonight, isn't it.7 >> the news could hardly be more grave. it's very serious indeed . grave. it's very serious indeed. and i'm sure that you to your studio guest are country joins me wishing his majesty the king very best at this very difficult
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time for him. i think, uh, he is being commended for his candour moment because it will, in his decision to make this known to everyone, to see there is if again, making people perhaps, uh, carry out their own choice. uh and that was be a good thing. i think it's, uh, it's worth saying that the last time , um, saying that the last time, um, uh, that , uh, as prince charles uh, that, uh, as prince charles at the time, he was , uh, in such at the time, he was, uh, in such dire straits like that was when he was 12 years old, and he was rushed to great ormond street hospital with a very hot appendix for an appendicitis. it was played down at the time, uh , was played down at the time, uh, but his life was actually saved at the hospital because had peritonitis set in blood poisoning in those days , 1962. poisoning in those days, 1962. uh, it was often fatal or very,
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very debilitating . so at the age very debilitating. so at the age of 75, and we see him here interacting with people coming out of hospital there with her majesty queen camilla. he obviously looked very cheery . he obviously looked very cheery. he was waving to people. he was, uh , exuding good health at that particular moment. but obviously he knew the truth. and after reflection and a nice weekend up in norfolk, they've decided to , in norfolk, they've decided to, uh, be candid about it. and i probably think that's a good idea. it wasn't always the way with royal health bulletins in the past, they've been very, very , uh , very, very candid with very, uh, very, very candid with the very, very, uh, sparing with the very, very, uh, sparing with the details. in fact, in some cases , there have been barefaced cases, there have been barefaced lies told and obviously a lot of obfuscation has go on. but quite clearly the king wants to do it in a different way. there we see him yesterday walking to saint mary magdalene church at
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sandringham with his wife . uh, sandringham with his wife. uh, we don't know what the actual nature of this, uh, cancer is. we only know that he went in for the operation on, uh, for the enlarged prostate. uh, perhaps they will tell us more. perhaps they will tell us more. perhaps they won't . but as i said to you they won't. but as i said to you , our thoughts must be with him and with the whole family. because it's a very, very serious matter . and we can only serious matter. and we can only hope that it's resolved in a very satisfactory way. and in the meantime , um, the affairs of the meantime, um, the affairs of state go on. he's there doing his red boxes. he's signing the acts of parliament. he's doing all the other things that we would expect of a conscientious head of state. >> walker. thank you, uh, for that update. matthew stadlen . that update. matthew stadlen. um, michael cole, sorry, i do apologise . matthew stadlen your apologise. matthew stadlen your thoughts .7 thoughts? >> yeah, i feel shocked by it. and it it's very unwelcome news. and it it's very unwelcome news. and this is a man on a personal
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level who was next in line to the throne for many decades, and he was only crowned last summer. i mean, we all got the bunting out. we enjoyed that as a country, as a society . so just country, as a society. so just months on from that brilliant moment to discover this very heavy news and we don't know the exact nature of it, as you've been saying , exact nature of it, as you've been saying, is exact nature of it, as you've been saying , is upsetting exact nature of it, as you've been saying, is upsetting . exact nature of it, as you've been saying, is upsetting. i'm like others very impressed by his candour in sharing this information with us, the public. and i think every single household, every single family up and down this country will immediately be able to relate with what is going through, because there isn't one among us who doesn't know someone who's been through cancer. >> absolutely . uh rishi sunak. >> absolutely. uh rishi sunak. of course, our prime minister he's tweeted out a few moments ago saying wishing his majesty a full speedy recovery. i have full and speedy recovery. i have no he will back to full no doubt he will be back to full strength in no time. and i know the whole country will be wishing him well. absolutely. um
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covid. one of the things that i found interesting that we've just been touching upon there is this newfound openness when it comes to matters of health. i think, particularly when it comes to men s health, that's not always as open and as talked about and as focussed as perhaps it should be. uh, so king charles, i mean, he really is doing a great service here, isn't he? inspiring other people to themselves checked to to get themselves checked to consider perhaps things that might been feeling well might not have been feeling well in their own and asking in their own bodies and asking for now, with for help? there and now, with this step to. this next step to. >> so right, michelle. >> you're so right, michelle. look, the look, he's he's taken on the monarchy and he's done it his way. even at this stage in life. at 75, he has taken that approach to be more open, more transparent. a different style of monarchy. and we thought that may come with prince william when he becomes king. but it's come early, you know, because king charles has done it this way. look, feel a certain way. look, i feel a certain personal affinity because my recent period was bestowed upon me by this king. um, you know, i don't know him personally, but i
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feel that weight. i saw him at the state opening of parliament in november . the state opening of parliament in november. that was a very the state opening of parliament in november . that was a very big in november. that was a very big moment for the country. his first king speech. i felt the weight and he and he has been waiting for this moment, as matthew was saying to be king. and he's really taken it on, relished it in his own way. so this news is shocking. i think we'll all feel it. but as we all say, we'll be really wishing him the best. hopefully has the best. hopefully this has been i think been an early diagnosis. i think that's the thing that we're looking to hear as we may get further details. >> yeah, absolutely. because, um, are so lucky um, you know, we are so lucky out. know in this country out. we know in this country when to advancements when it comes to advancements and advancements for and health advancements for conditions like cancer. before i bnng conditions like cancer. before i bring you back in, matthew, let me cross live to our royal commentator, richard fitzwilliams. good evening to you, richard. just reflecting on this very sad news this evening . this very sad news this evening. >> indeed. yes i mean, this is serious and this is a shock , i serious and this is a shock, i think that the nation will pause
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for a moment when they hear this, because this was not something anyone expected . and something anyone expected. and we understood that his prostate enlarged ailment was benign and it was, of course, uh , it was it was, of course, uh, it was dunng it was, of course, uh, it was during this investigation and operation that this has been discovered. he is now having treatment , discovered. he is now having treatment, and we must hope that that very swiftly he will be back with his , uh, able to back with his, uh, able to conduct , uh, back with his, uh, able to conduct, uh, royal engagements . conduct, uh, royal engagements. but there's no question that it's something people, i think, will feel a great deal about. and also, i mean, most significant and this is the point that your other guests have made . we saw when he had have made. we saw when he had the prostrate, um , operation. the prostrate, um, operation. i mean, we saw the way he in a statement that's completely untrue . did, um, mention in this
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untrue. did, um, mention in this in the details to help others? i mean, this is something that he's keen to continue doing and he's keen to continue doing and he sees himself as a monarch . he sees himself as a monarch. obviously, every monarch has their own style, and he's very much the convenor. king, environmental and inter—religious matters and the like. and this is an opportunity where he's thinking of others and also helping others . and i and also helping others. and i think it will. but of course , we think it will. but of course, we must all wish him a very, very speedy recovery because clearly the business of state will go on on the one hand. but on the other hand, obviously there will be concern until we know more details. indeed that's richard fitzwilliams there. >> commentator . thank >> the royal commentator. thank you your time . just in case you for your time. just in case you for your time. just in case you are joining us. and you are wondering what's going on, you will familiar, of will have been familiar, of course, the fact that our course, with the fact that our king, king charles, was hospitalised not that ago. hospitalised not that long ago. now prostate. we've now for enlarged prostate. we've had statement tonight, had a statement tonight, probably 20 minutes ago now from buckingham palace . um, during buckingham palace. um, during the king's recent hospital procedure benign prostate
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procedure for a benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer. i do need to make clear we don't know what that form of cancer actually is. it says that the king has now commenced a schedule of regular treatments. um, he's going to now postpone public facing duties, but he will continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. uh, he says very much that he wanted to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation. and in the hope that it would assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer and of course, we've literally just had world cancer day, haven't we? uh, matthew? >> well, we hear so much, don't we, about the importance of our monarchy modernising, moving with times . and here is a with the times. and here is a fantastic example of our monarch showing great leadership and courage in his openness about a diagnosis that may be a decade or so ago . the monarch would or so ago. the monarch would not. the queen might not have
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been so open about . not. the queen might not have been so open about. i mean, it is important to emphasise that when any of us experience either a cancer diagnosis ourselves or one in someone that we love, it is shocking. there is no other word for it. i had a very low grade skin cancer on my relatively low grade skin cancer on my face, and when you first get told that word by a doctor, whether you're the king or just like us members of the public, it is shocking. so i think for him to be able to relate to us and we are technically his subjects this, well , i think subjects on this, well, i think boost our affection for him. >> do you? and speaking of our affection for him, i was just looking earlier on a second ago, 18 million viewers in the uk watched king's coronation watched the king's coronation and audience peaked at 20.4 and that audience peaked at 20.4 million people. so there is a huge interest in our king and of course more broadly, our royal family. um that coronation, as i said, over 20 million people are watching this and i do just find this kind of, uh, openness. you know, very, um , well, it's very
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know, very, um, well, it's very unique in terms of historically as we've just been touching upon there, but also for the nhs england. so after they spoke about the enlarged prostate situation, nhs england reported 1,000% uptick there in people accessing information about prostate issues, which can only be a wonderful thing. >> i think you're absolutely right, michelle. you're what we're saying in modern parlance is he's the ultimate influencer. he has that power and he's using it in a modern way. and that's just fantastic. and that's what he's demonstrating as king. but he's demonstrating as king. but he also demonstrated that in his role as prince, he he took on the charge for topics. he cared about. he talked about various things sustainability, the environment, don't you know, organic foods. he's been a huge passionate about that architecture. many other topics before they became fashionable or in vogue to talk about. so he's not been afraid to change. and be different. and i think you know, that's what he's done as he's become king. but this isn't just a british story.
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as he's become king. but this isn't just a british story . we isn't just a british story. we will as a nation, obviously be shocked by this news, but i can, i'm sure, globally this news will be making headlines because there is a there is respect around the world for king charles and i'm sure and for the british monarchy. and i'm sure they'll be hearing about this and be as shocked just a couple of years ago or so, i produced the prince charles in his the then prince charles in his own living room, and i was only with him very briefly. >> but my experience of him was that he very gentle that he had a very gentle presence, and yet he combines that gentleness with a formidable strength . i mean, formidable strength. i mean, imagine within days, getting this diagnosis that you have some form of cancer , and cancer some form of cancer, and cancer is never a fun thing. whatever it turns out to be. and then in the full glare of the national spotlight. but also the global spotlight. but also the global spotlight , saying, i have cancer spotlight, saying, i have cancer , that's something that i think very few, if any of us can actually identify with, and i think we will feel he's brave for doing it. >> um, yeah. and apparently the
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duke of sussex, um, of course, harry, prince harry, he is apparently spoken with the king about his cancer diagnosis and says that he will travel to the uk to him, uh, in the coming uk to see him, uh, in the coming days. that's apparently, according a source that is according to a source that is close to harry. >> really pleased to hear >> i'm really pleased to hear that, michelle, >> i'm really pleased to hear that, i michelle, >> i'm really pleased to hear that, i was michelle, >> i'm really pleased to hear that, i was thinking, >> i'm really pleased to hear that, i was thinking i was because i was thinking i was hoping this wasn't going to be a case of something that prince harry had through the harry had heard through the media. it's really and media. so it's really good and reassuring family is reassuring that the family is coming this time, as coming together at this time, as matthew's when any matthew's been saying, when any loved kind of loved one gets any kind of diagnosis this, it's a diagnosis like this, it's a moment when families rally round. it's good hear that round. so it's good to hear that news prince harry and that news about prince harry and that he'll coming to england. he'll be coming back to england. >> let's cross live back >> indeed. let's cross live back to our royal correspondent, cameron for the latest. cameron walker, for the latest. good evening, cameron, to you . good evening, cameron, to you. >> so yes , as you just >> so yes, as you just mentioned, the duke of sussex , i mentioned, the duke of sussex, i have been told, has spoken to his majesty the king about his diagnosis. that's, of course, prince harry. the king's second son.the prince harry. the king's second son. the quote is the duke did speak with his father about his diagnosis. he will be travelling
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to the uk to see his majesty in the coming days. and i think perhaps this is, uh, emphasises or indicates perhaps some of the seriousness of this situation, because we know the king and his youngest son have not perhaps been on the closest of terms in the last year. been on the closest of terms in the last year . the last time the last year. the last time they saw each other, although it's understood they didn't speak, was that the king's coronation back in may 2023? but i think it shows that prince harry wants a bit of an olive branch to his father, the king, and wants to spend time with him, so that news, confirmed by a source close to the sussexes that he is flying back to the uk to see his father. i haven't received any word yet from kensington palace, but of course it's a lot easier for prince william to travel to see his father because he only lives in windsor. um, as we've already mentioned, we know that it's not prostate cancer that's what we have been told by sources close to the king and the king wanted
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to the king and the king wanted to say that . so to try and to say that. so to try and prevent speculation, of course, it was the enlarged prostate treatment he received . we were treatment he received. we were told at the time that the palace said that it was benign, that is still the case. it was a separate issue, um, when they were treating his majesty that they have now diagnosed and are now treating. so just to recap, the king is in london this evening. it's thought he is spending the night at clarence house and he's being treated as an outpatient rather than an inpatient. so he's not going to be spending at this stage any more but he more nights in hospital. but he will travelling to and from will be travelling to and from hospital for cancer treatments, but will return home, presumably to clarence house, following that treatment. so just to recap news, just in prince harry, duke of sussex is returning to the uk to see his father in the next few days and cameron walken, thank you very much for that update. >> now i'm joined by doctor laurence gerlis, who's the founder of same day. doctor. good evening to you. of course. shocking news. um, doctor . and shocking news. um, doctor. and what will happen now is of
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course, this will inspire so many more people now, um, because when anyone in the pubuc because when anyone in the public eye, quite frankly, raises health concerns, we can't help. it's human nature. but one of the things that many of my viewers are getting in touch with saying, you know, this is all great terms of awareness all great in terms of awareness raising. course, raising. and of course, everybody , uh, king everybody wishes, uh, king charles health. but many charles good health. but many people are flagging me. but people are flagging to me. but michelle, we can't even get in to health professionals when to see health professionals when we do have concerns. us. to see health professionals when we dowellz concerns. us. to see health professionals when we dowell , concerns. us. to see health professionals when we dowell , look, concerns. us. to see health professionals when we dowell , look, leticerns. us. to see health professionals when we dowell , look, let me1s. us. to see health professionals when we dowell , look, let me sayls. to see health professionals when we dowell , look, let me say it yeah, well, look, let me say it first that this will not be fatal. >> the prostate cancer is very manageable. i've not lost a patient to prostate cancer for many, many years . patient to prostate cancer for many, many years. um, patient to prostate cancer for many, many years . um, there are many, many years. um, there are many, many years. um, there are many treatments available . so many treatments available. so the first thing is don't panic. the second thing is, without wishing to say told you so, wishing to say i told you so, i'm not shocked at all. in fact, i'm not shocked at all. in fact, i was telling someone at the weekend way, i have weekend and by the way, i have no information on, i'm no inside information on, so i'm not breaching confidentiality. um, believed the story um, i never believed the story that you have surgery for benign prostate disease, because that's something from the past. there are medications now for benign
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prostate disease . they would prostate disease. they would have before the operation. have known before the operation. they do 3d, mri scans of biopsies. they would have known this. and that's why he has had surgery. so i think that there releasing the news bit by bit . releasing the news bit by bit. so i'm not shocked at all. in facti so i'm not shocked at all. in fact i totally predicted this. that's why you operate on on prostate because you've seen something on a mri scan and you get the gland out. now it's good news that it was operable because some prostate cancers spread and they're not operable. and people have radiotherapy and hormone treatment, which is hugely successful . all the hugely successful. all the question now is that what further treatment he will he have. and that may well be a combination of radiotherapy and or hormone treatment just to make absolutely sure. and i think we've had to be told, because i think we'll be aware, um, of the ongoing treatment that he will be receiving. so it's all it's good news for, uh, him that this has been caught and he will be treated and he will go on for another 25 years,
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like his mother did. um, and it's totally manageable. but as i say, i'm not at all shocked, and i totally predicted this clear to everyone that apparently, according to the palace , uh, this is not prostate palace, uh, this is not prostate cancer. >> cancen >> for that is what we know from the statement. but for now, doctor laurence geller, thank you very much for your time. um, i mean, we can pick up on any of this aspect that you want. the prince harry update. i find that quite interesting because of course, we're all familiar by now that, uh, family rift now with that, uh, family rift that's on for quite some that's gone on for quite some time. seems to getting time. it seems to be getting worse as days and months go worse as the days and months go on, as opposed better. but on, as opposed to better. but when anyone finds out that a loved one has cancer, whatever form cancer that takes, form of cancer that takes, whatever , you whatever the severity, as you say, something about say, there's something about that in your that word. it stops you in your tracks, matthew, doesn't it? and it cannot help, surely, but reconnect family if there is reconnect a family if there is a division that would be the great hope and although our monarchy live in palaces and in very grand circumstances , and we all
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grand circumstances, and we all witness the fantastic pomp and ceremony last summer, which i think we do very well as brits, one of the powerful elements of having a monarchy is that we see ourselves to some extent, despite all that pomp and ceremony, we see ourselves reflected in them and them reflected in them and them reflected in them and them reflected in us. >> so when i hear that prince harry is coming back to see his father, it makes me think of my own father, who was diagnosed with cancer, in his case, terminal cancer, a couple of years ago, and the effect that that had on me and on my family and friends . so the fact that and friends. so the fact that the king and we hope it is not that serious, of course we do. and we've got no, no suggestion at this stage that it is. but the fact that the king is able to , as it were, confide in us to, as it were, confide in us the public, about something as personal as his own cancer diagnosis . this, i think, diagnosis. this, i think, actually brings us closer to the monarchy and also helps us to reflect on our own lives. >> yeah. um, indeed, it is 6:30. i will just take a second in case anyone's just tuning in,
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just to bring you up to speed with breaking that with that breaking news that we found out at 6:00 this evening that our king has been diagnosed with form counter there. with a form of counter there. the palace has confirmed the disease is not prostate cancer, but it was discovered whilst the king was being treated in hospital for an enlarged prostate. is going to carry prostate. he is going to carry on, uh, working behind the scenes on state business and official papers. uh, back official papers. uh, he's back in london now and will commence treatment as an outpatient . um, treatment as an outpatient. um, it says subsequent diagnostic tests. basically when he was in, uh, for that prostate enlargement treatment, did identify a form of cancer for throughout this period, his majesty will continue to undertake state business and official paperwork . as you as official paperwork. as you as usual. official paperwork. as you as usual . now keir starmer as well. usual. now keir starmer as well. he has tweeted out of course, the leader of the labour party saying he wishes the king all the very for best his recovery. we look forward to seeing him back to swift full health and i think that sentiment will be, of
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course, echoed certainly by everyone here at gb news. uh, of course, by you guys at home covet.i course, by you guys at home covet. i do want to just explore this point a little bit more, because it's wonderful that the king and anyone high profile, quite frankly, is open with health conditions. it absolutely inspires people. but if people cannot get access to doctors or to diagnostic tests in a timely manner , then you know how is manner, then you know how is that kind of helpful in some way? because let's just say when you find out from somebody, i've got a problem with an enlarged prostate or whatever, get your psa levels checked, and then you've planted seed you've planted that seed and people is people then worry, which is great you can plant a seed great if you can plant a seed and then get immediate help. but when you can't and let's face it, the nhs is in a bit of a situation right now, to put it mildly. >> yes. look, michelle, there's so many ramifications about this. but think first things this. but i think first things first, obviously there's also fear for the, you know, the word cancer. fear for the, you know, the word cancer . as matthew was saying, cancer. as matthew was saying, it strikes fear into the hearts of people. if you don't want to
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hear the word, if it's said to you, you don't want to repeat it and you don't want to talk about it. we've got to it. so i think we've got to acknowledge and i think are acknowledge and i think we are what the king's doing here in the movement, that will the movement, that that will cause people, especially cause amongst people, especially amongst let's be honest, amongst men. let's be honest, you the you know, men aren't the greatest medical greatest at dealing with medical conditions mentioning them or conditions or mentioning them or discussing open discussing them and being open about you're right. about them. but you're right. also there pressure the also there is pressure on the nhs, much better to be nhs, but it is much better to be have early diagnosis, have the tests is having to tests then it is to having to treat in intense cases is a lot more numbers, which would put more numbers, which would put more burden and pressure on the nhs. so, you know, prevention early diagnosis is much better than a later one. we do have a challenge in the nhs. i know the government is looking at how we get the workforce right, how we get the workforce right, how we get the workforce right, how we get the right investment in, you know, the hot new hospitals that are built. it is a long are being built. it is a long terme challenge the nhs for all political parties for the country . how do we get the right country. how do we get the right model it to work? but let's model for it to work? but let's hope in in the news that we hope this in in the news that we received today, we hope that the
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king's diagnosis is early. it's something that he can recover from. and yes, it will also save maybe hundreds if not thousands of other lives of men who will come forward, either get checked or get an early diagnosis as well. >> yeah. so just to reiterate as well, palace has well, the palace then has declined confirm what type declined to confirm what type of cancer king charles does have. let's cross live back to buckingham palace for our royal correspondent, walker. correspondent, cameron walker. good cameron . good evening cameron. >> good evening michelle. yes, the last few minutes as we have been discussing the duke of sussex is coming across to the uk to see his father having spoken to him about his diagnosis . spoken to him about his diagnosis. nhs's. it's understood that the prince of wales, prince william, remains in regular contact with his father, the king. i've also received a statement from a palace spokesperson as to why the king decided to make his condition public. it says that the king has elected to make his diagnosis public once the schedule of the treatment had begun, noting that as prince of
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wales , he was patron of a number wales, he was patron of a number of cancer related charities and in this capacity he his majesty, majesty has often spoken publicly in support of cancer patients. their loved ones and the wonderful health professionals who help care for them. now, i have also received some information regarding her majesty the queen and her role in all of this. majesty the queen and her role in all of this . it's understood in all of this. it's understood that the queen is preparing to support her husband, the king. uh, but she is going to continue with a with a full programme of pubuc with a with a full programme of public duties. so that is different to, uh, prince william, who chose to step back from public duties when the princess of wales went into hospital for her abdominal surgery . prince william is only surgery. prince william is only going back to public duties tomorrow. it is understood tomorrow. but it is understood that the queen, although she is preparing to play very preparing to play a very important role throughout the king's will be king's treatment, she will be maintaining a full programme of pubuc maintaining a full programme of public duties. last week she was seen in public single day ,
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seen in public every single day, uh, last week and presumably she knew that his majesty the king would be starting treatments today as an outpatient. i must stress the king is going to be an outpatient, so he's not going to be spending at this stage any further. nights hospital . he further. nights in hospital. he will staying in london at will be staying in london at clarence house, and will travel to from hospital to and from hospital for outpatient treatment . i suspect outpatient treatment. i suspect due to security concerns and the fact that the king is head of state, he is unlikely to be treated in an nhs hospital. it is perhaps understood that his majesty will be receiving treatment at a public hospital, but that is pretty much for practical reasons rather than anything else . the duke of anything else. the duke of sussex, as i said, is flying across to the uk to spend time with his father. but this clearly is going to come as a bit of a shock to the public. so just to recap, if you're just tuning in to us here on gb news, the king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. this is not
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prostate cancer. if you remember a few weeks ago, he went in, he was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate , which was benign. but prostate, which was benign. but when doctors were treating him for that condition , they found for that condition, they found something else that was wrong with him. and that has been made pubuc with him. and that has been made public tonight by buckingham palace communications team , that palace communications team, that it is a form of cancer. and as one of your commentators was saying earlier, michelle, this is just another blow. perhaps to the royal family in terms of medical health scares. he's been king not very long in the grand scheme of things. he was the longest serving heir apparent. he was crowned in may. he was just getting on with all his pubuc just getting on with all his public duties and really getting into the swing of things as head of state and now he's having to step back from public duties to focus on his personal health. i'm getting the sense of buckingham palace really wants to strike a balance here between the king being a private individual and clearly having a right to private medical
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information. and we're not going to speculate as to the kind of cancer that he has, other than to say it's not prostate cancer, because that's what buckingham palace has but also palace has told us. but also being mindful of the fact that he is head of state and therefore there is a public interest in us knowing about the health the monarch . and it health of the monarch. and it reminds me really , of back to reminds me really, of back to september , in the summer of september, in the summer of 2022, in the run up to queen elizabeth ii's passing , passing elizabeth ii's passing, passing away and the palace were pretty silent. and this is changed really , with the new reign of really, with the new reign of king charles the third. we are being given a lot more information about medical details to do with his majesty the king, and we're told that the king, and we're told that the king, and we're told that the king wants to make his diagnosis public because he wants to encourage others to seek support if they if they're experiencing symptoms and perhaps sympathise with other families around the world. going through the same thing as him. indeed >> cameron walker, thank you very much for that update. now,
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joining me live now is a king charles former butler , grant. charles former butler, grant. harold, good evening to you . uh, harold, good evening to you. uh, grant, your reaction to this very sad news. >> good evening. uh, like everybody else, i'm equally as much in shock because you you just don't expect it. and also, it's not that long since we lost his mother, the late queen elizabeth the second. and as i've said, they both his parents had long lives and relatively healthy ones. so this has come as a, i think, a huge shock to everybody really ? everybody really? >> absolutely. and what do you make? we've just been talking at length about what the king's kind of desire to be a lot more open now when it comes to personal health matters . that's personal health matters. that's something we haven't, um, experience previously. is this a good thing in your mind ? good thing in your mind? >> it's. i think it is a good thing. i think it's important that there are families show that there are families show that they are in touch with people. i mean, historic when we got medical updates, it was things like late queen things like the late queen mother fishbone. um mother having a fishbone. um stuck in her throat or, you know
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, the late queen maybe having a day visit to hospital or something where little something where very little details given , where the details will be given, where the king very much king has very much kept everybody updated on recent things that have been happening with this with his health. so maybe this is things to come. and is a sign of things to come. and i think way i remember him, i think the way i remember him, he's somebody likes to be he's somebody that likes to be very up front, very open. i don't think he's a fan of kind of keeping things. if you like secrets or things quiet. think secrets or things quiet. i think he feels people should be he feels that people should be aware these kind things. aware of these kind of things. so it shows you the kind so i think it shows you the kind of that he is. he's of king that he is. he's somebody to his somebody that wants to share his health concerns, what he's going through with with with his through with with the with his people, the public. people, with the public. >> yeah. see, that was interesting. that be interesting. that was gonna be my actually, my next question, actually, because you do know him, uh, personally very personally and of course, very well. i was going to you well. and i was going to ask you this openness. you think it this openness. do you think it does come directly from the king or from his advisors? but, uh, what saying there, what you're just saying there, you that it is very you feel that it is very passionately from charles passionately from king charles himself . himself. >> i, as you know, as we all know, he's got a lot of advisors
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who are obviously there to kind of keep him right with kind of matters of state and day to day activities. but this is something will his something that will be his decision i'm the advisors decision. i'm sure the advisors will complete agreement will be in complete agreement that a wise move , but that this is a wise move, but this will be his final decision. he would decided that this announcement be made and announcement should be made and that people aware and that people should be aware and i think it's good again, that the advisors are shown that they support him because, you know, these people are to kind these people are there to kind of keep him right. and as we've said, advise and i think said, to advise him. and i think with this kind of thing, it is important that people are aware and they're keeping people and that they're keeping people updated. i'm updated. so as i said, i'm hoping a sign of things hoping this is a sign of things to come. hoping this is a sign of things to (yeah, indeed. there you go. >> yeah, indeed. there you go. that's king charles's former butler there. that's king charles's former butler you there. that's king charles's former butler you for there. that's king charles's former butler you for your there. that's king charles's former butler you for your insights. uh, thank you for your insights. uh, can cross live to our royal can cross live now to our royal commentator, bond. good commentator, jennie bond. good evening you, jennie. your evening to you, jennie. your reaction tonight's news? reaction to tonight's news? >> well, of course, it's both shocking and it's very sad so early in the king's reign to have this health setback . well, have this health setback. well, a double health setback, but i think perhaps we should , uh, be
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think perhaps we should, uh, be grateful. really that this has been found and hopefully early on.and been found and hopefully early on. and because he had the enlarged prostate condition , enlarged prostate condition, they've carried out these diagnostic tests and found a form of cancer. now that's a good thing . um, and inroads have good thing. um, and inroads have been great. inroads have been made on the treatment of cancers. um, so i think we should take the king's lead and be positive about this. that's all the signals coming out from the palace and from the king, and from his appearance. uh, yesterday, walking from sandringham house to the church all point to the fact that he genuinely is positive about the road ahead . road ahead. >> indeed. jennie bond, thank you for that. i've got to say , i you for that. i've got to say, i do have in my inbox. i do have lots and lots of viewers getting in touch . that point that we in touch. that point that we just touched upon there, matthew, in terms of, you know, it's all well and good raising awareness for people to look at their ailments and look at their body and know their body actually, have the actually, and have the confidence able to
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confidence to be able to say there's something not right with me that instinct me and to follow that instinct and get the help, and to get the help, particularly it's particularly when it's not forthcoming. you've got to sometimes and and push sometimes push and push and push and just got lots of and i've just got lots of stories from people saying that just has been their experience. >> yes, i've had some really, and sort of big fan in and i'm a sort of big fan in principle of the nhs and of it being point of being free at the point of delivery. i have to say i've delivery. but i have to say i've had very negative had some very negative experiences it with people experiences of it with people very close to me in recent years. we know that there is a massive, waiting list massive, massive waiting list and that's causing great distress. both, both physically and psychologically on those stuck on it in a terrible , stuck on it in a terrible, terrible rut, in vast numbers. so if this helps to shine a further spotlight on that and the fact that some people can get health care more quickly than others through private means, and i think that is a positive thing . but i would positive thing. but i would just, at this early stage, focus on the fact that the king is unwell, that he's been brave in sharing his diagnosis, something that jennie bond said there, i
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thought was interesting and very apposite, and that is that sometimes when you go in for one ailment, it can actually be a blessing because something more serious then be revealed , serious can then be revealed, can be diagnosed, isn't allowed to develop and can be cured . and to develop and can be cured. and on the positivity bit of it as well. and it's very difficult and invidious to speculate. but i personally hope that because the queen is going to be continuing fully, her public dufies continuing fully, her public duties and the king has been explicit in saying that he wants to return to his full public role, that there is some hope there, that this isn't perhaps as serious as some forms of cancen as serious as some forms of cancer. but who knows? we haven't been told. >> indeed. joining me live now is the former royal correspondent for the sun, charles rea. good evening to you. your reaction to this evening's news? >> i'm a bit like everyone else, just a shock. shock announcement . um, particularly as we've seen the king over the last few days, particularly yesterday. he was out about, uh, at out and about, uh, at sandringham with the queen going to he was waving at to church, and he was waving at the crowds, big smile on his
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face. so it is a bit of a shock, but, uh, like like jennie bond. uh uh, i think the news we should look at it in a positive way. it's the cancer. wherever it is, been caught early and it is, has been caught early and any any doctor, any any cancer surgeon will tell you that the earlier you catch something, the greater chance of, uh, you know , greater chance of, uh, you know, it being not not cured, but everything going okay. um, and the fact that he is determined to come back to some form of pubuc to come back to some form of public duties is also, uh, you know , good news. and uh, and know, good news. and uh, and i've just heard that , uh, prince i've just heard that, uh, prince harry is due to fly in as well to be beside or to see his father and support him in this battle in deed. >> uh, charles rea, thank you for your thoughts. one of my viewers, michael, says, michelle, i've lost two family members to cancer, and i've got two friends currently with it. god bless the king. uh, he says, i really hope it all goes well. and i've got to say , that's and i've got to say, that's a sentiment is absolutely echoed by pretty much every single
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person that's getting in touch for me, joan says. we all feel really sorry for king charles, and we wish him the very best. clive we have a wonderful king, michelle, and we must hope and pray that he gets through this and for many, many and reigns for many, many more years. says he deserves to years. keir says he deserves to be king for a lot longer. god save the king that is coming through thick and fast. as the sentiment through my viewers , sentiment through my viewers, um, literally . that is a so sentiment through my viewers, um, literally. that is a so many of you getting in touch and echoing the sentiment that many of my guests have shared so far this evening as well, which is indeed, uh, sending well wishes to the king. um etc. now let's cross live back to cameron walker. he is live outside of buckingham palace for us. cameron, good evening to you . cameron, good evening to you. >> good evening michelle. we have been told, of course , that have been told, of course, that the king is going to be an outpatient tonight in hospital. so he'll be travelling to and from clarence house to receive that that treatment. but we've
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received some further details about other members of the royal family and how that's going to impact them. so, as i said, a little bit earlier on in the program, uh, her majesty the queen will be continuing with a full programme of engagements. but of course, she will be very close to his majesty and will be supporting him throughout his treatment for, uh, for cancer. cancen treatment for, uh, for cancer. cancer, a form of cancer that we know is not prostate cancer for prince william, i'm told, is also possibly going to be taking on some of king charles's duties or representing the king on behalf of the king. but certainly not all. the king is still expected to have his weekly audience with the prime minister but if, on doctor's advice, it's advised that they should not meet in person, other arrangements , it's understood, arrangements, it's understood, will be arraigned and similar with privy council meetings. the king is still expected to attend, uh, privy council meetings. he's also expected to work through those famous red
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boxes. his constitutional duties, signing government papers , reading cabinet minutes . papers, reading cabinet minutes. it's also understood that counsellors of state will not be required. so counsellors of state are members of the royal family over the age of 21, in direct line of succession, who can deputise on behalf of the king if the king is too ill to carry out his constitutional duties. i'm told that is not necessary at this this stage, which suggests to me that the king is optimistic about his treatment . but of course it is treatment. but of course it is incredibly serious. the fact that prince harry is travelling from america to london to visit his majesty the king, having of course spoken to his majesty, um, presumably over the phone or via the internet about his diagnosis. we're told prince william is in regular contact with his father as well. but of course, this is, uh, incredibly unexpected news this evening. we
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were led to believe that the king was, uh, recovering . well, king was, uh, recovering. well, we saw him just yesterday walking to the church at sandringham alongside the queen. it was a very public exit from the hospital following his, uh, benign prostate , uh, enlarged benign prostate, uh, enlarged prostate treatment . and then prostate treatment. and then he's travelled back to london this morning. the royal standard is above buckingham palace and clarence house and he has started to receive treatment for cancen started to receive treatment for cancer. and he is stepping back from public duties for the time being. but of course, he will be supported by other members of the family cameron walker, the royal family cameron walker, thank you very much for that. >> covid one other things i touched upon earlier on in this programme is that prince harry, he's spoken to the king, his dad, uh, he will travel to the uk to see him . this is according uk to see him. this is according to sources close to harry. now, i saw that. i thought it was wonderful news. hopefully the family will be able to, you know, kind of heal their rift and so on. i've had a couple of viewers saying no, thank viewers saying to me, no, thank you, don't want harry back. you, we don't want harry back. that's harsh, isn't that's a little bit harsh, isn't
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it? what his dad's going it? given what his dad's going through. >> it is, it is. look, let's look for the silver lining in this news we've heard this sad news that we've heard today diagnosis for today about this diagnosis for the you know, if the king, that, you know, if it bnngs the king, that, you know, if it brings him his son closer brings him and his son closer together, that's a good thing. you know, we all know in times of families of family crisis, families should can pull together. sometimes don't. but so sometimes they don't. but so there's an opportunity here, shall . it'll be to shall we say. it'll be up to harry to see how he takes it. you know, i'm sure there'll be certain mind, certain thoughts in his mind, but does he's taken the but it does seem he's taken the news. coming that's news. he's coming over. that's a good family. it's always good thing. family. it's always a of family at these times a case of family at these times when you need support. the king will want his son there with him. also think about all him. also i think about all those hundreds. if not thousands of people and down the of young people up and down the country the has helped country that the king has helped through princess trust the through his princess trust, the king's the work he's king's trust now the work he's done for decades with young people, i think they will be feeling news quite feeling this news quite severely. and think there's severely. and i think there's also this is the king also, you know, this is the king who said he was going to be king for all faiths. i think, you know, i want to that know, i want to say that everyone me, as a everyone dodi out here. me, as a british sikh, but i think
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everyone feeling this everyone will be feeling this news has been an news because he has been an inclusive monarch from the start. and i think he's his diagnosis the way he's handling it, the way he speaks to the nation, is going to be something that we're all going to be feeling. that's why we're shocked, that's why we're saddened. the saddened. but i think the positivity going positivity is he's going positive about but also positive about this, but also he's continuing business. he's continuing with business. i did statement that did read the statement that clarence and he wants to, clarence house and he wants to, as we have been hearing from cameron walker there, wants cameron walker there, he wants to as much, make sure he's to make as much, make sure he's continuing business continuing with as much business as he can work as head of state. so as to keep the momentum going. so look, already , hats going. so look, already, hats off to him. he's been positive. he's putting the family together . he's doing the right things. it's early . let's hope it's been it's early. let's hope it's been caught early and that he makes that speedy recovery and the words save the king are words god save the king are never more poignant. indeed >> you know, i echoed that. i think that the king has been an inclusive king. he has made that part of his mission to bring us
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together as a society of all faiths and none. i just want to address in a little bit more the important points that some of the viewers have been making that you've articulated, michel, that you've articulated, michel, that there isn't an equality of access to health care in this country because although of course, is free at the course, the nhs is free at the point of delivery, and of course we encourage people to go forward get checked if forward and get checked and if they're and see they're worried to go and see their gp and there is i think, this two week rule where you have be seen, should be have to be seen, you should be seen two weeks if you seen within two weeks if you have cancer or if there's a fear that it have cancer or if there's a fear thatitis have cancer or if there's a fear that it is cancer. >> trust's performed differently , no doubt. , there's no doubt. >> so what i wanted to say >> and so what i wanted to say is although there is this is that although there is this inequality although in many inequality and although in many ways, our nhs is failing ways, sadly our nhs is failing and we can have a debate another day about why that is and the different factors are very important in election year. i would say that the fact would just say that the fact that the king has cancer reminds us that on some level at least, we in this together as we are all in this together as human beings. it might be tougher you're a low tougher if you're on a low income or if you have a bad nhs
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trust, but being king of this great country doesn't make you immune to cancer and to mortality. ultimately >> well, because ultimately >> well, no, because ultimately humans humans. and i think humans are humans. and i think that the greatest gift that any of us actually can be blessed with, you know, fame, fortune, all things that people all these things that people aspire to, ultimately, they mean absolutely nothing if you don't have good health. and one of the problems, covid, is that we often people, humans, we often as people, as humans, we take granted , um, take our health for granted, um, whilst we've got it. and then we perhaps only start to think perhaps only then start to think about it something about it when something goes wrong, start wrong, and then we start focusing on how can we become well again. >> right, michel. >> you're so right, michel. look, the old adage health look, it's the old adage health is wealth. this world is wealth. and in this world where we can prioritise, you know, wealth, achievement, status , all these other things , status, all these other things, when, when suddenly something like this strikes you, it puts everything in perspective. and that's why i keep referring back to family as well, because that's the point when family takes even greater takes on that, even greater importance, your ones, importance, your loved ones, your parents, your children, your parents, your children, your parents, your cousins, you're suddenly that that value, that precious
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time that you get with them becomes all that more valuable. and i think we'll see it with the royal family. hopefully going forward as the king gets his treatment. >> could quickly add my >> could i just quickly add my father last year and at the father died last year and at the end a magnificent service, we end of a magnificent service, we played one of his favourite, if not his favourite songs, which is that it's later than you think. yourself, enjoy think. enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself. it's later than you think and we all hope and pray that king charles recovers from this and lives a long life. but it is a reminder of how vulnerable we all are. and as you get older, it becomes something of a lottery. the queen lived to we hope that queen lived to 96. we hope that she'd go on forever and ever. at some it seemed as though some point. it seemed as though she would. charles has been she would. king charles has been was less than year was crowned less than a year ago. he's been for a year ago. he's been king for a year and a quarter now, and yet here he is with this diagnosis. so let's embrace life as my message i >> -- >> yeah. and that is a nice message . and i think perhaps message. and i think perhaps there's a lot of people that do need that because it's need to hear that because it's very isn't it. we get stuck very easy isn't it. we get stuck in our ruts. we get caught
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in our own ruts. we get caught up in, know, whatever. up in, um, you know, whatever. it be small stuff. it might even be small stuff. sometimes and actually, life can feel pretty depressing and overwhelming of overwhelming for a lot of people. and actually, when news comes along, can an comes along, it can be an opportunity actually stop you opportunity actually to stop you in to actually in your tracks to actually realise tomorrow is not promised to us. it doesn't matter to any of us. it doesn't matter who quite frankly, and who you are, quite frankly, and what current health what your current health situation uh, you situation is. uh, you know, we've got these we've only really got these present moments . so is about present moments. so it is about how can you , uh, inward? how can you, uh, look inward? how what can you do to try and kind of be more positive in that moment, and also how we deal with time and being present in the moment , with time and being present in the moment, because so many of us think so much, either about the past or about the future, planning , trying to protect planning, trying to protect ourselves in the future, but actually the present was the future. >> once . >> once. >> once. >> yeah it was. that's why i don't share these sentiments. i mean, everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but all these notions oh, these kind of notions of, oh, harry's welcome harry's harry's not welcome and harry's done all of these terrible things and whatever you to things and whatever you think to what not done what harry has done or not done in the past, and we can all kind of and dispute different
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of debate and dispute different opinions or whatever. ultimately, is ultimately, family is everything. forgiveness everything. and forgiveness sometimes, particularly when you know someone is not well to whatever you know, situation that is. but when you do have a health scare like this, it is time just to look there and say, you know what, let's just rebuild bonds like it's life's too short. literally >> you're right. you said it there, michelle. forgiveness. you know, hope we forgive you know, we all hope we forgive the wrong deeds, doings of others, but especially when it comes to your family and your children , when you know the king children, when you know the king will probably forgive his son almost anything . and i have two almost anything. and i have two children, two boys i'll forgive them anything. hopefully as they go through their lives and especially if you become unwell, you know when you're more tality gets into sharp focus . it would gets into sharp focus. it would be very hard to begrudge your children, you know, the, the wrongdoings, perceived slights , wrongdoings, perceived slights, whatever it may be. and i know we've obviously we've had a big conversation over the last few years about harry and his wife and meghan and what's been going
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on and them going to off the states, but at the end of the day, we did all love harry. at one point there was a huge outpouring of, you know, you'd had that. we all know the story of i won't recount it now , but of i won't recount it now, but at this point, as i if it at this point, as i say, if it bnngs at this point, as i say, if it brings the family together, if it those if it heals those wounds, if there's silver lining in this there's a silver lining in this diagnosis, it could be that it bnngs diagnosis, it could be that it brings the king and his his son across the and perhaps even across the pond and perhaps even the two brothers. >> don't know if i'm >> i mean, i don't know if i'm really, uh, stretching things a little bit, but even the two brothers, because as, brothers, because siblings as, uh, relationships , they brothers, because siblings as, uh, so relationships , they brothers, because siblings as, uh, so importantonships , they brothers, because siblings as, uh, so important and ips , they brothers, because siblings as, uh, so important and theythey brothers, because siblings as, uh, so important and they are' are so important and they are just crucial. and i speak as someone that lost, uh, my sibling unexpectedly early. sibling very unexpectedly early. um, you get over it. sibling very unexpectedly early. um,just you get over it. sibling very unexpectedly early. um,just never get over it. sibling very unexpectedly early. um,just never get get over it. sibling very unexpectedly early. um,just never get over over it. sibling very unexpectedly early. um,just never get over that. it. you just never get over that. and people writing and there'll be people writing in, can almost hear in, and i can almost hear you right saying some of right now saying that some of the things that have gone on is unforgivable. but life is just short. i have two, i have two brothers. >> love them dearly. i'm the >> i love them dearly. i'm the eldest brother. haven't always eldest brother. i haven't always got right. sometimes got it right. sometimes we don't get there are great get on, but there are great gifts, fraternal and sororal relationships . they're like your relationships. they're like your allies. if treat those
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allies. if you treat those relationships well, if you nounsh relationships well, if you nourish them, nurture them, they can allies for life. you can be your allies for life. you know, when father is ill know, when your father is ill with cancer, who understands best how you're feeling. actually it's your siblings. and i just say this because i said earlier about us seeing ourselves reflected in the royal family perhaps versa , family and perhaps vice versa, if there can be, if there is a need for reconciling nation, and if be a reconciliation if there can be a reconciliation , what a great example that , then what a great example that sets of us. sets the rest of us. >> indeed. uh, russell has >> yeah, indeed. uh, russell has beenin >> yeah, indeed. uh, russell has been in touch to michelle, been in touch to say, michelle, you're absolute you're talking absolute beeps when to uh, what when it comes to this. uh, what harry has done is unforgivable . harry has done is unforgivable. as uh, very strong as i said, uh, very strong opinions and very different perspectives on some of that. if you are just tuning of you are just tuning in, of course, started this program you are just tuning in, of course, newsrted this program you are just tuning in, of course, news thatthis program you are just tuning in, of course, news that our program you are just tuning in, of course, news that our king,am with the news that our king, king charles, has been diagnosed with cancer. now, immediately after me , uh, is nigel farage. after me, uh, is nigel farage. nigel good evening to you . nigel good evening to you. >> yeah. well, obviously , it's >> yeah. well, obviously, it's very, very sad news. tough news. the king is going to be facing a tough time. our thoughts are very much with him and the extended royal family at this
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moment in time. uh, we'll discuss that and much more. we'll have medical experts, we'll get political views and much else. and i have to say, i have to say it is the word, isn't it? it's the one word cancer that nobody ever wants to heat cancer that nobody ever wants to heanl cancer that nobody ever wants to hear. i had a diagnosis of it myself years ago. and michael cole has said before on this show and other shows on gb news that in some ways we live our lives through them. and when you hear the king's got cancer, you think of your own family , think of your own family, perhaps of those who aren't with us anymore . and what we don't us anymore. and what we don't know is exactly what kind of cancerit know is exactly what kind of cancer it is, what we don't know is what stage it is at, and i suspect myself that the statement that's been put out by the royal by buckingham palace is not actually going to provide clarity. in fact, i think the opposite. i think it's likely to lead to acres and acres of speculation over the course of the next few days. what it does prove for all of us is the value of going to get medical tests. if we possibly can, because even
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if you go for one reason, you might discover something else . might discover something else. before i start the show , let's before i start the show, let's go to polly middlehurst with a news bulletin . news bulletin. >> good evening. you're with gb news and if you're just tuning in, let's reiterate that news that's just come to us all in the last hour. his majesty the king. king charles the third has been diagnosed , we're told, with been diagnosed, we're told, with a form of cancer where the diagnosis comes following successful treatment for an enlarged prostate during which a separate issue of concern was noted by his surgeon as well. as you can imagine , many have been you can imagine, many have been wishing the king well online. the prime minister has wished his majesty a full and speedy recovery, and said he'll no doubt be back to full strength in no time and the labour leader, sir keir starmer, has said on behalf of his party i wish his majesty all the very
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best for his recovery. the king


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