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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight  GB News  February 5, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm GMT

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well -- well . well. >> it's 9 pm. i'm patrick christys tonight . king charles christys tonight. king charles the third has cancer. buckingham palace released this statement . palace released this statement. it is not prostate cancer . i it is not prostate cancer. i will be talking to medical experts s and joining me next. >> william and charles have a different personalities . of different personalities. of course they are. but william doesn't want to be king right now . how. >> now. >> diana's confident and cancer survivor paul burrell , who has survivor paul burrell, who has just had the all clear after his own battle. we've got the latest from our royal correspondent cameron walker, live outside buckingham palace for us also tonight, prince harry is flying home. meghan markle will not be joining him. i speak to meghan markle's brother on that. we also look at the burden now falling on prince william as he nurses his sick wife. catherine looks after their three children and now picks up royal duties.
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this hour i've got lady colin campbell with the inside story of a momentous day, and on my panel tonight is royal scoop and editor at large at the mail on sunday, charlotte griffiths, former bbc top political editor john sergeant. and the most patrick stick woman in britain, beunda patrick stick woman in britain, belinda the public belinda de lucy and the public have been sending their to best our dear king. >> yeah, well, listen , early >> yeah, well, listen, early diagnosis is the important thing. and if they've done that, then it's going be good news then it's going to be good news for hopefully for him. hopefully and he's going best treatment going to get the best treatment than anyone can get. so hopefully charles has got a little left him yet. little bit left in him yet. >> get ready britain. here we go king charles has been diagnosed with cancer. diana's confidant and cancer survivor paul burrell, next up gb news.
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>> and the top story this hour as you've been hearing his majesty the king. king charles the third has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. the diagnosis comes following successful treatment for an enlarged prostate due in which a separate issue of concern was noted by his surgeons . many have noted by his surgeons. many have been wishing the king well online. the prime minister today wishing the king a full and speedy recovery , and saying speedy recovery, and saying he'll no doubt be back to full strength in no time and the labour leader, sir keir starmer, saying on behalf of his party i wish his majesty all the very best for a speedy recovery. well the king will begin a schedule of treatment and continue to undertake official paperwork, although his doctors have advised him to cancel public facing duties and he's chosen to share his diagnosis. ipsis buckingham palace officials told us today to prevent any speculation and hoping it may well help all those around the world who are affected by cancer
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. well, the other development that came to us today is that a source close to the duke of sussex says he spoken with his father about the diagnosis and is due to travel to the uk to see him in the coming days. as we understand, prince william and prince harry learned of their father's diagnosis their father's cancer diagnosis directly king himself, directly from the king himself, and in the united states, president biden told reporters he'd heard about the diagnosis and planned to speak to the king later . well, gb news has been later. well, gb news has been onto the streets of london, gaining the reaction of the public. here's what they had to say. i think it's very sad. >> i think it's that, um, you know, it's coming a year after the coronation and so i think my thoughts are with him, with the family. >> it's a bit of a sorry. it's a bit of a shock. like i'm genuinely heart heartfelt thoughts. >> that's so sad . i mean, you >> that's so sad. i mean, you would think that if anybody. but i wish him well. >> well, i'm very sad to hear
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this . very sorry to hear. and i this. very sorry to hear. and i pray that he will recover. you know, the treatment i've got. >> i have the best doctors. he's got the best chance age against him. rest up boy. >> londoners reacting to the king's diagnosis earlier on. well, in other news, today , the well, in other news, today, the latest developments in the hunt for suspected chemical attacker abdul ezedi the metropolitan police saying today that a 22 year old man had been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender for gb news south of england reporter ray addison has the latest . the latest. >> well met police saying now that the focus of this manhunt for azadi is well and truly on south london, he was last seen at 9:50 pm. on wednesday evening in the suffolk bridge area. police releasing a cctv footage of him there. a man , a footage of him there. a man, a 22 year old man, was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender. that was suspicion of potentially helping azadi after
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the attack on wednesday night, he was taken to a london police station but released this afternoon on bail. police say as well they've been tracking azad's bank card. that's not been used since wednesday night. they say there's two possibilities for that. either he's come to some form of harm or he's now being sheltered . or he's now being sheltered. >> edison reporting there. you're with gb news, britain's news channel . news channel. >> god save the king. it is devastating news that our king charles the third has a form of cancen charles the third has a form of cancer. it's is vital that our king knows the nation is behind him, spurring him on as he begins his treatment. and for the long, difficult road ahead. this all comes amid backdrop the long, difficult road ahead. thcatherine'ssamid backdrop the long, difficult road ahead. th catherine's hospital backdrop of catherine's hospital admission. ferguson's admission. sarah ferguson's cancer diagnosis. royal cancer diagnosis. the royal family been britain's family has been britain's strength and stay. now it is time us to our bit. we time for us to do our bit. we came together when queen came together when the queen sadly came together sadly passed. we came together for and now we for the coronation and now we must together must come together again to
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support dear king. prince support our dear king. prince harry is doing the right thing. he's coming to home be with his father, prince william must be struggling immensely. this surely is a time for reconciliation . this surely is reconciliation. this surely is a time for the brothers to bury the hatchet. the king has chosen to go public with this diagnosis. this in part to raise awareness and help others. but also no doubt because it would become impossible to hide . we become impossible to hide. we now need to make our love and support impossible to hide as well. every single family in britain. sadly has to deal with cancer at some point . all the cancer at some point. all the worry, the fear and the trepidation that that brings . i trepidation that that brings. i hope that tonight that worry, fear and trepidation reverberate around the corridors of buckingham palace is drowned out by public well—wishers and support great britain is the country of the bulldogs spirit. we have overcome every single adversity the world has thrown at us, and i know our king will overcome this . god save the overcome this. god save the king. let's cross now to gb news royal correspondent cameron walker, who is at buckingham
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palace for us. cameron, thank you very much. what do we know so far .7 so far.7 >> well, patrick, at 6:00 this evening, buckingham palace released a pretty lengthy statement confirming that the king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer . king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. now it's understood that it is not prostate cancer. if you remember a few weeks ago , he was in a few weeks ago, he was in hospital receiving treatment for an enlarged prostate, which buckingham palace at the time said was benign. and it's understood that doctors, by treating the king for that separate condition, discovered something else. and that is why the king returned to sandringham , returned to london from sandringham. this morning to begin outpatient treatment. begin his outpatient treatment. so he is travelling to and from hospital, but then is staying at clarence house, so he's not expected to spend night at expected to spend the night at at any hospital. but of course , at any hospital. but of course, it's not just a uk story. this actually it's pretty global events and we've had tributes flooding in from across the world most recently from president joe biden as well, who
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has sent his best wishes in the last few minutes. the media here are all from different countries , us. and then we had about an hour later this statement from a source close to the duke of sussex, prince harry, who not only heard of the king's diagnosis from the king himself, as well as prince william, but he's also chosen to come back from the united states to be with his father at this time . so with his father at this time. so he expected to arrive in he is expected to arrive in london within the coming days, which suggests to me perhaps a bit of an olive branch, and does really show that perhaps the king does love his king still really does love his son. and meghan, as we understand it, is not expected to travel with him. he's she's going to stay in the california with the two children on the surface , a cancer diagnosis surface, a cancer diagnosis seems pretty scary. we're told that the king is grateful to his medical staff for catching it, and he's also pretty hopeful for the that perhaps it's been caught early . early enough caught early. early enough because we know that the king is
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going to be very much carrying on with duties behind the scenes. so although we're not going to see him in public, he is going to be carrying on signing those government papers, reading cabinet minutes. it's understood he's going to continue , um, meeting prime continue, um, meeting the prime minister weekly well as minister weekly as well as attend council meetings. attend privy council meetings. so diagnosis, but it so a scary diagnosis, but it looks like he's got the best possible care. possible medical care. >> cameron walker, >> absolutely. cameron walker, thank much. outside thank you very much. outside buckingham palace for us, our royal correspondent. now tonight i am joined by a very, very special panel to react to all of this shocking news at this shocking news editor at large and royal ncuti gatwa extraordinaire , charlotte extraordinaire, charlotte griffiths , former bbc chief griffiths, former bbc chief political correspondent john sergeant, and former brexit party mep belinda de luci. arguably the most patriotic woman in britain, now , just woman in britain, now, just before i come to my wonderful panel before i come to my wonderful panel, because we have a heck of a lot to pick through tonight, obviously this diagnosis itself what may mean, we're going obviously this diagnosis itself wae may mean, we're going obviously this diagnosis itself wae ma asnean, we're going obviously this diagnosis itself wae ma as well we're going obviously this diagnosis itself wae ma as well about going obviously this diagnosis itself wae ma as well about the 1g to be talking as well about the role it's going play for role that it's going to play for william. what the nation, uh, will of this as will react to all of this as well. and of course, that news
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that harry is coming back. but before of that, i just want before all of that, i just want to go straight to princess diana's butler confidant, diana's former butler confidant, paul burrell. you were paul burrell. uh, paul, you were diagnosed prostate cancer diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, i believe. now the palace have confirmed that the king's own illness is not prostate cancer, despite the fact what he fact that that's what he initially for a initially went for in a procedure his prostate. how procedure on his prostate. how do you think he'll be feeling at the moment? >> i think he's , um, feeling >> i think he's, um, feeling shocked the way we are to hear this news. i mean, first we were told that his condition is benign and then we're told that he has some form of cancer. so it's very worrying. uh, my thoughts are king, and thoughts are with the king, and i him a very speedy and i wish him a very speedy and full recovery . i know from full recovery. i know from personal experience, patrick, that, um, this impact is on the whole family . and in this case, whole family. and in this case, it's on the whole nation. um, millions are touched by cancer, as you know, and, um, the king is no exception to this. now, he's he's joined that club. um, but what he's doing is, um , is but what he's doing is, um, is brilliant. he's he's he's using
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his his, um, condition , uh, to his his, um, condition, uh, to get to other people. he's using the platform for the best possible reasons. um, and it's changed a lot since the last monarchy because, um, i remember the no, no conditions were ever released by buckingham palace. they didn't talk about medical records . and many of us in our records. and many of us in our country are still, um , blind as country are still, um, blind as to what happened to our dear late queen. so things have moved on a great deal since, um, the queen's passing . um, i don't queen's passing. um, i don't think it's a time to panic, though, patrick. it's not. i mean, people have said that he's continuing with his work behind closed doors. his government papers and things, and he he seems to be in good spirits. papers and things, and he he seems to be in good spirits . and seems to be in good spirits. and he's got the very best medical care. so, you know, i think he should lean on the princess royal and the duke and duchess of edinburgh and william to such an extent that he can, um, to keep the show on the road . keep the show on the road. >> yeah. spare a thought for
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william as well. we've had catherine in hospital by. yes. very serious operation by the sounds of it. uh, obviously we've got sarah ferguson, who's recently had a cancer diagnosis herself. some other issues affecting the royal family, which we don't need to go into this evening. a heavy burden to fall william. of course, fall on william. and of course, he be greeting brother he will be greeting his brother harry days. we harry in the coming days. we believe as well. >> yes. well, it's not william's time you know. thought time yet, you know. he thought he'd have least another he'd have at least another ten years family and to years to grow his family and to live a happy family, private life with kate and at adelaide cottage. and then probably royal lodge in the future . um, it's lodge in the future. um, it's not his time . um, and i think not his time. um, and i think this is a great burden for william to think about with harry coming back as well. well listen, uh, the king loves both his sons. when i was diagnosed with cancer, the first thing i thought about were my two sons and i told them. the king has done the same. and quite rightly, harry's coming back to show public face. perhaps. but then to support the king and his
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brother . and then to support the king and his brother. and i think this could be the step we need towards reconciling ation between william and harry. the their father is ill and the two sons should come together to support the king, certainly in private, behind closed doors. this doesn't mean, of course, that harry is going to start doing pubuc harry is going to start doing public duties in this country. thatis public duties in this country. that is not the case. he's coming because his father is sick and that's that's what we all do, isn't it? we all rally and this family know better than anyone on, um, how to rally together, how to pull the troops together, how to pull the troops together and how to carry on regardless , he will be getting regardless, he will be getting some of the best medical care. >> paul, i mean, look, you will have had an insight into the kind medical that kind of medical attention that the family received. and the royal family received. and i think, first thought think, look, my first thought with goodness gracious with this was, goodness gracious me, king must getting me, the king must be getting more check—ups. at more medical check—ups. and at the highest level than the highest possible level than pretty anyone else in the pretty much anyone else in the country. and yet, this seems like it a shock finding. i
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like it was a shock finding. i mean, what kind of care do you think you'll be getting now? it does outpatient . does seem to be outpatient. >> a shock because >> well, it is a shock because once your prostate is looked at, there are other things in the region which people look at too. i mean, that is a very delicate area where your prostate is and the urethra and the lower bowel and all of those things could be and all of those things could be a problem in later life. but what is good is the fact that they found it so early, early diagnosis can save lives , not diagnosis can save lives, not just in prostate cancer , but in just in prostate cancer, but in any cancer. and they found something worrying. and they're deaung something worrying. and they're dealing with it. and he's being treated by it. and i think that's an incredible that they've actually found it . they've actually found it. >> mm hmm. >> mm hmm. >> and camilla as well now will also face a heavy burden. it's worth remembering her at this particular time, isn't it? how do you think she'll be dealing with this? >> well, i think she's the steady hand on the tiller and she's she's the guiding she's the she's the guiding force. think this new
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force. and i think all this new movement prince of wales movement of the prince of wales being so or the sorry, the king being so or the sorry, the king being so or the sorry, the king being so open, i think it's down to camilla. i think she is the, the stabiliser on the royal family's. >> uh, so you think, paul, that the reason why the king has gone pubuc the reason why the king has gone public about his cancer diagnosis is because of camilla? >> i do i think she has that touch.i >> i do i think she has that touch. i think she's able to reach people in a way. the king can't. and i think she's taught him a lot in the last few years about the monarchy and how to be king. and isn't that odd, really? that she should come up through the ranks and be so supportive and such a stabilising influence in our modern day royal family and you mentioned a little earlier there about prince harry doing the right thing coming back. >> i think everybody agrees with that. i think that this is a moment for potential reconciliation . ian, do you reconciliation. ian, do you think it's right that meghan markle is staying away? >> personally , i think she
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>> um, personally, i think she would confuse and cloud the issue if she came over . would confuse and cloud the issue if she came over. um, i think her best place is in america. she should stay there and look after the children. this is harry. will deal with this personally . he came over this personally. he came over for the coronation by himself. he's over now to wish his he's coming over now to wish his father well by himself . i think father well by himself. i think that's going to. what's happened in the future. that will it will follow this this pattern . i follow this this pattern. i think meghan doesn't have much. um love of these islands, whereas harry does . whereas harry does. >> okay, just one final one with you, paul. thank you very much for your time this evening. could you just issue a message to king charles the third, please? i mean, you have been through something relatively please? i mean, you have been throughquitezthing relatively please? i mean, you have been throughquite recently.atively please? i mean, you have been throughquite recently .tively please? i mean, you have been throughquite recently . you.y similar quite recently. you obviously family . obviously know that family. well, what would your message be? >> my message to the king would be, um, you're in very good hands. we have the most incredible national health service in our country. you have the very best medical care. um, put your faith in them and
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you'll come through this and be back on the throne before you know it. and back to public duty. just just lean on the people around you. you will be tired at times, but take it in a pace and look at the people around you. they will support you and the country will support you and the country will support you . and we want you to be well. you. and we want you to be well. we want you to have a speedy recovery and god bless you , paul >> thank you very, very much. that's paul burrell there of course, diana's confidant and recent cancer survivor as well , recent cancer survivor as well, just reacting to that news that king charles does sadly have cancen king charles does sadly have cancer, a form of cancer. the emails are flooding in at the moment. john says. we can only hope that doctors have found the king's cancer early on so we can make a full recovery. we, um, and we can only hope that all of his have come together to his family have come together to support difficult support him at this difficult time. we as a nation and the world him well. went out world wish him well. we went out a bit earlier on for a little bit earlier on for patrick christie's tonight, and spoke of the
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spoke to some members of the public. spoke to some members of the spoke to some members of the public. so we're going to be bringing their wishes bringing you their well wishes very, very shortly. but still to come, colin joins come, lady colin campbell joins me her reaction to me live to give her reaction to the king's cancer battle, including harry including her take on how harry and support the and meghan will support the monarch in the days ahead. plus what will be doing monarch in the days ahead. plus wisupport will be doing monarch in the days ahead. plus wisupport her will be doing monarch in the days ahead. plus wisupport her husband.. be doing monarch in the days ahead. plus wisupport her husband. all doing monarch in the days ahead. plus wisupport her husband. all that g to support her husband. all that and more from lady c very shortly, first doctor shortly, but first gp doctor lawrence gerlis will to lawrence gerlis will be on to discuss buckingham palace's state break down state on the king and break down the medical possibilities for charles in the days ahead. and of course, i do have a special panel of royal experts with you tonight and scoop. jessica tonight and royal scoop. jessica and large at the mail and editor at large at the mail on sunday, charlotte griffiths, former bbc top political correspondent, john correspondent, added sir john sergeant most patriotic sergeant and the most patriotic woman britain, belinda de woman in britain, belinda de lucy, all of that and much, lucy, so all of that and much, much way on much more coming your way on patrick tonight. we
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sunday mornings from 930 on gb news . news. >> this is patrick christys tonight only on gb news. now buckingham palace has tonight made public king charles's diagnosis of cancer. just over a week after a visit to a private london hospital for an unrelated prostate procedure . the king was prostate procedure. the king was then spotted looking quite frail at a church service in sandringham yesterday before buckingham palace told the nafion buckingham palace told the nation today during the king's recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. subsequent diagnostic tests have been identified as a form of cancer. his majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments. he remains wholly positive about his
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treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible. i'm joined now by private gp doctor laurence gerlis to shed some more light on the medical hurdles that could be facing the monarch. doctor laurence, when you look at this statement from the palace, what do you see with your medical hat on? what what do you think we know about the king's problems ? king's problems? >> well, i think the most telling piece of information is that he's been advised to avoid a public facing duties. i think you can infer what you like from that. but let me just go back because i've got it wrong. i assumed he'd had prostate cancer . in fact, i've been assuming it for a couple of weeks because nowadays we rarely do surgery for benign prostatic disease. so i. i was surprised. anyway, he was having an operation. i had assumed that they were keeping it quiet. and when the announcement first came out tonight, i wrongly assumed it was prostate cancer . so i've was prostate cancer. so i've been wrong once and it's difficult to speculate, i'll difficult to speculate, but i'll throw it back you and i can throw it back to you and i can let do speculation. if he
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let you do speculation. if he cannot be in public facing, um, situations . there's a reason for situations. there's a reason for that because his immunity will be affected and that's going to be affected and that's going to be by the treatment that he's probably already having. um, now there's a whole range of possibilities as to what sort of cancer he's got. and it may actually be helpful if they release that information , release that information, because i think it is quite frightening. listen, i wish him well. i'm sure he will do well. he's got the best quality of medical care. um, there's there are a few mutterings on social media about, well, wish media about, well, i wish everyone could have same everyone could have the same treatment. now may be a treatment. now that may be a little negative, but does little bit negative, but it does bnng little bit negative, but it does bring home to us how common cancer is. and we i know we have friends currently treated friends being currently treated for cancer. this is a frightening time because the mere mention of the word just upsets people. and there'll be people watching this who who need the reassurance and love that they're going to get first class treatment in the way that the king is. yeah >> doctor lawrence, when you go in for some kind of procedure
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that we believe the king did for an enlarged prostate, common that we believe the king did for arit nlarged prostate, common that we believe the king did for arit thatjed prostate, common that we believe the king did for arit that they rostate, common that we believe the king did for arit that they then e, common that we believe the king did for arit that they then find common is it that they then find something else? could you just talk us through that procedure a little bit, please? talk us through that procedure a littiyeah, please? talk us through that procedure a littiyeah, well, e? talk us through that procedure a littiyeah, well, it’ talk us through that procedure a littiyeah, well, it would be >> yeah, well, it would be common for most people. >> i'm just surprised that the king doesn't have regular blood tests. and regular scans. um and so i'm slightly surprised that this was an incidental diagnosis . this, um. now, it may well be, um, as a result of a blood test or maybe he would have had a full body ct scan which has picked up something incidental, and i suspect it's one of those two. there's either a blood test or a ct scan. has found something else . um, it's something else. um, it's interesting that he's not going back for further surgery. he's being treated as an outpatient. i do have i or 2 ideas, but i just think it would be a little bit unprofessional at this stage to speculate because as i say, i've already got it wrong. once i've already got it wrong. once ihave i've already got it wrong. once i have i or 2 ideas as a sort of cancer he might have, and i just
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wish the palace would actually let us know. so i think that would be useful for us and for other with similar other people with similar conditions. just just, just quickly, again , quickly, doctor lawrence again, you know, you're you know, without you're obviously reluctant to name i >> -- >> and i m >> and i think you're right to do that. by the way, what do you think might in your think it might be in your professional but in professional opinion. but in relation to you think relation to what you think it might you think that the might be, do you think that the king a relatively good king has a relatively good chance of recovery in today's with modern medicine, etc. >> hope so. and even >> i would hope so. and even what cancer is what i mean, prostate cancer is actually one of the better ones to he hasn't got that. to have. but he hasn't got that. i would if it's one i would think that if it's one of the given his age, he's 75. many of the conditions that are more serious, you can live for ten, 15 years. so i think he's he's got plenty of mileage left in him. and hopefully it's been caught early. okay >> doctor lawrence girl is their private gp. thank you very very much. now we will welcome tonight's panel. we've got editor at large and royal scoop gets a mail on sunday. charlotte griffiths. we've got former bbc chief political correspondent
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john sergeant and former brexit party mep and certainly a proud patriot , party mep and certainly a proud patriot, belinda de party mep and certainly a proud patriot , belinda de lucy. thank patriot, belinda de lucy. thank you very , very much, john. how you very, very much, john. how serious do you think this is? >> well, i think it is serious. i had the same operation for enlarged prostate a year ago and i was surprised at the beginning when they said he might be in for three days and i thought, that's a bit odd . i remember at that's a bit odd. i remember at the first night thinking, oh, i want home. and they said, want to go home. and they said, look, for another look, just stay for another night. for whatever reason, night. now, for whatever reason, whether were doing tests whether they were doing tests but what the but not telling me what the results i then left on results were. but i then left on the the second night, i only the on the second night, i only had two nights and i was raring to go home and i when queen camilla came out and said that the king was doing his best, i thought, that's pretty. so he was in for three nights doing his best and i thought, well, that seems strange . and then you that seems strange. and then you realise that by being open, which was of course marvellous, highly praised. he's open about these things, more open than
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when his grandfather had lung cancer and died. king charles x, king sorry, king george vi people didn't know what it was. and of course this is strikingly different and impressive. but it does mean inevitably , the does mean inevitably, the speculation, because people think what sort of what form of cancer , what are his chances? cancer, what are his chances? all perfectly reasonable questions and all those, of course, i'm afraid encourage edged by this evening's statement . statement. >> yeah, indeed. charlotte, your views on the announcement today we know that william will obviously be stepping up to the plate massively. as stands , plate massively. as it stands, harry back. meghan harry is coming back. meghan is not be him. you'll not going to be with him. you'll take that . take on that. >> well, i think i think probably he's right to leave meghan behind. know for meghan behind. we don't know for certain come. certain she won't come. by the way, but omitted her name way, but they omitted her name so likely. and so it's pretty likely. and i think it's going to be difficult for william to be honest, because with harry around, of course going have to course he's going to have to talk harry. i mean, is talk to harry. i mean, this is a man he literally has not said a word to months and months word to for months and months and months. um, think and months. um, but i think it'll be very reassuring for charles to have harry there. and
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i think when cancer comes up in a family, do of forget a family, you do kind of forget those, arguments, those, those arguments, at least for time being. those will for the time being. those will all be aside. and i think all be set aside. and i think that it be a really good that it could be a really good moment. there could only moment. there could be the only silver is that could silver lining here is that could be a really good moment for their relationship a father their relationship as a father and but it will a and son, but it will be a tremendously difficult for william. >> linda, what do you think >> but linda, what do you think this for i think this means for britain? i think the health and success of the royal intrinsically royal family is intrinsically unked royal family is intrinsically linked and success linked to the health and success of nation, and this is of the nation, and this is devastating news. but what's your what this means your take on on what this means for britain is it moment for for britain is it a moment for us all come together? do you us to all come together? do you think again? >> oh, very so. you know, >> oh, very much so. you know, for me the royal family, the monarchy is physical monarchy is a physical embodiment it's embodiment of the flag. it's part of they're part of our national identity. it's like having flag walk among us having our flag walk among us and uniting us all against a great symbol. and i think for many, for millions, the royal families also somewhat of an extension of their own family when they're in pain, when they're suffering, we feel it more than say, you know, distant politicians. i think it's the
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envy of the world having a monarchy. and the reason i'm so protective the monarchy is protective of the monarchy is because a deep because i have a deep appreciation of how lucky we are having this ancient institution instead of a politician. and in instead of a politician. and in in the same thread you were talking about, charlotte in terms of cancer, bringing families together, father, terms of cancer, bringing fami hadn't jether, father, terms of cancer, bringing famihadn't spoken father, terms of cancer, bringing fami hadn't spoken to father, terms of cancer, bringing famihadn't spoken to his|er, terms of cancer, bringing famihadn't spoken to his twin who hadn't spoken to his twin for 30 years, they did not get on at all, got a phone call a few years ago, out of the blue from his twin, to call him up to and tell him he had prostate cancer to and go and check it. and my father did, and he did have prostate cancer. and that olive branch between the two twins after 30 years, actually brought them, you know, closer together and saved my father's life. wow >> i was really, really interesting story, actually, and something that hopefully , you something that hopefully, you know, this royal family now can come together result of this. jon, do you think mistake jon, do you think it's a mistake to queen didn't, to go public? the queen didn't, did she? >> yeah. i think it's very >> yeah. no, i think it's very difficult modern terms difficult in modern terms because people people, as because people are people, as i say, the moment you know he's going in, you want to know what
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it's about. and everyone is concerned. then particularly in charles's the king charles's case, because the king has waited for so long to be king. he's prepared for it. we've all been for prepared it in terms of the family , it's in terms of the family, it's very much something that this is why i think it touches everyone in so closely, because we know him. we've known him for years and years, and we've known how much it means. and years, and we've known how much it means . 17 months after much it means. 17 months after his coronation then told that he's stepping back from his pubuc he's stepping back from his public duties now we know that there'll be the boxes and the audience with the prime minister every week, but it's not the same. this is a this is a very worrying period. and he's they're saying that he's going to have a schedule of treatments . it's a treatment schedule which implies that he's going to be on drugs or something regularly. it's going to be very unhappy. period. >> no it is. >> no it is. >> well, i was going to say he's just he's worked so hard and we've all been praising him for a year for doing a great job and be working his socks off. and,
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you has said he you know, his wife has said he really should slow down. and we've all said, hahaha, he really slow down. well, really should slow down. well, actually, really should have actually, he really should have slowed hope slowed down. and i really hope if through this, he if he comes through this, he takes and takes a real step back and doesn't quite so hard till doesn't work quite so hard till five morning. every five in the morning. every single night. >> no, look, absolutely. >> yeah, no, look, absolutely. and to say that we and i just want to say that we went out about a little bit went out and about a little bit earlier on and we were speaking to audrey, members of the public about king and about their well—wishes for him as well. i mean, is a story that mean, this is a story that absolutely rocked the nation. so we're to very, we're going to go to those very, very shortly. but i'll just tell you coming as well, you what's coming up as well, because story that has because it is the story that has rocked the nation. how will the british press be covering news of charles's battle? of king charles's cancer battle? how they behaving in the how will they be behaving in the days fleet street days to come? fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie gives days to come? fleet street leg expertlvin mackenzie gives days to come? fleet street leg expert reaction
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individuals. but first, it has been reported tonight that prince harry to board prince harry is set to board a flight to london accompany flight to london and accompany his cancer his father amid his cancer battle, while meghan markle stays in the us, taking stays at home in the us, taking care of their children. lady colin campbell joins me next to give her forensic analysis give her forensic royal analysis on monumental on what is a monumental development for the monarchy today
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monday to thursday from six till 930.
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>> welcome back to patrick christys tonight. now news of the king's cancer diagnosis has rocked the nation. we got the thoughts of everyday brits who pay thoughts of everyday brits who pay tribute to the monarch and wished him well for the long road ahead. >> yeah, well, listen, early diagnosis is the important thing . and if they've done that, then it's going to be good news for him hopefully. and he's going to get the best treatment that anyone so hopefully anyone can get. so hopefully charles a little charles has got a little bit left in yeah. left in him. yeah. >> we wish well speedy >> we wish you well speedy recovery. hopefully well terribly course. >> yeah of course. >> yeah of course. >> you know wish him all >> yeah. you know wish him all the i probably suffer from the best. i probably suffer from the best. i probably suffer from the problem. know the same problem. you know i think they are overworked and lots of expectation. yeah i think um, due to due to stress. >> you think he's been overworked? um, no, i think it's family stress because there's only so much people can take how. >> now. >> so far tonight, we have of course, had the views of a medical profession. we've also spoken to paul burrell to try and get the inside track of how the royal family themselves will be it, lot of be dealing with it, and a lot of journalism's top, top pundits
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about reaction about the media reaction and what expect going what we can expect going forward. but now the king's son, the duke of sussex, will be flying back to the uk in the coming days to visit his father and offer support. however, the office of the duke and duchess office of the duke and duchess of sussex have tonight confirmed to gb news that his to us here at gb news that his wife, meghan markle, will stay in states, leaving in the united states, leaving harry to travel alone. i'm delighted to be joined now by royal author and commentator lady campbell . lady c, lady colin campbell. lady c, thank you very much. to great see you. although of course it is depressing circumstances. see you. although of course it is dejdo.sing circumstances. see you. although of course it is dejdo you circumstances. see you. although of course it is dejdo you make nstances. see you. although of course it is dejdo you make nstharry. see you. although of course it is dejdo you make nstharry coming what do you make of harry coming home to his and home to see his father and brother ? brother? >> well, i don't think he's coming to see his brother, but i'm delighted to see that he's doing the decent thing and coming to see his father. and you know , i would say the only you know, i would say the only temptation for the family is to forgive and forget and don't. >> and not understand that leopards never change their spots . but leopards never change their spots. but i'm delighted leopards never change their spots . but i'm delighted that spots. but i'm delighted that meghan is coming, because that
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would have added a whole different awkward dimension to the whole situation. and as one of your men just said , you know, of your men just said, you know, a lot of this is stress related and i think the king can well do without any drama . without any drama. >> all right. i mean, i think it's obviously a good thing that harry is coming back. and surely this is an opportunity for reconciliation mean, reconciliation now. i mean, i think most people will absolutely prince harry absolutely agree. prince harry definitely doing the right thing here. if something can bring them together, it's them all together, surely it's this well , i them all together, surely it's this well, i think it is this lady c well, i think it is a good opportunity for improved relations . relations. >> i also speak from personal experience that the mistake people make in a situation like this is to think that a leopard changes its spot. leopards do not change their spots . as long not change their spots. as long as harry and meghan are together, there is no
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possibility of a genuine rapprochement . tom moore between rapprochement. tom moore between his family and him and his wife. so i think, though, that it will be a very nice thing for the king to have because the king has always said he loves harry and he would like to see that he and he would like to see that he and harry mend fences , and i'm and harry mend fences, and i'm delighted to see that harry is doing the decent thing. but the dangeris doing the decent thing. but the danger is to expect the leopard 2 change its spots. okay now, can we have a little word on camilla, please? >> because this will have rocked everybody behind the scenes. lady c won't it? and i mean, i know that you're aware of everything that goes on around the buckingham the corridors of buckingham palace , but what will be palace, but what will be happening with camilla now, do you think? >> well , of course you think? >> well, of course she's going to be worried , you know, but to be worried, you know, but they've caught it early and you know, it's an inadvertent catch
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and, and you know , as long as and, and you know, as long as you get good treatment, hopefully everything will be okay. i mean, these things are never 100% certain, but he he will have the very best medical treatment on earth. and hopefully everything is going to be okay. and of course, she's going to be worried. she loves him very much . him very much. >> okay. and look, what do you think about the fact that the king has gone public with this? there was the initial announcement that he was going in for treatment on an enlarged prostate. and then this announcement has announcement today that he has a form of cancer. what read form of cancer. what do you read into that? form of cancer. what do you read inthell? form of cancer. what do you read inthell , i'm trying to respect >> well, i'm trying to respect the fact that the king doesn't actually want anybody to know what the form of cancer is . i what the form of cancer is. i mean, as you might know , there mean, as you might know, there have been announcements made as to what it is not, but i would prefer not to be drawn on what
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it might be because, you know, it's an invasion of his privacy and as long as he doesn't want to reveal it, i think we should respect that. he has already revealed that he does have cancer and that it was caught during, uh, the investigation. with regard to his prostate. so i mean, if people add up to and two, they will come up with four or maybe even five, but they're not going to come up with 27. and you know, i think we just leave it at that. and and you know, i think the king will keep everybody abreast as and when it is necessary. and i think we should give him space. i mean, you know, the man is 70 something years old. he worked like a slave constantly and i think he's had the most awful time, not only in terms of having succeeded his mother, which he's done very well with.
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but, you know, he's had all of his stresses and dramas to do with harry and meghan, which have helped nobody at all. and hopefully harry and meghan will now take their their foot off that accelerator so that the car will not continue. >> well, hopefully, hopefully. >> well, hopefully, hopefully. >> ladies, see this is something that can bring be bring people together. like with many families in times of great adversity. i'm really grateful for you coming on tonight and adversity. i'm really grateful for y0|you�*ning on tonight and adversity. i'm really grateful for y0|you very, on tonight and adversity. i'm really grateful for y0|you very, very»night and adversity. i'm really grateful for y0|you very, very much.and adversity. i'm really grateful for y0|you very, very much. that thank you very, very much. that is colin campbell now is lady colin campbell now joining studio is joining me live in the studio is social and gb news social commentator and gb news regular albie amankona. now regular is albie amankona. now we thank good evening very we thank you. good evening very much. to you in the much. great to have you in the studio. now prince harry will be obviously coming back to visit the king without his wife or his two understand two children. as we understand it. saw you tweeted it. but i saw that you tweeted something branding something earlier on branding the between the ongoing separation between king charles his king charles and his two grandchildren. could you grandchildren. cruel. could you tell me a bit more on that, please? >> well, i think, like everyone in the country, i was shocked and to hear the news and saddened to hear the news about king charles ii earlier on today and his cancer diagnosis.
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and i commend being and i commend him for being pubuc and i commend him for being public hope it public about it, and i hope it does encourage men to be does encourage more men to be open about their health struggles. on point struggles. but on the point about coming, about prince harry coming, i think that is a good thing. it is absolutely a good thing. but i think it is cruel and wicked in a sense, for children, grandchildren to be separated from their grandparents for no apparent reason. and i would implore prince harry to be bringing along those two grandchildren who i'm sure the king loves very much. over to the united kingdom to get to know and love their grandfather, the king. prince archie and princess lilibet , it would seem princess lilibet, it would seem barely even know him and might not even remember him if they don't get the chance to meet him sooi'i. 500“. >> soon. >> and do you think that will be again another wonderful opportunity, really, for this reconciliation? it's important as well frame this in the as well to frame this in the tone of this. it's i think everyone wants reconciliation . everyone wants reconciliation. nobody kind of nobody is enjoying the kind of division and hatred and the division and the hatred and the disagreement that we've seen spill everywhere in the spill out everywhere in the royal family at the moment. and
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it something that comes up it is something that comes up time comes up time and time again and comes up time and time again and comes up time time again in the gb time and time again in the gb views well. i will views inbox as well. i will go to that shortly, which is about surely, surely prince harry's kids to get to know the kids have got to get to know the king at some point. >> well, speaking from a personal experience, patrick, one important one of the most important relationships in my life has been the relationships that i have with my two living grandparents , yao and elizabeth. grandparents, yao and elizabeth. >> one of them 87, the other well into their 90s now, and i think it has been such a privilege and an honour to know them when know there are them when i know that there are so other people who never so many other people who never got the chance to meet their grandparents were got the chance to meet their gralongernts were got the chance to meet their gra longer with were got the chance to meet their gra longer with them were got the chance to meet their gra longer with them when were got the chance to meet their gra longer with them when theye no longer with them when they were alive, and with prince archie princess lilibet . archie and princess lilibet. they grandparents that are they have grandparents that are alive, but they're not in touch with them, and i just can't help but that that is but feel that that is desperately sad . and i really do desperately sad. and i really do hope that this can be a chance for reconciliation and i really do hope that prince arch and princess lilibet get know princess lilibet can get to know their in the united their family here in the united kingdom. we? kingdom. are we? >> you very, very much. >> thank you very, very much. really on the
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really great to have you on the show. is albie amankona show. that is albie amankona there, who will be on the saturday five every single saturday. what that saturday. what time is that again? albert? 7:00 7:00 every single there go. single saturday. there we go. look. more expert look. coming up, more expert analysis on the way. as i dive deep with former director of the world organisation's world health organisation's cancer , professor karol cancer program, professor karol sikora, who will give his take on king charles's cancer battle. but next, former sun editor kelvin mackenzie joins me live to the lid on what will be to lift the lid on what will be going on with newspapers at the moment . how will they be moment. how will they be handung moment. how will they be handling seismic news story handling this seismic news story from buckingham palace? what will on there? will be going on there? and a bit on the political reaction as well. you what well. i'll be telling you what sunak has said, what starmer has said, biden and what trump said, what biden and what trump have it's have said. stay tuned. it's patrick
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it's patrick christys tonight. we are only on gb news as we've been hearing already. the nation, of course, is reeling from the news tonight that king charles has been
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diagnosed with a form of cancer. but some just can't help themselves taking cheap themselves from taking a cheap shot monarch. with shot at the monarch. with academic lisa academic and broadcaster lisa mackenzie writing what an insult to all of us that the king can get an immediate diagnosis and treatment for cancer. while people sit and suffer on nhs waiting lists for years . i'm waiting lists for years. i'm joined now by the former editor of the sun, kelvin mackenzie. kelvin what do you make of this? is, by the way, doing the rounds a lot on social media at the moment. >> it's what you'd expect rather than rather, you know, revolting people having a view. >> the most important person, the continuum of power in our country has been the royal family and honestly, we all love the queen and bizarrely, now we all love charles and we love his queen. it's a very strange. there are a percentage, and one of the great things about free speech is that these horrible people can have this view, but they don't represent anything. and like doing, they and what they like doing, they know well if they know full well that if they tweet or whatsapp it, they tweet it or whatsapp it, they know that their minority view
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will get publicity. so so anyway, nobody takes it right that we have a hierarchy. >> you know, this is the thing for me. when you look at any kind of nature documentary whatsoever, there a hierarchy whatsoever, there is a hierarchy in kingdom. now. in the animal kingdom. now. people might loathe it about humans, have a hierarchy. humans, but we have a hierarchy. the king right at the top of the king is right at the top of that. he should be getting, should he not? the best care, even better care even if that means better care than else. why do we than anybody else. why do we have to level down for the king? >> oh yes. no, i totally agree. and him. and and we want him. and the alternative having king alternative to not having king charles being right up there charles and being right up there is actually a president heseltine . or in the old days of heseltine. or in the old days of president prescott . we don't president prescott. we don't want that. right. what we like, we like, it works nice. how much is that worth to us as a country, as a tourist attraction 7 country, as a tourist attraction ? it's worth billions to us. so you know, when there is a serious issue like this actually the country i have a i have a kind of a stepdaughter who's like 26, 27, she's quite shocked
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about all this , and i think so. about all this, and i think so. i think it transcends generations . generations. >> all right. can i just ask you, with your fleet street cap on now, the fact that he's gone public, this is a feeding frenzy for the british press, is it not less, actually, strangely less so than it would have been 30 or 40 years ago. >> because what would have happened 30 or 40 years ago is that that the journalists would have identified wide awake, cancerous and published that cancerous is and published that and that would have been part of the kind of tabloid culture you do that today without the permission of the people involved, right? you will suffer a huge commercial effect . and a huge commercial effect. and so, for instance , princess kate, so, for instance, princess kate, nobody has ever said, actually, this is what this is. and they don't do it because people would stop either reading their news digests or reading their papers. the world has changed. yeah yeah, the world has changed. >> definitely. i mean, back in the day, they'd go into the
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hospital and, well, they were there. >> i mean, the sun, they used to have a i used to hang up a white coat there and whenever any big story involved a hospital was on, the reporter would put on the old coat and the the old white coat and the stethoscope, and they'd down stethoscope, and they'd be down outside hospital outside king's college hospital before around. before he could turn around. it's remarkable things have it's remarkable how things have changed, calvin, politicians >> now look, calvin, politicians have been reacting to this news rishi sunak wishing his majesty a full and speedy recovery. sir keir sending his keir starmer also sending his good on good wishes to the monarch on behalf labour party and behalf of the labour party and the made it across the the news has made it across the pond. kelvin, because, writing on social media platform on his social media platform today, truth donald today, truth social, donald trump king trump said all in caps. king charles . he is charles has cancer. he is a wonderful man got to know wonderful man who i got to know well my presidency. we well during my presidency. we all he has a fast and all pray that he has a fast and full recovery. and asked about the king's cancer diagnosis dunng the king's cancer diagnosis during vegas. here during a trip to las vegas. here is biden had to is what joe biden had to say. the president i'm concerned about him. >> just heard his diagnosis , but >> just heard his diagnosis, but i'll be talking to him, god willing, calvin, i'll be talking to him , god willing, says biden. to him, god willing, says biden. >> what do you make of that? >> what do you make of that? >> well, unrwa fortunately , mr
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>> well, unrwa fortunately, mr biden is not obviously very quick on the uptake. he doesn't know how to do the basic things. well when you're when you're basically the leader of the western world. and, look, he didn't mean to be disrespectful . didn't mean to be disrespectful. it didn't come out very well. but the trouble with biden is that virtually nothing ever comes out very well. and it's a big, big problem , i think, for big, big problem, i think, for the west, when we when we have to listen to that. yeah. >> no. okay and firstly sorry. lastly i should say just a message from, you know, message for you from, you know, to from, from the king. what to you from, from the king. what do you think. do you think? do you think. what do you think? you would like to say you know, would you like to say to charles really? to king charles now, really? and the family. the royal family. >> look, what's >> well, look, i look what's happening in royal family happening in the royal family we've got princess kate. not obviously in great shape obviously not in great shape until the easter. you've got charles, andrew, who is clearly not going to be able to fill the gap. right. for obvious reasons. you've got harry not bringing his mrs. and his children over. now that that is a really
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strange decision, because all it doesisit strange decision, because all it does is it continues to focus the spotlight on the difficulties. there aren't a lot of members of the royal family who can fill in for charles. and, you know , they're going to and, you know, they're going to have to deal with it. so instead of the after all, charles wanted to reduce the size of the royal family. actually we may not have enough open various things. enough to open various things. >> exactly. calvin , >> yeah, exactly. look, calvin, thank very much. that thank you very, very much. that is of the sun, is the former editor of the sun, kelvin mackenzie now royal is the former editor of the sun, kelvin and
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christys tonight. we're only on gb judith raanan . gb news. judith raanan. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news . boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news. news. >> good evening, alex burkill here again with your latest gb news. weather forecast . whilst news. weather forecast. whilst for many, especially in the south, it's going to stay mild as we go into tomorrow, further north some colder air north we have some colder air pushing way southwards. pushing its way southwards. that's front that's coming in behind a front which lingering across which has been lingering across scotland a little while now scotland for a little while now and has already brought some significant heavy, significant rain. that heavy, persistent rain is going to continue to little bit continue to edge a little bit further southwards overnight, pushing into southern scotland, northern and also northern england and also northern the northern ireland. two to the north then that colder north of this. then that colder air. we are likely to see air. and so we are likely to see some showers turning wintry and some showers turning wintry and some icy patches first thing tuesday morning. a cold start here, much milder, further south. a picture keeping south. a cloudy picture keeping temperatures up overnight, many places starting the day in double figures as we go through the the day. tuesday, the rest of the day. on tuesday, that rain continues to feed
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further southwards, spreading into more central parts of england and across where england and across wales, where the could be pretty heavy the rain could be pretty heavy at saying drier further at times, saying drier further south, though largely cloudy , south, though largely cloudy, any going to any sunshine is going to be pretty . sunnier skies pretty limited. sunnier skies further much of further north across much of scotland northern ireland, scotland and northern ireland, though for though watch out for a scattering wintry showers and scattering of wintry showers and a north south split in our a real north south split in our temperatures. mildest the temperatures. mildest in the south. around 14 or 15 south. highs of around 14 or 15 celsius. wednesday is looking like a largely dry but rather chilly day . however, as go chilly day. however, as we go into thursday, potential for into thursday, the potential for a system to push into cold air across the uk, bringing the risk of significant snow , there of some significant snow, there is uncertainty to is some uncertainty as to exactly where and when we're going see the heaviest snow, going to see the heaviest snow, but moment looks most but at the moment it looks most likely central and likely across central parts and we warning in force we do have a warning in force with places seeing chilly with many places seeing a chilly feel . feel. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's 10 pm. i'm patrick christys tonight. king charles the third has cancer. here's buckingham palace statement for you. it is not prostate cancer , you. it is not prostate cancer, but what is it? ex—world health organisation cancer expert joins me next and we are live at buckingham palace for the very latest with our royal correspondent cameron walker. also harry's coming home. meghan is not with him. i speak to meghan markle's brother later this hour to find out what's going on there. plus what does this mean for william kate's recovering. his father has cancer. recovering. his father has cancer . please spare a thought cancer. please spare a thought for him. i will have all of tomorrow's front pages today for you as soon as they come out. and on my panel tonight, it is royal scoop getting an editor at large of the mail on sunday. charlotte griffiths ex bbc political chief and titan of the game, john sergeant and the most patriotic woman in britain, it is lucy the is belinda de lucy and the pubuc
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is belinda de lucy and the public their best. public send their best. >> it was good that he's advertised it and he's put it out there for everyone else to see. get better thank you see. get better soon. thank you for broadcasting it. >> ah well, there we go. look. get ready britain here we go. >> the latest on king charles's cancer diagnosis. >> next . the cancer diagnosis. >> next. the main cancer diagnosis. >> next . the main news cancer diagnosis. >> next. the main news on gb news at 10:00. >> as you've been hearing, king charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer . the charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. the diagnosis came after a successful treatment for an enlarged prostate , during which prostate, during which a separate issue of concern was discovered by surgeons. many have been wishing him well online. the prime minister wishing the king a full and speedy recovery and saying he'll no doubt be back to full
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strength in no time. and the labour leader today, sir keir starmer, saying on behalf of his party i wish his majesty all the best for his recovery . well, the best for his recovery. well, the king will begin a schedule of treatment and will continue to undertake official paperwork . undertake official paperwork. although his doctors have advised him to stand back from pubuc advised him to stand back from public facing duties. buckingham palace has said the king is feeling wholly positive about his treatment so well in the other development, this afternoon, a source close to the duke of sussex says he's spoken with his father about the cancer diagnosis and will now travel to the uk to see him in the coming days. we understand prince william and prince harry learning of their father's cancer diagnosis directly from king charles himself . cancer diagnosis directly from king charles himself. in cancer diagnosis directly from king charles himself . in the king charles himself. in the united states, president biden has been telling reporters he'd heard about the diagnosis, wished the king well and planned to speak to him later. now, gb news has been on the streets of london, asking londoners how they felt upon hearing the news.
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>> i think it's very sad. i think it's that, um, you know, it's coming a year after the coronation. and so i think my thoughts are with him, with the family . family. >> it's a bit of a sorry. it's a bit of a shock. like i'm genuinely ha heartfelt thoughts. >> that's so sad . i mean, you >> that's so sad. i mean, you would think that if anybody . but would think that if anybody. but i wish him well. >> well, i'm very sad to hear this. very sorry to hear. and i pray that he will recover. you know, the treatment that could have the best doctors. >> he's got the best chance, age against him. rest up boy. londoners reacting to the news of king charles's cancer diagnosis a short time ago. >> well , just time for one more >> well, just time for one more story tonight. a manhunt is still on to catch suspected chemical attacker abdul ezedi . chemical attacker abdul ezedi. tonight, the metropolitan police saying that a 22 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender. gb
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news south—east of england correspondent ray addison has the latest . the latest. >> well, matt, police saying now that the focus of this manhunt for azadi is well and truly on south london, he was last seen at 9:50 pm. on wednesday evening in the suffolk bridge area . police releasing a cctv area. police releasing a cctv footage of him there . a man, footage of him there. a man, a 22 year old man, was arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender that is, suspicion of potentially helping azadi after the attack on wednesday night. he was taken to a london police station but released this afternoon on bail. police say as well they've been tracking azad's bank card that's not been used since wednesday night. they say there's two possibilities for that. either he's come to some form of harm or he's now being sheltered by addison. >> reporting there . this is gb >> reporting there. this is gb news. britain's news channel .
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news. britain's news channel. >> welcome along to patrick christys tonight. now, the nafion christys tonight. now, the nation is, of course, reeling at king charles the third cancer diagnosis. i'm going to take you straight away to buckingham palace, where our royal correspondent, walker , correspondent, cameron walker, is cameron, thank you is for us. cameron, thank you very , very much. what's the very, very much. what's the latest, please ? latest, please? >> patrick, at 6:00, buckingham palace released a statement confirming the king had been diagnosed with a form of cancer. now it's understood it is not prostate cancer . a few weeks prostate cancer. a few weeks ago, he was in hospital receiving treatment on an enlarged prostate, which the palace told us was benign. but this is a separate issue. the doctors found when dealing with that one. he's being treated as an outpatient, which means he'll receive hospital treatments , but receive hospital treatments, but then come home to clarence then will come home to clarence house evening rather than house in the evening rather than stay in hospital. in stay overnight in hospital. in other news tonight, the duke of sussex , prince harry, he has sussex, prince harry, he has spoken to the king about his diagnosis now making diagnosis and is now making plans to to london and plans to come to london and leave his wife two children leave his wife and two children at to be with his father,
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at home to be with his father, the king. prince william is understood, always, is the understood, as always, is the case is in constant contact with his father as well. the king is still well enough, we're told, to carry out constitutional dufies to carry out constitutional duties going through those government's boxes and government's red boxes and signing official government's papers and attending privy council meetings, and his meeting with the prime minister that happens every week, buckingham palace are really keen that they don't want lots of people speculating about the diagnosis, real diagnosis, but it's a real balancing for buckingham balancing act for buckingham palace hand, palace because on the one hand, the king is a private individual who has a right to have medical details on the other, details private. on the other, he's is he's head of state and it is a legitimate public interest that we should know about the king's diagnosis course, it diagnosis of course, it emphasises the fragility of the slimmed down monarchy. we've now got the princess of got the king and the princess of wales of action for some wales out of action for some time. the king will not doing time. the king will not be doing pubuc public engagements for quite some time, but he remains positive . we're told by positive. we're told by buckingham evening buckingham palace this evening and is looking forward to returning to public as returning to public duties as soon possible . soon as possible. >> thank you very much. that's cameron there. our royal cameron walker there. our royal correspondent buckingham
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cameron walker there. our royal correspforient buckingham cameron walker there. our royal correspfor us. buckingham cameron walker there. our royal correspfor us. look, buckingham cameron walker there. our royal correspfor us. look, joining ingham cameron walker there. our royal correspfor us. look, joining me|am palace for us. look, joining me now the news that now to react to the news that the king has cancer is the former director of the world health cancer health organisation's cancer program, professor karol sikora . program, professor karol sikora. professor, thank very much professor, thank you very much for tremendous to forjoining us. tremendous to have the show. what do have you on the show. what do you make of what we've been told so professional opinion? >> well, it's a bit of a medical puzzle, as you know. he goes into hospital nearly two weeks ago benign condition of ago with a benign condition of the prostate. clearly, something's found, something's been found, whether it's biopsy, it's been found in the biopsy, that's likely thing. that's the most likely thing. when the tissue is removed from the prostate to essentially decode the outlet of the bladder and that's been sent for pathology. it takes about ten days get the result because days to get the result because it requires special staining. some cases molecular analysis. and that's come back and it's obviously showing cancer. the likely sites could be bladder or it could be in the lymph nodes around that area . we just don't around that area. we just don't know the good news for the king for and all of us is that clearly they have done tests to look and see if there was any
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involvement of the liver, lungs and bones before they did the surgery anyway, just routinely, everyone would get the same on the nhs. no problem . um, and uh, the nhs. no problem. um, and uh, clearly it was negative before. so it is, as we've heard said, a problem for the palace. how open to be when maybe no one's really sure at the moment. more tests may be needed and certainly some sort of treatment is going to be needed. i suspect radio therapy is being planned because that is something that the palace have put out as well, saying that he is going to avoid and postpone pubuc is going to avoid and postpone public facing duties. >> what do you read into that ? >> what do you read into that? >> what do you read into that? >> i suspect he's going to have a course of treatment. probably as i say, radiotherapy to somewhere in the pelvis down the bottom there, the bladder and the chances of success are high. >> you know, as you get older and i'm the same age as the king, uh, the cancer tends to grow more slowly. it's a puzzle . grow more slowly. it's a puzzle. we don't know why, but it grows
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more slowly. and, you know , the more slowly. and, you know, the chances of having a normal life span are great. >> i think he'll do well. >> i think he'll do well. >> he's a great believer in openness, as we've seen . i think openness, as we've seen. i think the problem at the moment is not hiding anything. >> it's just uncertain what's happening. >> and i'm sure clarity will come over the weekend and okay. >> all right . do you come over the weekend and okay. >> all right. do you think the chances of success are relatively high and you think just looking at what we know so far in your professional opinion, does look as though opinion, does it look as though they probably have caught something quite early here? i mean, it obviously mean, it was obviously unexpected, mean, it was obviously une it»ected, mean, it was obviously une it was d, mean, it was obviously une it was completely unexpected. >> it was completely unexpected. >> it was completely unexpected. >> so that suggests that it has been caught early. if it is a small bladder tumour , for small bladder tumour, for example, could be relatively example, it could be relatively minor treatment. it's difficult to give a prognosis an outcome without knowing all the details. it's very difficult for doctors all the time. >> we're facing these decisions and patients are very good about it. >> what's great about the king is it's. and the palace, how they're handling it is they brought it out into the open,
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which is great for all the cancer patients all around the country. >> yes, indeed. what do you make of him going public with it, then? do you think that this is likely that it will make other people checked? people get checked? how important mean, every important is that? i mean, every single really, single family really, unfortunately, uk is at unfortunately, in the uk is at some point touched by that horrible hand cancer. horrible hand of cancer. >> absolutely. know, when i >> absolutely. you know, when i started years started in oncology, many years ago, we didn't tell people that cancen ago, we didn't tell people that cancer, we had all sorts of lies that we told them about cysts, about infections. that's all gone. and what the king's doing is bringing it right out into the open . and that can only be the open. and that can only be for everybody's good. it helps to treat someone if you're being honest with them, to hide information from one family member and not others is very confusing for everybody . confusing for everybody. >> can i just ask you how important will family medical history be here? you know, when you go in for a kind of procedure, very they say procedure, very often they say to what's your family to you, look, what's your family history? presumably could history? that presumably could have led to form of check have led to some form of check for king charles that maybe otherwise wouldn't have been done. we are .
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done. and here we are. >> about 10% of cancer has a family background. there's something in the genetics of the family that's resulted in the cancer. family that's resulted in the cancer . as we go forward with cancer. as we go forward with all the dna analysis that's going on, we'll work out much more precisely what your risk is. >> patrick. and you know, we'll work out everybody's risk . but work out everybody's risk. but at the moment it's sort of in its infancy. so all we can look at is what family history you have of cancer . at is what family history you have of cancer. but i think it's important that everything is done openly because if you don't know, your granddad had cancer , know, your granddad had cancer, you're not going to realise that there inherited there could be an inherited pattern could change for pattern that could change for the better. the way that you're treated. absolutely >> look, carol, thank you very, very much. that is professor karol sikora there. he's the former director the world former director of the world health cancer health organisation's cancer program really program with some really fascinating insight there. i'm going to get the thoughts of my panel now. we've got editor at large the on sunday, large at the mail on sunday, charlotte griffiths, we've got former bbc chief political correspondent and correspondent john sergeant and former mep belinda former brexit party mep belinda de lucy. belinda, can start de lucy. belinda, can i start with this is with you? actually, this is something absolutely
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with you? actually, this is somethiroff absolutely with you? actually, this is somethiroff in absolutely with you? actually, this is somethiroff in my absolutely with you? actually, this is somethiroff in my inbothely with you? actually, this is somethiroff in my inbox atly with you? actually, this is somethiroff in my inbox at the popping off in my inbox at the moment, which is about some of the, i think it's fair to say, vile comments about, oh, it's all for king. he gets all right for the king. he gets to private. he gets best to go private. he gets the best medical the rest of us medical care, the rest of us were languishing on the nhs . were languishing on the nhs. what do you make of that? >> ah, i just i think it's quite cruel. mean, to start cruel. i mean, to start attacking someone who's just announced cancer. announced they have cancer. anyway very sad. but anyway i think is very sad. but also i don't have private health insurance. i use the nhs. i'm not envious or angry or hateful towards those who can. i wish them well. you know, they're they're not taking up a bed in they're not taking up a bed in the ward that i may, may use. i think all wishes for anyone who has cancer all over the world right now should just be good wishes, not this jealous, envious anger that it seems to trigger. and by the way, republicans have had day. republicans have had their day. patrick, these angry anti —royalists, patrick, these angry anti—royalists, peaked anti—royalists, you know, peaked on of january, 1649 on the 30th of january, 1649 when beheaded king charles when they beheaded king charles and the british people weren't having any of it. they rejected it and allowed ii to it and allowed charles ii to come in because we love our come back in because we love our royal this country.
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royal family in this country. >> now, john, do think >> yeah. now, john, do you think that potentially charles that potentially king charles backed himself into a bit of a corner here by initially saying he was going in for a benign, enlarged prostate? >> think that the >> well, i think that is the problem. know, once you problem. you know, that once you start saying it's not this, it's that. and we're all fine. it's going well. but we all know that when something like this happens , they can find other things. so there's always an element of doubt. there's always an element of doubt . and there's even, of doubt. and there's even, of course, now an element of doubt as to how how well he will get on with his treatment. so although everyone says, oh, you know, don't speculate, you know, that's all wrong. people are bound to speculate and people are bound to make comparisons with own lives. but that's with their own lives. but that's the of the royal family the strength of the royal family that feel. we know that people do feel. we know this man. we know about families. we've got our own families. we've got our own families to compare with, and people often do that in a very good way . so you can't sort of good way. so you can't sort of you can't have it both ways, saying, oh, he must be treated like a private individual. he's never been treated.
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>> but in your time cover, i mean, in your time covering royal news and there's been a heck of a lot of it. i mean, we were talking a bit air about were talking a bit off air about you were you were covering the evening of diana's death, for example. you we've evening of diana's death, for examjreally you we've evening of diana's death, for examjreally seen you we've evening of diana's death, for examjreally seen anyone e've never really seen anyone come out about medical out publicly about medical conditions the royal family, conditions in the royal family, have we? >> like this. and of >> no, not like this. and of course, it. it's course, it's it. it's marvellous. you know, at one level, is sort of this is level, this is sort of this is grown up sovereignty, isn't it? grown saying, look, grown up behaviour saying, look, i've serious. i've got this, it's serious. it can rather than can be treated rather than treating cancer as a kind of awful, sort of dreadful sort of word. it like saying don't word. isn't it like saying don't go there because they've got go in there because they've got cancer , you know, this is , cancer, you know, and this is, after all, where, where diana was so good, you know, going into hospitals and the whole idea here that that we should be so terrified and it's sort of voodoo curse , you know, don't voodoo curse, you know, don't talk to that person because they've got cancer . well, so they've got cancer. well, so it's very important for, for the king to make it clear that, no, he's not going to do that. >> charlotte, what will this mean for the royal family in
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terms of them coming together? now? that harry is now? we know that harry is flying meghan and the flying back. meghan and the children, as we understand it, are him. there was are not with him. there was actually quite a lot of controversy previous controversy in the previous houn controversy in the previous hour. people saying, look, why doesn't he bring the grandkids with know, it not with him? you know, is it not fair that these children should have relationship have some form of relationship with no. with our king? no. >> think mean, i think >> and i think i mean, i think he probably will bring the grandchildren over, but we should that should be worried if that happens. know what i happens. do you know what i mean? because i think if there's a point where meghan and the grandchildren a point where meghan and the gra know.dren a point where meghan and the gra know that he does like to we know that he does like to keep them in america and keep them away, you know, it them away, um, you know, it might something really might mean something really serious on. so i think serious is going on. so i think we should actually be kind of relieved if she does stay behind. know, he'll behind. um, but, you know, he'll behind. um, but, you know, he'll be to see his grandkids. be dying to see his grandkids. he's a real softie at prince charles. he actually really loves grandchildren. like, loves his grandchildren. like, genuinely, loves genuinely, you know, he loves playing he loves playing with them. he loves being grandchildren. being around his grandchildren. it's you it's times like this when you think actually really sad think it's actually really sad he doesn't know them that well. >> indeed. and i'm >> yeah. no, indeed. and i'm just now because just going to play now because we about earlier on and we went out about earlier on and we went out about earlier on and we were speaking ordinary we were speaking to ordinary members british
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members of the great british public. we are the people's channel public. we are the people's channel, story. channel, and this is a story. whenever you get a royal story with the magnitude of this and this, to say this, it's important to say as well. don't think has ever well. i don't think has ever really happened before where, well. i don't think has ever real know, pened before where, well. i don't think has ever real know, pe servingore where, well. i don't think has ever real know, pe serving monarch , well. i don't think has ever realknow,pe serving monarch has you know, a serving monarch has come and revealed that they come out and revealed that they are battling a cancer, diagnosed come out and revealed that they arethettling a cancer, diagnosed come out and revealed that they ar> that's so sad. i mean, you would think if anybody. but would think that if anybody. but i him well. i wish him well. >> i'm very sad to hear >> well, i'm very sad to hear this. very sorry to hear. and i pray that he will re cover. you know, the treatments have the best know, the treatments have the bes he's got the best chance this >> he's got the best chance this age him . rest up boy .
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age against him. rest up boy. >> an opportunity for >> belinda. an opportunity for the nation to come together i think. isn't it really? >> definitely. and i think it's certainly in the current climate where there's lot of identity where there's a lot of identity politics, division, many politics, division, and many people everything they people feel like everything they know and love about our traditions , culture, history may traditions, culture, history may at times be under attack. i think it's wonderful for people to come together. it is the one thing the flag, the monarchy, to come together him well. come together and wish him well. and the wonderful people and i think the wonderful people you've shown you've interviewed have shown such such you know, you such, such love. you know, you don't love every don't have to love every individual the royal family individual of the royal family to have great appreciation for the deeply wish wish the monarchy. i deeply wish wish the monarchy. i deeply wish wish the well this. and of the king well on this. and of course, kathy chin as well, course, uh, kathy chin as well, because she's she's had a rough time because she's she's had a rough timyeah. because she's she's had a rough tim yeah. just because she's she's had a rough timyeah. just a word on that. >> yeah. just an a word on that. just very quickly. i know i'm going to get shouted out in my ear here because we are a bit oven ear here because we are a bit over. but just word on that, over. but just a word on that, catherine is still struggling. yes, catherine's done what charles done, is charles hasn't done, which is actually kept completely silent on what her condition which on what her condition is, which is perhaps, maybe thing, is perhaps, maybe a good thing, because from because what we're learning from the experience is he was
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the charles experience is he was very open and about the very open and honest about the prostate now he's rowing back >> and now that he's rowing back on it's very on full openness, it's very conspicuous. but what kate's doing is staying completely silent. hear she's silent. but we do hear she's okay. home. she might okay. she's at home. she might not william her side not have william by her side as much wants, wants to much as she wants, wants him to be, because going to be be, because he's going to be extremely overcommitted. he's back on wednesday, back on duty on wednesday, i believe. >> no indeed. and we are >> yeah. no indeed. and we are going you all of >> yeah. no indeed. and we are goirvery you all of >> yeah. no indeed. and we are goirvery latest you all of >> yeah. no indeed. and we are goirvery latest front you all of >> yeah. no indeed. and we are goirvery latest front pagesll of >> yeah. no indeed. and we are goirvery latest front pages as»f the very latest front pages as well. you'll be hearing more well. so you'll be hearing more from panel then, because from our panel then, because we'll see what of scoops, we'll see what kind of scoops, etc, they've got of etc, that they've got on all of your newspaper front page a little later on. but coming little bit later on. but coming up, we will exclusive up, we will get exclusive reaction stateside to king charles's as charles's cancer battle as thomas meghan thomas markle jr. meghan markle's me live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his 's me live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his take me live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his take on me live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his take on the me live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his take on the story|e live thomas markle jr. meghan ma his take on the story that e for his take on the story that has rocked world and the has rocked the world and the fact his sister to fact that his sister appears to be staying in america be staying put in america throughout it. but first, royal author journalist phil author and journalist phil dampier the dampier has been ahead of the game to breaking game when it comes to breaking massive scoops over the massive royal scoops over the years. phil here live next to years. phil is here live next to give on all of give the lowdown on what all of this for the monarchy, how this means for the monarchy, how the king and queen camilla will be feeling and how he knew be feeling and how much he knew of seismic development of this seismic development before broke earlier
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before the news broke earlier today. this is patrick christys tonight only on
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sunday mornings from 930 on gb news . news. >> welcome back. now a little bit later on in the show, i will be bringing you the latest on the hunt for the alleged chemical attacker , abdul ezedi. chemical attacker, abdul ezedi. and also the startling news that the bibby stockholm home barge is housing asylum seekers.
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apparently 40 of them are looking to convert to christianity. what is the church of england's role now in our asylum system? but more now on king charles's cancer diagnosis with royal author and journalist phil dampier , who has an phil dampier, who has an intricate knowledge of the king's previous health ailments. phil thank you very much. look, it's great to join you. although, uh, under obviously quite although, uh, under obviously quitdear king, how will the our dear king, how will the monarch be tackling this latest hurdle? are you hearing ? hurdle? what are you hearing? >> good evening . >> yeah. good evening. >> yeah. good evening. >> patrick. >> patrick. >> uh, first thing to say, obviously, is to wish the king a speedy recovery. sure we all speedy recovery. i'm sure we all do i mean, it's very do that. i mean, it's very worrying. this isn't just, worrying. this isn't it just, uh, into his reign. i uh, 17 months into his reign. i mean, i was told about ten years ago, in that his biggest ago, in fact, that his biggest fear that then—prince charles was that he would actually die before his mother and never become king, or fortunately, of course, that that never happen. and, all the same is and, uh, but all the same is extremely worrying. mean, extremely worrying. i mean, everyone everyone's saying today how is and he is fit. how fitting he is and he is fit. uh, know, he eats very well . uh, you know, he eats very well. he's still very slim. he can fit into military uniforms that he had, 50 years ago, but he's
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had, uh, 50 years ago, but he's actually had quite, a quite a history of medical things. i mean, i don't know if i've got time to go through it all, to be honest. >> well. please try. yeah >> well. please try. yeah >> well, when he was 80, he had, uh, he had his tonsils out when he was 12, he had a burst appendix that was actually hushed up a bit. >> that was quite >> i think that was quite serious. of course, he's had several involving several accidents involving polo. his horse and polo. he fell off his horse and broke his arm famously, in the 1990s. >> and i remember actually in australia interviewing, uh, sarah key, physiotherapist who sarah key, a physiotherapist who was us she'd was telling us how she'd massaged back . massaged his back. >> he's already suffered with back problems and leapt into a pool to help him with his physio recovery from his broken arm. uh, years ago . few years uh, few years ago. few years ago, uh , he started getting ago, he, uh, he started getting chest pain . he thought he was chest pain. he thought he was having a heart attack. he went to i think that was 2009. in fact, it was something to do with gallbladder. um he's with his gallbladder. um he's had on me . uh, had keyhole surgery on me. uh, he's had he's fallen off his horse while he's been out. i mean, the list does go on, actually. so he has had his fair share. >> see that scar on his face?
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>> see that scar on his face? >> but that was another polo injury. he got back with a whack with a polo stick. >> and he does have this very red face. >> i'm told that sometimes he goes houses and goes into friends houses and he's actually smashed a window because he gets so hot at night that he wants to have fresh air. >> and i think that drives camilla bonkers sometimes when he wants to have the windows open, and she would have open, and she would like to have the heating on, um, the central heating on, but, um, he's his problems. um, he's got his problems. but, um, hopefully he's going to get over this one. >> they've called it early. >> they've called it early. >> well, indeed. and look, how >> they've called it early. >>you.l, indeed. and look, how >> they've called it early. >> you.l, ind> they've called it early. >> you.l, ind> they've called it early. >>you.l, ind
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longer, uh, in. post we may remember a couple of weeks ago, the queen of denmark abdicated and, uh, king frederick came to the throne. >> and i actually tweeted, i said i would rule said i didn't think i would rule that out for king charles a lot of people said, oh, you're talking rubbish. >> going to live he's >> he's going to live till he's 95, like his mother. >> he's going to live till he's 95, like itis mother. >> he's going to live till he's 95, like it would 1er. >> he's going to live till he's 95, like it would never happen. he >> uh, it would never happen. he would never abdicate. but i'm not you know, if he if not so sure, you know, if he if he have a serious illness, he does have a serious illness, if camilla became ill, for example, know, it's example, and, you know, it's only time, he'll only five years time, he'll be 80. think it might not be a 80. i think it might not be a badidea 80. i think it might not be a bad idea for him to hand on to william so that he can, you know, look after himself, enjoy william so that he can, you k|some)ok after himself, enjoy william so that he can, you k|some sortafter himself, enjoy william so that he can, you k|some sort ofzr himself, enjoy william so that he can, you k|some sort of retirement.enjoy william so that he can, you k|some sort of retirement. uh,’ a some sort of retirement. uh, and and can take and william and kate can take over who, let's be honest, are this glamorous couple. now, over who, let's be honest, are tidon't glamorous couple. now, over who, let's be honest, are tidon't gthat)rous couple. now, over who, let's be honest, are tidon't gthat is us couple. now, over who, let's be honest, are tidon't gthat is what's)le. now, over who, let's be honest, are tidon't gthat is what's going»w, i don't say that is what's going to happen, wouldn't to happen, but i wouldn't completely rule out. and completely rule it out. and certainly fact that william certainly the fact that william is coming back to work, i would say said he going say early, he said he was going to of ducking out of to be sort of ducking out of jobs while to look after jobs for a while to look after kate. he's going to be back in action in the next couple of days. and i think that's an indication of how serious this all is, because it's all very
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much resting now on on william and kate shoulders, and hope and kate shoulders, and we hope kate get better sooi'i. 500“. >> soon. >> yeah. well, i mean, that's another massive issue, isn't it? you herself not you know, kate herself has not been. like been. well, it looks like there's going quite a long there's going to be quite a long recovery what do you make recovery there. what do you make of harry coming back of prince harry coming back home? does like home? although it does look like he's home without he's coming back home without meghan without meghan and without the kids. i don't think he'll meghan. meghan and without the kids. i dori: think he'll meghan. meghan and without the kids. i dor i: thinkthink meghan. meghan and without the kids. i dori: thinkthink he'll meghan. meghan and without the kids. i dori: thinkthink he'll bring1an. meghan and without the kids. i dori: thinkthink he'll bring the >> i don't think he'll bring the kids this particular kids at this particular occasion. an opportunity, occasion. it is an opportunity, uh, fences, uh, uh, to mend some fences, uh, whether meet or whether william or meet him or not. my doubts. not. i have my doubts. i don't think think he'll think he will. i think he'll that probably the last thing that probably be the last thing he wants at the moment when he's looking kate. i don't looking after kate. i don't think particularly looking after kate. i don't think there,articularly looking after kate. i don't think there,articul'isy welcome there, which is a massive you never massive shame. but you never know. it might bring them together, certainly i think know. it might bring them togeiser, certainly i think know. it might bring them togeis hopefullytainly i think know. it might bring them togeis hopefully the ly i think know. it might bring them togeis hopefully the firsthink know. it might bring them togeis hopefully the first step this is hopefully the first step of reconciliation between of a reconciliation between harry father. harry and his father. >> not maybe >> yeah. does it not maybe indicate is actually indicate that there is actually prettyis coming home? i mean, harry is coming home? i mean, i would have the would have thought the coronation quite serious, coronation was quite serious, and harry bailey came home for that. >> yeah, i think it is serious, but we all know that relationships but but we all know that r
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is a that is on a different level. mean, must level. and i mean, harry must have reflecting on all have been reflecting on all this in few months. let's in the last few months. let's give him benefit of the give him the benefit of the doubt change. i mean, i'm doubt for a change. i mean, i'm not as great as fan as you not as great as a fan as you know, but, um, you know, at the end day, he is his son. end of the day, he is his son. he still loves let's he still loves his son. let's hope this the step. hope this can be the first step. how do think king charles how do you think king charles will actually be dealing with this? >> mean, em- em is a massive >> i mean, this is a massive shocker anybody. it's shocker for anybody. it's dreaded. unfortunately he well, the the law of the way things are, the law of averages statistics, averages or statistics, however you phrase do mean you want to phrase it, do mean that vast majority of that for the vast majority of us, will at some point get us, we will at some point get a cancer diagnosis. certainly somebody family or cancer diagnosis. certainly sonclosel family or cancer diagnosis. certainly sonclose circle family or cancer diagnosis. certainly sonclose circle friends ly or cancer diagnosis. certainly sonclose circle friends will' our close circle of friends will also get a cancer diagnosis. but it is an absolute dread for people to hear those words. isn't it ? as a person, how do isn't it? as a person, how do you think king charles will be deaung you think king charles will be dealing this now as a dealing with this now as a person you've noticed that no. >> um, i, i think it's very good that he's been open about it. um, you know, i think it sets a good example. it probably might help other people who are going through a similar of thing. through a similar sort of thing. um, he's going cope um, i think he's going to cope with it trying carry on.
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with it by trying to carry on. he's going on his he's going to carry on with his work. going to speak work. he's still going to speak to the prime on to the prime minister on a weekly going weekly basis. he's still going to boxes and to be getting those boxes and signing the official signing all the official documents where it might have a major year. major effect later in the year. is he think he was obviously is he i think he was obviously going to go canada. he was going to go to canada. he was obviously to obviously going to go to australia zealand. that australia and new zealand. that could burner. could be put on the back burner. and is a that is a shame and that is a that is a shame because obviously all those countries still head because obviously all those co state s still head because obviously all those co state s looking still head because obviously all those co state s looking forward d because obviously all those co state s looking forward to of state were looking forward to seeing camilla and they seeing him and camilla and they were the were due to go to the commonwealth heads of government conference in samoa. but that's later year. but if you if later in the year. but if you if he recovery, that he makes a good recovery, that might that be might still be on. that could be a problem. apart from a major problem. but apart from that, i think he'll just try and carry on as much as he as normal. >> brilliant. look, thank you very, always very, very much, phil. always a pleasure have you on that is pleasure to have you on that is royal author and journalist phil dampier. running us through royal author and journalist phil dampof. running us through royal author and journalist phil dampof. king'sng us through royal author and journalist phil dampof. king's previous'ough some of the king's previous health wishing him some of the king's previous healtand wishing him some of the king's previous healtand having wishing him some of the king's previous healtand having a wishing him some of the king's previous healtand having a lookhing him some of the king's previous healtand having a lookhing hias well and having a look ahead as well and having a look ahead as well as the potential for well as to the potential for reconciliation. when prince harry touches down harry touches back down in britain soon. but as we were discussing prince harry discussing there, prince harry is to uk to be is jetting back to the uk to be with meghan with his father. meghan markle stays the now. her stays at home in the us now. her brother thomas markle jr will
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join live a little bit later join me live a little bit later on his exclusive on to give his exclusive reaction. what could the possibility be for a chance of reconciliation now? what would possibility be for a chance of rec
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radio. >> it's patrick christys tonight we're on gb news and it's time to bring you tomorrow's news tonight in our paper review , the tonight in our paper review, the very first front pages have just been handed to me . right. we go
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been handed to me. right. we go with the metro king has cancer. doc's discovery during surgery. harry flying in to see his father. let's go to the independent. king charles is diagnosed with cancer. a picture of him and camilla palace makes shock announcement. the daily star for king charles i have cancen star for king charles i have cancer. interesting turn of phrase there. given the seriousness of this particular issue. uh, they're also going to go to the guardian. now uh, there's a rather large picture of taylor swift on the front page there. and women dominating the grammys. they also do mention king charles, diagnosed with cancer. palace says, um , so with cancer. palace says, um, so there we go. that's the guardian's take on events. the i senior royals set to stand in while charles steps back. so princess anne, they've got a picture of prince. uh andrew, baby. there. i think it's hard for me to make out. actually, i've only got a small copy of it. definitely. prince william there. how cancer survival rates it. definitely. prince william there improved cer survival rates it. definitely. prince william there improvedcer olderal rates it. definitely. prince william there improved cer older have improved for older men. that's section. that's in their health section. they've opinion they've also got an opinion piece. disciplined .
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piece. they're disciplined. lifestyle stand king in lifestyle will stand the king in good recovery. uh, the good stead for recovery. uh, the king and queen leave the london clinic is their picture. the sun king. i have cancer, and that's the picture that the palace wanted everybody to put out as well. they say full story . pages well. they say full story. pages two, three, four, five, six and seven. so regular viewers and listeners, it is not only us here at gb news who have been using this story regularly. uh, nafion using this story regularly. uh, nation shock as treatment start. he told william and harry himself personally see the mirror king's shock. uh, sorry. king's cancer shock. uh, prostate op revealed new issue treatment has already started. harry flying back to visit dad. so that's what's dominating all of the front pages now shortly i'm going to be giving you an update on this missing asylum seeker who is allegedly responsible for this chemical attack that took place in clapham. how is that guy still on the run? there is a £20,000 reward for information that leads to his capture and for his
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whereabouts. the police are issuing quite strong statements about the idea that people might be . i'm also going to be hiding him. i'm also going to be hiding him. i'm also going to be discussing with my panel as well. question the well. serious question about the role of england role that the church of england is asylum system. is playing in our asylum system. are they responsible for helping asylum seekers get into britain to stay in britain or create asylum claims while they're actually in britain as well ? actually in britain as well? look, i'm going to go to that right now actually. and belinda, i will start with you, belinda de lucy joins us on the panel. when it comes to the church of england and the that they england and the role that they are allegedly with are allegedly playing with our asylum big for asylum claims. the big issue for me is that you can be an asylum seeker in britain. you can have your turned down your asylum claim turned down once and then you once or twice and then once you convert christianity , you can convert to christianity, you can create claim whilst create an asylum claim whilst you're here and the church of england is helping people with that, aren't they? >> so what i would say, although i am disappointed at the church of if they do have a of england, if they do have a role in facilitating bogus, uh, asylum claims with this quick
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conversion, it is the government that's in power and in charge. it is the home office. they are only working within the laws. so if the law is that you can convert to christianity or suddenly you're gay after suddenly say you're gay after arriving and saying you're not, that the problem that needs that is the problem that needs to be cut down there is to be cut down and there is nothing christian whatsoever about coming about prioritising men coming from the safety of france. when we a limited of funds we have a limited pot of funds over women and children in un camps, there's something deeply immoral unchristian at how immoral and unchristian at how our system is being our asylum system is being abused. but i do not put full responsibility of the church of england is on the heads of england. it is on the heads of the conservative government, 100. they've chosen to chain us to out—of—date , dangerous to bad, out—of—date, dangerous human law but allow all human rights law but allow all this, i mean, so a bishop has now attacked suella braverman. >> this is the news that's just landing front of here. landing in front of me here. a bishop has attacked. not physically. braverman. physically. suella braverman. that'll it? that'll be a story, wouldn't it? she church of she said that the church of england fuelling england were fuelling fake asylum yesterday asylum claims. well, yesterday the former home secretary said that during her tenure she became aware of churches around the country facilitating
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industrial scale bogus asylum claims . charlotte, i was reading claims. charlotte, i was reading earlier on because actually i was going to originally lead the show with with this story , but show with with this story, but i've got a scoop that i'm going to make you wait for tomorrow for. but part of was around for. but part of it was around europe going as far back as 2016, when they were seeing even mass baptisms of people from muslim countries on the continent . and you think there's continent. and you think there's a certain naivety here? surely when it comes to certain religious figures across the continent, i think that people really are seriously converting to christianity for any reason other than to try and stay in europe, think. europe, i think. >> well, think you're being >> well, i think you're being very generous to say naivete, because clearly that's a red flag. if you're suddenly baptising loads of muslims, basically it's exactly what it is. and it reminds me a little bit of when do you remember when, um, men were coming over and being taught in classrooms because they were saying they were children, they had were children, but they had beards men. i beards and they were men. but i have say, we didn't really have to say, we didn't really attack teachers blame attack the teachers and blame the moment. and the teachers at that moment. and maybe we should be a bit
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cautious suddenly blame cautious to suddenly blame bishops. but surely you raise a red flag, you know, and being wilfully naive is not ideal. you need to sort of flag it with someone when you're having these claims, surely. >> um, john, do you think that claims, surely. >> archbishopio you think that claims, surely. >> archbishop just,| think that claims, surely. >> archbishop just, uh. nk that claims, surely. >> archbishop just, uh. justint the archbishop just, uh. justin welby should be speaking out about this? yeah, i would strongly recommend a suspension for the approval of some of these asylum claims in relation to the liverpool maternity bomber who had converted to christianity after a couple of failed attempts . now, this failed attempts. now, this alleged attacker , who alleged clapham attacker, who again is believed to have converted to christianity after a of times, can they a couple of times, can they really be about people really be sure about the people they're vouching for? i mean, if this business and this was any business and something was going this badly wrong, suspend wrong, you would suspend proceedings, you look proceedings, you would look into it sure it it, you would make sure it didn't happen again. >> with that. >> no, i agree with that. i mean, i think that it's obviously if you're an asylum seeker, on. had seeker, you're on. they've had the barge, you the people on the barge, you know, in in know, the, the barge in in dorset. yeah. and apparently 20 of them are applying to become christian. yeah. well, it's not surprising because they know perfectly they're
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perfectly well if they're from afghanistan this will mean afghanistan, that this will mean that they cannot sent to that they cannot be sent back to afghanistan . they might not be afghanistan. they might not be anyway, but say , oh, by the anyway, but to say, oh, by the way, i've just converted to christianity. will christianity. we will, i will i be okay afghanistan ? i mean, be okay in afghanistan? i mean, you think, wait a minute. this whole thing is completely a lot of them are saying they're from iran well. of them are saying they're from irarand nell. of them are saying they're from irarand they can they prove >> and they can they can prove that in iran, obviously, christians badly well. particularly badly as well. i would people to watch would just urge people to watch this space when it comes to this show, have a big show, because i do have a big scoop this , uh, for tomorrow. scoop on this, uh, for tomorrow. we were originally do we were originally going to do it tonight. i'm sure most people can we were overtaken can understand we were overtaken some events, we some more by events, and we didn't want story to get didn't want that story to get lost about lost in all of the news about the but another aspect the king. but but another aspect of is the missing, the king. but but another aspect of remarkablyhe missing, the king. but but another aspect of remarkably missingng, the king. but but another aspect of remarkably missing abdul still remarkably missing abdul ezedl still remarkably missing abdul ezedi, who's believed to be responsible chemical responsible for this chemical attack has left a woman attack that has left a woman with life changing injuries, believed to be the loss of at least one eye. he obviously has been walking through london, at least in part anyway. uh, with, uh, you know, the issue with his face there as well. um, belinda , face there as well. um, belinda, i'll start with you. the police
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have now slapped a £20,000 reward offered to the public for information here. a man has been arrested and since bailed. who allegedly helping this guy, allegedly was helping this guy, abdul azad . do you think he's abdul azad. do you think he's getting help ? i suspect this is getting help? i suspect this is the story that's going to come in the days ahead , which i think in the days ahead, which i think will be a massive scandal as well. if this guy is getting help from certain people to stay hidden . hidden. >> i really worry if that's the case, i find it. i find it quite scary. i think it's dangerous to have a huge number of men coming from very misogynistic cultures , from very misogynistic cultures, uh, deeply violent , uh, cultures uh, deeply violent, uh, cultures that treat women very badly. we have bad eggs here already , have bad eggs here already, don't get me wrong. but to encourage them to come over here by allowing . i think he came by allowing. i think he came over on a bus on a lorry , sorry, over on a bus on a lorry, sorry, lorry on a lorry. he should have been deported immediately. whether afghanistan whether afghan is afghanistan is safe care . they safe or not, i don't care. they we have to have a deportation mechanism protects the and mechanism that protects the and women of this country, especially . i think it would be especially. i think it would be very sad if he's having help,
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but i wouldn't be surprised because are because some communities are much stronger in terms of culture. >> yeah. i mean, i think one of the is because don't the problems is because we don't know where he is, it's possible. all are possible. it may all things are possible. it may be attacked by be he's been attacked by somebody. been killed somebody. maybe he's been killed . he's committed suicide. . maybe he's committed suicide. i , i'm sorry. i mean, i've i mean, i'm sorry. i mean, i've got no evidence for this. i don't the impression that i don't give the impression that i know. that's where know. no, but that's where you've to be very careful in you've got to be very careful in a situation like just a situation like this. just coming to too many conclusions before we know. >> i mean, yeah, look , what we >> i mean, yeah, look, what we do know is that he's not been caught found. right? and caught or found. right? and i think the met have serious questions well questions to answer as well about why they not about why did they not immediately release whatever pictures that they had of this guy?i pictures that they had of this guy? i refuse to believe that had public, the wider public had the public, the wider public money was getting on and off pubuc money was getting on and off public transport, he was walking around if they didn't public transport, he was walking aroun immediatelyiey didn't public transport, he was walking aroun immediately who idn't public transport, he was walking aroun immediately who this guy know immediately who this guy was, you know, surely, surely we could have snared him by now. but this space when but again, watch this space when it the very latest on it comes to the very latest on this that's from this story. that's it from our panel now. we're going back panel for now. we're going back to little bit later on. to them a little bit later on. but as prince harry
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but up next, as prince harry jets the to be with jets back to the uk to be with his father, meghan markle, as we understand it, is staying at home us with her children home in the us with her children . america digesting . how is america digesting the news charles battling news that charles is battling cancer? brother thomas cancer? meghan's brother thomas markle live and markle juniorjoins me live and exclusive stateside for the first reaction from across the pond. first reaction from across the pond . i'll have first reaction from across the pond. i'll have a first reaction from across the pond . i'll have a few more front pond. i'll have a few more front pages for you as well as patrick christys tonight. we're only on
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gb news. is patrick christys . tonight is patrick christys. tonight we're on gb news and it's time to return to more of the front pages. hot off the press for us. i'm going in with the times. okay? they say the king has cancen okay? they say the king has cancer. yeah. sorry. palace says that charles is wholly positive . that charles is wholly positive. william to take on more commitments. to harry fly back. we go to the telegraph now. same picture of the king all engaged . picture of the king all engaged. it's cancelled. king he's it's cancelled. king says he's optimistic as he be. type of optimistic as he can be. type of cancer has been revealed. cancer has not been revealed. diagnosis follows prostate surgery . they also have a story
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surgery. they also have a story at the bottom. there suspected chemical attacker may be dead if we have a little bit of time after my next guest will return to i'm going go now to to that, i'm going to go now to the daily express. king starts treatment for cancer. the monarchy's wholly positive. look obviously, obviously, as one would expect, there is a theme on the front pages for tomorrow. this massive news that our king does. sadly have cancer. but i'm going to go stateside now for an exclusive interview with meghan markle's brother and prince harry's brother in law is thomas markle junior. thank you very, very much . now, it's understood very much. now, it's understood that of sussex, as that the duke of sussex, as prince going to fly prince harry, is going to fly back to the uk shortly as as we understand it, we've been told by sources very close to them that meghan markle will not be coming him they will coming with him and they will not the children. not be bringing the children. lilibet archie thomas. lilibet and archie thomas. can i ask why do you that is? do ask why do you think that is? do you she's about you think she's worried about being booed ? um, i'm not sure. being booed? um, i'm not sure. >> actually, i don't think it's, um. i don't think it's the right time for her to go across.
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actually, you don't think it's the right time? i think there's just, uh. there's been no, no, no, i think, um , you know, just no, i think, um, you know, just with just the news and everything, there's been so much damage and hurt done to the royal family uh, my family, i think that's that's going to be a while before she can get over there. but it's the right thing for harry to do. um nothing else matters when there's a family emergency. when it comes to a health especially, um, health issue, especially, um, that's most important thing. health issue, especially, um, that�*everything important thing. health issue, especially, um, that�*everything needstant thing. health issue, especially, um, that�*everything needs to |t thing. health issue, especially, um, that�*everything needs to be1ing. health issue, especially, um, that�*everything needs to be set. and everything needs to be set aside. that should be dealt aside. and that should be dealt with first. do you think this is a really good opportunity out of something really desperately sad? >> obviously , and very >> obviously, and very concerning. it's a good opportunity , isn't it, for, you opportunity, isn't it, for, you know , rifts to be healed now . know, rifts to be healed now. >> yeah. under you know, i don't think it's the right circumstance though. i think rifts have to be healed. um sorted out the way in a certain manner. i mean, it's going to
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take a lot of time to repair your reputation and your relationship based on, you know, the damage and the hurt that's been done. um, but i don't think a medical emergency should, should be the basis for the mending of a of a relationship. that's that's bad . that's that's bad. >> um, i mean , a lot of people >> um, i mean, a lot of people will be thinking that it's absolute right for harry to come back.i absolute right for harry to come back. i think that i think it is undeniably. and harry is doing the there. think the right thing there. i think some be fair as well, some people, to be fair as well, will think it's absolutely right that does that meghan markle does stay where she maybe where she is and that she maybe takes and takes care of lilibet and archie. the only issue maybe that i would have with that as some people have raised already tonight it's what tonight on this show, it's what kind do lilibet kind of relationship do lilibet and really have with and archie really have with their grandfather, king charles? and this will be an and maybe this will be an opportunity for them to actually see think? see him. what do you think? >> a very good >> well, that's a very good point. um, rightly so. right. rightly so . um, every rightly so. um, every grandfather should be able to see his grandchildren, including my father . he should be able to my father. he should be able to see his grandchildren, um, and to to hold them back. is
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to hold to hold them back. is the worst thing you can do to a family . it's the worst thing you can do to a family. it's like the worst thing you can do to a family . it's like you're you're family. it's like you're you're driving wedges in between a relationship that should just you know, should be there . you know, should be there. >> i know that your father has unfortunately had a few health issues as well . and harry and issues as well. and harry and meghan, i don't think were particularly involved there. were they ? were they? >> i know . um, there were they? >> i know. um, there was were they? >> i know . um, there was there >> i know. um, there was there was no contact after his heart attack a few years ago and there was no contact, no calls after a stroke. uh, a couple of years ago. and that that's just not right, because everything should be set aside when it comes to a family emergency. and that's that's the top priority no matter what you have going on or or are or what your differences are and, and for them not to reach out or do anything , it's see out or do anything, it's see that's going to be hard to repair . that's going to be hard to repair. that's sincerely. i mean , how how would you how would you sell that ? you sell that? >> um, do you think there is any chance of reparation there ?
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chance of reparation there? >> um, it would take it would take, um, quite a long time. it would have to be sincere. um, i mean, almost on, almost on the level of a public apology . um, level of a public apology. um, but , i mean, level of a public apology. um, but, i mean, it's just it's very hurtful . and it should never be hurtful. and it should never be that way . yeah. my dad had my that way. yeah. my dad had my father has always left the door open, um, for reconciliation. and nothing has, you know, came out of that at, um . it's just out of that at, um. it's just sad overall . you know, it's just sad overall. you know, it's just sad overall. you know, it's just sad now. >> indeed. and look , do you have >> indeed. and look, do you have any kind of message for our king and the royal family who are obviously struggling, grappling with this news as our nation is here at the moment? and what's the kind of reaction been like where you are stateside? um of course, you know, i get all this news first. >> um, and it's a and it's on our news here, but, um, our, our deepest sympathy and thoughts go out to the king and the royal
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family it's a very difficult time. and that's that's, uh, not to be taken lightly . it's a very to be taken lightly. it's a very serious, serious matter. and, uh, godspeed and. >> yeah, indeed. well thomas, look, thank you very, very much. it's been great to have you on the show to and have a little chat with you as well as thomas markle there is. prince markle jr. there he is. prince harry's brother in meghan harry's brother in law, meghan markle's brother doesn't really think right think that this is the right time. for some kind of time. time for some kind of family reconciliation because it is obviously off the back is coming obviously off the back of, know, very serious of, you know, a very serious illness and announcement that thomas junior , thank you thomas markle junior, thank you very, joining very, very much. i'm joining my panel he's editor at panel again. he's editor at large mail on sunday. large at the mail on sunday. charlotte former charlotte griffiths, former bbc political chief political correspondent, chief political correspondent, chief political sorry political correspondent. sorry john sergeant demoted you there. and party mep and former brexit party mep beunda and former brexit party mep belinda de deluise. i'm just going to pick up on a story that's at the bottom of the telegraph tomorrow. okay? and this is the suspected chemical attacker. be dead. i'm just attacker. may be dead. i'm just going little bit of it going to read a little bit of it out. afghan asylum seeker out. an afghan asylum seeker suspected a suspected of carrying out a chemical in clapham suspected of carrying out a chedeadl in clapham suspected of carrying out a chedeadl last clapham suspected of carrying out a chedeadl last being am suspected of carrying out a chedeadl last being seen be dead after last being seen near southwark bridge . police
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near southwark bridge. police have said his bank card apparently has not been used since wednesday day. yesterday, scotland yard said a 22 year old man has been arrested and bailed on suspicion of assisting him . i on suspicion of assisting him. i believe actually i do have a statement from the metropolitan police , which i am just going to police, which i am just going to read out for you now. so our message here is clear. if you are harbouring a zede, we will find and arrest you. this man is a dangerous individual who has changed forever. the lives of a family. doing everything family. we are doing everything we trace him and that we can to trace him and that includes targeting his associates. believe there are associates. we believe there are people him . john, this people helping him. john, this is astonishing. people helping him. john, this is astonishing . really? if is astonishing. really? if somebody could even help this guy - somebody could even help this guy . this. this alleged monster. guy. this. this alleged monster. yeah >>i yeah >> i mean, that's why i think it makes you. we've got to be sort of clear about this, because if you usually happens is if you usually what happens is if someone named in photographed someone is named in photographed like this, doesn't take you. like this, it doesn't take you. usually it's sort of five hours within five hours or something or some very short time. people say, yes, i've seen that guy and
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that's it. and it does make you think. after a bit. it's always so difficult. proving a negative . you know what has happened to him. we don't know. but the idea that he's holed up not using his bank card, it's interesting that detail like that is very telling, isn't it? >> well, it implies he's either literally just being harboured in someone's flower house and kept away from everything else, or that something else has happened. >> but i think there's another point, this. feel point, too, about this. you feel where this , where these attacks like this, they premeditated and you do they are premeditated and you do wonder, you know, it's not just i'll go round and just spray you. yeah. it's sort of if i spray you, you could be badly hurt and i'm down. we're going to do this and i've been sending off this horrible, you know, off for this horrible, you know, corrosive liquid. and i'm now going to take this. it's all premeditated. and so it makes you think that maybe it was a suicidal thing. you know i'm going to go there. i'm going to harm this man. children harm this man. these children weren't his children, apparently. and then i'm apparently. yeah. and then i'm going commit it going to commit suicide. it would fit, wouldn't yeah.
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would fit, wouldn't it? yeah. >> just a quick update >> look, um, just a quick update as apparently, victim as well. apparently, the victim involved her involved in this might lose her sight and are out sight in one eye. and we are out of time for this evening, i'm afraid. thank you all afraid. can i just thank you all very, we do normally very, very much. we do normally do britain and do a greatest britain and a union jack. i think given the news about king charles, it doesn't really seem but doesn't really seem fitting. but we make king we are going to make king charles. today's charles. of course, today's greatest there we greatest britain. so there we go. look, thank you to my go. um, look, thank you to my wonderful panel filled in, wonderful panel who filled in, uh at incredibly short notice. uh, at incredibly short notice. a headliners will there a headliners will be there tomorrow , uh, for all of your tomorrow, uh, for all of your news from tomorrow. i'm patrick christys. i'll be tomorrow christys. i'll be back tomorrow at 9 pm. next up, like i said, it is headliners. i will see you tomorrow for a couple of absolutely scoop. stay absolutely massive scoop. stay tuned . tuned. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> good evening, alex burkill here again with your latest gb news, weather forecast . whilst news, weather forecast. whilst for many, especially in the
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south, it's going to stay mild as we go into tomorrow, further north we have some colder air pushing its way southwards and that's in behind a front that's coming in behind a front which lingering across which has been lingering across scotland a little while now scotland for a little while now and already brought some and has already brought some significant heavy , significant rain. that heavy, persistent to persistent rain is going to continue a bit continue to edge a little bit further southwards overnight , further southwards overnight, pushing scotland, pushing into southern scotland, northern and also northern england and also northern two to the northern ireland. two to the north this. that colder north of this. then that colder air. and so we are likely to see some and some showers turning wintry and some showers turning wintry and some icy patches first thing tuesday morning. a cold start here, much milder, further south. a cloudy picture keeping temperatures up overnight. many places starting the day in double figures as we go through the rest of the tuesday, the rest of the day on tuesday, that rain continues feed that rain continues to feed further southwards, spreading into central of into more central parts of england wales , where england and across wales, where the be pretty the rain could be pretty heavy at . staying further at times. staying drier further south, though largely cloudy, any going to be any sunshine is going to be pretty limited. sunnier skies further north across much of scotland northern ireland, scotland and northern ireland, though for though watch out for a scattering wintry showers scattering of wintry showers and a real north south in our a real north south split in our temperatures. the
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temperatures. mildest in the south. highs of around or 15 south. highs of around 14 or 15 celsius. wednesday's looking like dry but rather like a largely dry but rather chilly day. however, as we go into thursday, the potential for a to into cold air a system to push into cold air across the uk bringing the risk of significant snow , there of some significant snow, there is some uncertainty as to exactly where and when we're going to see the heaviest snow, but at moment looks most but at the moment it looks most likely across central parts and we have a warning force likely across central parts and we many; a warning force likely across central parts and we many places1ing force likely across central parts and we many places seeing force likely across central parts and we many places seeing arce likely across central parts and we many places seeing a chilly with many places seeing a chilly feel warm feeling
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>> you're with gb news and the main news tonight king charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer. the diagnosis coming after successful treatment for an enlarged prostate, during which a separate issue of concern was identified by surgeons. well many have been wishing the king well online, the prime minister saying he wished the king a full and speedy recovery and said he'll no doubt be back to full strength in no time. and the labour leader, sir keir starmer, saying on behalf of his party i wish his majesty all the very best for his recovery. well we understand the king will begin a schedule of treatment and continue to undertake official paperwork . although his doctors paperwork. although his doctors have advised him at this time to cancel public facing duties. buckingham palace officials said tonight the king is feeling wholly positive about out his schedule of treatment and in another breaking strand


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