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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  February 11, 2024 1:00am-2:01am GMT

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cheese, kipper fridge? smelly cheese, kipper his testicles? yes we will be discussing the trans woman who left her testicles in her ex—boyfriend's fridge and sued him for throwing them away. it's literally nuts. this is your saturday night showdown . saturday night showdown. discussing all tonight's topics . discussing all tonight's topics. my discussing all tonight's topics. my brilliant panel joining me tonight are reem ibrahim andrew eborn and lewis schaffer. tonight are reem ibrahim andrew eborn and lewis schaffer . and of eborn and lewis schaffer. and of course, we want to know what you think about all of tonight's topics. we'll also be discussing the racist countryside and the steroid olympics . email in to steroid olympics. email in to let us know your thoughts. but first, let's get your latest news and headunes get your latest news and headlines from sam francis .
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headlines from sam francis. >> good evening from the gb newsroom has just gone 8:00. our top story today. well, as we've been reporting outing gb news has learned that 15 migrants today were rescued after crossing the channel in a stolen french fishing boat. the small vessel left the french coast between calais and dunkirk earlier this morning . the boat earlier this morning. the boat was handed over to uk border force officials and the migrants were then brought to dover. that means so far this year, means that so far this year, almost 1400 migrants have made the journey across the english channelin the journey across the english channel in small boats . police channel in small boats. police are continuing their search of the river thames in central london for the body of chemical attack suspect abdul ezedi. earlier, a police boat was seen moving between vauxhall and chelsea bridges with the met police saying they began that search just after low tide this morning around 9 am. the 35 year old was last seen on cctv leaning over the railings of
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chelsea bridge. for those watching on tv , you can see watching on tv, you can see ezedi on the left hand side of your screen. that figure there walking across the bridge just before 1130 the night of that before 1130 on the night of that attack south london. attack in south london. detectives say they now believe ezedi has died and that his body may never be found . a woman has. may never be found. a woman has. today been charged with attempted murder after the suspected poisoning of two children, aged nine and 13. emergency services responded to the scene in east sussex on thursday evening . after thursday evening. after receiving calls of welfare concerns. all three were later taken to hospital for treatment and appearing in court earlier, the 38 year old woman was remanded in custody. we understand appear understand she'll appear again in on the 8th of march. in court on the 8th of march. authorities have said they believe it was an isolated incident further risk to incident with no further risk to the public. pro—palestine protesters in birmingham have been removed from a barclays bank branch on the high street after staging a sit in. seven people were seen lying down inside . you can see them there
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inside. you can see them there on your screens waving flags and placards reading stop the genocide in gaza. it's been reported that one man who was angered by the protests was seen banging on the glass doors of the bank building. although we understand no arrests were made . understand no arrests were made. meanwhile three men have been three people rather have been killed after a car was hit by an airstrike in gaza's southern city of rafah. the palestinians are claiming it was carried out by the israeli military. and you can see there the aftermath of that attack, which happened earlier today. medics say that a separate strike by israel overnight also killed 17 other people in the same area . and the people in the same area. and the strike comes after israel's prime minister announced a plan to evacuate civilians from the crowded southern gaza city of rafah and he said to defeat the last hamas fighters there. the us has said that it won't be supporting any further military action in the area without the guarantee, they say, of protecting for civilians . large protecting for civilians. large parts of england are facing
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potential travel disruption and possible flooding as heavy rain hits the met office has issued a yellow weather warning for rain, which covers newcastle and surrounding areas all the way down to east anglia and along the east coast of england. it comes into force or has come into force in the last hour and will last until 12 pm. on sunday. there's also another weather warning covering much of cornwall and devon, and somerset that's already been in place for the last two hours. the latest round of doctor strikes, planned later this month. could, we understand, be called off? according to the bma, if they say nhs bosses give them more time for negotiations , the time for negotiations, the latest wave of walkouts were announced this week after the bma said the government had failed to improve their pay offer. they're asking for a 35% pay offer. they're asking for a 35% pay rise, which the government has rejected under the current plans, thousands of medics will strike in england for five days from the 24th of february to the 28th of february, and i just
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want to bring you a quick line that we're hearing from wales, a pilot has been airlifted to hospital after a plane was seen to crash into a garden in anglesey. you can see here on the screen it's hard to make out, but what appears to be two parts of the wing, those yellow sections in the centre of the screen. for those watching on tv, witnesses say they saw the small plane nosedive spinning mid—air before it disappeared out of sight, and one witness, who lives next door to the crash site, said that he heard what sounded like engine malfunction , sounded like engine malfunction, as police say officers , the fire as police say officers, the fire service and paramedics were all in attendance at the scene of that crash this afternoon . for that crash this afternoon. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to forward slash alerts i >> welcome to the saturday night showdown. now the alleged clapham acid attacker or alkali
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attacker. if you're a chemistry nerd, is hopefully being eaten by crabs somewhere in the thames estuary right now. the suspect , estuary right now. the suspect, abdul ezedi, an asylum seeker who apparently saved up for the chemicals by cutting his own hair with a bread knife, shouldn't have been in the country in the first place. he failed two attempts at claiming asylum and was convicted of sex offences . so who's to blame for offences. so who's to blame for this alleged chemical attacker being in the country and free to destroy the lives of women and children? you might think it could people smuggling could be evil people smuggling gangs or organised islamic gangs or maybe organised islamic terrorism . but no, it was church terrorism. but no, it was church leaders in this country who helped him to claim asylum. abdul was granted leave to remain in the uk after a priest vouched for his conversion , vouched for his conversion, arguing that he was wholly committed to his new religion of christian ity and abdul ezedi is far from the only person they've helped thousands of men from islamic countries have claimed asylum in the uk after converting to christianity, with the assistance of christian clergymen. there argument goes
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that they can't be sent back to whatever islamic country they've come from or they'll be killed. they also pretend to be gay for similar reasons to claim asylum speaking to allison pearson in the telegraph, a whistleblowing reverend matthew firth speaks of a conveyor belt. when i arrived , a conveyor belt. when i arrived, lots of adult baptisms were already booked in, which was highly unusual. already booked in, which was highly unusual . while the vast highly unusual. while the vast majority, if not . all of them, majority, if not. all of them, were asylum seekers who had already failed in their initial application for asylum. clearly, if you were rejected, the next step was to book in for baptism. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks) book in for baptism. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks of ook in for baptism. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks of what] for baptism. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks of what appearptism. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks of what appear to ;m. if you were rejected, the next ste speaks of what appear to be he speaks of what appear to be professional photographer shows taking pictures of the new christian facebook christian for their facebook profile. can the profile. so they can show the home we're to seeing home office we're used to seeing people to be christian people pretend to be christian to into church but to get into church schools, but this isn't some meaning this isn't some well meaning atheists better start atheists who want a better start for their children. this is fighting age men barber, fighting age men from barber, medieval the medieval cultures, gaming the system stay in the uk when system to stay in the uk when they have no intention of actually converting. and it's not the first time it's to led
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tragedy. the liverpool liverpool maternity hospital suicide bomber ahmad al swealmeen , was a bomber ahmad al swealmeen, was a supposed christian convert whose behaviour was nonetheless more abu hamza than vicar of dibley. there's even a word for it in islam. taqiyya is the action of committing a sinful act, such as pretending to be christian for a pious goal such as spreading islam or murdering infidels. pious goal such as spreading islam or murdering infidels . so islam or murdering infidels. so why are christian churches complicit in this? why is it being done? well, our churches aren't guided by the word of god anymore. they subscribe to a new faith. the religion of diversity, equity and inclusion . diversity, equity and inclusion. this new faith says that diversity is always a strength. whiteness is something to be abolished and the nation state of britain is a colonial power that must be destroyed and remade in the style of a university. prospectus cover at the top of the church , the top of the church, archbishop rowan williams calls for open borders, although he himself has very secure borders around his residences , and his around his residences, and his foot soldiers help men like
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abdul ezedi into the country, oblivious to the danger they present to women or the danger they present to christianity itself. richard lionheart , the itself. richard lionheart, the last good christian leader, must be spinning in his grave. christian leaders defend their support for open borders by saying, what would jesus do? as if jesus would wave every tom, dick and adbul through the border. i don't know if any christians have noticed this, but heaven has pretty strict but heaven has a pretty strict entry policy . there's a guy entry policy. there's a guy called saint peter and he stands there a holy clipboard like there with a holy clipboard like an doorman an elite nightclub doorman ticking off all your sins and looking into your soul. and if you're good enough, no you're not good enough, no heaven for you. if god ran our asylum system, it would be much stricter. i think it's time for a christian leaders to take note of that. as victim of abdul of that. as the victim of abdul ezedi sex attack said, who in the right mind thought that it was a good idea for the church to give him a reference when he was on the sex offenders register? the is mess. register? the world is a mess. he's women. that's he's a danger to women. that's obvious everyone. but sadly obvious to everyone. but sadly not our church leaders .
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obvious to everyone. but sadly not our church leaders. i'm joined tonight by brilliant and insightful political commentator reem ibrahim from the institute of economic affairs , and he's of economic affairs, and he's wise. he's entertaining . he's wise. he's entertaining. he's broadcaster and lawyer andrew eborn. and also a resident nutrition expert. and star of the least erotic calendar ever. lewis schaffer . now, andrew, i'm lewis schaffer. now, andrew, i'm going to start with you. >> go for it. »- >> go for it. >> you've got a legal a legal background. so i mean, do you do you think some of the people who help, uh, asylum seekers then go on to commit crimes or terrorist atrocities could be held culpable? we've seen put it put it that way. >> and you're brilliant. opening monologue . that is so obvious, monologue. that is so obvious, isn't it ? um, the reality is isn't it? um, the reality is this. however, what they're saying is that if you're genuinely christian and you're sent back, you're going to suffer prejudice and possibly death. yeah so you've got to look at the where is the system, right. first and
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right. first of all. and secondly, who've abused secondly, people who've abused the system. now in this particular say, look, particular case, they say, look, actually the evidence actually all the evidence suggests no suggests that there was no way he convert. he's he was really a convert. he's still surrounded himself with his and so and his his buddies and so on. and so forth and so on and so forth. so it seems as though it's an abuse system. yeah. so abuse of the system. yeah. so that's first question. if that's your first question. if it's a legitimate then it's a legitimate case, then absolutely sure they're absolutely make sure they're protected. seem protected. and this doesn't seem to be that case. and anybody protected. and this doesn't seem to be that itise. and anybody protected. and this doesn't seem to be that it it's and anybody protected. and this doesn't seem to be that it it's soj anybody protected. and this doesn't seem to be that it it's so obvious.y looking at it it's so obvious. yeah you need to do to yeah but what you need to do to make sure you convert the public is these are the is to say, look, these are the rules. you turn around and rules. if you turn around and say, do we need to change the rules or is this an abuse? in this case, it sounds as though it's abuse. it's an abuse. yeah. >> i mean, it seems like a clear abuse. i mean, this and people people now using the, the, people are now using the, the, the mechanism of the sort of mechanism of pretending be christian or pretending to be christian or pretending to be christian or pretending gay, to claim pretending to be gay, to claim asylum when you know the original claim fails. >> absolutely. just >> absolutely. and this just begs the question, how many other treacherous other horrendous, treacherous human freely human beings are walking freely in kingdom in the united kingdom as a result gaming system by result of gaming the system by pretending to be christian? now, result of gaming the system by pretcould] to be christian? now, result of gaming the system by pretcould alwayschristian? now, result of gaming the system by pret could always say, tian? now, result of gaming the system by pret could always say, look, now, result of gaming the system by pret could always say, look, you, you could always say, look, you know, church of england. i'm know, the church of england. i'm
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not actually sure was the not actually sure if it was the church of england that gave him this this this reference, but not in this specific case. but i'm sure i'm sure they have past. sure they have in the past. but the of matter is that the point of the matter is that actually the church of england christianity was supposed to have values. have open, tolerant values. and i think those things are fantastic. how horrendous it fantastic. how horrendous is it that taking that these people are taking advantage good christian values? >> yeah, but can't expect >> yeah, but we can't expect people to be good. i mean, you know, this as much anyone. know, this as much as anyone. you to be you can't expect people to be good. going to good. people are going to exploit they're going exploit loopholes. they're going to game the system their own benefit. >> i love that comment, by the way. this as good as way. you know this as good as anybody. yeah, nasty anybody. yeah, yeah, you nasty boy at the end. because i game the system. >> w- w" wi- >> i pretended to be in love with oh there you go. with my wife. oh there you go. and that's not true. i was always in love with my wife. but you pretend. you've got to pretend. shocking, pretend. it's so shocking, these people. like people. andrew and harem is like the rules. we've got to follow the rules. we've got to follow the rules. we've got to follow the rules. they're good english rules. following the rules. you're not following the rules. you're not following the rules. cricket. those rules. it's not cricket. those days past. they're days are long past. they're liars. church of england are liars. the church of england are liars. the church of england are liars. don't people just liars. and why don't people just get used to it's like all of get used to it? it's like all of our all of our. it's not my
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institution, but all the institutions of state have proven they proven to not be. they don't care about this country. yeah, they their marching orders. they take their marching orders. >> make really good >> so you make a really good point, but let's put it point, louis. but let's put it this plays devil's this way. plays devil's advocate. if they if he advocate. yeah. if they if he were genuinely a christian and sent where sent back to his country where he from and he were he came from and he were genuine, and they turned around and you're christian, and said, you're christian, we're yeah. we're going to kill you. yeah. would that fair? would that be fair? >> you know what the fact is that we know that he was lying. no, no, i that but would that be fair? you know what? it would be fair? you know what? it would be fair to kill him. fair? because to kill him. yes. >> yes, wouldn't be us. >> yes, it wouldn't be us. >> yes, it wouldn't be us. >> it wouldn't. >> it wouldn't. >> be another state, >> it would be another state, another foreign doing another foreign government doing it. the doesn't it. which, by the way, doesn't happen mean, christians happen often. i mean, christians aren't persecuted. aren't hugely persecuted. i'm half egypt orthodox half egyptian and egypt orthodox christians have historically been it been persecuted. again, it depends on the country. it depends on the country. it depends on the country. it depends on where they're going to. ultimately, you the to. ultimately, if you game the system should system and you lie, you should have no right to have absolutely no right to return this at all. return to this country at all. yeah, but how? i think the problem is that our asylum system is just too liberal in the first place. why these people being to people even being allowed to cross the channel in the first
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place? allowed three place? why was he allowed three appeals? ridiculous . appeals? this is ridiculous. >> yes, it seems like the >> yes, and it seems like the asylum just helps asylum system just just helps the can game it. the the people who can game it. the people the least people who are the least vulnerable, the people who have the resources to pay the wealth and resources to pay people smugglers, whereas the people smugglers, whereas the people to help. people we really need to help. i mean, did i say women and children? understand why children? i don't understand why so men, you know , claiming so many men, you know, claiming asylum the women and asylum and the women and children are staying, staying behind face the persecution? behind to face the persecution? >> i think problem is, is >> i think the problem is, is our you're sitting our language. you're sitting here i don't understand, here saying, i don't understand, but you totally understand. we all was all understand. yeah, i was being people being sarcastic. sick people can't you're being sarcasm can't tell you're being sarcasm sick. knows . the fact sick. everybody knows. the fact is, i agree with you. they shouldn't be sent back to kill to killed. there's a few to be killed. if there's a few of or thousands of them. of them or thousands of them. but there are millions of them. so at some point, at some point this fact is, is they this has the fact is, is they didn't send him back because he was christian and going to be was a christian and going to be killed. care. they killed. they didn't care. they knew wasn't christian. right. >> many f“ f-— >> how many other people are in this country already as a result of liberal of our incredibly liberal illegal migration system? effectively. there's effectively. but there's a difference, though. >> say, the difference is
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>> as we say, the difference is we turn and say the rule we turn around and say the rule is you're genuinely christian is if you're genuinely christian and you're going to suffer death, then that's okay. death, then then that's okay. you shouldn't be sent back. but if you're not you're abusing if you're not and you're abusing the then it's very the system, then it's very clear. agree that. is clear. we all agree on that. is that fair? >> i think the point is, it's very difficult to assess any of these it is how very difficult to assess any of thesyou it is how very difficult to assess any of thesyou cut it is how very difficult to assess any of thesyou cut people it is how very difficult to assess any of thesyou cut people in s how very difficult to assess any of thesyou cut people in halfrv very difficult to assess any of thesyou cut people in half and can you cut people in half and look for the cross? >> well, how can. >> well, how can. >> i think that's a good idea. >> i think that's a good idea. >> are you gonna check people for gay? for being gay? >> be interesting. you >> that'd be interesting. you can the evidence and you can get the evidence and you turn and evidence. can get the evidence and you turrwhatever.nd evidence. >> whatever. >> whatever. >> because happens? >> it's because what happens? i have homophobic feelings. >> like what is the evidence? >> like what is the evidence? >> particular he's >> this particular case, he's surrounded himself. the all of the suggested that he the evidence suggested that he hadnt the evidence suggested that he hadn't converted. yeah. okay so if the case, that's what if that's the case, that's what you look at. he'd been baptised. it's abuse of the system. and it's an abuse of the system. and it's an abuse of the system. and i the reality. i think that's the reality. yeah, agree with you, yeah, well, i agree with you, reem. >> f- reem. >> the asylum system is >> i think the asylum system is too liberal. it needs to be tightened for the sake of tightened up for the sake of genuine seekers much genuine asylum seekers as much as anyone coming we as anyone else coming up, we will winners will assess the week's winners and cursed or and losers and cursed or blessed. this we've got joe blessed. this week we've got joe biden, countryside, which is biden, the countryside, which is
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racist, apparently, and the steroid show steroid olympics and we'll show you this you what happened when this possibly drunk decided possibly drunk guy decided to try egg. don't try and stand on an egg. don't go anywhere. >> so when are you going to stand egg
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unfortunate. it was unnecessary. i think about the gallery is a complete red herring, by the way , on mark dolan tonight, complete red herring, by the way , on mark dolan tonight , the , on mark dolan tonight, the community jogging group park run , have been caught up in a trans row with women runners no longer having their times published on the organisation's website . the organisation's website. >> it's time to end the war on real women. it might take a ten. prince harry spent just half an hour his cancer stricken hour with his cancer stricken dad and no meeting with his brother . he dad and no meeting with his brother. he might rich after brother. he might be rich after the books and tv shows, but the young prince has paid the ultimate price. we're live from nine. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. kirsten blessed is coming up. but first, a
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promised i would show you what happened when that bloke stood on the egg. >> so when are you going to stand on egg ? stand on egg? >> you . >> you. >> you. >> for anyone listening on radio, uh, it didn't go quite as planned. he tried to stand on the egg, but somehow managed to, like, do a half a somersault and smashed the egg into the floor with reme, have you with his face. reme, have you ever to stand on an egg ever tried to stand on an egg after a few drinks? >> not quite sure. i stand >> i'm not quite sure. i stand on egg. i've tried standing a few things, i won't, few other things, but i won't, i won't, won't specify the won't, i won't specify the details. i'm scared to ask. >> uh, it's time now for kirsten. me and my kirsten. blessed me and my brilliant panel will look at three big stories decide who three big stories and decide who are and are the week's winners and who are the week's winners and who are losers. now, then he's are the losers. now, then he's american, he's ageing, and he's prone embarrassing prone to embarrassing gaffes and memory his popularity is memory lapses. his popularity is rapidly declining as general rapidly declining as the general pubuc rapidly declining as the general public turns against him. yeah,
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it's not easy being comedian louis schaeffer. oh >> oh, wow . >> oh, wow. >> oh, wow. >> people turn on me. look at how great i look. let's be honest. >> you look amazing. >> you look amazing. >> i'd actually have more confidence in you as the next american president. and yes, speaking of across pond speaking of him, across the pond , president joe biden has been defending his record. the president insisted his memory is totally fine, although his argument was slightly undermined by the fact that he had just called egyptian president abdel fattah al—sisi the leader of mexico . so let's have a listen . mexico. so let's have a listen. >> as you know, initially , the >> as you know, initially, the president of mexico , sisi, did president of mexico, sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanity , korean material allow humanity, korean material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the gate. my convinced him to open the gate. my memory is not. my memory is fine. my memory. take a look at what i've done since i've become president. none of you thought i could pass any of the things i got passed. how did that happen? you guess just forgot you know, i guess i just forgot what was going on. >> now, louis, you're american .
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>> now, louis, you're american. i've got to ask, what's the word on the street in the bronx? >> uh, yo quiero cerveza . that's >> uh, yo quiero cerveza. that's the bronx . the bronx. >> joe biden is declining. >> joe biden is declining. >> he's for a while now. he's not the full shilling, but now it seems to be. he seems to be entering a period of rapid decline . i mean, every time decline. i mean, every time i see him, it's like watching an advert for a donkey sanctuary. i'm just like, man, just let this guy let this guy have some peace. why? why is he running for another four years? he's clearly, you know, well. clearly, you know, doing well. if it to the if he's going to make it to the end of next week. >> yeah, well, because kamala harris replacement even harris is replacement is even worse. and that's, that's why. and thing he's not and the second thing is he's not he's pulling the strings. he's not pulling the strings. he's he's the puppet. he's he's the he's the puppet. he's not he's not even the puppet. he's they're signing the pieces they're just signing the pieces of paper is his wife, doctor jill he running it or jill biden. he is running it or barack or it's directly barack obama or it's directly from team world. so they're happy. but surely there's other people in team world, there's other democrats that they could say, listen, joe, why don't you sit one out? sit this one out? >> yeah. and uh, we'll bring in,
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i uh, gavin newsom . i don't know, uh, gavin newsom. >> well, it would be kamala, wouldn't it? that's that's how it works. if joe biden was to step down, kamala be step down, kamala would be president, which i think i agree, that's even worse. but does have to be? does it have to be? >> doesn't have to be. well, >> it doesn't have to be. well, no, doesn't have to. they can no, it doesn't have to. they can have they can choose different people. you know who people. do you know who the president i don't president of mexico is? i don't actually there. you go. so poor old joe biden. but i do facilities. i do know who cc facilities. but i do know who cc is. his name is andres obrador, i think if pronounce it i think if you pronounce it correctly. that's the correctly. but that's the interesting only interesting thing. only important, interesting thing. only imp0|american president latin american president is javier latin american president is javithe free speech libertarian >> the free speech libertarian advocate. he's the only one that's important america. that's important to america. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i love about joe biden, >> what i love about joe biden, which run on, is which he should run on, is in this divided world we have this divided world that we have at moment, that his is at the moment, that his name is an anagram of be joined. and i think that's, that's that's what he run on. and i think he should run on. and i think he's on sort of basis. he's work on that sort of basis. >> but i mean, andrew, you must have must see he's the have you must see that he's the biggest to trump without doubt. >> but trump is his own gift, isn't he? i mean, he is glorious. he gets more column inches than anybody, and he's
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the the more the only guy i know. the more you throw at him, the more his popularity increases. yeah, you can charges in the can have all the charges in the world. what's better than that? can have all the charges in the w0|tellsihat's better than that? can have all the charges in the w0|tellsihat's bei'm than that? can have all the charges in the w0|tellsihat's bei'm going hat? can have all the charges in the w0|tellsihat's bei'm going tot? can have all the charges in the w0|tellsihat's bei'm going to be he tells people, i'm going to be charged. they're going to throw this and his fans this stuff at me and his fans just get and more adamant just get more and more adamant that he's going to be the next messiah. >> because. because trump comes across as this kind of anti—establishment figure, even though really isn't though he really isn't anti—establishment, he kind of comes across that way. and i kind get it. i mean, i get kind of get it. i mean, i get why he's appealing with trump. >> like, oh, if i get in, >> he's like, oh, if i get in, i'm going to do all this stuff. and like, you had four and it's like, you had four years, why didn't you do it in 2009? >> to be fair, i think people going to the election booth this year us are going to be year in the us are going to be thinking, hold on, do i feel economically better off or economically better off now or at joe biden's at the beginning of joe biden's presidency? think they're presidency? and i think they're going they better going to say they felt better off end of trump's presidency. >> yeah, it was interesting because everybody wrote trump off. predicted he was going to off. i predicted he was going to win couple of times win the couple a couple of times ago when we went bed. do you ago when we went to bed. do you remember about the clinton thing? went thinking thing? they went to bed thinking that had won and they that hillary had won and they woke and there's
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woke up. and there's donald. extraordinary. it's going to happen again. so don't write if he's allowed to run. that's an interesting legally. he's allowed to run. that's an intewell, g legally. he's allowed to run. that's an intewell, g legalso he's allowed to run. that's an intewell,g legalso run from >> well, he could also run from that happen. that will happen. >> that would be interesting. >> that would be interesting. >> no he can't. but they're trying whether he trying at the moment whether he even the ballot. so even gets on the ballot. so that's the that's the discussion at the but if he does at the moment. but if he does i don't be surprised if he manages. i think it's manages. yeah i think it's biden. be a gift. biden. would be a gift. >> think is wrong because >> i think ream is wrong because it doesn't matter whether people are better off they were are better off than they were four ago. what four years ago. what what they're we they're thinking is how can we destroy the country fast enough? and what the democrats and that's what the democrats are they're are thinking. they're not thinking that. they're thinking about that. they're basically people. thinking about that. they're basi:ally people. thinking about that. they're basi:ally the people. people, >> i mean, the american people, the are going to the american people are going to be i feel better be thinking, do i feel better off now? or four years ago, you had the lockdown, covid, had the lockdown, you had covid, you pandemic, you had you had the pandemic, you had huge rampant inflation, huge pubuc huge rampant inflation, huge putthe lockdown started under >> the lockdown started under trump. and continued trump. it did, and it continued under biden's presidency. under joe biden's presidency. >> and i think they're going to be about that be thinking about that pocketbooks everybody. >> are thinking >> the democrats are thinking what right for the what is morally right for the future. they don't care about the own the destruction of their own lives. generous, lives. they're very generous, loving people. >> yeah, well, also great
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>> yeah, well, it's also great that map that they've updated the map of the to east actually put the middle to east actually put mexico in the right place next to egypt, the place. to egypt, the right place. >> new neighbours replacing eqypt >> new neighbours replacing egypt right next to egypt there is right next to israel and the gaza strip . uh, israel and the gaza strip. uh, in case i mean, a lot of americans would actually believe that. anyway, next up, speaking of maps, we've got the country side. you have the poor old country accused of being country side is accused of being racist daily basis racist or almost daily basis these days. and this week, a charity called the charity group called the wildlife countryside link wildlife and countryside link put the wellington boot in, saying that the countryside is a racist and colonial white space. exactly right. a tree called me a scottish scumbag just the other day . other day. >> this seems ridiculous. the country is like happy racist. it's just trees and stuff. >> of course it's ridiculous. and of course it's really stupid. i mean, i really don't understand why who first of all, who are funding all these ridiculous that ridiculous charities that that come with of this come up with all of this nonsense. i've got a feeling. secondly, shakespeare is well, indeed. actually indeed. and actually we see a lot of these kind of ridiculous charities being funded charities that are being funded by secretly by some
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by the taxpayer secretly by some kind scheme kind of government scheme and some of government spending some kind of government spending by and countryside. by wildlife and countryside. >> of a group of >> link is sort of a group of charities, 72 charities, including national trust. so including the national trust. so i think the problem is this religion of diversity, equity and inclusion just as and inclusion is just as insidious , seeped through every institution. >> it's also incredibly damaging to ethnic minorities. i mean, people in this country that genuinely are ethnic minorities and look at stuff and and look at this stuff and think, my god, this is think, oh my god, this is absolute and it's absolute ridiculous. and it's making look like idiots. we making us look like idiots. we don't this we don't believe this stuff. we don't believe this stuff. we don't trees can don't believe that trees can be racist or the countryside is racist. honestly i mean, i think the conclusion that it came to was that effectively not many ethnic minorities end up going to countryside. yeah, to the countryside. yeah, because live in cities because they live in cities majority the time. like it's majority of the time. like it's obvious is the case. obvious why this is the case. and i think calling it racist is so damaging. yeah, absolutely. >> and andrew, i get the feeling that, the supply of that, you know, the supply of racism keeping up with the racism isn't keeping up with the demand. so people need racism to get outraged by they're just making up racism. get outraged by they're just ma the up racism. get outraged by they're just ma the thingcism. get outraged by they're just ma the thing ton. get outraged by they're just ma the thing to bandy around, >> the thing to bandy around, isn't it? it's what i said last time lincoln to
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time abraham lincoln used to say, call the tale of a say, if you call the tale of a dog a leg, how many legs does a dog a leg, how many legs does a dog have? five. five. see? and . dog have? five. five. see? and. that's why abraham lincoln still only got four. because whatever you call the tale, it's still a tale. so just slapping around the racist word people the racist word on people doesn't them racist. we doesn't make them racist. we need to stop. it's an absolute nonsense. we should call out nonsense. and we should call out this nonsense, which you always do this show, which is very do on this show, which is very good of you. >> certainly we certainly shouldn't with shouldn't be funding it with taxpayers money. shouldn't be funding it with taijhis's money. shouldn't be funding it with taijhis is money. shouldn't be funding it with taijhis is where get furious, >> this is where i get furious, because these equity, because all these equity, diversity officers diversity and inclusion officers are all getting paid for full time. >> yes. but anything the reason why this is happening is because anything people anything that white people enjoy, , they want to take, enjoy, they, they want to take, they call racists. so it's very simple. it's not like the simple. so it's not like the country sides. it's just like the people enjoy this. it the white people enjoy this. it must racist. must be racist. >> next up it's silicon >> well next up it's silicon valley billionaire peter thiel. thiel's latest brainwave is to put some of his ample cash reserves behind what is being described as the olympics on steroids, because it literally is the olympics on steroids . for
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is the olympics on steroids. for years, athletes who took performance enhancing drugs were considered disgraceful cheats and the lowest of the low . but and the lowest of the low. but to thiel and his mates, they are honourable pioneers. they're going to start the enhanced games , where athletes will be games, where athletes will be encouraged to take all manner of performance enhancing drugs. they say it'll push research in nutritional supplements , but i nutritional supplements, but i think we all know the real reason is it will make crazy entertaining moment. now lewis, your body is a temple and i read a lot about how, uh, there can actually be therapeutic uses for steroids or for testosterone and things that are considered performance enhancing drugs. and, you know, do you do you think this is dangerous, encouraging athletes to take drugs or do you think it's just going to be a lot of fun? >> i think it's i think it's going to be it's going to be like the gladiator thing. it's going to be very entertaining. but the is, those but the fact is, all those people drugs to improve people who take drugs to improve their bodies wind up dying. all their bodies wind up dying. all the people, number the youtube people, the number of bodybuilders they're of these bodybuilders, they're all life and art. all dead. oh, life and art. >> i think it's going to be
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great. >> and let me say something else. and the second thing is, is that exercise no one is that exercise kills. no one should do think should be exercise. do you think the dangerous, especially for women, do you think the danger is the dangerous thing in this? >> and these drug drug fuelled olympic games? >> isn't the drugs, it's >> yeah. isn't the drugs, it's the actual exercise that they're doing. >> i'm thinking the drugs are bad and the exercise is bad, and the fact is, is this guy, peter thiel, only cares about his paying thiel, only cares about his paying a couple of a couple of million pounds or dollars to see rippling young flesh pulsing muscles . muscles. >> he could just buy your calendar like he could buy my is exercise is wrong. >> it's they're pushing drugs. it's drugs. >> i think it's excellent. i think if you i think first of all i would legalise most drugs as a libertarian. i think that we should encourage people to take whatever drugs they want to. ultimately i've seen to. but ultimately i've seen this lives destroyed by this is lives destroyed by marijuana stops people. >> it stops people filling in forms. stops people being
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forms. it stops people being ambitious. forms. it stops people being am i tious. forms. it stops people being am i think i think that >> i think i think that ultimately why we see ultimately the reason why we see well, the smell, i think well, also the smell, i think the reason why see people the reason why we see people abusing drugs is because abusing these drugs is because they're actually, when they're illegal. actually, when we look across the world, look at portugal or at countries like portugal or even netherlands, where even the netherlands, where these are actually legal these drugs are actually legal andifs these drugs are actually legal and it's a separate issue, but where legal, where these drugs are legal, they're people they're more regulated. people have better care and actually, you scotland, you know, in scotland, for example, some of the example, they've got some of the highest drugs in highest deaths from drugs in europe. so really think europe. so i really do think that we need to have a conversation about the conversation about ending the war but with this war on drugs. but with this story, i think it's fantastic because people story, i think it's fantastic be have�* people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots of people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots of fun. people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots of fun. and people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots of fun. and i people story, i think it's fantastic be have lots of fun. and i think)le to have lots of fun. and i think what's going to be interesting is seeing what the maximum human potential really is before their heart bursts , before the heart heart bursts, before the heart burst. >> well, it is extraordinary. the feel good factor is what you'll call it. but but what i love it, there's two love about it, there's two things in there. one is the drugs are wrong, and you're quite to call that out. quite right to call that out. and quite interesting and there's quite an interesting thing they do. like why are drugs all of drugs wrong? for all sorts of reasons. come on to in a bit, reasons. we come on to in a bit, but the potted panto is quite funny. if you look at the potted
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panto where people get basically drunk before doing things, i think what think that's quite funny. what we're to get now with we're also going to get now with my about and robotics, my babies about al and robotics, and we're going to get used to be the million man is now the be the $6 million man is now the 44 billion with elon musk. you can replace parts can basically replace all parts of your body with all sorts of things have things where you can have somebody who's basically a cyborg against that, cyborg running against that, which will be much better entertained people on entertained than the people on on enhancing drugs. amazing >> well, next on saturday >> well, next on the saturday night showdown corner, night showdown culture corner, we the bizarre rise we will discuss the bizarre rise of dignified, dignified of the dignified, dignified movement. it's like dignified with understand it with al and you'll understand it in a moment. and sukihana will explain rapper not explain why a rapper is not a musician. more fun with musician. plus more fun with eggs. i'll show you what happened these guys decided happened when these guys decided to fry an egg on a car bonnet. >> i've always wanted to try this. okay. >> being hot to stay probably gonna just fall
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and isn't that the problem? earlier on gb news radio show ? earlier on gb news radio show? >> 22 welcome back to the saturday night showdown. culture
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corner is coming up in a bit, but first i promised i would show you what happened when those dudes thought would those dudes thought it would be smart fry an egg on smart to try and fry an egg on their bonnet. i if it their car bonnet. i wonder if it worked out. >> i've always to try >> i've always wanted to try this. >> being hot to stay probably gonna just fall. >> being hot to stay probably gonna just fall . off gonna just fall. off >> anybody listening and . on the >> anybody listening and. on the radio, that egg just disappeared down the side of the car. i'm not sure where it is. i'm not sure if it's cooked. andrew. i've heard of people cooking. yes strange places. like, apparently fish apparently you can cook fish in the dishwasher. >> wonderful fish. >> you can. and wonderful fish. it too. and obviously go to it is too. and obviously go to las vegas. you can fry eggs on on the pavement and things like that. is incredibly good. that. it is incredibly good. i've that. it is incredibly good. pve seen that. it is incredibly good. i've seen he i've never seen that. he obviously clearly hot enough. >> 5 ever have you e ever have you ever >> have you ever have you ever cooked? >> cooked? things. >> yes, i slice a pizza on a track. you should try. >> i get people to do that. absolutely it's fun fact. >> so when i younger, my mum
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>> so when i was younger, my mum used put egg yolks in my hair used to put egg yolks in my hair because protein. because it's got the protein. it's your hair, but it's good for your hair, but when put hot water on it, it when i put hot water on it, it would cook. so i had scrambled eggsin would cook. so i had scrambled eggs in my hair, scrambled scrambled eggs in the hair. >> delicious. >> delicious. >> let's see >> okay, well, let's see how you voted in my twitter poll tonight. i asked, should church policy to policy on conversion to christianity the christianity be reviewed in the wake chemical attacks? wake of the chemical attacks? 95.1% of you say yes. review it. and just 4.9% say no. so it's close, isn't it? >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> i mean, that's a margin of military dictator would sail for a rigged election. that's amazing. anyway, culture corner now and we going to start now and we are going to start with dignify . we pronounce with the dignify. we pronounce it easy for you to say old mcdonald had a farm. these characters comb the web for pictures clad women. pictures of scantily clad women. hey, nothing wrong with hey, there's nothing wrong with that. be doing it in the that. i'll be doing it in the break. then they use ai that. i'll be doing it in the break. then they use al to break. and then they use al to dignify the wound by putting her in sometimes in modest clothes and sometimes with . and women are with a child. and women are furious . it seems the only thing furious. it seems the only thing they more than being they hate more than being sexually is not sexually objectified is not being sexually objectified. the pictures sometimes give the impression of going back in
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time. will outdoor toilets be next to make a comeback? well, i hope so. they put hairs on your chest. let's go with chest. anyway, if we're talking about important women's issues, there's only one place to turn. lewis . i there's only one place to turn. lewis. i think this first of all, you're dealing with women and nothing makes them happy . and nothing makes them happy. >> so whatever. it was not true . >> so whatever. it was not true. whatever. whatever you want. >> absolutely not true. sorry i have to, but in there for a second. this is not true. >> i hang around with rima. >> i hang around with rima. >> women's expert is talking. please >> and this is this i thing. please >> and this is this i thing . i >> and this is this i thing. i didn't think there was anything to it. i barely understood it in the beginning. because you reach a certain age and you don't understand yeah, but understand this stuff. yeah, but it's. believe it's. you can't believe anything. the years anything. this is the years in the past few years where you realise you cannot believe. oh, ho. 110. >> no. >> absolutely. well, as you know, i do something called fake or and reborns or or faked and reborns fake or fact look at, i putting fact where we look at, i putting the i into britain. see what i did there. so the reality is, is that news was the
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that in 2017, fake news was the word. it's actually two words of the last it was i. the year. last year it was i. you combine in that and anything that you see now in an election year we're going to have more election than there's been election than there's ever been forever. all be i we forever. we could all be i we will be, we will be. there could be lots of fake videos and fake audio recordings, this sort of stuff. used. stuff. and it can be used. i always said it's greatest always said it's our greatest human achievement, our human achievement, but also our potential biggest existential threat. it depends on threat. and it depends on understanding sort of understanding that sort of stuff and with it. and what can be done with it. we're to have lots of we're going to have lots of glorious videos coming we glorious videos coming out. we had, khan just a had, uh, imran khan just a couple of days giving an couple of days ago, giving an election speech all election victory speech all created by ai. amazing. we're going have this sort going to have lots of this sort of stuff. >> you' re of stuff. >> you're going to be >> reem, you're going to be happy they haven't just happy because they haven't just used to put clothes on women. >> they've also removed tattoos from like from social media. dunces like the or island the island brothers or island boys, they're called. the island brothers or island boysthey've they're called. the island brothers or island boysthey've thclothedlled. and they've even clothed a surprisingly sexy starfish from spongebob squarepants . spongebob squarepants. >> i mean, what do you make of that? >> the backlash? >> the backlash? >> no, i think what's interesting is like, i'm a i'm again, a libertarian. i think
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women should be able to dress as they wish if they want to, but i actually do think that, you know, dressing more modestly is a good thing and a pretty good thing to do. and i think we should be encouraging women embrace modesty women to embrace less modesty and traditional and embrace traditional values. and say, i seem and actually, they say, i seem to doing god's as you to be doing god's work as you think sent. think it's sent. >> it's sent from jesus himself. >> it's sent from jesus himself. >> yeah, i think god sent this. i down to earth and said, hold on away and i'm on girls, put it away and i'm sending this. i and now it's being covered up. >> think it's a christian >> you think it's a christian i thing at the end? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> christian. i definitely think the it has to be, the person behind it has to be, you know, religious. >> backlash for >> but it's the backlash for what happened swifty and what happened with swifty and things afterwards. so things like that afterwards. so i've a few of these and i've got a few of these and we've got a good example here. >> so this a this is a woman >> so this is a this is a woman showing a lot of cleavage. i mean, could park mean, jeez, you could park a speedboat. and is, uh, speedboat. and that is, uh, she's covered up and she, she's been covered up and she, she's been covered up and she, she still she looks attractive. is know, there's not is just, you know, there's not quite flesh. quite as much flesh. >> proof. >> just proof. >> just proof. >> you don't have to >> girls, you don't have to shoveit >> girls, you don't have to shove it off in order to be shove it all off in order to be beautiful. you be very, very beautiful. you can be very, very beautiful. you can be very, very beautiful often are more beautiful and often are more beautiful and often are more beautiful leave it to
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mystery. >> absolute. what a lovely sentiment. on culture sentiment. next on culture corner, the and reality corner, the rapper and reality star reborn is star sukihana and reborn is a massive fan. >> i love it, she's a musician, a star, a but don't a tv star, a mogul, but don't expect her to do any magic tricks. >> whatever you do, take a look at this. know that at this. i didn't know that about you. >> what you know that you're >> what do you know that you're a musician . a musician. >> but that's why i'm interviewing today. so i can interviewing you today. so i can get to know you. >> so i'm a musician. what does that make magic or that mean? make magic or something? what musician? something? what is musician? >> think i think you're >> i think that's i think you're confusing that. >> no musician, >> yeah. i'm not no musician, i make music, i make music, and that's not all i do. i make music, i act, i'm a tv star to a young mogul, i just really quick. >> i think you're confusing me. >> i think you're confusing me. >> i'm not confusing nothing because you don't know. you because you. you don't know. you thought i thought that all i was was a magician or whatever you say. >> oh my god . >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> so she's she's clearly, uh , confused. >> the word magician with musician. so the interviewer has assumed that she's. you know, said that you're a musician and i don't know, it's so funny. i
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don't know if it's a deliberate plan sketch to try and go viral, but i've got a feeling this might be authentic stupidity. >> i think it probably is, but it would be very clever to sort of play this off and say, oh no, we did it for the views. it was for tiktok. i mean, you've got to be a bit bit stupid to think that to, to, to mistake a musician and magician, but also what does she have against magician? seems to be magician? she seems to be like, i'm not of those. how dare i'm not one of those. how dare you me of magic? like, you accuse me of magic? like, no, i don't why she's so no, i don't know why she's so offended. yeah, but most magicians are quite weird, aren't they? >> think, to be fair, to be >> i, i think, to be fair, to be fair , to be fair. fair, to be fair. >> thank you. how did you do that ? that? >> to be fair to magicians, they always are confused. >> i'm a member of the magic circle. the magician. i have a magician. and members of the magic circle. they often go and say, look, member, the magic circle . i'm magician. they circle. i'm a magician. they say, play us a tune. so to say, well, play us a tune. so to hearit say, well, play us a tune. so to hear it reverse is interesting. it's i'm a comedian. well, it's like i'm a comedian. well, change they get the change colour then. they get the same on sort
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same principle on that sort of basis. people mishearing basis. so people are mishearing things. again. things. do it again. >> yeah . good do it again . >> yeah. good do it again. >> yeah. good do it again. >> i will do it. it's got to be always a thrill. >> you can only swallow one pack of cards. >> exactly, exactly. >> exactly, exactly. >> lewis, what do you make of this? >> well, i googled her, looking for music that she had made. i don't think she's made very much music. she's a rapper. and to her, music. she's a rapper. and to hen she music. she's a rapper. and to her, she says musicians, her, when she says musicians, she's of who she's thinking of someone who plays instrument. so, plays a musical instrument. so, so she's she's right. she just says, i'm not a musician. i'm a i'm a rapper. she's sitting there just talking. and the truth is, yeah, i watched one of her songs. >> she talks about her, uh, her sort of nether regions an awful lot. >> yeah, that's that could be considered magic. >> i think she needs some of that dignified, dignified to dignify . dignify. >> but the thing is, it's so i'll tell you something about magicians. they're like. they are because anyone who are shameless because anyone who would call themselves a magician should better to not do should know better to not do that. i have no respect. okay
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well, next. >> next. >> next. >> on the saturday night showdown, we've got a common story of everyday folk. as a trans woman leaves her testicles in her ex—boyfriend's fridge and then sues him for throwing them away . plus, show you what away. plus, i'll show you what happened this guy. happened with this guy. celebrated dramatic penalty. celebrated a dramatic penalty. miss .
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high >> so we welcome back to the saturday night showdown . saturday night showdown. >> frozen testicles coming up next. but first, i promised i would show you what happened after that penalty. miss . wait after that penalty. miss. wait wait, wait wait wait . wait, wait wait wait. >> hey hey . hey, i don't want >> hey hey. hey, i don't want anyone for anyone on radio. >> uh , basically, the penalty
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>> uh, basically, the penalty missed off the bar, but then it bounced way up in the sky and managed to somehow bounce back in when the goalkeeper was celebrating. anyway let's. >> and while the kicker was just sitting there doing nothing, he could have acted appropriately. >> don't know. >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> you kick it again? if >> can you kick it again? if it's a penalty like that? >> you can, course you can. >> i don't understand football. can explain offside rule? >> uh, hh- rule? >> uh, they weren't >> uh, well, they weren't offside that one. we don't. offside in that one. we don't. we don't have time. we don't have time for this. sports for the sports. >> just lady. >> um, i'm just a lady. >> um, i'm just a lady. >> let's what you've >> anyway, let's see what you've been saying about tonight's topics. >> palm says hello. gb news and lewis and every single day i'd like to inform you that the uk nor any western aid, western country gives aid to india. india rejects any aid and builds her own on her own feet as a sovereign, independent country. i'm not sure if that's completely true. i'm sure there are. >> i think india does receive some in india. >> there's a little bit of a scandal about the fact that, you know, they've got a space program, but we're still, uh,
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giving never let the truth stand in way a good story, in the way of a good story, however, or an email. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> uh, linda says on lewis. lewis, seem to seem to be lewis, you seem to seem to be bringing emails out today. bringing the emails out today. uh, gb news given uh, last gb news has given him a decent time. you decent spot on prime time. you won't well, there's won't regret it. well, there's still 15 minutes to go . still 15 minutes to go. >> you might regret it now . >> you might regret it now. >> you might regret it now. >> and let's finish by taking a look at some of the more bizarre stories from around the world. this start in michigan, this week we start in michigan, and here's a sentence you just don't hear often enough a biological who identifies biological male who identifies as muslim woman as a transgender muslim woman has sued an ex—boyfriend for not returning their testicles from the fridge . let's take a look the fridge. let's take a look and i thank god that these deeds nuts were extracted . and they nuts were extracted. and they were put into a biohazard bag. >> and for giggles , i put them >> and for giggles, i put them in a mason jar and i put them in the fridge next to the eggs . the fridge next to the eggs. >> i mean , i've had some scary
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>> i mean, i've had some scary shared flats and was left, you know, some unpleasant things in the fridge, but never a mason jar with testicles in it. i have to say yes, you're having a ball on that particular night. >> you're you're absolutely right. next to the eggs the right. next to the eggs was the important thing. because if you're staggering around feeling for no. ah. for something. oh, no. ah. bonnet that's the moment bonnet that's that's the moment you don't want, isn't it. oh, that's and sorry. that's grim and sorry. >> what transgender muslim woman. i mean, a bit of an oxymoron. yeah. >> it's sort of like pick a lane with a lane, like picking with pick a lane, like picking a prussian point. >> do what i mean? you >> do you know what i mean? you can't be impressed on multiple angles. you've got to either be angles. you've got to either be an minority muslim an ethnic minority or a muslim or person or gay. or trans gender person or gay. you've got to pick one. >> although ironically, in iran they have transgender they have more transgender people per capita than anywhere in world because they like in the world because they like california, people california, they like gay people transitioning they don't transitioning because they don't like couples. >> so they actually prefer it. if you look like if you look like a straight couple. >> and it's basically, uh, if you if you're gay, then you're given the choice transition or face execute on. >> which is actually >> yes. which is actually i
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think also sometimes the state sponsors, uh, medical care for, for transitioning as well. i mean, this story is just so bizarre and i'm a little bit unsettled by it. i'm not going to lie. yeah. >> louis, are you are you unsettled by it or are you because love you love your because you love you love your your strange meat products? >> know, it's >> well, you know, it's interesting where they egg right >> well, you know, it's interto ing where they egg right >> well, you know, it's interto the where they egg right >> well, you know, it's interto the testicles. y egg right >> well, you know, it's interto the testicles. yeah. right >> well, you know, it's interto the testicles. yeah. i'mit next to the testicles. yeah. i'm surprised they weren't. they weren't that's good idea. >> oh, that's a good idea. >> oh, that's a good idea. >> uh , the fact is, this is >> but, uh, the fact is, this is one of those only in florida. yeah. does something like this happen? >> yeah, only in the us. but last tonight. >> wait, wait, wait, you weren't last tonight was michigan. what was it? that's was michigan? oh. was it? that's what a joke. it was a it what made it a joke. it was a it was. you're supposed to say louis, but that was in michigan. >> we go. >> well, there we go. >> well, there we go. >> we do regret it now. uh, >> uh, we do regret it now. uh, linda, who sent in that email? that regret. popular that was not regret. popular scandal . avian airline finnair scandal. avian airline finnair has hit the headlines this week. they have decided to start weighing passengers as well as luggage. apparently, such information can help with working fuel efficiency . the working out fuel efficiency. the weigh voluntary, weigh ins are voluntary, voluntary and the airline says
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the weights only be seen by the weights will only be seen by one person the scales . one person managing the scales. needless not everyone is needless to say, not everyone is happy with furious fatties happy with some furious fatties typing out tweets with typing out angry tweets with their little fingers. and their pudgy little fingers. and it doesn't look like weight watchers hold their watchers are going to hold their next in helsinki. next conference in helsinki. louis, to be a fat. he louis, you used to be a fat. he used to be fat, and there's no shame. >> really? yeah. how did you lose the weight through old fashioned way of being miserable for about a jar of testicles in his fridge every time he was hungry. >> yeah, but, uh, you know , >> yeah, but, uh, you know, there's no shame in being fat because this world is inundated with food, and so it's impossible not to be fat. so the question is, people who are skinny should be embarrassed because you're you're the devil . because you're you're the devil. so skinny. i would i would actually go further than this. >> and i would say, i think this is perfectly fine, just sort of being weighed. if you voluntarily to, i would being weighed. if you volfurther' to, i would being weighed. if you volfurther and to, i would being weighed. if you volfurther and sayto, i would being weighed. if you volfurther and say you would being weighed. if you volfurther and say you should go further and say you should pay go further and say you should pay more. you weigh pay more. if you weigh more. >> that sense. it >> yeah, that makes sense. it totally makes sense. >> and actually you'll call it thin i the of
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thin air. i like the idea of that. but also you work in the if you go a helicopter. if you go on a helicopter. exactly. they need to wear you. and it's nonsense. having a system where you weigh the luggage but you don't away, luggage but you don't wear away, the carrying luggage. the person carrying the luggage. so work that so you need to work on that basis. it's a good rule, and basis. so it's a good rule, and it's a we enforce. it's a rule we should enforce. >> well, it must be if >> well, and it must be if you're a skinny person, you're sitting there and you're like half pound over on your half a pound over on your suitcase. and look over suitcase. and then you look over and look over and you're £50 and you look over and you're £50 wimereux there with like a wimereux there with like with a it's fat. it's not really fat. >> able to all my >> i'm able to carry all my makeup that fatty. makeup with that fatty. >> to me having take up >> next to me having to take up all space. all the space. >> and if you weigh a bit extra, you have a choice of how you can lower weight. you can maybe you have a choice of how you can lowera weight. you can maybe you have a choice of how you can lowera diuretic, ht. you can maybe you have a choice of how you can lowera diuretic, or you can maybe you have a choice of how you can lowera diuretic, or maybe1 maybe you have a choice of how you can lowera diuretic, or maybe have'be circumcision. >> do you think they could have this? >> actually at the at the departure gate saying, you know, if you want to fly, you're gonna have lose getting have to lose a foot getting a sauna suit. >> yeah. you'd a suit. >> yeah. you'd want a suit. >> yeah. you'd want a suit. >> these performance >> take these performance enhancing drugs. >> was it extreme >> i was making it more extreme than that. for the sake of the joke. yeah, brilliant. than that. for the sake of the jok< keep h, brilliant. than that. for the sake of the jok< keep h, ikeep nt. to the >> keep it. keep it next to the eggs fridge. whatever you eggs in the fridge. whatever you have that'd have locked off, i think that'd be appropriate. have locked off, i think that'd be appronell, right up is
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>> okay, well, right up next is mark dolan what have mark dolan tonight. what have you us this evening, mark? >> i should the taxpayer payers leo be helping manchester leo be helping out manchester united stadium. >> talk w-m >> there's talk of this idea. the wembley of north. but the wembley of the north. but should coughing up also, should we be coughing up also, given the that tax given the fact that his tax return has been released, is rishi rich to be prime rishi sunak too rich to be prime minister? prince minister? and why has prince harry an hour for harry only got half an hour for his cancer stricken dad? >> brilliant >> sounds like a brilliant show. well, my brilliant well, thanks to my brilliant panel ibrahim panel tonight, reem ibrahim andrew eborn and lewis shafran, i'll next week. andrew eborn and lewis shafran, i'll don't next week. andrew eborn and lewis shafran, i'll don't forget next week. andrew eborn and lewis shafran, i'll don't forget headliners;. andrew eborn and lewis shafran, i'll don't forget headliners as and don't forget headliners as well. 11 pm. well. tonight, 11 pm. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boiler is sponsors of weather on gb news . weather on gb news. >> hello there. good evening . >> hello there. good evening. i'm jonathan vautrey of your gb news weather forecast provided by the met office . have quite by the met office. have quite a foggy and murky night to come ahead of us, leading into sunday. certainly could see some mist and fog patches forming relatively widely across areas of uk. quite a damp night as of the uk. quite a damp night as well, with showers pushing across southwest, this band across the southwest, this band of into
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of longer rain moving into eastern and eastern eastern england and eastern scotland some scotland as well, could be some localised this localised disruption with this rainfall very rainfall falling on already very saturated ground temperatures. though that cloud though underneath all that cloud generally holding above generally holding up above freezing . but we can't rule out freezing. but we can't rule out a patchy frost for some clearer spells across areas of scotland, but we'll be quite a damp start to sunday again, with those showers their way showers pushing their way through. quite heavy, through. could be quite heavy, maybe along maybe with some thunder along some areas of far some coastal areas of the far south. rain eventually clearing for is for eastern england. but it is going be a very wet for going to be a very wet day for nonh going to be a very wet day for north eastern of scotland, north eastern areas of scotland, but brighter spells but some brighter spells developing as we head into the afternoon too, though with some continuing showers moving in from temperatures from the west. temperatures generally 7 to 11 c. on generally around 7 to 11 c. on monday, the area of low pressure that we have seen around this weekend will slowly drift its way northward, closer way northward, a bit closer towards that allows towards iceland. that allows this northwesterly flow of air to moving its quite to start moving its way in quite a lot isobars on the chart. a lot of isobars on the chart. there it will be a relatively there so it will be a relatively breezy for of us. those breezy day for most of us. those showers most frequent in showers will be most frequent in the and west, particularly the north and west, particularly for parts northern for parts of northern ireland, western areas western scotland, but areas further east further towards the east starting decent starting off with a decent amount sunshine, bit of amount of sunshine, a bit of fair cloud bubbling up fair weather, cloud bubbling up
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into out the odd shower, but rule out the odd shower, but certainly dry it here nonetheless . hold a nonetheless. we hold on to a fairly changeable theme throughout week, further throughout next week, so further showers spells of showers and longer spells of rain, for rain, certainly on the cards for many, brighter outlook many, but by a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. you're watching and listening to gb news i'm sam francis. >> the headlines just after 11:00. the king has shared his heartfelt thanks for the overwhelming public support he's received. in his first statement since being diagnosed with cancen since being diagnosed with cancer. in the message of thanks, he added like all those who have been affected by cancen who have been affected by cancer, will know such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement that statement follows the announcement from buckingham palace that king charles, on the throne for just 17 months, is
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facing a form, they say, of cancer unrelated to his previous prostate treatment. palace officials are calling for the king's privacy to be respected , king's privacy to be respected, especially during his treatment . especially during his treatment. but they say he wanted to make his diagnosis public because of his diagnosis public because of his long running support for cancer charities . in other news, cancer charities. in other news, today , gb news has learned that today, gb news has learned that 15 migrants were apprehended after attempting to cross the channelin after attempting to cross the channel in a stolen french fishing boat. the small channel in a stolen french fishing boat . the small vessel fishing boat. the small vessel left the french coast between calais and dunkirk earlier this morning. the boat was then intercepted and handed over to uk border force officials. the migrants were then brought to doven migrants were then brought to dover. that means that so far this year, almost 1400 migrants have made the journey successfully across the english channelin successfully across the english channel in small boats . police channel in small boats. police have today been continuing their search of the river thames in central london, looking for the body of chemical attack suspect abdul ezedi . earlier, a police abdul ezedi. earlier, a police boat was seen moving between two bndges boat was seen moving between two bridges with the metropolitan police saying that they


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