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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  February 18, 2024 1:00am-2:01am GMT

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latest news headlines. >> good evening from the gb newsroom. it'sjust >> good evening from the gb newsroom. it's just gone 8:00. the headlines this hour. and we start with the story leading the news today that family of news today that the family of jailed politician navalny jailed politician alexei navalny have said that his body is purposely being withheld by russia so that authorities there can cover their tracks. following his death in an arctic jail, hundreds of people across russia have been detained for attending memorial events . if attending memorial events. if you're watching on television, you're watching on television, you can see their footage coming from showing people being from moscow showing people being led by police officers and led away by police officers and being forced into police vans. it comes as president putin faces increasing condemnation from the us. the eu and the uk, among others. the kremlin , among others. the kremlin, though, says that the west's reaction is unacceptable and they've described it as absolutely rabid. the ukrainian president, volodymyr zelenskyy, is among those who've laid blame on the russian leader, calling putin a thug who he says must be stopped after the murder of
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alexei navalny. >> it's absurd to perceive putin as a supposedly legitimate head of a russian . state and he is of a russian. state and he is a thug who maintains power through corruption and violence. coming to his so—called inauguration . to his so—called inauguration. and shaking his hand , and shaking his hand, considering him an equal means to disdain the very nature of political power . political power. >> vladimir zelenskyy there, speaking at the munich munich security conference, where he also today told g7 leaders that there is a shortage of long—range weapons that's hampering his fight against russian forces. joining ministers there for a minute. silence earlier, foreign secretary lord cameron said that the uk will stand by ukraine, a sentiment that was echoed by labour leader sir keir starmer, president zelenskyy told president zelenskyy also told leaders there's urgent need president zelenskyy also told lea more here's urgent need president zelenskyy also told
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lea more western urgent need president zelenskyy also told lea more western support,1eed president zelenskyy also told lea more western support, while for more western support, while italy's minister said italy's foreign minister said ukraine's of the ukraine's membership of the eu and nato inevitable and and then nato was inevitable and tens of thousands of protesters have been marching through the irish, the scottish and english capitals today in major demonstrations against the war in gaza. in london, some violence did break out earlier between demonstrators and police, according to reports at the scene earlier today . 12 the scene earlier today. 12 people we understand have now been arrested for a string of alleged offences, including hate related placards, assaults on police officers and also for refusing to remove their face coverings. former labour leader jeremy . corbyn was among those jeremy. corbyn was among those addressing the crowds today in the capital at the now 14th national demonstration, he said there'll be many more until it takes as long as it takes until there is a ceasefire. well near. the protests are taking place in glasgow today. scottish labour backed calls for a ceasefire in gaza on the second day of its
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party conference. the motion passed unopposed , but it puts passed unopposed, but it puts the party at odds with westminster colleagues, with sir keir starmer stopping short of calling for a ceasefire he says instead that he wants to see a sustainable end to the war. >> friend is right to point out . >> friend is right to point out. >> friend is right to point out. >> in other news, one person has been charged today with assisting illegal entry to the uk following the discovery. you may heard of migrants may have heard about of migrants being found back of being found in the back of a freezer lorry in east sussex yesterday. the home office hasn't named the person, though, that they have charged. it's after incident was after a major incident was sparked yesterday, prompting large responses from emergency services haven's ferry services at new haven's ferry port. six people, we understand, were taken to hospital following that incident. police though, say there were no deaths reported and continuing reported and they are continuing their investigation as a third of small boat arrivals since 2018 have taken place . while 2018 have taken place. while rishi sunak was prime minister that's according to new analysis from the labour party. it comes after 52 people reportedly crossed . the english channel by
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crossed. the english channel by small boat yesterday , meaning small boat yesterday, meaning there have been just over 38,500 arrivals since mr sunak became prime minister. labour says it's proof the government's focus on its rwanda plan isn't enough to solve crisis, but the solve the crisis, but the government insists its policies are working with the number of crossings. they say crossings. last year, they say down than a third compared down more than a third compared to the previous year. and finally , farmers in kent have finally, farmers in kent have been taking a stand against cheap imports today by blockading a tesco supermarket in dorset with around 20 tractors. they've been protesting to highlight what they fear could be a threat to britain's food security. the british farmers say they can't compete with cheap foreign imports and they say unless something is done, there's a risk of empty supermarket shelves in the future . for the shelves in the future. for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen. or, of course, go to our website forward slash alerts .
1:05 am forward slash alerts. >> thank you, sam, and welcome to the saturday night showdown. now london mayor sadiq khan has splurged millions of pounds to deal with the biggest problem facing this country's capital. is it soaring violent crime, anti—semitic mobs roaming the streets or an insane lack of housing that's led to people renting out tents in living rooms.7 no sadiq khan has spent £63 rooms.7 no sadiq khan has spent £6.3 million of taxpayers money to give some trendy names to train . lines. transport for train. lines. transport for london paid swanky branding agency dnc six figures to conduct creative community engagement with underrepresented groups to explore decolonisation and queer histories. over five months of naming research, the agency website says. we started by writing the entire network, getting a sense of the line personalities and the communities that they serve. it also gave us the chance to conduct over 150 customer intercepts, hearing from everyday londoners about what makes the overground special, we
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quickly learned about the network's low cognitive load. its lighter, cooler, quieter journeys mean that the overground is often preferred by vulnerable groups and those with neurodivergent needs. we also had the privilege of interviewing leading historians, academics and transport specialists, delving into topics such as lgbtq+ histories, east end migration and the fascinating world of london slang and linguistics . london slang and linguistics. london slang. i think they're telling porky pies because after all that jack and danny ing around the names they came up with are pony and trap , and there's no pony and trap, and there's no hint of indigenous cockney culture. they came up with names like the lioness line, the windrush line, the mildmay line, and the suffragette line, which celebrate women's football , celebrate women's football, women's rights and aids. hospital and the boat that brought people from the canbbean brought people from the caribbean to the uk. then, hilariously , the names they hilariously, the names they chose aren't as woke as sadiq hopes. lots of suffragettes such as mary richardson moved on to support the british union of
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fascists. the lioness line is a gendered word which is due to be retired soon. like the word actress, many of the windrush generation were wrongly deported by our hopeless government, who let acid attackers stay in the country and instead deport hard working caribbean people who fully integrated with british society . £6.3 million well spent society. £6.3 million well spent sadiq well done, a consultee said. more than just tracks and stations, the mildmay line symbolises a journey of acceptance , love and belonging. acceptance, love and belonging. a vibrant thread connecting our collective past , present and collective past, present and future. listen mate, the mildmay line is just a train that takes you from one crappy part of london that smells of weed to another crappy part of london. that smells of weed. lines that smells of weed. train lines should tell you where the should just tell you where the train bakerloo train goes. the bakerloo line goes baker street and goes between baker street and waterloo. the hammersmith and city line goes between . can you city line goes between. can you guess hammersmith and the city? the victoria line . where do you the victoria line. where do you think that goes? that's right . think that goes? that's right. victoria, how's anyone supposed
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to know where they're going to get to when they get on sadiq's? tampax line? or the wakanda forever line? they should have let decide these let the public decide these names no money whatsoever. names for no money whatsoever. we have had better names we could have had better names like face. in fact , like chubby tube face. in fact, i came up with better names on the train this afternoon. we the train in this afternoon. we could have a missing acid attacker line . will pop up at attacker line. will he pop up at one the stations and spray one of the stations and spray chemicals face? who chemicals in your face? who knows? all part of the fun knows? it's all part of the fun of living in sadiq khan's london. we could hamas london. we could have a hamas chief given council house line chief given a council house line in celebration of taxpayers money spent labour councils money spent by labour councils to subsidise international terrorism . we could have the terrorism. we could have the state overreach line where police will arrest you for silently praying in your seat or putting a poster on your door. we could have a mizzy line where you get threatened with violence while being filmed for tiktok by some kid who doesn't know who his is. could also have his dad is. we could also have a blatant anti semitism line rammed with uninformed formed woke and islamist woke people and islamist chanting for the extermination of without any of jews without any repercussions from sadiq's police force. the guardian has
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come out to defend the new names, saying that £6.3 million is nothing. nothing socialists are always very generous when they're spending other other people's money, aren't they? £63 people's money, aren't they? £6.3 million might be an acceptable amount to spend on something useful, like kidney dialysis machines, but it's a hell of a lot of money to spend on pointless virtue signalling, especially when london's transport system is a half billion pound shortfall. for all the talk of underrepresented groups, these seem to be the only groups allowed. any represent asian. if sadiq really wanted to elevate marginalised groups , he'd have a gammon line groups, he'd have a gammon line and it would take you to a better place than his . london. better place than his. london. anyway, i'm joined tonight by three of the best comedians in the business. we've got susie kennedy, nicholas de santo and jonathan coogan. now, susie, you're a londoner, so start with with you first. >> i just thought it's funny. i
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thought you said the jack and danny line, which i just think would be brilliant because only londoners would get what we mean by the line. then by the danny line. and then let's give her the jack and danny line. you're like, over there, also i'm there, right? but also i'm thinking like, you've got suffragette, you're calling it woke. but the suffragettes woke. yeah, but the suffragettes would be cancelled if would be cancelled now. like if they the they could call that the jk rowling go mad. rowling line, they'd go mad. but jk rowling suffragette. she jk rowling is a suffragette. she fights women's rights. the fights for women's rights. the hogwarts they call it. hogwarts express, they call it. need turf train. need the know the turf train. the train on the the turf train on the suffragette the turf suffragette line, the turf train, turf train on london, train, the turf train on london, london turf, london's overground. >> you think. do think >> do you think. do you think sadiq no but sadiq would allow that? no but he's called it the suffragette. >> i mean, does he know what the suffragettes are about? >> well, that's the thing. he doesn't looked into doesn't seem to have looked into the the history of these, the into the history of these, these supposedly woke names at all. not these supposedly woke names at a|woke. not these supposedly woke names at a|woke. in not these supposedly woke names at a|woke. in fact, not these supposedly woke names at a|woke. in fact, you're not these supposedly woke names at a|woke. in fact, you're famously a woke. in fact, you're famously an anti—woke comedian. exactly >> the exception. so >> i'm the exception. so much so that make it to gb news. but that i make it to gb news. but as people twitter as some people on twitter suggest, that this could have been these lines could been some of these lines could have been named. is the end have been named. this is the end line. hate you. line emigrate
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line. we hate you. line emigrate line. we hate you. line emigrate line because sadiq khan has or well, have well, him and his allies have changed. london demographically beyond recognition they changed. london demographically bey
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you strong opinions on you have strong opinions on this. going this. i'm going to make a confession. i do watch women's football. when italy are playing. but people also watch their kids playing football volleyball. who doesn't the volleyball. so who doesn't the beach volleyball okay, the beach volleyball okay, but the thing is, it has become a sacrament of the state religion. thou shalt play volleyball if you are a woman and thou sorry, football if you're a woman and thou love football thou shalt love women's football if man. so do you. if you are a man. so do you. >> do you think you know as this sort of religious thing? that's that's why not much fun to that's why it's not much fun to watch, because not watch, because you're not supposed it's supposed to enjoy religion. it's supposed to enjoy religion. it's supposed to enjoy religion. it's supposed to be a penance. you know what i mean? on know what i mean? sitting on a hard and a sunday and then hard pew and a sunday and then watching women's football as well. >> it doesn't help. it doesn't help. think that, help. but when you think that, why okay, want encourage why okay, you want to encourage women that's women to play sports, that's fine. such a vehemence fine. but why such a vehemence and vicious ideological to and vicious ideological drive to sponsor and to push for women's for women's football, among other things, and one more thing. we know that in london, a favourite pastime or , um, mental favourite pastime or, um, mental sport of londoners is fantasising and speculating
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about their house prices . and about their house prices. and who can blame that? blame them for that. but imagine if you have the misfortune of having a house which is now going to be associated with the aids line, or the stabbing line, and all these, this wokery, those are devastating impact on your site. >> they were working work in progress. names like i'm fine, jonathan, i'm more worried about the this attitude to taxpayer's money that reveals, you money that this reveals, you know guardian and sadiq khan know the guardian and sadiq khan saying it's cavalier £6.3 saying oh it's cavalier £6.3 million is nothing. >> just a drop in the >> it's just a drop in the ocean. well, maybe when it's, you know, somebody else of, uh, this tax payers money. this this is tax payers money. this should spent stuff that's should be spent on stuff that's actually useful instead this actually useful instead of this pointless fripperies. >> had a sadiq >> look, i've had a lot of sadiq khan's followers saying 6 million lot. you million isn't a lot. so, you know, that's know, that's not. that's not right. >> maybe it's not. if you're a left wing. >> yeah. >> well, yeah. >> well, yeah. >> champagne socialist. >> champagne socialist. >> exactly. yeah. i mean, look, they hamas they didn't call him the hamas tunnels. they tunnels. that's a win. they could have that, but they didn't. >> i mean, 6.3 million. that's the price of your weekly bus pass. the price of your weekly bus passo is we have a saying. >> so it is we have a saying. >> so it is we have a saying. >> we it's always easy to be
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>> we say it's always easy to be gay with someone else's bum. right >> that's not what's a real saying. >> you say it's always easy to be gay in someone else's bum. exactly what a phrase. be gay in someone else's bum. exaitly what a phrase. be gay in someone else's bum. exai mean,t a phrase. be gay in someone else's bum. exai mean, yomhrase. be gay in someone else's bum. exai mean, you really do need >> i mean, you really do need somebody bum, though. somebody else's bum, though. come somebody else's bum, though. con unless unless you've got somebody else's bum, though. conunless unless you've got some >> unless unless you've got some particularly endowed and particularly well endowed and you it all the way around. >> but that is tried. that's a fantastic, uh, fantastic thing. i'm not that union i'm not sure that union salaries, can look salaries, you can look it up. yeah. and funny, talking yeah. and it's funny, talking of, hamas tunnels and, uh, of, uh, hamas tunnels and, uh, hamas getting council hamas chiefs getting council houses london by the houses in london paid for by the taxpayer. a video of taxpayer. we've got a video of sadiq khan, had a little sadiq khan, who had a little freudian slip this week. >> as as i'm concerned, that >> as far as i'm concerned, that sort of language isn't acceptable. and certainly acceptable. and it certainly shouldn't a shouldn't be acceptable in a party mine. uh, that is party like mine. uh, that is proud both anti—racist but proud to be both anti—racist but also anti—semitic . also anti—semitic. >> and we'll come back to some of those, i beg your pardon? >> tackling anti—semitism. >> tackling anti—semitism. >> you just know it's hard sank after saying and kerb, after saying that. and the kerb, your music and your enthusiasm, music plays and the admire the fact that you think it's a genuine freudian slip and not just a dog whistle to some his voters, you never to some of his voters, you never know like, yeah, anti—semitism. >> this is the old labour party
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back.i >> this is the old labour party back. i like this. >> can i take these off now? >> can i take these off now? >> you can take those off. nobody was actually asking you to wear. nobody was actually asking you to hear. nobody was actually asking you to \i found them on the floor. >> i found them on the floor. i've had a lot of tweets saying that i'm only here for my looks and not for intellectual contributions. >> has said that. >> nobody has said that. >> nobody has said that. >> no, no one said that either. but yeah, i'm a smart guy now. i'm a lot i'm a glass objectified a lot recently have been i have recently i have been i have been, and i enjoy every minute of and anyone who complains of it. and anyone who complains is yes. of it. and anyone who complains is okay. yes. of it. and anyone who complains is okay. welles. of it. and anyone who complains is okay. well next on the >> okay. well next on the saturday night down, the saturday night show down, the renaissance painter michelangelo was actually a white supremacist. we all supremacist. but aren't we all these we'll find out these days? plus we'll find out what this speed
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the whole institution you're listening to gb news radio . listening to gb news radio. >> welcome back . to the saturday >> welcome back. to the saturday night showdown. kirsten blessed is coming up. but first, let's see what happened when that lady decided to show off her athleticism. i'm don't worry.
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she was fine. uh, the window wasn't. i know i said she was a speed camera before. that was. that was incorrect. she's not in fact, a speed camera. um, and i certainly don't want to see her do any flashing anyway. nice. i'm impressed you got airborne, to be honest. but it's time now for or blessed. me and my for cursed or blessed. me and my brilliant panel. we'll look at three big stories the week three big stories of the week and decide who are the week's winners who the losers. winners and who are the losers. now, valentine's day was celebrated and wide as is celebrated far and wide as it is every year, but a care has every year, but a care home has come under fire for allowing its local funeral director to hand out valentine's day cards to residents . i out valentine's day cards to residents. i mean, out valentine's day cards to residents . i mean, nothing says residents. i mean, nothing says i love you like 20% off your own funeral costs . no. i love you like 20% off your own funeral costs. no. is the cynical or just an example of carefully targeted marketing ? carefully targeted marketing? >> well, i'm actually a bit jealous because those old people got one more valentine's card than me . than me. >> oh no, i got zero cards. >> i got zero cards. >> i got zero cards. >> i got zero cards. >> i don't believe that they're moaning. >> they're moaning. they got a card. yeah. and you got 10% off. >> but was it.
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>> but was it. >> but was it. >> but it was from a funeral . >> but it was from a funeral. >> but it was from a funeral. >> it was from a funeral home. you beggars can't be you know, beggars can't be choosers, so you've got choosers, right? so you've got 10% shove it. 10% off shove it. >> sorry. done >> sorry. done >> nicholas, would you. what do you make of this? >> i mean, it's a tricky situation. yeah. one funny thing is that the actual funeral directors company has apologised. said they were misguided. it was misjudged, but the care home has defended . the care home has defended. their part of the community. they serve us, they send us blankets and all that. >> and they've also said, listen, these people have got a couple of months left, so it's a good we actually good deal. we are actually saving some money. saving them some money. >> maybe should have sent >> maybe they should have sent the cards to their the valentine's cards to their heirs of because heirs and next of kin, because they burdening the costs they will be burdening the costs anyway. i younger, i anyway. when i was younger, i remember an italian municipality anyway. when i was younger, i remydecided1 italian municipality anyway. when i was younger, i remydecided1 itrelease unicipality anyway. when i was younger, i remydecided1 itrelease some ality had decided to release some affordable, plots. affordable, um, graveyard plots. right. a right. and they had made a similar in their similar mistake. anyone in their database . above a certain age, database. above a certain age, they have single them out and send them all these wonderful offers which was interpreted rightly as a gaffe, which begs the question, i don't want to be
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insensitive or anything. how can a advertise? a funeral company advertise? because you certainly can't count on walk in traffic or word of mouth. >> you could get one of those things that goes behind a plane , things that goes behind a plane, flies along one of those big inflatable guys . inflatable guys. >> the grim reaper was like, oh yeah, well, motion activated coffin that pops open every time a car drives kills an iep every time they walk past. yeah, i mean, what do i think? i think it's targeted marketing. they could have gone to much more macabre places. they didn't go to a hospital. know, i think to a hospital. you know, i think they just being i think they were just being i think they were just being i think they were just being i think they were being nice they say they were being nice and do it all year round and they do it all year round with other things, but who knows? okay, wacky knows? who knows? okay, wacky world, haircut. world, i need a haircut. >> we're to see blessed. >> we're going to see blessed. not cursed. and children not not cursed. and children moving a spanish moving on. children in a spanish town parading around town have been parading around in and dancing in suspenders and dancing suggestively. because suggestively. but because they've flags, nobody they've got pride flags, nobody got arrested. have look got arrested. let's have a look at . oh, no, i mean, at the video. oh, no, i mean, this is this is pretty shocking. those apparently kids those are apparently the kids are, nine and even younger , are, uh, nine and even younger, and they're clearly wearing fetish gear. they've got
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stockings, suspenders . oh, god. stockings, suspenders. oh, god. they've got, uh, you know, those sort of cross the electric tape over the over the nipples. i mean, susie, i'm genuinely worried that by broadcasting this, we're breaching some sort of child sexual exploitation laws. we're on a list now . laws. we're on a list now. >> i thought that was a madonna concert. >> that's kind of in. >> that's kind of in. >> you're about 70 years out. >> you're about 70 years out. >> it looks like one. do you know what? i don't know where you got this clip. i it's it is disturbing. it is disturbing. but where did you get it? is it really in spain? >> no, i got it off twitter. yeah. so yeah, definitely ruled in not sure. >> i think the real key , the >> i think the real key, the real question is why is nicolas hard? >> that's what i want to know. >> that's what i want to know. >> i totally deny that. >> i totally deny that. >> there must be a saying in italian. >> if you want to be hard with someone else's kid. >> kid? >> kid? >> i was thinking more like tonight. jonathan, you sleep with the fishes? >> w- >> no. the reason i'm hard is because already thinking because i'm already thinking about story. exactly. because i'm already thinking aborsistine story. exactly. because i'm already thinking aborsistine chapely. exactly. because i'm already thinking aborsistine chapel andlactly. because i'm already thinking aborsistine chapel andlactithe the sistine chapel and all the nudity, white supremacist nudity. to see. but nudity. we are about to see. but
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quite this . what quite right. this. what i captured on this one. that little biscuity thing. i don't remember the english word biscotti. yeah, the austere. oh, the masses. i think they were also committing sacrilege as also committing a sacrilege as well to add insult to injury, was this some pride was this some sort of pride parade slash? >> , communion? >> uh, communion? >> uh, communion? >> i think they were marking probably christian. they're not just. they're not just multitasking by getting a pride parade and some sort of catholic fitual parade and some sort of catholic ritual out of way at the saving. >> they're they're, you know, um, yeah. promotion budget by committing sacrilege and mocking the christian faith and doing their lgbt parade as well. >> i mean, it's interesting we mention religion because i feel the, uh, you know, on a serious note, this is this is serious stuff. and we're seeing a sort of slipping slope for, for a while, people have said, oh, the slippery slope idea. that's that's, queerphobic or that's, uh, queerphobic or homophobic , but, homophobic or whatever, but, i mean, what on earth is this? if not, you know, some way down the slippery slope? absolutely. we're seeing paedophiles trying to of rebrand themselves as
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to sort of rebrand themselves as maps minor attracted people to try and, you know, have it more accepted by society . um, you accepted by society. um, you know, obviously parts of the labour party were involved in the paedophile information exchange network back in the day. so this is, you know, this is something that's been been with us for a while. and i feel that, you know, if, if the for paedophiles these days maybe 40 years ago they'd into the years ago they'd go into the catholic church to have that sort of, that power sort of, uh, that power structure to structure and access to children. whereas now they go into the bbc, i get it, i get it allegedly . allegedly. >> god sake. >> god sake. >> hi. me it's true, because once your slogan is love is love, then where do you stop? >> yeah. so those original, you know, conservative or conservative minded people who initially opposed gay marriage are being proven vindicated . are being proven vindicated. people like even barack obama and at some stage? and joe biden at some stage? >> well, it's a scary times, for sure. and certainly that video raises a lot of questions. moving on. charities depend on volunteers often kind—hearted
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retired people giving their time for free because it's a cause close to their heart. but the multiple sclerosis society for hired 90 year old volunteer fran itkoff after 60 years of service, after they say she breached their diversity and inclusion guidelines by asking what pronouns are gender ideology is tough enough to get your head around at the best of times, but poor fran is 90. she just wanted to help people out because her husband suffered from m from multiple sclerosis. but the society's diversity but the ms society's diversity and representatives and inclusion representatives turned said sorry, turned round and said sorry, this is an inclusive organisation. you have to leave. i mean, this is this is ridiculous. susie. i grew up in the 80s. you know, we had two genders. we had two, four tv channels. and that was complicated enough. we needed two tv for now two tv guides for that. now there's genders and 600 there's like 600 genders and 600 tv channels. but i've got a funny feeling. >> got a funny feeling. >> i've got a funny feeling. this one those people that this is one of those people that work you, know, you just work for you, you know, you just think got to get reason think we've got to get a reason to get rid of her. we've got to get reason to get rid of her.
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get a reason to get rid of her. and then suddenly she's like, sorry, hey, she sorry, what's this? hey, she out. out. and you're just like, thank god she's gone. i mean, she's she's 90. she's she's she's 90. >> you don't have to. you >> surely you don't have to. you don't wait too long for don't have to wait too long for her retire. her to retire. >> her to retire. » m her to retire. >> i'd like to >> she's gonna. no, i'd like to think it was just any excuse. they're just sitting there waiting something. waiting for her to do something. they'll got they'll go. there we go. i got it. >> pronouns. we've got our own pronouns. >> we've got our own pronouns. >> we've got our own pronouns. >> so sure, nicholas, >> i'm not so sure, nicholas, because i've seen of because i've seen so much of this. many, uh, so this. jonathan so many, uh, so many are getting many times people are getting fired uh, for either fired for, uh, for either questioning ideology fired for, uh, for either quthisyning ideology fired for, uh, for either quthis case, ideology fired for, uh, for either quthis case, just ideology fired for, uh, for either quthis case, just notieology fired for, uh, for either quthis case, just not knowing, in this case, just not knowing, but understanding exactly. >> particularly >> it seems particularly pernicious because didn't pernicious because she didn't she speak she didn't even, you know, speak out anything that could out or say anything that could even construed as transphobic out or say anything that could ev anything. strued as transphobic out or say anything that could ev anything. strue essentially hobic or anything. she essentially just if just asked what it was. so if anything, just trying to anything, she was just trying to find um so that seems find out. yeah. um so that seems very cruel. maybe, maybe she very cruel. so maybe, maybe she was you putting was just like, you know, putting the microwave and the cat in the microwave and confused belong in confused and didn't belong in the office but god the office anymore. but god bless seemed like bless her, she seemed like a lovely uh. yeah, lovely person and, uh. yeah, yeah. if she wants, it my grandma. >> if she wants to volunteer here or if she wants to volunteer at my house. >> some. i've got some >> i've got some. i've got some
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curtains. cleaning. curtains. need cleaning. uh filled the days that. filled fill the days like that. but know, wokeism but feel like, you know, wokeism is just a new class system. there's all these rules. you have to learn the gender ideology is incredibly complicated. and unless and it changes the time as well. so changes all the time as well. so unless sort unless you've got the sort of time resources dedicate time and resources to dedicate to reading the guardian and keeping trends keeping up on whatever trends there you're going there are, uh, then you're going to foul of it. so it's to fall foul of it. so it's really elites to sort really just for elites to sort of of it shows a of stay ahead of it shows a shows a priorities as well. >> they'd rather not have somebody working, volunteering who's for years who's been a volunteer for years for they for decades, because they didn't, um, go along with the dei so they've shown dei stuff. so they've shown their priorities. they're like, it's helping people. it's not about helping people. it's follow rules. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and we're seeing it across so many organisations. the diversity, inclusion. diversity, equity and inclusion. and who've and quite often people who've been big been fired are winning big payouts. you know, payouts. we saw, you know, lloyds bank filed, fired a guy who asked a question in diversity training. do you think fran should sue the miss society, i hope she does. >> i really hope she does. you know, that's what you've got to do , though. got to, like, do, though. you've got to, like, stand confused. do, though. you've got to, like, standidn't confused. do, though. you've got to, like, standidn't know. confused. do, though. you've got to, like, standidn't know. she'synfused. do, though. you've got to, like, standidn't know. she'synfus> they're cruel. >> they're cruel. >> it's so cruel. >> she's elderly . it's so sad
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>> she's elderly. it's so sad when you see elderly people who are not understandably quite up to pace with the latest delusional fad . delusional fad. >> this woke. this is happened to me. so i like i wear like a marlene dietrich suit. right. i'm not. um, i'm a she. right. but this old lady came up to me in church and she went my niece is like you, and i was like, right? i think you'd like me. what? and she went, she's like that, good for you , good for that, good for you, good for you. and i thought, oh, she's so sweet. she was trying to be all inclusive and like. and i'm just wearing a man's suit. so she thought , wearing a man's suit. so she thought, bless her. like she's. she was really old she was trying. >> she have a fire niece. >> she have a fire niece. >> she have a fire niece. >> she she thought that i was trans and she was like, my niece is like you because i was wearing a man's suit. >> right right. >> right? right. >> right? right. >> i just thought, >> yeah. and i just thought, oh, bless . >> yeah. and i just thought, oh, ble surprised didn't knock >> surprised you didn't knock her out. >> anyway, next on this saturday. >> next on the saturday night, you the renaissance you show down the renaissance painter , who was painter michael shanks, who was actually a white supremacist . so actually a white supremacist. so we'll find out about that. plus,
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we'll find out about that. plus, we'll find out happened to we'll find out what happened to this yes, it's we'll find out what happened to tispeed yes, it's we'll find out what happened to tispeed camera yes, it's we'll find out what happened to tispeed camera this yes, it's we'll find out what happened to tispeed camera this timezs, it's we'll find out what happened to tispeed camera this time .., it's
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>> you're listening to gb news radio . radio. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. now let's see what happened to that speed camera . camera. so so it wasn't a real speed camera. suzy it was a guy who pretended to be a speed camera with one of those little disposable, flashy cameras. >> if says a speed >> hey, if he says he's a speed camera, he's a speed camera. identifies the speed camera. so
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who are you to judge? >> then i identify is going >> but then i identify is going at 30 miles an hour. so can't at 30 miles an hour. so he can't flash me anyway, screams flash me anyway, nothing screams white patriarchy white supremacist patriarchy like the 16th century renaissance masterpiece. the creation of adam by sculptor painter and teenage mutant ninja turtle michelangelo, american academic robin diangelo , no academic robin diangelo, no relation, has said the single image i used to capture the concept . of white supremacy is concept. of white supremacy is michael angelo's sistine chapel. god creating man. you know where god creating man. you know where god is in a cloud and there's all these angels and he's reaching out and he's touching. i don't know who that is, david or something . and god is white or something. and god is white and david's white, and the angels are white. that is the perfect convergence of white supremacy, patriarchy right now. nicholas you're italian, so start with you. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> where do i start ? >> where do i start? >> where do i start? >> i mean, this is my favourite story . story. >> um, it's not a new talking point of the woke. they keep saying that, classical art saying that, um, classical art generally is a symbol and
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manifestation of white supremacy. yeah. and this might be the only time that they are actually right, because when you look at it in the white world, we've got the colosseum, we've got the roman , uh, imperial got the roman, uh, imperial forum and we've got the sistine chapel and all that and other civilisations have the wooden masks and the mud huts, and we have got the opera , they've got have got the opera, they've got didgeridoo and vuvuzelas . so, i didgeridoo and vuvuzelas. so, i mean, i can't find fault with the with the grievance when you go to the opera, you know, i've gone to the opera, i've seen korea and composers or japanese , korea and composers or japanese, um, conductors who come all the way to europe. yeah. uh, to learn. i've never seen a japanese or korean to go to australia to learn didgeridoo . australia to learn didgeridoo. and the left . the woke left and the left. the woke left waited for a while for the rest of the world to catch up . in of the world to catch up. in terms of the art, when it didn't happen, they invented conceptual art. they went jackson art. they went to jackson pollock and they sellotaped a banana to the wall, and marina abramovic putting a post—it for every lover she has had in that
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tent. you know, just just me. and you can do that every, every silly bbc boss. i've had a reprimand from. >> don't have enough post—its, uh, to for me. >> sorry. i'd have to get one of those multipack ones with a different colour day at the end of the day, what? >> what was michelangelo supposed to do? yeah. uh, in a predominantly white country , predominantly white country, drawing god a adam and angels, even in. for example, if you look at the middle east or i'm sure many other cultures where people are not necessarily white or very pale white represents purity . if you look at their purity. if you look at their proverbs, you have that, you know, you . say, we want to get know, you. say, we want to get out of the darkness. it's a dark chapter in our this is ingrained with our, uh, culture and with our of the world our understanding of the world around us, with our. >> yeah, i'm not sure. i'm not sure as that. sure it goes as deeply as that. i think you touched on it just in fact that, you know, it's in the fact that, you know, it's 15, this painting 15, 12, that this this painting was it took four and was done. it took four years and it was done in, in italy, which would have been, you know, a predominantly and predominantly italian and
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ethnically country in 1512. >> it wasn't it wasn't the united colours of benetton. >> back then. >> back then. >> we cannot judge people . he >> we cannot judge people. he was perfectly right as we just established. but you cannot judge people by our modern moral compass. never mind . our moral compass. never mind. our moral compass. never mind. our moral compass is quite perverse nowadays . but if you, if you nowadays. but if you, if you hear some other opinions, michelangelo , for example, he michelangelo, for example, he didn't believe in body positivity. he. if you look at all his statues, he believed that women are not beach that fat women are not beach body mean, i'm sure body ready. i mean, i'm sure like reuben, reuben was was incredibly body positive . yeah, incredibly body positive. yeah, but but but but but but who would you pick? you know, leonardo da vinci . he believed leonardo da vinci. he believed that not every woman has to be believed. he believed that sometimes women are capable of lying. >> well , you know, if only >> well, you know, if only they'd had twitter back then, we could have cancelled leonardo da vinci . there's no time. vinci. there's no time. >> we should. yeah, we should cancel him. because to me, it looks a little gay bar of, looks like a little gay bar of, like, gay guy . uy. and looks like a little gay bar of, like, gay guy. uy. and in like, an old gay guy. uy. and in going a bit old for me, there's
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a little spark . a little spark. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> walking across a nylon carpet i >> -- >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> i think we're reading too much things the past. yeah. >> um, and do think, uh, >> um, and do you think, uh, robin d'angelo reading too robin d'angelo is reading too much this by saying, you much into this by saying, you know, perfect know, this is the perfect representation know, this is the perfect representati> name. robin d'angelo >> great name. robin d'angelo should singer. yeah, sounds should be a singer. yeah, sounds like just like robin d'angelo. you just won yeah well , won two grammys. yeah well, hopefully our singing will be better than her politic . better than her politic. >> she is white, by the way. jonathan she's another one jonathan she's she's another one of these white people who goes around white around accusing other white people and, know, people of racism and, you know, thus more racial thus creating more racial divisiveness world. fair enough. >> well, i think the reason why she really doesn't like that painting is because within the painting, you actually see god in his chariot. it's actually a it's it's cross section it's half it's a cross section of a human brain, the of a brain of a human brain, the shape of so the idea is shape of it. so the idea is within that picture, god within that picture, it's god giving of giving the spark of consciousness but consciousness to mankind. but because half a brain, she because it's half a brain, she actually feels intimidated because it's half a brain, she actually she s intimidated
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because it's half a brain, she actually she doesn'tjated that. because it's half a brain, she act|wow. she doesn'tjated that. because it's half a brain, she act|wow. so doesn'tjated that. because it's half a brain, she act|wow. so slammed ted that. because it's half a brain, she act|wow. so slammed the that. because it's half a brain, she act|wow. so slammed the half >> wow. so slammed the half brained c slur there. >> it also, it's not real. it's a painting . a painting. >> no, it is real. it's more real than real. that's what god looks like. you see, you see in different in different religions. >> like there's the, the black israelites, their version of jesus looks like, um, looks like the guy from street fighter. you know, he's a black guy. i think everybody, you know, whatever your the ethnicity is of your religion, you sort of make your , religion, you sort of make your, your gods. >> i mean, friend >> i mean, my friend only watches chosen because watches the chosen because she fancies watches the chosen because she faners you can't get more >> i mean, you can't get more like sacrilege , you know, she's like sacrilege, you know, she's like, oh, he's really hot. i'm like, oh, he's really hot. i'm like, that's god . like, that's that's god. >> that's good point, though. >> you never get ugly jesus. >> you never get an ugly jesus. >> you never get an ugly jesus. >> exactly. so if people are going get politically correct going to get politically correct about to get about it, then you need to get a really ugly jesus then really ugly jesus and then see if still like somebody so ugly. >> you actually go, jesus. yeah, exactly. >> yeah. right. we've all >> yeah. right. well, we've all heard a footballer a heard of a footballer having a stinker, you of stinker, but have you heard of a at the darts? >> the world of pro darts has been two players been rocked by two players accusing other
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accusing each other of repeatedly rip during a repeatedly letting rip during a grand slam match. former world champion gary anderson has denied farting whilst playing holland's wesley harms. the dutchman or dutch oven man claimed that it'll take me two nights to lose this smell from my nose was met by anderson , who my nose was met by anderson, who said you can put your finger up there and there will be no smell . i thought he dropped a load. it was dirty. it was a stinker , it was dirty. it was a stinker, you know. have you ever , uh, is you know. have you ever, uh, is there an italian saying for this? i feel that there must be. >> yeah . i don't have anything >> yeah. i don't have anything off the of my head, but last off the top of my head, but last time on headliners, there time i was on headliners, there was about a passenger was a story about a passenger on an domestic flight, uh, an american domestic flight, uh, who removed . ed. yeah, an american domestic flight, uh, who and removed . ed. yeah, an american domestic flight, uh, who and that removed . ed. yeah, an american domestic flight, uh, who and that storyyed . ed. yeah, an american domestic flight, uh, who and that story happened aah, yeah. and that story happened to me. started with me. me. and now you started with me. so i'm noticing a pattern here, but all i can say that in a but all i can say is that in a week, american football, week, that american football, uh, gathered a lot of attention, even from outsiders, because of taylor swift's presence . dart is taylor swift's presence. dart is not doing itself a favour by, you know, ending up in the
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headunes you know, ending up in the headlines for this story. >> yeah. so it's not quite as sexy as the sort of taylor swift association publicity campaign . association publicity campaign. but do you think it's a good tactic? is a sports person to sort of let rip at a certain point, you know, to play that sort psychology power game i sort of psychology power game i love far i love humour. >> the worst, the worst thing is i was getting in a lift and someone had dropped a bomb proper, dropped one. yeah. and i was in there like dying. and then on the next then someone got on the next level thought it was level and they thought it was you, there and i'm you, me. and i'm there and i'm just wrong on so just like, that's wrong on so many levels. >> he. >> he. >> yeah, that's our tony, our floor know what you mean. because >> i know what you mean. because you press your buttons. you know that farty throat feeling that that farty throat feeling when smell it when you, like, smell a and it goes into throat, you can goes into your throat, you can take it. take you swallow it. >> yeah, you swallow it. >> yeah, yeah, you swallow it. >> yeah, yeah, you swallow it. >> then started >> and then i started thinking about come from? >> and then i started thinking abot he come from? >> and then i started thinking abot he good come from? >> and then i started thinking abothe good looking?1e from? >> and then i started thinking abothe good looking? wasym? >> and then i started thinking abothe good looking? was he’ was he good looking? was he ugly? better? was he good looking? was he ugl it'd better? was he good looking? was he ugl it'd be better? was he good looking? was he uglit'd be betterer? was he good looking? was he uglit'd be better if? was he good looking? was he uglit'd be better if he's was he good looking? was he ugl it'd be better if he's good >> it'd be better if he's good looking. yeah. that's philosophical. is that better? looking. yeah. that's philos> tweet us now. >> tweet us now. >> yeah. do you smell better from good looking people ? from good looking people? >> people pay good money for that. >> people pay good money for that . um, allegedly.
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that. um, allegedly. >> i don't know if that is good money. money? >> a jar? >> who farted in a jar? >> who farted in a jar? >> think it was andrew doyle, >> i think it was andrew doyle, wasn't it? >> people have done that. >> but people have done that. >> but people have done that. >> have. in fact, i saw >> people have. in fact, i saw something tempted to cover something i was tempted to cover it, but i thought it'd be too much. yeah >> we are, much farting. >> here we are, much farting. >> here we are, much farting. >> there's saying, >> but there's a woman saying, listen, uh, workers deserve listen, uh, sex workers deserve respect. don't disrespect me just i in a jar and sell just because i in a jar and sell it. there you go. yeah or in several jars because she's done it more than once. >> an living. >> look, it's an honest living. what can we say? is it. no, i don't think so. i mean, well, technically, guy darren technically, this guy darren webster, he denied it, denied farting. according to the farting. so, according to the international of he international rule of darts, he suppued dont international rule of darts, he supplied don't know. supplied it. so i don't know. three here all night . three here all night. >> is that is that the rules? it is the rules of farts. anyway, next on the saturday night showdown, climate change is racist and the sun is homophobic . find out why next and we'll find out what happens to this chap
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welcome back to the saturday night showdown. now let's see what happened to that fella from just before the . just before the. break. oh oh, my god, i've got a can of tennent's do that a couple of times. you know when it's been kicking around a little bit shaken up. kicking around a little bit shaisn up. kicking around a little bit shais that player wasn't it. >> yeah that was in a brewery i think he was trying to go back i think he was trying to go back i think he was trying to arrange some uh event where some sort of, uh event where people drunk. um, yeah, people get drunk. um, but yeah, that's, ever. people get drunk. um, but yeah, tha it, ever. people get drunk. um, but yeah, tha it reminded ever. people get drunk. um, but yeah, tha it reminded me ever. people get drunk. um, but yeah, tha it reminded me ofever. people get drunk. um, but yeah, tha it reminded me of my first >> it reminded me of my first time, actually. >> it reminded me of my first tim my ctually. >> it reminded me of my first tim my >> it reminded me of my first tim my first time doing what? >> my first time doing what? >> my first time doing what? >> just sort of >> oh, you know, just sort of just exploding out of nowhere. that crude quick. yeah. that got crude real quick. yeah. um week . um join us next week. >> do . um, anyway, moving >> please do. um, anyway, moving on. we've got the assistant
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health secretary of the united states, rachel levine, who said climate change affects black americans more than white americans more than white americans . have a listen to americans. have a listen to this. >> hello . i'm admiral rachel >> hello. i'm admiral rachel levine . this black history levine. this black history month, i'm pleased to partner with omh and advancing better health through better understanding for black communities . as climate change communities. as climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities , black americans are communities, black americans are more likely than white americans to live in areas and housing that increase their susceptibility to climate related health issues, and 65% of black americans report feeling anxious about climate changes. feeling anxious about climate changes . impact changes. impact >> there seems to be a trend recently of white people telling us how black people feel while claiming to be anti—racist. and when i say recently, i mean over the last 15 years or so, i mean, what on earth is going on with this and this? this is surely climate change is an equal opportunity . ts uh, thing . you
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opportunity. ts uh, thing. you know, if the climate warms, everyone feels that that really i feel like the really pasty skinned white people are going to suffer the most at the beginning because they're going to if anybody is to be anybody. if anybody is going to suffer, it's going to be redheads. they're going to be the to burn to crisp. the first to burn to a crisp. >> women how >> he's also telling women how they guy. yeah. woman they feel. this guy. yeah. woman hello. though. hello hello. his voice though. hello >> because of course that is thatis >> because of course that is that is the highest ranking trans official in the in the us government. >> i believe that's the fourth official. >> he's a woman first. >> he's a woman first. >> yeah. genuine >> yeah. genuine >> genuine real woman . as you >> genuine real woman. as you can tell from the fact. >> what was his voice? >> what was his voice? >> hello? >> hello? >> yeah, that's what women sound like, i know. >> i just tend not to >> yeah, i just tend not to listen, you know, all people. listen, you know, of all people. >> do. you swallow this ? >> but you do. you swallow this? i seems like this is. i mean, it seems like this is. >> swallow >> do i swallow that? >> do i swallow that? >> definitely not. >> do i swallow that? >> maybe sly not. >> do i swallow that? >> maybe that ot. the >> maybe that was the wrong phrasing. especially after phrasing. uh, especially after what jonathan was saying, but, uh, this idea and also uh, but this idea and this also also seems to be almost constructed in i it's like they've hit everything . they've they've hit everything. they've got woman , they've got got a trans woman, they've got climate change, they've got
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racism, they've got homophobia , racism, they've got homophobia, probably. yeah. you've got like a full house. >> pretty much. >> pretty much. >> what's going on with the background though, is that like some colours it some african colours to make it seem like down seem like that we're like down and because it's, it's and like because it's, it's black history month. >> so yeah, that's how a white man telling people how they feel with some quite patronising sort of, , latest of, um, uh, great latest ladysmith black mambazo album cover artwork. >> do you reckon there's anyone who watches that and is genuinely like, oh yeah, that's actually this is really, really good must act like no good point. i must act like no one, goes anymore. do one, no one goes for anymore. do they? they? it seems like they? do they? it seems like a caricature of some kind of. >> i mean, if it's true, then they something about it. they can do something about it. stop telling us about it. do something about it. >> do actually any >> do they actually make any arguments? well, they said, well, know, there's well, you know, there's many people like, well, you know, there's many pe is poverty. so >> part of it is poverty. so apparently ethnic minority people are likely to live people are more likely to live in they afford in poverty. so they can't afford air conditioning. so they in poverty. so they can't afford air ymore ioning. so they in poverty. so they can't afford air ymore negatively so they in poverty. so they can't afford air ymore negatively affected. zy get more negatively affected.
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>> well, i guess there is some sense in that, but it's not a racial thing. >> it's an economic thing. yeah, yeah. need to yeah. and also you need to establish lives near the coast. >> of course you've got louisiana and all that. and i don't if i'm commit the sin don't know if i'm commit the sin of racism if i say black people are not exactly big fans of swimming with the raising of the tides. but on the hand, tides. but on the other hand, you have a lot of celebrities in malibu with their who malibu with their villas who are also at the risk. >> this this is one of the >> so this is this is one of the things about, uh, about, uh, climate makes me climate change that makes me suspish piece of it is the fact that lot of the people who that a lot of the people who shout the loudest about climate change villas, as change have bought villas, as nicholas says , on the coast. nicholas says, on the coast. it's like, surely you at least you know, at least 50m. >> you must have done 50m from the coast. >> you know, if you really believe that sea levels are going to rise, you don't want your premiums go, your insurance premiums to go, oh, rich that case, oh, that's so rich that in case, like, one in like, i'll get another one in america, have failed to america, they have failed to establish people are establish which white people are supposed to pay reparations, to which black people? >> because who was a who descends from slave owners , who descends from slave owners, who
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was black people was really some black people came after slavery done. came after slavery was done. some used to be some black people used to be slave owners themselves . some slave owners themselves. some white slavery white people came after slavery was establish was done. so if they establish that climate change is racist, then they can tax everybody to compensate black people who are more negatively. you call me cynical, but, uh, well , yeah. cynical, but, uh, well, yeah. >> and that's where, uh , this is >> and that's where, uh, this is this is heading cynical. >> but the reparations , the >> but the reparations, the whole idea of reparations is a sort of double edged sword, because they're sort of saying, well , white people are because they're sort of saying, well, white people are response able for the deeds of , well, white people are response able for the deeds of, uh, you know, white people 400 years ago. >> if they're saying that, then they're also saying that white people, uh, can take ownership and feel proud of the achievements of, uh, well, i painted the sistine chapel so that was one of my questions. >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> and do you think you know the us government videos us government putting out videos like a time when, you like this at a time when, you know, china , russia, korea know, china, russia, north korea , iran, all these, all these other states are sort of making angry noises against the west
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and either attacking, uh, other countries or attacking the west. we've seen , uh, us soldiers we've seen, uh, us soldiers killed in jordan . we've seen killed in jordan. we've seen ships bombed in yemen . ships bombed in yemen. obviously, ukraine has been been invaded. um to then put this up as an example of a four star general. i mean, putin must just be rubbing his hands with glee , be rubbing his hands with glee, pointing at this is perfect propaganda . yeah. propaganda. yeah. >> doesn't strike them with a lot of shock and awe. looking at this kind of four star general and as a comedian, it's also a travesty because it is all fun and games. when you have funny news that lends itself to comedy. but when you have stuff like this, it's genuinely as susie was suggesting in the break, it's genuinely difficult to come up with anything funnier than this reality. so it's quite annoying , isn't it? annoying, isn't it? >> it does. i mean, it looks like a saturday night live sketch. it's impossible to satirise because it's all already there anyway, right up next, it's mark dolan tonight . next, it's mark dolan tonight. what have you got for us this evening , mark? evening, mark? >> well, leo, what a brilliant
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show . show. >> you us entertained. >> you kept us entertained. >> you kept us entertained. >> up the baton >> i'll pick up the baton at nine. >> should should richard tice do a deal with rishi sunak to keep labour out of power ? plus, i'll labour out of power? plus, i'll be dealing with the bbc's terrible behaviour and treatment of steve right late. great radio dj . he should have had a job for dj. he should have had a job for life at radio two, and one of his pals has said he died of a broken heart this week and in my big opinion, prince harry has offered to be a temporary helper in the palace as king charles battles his health woes. i always thought, leo, that prince harry would be a useful tool , harry would be a useful tool, but does prince harry not know that king charles actually has some staff already who can do things for him and probably do them a bit better than prince harry would? i think so, without having moaning whole having someone moaning the whole time terrible their time about how terrible their life so you go. i'll life is. so there you go. i'll be dealing prince harry, be dealing with prince harry, looking forward to that and so much top much more. we've got my top punst much more. we've got my top pundits tomorrow's papers. pundits and tomorrow's papers. it's be a busy two hours. >> sounds absolutely fantastic ,
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>> sounds absolutely fantastic, mark. so tuned for mark's mark. so stay tuned for mark's show also later on tonight show and also later on tonight there's headlines at 11 pm, which is three comedians going through next news through the next day's news stories . so stay tuned for that. stories. so stay tuned for that. as well. tonight it's your full saturday night line—up. but thank you so much to my guest tonight we've had susie kennedy. who's are you performing anywhere soon? >> yes. come and see. uh, julie. uh burchill's. >> uh, making >> new play, uh, making marilyn with brighton fringe. with me at the brighton fringe. >> we've got nicholas de santo, and he gives you an a plug. >> um, in birmingham with count dankula davis the dankula and derek davis on the 30th of march. >> amazing. jonathan coogan, >> amazing. and jonathan coogan, have you got something to plug? >> uh, gigging >> yeah. got, uh, gigging all oven >> yeah. got, uh, gigging all over. run over. but every friday i run a show clapham , uh, called the show in clapham, uh, called the clapham comedy cave. so come down and have some fun. >> that. it's >> i've headlined that. it's a great see you great show. anyway, see you again week have a great again next week and have a great weekend. goodbye . weekend. goodbye. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news . weather on gb news.
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>> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather forecast. i'm craig snell. latest gb news weather forecast. i'm craig snell . we're looking i'm craig snell. we're looking ahead to sunday. certainly going to be the best day of the weekend for many of us. it should drier and brighter should be drier and brighter before we get there. we'd have this to this weather front to move across the uk, you note the across the uk, but you note the winds coming from winds are coming in from the south—west, going to be south—west, so it is going to be a night and that will a mild night and that will continue so continue into tomorrow too. so we have this area of rain. some of rain will be heavy, of this rain will be heavy, especially across parts of england and wales. some poor travelling conditions . if you england and wales. some poor travtravelling ditions . if you england and wales. some poor travtravelling overnight you england and wales. some poor travtravelling overnight tonight are travelling overnight tonight , does turn , but behind it does turn a little drier with some clear little bit drier with some clear skies, but also the risk of a few showers. but for all it is a mild night. temperatures in the south not much lower than 10 or 11 degrees as so into sunday morning. we've got the morning. we've still got the rain south—east that rain across the south—east that will gradually clear towards the continent as we towards continent as we head towards lunchtime, and many it's a lunchtime, and for many it's a much and brighter day. much drier and brighter day. still. the risk of a few showers around, but in between there will be plenty of sunny spells . will be plenty of sunny spells. and for all of us, it is going to be another mild day. temperatures in the south
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potentially reaching 15 or 16 degrees. a look at degrees. having a look at monday, another spell of rain working its way across the country. either side we will see some drier and brighter weather, especially as we go into the afternoon. plenty of sunny spells developing across the country, we then see country, but we will then see thicker and outbreaks of thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain later across rain arriving later across western and that western scotland. and that change will. theme continues into and wednesday. but into tuesday and wednesday. but all the time for all of us, temperatures staying by day into double figures , a brighter double figures, a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> you're watching and listening to gb news. i'm sam francis, the headunes to gb news. i'm sam francis, the headlines just after 11:00, the mother of jailed putin critic alexei navalny has said she's not been allowed to see or
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retrieve his body from the arctic jail where he died . and arctic jail where he died. and navalny's say his death was navalny's team say his death was an orchestrated ordered an orchestrated murder ordered by vladimir putin. they accused the russian authorities of purposefully withholding his body so they can cover their tracks. they say following navalny's death, hundreds of people across russia have been detained and barred from leaving flowers at various memorial events . footage from moscow here events. footage from moscow here shows people being led away from off by officers and being forced into police vans. it comes as president putin is facing increasing condemnation from international leaders, including those in the us, the eu and the uk . the kremlin, though, says uk. the kremlin, though, says the west's reaction is unacceptable. they've described it as absolutely rabid. the ukrainian president is among those who've laid blame on the russian leader. he's called putin a thug who he says must be stopped . tens of thousands of stopped. tens of thousands of protesters have been marching through the irish, the scottish and the english capitals in major demonstrations against the war in gaza today in london,
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some violence did break out between demonstrators and police . that's according to reporters who were at the scene throughout the day. 12 people have now been arrested for a string of alleged offences, including hate. repeated placard assaults on police officers and for refusing to remove face coverings. former labour leader jeremy corbyn was among those addressing the crowd at the 14th national demonstration now, and he said there'll be as many protests as it takes until there is a ceasefire . ministers have made ceasefire. ministers have made the unusual step of writing to police chiefs, asking for the robust use of powers to protect politicians. it follows a pro—palestinian gathering outside the home of conservative mp tobias ellwood, according to the telegraph newspaper. tom tugendhat and chris philp asked police to exercise the criminal justice and police act to direct protesters away from mps homes and to protect those who live there . in other news, one person there. in other news, one person has been charged today with
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assisting illegal entry to


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