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tv   PM Qs Live  GB News  February 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm GMT

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keep, and we know it will take time get economy growing. time to get the economy growing. but is, that's why but the truth is, that's why they make promises they don't make any promises on they don't make any promises on the of being the confirmation of there being a confirms what people a recession confirms what people know, the cost of know, which is the cost of living crisis so off living crisis and so on and off we go chamber right now, mr we go to chamber right now, mr speaken we go to chamber right now, mr speaker, house speaker, the whole house will join sending our deepest join me in sending our deepest condolences to family condolences to the family of alexei died for alexei navalny. he died for a cause to which he dedicated his whole life freedom and to return home knowing that putin had already to have him already tried to have him killed. as one of the most courageous acts of our time, together with our allies , we are together with our allies, we are considering all options to hold russia and putin to account. and this sanctioned this morning we sanctioned those running where alexei running the prison where alexei navalny's still lies . mr navalny's body still lies. mr speaken navalny's body still lies. mr speaker, this morning i had meetings ministerial meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house.i addition to my duties in this house. i shall have further such meetings today . meetings later today. >> i know that my >> sarah dyke, i know that my right honourable friend will share this share my horror felt by this house, the oldest people's assembly in the world, at the at the acid attack against a woman and two children on the streets of london. >> does he share my anger that
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we would still not have been able to deport the perpetrator later, had he been found because of the so—called european court of the so—called european court of human rights? when will we stop bending the knee to this so—called european court? a travesty of a court ? prime travesty of a court? prime minister >> mr speaker, this was a horrific attack and my thoughts are with the victim and their families. obviously, i can't comment on a live investigation, but speaking more broadly, clearly, i don't think it is right for dangerous foreign criminals to be able to stay in our country . and that's why our our country. and that's why our nationality and borders act made it clear that anyone who is convicted of a crime and gets a sentence of 12 months or more will not be granted asylum in the united kingdom. that is the common sense position that i believe is supported by the majority the british public, majority of the british public, but one that the labour party voted against time and time again . leader of the opposition again. leader of the opposition keir starmer. >> thank you, mr speaker. can i
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start by welcoming the new member for wellingborough and the new member for kingswood ? i the new member for kingswood? i know they will both be powerful advocates for their constituents . on more sombre note, mr speaker , can i join with the speaker, can i join with the prime minister? i was glad to hear what he just had to say because i am sure the whole house will join me in sharing our disgust at the death of alexei navalny , who was the alexei navalny, who was the prime minister, said died because of his efforts to expose the corruption of the putin regime team. it is reminded that putin has stolen not just the wealth, but also the future and democracy of the russian people . democracy of the russian people. mr speaker , would the prime mr speaker, would the prime minister be prepared% me to repeat the allegation made by his business secretary that the former chair of the post office . former chair of the post office. this is lying when he says he was told to go slow on
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compensation for postmasters and limp to the next election. are mr >> mr speaker, as the business secretary said on monday , she secretary said on monday, she asked henry staunton to step down after serious concerns were raised. she set out the reasons for this and the full background in the house. earlier this week . in the house. earlier this week. but importantly, we have also taken unprecedented steps to ensure that victims of the honzon ensure that victims of the horizon scandal do receive compensation as swiftly as possible and in full, making sure that victims receive justice and compensation remains our number one priority, and we will shortly bring forward legislation to address this matter to keir mather. >> i'm not sure that takes us very much further forward. >> so let me let me press on, because on monday, the business secretary also confirmed categorically that the that the post office was. and i'll quote this, in fairness to the prime minister at no point told to delay compensation payments by
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either an official or a minister from any government department and at no point was it suggested that a delay would be of benefit to the treasury. so that's monday , a note released by the monday, a note released by the former post office chair this morning appears appears to directly contradict that , and i directly contradict that, and i appreciate i appreciate the this really matters to the people who've been at the heart . i who've been at the heart. i appreciate that the business secretary has put the prime minister in a tricky position, but but will he commit to investigating this matter properly , including whether that properly, including whether that categorical statement was correct and why , rather than correct and why, rather than taking those accusations seriously, she accused a whistleblower of lying . yes, whistleblower of lying. yes, minister . so whistleblower of lying. yes, minister. so mr speaker, it is worth bearing in mind that as the business secretary said on
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monday , she asked henry staunton monday, she asked henry staunton to step down after serious concerns were raised. >> but this is on a matter of substance. one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our nation's history. because people who were working hard, serving their communities, had their lives and reputations destroyed . lives and reputations destroyed. and that's why we are working hard to ensure that they get justice and compensation. and thatis justice and compensation. and that is why we established, sir gwyn williams inquiry. it is why we've already paid out over £150 million of compensation to almost 3000 victims, and it's why we will introduce new legislation shortly to exonerate those . we will make sure that we those. we will make sure that we do what is needed, that the truth does come to light. we right the wrongs of the past and, that victims get and, crucially, that victims get the justice that they deserve . the justice that they deserve. >> mr speaker, i do hope the prime minister will instigate that investigation into what was said on monday because one of the features of this miscarriage is that where concerns have been raised, been to raised, they've been pushed to
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oneyes . and this week, this week >> yes. and this week, this week , we also learned that a 2016 investigate nation into whether post office branch accounts could be altered was suddenly stopped before it was completed. now had that investigation revealed that they could be altered , which we now know to be altered, which we now know to be the case? yes. the livelihoods of those wrongly prosecuted could have been saved . and what could have been saved. and what did government ministers know about it at the time ? i'm about it at the time? i'm minister, mr speaker, the leader of the opposition has picked one particular date, but it is worth beanng particular date, but it is worth bearing in mind that this scandal hang on, this scandal has unfolded over decades. >> mr speaker. and it was actually following a landmark 2019 high court case that the previous government established a statutory inquiry led by sir wyn williams, which is uncovering exactly what went wrong. mr speaker, and it is right that that inquiry is allowed to do its work. but also, mr speaker , following the
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also, mr speaker, following the high court case, the government established an independent adviser board established not one but three different compensation schemes . and as as compensation schemes. and as as of now, over two thirds of people have received full and final offers because what we are focussed on is making sure that the victims get the justice and the victims get the justice and the compensation that they deserve, mr speaker, this information about 2016 has just come to light. >> i think, this week, which is precisely why i'm asking about it . consider considering the it. consider considering the prime minister's foreign secretary was running the government in 2016, and one of the prime ministers current cabinet office ministers was the post office minister. has he thought to ask either of them what they knew in 2016? >> no. mr speaker , we did, we >> no. mr speaker, we did, we did, we did. we did the right thing, which was to set up an independent statutory inquiry . independent statutory inquiry. it would. that is the right way to resolve this issue . it's the to resolve this issue. it's the right way to get victims the truth and the answers that they
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demand . but truth and the answers that they demand. but this truth and the answers that they demand . but this government is demand. but this government is getting on, getting them the compensation they rightly compensation that they rightly deserve . deserve. >> mr speaker, as we all know, the horizon scandal left people isolated and their livelihoods lost their lives ruined. some died without ever getting the justice that they deserved . justice that they deserved. fears of delay. prime minister will cover up are causing them anguish. and yesterday chris head , once accused by the post head, once accused by the post office of owing more than £80,000. he said this this late yesterday there is a lack of transparency . we need to see the transparency. we need to see the respondence between the post office , the department and uk gi office, the department and uk gi because all of the time everything gets shrouded in secrecy. this is his words. have some respect , please. secrecy. this is his words. have some respect, please. he's a victim now. i appreciate the inquiry is ongoing, but as the prime minister knows and so do i. so does the whole house. that does not provide a reason why he can't draw a line under this . can't draw a line under this. give postmasters like chris the peace of mind they need and release all of the
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correspondence that he wants to see. will he now do so ? see. will he now do so? >> mr mr speaker , as i said, >> mr mr speaker, as i said, this is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our country's history . miscarriages of justice in our country's history. i don't think it's not one i don't think that the leader of the opposition ever raised with me over these exchanges over the past year, but we are working hard to get victims, not just the answer , victims, not just the answer, but the compensation they deserve . but we do now have deserve. but we do now have a statutory inquiry led by sir wyn williams, who has the powers to get access to all the documentation that he requires to speak to everybody that he needs to. that is the right and proper way to get the truth that the victims deserve . but in the the victims deserve. but in the meantime, we are not wasting a moment to get victims to compensation they deserve. and the legislation will will be before the shortly . keir before the house shortly. keir starmer in recent decades , there starmer in recent decades, there have been numerous scandals that have been numerous scandals that have left shaken public faith in our institutions and rebuilding that confidence will require those affected to see that
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politicians are being honest with them, and to believe it. >> just like the postmaster , >> just like the postmaster, victims of the infected blood scandal all have been subject to an imaginable trauma during their search for justice. so an imaginable trauma during their search forjustice. so can their search for justice. so can their search for justice. so can the prime minister put their minds at ease and tell the house what undertakings he has made to ensure the government is not limping to election on payments that they are owed by the british state? yes mr speaker, when it comes to the infected blood scandal, as i've said before, i'm acutely aware of the strength of feeling on this issue and the suffering of all those who were impacted by this dreadful scandal . dreadful scandal. >> i gave evidence to the inquiry myself last year, and as i said then, i recognise that thousands have suffered for decades , as he knows there is an decades, as he knows there is an independent inquiry inquiry. the minister for the cabinet office, the minister for the cabinet office, because this is an incredibly complex issue as he well knows, updated parliament with the latest government
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position just before the christmas recess announced that the cabinet office was appointing an expert group of clinical legal and social care experts so it had the relevant expertise to make informed decisions . responding to the decisions. responding to the inquiries , recommendations on inquiries, recommendations on compensation when they come and confirm that the department for health will implement a fully bespoke psychological service for people infected and affected, we have also committed to providing an update to parliament on next steps through an oral statement within 25 sitting days of the publication of the final report. but i'll end where i began. this is a deeply awful scandal, and we will do what we need to make it right . right. >> we can't. they? thank you. speaker there is a plan for at least 2000 single young men who have come here illegally to soon be housed just three miles from the centre of lincoln, at raf scampton, in my right hon. >> friends constituency of gainsborough. if home office gainsborough. if the home office ministers their way on top
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gainsborough. if the home office mithe ers their way on top gainsborough. if the home office mithe huge their way on top gainsborough. if the home office mithe huge and 1eir way on top gainsborough. if the home office mithe huge and risingay on top gainsborough. if the home office mithe huge and rising coststop gainsborough. if the home office mithe huge and rising costs and of the huge and rising costs and recent advice from civil servants office servants to home office ministers the plan, what ministers to can the plan, what reassurance can prime reassurance can the prime minister home secretary minister in his home secretary give scampton not give that scampton will not replicate the scandalous incidences occurred in incidences that occurred in cambridge, when 300 libyan trainees housed at raf trainees were housed at raf bassingbourn in 2014, prime minister mr speaker, my hon. >> friend is right to raise the concerns of his constituents and i want to assure him that we want asylum accommodation to have as little impact as possible on the local community. i understand the home office has put in place a number of measures, including a specialist security provider on security provider working on site 24 over seven, cctv , and site 24 over seven, cctv, and they are working with the local police as well. but i know he agrees with me that the only way to fully stop problem and to fully stop this problem and ensure local communities ensure that local communities are not seeing the housing of illegal migrants, whether that's in large sites or in hotels, is to have a plan to stop the boats. that's what this party and this government does, and it's labour who are blocking us every of the stephen every step of the way. stephen
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flynn , snp leader thank you, mr speaken >> may i begin by echoing the sentiments of the prime minister and the leader of the opposition in relation to the heroic bravery of alexei nato . bravery of alexei nato. >> we all must continue to be unhedin >> we all must continue to be united in our opposition to vladimir putin. mr speaker, as it stands , some 60% of the it stands, some 60% of the buildings in gaza are either damaged or destroyed , and much damaged or destroyed, and much of the farmland is in ruin. some 30,000 people are dead , 70,000 30,000 people are dead, 70,000 injured and 1.4 million people are currently sheltering in rafah awaiting an imminent israeli on slaught. surely the prime minister must accept that that does not amount to self—defence . self—defence. >> vince dear prime minister, mr speaker , i share the concern of speaker, i share the concern of many members about the high rate of civilian casualties and indeed the growing humanitarian crisis in gaza. >> and that is why we have
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called consistently for an immediate humanitarian pause, which would allow for the safe release of hostages and more aid going into gaza so that we create the sustainable conditions for a long firm and endunng conditions for a long firm and enduring ceasefire. that is what our diplomatic efforts are focussed on. and that is what i impressed upon the israeli prime minister last week when i spoke to him, steven fletcher, mr speaker , tonight this will speaker, tonight this house will have the opportunity to join with majority of the with the majority of the international community and say that enough is enough that the killing in gaza must stop and that the hostages must be released and the best way to do thatis released and the best way to do that is to send a clear and unhed that is to send a clear and united message that we back an immediate ceasefire should we, all of us, our respective of our political allegiance, can agree on that very issue? >> yes . yeah. for this stuff. >> yes. yeah. for this stuff. >> yes. yeah. for this stuff. >> mr mr speaker, of course , we >> mr mr speaker, of course, we want to see the fighting in gaza
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end as soon as possible and never again allow hamas to carry out the appalling terrorist attacks that israel was subject to. but he talks about the un resolution, but just calling for an immediate full ceasefire. now which collapses back into fighting within days or weeks, is not in anyone's interest. mr speaker , we must work towards speaker, we must work towards a permanent ceasefire and that is why the right approach is the approach that we've set out and the united states have set out in their resolution, which is for an immediate humanitarian pause to get hostages out and aid in so that we then can create the conditions for a sustainable ceasefire. and in the meantime, we're doing everything we can to increase the amount of humanitarian aid that we bring into gaza, something that i discussed with the king of jordan last week, and will have more updates in and we will have more updates in the coming days of more airdrops into gaza, but also just in the last couple of days, have managed to deliver family tents into gaza, which are providing
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much needed shelter for very vulnerable people . vulnerable people. >> rob thank you, mr >> rob butler, thank you, mr speaker . speaken >> key to the much needed regeneration of aylesbury are new roads to cut congestion new link roads to cut congestion money from the cancelled part of hs2 is meant to be paying towards them . towards them. >> that is only right given the destruction that is being caused by the construction of the first part unwanted railway. part of this unwanted railway. >> but cash has not arrived >> but the cash has not arrived yet, so can my right hon. friend assure my constituents they will get roads they need so they get the roads they need so they can less time sitting in can spend less time sitting in traffic jams and more time growing the local economy ? growing the local economy? >> yeah, yeah . >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> well, as my honourable friend knows , a last autumn we knows, a last autumn we announced the government's vision to redirect £36 billion of savings from hs2 to invest in hundreds of transport projects across the country, including possible increased funding for two projects that i know my honourable friend has campaigned on tirelessly . the south east on tirelessly. the south east aylesbury link road and the aylesbury link road and the aylesbury eastern link road. i know he's met with the relevant minister on a number of
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occasions to discuss these proposals , and i can tell him proposals, and i can tell him that details of how these that the details of how these funding uplifts will be allocated very shortly. >> neil alan bates over 40,000 nonh >> neil alan bates over 40,000 north sea oil and gas jobs are at risk from an incoming labour administration , and neither administration, and neither laboun administration, and neither labour, the tories or the snp have lifted a finger to save grangemouth's oil refinery from closure with the passing of last night's petroleum bill, the uk government gave not one but two fingers to scotland's energy ambitions within the uk . ambitions within the uk. >> in today's money, can the prime minister explain in today's money, the uk has received over £300 billion in tax receipts from north sea oil and gas, so why can't the uk government find £80 million to secure grangemouth's future into an profitability beyond 2025? >> yeah . >> yeah. >> yeah. >> mr speaker, as i've
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previously told the house, the future of grangemouth is a commercial decision for their owners. the site will remain operating as a refinery . until operating as a refinery. until at least may 2025. the uk and the scottish governments are working together to make sure that there sufficient that there are sufficient assurances for assurances in place for the support but when support of employees, but when it to backing scottish it comes to backing scottish energy, mr speaker, it's this government that just this week is ensured that we can support british north sea oil and gas safeguarding 200,000 jobs and increasing our energy security. it's the snp and the labour party that opposed that , but we party that opposed that, but we will always back our fantastic nonh will always back our fantastic north sea economy . north sea economy. >> virginia crosby. >> virginia crosby. >> mr >> mr speaker >> mr speaker , >> mr speaker , does >> mr speaker , does the >> mr speaker , does the prime >> mr speaker, does the prime minister agree with me and welsh farmers like gareth wyn jones that our farmers and food security are vital and that the agricultural budget should be ring fenced, unlike like the welsh labour government, propped up welsh labour government, propped ”p by welsh labour government, propped up by plied, which is determined
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to force our farmers out of business with its approach to nitrate vulnerable zones , tb and nitrate vulnerable zones, tb and its new sustainable farming scheme, which, using welsh government's own analysis is forecast to result in 5500 job losses and a £200 million hit to the welsh economy . hey . my hon. the welsh economy. hey. my hon. >> friend is an excellent campaigner on behalf of her local farming community and i know that she's been working hard with gareth wyn jones to raise their voice, especially where there is so much concern . where there is so much concern. mr speaker, this side of the mr speaker, on this side of the house we are supporting farmers with money more with more money to grow more british food . contrast the british food. in contrast to the plans she highlighted , plans that she highlighted, which farming which would decimate farming communities in wales, it's the opposite of what is needed. while we will always back our rural communities across the uk , rural communities across the uk, it's labour that would take them back to square yeah, bet . back to square one. yeah, i bet. >> thank you, mr speaker. it's now over two years since the fan led review of football governance was produced. will the prime minister commit now to
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setting up an independent regulator with the upfront power to intervene to achieve a fairer distribution of the enormous fiches distribution of the enormous riches which football has , and riches which football has, and to ensure that no community in the future loses its football club like happened in bury? will he commit to bring legislation forward urgently , or is he going forward urgently, or is he going to leave it for a future labour government to act on behalf of football ? football fans? >> mr speaker , the independent >> mr speaker, the independent regulator will put fans back at the heart of football and help to deliver a sustainable future for all clubs that delivers on our manifesto, commitment and the government is engaged in discussions with industry and, as was part of our king's speech, as the honourable gentleman knows, but i'm glad he brought up bury football club because it was the honourable member on this side of the house for bury, ensured £1 million member on this side of the house forfunding ensured £1 million member on this side of the house forfunding to ensured £1 million member on this side of the house forfunding to safeguard1 million member on this side of the house forfunding to safeguard that lion of funding to safeguard that football club. and that's what we're communities up we're doing to communities up and mr speaker and down the country. mr speaker , gp surgeries promised in planning applications take far
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too long to be built, so can we clear away the obstacles and make it easier for our amazing family doctors to use additional consulting rooms at their happywith elsewhere in the community? >> so that gps and the many extra prescribing nurses are now employing can see more patients. now, while they wait for bespoke premises to be built. prime minister mr speaker, i thank my hon. >> friend for his question, something that he speaks with with from a point of authority. now, he knows that we do have high standards to ensure that gps must provide services from premises that meet all the criteria required. but i do understand that it is possible for those services to be provided at alternative locations that meet the contract requirements. i'll happily ensure that the health secretary looks into his suggestions for more flexibility but know more flexibility, but i know he will welcome our recent will also welcome our recent plans to expand the range of services at pharmacies services available at pharmacies , saving people time and , saving many people time and hassle to get treatment for seven common ailments at their local pharmacies, easing the pressure on our gps and speeding
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up care that people deserve. up the care that people deserve. >> pete wishart mr speaker, i was in the house on 18th march 2003 when this house voted to go to war on iraq on the demands of the then labour government. what followed was death, misery and destruction . and an almost destruction. and an almost unimaginable scale. voting against the iraq war was the vote that i am most proud of in my time in this house. today after 29,000 deaths in gaza , we after 29,000 deaths in gaza, we face a vote of similar significance . does the prime significance. does the prime minister believe that mps today should look back with that same pride , knowing that they have pride, knowing that they have done everything possible to stop the death, destruction and misery tonight? hear prime minister, mr speaker, no , nobody minister, mr speaker, no, nobody wants to see the fighting in gaza go on for a moment longer than is necessary.
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>> nobody wants to see innocent civilians suffer. and that's why we are doing absolutely everything we can to bring about an immediate humanitarian pause, allowing for the safe release of hostages, which the honourable gentleman failed to mention. i believe, but also getting more aid into gaza to create the conditions for a genuinely sustainable ceasefire . and that sustainable ceasefire. and that is the position that is shared by our allies. that is what our diplomatic efforts are focussed on, and that's what our motion tonight will reflect . tonight will reflect. >> andrew rosindell . mr he is mr >> andrew rosindell. mr he is mr speaken >> andrew rosindell. mr he is mr speaker, sir, i've had the privilege to be spending a lot of time with the law abiding , of time with the law abiding, taxpaying, hard working , taxpaying, hard working, patriotic people of romford in recent months and they've been telling me what they think . telling me what they think. >> so i'd like to ask the prime minister if he agrees with the people of romford , that we need people of romford, that we need a radical plan to control
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immigration and stop illegal immigration, and that we need to gain, regain own sovereignty over our human rights laws in this country , that we need to this country, that we need to tell the mayor of london we need more police to stop crime in the london borough of havering . we london borough of havering. we need a fair funding settlement for havering. so will he come with me to romford market? follow the footsteps of margaret thatcher. meet the people of romford . because the one thing romford. because the one thing i can tell him, they don't want is to be taken back into the european union by a socialist government . yay government. yay >> well, can i, can i welcome my hon. friend can i welcome my hon. friend can i welcome my hon. friend can i welcome my hon. friend back to his place? uh, can i say i agree with everything he said ? and i look everything he said? and i look forward to visiting him and his romford constituents at the earliest opportunity that western . western. >> thank you, mr speaker. western. >> thank you, mr speaker . at >> thank you, mr speaker. at a recent meeting of warwickshire county council children with special educational needs were described by some county
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councillors as requiring, and i quote some some form of strict correction or were and i quote, just really badly behaved . just really badly behaved. >> kids are they inappropriate? language was used . parents of language was used. parents of send children across the country have been outraged by this. 30,000 of them have signed a petition calling for those councillors resignation. will he condemn the conservative councillors language and urge them to do the right thing and resign . resign. >> mr speaker, i have not seen i haven't seen the details of those comments on this issue, but more generally, the government does have a strong track record of supporting those with disabilities. it's important that children with special education needs do receive the right support in the right place. at the right time. we've seen increased funding for sen by 60% over this parliament to over £10 billion, and most recently, the education and health department are piloting a
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new project to improve access to speciality support in mainstream primary schools. because we want to make sure that these children get all the support and opportunities that they deserve . opportunities that they deserve. >> shaun bailey speaker , >> shaun bailey mr speaker, we've legislated to give the pubuc we've legislated to give the public id verification options on social media. >> tech companies know the safety value and popularity of this because they offer it now. >> but for a big fee, every month. >> and it's not good enough. but we've parents are campaigning for more measures to protect kids online. >> fraudsters are routinely exploiting fake social media accounts to scam and fears of global political interference in elections from faceless traceless bots are creating the perfect cyber storm. >> will my right hon. friend use his influence to get tech companies to get on with offering robust, visible , and offering robust, visible, and free verification measures as soon as possible to keep people safe? >> yeah . >> yeah. >> yeah. >> oh, can i start by commending my hon. friend for her work on
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this issue? and she's absolutely right. that user verification can be a powerful tool to keep people safe online. the online safety act, as she knows, requires companies to offer all adults optional user identification, identity verification companies will also need to take firm action to improve safety for children in particular, and ofcom will be able to monitor tech companies and have strong powers to ensure they comply by. but i can tell her that the home secretary is meeting with the industry on monday next week, and be sure to raise the that has raise the points that she has mentioned today, barry lyndon. >> you, speaker . a kpmg >> thank you, mr speaker. a kpmg study finds a strong economic case to remove power cables over the tyne and despite my questions to previous prime ministers we are no further forward. can this prime minister finally secure a commitment from national grid to implement its clear legal obligation and fund this vital work ? this fog on the this vital work? this fog on the tyne is impeding local
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businesses and risks possible net gb benefits of up to £12 billion. our great river needs action now . action now. >> mr speaker , i'm very happy to >> mr speaker, i'm very happy to look into the issue that the honourable lady raised, but what would be damaging to the north east and the her east and the time are her party's plans to stick with their completely ridiculous 2030 decarbonisation target with absolutely no plan to pay for it, which just means higher taxes for everyone in her constituency and the country. john hayes thank you, mr speaker i >> britain's food security compromised by cheap foreign imports now faces a parallel threat . all kinds of threat. all kinds of industrialisation in the country , aside from large scale solar plants to interconnectors and substations and now to huge pylons covering 87 miles of countryside , these will blot the countryside, these will blot the landscape and use up valuable growing land, filling the
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fenland big skies. no king that his bow burns with gold like my own will he ensure that he joins my fight for our green and pleasant land. and make sure that food security and energy security are not competitors for my honourable friend raises an excellent point about our food security . security. >> we have taken steps that he has supported the government in doing to protect prime agri cultural land from large scale solar developments, which i know will be warmly welcomed . but will be warmly welcomed. but also our announcements. this week at the nfu conference demonstrate our support to increase our country's food security backing farmers with more funding, enhancing their productivity to produce great british food. all of that, as he knows, and including our green and pleasant land, we put at risk by the party opposite. not only do they not want to back our farmers, they also they also want to impose top down planning targets which would concrete over the countryside that he and
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i all . i both love. all. >> in december, the cabinet minister for equalities told this house that she had engaged and i quote extensively with lgbt organisations since her appointment 18 months ago. >> a freedom of information , an >> a freedom of information, an answer published this week, reveals that, in fact, the minister has not met a single lgbt organisation, but has met two fringe groups that actively campaign against trans gender rights. what is the problem? the prime minister and a section of his party have with trans people and his equalities minister has with the truth ? with the truth? >> well, mr speaker, as i've always said, first of all, this government has a proud track record, track record of supporting those in the lgbt community and will continue to do so. and i've also always said that those who are questioning their gender and identity should be treated with the utmost dignity and compassion and
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sensitivity as they consider those questions, but it is completely reasonable alongside that, to highlight the importance of biological sex when it comes to those questions, nobody should be stigmatised or demonised for pointing out that fact, robin walker thank you, mr speaker. >> the education select committee has heard compelling evidence to support the strengthening of guidance to keep out of keep mobile phones out of classrooms times . classrooms and break times. >> but over the course of our screen time inquiry, we continue to hear deeply disturbing evidence of evidence about the risks of young too much young people from too much exposure to social media too early. >> @ urge early. >> urge the prime minister early. >>seek urge the prime minister early. >> seek the ge the prime minister early. >> seek the swiftest rime minister early. >> seek the swiftest possibleister to seek the swiftest possible implementation online implementation of the online safety act, and to consider whether it is time to review the age consent ? age of digital consent? >> mr speaker, can i thank my honourable friend for his work in this issue ? and he knows that in this issue? and he knows that we do have a plan when it comes to education and protecting children the secretary children online. the secretary of state is making sure that we can implement the online safety act quickly as possible with act as quickly as possible with ofcom, also ofcom, but we have also published new guidance banning mobile phones in schools to
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minimise disruption and improve behaviour and educational attainment in the classroom. but we are crucially going beyond that because what our children see online is the utmost importance to us and we want to make sure that we protect their safety and also their mental health. >> patricia gibson, thank you , >> patricia gibson, thank you, mr speaker. >> when it important matters of life and death are voted on in this house, does the prime minister think that mps should vote according to their party whip or according to their conscience ? conscience? >> yes , mr speaker , mr speaker, >> yes, mr speaker, mr speaker, mr speaker . >> yes, mr speaker, mr speaker, mr speaker. this >> yes, mr speaker, mr speaker, mr speaker . this afternoon the mr speaker. this afternoon the house will have an opportunity to consider its approach to the situation in israel and gaza . situation in israel and gaza. >> our position is crystal clear . we have called and will always call for an immediate humanitarian pause , which would humanitarian pause, which would allow the safe release of
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hostages and more aid going into gaza to create the conditions for a genuinely sustainable ceasefire. but just calling for an immediate full ceasefire now, which collapses it back into fighting in days or weeks, would not be in anyone's interest. mr speaken not be in anyone's interest. mr speaker, we are committed not just to an immediate humanitarian pause, but also to finding a lasting resolution to this conflict which delivers on the promise of a two state solution and ensures that israelis and palestinians can live in the future with dignity and security. michael long, thank you, mr speaker. >> it seems that with the exception of the british transport police , all other transport police, all other police forces will treat non—contact sex crimes as they would perhaps the theft of a bike, petty retail crime or antisocial behaviour . antisocial behaviour. >> will the prime minister facilitate a meeting between myself, colleagues and the home secretary in order to give priority to these acts of crime ,
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priority to these acts of crime, to ensure that women and young girls deserve to get the protection they deserve? >> yeah . >> yeah. >> yeah. >> mr speaker , of course we want >> mr speaker, of course we want women and girls to get the protection that they deserve. and i'm pleased that our violence against women and girls strategy is showing results, improving the safety of our streets, increasing sentences for rapists. but i will make sure that he gets the meeting that he needs with the home secretary relevant policing secretary or relevant policing ministers discuss his ministers to discuss his concerns . ms concerns. ms >> cate hollis thank you, mr speaken >> cate hollis thank you, mr speaker. i heard the prime minister's responses to the leader opposition and leader of the opposition and just secretary of just like the secretary of state's , that delays state's claims, that delays on compensation are wild, baseless allegations , his answers are allegations, his answers are unbelievable . and the response unbelievable. and the response from the benches opposite to the quote from my constituent , chris quote from my constituent, chris head, was completely disrespectful. yes, the reality is it wouldn't have . we wouldn't is it wouldn't have. we wouldn't have any action without the itv series. i serialisation of the subpostmaster scandal . subpostmaster scandal. >> you can shout all you like ,
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>> you can shout all you like, but we all know that that's the case. >> yeah, yeah, mr speaker, the prime minister's promised a new law to swiftly exonerate and compensate victims . compensate victims. >> and today he said shortly. so will he commit today to ensuring that this is brought forward before the next general election? >> yeah , yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> yes. the legislation will be brought forward before the house very, very soon. mr speaker , very, very soon. mr speaker, doctor ben spencer , speaker. doctor ben spencer, speaker. >> um , after network rail's >> um, after network rail's so—called signalling improvement works , there has been traffic works, there has been traffic chaos and delays at level crossings across egham. in fact, data analysed by my team shows comparing september 22nd with 23, there has been . a 3,967% 23, there has been. a 3,967% increase of wait times over ten minutes. >> when the barriers go down, does my right honourable friend agree with me? this is unacceptable and network rail needs to sort it out. >> hey speaker , i'm sorry to
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>> hey mr speaker, i'm sorry to hear about the delays faced by my hon. friend's constituents . i my hon. friend's constituents. i know that will be disruptive to their lives. it's important that we have proper connectivity in our local areas , and i'll ensure our local areas, and i'll ensure that he gets the relevant meeting . he needs to put meeting. he needs to put pressure network to pressure on network rail to improve they're providing. >> johnson, thank you, mr speaken >> children and young adults are most likely to be the victims or the perpetrators of gun crime . the perpetrators of gun crime. ava white was 12 years old when she was stabbed and killed by a 14 year old in liverpool city centre in 2021. danny jameson was 16 when he died as a result of knife crime. >> their mothers, leanne and mandy are campaigning for tougher sentences on knife crime. so will the prime minister support the danny and ava campaign to um to end the scourge of gun crime ? scourge of gun crime? >> knife crime on our streets .
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here >> mr speaker, can i express my condolences to danny and ava's family and the family of all those young people whose lives have been so tragically cut short by knife crime? we do have plans in place to cut knife crime. and they are working. we've confiscated over 120,000 weapons. we've cut violent crime in half since 2010, and more dangerous criminals are going to jail for longer. but we are bringing forward legislation which would increase sentences for knife crime related things and ban zombie knives. and i very much hope that she and her party will support those proposals when they're put before the house. proposals when they're put befyalexandesze. proposals when they're put befyalexander stafford much indeed. >> mr speaker , after years of >> mr speaker, after years of campaigning, it's great news that there will be a direct bus link between two of my biggest towns in rother valley, dinnington maltby , and this dinnington and maltby, and this is news. is great news. >> there's lack >> however, there's still lack of to transport of transport, bus to transport our hospitals. does our local hospitals. does the prime with me prime minister agree with me that the south yorkshire mayor should use some resources to back transport for back my plan for transport for rother make sure
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rother valley, and make sure every single village and town has bus link our has a direct bus link to our local hospitals. here yeah , local hospitals. here yeah, well, mr speaker, we absolutely know how vital bus services are for communities right across the country. >> indeed, it's our most popular form of public transportation, which is why we have used some of the savings from hs2 to invest in bus services. we've capped bus services at £2 right across the country and provided his local authority with millions of pounds of more funding, specifically to support local bus services. so i join him in calling on the mayor to ensure direct bus routes to hospitals in my hon. friend's constituency, and to make sure that people can see their loved ones at a distressing time. >> more. >> more. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> weekend , the people of >> on the weekend, the people of south support south wales marched in support of their steel industry following the government's grubby deal with tata that is now placing thousands of jobs at risk in port talbot and beyond . risk in port talbot and beyond. >> the prime minister is failing to protect our steel industry because he failed to place a red line on protecting jobs at the
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plant, so the prime minister now has a choice work with the unions. tata and the workforce to protect the industry and the jobs with investment , to protect the industry and the jobs with investment, or to walk away and do what tories always do and abandon south wales communities yet again . which is communities yet again. which is it? prime minister >> mr speaker , mr speaker, this >> mr speaker, mr speaker, this government has worked hard to secure a long terme sustainable future for welsh steelmaking and to grow the legacy of this important industry . that's why important industry. that's why in the pandemic we stepped in to support seltzer, which he knows safeguarding over 1000 jobs and ensuring that that plant was sustainable. it is why we agreed one of the largest ever cash grants of a half £1 billion to tata steel to safeguard at least 5000 jobs. mr speaker , which 5000 jobs. mr speaker, which would otherwise have been lost . would otherwise have been lost. and perhaps he might want to ask why the welsh labour government did not put a penny in to support that deal in yourself .
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support that deal in yourself. right back to you. >> thank you . thank you, mr >> thank you. thank you, mr speaken >> thank you. thank you, mr speaker. the . full. speaker. the. full. >> again, there are many who try to imitate. >> mr speaker. >> mr speaker. >> um, mr speaker, the watford area continues to be the proud home of the national lottery, employing over 900 people. >> so would my right hon. friend and the prime minister and the whole cabinet join me in celebrating successful celebrating the successful handover from camelot to allwyn on the 1st of february and the £48 billion raised by the national lottery players , national lottery players, funding 700,000 projects so far. i'm sure in everyone's constituency. thank you . well, i constituency. thank you. well, i join with my hon. friend in offering his congratulations and thanks to everyone involved with the national lottery. all of all of us in our constituents who have seen the incredible benefit from the investments they are making. absolutely making. and he's absolutely right make sure that they get right to make sure that they get the they deserve . today the praise they deserve. today in graeme stringer mr >> mr speaker, the prime minister has been asked yet
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again in his answer to a previous question , he was previous question, he was boasting about transferring investment from the north of england into the south of england into the south of england when he came to manchester in the autumn to inqu manchester in the autumn to insult the people of the north of england and cancelled his two proudly cancelled it. >> was he aware then , that >> was he aware then, that because the trains have to split without the hs2 lines and they don't tilt , he will be slowing don't tilt, he will be slowing services down and reducing capacity? >> did he know that or didn't he care? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> mr speaker , i'd say a couple >> mr speaker, i'd say a couple of things. first of all, our plans to continue with phase one mean that we can handle triple the capacity that is currently being used on the line. the second thing is, every penny of the £198 second thing is, every penny of the £19.8 billion from the northern bit of hs2 will stay in the north, being invested in services that people use like local buses and will be delivered quicker. and thirdly, he is critical of the decision .
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he is critical of the decision. i still haven't quite figured out what the labour party's position on this do they position on this is. do they support the redeployment of £36 billion of hs2 savings in transport across the rest of the country, or do they not, as even country, or do they not, as ever, with mr speaker, you don't know what they for . stand they know what they for. stand they can't say what they do they know what they for. stand they can'take what they do they know what they for. stand they can'take britain 1ey do they know what they for. stand they can'take britain backo they know what they for. stand they can'take britain back to they know what they for. stand they can'take britain back to squarey just take britain back to square one. they that concludes prime minister's questions and let the chamber . chamber. >> there we go . >> there we go. >> there we go. you >> there we go. you have >> there we go. you have been watching prime minister's question time, but now it's time for our favourite bit of the show, because it's your bit of the show. it's the time of the week when we put your questions to our brilliant panel this week, work and pensions minister mims and from labour mims davies, and from labour shadow financial secretary to the treasury james murray. that's right . that's right. >> straight away, let's go to the question ron. >> straight away, let's go to the he's question ron. >> straight away, let's go to the he's emailed ron. >> straight away, let's go to the he's emailed to ron. >> straight away, let's go to the he's emailed to sayion. >> straight away, let's go to the he's emailed to say prince >> he's emailed to say prince william has every right to express mims express his opinion. mims davies, freedom of davies, free country freedom of speech , etc. but isn't isn't speech, etc. but isn't isn't that just for certain people?
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it's everybody. what you it's for everybody. what do you think william's think about prince william's remarks we of remarks about gaza? we know, of course , he said overnight, course, he said overnight, didn't he, that too many people had in the conflict had been killed in the conflict and called for to the and he called for an end to the fighting soon as possible . on fighting as soon as possible. on the of commons debate fighting as soon as possible. on the today. commons debate later today. >> lovely to be of >> hmm. lovely to be part of a brilliant panel. so thank you, gloria, thanks, chris. it's gloria, and thanks, chris. it's very nice to be on this new panel very nice to be on this new panel. look, this is a free country. and of course, there's a minister for the crown. i don't want to be boring on gb news because that's not how you roll. but i'm not able to comment directly on that. but what i would say is there's a fantastic advocate for our country. i think he always feels and reflects what many of our community think. and like an mp , community think. and like an mp, he gets out into the community and listens to people. i think if you if you drill into what he said, it's pretty similar to what government bringing what the government is bringing forward for the amendment this afternoon. of course, afternoon. so i'm, of course, leave him to speak himself . leave him to speak for himself. >> james murray, is it right for him to make this intervention? chris, i'm stealing your point. on of such a an
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on the day of such a an important vote in the house of commons, i think , you know, commons, i think, you know, throughout this conflict, obviously there's been a lot of division. >> i think that from what i understand, william said, you know, there were messages of unity about things that we all agree on about all wanting the violence come end . violence to come to an end. obviously, be debates obviously, there will be debates about how we get there, but i think what from what i understand that said it was understand that he said it was very much focussed on what we all share, a, you know, all share, which is a, you know, desire violence to come all share, which is a, you know, de ans violence to come all share, which is a, you know, dean end. violence to come all share, which is a, you know, dean end. andiolence to come all share, which is a, you know, dean end. and so, nce to come all share, which is a, you know, dean end. and so, youto come all share, which is a, you know, dean end. and so, you know,ie to an end. and so, you know, i like, like, like me, i wouldn't want to give a running commentary on what he's saying. but i think that focus on but i do think that focus on unity important. but i do think that focus on unity wishyrtant. but i do think that focus on unity wish you'd further >> you wish you'd gone further from an immediate from call for an immediate ceasefire, as the are doing today? >> i'm not going comment, >> i'm not going to comment, blow blow the prince blow by blow on what the prince has i do that has said, but i do think that his unity a really his focus on unity is a really important for to us all hean >> i'm speaking of unity. how unhed >> i'm speaking of unity. how united party going to united is your party going to be if you're amendment, have if you're amendment, you have put alternative amendment. put an alternative amendment. we will out probably in this will find out probably in this hourin will find out probably in this hour in the next ten, 15 minutes or so, whether your amendment is being selected. there's a real
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possibility hasn't. then you possibility it hasn't. then you will have a choice. and the last time went before the house time this went before the house of it ripped party of commons, it ripped your party apart. lost frontbench apart. you lost frontbench spokespeople. let's see spokespeople. well let's see what the speaker decides in the coming minutes. >> but i think that what's really important, as you say, is we've amendment we've tabled our own amendment and behind that. and there's unity behind that. if look at all of the if you look at all of the different members labour different members of the labour party signed the party who've signed the amendment, their name amendment, who've put their name to amendment, there's a huge to the amendment, there's a huge range people who've their range of people who've put their name a real name to it. so it's a real uniting, uh, amendment for our party. and i think it should be a uniting moment the whole, a uniting moment for the whole, for house. mean, for the whole house. i mean, what to i what we'd like to see, i unfortunately, i don't think this is likely to happen, but we'd see everyone come we'd like to see everyone come behind this amendment. the labour which behind this amendment. the labour that which behind this amendment. the labour that immediate /hich behind this amendment. the labour that immediate human caused that immediate human korean ceasefire sets out korean ceasefire and sets out all about how that all the context about how that can what happens can happen, about what happens next, releasing the next, about releasing the hostages, about the two state solution, recognition solution, about the recognition of palestine. you all of of palestine. you know, all of the the context the all of the wider context around need for the around around that need for the immediate ceasefire i >> -- >> okay, em- kw- kw— m by the way, thank >> okay, ron, by the way, thank you that you for sending in that question. a fantastic
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question. it was a fantastic question. it was a fantastic question to start our discussions with. i'm just going to not telling us to tell you, i'm not telling us where you're because where you're from because we love you're love to find out where you're all from. from essex. well all from. peter from essex. well done. uh, mims davies. peter from the prime from essex says will the prime minister reduce taxes in the march we keep reading march budget? we keep reading that to increase that he might just to increase them he the next them again if he won the next election. well, we conservatives who are there to cut taxes, that's our core belief. >> we did it in january. that's our core belief. >> we did it in january . uh, >> we did it in january. uh, when it comes to national insurance contributions, about £450, the average person will be better off as a result of that. look, we're up against a difficult backdrop, but that's our instinctiveness, isn't it? >> our highest tax burden in, what, 70 years or something? >> yeah, but it's the highest amount of support. gloria. and you'll know, for example, just in my own department, dwp , uh, in my own department, dwp, uh, we are going to be supporting people with their housing costs around, on average, £800 more, where people came to us, um, james's party and all, uh, people in my constituent nc have
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said, look, you know, my housing costs are really challenging for those most vulnerable. the local housing allowance has been increased by £1.3 billion. that's one bit of support. increased by £1.3 billion. that's one bit of support . and that's one bit of support. and if we weren't giving that support and people have kept their homes, jobs and livelihoods during the pandemic, people would be saying , what's people would be saying, what's the government doing? we all know it has to be paid back because we've all seen the previous note in the treasury. when the money's gone and we've got some fairness here. >> okay. yeah. >> okay. yeah. >> well, my point as well that the ms davis, james donald again. donald, please say where you're from. has a you're from. donald has a question uh would you question for james. uh would you commit tax cuts if labour commit to tax cuts if labour form the next government ? rachel form the next government? rachel reeves says you'd like to, but can't commit to labour do that immediately. not true. he immediately. that's not true. he says , as labour often been says, as labour has often been keen point out, spending keen to point out, spending choices are political choices. so taxes ? so would labour cut taxes? >> well, i mean, look what rachel said she said that we want burden to be lower want the tax burden to be lower on working people. >> highest tax burden >> it's the highest tax burden in 70 years that were on course
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to have been 25 tax to have. there have been 25 tax rises this parliament rises in this parliament alone. you suffering you know, people are suffering across cost across the country from a cost of crisis at same of living crisis at the same time taxes going so much time as taxes going up. so much so we want tax burden to be lower people. lower and working people. >> mean? working >> what does that mean? working what's working people mean that means incomes. means those on lower incomes. >> make sure that >> we want to make sure that people incomes people on average incomes or lower people lower incomes, you know, people across can benefit across the country can benefit from a lower tax burden. from having a lower tax burden. >> but what's absolutely critical, what underlies everything is this focus everything we say is this focus on economic responsibility . you on economic responsibility. you know, because we saw what happened under liz truss when you had irresponsible tax cuts and caused to and the damage that caused to our never play our economy. we will never play fast public finances. >> want ask because donald >> i want to ask because donald made an interesting point in the second his question, second part of his question, too. want to put this to >> and i want to put this to both of you. says, you know, >> and i want to put this to boticould u. says, you know, >> and i want to put this to boticould cut says, you know, >> and i want to put this to boticould cut taxes. ., you know, >> and i want to put this to boticould cut taxes. let's know, >> and i want to put this to boticould cut taxes. let's just n, you could cut taxes. let's just cut for people cut work age benefits for people who refuse, choose not to go to work. just a simple one. do you believe that there are people in this country who take an active choice, not to work? because we can how people are can see how many people are claiming benefits and how claiming those benefits and how much risen. there be
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much it has risen. there must be some people choosing not some people who are choosing not to sure if you look at >> i'm sure if you look at everyone claiming everyone who's claiming benefits, will small benefits, there will be a small number honest number who are not being honest about number who are not being honest abobut i think the majority of >> but i think the majority of people who are claiming benefits now often in work. you now are quite often in work. you know, because work doesn't know, it's because work doesn't pay know, it's because work doesn't pay the of pay any more because the cost of living much. living has gone up so much. >> said, choose not to work. >> do you think there's anybody who to work as who chooses not to work as donald in any any public service? >> there will be a small minority don't play by the minority who don't play by the rules. the vast rules. but i think the vast majority are suffering majority of people are suffering cost living crisis. and cost of living crisis. and that's benefits that's why, you know, benefits actually help people in actually help a lot of people in work. actually help a lot of people in worand so there's always >> and so there's always a choice to make . and absolutely, choice to make. and absolutely, us as conservatives are our focus on making work pay. and as i've said , do you think people i've said, do you think people choose not to work? >> do you anybody in this >> do you think anybody in this country who claiming country who is claiming out of work benefits, think work benefits, do you think that's some people? that's a choice for some people? well, think uh, i don't well, i don't think uh, i don't think generally that's how we should characterise people that need agree with james on >> and i agree with james on that if drill that point. but if you drill into labour has said when into what labour has said when it comes to welfare , they're not it comes to welfare, they're not committed to reforming welfare.
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they don't believe in conditionality. and people who and this is about fairness for the people that we need to support, who most vulnerable going through difficult times . going through difficult times. and you want that safety net there. that's exactly what we're there. that's exactly what we're there to provide. but ultimately it's got to be paid for by the taxpayer. and that is what you need to hear from labour. they don't believe conditionality . don't believe in conditionality. they don't in a fair they don't believe in a fair a fair exchange, a really important point here about people being out of work because at the moment we have record numbers of people are long numbers of people who are long terms people who can't work >> so people who can't work because the long terms sick. >> they're all long >> do you think they're all long time just up. time sick and it's just gone up. so vast, just so dramatically so vast, it just so dramatically dunng so vast, it just so dramatically during coverages. during those coverages. >> that cycles back >> i think that cycles back around problems with nhs. >> i think that cycles back aroryou problems with nhs. >> i think that cycles back aroryou prolwhen with nhs. >> i think that cycles back aroryou prolwhen we've nhs. >> i think that cycles back aroryou prolwhen we've gotihs. >> you know, when we've got record lists for the nhs >> you know, when we've got rec people lists for the nhs >> you know, when we've got rec people can't sts for the nhs >> you know, when we've got recpeople can't getfor the nhs >> you know, when we've got rec people can't get the he nhs >> you know, when we've got rec people can't get the health; so people can't get the health care they need, which is obviously important for themselves. also themselves. but it's also important get back themselves. but it's also imp
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the waspi women. yeah. the big issue our viewers lesley's issue for our viewers lesley's got in touch. and these are women who who are affected by the increase in the state retirement age. they born retirement age. they were born between 1950 she says between 1950 and 1960. she says the post office scandal is very bad. but women were robbed of their state pension and are dying before they can get compensation. are you going compensation. why are you going slow on compensation the slow on compensation for the waspi i've had cancer dependency >> so i've had cancer dependency issues on that and one thing that we have done, we've got 2 million more women in work since 2010. we've got automatic enrolment and women and their pensions in the future will be improved. that's really improved. and that's really important. now this back 25 important. now this goes back 25 years to 1995 under labour government of governments of all colours, including the coalition with lib dems . i am with the lib dems. i am a minister at that department and i know it matters to people and i'm afraid it's a multi—stage ombudsman, parliamentary ombudsman, parliamentary ombudsman process that's going on. what i would say is i know labour are saying they'll fix it again. that money again. where does that money come from? perhaps james can answer that. >> um, we've got a question from trevor . you're you're so good at
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trevor. you're you're so good at submitting questions. i just wish me why wish you'd tell me why you lived. good lived. but it is a very good question. to put it to question. i'm going to put it to james and then to mims if we have why do politician have time. why do politician spend interfering spend so much time interfering with problems spend so much time interfering withsending problems spend so much time interfering withsending money problems spend so much time interfering with sending money to oblemswe and sending money to them? we need to sort out all the need them to sort out all the problems to problems in the uk. i'm going to give each very very, give you 30s each very very, very big question. well i think we can see the link between what happens here. happens overseas and here. >> look at ukraine, >> if you look at ukraine, you know, russia's know, in terms of russia's illegal invasion of ukraine that pushed prices so pushed up energy prices and so actually it's our actually it's in our self—interest actually it's in our >> yeah. >> yeah. >> we have to do the right thing when it comes internationally, ukraine is absolutely the right thing in terms of this. but the snp lean into this because education is going down in scotland and they don't want to examine themselves . examine themselves. >> well thank you, ms davies. and thank you very much james. both been brilliant . both been brilliant. >> brilliant. you. please >> brilliant. thank you. please come we're short come back and we're short because speakers. because of the speakers. >> of questions in >> a lot of questions there in pmqs is good pmqs now coming up is good afternoon britain with tom and emily. tom emily, what do you have in your show? big, big show
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today? >> it's about one hour until we learn whether or not the house of commons selects the labour amendments on the gaza ceasefire, if not, they back the snp or the government. a potential huge labour rebellion awaits. yes, and we'll also be reflecting on prince william's intervention into israel—palestine. >> question on the eve of this big vote. should he have done so ? and also, we're going to be speaking to the man, nigel farage live from washington. he's been speaking to some big hitters in the republican party. what will he have to say? >> and indeed, what will he ask president and our president trump? that and our nuclear plops into the nuclear deterrent plops into the sea instead of firing halfway around the world is our military up to scratch? big questions to answer this afternoon . answer this afternoon. >> they really are big questions. we're looking forward to watching your show to just say some of the things that you're discussing, some of the viewers that have been emailing us listeners have us and, and our listeners have been those very topics. so been on those very topics. so you're there with you're we're right there with you're we're right there with you . you. >> yeah. mm slow. mm—
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>> yeah. thrilling show. sounds great. tom and emily. now, you've been watching and listening with listening to pmqs live with gloria de piero and me, christopher hope, don't go anywhere up next, as you anywhere because up next, as you heard, there good afternoon heard, there is good afternoon britain emily. well britain with tom and emily. well i >> -- >>a >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello, i'm alex deakin. this is your latest weather update from the met office for gb news. you probably noticed a bit of a wet one today, but it is brightening the this brightening up in the west this afternoon. tomorrow though, more heavy gusty winds. heavy rain and gusty winds. not one two weather systems one but two weather systems piling in from the atlantic. this one has been bringing the rain already across most places today. starting now. today. starting to clear now. brighter skies this afternoon for northern ireland and cheering up a little bit across wales and much of scotland. but for central and eastern england it soggy. stays it stays soggy. it stays blustery, still mild out blustery, still pretty mild out there really for february. it has been a very mild month so
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far. temperatures again getting into of course it into the teens. but of course it doesn't that like that with doesn't feel that like that with all the weather around, all the wet weather around, a lot lot surface lot of spray, a lot of surface water on the roads, that band of rain does pull away there. more showers come into scotland and northern ireland through the evening and overnight, and then we're at some pretty we're looking at some pretty intense rain developing into parts wales and southwest parts of wales and southwest england. by the time we get to the morning time, winds will the morning time, the winds will also to pick up once more. the morning time, the winds will alwill to pick up once more. the morning time, the winds will alwill tcprettpr once more. the morning time, the winds will alwill tcpretty mild ce more. the morning time, the winds will alwill tcpretty mild night re. it will be a pretty mild night yet again. places may stay yet again. some places may stay in double figures, but tomorrow starts very wet for parts of england and wales. band of rain swinging through intense bursts of rain and then further bouts of rain and then further bouts of rain and then further bouts of rain coming up from the southwest. gusty winds as well, particularly across the southeast . it could get very southeast. it could get very lively for a short space of time. further disruption possible the wind and possible from both the wind and the rain. so do keep up to date with met weather with met office weather warnings. do that is warnings. best way to do that is on met office website. on the met office website. it will also be turning colder . will also be turning colder. >> things are heating >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of
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weather on gb news . weather on gb news. >> tired of the usual focus? >> tired of the usual focus? >> tested pre—prepared westminster run—around? >> well, so am i so you want higher taxes? it's your department to blame for this. are you rethinking this policy every sunday at 9.30? i'll be sitting down with those in power to get the truth about the issues affecting you. let's be honest, we've known about the cost of project cost pressures of this project for years, not months. that's the camilla tominey show, a politics show with personality on gb news, the people's channel on gb news, the people's channel, britain's news channel . channel, britain's news channel.
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>> good afternoon britain . it's >> good afternoon britain. it's just coming up to 1:00 on wednesday, the 21st of february. the prince's plea for gaza peace israel hits back, saying a ceasefire depends on the release of hostages . of hostages. >> the state was reportedly caught off guard by the future
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king's intervention . have prince king's intervention. have prince william's comments risked a diplomatic crisis? this is on the same day as sir keir starmer faces the prospect of another labour rebellion over gaza , as labour rebellion over gaza, as mps vote on a ceasefire motion put down by scottish nationalist mps. nuke flop a trident missile misfired and plopped into the ocean just yards from the submarine that launched it. it's the second failed test in a row . the second failed test in a row. what does this mean for britain's . nuclear deterrent? britain's. nuclear deterrent? and could this have come at a worse time? >> and we'll speak to gb news presenter nigel farage live from washington as he meets with washington dc, as he meets with leading figures in the republican what will republican party. what will he say to donald trump? >> well, that's what's on the menu today. but what did you make of pmqs then, tom? >> do you know what i thought it


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