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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  February 25, 2024 1:00am-2:01am GMT

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of ammunition . stockpiles of ammunition. defence secretary grant shapps says he's proud that since the invasion, the uk has trained 60,000 ukrainian troops , adding 60,000 ukrainian troops, adding that no one has done as much for kyiv than the uk or former prime minister boris johnson has been in kyiv. he's been speaking exclusively to gb news, praising the war torn country . the war torn country. >> they've taken out thousands and thousands of russian tanks, 40% of russia's black sea fleet and yet ukraine says exports are now back up to pre—war levels. so i've got absolutely no doubt that with the right support from the west, ukraine can win . and the west, ukraine can win. and it's vital in the months ahead that we give them that support. this is an unconventional report . uh, but here we are in kyiv on the eighth. the sad second anniversary, uh, with a ukrainian pop nation that, in my view, is absolute determined. still to win. and the giveaway .
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still to win. and the giveaway. >> meanwhile, the king and queen have praised ukrainians for their true valour. king charles also says he's greatly encouraged by the efforts of the uk and its allies in supporting kyiv at a time of suffering in need. kyiv at a time of suffering in need . all the people concerned need. all the people concerned should covid the monarch was paying should covid the monarch was paying his respects at a ukrainian cathedral in central london, where crowds later gathered to show their support for the country and its people. commemorating began with an interfaith prayer and similar services have been held across the uk . now leandersson has been the uk. now leandersson has been suspended from the tory party. it comes after the former deputy chair said the london mayor had given the capital away and was controlled by islamists. the prime minister was under pressure to react after sadiq khan said his deafening silence was condoned racism, while the labour leader, sir keir starmer has now weighed in, saying rishi sunaks weakness means that tory mps can act with impunity . he, a
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mps can act with impunity. he, a spokesperson for the party's chief whip, says the mp was suspended for refusing to apologise for his comments in a statement, anderson said i fully accept they had no option but to suspend the whip in these circumstances. however i'll continue to support the government's efforts to call out extremism in all its forms, be that anti semitism or islamophobia . in other news, the islamophobia. in other news, the body of russian opposition leader alexei navalny has been handed over to his mother. he unexpectedly died in prison nine days ago. his death certificate suggested it was of natural causes. his spokeswoman says it's still not clear whether authorities will allow relatives to hold a funeral, the way his family wants and the way he deserves , and junior doctors in deserves, and junior doctors in england have walked out for the 10th time since march last year over a pay dispute , the british over a pay dispute, the british medical association has asked for a 35% pay rise. the government says that's unreasonable. more than 1.3 million appointments and
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operations have already been cancelled or rescheduled since industrial action began . for the industrial action began. for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now back to . leo now back to. leo >> thank you, tatiana, and welcome to the saturday night showdown. now google have had to put their ai image generating tool gemini on ice after it erased white people harder than a netflix remake of an 80s tv show. requests for pretty much anything returned historically inaccurate images of diverse people, such as vikings, ginger was . a medieval knight, medieval was. a medieval knight, medieval kings , the founding fathers , the kings, the founding fathers, the pope , the and even the nazi
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pope, the and even the nazi party, and hilariously asking google ai party, and hilariously asking google al to be more historically accurate, made them less historically accurate . the less historically accurate. the only way to get it to generate white people is by putting evil in front of whatever you're asking for. then gemini magically finds the white evil witch or white evil wizard. it's like a white man can suddenly appearin like a white man can suddenly appear in adverts if they're for domestic violence or gambling addiction. the gemini project lead jack krawczyk. i think that's how you pronounce it, said that gemini was designed to reflect our global user base, and we take representation and bias seriously . so, jack, you bias seriously. so, jack, you want to help your global user base by lying to them. some guy in bangladesh is going to fail his history exams because he's been told the vikings were sub—saharan africans and the nazis were a racially inclusive organisation led by an indian man . i wonder if jack has man. i wonder if jack has a political bias. well, in 2020, he tweeted, i've been crying in
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intermittent bursts for the past 24 hours. since casting my ballot. filling in that biden harris line felt cathartic . man, harris line felt cathartic. man, no wonder fertility rates are dropping in the west, with men saying things like that. jack is also an openly anti—white racist, as you can see by the tweets that were visible until he locked down his account. he wrote. this is america, where racism is the number one value our populace seeks to uphold. above all, it's not just jack google's entire business is guided by anti racism, which is a word woke people used to mean lots of racism. their training talks of white privilege, racial eqtu talks of white privilege, racial equity and systemic racism. staff are taught to identify their privileged identities using the wheel of privilege and something that is literally called the oppression olympics . called the oppression olympics. i thought the oppression olympics was just a name for any recruitment process in 2024. why why is google ai doing this? probing gemini for its reasons , probing gemini for its reasons, reveals how diversity and
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inclusion is baked into the system . here's someone asking system. here's someone asking why gemini made the request for an image of leprechaun black gemini . i said your initial gemini. i said your initial input was please draw a portrait of leprechauns. this is what you see and is the starting point of the interaction. to expand the range of images, i internally adjust prompt in a few ways. adjust the prompt in a few ways. keywords i might add words such as or as diverse, inclusive, or specify ethnicities such as south asian, black, etc. and genders such as female and non—binary . alongside the word non—binary. alongside the word leprechaun . now, i'm not really leprechaun. now, i'm not really sure why it's diverse and inclusive to only show black people , but i'm not a highly people, but i'm not a highly paid google exec. it's not just google's ai that does it. the google's ai that does it. the google search engine does this too. if you search for images of black couples, you get black couples . if search white couples. if you search for white couples, get black couples. couples, you get black couples. if you search for gay couples, you if you you get gay couples. if you search couples, search for straight couples, you get are black. get gay couples who are black. if you search for white, straight couples eritrean if you search for white, straigqueen ples eritrean if you search for white, straigqueen comes eritrean if you search for white, straigqueen comes round'ean if you search for white, straigqueen comes round to1 if you search for white, straigqueen comes round to your drag queen comes round to your house slaps you in face house and slaps you in the face with sausage. why with their sausage. but why
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should that al is should we care that al is misrepresents history? well, it's untrue too, which is wrong in and of itself. it puts ideology ahead of fact. if ideology ahead of fact. if ideology is more important than truth, then it's right that galileo was persecuted by the authorities for saying the earth goes round the sun instead of the sun goes round the earth. yes, galileo might have been factually correct, but the ideology that the earth is at the centre of the universe is for the greater good. just like google's mantras in george orwell's dystopian novel 1984, the main character, winston smith, works in the ministry of truth, rewriting history documents such as newspaper articles and photographs so that they match the current party line. the mantra is whoever controls the past controls the present. just like the party. in 1985, 1984 sorry i got the year wrong . google and every other wrong. google and every other organisation that signed up to diversity, equity and inclusion. they're doing this to influence people's worldview. to say that the west is always been
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incredibly diverse, and it's transparently obvious that their motives aren't as virtuous as they claim. diversity, equity and inclusion is set up and funded by corporations for the purpose of convincing us that diversity is an incredible strength, not because it's a nice thing, but because it will make the population more amenable to mass immigration. corporations are desperate for mass immigration because it means an unlimited supply of cheap labour, an increase in asset prices, and more consumers for their products. this bias doesn't stop at gemini's racist image generation. that's just a visible and funny example of the bias in mainstream media and tech. big tech and media also suppress facts in pursuit of the greater good, such as the hunter biden laptop story , which could biden laptop story, which could have swung the election but was deliberately mislabelled as a far right conspiracy theory and buned far right conspiracy theory and buried by organisations , the buried by organisations, the pubuc buried by organisations, the public trust. and lo and behold , public trust. and lo and behold, joe biden was elected and what else will google do? that's less visible than their image generation? will they hide white
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businesses from search results, deny white people services, rewrite historical news articles to present what the party believes today. how can we look at china and say that their internet is censored because people aren't showing what happened at tiananmen square when aren't shown entire when we aren't shown an entire race? 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual . anyway, i'm joined manual. anyway, i'm joined tonight by the broadcaster and lawyer, andrew eborn, plus two brilliant comedians, diane spencer and the people's gammon . spencer and the people's gammon. paul cox . paul cox. >> hello my little rashers . >> hello my little rashers. >> hello my little rashers. >> i've got to start with you because i couldn't help but nofice because i couldn't help but notice that google i eliminated red heads. you must be furious. >> i'm really upset, leo. like i mean, i'm a white lady. what if i wear a white cardigan ? does i wear a white cardigan? does that mean i literally don't exist to google at all? am i just invisible now? >> i mean, this sounds like you'd get arrested for white supremacy if you walked into the
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clothing while you're being white. i have actually got a white. i have actually got a white cardigan. >> maybe i should burn it just to be in case the police >> maybe i should burn it just to be round. case the police come round. >> i'm not burn white cardigans in your front garden. >> like , because i saw >> i was like, because i saw those pictures of ginger people and i'm like, of course there are some ginger people because ginger is , uh, it's a, you know, ginger is, uh, it's a, you know, a mutation on the melanocortin one receptor. so it can happen sort of anywhere. >> it is. i was going to say that, but you said it's much better. i thought it's wonderful. >> sounded like ginger phobia. wonderful. >> iounded like ginger phobia. wonderful. >> ioundeit like ginger phobia. wonderful. >> i oundeit was ginger phobia. wonderful. >> i oundeit was totally phobia. wonderful. >> i oundeit was totally ginger wonderful. >> iowwhatwas totally ginger wonderful. >> iowwhat ias totally ginger wonderful. >> iowwhat i lovetally ginger wonderful. >> iowwhat i lovetally gitger wonderful. >> iowwhat i lovetally git is' phobic. what i love about it is they totally rewrote history, as you the founding you say. so the founding fathers, sort fathers, they were all sort of people colours. so people of diverse colours. so you white, washington you had george white, washington . i like that of stuff. . i like that sort of stuff. what uh, thomas what was it? uh, thomas jefferson have, jefferson you could have, couldn't what benjamin couldn't you? and what benjamin franklin , don't give a damn what franklin, don't give a damn what i about it is this sort of i love about it is this sort of thing. but you need to look at the this has happened. thing. but you need to look at the reasonthis has happened. thing. but you need to look at the reason this has happened. thing. but you need to look at the reason this hashappened. thing. but you need to look at the reason this has happened the reason this has happened is chat. come up with chat. gpt used to come up with prejudices way. so it prejudices the other way. so it used and look, used to turn on and say, look, everything white orientated.
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everything was white orientated. what did google, it used to what they did google, it used to be called bard. they changed the name because it's two name to gemini because it's two fingers they fingers to everybody. they changed it basically to say every time somebody does a search, to make sure search, you need to make sure the are inclusive, the results are inclusive, right? why gone right? and that's why it's gone completely the other way. they've market. they've taken over the market. yes. bias >> they're to fix >> they're trying to fix people's this is what people's bias. and this is what jack, the project lead . uh, jack, the project lead. uh, what's surname? they assume what's his surname? they assume it's a great scrabble score, i love it. yeah, i think it's my wi—fi password, but. but he says, you know, everybody. everybody is racist. so we need to combat this racism by serving up , uh, our own to combat this racism by serving up, uh, our own bias to try and, you know, tilt the bias in the other direction. i mean, this this bad paul, this seems bad faith, paul, to assume users of assume that all the users of google are just evil racists, and they to taught and they need to be taught a lesson and shown that actually, you the leader you know what? the leader of the nazi indian man. nazi party was an indian man. that's image we didn't that's an image we didn't show because, swastikas and stuff. >> @ i mean, i think it's >> wow. i mean, i think it's delicious . whole is delicious. this whole thing is full serendipitytalking. full of serendipity talking. it's is it's delicious. what is a sausage , by the way? i don't sausage, by the way? i don't know what. what a sausage? know what. what is a sausage? >> ask, don't ask. >> no, don't ask, don't ask. >> no, don't ask, don't ask. >> pe trying
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>> i think my pe teacher trying to me. one. sir in to show me. here's one. sir in detention . that's. detention. that's. >> that's an ongoing court case. >> that's an ongoing court case. >> it is exactly. but i mean, isn't it just delicious that multiculturalism is absolutely fine until it's until i started to depict nazis as black men and vikings as black women. it's like you can't have your cake and eat it. what is it? are we either going to tell the truth or are we going to live this fantastically ridiculous lie? um, i think the whole thing is disingenuous. >> i already produces some very strange , um, images because strange, um, images because these, you know, weren't a lot of the images that were being made of women, sort of very oversexualized . yeah, they're oversexualized. yeah, they're great. no, they were tart . great. no, they were tart. unrealistic, though, leo. they were sort of sort of big boobs, tiny waists. >> you would fall over when you can have a fantasy . see, this is can have a fantasy. see, this is what i've always said. you what i've always said. but you know you're absolutely know, you're absolutely right. they were they were unrealistic and unrepresentative of the real world. happened was world. well, what happened was this when they first this is that when they first started i, you know, i talk started with i, you know, i talk around world on this stuff
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started with i, you know, i talk arourto world on this stuff started with i, you know, i talk arourto the world on this stuff started with i, you know, i talk arourto the futurists. this stuff back to the futurists. >> that's what i do. me, myself and happens this when and i. what happens is this when you chat things into chat, you first chat things into chat, gpt know the gpt if it didn't know the answer, would make so answer, it would make it up. so this it's what were this is true. it's what were called hallucinations. so there was who famously had was a lawyer who famously had a big he suing an big case where he was suing an airline, went he used airline, and he went he used chatgpt and they suggested three cases, in of cases, and he stood in front of the judge and said, quoted these three precedents three cases as precedents as precedent. judge looked three cases as precedents as precedeand judge looked three cases as precedents as precedeand said judge looked three cases as precedents as precedeand said , judge looked three cases as precedents as precedeand said , jque looked three cases as precedents as precedeand said , jqu i won'ti at him and said, uh, mr i won't mention name because gets at him and said, uh, mr i won't menti um, name because gets at him and said, uh, mr i won't mentium, they're because gets at him and said, uh, mr i won't menti um, they're all:ause gets at him and said, uh, mr i won't menti um, they're all made gets at him and said, uh, mr i won't menti um, they're all made up.|ets sued. um, they're all made up. and the guy was almost disbarred as a result of it. so they used to have these things called hallucinations. i is the best co—pilot produce an initial co—pilot to produce an initial draft. it off the draft. they've taken it off the market to basically tweak it a little bit more. so it'd be a brilliant thing for the future, but should. i to the but we should. i like to put the ai britain. i think ai into britain. so i think we'll that sort principle. >> but worried these >> but i'm worried that these tech and execs at tech companies and execs at these tech companies that have, you know, obvious bias themselves, like jack himself, is espoused anti—white, is espoused these anti—white, you quite racist you know, quite savagely racist opinions . you know, quite savagely racist opinions. um, they are basically deciding what people's opinions are going to be there. >> it's a big danger because
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you're worried about the notion of, um, shadow banning. you are worried about the notion it was very interesting when you said about businesses. about white owned businesses. yes. because there was yes. because because there was obviously that big argument where they kept saying, this is a business. and it's where they kept saying, this is a well, business. and it's where they kept saying, this is a well, great.jsiness. and it's where they kept saying, this is a well, great. butzss. and it's where they kept saying, this is a well, great. but if;. and it's where they kept saying, this is a well, great. but if you're t's like, well, great. but if you're going out that it's going to call out that it's a black owned business, you should call out. it's is an indian call out. it's this is an indian owned a white owned business, a white owned business. you should make it playable. right, playable. and you're right, because day , because at the end of the day, it is controlled by people . it is controlled by people. yeah. and it's whatever crazy ideas these people have, like you your boobs and your you with your big boobs and your tiny you're going to tiny waist, like you're going to end bunch of. end up with a bunch of. >> what leo's got ? >> is that what leo's got? because, yeah, i am now interested and we're very we're going to reverse course to actually even it out. >> pearl appear in this form . >> pearl appear in this form. >> pearl appear in this form. >> but it's like all of these databases, what it is and you work on that. but rubbish in rubbish what they've rubbish out. so what they've worked a lot of worked out is like a lot of these search things, there's a lot prejudice when people lot of prejudice when people are doing the programming and that's what so what they're trying to do. so this highlighting this is highlighting another side don't there prejudice. >> i there might be
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>> i mean, there might be prejudice in the things prejudice in the in the things that scans and the things that it scans and the things that it scans and the things that are engine ai that are search engine or ai generator don't generator scans. but i don't think there's prejudice in the people request. think there's prejudice in the peothat's, request. think there's prejudice in the peothat's, basically est. think there's prejudice in the peothat's, basically an. >> that's, that's basically an inadvertent this >> that's, that's basically an in whattent this >> that's, that's basically an in whattent trying this >> that's, that's basically an in whattent trying do. 1is >> that's, that's basically an in whattent trying do. so is what they're trying to do. so they're balance they're trying to balance it out. a brilliant first out. so it's a brilliant first draft with their with their various they're trying to uh, balance unconscious bias balance out unconscious bias with their very conscious. with their own very conscious. exactly that sounds a exactly that sounds like a dangerous. exactly that sounds like a darthat's. turning >> that's like turning up to a fire trying to it out by fire and trying to put it out by adding bits of fire. throw it out. >> no. exactly >> no. exactly >> petrol on it. yeah, well, moving to on more serious matters, i don't know matters, although i don't know what can be more serious than our rewritten. our history being rewritten. bofis our history being rewritten. boris johnson has been in ukraine pledging his support as the with russia reaches its the war with russia reaches its two year anniversary . let's take two year anniversary. let's take a look at what he said . a look at what he said. >> in spite of everything, those gallant, heroic ukrainians are fighting on, and i've got absolutely no doubt that they are going to win. absolutely no doubt that they are going to win . and i think are going to win. and i think that with the support of the west, provided we do the right thing, give them the right support, minute irony politically and economically, the courage of ukrainians , uh,
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the courage of ukrainians, uh, their natural determination to fight for their homeland will prevail . prevail. >> andrew. strong words from boris. >> oh he's great. there's some tv channel should sign him up. i think . i tv channel should sign him up. i think. i think he's glorious. what i was interested in that he's with vadym prystaiko . do he's with vadym prystaiko. do you know he is? he was the you know who he is? he was the former bible school. he was the former bible school. he was the former uk , uh, ambassador for former uk, uh, ambassador for ukraine over here. he got sacked by zelenskyy. and the reason he got sacked by zelenskyy. do you remember when, um , good old ben remember when, um, good old ben wallace was turning around and saying that zelenskyy should be grateful for all the stuff? and zelenskyy was a sarcastic zelenskyy was a bit sarcastic in response. sacked as response. so he got sacked as a result of it. it's interesting he's standing there, but good luck think luck for boris. i think the claim we're going claim that we're going to win is, is interesting, but certainly thing, certainly here's the thing, andrew, mean, the west andrew, because i mean, the west at seems to be at the moment seems to be wavering support for ukraine. >> this is this is something ukraine. >> i this is this is something ukraine. >> i think is this is something ukraine. >> i think a; this is something ukraine. >> i think a lotis is something ukraine. >> i think a lotis ipeople thing that i think a lot of people always feared, because putin always feared, uh, because putin obviously waver obviously isn't going to waver in support he's in his own support for what he's doing . he's in his own support for what he's doing. he's an in his own support for what he's doing . he's an autocratic doing. he's an autocratic leader. absolutely suits
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leader. the war absolutely suits him because it enables him to repress home. uh, so repress people at home. uh, so the west, you can see people now starting to question weirdly, it's people on the right who you'd think supporting you'd think would be supporting their, brothers in their, uh, their brothers in ukraine. uh, people on the right are saying, oh, we shouldn't be spending money. war spending this money. this war is unnecessary. you know, putin, unnecessary. uh you know, putin, uh, putin is a bastion of christendom , which is absolute christendom, which is absolute nonsense . putin is fighting back nonsense. putin is fighting back against wokeism , which is against wokeism, which is absolute nonsense as well. if anything , absolute nonsense as well. if anything, ukraine is a traditional european christian country that's been invaded by this, uh, by this, you know , uh, this, uh, by this, you know, uh, megalomaniac , megalomaniac, uh, megalomaniac, megalomaniac, uh, there's no freedom of speech in russia. there's uh, you know, they've got the a huge, uh, rapid , rapidly islamified rapid, rapidly islamified society . it's everything that, society. it's everything that, you know, people on the supposed, uh, right, you know, shouldn't , shouldn't want. shouldn't, shouldn't want. >> well, the i think a big issue here is , i mean, number one, here is, i mean, number one, what is, uh, boris johnson's job title now, i'm not totally sure what his job title is. >> got about jobs. yeah >> he's got about ten jobs. yeah kids to feed.
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>> well, it's quite interesting that the one that's gone that he's the one that's gone on, this particular on, uh, on this particular anniversary. so i wonder whether he sort of checked whether rishi was going. and then when he found rishi wasn't found out that rishi wasn't going, was like, well, going, he was like, well, i think will because he's think i will go because he's always and always put himself front and centre to ukraine centre when it comes to ukraine for some reason. >> but it's i think >> yeah. um, but it's i think what would been what would have been more interesting could interesting thing is if we could have had somebody dodi who would never this, but trump going because. >> right now, um, over the last two years, russia has shown that it has now come to rely on other countries . countries. that have had sanctions put on them, like iran and north korea. they've as well. >> and turkey, they export to these, know, the microchips these, you know, the microchips and that russia these, you know, the microchips and for that russia these, you know, the microchips and for for that russia these, you know, the microchips and for for tmilitary.ia needs for its for its military machine. uh obviously they're not being sent straight to russia exports russia anymore, but the exports to armenia to kyrgyzstan and armenia have shot obviously, you shot up. so we're obviously, you know, countries are know, european countries are just around.
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know, european countries are justand around. know, european countries are justand going around. know, european countries are justand going afindd. know, european countries are justand going afind that >> and also going to find that as of the appalled as a result of the appalled thing, thing about navalny and stuff going stuff like that, what's going to happen is the support for ukraine is galvanised. and i think that sort think as a result of that sort of people are turning of stuff, people are turning around. you mentioned trump. i think putin is far scarier of trump and trump than he is of biden. and it'd interesting to see it'd be very interesting to see it is true. >> isn't? >> who isn't? >> who isn't? >> i mean, who is scared biden? >> is scared biden? >> biden is scared of biden. you should be. when he sees himself in morning. should be. when he sees himself in tell morning. should be. when he sees himself in tell you morning. should be. when he sees himself in tell you who's)rning. should be. when he sees himself in tell you who's scared of >> i'll tell you who's scared of biden, democrat party or biden, the democrat party or scared biden. like, scared of biden. they're like, man, at man, it's like weekend at bernie's they're bernie's for them. they're like, we've guy over bernie's for them. they're like, we"finishing guy over bernie's for them. they're like, we"finishing somehow. er the finishing line somehow. >> to do it? >> how are we going to do it? you should be scared biden's you should be scared of biden's dog, though, because his dog's been the you been attacking all the time. you see, horrendous nine see, all of that horrendous nine times in 24 months. >> love it. >> oh, i love it. >> good considering >> yeah, that's good considering the shoot. >> yeah, that's good considering the uh, shoot. >> yeah, that's good considering the uh, dogs shoot. >> yeah, that's good considering the uh, dogs without when >> uh, most dogs without when the dogs haven't bitten anybody. anyway, coming up, we will assess the week's winners and losers in cursed or blessed. this guardian this week, the guardian sportswriter who wants to aboush sportswriter who wants to abolish women from sports. the police force spooked by falling acorns and has javier milei saved the argentine economy. afuera and we'll show you what happened when this prisoner was taken for a shower .
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listening to gb news radio show. >> on mark dolan tonight, in my big opinion , we're living in an big opinion, we're living in an age of intolerance and mob rule. >> at this point, our very democracy is on the line . it democracy is on the line. it might take a ten. prince william has made a huge by has made a huge mistake by commenting on the war gaza. commenting on the war in gaza. he should stick to opening hospitals kissing babies. hospitals and kissing babies. plus, channel 4 star kim woodburn on the legalisation of abortion and the top author who's written biographies of ken dodd grayson . we're dodd and larry grayson. we're live at nine. >> more about that. hello and welcome back to the saturday night showdown. kirsten blessed is coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when a prison guard took a walk to the took an inmate for a walk to the showers .
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showers. so that was somebody trying to frame a prison guard for brutality . but unfortunately, brutality. but unfortunately, there were lots of cameras around, so he didn't get away with that. >> it was an early bath, wasn't it? i mean, that was what what nightmare. >> that was insane . >> that was insane. >> that was insane. >> there's got to be better ways of framing people. i must is he alive? >> yeah. yeah, he is . so he took >> yeah. yeah, he is. so he took a dive . a dive. >> was that the idea? he took a dive and was going to blame the prison officer as a result? yeah the cameras picked up the incident, you incident, and that's what, you know, to witnesses. incident, and that's what, you knoyeah witnesses. incident, and that's what, you knoyeah .vitnesses. incident, and that's what, you knoyeah . oh.esses. incident, and that's what, you knoyeah . oh. alls. incident, and that's what, you knoyeah . oh. all around are . >> yeah. oh. all around are. >> yeah. oh. all around are. >> unless he was just going to do a runner. um, i'm absolutely fine . extraordinary. probably it fine. extraordinary. probably it was. i know for crystal bliss, me and my brilliant panel will look at three big stories and decide who are the week's winners and who are the losers. and we start with guardian sports journalist jonathan liew , sports journalist jonathan liew, who has taken the unusual position for a sports journalist of wanting to abolish women from
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sport . plenty of people, notably sport. plenty of people, notably jk rowling, have highlighted the impact of transgender athletes starting to dominate girls and women's events . but jonathan is women's events. but jonathan is a woke left wing guardian writer thinks that this is a great idea . he says. let's see trans transgender athletes pour into women's sport and let's say they dominate everything they touch. why would that be bad ? really? why would that be bad? really? imagine a trans child or a teenager seeing a trans athlete in the top step of the olympic podium. it would be inspiring. so that's that's what he says. he says it wouldn't be bad if trans athletes dominated women's sports because it would be inspiring to trans kids. what about what about little girls? what about the other kids? >> yeah , like jonathan lewis there. >> there we go . is he a winner? >> there we go. is he a winner? is he a loser? >> he's a loser because i'm sorry, but if trans people make up, how much of the population? >> 0.1. yeah. so . what about the
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>> 0.1. yeah. so. what about the 50% that are women. yeah. and like , i'm sorry, but it's bad like, i'm sorry, but it's bad enough when you're trying to do sport and you're a girl. i know because i've tried . because i've tried. >> is that trans men, people who used to be women and turn into trans, you don't hear of them winning so winning any of the sports. so all this bit about you look at the that sports were the reasons that sports were divided original or divided into the original sex or cis sex or whatever it is, was simply because male and female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi ly because male and female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi think ause male and female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi think yous male and female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi think you sayile and female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi think you say malej female. cis sex or whatever it is, was simi think you say male and nale. >> i think you say male and female . female. >> exactly. do with >> exactly. it's to do with strength. idea strength. so the whole idea of competing basis, competing work on that basis, maybe we should have some jk rowling, as bowling. you rowling, as in bowling. so you work principle work on that sort of principle that be in that if it's to be fair in sport, they should sport, maybe they should have their sports if they to their own sports if they want to do of or turn do that sort of thing, or turn around base around and say, let's base it on strength i'd probably strength, i'd probably watch that because that'd be that sport because that'd be pretty funny. >> well being >> i know it as well as being sporting. i mean, paul, the transgender athletes a, transgender athletes have a, have obvious have a, have an obvious advantage. they've got the, you know, you know, if you're if you go through puberty, get through male puberty, you get a bigger skeleton. uh greater muscle density . um, it's bigger skeleton. uh greater muscle density. um, it's easier to parallel park outside the stadium. there's . a number of stadium. there's. a number of
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advantages . advantages. >> are you surprised to see the walk left? >> uh, suddenly becoming incredibly misogynist ? incredibly misogynist? >> no. you're all a bunch of transphobes. as far as i can do. you know what i would never have got my under 12 girls wrestling champion listened to any champion if i listened to any one of you. three. and i'm very proud of that medal. i won easily . easily. >> ulez . >> ulez. >> ulez. >> you only did it last week as well. oh, yeah? yeah >> do you know what? >> do you know what? >> barely. barely knackered from it. >> if we're gonna push out all the women, then. okay, fine. we're have to at least we're going to have to at least make the medals bigger with bigger go around the bigger ribbons to go around the broader and we're broader shoulders. and we're going to the going to have to make the bouquets of flowers bigger for the hands to answer your the big hands to answer your question, often question, though, leo, i often wonder , these have wonder, do these people have mothers sisters or grandmothers? >> just seem chuck them >> they just seem to chuck them off. how were they formed? off. they how were they formed? were mean, i'm assuming were they i mean, i'm assuming guardian journalists were made in laboratory dastardly in some laboratory dastardly laboratory . that's, i laboratory somewhere. that's, i believe, how it's done. yeah, but mean, do they they just but i mean, do they they just seem to are they completely remiss of how they got here? >> idea, to honest. >> i have no idea, to be honest. anyway, got
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anyway, next up, we've got acorns. american police, acorns. the american police, this police force are , this american police force are, unsurprisingly, back in the spotlight video emerged of spotlight after video emerged of a extra ordinary a pretty extra ordinary incident. police officers in florida opened fire on an suv after they mistook an acorn dropping on the roof of their car as gunfire . take a look car as gunfire. take a look shots fired into. >> it. i'm here so two basically empty the entire clip. >> and this poor guy who doesn't who does nothing . who does nothing. >> she was an acorn that failed. you can see one of the videos. >> you can see actually see the acorn down, off acorn coming down, bouncing off the a picture of it. the i got a picture of it. >> it's fantastic. got its >> it's fantastic. it's got its own now it's own little account now it's wonderful. but the wonderful. oh my god. but the reality the reality is this, i mean, the most acorn in the world most wanted acorn in the world on that brit school. yes. out of tiny acorns, trees tiny acorns, woke trees grow. you've on that. it's you've got to work on that. it's a though, it? a bit worrying though, isn't it? they're yeah, they're so trigger happy. yeah, on this sort of thing. this is
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the there highly the concern. is there so highly charged these charged when they go to these events, that events, the slightest thing that they and they were triggered by autumn . worse. autumn. worse. >> luckily are some funny >> luckily there are some funny memes coming out here's memes coming out of it. here's a here's the office meme where corporate wants you tell the corporate wants you to tell the difference this picture difference between this picture and a gun an and this picture is a gun and an acorn, it's the same acorn, and it's the same picture. that one wasn't that funny, but there are. >> are funny people. >> there are funny people. here's one acorn falling on a car . car. >> again, it's not actually that funny, but you can see the thought gone into it. thought that's gone into it. >> i mean, to be fair. oh, sorry, sorry. >> oh, here's these are better . >> oh, here's these are better. look, funny one. look, this is a funny one. >> a good one. look, this is a funny one. >> that's a good one. look, this is a funny one. >> that's a a good one. look, this is a funny one. >> that's a good good one. look, this is a funny one. >> that's a good one. one. look, this is a funny one. >> that's a good one. that'll work a funny line. that's the work as a funny line. that's the police table of acorns police showing a table of acorns that seized . that they've seized. >> you think this >> i mean, do you think this could mischievous could have been a mischievous squirrel? imagine if it was. >> that would be absolutely brilliant. if it was, they seem to triggered autumn to have been triggered by autumn in which is in some way, which is ridiculous. i hadn't seen the video , so the whole if it wasn't video, so the whole if it wasn't so dangerous, there was actually a man in front of those guns being if it being shot at. yeah, if it hadnt being shot at. yeah, if it hadn't that, that would hadn't been for that, that would have of funniest have been one of the funniest things and
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things i've seen all week. and i've for comedy gigs i've been at for comedy gigs this man , it was this week. the man, it was lying. shots fired . yeah. how lying. shots fired. yeah. how tense is that guy in his job at an acorn falls on his car and he just starts unloading all the lead he's got into the nearest person, and somebody else sees the, you know, an officer has come under fire and starts emptying their clip as well. >> i think , to be fair, we've >> i think, to be fair, we've all been car when like a all been in the car when like a twig something has landed on twig or something has landed on the car and it does make you jump the car and it does make you jump little but if i had jump a little bit. but if i had a l jump a little bit. but if i had a , i would. mean, maybe a gun, i would. i mean, maybe i would be shot because i wouldn't be quick. i'd like, be that quick. i'd be like, okay, did that come from? okay, where did that come from? you at least try and you know, i'd at least try and find who was shooting at me first. just sort of first. but he just sort of peppers the neighbourhood. >> heard gunshot . >> but i have heard a gunshot. i've, been in i've, you know, i've been in london and they don't sound anything acorns dropping on anything like acorns dropping on car roofs . i mean, it anything like acorns dropping on car roofs. i mean, it is a surprise. it is a shock, but it doesn't sound like a gun. >> the trouble is, that sense of readiness. yeah. and this is the problem is a very serious problem and it is a very serious problem. you're lucky nobody did die . because reality if die. because the reality is, if you behind somebody,
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you could bang behind somebody, they're going to their fingers on they're going on the trigger. they're going to do i that to >> i did that once to my husband. he >> i did that once to my huslchanging he >> i did that once to my huslchanging a he >> i did that once to my huslchanging a light he >> i did that once to my huslchanging a light bulb. he >> i did that once to my huslchanging a light bulb. and he was changing a light bulb. and i snuck behind him with a party snuck up behind him with a party poppet snuck up behind him with a party popper. and i pulled it and it was great. >> but he was very angry. >> but he was very angry. >> you're lucky. >> you're lucky. >> you're lucky. we're >> you're lucky. we're doing >> you're lucky. we're doing an open laws. >> you're lucky. we're doing an opeoh, laws. >> you're lucky. we're doing an opeoh, there ws. >> you're lucky. we're doing an opeoh, there you go. you >> oh, there you go. and you could have been shot. >> could at the >> your husband could be at the top decree. top of decree. >> nice. >> nice. >> just come through. is >> i've just come through. is that you on that right? you work on that bafis that right? you work on that basis anyway, it's our basis anyway, next up, it's our old friend. >> argentina's president, >> it's argentina's president, javier >> it's argentina's president, javioh. him. >> it's argentina's president, javihow him. >> it's argentina's president, javihow are him. >> it's argentina's president, javihow are they? laughed him >> how are they? laughed at him for from cloned for taking advice from cloned versions dead how versions of his dead dogs. how they he appeared at they laughed when he appeared at press with press conferences with a chainsaw . but javier has been chainsaw. but javier has been proven absolutely correct. he ran election on promising to ran for election on promising to reduce the size of the state by slashing bureaucracy , slashing bureaucracy, eliminating government publicity, campaign , and publicity, campaign, and reducing subsidies. but january was his first month in full power and lo and behold, argentina had its first budget surplus in 12 years. there are over half $1 billion in the black. i mean, paul, these are these are great numbers. should we in this country also slash
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our bloated public sector and run around with chainsaws? i suggest we should. >> i mean, unless economic wealth or health should i say is now racist, this can only be seen as a very good thing. and it's a stark reminder that there's been 12 years of socialism in argentina. and with no surplus in that time, it's like birmingham council, but they're running an entire country. it literally is the idea that he's just been able to go in there as an economist himself and go get rid of that, get rid of that, get rid of that, rid of that, get rid that, get rid of that, get rid of that. and of a sudden he of that. and all of a sudden he saved load money the saved a load of money and the country is still operating fine. yeah. what on yeah. makes you wonder what on earth the previous administration earth the previous adminiwell,»n earth the previous adminiwell, it's what all about. well, it's what all administrations in the west seem about. well, it's what all ad be1istrations in the west seem about. well, it's what all ad be thinking; in the west seem to be thinking as well. >> gdp >> i mean, the share of gdp spent state is just spent by the state is just gradually up in every gradually ratcheting up in every country. slowly, like gradually ratcheting up in every c(frogy. slowly, like gradually ratcheting up in every c(frog being slowly, like gradually ratcheting up in every c(frog being boiled,lowly, like gradually ratcheting up in every c(frog being boiled, get.y, like gradually ratcheting up in every c(frog being boiled, get slowly a frog being boiled, get slowly sleepwalking into communism. >> like >> yeah. you're right, like a frog boiled is the analogy frog being boiled is the analogy he was going use. and what i he was going to use. and what i love is got the love about him is he's got the if to get ahead,
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if you want to get ahead, get a great of yeah. we great head of hair. yeah. we always our poster always love him. he's our poster boy the reality boy for this. but the reality is , don't spend the money, boy for this. but the reality is , going: spend the money, boy for this. but the reality is , going: spend 1moreoney, boy for this. but the reality is , going: spend 1more ofzy, boy for this. but the reality is , going: spend 1more of it. you're going to have more of it. so i don't know what the shocking story is. know? shocking story is. you know? i haven't i've got more. haven't spent it. i've got more. let's you on haven't spent it. i've got more. let'sprinciple, you on haven't spent it. i've got more. let'sprinciple, but ou on haven't spent it. i've got more. let'sprinciple, but you're on that principle, but you're right. still continues right. if it still continues and it's a big if it still continues to in right way, it to operate in the right way, it means being so to operate in the right way, it me credit being so to operate in the right way, it me credit to being so to operate in the right way, it me credit to him being so to operate in the right way, it me credit to him . being so to operate in the right way, it me credit to him . don't] so to operate in the right way, it me credit to him . don't write so all credit to him. don't write him off. look at that of him off. look at that sort of basis. things basis. if it's not and things are collapsing because he's not spending then it spending money on it, then it raises different questions. spending money on it, then it raisunlessrent questions. spending money on it, then it rais unless he's questions. spending money on it, then it rais unless he's watched s. spending money on it, then it rais unless he's watched 5. video >> unless he's watched the video of the famous of him of the famous video of him saying to slash saying how he's going to slash the . afuera the public sector. afuera >> ministerio de cultura afuera de ministerio de ambiente y desarrollo sostenible afuera . desarrollo sostenible afuera. ministerio de las mujeres y genero y afuera . ministerio de genero y afuera. ministerio de obras publicas. genero y afuera. ministerio de obras publicas . afuera obras publicas. afuera >> paul just asked if he ran pimlico plumbers, but i think he was the drummer in oasis. >> he was. >> he was. >> but then liz truss said she was going to slash the blob, the civil service, and then the warp blob, the civil service and the
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system, the deep state, in her words, got rid of , got rid of words, got rid of, got rid of her. words, got rid of, got rid of hen do words, got rid of, got rid of her. do you think we should have given a chance to the given her a chance to slash the pubuc given her a chance to slash the public no. public sector? uh, no. >> because liz truss kind of did it the wrong round . she she it the wrong way round. she she really also so, like, really did. and also so, like, what she and kwasi kwarteng did was just a massive was just such a massive implosion in our economy. it really wasn't good. >> but announced the tax cuts before announcing the public spending obviously spending cuts, which obviously obviously in obviously spooked investors in britain. did it completely britain. they did it completely the wrong way round. >> that that's >> the key people that that's the it? yeah the lesson, isn't it? yeah discuss with everybody. discuss it with everybody. actually a great idea if you look at make sure look at it. make sure everybody's board. you everybody's on board. but you need these things not need to look at these things not in like part need to look at these things not in the like part need to look at these things not in the equation. like part need to look at these things not in the equation. don't part need to look at these things not in the equation. don't look rt need to look at these things not in the equation. don't look at of the equation. don't look at one the seesaw without one side of the seesaw without the spend money. the other. don't spend money. you more. you got more. >> discuss the civil service. >> they'll tell you not >> they'll tell you to not do it. then do it anyway. it. and then you do it anyway. >> exactly. it. and then you do it anyway. >> that'sl. it. and then you do it anyway. >> that's okay. love >> that's okay. we love dictatorships like that. what's great never great is margaret thatcher never be margaret be sorry, margaret thatcher. >> her. she, uh, she >> god bless her. she, uh, she took seven years to get a union reforms. in seven years , from 79 reforms. in seven years, from 79 to 86, she wanted to do that in
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79, but she knew very wisely. and she didn't. 79, but she knew very wisely. and she didn't . she built her and she didn't. she built her cabinet around people that didn't necessarily support her as . and the difference with as well. and the difference with her liz truss is liz. liz her and liz truss is liz. liz truss was just her mates. >> yes. right. >> yes. right. >> going back to millais, what i do like is that he went to davos and he basically said to everybody davos , look, you everybody at davos, look, you need stop this social ism need to stop this social ism because you are actually restricting people's freedoms by not allowing them to be capitalists and not allowing them to generally have freedom and make money. and i love the fact that he said that to davos. >> he's fabulous. >> he's fabulous. >> flew there >> and he flew there on a commercial instead uh, commercial jet instead of, uh, flying there private jet. flying there on a private jet. anyway, the saturday anyway, next on the saturday night why night showdown, why have we allowed threats from islamists to derail our to completely derail our parliamentary system? plus on a slightly lighter note, who would win in a fight between a man and a tree ? take a at this
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>> you're listening to gb news radio . radio. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. multiculture
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corner coming up. but first, a promised i would show you what happens when you karate kick a tree . tree. >> yeah, well, you've been seen fighting with shrubbery after a few drinks. shrubbery should do wrong when the old gammon's been out on the side. >> i mean, i'm often there, you know, fighting trees. uh, but he was dressed as a as the tree as well, wasn't he? >> i mean, he was a close. >> it's wonderful. yes, exactly. so it didn't run off. >> look at him. it's a sort of what is he trying to do there? who is he trying to impress? who would he won? would that person had he won? >> are you >> i was very impressed. are you talking about he won that fight? >> he f“ fm- f m chalk it down >> yes. he can't chalk it down as success, can you? it's as a success, can you? it's a dead tree. >> most of the trees have gone on. you think? >> you think it's going to go on and then fight, you know, a giant redwood or something? well good luck to him. >> yeah. good luck to him. >> good yeah. him. it's >> good luck to him. well, it's been another tumultuous week in british as parliament british politics as parliament descended into complete chaos ,
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descended into complete chaos, mps walked out of the chamber on wednesday evening in protest over amendments tabled to a vote on a ceasefire in gaza . it's the on a ceasefire in gaza. it's the speaker of the house, sir lindsay hoyle. hoyle, who is facing most backlash. he's facing the most backlash. he's been accused of bowing to pressure from the labour party to their specific to bring their specific amendments to the vote. many labour party mps have received death threats , graffiti and death threats, graffiti and intimidation, with one mp told that his would be shown that his wife would be shown what man is . mp mike what a real man is. mp mike freer stood down after threats. the speaker , sir lindsay hoyle, the speaker, sir lindsay hoyle, has said he was just responding out of concern for the safety of those mps . out of concern for the safety of those mps. now i'm not sure that we should be subverting democracy to appease threats from islamists. but when hoyle was questioned on sky about the threats faced by mps , different threats faced by mps, different groups were formed in his mind. let's have a look at what he said . said. >> and you can't divorce anti—semitism from the threats and attacks he's faced . and attacks he's faced. >> do you agree with that? framing is that the key risk and
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cause at the moment? >> we have lots of risks and we have lots of people who don't. whether people at white whether it's people at white fundamentalists, the people there, the rise of the extreme right to terrorists coming across, we face many threats as . across, we face many threats as. >> now, i have to clarify that this interview took place before this interview took place before this week, but it's in the same context . i mean, are you worried context. i mean, are you worried about the threat to british democracy ? and are you surprised democracy? and are you surprised that that, uh, you know, despite the obvious rise of islamism in the obvious rise of islamism in the uk , people are still saying, the uk, people are still saying, oh, no, the real, the real problem is far right extremism. and i can't remember the last time right extremist , uh, time a far right extremist, uh, you committed a terrorist you know, committed a terrorist atrocity or threatened mps. >> no. and um, there's, i mean , >> no. and um, there's, i mean, okay, so there's a lot here. so, uh, with lindsay hoyle sort of denying , uh, the uh, with lindsay hoyle sort of denying, uh, the amendments to the whole of the snp , i'm not the whole of the snp, i'm not surprised people walked out . and surprised people walked out. and the apology that lindsay hoyle
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gave, i was not impressed with at all. i mean, um, ten out of ten babes for a motion on. but one out of ten for the words . i one out of ten for the words. i heard the words and she is clearly not completely committed. when you say things like , oh, i own up to my like, oh, i own up to my mistakes or there's a saucer of milk already coming in there. you know, you could start to tell it's a bit of a manipulative apology if it's my mistake, if my mistake was caring so much. lindsay hoyle, why didn't you just say i'm sorry you feel that way? because that's how it came across. >> exactly. so it totally is. just hoyle, isn't it? you just stop, hoyle, isn't it? you work. see my. lucky worker. work. i see my. lucky worker. >> how long have you been waiting for that ? waiting for that? >> forever. >> forever. >> i just love the story. i've >> i just love the story. i've >> i'm worried that he's he's basically admitted yes. we basically admitted. yes. we folded, i did this folded, we folded. i did this because we were being intimidated islamic intimidated by islamic extremists, basically extremists, which is basically saying to the islamic extremists, of it. >> and works. >> and works. >> absolutely the point. and so let's look this because let's look at this because actually reality is it's actually the reality is it's totally party political . yeah.
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totally party political. yeah. the reason was introduced was the reason it was introduced was to show the division in the labour party. that was the whole point of the snp thing. so labour stop so labour wanted to stop that so people shine people couldn't shine a spotlight on division. if spotlight on their division. if you mind, the you bear that in mind, then the rest into rest of it folds into insignificance. and whole insignificance. and the whole thing lindsay and thing about, uh, sir lindsay and i a great speaker. i i think it's a great speaker. i like as man, i think like him as a man, and i think he great job. generally. like him as a man, and i think he was great job. generally. like him as a man, and i think he was he great job. generally. like him as a man, and i think he was he was: job. generally. like him as a man, and i think he was he was: job. gonerally. like him as a man, and i think he was he was: job. gonerallythe he was he was wrong on this. the bit if i'm guilty of bit about if i'm guilty of caring much, i thought, we caring too much, i thought, we don't but the don't get that at all. but the reality is it was a party political thing. and that's the issue. >> but going back to then , leo's >> but going back to then, leo's second the rise of second point about the rise of the islamist mentalists, i think like , um, i consider myself on like, um, i consider myself on the left , although many people the left, although many people apparently don't because i'm sat here, but , apparently don't because i'm sat here, but, um. >> leo. yeah yes, i think far left of me. >> but you have to be realistic because there is an increasing presence of people in the uk who want sharia law. and i'm like, stop, because if you can't acknowledge that , and if you
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acknowledge that, and if you say, oh no, we can't talk about that. so that's racist, you are going to sleepwalk into a situation suddenly there's situation where suddenly there's going to be a lot of oppression happening that does happening. and if that does happen, of the first happen, i'm one of the first groups goes down. groups that goes down. >> very simple. it's >> and it's very simple. it's parliamentary got parliamentary procedure. he got it it's that simple. and it wrong. it's that simple. and his is to enforce his job is to enforce parliamentary procedure. he's right to scared. think it's right to be scared. i think it's appalling that are appalling that mps are threatened. already threatened. we've had already murdered and things like that. mike. you talk about murdered and things like that. mikeand you talk about murdered and things like that. mikeand his you talk about murdered and things like that. mikeand his concern u talk about murdered and things like that. mikeand his concern foralk about murdered and things like that. mikeand his concern for his about him and his concern for his family, all that's appalling. family, all of that's appalling. yeah. parliamentary yeah. the parliamentary procedure, in place procedure, however, is in place because democracy and that because of democracy and that was upset this week. and i think it's i think it's pathetic for people to still deflecting people to still be deflecting and , oh, but white and saying, oh, but white supremacy far right extremists. >> i mean, i've never actually seen on the seen one. anyway, next, on the saturday night showdown, it's time world. this week, time for clown world. this week, cristiano girlfriend's cristiano ronaldo's girlfriend's butt and the university, which does not know the difference between . plus, i'll show you between. plus, i'll show you what happened when this guy dropped his phone while trying to film an alligator.
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>> maybe if the gator left, i would get it . but even then , would get it. but even then, maybe, like, there's like the walking stick
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i >> -- >> hello. welcome back to the saturday night show down. clown world is coming up. but first i promised i would show you what happens drop phone happens when you drop your phone in an alligator. in front of an alligator. >> our isn't long enough . >> our steak isn't long enough. oh, gonna it. no, it's . oh, he's gonna eat it. no, it's. not. 0h not. oh >> not. 0h >> oh my god . >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> for anyone listening on radio, that was an alligator eating someone's phone just in case anybody thought that was, uh, somebody had reached to down grab the phone, and that was their arm. >> no . would you be able to >> oh, no. would you be able to resist phoning that phone to
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your belly? >> oh my god. >> oh my god. >> but imagine what kind of ringtone you might have , and ringtone you might have, and suddenly you've got this alligator swimming along like , alligator swimming along like, yeah, i got the jaws ringtone . yeah, i got the jaws ringtone. >> so the next, the next victim, it goes up to his attorney. >> i love it. »- >> i love it. >> and the alligator taking the snap. so it's got to be good on the phone. >> it's good. >> it's good. >> oh lovely work andrew. >> oh lovely work andrew. >> hey. >> hey. >> we've got we're nearing the end of the show and it's time to have some fun. let's what have some fun. let's see what iranian photoshop is that iran's biggest newspaper have been up to this week . and let's play to this week. and let's play a game of spot. the difference. here's picture one of footballing icon chris gianno ronaldo and his family. they seem to having splendid seem to be having a splendid time celebrating his 39th birthday. here's picture two. >> ah! oh iran state newspaper as part of the iranian regime got hold of the photo. >> you can see they've photoshopped her butt off rather inelegantly apparently she apparently, uh, apparently it's. you can't show , uh, plump you can't show, uh, plump buttocks in iran because it will
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inflame people's passions. it's the same idea behind, you know, covering. >> yeah. this is why i've never worked in iran . my agent keeps worked in iran. my agent keeps saying i'm trying to get iran work , but you've got the plump work, but you've got the plump buttocks , mate. buttocks, mate. >> yes. >> yes. >> no, no ifs or buts is what they said. and you work on that basis? no. you're right about sensibilities. cover things sensibilities. they cover things up and on and so forth. and up and so on and so forth. and it's if any. you've it's the same, if any. you've got extreme there. got any extreme things there. reduce. that extreme. reduce. it wasn't that extreme. >> not extreme . yeah. >> not extreme. yeah. >> not extreme. yeah. >> that was just her bum. and they and the part is they they and the worst part is they didn't photoshop a didn't even photoshop it in a nice way. >> i mean it was like a hack thing . thing. >> it was like the alligator got her, yeah her, wasn't it? yeah >> beautiful >> oh, that's got beautiful figure. yes. she's beautiful figure. yes. she's got beautiful figure. yes. she's got beautiful figure. and they just lopped it off i mean oh no he should, he should do something. >> should sue >> he should sue iran. >> he should sue iran. >> . yeah. >> yeah. yeah. >> yeah. yeah. >> spend any money there >> that spend any money there and how about this appalling mix up another organisation. is it a terrible week the university terrible week? the university of birmingham branded as birmingham has been branded as ignorant week after the ignorant this week after the organisers got into spot of organisers got into a spot of bother in distinguishing sikhism from islam. in a now deleted
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instagram post, the university claimed that a langar, a community meal organised by sikh students, was actually an event in the line—up for their discover islam week. i mean, andrew, i have to enjoy that. i admit, seeing people striving to signal their virtue, signalling their diversity, knowledge of diversity. >> so quick. >> so quick. >> yeah, we're so quick to take offence though i have to say it's ignorance , but it's not it's ignorance, but it's not malicious ignorance . it's not malicious ignorance. it's not sort of turning around, trying to deliberately difficult. to be deliberately difficult. >> you expecting >> were you were you expecting the university birmingham to the university of birmingham to organise a pogrom? the university of birmingham to org well,a pogrom? the university of birmingham to org well, you grom? the university of birmingham to org well, you could . exactly. but >> well, you could. exactly. but it's wrong, isn't it? >> just to say they didn't know the community meal is. yeah. so you tell them once and they get it wrong again. you might be a bit upset, but just to say, bit more upset, but just to say, oh, you didn't know about this community is what community meal, this is what it's called. and i think it's wrong. the wrong. it's overstepped the mark. too quick take offence. >> do you agree with andrew? >> do you agree with andrew? >> you think you have >> do you think you have to agree wrong? agree or you could be wrong? i like it's. like it when it's. >> what people are like. >> if it's what people are like. oh, look, i love. love oh, look, i love. i'd love diversity. i'm such a good
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person , i, i push and all the person, i, i push it and all the rest it, and they get it rest of it, and then they get it completely and fall on completely wrong and fall on their love. completely wrong and fall on the well, love. completely wrong and fall on the well, it's love. completely wrong and fall on the well, it's yummy, love. completely wrong and fall on the well, it's yummy, isn't ove. completely wrong and fall on the well, it's yummy, isn't it?. completely wrong and fall on the yeah. it's yummy, isn't it?. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you absolutely know that because they were for a university, they're to be university, they're going to be woke. the woke. i mean, that's part of the interview process now i'd imagine. know , that's imagine. yeah. you know, that's why of comedy gigs have why a lot of comedy gigs have actually been shut down in universities. >> why some comedians aren't >> and why some comedians aren't allowed to perform there because they've , like, very they've got very, like, very strict virtue signalling. and you get that list of things saying mean, don't saying, i mean, please don't mention things to mention any of these things to the students. >> have sign >> you have to sign a behavioural agreement form before you perform at some universities, places you universities, some places you get in trouble for performing at university. >> have been invited. >> you have been invited. >> you have been invited. >> yeah , yeah. walked into the >> yeah, yeah. walked into the woke studies class and turning up naked wasn't the best plan anyway, right ? anyway, right? >> up next it's mark dolan tonight . what have you got for tonight. what have you got for us this evening, mark? well, leo, a really busy show. >> we've got mark meets. be >> we've got mark meets. i'll be speaking to scriptwriter of speaking to the scriptwriter of the ronnies. the two ronnies. >> got my big opinion. and >> we've got my big opinion. and in ten, prince in my take at ten, prince william is effectively called
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for a ceasefire in gaza. me for a ceasefire in gaza. let me be honest with you. he should stick to opening hospital wings and babies . and kissing babies. >> that sounds absolutely fantastic , mark. i look forward fantastic, mark. i look forward to watching it. and also, if you're stay you're watching tonight, stay tuned headliners later on at tuned for headliners later on at 11 pm. we've new 11 pm. we've got a new panellist on uh, adam panellist on that. uh, adam coombes see him. coombes can't wait to see him. and thanks brilliant panel and thanks to my brilliant panel tonight, dan spencer, paul cox and thanks to my brilliant panel toni�*andrew| spencer, paul cox and thanks to my brilliant panel toni�*andrew| spencsee'aul cox and thanks to my brilliant panel toni�*andrew| spencsee you cox and thanks to my brilliant panel toni�*andrew| spencsee you again and andrew eborn. see you again next bye . next week. bye. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers spot of weather up. boxt boilers spot of weather on gb news is . hello on gb news is. hello >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb news, weather and greg dewhurst . we'll see some frost dewhurst. we'll see some frost and fog forming through tonight, but we do have some heavy rain moving into southern parts of england and wales as we go through sunday and into monday , through sunday and into monday, courtesy of this area of low pressure. met office warnings already out for this part of the
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world through into monday morning . this evening, though, morning. this evening, though, plenty of dry weather across the uk, some clear spells and this will allow temperatures to fall away overnight. below freezing minus seven or eight across the glens of scotland. some mist and fog patches forming, but by the end cloud and rain end of the night, cloud and rain pushing southwest england. pushing into southwest england. so a wet start to here sunday morning. elsewhere, a grey start in places, some mist and fog patches . but once these clear patches. but once these clear there'll sunny there'll be plenty of sunny spells, particularly across scotland. northern ireland, northern england cloudier, generally the of generally for the rest of england, wales with this rain slowly its way eastwards slowly pushing its way eastwards across southern counties , across southern counties, turning heavy at times, some localised flooding is possible for most temperatures near average 7 to 9 celsius 10 or 11, but the strength of the wind just making it feel colder here for monday early rain across the southeast. some uncertainty how quickly this will clear away , quickly this will clear away, but for many, after a chilly start, it will be a fine day. plenty of sunny spells, just a few showers, but quite a keen east northeasterly breeze,
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particularly in east. over particularly in the east. over the next few days it stays unsettled with further spells of rain. generally rain. temperatures generally near or a little above average . near or a little above average. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> good evening. your top stories from the gb newsroom. we start with some breaking news this hour. the uk has launched a fresh wave of attacks against houthi rebels in yemen. the defence secretary, grant shapps, has confirmed. raf typhoons joined us allies in attacking various missile and drone launching sites. it's the fourth set of attacks the uk has taken part in. in response to houthi attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea, the ministry of defence says it targeted 18 houthi targets across eight locations associated with the
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rebels underground


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