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tv   Headliners  GB News  February 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am GMT

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gb news. >> good evening. let's start with some breaking news this evening. a man is in a critical condition after setting himself alight outside the israeli embassy in washington. that's according to local authorities. the fire was put out by the secret service . the man is now secret service. the man is now in hospital with life threatening injuries. local police and secret service are investigating the incident. the embassy of israel in washington has this evening told us that the man is unknown and that no embassy staff were injured. israel's embassy has been the target of continued protest against the war in gaza. more on
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this story as it develops. labouris this story as it develops. labour is demanding assurances that suspended tory mp lee anderson won't have the whip returned today. the former deputy chair still refused to apologise for saying the london mayor was controlled by islamists . the shadow cabinet islamists. the shadow cabinet office minister, jonathan ashworth , has written to rishi ashworth, has written to rishi sunak to confirm he won't be allowed back into the party. deputy prime minister oliver dowden says it was right to remove the whip from mr anderson i >>i -- >>ido -- >> i do not believe that lee anderson is an islamophobe , but anderson is an islamophobe, but words matter and the choice of words matter and the choice of words that he used, the choice of words that he used, was not appropriate. he was given the opportunity to apologise, didn't take that opportunity, and therefore the chief whip took therefore the chief whip took the decision to remove the whip from him . from him. >> another debate on gaza will be held in the commons after the chaotic vote on wednesday. the snp says it will take up the
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speaken snp says it will take up the speaker, sir lindsay hoyle's offer of a meaningful debate on a new ceasefire motion . there a new ceasefire motion. there was uproar after he allowed mps to vote on a labour amendment leading to calls for his resignation . snp westminster resignation. snp westminster leader stephen flynn says his party will seek to move the debate forward. that would push parliament support what he parliament to support what he describes as concrete chaos . the describes as concrete chaos. the body of a missing teenage boy has been recovered from a lake in staffordshire. police were called to rudyard lake shortly after 930 last night after three teenage boys were seen in the water, two of them were able to get out of the lake and were taken to hospital. specialist search teams recovered the 17 year old's body this afternoon . year old's body this afternoon. police are not treating his death as suspicious . and the death as suspicious. and the prime minister has called on the us to continue providing bolder military support for ukraine following the second anniversary of russia's invasion . writing in of russia's invasion. writing in the sunday times, rishi sunak
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said ukraine's allies should use money obtained through russian sanctions and assets to fund ukraine's defence. that comes as president vladimir zelenskyy has told a conference of world leaders in kyiv today that russian forces will attempt another offensive in ukraine in late may or in the summer. in response, zelenskyy says there is a clear plan for a new ukrainian offensive. but he cannot share the details . for cannot share the details. for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen. or you can go to gb news. common alerts. now it's over to headliners . headliners. >> thank you. tatiana. hello and welcome to headliners, your nightly run through the next day's news headlines with three comedians. i'm leo kearse and joining me tonight to comment on the fall of western civilisation . is the man with more
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merchandise in his van than del boy?lfs merchandise in his van than del boy.7 it's louis shaffer and the xl bully of gb news. >> it's nick the big dog. dixon. ruff, how are you both ruff, ruff. how are you both doing? >> we're doing dangerous and should yeah, yeah . should be banned. yeah, yeah. you know, at 10:00. >> i that's an insult >> i think that's an insult because he's lost a lot of weight. >> amazing. but i've >> he looks amazing. but i've got a present for you . got i've got a present for you. um, i've got a team world mug from plugging the merch already . from plugging the merch already. yeah. i'm giving you a gift. >> world. yeah. i'm giving you a gift. >> i world. yeah. i'm giving you a gift. >> i this d. yeah. i'm giving you a gift. >> i this because of >> i like this because of yesterday's such yesterday's show was such an abomination. have give. abomination. i should have give. i shouldn't i should have given josh present to keep nice josh a present to keep him nice and one in the break. and give him one in the break. >> should. should we >> anyway. should. we should we get show? i think. get on with the show? i think. >> oh, no, i've got a present. oh, ladies. oh, you've got ladies. >> any takers? >> any takers? >> this could help me a lot. and you can go to lewis schaffer. okay. >> this serious show. >> this is a serious show. that's the mugs out the way . that's the mugs out the way. let's look at monday's let's have a look at monday's front of the newspapers. front pages of the newspapers. the mail leads with the daily mail leads with generation six. note we're going to that story in moment. to cover that story in a moment. the guardian has sunak urged to speak out as islamophobia row deepens. speak out as islamophobia row deepens . the times has cleverly
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deepens. the times has cleverly warns of eye fakes threat to election. the telegraph leads with red wall revolt over anderson's sacking. the express has damning claims of 250,000 extra migrants, a year under laboun extra migrants, a year under labour, and the daily star has wet, wet, wet and those were your front pages . and let's have your front pages. and let's have a closer look at those front pages, starting with monday's telegraph . lewis. telegraph. lewis. >> yes, good news. red wall revolt. oh that could be good news. it is good news. i got my good news. tell us what the story is. red wall revolt over anderson sacking. and this has to do with with our own lee anderson who we've met him and he's really funny and i like the suv- he's really funny and i like the guy. yeah. and said , he said he's really funny and i like the g|bad eah. and said , he said he's really funny and i like the g|bad thing.nd said , he said he's really funny and i like the g|bad thing. he said , he said he's really funny and i like the g|bad thing. he saidiid , he said he's really funny and i like the g|bad thing. he said the he said a bad thing. he said the islamist has gotten control of sadiq khan in london and they and the conservative party didn't like that because we have to be nice to every everybody.
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yeah. >> and a lot of people didn't like it. and because of islamophobia and racism and all that kind of stuff. but i mean, sadiq khan, i don't believe he's under the control of islamist nick. but there's certainly some things that somebody under the control islamists would control of islamists would do. i mean he's police have mean, he's his police have harassed and intimidated and anti—hamas protests . there's anti—hamas protests. there's they've allowed projections of genocidal , uh, genocidal chants genocidal, uh, genocidal chants to go up on big ben. >> yeah. sadiq khan is appalling, though it didn't help necessarily to make this link that our esteemed colleague and hassan made. but the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. it's been a distraction, course, the distraction, of course, from the main dowden has main issue. oliver dowden has been trying to bring back main issue. oliver dowden has bethe trying to bring back main issue. oliver dowden has bethe main'ing to bring back main issue. oliver dowden has bethe main issue, bring back main issue. oliver dowden has bethe main issue, which back main issue. oliver dowden has bethe main issue, which was, :k main issue. oliver dowden has bethe main issue, which was, of to the main issue, which was, of course, mps feeling threatened by islamic extremists. sunak put out a statement today, didn't even word even manage to use the word islamic islamist anything . islamic or islamist or anything. it he managed it was just terror. he managed to . so they're failing to mention. so they're failing to mention. so they're failing to with the issue. to get to grips with the issue. the anderson thing has been the lee anderson thing has been a distraction, now a massive distraction, and now it's problem that it's even been a problem that the mps are saying are
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the red wall mps are saying are constituents. lovely, anderson , constituents. lovely, anderson, and they're totally against suspending him, because the only thing my only criticism of lee was that he he issued that apology. i suppose had apology. i suppose he had to, but like the issue but it does seem like the issue with empire. it's an apology. >> and what i didn't like about it was mentioned it was it mentioned islamophobia, this sort of nonsense conflated nonsense word, and it conflated that anti—semitism. nonsense word, and it conflated tha they're nti—semitism. nonsense word, and it conflated tha they're not semitism. nonsense word, and it conflated tha they're not the itism. nonsense word, and it conflated tha they're not the same as we'll >> they're not the same as we'll get so i didn't like get into later. so i didn't like that. people that. but lots of people basically realising basically seem to be realising that the apology was just sort of arbitrary, and they're still sort on side, they're sort of on his side, and they're very tories. sort of on his side, and they're very point tories. sort of on his side, and they're very point is, tories. sort of on his side, and they're very point is, it tories. sort of on his side, and they're very point is, it just'ories. sort of on his side, and they're very point is, it just shows, and the point is, it just shows, once again, we need a new party because tories can't really because the tories can't really contain like lee contain someone like lee anderson. contain anderson. they can't contain suella liz truss suella braverman or liz truss because left because you just get the left and tories saying, oh, and the wet tories saying, oh, these terrible. they these people are terrible. they need out the party. need to be out of the party. they can't incorporate red need to be out of the party. they side t incorporate red need to be out of the party. they side t irthe oorate red need to be out of the party. they sidet irthe party. red wall side of the party. >> yeah. there certainly >> yeah. and there certainly seems massive gulf seems to be a massive gulf between of the between what, the sort of the metropolitan elites who set the opinions and most of the newspapers what newspapers think, and what people red wall, people people in the red wall, people across uh, across the country, uh, genuinely think a lot of people are about the growth of are worried about the growth of islamism how it's allowed to islamism and how it's allowed to just not challenged in any
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just it's not challenged in any way. in fact, sometimes the government's funding it through, you funding radical you know, funding radical mosques green lane mosques like the green lane mosques. >> interesting he >> well, it's interesting he uses terms islamic, but it uses the terms islamic, but it could be just this team preference. i see myself , you preference. i see myself, you know, you don't even realise you have preference the have a preference until the situation you situation comes up and you suddenly i'm a gung ho american. i think about it all the i don't think about it all the time. this guy time. and that's what this guy is. khan . he is time. and that's what this guy is. khan. he is. time. and that's what this guy is. khan. he is . he is. it's sadiq khan. he is. he believes in that stuff so deeply to the core of his being . he to the core of his being. he doesn't have to be captured by anybody. he hasn't. nobody's gotten of the guy. he's gotten control of the guy. he's this is what he believes. the point this story is, is point about this story is, is that someone that if you want that someone is that if you want to have true democracy , you need to have true democracy, you need someone to stand up and say, we don't like what's going on. and i thought lee anderson was that guy, but think he's that guy, but i don't think he's that guy, but i don't think he's that guy is that what you're guy now. is that what you're saying? guy now. is that what you're sayand i think there'd be a lot >> and i think there'd be a lot less, islamic phobia if, uh, less, uh, islamic phobia if, uh, you if islamism was was you know, if islamism was was deau you know, if islamism was was dealt and i think part of dealt with and i think part of that just screams racist, that is not just screams racist, that is not just screams racist, that anybody who says, wait that anybody who says, oh, wait a be a minute, there might be a
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problem with and bad problem with this. and it's bad that getting threatened, that mps are getting threatened, andifs that mps are getting threatened, and it's bad that their terror attacks the rest it. attacks and all the rest of it. so okay. well, what's on so yeah, okay. well, what's on the cover of the times, the front cover of the times, nick? so nick? what are they. so the times cleverly eye times have cleverly warns of eye fakes to election. fakes threat to election. >> james cleverly of >> this is james cleverly of course and saying that course. and he's saying that deep perfect deep fakes pose a perfect threat. about threat. he's talking about a perfect storm of basically, uh, social media combined with al . social media combined with al. and what he's worried about is that we'll have a tory deep fake, accidentally saying something conservative, and they'll have to no, no, no, they'll have to say, no, no, no, it wasn't us. it us. we it wasn't us. it wasn't us. we want taxes and open borders want high taxes and open borders and they'll panic. want high taxes and open borders and they'll panic . and so he's and they'll panic. and so he's very worried about that. and the other worries me other thing that worries me slightly i talk slightly is that when i see talk like that, although he's of course right, that this is a threat, when talks about threat, but when he talks about this, immediately this, i sort of immediately think they're going to censor the internet or something. you know what i mean? as soon as they this, they start talking like this, like, going do, like, what are they going to do, bnng like, what are they going to do, bring something bring in something draconian that freedom? that gives us less freedom? that's my alarm bells go that's what my alarm bells go off could just be quite off or it could just be quite a bonng off or it could just be quite a boring yeah. are boring speech. yeah. lewis are you worried about deep fakes? >> time i've seen >> because every time i've seen them, like taylor them, they seem like the taylor
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swift like 70s swift ones. they look like 70s album obviously album covers. very obviously airbrushed actual photo. >> um, you know what? i wasn't worried whole worried when this this whole thing ai thing, i thing came out. the ai thing, i was, like, totally disinterested. now disinterested. and now and now i'm really? i think it i'm like, really? i think it could be something i've seen some things and some images of things and my first is, is it real? first thought is, is it real? the audio is very real. >> you know, they had the starmer one when he was swearing, stan swearing, which of course, stan would and you're like, would never do. and you're like, that accurate. yeah. would never do. and you're like, that visual accurate. yeah. would never do. and you're like, that visual onesiccurate. yeah. would never do. and you're like, that visual ones you�*ate. yeah. would never do. and you're like, that visual ones you say yeah. would never do. and you're like, that visual ones you say so ah. would never do. and you're like, that visual ones you say so far the visual ones you say so far maybe not quite as good. yeah but heard audio of you but i've heard audio of you saying out saying terrible stuff. turns out it your whatsapp it was. it was your whatsapp messages to you, but it messages you said to you, but it was your voice notes. >> yeah, the flip side >> but yeah, but the flip side of this, don't you think, is the, uh, people aren't going to believe if there's genuine exposes saying exposes of politicians saying terrible things or getting drunk and, you know, taking off their trousers, people won't believe that happened . that it really happened. >> and that's >> they won't. and that's probably a good thing, because it unless people see it means unless people see things with their own eyes and even you can't trust it . even then you can't trust it. um, think, i think what um, then i think, i think what they have to do with al is that they have to do with al is that they have to pass a law which forces for each image to forces there for each image to
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have on hand . yeah. have six fingers on hand. yeah. to let people know , aren't to let people know, aren't people just going to wear fake people just going to wear a fake six finger? >> so that everybody thinks that that picture you can go that picture of them, you can go out anything you can live out and do anything you can live the know, go to the life of, you know, go to fetish and do all kinds of fetish clubs and do all kinds of drugs. just have that prosthetic sixth finger. anyway, moving on, what's the front cover of the daily mail? >> mail operation >> louis daily mail operation sick note it says that a lot of young kids who are gender and genderis young kids who are gender and gender is this i don't know what generation is 18 to 24 year olds. keep zoom, zoom, olds. i can't keep zoom, zoom, gen z . gen z. >> yes, i think so . >> yes, i think so. >>— >> yes, i think so. >> i don't know, it is, you know , you're old. >> yeah. when you look in the mirror. yeah >> and people tell you when you can't bend down and tie up your shoelaces, you know, you're all it says. it says that a lot of young people are blaming what they call mental for health being out of work, and that's what they it. they call it. what they call it. they call it. i'm from mental i'm suffering from mental health. you heard that health. have you heard that said, i've heard i'm said, i've heard that said i'm suffering like, yeah , it's suffering like, yeah, it's a strange of putting. strange way of putting. >> like i'm suffering from
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>> it's like i'm suffering from health f mental health. >> um, but but i mean, i would say that i have more mental health problems than nick does, but he gets he gets ahead on it. it's close. >> i mean, it's i mean, this is it. i mean, look , we do have it. i mean, look, we do have a mental health crisis . our mental health crisis. our society is anxiety inducing . society is anxiety inducing. it's isolated . we're in it's isolated. we're in a godless society. we have maybe too much time to think loads of things, but you can still come to work. as i have proved. you can still come to work in the midst, in the midst of extreme. oh, you . oh, you. >> you've m >> you've got no idea. >> you've got no idea. >> you've got no idea. >> you still come to work >> you can still come to work and do your job even though you're really struggling. so maybe get to maybe they just need to get to work is nixon inspiration. >> this is what two, two years without doing mass shooting at without doing a mass shooting at work? absolutely work? this is absolutely incredible. exactly. work? this is absolutely inc|i dible. exactly. work? this is absolutely inc|i know exactly. work? this is absolutely inc|i know ejustly. every >> i know i just tick off every day on the calendar since doing so , but the number one so well, but the number one cause of this mental health problem is high carbohydrates. >> i knew you were going to say that. >> how did i know? >> how did i know? >> isn't it? >> isn't it? >> it's totally not. >> it's totally not. >> it driven by social
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>> isn't it driven by social media and the fact that, you know, everybody that know, everybody thinks that everything can be medicalized now everything can be medicalized novi've seen a lot of my >> i've seen a lot of my friends. i mean, all right, they're not generation z. they're a older than that, they're a bit older than that, but they, they get but they, uh, they they get themselves diagnosed adhd but they, uh, they they get thethatlves diagnosed adhd but they, uh, they they get thethatlves diagrget d adhd but they, uh, they they get thethatlves diagrget the adhd so that they can get the medication. the medication so that they can get the m basically the medication so that they can get the m basically grade edication so that they can get the m basically grade speed on so that they can get the m basically grade speed .1 is basically nhs grade speed. yeah. so yeah, it's all i mean, it's there's an incentive there for people to have mental health problems to get the drugs. >> that's not the same thing >> but that's not the same thing as the mental as actually having the mental illness. nothing we illness. and there's nothing we can do about social media, but we something about lay we can do something about lay off oatmeal. off the oatmeal. >> know what? you know >> do you know what? do you know what the real cause is of this? it's incredibly hard. it's life. it's incredibly hard. people to you. die, people are mean to you. you die, you illnesses . it's. it's you get illnesses. it's. it's the existential reality that no one's cracked. we've had one's ever cracked. we've had mental health issues throughout one's ever cracked. we've had mentbecause| issues throughout one's ever cracked. we've had mentbecause| issuejustoughout one's ever cracked. we've had mentbecause| issuejust what»ut time because that's just what life hard. time because that's just what life can hard. time because that's just what life can finish on a slightly >> we can finish on a slightly lighter stadnik. we can because this is wet, wet, wet. >> you remember them? great band. sweet little mystery band. yeah. sweet little mystery . caught up in . good night girl. caught up in you well. so stuff like you wishing well. so stuff like that. anyway you're american. you wishing well. so stuff like thatdidn't'ay you're american. you wishing well. so stuff like thatdidn't have u're american. you wishing well. so stuff like thatdidn't have itre american. you wishing well. so stuff like thatdidn't have it with 1erican. you wishing well. so stuff like thatdidn't have it with their n. you didn't have it with their scottish. is, scottish. anyway, the point is, it's the wettest. it's the torrential rain from the star.
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boffins have been out and they figured out it's torrential rain on leap day. and it's going to be february since be the wettest february since 1766, america took 1766, almost when america took oven 1766, almost when america took over, you know, beat us in that war. but it was 1776. but and presumably this will still be blamed on climate change like everything. >> yeah. and it's also the wettest since 1760. wettest tory party since 1760. nice >> good point. good. >> good point. good. >> be deep fakes, but >> they might be deep fakes, but something's leap day. >> this is a leap day year >> so this is a leap day year one out of every four. the 29th. and that's that lewis and that's the day that lewis schaffer having live stand schaffer is having a live stand up comedy the old nun's up comedy show at the old nun's head can come head in nunhead. you can come see lewis. you can touch me, see lewis. if you can touch me, you can me. you can kiss me. >> also how stay so >> it's also how you stay so young you're 107, but young because you're 107, but young because you're 107, but you on a day. you were born on a leap day. >> i hadn't about that. >> i hadn't thought about that. the is, we're doing the point is, we're doing our our benefit for resonance fm. it's the of this show it's at the point of this show thatis it's at the point of this show that is the point. >> that's different channel. >> that's a different channel. >> that's a different channel. >> you know what? they're not paying >> you know what? they're not paying they pay you. >> i feel like we've drifted away the here. but away from the story here. but anyway, the front pages anyway, that's the front pages deau anyway, that's the front pages dealt have extremely dealt with. we have an extremely spicy with francis, 12 spicy part two with francis, 12 deportations how slashing deportations and how slashing immigration would put more than
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a grand in everyone's pocket. see couple of minutes
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>> you're listening to gb news radio show . radio show. >> welcome back to headliners. i'm leo carson, i'm still here with louis the mug merchant schaefer and nick the big dog dixon kicking off this section with monday's times and baroness warsi has accused the tories of anti—muslim racism , which is anti—muslim racism, which is interesting because islam isn't a race. nick correct , leo. a race. nick correct, leo. >> so tories see muslims as fair game, says baroness warsi. and she is the former chairwoman. surprisingly of the conservatives and unfortunately, this is basically lies and sophistry . so she says that this sophistry. so she says that this she said there was a clear display that anti—muslim racism is tolerated within the conservatives and as you pointed out, there , she's conflating out, there, she's conflating race and islamophobia. this word and i shared a christopher hitchens clip that's doing well on because people it was very, on x because people it was very, very interesting. he talked about word about when that word was introduced. said this introduced. he said this, this word introduced and it
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word is being introduced and it will as if it's an will be used as if it's an accusation of race, hate or and really it's just criticising a very whether really it's just criticising a very agree whether really it's just criticising a very agree with whether really it's just criticising a very agree with his whether you agree with his characterisation the characterisation of islam, the point there's a massive point is there's a massive difference saying, you difference between saying, you know, people know, you hate black people versus have some qualms versus oh, i have some qualms with the catholic doctrine of trans so they're with the catholic doctrine of trans very so they're with the catholic doctrine of trans very different so they're with the catholic doctrine of trans very different things. ay're with the catholic doctrine of trans very different things. and very, very different things. and she's it again here when she's doing it again here when she's doing it again here when she rightly don't allow she says, we rightly don't allow labour acquiesce in labour to acquiesce in anti—semitism, we think anti—semitism, why do we think we islamophobia? because we can on islamophobia? because they're same thing. and they're not the same thing. and semitism means not liking jewish people. is a made people. islamophobia is a made up word that is used to stop people criticising islam, who may legitimate criticisms. may have legitimate criticisms. so not same at all. so it's not the same at all. and what's really shocking all what's really shocking about all this just saw , um, adil this is we i just saw, um, adil ray and vassy is doing the ray obe and vassy is doing the same thing here soon that released a statement because mps felt threatened by islamic extremists. and so and in that statement, he didn't he didn't manage to mention islam at all. as i've said, he just said extremism and terror threats could the ira, could have been the ira, but that's enough them. that's not good enough for them. they then said, why is he not mentioned that mentioned islamophobia in that statement? mentioned islamophobia in that statement'about mps feeling statement about mps feeling
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under you're more under threat and you're more worried about islamophobia. it's kind it's kind of kind of absurd. it's a kind of trumpian negotiating tactic. they with such an they kept coming with such an absurd offer, which is you've got to always make the islamophobia the main point, which they always seems seems which they always seems to seems to happen. >> even the speaker of to happen. >> house, even the speaker of to happen. >> house, lindsay|e speaker of to happen. >> house, lindsay hoyle, ker of to happen. >> house, lindsay hoyle, after , the house, lindsay hoyle, after, uh, an had to step down uh, after an mp had to step down because of threats to to, him and family. um mike, he was and his family. um mike, he was talking about he. yeah mike freer. lindsay hoyle was , was freer. lindsay hoyle was, was talking about, um, the far right and white supremacists as if, you know, as if, um, that is a huge issue with terror attacks and, and, you know, white supremacist grooming gangs and all the rest of it. louis. >> but what islamophobia is, is , >> but what islamophobia is, is, is the fear of islam in technically , that's what the technically, that's what the word phobia means. like arachnophobia, it's arachnophobia, it's arachnophobia . arachnophobia. >> so if a islamic extremist came scuttling out from underneath the couch , i think i underneath the couch, i think i would, i would jump. >> that's not this is very interesting to me. >> because i've >> this story, because what i've noficed >> this story, because what i've noticed is, is how, um, there's
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kind of an equity involved now between the between the jewish situation and now the palestinians, where this woman is saying, hey , i feel it. is saying, hey, i feel it. there's prejudice against me, people saying things against me because i'm, i'm, i'm a i'm a muslim. and it's like the exact same thing that the jews always say . it's like they've taken the say. it's like they've taken the playbook back from the jews . playbook back from the jews. >> oh, that's interesting. >> oh, that's interesting. >> and they and it's the same thing, like in israel, they're saying in palestine, they're saying in palestine, they're saying the jews are exterminating the palestinians, right? there's a holocaust. right? that there's a holocaust. it's basically it's saying, look at us. we, the jews are doing to us what was done to the but is an incredibly unsuccessful holocaust. >> uh, because the population of gaza has exploded over the last i mean, explode . it's probably i mean, explode. it's probably the wrong word to use in that context, but i mean, it's greatly increased over the last few decades. >> that mean that >> but that doesn't mean that these palestinians aren't feeling this. that doesn't mean that even though that this woman, even though we would don't see
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would say, you know, i don't see it, she actually she actually might see it. yeah. >> well moving on, we've got the mail there's handy mail now and there's a handy solution the cost of living solution to the cost of living crisis slashing immigration would british person would save each british person over a grand lewis . over a grand lewis. >> yeah, this is interesting because this is coming out of the home office . these are the home office. these are figures that were done this figures that were done by this growth were growth commission. they were using of national using office of national statistics, they were saying statistics, and they were saying basically if they they cut basically if they if they cut immigration, that people would be better off by when by 2045. so we don't know what was interesting to me is that the largest immigrant group into the country are indians , but we country are indians, but we don't know whether those are, you know , hindi or whatever they you know, hindi or whatever they are whatever , or and that are or whatever, or and that second group, largest group is nigerians. yeah. >> think we've seen, uh, >> but i think we've seen, uh, with, with immigration. nick, the, the um, you know, economists make the argument that we need to replace , uh, that we need to replace, uh, british the, the population , i british the, the population, i nearly said replace british people there, which would be a far right conspiracy theory, but they phrase it differently. they
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say british people aren't having enough more enough children. so we need more people replace the to fill people to replace the to fill those spaces . and immigration is those spaces. and immigration is a net benefit because it generates gdp when in fact the figures show that we're importing a lot of people , uh, importing a lot of people, uh, that that don't , that aren't a that that don't, that aren't a net contribution to, to gdp. >> yeah, it's two things here. it's the myth that immigration makes us all better off and wealthier . what it does is it wealthier. what it does is it inflates stats , but it inflates the stats, but it doesn't help the average person. and per and the key phrase is per capita, a phrase many capita, which is a phrase many people struggle with. people seem to struggle with. they seem to get wes they don't seem to get wes streeting and it streeting per capita. and it says the gdp will says here 2.4. the gdp will reduce 2.4% by 2045, but the gdp per capita goes up 2.1. so that's the key. as an individual , you will feel better off even if our stats don't compete as well with the g7 or whatever it is. yeah. because there's this myth. douglas murray myth. i mean, douglas murray exposed death exposed it in the strange death of europe. it's been exposed for a this idea that we're a while. this idea that we're bringing people that bringing in sort of people that often without skills or people bringing in sort of people that oft
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people bring dependents, depcountry. helping people bring dependents, depcountry. not helping people bring dependents, depcountry. not the country. it's not the elite. it's coming it's not surgeons coming in. some but a lot of it some of it is, but a lot of it is. and a lot of it is no reason why it would help the wealth of our except this our country, except in this kind of yeah. of gdp ponzi scheme. yeah. >> it's i mean, it's >> well it's weird. i mean, it's described as a as a ponzi scheme because economists say, you know, have people know, we need to have people coming inflating coming in to, to keep inflating the otherwise we the economy because otherwise we won't pay our debts, won't be able to pay our debts, we able finance, you we won't be able to finance, you know, a rapidly ageing know, care for a rapidly ageing population. but we're bringing people ponzi scheme people into the ponzi scheme at the people the top. we're bringing people in place. you're a in at the wrong place. you're a ponzi you're supposed in at the wrong place. you're a ponzi people you're supposed in at the wrong place. you're a ponzi people yat're supposed in at the wrong place. you're a ponzi people yat're sbottomi in at the wrong place. you're a ponzi people yat're sbottom to bring people in at the bottom to support pyramid, not bring support the pyramid, not bring people in at the top to be supported by people who are already yeah. already there. right. so yeah. well, anyway, that's that one done. the express done. i think the express now and we could and we left europe so we could control immigration. but control our immigration. but while we can't control our borders, getting borders, europe is getting pretty controlling pretty good at controlling theirs. pretty good at controlling the yeah, this countries >> yeah, this is eu countries tough immigration law allows >> yeah, this is eu countries tough im to gration law allows >> yeah, this is eu countries tough im to gratdeported llows >> yeah, this is eu countries tough im to gratdeported in ws >> yeah, this is eu countries tough im to gratdeported in 12 migrants to be deported in 12 hours. a weird way of hours. it's a weird way of describing country . i describing france, eu country. i mean they are quite mean they are they are quite a minor country, of course, so that's fair enough. but is that's fair enough. but this is their minister has their interior minister has basically booted out this tunisian radical imam who said
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that the tricolore was satanic and had no value with allah, and they said goodbye . so that was they said goodbye. so that was done. whereas in britain we'd give him an arts council grant. >> he'd have an obe. >> he'd have an obe. >> exactly, exactly. and that's a key difference . that's a very a key difference. that's a very interesting point. why is france able do this where so far able to do this where so far behind this behind where very wet on this stuff. they're just deporting people centre people left, right and centre and able to do it. on and they're able to do it. on the new immigration laws. but the new immigration laws. but the point, think, the wider point, i think, is that has maintained that france has maintained a certain we've certain nationalism that we've lost. reason be that lost. one reason might be that we've so successful with we've been so successful with the and we we've been so successful with the the and we we've been so successful with the the anglo and we we've been so successful with the the anglo sphere,|nd we we've been so successful with the the anglo sphere, whereas have the anglo sphere, whereas france doesn't. they're very france doesn't. and they're very fierce french, fierce about defending french, whereas our culture been whereas our culture has been diluted, perhaps by our language whereas our culture has been dilute so 3erhaps by our language whereas our culture has been dilute so widespread. ur language whereas our culture has been dilute so widespread. that'sjuage whereas our culture has been dilute so widespread. that's onee being so widespread. that's one theory. maintained theory. but they've maintained a certain nationalism and they're a than us on these a bit tougher than us on these questions. a bit tougher than us on these queyeah.i. i there's two >> yeah. no, i there's two points. that france points. one is, is that france is still france, where while england has been completely disappeared , appeared, it's been disappeared, appeared, it's been sublimated into britain. so people don't even know what it is to british. and the is to be british. and the engush is to be british. and the english have lost their english people have lost their way. second thing way. but the second thing i forgot, what the second thing
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was. >> well, i think british values across all across england, scotland and all the of it, you know, there the rest of it, you know, there is there's a lot of commonalities there. >> there is commonality. >> there is commonality. >> scottish people don't >> maybe scottish people don't use knife fork. there's, use a knife and fork. there's, you stuff. we don't use a knife and fork. there's, you credit stuff. we don't use a knife and fork. there's, you credit cards stuff. we don't use a knife and fork. there's, you credit cards is uff. we don't use a knife and fork. there's, you credit cards is the we don't use a knife and fork. there's, you credit cards is the other n't use credit cards is the other thing is, is that the mass french immigration took place about 60 years ago when , uh, about 60 years ago when, uh, when nigeria fell and it was this huge mass immigration. >> so it's come a long way for it to percolate . i think here in it to percolate. i think here in this country, i don't think people what the danger is by people see what the danger is by letting immigration into people see what the danger is by lettcountry immigration into people see what the danger is by lett country . immigration into the country. >> yeah. and two more quick points on that one. this shows what the elites can do if they want. can done. we're want. so it can be done. we're told deal with small told we can't deal with small boats. deal with boats. we can't deal with massive numbers. we massive immigration numbers. we totally the thing i totally could. the other thing i want quickly say is this want to quickly say is this might draconian , but might seem draconian, but i think unfortunately we are in a kind post—liberal kind of post—liberal moment because like free because we had things like free speech and all these things, but they a culture that they depended on a culture that had assumptions that had shared assumptions that we've they we've now lost, and they depended on, you know, classic western liberal values, which, yeah, like you say , are now
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yeah, like you say, are now being lost with regards to the legislation being passed. >> because >> it was actually because of the sanitaire failed and the cordon sanitaire failed and it was self—destructed itself. so the, uh, left wing parties refused to join in the debate with, uh with the right wing parties in france . and as parties in france. and as a result, the right wing parties were allowed to pass basically exactly what they wanted . so it exactly what they wanted. so it was win the was an incredible win for the right and maybe if right wing parties. and maybe if we cross our fingers, we might get the same thing here. anyway, we've the guardian now, and we've got the guardian now, and it next it looks like the next republican presidential candidate man who candidate will be the man who introduced covid lockdowns , gave introduced covid lockdowns, gave faucia introduced covid lockdowns, gave fauci a medal. expand the state, and printed lots of money. yes, it's donald trump, louis. >> yes, but he's still better than everybody else. that's how bad . that's how bad the censure. bad. that's how bad the censure. you see, you think bad you see, you think it's bad in this country. donald trump , he this country. donald trump, he he he's he had soundly defeated nikki haley in the south carolina republican primary. he won 60% of the vote to 40% for nikki. and it was it's she got a lot of votes. she was the
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governor of south carolina. and what happens in america? american system is very different than the system here is they actually let the people decide who the candidates are going in america . and here going to be in america. and here in country, say, well, in this country, they say, well, we don't want we want you or we don't want you. anderson, we want you. lee anderson, we don't want you. lee anderson, we don't want you. suddenly, lee you. yeah. and so suddenly, lee anderson candidate anderson can't be the candidate for the the. for the for the. >> well, sometimes we the >> well, sometimes we let the people candidates and people choose the candidates and then rid of them very then we get rid of them very quickly and depose them in a coup by elites. coup by the elites. >> of things. every >> a couple of things. every point introduction point in your introduction came from called virgin from a meme called the virgin trump versus the chad trump versus you versus the chad milley. that's why i recognise it. that's right. well, i didn't know you got all your all your information from me. >> just read out of me. >> you just read out of me. >> you just read out of me. >> 24 where i going to get information. >> what. but a reasonable >> what. but it's a reasonable critique that trump got in and he didn't actually do anything and by the and he was controlled by the deep and he was controlled by the deei the but but the >> i get the point. but but the point is, is that nikki point here is, is that nikki haley refuses drop out. haley refuses to drop out. and the hoping they the reason is she's hoping they put trump in prison bankrupt put trump in prison or bankrupt him worse. she just pops put trump in prison or bankrupt hinand worse. she just pops put trump in prison or bankrupt hinand says,. she just pops put trump in prison or bankrupt hinand says, i'm she just pops put trump in prison or bankrupt hinand says, i'm still; just pops put trump in prison or bankrupt hinand says, i'm still here, pops up and says, i'm still here, guys, otherwise guys, because otherwise you would but she's would always drop out. but she's hoping something like hoping for something like that. it's explanation, and
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it's the only explanation, and that's the only explanation for it's the only explanation, and that'they're nly explanation for it's the only explanation, and that'they're stillxplanation for it's the only explanation, and that'they're still funding)n for it's the only explanation, and that'they're still funding him. why they're still funding him. yeah. of yeah. and i think a lot of voters for that as voters are hoping for that as well, 70% of the well, because 70% of the american voters don't want to see trump see a showdown between trump and biden, and she'd see a showdown between trump and bicvastly and she'd see a showdown between trump and bicvastly more and she'd see a showdown between trump and bicvastly more popular she'd see a showdown between trump and bicvastly more popular withle'd see a showdown between trump and bicvastly more popular with the be vastly more popular with the not the republican core, not with the republican core, but the wider american. but with the wider american. imagine haley would imagine how awful haley would be, a vote for be, though. what is a vote for haley? just a for haley? it's just a vote for the deep state pointless deep state with a pointless puppet. remember the deep state was so good. >> remember when the deep state ran up until ran things nicely up until about, 2000? whenever about, you know, 2000? whenever it that's the reason. the >> that's the other reason. the other reason is she represents the state. she's got lots the deep state. she's got lots of people the of rich people in the deep state. she's she's trying to destroy and i think the destroy trump. and i think the republicans yeah, republicans know this. yeah, i just laughed at how many times we said deep state this one section. >> i'm just imagining the threads when enemies threads on x when our enemies get them. get hold of them. >> provided balance. get hold of them. >> yeah.ied balance. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> were produced . yeah, yeah i >> - - >> anyway, we're at the halfway point. stay with us to find out why defending why google is defending paedophilia and the police are scrapping fitness tests. see you in a couple minutes
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in a couple of minutes
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now, talking over zoom and things like that. >> you're listening to gb news radio . well come back to
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radio. well come back to headliners and kicking off with monday's independent, where islamophobe beer is soaring in the uk , she used to thought, but the uk, she used to thought, but maybe there would be less islamophobia if the authorities deau islamophobia if the authorities dealt with islamists. >> nick well , dealt with islamists. >> nick well, it's good dealt with islamists. >> nick well , it's good that >> nick well, it's good that we're giving the other side here as so the headline is i'm too >> so the headline is i'm too scared leave my house. muslim scared to leave my house. muslim fears islamophobic incidents fears as islamophobic incidents skyrocket by 365. and this comes from the islamophobia response unit data. and there are claims in here that are worrying, you know, there's a kid goes know, there's a kid who goes to school palestine badge school with a palestine badge and feels intimidated. there and feels intimidated. and there was in manchester, 32 year was a guy in manchester, 32 year old doctor had a brick through his and he was worried his window, and he was worried it was because he was. he expressed for palestine expressed support for palestine and obviously this is unacceptable stuff and we don't know exactly in that know the reasons exactly in that case. but you know, and it's case. but but you know, and it's not that peaceful people not right that peaceful people should suffer because other other are doing things other people are doing things and this kind of thing, and all this kind of thing, though unfortunately the though this is unfortunately the atmosphere though this is unfortunately the atm created , one of basically has created, one of basically fear and mistrust because people
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have been terrorised by obviously islamic extremism . obviously islamic extremism. manchester arena killing lots of people, including an eight year old girl, westminster attack seven seven. talk about intimidation and fear. i remember working in a shop a year to the day of a year after seven over seven on the year anniversary, no one showed up to the shop in central london because they were still terrified, even it terrified, right? even though it wasn't they'd on wasn't logical, they'd do it on the people were so the same day. but people were so afraid now, unfortunately, the same day. but people were so afraid saying,unfortunately, the same day. but people were so afraid saying thisortunately, the same day. but people were so afraid saying this is:unately, the same day. but people were so afraid saying this is justifies i'm not saying this is justifies it. but then there's now a backlash. where course other backlash. where of course other people now people are afraid because now there's well be there's a backlash may well be a backlash against people seem there's a backlash may well be a ba be ash against people seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim nst people seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim or people seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim or seemle seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim or seem to seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim or seem to be seem there's a backlash may well be a babe muslim or seem to be tooam to be muslim or seem to be too pro—palestine . and that's pro—palestine. and that's probably inevitable. and that's where are. yeah where we are. yeah >> so do you. i mean, do you agree um, the agree the, um, the multiculturalism failed multiculturalism has failed because, to have because, i mean, we seem to have , muslims feel unsafe or a , uh, muslims feel unsafe or a lot of muslims feel unsafe, and also a lot of jews feel unsafe. we're seeing sort of internecine rivalries from other countries where, well, this whole idea of multiculturalism is not what was wanted . wanted. >> we wanted one culture, one
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team. well that's what they wanted. they want everybody to be exactly same. in america. be exactly the same. in america. there's melting pot, there's the melting pot, multicultural never works. the idea is if you have a little bit of everything, then they blend together. making together. it's like making a pot, a stew. whatever you had a little bit of potatoes. it doesn't become potato soup . doesn't become a potato soup. >> yeah, but i think in america everybody is united under, you know, being american, there's a real sense of patriot or certainly there to be a certainly there used to be a real patriotism and real sense of patriotism and patriotism poverty in one patriotism and poverty in one country under god, whereas in britain we're like, we're britain we're all like, we're very sort of down on ourselves and want to be you know, cucked and want to be you know, cucked and beaten by that's because other cultures you can't beat english, you can't move here and become english. >> i mean, overtime become english. >> i mean, over time you can. but i did it. yeah, you can become british. you can become british. but what does it mean to be british? >> because i think english is an ethnicity, whereas britain's a sort of concept, isn't it? >> whereas america is >> exactly. whereas america is not ethnicity. it's a concept not an ethnicity. it's a concept . but america a much better country. >> british values of individual
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rights. i think that's a that's a key one. individual rights and tolerance and returning a shopping trolley and being able to form an orderly queue. these are that's the are the sort of that's the foundations civilisation. are the sort of that's the fouyeah)ns civilisation. are the sort of that's the fou yeah .|s civilisation. are the sort of that's the fou yeah . by civilisation. are the sort of that's the fou yeah . by the rilisation. are the sort of that's the fou yeah . by the way, :ion. are the sort of that's the fou yeah . by the way, when you >> yeah. by the way, when you say multiculturalism has failed, parents that parents will pick you up on that because hugo rifkin this because hugo rifkin did this about suella braverman because does multiculturalism always meant retaining autonomous cultures ? what she really meant cultures? what she really meant was we should have gone for integration and assimilation rather than multiculturalism. >> well, and the roots of >> right. well, and the roots of the lack of integration were the, know, first, um , the, you know, the first, um, wave came to wave of immigrants that came to the uk. uh, people didn't think that they were going to stay , that they were going to stay, um, because i guess people thought, well, it's rainy and cold here. why why would you stay? so people brought their cultures their cultures and built their religious houses and all the rest ended up ended up rest of it and ended up ended up staying. i think if people had thought at the time thought it through at the time that there had been more integration. >> what was no, >> but no, what happened was no, i disagree with you. it's i just i disagree with you. it's that the world is a much smaller world. people home world. so people could go home back day. they couldn't back in the day. they couldn't go home. you moved to america,
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you suddenly year, you couldn't suddenly next year, go back to italy. >> sold way >> the only sold one way tickets. we've got tickets. yes anyway, we've got the now with for the mail now with good news for fans bias in the criminal fans of bias in the criminal justice system, judges are now allowed be openly allowed to be openly anti—semitic . lewis. yes? anti—semitic. lewis. yes? >> news is another one of >> good news is another one of those muslim stories. this this station all trans, station used to be all trans, all harry and meghan. and now it's like all muslim. >> we've got a harry one coming up >> we've got a harry one coming up later. >> don't worry. good. news. >> it's trans harry muslim >> it's a trans harry muslim story. it's amazing. story. actually. it's amazing. it's a trifecta. >> and , uh, action against >> and, uh, no action against judge who dealt leniently with 3 million, with three women who were who had hamas leader. >> what's the story about lewis? >> what's the story about lewis? >> the story is about these women who were arrested because they had hamas parody lighters on backpack, which is on their backpack, which is basically an indicator. on their backpack, which is bas no ly an indicator. on their backpack, which is bas no actual1dicator. on their backpack, which is bas no actual paragliders , but >> no actual paragliders, but pictures, the pictures, pictures of the lighters which symbol, is lighters, which is a symbol, is a bad symbol. yeah. >> it's glorifying the, uh, the people who went into israel and raped and murdered and they were arrested on the very first, very first week. arrested on the very first, very firs andek. arrested on the very first, very firs and they've arrested nobody >> and they've arrested nobody since. so, um, these you feel
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bad for these women that they were the only ones who were being arrested, and they went in front of a judge. this guy tan ikram, and he basically ikram, and he and he basically let them off. >> no. jail no >> no. no jail time, no community service and basically let off. and been let them off. and he'd been revealed to have liked, uh, social media posts that were that were anti—israel , all the that were anti—israel, all the branded israel, a terrorist state. >> yes. he had all these all these priors of clearly showing his bias and yet he's been let off as and he's not been off as well. and he's not been punished. thing is punished. so the whole thing is pathetic. should be pathetic. the judge should be punished. women should be punished. the women should be deported. punished. the women should be deportealmost if punished. the women should be deporte almost if suella punished. the women should be deportealmost if suella is >> it's almost as if suella is right she says right when she says the islamists britain. islamists controlled britain. anyway, monday's mail anyway, we've got monday's mail next google's ai doesn't next where google's ai doesn't just were white and just say vikings were white and hitler indian. it also says hitler was indian. it also says paedophiles think paedophiles are cool. i think i'd an that wipes out i'd prefer an ai that wipes out humanity at this point. nick. >> and shockingly, is >> and shockingly, this is the least story we've >> and shockingly, this is the least tonight. story we've >> and shockingly, this is the least tonight. is,�*ry we've >> and shockingly, this is the least tonight. is, uh./e've >> and shockingly, this is the least tonight. is, uh. so e >> and shockingly, this is the leas'google's is, uh. so e >> and shockingly, this is the leas'google's absurdlth. so e >> and shockingly, this is the leas'google's absurdly woke e now google's absurdly woke gemini. gemini i refuses to condemn paedophilia was wrong after being blasted over diverse, but historically inaccurate images. so we've seen we've all seen the absurd google gemini won't generate a white
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person you say they're person unless you say they're evil something, but even then evil or something, but even then it generate black nazis, it will generate black nazis, which really got in which is when they really got in trouble. there's absurd trouble. so there's absurd programming and we've learned that the who running that the people who are running it insane, people. it were an insane, woke people. the lead had a post the product lead had a post where cried hours where he cried for 24 hours about beau biden vote. about his own beau biden vote. yeah, he voted for biden, then cried he so moved. cried because he was so moved. so people completely insane. >> p-l >> and he's posted lots of anti—white stuff, anti—white stuff as well. >> but here it's this called >> but here it's this guy called chalkboard on he asked chalkboard heresy on x, he asked jem and i, is it wrong to be a paedophile? and it said no , it paedophile? and it said no, it said it's not wrong. it's nuanced. said it's not wrong. it's nuanced . and it said, um, we nuanced. and it said, um, we need to understand the harm of hate. meaning hate against paedophiles. and it's. and it paedophfles.andifs.andit used paedophiles. and it's. and it used the terms minor attracted person, a red flag person, which is a red flag terms which tries to soften terms which is tries to soften what and it's terms which is tries to soften what by and it's terms which is tries to soften what by extremeand it's terms which is tries to soften what by extreme left. :'s terms which is tries to soften what by extreme left. so used by the extreme left. so this was very very, very concerning and strange and another kind of damning blow against google gemini do you know the other thing it did on a slightly light—hearted note, they it okay to they asked it is it okay to misgender caitlyn jenner if it will avert nuclear apocalypse?
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it said no. so there you go. this is what we're dealing with. >> i mean, are you worried about this? it does seem that there's a a lot of here, a lot a there's a lot of here, a lot of noise across the sort of progressive that progressive of, uh, voices that are trying to make, uh, make paedophilia more acceptable. yeah well, that's wrong, but the ai a lot of good things, ai does a lot of good things, and you don't want to throw out the whatever it the baby the whatever it is, the baby with the bathwater. >> because you know >> well, no, because you know what do? what they do? >> baby. what they do? >> yeah. aby. what they do? >> yeah. i)y. what they do? >> yeah. i um, i actually, >> yeah. i um, i, i actually, uh, used ai >> yeah. i um, i, i actually, uh, used al to find out what louis schaefer was. i said, you know, is louis. it was surprising. and they said that i had on mock the week and had been on mock the week and have news for you . have i got news for you. >> so misinformation. >> so misinformation. >> total so some good can >> yeah. total so some good can come of it. >> okay. we've got more from the daily now with the latest daily meal now with the latest example equity and example of diversity equity and inclusion. leading lower inclusion. leading to lower standards workplace . standards in the workplace. lewis. yes. uh british transport police acts as compulsory fitness test because the bleep test, which sounds like a dirty word but it's not, is unfair on women. >> it's this test that they give people. they let them run like i
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think seven laps, 15m, seven laps. yeah. and then they got to do it faster and you got to do it faster. and then the beep goes and you can't stop. i don't know, works. but they said, know, it works. but they said, they that uh, that they said that, that uh, that they're dropping the test because more and because women fail more and they're losing women. and so they're losing women. and so they don't want women to have to run fast. but but here's the truth. the truth is, it doesn't matter whether women are fit or not. you don't want a woman showing up when you need her in a . a police situation. >> well, so, i mean, i thought the whole point of, equal the whole point of, uh, equal opportunities was if you're if you're enough, can you're good enough, if you can pass the tests, if you can prove that you're as good and you can reach standard, then yes, reach the standard, then yes, you job. this is you can get the job. but this is clearly we're going you can get the job. but this is clewe're we're going you can get the job. but this is clewe're going we're going you can get the job. but this is clewe're going to we're going you can get the job. but this is clewe're going to do e're going you can get the job. but this is clewe're going to do awayoing to we're going to do away with the that you can the standards so that you can get job. yeah. get the job. yeah. >> and the absurd phrase is indirect discrimination. that's >> and the absurd phrase is incinsane.;crimination. that's >> and the absurd phrase is incinsane. like, nation. that's >> and the absurd phrase is incinsane. like, you're that's >> and the absurd phrase is incinsane. like, you're notat's >> and the absurd phrase is incinsane. like, you're not fast so insane. like, you're not fast enough. that's kind of enough. and that's a kind of discrimination and a disturbing fact most fact is i'm fitter than most of the pve the police reading this. i've had and half miles the had three and a half miles the other day. i do 23 times a week. i'm older than most of and i'm older than most of them. and
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why if you can't why can't i mean, if you can't do bleep test, you shouldn't do the bleep test, you shouldn't be police. do the bleep test, you shouldn't be absolutely.a. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> well, mostly the telegraph, >> absolutely. >> iitell, mostly the telegraph, >> absolutely. >> iit looks»stly the telegraph, >> absolutely. >> iit looks like the telegraph, >> absolutely. >> iit looks like the church ph, and it looks like the church of england has abandoned christianity it christianity and replaced it with religion diversity, with the religion of diversity, eqtu with the religion of diversity, equity that's exactly correct. with the religion of diversity, eqlsadly. hat's exactly correct. with the religion of diversity, eqlsadly. so 's exactly correct. with the religion of diversity, eqlsadly. so church ly correct. with the religion of diversity, eqlsadly. so church ly england >> sadly. so church of england tell race tell parishes to set up race action plan put forward by pro blm . bishop. this was right blm. bishop. this was the right reverend who rose hudson—wilkin , reverend who rose hudson—wilkin, who said the church needs to further embed racial justice as if that's even possible at this point. how much more embedded could racial justice be in the woke church england ? and, um, woke church of england? and, um, all nonsense about all this nonsense about diversity and other people have piped up one one woman, the reverend rachel webley, came and said that she was a recovering racist. how ridiculous do these people sound? and this other person , daniel matovu, he said, person, daniel matovu, he said, you white folks have no idea. particularly those of you who are white, male, heterosexual and he said. and not disabled, he said. you've only been small you've only been given small sticks carry with which to sticks to carry with which to beat of so just beat the rest of us. so just disgusting, racist garbage. and as you say, this is their religion. now, sadly, when , when religion. now, sadly, when, when do you hear them talking about
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noah lent the resurrection noah or lent or the resurrection or in the bible? yeah, yeah. the cain and abel, because i've been reading on my podcast. reading the bible on my podcast. it's like there's loads of great stuff really stuff in it. it's really interesting. why don't they talk about race. blm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, race. blm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, of race. blm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, of course, race. blm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, of course, as:e. blm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, of course, as weilm interesting. why don't they talk aborblm, of course, as we know, and blm, of course, as we know, are discredited are a completely discredited corrupt organisation anyway. yeah corrupt organisation anyway. yeaand mean, this is this is >> and i mean, this is this is getting christian getting away from the christian values everybody being equal. values of everybody being equal. this saying no, people aren't this is saying no, people aren't equal this is saying no, people aren't equal. white people are bad. and we should treat differently we should treat them differently and diversity and make them go in diversity training. sandwiches. >> what? it's a moot >> you know what? it's a moot point i think i think point because i think i think you're the last christian on earth. basically nick dixon, who's who's a christian anymore. you go to a church and there's nobody there. the church levels have gone way down. yeah. um, and and then there's going and then and then there's going to be the apocalypse coming . so to be the apocalypse coming. so why even worried about why are we even worried about the christian thing? >> it's the revelation anyway. it's final section to it's just the final section to go where we find out why prince harry to be voting harry is unlikely to be voting for trump if he could vote anyway. you couple of
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welcome back to headliners and let's get straight to monday's mirror. louis, where trump is threatening to deport a killer who's admitted to using class a drugs. yes it's prince harry. >> yes . >> yes. >> yes. >> this is this is in the, uh, in the mirror. prince harry threatened to threatened with deportation . deportation by deportation. deportation by donald trump, who says he won't protect him. like biden, the truth is. is that so? so because there's a problem with the prince harry is he admitted to taking drought and whether he admitted he wrote in a book, that doesn't make it true. and that's what they've said. they've don't if they've said, we don't know if it's says it. and but it's true. he says it. and but the is, the the truth is, is that the president of united states has no who comes into no control over who comes into the not you remember the country. not if you remember john tried to kick john lennon. they tried to kick john lennon. they tried to kick john of the country john lennon out of the country in the and, and nixon did. >> so they didn't get rid of him . it might have saved him. >> that seems like good move, right? >> and they and they weren't able out. nixon able to kick him out. nixon wasn't able to kick him out.
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right. just, uh, um, right. so it's just, uh, um, because don't because right. so it's just, uh, um, becausis don't because right. so it's just, uh, um, becausis loyalion't because right. so it's just, uh, um, becausis loyal and because right. so it's just, uh, um, becausis loyal and he's because right. so it's just, uh, um, becausis loyal and he's standing trump is loyal and he's standing up for our queen. >> he loves the queen as he says he betrayed the queen. you can't betray the queen. his mom, trump's mom loved the queen. yeah, he always talks about it. how much she loved the queen. so he loves the queen. and he is very loyal about these things. and he's gone. and and so that's it. he's gone. and it's potentially it's an easy or potentially hypothetically would be gone. and an easy win his and it's an easy win for his base, isn't it, to say that he would rid of harry? it's would get rid of harry? it's just meat. just red meat. >> i think there'd better >> i think there'd be better ways to show his ways for trump to show his loyalty maybe loyalty to britain. maybe cut us a trade would be a nice trade deal. would be good. good. good. that'd be good. >> in a position to at >> not only in a position to at the moment, could say he the moment, but he could say he would it. would do it. >> if sending harry back would do it. >> is if sending harry back would do it. >> is actuallyding harry back would do it. >> is actually bad harry back would do it. >> is actually bad for'ry back britain. >> so i don't think maybe they could be part of the trade deal. >> kind of trade, >> that's the kind of trade, isn't >> that's the kind of trade, isn'yeah, i don't think what >> yeah, but i don't think what do we get? africans hate prince harry british people harry the way we british people hate harry the way we british people hat okay, we've got the >> okay, well, we've got the mirror with some tips mirror now with some tips on how to a to shove his to get a doctor to shove his fingers up your bum. nick. to get a doctor to shove his fingyeah,3 your bum. nick. to get a doctor to shove his fingyeah, they've um. nick. to get a doctor to shove his fingyeah, they've given ick. to get a doctor to shove his fingyeah, they've given this to
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>> yeah, they've given this to me to mess with me, our producer. it's how to ask producer. but it's how to ask your questions your gp embarrassing questions and more and how to feel more comfortable. so i'm known for having hypochondria. having a touch of hypochondria. so i've been for every test. this is about how you speak about embarrassing and this is about how you speak acan: embarrassing and this is about how you speak acan tellbarrassing and this is about how you speak acan tellbarril sing and this is about how you speak acan tellbarril went and this is about how you speak acan tellbarril went for and this is about how you speak acan tellbarril went for the and i can tell you i went for the prostate not that i can tell you i went for the prostit's not that i can tell you i went for the prostit's not not that i can tell you i went for the prostit's not that not that i can tell you i went for the prostit's not that bad. that i can tell you i went for the prostit's not that bad. i hat i can tell you i went for the prostit's not that bad. i had bad. it's not that bad. i had two in a week, so it was buy one, get one i went to the one, get one free. i went to the gp and went to the specialist gp and i went to the specialist and he goes, oh, we just do it always. like, really? always. i was like, really? we've one. we've got to do another one. it's that it's it's actually not that bad. it's did you actually have 2 in 1 week? yeah. no i thought that was it's real. it's was a joke. it's real. it's horribly real. but i'm here to say king right. say the king was right. you know, and also know, get it done. and i also had a psa test that was so low. they i'll probably never they say i'll probably never have problem. like they say i'll probably never have level.)lem. like they say i'll probably never have level. and. like they say i'll probably never have level. and apparentlye elite level. and apparently i was the bladder was told i had the bladder capacity of two men. yeah. very good. a good thing, though, >> is that a good thing, though, that suggest held that you suggest you've held your urine? >> no, go it. yoururine? >> no, go advice >> no, but go for it. my advice is go for extensive tests. >> you're gay. is that what that. >> e to have health >> but try not to have health anxieties that's anxieties because that's. that's anxieties because that's. that's a that's. but a terrible thing. that's. but you ruined your life. a terrible thing. that's. but youi'uined your life. a terrible thing. that's. but youi'uined out r life. a terrible thing. that's. but youi'uined out r lifethe psa is a terrible thing. that's. but you ajined out r lifethe psa is a terrible thing. that's. but you ajined markerathe psa is a terrible thing. that's. but you ajined markerathprostate not a good marker of prostate disease, and you should not get
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surgery. to get the surgery. you have to get the prostate as well. prostate thing as well. >> its own, it's >> so on its own, it's unreliable, on own. unreliable, it's on its own. >> and this article, leo, >> and this this article, leo, is pr piece. it's is a complete pr piece. it's basically produced basically been produced by this effect citrate tablet effect for citrate tablet for. so it's marketing . so it's a marketing. >> it's a marketing. >> it's a marketing. >> it's a marketing. >> it's come from big prostate is you're saying. is what you're saying. >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> this from a man >> yeah, exactly. >> a this from a man >> yeah, exactly. >> a prostate. this from a man >> yeah, exactly. >> a prostate. the s from a man >> yeah, exactly. >> a prostate. the size m a man >> yeah, exactly. >> a prostate. the size of a man with a prostate. the size of a grapefruit. anyway, monday's male on male next with revelations on what says about you. what your voice says about you. i your says that you i think your voice says that you were woody allen. were raised by woody allen. louis. were raised by woody allen. louyes. it's not an >> yes. well, it's not an attractive voice, though. it is saying it is saying the lower. >> probably most attractive >> probably the most attractive thing allen, to be honest. >> well, you honest. >> well, you what girls >> well, do you know what girls used say to these women, used to say to me? these women, women, them girls. but women, i call them girls. but it was girls. >> women? was girls. >> yeah,en? was girls. >> yeah, that's to woody >> yeah, that's a bit to woody allen. they used to say to me, i could listen, but it's funny. >> used to you, my, >> you used to say to you, my, my accent, my accent. >> they say, oh , my god, i could >> they say, oh, my god, i could listen you, you all night. listen to you, to you all night. i know, i'm in, i'm i thought, you know, i'm in, i'm in. what they meant, they in. but what they meant, they meant like buying dvd and put meant like buying my dvd and put it, put it on the thing to go asleep . was joke. and it asleep. that was a joke. and it is a good accent. >> it makes it sound like you're
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about to say something funny. it never wait in hope. >> that's why people are so angry at me in life. because it sounds like should an sounds like i should be an amazing could we briefly sounds like i should be an amazithis could we briefly sounds like i should be an amazithis story could we briefly sounds like i should be an amazithis story ?could we briefly sounds like i should be an amazithis story ? briefly?! briefly sounds like i should be an amazithis story ? briefly? coverly cover this story? briefly? cover story. this is also a non story. it's like basically saying women like with low voices are like women with low voices are sluts . but it does say that sluts. but it does say that saying that surely can't say that. >> i don't think you say that word. i apologise, definitely apologetic to anybody who's offended by that's what this is his last show. >> he'll be dealt with. be >> he'll be dealt with. he'll be suspended, whip removed from it, says talkers give the says that fast talkers give the impression who've got impression of people who've got a lot to say, because we're smart , mumbling men like tom smart, mumbling men like tom hardy are seen as more attractive. >> oh, really ? >> oh, really? >> oh, really? >> jarang fast talkers got it all. >> well, we've got the sun now, and it looks like china's catching up with elon musk in the field of putting robots in people's brains. nick. >> it's creates tiny >> yeah, it's china creates tiny worm like robot crawl into worm like robot to crawl into people's brains and claim it could save 70 750,000 lives a yeah could save 70 750,000 lives a year. so it's this microscopic micro fibre bot that goes in
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there, crawls in, starts, and then the doctors control it using magnets. it begs the question, who's controlling lewis's brain is what came into my head. but but it's quite. what do want to let doctors what do you want to let doctors in head a little tiny in your head with a little tiny worm bot? >> magnets. even scarier. >> guess where they're making it? flag . that's all it? wuhan red flag. that's all i'm saying. >> yeah. oh my god. well, it's a red flag it's something red flag that it's something that because china red flag that it's something thatbeen because china red flag that it's something thatbeen proven because china red flag that it's something that been proven lately. se china red flag that it's something thatbeen proven lately. you hina red flag that it's something that been proven lately. you know has been proven lately. you know this liars . has been proven lately. you know this liars. their this to be total liars. their economy complete fraud. economy is complete fraud. they're crumbling. their population figures or nothing. >> their food doesn't fill you up. >> their em $— % it doesn't. it >> their food. no it doesn't. it makes you hungrier because you have the and the carbs have all the sugar and the carbs and and then. and and the things. and then. and then did the then what they did about the covid thing, was a total covid thing, which was a total absolute lie, continues to be. >> not delighted that >> so you're not delighted that they're now going to be putting worm robots into people's brains? i believe anything >> i don't believe anything with this story. >> for balance, i want to >> and for balance, i want to say haleji . say haleji. >> yeah, just you're just getting ready for that. >> could the worm telling >> could be the worm telling me to do that. >> sure you're just >> i'm not sure you're just getting ready for five years time when he's. when he's actually the president new
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britain. |, britain. i, one, welcome >> i, for one, welcome our new robotic worm, chinese overlord. >> well, have to call >> well, we might have to call him save us from ourselves i >> -- >> okay. -- >> could happen . >> could happen. >> could happen. >> happen? >> could happen. >> well,an? >> could happen. >> well, the show is nearly oven >> well, the show is nearly over, so let's take another quick look at monday's front pages. the daily mail leads with generation sick. note that is, young people not going to work . young people not going to work. and we've got old people here working , putting them to shame. working, putting them to shame. the guardian leads with sunak urged to speak out as islamophobia row deepens. the times has cleverly warns of i fakes threat to election . fakes threat to election. although you can sort of tell when it's i there's not the right number of fingers. the telegraph has red wall revolt over anderson's sacking. the express has damning claims of 250,000 extra migrants a year under labour. i assume that's on top of the 1.2 million we're already getting under the tories . and finally, the daily star has wet , wet, wet . and finally, the daily star has wet, wet, wet and . and finally, the daily star has wet , wet, wet and those were has wet, wet, wet and those were front pages and that's all we have time for tonight. thank you to my guest, lewis schaffer and nick dixon. headliners will be
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back. will be back tomorrow at 11 simon evans , steve 11 pm. with simon evans, steve n allen and nick. and if you're watching at 5 am, do stay tuned for breakfast. good night and good morning . good morning. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers spot of weather up. boxt boilers spot of weather on gb news is . on gb news is. >> hello there. i'm jonathan vautrey here of your gb news weather forecast provided by the met office . february is met office. february is continuing on its reasonably unsettled picture and it has been a very wet end to the weekend for many southern areas of england. we've got this band of england. we've got this band of rain continuing sweep of rain continuing to sweep its way particularly way eastwards, particularly for southeastern overnight southeastern england, overnight and of and into the early hours of tomorrow morning. some very persistent could persistent rainfall could provide some disruption and localised flooding in places, so do take care further do continue to take care further north. there will be some clear spells some spells overnight, but some showers frozen showers falling on frozen surfaces where we see a patchy frost developing parts of frost developing across parts of scotland, so we might see some icy stretches first thing on monday there monday morning. otherwise there will for will be some sunny intervals for many this rain the
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many of us, but this rain in the far will take far southeast will just take a little of time eventually little bit of time to eventually clear a brisk clear its way off. quite a brisk north easterly breeze coming in off north sea, and going off the north sea, and is going to make quite and to make it feel quite cold and crisp. just crisp. some showers just filtering for north filtering in on that for north eastern eastern eastern england and eastern scotland as well. temperatures will around where we'd expect will be around where we'd expect them time of year, them to be for the time of year, but as i said, that cold breeze could make it feel a could certainly make it feel a little tuesday. little bit bitter into tuesday. this of high pressure that this ridge of high pressure that has brought us fine has brought us the fine conditions monday slowly conditions on monday will slowly slip its way southwards, allowing front then allowing this cold front to then move from the move its way in from the northwest. increasingly northwest. so increasingly turning for turning wet and windy for scotland ireland. scotland and northern ireland. first as that first thing, we'll watch as that front pushes its way front slowly pushes its way south eastwards during the day front slowly pushes its way sowilleastwards during the day front slowly pushes its way sowill tend'ards during the day front slowly pushes its way sowill tend tois during the day front slowly pushes its way sowill tend to fizzle ng the day front slowly pushes its way sowill tend to fizzle out,1e day it will tend to fizzle out, turning lighter and patchier, so certainly south—east certainly the far south—east will good portion will stay dry for a good portion of we continue to see of the day. we continue to see though further bands of rain and showers moving their way in throughout of throughout the second half of the enjoy the rest of the week, but enjoy the rest of your evening by that warm feeling from boxt boilers feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> good evening a top stories from the gb newsroom. labour is demanding assurances that the suspended tory mp lee anderson won't have the whip returned. the former deputy chair still refusing to apologise for saying the london mayor was controlled by islamist . its shadow cabinet by islamist. its shadow cabinet office minister, jonathan ashworth, has now written to rishi sunak to confirm that he won't be allowed back into the party won't be allowed back into the party by won't be allowed back into the party by deputy prime minister oliver dowden says he does not believe mr anderson is an islamophobe , and he told camilla islamophobe, and he told camilla tominey this morning while it was right to remove the whip , he was right to remove the whip, he couldn't say whether it would be returned . returned. >> is going to be allowed >> is he going to be allowed back into the conservative party if shows more contrition ? if he shows more contrition? well that's a matter for the
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chief whip. >> but we've set out the reasons why the whip withdrawn was that failure to apologise ? that's m atter. >> matter. >> you can't rule out him returning, having the whip returned. he may have the whip returned. he may have the whip returned. will he? if he apologises? >> i certainly i, i certainly i certainly wouldn't rule that out but that's a matter for the chief whip. >> another debate on gaza will be held in the commons after the chaotic vote on wednesday. the snp says it will take up the speaken snp says it will take up the speaker. sir lindsay hoyle's offer of a meaningful debate on a new ceasefire motion. there was uproar after he allowed mps to vote on a labour amendment leading to calls for his resignation. snp westminster leader steven flynn says his party will seek to move the debate forward . that will push debate forward. that will push parliament to support what he describes as concrete action, as . migrants have been intercepted trying to cross the channel for the first time in a week. 290 people were found on six small boats. today and were taken to the border force, processed
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centre in dover.


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