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tv   Farage  GB News  February 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am GMT

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to you. well, the top evening to you. well, the top story from the newsroom tonight is that the london mayor, sadiq khan , has now lee khan, has now accused lee anderson of pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobe . here the flames of islamophobe. here he speaking after the prime he was speaking after the prime minister described the former tory deputy chairman's remarks as unacceptable refusing to as unacceptable but refusing to say they were islamophobic. earlier, mr anderson admitted his words had been clumsy when he suggested islamists had got control of the mayor of london. he said he'd intended to highlight what he believes is mr khan's failure to tackle pro—palestine protests . sadiq pro—palestine protests. sadiq khan says rishi sunak needs to clearly condemn the remark. >> it's been more than two days now since this senior conservative made comments that were clearly racist , anti—muslim were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islam phobic and still no firm condemnation from the leader of the conservative party. the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior conservative saying things that are clearly racist , conservative saying things that are clearly racist, anti—muslim and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading
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to an environment where anti—muslim crime is spiralling and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . islamophobia. >> the sadiq khan . islamophobia. >> the sadiq khan. but islamophobia. >> the sadiq khan . but rishi >> the sadiq khan. but rishi sunak says he has taken the appropriate action. >> most important thing is that the words were wrong. they were ill judged, they were unacceptable and that's what i believe. and that's why the whip has been suspended. and i think, i everyone can see that i think everyone can see that tensions already running i think everyone can see that tensicand already running i think everyone can see that tensicand whateady running i think everyone can see that tensicand what lady running i think everyone can see that tensicand what i want|nning i think everyone can see that tensicand what i want|nn do, high. and what i want to do, i think what the country wants to see is the heat taken out of this debate . and i think that's this debate. and i think that's the right do. the right thing to do. >> rishi sunak other >> rishi sunak well, in other news today, leader of the news today, the leader of the scottish in scottish national party in westminster, stephen flynn, says the speaker the house has the speaker of the house has broken word after refused broken his word after he refused an snp application for an emergency debate on gaza . it's emergency debate on gaza. it's after the commons was thrown into turmoil last week when sir lindsay hoyle allowed a labour amendment to the snp's motion on the same subject. mr flynn described today's decision as outrageous and the number of mps
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demanding a no confidence vote in the speaker has now reached 80. the nhs is said to be under severe pressure as junior doctors continue their third day of strike action across england , of strike action across england, andifs of strike action across england, and it's the 10th time doctors have stopped work since march as their bitter row with the government over pay continues . government over pay continues. doctor robert lawrenson, from the british medical association, says the government is happy for the strikes to proceed . add the strikes to proceed. add rishi sunak said though, that his government had delivered record funding health record funding for the health service . and lastly, farmers service. and lastly, farmers have been outside eu offices in brussels today throwing eggs and spraying manure, as well as blocking streets with their tractors. all in a protest against cheap supermarket prices. riot police were seen firing water cannon as eu ministers arrived for meetings on the growing crisis. the farmers are demanding action from the european union on free trade agreements, which they blame for damaging european farming. it's the latest in a series of similar protests across the bloc, with the eu
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already moving to weaken some of its green policies . for the very its green policies. for the very latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code that should come up on your screen anytime now or go to gb news common shirts. now let's take you live to florida for. farage well . good evening. farage well. good evening. >> i should have been back in london following the cpac conference last week, but i'm actually in west palm beach in florida, and that's because a friend of mine who lives here, quite a well—known yeah. quite a well—known fella. yeah. all good. have sit all good, all good. have a sit down and a bit of a meeting with me. so after the show , i'll be me. so after the show, i'll be going to see him. i can assure you can guess who that might be. so it's all lee anderson, the national debate around . national debate is all around. lee anderson islam phobia. lee anderson and islam phobia. let's just remind ourselves what lee anderson said , speaking to lee anderson said, speaking to gb news at the weekend.
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>> i don't actually believe that these islamists have got control of our country, but what i do believe is they've got control of khan and they've got control of khan and they've got control of london, and they've got control of storm as well. and we've seen the shocking scenes played out in parliament just a few nights back, where starmer crumbled. he put pressure on the speaker to alter rules, if speaker to alter the rules, if you like, for the nature the you like, for the nature of the debate the ultimate voting. debate and the ultimate voting. and this this is a result of weak leadership . weak leadership. >> well , that was lee anderson. >> well, that was lee anderson. and he's got in trouble because apparently that is islamophobia in fact, according to sadiq khan, it's far worse than that. let's have a look. it's been more than two days now since this senior conservative made comments that were clearly racist , anti—muslim comments that were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islam phobic and still no firm condemnation from . the leader of condemnation from. the leader of the conservative party. >> the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior conservative saying things that are clearly racist, anti—muslim
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and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading to an environment where anti—muslim crime is spiral ing, and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . islamophobia. >> and it seems to me most of our political class and much of our political class and much of our mainstream media don't want to discuss what happened last week, don't want to discuss the intimidation of members of parliament, don't want to discuss the scenes that we witnessed in parliament square last week. remember this is what was put up on big ben on the elizabeth tower last week, and you can see it on your screens from the to river the sea. and we know what that means. it doesn't just mean the eradication of israel as a country. it means the eradication of the jewish people that actually live there . and that actually live there. and yet, i think we're having the wrong debate. i think this is a deliberate diversion by a political class that do not want to face up or recognise the responsibility they have for what is happening in our country . shocking scenes. i mean, lisa nandy today confirming that she
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literally has .to carry a police alarm in her pocket everywhere she goes . fight breaking out in she goes. fight breaking out in bradford just last night outside a kebab shop because the kebab owner sells coca—cola , who owner sells coca—cola, who apparently are a pro israel organisation and individual threats against members of parliament getting worse , as parliament getting worse, as evidenced by mike freer deciding in the north london mp that he simply won't stand again at the next election. let me tell you why this is a diversion , why why this is a diversion, why we're not having a proper debate so khan there, you saw accusing anderson of being anti—muslim, islamophobic , racist. that's the islamophobic, racist. that's the same mayor of london. the very same mayor of london. the very same mayor of london. the very same mayor of london who didn't say a word about what happened in parliament square last week , in parliament square last week, didn't say a word about from the river to the sea being projected onto big ben. and i'm not going to say that the way lee anderson put his words was necessarily
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the brightest use of english. but mr khan, if you're worried about racism , um, if you're about racism, um, if you're worried about discrimination , worried about discrimination, what about what's being said to jews in london.7 the city that you're the mayor of.7 what about those scenes in parliament square last week? i'm waiting. i'm waiting to hear you say something. so folks, let me know. do you think lee anderson should have been kicked out and farage at gb news? com well, it isn't just in london that shocking things have been happening because a meeting up in stoke on trent at the weekend led to the most extraordinary scenes. and joining me is the member of parliament for stoke on trent north, john gullies, jonathan, just tell us very briefly what the event was and what happened. well thank you, nigel, for having me on. >> i mean, what happened was it was a fundraiser for our police and crime commissioner, ben adams. we had a fundraising event at a local restaurant, a group of or hate mob. let's be perfectly frank, nigel turned up to that they were obviously
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to spew that they were obviously pro—palestinian protesters. and what shocked me the most of all is cctv footage showed a police officer appearing to stand by as 4 to 5 men walked past and up the stairs to the private venue room that we were hiring, shouting and screaming, intimidating and harassing people as young as an 11 year old girl who was the daughter of one of our local councillors, that they were somehow part of a genocidal, they were genocidal, that they were murderers killers, murderers and child killers, which abhorrent, which is completely abhorrent, completely and i'm completely unacceptable. and i'm pleased that it's now seen that for at least four people as of today have have arrested, today have have been arrested, as confirmed earlier on the floor the house the floor of the house by the policing minister. but this type of thing cannot go on. this intimidatory behaviour should not and certainly not be allowed and i certainly won't cowered. i think you not be allowed and i certainly won't me cowered. i think you not be allowed and i certainly won't me well,ed. i think you not be allowed and i certainly won't me well, nigel. link you not be allowed and i certainly won't me well, nigel. |ircertainly know me well, nigel. i certainly won't standing back to know me well, nigel. i certainly won't type :anding back to know me well, nigel. i certainly won't type of ding back to know me well, nigel. i certainly won't type of morons:k to know me well, nigel. i certainly won't type of morons who to know me well, nigel. i certainly won't type of morons who simply these type of morons who simply want to push their extremist ideology in our community, in fact, nigel, one of the individuals who organised this as 2015, was promoting as of as of 2015, was promoting that he was member of hizb that he was a member of hizb ut—tahrir now proscribed ut—tahrir and now proscribed terrorist by ut—tahrir and now proscribed terr police by ut—tahrir and now proscribed terrpolice standing by ut—tahrir and now proscribed terrpolice standing aside 3y the
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the police standing aside at the doom the police standing aside at the door, imagine what could have potentially to those potentially happened to those men, and children inside men, women and children inside that . that venue. >> no, i mean that is truly, truly shocking. um, but jonathan, why are the police, whether it's in westminster where nobody has been arrested from saying from the river to the sea, and why are the police in stoke allowing people to go in stoke allowing people to go in and gatecrash a private dinner? what do we need to do with our police forces ? with our police forces? >> well, first of all, nigel, i think we're falling into this trap that somehow we've got to police by community consent. but that that the mob that always means that the mob will because law will always win, because the law abiding citizens abiding residents and citizens who the right thing, who are doing the right thing, using a private venue in a private function room, somehow had cancelled because had to be cancelled because a few outside were angry few people outside were angry for it's very simple. the for me, it's very simple. the police enforce police need to actually enforce the looking the law rather than looking for excuses to why they can't. excuses as to why they can't. that selling people that that means selling people that they're disrupting the public, that they're that obviously they're causing a harassment intimidation. harassment and intimidation. and for are being for those who are being completely irate actually completely irate that actually locking in the back locking them up in the back of vans. those are yet to vans. so those who are yet to get that level see exactly get to that level see exactly what that's going to
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what it is that's going to happen, rather than, sadly, as we see, take a to the we see, take a knee to the extremist anti—semitism extremist mob, the anti—semitism that's in the streets of that's awash in the streets of london and across our country is completely the fact that abhorrent. and the fact that people feeling emboldened, people are feeling emboldened, particularly after what the speaker starmer speaker and sir keir starmer cooked up last week, has led to scenes we've seen on your scenes as we've seen on your screens scei'ies as we've seei'i on your screens i'iow, scenes as we've seen on your screens now, that places screens just now, that in places like where you like stoke on trent, where you know, nigel, people voted overwhelmingly to back you and others back control of others to take back control of our borders and our laws and our borders and expect policing to take expect firm policing to take place. abiding place. so the law abiding majority enjoy their lives . majority can enjoy their lives. >> no, absolutely. the final thought, jonathan, if i may , uh, thought, jonathan, if i may, uh, lee anderson, member of parliament, not too far away from you in terms of geography, has had the whip removed . and, has had the whip removed. and, you know, his words may have been a little bit clumsy , uh, been a little bit clumsy, uh, but should he have had the whip removed? >> look, the prime minister by his own admission, was put in a very difficult situation, as was the chief whip. and so therefore i back prime minister and i do back the prime minister and the in decision that the chief whip in decision that they're but i also hope they're made. but i also hope that can come back to the that lee can come back to the conservative party soon as conservative party as soon as
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possible. he's a huge possible. i think he's a huge asset our party, someone asset to our party, someone who's strong voice who's been a very strong voice on issues over a period of on key issues over a period of time that i've been shoulder to shoulder particularly shoulder with on, particularly both migration both legal and illegal migration on. think it's on. and ultimately, i think it's a voice for the wall. a strong voice for the red wall. and see yourself, nigel, and and i see yourself, nigel, and others reform. uh tempting others in reform. uh tempting him to over. but i don't him to come over. but i don't think that's right to think that's the right thing to do. think we want him in the do. i think we want him in the conservative party, and i hope that can find a way forward. that we can find a way forward. and i hope, look, at the end of the say sorry, as the day, lee can say sorry, as you say, being clumsy with you say, for being clumsy with his but it can still his language, but it can still stand very firm in the fact that the police crime commissioner of london, khan, has london, who is sadiq khan, has allowed tube drivers to allowed tfl tube drivers to shout shout over tannoy from shout shout over the tannoy from the sea. we've the river to the sea. we've had bus drivers pick up bus drivers refusing to pick up jewish that's all. jewish students, that's all. under and under his under his watch and under his leadership, and therefore he should accountable by should be held accountable by the people. >> absolutely. for >> absolutely. thank you for reinforcing made reinforcing the point i made earlier. jonathan gallus, thank you on. nigel you again for coming on. nigel well, slightly well, maybe to get a slightly different perspective. thank you. sheikh you. i'm joined by imam sheikh ramzy maybe us ramzy to maybe give us a different perspective of different perspective on all of this. um, welcome back on to the
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program . um, i mean, let's face program. um, i mean, let's face it, there were some pretty awful things happening last week, including the intimidation of elected members of parliament. i mean, this is just not acceptable, is it? um you have it. >> you have you have a point of course. but the important thing is, at the moment, how we can how we can eradicate this islamophobia and anti—semitism. it's very important because as, of course, sadiq khan says, uh, you have to remember , uh, mr you have to remember, uh, mr anderson just pointed at the sadiq khan and he said, you are islamist or islamic, uh, people controlling you. and this is this may not be a right thing to say to the to the to the, uh, to the person is a mayor of the mayor of the london, and he's trying to keep the keep the london safe and keep the londoners happy . it is very, londoners happy. it is very, very important we understand this, however he says, he says, you put the you put the, uh, petrol in a, in a flame to , to
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petrol in a, in a flame to, to get it higher. what we need to do, i think of course , i believe do, i think of course, i believe if the, if the mr anderson was saying apology not to me, not to muslims, only to sadiq khan because he's pointed to sadiq khan, not to all muslim. he did not say all muslim are, for example , muslim or terrorism is example, muslim or terrorism is completely , uh, islamophobia . completely, uh, islamophobia. but what he said is point ing to the sadiq khan and sadiq khan should himself sorted and sorted out, uh , to come to the out, uh, to come to the conclusion that that it was a, it was a kind of a kind of element of i believe the element of islamophobe was in there. some people say a lot if he could choose his word, his word , could choose his word, his word, instead of the islamist , muslim instead of the islamist, muslim or muslim , uh, helping or muslim, uh, helping christian, helping jew. but when you bring islamist word that has got an element of islamophobia because people think , oh, what because people think, oh, what is the islamist? is that a kind
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of kind of jihadist? and suddenly get fear of the muslim and if the people fear of each other, there is no integration , other, there is no integration, there is no cohesion, there is no, uh, understanding everything fall apart. therefore, what we need to do is exactly the same as i said before, the anti semitism and islamophobia should go together . not one. yeah, it go together. not one. yeah, it is i agree eradicate sheikh ramzi but that's all i agree i agree i think what you've just said there is incredibly sensible. >> we should treat both of these things as seriously as each other. and thank you for coming on the show. pleasure, pleasure and i do hope sadiq khan listens in.thank and i do hope sadiq khan listens in. thank you. i do hope that sadiq khan listens to what sheikh ramsey's just said because, you know, he is literally, as mayor of london, ignored bring what's being said and done to the jewish community. the intimidation of elected politicians and pointing the finger at lee anderson . that
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the finger at lee anderson. that is at best double standards. now a big interview is going to be played tonight from 9:00 on gb news by patrick christys. and of course, he's had a sit down with lee anderson here to give us a taster of what's to come. is patrick himself ? patrick himself? >> yes. well, nigel, it looks lovely where you are, i must say, but i was trapped in the gb news bunker earlier on with lee anderson and our political edhon anderson and our political editor, christopher hope. and this the interview this is the interview that's going the news going to be leading the news agenda tomorrow. there's no doubt about that. you can get a first glimpse of it tonight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. impse of it tonight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. wese of it tonight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. we do )f it tonight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. we do haveonight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. we do have a|ight from doubt about that. you can get a fi|p.m. we do have a little rom 9 pm. we do have a little taster of you of it for you. >> if mayor khan is not >> now, if mayor khan is not coming tv or any media coming out on tv or any media channel and saying, this is disgusting, what's happening on our london, we should our streets in london, we should not graphics being not have these graphics being flashed is flashed onto big ben. this is shocking. terrible . i shocking. this is terrible. i will down on this if he's will clamp down on this if he's not saying that, then he's lost control and you can't blame the police for this. he controls the police. that's his job. >> it's fair to say, police. that's his job. >> it's fairto say, nigel, police. that's his job. >> it's fair to say, nigel, that lee anderson is in no mood to
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apologise , but we do move the apologise, but we do move the discussion on quite significantly. if i was rishi sunak, would pay very close sunak, i would pay very close attention anderson attention to what lee anderson says planning doing attention to what lee anderson sa'the planning doing attention to what lee anderson sa'the next planning doing attention to what lee anderson sa'the next general1ing doing attention to what lee anderson sa'the next general election.oing attention to what lee anderson sa'the next general election. i ng at the next general election. i would also be paying very close attention to some of the comments anderson comments that lee anderson reveals he's received other reveals he's received from other mps. also ask lee about mps. i did also ask lee about whether or not he feels as though his comments have distracted from the very real conversation that needs to be had about islamism. um, and not simply islamophobe . here he was simply islamophobe. here he was pressed at times , especially by pressed at times, especially by our deputy, sorry, by our chief political christopher political editor, christopher hope. a heck of a lot to hope. there's a heck of a lot to go out tonight. it's a long form interview , split over parts. interview, split over two parts. make you tune for in 9 make sure that you tune for in 9 pm. we certainly will. >> patrick, thank you very much indeed. after the break. well, the just miss secretary, alex chalk has written a newspaper article saying we're going to start deporting foreign criminals. but haven't we been heanng criminals. but haven't we been hearing that from conservative ministers ? pretty much every ministers? pretty much every year since 2010? are those statements even worth a row of
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beans as
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listening to gb news radio. >> well, 1 or 2 of your thoughts coming in, caroline says, no, i don't think lee should have been reprimanded for telling the truth. and terry says, lee anderson has echoed the thoughts of millions of us and time for one more, gareth says khan has found a way in defending his inept, totally useless running of london by calling lee anderson a racist. i think there is quite , in my view, a lot of is quite, in my view, a lot of truth in that now . an article truth in that now. an article overnight from alex chalk, he's the lord chancellor and justice secretary and he says that low level foreign offenders should be given conditional cautions under which they'll be expelled and returned for, you know , and returned for, you know, banned from coming back to the country. he's also trying to build on the agreements with albania. last year , reaching out
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albania. last year, reaching out to poland and romania to get rid of more serious criminals. but i've got a slight problem with this, because if you look at your screens now, you'll see these promises have been made virtually every single year since the conservatives got elected in 2010. year after year after year, foreign criminals to be deported , the tory party be deported, the tory party tough on law and order. don't make me laugh . well, i'm joined make me laugh. well, i'm joined by gerry hayes , criminal by gerry hayes, criminal barrister at goldsmith chambers and of course, a former conservative member of parliament himself . and gerry, parliament himself. and gerry, you know, when i look at all what i look at, all of this fine, it all reads great, but nothing ever seems to happen. and the real problem here, of course, is that under the human rights which incorporates rights act, which incorporates the echr , all of these the echr, all of these deportations can be individually challenged . and that's why challenged. and that's why nothing much ever really happens i >> -- >> no, not really. um, the fact of the matter is, there are too
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many people in prison. there are too many people in prison because they've got drug problems. alcohol problems. get those people out. let's keep the real, real villains there . real, real villains there. >> well, i understand that, gerry, but if somebody you know who comes from another country , who comes from another country, um, has a drug problem, and. but because of that, has used it to commit, you know, serious assaults, violent assaults against people . i mean, surely against people. i mean, surely we should have the right as a sovereign state to get rid of him . him. >> well, we do, we do. we can send them back . um, why we send them back. um, why we haven't done this years ago is a complete and utter mystery to me . never mind. just send the mike . all those people who've committed serious sexual offences , serious, uh, crime offences, serious, uh, crime times. uh, again , just people's times. uh, again, just people's bodies . yeah. send them back. we
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bodies. yeah. send them back. we can do that . well if we can do can do that. well if we can do that, why don't we do that? >> and how is it that in so many of these cases, they go to lawyers? you know , who put in lawyers? you know, who put in rights to a family life or whatever it may be that they've established that since they've been this country . how? been in this country. how? jerry, i'm saying to you is jerry, what i'm saying to you is you agree with you in you know, i agree with you in what say, but it doesn't what you say, but it doesn't happen because of legal happen because of the legal challenges. no i'm not so sure about this. >> the lefty lawyers, i, i just don't get that. i don't i don't don't get that. i don't i don't do immigration law. i just do crime and things like that. but when you go back to the basics, there are people out there who who should not be in british prisons . they should be sent prisons. they should be sent back to their countries of origin . why should we have to origin. why should we have to pay origin. why should we have to pay for them ? um pay for them? um >> so. so why, jerry , final >> so. so why, jerry, final thought on this. yes fine. i agree with you. absolutely i'm
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sure many of our viewers agree with you as well. how is it in year four? in year 14 of a conservative government that it's not being done well ? it's not being done well? >> well, there's the problem. >> well, there's the problem. >> and there's the problem for you, nigel farage, are you going to stand for parliament and be the next tory leader ? the next tory leader? >> well, i tell you what, jerry . >> well, i tell you what, jerry. whatever i was to do or not to do in future, um, getting rid of the human rights act would be one of the first things i did. oh jerry hayes. >> no, no, no, no. >> bad bad bad. >> bad bad bad. >> thank you . >> thank you. >> thank you. >> well, a lawyer would say that a lawyer wouldn't say that. okay, well , thank you, jerry. okay, well, thank you, jerry. >> cheers , mate. >> cheers, mate. >> cheers, mate. >> nice to say, folks. i thought thank you . i thought the chances thank you. i thought the chances of jerry and i agreeing were somewhat limited and sure enough, they were, although done in quite a friendly and jovial way . now, a report coming out way. now, a report coming out
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tomorrow from the henry jackson society suggesting quite strongly that the policies we've already seen from labour on immigration, on eu returns, policies, etc. could put immigration coming into britain up immigration coming into britain ”p by immigration coming into britain up by about a quarter of a million a year. well, someone who's written about this and got a preview of the henry jackson work is professor azeem ibrahim obe . um, explain please to our obe. um, explain please to our viewers what is it about starmer's policies that could lead to this very big increase in legal immigration? >> well, nigel, as you're aware, you know, the immigration is going to be a major election issue this year along with the nhs and cost of living crisis . nhs and cost of living crisis. and we compile this report specifically to look at one of these major issues. we did a very deep analysis of, uh, starmer. what he stands for and what his immigration policy will actually result in. and we are now in a situation in which we
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are entering the age of migration, immigration is only going to increase and the policy makers throughout the west have not really got a good grasp of this. and the conclusion we've come to in this report is that under starmer, immigration is bound to increase quite dramatic into the simply because its into the uk simply because its flagship policies are just not workable for example, his policy of smashing the gangs, the trafficking gangs , it's just trafficking gangs, it's just completely unrealistic , along completely unrealistic, along with this idea that he will come to some sort of agreement on a quota system, uh, with the eu to return, uh, illegal immigrants. and neither of these , on and neither of these, on examination with experts , have examination with experts, have been shown to be workable in any shape or form . now and the other shape or form. now and the other thing, of course, that you know, could happen, i suppose, is that people coming in as care workers , as you know, have just been told that they can't bring independence with them. >> but labour could conceivably be soften on that one too. couldn't they. >> yeah. well, that is part of
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the policy that labour is looking at as will most more more than likely soften more than likely will be soften on approach . but i think on that approach. but i think the biggest concern the the biggest concern to the british people not those british people is not those people are coming people that are coming legitimately coming as legitimately and coming as workers. concern is workers. the biggest concern is those are coming those that are coming by illegally, our entry illegally, by boat to our entry in country. and think that in the country. and i think that is biggest issue . the is the biggest issue. and the idea starmer is going to idea that starmer is going to break up these gangs is just fanciful. and i can give you a very good analogy of this, nigel. the united nigel. you know, the united states spent over $1 states has spent over $1 trillion in the war on drugs, one of the wealthiest, the most powerful world. powerful countries in the world. and time, drug supply and since that time, drug supply into the united states has only increased this simply increased. and this is simply because demand and because of the demand and because of the demand and because there's such a huge demand and so lucrative , demand and it's so lucrative, and people carrying people, these smuggling gangs is exponentially , actually more exponentially, actually more lucrative than carrying any cargo, any cargo that sees drugs or anything else is you know, seized and destroyed with people . they're simply returned. and they trying and trying they just keep trying and trying again. having a we again. and we're having a we have are now in a situation have we are now in a situation in which the populations in the
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developing to developing world are going to increase dramatically . and increase quite dramatically. and those when their basic those people, when their basic needs met, they will needs are not met, they will simply . this is the simply move. this is now the beginning of age of beginning of the age of migration, no country has migration, and no country has been able figure a very been able to figure out a very strong policy in order to deter this. this why i believe that this. this is why i believe that the policy is the only the rwanda policy is the only one is actually going to one that is actually going to work. it is the most humane policy, and it's going be the policy, and it's going to be the most effective one. >> well, yes. apart from our old friend, the human rights act final thought, azeem, from you, the labour party have now hit back and said that this report is garbage , full of falsehoods is garbage, full of falsehoods and fanciful figures . and fanciful figures. >> well, that was expected from the labour party, but the fact is, i'm actually doing the labour party a huge favour by pointing out the holes, because i want to see a robust immigration policy, a humane immigration policy, a humane immigration targets immigration policy that targets genuine seekers from the genuine asylum seekers from the source, not economic migrants , source, not economic migrants, most of whom are young men who have given people smugglers between 5 to ,15,000. and to be
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quite frank , are very robust quite frank, are very robust individuals. you put them in any environment. those people will survive. you know, you can take them to rwanda, you can take them to rwanda, you can take them elsewhere. those people will quite well out of it as will do quite well out of it as those are genuine asylum those that are genuine asylum seekers, you know, are victims of genocide and victims of massacres. those are the ones that we have to kind of we have to and those the to target, and those are the ones should aim our ones that we should aim our immigration to. yeah immigration policy to. yeah >> well, a policy that the great british public could see as being fair and reasonable. ibrahim azeem ibrahim, thank you very joining me. very much indeed forjoining me. now, the row over de—banking just simply never, ever goes away. in a moment, i'll tell you what's happened to the charity that runs the battle of britain memorial
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march is, is, is they're organised by the bnp, but if there's a march earlier on gb news radio . right on top of the news radio. right on top of the white cliffs of dover between folkestone and dover, there's a little village called capel le
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ferne, and there you'll find right on top of the cliff, a memorial to the pilots that took part in the battle of britain. >> 3000 young men, mostly from this country. but others came. many from poland, the czech many came from poland, the czech republic, , canada, republic, australia, canada, even a few from america. and of course it was the efforts of those men in spitfires and hurricanes that stopped a certain nazi invasion. and it is a beautiful memorial. i've visited it several times . well, visited it several times. well, can you believe that even that even this , this is now facing de even this, this is now facing de de—banking and the honorary secretary as group captain tootle, who joins me now down the line, patrick, how on earth. how on earth has your charity , how on earth has your charity, uh, you know, remembering this vitally important piece of history? how on earth have you found yourselves being debunked ? found yourselves being debunked? >> well, i can't understand it. i mean, the battle's been going on for two years. they wrote me
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a letter and said, oh , you're a letter and said, oh, you're not the right entity . you've got not the right entity. you've got to go from one account to another account . so i said, another account. so i said, i don't understand this entity, which is according to the section 27 of the laundry money act . i don't think we do a lot act. i don't think we do a lot of money laundering in the battle of britain, but what annoyed me was i said, we are a legal entity. you go on to the, uh, charity commission website and there we are, still there , and there we are, still there, because when we changed to a c10 , uh, a charitable , uh, , uh, a charitable, uh, incorporated organisation , incorporated organisation, asian, we kept the old charity number going because from 2000 up to 2017, we probably still receiving some legacies. so so it appeared in wills. it was a battle britain memorial trust, not the trust was cio on the end . so they i kept saying to them, what is wrong with our entity ? what is wrong with our entity? anyway, i got halfway through it and last year and they said don't worry about it. you know,
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we can give you a the same account number, same sort code number, and you won't have to tell your people to stop. uh standing orders or change them. and then finally , i get and then finally, i get something at the end of october said, we've closed your account. that was from a different branch. so we're sitting there with beginning of the year. all our orders come in. it's about £8,000 at and it's a good cash flow in the fallow years . in flow in the fallow years. in january, visiting the memorial. so i had to call the call a couple of staff members and we wrote all these people were costing us £200 and said, this is the problem, but i understand barclays are fixing it. i then got told at the end of, um, end of january, no, we can't, we can't transfer or move the banker's order to a new account or anything like that. so so that's it. and then i've got a final call in, um, or it's unbelievable. >> it is. >> it is. >> it is. >> i mean, you know, it's unbelievable. >> it's unbelievable. i mean ,
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>> it's unbelievable. i mean, and also, i mean, you know, it seems it seems that, you know, the money laundering, terrorist finance and transfer of funds, regulations of 2017 are what's caught you out . but, um, surely caught you out. but, um, surely the bank could show you some flexibility . but what are you flexibility. but what are you going to do next? you're thousands of pounds out. what is your next move? >> well, at the moment, i'm actually at this evening, before i came on, i've been mailing out to the 285 people with their magazine . we have an annual magazine. we have an annual magazine. we have an annual magazine giving them a new standing order for the cia bank account and get it on getting on the way , you know, wasting my the way, you know, wasting my time. when i got to do other things to keep keep the trust up and running. yeah, i've closed the account. they kindly gave me. >> thank you. yeah >> thank you. yeah >> please give me the 9000. >> please give me the 9000. >> thank you for coming on. sorry. yeah thank you for coming on.thank sorry. yeah thank you for coming on. thank you for coming on and giving it this to us as an exclusive story. and in return, we're going to put on our
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website your details so that people can give money to the battle of britain trust. it's on the screen. now for those of you at home, if you want to help this, and it really is a magnificent memorial to an extraordinary piece of human history and it's led and run by people like patrick wright . people like patrick wright. right. moving on. farmers are not about to stop their protests. in fact , you could protests. in fact, you could argue that today in brussels, those protests have actually become even bigger. uh, those protests have actually become even bigger . uh, possibly become even bigger. uh, possibly a little touch more violent . and a little touch more violent. and what are they complaining about? they're complaining about cheap foreign imports. they're complaining about supermarket pricing, but they're also complaining about net zero policies, whether that's on carbon emissions. me ethane emissions, use of nitrate . emissions, use of nitrate. that's farmers particularly small farmers feel they are being put under unbelievable levels of red tape. and that
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it's too costly and it's untenable . and the truth of it untenable. and the truth of it is that the european commission and the whole net zero movement want there to be fewer cows . want there to be fewer cows. they want us to have vegan style diets and that is going to put many of these people out of work. what is interesting is this ever since the formation of the common agricultural policy, farmers all over europe have received their subsidies. knowing that it's come from the european institutions, knowing that it's come from the european commission and in line with that, a lot of farmers across the continent have been pro eu . the continent have been pro eu. believe you me, they're becoming far less pro eu and that is all part of what is going to build up to be, i think, an extraordinary european elections, which take place across europe , across across the across europe, across across the european union. but in the sixth and 9th of june this year, now , and 9th of june this year, now, and 9th of june this year, now, a fascinating story that appeared in the mail on sunday, yesterday , today it's running in yesterday, today it's running in the mail today. yesterday, today it's running in the mail today . and it's all to the mail today. and it's all to do with angela rayner and the
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story very simply is that she buys a property 15 years ago as part of the buy to let schemes or right to buy scheme. sorry and she gets a 25% discount on the house. she then a few years later gets married , has a couple later gets married, has a couple of kids and they're registered to the address of mr rayner. the kids are registered to the address of mr rayner , but angela address of mr rayner, but angela rayner goes on saying that she still lives at her original address in stockport, a vicarage road, as opposed to the newer address of lownds road. why is that a problem ? well, it's for that a problem? well, it's for two reasons, really. one, when it comes to registering with the electoral commission , you have electoral commission, you have to give your primary reason science. and it seems to us and particularly, you know, neighbours have confirmed that she wasn't there after she got married. and secondly, because she then sold the house a few weeks before coming a labour mp
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and thus it's fair of me to ask and thus it's fair of me to ask a question . has she evaded a question. has she evaded paying a question. has she evaded paying about 48,000 quid's worth of capital gains tax? because if you sell a house other than your primary one at a profit under law you have to pay capital gains tax not to do so. and in fact , even to register to fact, even to register to register falsely, your primary residence is a voting redcar house. if that's not where you live , that is also punishable . live, that is also punishable. and she's got some big questions to answer. and may i suggest, i think the labour party have some fairly big, you know , questions fairly big, you know, questions to answer very, very soon. rayner denies wrongdoing, but but just looking at these facts as they've been presented, if they're right, i would say there are two very, very big questions here. in a moment, we'll have a look who make the better workers . people in their 20s or people in their 40s. i have to say, the conclusions i think are pretty
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shocking . shocking. >> on patrick christie's tonight, 9 to 11 pm, it's the row threatening to tear the tories apart . following these tories apart. following these comments by lee anderson. >> these islamists have got control of our country . control of our country. >> but what i do believe is they've got control of khan sacked by his party, criticised by many. >> what he said was wrong. it was unacceptable. >> these comments from a senior conservative are islamophobic, are anti—muslim and are racist. >> now . >> now. >> now. >> now. >> now lee anderson speaks out. >> now lee anderson speaks out. >> um, i think the party could have given me a little bit more backing. who has got control of parliament square? is it the extremists or is it mayor khan ? extremists or is it mayor khan? i admit some of my speech was a little bit clumsy at times. >> tonight, lee anderson speaks exclusively to gb news on patrick christys tonight from 9 pm. be there
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i >> -- >>a -- >> a report by the resolution foundation has found this. people in their early 20s are more likely to be not working through ill health than those in their early 40s. surely this can't be possible . what it is can't be possible. what it is 1 in 20 young people are economically inactive due to ill health. we learn, and some of these numbers , i think are these numbers, i think are pretty disturbing . a survey done pretty disturbing. a survey done between 2021 and 22 found. wait for this . that 34% of young for this. that 34% of young people aged 18 to 24 reported symptoms of a mental disorder such as anxiety , i.e. depression such as anxiety, i.e. depression or being bipolar, and more than a half a million youngsters dunng a half a million youngsters during that year were put on, prescribed and antidepressants. and of course, we know once people go on, those often they stay on them for years and years to come. now, look, i understand
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that successive lockdowns that we had from our government have done a lot of harm to the mental balance of well—being of all ages of the population. it was in the end for the mind, a very, very damaging exercise . but i very damaging exercise. but i can't help feeling and i don't wish to downplay mental health problems, not for one little bit. but i can't help thinking that what we're now describing as being a mental health disorder are just the knocks of life . if you know things go life. if you know things go wrong, folks , we lose money. wrong, folks, we lose money. we're involved in a car accident . you know, our grandparents or parents died too young this is part of life. you have to take the knocks along the way and not say, ah, i'm seriously depressed or anxious as a result of this. i've got a mental health disorder. i think we are massively massive , highly
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massively massive, highly overprescribed not just the drugs , but the condition itself . drugs, but the condition itself. i'm not a doctor and maybe i'll be shouted down, but that's how i feel about it. well, i'm joined to debate this by charlie mullins, the founder of pimlico plumbers, and amy ansell, star of the apprentice. amy um, let's just far too many people not working, convincing themselves they've got mental health problems, when really it's all part of life. that's my view , nigel. >> i appreciate your view and i respect your view. however over suicide is the leading cause of death amongst people between the ages of 15 and 24. in england . ages of 15 and 24. in england. and that's a pretty serious and worrying statistic. so i really think we need to take mental health very seriously. i run a small business and if my staff member says i feel anxious, i feel depressed , i need to take
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feel depressed, i need to take off. i, of course, give them a day off, whereas as long as they need and the same thing goes, if they say, i have the flu or i have a cold, i treat mental health issues the same way i treat physical health issues. and i think everyone should do that. >> look . >> look. >> look. >> amy, i repeat the point. i'm not downplaying those with serious mental health problems, but if someone said to me, you know what? i don't fancy working today. i feel a bit anxious as well. i know what my response would be. stay there, charlie ? would be. stay there, charlie? charlie, what's going on? youngsters having increased rates of mental health problems and not wanting to go to work . and not wanting to go to work. how do you read this ? how do you read this? >> well, look, we all know that, uh , what amy just said is a load uh, what amy just said is a load of rubbish. the figures are wrong. anyhow um, of course they've not got mental health problems . they've not got mental health problems. it's a new word for being lazy . you can get away being lazy. you can get away with it. you can ring in. i've got a bad back or i've got mental health problems and. and unfortunately, you have to give them time it's load
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them the time off. it's a load of rubbish. absolute load of rubbish. in 41 years of rubbish. um, in 41 years of running a business, i never had one youngster ringing to say that can't come to work that he can't come to work because mental health because of mental health problems. it's the new word for bad back. it's new word for bad back. it's a new word for work. shy it's a new word for i've been out on the on the booze. um, that's what is evidently there sort of saying is that you can't get mental health problems by being too on much social media, drinking, drugs give you mental health problems , but these people , i'm problems, but these people, i'm telling you now, 99% of them are lying . simple as that. telling you now, 99% of them are lying . simple as that . all lying. simple as that. all right, all right, charlie, you couldn't be clearer. >> amy, you've heard what charlie has had to say. a guy who's been in for business 41 years employed a huge number of people. he's basically saying there's too many youngsters there's too many lazy youngsters . i appreciate that, charlie. >> and i think that it's actually quite disrespectful of the young people of today . and the young people of today. and that's because in 40 years, a lot has changed. there obviously
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is now so much more interest and attention on social media. there's cyber bullying , there's there's cyber bullying, there's a lot of negative impacts that social media has on people. it's a very lonely world. and so obviously there are new and impactful issues that affect people that are in the workforce. and in 40 years, i appreciate you're lucky not to have had these people all complained of mental health issues , but i am more sensitive issues, but i am more sensitive to the needs of my employees. and if they say they're suffering from a mental health issue like depression or anxiety , issue like depression or anxiety i , issue like depression or anxiety , i listen to them and i allow them to take the time off. if they need to do so. and i think that's respectful of their health. i see mental health, physical health as the same. so you should do the same. and you're didn't you're lucky that you didn't have to. yet any employee, i mean, let me just talk a minute. >> said you said you're more >> you said you said you're more sensitive to appg. >> charlie, come back . >> charlie, come back. >> charlie, come back. >> think it's a case of >> i don't think it's a case of being sensitive. it's a it's a case of being, you know, you're
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either switched on or you're not switched on. and if you want to allow people come up with allow people to come up with silly excuses, then carry on doing what you're doing and you'll of business. of you'll go out of business. of course, if someone's genuinely got problems , they got mental health problems, they will with a doctor will come in with a doctor certificate and you will know because they've got mental health problems, want health problems, you don't want them the them in the workplace in the first not run first place, but let's not run away with that. you're right and i'm wrong. i'm telling you now that apprentices that probably 1200 apprentices over the years, and not one of them has ever rung in with mental health problems, because the reason why is because they want come to work. they know want to come to work. they know that not to pay them that i'm not going to pay them if don't come to work. it's if they don't come to work. it's a excuse. look look, nobody a new excuse. look look, nobody ever rings in and says, i'm lazy or i've been on the booze or i've been out on the booze or, you know, i don't feel coming they come coming to work today. they come up an excuse because they up with an excuse because they think to pay them. think you're going to pay them. but gullible enough but if you're gullible enough to believe why me believe these people, why me then shouldn't be in business. >> thanks. well maybe you're >> oh, thanks. well maybe you're lucky that eamonn have mental health a eamonn. >> let me ask you, amy. let me ask you, amy, if your business
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if your business and you're running it and it's your money is on the verge of going under , is on the verge of going under, you don't want your staff having a day off saying they feel a bit anxious , do well i've been anxious, do you? well i've been very lucky, actually, because if my staff say they have to take off an extra day due to mental health issues, believe it or not, these young 20 somethings they do, they make up the time. >> i've seen that time and time again and you know , i think again and you know, i think because i respect. all right . because i respect. all right. >> well maybe. >> well maybe. >> but . >> but. >> but. >> folks i'm going to have to end it there. very passionate opinions on both sides of that argument. thank you . well, i argument. thank you. well, i don't know. i don't know. you think about it. generations that went before with them the last 100 years were put in khaki, whether they liked it or not, and sent off to fight wars. but hey, have we fundamentally changed human over changed this human beings over the the last hundred the course of the last hundred years? i don't think so. i just think we're overdiagnosing it. no doubt a heap of no doubt i'll get a heap of criticism daring to say that
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criticism for daring to say that i'm not underplaying gen duin mental problems. one mental health problems. one little bit now barclays bank have responded to the de—banking um, of the trust down on the white cliffs of dover and the battle of britain memorial trust . you can read their response. you can read it quickly now if you want to. if not, it'll be up on the gb news website now, coming up in a moment. we have got sir jacob rees—mogg coming up in a moment. we have got sirjacob rees—mogg and i wonder what jacob is going to say about lee anderson. oh well, at 8:00 or just after i will be saying exactly what i think about lee anderson, what he's been saying. >> the debate he's ignited and both sides of it, really what we have to worry about in terms of the threat from islamic terrorists , but also that not terrorists, but also that not all phraseology is perfect. so i'll be giving a balanced view, but i'll be coming down ultimately on one side and. >> very good, jacob. we look forward to that. well, folks, that's enough from me for florida for the day . um, i've
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florida for the day. um, i've got to go. i've got a meeting with a friend of mine. i'll tell you all about it tomorrow . you all about it tomorrow. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on . gb news. weather on. gb news. >> good evening . welcome to your >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb. news, weather update with me, annie, from the met office. it could be quite a cold and foggy start for some areas tomorrow morning. we'll also see some rain pushing to the some rain pushing in to the north west. we have got high north and west. we have got high pressure dominating the rest pressure dominating for the rest of day and the of the day and through the night, do also have this night, but we do also have this northeasterly breeze and cold air, will be a cold air, so it will be a cold evening and a cold night in fact, particularly where we're exposed to a stronger winds across southeast. but across the far southeast. but many a frost many areas will see a frost developing in inland rural areas. also there's a risk of some mist and fog, particularly across central and southeastern areas, where we have had quite a lot of rain recently. it will be a very cold start tomorrow and really down to minus really could be down to minus three the far
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three or four, but the far northwest frost will be more limited as some wet weather is arriving through the course of the night. that will bring a damp start to the day, particularly northern particularly for northern scotland, but wet weather scotland, but that wet weather will parts of southern will push into parts of southern scotland as well as north wales. northern scotland as well as north wales. northyof that rain through some of that rain through tuesday afternoon further south and should stay and east, so it should stay largely but will largely dry, but it will be a bit of cloudier day compared bit of a cloudier day compared to the rain will sink to today. the rain will sink into the southeast the into the southeast over the course tuesday night once course of tuesday night to once it though , we'll see it clears, though, we'll see another clear night and clear start to wednesday, potentially some but some further mist and fog. but then batch of rain then the next batch of rain arrives the west, this time arrives from the west, this time . into many western . so pushing into many western areas the through the areas of the uk through the morning and then further east later in the day. but that later on in the day. but that will pick the temperatures up a little bit, so temperatures will rise through wednesday and thursday before they fall again to week . to end the week. >> a brighter outlook with box to sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> hello, good evening , it's me, >> hello, good evening, it's me, jacob rees—mogg on state of the nafion jacob rees—mogg on state of the nation tonight. lee anderson has been suspended from the tory party after comments he made on gb news about sadiq khan and islamism in the national debate about islamophobia has been ignited. but tonight i will be defending lee anderson . while defending lee anderson. while what he said was in felicitous, he should not have had the whip withdrawn. meanwhile while the lord chancellor has announced foreign criminals will be deported as a means of freeing up prison spaces . and while this up prison spaces. and while this news is welcome, it does make you wonder why we weren't doing it speaking of it before. and speaking of deportations, shamima begum has had her appeal against the revocation of her citizenship dismissed . and while i agree dismissed. and while i agree with the court's decision , the with the court's decision, the law wrong on this. shamima law is wrong on this. shamima begum should be allowed to return be tried in british return to be tried in british courts. plus today marks 40 years since the beginning of the
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popular british television programme spitting image. i'll be joined by the man who was the voice for one of the greatest prime ministers in british history, margaret thatcher. state of the nation starts now . state of the nation starts now. i'll also be joined by my most mojolicious panel this evening. the former brexit party mep and current sister , annunziata current sister, annunziata rees—mogg, and the author and broadcaster amy nicole turner. as always, i want to hear from you. it's a crucial part of the programme. email me but now it's what you've all been waiting for. the news of the day with polly middlehurst . jacob with polly middlehurst. jacob >> thank you and good evening to you.the >> thank you and good evening to you. the top story from the newsroom tonight is that the london mayor, sadiq khan, has now accused lee anderson of pounng now accused lee anderson of pouring petrol on flames of pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . he was speaking islamophobia. he was speaking after


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