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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight  GB News  February 27, 2024 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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of london. control of the mayor of london. he intended to highlight he said he intended to highlight what he believed was mr khan's failure to tackle pro—palestine protests . but sadiq failure to tackle pro—palestine protests. but sadiq khan failure to tackle pro—palestine protests . but sadiq khan says protests. but sadiq khan says rishi sunak needs to clearly condemn the remarks . it's been condemn the remarks. it's been more than two days now since this senior conservative made comments that were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islamophobe and still no . firm islamophobe and still no. firm condemnation from the leader of the conservative party. >> the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior conservative saying things that are racist, anti muslim are clearly racist, anti muslim and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading to an environment where an anti—muslim crime is spiralling and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia. >> but rishi sunak says he has taken the appropriate action. >> most important thing is that the words were wrong. they were ill judged, they were unacceptable. and that's what i believe. and that's why the whip has been suspended. and i think, i think everyone can see that tensions are already running
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high. and what i want to do, i think what the country wants to see is the heat taken out of this debate. and i think that's the right thing to do. >> well, other news, today, >> well, in other news, today, the of the scottish the leader of the scottish national party in westminster, stephen says . the speaker stephen flynn, says. the speaker of the house of commons has broken his word after he refused an snp application for an emergency debate on gaza. it's after thrown after westminster was thrown into turmoil last week when , in into turmoil last week when, in a significant departure from parliamentary procedure, sir lindsay hoyle allowed a labour amendment to the snp's motion, which about gaza. mr which was also about gaza. mr flynn described today's decision as outrageous . the number of flynn described today's decision as outrageous. the number of mps demanding a no confidence vote in the speaker has now risen to 81. the now transgender killer has been jailed for life and told to serve a minimum of 24 years for the murder of george martin chirino , a 26 year old martin chirino, a 26 year old scarlett blake targeted him as part of a fantasy inspired by a netflix documentary. holdgate
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was hit on the head as he walked home from a night out in oxford in 2021 and was pushed into a river where he drowned. his murder came four months after blake live streamed the killing of a cat . the blake live streamed the killing of a cat. the ministry of justice has confirmed that trans identifying . blake is being held identifying. blake is being held in a male prison. for the identifying. blake is being held in a male prison . for the latest in a male prison. for the latest news stories, do sign up to gb news alerts. scan the qr code on the screen right now or go to gb news. com slash alerts. >> the big interview with lee anderson is on the way, but before that, yet again, we are seeing the very necessary conversation about radical islamist extremism being silenced by what is now the most powerful word in the english language. islamophobe the people need to understand that the real reason lee anderson's comments have blown up is because it takes the heat off sir keir
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starmer and the labour party, and it gives people the excuse they need to not address the real issue, that have real issue, that we have a dangerous, increasingly dangerous, radical, increasingly organised of islamist organised pocket of islamist extremism . that is becoming extremism. that is becoming increasingly threatening and a lot of useful idiots in the establishment media and yes, the wets of the conservative party are now going along with this. now for sake of total now for the sake of total clarity, i want it clarity, i want to make it abundantly away that abundantly clear right away that i talking about all i am not talking about all muslims and anybody who does talk about muslims is talk about all muslims is islamophobic, islamophobia islamophobic, and islamophobia is and illegal. and i am not is bad and illegal. and i am not talking about every single person who goes on these pro—palestine marches or has genuine concerns about the humanity barian situation taking place in gaza . i could not be place in gaza. i could not be more clear about that. sadiq khanis more clear about that. sadiq khan is not an islamist , nor khan is not an islamist, nor does he sympathise with them and it will be wrong to suggest that. but it is not wrong to point out fact that he has point out the fact that he has had some uncomfortably close encounters with islamist extremists , notes the london extremists, notes the london evening standard reported in
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2016 that sadiq khan has shared a platform with five islamist extremists. it's a political meeting where women were told to use a separate entrance. this meeting reportedly included an activist was threatened. activist who was threatened. five for throughout the world and terror group and a supporter of terror group hamas, a preacher who backs an islamic state and muslim islamic state and a muslim leader accused of advocating attacks navy if it attacks on the royal navy if it stopped smuggled into stopped arms being smuggled into gaza. stopped arms being smuggled into gaza . also on the platform, gaza. also on the platform, reported , was a controversial reported, was a controversial surrey . vicar and conspiracy surrey. vicar and conspiracy theorist who has claimed israel could have been responsible for the terrorist attack on new york's twin towers. meeting york's twin towers. that meeting was back in 2004, so it's also reported in the daily mail that sadiq khan shared a platform with yasser al—sirri, a convicted terrorist and associate of hate preacher abu qatada, and sharjeel shahid , a qatada, and sharjeel shahid, a militant who helped to train the ringleader of the london bombings, sadiq khan emphatically says that he was attending many of these events as a human rights lawyer, and that he doesn't share the same views as these people . i do ask
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views as these people. i do ask you this would it not be absolutely unconscionable to think that somebody could become one of this country's top politicians if they had repeatedly platform repeatedly shared a platform with britain first or nick griffin's british national party.7 would that not be a millstone around their necks .7 millstone around their necks? that meant that they could never advance to. a position of high office? so is it not reasonable to raise the question of whether or not there is a double standard at play here? labour mps have been getting absolutely hammered by activists on the street. latest street. just look at this latest example over the weekend from anneliese on you, anneliese dodds. shame on you, she . shame on you utterly says she. shame on you utterly says you can't hide . you can't hide. >> you support janus anneliese dodds you can't hide. you support janus side anneliese dodds you can't hide. you support genocide . support genocide. >> it is not islamophobic to point out that. so far, sadiq khan has managed to swerve this
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kind of treatment and that he has a mayoral election coming up.and has a mayoral election coming up. and suppose the question is it really in his interest to want to clamp down on the protest that see outside protest that we see outside parliament around london parliament or around london every saturday? now, talking of double standards, here is what david cameron said about mr khan i >>i -- >>iam >> 1 am concerned >> i am concerned about labour's candidate for as mayor of london, who has appeared again and again and again. >> well , and again and again. >> well, suliman gani , the >> well, suliman gani, the honourable member for tooting, has appeared on a platform with him nine times. this man supports is he even shared a platform ? platform? >> but, mr speaker, i think they are shouting down this point because they don't want to hear the truth . anyone can make the truth. anyone can make a mistake about who they appear on a platform with. >> we're not always responsive for what our political opponents say , but if you do it time after say, but if you do it time after time after time, it is right to
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question your judgement . david question your judgement. david cameron didn't lose the whip for cameron didn't lose the whip for that. in fact , the public school that. in fact, the public school boy bullingdon club member remain prime minister and certainly didn't apologise. in fact, he was made a lord and he's now our foreign secretary. why is it that when a working class lad with a regional accent who's worked down the pit, comes out and says something very similar, albie bit clumsily. he gets completely hung out to dry. last week we had absolute confirmation that terrorist threats were being made to mps. it was very concerned. >> i am still concerned and that's why the meetings i've had today is about the security of members. their families and the people who are involved . people who are involved. >> we had the allegation that the labour leader, sir keir starmer, leant on the speaker of the house of commons in a way that, in my view, deserves serious investigation to fundamental alter our political procedure because of extremist threats . whilst this was
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threats. whilst this was happening , police stood by and happening, police stood by and allowed a genocidal slogan to be beamed onto big ben from within a group of people who included people i personally spoke to who thought that october 7 was an israeli conspiracy theory , that israeli conspiracy theory, that antisemitism isn't a problem and hamas aren't terrorists . then hamas aren't terrorists. then this happened on . this happened on. saturday that same week, an investigation into our counter terror programme prevent clearly stated that the overwhelming threat we face is islamist extremism. the overwhelming majority of people being monitored by m15 and prevent are islamist . and i'm prevent are islamist. and i'm just going to quote you now, something from william shawcross, the man who conducted this review into prevent. he said , one of the reasons why said, one of the reasons why there is sometimes a reluctance
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to address the islamist threat is that people are frightened of being called islamophobic or racist . it's become a hugely racist. it's become a hugely effective form of censorship. oh, you're just a racist. you're an islamophobe . all of that an islamophobe. all of that happened last week. all of it. and here we are on monday and all you've been hearing about on the media all day is that word again, the most powerful word now in the english language ? now in the english language? islamophobia all things considered , i don't think it's considered, i don't think it's unreasonable or islamophobic to pose the question. maybe maybe, just maybe, that word is sometimes bandied about to distract us from the real issue of islamism . let's get the of islamism. let's get the thoughts now of my panel. i am joined this evening by daily express columnist carole malone . express columnist carole malone. i've got trade unionist and political commentator is andy mcdonald and former brexit party mep belinda de lucy.
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mcdonald and former brexit party mep belinda de lucy . carole, mcdonald and former brexit party mep belinda de lucy. carole, i will start with you. we're going to be hearing from lee anderson in an exclusive very, very shortly. but before that, do you think that lee's been hung out to dry a bit here? do you think that the word islamophobia is being bandied about to get at him or not? >> but i do think he's been hung out to dry. i think his choice of was unfortunate, of language was unfortunate, which a shame, because which is a shame, because i think huge think lee anderson has huge influence. i think he has the ear of huge numbers of people in this country. i think what he should recon was that should have said recon was that he has failed. appal hinckley to get to speak out about or get a grip on the extreme behaviour we've seen in the capital city over the past few weeks . um, we've seen in the capital city over the past few weeks. um, and i you know, i don't believe we're, you know, we're being run by islamists, but to pretend that khan or starmer are not influenced by muslim opinion is foolish because his future and starmer's future depends on the muslim vote. he's very aware that his election is coming up. he doesn't want to offend them .
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he doesn't want to offend them. starman exactly the same way . starman exactly the same way. the reason he was faffing around last week, trying to get the right wording for this vote in parliament, didn't want to offend people who might vote for him in the in the rochdale election for labour and in the upcoming general election. so to pretend they're not influenced is because of course is ludicrous because of course they are. okay now, just before i go to you, andy, i'm just going to play a little clip here of the latest from sadiq khan and he's to say . and what he's had to say. >> been more than two days >> it's been more than two days now since this senior conservative comments that conservative made comments that were , anti—muslim were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islamophobic and still no firm condemnation from the leader of conservative party, the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior conservative saying things that are clearly racist, anti muslim and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading to an environment where anti—muslim crime is spiralling and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . islamophobia. >> andy, is lee anderson a racist? islamophobe i wouldn't
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say he's a racist. >> islamophobe , but i'd say he's >> islamophobe, but i'd say he's these comments were islamophobic and they were anti—muslim . um, and they were anti—muslim. um, but i wouldn't say he himself is a racist islamophobic. i think he's just said something very, very bizarre and very unwise . very bizarre and very unwise. >> you know, the fact that islamists control sadiq khan and he's giving it away from his mates. >> you know, david cameron said that he shared a few platforms with him that had tenuous links, not a few, not a lot of platforms, quite a lot of dodgy people, but you know, in people, sure. but you know, in some articles quoted, you some of the articles quoted, you know, shared platform with know, he shared a platform with a terrorists x jim you a terrorists x jim buddy, you know, he his ex, his sister's ex—husband wants attended a protest where they were extremists because cameron said some of them are there very tenuous nine times was one person you can get it wrong once you don't get wrong across you don't get it wrong across across years though, across you don't get it wrong across acryears. years though, across 20 years. >> can i just talk about quickly before in? before belinda comes in? >> was talking >> um, what he was talking about? he's only talking about one kind of extremism. he and he quoted said anti quoted figures and he said anti muslim hatred has gone up something 350% since something like 350% since october. seventh. you
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october. the seventh. do you know anti—semitic hatred know what anti—semitic hatred has by in that time? has gone up by in that time? 1,350. it's not a competition, but that's four times more. >> belinda, i will go to you on this . like i >> belinda, i will go to you on this. like i said, you know, before we are going to be heanng before we are going to be hearing from anderson hearing from lee anderson shortly do think that shortly. why do you think that his comments were clumsy and wrong? he been hung out to wrong? has he been hung out to dry do you think by the dry a bit, do you think by the conservative party? um, i, i wish lee's critics had shown even a 10th of the outrage towards situations like when the films were being pulled in cinemas, when a teacher is in hiding, fear of his life, when an autistic boy got pulled up before islamic cleric , when he before islamic cleric, when he scuffed a quran >> um, there. it seems to be so little outrage from those horrific incidents. and yet he says something that i think was irresponsible in part, i really do think when you're an mp, you have to be very, very careful with your language. but he does represent a sentiment because of the optics that are displayed by not just sadiq khan and keir
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starmer. many in the tory party, many up and down the country and authorities and in positions of power, have been soft on islamism, which is why they've been emboldened. i've lived in islamist pockets in london before, not muslim pockets. islamist. there's a distinct difference. there's a political punishing ideology that was thought up of in the 1920s. i believe in, yeah, i've had had the police involved because islamist men have cornered me. i've been spat on. i've been told that i'm i'm a because i've been dressed in shorts, just mum shorts, going to school pick ups . i've been left in tears. there are issues with islamist pockets up and down the country, and they need to be addressed because women like me don't feel like speak out because like we can speak out because either far use it to either the far right use it to go and bash all muslims, which is absolutely wrong, or far is absolutely wrong, or the far left blame me for left use it to blame me for complaining about islamism . complaining about islamism. >> and we can't have a situation where you cannot speak out about muslims , about islam or anything muslims, about islam or anything because. because okay, okay. >> right. well, we i need to
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>> all right. well, we i need to hear from andrea on this because, you know, this is some would argue, the labour party quite skilfully now getting away from the big issue, from what was the big issue, which allegation that which is the allegation that they lindsay hoyle they leant on sir lindsay hoyle and actually and that they actually had a gaping wound their party that gaping wound in their party that was going to be exposed over this vote. and now are this gaza vote. and now they are piling on the islamophobe for complaints to try to complaints in order to try to deflect. agree with deflect. what do you agree with that not? deflect. what do you agree with tha i'd not? deflect. what do you agree with tha i'd probably they're >> i'd probably say they're using their advantage. you using it to their advantage. you know, the narrative has changed and be stupid and you know, they'd be stupid not it. but you know, not to follow it. but you know, lee anderson, he used to be a labour councillor. he to labour councillor. he used to work labour mp. perhaps work for a labour mp. perhaps he's a sleeper keir he's a sleeper agent for keir starmer. and done this on starmer. and he's done this on purpose to deflect. um, but, you know, condemn know, i'd completely condemn the experiences that you've gone, you absolutely you know, it's absolutely inappropriate that inappropriate and wrong that you've face that. inappropriate and wrong that you but face that. inappropriate and wrong that you but do face that. inappropriate and wrong that you but do you:ace that. inappropriate and wrong that you but do you feelthat. inappropriate and wrong that youbut do you feel like but to >> but do you feel like but to suggest that those people are controlled? sadiq khan no, i never agreed with that. >> absolutely, and i don't >> i absolutely, and i don't think controlled by think london's controlled by islamists think islamists either. but i do think there are pockets that are overlooked this overlooked because of this climate islamophobia. climate of fear of islamophobia. the why security guard the why did the security guard at bombing not at the manchester bombing not raise his voice about suspicions
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of terrorist terrorist of the terrorist terrorist because afraid of being because he was afraid of being called is called islamophobic? it is having impact having a really dangerous impact on very on free speech that he was very scared about happened to you. >> but, you know, we both know what happened to no one did anything about it. the cops didn't do. >> the police didn't. police >> the police didn't. the police said to the imam said they would talk to the imam of not not find the of the mosque. not not find the men did it. esther ghey. men that did it. esther ghey. >> what i will say is, >> but yeah. what i will say is, is that again, we've got this interview with lee anderson is that again, we've got this intervicoming lee anderson is that again, we've got this intervicoming upa anderson is that again, we've got this intervicoming up shortly. ;on is that again, we've got this intervicoming up shortly. and that's coming up shortly. and once is and done with once all is said and done with that, obviously be that, we'll obviously be returning this issue. we'll returning to this issue. we'll have to talk have much more time to talk about some quite revealing about it. some quite revealing statements there. again, if i was sunak, would listen was rishi sunak, i would listen very what very closely to what lee anderson to say, because i anderson has to say, because i think it could have some far reaching at reaching consequences at the next election. i do just next general election. i do just want to hear quickly from what keir say a little keir starmer had to say a little bit on. i think bit earlier on. i think he's very relevant this very relevant to this discussion. so take away. sir keir. >> hi. mr should call it out for what it is. the reason he won't is because he's so weak. there divided uh and if divided there chaotic. uh and if they're we're going they're re—elected we're going to have five more years of this. it only labour now that
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it is only labour now that can unite the country , bring people unite the country, bring people together, a page on this together, turn a page on this and actually usher in, you know, the sort of society , the sort of the sort of society, the sort of future that people desperately want. but the prime minister lacks the strength. he's too weak . he lacks the strength. he's too weak. he can't call it out for what it is. >> well, i know that will get quite a lot of you going. coming up amid fears of a red wall backlash, has rishi sunak done reform a huge favour by sacking lee anderson for, quote, airing the concerns of millions of britons ? richard tice is live britons? richard tice is live shortly the leader of reform. but up next it's the head to head now after allegations emerge that angela rayner provided false information about her living circumstances before she her former council she sold her former council home. should the deputy labour leader face a police investigation . former labour investigation. former labour minister denis macshane takes on former education minister dame andrea jenkins. that's next, as is, of course, patrick christys tonight were only on .
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>> the camilla tominey show sunday mornings from 930 on gb news . this is patrick christys
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news. this is patrick christys tonight. >> we're only on gb news now coming up we've got that lee anderson interview. he speaks out for the first time since his suspension. but right now though, it's time for head though, it's time for our head to . sir keir starmer was to head. sir keir starmer was outlining his plans to solve the housing crisis by building 1.5 million new houses today , but million new houses today, but he's been overshadowed by his deputy leaders very own housing crisis. angela rayner is tonight facing a potential police investigation over accusations that she lied about her living circumstances before she sold her former council house. now rayner bought a former council house in manchester in two thousand and seven under margaret thatcher's right to buy scheme. before selling it eight years later in 2015. but it's emerged that despite rayner being registered at the address of that manchester council house in 2010, her husband and two youngest children were registered at another address. now under electoral rules,
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voters must register at their permanent home address and anyone that knowingly provides false information could face a criminal conviction and prison time. the shocking allegations came to light in former tory peer lord ashcroft's new book, with rayner taking to social media to push back against the claims. so she wrote this, she said it's clear that lord ashcroft and his friends not only take an unhealthy interest in my family, but want to kick down people like me who graft down at people like me who graft hard enough circumstances to get on in life , and i won't let on in life, and i won't let them. so tonight i am asking should the police investigate kate rayner? let me know your thoughts and me views thoughts and email me gb views at com tweet me at gb at gb news. com tweet me at gb news. while you're there, go and vote our i'll bring you vote in our poll. i'll bring you the results in a few short moments, but first, going head to on this. a former to head on this. a former labour minister denis macshane and former tory minister andrea former tory minister dame andrea jenkyns. you jenkyns. both of you, thank you very, dame andrea. very, very much, dame andrea. i'll with do you i'll start with you. do you think should think the police should investigate rayner ? investigate angela rayner? >> i if she has broken the >> i mean, if she has broken the
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law , most definitely. law, most definitely. >> patrick and what i really, um, get annoyed about is the hypocrisy time and time again. >> we've seen this with angela raynen >> we've seen this with angela rayner. um, i mean , to profit rayner. um, i mean, to profit from, um, margaret thatcher's great scheme, and then want to, um, to, you know, actually pull the plug on it and criticise it . the plug on it and criticise it. um >> i think we might have lost andrea there. we'll come back to her. dennis. i'll ask the same question to you. do you think the police should investigate angela rayner over these allegations? >> i really adore michael ashcroft . he produces a great ashcroft. he produces a great biography of a political figure every few years. the most famous one was david cameron, written by, uh uh um uh. one was david cameron, written by, uh uh um uh . sorry. forgive by, uh uh um uh. sorry. forgive me. her name's escaped me now. uh, isabel . me. her name's escaped me now. uh, isabel. uh, me. her name's escaped me now. uh, isabel . uh, ashcroft and uh, isabel. uh, ashcroft and ashcroft. excuse me . ashcroft. excuse me. >> uh, which she said, let's just get to the point here. do you think that angela rayner
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should be investigated or not? >> well, that case, every mp should, because all mps have addresses registered vote. addresses registered to vote. >> in their constituencies >> both in their constituencies and, uh, uh, usually in westminster , i did. everybody westminster, i did. everybody does. westminster, i did. everybody does . the electoral commission does. the electoral commission makes it very clear you could register in more than one address and so this is just, just a silly tory stunt . i just a silly tory stunt. i remember when i was an mp, patrick, before dear andrew comes back now then, uh, labour party will fill me up and say, can you put out this statement about this tory mp, sort of try to sort of embarrass him and make him look stupid? i said, no, not at all. >> dennis, dennis, there is a key point of difference here though, which that both of though, which is that both of her addresses were in her alleged addresses were in manchester were manchester and not as you were alluding someone being alluding to, someone being registered and registered in westminster and then constituency address. then at a constituency address. andrea, is back. andrea andrea, andrea is back. andrea is back. um, yeah. i mean , do is back. um, yeah. i mean, do you think that she has questions to answer here? she obviously denies any wrongdoing. >> absolutely . and i think any >> absolutely. and i think any
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mp, whichever party, if there is potential that they've broken, um, electoral law, then of course there should be an investigation, patrick. but it's a hypocrisy i don't like. i mean, she's profited from this great margaret thatcher scheme, yet she's lambast it, um, and didn't want it for other people. so she's had the leg up, um, in her circumstance in life, but she can be stopping with other people. but another thing as well, it's not the first time we've seen hypocrisy , is it? we've seen hypocrisy, is it? patrick with angela rayner, do you remember, um, so many times she said to boris that he can run, but he can't hide over lockdown towns, the so—called party. yet she was there at beergate , which the party kept beergate, which the party kept denying about. so we see hypocrisy. but i've noticed she she played the last card yet again. um, i'm a working class background. why does she always feel she needs to play the class card ? she's got a chip on her shoulder. >> oh, look, i know there are a lot of people with a lot of feelings about the old beer, and it's important to say that was
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investigated by police. people said that there was question said that there was no question to answer. i take your to answer. but i take your point. dennis. come back to you. let's deal more than with the point. dennis. come back to you. let's ofal more than with the point. dennis. come back to you. let's of allegedthan with the point. dennis. come back to you. let's of alleged hypocrisythe point. dennis. come back to you. let's of alleged hypocrisy here, issue of alleged hypocrisy here, okay? to okay? it's important. again to say illegal to be say it's not illegal to be a hypocrite. however um, you know, if she was benefiting of a right to buy scheme, which she has been critical of, you been incredibly critical of, you know, that bit hypocritical? >> possibly. but 2 million people labour people people have labour people who bought their council homes. tories dems have. maybe tories have lib dems have. maybe andrea has. i don't know , uh, andrea has. i don't know, uh, it's the law of the land. uh, no, no, she she was well enough off as i was. so it didn't come into any measure . and it's just into any measure. and it's just a really weird, weird story. i mean, dear old michael ashcroft is getting on in his years. he really ought to try a bit harder for, uh, from cameron putting his penis in a pig's mouth at oxford to a point which he denies . of oxford to a point which he denies. of course he did. everybody denies everything. in a michael ashcroft biography . a michael ashcroft biography. uh, read my new diaries. i don't deny anything that are in those. so i genuinely think that this is a story that , frankly, has
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is a story that, frankly, has been totally overwhelmed by our dear old friend, lee anderson, uh, and isn't going to go very far. i could go into more stuff on angela, her children, her very handicapped or ill first child, her marriage . child, her marriage. >> you know, she you could you could do. absolutely. and you know, those are elements of angela rayner's life that , you angela rayner's life that, you know, are there for all to see. however, andrea , there is the however, andrea, there is the allegation that she's now trying to pull the ladder up from other people . apparently she bought people. apparently she bought her ex—council house in stockport and stockport in two thousand and seven. sold it for seven. she then sold it for a profit, 48,500 official documents seen by the mail on sunday show that she was registered on the electoral roll at the ex—council . house for at the ex—council. house for five years after she married mark rayner. but despite them being newlyweds, her husband was listed elsewhere . mysteriously, listed elsewhere. mysteriously, the mail say she was reregistered. the births of her two youngest children in the same year, she gave the address at her partner's house. i mean therefore serious question. i mean, the mail article. then just go on to raise allegations
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as to whether or not, you know, her brother was living here. you know, all of this. angela rayner denies presumably all of this is cleared kind of cleared up with some kind of investigation. i've investigation. andrea i've completely to, patrick. >> let's face if this >> and let's face it, if this was happening, happening to a conservative mp um, labour would be calling out for an investigation. only right investigation. it's only right if i it. it doesn't seem if i mean it. it doesn't seem normal, does it? to me . um, you normal, does it? to me. um, you know, you're you're married, you have children . they're have children. they're registered at a different address. you brother's registered at your address where you're meant to be living, where you've just profited from this great margaret thatcher scheme. clearly, there's got to be questions that's got to be answered. >> um, look, dennis, final word to you on this. according to a spokesperson for the electoral commission, um, it is an offence to knowingly provide false information voter information in the voter registration application form. you obviously she's not done anything wrong. >> and i read carefully the electoral registration rules that make very clear that andrea, you, patrick, may well, when i was an mp and i open
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early confess i was registered both in rotherham, my constituency and in london, where i lived to have the chance of seeing my children. >> i think, frankly, we're in a funny period and there's a great article in the evening standard tonight by susan hall, the tory mayor candidate to be mayor of london alongside sadiq, who, uh, can say, let's stop the hate politics of individuals. and andrea , you know, you're you're andrea, you know, you're you're worth a lot more than this. i mean, angela, andrew, leave. angela was the hate come from. >> i'm pointing out that it needs investigating. how is that an allegation? >> you don't. is that. hey, you don't make. >> sorry, sorry, sorry, dennis, but how is that? hey, if i'm actually pointing something out, have you heard any hatred? words from my mouth ? no. from my mouth? no. >> yes. it was very sneery . when >> yes. it was very sneery. when you actually criticise a fellow mp is not hate doing what? oh, right . mp is not hate doing what? oh, right. right. mp is not hate doing what? oh, right . right. who's mp is not hate doing what? oh, right. right. who's doing mp is not hate doing what? oh, right . right. who's doing what? right. right. who's doing what? every other people with the 2
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million who sold their council houses do. i just think politics is bigger than this. look, okay, i'm not really , but are they i'm not really, but are they registering the brother at their address? >> the children at a different address? it needs investigating . address? it needs investigating. dennis, this is the thing that has not been haste. that is not hatred. that is saying it needs investigating. both of you. >> thank you very much. it's certainly livened up a bit towards the end there. so great stuff. questions that stuff. look for questions that angela has answer. angela rayner has to answer. according you according to the mail, did you live vicarage road live at the vicarage road address stockport? did you address in stockport? did you live with your then husband? why did the electoral did your entry on the electoral roll from your maiden roll changed from your maiden name did you name to rayner? why did you reregister your two sons birth name to rayner? why did you reryourer your two sons birth name to rayner? why did you reryour then ur two sons birth name to rayner? why did you reryour then home sons birth name to rayner? why did you reryour then home address?h name to rayner? why did you reryour then home address? like at your then home address? like at your then home address? like a labour spokesman has said this. you had older this. angela, you had an older child from a previous relationship and husband relationship and her husband maintained their existing residences moving into residences before moving into their shared marital home. their son born just 23 weeks into son was born just 23 weeks into her pregnancy and spent eight months in intensive care, requiring ongoing support from a wide network of friends and family , including angela's family, including angela's brother. the smears, brother. beyond the smears, there is no suggestion any rules have been broken. angela was
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registered vote at home registered to vote at the home she owned and lived in. the tories again wasting tories are once again wasting everyone's time with political game playing that is a spokesperson from the labour party . do agree with? party. who do you agree with? should rayner face a should angela rayner face a police investigation? johnny on x she should x says she should be investigated. with all investigated. but as with all those the left, will those on the left, she will get away any kind of scrutiny. away with any kind of scrutiny. gosh, pippa says i'm no fan of angela no, she angela rayner, but no, she should not be investigated . and should not be investigated. and from what i've read so far, she did nothing illegal. uh, there's another one here from wendelin, of course everyone else would be if caught lying. if if they were caught lying. if she a tory, she'd have been she was a tory, she'd have been hounded out of her job by now. well, look. there you go again. angela rayner. obviously denies that she's been lying 89% of you think that angela rayner should face a police investigation. now, to our twitter now, according to our twitter poll, of say that poll, whilst 11% of you say that she should not. now coming up, is it the of louie is it the end of louie anderson's in the anderson's career in the conservative party do you feel let down rishi sunak over this? >> um , there's another trap .
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>> um, there's another trap. >> um, there's another trap. >> will they apologise to maya khan and if not, will he join richard tice reform party ? richard tice reform party? speaking of, richard tice joins me live in the studio next. i will begin by asking him if this row will have massive repercussions for the tories in the red wall. do you not miss it? patrick christys tonight
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thursdays from six till 930. >> it's patrick christys tonight
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. we're only on >> it's patrick christys tonight .we're only on gb >> it's patrick christys tonight . we're only on gb news. look .we're only on gb news. look shortly . fleet street legend shortly. fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie is going to be joining us. but first it's time now for reform uk leader richard tice. now former tory deputy chair lee anderson's political future looks uncertain tonight after he was controversially suspended by the tory party for suggesting that islamists had, quote , got control of london quote, got control of london mayor sadiq khan. well, speaking hours ago mayor khan had this to say in more than two days. >> now, since this senior conservative made comments that were racist , anti—muslim were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islamophobe and still no firm condemnation from the leader of the conservative party, the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior conservative saying things that are clearly racist, anti muslim and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading to an environment where the anti—muslim crime is spiralling and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . islamophobia. >> all right. so lee anderson is now tipped by some to join forces with richard tice reform uk . and richard tice himself
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uk. and richard tice himself said in a statement that lee anderson may have been clumsy with his precise choice of words, but his sentiments are supported by millions of british citizens, myself. citizens, including myself. never and the never as westminster and the craven , left leaning craven, left leaning establishment so out of establishment being so out of touch ordinary people , touch with ordinary people, people, he goes on. but he's here himself, so i'll let him answer the rest of it. it's worth reminding everybody that lee anderson is going to be talking a office talking in a box office interview a little bit on interview a little bit later on on so on this show, but richard, so when's richard when's, uh, lee anderson you? anderson joining you? >> giving a running >> i'm not giving a running commentary of any discussions i have with any mps of whatever, because no, are because, look, no, those are matters that are confidential. i'm doing but what i i'm not doing that. but what i am is, i think tens of am saying is, i think tens of millions of british people support the sentiment of what lee was trying to say, which is the streets of london. every week are being taken over by intimidatory thugs , extreme intimidatory thugs, extreme islamists who are bullying people. they are anti—semitic. they are pro—hamas . i've been they are pro—hamas. i've been into a couple of these demonstrations to ask them
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nicely. will they condemn october the 7th? will they ask for the release of the hostages and the answer every time is they won't answer that question. the last time i did it, a couple of weeks back, they shouted at me. abused, they me. they abused, they intimidated they shoved me, intimidated me. they shoved me, and they ramped the music and and they ramped up the music and the you, the megaphone. i'm telling you, that's going on. that's that is what is going on. and british people are furious. >> anderson is regarded by >> lee anderson is regarded by many the red wall made flesh. many as the red wall made flesh. if he defected to reform, that would be a massive boost for you, look, wait and >> well, look, let's wait and see what happens. it'll be interesting see what your interesting to see what your interview later, but interview with lee is later, but i the real point is just i think the real point is just how out of touch the establishment . the two main establishment is. the two main parties, you know , whilst they parties, you know, whilst they get a little bit sort of offended by a few, the order of a few hurty worthy words, let me tell you what's going on in the streets, on the streets . people streets, on the streets. people are frightened. the jewish community the are frightened. the jewish comr are ity the are frightened. the jewish comrare frightened the are frightened. the jewish comrare frightened , the are frightened. the jewish comrare frightened , londoners mps are frightened, londoners are frightened. i've had candidates staff across the candidates and staff across the country being given death threats, being forced to move house. this is what's going on
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at the moment up and down the country. you've got shops and kebab shops being closed down because they're selling the wrong brand of clothing or the wrong brand of clothing or the wrong type of coke, for heaven's sake, serious. that's sake, this is serious. that's what matters people. what matters to people. >> if lee anderson was a reform mp, would you removed the mp, would you have removed the whip what he said? whip for what he said? >> it's a really good question. it's and i think it's a hypothetical and i think the bottom line is lee has admitted it was clumsy , he was admitted it was clumsy, he was angry. he was frustrated . angry. he was frustrated. frankly, i'm angry. millions of british people are angry because the authorities they have been weak. they've been gutless. they've allowed this to happen. i called for these marches to be banned on october the 11th. i was right , these people have was right, these people have ignored me. look, i do think, richard, with respect, it's important for people to understand that if lee anderson important for people to unpeople d that if lee anderson important for people to unpeople witht if lee anderson important for people to unpeople with lee lee anderson important for people to unpeople with lee anderson's�*n or people with lee anderson's views of voting or views are thinking of voting or joining reform or standing for reform, they need to know whether or not if they make these remarks, they would lose these remarks, they would lose the from as say, the whip from reform. as i say, it's clumsy, but actually the sentiment of what was trying sentiment of what he was trying to say is 110% right, that the
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streets of london and other towns , frankly, they are being towns, frankly, they are being taken over by these thugs, these bullies , even the police are now bullies, even the police are now scared. they wouldn't even take down the projection of an anti—semitic message on big ben, which broke the law. i think it was last wednesday evening . and was last wednesday evening. and with leadership, i'll with proper leadership, i'll tell was charge of tell you if i was in charge of the police, we'd be in the met police, we'd be in a completely different place to where we are now. we wouldn't have fear. we wouldn't have have this fear. we wouldn't have this that's what this intimidation. that's what leadership is all about. >> think he was wrong to >> do you think he was wrong to suggest that sadiq khan has been under the control of islamists? >> i don't actually think that's what he trying to say. what he was trying to say. i just think he was frustrated with what's going on with this just think he was frustrated with icity 's going on with this just think he was frustrated with icity and»ing on with this just think he was frustrated with icity and other1 with this just think he was frustrated with icity and other townsthis just think he was frustrated with icity and other towns .1is just think he was frustrated with icity and other towns . is great city and other towns. i think what he's saying is the streets are streets are being taken over once twice a week taken over once or twice a week by these people popping and by these people popping up, and they not what the british they are not what the british culture they're culture is about. they're not what about. right. and if what we're about. right. and if you a vacuum, you you create a vacuum, if you leave evil people will leave a vacuum, evil people will fill it. that's why you need leadership. lee leadership. and that's what lee was for. and we're not was asking for. and we're not getting remember ,
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getting it from let's remember, sadiq khan in charge of the sadiq khan is in charge of the security of london, he's security of london, and he's utterly failing, as is the met chief, sir rowley . all right. >> okay. well, look, there's a heck of a lot more to come from lee on in this lee anderson later on in this show. have got exclusive show. we have got an exclusive interview with and our interview with him and our political christopher political editor, christopher hope. address the point hope. he does address the point of so doubt you'll be of reform. so no doubt you'll be watching. no doubt rishi watching. and no doubt rishi sunak well, but just sunak will be as well, but just haven't time to touch a haven't got time to touch on a different story with you as well. research has shown well. so new research has shown that net migration to that slashing net migration to the leave brits more the uk would leave brits more than £1,100 a year better off. analysis prime minister analysis from prime minister former minister truss former prime minister liz truss growth commission has found that a reduction in net migration to 150,000 a year would reduce gdp overall but, crucially, would increase gdp per capita , leaving increase gdp per capita, leaving more money in our pockets in the long terme. richard is it fair to say that cutting migration would make us all richer ? would make us all richer? >> yeah, a completely it's basic economic common sense because what you're talking about, if you've got mass immigration, you
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are increasing the supply of labour and therefore guess what happens? the price of that labour goes down. it depresses british wages. i want a shortage of labour so that actually the price of that labour, the lowest paid, the least well off in this country, it goes up then if a business can't afford the laboun business can't afford the labour, it invests in capital equipment. that's how economies have last 200 have worked for the last 200 years. how the combined years. that's how the combined harvester invented. harvester was invented. there's no surprise this information. no surprise to this information. the is surprised is the person who is surprised is liz truss herself, because she was pro immigration. she was pro mass immigration. she was pro mass immigration. she was of the government was part of the government that's post—brexit . that's allowed this post—brexit. >> look, thank >> okay, richard, look, thank you time. you very much for your time. today. is richard tice the leader uk, who think leader of reform uk, who i think like many other people, will be watching closely lee watching closely when lee anderson directly anderson speaks directly to sadiq . sadiq khan. >> if he's not saying that, then he's lost control . and you can't he's lost control. and you can't blame the police for this . blame the police for this. >> very soon i will bring you my exclusive sit down with the now suspended tory mp. but next, as they're told by a blm supporting bishop to embrace going woke is the church of england rapidly
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turning people away from the pansh. turning people away from the parish . it's patrick christys parish. it's patrick christys tonight . parish. it's patrick christys tonight. don't move
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after being unceremoniously dumped by the tory party, lee anderson speaks out in an explosive exclusive just after 10 pm. but first, it's time for fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie, now a prominent journalist who has written for the guardian for more than 20 years, has sensationally boycotted the newspaper after they failed to inform readers that a cat killing quotes would eamonn, who went on to murder a man back in 2021, was in fact transgender. louise tickle accuses the guardian of deceiving its readers for using the word woman to describe transgender killer scarlett blake, who was found guilty last week of murdering george martin. canno week of murdering george martin. carino just four months after brutally killing a cat. calvin. why is the guardian not
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reporting the fact ? reporting the fact? >> well, she makes unrwa for guardian journalists. she makes very good points and she says i'm not writing for them again. and they deliberately mislead their readers and the way that they did it was that they described her in the headline as a woman. and so she thought, as most people who would have read that piece would have thought, oh, well, this is shocking, isn't it? how does a woman kill a 30 year old man in the street? how does that happen ? she had no how does that happen? she had no idea. and this was her words, not mine. that he was a male killer for. and so she complains the following day. others must have complained as well. the following day. what they do is they take the word woman out of they take the word woman out of the headline. don't put the word transgender is in. and five paragraphs down. they then refer to a transgender and start referring to her as she. so this is the issue. the issue is why
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not just tell the truth, right? the judge saw through this. the judge saw through this. he gets 24 years today. but where does he get sent to for a jail? he gets sent to a man's jail, right? not a woman's jail. so you can claim whatever you like . you can claim whatever you like. but when you're faced with the nificant questions, right, what do you do about it? and so this woman is to be praised. and i'll tell you why. because she's speaking on behalf of everybody, not just not just the half a dozen people who actually run the guardian . the guardian. >> let me just introduce a tweet from jk rowling onto all of this, because jk rowling has come out and basically said that she's absolute, uh, sick of this . and she says that, you know, this has to be reported , uh, as this has to be reported, uh, as a man and that this is not a woman's crime and this is part of it. >> right? that's that's actually part of luis . >> right? that's that's actually part of luis. that's part of her argument . her argument is that argument. her argument is that anybody reading that story would have thought, this is incredibly
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this is a woman sexually driven with the power of just knocking, knocking over . oh. oh, no, it's knocking over. oh. oh, no, it's not this is a guy. and not only that, the courts take him to be a man as well. and if you ask people in our country , it is people in our country, it is that kind of deception in which is makes the transgender argument collapse. and my question is this how many other stories have the guardian got where they deliberately deceive their own readers because they don't think it's , quote, good don't think it's, quote, good for the transgender argument, unquote, to actually tell them the truth? >> yeah, i mean, there i suppose there is. there is that question about the guardian will say that they did actually reveal all eventually of this stuff, eventually in all of this stuff, but, know, yes, but you have but, you know, yes, but you have to for but the, to go looking for but the, the, the guy was not until the man was convicted. >> and then was a >> right. and then there was a complaint. i mean, they couldn't have that. have done better than that. >> , uh, look, the church of >> now, uh, look, the church of england is a different story. now, the church england have now, the church of england have been embrace going woke
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now, the church of england have be
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of england. and look, they can have they don't have to have laws to say, we want more black bishops or brown bishops. it doesn't matter if somebody is any good at what you do, you would have thought they would have gotit would have thought they would have got it anyway. and anyway, put panel. i'm in put them on every panel. i'm in favour of all this, but the idea of saying saying to ordinary of saying saying to an ordinary congress nation, we're doing this for somebody's good. nobody is buying that. the whole point of the church is it does good. they shouldn't need to have to write anything down. and the idea that you have a group of a group of clerics all saying, what can we do today that is good, that should come naturally. so i, i think it will be dangerous for the church of england if there is even going to be a church of england at the rate it's going in 20 years time. i'd very much there time. i'd very much doubt there will one. will be one. >> it does appear that welby is content, by the way, to just sleepwalk the oblivion sleepwalk towards the oblivion of the church england it of the church of england when it comes to actual parish numbers and way many in and the way that many people in the actually feel. i
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the church actually feel. i mean, they nearly on strike mean, they nearly went on strike at some point, people actually working because of working in the church because of low cost of low pay during the cost of living crisis. but look, calvin, thank you very, much. thank you very, very much. regarding the first story calvin i yes, guardian i spoke about. yes, the guardian spokesperson did this spokesperson did say this article february article was updated on february 23rd, add further 23rd, 2024 to add further details on biological information. interestingly they phrased it like that by the way, including scarlett including reference to scarlett blake's identity, blake's transgender identity, which included in the which were not included in the agency copy on which our initial version there we version relied. well, there we go. look next, lee go. now look up next, lee anderson is unleashed . anderson is unleashed. >> it absolutely makes me sick to the pit of my stomach to see these extremists on our streets in london, terrorising people . in london, terrorising people. >> every single person has an opinion on this row , this big opinion on this row, this big lee anderson row. but you will get the view of the man that matters. does lee regret his comments about sadiq khan? does he think he's going to leave the conservative party? does he feel let down by the conservative party? does he think that what he said was in any way
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islamophobic and does he regret any of it? you will have to stay tuned find out in a no holds tuned to find out in a no holds barred interview with myself , barred interview with myself, our political editor, christopher hope as well, and the himself, lee anderson. the man himself, lee anderson. if i was rishi sunak , i would if i was rishi sunak, i would make sure that my television was turned incredibly loudly turned up incredibly loudly because frankly, you're about to see may be about happen see what may be about to happen to red wall. find out very to the red wall. find out very soon. patrick christys. tonight on gb news >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb news, weather update with me annie from the met office could be quite a cold and foggy start for some areas tomorrow . we'll also see tomorrow morning. we'll also see some pushing to the some rain pushing in to the north west. we have got high north and west. we have got high pressure dominating for rest pressure dominating for the rest of day through the of the day and through the night, but we do also have this northeasterly breeze and cold air, will be a cold air, so it will be a cold evening cold night in evening and a cold night in fact, particularly where we're exposed a stronger exposed to a stronger winds across south—east. but
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across the far south—east. but many areas will see a frost developing in inland rural areas. also there's a risk of some mist and fog, particularly across central and southeastern areas, where we have had quite a lot of rain recently. will lot of rain recently. it will be a very start tomorrow a very cold start tomorrow really down to minus really could be down to minus three or four, but the far northwest frost will be more limited as some wet weather is arriving through the course of the night. that will bring a damp start to the day, particularly northern particularly for northern scotland, that wet weather scotland, but that wet weather will parts southern will push into parts of southern scotland wales . scotland as well as north wales. northern will see northern england two will see some rain through some of that rain through tuesday afternoon. further south and east it should stay largely dry, a bit of a dry, but it will be a bit of a cloudier day compared to today. the will sink into the the rain will sink into the southeast over the course of tuesday once it clears tuesday night to once it clears though, see another clear though, we'll see another clear night clear start to night and clear start to wednesday, potentially some further mist and then further mist and fog. but then the of rain arrives the next batch of rain arrives from time . so from the west, this time. so pushing many western areas pushing into many western areas of uk through morning of the uk through the morning and east later on and then further east later on in day. but that will pick in the day. but that will pick the temperatures a little the temperatures up a little bit, so temperatures will rise
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through thursday through wednesday and thursday before end before they fall again to end the week looks like things are heating up. >> boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. well. it's 10 pm. i'm patrick christys. >> it's the interview. >> it's the interview. >> my comments weren't racist. these things aren't illegal. it's not illegal to criticise a religion at all in this country. lee anderson is not holding back . i think i have a right. i believe in free speech to say that. i think mayor khan has lost and the police have lost control of the streets of london. i genuinely think they have. >> but willie sink the tories. >> but willie sink the tories. >> you're saying lee anderson
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roars out, doesn't rule out joining the reform party ? expect fireworks. >> i'll also have all of tomorrow's newspaper front pages tonight with express columnist carole malone. trade unionist andy mcdonald and brexit party mep belinda deluise. oh, can you make out who this is from the river summer is going to the sea. >> de—man she get ready britain , >> de—man she get ready britain, here we go. >> the exclusive lee anderson interview that will no doubt cause carnage . next cause carnage. next >> patrick. thank you. the top story from the newsroom tonight
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is that the london mayor, sadiq khan, has now accused lee anderson of pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . he the flames of islamophobia. he was speaking after the prime minister today described the former tory deputy chairman's remarks as unacceptable . all remarks as unacceptable. all while refusing to say that they were islamophobic. earlier mr anderson admitted his words had been clumsy when he suggested islamist arts had got control of the mayor of london. but he said he intended to highlight what he believed was mr khan's failure to tackle properly . stein to tackle properly. stein protests sadiq khan says rishi sunak needs to clearly condemn the remarks, but rishi sunak says he has taken the appropriate action. >> most important thing is that the words were wrong. they were ill judged, they were unacceptable and that's what i believe. and why the whip believe. and that's why the whip has suspended . and i think, has been suspended. and i think, i everyone can see that i think everyone can see that tensions already running tensions are already running high. and what i want do , i high. and what i want to do, i think what the country wants to see is the heat taken out of this debate and i think that's the to do.
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the right thing to do. >> rishi sunak well, in other news, leader of the news, today, the leader of the scottish party in scottish national party in westminster, stephen flynn, says the the house has the speaker of the house has broken his word after he refused an snp application for an emergency debate on gaza. once again, it's after westminster was thrown into turmoil last week when, in a difficult departure from parliamentary procedure, sir lindsay hoyle allowed a labour amendment to the snp's motion, which was also about gaza. mr flynn described today's decision as outrageous and the number of mps demanding and the number of mps demanding a no confidence vote in the speaker has now reached 81. farmers have been outside eu offices in brussels today, throwing eggs and spraying manure as well as blocking streets with their tractors in a protest against cheap supermarket prices. riot police were seen firing water cannon as eu ministers arrive for meetings on the growing crisis . the on the growing crisis. the farmers are demanding action from the european union on free trade agreements, which they
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blame for damaging european farming . blame for damaging european farming. it's blame for damaging european farming . it's the latest in farming. it's the latest in a series of similar protests across the bloc , with the eu across the bloc, with the eu already moving to weaken some of its green policies as . and its green policies as. and lastly, holiday makers are going to face higher airfares this summer as a result of capacity constraints. that's according to the boss of budget airline ry air. michael o'leary says european airlines will struggle to meet demand during the peak season this summer, and it's all due to boeing's new aircraft deliveries being delayed. he says he expects ryanair's ticket pnces says he expects ryanair's ticket prices to go up by an average of 10, compared with last summer. boeing production speed has been limited due to concerns about quality control for the very latest news stories, do sign up for gb news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. common alerts .
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news. common alerts. >> it's time now for the interview of the day. leander sohn caused a huge amount of controversy with these remarks. >> i don't actually believe that these islamists have got control of our country , but what i do of our country, but what i do believe is they've got control of corn and they've got control of corn and they've got control of london, and they've got control of storm as well . control of storm as well. >> since then. he's lost the conservative party whip and the news agenda has been dominated by islamophobe claims. it has whipped up a discussion and debate that has been raging on every single media platform, at every single media platform, at every pub , and quite possibly in every pub, and quite possibly in every pub, and quite possibly in every household . and sadiq khan every household. and sadiq khan has responded again today. >> it's been more than two days now since this senior conservative made comments that were clearly racist , anti—muslim were clearly racist, anti—muslim and islamophobic and still no . and islamophobic and still no. firm condemnation from the leader of conservative party. the prime minister. the problem is you have a senior
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conservative saying things that are clearly racist, anti muslim and islamophobic . that's leading and islamophobic. that's leading to an environment where anti—muslim crime is spiralling and what they're doing is pounng and what they're doing is pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia . islamophobia. >> what you're about to see now is the first of a two part interview with lee anderson that i conducted earlier today alongside our political editor, christopher hope. he doesn't hold back . and as you'll realise hold back. and as you'll realise what he says will be making headunes what he says will be making headlines quite possibly for days to come. i started by asking lee to clarify his comments about mayor khan on fri day. >> friday. >> yeah, well, that's the question in this very studio, because last week and chopper was there actually by martin daubney of gb news, um, he mentioned the comments that suella braverman had made last week about , suella braverman had made last week about, um, britain being under control of islamists. and i said, no, it's not, it's not in control. the islamists are not in control of the uk. but i thought that london and sadiq khan was under the control. now
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when i see the scenes out in parliament square last wednesday , patrick, where we have thousands of people and it happens every wednesday, now it's almost every wednesday. but when they're beaming a light onto the, the, the, the elizabeth tower, the big ben tower, which says from the rivers to the sea. and then we see just a few months back, the whole of whitehall was taken oven whole of whitehall was taken over. we've seen threats, we've seen wicked chants, we've seen all sorts of horrible things said on these marches around our great city, in our great city, around parliament. and we also see last wednesday that i think that parliamentary procedure was altered , was changed because of altered, was changed because of the threats from the baying mob outside . that's unforgivable. we outside. that's unforgivable. we should never, never bow down to the mob outside when you see all that, i think i have a right. i believe in free speech to say that. i think mayor khan has lost and the police have lost control of the streets of
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london. i genuinely think they have. and you have to remember, ihave have. and you have to remember, i have jewish living in i have jewish friends living in this, capital city, this this, in this capital city, this wonderful capital city that's helped city and they helped build this city and they are frightened go out. are frightened to go out. they're frightened to identify themselves. they're having bodyguards or in extra bodyguards at school or in extra security school. it's security at school. it's absolutely shocking what's happening . this should be happening to our. this should be the greatest capital city on this planet to say that he's under control of islamists, though. >> okay, do you regret that turn of phrase? >> it may be a clumsy use of language, but you've got to remember, patrick, it was live tv is definitely not in control of the streets of london on a wednesday night. >> when we see the crowds out there chanting this vile venom who was in control? is it sadiq khan and the metropolitan police or the people on the street? is it? i say it though, lee, because the point is that there's laws that stop you projecting words onto the buildings of parliament. >> martin daubney your colleague buildings of parliament. >> ma|that)aubney your colleague buildings of parliament. >> ma|that projector our colleague buildings of parliament. >> ma|that projector that:olleague buildings of parliament. >> ma|that projector that wasague filmed that projector that was me ignored by police. >> blame that sadiq >> you can't blame that on sadiq khan. . khan. that's an operation. >> spoke out about it >> as he spoke out about it since last wednesday, from the
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rivers sea on big ben, as rivers to the sea on big ben, as sadiq khan actually spoke out about it. >> w- w— e 110 control over e no control over the >> you have no control over the police as he's spoken out about it. >> no he hasn't. no, he hasn't spoken out about it. and actually he is the and actually he is the police and crime commissioner this great actually he is the police and crimso>mmissioner this great actually he is the police and crimyso if|missioner this great actually he is the police and crimyso if he's.ioner this great actually he is the police and crimyso if he's theer this great actually he is the police and crimyso if he's the policeis great actually he is the police and crimyso if he's the police and eat city. so if he's the police and crime commissioner and he's got no into what the police no input into what the police are doing, the hell is he are doing, what the hell is he doing? is he in that role? doing? why is he in that role? >> is there issue double >> is there an issue of double standard and snobbery here? we've seen remarks. the we've seen similar remarks. the ones made made by now, ones that you made made by now, lord cameron, goldsmith, lord cameron, zac goldsmith, when running be mayor when he was running to be mayor of similar of london, made very similar remarks they are of a remarks to you. they are of a different, shall say , social different, shall i say, social strata, aren't they ? what's your strata, aren't they? what's your views on that? >> well, they went to different schools, patrick, probably from a different background, more privileged myself. and privileged than myself. um, and i know, because i wasn't i don't know, because i wasn't around time around parliament at the time when were made by when these comments were made by zac david cameron . uh, zac, um, and david cameron. uh, but i do know this . i'm in a lot but i do know this. i'm in a lot more hot water for what i said than what my colleagues were several several years ago, so i
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don't know why. maybe the narrative has changed a little bit over the years. i don't know, i don't know why we're pandenng know, i don't know why we're pandering to these people. you know, i'm a big believer in free speech.i know, i'm a big believer in free speech. i admit, some of my speech. i admit, some of my speech was a little bit clumsy at times, but my sentiment is exactly the same . we are losing exactly the same. we are losing control of this beautiful city to a tiny minority of extremists , and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. it absolutely makes me sick to the pit of my stomach to see these extreme on our streets in london, terrorising people. and what do we say? it's unacceptable . it's unacceptable. >> more recently than that, suella braverman wrote in the telegraph last week. didn't she? thursday, she talked about the islamist , um, um, you know , she islamist, um, um, you know, she spoke out against them and said that they are, in a sense, taking over parts of our society that suella braverman she still got the whip and you've had yours taken away. is that because working class because you're a working class lad from ashfield? >> don't i think the >> i don't know, i think the sort of argument is there
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because out one because i picked out one specific person, sadiq specific person, i.e. sadiq khan, of london. but khan, the mayor of london. but when i about sadiq khan when i speak about sadiq khan and are in the same and london, they are in the same breath. they are the same person. is london, he person. sadiq khan is london, he runs he's responsible runs london. he's responsible for mr london. for everything. he is mr london. so i stick by my words in that we have lost control or losing control of the city. when people, like i say patrick again and come out and and again can come out and demonstrate and shout murderous chants and put these graphics onto, onto big ben from the river to the sea and nothing happens. river to the sea and nothing happens . we've got yobbos happens. we've got yobbos running around with masks on, which is now illegal, and the police stand idly by and do nothing. who has got control of parliament square? is it the extremists or is it mayor khan and the metropolitan? metropolitan police? and the metropolitan? me'there tan police? and the metropolitan? me'there is] police? and the metropolitan? me'there is a’olice? and the metropolitan? me'there is a marked difference >> there is a marked difference in the reaction. as chopper was alluding you. there when it alluding to you. there when it comes to certain people making very comments to and very similar comments to you and yourself making those comments, i mean , is there some sense that i mean, is there some sense that maybe you're an easier target because you're a working class bloke who maybe talks in more
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pub language? >> you're saying, i think northerner, patrick. >> not. northerner, patrick. >> i not. northerner, patrick. >> i don't not. northerner, patrick. >> i don't know, not. northerner, patrick. >> i don't know, i'm i suppose i know i'm not everybody's cup of tea . um, and sometimes i speak tea. um, and sometimes i speak well , i tea. um, and sometimes i speak well, i do speak in a different language to the a lot of people in parliament. and when i went into the pubs in ashfield at the weekend, friday, saturday, sunday, which i did , i got a sunday, which i did, i got a round of applause when i went in and these are normal working class people now. some people are in that place, might not like that sort of response, but this is what normal people are thinking in places like ashfield. the my inbox has exploded with support. i cannot keep up with my whatsapp messages and my text messages, my facebook messages, instagram , my facebook messages, instagram, whatever social media platform i'm on. the amount of support coming through is absolutely phenomenal. they're saying leaps, please speak out for us. don't back down, don't apologise us because you're speaking for millions of people across the country. >> but have you picked the wrong target? the right target might
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be why do the police allow that to happen? why didn't they use the laws available on mask wearing, on shining words, on parliament? why parliament? now listen. why why didn't not didn't they do that? why not step and the law step in and enforce the law that, um are passed instead of getting in battle getting involved in a battle about islamism? yeah. with with the mayor london, who the mayor of london, who obviously denies all obviously clearly denies all that. you've made it you that. i mean, you've made it you personalised a row got personalised a row and got yourself in trouble. suella braverman didn't do that. and she's you she's still got the whip. you made mistake, right? she's still got the whip. you made mistake, right ? joppa? made a mistake, right? joppa? >> on the on the first >> i sit on the on the first select committee, and i do criticise police on a on criticise the police on a on a regular basis . i've had the met regular basis. i've had the met bossin regular basis. i've had the met boss in the chair and i did give him a bit of a roasting and um, i've had home office officials in there as well. i do the same. so that's where i do my job. criticising the metropolitan police. now i can criticise them all long. are they all day long. are they listening? probably not. and i feel sorry for the officers on the have got the the ground who have got the greatest respect but greatest of respect for. but it's the it's the chiefs. it's not the indians, it's the chiefs. it's the khans and chiefs. it's the mayor khans and it's boss of the police. it's the boss of the met police.
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now, mayor khan is not coming now, if mayor khan is not coming out on any media channel out on tv or any media channel and saying, this is disgusting, what's happening on our streets in london, we should have in london, we should not have these being flashed these graphics being flashed onto ben. this is shocking. onto big ben. this is shocking. this terrible. i will clamp this is terrible. i will clamp down on this. if he's not saying that, lost control and that, then he's lost control and you can't blame the police for this. he controls the police. that's his job. >> is there an overreaction from rishi sunak here and has he lost the red wall? is that what he said? has he lost the red. >> no, no i don't think i don't think so . um look, i've always think so. um look, i've always said for the past 18 months or so, people in the red wall who voted conservative for the first time are looking for a reason to vote for us. again, there is no in in taking your has in in taking your whip away has that huge amount of that done a huge amount of damage the red wall? um, damage in the red wall? um, i don't know that remains to be seen. patrick one seen. patrick i'm just one person. um just one person who's, you know, got into a little water over the little bit of hot water over the past days over comments that past few days over comments that i made and, um, i don't know, but inbox suggests that but my inbox suggests that there's support out there's a lot of support out there's a lot of support out
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there what to say. there for what i have to say. uh, but whether it affects the red wall or i don't know. red wall or not, i don't know. >> matt khan has written an article monday evening article in today, monday evening standard says that your standard. he says that your comments racist, comments were racist, anti—muslim and islamophobic. and he goes on to say, why isn't rishi sunak calling them out for what they are? yeah. >> well, is, uh, i mean, this is the man who's been in hot water himself for comments he's made in the past. i can remember when he think it was he was on, i think it was iranian tv at one time calling people uncle toms and had to make grovelling apology. so make a grovelling apology. so it's a bit rich from it's a bit rich coming from sadiq also, sadiq khan and is also, you know, on the platforms with know, been on the platforms with some dodgy people in past know, been on the platforms with som he'sdgy people in past know, been on the platforms with som he's apologised in past know, been on the platforms with som he's apologised for past know, been on the platforms with som he's apologised for those ;t and he's apologised for those too, he said i regret too, he said before i regret giving impression that i giving the impression that i subscribe to their and i'm subscribe to their views and i'm quite find their views abhorrent. >> he sorry, why won't you? >> he said sorry, why won't you? because not sorry. because i'm not sorry. >> um, chopper? because stand >> um, chopper? because i stand by my words. um it's racist by my words. um it's not racist to call out islamist islamists or islamist . um, is a political or islamist. um, is a political isn't ismus , is it? no, no it's isn't ismus, is it? no, no it's not. i never said it was. so if
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you watch the clip again, it's been twisted. i never said he was an islamist at all. but when i'm calling out these people, these people are organising these people are organising these marches, these horrible marches, these cruel marches in london, up. i'm london, i call them up. i'm calling tiny minority of calling that a tiny minority of the population. i said on the muslim population. i said on my statement, which i gave you this morning, that 99% or whatever the vast majority of muslims this country are muslims in this country are decent, working that decent, hard working people that make contribution . but there's decent, hard working people that msmall contribution . but there's decent, hard working people that msmall section|tion . but there's decent, hard working people that msmall section of n . but there's decent, hard working people that msmall section of thisiut there's decent, hard working people that msmall section of this and 1ere's decent, hard working people that msmall section of this and it's's a small section of this and it's the same in all walks of society . religion, a small . any religion, there's a small percentage that they'll go out and do you know are muslim? and do you know who are muslim? >> many friends of yours are muslim? >> well, i've got a few in parliament and a few back home. what do they to you when what do they say to you when it's remarks from last it's your remarks from last time? well, the ones in parliament happy, parliament are not very happy, uh, remarks. what uh, about the remarks. but what i to them my comments i say to them is my comments weren't racist. you can be a white and muslim. you white person and be muslim. you can chinese and be muslim. can be chinese and be a muslim. you can be an african and be a muslim. so it's not racist. and this islamophobe here, i don't really understand that really understand what that means you're means other than you're criticising what's in the quran
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or . it's okay to or a religion. it's okay to criticise a religion. you know, i don't believe that much in christianity. i believe in evolution. but when i say that, are they going to say i'm christian phobic? i'm against christian. no i'm not. that's up to you. if you want to go to church and preach, it's up to you. if you're a muslim, you do whatever you want to do. so islamophobia is not it's not racist. i don't even know why we've got this word. >> do think that is >> do you think that there is a tendency to hide behind the word islamophobia? because now, rightly wrongly, rightly or wrongly, the conversation about conversation is more about almost entirely about actually islamophobia as opposed to radical, fundamental, extreme islamism . yeah. which many islamism. yeah. which many people believe is a problem. >> right. well and i would put it to you that although there's absolutely obviously was not your intention, it has your comments have now allowed the conversation yet again , as we conversation yet again, as we see so often in these situations , to be dragged back towards islamophobia and away from trying to deal with radical terrorism and extremes. well, it is, but let's decide what
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islamophobia is. patrick. is it blasphemy? because i think that's sort of where we're going with this , you know, you know, with this, you know, you know, if you if you blaspheme against the law, that is blasphemy. and i islamophobia pretty i think islamophobia is pretty much thing . if you're a much the same thing. if you're a muslim, these things aren't illegal. illegal to illegal. it's not illegal to criticise religion at all in criticise a religion at all in this country. but we're talking about something completely different. about different. we're talking about islamists, a political ideology that are intent on interfering with parliament over there. last week . and it worked last week. week. and it worked last week. and it's very dangerous, patrick, that due to the threats, the speaker , he felt threats, the speaker, he felt that he had to change parliamentary process in that place because of threats to mps. so this is ismailis , you know, so this is ismailis, you know, directly, really you could say it's indirectly, but i think directly it's influencing what goes off in parliament. >> does your party have a problem with islamophobia? your your old party? forgive me . your old party? forgive me. well, you're still a member of the tory party, but i am. yeah. >> um, what is again? what is
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it? islamophobic criticising. what? what's in quran is it? islamophobic criticising. wha acceptable? quran is that acceptable? >> well, government >> well, the government currently adopt currently won't adopt any definition of it is unmistakeably. but. but not doing it is part of the problem that the tory party is a blind spot on this issue. that the tory party is a blind spoislamophobiae. that the tory party is a blind spoislamophobia is. i think it's >> islamophobia is. i think it's equivalent to blasphemy. that's what it is. you're criticising a religion, the teachings in the quran or whatever is that. are we entitled to that as a society? >> and what you're criticising? >> and what you're criticising? >> i'm not criticising them. no, no, no, from from what? >> criticising from what? my interpretation. what you're saying is from what you're criticising is you're criticising is you're criticising religious criticising hard line religious fundamentalist political movement you think is that movement that you think is that happened to be that happened, probably to muslims , probably happened to be muslims, like i say. >> vast majority, 99.9% >> but the vast majority, 99.9% of are just decent, hard of muslims are just decent, hard working people who crack on with the that's part one. the life that's part one. >> lee anderson is more than doubled down. he believes he's speaking for millions of people across britain , and the across britain, and the conversation be about conversation should be about islamism islamophobia. islamism and not islamophobia. but said , you are about to but as i said, you are about to see part two of this interview
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and arguably this is where the real headlines are . real headlines are. >> you're saying lee anderson rules doesn't rule out rules out doesn't rule out joining the reform war. you're not. >> yes. well, next, if i was rishi sunak, i would be watching the segment very, very carefully indeed. i'll see you in
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from 930 on gb news. >> choose . >> choose. >> choose. >> welcome back to patrick christys tonight part two of lee anderson's exclusive interview for you. now he has just doubled
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down his claims about down on his claims about islamism , the mayor of islamism, about the mayor of london, sadiq khan . and he's london, sadiq khan. and he's certainly not apologising, he certainly not apologising, is he ? what you're about to see ? but what you're about to see now the interview recorded now in the interview i recorded earlier alongside news earlier alongside gb news political christopher political editor christopher hope, devastating hope, could have devastating implications rishi sunak and implications for rishi sunak and the conservative party. listen closely . here it is. closely. here it is. >> i've had lots of support in my, um, in my whatsapp. an amazing amount of support. which party do you mean? >> which party is it? or just tory mps saying well done. yeah. >> no, there's no labour mps. i mean, they're calling me to be, you know, stripped the whip forever. obviously they're making out of making political gain out of this. obviously it um , it this. obviously it um, it deflects from the shenanigans we saw last week. last wednesday in the chamber. so it's, you know, if i've got one regret. it's my timing because i've sort of took the heat off sir keir and the speaken the heat off sir keir and the speaker. um . i feel a little bit speaker. um. i feel a little bit sorry for the speaker. i thought he was actually bullied into to what he did to be honest. so i
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don't think he's a bad it's always been a fair man with me. anyway so that's that's probably me but have got some me number. but i have got some names phone but i'm names in my phone now, but i'm not going to tell you they are some people. it's actually surprised me with with of surprised me with with words of support. they support. why do you think they won't and publicly say won't come out and publicly say it though? >> is that not part of the problem? >> that's probably my job to do that, patrick, because cause, um, i never, never intended on having a career over there. i want come down here and speak want to come down here and speak my i to speak my mind. i want to speak up on behalf people in ashfield and behalf of people in ashfield and the the country. the rest of the country. >> is not part of the >> this is not part of the problem, though. lee, as far as you're concerned, which that you're concerned, which is that you're concerned, which is that you're saying we've mps who you're saying we've got mps who are out and supporting you're saying we've got mps who are yeah, out and supporting you're saying we've got mps who are yeah, butt and supporting you're saying we've got mps who are yeah, but they supporting you're saying we've got mps who are yeah, but they feel)orting you're saying we've got mps who are yeah, but they feel asting you. yeah, but they feel as though they can't come and you. yeah, but they feel as thotthat hey can't come and you. yeah, but they feel as thotthat publicly. come and say that publicly. >> well, there might be several reasons that, patrick. well, reasons for that, patrick. well, they, fear they might they, you know, fear they might get colleagues get pressure from colleagues or from people, you camped from people, you know, camped outside the gates now or the media. lots reasons, media. there's lots of reasons, and i wouldn't anybody and i wouldn't expect anybody to come i want ask come out. and i want to ask anybody to out and say, anybody to come out and say, look, come out publicly and support they've their support me. they've got their own reasons, they've got their own reasons, they've got their
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own they jobs own families. they own the jobs to they'll do to crack on with, and they'll do what's right them. and what's right for them. and that's enough me. that's fair enough by me. >> it leave you now, >> where does it leave you now, then, lee, you're without a party. yeah. you in party. yeah. you were in the laboun party. yeah. you were in the labour. labour labour. you're a labour councillor, until councillor, weren't you? until 2019, the first time became councillor, weren't you? until 21torythe first time became councillor, weren't you? until 21torythe 1wastime became councillor, weren't you? until 21torythe 1wastimefirst became councillor, weren't you? until 21torythe 1wastimefirst time me councillor, weren't you? until 21torythe 1wastimefirst time you a tory mp was the first time you voted conservative. mean, that a tory mp was the first time you voteyour1servative. mean, that a tory mp was the first time you voteyour1ser\journey mean, that a tory mp was the first time you voteyour1ser\journey you've that a tory mp was the first time you voteyour1ser\journey you've been was your the journey you've been on. a statement on. yeah. we've got a statement here richard tice are also here from richard tice are also present on gb news. do and present on gb news. i do not and will running will not give a running commentary on any discussions i have mps, but those mps have with any mps, but those mps have with any mps, but those mps have after, 300 have my number after, uh, 300 words you've words supporting what you've done. a 311 done. i mean, that's like a 311 word invitation to join the reform it? reform party, isn't it? >> i mean, richard >> well, i mean, like richard says, give a says, chopra, i won't give a running commentary on not running commentary either on not saying i mean, saying no, then. well i mean, that's a typical journalistic approach no approach into yes. it's a yes no question into, i am i have question into, um, i am i have been a political journey and been on a political journey and it's journey, it's been an incredible journey, and proud to be and i'm incredibly proud to be sat in there. um, and we've done some good work since the conservative it conservative party was it despite what people think. but this distraction. it's this is a distraction. it's a distraction that i really didn't want. you know, the 650 of want. but you know, the 650 of us in that place over there, and we see what's going off on parliament square every single week. now it's terrifying. and
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if not one person in that chamber can speak up about what's going off on our streets, then really, we shouldn't be there . there. >> but so be just a yes or no question. will you join the reform party? you're not saying yes or no there. and richard tice clearly you'll tice is saying clearly you'll be welcome party. welcome in his party. >> well, like said, >> yeah, well, like i said, chopper , i've been chopper, i've been on a political journey. so you'll spin you want? no. spin this any way you want? no. >> saying anderson >> you're saying lee anderson rolls doesn't rule out rolls out, doesn't rule out joining reform party , uh, joining the reform party, uh, and stuff that. and stuff like that. >> i'm not making no comment >> so i'm not making no comment on future. shall be sat on my future. um, i shall be sat in the chamber this afternoon on the conservative benches , and the conservative benches, and there's , but there's no votes today, but there'll be votes tomorrow. i'll be voting with the government. >> just lastly on this. do >> just lastly on this. then do you sunak you feel let down by rishi sunak over this? >> um , there's another trap . >> um, there's another trap. >> um, there's another trap. >> uh, genuinely, we're just i understand. >> i know that you're in a bit of hot water at the minute. i genuinely don't mean it as a trap. i just want your own. your own personal answer. own personal answer. >> own personal answer. >> think party could >> um, i think the party could have given me little more have given me a little bit more backing. honest, you
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backing. um, if i'm honest, you saw the statement that i produced saturday, which saw the statement that i prodwilling saturday, which saw the statement that i prodwilling to aturday, which saw the statement that i prodwilling to go rday, which saw the statement that i prodwilling to go with.which was willing to go with. it's shown a little of contrition shown a little bit of contrition in there. um, although i didn't directly in there. um, although i didn't directlwhich i'm not going to not khan, which i'm not going to not why i've got a breath in my body because i made because the comments i made weren't at all. they weren't racist at all. um, they keep banning this word islamophobia about nobody can explain what it really means. >> and will you be a candidate for the tory party in the next election? not to me. >> that's out of my hands at the moment, chopper. but i will be standing next election. standing at the next election. wow >> i'm joined now by my panel, daily express columnist carole malone, unionist and malone, trade unionist and political commentator andy mcdonald brexit mcdonald, and former brexit party belinda de lucy. now, party mep belinda de lucy. now, it's worth noting that we reached out khan's reached out to sadiq khan's office we yet reached out to sadiq khan's of1hear we yet reached out to sadiq khan's of1hear back, we yet reached out to sadiq khan's of1hear back, howevere yet reached out to sadiq khan's of1hear back, however , yet reached out to sadiq khan's of1hear back, however , earlier to hear back, however, earlier he did write in the london evening standard we are facing some very difficult times with the extremism the politics of extremism division and blame becoming more mainstream. but i remain hopeful because i know that the decent majority in our city and country believe in our british values of equality, openness and respect
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for diversity . that's why i'm for diversity. that's why i'm confident that working together , confident that working together, we to stamp out we will be able to stamp out anti—semitism islamophobia, anti—semitism and islamophobia, stop the march the hard right stop the march of the hard right populism and show that hope, unity and love will trump unity and love will always trump fear, and hatred . carol fear, division and hatred. carol lots to get stuck into that , he lots to get stuck into that, he says he doesn't really know what islamophobia is , is, and he's islamophobia is, is, and he's certainly not apologising to sadiq khan . and he clearly makes sadiq khan. and he clearly makes the point that he has the support of a huge number of conservative mps, but they're just not really talking about. >> his weakness there >> i think his weakness there was able to what was not being able to say what islam phobia is. i think that interview whole will get islam phobia is. i think that inte|even whole will get islam phobia is. i think that inte|even more whole will get islam phobia is. i think that inte|even more supportrvill get islam phobia is. i think that inte|even more support inl get islam phobia is. i think that inte|even more support in thet him even more support in the country than he already has. whatever you know, the whatever for, you know, the elite westminster might like elite in westminster might like to think lee anderson resonates with huge swathes of working class people in this country. and i think what what he said tonight, they would agree with, he said the police have lost control these control with these pro—palestinian marchers. they have. has control . yes have. khan has lost control. yes he not only has he wrecked he has. not only has he wrecked the city fiscally, has not
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the city fiscally, he has not taken control of the extremism in situation . and i think in this situation. and i think a lot people will agree with lot of people will agree with that. they saw what happened and what the houses of parliament last light was last week, where that light was shone it, with a chant shone on with it, with a chant thatis shone on with it, with a chant that is actually calling for the annihilation of the one and only jewish state the and jewish state in the world. and people thinking , what's people were thinking, what's going happen about that? going to happen about that? what's going to be done? well, nothing because the nothing was done because the police said a crime hasn't been committed. every committed. there is to every jewish country jewish person in this country who fear of that who saw that the fear of that was terrifying . and think this was terrifying. and i think this is there is now is the problem. there is now a sliver of fear running through this country with every jewish person this country. you person in this country. you know, we ask the time how know, we ask all the time how the happened and how the holocaust happened and how it was allowed to happen. well, we're seeing it now because no one is attacking the people who are making these. >> i want your on >> and i want your views on this. to you that this. i do put it to you that rightly or wrongly, the rightly or wrongly, what the country witnessing here is country is witnessing here is actually a normal bloke actually quite a normal bloke saying the things that millions of people say down the pub, but he happens to be a high profile politician saying them on
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national television. >> yeah, i mean, you know, i grew up in the exact same area that lee did, obviously at a different time, grew up on the same estate. it's the same skills know, skills and, and, you know, i completely see versions of him and, like my and, you know, people like my parents, my uncles, stuff like that. know, and i completely that. you know, and i completely agree. bloke. i agree. normal ish bloke. and i think said that think what he said in that interview, lot people would interview, a lot of people would struggle with, le. struggle to disagree with, le. the have lost control, the police have lost control, sadiq control, sadiq khan has lost control, whatever. disagree with that? >> but the fact is, in his original, in the original comments that started all this mess, said that sadiq khan comments that started all this mescontrolledthat sadiq khan comments that started all this mescontrolledtha'islamists, and comments that started all this mesaiditrolledtha'islamists, and comments that started all this me said thatadtha'lslamists, and comments that started all this mesaid that he'drislamists, and comments that started all this mesaid that he'd given ists, and comments that started all this mesaid that he'd given ists, ethe he said that he'd given away the city to his mates. those are whether racist, whether islamophobic, racist, whatever. side whatever. leave that to the side . true. it's a . they're just not true. it's a lie . and after what is lie. and to go after what is probably the most public facing muslim in political life and go , muslim in political life and go, you're controlled by islamic extremists . extremists. >> he did the say the same about keir, though. yeah, sure. >> it's still wrong. if you do. if still wrong, it's still if it's still wrong, it's still a lie though. >> made >> nobody's made a big fuss about starmer thing. about the keir starmer thing. have said about both have you? it was said about both of them. >> 5 your views on >> oh, belinda, your views on what heard there. mean
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what we just heard there. i mean i thought was quite i thought there was quite a stark he's saying he is stark warning. he's saying he is going stand at the next going to stand at the next general election. wished he'd general election. he wished he'd had from rishi had more support from rishi sunak. i don't think i'm speaking out of turn here to say that. speaking out of turn here to say that . i think speaking out of turn here to say that. i think he feels as though sunak's driven a bus over him. yeah, i'm really sad to see what's happened to lee in many ways, despite me thinking his original statement. >> you know , there were mistakes >> you know, there were mistakes in that, but i couldn't disagree with anything he said there. >> and i'm telling you, and >> and i'm telling you, up and down people are down the country, people are feeling moms outside school >> even moms outside the school gates are that there is gates are feeling that there is a sort of submission, touch a sort of submission, soft touch to the islamist population of this country, which again, is a minority of the muslim population, but they have too much power and have too much power and they have too much power and they have too much control. >> thing would say about >> one thing i would say about lee he doesn't do, he lee that he doesn't do, he doesn't criticise the conservative party for their submission to islamists in submission to the islamists in this asia . this country, asia. >> bieber, the pakistani christian, rejected from christian, was rejected from having by boris having asylum here by boris because he was frightened of the islamist reaction to her. instead taking, you islamist reaction to her.
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instead taking , you know, her instead of taking, you know, her in, he should have he he what? i mean to say is, i can say anything about hinduism, catholicism and any part of christianity i like. i cannot sit here and criticise islam without being considered not a bigot in islam, i'm afraid. >> sunak had to act quickly because the one thing starmer did not do last week was, was react quickly over the rochdale quy- react quickly over the rochdale guy. he didn't quickly. we guy. he didn't move quickly. we all criticise and all the tories criticise and andy, can i ask you directly? >> of course. do you think having listened to that and watched that , that there a watched that, that there is a problem islamophobia in the problem with islamophobia in the conservative and that conservative party and that maybe rishi sunak needs to act more against lee anderson? what's your from that? what's your takeaway from that? >> there i don't think >> i think there i don't think there's an inherent problem, but i would say with some mps they are islamophobic, but i wouldn't say there's inherent say that there's an inherent problem there with problem like there was with anti—semitism corbyn anti—semitism in the corbyn labour don't think it's labour party. i don't think it's to don't think to that level. but i don't think that needs more that lee anderson needs more support rishi sunak. you support from rishi sunak. you know, a ten, he got a ten know, he got a ten, he got a ten grand payout evidence for that. >> for saying that >> my evidence for saying that you think the islamophobia
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phobia tory ranks? phobia is in the tory ranks? >> you know, you look >> well, you know, you look at you comments like lee you look at comments like lee anderson's suella anderson's made like suella braverman him. braverman made from him. >> braverman >> well, suella braverman a couple ago, was couple of days ago, she was saying, have saying, islamists have taken over britain. they're controlling our public institutions. . institutions. that's not true. >> have they have . >> it but they have they have. they seem to be having a lot of power. >> why aren't our politicians talking? >> okay, the threat violence , >> okay, the threat of violence, the fear of violence is enough at the moment in this country that we are letting we're that we are letting down. we're letting live in letting a teacher live in fear of we are hauling of his life. we are hauling people, children across hot coals for scuffing qurans. no one is saying anything in our government. if it was the bnp, if it was neo—nazis doing this , if it was neo—nazis doing this, there would be uproar. but there is special treatment. you not is special treatment. do you not agree ? there is special agree? there is special treatment out of fear of violence. >> the issue is you know, we've had five home secretaries in five there isn't five years. there isn't a serious to anything in serious response to anything in the home office brief, whether it's migration policing, it's migration, policing, domestic no domestic issues, there is no serious government policies on it that is beyond that as well . it that is beyond that as well. they've been in charge for 14 years. >> can i agree with you? can i just pick up on something as
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well? i think another well? i think is another important this important factor in this discussion. actually is discussion. actually which is that has said very that david cameron has said very similar to what lee similar things to what lee anderson is that anderson has said is that is that you. zac that goes i'll come to you. zac goldsmith said quite similar goldsmith has said quite similar things as well. braverman things as well. suella braverman has things. has said very similar things. none lost the whip. none of them have lost the whip. now, don't claim actually to now, i don't claim actually to know exactly where suella braverman i'm braverman went to school, so i'm not going to throw this one out there. to put it out. >> she did go to a fee paying there you go. >> right. okay, fine. i put >> right. okay, fine. i do put it out carol, maybe it out there, carol, that maybe when comes out of a when this stuff comes out of a working man who to working class man who used to working class man who used to work down the pits, mouth, right, there is a massive pushback comes out of an pushback when it comes out of an old mouth. get very little. right. think that's >> right. i think that's completely right. but also, you know, i'm looking khan. know, i'm just looking at khan. then saying today know, i'm just looking at khan. then you saying today know, i'm just looking at khan. then you know, saying today know, i'm just looking at khan. then you know, anderson day know, i'm just looking at khan. then you know, anderson isy that, you know, anderson is pounng that, you know, anderson is pouring fuel on a fire on anti—muslim hatred. if i wish i could speak the could hear khan speak out the same anti—muslim same way about the anti—muslim hatred sorry, the hatred that are sorry, the anti—semitic hatred that has exploded on the streets since october 7, he has never spoken that anti—semitism . if that way about anti—semitism. if he did, people would actually be more evenhanded with him. but they're not they they they think
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he's taking a side and that is a problem for a majority of people. very very quickly, very quickly. >> just a yes or no. you >> just a yes or no. do you think lee anderson will be more or after this incident? >> more popular, popular, >> more popular, more popular, more ? more popular, really? >> wow. there we go. well, look . >> wow. there we go. well, look. coming celtic football coming up, celtic football manager brendan rodgers has been slammed for calling a football reporter a good girl. slammed for calling a football reporter a good girl . was that reporter a good girl. was that sexist? we'll debate with sexist? we'll debate that with tonight's we'll tonight's panel. but next we'll bnng tonight's panel. but next we'll bring first of bring you the very first of tomorrow's front bring you the very first of tomorr
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news radio show. >> welcome back to patrick christys tonight only on gb news it's time now for tomorrow's front pages. let's do it . let's front pages. let's do it. let's go in with the metro cats . this go in with the metro cats. this case for killing a stranger ? um, case for killing a stranger? um, yeah. just about as it all i had learned. isn't it? a sadist who has sexual pleasure from, uh, apparently putting a cat through horrific pain has now been
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jailed. um, let's go over to the. i uh, hunt has six days to find tax cuts to save tory mps . find tax cuts to save tory mps. the amount of times i've read that headline. but there we go. the daily telegraph army wives force mod a u—turn over housing plan to allocate property based on family size rather than rank is halted after backlash . and uk is halted after backlash. and uk lagging 15 years behind on cancer survival rates. uh, taxes rise to 100 billion amid migrant surge as well, so it's a lively front page for the telegraph. let's go to the sun. friends and traitors . uh, all star show traitors. uh, all star show wants courtney means nothing to me. i'll be honest with you. um, sitcom icon is pal of claudia. let's read into this . he says let's read into this. he says friends, legend courtney cox is being lined up as the first signing of the celebrity spin off of hit tv show the traitors, right . uh, go off of hit tv show the traitors, right. uh, go to off of hit tv show the traitors, right . uh, go to the independent right. uh, go to the independent final one for now. pm squirms as top tory doubles down on islamist claims as lee anderson refuses to apologise for saying
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islamist had got control of london. sunak says he was wrong but not islamophobic. the mayor condemns tories for failing to call out anti—muslim hatred, right? okay well, no doubt our exclusive interview with lee anderson will be leading the news agenda tomorrow. there was a heck of a lot to go out there, but discuss all the but here to discuss all the front with me more is front pages with me and more is daily express columnist carole malone, trade unionist and political commentator andy mcdonald, and former brexit party de lucy. now party mep belinda de lucy. now look, this is something that i think ties in quite a think frankly ties in quite a lot what anderson was lot with what lee anderson was saying . charlotte church saying. charlotte church has been slammed for her involvement at the sing for palestine event last weekend, where she led a hundred strong choir featuring children to sing this divisive song on the way there , tom and song on the way there, tom and ellie up to the to see jesus g
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okay, so that's charlotte church there now. charlotte church has hit back on instagram live this morning saying i am in no way anti—semitic. i fighting for anti—semitic. i am fighting for the liberation of all people. clearly, know the history clearly, if you know the history of it all, not an anti—semitic chants calling for the obliterate of israel. it is calling for the peaceful coexistence of israelis and palestine . indians. uh, carol, palestine. indians. uh, carol, uh, a charlotte struck a bum note here. >> yeah, completely. i think she's desperately trying to stay relevant . she's fancied herself relevant. she's fancied herself as an activist for quite a long time now that the singing careers over. well, is careers over. well, this is particularly, think , bad particularly, i think, bad because using a voice for because she's using a voice for which she's known worldwide to lead kids, kids into singing a genocide song. those kids don't know what they're about. know what they're singing about. they and they have no idea. and yet they're told to words they're being told to sing words about a song that talks about the destruction varne of the israeli state. you know, half the world's jews destroy it. thatis the world's jews destroy it. that is not on. and it's trying to influence kids in a bad way. and, you know, she said, made me laugh she said she called laugh today. she said she called what symbol
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laugh today. she said she called wiresistance symbol laugh today. she said she called wiresistance . symbol laugh today. she said she called wiresistance . no symbol laugh today. she said she called wiresistance . no it symbol laugh today. she said she called wiresistance . no it wasn't.nbol laugh today. she said she called wiresistance . no it wasn't. it ol of resistance. no it wasn't. it was 150 strong audience in a carefully working men's hall . carefully working men's hall. um, so no, she wasn't it wasn't not a powerful force. >> is this is this andy? is this not exactly the kind of stuff that lee anderson was talking about? you know, you've got people know , just people like this, you know, just belting that many belting out phrases that many people as being people would regard as being genocidal and fine. genocidal. and it's all fine. >> yeah, i think it's a very bizarre thing to do . i doubt bizarre thing to do. i doubt benjamin knows streaming live to the working man's club . the welsh working man's club. that'll be something to hear. the but i just, i honestly the choir but i just, i honestly i didn't know who she was. i think was bit before my time. >> i had no idea. charlotte church i no charlotte church. >> remarkable even i knew, but i just of look at it, i just kind of i look at it, i shake my head. just kind of i look at it, i shai'mny head. just kind of i look at it, i shai'm like,ead. just kind of i look at it, i shai'm like, these are just >> i'm like, these are just some, know, a has been some, you know, a has been leading some old women and some young children who are just trying get of trying to get a bit of attention. just bit sad, attention. it's just a bit sad, really. you agree with on really. you agree with us on that? it's just sad. that? i agree, it's just sad. >> look, i suppose >> well, i mean, look, i suppose obviously charlotte church obviously look, charlotte church has been strong this has been very strong on this saying trying to saying that she's not trying to do any way negatively do it in any way negatively or whatever calling the
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whatever she's calling for the liberation all. people. liberation of all. all people. i mean, know , again, is mean, you know, again, is this i mean, you know, again, is this i mean, phrase mean, that, that, that phrase from to the sea was from the river to the sea was what was beamed onto big ben, belinda, as are a coach and horses was being driven through british democracy the other day. is this the kind of thing that lee anderson is getting, right or not? do you think? >> i think right to >> no, i think he's right to point it out. i agree with carol. i hate the politicised using as political using children as political tools what she's done is tools and what she's done is exactly that. as as carol said, the children don't know what they're has they're singing about. it is has got offence to many got huge offence to many, many jews . remember the streets that jews. remember the streets that were filled with cars with were filled with the cars with palestinian flags saying they were sexually were going to, uh, sexually assault jewish mothers their assault jewish mothers and their daughters and down the daughters up and down the streets london. that's all. streets of london. that's all. it's real thing. and charlotte it's a real thing. and charlotte , she's a z—list celeb as as carol says, trying to stay relevant. it's embarrassing , but relevant. it's embarrassing, but but the children but keep away from the children from politics. it's from all this politics. it's i find this messiah complex of the liberal left. she goes around as if she's mother teresa, blessing everyone with her, with her shawl. i mean, it's ridiculous.
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you could do a good meme out of that. that's what i'm saying. >> somebody. >> no doubt. somebody. well, i'll again the i'll just refer you again to the front independent, which front of the independent, which is denies is that charlotte church denies that the river to that singing from the river to the sea is anti—semitic. it's worthwhile as noting that worthwhile as well, noting that their big story behind she might, patrick. >> might think but i'm >> she might think that. but i'm afraid the majority jews afraid the majority of jews in this say this country do not. they say it's also idol song? yeah. >> it's worth noting that >> it's also worth noting that their story beneath pm their story beneath that is pm squirms down squirms as top tory doubles down on islamist claim. and that, i think, nutshell, is where think, in a nutshell, is where we are in this at we are in this country at the moment, look coming moment, isn't it? look coming up, shift tone is mary up, shift in tone is mary poppins about to be cancel for find crown tonight's find out as i crown tonight's greatest union greatest britain and union jackass celtic manager jackass plus is celtic manager brendan sexist for brendan rodgers sexist for saying to a bbc saying good girl to a bbc reporter? that and more of tomorrow's newspaper front pages on the way shortly. don't move
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all right, we are very much back. it's time to give you some
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more of tomorrow's front pages. let's do it. all right , more of tomorrow's front pages. let's do it. all right, we're going in with the mirror. 100 kids a day are victims of sick onune kids a day are victims of sick online blackmailers . now, this online blackmailers. now, this is a mirror investigation. it's an exclusive. they say that children are tricked into sending naked pictures and then they're terrorised. it does follow a real tragedy about a lad who sadly took his own life after getting caught up in one of these scams. no doubt there will be others like him. i think it's important story. uh, it's an important story. uh, they reveal also, you know, go and buy a copy of the mirror and read yourself. the read it for yourself. the guardian, expert that guardian, uh, expert warn that hunt. warn hunt over hunt. sorry. warn hunt over dubious case for underfunded budget tax cuts . shock as budget tax cuts. shock as guardian, they want us to cut tax.labour guardian, they want us to cut tax. labour plan to battle misogyny in schools . there we misogyny in schools. there we go. at the times . i'm proof that go. at the times. i'm proof that britain isn't racist, says rishi sunak. britain isn't racist, says rishi sunak . pm moves to take heat out sunak. pm moves to take heat out of islamophobia row. well good luck with that. uh, there's also another one about hunt cutting tax , um, vaping and national tax, um, vaping and national
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insurance . again, i think we insurance. again, i think we believe it when we see it, don't we? with jeremy hunt, the daily express get him back tories rally round quotes race rally anderson red wall tories have rallied around firebrand lee anderson, demanding his suspension over islamophobia. row is lifted and well, frankly, according to, well, lee anderson. but also a lot of other tory mps that we've spoken to. to be fair, uh, there is there is a lot of support for him. he's the red wall made flash, isn't he? that flash, isn't he? and if that goes, serious question goes, then serious question marks party back marks about the tory party back now to my uh, which is now to my panel. uh, which is daily express columnist carol millom. we've got trade unionist and commentator andy and political commentator andy mcdonald brexit party mcdonald and former brexit party mep belinda lucy. um, well, mep belinda de lucy. um, well, i've just about got time felt. i've just about got time felt. i've got more than enough time to talk to you about the manager of celtic football club. now celtic are currently second in of celtic football club. now celt league urrently second in of celtic football club. now celtleague behind second in of celtic football club. now celtleague behind archynd in of celtic football club. now celtleague behind arch rivals the league behind arch rivals rangers, brendan rodgers is rangers, and brendan rodgers is used criticised. but used to being criticised. but tonight northern irishman tonight the northern irishman finds embroiled in a row finds himself embroiled in a row off the pitch. he's at the centre of a sexism storm after
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his tense post—match interview yesterday . we've got it, the yesterday. we've got it, the story being ripped, but this group , uh so but we will write group, uh so but we will write our own story. >> can you give us a bit more you can't give us. you don't want to give us a bit more insight into that and what you mean no no, you know mean by that. no no, you know exactly what i mean. >> i'm not. i'm actually not sure. >> i do exactly know what you mean. okay. can you can tell mean. okay. can you can you tell us interested us people might be interested to know but you're the know to but but but you're the one bringing that up. so. one that's bringing that up. so. so can you not give us some more on it? >> good, well done. >> good, good. well done. >> good, good. well done. >> you go. he's >> cheers. there you go. he's done. girl. done. good girl. >> was that sexist? and >> carol, was that sexist? and can offside can you explain the offside rule? uh, no. rule? uh uh, no. >> to the latter. um, there was a sexist at all. do you know jane lewis? i don't know a person, i've a person, but i've read a bit about she's a she's about dodi. she's a she's a veteran for 20 years experience. she's heard worse than veteran for 20 years experience. she' in|eard worse than veteran for 20 years experience. she' in that worse than veteran for 20 years experience. she' in that time. worse than veteran for 20 years experience. she' in that time. you;e than veteran for 20 years experience. she' in that time. you know,| that in that time. you know, journalists questions. journalists ask questions. there is the person they're is no onus on the person they're asking the way they asking to answer the way they want trying to want them to. she was trying to get line for her tv station. get a line for her tv station. it didn't come off. wasn't it didn't come off. he wasn't rude to her. he just went, good girl. that's not sexist. she has
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actually said people who know her say she's on facebook. and of says it's nothing. of course she says it's nothing. and the brigade, and yet the woke brigade, the feminist have taken it on. feminist mob have taken it on. they're offended. they're going to be offended. yeah. i just say yeah. i mean, look, ijust say things like, good lad or whatever. >> really think the >> i don't really think all the time. really necessarily time. i don't really necessarily think is that think about it. i mean, is that do you think what brendan rodgers is doing there, is it rodgers is doing there, or is it a i think it's not a bit careless? i think it's not sexist, just sexist, it's just a bit outdated. >> calling someone a girl or good in workplace good boy in the workplace is just that, know, just something that, you know, a manager that to a manager would do that to a secretary on on, secretary in the 80s. on go on, good girl. no, tosh. it's a little. it's just a little slap there. well, were they were there. well, they were they were crazy wow you know, crazy in the 80s. wow you know, it's just they weren't alive in the to stop >> i think we need to stop having at men for the most having a go at men for the most trivial, silly little nothingness. >> men get mansplaining manterrupting man spreading shoved down their throats by these manic neoliberal feminists who want to erase women as a sex group. let men in all the lose. so i'm just telling you right now, leave guys alone. >> women make little slip ups like this all the time. >> was one. and women >> if it was one. and women aren't handle
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aren't children, we can handle a little patronising. if it was that at the end that that at the end of that interview she was giggling. that at the end of that inteshen she was giggling. that at the end of that inteshe said; was giggling. that at the end of that inteshe said yeah,giggling. that at the end of that inteshe said yeah,giknow,. >> she said yeah, i know, i thought it was funny. thought it was quite funny. >> laughing name >> she was laughing when my name called my age. called a girl at my age. >> anyway. >> anyway. >> especially good one. >> especially a good one. >> especially a good one. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> i'm rarely good girl, >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. you know that, right? >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. yortherev that, right? >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. yorthere v th go. right? >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. yortherev th go. so |t? >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. yortherev th go. so i? >> i'm rarely a good girl, carol. yortherev th go. so i think >> well, there we go. so i think we'll leave there. it we'll leave that there. um, it is to reveal today's is time to reveal today's greatest britain and union jackass. that's carol is jackass. that's right. carol is your greatest britain. >> ironically, mine is bizarre. it's france and it's french government , particular the government, particular the interior minister, a guy called gerald domaine . he ordered the gerald domaine. he ordered the immediate deportation of a radical imam called mahjoub mahjoubi, who called france's flag satanic . and after a series flag satanic. and after a series of sermons where he was said to be anti—semitic, he called jewish people the enemy anti—women and anti—french values. they just chucked them out thanks to new laws . values. they just chucked them out thanks to new laws. his values. they just chucked them out thanks to new laws . his case out thanks to new laws. his case has been filed by his lawyer in france, but he's not in the country to fight it. why can't we do that? country to fight it. why can't we okay, it? country to fight it. why can't we okay, so essentially your >> okay, so essentially your honorary greatest president is france an islamist france for deporting an islamist , interior , and particularly the interior minister, dolnick. okay. minister, gerald dolnick. okay. all right.
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>> emma w- all right. >> be more like france. >> i agree, great britain, uh, my greatest princess sadiq khan, i he's been i think, you know, he's been he's been fantastic throughout i think, you know, he's been he'sstandard.tastic throughout this standard. >> great throughout this standard. >> scandal. great throughout this standard. >> scandal. you at throughout this standard. >> scandal. you know,yughout this standard. >> scandal. you know,yugihas this scandal. you know, he has had very things said about had very nasty things said about him by lee anderson. and i think he's it with quite him by lee anderson. and i think he' of it with quite him by lee anderson. and i think he' of grace. it with quite lot of grace. >> are you laughing inside when you say that. no, not at all. >> think is nasty to >> i think it is very nasty to say you're controlled by, sorry, the moderate say you're controlled by, sorry, the uncle moderate say you're controlled by, sorry, the uncle toms.)derate muslims, uncle toms. >> okay >> yes. all right. okay >> yes. all right. okay >> glinda, your greatest britain >> glinda, your greatest britain >> is louise tickle. >> glinda, your greatest britain >> a is louise tickle. >> glinda, your greatest britain >> a guardian ouise tickle. >> glinda, your greatest britain >> a guardian ouise t i kle. she's a guardian writer, i believe been writing for believe she's been writing for the guardian for 20 years. she has defended the has stood up and defended the point men point that i agree with men should not be called women who commit about a man commit crime is all about a man who liquidised cat and killed who liquidised a cat and killed someone. and he was. he's been called woman by the called a woman in by the guardian and she said no, not having any of that. all right. >> okay, so today's greatest britain is the french government . there we go. i know, and you will never , ever see that again. will never, ever see that again. right now we're bang up against it time wise. so please, let's keep it snappy. carol, your union jackass. >> jackass. british board of film has decided that
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film classics has decided that children watch children should no longer watch the mary poppins without, the film. mary poppins without, uh, grown up supervision because they've said they've said it apparently contains discriminatory language. now, all i can remember of mary parton's was dick van dyke's appalling cockney accent, which i'm not finished yet. hang on. >> we nearly are. >> we nearly are. >> i'm sorry, but it's >> well, i'm sorry, but it's because the word hottentots appears twice in the movie. do you know what a hottentot is? >> no. >> no. >> and we're about to finish the show. so kids, jog on. right? okay. on. okay. go on. >> here's your lee anderson and more specifically, lee anderson's message. >> all right, my union jack, my jackass is frankie boyle for tweeting out if i see the word islamist, i just assume i'm about to read racist stuff again. >> a typical lib lefty. totally denying that islamism is problem. >> all right , today's union jack >> all right, today's union jack is frankie boyle. there we go. okay, well, look, thank you very much. wonderful panel. much. my wonderful panel. i really it tonight. thank really enjoyed it tonight. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you been you to everybody who's been watching listening you to everybody who's been watheadline listening you to everybody who's been watheadline is listening you to everybody who's been watheadline is next. listening you to everybody who's been watheadline is next. i'll istening you to everybody who's been watheadline is next. i'll beening in. headline is next. i'll be back again tomorrow from nine.
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>> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb news weather update with me. annie from the met office could be quite a cold and foggy start for some areas. tomorrow morning we'll also see some pushing to the some rain pushing in to the north we have got high north and west. we have got high pressure dominating for the rest of the day through the of the day and through the night, we do also have this night, but we do also have this northeasterly breeze and cold air, so will be a cold air, so it will be a cold evening night in evening and a cold night in fact, particularly where we're exposed to a stronger winds across southeast. across the far southeast. but many a frost many areas will see a frost developing in inland rural areas. also there's a risk of some mist and fog, particularly across central and southeastern areas, where we have had quite a lot of rain recently. it will be a very cold start tomorrow and really could be down to minus three or four, but the far northwest frost will be more limited as some wet weather is arriving through the of arriving through the course of the that will bring the night. that will bring a damp day,
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damp start to the day, particularly for northern scotland, wet weather scotland, but that wet weather will push into parts of southern scotland north wales . scotland as well as north wales. northern england will see northern england two will see some rain through some of that rain through tuesday afternoon. further south and stay largely and east it should stay largely dry, will be a bit of a dry, but it will be a bit of a cloudier day compared to today. the will sink the the rain will sink into the southeast of southeast over the course of tuesday night once clears, tuesday night to once it clears, though , we'll see another clear though, we'll see another clear night and clear start to wednesday, potentially some further then wednesday, potentially some furt next then wednesday, potentially some furt next batch then wednesday, potentially some furt next batch of then wednesday, potentially some furt next batch of rain then wednesday, potentially some furt next batch of rain arrives1 wednesday, potentially some furtnthe batch of rain arrives1 wednesday, potentially some furtnthe west,of rain arrives1 wednesday, potentially some furtnthe west, thiinn arrives1 wednesday, potentially some furtnthe west, thiinn ar|./es1 wednesday, potentially some furtnthe west, thiinn arr. s01 from the west, this time. so pushing into many western areas of the uk through the morning and then further east later on in day. but that will pick in the day. but that will pick the temperatures up a little bit, temperatures will rise bit, so temperatures will rise through thursday through wednesday and thursday before to end before they fall again to end the week. that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's 11:00 here with gb news. and tonight lee anderson has told gb news. he refuses to apologise and sadiq khan has lost control of to london a tiny majority of extremists. his comments come after the london mayor accused the former tory deputy chairman of pouring petrol on the flames of islamophobia. mr anderson has admitted his words were clumsy when he previously suggested islamists had got control of the
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mayor of


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