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tv   Spring Budget Live  GB News  March 6, 2024 11:50am-3:01pm GMT

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hospitality. thisitality. this islity. this is what the chatter >> this is what is the chatter in westminster there must in westminster that there must be that has not yet be something that has not yet been pre—announced. >> remember back to >> if we remember back to clement government, clement attlee's government, i can't far, but can't remember that far, but stephen barclay was born because it was, of course, his chancellor that was fired it was, of course, his chancellor that was tired but lost his job for, for, for , for, lost his job for, for, for, for, for mentioning one aspect of the budget to a newspaper before that. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and now we have practically the entire budget pre—announced to the papers. >> there must be something that has been held back. >> but as olivia says, what.7 that could be. all right. >> well , that's it from >> well, that's it from britain's newsroom on gb news. annie has your weather. and stay tuned for the budget. of course. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb solar sponsors of weather on. gb news. hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather update. there's plenty of dry and bright weather on offer through the rest of the day.
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anywhere that's seen a cloudier and gloomier start the and gloomier start to the day, we'll start slowly but we'll start to get slowly but surely brighter. this occluded front coast, front across eastern coast, though, that cloud though, has brought that cloud some rain as well to some drizzly rain as well to some drizzly rain as well to some eastern coasts, as well as some eastern coasts, as well as some through the next some early fog through the next few hours. that should slowly continue and clear, continue to lift and clear, though it will probably stay quite across eastern quite gloomy across eastern coasts of scotland through much of day. but some sunny of the day. but some sunny spells particularly spells to come, particularly across through across western areas through the rest day it's been rest of the day where it's been a very sunny start to the day and in the sunshine it will feel fairly highs at fairly pleasant. highs of at 1112, possibly 13 degrees, but in where we've got an in the east where we've got an onshore , will much onshore breeze, will be much closer 6 degrees. so closer to 5 or 6 degrees. so quite bit cooler here. tonight quite a bit cooler here. tonight will be another chilly night. however, quite a lot however, there'll be quite a lot more cloud around tonight than last it's to be last night, so it's going to be a little bit milder than last night, so will be night, however, so there will be a much limited frost by a much more limited frost by tomorrow but it will tomorrow morning, but it will still chilly. still feel fairly chilly. however, overnight it should stay many areas away stay dry for many areas away from the far north—east and the far southwest . and then through far southwest. and then through thursday there'll be further dry and bright weather around,
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particularly through the morning. there'll be a bit more cloud however, cloud around, however, particularly been particularly where it's been so bright so today bright and sunny so far today across western areas, and there is of showers developing is a risk of showers developing into afternoon , particularly into the afternoon, particularly for parts wales for the midlands parts of wales into areas england , into northern areas of england, as well as well as eastern scotland. in the scotland. however, in the sunshine feel fairly sunshine it'll still feel fairly pleasant, highs 11 12 pleasant, with highs of 11 or 12 degrees by by looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> well, it's coming up to midday on wednesday, the 6th of march. this is spring budget live on gb news with me. emily carver and tom harwood in just a moment, rishi sunak and keir starmer will go head to head at prime minister's questions. >> we'll have full coverage of every moment. and just after that, the chancellor, jeremy hunt, will be on his feet delivering the budget.
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>> good stuff. >> good stuff. >> well, with us in the studio is our political editor, christopher hope. and of course, gb news presenter and former labour mp gloria de piero. >> very much indeed >> thank you very much indeed for joining us on this very exciting day. >> it's a pleasure to be, to be with you both. >> well, is this an exciting day, gloria, as a former politician, well , it's politician, well, it's interesting actually, because chris and i obviously are normally here presenting pmqs today, but but actually, no one in that chamber, the mps are not bothered about pmqs today. they're just looking at their watches on, what they're just looking at their wathis; on, what they're just looking at their wathis the on, what they're just looking at their wathis the main on, what they're just looking at their wathis the main event], what they're just looking at their wathis the main event they've time is the main event they've been there earlier, much been in there earlier, much earlier because they earlier than normal because they want their seats the want to get their seats for the budget. obviously quite budget. and obviously it's quite anxious your anxious because you want your team well , chris, wonder anxious because you want your team sunakwell , chris, wonder anxious because you want your team sunak is ll , chris, wonder anxious because you want your team sunak is notchris, wonder anxious because you want your team sunak is not the s, wonder anxious because you want your team sunak is not the main)nder rishi sunak is not the main event today. there could be some surprises at prime minister's questions. there could be some
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slip ups, some ill rehearsed lines, because ultimately they'll think no one will remember. we've forgotten there might some questions about might be some questions about the may. >> there be a may election? >> will there be a may election? march 26th. date we're march 26th. this date we're watching if they can watching isn't it? if they can declare the election may 2nd declare the election on may 2nd by point, that means we'll by that point, that means we'll enter five week campaign. enter this five week campaign. an unlikely say. and an unlikely i've got to say. and i the as he left i shouted at the pm as he left downing today and he downing street today and he ignored , any rabbits the ignored it, any rabbits in the hats chancellor? there's hats for the chancellor? there's not space in that battered not much space in that battered old briefcase for but we do old briefcase for it. but we do know lot of what's in the know a lot of what's in the budget already, we? budget already, don't we? >> reading about how there >> i was reading about how there could of hat could be a rabbit out of the hat for middle earners, for parents, when it comes to childcare, and that something that lot of that is something that a lot of people have been complaining about long time. about for a long time. >> the weird quirks in our system comes to benefits system when it comes to benefits and that entitlement and and losing that entitlement and all of that. >> earners on 65% rate >> middle earners on 65% rate marginal taxes. i mean, is marginal taxes. i mean, there is there are some very odd quirks in our system, but i suppose one of the big issues that jeremy hunt sort out is the free hunt has to sort out is the free childcare. he's already promised that some that there's still some
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uncertainty over. >> it was a really big moment in the budget when he the last budget when he announced massive expansion announced this massive expansion in of hours for free childcare. but of course, it's the providers that have to provide it. it's the it's the it's the it's the nurseries. it's those people that run those nurseries that say, well hang where's that say, well hang on, where's the capacity for this? so yes, that be, important to watch that will be, important to watch today. but something else happenedin today. but something else happened in last march's budget too. there was a toopi reduction in national insurance. exactly what we expect to see another toopi today. now, the hope is obviously that moves the political dial. well, it didn't it didn't last march. it didn't improve those poll ratings. so i think he's going to have to offer something in addition to that. >> chris may as chris as you said, like where's the money? >> well, there's none i mean, unless they raise it through axing non—dom tax status, axing the non—dom tax status, hurting own family. akshata hurting his own family. akshata murty is a non—dom, course, murty is a non—dom, of course, voluntarily pays tax on global earnings. will they try and do all things that labour wants all the things that labour wants to increase and gas to do, increase the oil and gas windfall all sorts of
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windfall tax, all sorts of measures. raising measures. but yeah, raising money tom to emily money somehow. tom and to emily fund the one p in tax cut which could get them going in the polls. >> i think a2p cut in national insurance is expected to lose £10 billion in revenue to the exchequer , raising getting rid exchequer, raising getting rid of that non—dom status. even the most optimistic estimates by the labour party, which up until today the tory party has been challenging pretty rigorously, is around 3 billion if you step back £0.02 cut in january, £0.02 cut in march, that's £0.04 off national insurance 20 billion. >> how creative is it particularly cut national insurance cut it again. >> would there be another tax cut that you would prefer gloria. >> well i think actually keir starmer will be doing the response today. and it's actually a challenging day for the labour party too. i mean, it's actually made less challenging by the fact that they've announced much. and they've announced so much. and they've announced so much. and the be cross about they've announced so much. and the by be cross about they've announced so much. and the by way, )e cross about they've announced so much. and the by way, because about they've announced so much. and the by way, because the |t that, by the way, because the rules you have tell rules are that you have to tell parliament this first. but will he much? he say much? >> very weakened speaker. >> he's a very weakened speaker. i whether he can't really >> he's a very weakened speaker. i much.rhether he can't really >> he's a very weakened speaker. i much. normally can't really >> he's a very weakened speaker. i much. normally he'dt really
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>> he's a very weakened speaker. i much. normally he'd he'dly say much. normally he'd he'd normally give an absolute telling off. >> going to >> it's going to be. >> it's going to be. >> you feel are worse off >> do you feel you are worse off than were when, when the than you were when, when the conservatives 14 conservatives came into power 14 years nothing changes that. years ago? nothing changes that. the tax burden is extraordinarily that is extraordinarily high and that is the i think that labour the debate. i think that labour will try and land today. >> it could be quite a raucous debate because you we've debate because as you say, we've got speaker, got an emasculated speaker, a speaker perhaps doesn't feel speaker who perhaps doesn't feel like he can stand up and shout, order, order! >> last wednesday did he? and it was very noisy. pmqs last wednesday. normally he would wednesday. and normally he would give telling off to give a right telling off now to the government point the government at some point i bet, bet he says nothing bet, i bet he says nothing because got because he can't. he's, he's got 93 want him, who have 93 mps who want him, who have no confidence he's only confidence in him. he's only being there by the being held there by the government's refusal to offer a government, time for government, government time for a his future and a debate in his future and therefore he does therefore he'll be on. he does want to offend the government. >> really, really >> it's really, really interesting. about interesting. i'm thinking about these national these potential national insurance cuts , to p, then to p insurance cuts, to p, then to p £20 billion in total, ten apiece for eight weeks. liz truss, when she tried to keep, corporation tax at the level that it was,
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many people described this as a corporation tax cut, a cut against a future rise that was £20 billion. that's exactly the same as the tax cuts that if today goes ahead, we will have seen under this chancellor ultimately can't vote though, tom. these are these are tom. but these are these are sensible jeremy hunt tax cuts. pmqs is just getting let's listen to the speaker . listen to the speaker. >> charlotte littles number one, please. mr speaker. mr >> mr speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to my duties in this house, including listening to the chancellor's budget statement . i the chancellor's budget statement. i shall the chancellor's budget statement . i shall have further statement. i shall have further such meetings later today. >> littles , thank you, >> charlotte littles, thank you, mr speaker. >> the used to be a world >> the uk used to be a world leader in psilocybin research, but despite calls from the but despite the calls from the home affairs select committee, leading researchers, charities and veterans organisations and the royal college of psychiatry lists, we've shamefully fallen behind on breakthrough treatment for conditions like ptsd and depression, causing misery to millions of people in our country. can the prime minister
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explain why this policy remains the responsibility of a home office that can't give it the attention it deserves, and why it's okay that american, canadian and australian patients can access treatment? british patients can't . patients can't. >> prime minister, mr speaker, i completely sympathise and understand why people suffering from distressing conditions will want to seek the best possible treatment available , and i thank treatment available, and i thank the honourable lady for raising the honourable lady for raising the issue. we are committed to ensuring that the uk is a world leading jurisdiction for pharmaceutical, clinical and other medical research and we have asked the advisory have in fact asked the advisory council on the misuse of drugs to review barriers to legitimate medical research involving controlled drugs such as psilocybin. >> our response to the council's recommendations , i am pleased to recommendations, i am pleased to tell the honourable lady, will be published as soon as possible i >> -- >> doctor kiera bell thank you, mr speaker. >> my constituency has a long and proud history farming and proud history of farming with of the same with generations of the same family helping to feed our nation, since world war nation, and not since world war two have we been so aware of how
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important security is to important food security is to our security. so will our national security. so will the minister update the prime minister update the house his government is house on what his government is doing our fantastic doing to support our fantastic farmers? mr speaker, as farmers? yes mr speaker, as i set out at the nfu conference, just a couple of weeks ago, we will always back british farmers to continue to produce fantastic food. >> we're accelerating that plan with the largest package of grants ever, and indeed, one of those new schemes opens just today, supporting farmers with up to £125,000 towards the purchase of new equipment and technology . our schemes in technology. our schemes in england are all about more choice, mr speaker, not less . choice, mr speaker, not less. and unlike labour in wales, we will never introduce top down arbitrary targets that damage farm incomes, damage our food security and take farmers back to square one. here we now come to square one. here we now come to the leader of the opposition, keir starmer. >> they thank you, mr speaker. >> they thank you, mr speaker. >> three years ago, sarah everard was walking home when
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she was abducted and murdered by a serving police officer who should have been trusted to keep her safe. as a father, i can't imagine the pain her parents, her family and her friends are going through in this difficult anniversary week . lady anniversary week. lady angelina's report exposes the appalling failure in police vetting and in misconduct processes, and i'm very troubled by its conclusion that there is and i'm going to quote it, nothing to stop another cozens operating in plain sight. how can that be the case? three years on from this horrendous crime ? crime? >> mr speaker, can i firstly say that i'm sure all members of the house will have been thinking about sarah everard in recent weeks. it was , as the hon. weeks. it was, as the hon. gentleman said, an absolutely shocking case, and the abuse of power in particular was appalling . that's why we took appalling. that's why we took action quickly. mr speaker , to
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action quickly. mr speaker, to strengthen police vetting, strengthen police vetting, strengthen the rules for rooting out officers who are not fit to serve, and conducted the largest ever screening of all serving officers and staff. we're now ensuring that any officer who has been charged for a crime will be suspended from duty automatically until their case is concluded, and we will thoroughly consider all of the report's recommendations and respond in full. >> the prime minister mentions vetting , and >> the prime minister mentions vetting, and i just want to press on that, because serious failures in police vetting were raised in independent reports as long ago as 2012, 2019, 2022 and 2023. and that's why labour's been arguing for mandatory national vetting standards , national vetting standards, which would stop anybody with a history of domestic abuse or sexual offending being allowed to join the police in the first place. why a mandatory national vetting standards not already in place ? place? >> well, mr speaker, it is vital
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for public confidence that those that are not fit to wear the badge are rooted out of the police and not able to join in the first place. that's why the college of policing has updated its existing statutory code on vetting. and that happened quickly. and in addition , the quickly. and in addition, the policing inspectorate, mr speaken policing inspectorate, mr speaker, carried out a rapid resection of all force's progress against the previous findings. and in addition to that, an entire an entire check against the national police database was carried out for all serving officers and staff . serving officers and staff. >> mr speaker, i'm obviously very familiar with codes in criminal justice systems, but this is this is too serious for that. there is, there is there's a world of difference between a code and binding mandatory standards which do not have legal effect. and that should trouble members across the house. cousins history of sexual
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offending stretched back many years on four occasions. despite allegations of indecent exposure, he wasn't sacked . we exposure, he wasn't sacked. we know indecent exposure is a gateway to more horrific crimes, as was tragically shown to be the case not only in sarah everard's case, but also libby squire. but it's not treated with the seriousness required. the angelina report recommends reviewing all indecent exposure allegations against serving officers in order to identify, investigate and remove those officers from service. now, given the obvious urgency of this recommendation, can the prime minister give a categorical assurance that it will be implemented immediately ? will be implemented immediately? >> mr speaker, the as the home secretary addressed this specifically when he made his statement, indecent exposure is just like any other kind of sexually motivated crime is abhorrent, and we expect police chiefs to take it extremely
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seriously. and we fully expect police chiefs to suspend an officer charged with any kind of sexually motivated crime. and it's worth pointing out, in addition to the new powers that the home secretary outlined about automatic suspension, chief constables already have chief constables already do have existing powers to suspend any officer in their force when allegations are made, and we fully expect them to use those powers . powers. >> it's all fine, is it? it's all okay. >> well, i do think the recommendation i referred to should be implemented urgently, and i ask the prime minister to look again at that, because every day that goes past when it isn't implemented carries risk for victims . in these cases, for victims. in these cases, sarah everard's murder should of course, been a watershed moment on policing reform, on the criminal justice system, on violence against women and girls. but the sad reality is that victims of rape who have the courage and bravery to come forward, have just a 2.4% chance of their perpetrators being
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caught and charged within the yeah caught and charged within the year. how does the prime minister expect women to have confidence in the criminal justice system, when almost all rapists do not see the inside of a courtroom? yes >> mr speaker, we, as we acknowledged , a couple of years acknowledged, a couple of years ago, of course we need to do more to improve rape outcomes in the criminal justice system. >> and the plan the rape action review plan is showing considerable progress. >> mr speaker, we've already increased. we've already increased. we've already increased the average sentences for rape by a third since labour were last in office. mr speaker , were last in office. mr speaker, by the way, using a power that the labour party voted against in this house, and thanks to our thanks to our action plan, we've seen police referrals double charges, double. and last year there was a 50% increase in rape convictions. and now rapists will serve every single day of their sentence behind bars . and their sentence behind bars. and their sentence behind bars. and the honourable gentleman did raise his time at the crown
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prosecution service, but he hasn't acknowledged that under his tenure, rape convictions actually dropped . actually dropped. >> well, the prime minister knows that it's going to be fact checked. he also knows i support tough sentences. i really do think that the victims of violence against women and girls deserve better than this nonsense of the finest . james nonsense of the finest. james heale. it needs to be taken seriously. it's not games , prime seriously. it's not games, prime minister. we all want more victims to come forward . but we victims to come forward. but we have to be honest. unless things change, the criminal justice system will continue to fail them. that is why we are committed to introducing specialist rape sexual specialist rape and sexual offences teams in every force to give victims specialist support and confidence that their experience will be investigated properly. when will the prime minister commit to doing the same? mr speaker, we have already implemented a rape action review plan, he says.
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>> we're taking this seriously. here are the things that we have done. mr speaker, we have ended the appalling digital strip search that victims had to go through with their mobile search that victims had to go through we1 their mobile search that victims had to go through we have r mobile search that victims had to go through we have ensured that phones. we have ensured that there better of there is better use of pre—recorded cross—examination . pre—recorded cross—examination. we have rolled out operation soteria with incredible success across all national police forces, and we have increased significantly the number of independent sexual, domestic violence and abuse advisers to up to a thousand. and there is more specialist training in all police forces for these prosecutions. that is a plan that we've already put in place. it's a plan that is working to ensure that we can keep women and girls in our country safe . and girls in our country safe. >> mr speaker, the problem is the rosy picture the prime minister tries to paint of the current criminal justice system is completely at odds with the confidence many women currently have in it. yes and with the publication of angelini report, the country deserves to know that we are doing all we can to make our country safe for women.
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that starts with what should be the most basic task creating a safe workplace here in westminster. and at the moment, as every one in this house knows, we are failing in that endeavour and we all have a duty to change this . so when will he to change this. so when will he make time for the vote on banning from parliament? mps who face allegations of sex offences ? >> 7- >> the 7 >> the prime minister. >> the prime minister. >> mr speaker, it is absolutely right that we ensure our communities are safe for women and girls. that is why we passed the landmark domestic abuse act. thatis the landmark domestic abuse act. that is why we set up a new 24 over seven victim support line. it's why we've quadrupled funding for victim support and why we are investing in practical things like cctv and better street lighting in safer communities. up and down the country. now, of course, there is always more we can do, but this government has a strong track record in ensuring that women across this country will feel safe. ihra rosendahl.
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>> mr speaker, sir, i want the prime minister to know that the people of romford are struggling with ever increasing energy pnces with ever increasing energy prices , yet providers are making prices, yet providers are making huge profits running into hundreds of millions. so does the prime minister agree with me that reductions in wholesale pnces that reductions in wholesale prices should be passed on to the consumers and standing charges brought down, and will the government hold utility companies to account for their actions? >> well, mr speaker, my hon. friend is right to highlight the challenge that high energy bills have posed not just to his constituents in romford, but across the country . that is why across the country. that is why we stepped in with a significant package of support, paying for around half of a typical household energy bill when pnces household energy bill when prices were at their highest. my hon. friend, i know will join me in welcoming the fact that the energy price cap is set to fall
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by almost £250 in april, which will bring relief to many families . will bring relief to many families. but we must hold companies to account and that is why we introduced the energy profits levy on the windfall profits levy on the windfall profits by an unexpected profits caused by an unexpected increase in energy prices. and we going further to cut we are going further to cut costs for people by cutting their taxes and putting more money in their family bank accounts. >> leader stephen flynn. >> snp leader stephen flynn. hean >> snp leader stephen flynn. hear, hear. >> mr speaker, much to my surprise this morning, it's been widely reported that the conservative party in scotland are absolutely furious that westminster is about to tax scotland's natural resources in order to pay for a tax cut in england . mr speaker, is the england. mr speaker, is the prime minister in danger of turning his colleagues into nationalists ? nationalists? >> mr speaker, obviously i wouldn't comment on the budget, but what i would say is and when i was in scotland last week, it was crystal clear there has only ever been one party consistently
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standing up for the north sea energy industry, and it's the scottish conservatives . scottish conservatives. >> the prime minister knows that not to be the case, but there's a serious point to be made here. mr speaker, the conservative party want to use scotland's natural for tax natural resources to pay for tax cuts in england. the labour party wants to use scotland's natural resources to pay for nuclear power stations in england , and the cost of that up england, and the cost of that up to 100,000 good jobs. scotland's wealth and scotland's resources, scotland's jobs all a game to westminster, but with the tories on just 15% in the polls in scotland now, will the prime minister do us all a favour and call a general election minister? >> mr speaker, the honourable gentleman claims to be supportive of the north sea energy industry . why is it that energy industry. why is it that he's opposed all the measures that we have taken to protect those jobs in scotland over the past couple of years ? he also he
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past couple of years? he also he talks about tax in scotland and england . i just gently point out england. i just gently point out to thanks to the to him that thanks to the actions of the chancellor and this uk government, everyone in scotland has received a significant cut january significant tax cut from january this year. and in contrast to the chancellor's last budget, the chancellor's last budget, the snp's budget put taxes up for working scots. scotland is now the high tax capital of the uk, but this conservative government is going to keep cutting taxes for hard working scots to david amess mr speaker, the government is rightly acting to properly compensate the honzon to properly compensate the horizon victims who are highlighted by alan bates legal challenge. >> however, there are thousands more subpostmasters across the country who are not actually prosecuted , but who who faced prosecuted, but who who faced financially financial penalties for bogus shortfalls causing enormous financial and personal distress to them. does the prime minister agree with me that we should now be doing everything
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possible to do right by all victims of gross miscarriage of justice, to clear their names and at last properly financially compensated ? compensated? >> my right honourable friend is absolutely right to highlight the appalling impact this miscarriage of justice has had on people's mental health, as he acknowledged, our focus is on delivering justice for the postmasters and that's why we will introduce legislation to overturn convictions and pave the way for the swift, swift compensation payment of compensation, which acknowledged. but i thank my honourable friend for his long standing campaign on this issue about mental health, and i can assure him that the postal minister is closely examining the issues he raises. he is considering next steps and will keep the right honourable gentleman closely informed. >> sir jeffrey donaldson thank you, speaker . you, mr speaker. >> the prime minister will be aware that the government's proposals to deal with the legacy of our troubled past in northern ireland continue to be the subject of scrutiny. >> most recently in the high
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court ruling relation to court ruling in relation to compatibility with our human rights obligations and yet many families of victims in northern ireland are deeply disappointed with the lack of cooperation by the irish government in relation to murders committed in their jurisdiction or from their jurisdiction or from their jurisdiction in relation to the omagh bomb inquiry, for example , omagh bomb inquiry, for example, the irish government has declined to conduct a public inquiry on this worst atrocity inquiry on this worst atrocity in our troubled past, despite the court's urging it to do so. >> will the prime minister continue to press the irish government on the need for them to make available facilities to enable the families of innocent victims , including in omagh, to victims, including in omagh, to pursue for justice their loved ones? >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> can i thank my honourable friend for his question on this important topic, which i know will be of great interest not just to his constituents, but many others across northern ireland. the government set ireland. the government has set forward plans to deal with forward its plans to deal with the legacy past and will
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the legacy of the past and will continue to engage with everyone in northern ireland, whatever their views, to set out the best way forward. but i can confirm to him that the secretary of state for northern ireland has raised specific issues raised these specific issues directly the irish directly with the irish government continue to government and will continue to do so. and i also spoke to the taoiseach myself about this very matter. we would hope to see further cooperation on omagh and many other outstanding cases that involve irish jurisdiction because, like him, i want to give families as much information as possible . information as possible. >> mbappe hs2. >> mbappe hs2. >> thank you, mr speaker. putin's put the russian economy on a total war footing. he has increased military spending by 68% to 7.5% of gdp, he claimed this month that over 520,000 new jobs have been created in their arms industry, which now employs an estimated 3.5 million russians on my recent visits to ukraine, i have met with government ministers and senior military figures who have expressed great frustration to me about the length of time it is taking to develop
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collaboration in building a defence manufacturing capability jointly with uk defence companies in ukraine. so will my hon. friend meet with me to discuss how we can unblock the bureaucracy and as our ukrainian friends say, build the arsenal of the free world together. here i can reassure my hon. >> friend that we remain steadfast in our support for ukraine, and we will not allow putin to achieve his aim of eradicating ukrainian freedom and democracy . our and democracy. our cross—government task force is working diligently to support both the armed forces of ukraine and lead uk and ukrainian defence industrial cooperation. i am pleased to say in december last year we conducted our first successful trade mission to ukraine alongside the uk defence industry. but i can tell him that the government and uk industry will continue to work handin industry will continue to work hand in glove with our ukrainian allies, seizing the opportunities for collaboration and bolstering our joint defence industries. >> stringer mr speaker, last
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week the ippr published a paper the state of the north. >> that paper predicted that wealth inequalities already too large between the north and the south—east would increase to nearly a quarter of £1 million per head by the end of this decade. does the prime minister accept that his levelling up agenda has failed, or did he never want it to succeed? >> prime minister mr speaker, on the contrary, inequality in our country has actually declined under this conservative government. and when it comes to levelling up in the north, it's actually the north that has received some of the highest amounts of per capita levelling up funding of any region in the country . and i know when he last country. and i know when he last popped country. and i know when he last popped to ask me question popped up to ask me a question about our investment the about our investment in the north, wondering if he'd north, i was wondering if he'd managed an answer to managed to get an answer as to what exactly the labour party's position , because i'd position on hs2 is, because i'd still to know, what still like to know, because what we're taking that money we're doing is taking that money and reinvesting every penny of
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we're doing is taking that money aracrossyesting every penny of we're doing is taking that money aracross the ng every penny of we're doing is taking that money aracross the northery penny of we're doing is taking that money aracross the north in penny of we're doing is taking that money aracross the north in forms of it across the north in forms of transportation that people use every day, delivering benefits quicker to communities, not just in his constituency , kc, but in his constituency, kc, but across the entire north. and it's been warmly welcomed everywhere that i've been here. >> thank you, mr speaker. would my right hon. friend agree that the performance of the labour party in voting down our rwanda bill in the house of lords is a disgrace? it is only the conservative government and the conservatives who have a plan for dealing with illegal immigration and the people smugglers . action on illegal smugglers. action on illegal immigration is a top priority in my constituency, and labour has no policy or plan on this at all. >> well, mr speaker, my honourable friend makes an excellent point. he knows, like i know, that if you want to fully stop the boats, you need to have a working deterrent. that means if someone comes here illegally, you must be able to remove them to a safe third country alternative . that's why
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country alternative. that's why the rwanda scheme is so important, and that's why we're determined to see it through. but it was just in the last week, an independent report was published talking about the labour policies in this labour party's policies in this area, which made it crystal labour party's policies in this area, that h made it crystal labour party's policies in this area, that they de it crystal labour party's policies in this area, that they don't:rystal labour party's policies in this area, that they don't havel clear that they don't have a plan to stop the boats. and in fact, their idea would see the uk hundreds of thousands uk accept hundreds of thousands more in order to thank more migrants in order to thank you. >> thank you very much, mr speaker . speaken >> which part of his economic legacy is the prime minister most proud of? >> is it presiding over the highest tax burden since the second world war, or is it delivering the slowest real wage growth since the napoleonic wars ? >> 7- >> mr ? >> mr speaker 7_ >> mr speaker , ? >> mr speaker , saving 7 >> mr speaker , saving 10 million >> mr speaker, saving 10 million jobs in the pandemic with the furlough scheme . furlough scheme. >> the prime minister will know that there is consensus across this house on the need to build
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new houses where that consensus breaks down is where those houses should be built . does the houses should be built. does the prime minister agree with me that wherever possible, new houses should be built on brownfield sites, not on green spaces, not on greenfield , and spaces, not on greenfield, and certainly not on prime farmland? yes >> my hon. friend is absolutely right. it's sustainable planning that must be at the heart of our planning system, and that's why we're committed to meeting the needs of communities by building homes in the right places and, as he says, making best use of brownfield land . we've made it brownfield land. we've made it clear that that's what should be the priority. we've put extra funding aside to unlock those sites our recent changes to sites and our recent changes to the nppf provide clearer protection for the green belt, making it clear how future housing supply should be assessed. and that is the clear difference between our two parties on this side of the house. we will protect the green belt and the labour party will
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concrete right all over it. andrew gwynne. >> thank you, mr speaker. in some jurisdictions, ministers routinely publish their tax returns. the prime minister voluntarily published his uk tax returns last year. does voluntarily published his uk tax returns last year . does the returns last year. does the prime minister agree that ministers of the crown should pubush ministers of the crown should publish their tax returns as a matter of course . and has he matter of course. and has he ever filed any returns in the usa that have not been published ? >> 7- >> mr ? >> mr speaker, i 7 >> mr speaker, i don't think that would be proportionate or appropriate. and what i've done is i don't i don't, i don't i don't think it would be proportionate for all ministers to publish their tax returns . in to publish their tax returns. in keeping with a long standing tradition, i voluntarily published my tax returns, as did as did the chancellor. i think thatis as did the chancellor. i think that is the right balance, and i've been completely transparent about that as i've done it. yes, sir. >> chris green, thank you, mr speaken >> last year a number of us were on the first trans atlantic flight powered by sustainable
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aviation fuel. this week, iag made a its first major purchase of that fuel. but that fuel is coming from the united states andifs coming from the united states and it's really important that we have a saf industry in this country . so will the prime country. so will the prime minister tell the treasury and the department of transport to accelerate the work they are doing to put in place the right framework and the right support mechanism we have mechanism to ensure we have a saf for our aviation saf industry for our aviation sector the future . sector for the future. >> can i first of all, thank my honourable friend for his championing of this cause, which i think is absolutely right and reassure him that we are committed to ensuring that the saf mandate is in place in 2025, that will require about 10% of jet fuel to be made from sustainable feedstock by 2030. and to get there, we provided i'm pleased to tell him, £135 million to 13 different uk sustainable aviation fuel projects to kick start our domestic industry and which he also knows is important. we've committed to introducing a
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revenue certainty mechanism to support saf production in the uk as soon as practically possible. >> sam dickson yes, thank you. >> sam dickson yes, thank you. >> chester's 2000 year old roman walls are an important historic monument of world renowned will. the pm join me in chester to walk the walls and explore how the government can support the upkeep of these important structures which, unlike the conservative party, are stable, solid and in no danger of imminent collapse . hey imminent collapse. hey >> well, mr speaker. mr speaker , >> well, mr speaker. mr speaker, i join i join the i join the honourable lady in. i don't let it in paying tribute to the history of her local community, and i am pleased that the city of chester is benefiting from so much investment from the conservative government so that it can maintain its local infrastructure for the french. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker.
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>> five weeks ago, conservative mps from across south—east london and kent wrote to transport for london and the labour of london calling labour mayor of london calling on them to do the right thing. following botched following the botched implementation of a temporary 40 mile speed limit on the mile an hour speed limit on the a20 sidcup, which seen a20 near sidcup, which has seen thousands unfairly thousands of drivers unfairly issued and points on their licence. >> this has left many drivers , >> this has left many drivers, including carers, emergency service workers and teachers , at service workers and teachers, at risk of losing their licenses and jobs. >> this is despite travelling less than 50 mile an hour zone. >> does the prime minister agree with me that tfl, the met police and sadiq khan must come clean about the number of fines and cancel issued points ? cancel these issued points? >> can i thank my hon. friend for this question and i do understand the concerns that local drivers have over this ongoing tfl issue. whilst we are doing everything we to can back motorists across the country, it is disappointing that the labour mayor and indeed labour run wales hammering drivers at wales are hammering drivers at every opportunity, whether that's temporary speed limits or blanket 20 mile an hour zones or
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the ulez expansion. but i will make sure that my honourable friend has a meeting with the responsible minister to discuss his concerns. >> is coming . >> it is coming. >> it is coming. >> mr speaker, to strengthen current spiking legislation , current spiking legislation, forensic evidence is essential. the nhs does not have uniform policy for the screening of suspected victims of spiking at a&e. >> we can pass all the laws we want in this place, but to achieve justice, this forensic evidence is vital . evidence is vital. >> will the prime minister commit to ensuring that hospital emergency departments have a statutory obligation to take forensic samples from these victims ? victims? >> i agree with the honourable lady that spiking is an appalling, violating crime, which seriously undermines pubuc which seriously undermines public safety, particularly the safety of women and girls. and we want to make sure that the existing laws recognise the threat that spiking poses. and that's why at the end of last year , we announced a raft of new year, we announced a raft of new measures confront spiking and
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measures to confront spiking and support victims, including changing make it changing the law to make it clear without any doubt that spiking is illegal, as well as other measures like an online reporting tool, investing in research and rapid testing kits, and training for bar staff. but i will ensure that we look into the issue that she raises and right back to her other question. >> ben bradlee, thank you. >> ben bradlee, thank you. >> this winter flood and storm damage caused significant damage is caused significant damage is caused significant damage to the infrastructure in damage is caused significant damaroundthe infrastructure in damage is caused significant damaround mansfield 'ucture in and around mansfield constituency. that's our roads. it's our drains, flood it's our drains, it's flood infrastructure . infrastructure. >> and this is among the highest concern that residents raise with me on a regular basis. i'm really grateful that from next year particular, there's very year in particular, there's very significant infrastructure funding way. significant infrastructure fun but way. significant infrastructure fun but what way. significant infrastructure fun but what can way. significant infrastructure fun but what can my nay. significant infrastructure fun but what can my right hon. >> but what can my right hon. friend to fix this for friend do to help fix this for my constituents? now well, mr speaker , i'm pleased that in speaker, i'm pleased that in 2020 we announced that we would double our flood investment to a record 5.2 billion. and in nottinghamshire since 2010, we've invested over 50 million to protect 15,000 properties. and i know currently there is a
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programme in mansfield which is looking at surface water and drainage improvements, but i'm i will make sure that i talk to the chancellor that we have a strong economy to keep investing in local infrastructure in his area, and that's exactly what we're about to hear from our right hon. friend, in just a second completes prime minister's questions . minister's questions. >> there you go . >> there you go. >> there you go. >> well, there we have it. prime minister's questions completed with a wonderful segue from the prime minister saying we're going to hear about the economy in just a second, because currently the speaker's popping out chair , going to be out of his chair, going to be replaced by dame eleanor laing. and going to hear the budget. >> yes, we are indeed. >> yes, we are indeed. >> well, it was an interesting pmqs keir starmer going on the awful case of sarah everard and whether the government have done enough to improve the vetting of police officers in that way. >> so that was an interesting lead. >> it certainly was . and this is >> it certainly was. and this is always an interesting prime minister's questions, because
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the leader of the opposition, sir keir starmer, is the person who'll be responding to jeremy hunt with the budget. so it's almost like this was the practice for him. this wasn't the the big is the big show. the big show is about to happen and sir keir starmer be thinking starmer will be thinking more about budget response than about his budget response than he his prime minister's he was his prime minister's questions. if we have time >> i don't know if we have time to quickly bring in gloria on this one. >> gloria de piero. oh we don't here's chancellor. here's the chancellor. >> do not. >> we do not. >> we do not. >> madam deputy speaker, as we mourn the tragic loss of life in israel and gaza , the prime israel and gaza, the prime minister reminded us last week of the need to fight extremism and heal divisions. so i start today by remembering the muslims who died in two world wars in the service of freedom and democracy. we need a memorial to honour them so , following honour them so, following representations from the right hon. member for bromsgrove and others, i have decided to allocate £1 million towards the cost of building one. whatever your faith or colour or class,
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this country will never forget the sacrifices made for our future. madam deputy speaker, in recent times, the uk and the uk economy has dealt with a financial crisis, a pandemic and an energy shock caused by war in europe. yet despite the most challenging economic headwinds in modern history under conservative government since 2010, growth has been higher than every large european economy. unemployment . economy. unemployment. unemployment has halved . unemployment has halved. absolute poverty has gone down and there are 800 and there are 800 more people in jobs for every single day that we have beenin. every single day that we have been in . office. of course, of been in. office. of course, of course , interest rates remain
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course, interest rates remain high as we bring down inflation, but because of the progress we have made, because we are delivering the prime minister's economic priorities, we can now help families . we can now help help families. we can now help families, not just with temporary cost of living support, but with permanent cuts in taxation . we do this. we do in taxation. we do this. we do this to give much needed help in challenging times , but also challenging times, but also because conservatives know lower taxes mean higher growth and higher growth. >> and higher growth means more opportunity, more prosperity, and more funding for our precious public services. >> but if we want, if we want that growth , the chancellor has that growth, the chancellor has hardly said anything .
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hardly said anything. >> order! order you can't get excited yet . no, no. other excited yet. no, no. other people want to hear what the chancellor has to say. and it's masochists. >> so we'll have a bit of good behaviour, please. >> chancellor . >> chancellor. >> chancellor. >> thank you, madam deputy speaker . if >> thank you, madam deputy speaker. if we want that >> thank you, madam deputy speaker . if we want that growth speaker. if we want that growth to lead to higher wages and higher living standards for every family in every corner of the country, it cannot come from unlimited migration. it can only come by building a high wage, high skill economy, not just higher gdp, but higher gdp per head. higher gdp, but higher gdp per head . and that is the difference head. and that is the difference with the party opposite. there plans to destroy jobs, reduce opportunities and risk family finances with spending that pushes up taxes instead of going back to square one. the policies i announced today mean more
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investment, more jobs, better pubuc investment, more jobs, better public services, and lower taxes in a budget for long terme growth. madam deputy speaker, i start with the updated forecasts from the obr, for which i thank richard hughes and his team . richard hughes and his team. first, inflation. when the prime minister and i came to office, it was 11. the latest figures show . i know the party opposite show. i know the party opposite struck . struck. >> this is not amusing anymore. we need to hear what the chancellor has to say. i can tell who's making the noise, and you simply won't get a chance to speak later. so that's the end of it . chancellor. of it. chancellor. >> thank you, madam deputy speaken >> thank you, madam deputy speaker. when the prime minister and i came to office, inflation was 11. but the latest figures show it is now 4% more than meeting our pledge to halve it last year. and today's forecasts
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from the obr show it falling below the 2% target in just a few months time, nearly a whole year earlier than forecast in the autumn statement . something the autumn statement. something that didn't happen by accident. whatever the pressures and whatever the politics, a conservative government working with the bank of england will always put sound money first. but but we also we also understand that tackling inflation, while necessary , is inflation, while necessary, is painful. it means higher interest rates and a period of lower growth. so we've given the average household £3,400 in cost of living support over the last two years. doing so makes economic as well as moral sense. the obr predicted real household disposable income per person would fall by 2% in the last
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yean would fall by 2% in the last year, instead , after this year, instead, after this support, it is on track to rise by nought point 8% and today i take further steps to help families with cost of living pressures , starting with pressures, starting with measures to help the poorest families. we've already abolished higher charges for electricity paid by those on prepayment metres, increased the local housing allowance and raised benefits by double expected inflation. today, i focus on those falling into debt. nearly! focus on those falling into debt. nearly 1 million households on universal credit take out budgeting advance loans to pay for more expensive emergencies like boiler repairs or help getting a job. to help make such loans more affordable, ihave make such loans more affordable, i have today decided to increase the repayment period for new loans from 12 months to 24 months. for some people , i months. for some people, i thought they cared about people on the lowest incomes.
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but trust the labour party not to want to hear about debt . for to want to hear about debt. for some people, the best way to resolve debt is through a debt relief order. but getting one costs £90, which can deter the very people who need them the most. so, having listened carefully to representations from citizens advice, i today relieve pressure on around 40,000 families every year by abolishing the £90 charge completely . next, the household completely. next, the household support fund . it was set up on support fund. it was set up on a temporary basis and due to conclude at the end of this month. having listened carefully to representations from the joseph rowntree foundation, the trussell trust and honourable members from east ham, colchester, ruislip , northwood colchester, ruislip, northwood and pinner and suffolk coastal, amongst others , i have decided amongst others, i have decided that with the battle against
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inflation still not over, now is not the time to stop the targeted help it offers. we will therefore continue it at current levels for another six months. next i turn to a measure that will help businesses and households more broadly . will help businesses and households more broadly. in the autumn statement, i froze alcohol duty until august of this year without any action. today, it would have been due to rise by 3. but i have listened carefully to my right hon. friends from altrincham and sale west, the vale of glamorgan and my right hon. friend from murray, who is a formidable champion of the scottish whisky industry . i champion of the scottish whisky industry. i also listened to councillor john tonks from ash, a strong supporter of the wonderful admiral pub, who pointed out the pressures facing the industry. so today i have decided to extend the alcohol
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duty freeze until february 2025. this benefits 38,000 pubs across the uk and on top of the £13,000 saving, a typical pub will get from the 7,575% business rates discount. i announced in the autumn. we value our hospitality industry and our backing. the great british pub . at another great british pub. at another cost that families and businesses worry about is fuel . businesses worry about is fuel. now the shadow chancellor complained about the freeze on fuel duty and labour has opposed it at every opportunity. the labour mayor of london wants to punish motorists even more with his ulez plans, but lots of families and sole traders depend on their car. if i did nothing. fuel duty would increase by 13% this month, so instead i have
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listened to my right hon. friends for stoke on trent, nonh friends for stoke on trent, north dudley, north witham and others , as well as the sun others, as well as the sun newspaper keep it down campaign. ihave newspaper keep it down campaign. i have , as a result, decided to i have, as a result, decided to maintain the £0.05 cut and freeze fuel duty for another 12 months. this will save the average car driver £50 next year and bring total savings . since and bring total savings. since the £0.05 cut was introduced to around £250. taken together with the alcohol duty freeze, this decision also reduces headline inflation by 0.2 percentage points in 2045, allowing us to make faster progress towards the bank of england's 2% target. madam deputy speaker, there can be no solid growth without solid finances. an economy based on sound money does not pass its
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bills to the next generation. when it comes to borrowing , some when it comes to borrowing, some believe there is a trade off between compassion and fiscal responsibility. they are wrong . responsibility. they are wrong. it is only because we responsibly reduce the deficit by 80% between 2010 and 2019 that we could provide £370 billion to help businesses and families in the pandemic. the party opposite opposed our plans to reduce the deficit. every single step of the way. but in fairness , in fairness, they were fairness, in fairness, they were consistent. the lib dems supported controlling spending in coalition, but now say they would prop up a party that will turn on the spending taps. it's the difference between no plan and no principles. for and i'm
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delighted the right hon. gentleman from the lib dems was here to hear it for once . today here to hear it for once. today we say something different . we say something different. there is nothing compassionate about running out of money. with the pandemic behind us, we must once again be responsible and build up our resilience to future shocks. that means bringing down borrowing so we can start to reduce our debt. and today's figures confirm that is happening. ahead of my first autumn statement in 22, the obr forecast headline debt would rise to above 100% of gdp today . rise to above 100% of gdp today. they will say it will fall in every year to just 94% by 2829. underlying debt , which excludes underlying debt, which excludes bank of england debt, will be 91.7% in 2045, according to the
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obr, then 92.8, 93.2, 93.2% before falling to 92.9% in 2829, with final year headroom against debt falling of £8.9 billion. our underlying debt is therefore on track to fall as a share of gdp, meeting our fiscal rule, and we continue to have the second lowest level of government debt in the g7, lower than japan, france or the united states. we also meet our second fiscal rule for public sector borrowing to be below 3% of gdp . borrowing to be below 3% of gdp. three years early borrowing falls from 4.2% of gdp in 2034 to 3.1, 2.7, 2.3, 1.6% and 1.2% in 2028, 29. by the end of the forecast borrowing is at its lowest level of gdp since 2001. none of that, of course, would
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be possible if labour implemented their pledge to decarbonise the grid. five years early by 2030, by their own calculations, that cost £28 billion a year to do. but last month, after flip flopping for months , they said they said months, they said they said they're not going to spend the 28 billion, after all. but somehow now they'll meet their pledge somehow. madam deputy speaker can only mean one thing tax rises on working families. same old labour today, in contrast , a conservative contrast, a conservative government brings down taxes with borrowing broadly unchanged . in fact, borrowing is slightly lower than the autumn statement, and the fact that we are bringing borrowing down is something of particular importance to one very special person. sir robert steadman is the outgoing chief executive of
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the outgoing chief executive of the government's debt management office and after 20 years of exceptional public service, he is in the gallery. thank you, sir robert . i is in the gallery. thank you, sir robert. i now turn to is in the gallery. thank you, sir robert . i now turn to growth sir robert. i now turn to growth just after i became chancellor, the obr expected gdp to fall by 1.4% in the following year. in fact, it grew , albeit slowly. fact, it grew, albeit slowly. now the obr expects the economy to grow by 0.8% this year and 1.9% next year, 0.5% higher than their autumn forecast . after their autumn forecast. after that, growth rises to 2.2, 1.8% and 1.7% in 2028. sinner 2010. they don't want to hear this, but these are the facts. since 2010, we have grown faster than germany, france or italy. the three largest european economies. and according to the imf, we will continue to grow faster than all three of them in
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the five years ahead . surveys by the five years ahead. surveys by lloyds and deloitte show business confidence is returning. in other words , returning. in other words, because we have turned the corner on inflation, we will soon turn the corner on growth and today's obr forecasts also show that we have made good progress on the prime minister's three economic priorities, compared to when the three pledges were made. inflation has halved, debt is falling in line with our fiscal rules, and growth is fully one and a half percentage points higher than predicted . and as growth returns predicted. and as growth returns , they don't have a growth plan. so they might as well listen to . so they might as well listen to. us. as growth returns, our plan is for economic growth not sustained through migration, but one that raises wages and living standards for families . not just standards for families. not just higher gdp, but higher gdp per head. and that means sticking to
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our plan with a budget for long time growth , more investment, time growth, more investment, more jobs, better public services and lower taxes. and i start with investment . start with investment. economists say that stimulating investment is the most effective way to raise productivity, and therefore wages and living standards . since 2010, we've standards. since 2010, we've been doing just that business. well, you might want to listen to what i'm about to say, because , because, because because, because, because business invest moment has risen from an average of 9.3% of gdp under to labour 9.9% under the conservatives and this year it will be 10.6% of gdp. that is £30 billion more business investment than if it had continued at labour levels. and it's still going up in the short penod it's still going up in the short period since the autumn statement , period since the autumn statement, nissan have announced they will build two new electric
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car models in the uk microsoft and google have announced data centres worth over £3 billion thanks to my right hon. friend, the business secretary. the global investment summit unlocked £30 billion of investment . in fact, since 2010, investment. in fact, since 2010, greenfield foreign direct investment has been higher than anywhere else in europe and for the last three years, we have been the third highest in the world, after the united states and china. and we're not stopping there. in the autumn statement, i announced we would introduce permanent full expensing , expensing a £10 expensing, expensing a £10 billion tax cut for businesses. that gives the uk the most attractive investment tax regime of any large european or g7 country. it was welcomed by over 200 business leaders , with the 200 business leaders, with the cbi saying it was a game changer and the single most transformational thing we could do to fire up the british economy. and today i take further steps to boost
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investment . having listened to investment. having listened to calls from the cbi, make uk and the bcc will shortly publish draft legislation for full expensing to apply to leased assets , a change i intend to assets, a change i intend to bnngin assets, a change i intend to bring in as soon as it's affordable . we'll also help affordable. we'll also help small businesses, something close to my own heart, as well as the business rate, support and work on prompt payments, i announced in the autumn, i'll provide £200 million of funding to extend the recovery loan scheme as it transitions to the growth guarantee scheme, helping 11,000 smes access the finance they need and following representations from the federation of small business , as federation of small business, as well as honourable members for loughborough south and west and rother valley, i will reduce, i will reduce the administrative and financial impact of vat by increasing the vat registration threshold from £85,000 to £90,000 from april the 1st. the
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first increase in seven years that will bring tens of thousands of businesses out of paying thousands of businesses out of paying vat altogether and encourage many more to invest and grow. i now move to measures to address historic underinvestment in our nations and regions. since we started levelling up. since we started levelling up. since we started levelling up. since we started levelling up in 2019, two thirds of all new salaried jobs have been created outside london and the south east. we've announced 13 investment zones and 12 freeports, which continue to attract investment, including recently, thanks to the efforts of mayor ben houchen from the from the pneuma group, who are investing £15 million into the tees valley investment zone today. working with the levelling up secretary , i levelling up secretary, i devolve further power to local leaders who are best placed to
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promote growth in their areas. i can announce the north east trailblaze for devolution deal, providing a package of support for the region potentially worth over £100 million. our devolved powers to buckinghamshire , powers to buckinghamshire, warwickshire and to the most beautiful county in england, surrey. i see the leader of the opposition smiling because, like me, he is a surrey boy . i know me, he is a surrey boy. i know he's been, i know he's been taking advice from lord mandelson, who yesterday rather uncharitably , said he needed to uncharitably, said he needed to shed a few pounds. uncharitably, said he needed to shed a few pounds . ordinary shed a few pounds. ordinary families will shed more than a few pounds if that lot get . in. few pounds if that lot get. in. their hair. today >> today , if he if he wants to >> today, if he if he wants to join me on my marathon training, he's most welcome as well . he's most welcome as well. >> today we continue to spread
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opportunity throughout the country by allocating £100 million of levelling up funding to areas including high peak , to areas including high peak, dundee, conway, erewash, redditch and coventry to support cultural projects in these communities . alongside support communities. alongside support for capital projects across the country , including in bingley, country, including in bingley, we are expanding the long terme plan for towns to 20 new places , plan for towns to 20 new places, including darlington, home of the treasury's fantastic darlington economic campus, coleraine , peterhead, runcorn, coleraine, peterhead, runcorn, harlow, eastbourne, arbroath and rhyl harlow, eastbourne, arbroath and rhyl, providing each with £20 million of funding to invest in community regeneration over the next decade, we will provide £15 million in new funding to the west midlands combined authority to support culture, heritage and investment projects on the recommendation of our go getting mayor andy street , and we'll
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mayor andy street, and we'll allocate £5 million to renovate hundreds of local village halls across england so they can remain at the heart of their communities and because this is a conservative and unionist government, we will also set aside funding to support the saxavord spaceport in shetland and agri food launchpad in mid wales, and funding to support northern ireland's businesses to expand global trade and investment opportunities. as a result of the decisions we take today , the scottish government today, the scottish government will receive nearly £300 million in barnett consequentials , with in barnett consequentials, with nearly £170 million for the welsh government and £100 million for the northern ireland executive . i do appreciate that executive. i do appreciate that a tax cutting budget is very uncomfortable for the biggest tax rises in the united kingdom . tax rises in the united kingdom. we also we also want to level up opportunity across the generations, including building
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more houses for young people. and we're on track to deliver over a million homes in this parliament. last week, the levelling up secretary allocated £188 million to support projects in sheffield, blackpool and liverpool . and today i go liverpool. and today i go further, allocating £242 million of investments in barking, riverside and canary wharf, which together will build nearly 8000 houses as well as transforming canary wharf into a new hub for life science companies. we're launching a new £20 million community led housing scheme supporting local communities to deliver the developments they want and need. and i'm pleased to announce the next steps for cambridge to reach its potential to be the world's leading scientific powerhouse . as i confirm, there powerhouse. as i confirm, there will be a long terme funding settlement for the future development corporation in cambridge next spending cambridge at the next spending review, with over £10 million invested in the coming year to unlock delivery of crucial local transport and health
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infrastructure. the final levelling up measures i announced today support north wales, where i have many happy childhood memories in mould. following represents sessions from the honourable member for the vale of clwyd. we will help fund the renovation of theatr clwyd and i can announce this week the government has reached agreement on a £160 million deal with hitachi to purchase the wiltshire site in inishmaan , and wiltshire site in inishmaan, and the oversight from the south gloucestershire in easemon has a vital role in delivering our nuclear ambitions and no one should take more credit for today's announcement than my tireless , tenacious and tireless, tenacious and turbocharged honourable friend in this morning for more investment by large businesses , investment by large businesses, more support for small businesses, promoting investment in our nations and regions. all part of a budget for long tum growth that sticks to our plan
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to deliver more jobs, better pubuc to deliver more jobs, better public services and lower taxes . public services and lower taxes. >> anymore for people. >> anymore for people. >> anyway, i now turn to one of the most powerful ways to attract investment , namely attract investment, namely supporting our most innovative industries outside the us. we have the most respected universities, the biggest financial services sector and the largest tech ecosystem in europe. we have double the ai start ups of anywhere in europe, double the venture capital investment and a tech economy now double the size of germany, and three times the size of france. we are on track to become the world's next silicon valley in today's budget for long time growth, i take further steps to attract investment into our technology related industries. i want our brilliant tech entrepreneurs not just to start here, but to stay here, including when the time comes
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for a stock market listing . so for a stock market listing. so we'll build on the edinburgh and mansion house reforms to unlock more pension fund capital. we will give new powers to the pensions regulator and financial conduct authority to ensure better value from defined contribution schemes by judging performance on overall returns, not cost. we'll make sure there are vehicles to make it easier for pension funds to invest in uk growth opportunities. so i'm today publishing the names of the winners of the lifts competition, but i remain concerned that other markets such australia, generate concerned that other markets such returns|lia, generate concerned that other markets such returns for generate concerned that other markets such returns for pensione better returns for pension savers with more effective investment strategies and more investment strategies and more investment in high quality domestic growth stocks . so domestic growth stocks. so i will introduce new requirements for dc and local government pension funds to disclose publicly their level of international and uk equity investment and i will then consider what further action should be taken if we're not on a positive trajectory towards international best practice. i also want to create opportunities for a new generation of retail investors
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to engage with public markets. so we'll proceed with the retail sale for part of the government's remaining natwest shares. this summer at the earliest opportunity, subject to supportive market conditions and value for money. we'll continue to explore how savers could be allowed to take their pension pots with them when they change job. we'll make it easier for people save for the long people to save for the long terme with new british savings terme with a new british savings bond delivered through national savings investment savings and investment offering savings savers a guaranteed rate fixed for three years. and today, following calls from over 200 representatives of the city and our high growth sectors, i will reform the isa system to encourage more people to invest in uk assets. after a consultation on its implementation, i will introduce a brand new british isa which will allow an additional £5,000 annual investment for investments in uk equity. with all the tax advantages of other isas, and this will be on top of
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the existing isa allowances. ensure british savers can benefit from the growth of the most promising uk businesses, as well as supporting those businesses with the capital to expand. i turn now to our other growth industries , starting with growth industries, starting with clean energy. we want nuclear to provide up to a quarter of our electricity by 2050, and as part of that, i want the uk to lead the global race in developing cutting edge nuclear technologies. i can therefore announce that great british nuclear will begin the next phase of the small modular reactor selection process, with companies now having until june to submit their initial tender responses . our brilliant energy responses. our brilliant energy security and net zero secretary will also allocate up to £120 million more to the green industries growth accelerator to build supply chains for new technology ranging from offshore wind to carbon capture and storage by january of next year, as promised in the autumn statement, we'll have a new,
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faster connections process to the grid up running in the grid up and running in advance . manufacturing. we've advance. manufacturing. we've announced a further £270 million of investment into innovative new automotive and aerospace r&d projects, building the uk's capabilities in zero emission vehicle and clean aviation technologies and i now turn to our creative industries. we have become europe's largest film and tv production centre with idris elba, keira knightley and orlando bloom all filming their latest productions here. studio space in the uk has doubled in the last three years, and at the current rate of expansion next year we will be second only to hollywood globally . in the hollywood globally. in the autumn statement, i committed to providing more tax relief for visual effects in film and high end tv. i can today confirm that we will increase the rate of tax credit by 5% and remove the 80% cap for visual effects costs in
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the audio visual expenditure credit . the audio visual expenditure credit. having the audio visual expenditure credit . having worked closely credit. having worked closely with the culture secretary and listened carefully to representations from companies like pinewood and warner bros. and sky studios will provide eligible film studios in england with a 40% relief on their gross business rates until 2034, and having heard represents actions from the british film industry pact and indeed the prime minister, we will introduce a new tax credit for uk independent films with a budget of less than £15 million for our creative industries more broadly, we will provide £26 million of funding to our pre—eminent theatre, the national theatre, to upgrade its stages . and today i particularly stages. and today i particularly want to recognise the contribution of our creative industries and the tourism that comes from orchestras, museums , comes from orchestras, museums, galleries and theatres in the
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pandemic, we introduced higher 45% and 50% levels of tax relief, which were due to end in march 25th. they have been a lifeline for performing arts across the country today, in recognition of their vital importance to our national life, i can announce i am making those tax reliefs permanent at 45% for touring and orchestral productions and 40% for non touring productions. lord lloyd webber says this will be a once in a generation transformational change that will ensure britain remains the global capital of creativity . i suspect the new creativity. i suspect the new theatre reliefs may be of particular interest to the shadow chancellor, who seems to fancy her thespian skills when it comes to acting like a tory. the trouble is, we all know how
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her show ends higher taxes, like every labour government in history . kyrees akua . history. kyrees akua. >> that went well 2540 i am delighted they are cheering the fact that labour governments always put up taxes. >> they're right , always put up taxes. >> they're right, and i also want to mention i want to mention, i want to mention our life sciences sector where we will support research by medical charities into diseases such as cancen charities into diseases such as cancer, dementia and epilepsy, with an additional £45 million, including £3 million for cancer research uk. but i have long believed we should be manufacturing medicines as well as developing them so i can today also announce a brand new
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investment by one of our greatest life science companies , greatest life science companies, astrazeneca. led by monami, the irrepressible sir pascal soriot , irrepressible sir pascal soriot, astrazeneca made their covid vaccine available to developing countries at cost as a result, saving over 6 million lives. and today, because of the government's support for the life sciences sector, they announced plans to invest £650 million in the uk to expand their footprint on the cambridge biomedical campus and fund the building of a vaccine manufacturer hub in speke in liverpool. more investment, better jobs in every corner of the country in a long terme budget for growth from a conservative government . one of conservative government. one of the biggest barriers to investment is businesses not being able to hire the staff they need. the economy today has
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around 900,000 vacancies. it would be to easy fill them with higher migration, but with over 10 million adults of working age who are not in work, that would be economically and morally wrong. those who can work should. and this is an issue that i have tackled in every budget and autumn statement i have delivered a year ago i abolished the pensions lifetime allowance, which pushed doctors and others to take early retirement . ask any doctor what retirement. ask any doctor what they think about labour's plans to bring it back and they will say don't go back to square one. yes in the autumn, in the autumn, with the help of our superb work and pensions secretary , we announced the back secretary, we announced the back to work plan, which will support 1 million adults with medical conditions and reduce the number of people assessed as not needing to work by two thirds. a year ago, i also announced the biggest ever expansion of childcare, extending the 30 hour
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free childcare offer . i'm just free childcare offer. i'm just listen, extending the free the 30 hour free childcare offer to all children of working parents from nine months. we have not had a childcare plan from laboun had a childcare plan from labour, so you might want to listen to us. our plan our plan will mean an extra 60,000 parents enter the workforce in the next four years, a tremendous achievement for the education secretary, who i think is doing an effing good job. and today, following representations from many people, including the cbi , i announced measures to cbi, i announced measures to support the childcare sector, make the new investments it now needs to so i am guaranteeing the rates that will be paid to childcare providers to deliver our landmark offer for children over nine months old for the next two years. that is more people in work, more jobs sticking to our plan in a long terme budget for growth . and i
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terme budget for growth. and i now turn to public services . as now turn to public services. as mentioned, the recession . i mentioned, the recession. i thought they were supposed to be interested in public services. okay . it is an election. okay. it is an election. >> get out. it is getting. >> get out. it is getting. >> i can wait . >> i can wait. >> a little bit of murmuring is normal. i shouldn't be able to hear what you're saying over there. that is clearly out of order. now let's have some courtesy . chancellor courtesy. chancellor >> thank you, madam deputy speaker . >> thank you, madam deputy speaker. good public services need a strong economy to pay for them. but a strong economy also needs good public services . in
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needs good public services. in 2010, schools in the uk were behind germany, france and sweden in the oecd's pisa education rankings for reading and maths. now after conservative reforms, we are ahead of them . burglaries and ahead of them. burglaries and violent crime have halved in the last 14 years after we invested in 20,000 more police officers , in 20,000 more police officers, our armed our armed forces remain the most professional and best funded in europe. the defence spending already more than 2% of gdp. we are providing more military support to ukraine than nearly any other country, and our spending will rise to 2.5% as soon as economic conditions allow. the nhs is still recovering from the pandemic, but has 42,000 more doctors and 71,000 more nurses than it did under labour. that is, that is 250 more doctors and
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400 more nurses for every single month that we have been in office. now, resources matter , office. now, resources matter, office. now, resources matter, of course, which is why, despite all the economic shocks we have faced, overall spending on pubuc faced, overall spending on public services has gone up since 2010. in the case of the nhs, by more than a third in real terms. but although spending has continued to rise every year, public sector productivity still remains below pre—pandemic levels by nearly 6. this demonstrates that the way to improve public services is not always more money, or more people . we also need to run them people. we also need to run them more efficiently . we need we more efficiently. we need we need a more productive state, not a bigger state. in autumn 2022, i set day to day spending to increase by 1% a year in real
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terms over the next parliament. some say that's not enough and we should raise spending by more. others say it's too much and we should cut it to improve efficiency . neither are right. efficiency. neither are right. it is not fair to ask taxpayers to pay for more when public service productivity has fallen. nor would it be wise to reduce that funding given the pressures pubuc that funding given the pressures public services face. so i am keeping the planned growth in day to day spending at 1% in real terms. but we are going to spend it better . so today. today spend it better. so today. today . they don't have a plan for pubuc . they don't have a plan for public services like everything else , so why not listen to us else, so why not listen to us today? today i am announcing a landmark public sector productivity plan that restarts pubuc productivity plan that restarts public service reform and
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changes the treasury's traditional approach to public spending. and i start with our biggest and most important pubuc biggest and most important public service, the nhs . one of public service, the nhs. one of my greatest privileges was to be health secretary. thanks to the nhs, i have three gorgeous children. the oldest of whom has been patiently listening in the gallery . the nhs is rightly the gallery. the nhs is rightly the biggest reason most of us are proud to be british, but the systems that support its staff are often antiquated. doctors, nurses and ward staff spend hours every day filling out forms when they could be treating. when patients don't show up. >> i don't like to interrupt the chancellor . >> i don't like to interrupt the chancellor. you're you're too close to me to be shouting that loudly. if you want to shout that loudly, you should sit away up there. you. i apologise for interrupting. the chancellor told chancellor .
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told chancellor. >> when patients don't show up or one member of a team is ill, operating theatres are left empty despite long waiting lists. now, when we published the nhs long tum workforce plan, i asked the nhs to put together a plan to transform its efficiency and productivity . i efficiency and productivity. i wanted better care for patients, more job satisfaction for staff and better value for taxpayers . and better value for taxpayers. making changes on the scale we needis making changes on the scale we need is not cheap. the investment needed to modernise nhs it systems so they're as good as the best in the world, costs £34 billion, but it helps unlock £35 billion of savings ten times that amount. so in today's budget for long time growth, i have decided to fund the nhs productivity plan in full. with that new investment,
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we will slash the 13,000,000 hours lost by doctors and nurses every year to outdated it systems. we will cut down and potentially halve form filling by doctors. using ai. we will digitise operating theatre processes, allowing the same number of consultants to do an extra 200,000 operations a year . extra 200,000 operations a year. we will fund improvements to help doctors read mri and ct scans more accurately and quickly, speeding up results for 130,000 patients every year and saving thousands of lives. something i know would have delighted my brother charlie, who i recently lost to cancer . who i recently lost to cancer. we'll improve the nhs app so it can be used to confirm and modify all appointments, reducing up to half, reducing up to half a million missed appointments annually and improving patient choice. we will set up a new nhs staff app to make it easier to roster electronically, and then the use of expensive off framework
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agencies and as a result of this funding , all hospitals will use funding, all hospitals will use electronic patient records, making the nhs the largest digitally integrated health care system in the world. today's announcement doubles the amount the nhs is investing on digital transformation in over three years. and on top of this longer firm transformation , we'll also firm transformation, we'll also help the nhs meet pressures in the coming year with an additional £2.5 billion. this will allow the nhs to continue its focus on reducing waiting times and brings the total increase in nhs funding since the start of the parliament to 13% in real terms. the nhs was there for us in the pandemic and today, with nearly £6 billion of additional funding, a conservative government is there for the nhs . the head of the for the nhs. the head of the nhs, amanda pritchard , today nhs, amanda pritchard, today says that this investment shows
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the government continues to back the government continues to back the nhs. she says that as a result of it, the nhs can commit to delivering 1.9% annual productivity growth over the next parliament, more than double the average productivity growth in public services between 2010 and 2019. but today is not just about the nhs. i want this ground breaking agreement with the nhs to be a model for all our public services across education, the police, the courts and local government. i want to see more efficient, better value and higher quality public services . higher quality public services. so today i can announce that in the next spending review, the treasury will do things differently. we will prioritise proposals that deliver annual savings within five years, equivalent to the total cost of the investment required. and today we make a start with some excellent proposals. violence
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reduction units and hotspot policing have prevented . an policing have prevented. an estimated 136,000 knife crimes and other violent offences , as and other violent offences, as well as over 3000 hospital admissions . every crime costs admissions. every crime costs money, so we will provide £75 million to roll that model out . million to roll that model out. in england and wales, police officers waste around eight hours a week on unnecessary admin . with higher productivity, admin. with higher productivity, we could free the equivalent of 20,000 police officers over a year , so we will spend £230 year, so we will spend £230 million rolling out time and money saving technology , which money saving technology, which speeds up police response times by allowing people to report crimes by video call and, where appropriate , use drones as first appropriate, use drones as first responders to many legal cases, particularly in family law , particularly in family law, should never go to court and it will cost us less if they didn't. so we'll spend £170
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million to fund non court resolution, reduce re—offending and digitise the court process . and digitise the court process. too many children in care end up being looked after by unregistered providers that are much more expensive . so we'll much more expensive. so we'll invest £165 million over the next four years to reduce that cost by increasing the capacity of the children's homes estate . of the children's homes estate. special education need provision can be excellent when outsourced to independent sector schools, but also expensive. so we'll invest £105 million over the next four years to build 15 new special free schools to create additional high quality places and increase choice for parents. and we'll also put in place a plan to realise the tens of billions of savings recommended in an excellent speech by the head of the national audit office, the obr say a 5% increase in public sector productivity would be the equivalent of around £20 billion
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in extra funding . with these in extra funding. with these plans, we can deliver that and more and if we ensure they are cash releasing savings as we are committed to doing, it will be possible to live with more constrained spending growth without cutting services valued by the public. so with the energy and drive of my talented chief secretary to the treasury, we launched our public sector productivity plan. in today's budget for long time growth, more investment, more jobs, better public services and one more thing lower taxes . very more thing lower taxes. very good. keeping taxes down matters to conservatives in a way it never can for labour. we believe that in a free society . see, the that in a free society. see, the money you earn doesn't belong to the government . it belongs to
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the government. it belongs to you. and if we want to encourage hard work, we should let people keep as much of their own money as possible . all conservatives as possible. all conservatives look around the world at economies in north america and asia , and notice that countries asia, and notice that countries with lower taxes generally have higher growth. now, economists argue about cause and correlation, but we know that lower taxed economies have more energy, more dynamism and more innovation. and we know that's britain's future to. before i explain how we will bring down taxes, i start with some measures to make our system simpler and fairer , to simpler and fairer, to discourage non—smokers from taking up vaping. where today, confirming the introduction of an excise duty on vaping products from october 26th and publishing a consultation on its design. because vapes can also play design. because vapes can also play a positive role in helping
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people quit smoking, we'll introduce a one off increase in tobacco duty at the same time to maintain the financial incentive to choose vaping over smoking, i'll make a one off adjustment to rates of air passenger duty on non economy flights, only to account for high inflation in recent years, and i'll provide hmrc with the resources they need to ensure everyone pays the tax they owe, leading to an increase in revenue collected at over £45 billion across the forecast period . next, i turn to forecast period. next, i turn to property taxation . in recent property taxation. in recent months, following tenacious representing from the honourable members for saint austell and newquay , north devon, cities of newquay, north devon, cities of london and westminster , torbay london and westminster, torbay and truro and falmouth . i have and truro and falmouth. i have been looking closely at our furnished holiday lettings tax regime. i am concerned that this tax regime is creating a distortion , meaning there are distortion, meaning there are not enough properties available for long terme rental by local
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people. so to make the tax system work better for local communities, i am going to aboush communities, i am going to abolish the furnished holiday lettings regime . i have also lettings regime. i have also been looking at stamp duty relief for people who purchase more than one dwelling in a single transaction, known as multiple dwellings relief. i see the deputy leader of the labour party paying close attention, given her multiple dwellings. >> now , under order, order order >> now, under order, order order order order! >> order to much to much excitement . but we haven't excitement. but we haven't actually heard because we can't hear what the chancellor is trying to say . okay. and i can
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trying to say. okay. and i can hear who is shouting there. you won't get to speak later, chancellor . chancellor. >> i'm sorry to disappoint her, but multiple dwellings relief was not actually designed for her, but intended . to. it was . her, but intended. to. it was. >> it was intended to support investment in the private rented sector, but an external evaluation found no strong evidence that it had done so, and that it was being regularly abused. so i'm going to abolish it . and finally, as part of this it. and finally, as part of this budget, both the treasury as part of our look on property taxation, both the treasury and the obr have looked at the costs associated with our current levels of capital gains tax on property . they have concluded property. they have concluded that if we reduced the higher 28% rate that exists for residential property, we would in fact increase revenues because there would be more
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transactions . for the first time transactions. for the first time in history, both the treasury and the obr have discovered their inner laffer curve . so, so their inner laffer curve. so, so today hasn't got it. so today i am going to. so today i am going to reduce the higher rate of property capital gains tax from 28% to 24. that really is for you . angela. i now . i. i now. i. >> order that i had enough from
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over there. >> definitely not having it from here. chancellor >> i now turn to oil and gas. unlike the party opposite . we unlike the party opposite. we want to encourage investment in the north sea. so we will retain generous investment allowances for the sector. we will also legislate in the finance bill to aboush legislate in the finance bill to abolish the energy profits levy . abolish the energy profits levy. should market prices fall to their historic norm for a sustained period of time. after representations from the honourable member banff and honourable member for banff and buchan. but because the increase in energy prices caused by the ukraine war is expected to last longer , so too will the sector's longer, so too will the sector's windfall profits. so i will extend the sunset on the energy profits levy for an additional year to 2029, raising £1.5 billion. next. next i turn to the next i turn to the taxes paid by those who are resident in the uk but not domiciled here for tax purposes .
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in the uk but not domiciled here for tax purposes. this this is a category of people known as non—doms . category of people known as non—doms. now now , now. nigel non—doms. now now, now. nigel lawson wanted to end the non—dom regime in his great tax reforming budget of 1988, which is where i suspect the labour party got the idea from . but i party got the idea from. but i too have always believed that provided we protect the uk's attractiveness to international investors, those with the broadest shoulders should pay their fair share . after looking their fair share. after looking at the issue over many months, i have concluded that we can indeed. have concluded that we can indeed . we can indeed introduce indeed. we can indeed introduce a system which is both fairer and remains competitive with other countries . so the
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other countries. so the government will abolish the current tax system for non—doms, get rid of the outdated concept of domicile . and i aim to please of domicile. and i aim to please all sides of the house in all my budgets . budgets. >> and we will. we will replace. >> and we will. we will replace. >> order. order, order! >> order. order, order! >> this is impossible . all >> this is impossible. all right. can you . just. right. can you. just. >> order! >> order! >> could you please shout more quietly ? chancellor quietly? chancellor >> thank you, madam deputy speaken >> thank you, madam deputy speaker. we will replace the non—dom regime with a modern, simpler and fairer residency based system. from april 25, new arrivals to the uk will not be required to pay any tax on
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foreign income. and gains for their first four years of uk residency , a more generous residency, a more generous regime than at present and one of the most attractive offers in europe . but after four years, europe. but after four years, those who continue to live in the uk will pay the same tax as other uk residents, recognising the contribution of many of these individuals to our economy, we will put in place transitional arrangements for those benefiting from the current regime. that will include a two year period in which individuals will be encouraged to bring wealth earned overseas to the uk, where it can be spent and invested here, a measure that will attract onshore for an additional £15 billion of foreign income and generate more than £1 billion of extra tax . than £1 billion of extra tax. overall, abolishing non—dom status will raise £2.7 billion a year by the end of the forecast penod. year by the end of the forecast period . that is money the party period. that is money the party
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opposite planned to use for spending increases. but today a conservative government makes a different choice . we use that different choice. we use that revenue to help cut taxes on working families . and many of working families. and many of those families, madam deputy speaken those families, madam deputy speaker, depend on child benefit. but the way we treat child benefit in the tax system is confusing and unfair. it's a lifeline for many parents because it helps with the additional costs associated with having children . and when it having children. and when it works, it's good for children, good for parents, and for good the economy it helps the economy because it helps people work. but we people into work. but we currently withdraw child benefit when one parent earns over £50,000 a year. that means two parents earning £49,000 a year receive the benefit in full, but a household earning a lot less than that does not. if just one
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parent earns over £50,000. today i set out plans to end that unfairness doing so. doing so requires significant reform to the tax system, including allowing hmrc to collect household level information . we household level information. we will therefore consult on moving the high income child benefit charge to a household based system to be introduced by april 2026. but because but because thatis 2026. but because but because that is not a quick fix. i make two changes today to make the current system fairer . following current system fairer. following representations from my right hon. friends from penistone and stocksbridge . carshalton and stocksbridge. carshalton and wallington. bassetlaw and west worcestershire, along with many others . i confirm that from this others. i confirm that from this april the high income child benefit charge threshold will be raised from 50,000 to £60,000. we will raise the top of the
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taper at which it is withdrawn to £80,000. that means no one earning under £60,000 will pay the charge , taking 170,000 the charge, taking 170,000 families out of paying it altogether. and because of the higher taper and threshold, nearly half a million families with children will save an average of £1,300 next year , average of £1,300 next year, according to the obr. this change will see an increase in hours among amongst those already working to the equivalent of more people equivalent of 10,000 more people entering the workforce, more investment , more jobs, better investment, more jobs, better pubuc investment, more jobs, better public service and lower tax . public service and lower tax. and deputy speaker, there is one further set of changes i want to make today . the way we tax make today. the way we tax people's income is particularly unfair. if you get your income from having a job, you pay two types of tax national insurance contributions and income tax. if you get it from other sources,
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you get it from other sources, you pay you get it from other sources, you pay only one. this double taxation of work is unfair. the result is a complicated system that penalises work instead of encouraging it. if we are to build a high wage, high skill economy not dependent on migration, if we want to encourage people not in work to come back to work, we need a simpler, fairer tax system that makes work pay that is why i cut national insurance contributions in the autumn by reducing the penalty on work . the obr in the autumn by reducing the penalty on work. the obr said that tax cut would lead to the equivalent of 94,000 more people in work. in other words, it would fill more than 1 in 10 vacancies throughout the economy lower taxes, more jobs and higher growth. today, because of the progress we have made bringing down inflation because of the additional investment thatis of the additional investment that is flowing into the economy, because we have a plan for better and more efficient
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pubuc for better and more efficient public services and because we have asked those with the broadest shoulders to pay a bit more up order. >> mr perkins . i can more up order. >> mr perkins. i can i can manage, thank you very much . manage, thank you very much. five times i've heard what you said . i let you away with it. said. i let you away with it. now that's enough . one more now that's enough. one more strike and you're out . strike and you're out. >> madam deputy speaker, i do know how hard it is for them to listen to arguments for lower taxes, but that that is the difference because we have asked those with the broadest shoulders to pay a bit more. todayi shoulders to pay a bit more. today i go further. from april the 6th, employee national insurance will be cut by another toopi from 10% to 8, and
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self—employed national insurance will be cut from 8% to 6. it means an additional £450 a year for the average employee, or £350 for someone self—employed . £350 for someone self—employed. when combined with the autumn reductions, it means 27 million employees will get an average tax cut of £900 a year, 2 million self—employed will get a tax cut averaging £650. changes that make our system simpler and fairer, and changes that grow our economy by rewarding work. the obr say when combined with the autumn reduction, our national insurance cuts will mean the equivalent of 200,000 more people in work , filling! more people in work, filling! in 5 vacancies, adding 0.4% to gdp and nought point 4% to gdp per head. this is the second fiscal event where we've reduced
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employee and self—employed national insurance. we've cut it by one third in six months without increasing borrowing and without increasing borrowing and without cutting spending on pubuc without cutting spending on public services . that means the public services. that means the average earner in the uk now has the lowest effective personal tax rate since 1975. there effective taxes are now lower than in america , france, germany than in america, france, germany or any g7 country because conservatives believe that making work pay is of the most fundamental importance, because we believe that the double taxation of work is unfair. our long, firm ambition is to end this unfairness when it is responsible , when it can be responsible, when it can be achieved without increasing borrowing, when it can be delivered without compromising high quality public services . we high quality public services. we will continue to cut national insurance as we have done today , insurance as we have done today, so we truly make work, pay .
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so we truly make work, pay. madam deputy speaker , we stick madam deputy speaker, we stick to our plan with a budget for long terme growth. it delivers more investment, more jobs, better public services and lower taxes. but dynamism in an economy does not come from ministers in whitehall. it comes from the grit and determination of people who take risks, work hard and innovate, not government policies , but people government policies, but people power. it is to unleash people power. it is to unleash people power that we today put this country back on a path to lower taxes , a plan to grow the taxes, a plan to grow the economy versus no plan , a plan economy versus no plan, a plan for better public services versus no plan . a plan to make versus no plan. a plan to make work pay versus no plan. growth up jobs up. >> taxes down. >> taxes down. >> i commend this statement to the . house.
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the. house. >> it's a message . bring it on. >> it's a message. bring it on. let's bring order. >> order under standing order number 5!. the first motion, entitled provisional collection of taxes, must be decided without debate. will the chancellor of the exchequer please move? formerly he promised it. the question is that pursuant to section five of the provisional collection of taxes act, !968, provisional statutory effect shall be given to the following motion. stamp duty. land tax . first time duty. land tax. first time buyers relief. new leases acquired on fair trust. motion number eight. stamp duty. land tax . registered providers of tax. registered providers of social housing. motion number nine stamp duty land tax purchases by public bodies. motion number !0. value added tax. late payment. >> as the deputy speaker goes through some of the particulars
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of how the house of commons works, this is a full sitting of the ways and means committee to get technical . let's go through get technical. let's go through some of those changes that some of those big changes that we in the budget. it was we saw in the budget. it was confirmed that 2% is being taken off national insurance , down off national insurance, down from !0% to 8. perhaps the biggest single measure in this budget. yes i think that was the big announcement for ordinary working people in this country , working people in this country, if we bring in gloria here, gloria de piero is still with us, former labour mp, of course, gb news presenter . gloria, was gb news presenter. gloria, was there anything in there that got you going that you would pick out? >> well, what i'm actually quite surprised about is that we pretty much knew all of the big things that were going to happen, to say anything that would affect somebody who is listening watching this listening or watching this programme. is in work. programme. you and is in work. crucially, you would have known that were going get that you were going to get another £0.02 off your national insurance. as i said , before insurance. but as i said, before we started this, this viewing
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marathon , they did that just marathon, they did that just a few months ago. it had no effect on polls. the tax burden is very, very high in this country, like at almost a record post—war for high, so i think people still think people are hurting and are feeling , he said, though and are feeling, he said, though christopher didn't he he said we now have the lowest effective personal tax rate since 1975. >> is that a clever choice of wording? >> we're waiting to see what the word affected me. >> he's doing some heavy lifting. emily and tom. i was struck the fact that said, struck by the fact that he said, we want to be dependent on we don't want to be dependent on migration that migration three times in that speech. that to me speech. yeah, that show to me a direction of travel, which we haven't heard from the treasury before. lot before. they have relied a lot on and maybe a nod on net migration and maybe a nod towards from towards the pressure from the reform party about that migration. >> and it so interesting >> and it was so interesting when growth when he referred to the growth uprating that he believes the cut national insurance cut in national insurance will deliver , said per deliver, he said growth per person, not growth it person, not growth overall. it will increase growth per person. a couple of rabbits we saw, though , child benefit that tax
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though, child benefit that tax trap where earn over trap where if you earn over £50,000, any one of a couple earning over that, you lose your benefits immediately. but to your 49,000 don't lose it. exactly, exactly. so the chancellor announced that this would raise to 60,000 and then taper through to 80,000. so no tax trap there, let's have a look now at what's going on in the commons. lots of people shuffling around . were expecting shuffling around. were expecting sir keir starmer to deliver the response. >> i just heard the deputy speaken >> i just heard the deputy speaker, eleanor laing, say clear the lobby. so while we were going through yours and emily's very comprehensive sort of highlights of what we heard in the budget, there was a proposal there, which i can't tell you what it was, but has led to a division being held now, and that is where you are seeing the house of commons divide across party lines, government and opposition to vote yes. >> so this vote will be taking place. we're going to get you
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the details on what that vote is. but again some other things that we were expecting in this budget. duty christopher that we were expecting in this budgehas duty christopher that we were expecting in this budgehas beethy christopher that we were expecting in this budgehas been frozenistopher that we were expecting in this budgehas been frozen yet)her that we were expecting in this budgehas been frozen yet again. hope has been frozen yet again. but not just that. the £0.05 cut in fuel duty, which was all intents and purposes a temporary cut for the cost of living that's been extended again . that's been extended again. >> that's right. the five year increase has not gone ahead. and he namecheck sun he did namecheck the sun newspaper who have he did namecheck the sun newspawith who have he did namecheck the sun newspawith that. who have he did namecheck the sun newspawith that. he who have he did namecheck the sun newspawith that. he als0) have he did namecheck the sun newspawith that. he also said e helped with that. he also said how duty will be frozen how alcohol duty will be frozen again. interestingly, again. and interestingly, i've never him say before that never heard him say before that that would be an that would be, that would be an equivalent of taking 0.2% off inflation because inflation is now a political issue. now such a political issue. never be issue. but never used to be an issue. but it's interesting how it's anti—inflationary indeed. >> that's till february >> and that's till february 25th. it's it was due to 25th. so it's it was due to expire in august, so it's an extra six months on the freezing of alcohol duties . of alcohol duties. >> but we've spoken a lot about tax. there was also spending here another 6 billion for the nhs. and gloria, perhaps what was interesting here, normally when we hear about nhs spending, it's about more doctors, more nurses. wasn't this was nurses. this wasn't this was about more tech.
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>> yes. and i think whichever this crosses the party divide whichever side of the house that you sit on, you will see the benefits and potential of technology and improving the way our health services, whether it's virtual wards or , for it's virtual wards or, for example, the shadow secretary of health secretary was telling me, just the other day how when he had his cancer surgery, it was obviously a surgeon was there. but in addition, a robot helped to perform that surgery. so there is a great benefit to us all, which all politicians of all, which all politicians of all colours see. the chancellor says that form filling that doctors currently have to do, that's going to halve as a result of this £6 billion of it upgrades !3,000,000,000 hours currently to outdated currently lost due to outdated it systems will no longer be lost. >> this is the digital transformation budget of the nhs. >> doubling and christopher, you pointed out that a press release from not too long ago suggested there would be no paperwork by. >> well, yeah. previous health
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secretary in 2013, jeremy hunt , secretary in 2013, jeremy hunt, said there'd be a paperless nhs by 2018. well, that is some time ago, so this is off. it can be wishful thinking, i think. i remember the nhs spine and the money spent on a huge computer system back in the 2000, and that all went wrong very quickly. so yeah, we with i tom and emily hand is clearly going to work with something with how doctors can can look at scans and rest. and the rest. >> it's interesting. 20!3 >> it's interesting. the 2013 press then press release from the then health says health secretary says jeremy hunts challenges the nhs go hunts challenges the nhs to go paperless . perhaps he hunts challenges the nhs to go paperless. perhaps he didn't fund it, and perhaps the difference between then and now is that there is this £6 billion to do that. it's interesting, solid ambition. it's interesting because it means there'll be a 1% because it means there'll be a !% real terms increase in nhs spending, which means in order to hit all of his fiscal goals , to hit all of his fiscal goals, they were going to be bigger cuts the other departments. cuts to the other departments. after the election. >> we said !, didn't he? had we thought would be up to thought that would be up to 0.75. he stuck with the 0.75. so he has stuck with the biggest spending as it was planned election. so planned after the election. so it's a bit challenge here
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it's a bit of a challenge here for labour. >> another interesting one, >> but another interesting one, gloria, interesting >> but another interesting one, glcthis interesting >> but another interesting one, glcthis taxes interesting >> but another interesting one, glcthis taxes on nteresting >> but another interesting one, glcthis taxes on on this taxes on vapes. >> then more taxes on >> but then more taxes on smoking so that people who who would smoke choose to vape. it was all a bit confusing there. more taxes essentially. >> i think i will declare an interest, emily, on this. as somebody who was able to stop smoking cigarettes, something that i did for a long time by by going on to vapes. vapes i mean, i know so many people will be watching this and thinking, who have smoked thinking it is so hard to stop that nicotine addiction. and we've been obviously trying to stop people smoking cigarettes for decades, vapes been incredibly vapes have been incredibly successful at doing so. is it sensible? is it sensible to moral panic over this? >> they are 95% safer than cigarettes according to all the studies, public health that have been done, public health england is very much in favour of them. and the government is saying and now the government is saying we're tax vapes so that we're going to tax vapes so that people wait, people don't vape. oh no wait, people don't vape. oh no wait, people need people who are smoking need to vape off smoking. get
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vape to get off smoking. so get a tax. >> y even m 0 re y even more what they >> that's even more what they are this fund the cut are doing this to fund the cut in national insurance. >> where those cuts lie. >> so it's where those cuts lie. >> so it's where those cuts lie. >> i don't think all about >> i don't think it's all about choices. what about the non—dom? >> did make of that. >> what did you make of that. because trying to step because they're trying to step on labour's toes a little bit there. >> $- e— t— there. >> mps looking a little >> but tory mps looking a little glum. >> that'll tm t mat-u glum. >> that'll in the detail >> well that'll be in the detail won't they're going won't it. they're going to change so you can be change it. so you can be a non—dom for four years, from, from april year i think it from april next year i think it is. it should, should. is. and it should, it should. it's a cutting. it's it's a it's a cutting. it's scaling back the scale of non—dom. >> it's almost before you >> it's almost a try before you buy come and live in the buy policy. come and live in the uk for bit. if you like it uk for a bit. if you like it then you're going have to then you're going to have to start after four years. i should explain viewers >> i should explain to viewers what's the chamber. what's going on in the chamber. the for division on the snp call for division on immediate tax changes. this doesn't so doesn't normally happen, so we were now to seeing were expecting now to be seeing sir keir starmer hit back at this, these budget plans. he's now more to prepare his now got more time to prepare his response the budget. response to the budget. >> exactly. >> exactly, exactly. and i suspect i'm very eager to listen to how opposition deal with to how the opposition deal with this. it's much easier when this. but it's much easier when you so much. the you have briefed so much. the government briefed so much you have briefed so much. the gothe|ment briefed so much you have briefed so much. the gothe papers briefed so much you have briefed so much. the gothe papers in briefed so much you have briefed so much. the gothe papers in advance, so much to the papers in advance, because hardly any
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because actually, hardly any tinkering is necessary because sometimes watch the leader sometimes you watch the leader of react to of the opposition react to something and they have to react something and they have to react something incredibly quickly and scribbling notes on a piece of papen scribbling notes on a piece of paper. actually, keir starmer doesn't have to do that much. and i suspect the central arguments will be yes. are your pubuc arguments will be yes. are your public better than they public services better than they were years when labour were !4 years ago, when labour got do you feel better off got in? do you feel better off or worse when the or worse off than when the tories got in !4 years ago? >> i do wonder whether this vote will take the tension out of the budget. at the budget. if you look at the pictures now, see how pictures now, you'll see how labour stuck stuffed in labour are stuck stuffed in there those benches behind there and those benches behind starmer. gone starmer. the tories have gone for wonder whether for lunch and i wonder whether it might an interesting it might be an interesting budget with no one budget debate with no one listening starmer budget debate with no one listenfrom starmer budget debate with no one listenfrom the starmer budget debate with no one listenfrom the labour rmer budget debate with no one listenfrom the labour leader. apart from the labour leader. >> to us this >> explain to us why is this happening now? >> usually would to >> usually we would expect to see pop up and see keir starmer pop up and deliver his very unusual. >> it never happened in ten years that i was sat in the commons vote. >> we were we were caught short. >> we were we were caught short. >> expected listen to >> we were expected to listen to keir now keir starmer speaking. now we're not the snp ejected not because the snp have ejected and there's division. there's and there's a division. there's
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neven and there's a division. there's never, normally division never, never normally division at they want at this stage. they want a division. the immediate division. on the immediate tax changes. division. on the immediate tax changes . so just earlier you saw changes. so just earlier you saw damian lange who's the deputy damian de lange who's the deputy speaken damian de lange who's the deputy speaker, reading out a number of measures. was stamp measures. one of them was stamp duty measures. so clearly they've looked what i think. they've looked at what i think. what the immediate what are the immediate tax changes day called changes on the day and called for immediate vote rather for an immediate vote rather than wait for the end of the budget debate, five budget debate, which is five days. they've done this just to >> and they've done this just to steal the thunder the steal the thunder from the leader opposition. they leader of the opposition. they could obviously could have obviously waited until was until this whole charade was a charade. whole, spectacle, until this whole charade was a charnormal whole, spectacle, until this whole charade was a charnormal whole,was ctacle, until this whole charade was a charnormal whole,was ctaclyand this normal process was over and they have had votes at the they would have had votes at the end of the day, as they did when liz trusted her mini—budget. >> because there no votes >> because there are no votes today. happens after this? today. what happens after this? actually, no votes actually, there will be no votes today, because after the budget is presented, there are around five days protected debate and discussion. so nobody's actually for quite a number of days on this budget. this is all about the snp labour narrative. >> the gaza vote was about that as well. is having a go at labour because snp and labour are in a battle for votes in scotland, and this annoying scotland, and this is annoying for the labour party.
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>> sir keir starmer will probably interested see probably were interested to see what starmer had to say what keir starmer had to say in his but i'm sure the his argument, but i'm sure the i'm sure the public were absolutely in enthralled by every word, every jot and tittle of the chancellor and the leader of the chancellor and the leader of the chancellor and the leader of the opposition. >> it's the most important thing, of course. shall we? however analysis now however get some analysis now from and business from our economics and business editor , liam halligan liam. all editor, liam halligan liam. all the headline measures pretty much as we expected, but there were ! or 2 new much as we expected, but there were! or 2 new things in this speech. >> there were ! or 2 new things, wearing my sort of slightly cynical hat. years of experience , something that was almost half a sentence, which was doing a lot of work in terms of the government's sums, making the ledger add up was the chancellor mentioned that he's going to give a bit more money to hmrc to quotes, make sure that the tax thatis quotes, make sure that the tax that is owed is paid, i.e. clamping down on tax avoidance . clamping down on tax avoidance. yeah, £4.5 billion more. that's a huge amount of to money, assume hmrc is going to be able
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to summon up by chasing people that it believes owe more tax. that hasn't attracted much attention, but it's doing an awful lot of heavy lifting there. i also thought it was quite interesting how the chancellor philosophically said he almost hinted that if the tories stay in power, they're going to almost try and abolish national insurance altogether. yes, the double taxation of work is unfair. and, you know, i've been covering budgets for the thick end of 25 years. i'm older than i look, obviously, and that is a good point. why is it that tax on wealth is taxed once but tax on wealth is taxed once but tax on wealth is taxed once but tax on work is taxed twice? and talking about tax on wealth also quite interesting. a very tory measure was to cut capital gains tax on the disposal of residential properties that aren't your principal residence, from 28% to 24. >> liam. just to jump in there,
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thatis >> liam. just to jump in there, that is the most perhaps profound political moment of that part of the speech. this was the office of budget responsibility, the obr, the bogeyman of the right, saying that cutting this tax will actually raise revenue. >> that is because , tom, the way >> that is because, tom, the way the uk property market is at the moment, it's stuck. no one wants to sell because they don't want to sell because they don't want to incur massive capital gains when you've had years of house price increases, you're sitting on these massive capital gains. if it's residential property you don't live in, then you want to , don't live in, then you want to, you know, bequeath it to the next generation, make it an inheritance tax problem rather than a capital gains tax problem. all this will sound like gobbledegook to a lot of people watching and listening . people watching and listening. but it's an but you're right, it's an important and important political and philosophical point here. you had jeremy hunt and rishi sunak, two people who have been lampooned and derided by the rights of their own party for not even being conservatives. they've overseen the rise of the
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tax burden to the highest level in 70 years. how can they possibly be conservative? they're saying we basically want to abolish national insurance, and we are actually lowering taxation on wealth. they're not just tory things to do. they are red in tooth and claw. tory things to do. this is a political fightback by sunak and hunt within their own political party. and i agree very much with with gloria master as she is of parliamentary procedure and so on. given her long experience in the commons, the fact that they've briefed all this out earlier, it does give keir starmer longer to respond. but chris hope also , equally but chris hope also, equally experienced, is right. this is really going to knock the labour party because the snp are taking away their thunder. this is a real big moment in the political calendar, possibly the last big fiscal event before the general election. a lot of the nations watching , they'll have tuned out
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watching, they'll have tuned out now because they don't really know what's going on. keir starmer didn't get to have it say, i'm sorry to have to say this, but a very tactical some would say cynical move by the snp though they of course would deny that. >> yes, exactly. and liam of course, no hiding the fact that a lot of people in this country are deeply concerned about the state of our public services. >> what was there for the person who's worried about the state of the nhs, the state of education, the nhs, the state of education, the state of public services in general? >> well, just as jeremy hunt wants to steal labour's clothes on non—doms by weakening the non—dom tax regime by making it a lot less generous, he is stealing labour's clothes. that was a flagship labour policy. i thought it was rhetorically quite adroit by him. you know, the money that we're making by abolishing the non—dom tax regime or certainly changing it, labour want to spend that on higher spending. we want to spend that on tax cuts that will delight a lot of the tory
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backbenchers, and it will delight a lot .oftorie s who say delight a lot .of tories who say they're not going to vote tory now and they want to vote reform . i thought that was really quite interesting. i think it's also interesting that they've returned to rishi sunaks theme about the importance of the hospitality industry. employs ! in !0 people in the uk, employs lots of people part time, lots of, you know, partners who are working part time to keep money coming into a household. a lot of younger people who wouldn't necessarily be seen dead thinking about voting tory. but if pubs are getting a lift, if those alcohol duties are frozen, if only for another six months, i'm sure there'll be an extension after that. if the tories remain in power, then that's good for the hospitality industry and might actually, you know, there might be people saying relatively positive things the tories in the things about the tories in the pub tonight, but we'll wait and see. really interesting stuff. >> liam halligan stay with us throughout the programme. of course we'll with you course we'll be back with you a little later, but it looks
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little bit later, but it looks like the house of is like the house of commons is starting to complete this peculiar and unusual vote by the snp. gloria. in your experience as an mp sitting behind the leader of the opposition, as they make their big speech in response the chancellor, response to the chancellor, there's going to be a lot of a lot less atmosphere now, do you know what? >> here we go. let's have a let's let's see. >> empty benches opposite. >> empty benches opposite. >> speaker, there >> madam deputy speaker, there we have it. the last desperate act of a party that has failed britain in recession. the national credit card maxed out. and despite the measures today, the highest tax burden for 70 years, the first parliament since records began to see living standards fall. confirmed by this budget today that is their record. it is still their record . give with one hand and record. give with one hand and take even more with the other, and nothing they do between now and nothing they do between now and the election will change that.
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and the election will change that . i and the election will change that. i mean, over !4 years we've seen our fair share of delusion from the party opposite a prime minister who thinks the cost of living crisis is starting to ease, an education secretary who thinks concrete crumbling on our children deserves her gratitude. a former prime minister who still believes crashing the pound was the right path for britain. where is she? and today, a new entry in this hall of infamy. the chancellor , who breezes into the chancellor, who breezes into this chamber in a recession and tells the working people of this country that everything is on track. yes, crisis . what crisis? track. yes, crisis. what crisis? or as the captain of the titanic and the former prime minister herself might have said, iceberg . what iceberg ? smiling as the . what iceberg? smiling as the ship goes down, the chuckle brothers of decline dreaming of santa monica . or maybe just a santa monica. or maybe just a quiet life in surrey, not having
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to self—fund his election loss, the crew behind him scrabble for gb views bakhmut . if only it gb views bakhmut. if only it weren't so serious because , weren't so serious because, madam deputy speaker, the story of this parliament is devastatingly simple a conservative party stubbornly clinging to the failed ideas of the past , clinging to the failed ideas of the past, completely unable to generate the growth of working people need and forced by that failure to ask them to pay more and more for less and less. and as the desperate ocean grows, they torch not only their reputation for fiscal responsibility, but any notion that they can serve the country, not themselves party first, country second. while working people pay the price. absolutely food prices still 25% higher than they were two years ago. rents up !0, an extra £240 a
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month for a typical family. remortgaging this year because they lost control of the economy , they sent interest rates through the roof. they made working people pay. they should be under no illusion. that record is how the british people will judge today's cuts , because will judge today's cuts, because the whole country can see exactly what is happening here. they recognise a tory con when they see it, just as they did in november. give with one hand, take even more with the other . take even more with the other. madam deputy speaker, people have been living through this nonsense for !4 years. they know the thresholds are still frozen , the thresholds are still frozen, dragging more and more people into higher taxes. dragging more and more people into higher taxes . they know into higher taxes. they know that a tory stealth tax is coming their way in the shape of their next council tax bill. yes their next council tax bill. yes the levelling, well, the levelling up secretary has told not just this house, but every
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house in the country he is coming for their council tax give with one hand, gove in the other . yes, but most insulting other. yes, but most insulting of all, the british people know the only cause that gets this lot out of bed is trying to save their own skin. yes take the desperate move. after years of resistance to finally accept labour's argument on the non—dom tax regime has has there ever been a more obvious example of a government that is totally bereft of ideas? yes and if they're sincere in support of this policy now, then the question they must answer today is why did they not do it earlier ? why did they not stand earlier? why did they not stand up to their friends, their funders and their family? because if they had followed labour's example, 3.8 million extra operations would have taken place by now, !.3 million
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emergency dental appointments, free breakfast clubs for nearly 4.5 million children. yes, but if instead this is just another short terme, cynical political gimmick, then honestly, what is the point of them? what is the point of a party that is out of touch, out of ideas, and nearly out of road? and we saw it last year as well, when only labour's policies on the cost of living made the difference for those opposite. now little downbeat about another intellectual triumph for social democracy , triumph for social democracy, we. i say, i say get used to it because with this pair in charge, it won't be long before they ask you to defend the removal of private school tax relief as well . yes, madam relief as well. yes, madam deputy speaker , the harder they deputy speaker, the harder they try with cynical games like this, the worse it will get for
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them, because the whole country can see exactly who they are fighting for themselves. politics not governing party, first, country second. and madam deputy speaker , because we have deputy speaker, because we have campaigned to lower the tax burden on working people for the whole parliament and we will not stop now. we will support the cuts to national insurance today. yes but i noticed this in 2022 when the prime minister was chancellor. he made this promise. i can confirm in 2024, for the first time, the basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20 to £0.19. well, having three having brief that all week that an income tax was coming . that an income tax was coming. that promise is in tatters today . and of course we support the fresh investment in our nhs. although i have to note that the
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chancellor , when he was health chancellor, when he was health secretary ten years ago, promised to make the nhs paperless by 2018. because but i know, i know the prime minister fondness for elon musk extends to an enthusiastic embrace of his community. notes on fact checking. so i say this bit slowly. labour supports the fuel duty freeze. that is our policy, and i look forward to the prime minister to acknowledgement of that in coming days. minister to acknowledgement of that in coming days . we do ask that in coming days. we do ask the chancellor can set out how we will make sure that this policy gets passed on to hard pressed families at the pump. yet madam deputy speaker, for all the fanfare around the tax measures today, that straightforward story remains true. taxes a 70 year high. the british people paying more for less. an unprecedented hit to living standards of working
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people. the first time they've gone backwards over a parliament and they were cheering that today. yeah. and the reason is equally simple. there is no plan for growth. how can there be? he he can say lontum plan all he likes. we see. well, madam deputy speaker, let's just last year he announced !!0 growth measures. he said we have turned the corner. and where are we now? britain in recession . an now? britain in recession. an economy smaller than when the prime minister entered downing street. the textbook definition of decline , that is their record of decline, that is their record . i mean, after !4 years, who do they actually think feels better off? yeah, productivity is flat. mortgages through the roof , mortgages through the roof, house building off a cliff, worklessness rising and rising, homelessness never higher . crime homelessness never higher. crime virtually unpunished. children who can't see a dentist, sewage
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in our rivers, billions and billions of taxpayers money wasted. 7 billion by the prime minister on covid fraud alone, 500 million on the rwanda scheme that has achieved precisely nothing. yeah i can keep going. a railway line that will never reach our great northern cities. in fact, it might not even reach central london when billions upon billions for a white elephant without a trunk . yeah, elephant without a trunk. yeah, but while today we learn taxpayers are picking up the bill for the science minister's libel . yes. yeah. and all the libel. yes. yeah. and all the time. all the time . one thing time. all the time. one thing thatis time. all the time. one thing that is growing the waiting list in our nhs now, nearly 8 million. yeah, they've had four teen years for !3 years running out of road. madam deputy speaker , this is what decline speaker, this is what decline looks like. and the complacency
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they've shown today. it takes your breath away . britain your breath away. britain deserves better than this. britain deserves a real plan for growth, an end to !4 years of stagnation, wealth creation across the whole of the country, higher living standards for working people. this is the mission we need. but yet again , mission we need. but yet again, what we got was the same tired old formula the sticking plasters, the chopping and changing the party. first country, second politics with no repudiation of the utterly discredited idea that economic growth is something the few gift to the many. yeah but even then, madam deputy speaker, i think his backbenchers are owed an explanation, because when the chancellor says britain has grown more quickly than countries like germany over the last !4 years, i'm sure they will be shocked to learn that this is a statistical sleight of hand. this is a statistical sleight of hand . and when it comes to gdp hand. and when it comes to gdp per capita , in other words, the per capita, in other words, the growth that makes the difference
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to the pockets of working people, their record is much worse. indeed, in per capita terms , our economy has not grown terms, our economy has not grown since the first quarter of 2022. the longest period of stagnation britain has seen since 1955. in fact, the chancellor invited us to look at those figures. the obr says gdp per capita will be three quarters of a percent lower in 2028 than was they forecast in november of last yeah forecast in november of last year. that was the number he said. we should watch three quarters of a cent lower in 2028, and they can call this a technical recession. but there's nothing technical about working people living in recession . for people living in recession. for every second. the prime minister has been in power. this is a rishi recession. hey and if the if the party opposite really wants to know what hides in the chancellor's spreadsheets, then they will see that it's only the record levels of migration they
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have delivered, which has prevented an even deeper decline. and that is the record they must stand on at the election going up. because while on these benches we do not demean for a second the contribution migrants make to a thriving economy . it is high thriving economy. it is high time the party opposite was honest with the british public about the role migration plays in their economic policy, because right now , in terms of because right now, in terms of growth, that is all they have. there is nothing else, no plan to get britain building again with a reformed planning system, no ambition to invest in clean british power for cheaper bills and energy security, no inclination to move away from insecure, low paid jobs and strengthen employment rights so we can finally make work, pay . we can finally make work, pay. madam deputy speaker, where is the urgency on affordable housing? yeah, how can they look at britain now and not see this as a massive priority? never
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again will they be allowed to pose as the party of home ownership and aspiration . oh, i ownership and aspiration. oh, i have to say, given the disaster that has befallen his childcare plans, perhaps that's for the best. because, madam deputy speaken best. because, madam deputy speaker, the cost of childcare is a huge challenge for millions parents need him to deliver on his promise and it seems the chancellor has been taking lessons on marketing from the willy wonka experience in glasgow . all is not as it seems, glasgow. all is not as it seems, and with just over three weeks to go, he has to come clean because up and down the country parents need to know will they get their entitlement in april ? get their entitlement in april? or is it just another of their reckless promises on governing headunes reckless promises on governing headlines over delivery promises without plans, policies that unravel at the first contact with reality? the lesson crystal clear that those who broke our economy cannot be trusted to
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repair it. but the tory credit rating is zero. it's time for change with labour. hey and that's what today's budget should have been about . a last should have been about. a last chance for the government to show it understands the economic reality of our volatile world. that global supply chains can be weaponised by tyrants like putin, that a sticking plaster approach to public investment will cost britain more in the long run. and that trickle down nonsense means working people pay nonsense means working people pay the price. it could even have been a moment of contrition, a reflection on their fiscal recklessness and apology, perhaps for the ridiculous chaos they've inflicted on businesses, communities and investors in this country. and yet still no sustainable industrial strategy, still no national wealth fund to crowd in private investment, still no urgency on speeding up critical infrastructure projects
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, and no recognition that they have left our standing as a country that always keeps its promises in tatters . and if they promises in tatters. and if they don't like that accusation, then look no further than the grotesque spectacle of ducking their responsibility to the victims of infected blood and honzon victims of infected blood and horizon standards . one of the horizon standards. one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our nation history. those were the prime minister's words just two months ago today, justice kicked beyond the general election . no, madam general election. no, madam deputy speaker, britain can see exactly who they are and the reality is there is no path to economic stability, no way to a calmer, less chaotic politics with the party opposite in power. because chaos is now their world view, a mindset that sees britain's problems as opportunities they can exploit.
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whether like the chancellor, that's out of desperation because they can't solve them , because they can't solve them, or whether, like the members for fareham or south west norfolk , fareham or south west norfolk, they have no intention of solving them whatsoever . for a solving them whatsoever. for a party this weak and divided, the end result is always the same a vicious downward spiral, chaos feeding off, decline , decline feeding off, decline, decline feeding off, decline, decline feeding off, decline, decline feeding off, chaos while working people pay the price . the people pay the price. the british people know this will not stop five more years and it will only get worse. there will be no change of direction without a change of government . without a change of government. and that leaves britain a nation in limbo , unable to shake off in limbo, unable to shake off the tory chaos that dragged us into recession and loaded the tax burden onto the backs of working people and maxed out the nation's credit card, britain deserves a government ready to take tough decisions, give our pubuc take tough decisions, give our public services an immediate cash injection, stick to fiscal rules without complaint,
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cash injection, stick to fiscal rules without complaint , fight rules without complaint, fight for the living standards of working people and deliver a sustainable plan for growth. so we say to the chancellor and prime minister, it's time to break the habit of !4 years. stop the dithering, stop the delay , stop the uncertainty and delay, stop the uncertainty and confirm may the 2nd as the date of the next general election. >> because britain deserves better and labour are ready . better and labour are ready. >> well, there we have it. the leader of the opposition, speaking to an unused , utterly speaking to an unused, utterly empty house of commons thanks to the pokery of the snp. the jiggery pokery of the snp. and that surprise division , that and that surprise division, that surprise vote that we saw in the house of commons interrupting the flow of normal proceedings, but still with us in the studio is our political editor, christopher hope. and indeed presenter gloria de piero. gloria, former labour mp. what do you make of what keir starmer had to say? >> i think this is the sort of standout line for me because it will frame how labour approached
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the general election and i think it will resonate with many, many families listening and watching today. this is the first parliament since records began to see living standards fall . to see living standards fall. and if you look at the sort of the wonks, if you if you like, who've been doing the sort of looking at this, who are the winners, who are the losers, well, the conclusion of and i will credit torsten bell of, it's a think tank called the resolution foundation that ed miliband didn't he. he did indeed. and alistair darling. but think it is but you know, i think it is recognised they , you know, recognised that they, you know, look these things look at these things independently are well independently and are a well respected think our tax is respected think tank. our tax is going or down. up still going up or down. up still rising to 30, 37% of gdp in 2829, the highest level since 1948. and if i can just do one !948. and if i can just do one more thing, personal taxes will also overall be going up, not down. however, there is a caveat here. middle earning workers gain more from rate cuts than
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they lose from the threshold. freezes but and here's the key thing lo and i care more about lo lo and higher earners are at the opposite ends. >> so lower middle income earners are the winners and people who are on the bottom and at the top they lose out. yeah. >> and some people would say , >> and some people would say, well actually some actually i suppose some people would say that's fair. i don't think if people who are struggling most are losing out, i struggle to see how that would be fair in anybody's calculation. >> to be fair to be generous to the government. they have been extremely generous when it comes to cost of living payments and of course, help with energy bills and all of that. but pandemic, yeah, during the pandemic, yeah, during the pandemic and after, because of the invasion of ukraine, christopher keir starmer , of christopher keir starmer, of course, demanding at the end there may the 2nd election. what are the chances of that actually happening ? happening? >> i think very small. i mean, no one i'm talking to in government or the tory mps
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backbenches expect there to be an election in may. the second the date to look out for is march the 26th. that is the date by they must call the by which they must call the election for my main menu. second, see it second, i just don't see it happening. i think labour are trying up the tory trying to set up the tory government doing it, government for a not doing it, and then accuse of and then accuse them of squatting through squatting in office through the summer. quite clever summer. it's quite a clever political move, but nothing more than was struck there by than that. i was struck there by some, forecasts in the obr, which you got in front of you. the forecast there, tom, the office responsibility, office of budget responsibility, they're saying that they are they're now saying that they are expecting net migration to be 315,000 for the foreseeable future , up from 245,000 a year, future, up from 245,000 a year, which is a lot. future, up from 245,000 a year, which is a lot . and given you which is a lot. and given you had the chancellor twice or three times there, say that net migration would not be used to drive economic growth. that is surprising. >> it is a class from where migration is right now as a run rate. >> you see, for the obr to say that they normally say two, four, 5000 is the where we need to get to as a country to increase that by 30. yes. goes against what the of course, net migration was where
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migration last year was where was 800,004 five 745,000. >> so still falling by hundreds of thousands, but by not falling as much as the previous estimates suggested. >> and it includes the measures brought in by by james cleverly to stop family members coming over , limit visas going to some over, limit visas going to some some of migrants coming here. >> shall we get to some views? yes. lots of people getting in touch about the budget statement of also keir of course. but also keir starmer's response, david says from lincolnshire. he says starmer calling out hunt for the state of the economy when he wanted people like jeremy hunt to lock down harder and longer after shutting the economy down. lots of people have not forgotten that. yes, the labour party were angling for longer lockdowns, although i actually i know this is a sort of line that is repeated and repeated. >> i would question it. i know that the labour party never challenged the government when it wants to lock down, and was supportive of the government and actually some the opposition came from backbench tory mps, but actually, you know, i mean,
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andy burnham, the labour mayor in manchester, was was calling for the, you know, more cautious approach. >> although sadiq khan was calling for more restrictions in london earlier i think. so it does balance out. >> it does. but i do think it's unfair to say the labour party were calling for and, you know, with respect, thank for, for with respect, thank you for, for coming i just feel coming in. but i just feel i have to make that point. >> think worth saying for >> i think it's worth saying for balance, that of course, the economy been huge economy has been through a huge amount that are amount of difficulties that are arguably . arguably external factors. >> i think one of the one of the points that is incontrovertible is that final, freedom day date that that was questioned by keir starmer in the house of commons when the government decided to throw off all restrictions . that throw off all restrictions. that was there was question marks over whether or not that was the responsible thing to do. that came from the benches opposite. but let's to more but let's get to some more views, because says, utterly views, because ed says, utterly fuming after that budget. before the budget, were heavily the budget, we were very heavily taxed . after the budget, we're taxed. after the budget, we're still ultra highly taxed.
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absolutely >> and, ronald says that was the worst budget performance i've ever heard. labour must be jumping for joy. >> i don't think either of them are great orators. i mean, to be fair, to be fair and balanced about this. this is not that is fair and balanced to be. yeah. these not the great orators these are not the great orators of generation. these are not the great orators of and eneration. these are not the great orators of and it|eration. these are not the great orators of and it isation. these are not the great orators of and it is worth saying, as ed >> and it is worth saying, as ed said, were very highly said, we were very highly taxed before budget. highest before the budget. the highest tax 75 years. the tax tax burden in 75 years. the tax burden has not fallen. burden overall has not fallen. indeed the tax burden is still expected to rise, but to rise by less than it was before. and why is that ? because for every tax is that? because for every tax that has been cut, for example, national insurance, we've seen taxes also go up. for example , taxes also go up. for example, on the north sea with the windfall tax, we've seen taxes go windfall tax, we've seen taxes 9° up windfall tax, we've seen taxes go up on vaping, on smoking. there are areas on business flights. there are areas where the taxes have risen which add to the tax burden, even though the taxes on individual sales have come down. >> that's because we're in an election year. and i must say why you stop taxing individuals. >> and i must say too, that a
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lot of you been getting in lot of you have been getting in touch about this million for touch about this £1 million for this those who this war memorial for those who are of muslim faith, who died dunng are of muslim faith, who died during the world wars, who fought for britain in the second world war. is it a good use of money? questionable perhaps. i mean, it is. >> it is less than a rounding error in the context of all of these billions that we're talking about . and this is talking about. and this is something that, sajid javid has been for a long, been campaigning for a long, long time. and i mean , i think long time. and i mean, i think isn't isn't there an argument here that this is a very good thing for community cohesion to stop communities feeling siloed and divided and sort of ghettoised and actually have a uniform idea of what britishness is , of what everyone can do to is, of what everyone can do to come together. i think that might be actually something in the context of divided societies, an idea of having a unified version of britishness. you be muslim and you can be muslim and patriotically british, anyway, should speak with gb news should we speak with gb news economics and business editor liam halligan for his take, liam, thank you very much for
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joining us. we heard from keir starmer at length, the leader of the opposition , of course. what the opposition, of course. what did you make of his response? i think his response was, pretty competent. >> but as gloria pointed out, so much of this has been briefed to the papers that it's not as if he was thinking on his feet. and then he had an extra 20 minutes while the snp were determined to keep labour out of the public's gaze by by unusually, pushing for a division, a request that the deputy speaker there had to respond to. so lots of parliamentary tactics going on. look, i've been looking closely at some of the documents in the round, i think the numbers do just about add up, though. i would say, as i said in my immediate response , yes, there's immediate response, yes, there's a £45 billion, wodge of tax avoidance money that the chancellor thinks hmrc are going to rustle up by chasing taxpayers who they think owe
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more. that's doing quite a lot of heavy lifting . when you think of heavy lifting. when you think that one pe of that two pe of national insurance reduction is 5 billion, if 4.5 billion of that amount is going to come from clamping down on tax avoidance, that's a big risk. actually, with the fiscal numbers, i thought there was quite a lot of philosophical pushback from hunts and prime minister rishi sunak. this was very much a double act budget. of course, you had a former chancellor prime minister, a relatively recent former prime chancellor prime minister working with the chancellor. and they were like signalling to their own side, weren't they, saying we are real conservatives. i know we've increased the tax burden with all this ghastly fiscal drag and the freezing of tax thresholds and no word on those thresholds , and no word on those thresholds, certainly when it comes to income tax being changed any time before 2028, we know we've done that . we know the tax done that. we know the tax burden is at a 70 year high. and yet we don't believe in the
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double taxation of income. we don't believe in national insurance. we've taken it from £0.!2 in the pound to £0.10. now we're taking it to £0.08. and we're taking it to £0.08. and we're going to go further as and when we can. if there was a rabbit i think the rabbit was probably that change in the child benefit regime, wasn't it. at the moment, if anyone in a household earns more than 50 grand child, they have to sort of repay child benefit back and they lose all the child benefit. by the time one person in the household gets to 60 grand. well, with all respect to those on the average wage in this country, which is about 30 grand in quite a lot of the country, 50 grand is not a particularly high wage. and if you've got one earner earning 5! grand, say, a middle ranking teacher or police officer, and that is the household income. the other , household income. the other, partner in a family is stay at home looking, doing childcare or whatever it is. that family completely loses child benefit.
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and yet if you have two people on 45 grand, a £90,000, household income, they can keep the child benefit. that's going to change. but all the chancellor actually did today, this probably his last big budget before the next election. all he actually did today was raise that threshold from 50 to 60 grand, saying that over the time he's going to delay because it's going to take time. hmrc looking closely at household incomes to have a complete root and branch change in the child benefit regime . so it was kind benefit regime. so it was kind of a half rabbit or even the promise of a half rabbit, rather than a full fat furry rabbit that we'd normally expect in a budget just before an election. >> a full fat furry rabbit. >> a full fat furry rabbit. >> amazing. liam halligan. thank you very much for bringing us all of that. you heard it here first, a yes no , a skinny, a first, a yes no, a skinny, a skimpy rabbit, not a not a filling for filling rabbits. i do just want to bring a bit of
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news. we've had word from the leader of the scottish conservative party also an mp, douglas ross. now, he says that there are many elements of the budget that he supports. but he's deeply disappointed about the decision to extend that windfall tax on north sea oil and gas for further year. he says that while he'll be voting for the budget, there's separate legislation to extend that windfall tax. and he's going to vote against it. >> well, i can see why. >> well, i can see why. >> yeah. i mean , he is he's an >> yeah. i mean, he is he's an aberdeen in scotland. it's a huge, huge industry in scotland. it's a huge industry for the uk as a whole. and there are many people on on not even just the conservative side of politics. the snp leader in the commons, stephen flynn, was saying much the same thing. extending this windfall bad for windfall tax is bad for business, bad for growth. but it's something that the chancellor has chosen to do. >> and also a reminder, tom, there's election this year. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got election this year. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got toelection this year. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got to win ion this year. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got to win the this year. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got to win the support'. >> and also a reminder, tom, there got to win the support of he's got to win the support of people in his local community.
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and means against and if that means voting against the or the government on the budget or bits no problem bits of the budget, no problem here. often you here. and that's often you do see away the see divergence away from the engush see divergence away from the english the scottish english tories and the scottish tories. there's bit of a bit tories. there's a bit of a bit of and, looseness in of movement and, looseness in that relationship. >> a really shows the >> and it's a really shows the strength of our constituency system actually, that actually in some elements, when push comes to shove and you see a policy which even if it's proposed by your side of the house, you think that's going to hurt the people i represent, then willing to vote then you're willing to vote against own government. against your own government. i never backed a second referendum. know that referendum. so i you know that madness when labour party madness when the labour party kept, trying to get kept, kept, kept trying to get people against other who people to vote against other who was it that came up with it? >> who that came up with >> who was it that came up with the of having a second the idea of having a second referendum? brexit spokesman referendum? the brexit spokesman for the labour party? >> i to be honest, i mean, >> i mean, to be honest, i mean, i with you, most of i agree with you, but most of the parliamentary labour party were it. was a were in favour of it. it was a time of madness and i was time of utter madness and i was having of it. no right. having none of it. no right. >> so let's cross over to our gb news anna riley, who news reporter anna riley, who is at a miners social club in sheffield . anna, what are the sheffield. anna, what are the people there about the people there saying about the budget statement ?
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budget statement? >> good afternoon. yes, we are at renishaw miners welfare, a social club near sheffield , social club near sheffield, getting reaction from the budget but also marking 40 years today, 40 years since the miners strike started back on march the 6th, 1984. i'm started back on march the 6th, !984. i'm joined firstly by pauune. !984. i'm joined firstly by pauline . she's a miners widow. pauline. she's a miners widow. pauline, what did you make to the budget? today's budget? >> well, it's marking 40 years at miners strike. yes. and they went back to work. not because they broke the spirits, but they ground them into poverty to do it. and over the last !2 years, this is what this government's done to britain. it's ground it into poverty, especially working class and lower end and today's budget to just continuation because our wherever these great power, these great corruption and this government's corrupt .
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and this government's corrupt. and i won't vote for him. if you paid me in well bitcoin yeah i won't pay for him. now i'll tell you something else. if sunak right. if brains were dynamite, he wouldn't have enough to blow his cap off. so no, i won't vote. >> thank you pauline. so certainly the chancellor's budget hasn't won pauline over in terms of voting for conservatives. how about you, david? you were a miner for 3! years down the pits in south yorkshire. what did you make to that budget ? that budget? >> well, at first, first word, what comes to mind is the rabble. i hope they weren't any kids watching it because they might that's normal might think that's normal behaviour, as the behaviour, but as far as the budget concerned , the budget itself concerned, the national insurance reduction of 2, i hope people out there realise that that 2% is being paid for by all the pensioners and should be getting the pension this year, but due to the retirement age being raised, they won't be getting it. so effectively they're paying for it. and the housebuilding programme, announced. i don't
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programme, he announced. i don't know whether it was !000 hours or whatever, but i'm hoping that a lot of those are social housing, so it people housing, so it gives people affordable, well maintained houses rent to those who houses to rent to those who can't afford the massive deposits and the massive mortgages. other than that , it mortgages. other than that, it was a giveaway budget to win the next election and capture votes and that that to pay it was in the pound and the budget. >> has that captured your vote ? >> has that captured your vote? >> has that captured your vote? >> it has. he hasn't got a prayer of capturing my vote, neven prayer of capturing my vote, never, ever . but he said, never never, ever. but he said, never say never, but i'll say never . say never, but i'll say never. >> thank you david. so no votes for the conservatives from pauune for the conservatives from pauline or david there. i'll come to you chris. chris you were a miner in south yorkshire for ten years. how did you see the closures of the pits, change the closures of the pits, change the community and has what the chancellor's put forward in this budget going to change this area for you ? for you? >> hello, anna, well, the villages haven't changed and it
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caused a lot of unrest with the miners strike because everybody knows there's even families nowadays don't talk to each other. you know, we're talking 40 years on. it's all wrong. but that's what it caused. as for the listening to the conservatives, you'll not find those people listening to it because we never, ever come out winning. but what they promise the working man always gets hit, not just miners . normal working not just miners. normal working people get hit, the rich get looked after normal people like us. we just have to buy and carry on and carry on. so in my view, i shall never, ever vote conservative. i'm hoping i think labour will win. and i think that's why today with this budget, it's trying to buy the people's votes. it'll not work because look at the nurses . because look at the nurses. they're going through a lot. they're going through a lot. they deserve a lot more than what they're getting, but it won't pay them. >> and chris, why do think >> and chris, why do you think labour could do a betterjob? >> i wouldn't say labour >> well, i wouldn't say labour do a betterjob, i don't
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do a betterjob, but i don't think make a mess up like think they make a mess up like the conservatives are doing. i think they'd have a go at they would help the working people more they do, the rich more than what they do, the rich people. and it'll always stay like with the conservative. please. >> thank you chris. so that's three nil so far for votes for conservatives . i'll come to you conservatives. i'll come to you next. george. george, you were a miner for !4 years and you were actually arrested for the action that you took during the strikes, and you were jailed for a month. what do you make of the budget and what does this 40 year anniversary of the strikes mean to you ? mean to you? >> it means nothing to me what he's just said on that telly, because it's all it'd be a pack of lies. only bringing of lies. he's only bringing these forward just. just these things forward just. just because election might be coming up, just really for up, but it's just not really for working or things. >> what people need. >> what people need. >> we've had that many cutbacks over the years . over the years. >> it's absolutely disgusting really. i mean, honestly, and also they're on about people retiring at 70. there's a lot of men out here in this country.
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what do manual hard work and a lot of them's had it at 5055. they can't do no more. they've had it. it's all right if you're pen pushing and things like that . but no, people's knackered. they cannot they cannot do that anymore. they. you know what i mean. they they wore out, let's say that they did say in that budget though, they would be putting more investment into pubuc putting more investment into public services to the nhs, doing more for policing better hospitals and doing investment in other areas. >> you mentioned their hard work, but they say that we could be the next silicon valley after after the usa. does that mean anything to you investment in other areas and that investment in public services. >> it'sjust in public services. >> it's just talk before election . it'll never happen. election. it'll never happen. it's just paint. sky to me went up and we're in real world us people here we know where we stand and what we stand for. and they don't stand for what i for. stand and that's how i am. >> thank you george. so that's
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the take here from renishaw miners welfare. nobody here that i've spoken to saying they'll vote for conservatives after that budget . that budget. >> well, anna, thank you very much that reaction. live much for that reaction. live from all of those miners, former miners with you in sheffield. >> yes. good stuff. i i don't they weren't particularly convinced, were they, that this budget know how many of them have voted conservative before soledar. well i well well maybe not but even so, gloria de piero is still with us. christopher hopeis is still with us. christopher hope is still with us. who should i start with? gloria lots of people getting in touch to say that there was absolutely nothing for pensioners, i mean , nothing for pensioners, i mean, of course, if you cut the national insurance, that only benefits people in work. so by virtue fact, pensioners virtue of that fact, pensioners would benefit . but i mean, would not benefit. but i mean, you know, i mean, i care deeply about my mum and the pension, but i did think, gosh, my mum had quite a rise in in april because it was they matched inflation. inflation. yeah the
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last time the, the, they reviewed the pension increase, the triple lock because it was like and there was speculation about whether because inflation was so high, the was so high, whether the government actually , match government could actually, match it. they did and they're it. but they did and they're committed to keeping it in after the next election. the triple lock labour have said that they will keep it should they win the election. so it's also going up by 8.5% from april last november. so exactly, exactly. >> this is the crucial point about the triple lock, when wages were still low but inflation was high. it went up by inflation. then this year wages are catching up to that. inflation and inflation is lower. but pensions will still go lower. but pensions will still 9° up lower. but pensions will still 90 ”p by lower. but pensions will still go up by the amount of wages because it's a double the higher three measures. that's exactly. whereas wages just got. so i think if anything jeremy hunt announcing what was it last week, the week before that, the, triple lock will stay. that was what was for pensioners. it just came a couple of weeks before the budget. >> exactly. i mean, of course,
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we should point that, you we should point out that, you know, many pensioners, particularly pension credit, particularly on pension credit, are living a life of luxury. are not living a life of luxury. of your food, the of course, your food, the proportion of your spending on food is higher because you're normally in the house. you've got the heating on all the time. energy bills have through energy bills have gone through the know, i am not the roof. so you know, i am not suggesting, think a lot of suggesting, i think a lot of younger people, pensioners seem to believe that pensioners are living and living the life of riley and they're not. >> there are some who are very wealthy and well off and still have income of course have income streams. of course there but there are. there there are, but there are. there are many pensioners who are many, many pensioners who are struggling. >> in november >> it was announced in november last year for this april. so basically, if we were now with the chancellor's team, they would say, well, let's pre—announced, know pre—announced, we know it's coming than re—announce coming rather than re—announce and it again the house. >> so you get so next month, to all listening or all pensioners listening or watching , you're all pensioners listening or watching, you're going to get a significant hike from next month. >> yeah. no really really significant. although robin, david and have all asked david and simon have all asked that question about pensioners, peter says that's it . as peter says that's it. as a pensioner, i won't be voting tory again. simon says as a
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lifelong tory, i'm 73. i will this time not be voting tory again. >> so? so who is that? what's simon? simon? i'd love to know who simon's, going to be switching to be switching to simon's still voting tory, given they are getting a £900 a year increase. >> well, maybe. maybe jeremy hunt missed trick. >> well, maybe. maybe jeremy hunt missed trick . maybe he hunt missed a trick. maybe he had reiterate that that had to reiterate that fact that the that is being spent the amount that is being spent on uprating, pensions by inflation or average wages or 2.5, whichever is highest. >> how about jemmy? he says, i don't drink, i don't smoke absolutely nothing in the budget for me, despite the fact i pay thousands in tax each year. this is a problem for the government. many people see all of that tax coming out of their payslip every month and whatever else tax that they're paying, and they wonder with the state of pubuc they wonder with the state of public services, where is it? it depends on jemmy. >> thank goodness. thank goodness. the gentleman doesn't smoke because actually you're being whacked. if you if you are a cigarette smoker, you've been
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absolutely whacked, again. and it's very regressive actually, because it's actually poorer people who are more likely to smoke. but the paternalists think, oh, well, jemmy, you say that there's absolutely nothing in this budget for you . in this budget for you. >> do you drive a car? if you do, you're full duty. has just been frozen. do you have any kids? if you do, the, child tax credit has been extended massively. do earn an income massively. do you earn an income 7 massively. do you earn an income ? if you do, then you have 2% lower insurance down lower national insurance down from !0% to 8. i don't think i necessarily agree with you that you've had nothing from this budget. depending on your circumstance. >> really important from >> this is really important from jemmy, an jemmy, because this is an emotional about whether jemmy, because this is an emoti0|feel about whether jemmy, because this is an emoti0|feel better)out whether jemmy, because this is an emoti0|feel better off. whether jemmy, because this is an emoti0|feel better off. yes. ther jemmy, because this is an emoti0|feel better off. yes. and people feel better off. yes. and you know , the fact the objective you know, the fact the objective facts are and i started off by saying it, and i will say it again, that this is the first parliament since records began that livingston does have fallen. and so, you know, whatever happens , whatever the whatever happens, whatever the sort of, you know, the numbers or the rhetoric and the budget statement is how do people feel ?
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statement is how do people feel? and they feel worse off. >> the tories are doing their best. they are cutting national insurance by 4% in three months. that's a huge cut of the tax rises have still formed. >> most people cancelled out the an issue, but the thresholds are untouched aren't they? >> that's the point. so many more. numbers more. and the numbers we're seeing in crossed fingers crossed people will start eventually feeling a little better off. >> should we head to whitehaven to see gb news presenter bev turner, who's been there all day , for us. oh, we're just waiting on her. bev's been there outworking all. it's a really crucial place in the north—west of england, and bev can tell us exactly why. hi, bev. >> that's right. good afternoon . >> that's right. good afternoon. guys. i've just been actually with nigel farage and michelle dewberry. they're setting up their this evening their shows for this evening here whitehaven. it's here in whitehaven. but it's been morning for been a fascinating morning for me meeting the locals this me meeting the locals here. this is typical high street that we is a typical high street that we see all across the uk. actually some that you'll some chains that you'll recognise. doing fine,
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recognise. all still doing fine, but buildings and shops are but many buildings and shops are boarded up, the !8 to 24 year olds often get a hard time, don't they? in this country and the government, this government wants to get back to work. wants to get them back to work. that's we've been hearing that's what we've been hearing about. well, met amazing about. well, i met an amazing young girl morning. do young girl this morning. so do come you to come in here. i'd love you to meet is abby and abby meet her. this is abby and abby is the owner abby's cafe, is the owner of abby's cafe, which abby, you started when you were !9 years old. how easy has it been in the last two years to get this business up and running? >> it was. i had a lot of support from my family. and jenny, who's with tegretol, but there was quite a lot of obviously the top end of king street. a lot of empty street. there was a lot of empty buildings and but think buildings and but i think bringing the footfall up here, the so busy all the the cafe is so busy all the time, so hopefully there is some hope buildings and hope for them buildings and getting footfall into whitehaven. >> what does it mean the >> and what does it mean for the local community? because we're living in an age where we've got this huge technological change behaviour change, people ordering takeaways to be delivered home and, much less delivered at home and, much less of this kind of place on the high street . what what do you
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high street. what what do you bnng high street. what what do you bring to the area? >> i think just because it's so traditional and good value for money, of people say that money, a lot of people say that the for money is the value for money is absolutely so think absolutely amazing. so i think that's you get coming that's why you get people coming back time. i've got back all the time. i've got regulars come every single regulars that come every single day i speak every single day that i speak to every single day. think they make such a day. so i think they make such a change to a cafe and change to having a cafe and bringing up here. bringing people up here. >> the coffees in here, >> i mean, the coffees in here, £2.50 compared to one of the big chains, you might pay an extra quid or on top of that, but quid or two on top of that, but are you still able to have the margins profit when margins to make a profit when you're people? you're not charging people? eyewatering ? eyewatering amounts? >> definitely we do. obviously the the greggs just the costa and the greggs just down the road, but the amount of people say that quality people that say that the quality is better here and is so much better here and obviously it's a lot cheaper than because we're than there. so because we're doing many and people are doing so many and people are coming than going to coming here rather than going to costa to greggs, i costa or going to greggs, i think a think that makes a big difference. and making well. >> and do feel like this >> and do you feel like this government support you in the ways that you need as a small business? i think it could be better. >> definitely. it could be better. yeah yeah. >> well, i can confirm that
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abby's paninis and latte are outstanding because that's what we had for our lunch. so i'm joined now by jenny and diane and harry, also locals now jenny, you're the lady that abby just mentioned there. tell us how you've supported this business. >> yeah, so i work for an organisation which is a social enterprise called teg retail, and we support new businesses coming onto the high street but also struggling businesses on the high street. and we give them mentorship, support it. we have a traders market once a month that's free and all for start up businesses, because i like to go back to my story of my great grandmother who started her business on a traders market in whitehaven and then went into her own shop over !00 years ago. you know, five of her siblings then started their own retail businesses. but as we've seen, you know, whitehaven is no different than anywhere else. we're struggling high streets. and i want to know what the plan is from the government . they are
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is from the government. they are putting town deals in place, but is that really invigorating, the support that retailers really need. and we have a plan. it just needs to be invested . just needs to be invested. >> and do you feel like they have a plan , i'd like to think have a plan, i'd like to think that they have, but i haven't visually seen that plan yet. but they need to work with organisations like ours that, you know, understand the circular community, understand the localism , understand keeping the localism, understand keeping that money that pound local and generating and, you know, recruiting local people , using recruiting local people, using local produce and helping people like abby. you know, our goal is to regenerate high streets across cumbria. but we need grants to help those retailers. they need business support. local advisers . so it's a local advisers. so it's a package that's needed. and, you know, i'm putting a plea out there. there is a plan. it just needs to be invested in. and as a social enterprise, the profits go back in. so, you know, the government have the opportunity to really ignite their town
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centres and their communities. >> it's funny, diane, you know, on a day like today when you're watching the westminster bubble and they're shouting at each and they're all shouting at each other house commons and they're all shouting at each othebeing house commons and they're all shouting at each othebeing terriblye commons and they're all shouting at each othe being terribly rude ommons and they're all shouting at each othebeing terribly rude and|ons and they're all shouting at each othebeing terribly rude and all. and being terribly rude and all getting very about getting very excited about things business things like tax on business class, travel, flights, you know , and you just think, come and talk to real people because it often feels like there's a massive distinction between what people here on the ground need and what they're talking about in westminster. is that your perception of the situation as well? >> think it's about coming up >> i think it's about coming up to wonderful west cumbria and just , you know, what's so just seeing, you know, what's so unique about where are and, unique about where we are and, and the community spirit is absolutely know, absolutely fantastic. you know, we've fantastic of we've got fantastic quality of life here. okay. we might not have accessibility that they have the accessibility that they have the accessibility that they have down somewhere like, you know, westminster. know, around westminster. the infrastructure is not great. so i'd be looking for more investment the infrastructure investment in the infrastructure to get around a lot more. >> and then we can get all these visitors come and visitors to come up and come and see a lot easily, see us a lot more easily, but we, we do a wonderful, we, we do have a wonderful, wonderful location. >> amazing of >> the most amazing gem of a harbour, i would say that i work
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for harbour for whitehaven harbour commissioners. of course i would, it's a year old would, but it's a 400 year old harbour. know, it needs harbour. you know, it needs maintenance, constant maintenance, it needs constant looking maintenance, it needs constant loo we're a non—for—profit >> we're a non—for—profit organisation as well and but we run a retail part of the business too. >> so we have the rum story. so we've been looking at, you know, what's coming out of the business for that around, you know, the alcohol, alcohol duty. >> w know that's duty. >> know that's good, >> so you know that's good, definitely good on that respect. >> just seems to be >> but it just seems to be a budget of a little bit of something and not a massive amount. >> and i think it's lip service and that's thing i and that that's the thing i think need . think we need. >> we need more investment with grants subsidies and things grants and subsidies and things that are really going to revitalise streets. and revitalise the high streets. and i revitalise the high streets. and | , revitalise the high streets. and i , stop banging the drum i think, stop banging the drum for what high street used to for what the high street used to be. not going to that be. it's not going to be that again. it's work with the again. so it's work with the really organisation who really great organisation who know areas the best, who know their areas the best, who know their areas the best, who know need deliver. know what they need to deliver. >> but we can't do it alone. >> but we can't do it alone. >> you know, we're all too small, so need work small, so we need to work together. we need to collaborate. do in silos. >> but that's interesting because sounds you're because it sounds like you're saying give up on
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saying we've got to give up on the traditional high street. and maybe that's a little bit what jenny what jenny was saying about what is the talk about the plan? let's talk about the bigger where go bigger picture. where do we go with changes? so what what with these changes? so what what do by that you say do you mean by that when you say we're going to have the same we're not going to have the same high again? we're not going to have the same higwell, again? we're not going to have the same higwell, i again? we're not going to have the same higwell, i don't|? we're not going to have the same higwell, i don't think we're not going to have the same hig well, i don't think you're >> well, i don't think you're ever to what >> well, i don't think you're ever to to what >> well, i don't think you're ever to be to what >> well, i don't think you're ever to be a to what >> well, i don't think you're ever to be a high to what >> well, i don't think you're ever to be a high street what >> well, i don't think you're ever to be a high street in hat >> well, i don't think you're ever to be a high street in the used to be a high street in the 70s, 50s, the 40s, the 30s. 70s, the 50s, the 40s, the 30s. >> be revitalised. >> but they can be revitalised. they can be revitalised in different so still different ways. so you still have fantastic cafes the have the fantastic cafes and the boutique shops and the independents, them independents, but then make them hubs you look hubs again, you know, look at the traditional the look at the traditional services. things that services. a lot of things that are town, bring them back are out of town, bring them back into town, people reason into town, give people a reason to into and stay and to come into town and stay and then visit the shops and everything that with it. >> it. harry, talking of >> well, harry, talking of change, have seen change, you will have seen many changes over the years in this area. your your your grandfather. believe , was one grandfather. i believe, was one of significant contributors of the significant contributors to infrastructure here. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> he built a it built a the market hall. sorry. yeah. >> and i can remember going to school. the harbour was all coal and railway lines. and i walked around the harbour every day .
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around the harbour every day. and i was talking to ladies the other day and one was from the isle of wight and one was from devon. and we were looking for the toilets, so i took them round to the market hall, and i was talking to a lady from milton keynes another day, and they all said, it's beautiful, we're coming back . and, i mean, we're coming back. and, i mean, one week there was two german camper vans and belgium camper van. >> so you think tourism might be one of the keys to reviving this area? yes >> and there was three people talking on the other side one day, and they were discussing the brown water, and i said, oh, that's terrible. i said, before long they'll be bussing people in to see it. >> and he burst out laughing. he says, there's two here already . says, there's two here already. >> well, i've met amazing people here today . actually. it's been here today. actually. it's been it's got a lovely community feel here in whitehaven and people who are prepared to work hard .
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who are prepared to work hard. that's what's come across. people who want to work want to make their businesses profitable and are happy put the time in and are happy to put the time in to do so, but they don't feel they're quite getting the government support that they need right areas. back to need in the right areas. back to you guys. >> really interesting stuff. >> really interesting stuff. >> thanks so much , bev. that was >> thanks so much, bev. that was really, really interesting to hear what those people have to say. to you an say. great to see you an independent doing well. independent cafe doing well. support independent cafe. support your independent cafe. >> i wonder if the independent cafe able take cafe will be able to take advantage of super advantage of this super deduction, full expensing deduction, this full expensing that the chancellor has now extended. i mean, if there's an oven that has been bought that could now be counted off against the tax, the corporation the income tax, the corporation tax bill of that company, if there's any sort of infrastructure or new machinery . infrastructure or new machinery. yes, because that applies to rented things as well as purchase things as a result of the changes in this budget. well, there go. but shall we well, there you go. but shall we get some more? >> hope that lady takes >> let's hope that lady takes full what's full advantage of what's on offer. >> yes fin- fin— >> yes, yes, it's an interesting pro growth measure, but donald says again, this is says again, and this is a
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recurring theme in our communications, in our emails coming in. absolutely nothing for pensioners. most of us pensioners vote conservative. hunt has just given us all a very good reason to vote for reform uk. and well, there you go. >> lots of conservative voters moving to reform. >> i think there is actually genuinely this problem of the chancellor in his communication, because he didn't mention he didn't reiterate that fact that the triple lock for pensions has gone up. and perhaps if he had done , the pensioners listening done, the pensioners listening would have thought, oh, hang on, there's actually quite a bit being spent here, quite a bit more being spent compared to the year before. >> i see though, lots of people still emailing in about how they're not doing too well on they're not doing too well on the state pension, and that they lose quite a bit of money with all the various taxes as well. and you lose various allowances, you know , it's complicated, you know, it's complicated, depends on your very particular situation. this is the complexity of our pensions and taxes. >> perhaps what made it a little
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bit all too complicated and bewildering is a couple of people have written in watching the was like watching the budget was like watching little playground , little children in a playground, says annette. david says, says annette. and david says, i had put subtitles on and mute had to put subtitles on and mute the sound to drown out all those politicians from the opposition benches continually shouting yes , a lot of that wes streeting got a bit of a telling off, didn't he? >> because he was shouting a little bit too loudly. >> humbled. you said perhaps a little bit, but one of the other things that the chancellor mentioned spring budget mentioned in the spring budget included of fuel included the freezing of fuel duty for a further !2 months, which could save the average motorist around £50 a year. but doesit motorist around £50 a year. but does it go far enough? that is the question. let's hear now from the executive director of the petrol retailers association, gordon balmer . association, gordon balmer. thank you very much for joining us, gordon. so we're saving a £50 a year. does that go very far? >> well it's something isn't it. and the chancellor could have put the duty back up. >> he's frozen it for the !4th
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>> he's frozen it for the 14th consecutive year. so, and it is a major driver of inflation. don't forget, fuel. >> so i think it's a good move in the right direction. >> and we lobbied hard for this outcome. >> yeah. it was fascinating to see that the office for budget responsibility actually said choosing to keep this fuel duty frozen rather than the plans that were to raise it, will reduce inflation. i think it was by nought point 2% that inflation will come down by as a result of this measure. >> yeah. well when you actually think about most of our goods and services are moved in this country by, by road, obviously it is an inflationary pressure on, on prices at the shops and raw materials as well. so, you know, that's how they extrapolate those numbers. >> gordon, was there anything else your association was lobbying for that you didn't find in the budget? >> well, as we've documented in the press, all businesses costs have gone up. >> we've got the national living wage, now, on us, in, in april, we've got business rates going
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up, energy costs still going up, we looked at the to ask the chancellor to do something for the business rates, the highest level ever , but unfortunately, level ever, but unfortunately, he didn't he didn't mention that in budget , he didn't he didn't mention that in budget, yeah. rates are a in the budget, yeah. rates are a real, real issue, particularly how they affect online businesses versus, brick and mortar , premises, of course, mortar, premises, of course, affecting brick and mortar premises and not online businesses in the same way. i wonder, though, what the issue is with, fuel duty. there is supposedly, this, this, this ratchet where it's supposed to rise every year, but every year since 2010, it's been frozen . since 2010, it's been frozen. are we are we all being taken for mugs? is this all a game to the government? could it have been that they never intended to raise this tax? and every year they pretend they're going to raise it just so that at the budget they can say they've frozen it? >> well, i think there is an element of politics. you're absolutely right. however, you have that it is an have to remember that it is an inflationary pressure, and we do
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have obviously very volatile situations, particularly in the middle east and also around the world with, the ukraine situation. so oil is, you know, internationally traded commodity. and, you know, they have to be very mindful of what could happen. and obviously it's an important part of household budgets. the price of fuel goes up, it hits everyone . up, it hits everyone. >> yeah. and it is a significant part of the price of fuel. i think it's over 50% of the price of fuel at the pump. could be taken into account as tax. once you include all the different taxes , that go into it. taxes, that go into it. >> well, correct. yes. and it's not only a tax, but it's a tax on the tax as well, because, don't forget 20% vat is levied on fuel duty as well. so it's over 50. just as a bit of solace, i looked at the prices in europe and out of a out of !4 countries, the uk is number !2 on the list in terms of being the cheapest as far as fuel is concerned. so we're doing all we
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can to keep it as low as possible. >> well, thank you very much indeed for talking to us today. gordon executive gordon balmer, executive director the petrol retailers director of the petrol retailers association. a bit of association. a little bit of good for news motorists who so often feel, unwelcome almost on our roads. >> hard done by and done by. the european comparators are always the interesting ones to make . the interesting ones to make. the overall growth prospects for this country were said to be faster than italy, faster than germany. but looking at a european context could be seen as a little parochial . after as a little parochial. after all, if you compare the price of fuelin all, if you compare the price of fuel in the uk to the price of fuel in the uk to the price of fuelin fuel in the uk to the price of fuel in the uk to the price of fuel in the united states of america, or you compare the rate of growth in the uk to the rate of growth in the uk to the rate of in united states of growth in the united states of growth in the united states of it's on a different of america, it's on a different level. much, much lower. level. it's much, much lower. whereas you compare to whereas if you compare it to some european countries, we're doing a bit better. >> we finish what >> so tom should we finish what is rating out of ten for is your rating out of ten for jeremy hunts budget today? >> six and a half. >> six and a half. >> six and a half. okay, >> six and a half. okay, well, i'll go for a, a six, a six. >> why? why do you say a six?
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>> why? why do you say a six? >> i say a six because i it depends which angle you want to take, because i don't think there was that much in there that will genuinely improve people's life. i was people's quality of life. i was excited my half perhaps comes from this ambition, this future project that i really hope will be seen through, which is to aboush be seen through, which is to abolish national insurance contributions altogether. >> it's frankly bonkers that we have two parallel taxes on our income in this country. have two parallel taxes on our income in this country . they're income in this country. they're taxes on jobs. they reduce productivity. they reduce employment. they're bad for growth. why? why do we have both income tax and national insurance? yes. but he knows progressively over time getting rid of national insurance. so there's just one on income. there's just one tax on income. so more sensible. so much more sensible. >> why . why if they think >> but why. why if they think it's great policy, if the it's such a great policy, if the conservatives think it's a good one, then why is it not being done ? done? >>i done? >> i think they have. >> i think they have. >> why is it not being done? you can say it now before an election but haven't we, haven't we this the, the cuts we seen this the, the two cuts in insurance !0 billion in national insurance !0 billion a this budget also a piece, in this budget but also in autumn statement .
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in the autumn statement. >> that's equivalent to one of the trust tax cuts. but they didn't all in one go. they didn't do it all in one go. they didn't do it all in one go. they did it stages. and so perhaps did it in stages. and so perhaps this approach to cutting this stage approach to cutting taxes that the taxes is something that the international markets are much more, with. wonder if more, sanguine with. i wonder if we can bring in martin daubney, who's appeared in the studio and see what what do you think about the budget we just heard and keir starmers, response there? >> well, we started the day with the highest taxes since world war two, and we ended the day with highest taxes since 1948. !948. >> so 1948. >> so what's difference? >> so what's the difference? >> so what's the difference? >> a rabbit out >> we expected a rabbit out of a hat. felt me a bit more hat. it felt to me a bit more like the in like the rabbit in the headlights, titanic cuts we headlights, titanic tax cuts we wanted, was he really wanted, but was he really rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic? >> have been coming the titanic? >> gb have been coming the titanic? >>gb news have been coming the titanic? >>gb news so have been coming the titanic? >>gb news so far. e been coming to gb news so far. >> very, very underwhelmed by what's happened today. they just don't it's to don't feel like it's going to cut through a lot of disappointment among conservative we'll conservative voters. we'll speak to , labour mps, liberal to tory mps, labour mps, liberal democrat manufacturing democrat mps, manufacturing representatives , those from the representatives, those from the housing sector hospitality's all the drinking in the last the tories drinking in the last chance saloon. >> well, yes, i haven't.
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>> well, yes, i haven't. >> i must say i haven't seen many emails coming through , many emails coming through, although there have been some that were supportive of jeremy hunt, they have few and hunt, but they have been few and far between. of letters of far between. lots of letters of complaints and disappointments. >> i suppose the big here >> i suppose the big point here is could one fiscal is how much could one fiscal statement actually do to shift the dial? we had gloria de piero here and she said it again and again, and it's true. it's fundamentally true. people don't feel better off they in feel better off than they did in 20!9. now the government can point covid and the war in point to covid and the war in europe and all of these factors that have made it that way. but fundamentally, it's that ronald reagan from !984, do reagan question from !984, do you feel better off than you did four years ago? for him, it was a resounding yes and a landslide victory, for rishi sunak, it might the opposite . might be precisely the opposite. >> i think you're right. >> i think you're right. >> and it's all down to is there any money left? from that note, >> and it's all down to is there any rbyrne left? from that note, >> and it's all down to is there any rbyrne left’ from that note, >> and it's all down to is there any rbyrne left withn that note, >> and it's all down to is there any rbyrne left withn timoney., liam byrne left with no money. that mere 900 billion in that was a mere 900 billion in debt. it's 2.6 trillion. did debt. now it's 2.6 trillion. did they even have any money in the first place to do this? and more to the point, what on earth can
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labour possibly do with an empty biscuit tin? >> and martin, what else are you dishing on show? dishing up for us on your show? >> it's to be all about >> it's going to be all about the i was desperate to the budget. i was desperate to cover donald trump super tuesday. who can stop him? the answer absolutely answer looks like absolutely nobody. much nobody. but we've got so much budget it's back budget stuff. it's back to back and of real people. does and of course real people. does it to punters out there in it mean to punters out there in gb land? we want to know gb views land? we want to know their stories. do they feel better off? think you're better off? i think you're right. don't think they do. right. i don't think they do. >> no. getting the >> no. well, getting across the country what gb news is country is all what gb news is about. seeing about. looking forward to seeing all come in
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i >> -- >> 2024 a battleground year. >> 2024 a battleground year. >> the year the nation decides. >> the year the nation decides. >> as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election. >> who will be left standing when the british people make one of the biggest decisions of their lives? who will rise and who will fall? >> let's find out together. >> let's find out together. >> every moment. the highs, >> for every moment. the highs, the lows , the twists and turns.
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the lows, the twists and turns. >> we'll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024. >> gb news is britain's election . channel. >> a very good afternoon to you all. it's 3 pm. welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart of westminster and all across the uk on one of the biggest days on the political calendar. now, jeremy hunt has delivered his final spring budget before the general election, and he says the tories represents the only way forward plan to grow the economy versus no plan, a plan for better public services versus no plan. >> a plan to make work, pay versus no plan growth up , jobs versus no plan growth up, jobs up, taxes down. >> now, as you'd expect, sir
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keir starmer was having none of


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