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tv   Mark Dolan Tonight  GB News  March 10, 2024 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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i'll tonight, in my big opinion. i'll be dealing with outdoor company the north face who want to brainwash their customers with divisive ideas about race. remember the good old days when businesses just wanted to sell you stuff.7 my mark meets guest is the voice of paddington bear, popular british actor and star of one foot in the grave. jonathan kidd in the big story. the rumour mill has gone into overdrive with both the express and the telegraph reporting a secret plot to bring boris johnson back before the next election to rescue the conservatives fortunes. i'll get reaction from tv news legend nigel farage, biographer michael crick. it might take a ten. meghan markle is looking to revive her brand in the uk . hell revive her brand in the uk. hell will freeze over before that happens. i'll be offering my own personal professional advice to the sussexes at ten. you won't want to miss it. i'll be dealing
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with meghan markle in no uncertain terms at ten. it's been a while. you won't want to miss it. so two hours of big opinion, big debate and big entertainment and it's saturday night. you've hard week. night. you've had a hard week. you've working hard . you've been working hard. hopefully you've put the hopefully by now you've put the kids so why you kids to bed. so why don't you crack beer , uncork crack open a beer, uncork a bottle of wine, or fire up the kettle and let's get to work? because mark dolan tonight is your perfect saturday night in. don't anywhere. see you don't go anywhere. i'll see you after headlines. after the news headlines. and ray . ray addison. >> thanks, mark. good evening. our top stories this hour. the ministry of defence has confirmed reports of a fire on board its flagship aircraft carrier , hms queen elizabeth. carrier, hms queen elizabeth. this morning. the royal navy vesselis this morning. the royal navy vessel is currently docked at glen mallan in scotland . the mod glen mallan in scotland. the mod said the fire was quickly brought under control with no reported injuries. no ordnance was involved in the incident .
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was involved in the incident. they are now working with scottish fire and rescue to establish the cause . the prime establish the cause. the prime minister says he plans to pay for cuts to national insurance contributions by kerbing the benefits budget. rishi sunak told the sunday times he's concerned by forecasts which show welfare spending is set to rise by more than £100 billion a year until 20 2829. mr sunak said that 2.5 million working age people have been signed off as unfit to work and that, quote, just doesn't strike me as a system that's working properly. he insists he will end national insurance contributions if he wins the next general election . the uk was involved in election. the uk was involved in a joint operation overnight which saw dozens of drones downed in the red sea. the defence secretary confirmed that hms richmond shot down two drones, repelling an attack by iranian backed houthis. the united states says in total , united states says in total, coalition forces hit 28 unmanned
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aerial vehicles. in a post on social media, grant shapps said the uk and its allies will continue to take the action necessary to save lives and protect the freedom of navigation . well, huge crowds navigation. well, huge crowds have marched through central london and glasgow today, demonstrating against the war in gaza. demonstrating against the war in gaza . thousands took part in the gaza. thousands took part in the palestine solidarity campaign protest . you can hear them there protest. you can hear them there demanding an immediate ceasefire in london. the rally began at hyde park, finishing at the us embassy. the met police says there was no significant public order disturbance, but six people were arrested and one man was later de—arrested . well. was later de—arrested. well. meanwhile, the met says officers have been dealing with multiple pubuc have been dealing with multiple public order events across london today. the force says there have been pockets of violent disorder in bermondsey, where officers have been dealing with fans as they travel to the tube. over 2300 officers have been policing 11 events,
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including eight football matches, an international rugby fixture and, of course, the pro—palestine protests . police pro—palestine protests. police are investigating whether any criminal offences have been committed at three branches of an undertaker in yorkshire called urns are in place at legacy independent funeral directors in hull and east riding. that's after humberside police received reports of what it says was concern for care of the deceased on wednesday. a direct phone line has been set up for anyone who may have been affected . for the latest affected. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts. how do you do that? simply scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. common alerts. now back to mark dolan . alerts. now back to mark dolan. >> many thanks to my good friend ray addison, who returns in an hours ray addison, who returns in an hour's time. welcome to a very special mark dolan tonight your perfect saturday night in. in my
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opinion, i'll be dealing with outdoor company, the north face who want to brainwash their customers with divisive ideas about race. remember the good old days when businesses just wanted to sell you stuff? in the big story, the rumour mill has gone into overdrive with both the express and the telegraph reporting a secret plot to bring back boris johnson before the election. i'll get reaction from tv news legend nigel farage, biographer michael crick. my mark meets guest is the voice of paddington bear, popular british actor and star of one foot in the grave. jonathan kidd . the grave. jonathan kidd. looking forward to this. in my take at ten, in just an hour's time , meghan markle is looking time, meghan markle is looking to brand in the uk. to revive her brand in the uk. while hell will freeze over before that happens, i'll be deaung before that happens, i'll be dealing with the sussexes in no uncertain terms at 10:00. you won't want to miss it now. donald trump and joe biden lock horns this week in the battle for the white house. but which outcome is best for britain?
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i'll be asking the queen of us royal political and showbiz reporting kinsey schofield plus kinsey will reflect reflect on prince edward's 60th birthday this weekend. does the late queen's youngest son deserve more recognition? we've got tomorrow's front pages at 1030, with three top pundits who haven't been told what to say and who don't follow the script. tonight, actor and tv presenter . tonight, actor and tv presenter. the much beloved national treasure, christopher biggins , treasure, christopher biggins, another national treasure, former tory mp and now former i've been down on the farm a couple of weeks ago, the fabulous neil harris and tv personality, broadcaster and dropper of truth bombs, precious muir . also tonight, after they muir. also tonight, after they got clobbered by the chancellor in this week's budget, are the owners of second homes selfish? i'll be asking top property expert russell quirk. and the most important part of the show, your emails. they come straight to my laptop mark at gbp
3:07 am and this show has a golden rule. we don't do boring. not on my watch. i just won't have it . and let me tell you, have it. and let me tell you, it's a special show tonight. not because we've got great guests, not because we've got great stories, but because it is stories, but also because it is director josh's birthday. and isn't he good for working on his birthday? working on a saturday night? so let's make it one to remember. lots to get through. don't go anywhere. we start with my big opinion. remember the good old days when corporations were about making money? now they want influence society they want to influence society and the world a better and make the world a better place. may god help us enter stage left outdoor clothing giant north face, who are giving customers a 20% discount if they complete an orwellian racial inclusion course called ally in the outdoors. one module includes the contested concept of white privilege with skin
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colour seemingly a defining factor in people's access to the outdoors. that's strange. i must have missed those racial checkpoints when i was out strolling through the cotswolds and cumbria. the controversial program even urges participants to file formal complaints to their bosses if their colleagues brand them woke. there you go. a nice bit of dystopian mind control thrown in for good measure. intellectual tyranny from a lovely, kind sharing company responsible for producing thousands of tonnes of landfill destined polyester every year. get your colleague fired if they call you woke. that kind of political brainwashing would have even the leadership of north korea blushing. now clearly there is racism in our society. it's a huge problem. but ideas like white privilege often taught in our private and public institutions as facts are deeply controversial . they're divisive, controversial. they're divisive, and they are contested by many .
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and they are contested by many. why? well, because terms like white privilege are rooted in so—called critical race theory or anti—racist ism, which is different from what most of us think, which is that racism is bad and should end cr2 critical race theory, anti—racism and so—called white privilege contend that you're basically racist if you have a certain skin colour. quite the accusation . this progressive accusation. this progressive ideology is in reality incredibly regressive as it sees people of colour as victims, subjugated by their white masters . and amazingly, it masters. and amazingly, it believes in racial segregation . believes in racial segregation. whether it's theatre shows for black only audiences away from the so—called white gaze or safe spaces for minority groups at university and elsewhere . wildly university and elsewhere. wildly patronising. of course, none of this brings people together. black only theatre shows directly mirror apartheid in south africa, and the horrific two tier society of 1950s america. racism is humanity's
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worst crime and remains a big problem in all societies , as it problem in all societies, as it must be tackled, but not with more prejudice, more segregation, and more racism . segregation, and more racism. ultimately, the spirit of this bonkers campaign by north face goes against the leader of the civil rights movement in america doctrine, martin luther. martin luther king this is a guy who said we should all be judged by the content of our character, not the colour of our skin . he not the colour of our skin. he dreamed of a society which saw no colour . dreamed of a society which saw no colour. but now dreamed of a society which saw no colour . but now corporations no colour. but now corporations like north face want to see only colour. north face are obsessed with the colour of your face. one question in this creepy for test customers asks you to make a mental tally of how many black people you've seen in the countryside. surely that's something only a horrible racist would do . counting up people of would do. counting up people of colour make it make sense . now, colour make it make sense. now, maybe there are some elements of critical race theory which are
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valid, and it's important that we have a national conversation about how people of different backgrounds are treated, whether it's work or health opportunities or everyday prejudice . but it's not the job prejudice. but it's not the job of a huge multi—billion pound corporation to do that. it's their job to corporation to do that. it's theirjob to sell us corporation to do that. it's their job to sell us warm gloves, reliable walking boots and cosy jackets for the winter. you want comfortable clothing that keeps you dry , not a that keeps you dry, not a political lecture based around controversial ideas, many of which are offensive to and contested by people of colour themselves . for example, don't themselves. for example, don't divide us is a campaign group made up of leading ethnic voices and others in the uk who share martin luther king's dream of a colour—blind society. their director is the academic alka sehgal. cuthbert posted a posting on x this week. don't divide us, said the following . divide us, said the following. they said the north face race test is completely ridiculous, encouraging customers to agree
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that the outdoors is oppressive to black people in exchange for a discount isn't going to help them reverse their year on year losses. meanwhile writing in the times, the brilliant columnist jawad iqbal said the north face test is shameful discrimination. he wrote this hairbrain corporate wheeze shamefully encourages the very discrimination and division that it claims to be against. and, as iqbal points out, if you've got to do a racial awareness course, does that include people of colour to get the discount or do the north face think that all of their customers are white crumbs 7 their customers are white crumbs ? that sounds like prejudice too. what a mess. the north face should be focussed on the colour of their rather expensive jackets and trousers and nothing else. shame on them for peddling this divisive, dangerous nonsense . yes, if they carry on nonsense. yes, if they carry on lecturing their customers, the
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nonh lecturing their customers, the north faces profits will head south. this pathetic outdoor brand should zip it and take a hike . now what's your reaction, hike. now what's your reaction, mark at with me tonight in the studio, my top punst tonight in the studio, my top pundits , actor and tv presenter pundits, actor and tv presenter christopher biggins, former conservative mp and farmer neil pansh conservative mp and farmer neil parish and tv personality and broadcaster precious muir. great to have all three of you with me. i'll get to my viewer email shortly. precious muir, let me start with you. do you think that this little test from north face a good thing ? face is a good thing? >> not at all. i think it's a form of exploitation , because form of exploitation, because it's not benefiting black people or people of colour in any way. like, are they getting any profits from this sale that they're putting on? is it being donated to charity? i think that it's an actual, it's going against what we're actually supposed to be doing. and i feel
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like it's not benefiting in any way. and why we doing this? way. and why are we doing this? 20% your, know, your 20% off your, you know, your it's basically for them to it's just basically for them to get people to buy. that's the exactly what it's about. it's got nothing else to do with black people, right ? i know black people, right? i know a lot of white people that don't go skiing. i mean, it's not you know, they're it's not right. >> there's a lot of people that don't go skiing. >> it's not a race thing begins. hasn't got the need for it. >> no, it's certainly not right. >> no, it's certainly not right. >> maybe back in the day, but i mean, north face will argue that all to is to all they want to do is to educate some of customers educate some of their customers about and about the very unequal and prejudicial which prejudicial society in which we live. with that? live. what's wrong with that? i think wrong way about think it's the wrong way about doing it. >> it's not making a >> i mean, it's not making a clear at all. it's just it clear sign at all. it's just it just seems to me like they're trying to get sales they're trying to get sales and they're using and using black people and discrimination race to do it. >> does it come from a good place? are they are they are they coming from good they coming from a good motivation when this? motivation when they do this? >> money was being if the >> if the money was being if the money charity, money was given to charity, that's actually, know, that's actually, you know, helping people of colour and black yeah, black people, then. yeah, i
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would definitely a would say this is definitely a great but i don't great campaign, but i don't think it's getting think it is. it's just getting them sales. >> and what about the messaging of is it patronising? >> i think it's just it's just ridiculous and it's actually insulting to black people because you're saying that they don't do this, they don't do that, but they do and they buy your product and they go skiing and they go and they go and they go out and they go walking and of so it's walking and all of that. so it's kind like it's an insult. kind of like it's an insult. >> who came up this idea? >> who came up with this idea? it company. i mean, it's it the company. i mean, it's some in their marketing some genius in their marketing department absolutely had nothing to than come nothing better to do than come up this rubbish. it is. up with this rubbish. it is. i find it really disgusting and i just think it's appalling. it is. >> i think, mark, it's offensive . yes, i really do. it is. and i think the whole idea is that we actually don't see the colour of the different coloured skins because we actually get on with everybody. and yes, there will be some prejudice in places , but be some prejudice in places, but of course this sort of campaign, it just makes the prejudice more. and of course, if you've got anybody that gets wound up ,
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got anybody that gets wound up, about, you know, the man in his very bc then a moment very anti—woke bc then a moment all this is put out, then they get more worked up. and i think, you see, it's just about trying to i mean, is it is it are they are they. because most of their customers might be white. are they do they intend to actually make sure that they are all, they are all feeling guilty ? i they are all feeling guilty? i mean, at the end of the day, let's all get on together to hark back to apartheid and all those terrible things that went on, it's absolute madness. >> however, the north face would argue that actually the participation of people of colour in a rural setting is probably suboptimal. and they're concerned that the whole of society is not enjoying the great british countryside. they're not mountaineering, they're not out there in sort of rural climes where, of course, you reside . aren't they just you reside. aren't they just trying to right a wrong with this policy? >> i mean, i think there's not as many black coloured people in
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the countryside because naturally they don't very often work in the countryside. so therefore as much further for them to go. but i don't see that, that this sort of campaign, i mean, i think black people will come into the countryside because they like exercise and they like, like the rural areas, but at the moment, like everyone else. but this idea that you , you sell clothes idea that you, you sell clothes and then you've got to preach and then you've got to preach and you preach like this. this is, this is preached. >> i like me with this, this thing that people of colour in the countryside. is that a story? >> it is. i mean, my father has a country house. we go to the country on the weekends. so oxfordshire, oxford, that's where you know, it where we hang out. you know, it depends where want to go. depends on where you want to go. i see it being a coloured i don't see it being a coloured thing. really just thing. i think it's really just about where your family is, where your friends are and where your interests are. >> here's what makes me >> well, here's what makes me sick, christopher. is a sick, christopher. this is a company that's virtue signalling, they signalling, okay? they make polyester, clothes and polyester, gore—tex clothes and trousers, which is destined for landfill. they're only there to
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make money. and this is virtue signalling on a grand scale. >> it is. and thankfully, i've never worn any of their clothing and never will, and i think that 20% discount is not enough. they should be giving 80% discount or or even more . and i think you're or even more. and i think you're right, they should be giving it away. >> yeah, i think if they were actually donating the money and the profits from this, yes, it would make sense as to why you keep going on about black talk is cheap. >> just a virtue >> this is just a virtue signalling, it? signalling, isn't it? >> and their clothes >> it is. and also their clothes shouldn't polyester and it shouldn't be polyester and it shouldn't be polyester and it should be wool and all sorts of natural fibres out there they could use, especially if they adapt them instead of that, they go down the route of actually using very much a chemical, reproduce clothing that, as you say, lands up in landfill sites all over the country. >> well, look, folks , what's >> well, look, folks, what's your view? it's important to point out that the north face will argue that all they want to do is make sure that the whole of society enjoys the whole of the country, including hiking
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and skiing and mountaineering and skiing and mountaineering and all the rest of it. they want to tackle under—representation of people of colour in those settings. they to make the world they just want to make the world a better place. what's your view mark at i should defend their polyester well. defend their polyester as well. lots recycled and they lots of it is recycled and they do with wool. but i do take do work with wool. but i do take neil's point. >> more wool. >> okay, more wool. >> okay, more wool. >> i do own a couple of north face items and keep them. face items and i will keep them. >> said you would >> i thought you said you would own of sheep then. own a couple of sheep then. well, a bloody fortune to well, they a bloody fortune to give back. give those back. >> you no discount , give those back. >> you no discount, i'm afraid. >> no, no celebrity discount. can it? paid can you believe it? paid good money jacket well. money for this jacket as well. but story. thank but that's another story. thank you. primark coming next in you. primark coming up next in the story, the rumour mill the big story, the rumour mill has into overdrive with has gone into overdrive with both the express and the telegraph a secret telegraph reporting a secret plot to bring boris johnson back before the election to before the next election to rescue the tories. i'll get reaction from tv news legend nigel farage, biographer michael crick and my panel
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next. well, a big reaction to my big opinion. the outdoor clothing giant north face have got their customers to do a creepy, dystopian race quiz in order to get a 20% discount. i think it's regressive. i think it's dangerous and potentially even racist in its own right. well, the reaction is coming in thick and fast. this from tony who says, mark, this is race baiting in the extreme , margaret says, in the extreme, margaret says, mark, you're a wizard with your words tonight . and i love the words tonight. and i love the jacket. well thank you, that's very kind, margaret, jacket. well thank you, that's very kind, margaret , lee says, very kind, margaret, lee says, mark, this is dangerous. the company wants . people to think company wants. people to think in a way that they must believe in. i don't usually pay much attention, but, to mr o. i don't pay attention, but, to mr o. i don't pay much attention to keir starmer, mr youturn, but i did nofice starmer, mr youturn, but i did notice he was wearing a north face jacket very recently. interesting. the two be
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interesting. could the two be connected? keep those emails coming. margaret i'll be deaung i'll be dealing with meghan markle at 10:00. she's planning a uk comeback. reaction at ten. comeback. my reaction at ten. but for the big but it's time now for the big story in the rumour mill has gone into overdrive, with both the express and telegraph newspapers a secret newspapers reporting a secret plot to bring johnson back plot to bring boris johnson back before election to save before the next election to save the conservatives. one possible scenario , as reported the scenario, as reported in the express, that johnson express, is that mr johnson could be parachuted into his former constituency of henley pnor former constituency of henley prior to an expected election in november of this year , the paper november of this year, the paper report one backbencher as saying there are many in the party who don't think we have a hope in hell of winning unless boris comes back. so whether as leader or as a campaigning backbencher could the return of boris johnson save the tories? let's get the views of tv news legend and nigel farage, his unauthorised biographer. he didn't like the book. michael crick michael. this would be labour's worst nightmare,
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wouldn't it? a return of boris johnson ? johnson? >> no, i think labour would be quite pleased. i mean, this is a ludicrous story. i mean, the express have a reputation for absurd stories for many years now . i absurd stories for many years now. i mean, you remember in the not long ago, they were always coming out with an extraordinary diana conspiracy stories, all of which turned out to be complete rubbish. and, i mean, they just come up with the most outlandish thing to sell newspapers . the thing to sell newspapers. the telegraph's going that way as well, i think well, although i think the telegraph stories by camilla tominey i've tominey isn't it? and i've always got of time for always got a lot of time for her. i respect her as a journalist, but i mean, for a start, boris johnson isn't on the candidates list, a second point is that the conservative candidates list and he would have to get central headquarters approval. second, there's already the conservatives already the conservatives already chose only 2 or 3 weeks ago, a candidate in henley , ago, a candidate in henley, after a very fraught selection process going back about 18 months, which had to be stopped and then started again, a woman
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called caroline newton who used to work for boris johnson. i think the theory is that she could be persuaded to step down to make way for him. i mean, if the conservatives were to do this ahead of the next election, i think it would show absolute desperation . and, you know, desperation. and, you know, i mean, he might, there's nothing to stop boris johnson going around campaigning for the party. most former leaders and former prime ministers do that dunng former prime ministers do that during general election. and, during a general election. and, of course, if he was to get elected , he'd be immediately elected, he'd be immediately faced with fact there faced with the fact that there was a the standards and privileges committee came out with this report , against him with this report, against him and he, he resigned his seat before they could punish him properly and before there was the possibility of a recall petition and all that. so it would be such an outlandish, messy, messy, messy , theory. i messy, messy, messy, theory. i mean, maybe later on down the road and lots of prime ministers, former prime ministers, former prime ministers think they can make a comeback . ministers think they can make a comeback. harold ministers think they can make a comeback . harold macmillan, comeback. harold macmillan, edward heath, margaret, margaret thatcher, probably tony
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thatcher, even probably tony blair. they all think they can make comebacks, but they never do . do. >> mean, would boris johnson >> i mean, would boris johnson like return to parliament? is like a return to parliament? is he making far too much money writing books doing speeches writing books and doing speeches as course, as a as well? of course, as being a forthcoming star on gb news? >> yeah. what happened to him? by >> yeah. what happened to him? by way? i mean, we heard by the way? i mean, we heard about him being on gb news months months ago , and he months and months ago, and he doesn't to have turned doesn't seem to have turned up yet. i you're not yet. i mean, i hope you're not already him, what's when already paying him, what's when is he? when is he possibly comment? sorry. no comment. >> whatever we're paying him, it'll be worth every penny. because he is the biggest name in politics. you'll be watching michael crick. be watching michael crick. i'll be watching britain. will be watching boris johnson on gb news, michael, while i've got you, let me tell you, the ratings always go up when you're on as well, so fair play. nice. let me bring my punstin play. nice. let me bring my pundits in if i can, alongside you, michael crick. i'm delighted me delighted to have with me christopher biggins, neil parish and you and precious muir. what do you think christopher? think about this, christopher? a return political return of boris to the political frontline . frontline. >> well, i if he agrees, i think
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he must be mad because he's earning a fortune doing all sorts other things. why would sorts of other things. why would he come back and be a he want to come back and be a prime minister again of a country that is absolutely in tatters? i mean, it doesn't seem feasible to me that he would want to do it for a start. >> no, but listen, you are the king of showbiz. boris johnson has got the x factor , hasn't he? has got the x factor, hasn't he? he is a compelling figure. he's a star. christopher biggins. >> yes, i think you're right. he is a star. but i don't think he's necessarily a star in politics. >> all right. so you should stay out it. perhaps neil parish, out of it. perhaps neil parish, you boris johnson very you know, boris johnson very well. do you of this story? >> well, the trouble is, you see, he tried to bring boris back. not the boris that back. he's not the boris that took into the 19 election. took us into the 19 election. got brexit done. he is well and truly tarnished. and while while there's a lot of people out there's a lot of people out there still that love him, there's an awful lot of people out there that and that's out there that don't. and that's a and also this idea a problem. and also this idea of trying to him to win trying to get him to win a by—election to get into parliament, to lead the party. i
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don't think the conservative party could win a by—election anywhere , whatever the majority anywhere, whatever the majority was, because you can imagine if bofis was, because you can imagine if boris was standing in any by—election, all the opposition parties, all the voters would get together that were against bofis get together that were against boris and vote for one candidate and boris would not get in. and so, i mean, it's just crazy stuff. and in the end you won't you won't re you can't turn back the clock because boris unfortunately, while he did much goodin unfortunately, while he did much good in some places, in other places he was a disaster and he did have a problem with the truth. and i think there's a lot of people out there that don't forgive him for that . and i forgive him for that. and i think that's his biggest problem. more than the parties to be honest, is the fibbing and the that went on okay. and the lying that went on okay. and that's what they don't like. and it it won't make heap of it won't it won't make a heap of the difference general the difference to the general election result. whether boris comes or not. comes back or not. >> let me tell you. when boris johnson joins gb news, it will be the tv event of the year. but
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should he join the tory party again? should he be in the commons ? should he be leading commons? should he be leading the party? >> precious muir think >> precious muir i don't think so . i mean, you know, since so. i mean, you know, since partygate people have lost, partygate the people have lost, you know, they just don't have the trust , you know, like the trust, you know, like they're not going to vote for him. they won't vote for him because of what happened, you know, partygate and obviously, you know, the covid situation and the things that he, he wasn't actually saying and, you know , covering up for precious, know, covering up for precious, precious. the tories don't agree i >> -- >> he lost the election. precious. so it's time to throw the kitchen sink at it. is boris johnson not the human manifestation of the kitchen sink ? sink? >> you know, he's he's no kid . >> you know, he's he's no kid. >> you know, he's he's no kid. >> well, he might be he might be the manifestation. >> honestly, the people are not going to vote for him. they will not trust okay? they they not trust him, okay? they they went we went through too went through we went through too much too much and much and we've seen too much and we've heard too much. and boris is the for the job. is not the man for the job. >> go. i'm sure
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>> there you go. well, i'm sure michael that. michael will agree with that. michael, ask you to put michael, can i ask you to put your united hat on? your manchester united hat on? because, you a because, of course, you are a lifelong fan of the reds. you're also the biographer of sir alex ferguson , man united been ferguson, man united have been given light to their given the green light to their part, owner, sirjim ratcliffe, part, owner, sir jim ratcliffe, to knock down old trafford completely and build a brand new stadium which some are calling the wembley of the north. do you think this will happen? and should happen? should it happen? >> mean , i was there >> well, i mean, i was there today, watching the two nil win against everton , a big, big fan, against everton, a big, big fan, as you say. and the ground certainly needs lots and lots of renovation and extending, but whether they should knock the ground down and build a new one. next, you know, on the on the land doon next, you know, on the on the land door, i don't know it , land next door, i don't know it, it's 5050 and that's what spurs did, but i don't think, i mean, what ratcliffe wants to do is he wants to have government support for this government money. and i think we saw in the budget last week there is no money, there's no spare money. and i think it would be wrong of a club as rich
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as united, one of the richest clubs in the world, now partly owned , well, partly owned, very owned, well, partly owned, very rich owners, the glazer family and ratcliffe , who's worth and ratcliffe, who's worth himself about 20 billion. i think it would be wrong to divert funds that are meant for other levelling up projects into, the renovation or the rebuilding of old trafford, even if you are going to call it the wembley of the north and have england games there. well, you know, you actually need know, you don't actually need government that. old government money for that. old trafford of england trafford has had lots of england games there a world games played there and a world cup games and european championship games over the years, i just think it was years, and, i just think it was it would be wrong to, to use government funds for this state funds. and i think in their hearts, a lot of united fans would agree with me. >> you go. always a treat >> there you go. always a treat to on the show. to have you on the show. congratulations the win congratulations on the win for the reds afternoon. commiserations >> everton but we >> it wasn't everton but we managed did. you did. managed it. you did. you did. >> yeah. get used to mid—table i tell you. dizzy heights tell you. the dizzy heights michael crick can't talk as a michael crick i can't talk as a spurs fan. brilliant stuff, there you go. tv news legend
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michael crick. now coming up, don't forget, at 10:00 in just over half an hour's time. are you ready for this, folks? i'll be dealing with meghan markle, who is planning wait for it. her uk comeback. my reaction at ten. but next up with tonight's top punst but next up with tonight's top pundits and a special guest. after they got clobbered by the chancellor in this week's budget are owners of second homes are the owners of second homes selfish?
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next. well, we've conducted an exclusive mark dolan tonight people's poll. we've been asking, would the return of bofis asking, would the return of boris johnson make you vote conservative? well, 64.1% say no, while 35.9% say yes. let's get to your emails. do you want bofis get to your emails. do you want boris back in the commons? do you want him leading the conservative party? if you're a tory supporter , well, let's have tory supporter, well, let's have a look at this, waiting for boris, terry says. looks like we'll see godot first. very nice
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reference. how about this from eileen? oh, it says elaine. two different names. elaine how are you? good evening. elaine. elaine says hi, marc. boris can stay out parliament. stay out of parliament. he's a huge liar. have no respect huge liar. we have no respect for . tell him to get lost, for him. tell him to get lost, says elaine, peter says boris is great and should run this country. yvonne says, i voted for boris johnson and i ended up getting carrie johnson a massive green. there you go. no thank you, says yvonne. well, listen, let me tell you that i've had my differences with boris johnson over the last few years. but when he comes to gb news, it will be the tv event of the yeah will be the tv event of the year. now, owners of second homes were clobbered in the budget this week with the so—called furnished holiday lets regime, which offers tax advantages to those let out advantages to those who let out advantages to those who let out a property as a holiday home. all of that is going to be abolished, the chancellor, jeremy hunt, said. is jeremy hunt, said. this is because holiday lets reduce the availability of long terme rentals residents . at the rentals for residents. at the moment, landlords can deduct the full of their mortgage
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full cost of their mortgage interest payments and the cost of from their tax of decorating from their tax bill. so is it right to clobber second home owners, our second home owners? selfish profiting from holiday rental income whilst young brits struggle to get on the housing ladder? we're going to speak to a good friend of mine, russell quirk, in a moment. but first, the views of my pundits. what do you my top pundits. what do you think about neil? are think about this, neil? are second owners selfish? second home owners selfish? >> don't think they're >> no, i don't think they're selfish, but i think they probably have got to pay more because i think the trouble is there are a lot of people out there are a lot of people out there struggling to get homes. i mean, thing is, though, mean, the thing is, though, a lot of, you know, take a lot lot of, you know, you take a lot of the cornish villages and so on, wouldn't necessarily on, you wouldn't necessarily there's so there's no employment there. so you won't necessarily get people living there. but i think and of course , the other thing they do course, the other thing they do by of airbnb and all by doing, sort of airbnb and all that sort of thing, is they take away business from the hotels and bed and breakfasts that are in the rural areas and in the seaside towns. so i'm sort of i'm not against, second home
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owners, but i don't think i'm against either what the chancellor is doing, because i think they need to get money. >> okay. well, look, i'm delighted to say that we're now joined a good friend of joined by a very good friend of mine, friend of mine, the mine, an old friend of mine, the co—founder of the property pubuc co—founder of the property public proper pr public relations firm, proper pr , broadcaster and commentator russell quirk. russell, really good to see you again. are the owners of second homes selfish ? owners of second homes selfish? are they greedy, no. i think they believe that they live in a free country where they can buy what they like, don't they , i what they like, don't they, i thought that was a thing in britain, perhaps not, but, it really kind of saddens me to hear that we're even contemplating trying to intervene a market where intervene in a market where those that are either trying to earn a living or trying to put their money away as that it earns them an income. you know , earns them an income. you know, perhaps in retirement that might choose to have a second home out of choice. and i will probably keep using these words mark, choice, choose, so on, that choice, choose, and so on, that the government and indeed your commentatorjust now the government and indeed your
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commentator just now thinks it's okay for us as a state to intervene and to tell people that they cannot do that. now, the solution to all of this, of course, the nub of this is the lack of housing, which of course, successive governments have presided over for not just years but decades. but but to punish those that want to buy a home of their own free will, somewhere else to live in sometimes, and to rent out and to use as a holiday home, by way of some big state communistic type intervention, i think is absolutely disgraceful. >> mark. >> mark. >> well, it's fascinating, isn't it? i mean, these unfavourable conditions , russell, mean that conditions, russell, mean that many will sell their second homes now , especially given that homes now, especially given that plenty of people are paying double the council tax? won't people selling up boost supply in the market? >> well maybe so i mean there's a there's a good few hundred thousand second homes, that currently exist around the
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country. i mean, all that i suspect will happen because now what we've ended up with is a consequence of jeremy hunt's announcements, this week in the budget, we've ended up with an equalisation of the tax regime around simple buy to let and what they call, furnished houday what they call, furnished holiday lets fhl. so i suspect all that will happen because buy to let in its purest form is actually still quite attractive in terms of capital appreciation, yield and so on. all that will happen is that those holiday home owners will just let these out. now on assured shorthold tenancies for longer. those houses won't longer. so those houses won't then trickle down magically into then trickle down magically into the hands of would be hopeful first time buyers. and i've got to say and i was arguing about this on social media this morning mark the notion that if you take properties out of landlord's hands , however, they landlord's hands, however, they decide that they are renting those properties and that all of a sudden all of the tenants that right now are renting are magically going to buy those properties. and indeed, and here's here's the crux of it,
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are then going to be able to come the 10 to 15 to 20% come up with the 10 to 15 to 20% cash deposit to do so. it's absolute fantasy. and those tenants that are currently sitting there paying £1,000 a month for them, most of them, not all, but most of them don't choose necessarily to rent. they're renting because they have to. and the thought that they've got £20,000 down the back of the sofa that as soon as the landlord says. hey, jane. hey, john. i'm selling the property. do you want to buy it? and jane and john say, as it happens, yeah, here's my deposit. it's ridiculous . it's deposit. it's ridiculous. it's a fantastical notion. and this, frankly , this is a knee jerk frankly, this is a knee jerk reaction from jeremy hunt based on a small minority of protesters. he's playing to the crowd, as we know that this current government loves to do as populists. god forbid, god forbid. >> russell quirk, listen, great to see you again. you look splendidly. well, you clearly had lockdown. we'll had a very good lockdown. we'll catch my thanks to catch up soon. my thanks to property and broadcaster, property expert and broadcaster, the russell the one and only mr russell quirk. that. the case of
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quirk. look at that. the case of the disappearing presenter. i've been working trick all been working on that trick all afternoon, coming up in my take at meghan markle looking at ten, meghan markle is looking to brand in the uk. to revive her brand in the uk. my to revive her brand in the uk. my in a few minutes my reaction in a few minutes time, you won't want to miss it. so all of that. but next up it's time for mark. meat's looking forward to this. it's the voice of paddington bear, popular british and star of one british actor and star of one foot in the grave, jonathan kidd. he's got an amazing story. he's had an amazing career. he's been in all the
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next. well, it's time now for mark meats. and this evening, legendary british actor jonathan kidd, whose first acting role was in the 1962 british comedy the iron maiden , in which he the iron maiden, in which he appeared aged six alongside his famous actor father sam kidd, who featured in almost 300 films. following in his old man's illustrious footsteps, jonathan has had a long career in tv and on the big screen, starring in shows like one foot
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in the grave, doctors, holby city and jonathan creek, and having lent his voice to some of the biggest brands in the world, including doing the voiceover for that famous ferrero rocher tv ad. ultimately, he became the voice of paddington bear in the iconic tv series the adventures of paddington bear, and i'm delighted to say that jonathan kidd, aka paddington bearjoins me now. hi jonathan, a delight, mark to be on the show with you. it's lovely to have you. now i'm going to plug the book in a second, but let's just talk about biggest of your about the biggest gig of your career, paddington bear. career, playing paddington bear. well, a very long well, it was a very long time ago wasn't big film well, it was a very long time agfact, wasn't big film well, it was a very long time agfact, i wasn't big film well, it was a very long time agfact, i was sn't big film well, it was a very long time agfact, i was apparently| film in fact, i was apparently considered it. considered for it. >> you were paddington in >> but you were paddington in the adventures of paddington bean >> was , that's what my kids >> i was, that's what my kids watched it. >> yeah. fantastic. yes. >> really? yeah. fantastic. yes. but also tom in pipkins, but i was also tom in pipkins, which was an era before that. that will be my obit mark. is that the one? it will say no. known for pipkins? well, it's classic kids tv. and it was me speaking to puppets. yeah. so
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the infamous hartley hare, who was apparently now the stuff of nightmares as well. but yeah, paddington bear was great, and l, paddington bear was great, and i, i auditioned thinking at the time for michael bond that i would have to do something peruvian, and because that's where he was from , i'd done my where he was from, i'd done my research, you know, and i thought i came up with a kind of sort of, you know, and he said, oh, no, no. he said, oh, no, no, no. he said, just use your normal voice. and i said, well, do you want it to be a bit more like, no, no, no, no, no, he just sort no, he said, just so i sort of pitched was, you know, pitched it up and was, you know, talked marmalade talked about marmalade sandwiches and, and the gig sandwiches and, and got the gig and 76 episodes. but i and did about 76 episodes. but i say this was the 90s and i've say this was in the 90s and i've subsequently oh, it's a picture of hair. it's of me with hartley hair. it's just the great hartley just come up the great hartley hair. that's oh god, hair. i say, oh, that's oh god, that's i was on new that's my band. i was on new faces in 19. well, you've you've done everything. he's done so many. comedy i do, many. you write comedy i do, i write comedy, comedy sketches. >> comedy songs. >> comedy songs. >> i there's been >> yes, i do, i do. there's been another. oh, another. oh goodness me. oh, i love this, is this is so love this, this is this is so good. my agent. you're watching this. >> well, you're actually doing a voiceover career. voiceover of your own career. you're life. you're narrating your own life. >> that something i did,
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>> that was something i did, i think, for. oh, that was for some channel. i can't remember think, for. oh, that was for soyearslannel. i can't remember think, for. oh, that was for soyearslannel. i cyeah,emember think, for. oh, that was for soyearslannel. i (yeah, someber think, for. oh, that was for soyearslannel. i (yeah, some of it years ago, but, yeah, some of these quite good, these things. i'm quite good, aren't these things. i'm quite good, areiyou're very, good. my >> you're very, very good. my goodness you've done plenty goodness me, you've done plenty of well. have. yeah. of acting as well. i have. yeah. >> massive. >> massive. >> you've done sitcoms one >> you've done sitcoms like one foot the you were in foot in the grave. you were in jonathan creek. i was top entertainment watched by millions what's millions of people. what's your appraisal of on tv in 2024? >> it's a bit fragmented, isn't it? really i don't think i've just actually watched purely by fluke as a friend was in it. the dick turpin series on apple. oh, yes . yes. >> which is, noel fielding. >> which is, noel fielding. >> very funny, but it's a very good script. but i do watch a lot of stuff and think, you know, i don't. people can't know, i just don't. people can't find way through era find their way through in an era when there only one, two when there was only one, two channels, my dad was channels, when my dad was working , you know, you'd you'd working, you know, you'd you'd think, yeah, this has been think, yeah, this this has been honed. think, yeah, this this has been honed . this is. they gave people honed. this is. they gave people a chance. my dad was in was a big mate harry worth. big big mate of harry worth. big comedy off not comedy actor. started off not great. gave him a chance. great. they gave him a chance. you they're people you know, they're giving people a nowadays. has to a chance nowadays. it has to come get you come up there and. and get you by. the whatever , you by. by the by the whatever, you know, by the short and curlies.
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otherwise not succeeded. know, by the short and curlies. cthinkise not succeeded. know, by the short and curlies. cthink the not succeeded. know, by the short and curlies. cthink the pressuret succeeded. know, by the short and curlies. cthink the pressure is;ucceeded. know, by the short and curlies. cthink the pressure is enormous i think the pressure is enormous for things to be funny. and also, on tiktok, the also, if you go on tiktok, the humour to be very, humour appears to be very, very, how can i put it crude in a sense of it's just a kind of, you know, oops , there's a shock you know, oops, there's a shock factor, there's a brief, you know, or there's a picture of my cat, know, falling a falling cat, you know, falling a falling down hole. hahaha know. down a hole. hahaha you know. yeah. i come yeah. you think i really come from i really like from an era where i really like decent writing, so. and always decent writing, so. and i always think becoming more and think it's becoming more and more sort of almost esoteric. it's almost becoming fringe it's almost becoming very fringe to writing. it's to have decent writing. it's become they've become weirdly, they've gone into slapstick on into a world of slapstick on tiktok and you think, well, this is almost variety, this is almost going back, know, almost going back, you know, into to monty into the compared to monty python or a galton and simpson hancock. >> oh, there's some david david sullivan, only fools and horses, indeed. >> absolutely brilliant , >> absolutely brilliant, brilliant, brilliant writers. so i you know, are they given an opportunity? i don't think so. and also because so much is reality , so much is paying reality, so much is paying members of the public to do stuff. i scripted. scripted comedy bbc stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem bbc stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to bbc stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to do bbc stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to do any bbc stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to do any moreic stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to do any more .2 stuff. i scripted. scripted come seem to do any more . they don't seem to do any more. they mrs. brown's boys, but that's
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considered of esoteric considered a kind of esoteric world, isn't it? >> well, most definitely. what are thoughts about are your thoughts about political correctness in comedy? well, the woke well, somebody said to me, is it a an imaginary problem ? problem? >> no, i think i have a band called the rudies and we had an and i write comedy songs. i used to have wrote lots of songs for, for brian conley. you did, and we've had 20 and anneliese in his series in the 90s and we. yeah this way up and all that sketch stuff. and had a sketch stuff. and we had a i think them appeared in think one of them appeared in the performance. the royal variety performance. indeed did. yeah. yes. indeed it did. yeah. well, yes. you've research, of you've done your research, of course, reading about you all day. >> hey, whoa whoa n day. >> hey, whoa whoa i didn't >> hey, whoa whoa whoa. i didn't have better to do. oh have anything better to do. oh of course you didn't. >> so but, you of course you didn't. >> one so but, you of course you didn't. >> one the. but, you of course you didn't. >> one the. and but, you of course you didn't. >> one the. and we ut, you of course you didn't. >> one the. and we have u know, one of the. and we have i have women, both in my have two women, but both in my band, i have. no, i'm sorry. i didn't mean there are in didn't mean that. there are in my are women, my band, there are two women, both their, their 40s, both in their, in their 40s, who've been in there with me since 15 years. we got since for 15 years. and we got a youngster 23 old and youngster in 23 year old and we're through the song, we're going through the song, some songs, she you some of the songs, she said, you can't that this was can't say that now. this was that a long time ago. that
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that was a long time ago. that picture. that was a long time ago. that pictureand that was a long time ago. that picture and you obviously you >> so and you obviously you reject woke because it's censorship. >> no, no. but the dilemma is, is my father was i'm all is that my father was i'm all right, and played right, jack. and he played a stuttering character , which you stuttering character, which you just wouldn't be able to do nowadays. yet because nowadays. and yet it's because it's in the modern, it's in the old psyche, in almost veterans would say, that's not a problem. somebody it's good somebody stuttering, it's a good 939 - somebody stuttering, it's a good gag . whereas yes, i agree gag. whereas now, yes, i agree there's with it there's a problem with it because poking fun at because it's poking fun at people who have speech impediments problems . impediments or speech problems. so it's a in a sense, we've come we've we've, we've made great progress. but that kind of, sort of that kind of gag has disappeared. and yet it's funny. well, wonder if we i think well, i wonder if we i think maybe what's happened is you're right, want to laugh at right, we don't want to laugh at someone ailment. right, we don't want to laugh at son butie ailment. right, we don't want to laugh at sonbutie the ailment. right, we don't want to laugh at sonbutie the other ailment. right, we don't want to laugh at sonbutie the other hand,|ent. right, we don't want to laugh at sonbutie the other hand, we've >> but on the other hand, we've made overcorrected the made probably overcorrected the other absolutely. if you've other way. absolutely. if you've got jokes that got comedians writing jokes that they they they find funny, which they can't say loud, i don't can't say out loud, i don't think progress. is no think that's progress. is it? no let's your dad let's talk about your dad because a showbiz legend. because he is a showbiz legend. i think he broke a record at one point, having made in excess of 290 films. sam kidd , he was
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290 films. sam kidd, he was a star of the big screen and the small screen. he had a part in coronation street as well. >> towards the end of his life. you've republished his volume one of his autobiography. no, no, no, that's that's the book that i that's the republishing. let's get republished. >> this is his original book, >> so this is his original book, which now. oh, which is 50,000 out now. oh, yeah. think we've actually got yeah. i think we've actually got it there. called, it right there. it is called, sam kidd you. the war is sam kidd for you. the war is over and that's his book. >> that's his book. right. and then that's about being then and that's about being a prisoner of and a prisoner of war. and it's a fantastic read because of the he prisoner of war. and it's a fant an c read because of the he prisoner of war. and it's a fant an ordinaryzcause of the he prisoner of war. and it's a fant an ordinary soldier)f the he prisoner of war. and it's a fant an ordinary soldier captured was an ordinary soldier captured at the beginning of war, at the beginning of the war, marched across poland. marched across to poland. terrible marched across to poland. terriislave marched across to poland. terrii slave got marched across to poland. terriislave got very ill nazi slave labour, got very ill with, then ended up doing shows for them in the, in the in the prison camp. yeah. and then taken out big mart, the big march. they all went on when hitler was trying to make them into, hostages. and he escaped from and was almost shot by from that and was almost shot by the russians and then made his way through . and it's and then way through. and it's and then it's a good read. he's it's a really good read. he's also very funny writer. it's a really good read. he's als that's it. so he goes from from war and hitler and entertaining the troops to a
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career in the movie. >> bizarrely, the very first film was being a prisoner of war as an adviser and a film called captive heart. typecasting vowed never to go to germany. and his mother no, you've to mother said, no, you've gone to germany to film. and he germany to do a film. and he says, opportunity in says, my first opportunity in a film, me plug, me plug film, let me plug, let me plug the other book because we want to you some money here. to make you some money here. >> at this >> let's have a look at this briefly if you can. volume one. be sam. be a good boy, sam. >> yeah, yeah. it's some it's 1915 to 52, 1915, 1945 to 52. seven years period in which he was in 119 films, one of four. and was an autobiography . he and it was an autobiography. he never got published because it got listy. i've used that never got published because it gothe listy. i've used that never got published because it gothe core ty. i've used that never got published because it gothe core and ve used that never got published because it gothe core and i'vesed that never got published because it gothe core and i've written a as the core and i've written a lot of stuff. oh, there you go around it. >> be a boy, sam. the >> be a good boy, sam. the unpublished memoirs of sam kidd. my kidd, my thanks to jonathan kidd, who's more performances who's got many more performances left me tell you. left in him. let me tell you. next i'll be dealing with next up, i'll be dealing with meghan in two. meghan markle. see you in two. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news.
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on. gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. as we move into sunday, it remains cloudy and damp across many areas and we keep that keen easterly breeze too. and that's thanks to this area of low pressure. just sat to south of the uk, feeding to the south of the uk, feeding in of cloud outbreaks of in areas of cloud outbreaks of rain, the tight isobars indicating brisk easterly indicating that brisk easterly wind there too for the rest of saturday into the early hours of sunday it remains cloudy. further outbreaks of rain, which could be heavy at times across parts of england and wales and then pushes northwards as we move through towards the end of the night, temperatures generally staying above freezing for the vast majority of us due to the cloud and the outbreaks of rain. so for most it's a cloudy, damp start to sunday morning. there could be a few glimmers of across glimmers of sunshine across central southern parts of england later on into parts of wales, but for most of us it will be cloudy. further outbreaks of rain at times and nofice outbreaks of rain at times and notice the wind still coming in off the north sea, so eastern coasts particularly chilly for
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the time of year. best the the time of year. best of the temperatures towards west temperatures towards the west and reaching double and southwest, reaching double figures in any brighter spells into another cloudy day, into monday. another cloudy day, the wind still driving in outbreaks of rain and low cloud from the north. see the best of any brighter spells will be across western areas, but even here will remain on the here it will remain on the cloudy side and it remains cloudy side and it remains cloudy right through much of the week. largely dry, though there will be light rain and the will be some light rain and the winds will generally start to ease . ease to. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers sponsors of up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> it's 10:00. on television. on >> it's10:00. on television. on radio and online in the united kingdom and across the world. this is mark dolan tonight in my take at ten, meghan markle is
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looking to revive her brand in the uk. hell will freeze over. before that happens, i'll be offering the sussexes my own professional advice in just a few minutes . you won't want to few minutes. you won't want to miss it. meanwhile, donald trump and joe biden lock horns this week in the battle for the white house. but which outcome is best for britain ? i'll be asking the for britain? i'll be asking the queen of us, royal showbiz and political reporting kinsey schofield plus , kinsey will schofield plus, kinsey will reflect on prince edward's 60th birthday this weekend. does the late queen's youngest son deserve more recognition ? plus, deserve more recognition? plus, tomorrow's newspaper front pages and live reaction in the studio from tonight's top pundits . from tonight's top pundits. former tory mp and farmer neil pansh former tory mp and farmer neil parish tv personality and broadcaster precious muir and showbiz royalty the one and only christopher biggins. so a packed show, lots to get through. i'll be dealing with meghan markle in just two minutes time. you won't
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want to miss but first, the want to miss it, but first, the news with ray addison . news headlines with ray addison. >> mark. good evening. our top stories tonight. the met police say they want to speak to two people relating a report of people relating to a report of hate speech following pro—palestine marches in london today. the force posted an image of two women using loudhailers, who they say could assist detectives with their enquiries. they're urging anyone who knows them to get in touch. well, thousands took part in the palestine solidarity campaign protests in london and glasgow today, demanding an immediate ceasefire . the met police says ceasefire. the met police says there was no significant public order disturbance , but six order disturbance, but six people were arrested and one man was later de—arrested . the was later de—arrested. the ministry of defence has confirmed reports of a fire on board its flagship aircraft carrier, hms queen elizabeth, this morning. the royal navy vesselis this morning. the royal navy vessel is currently docked at
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glen mallan in scotland , the mod glen mallan in scotland, the mod saying that the fire was quickly brought under control with no reported injuries. no ordnance was involved in the incident. they're now working with scottish fire and rescue to establish the cause . the prime establish the cause. the prime minister says he plans to pay for cuts to national insurance contributions by kerbing the benefits budget. rishi sunak told the sunday times that he's concerned by forecasts which show welfare spending is set to rise by more than £100 billion a year until 20 2829. mr sunak said that 2.5 million working age people have been signed off as unfit to work and he says, quote, that just doesn't strike me as a system that's working properly. he insists he'll end national insurance contributions if he wins the next general election . the uk was involved in election. the uk was involved in a joint operation overnight, which saw dozens of drones downed in the red sea. the defence secretary confirmed that
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hms richmond shot down two of those drones, repelling an attack by iranian backed houthis. the us says that in total, coalition forces hit 28 unmanned aerial vehicles. in a post on social media, grant shapps said the uk and its allies will continue to take necessary action to save lives and protect the freedom of navigation and. humberside police have removed a number of bodies from the premises of a funeral director in hull after reports of concern for care of the deceased . cordons are the deceased. cordons are currently in place at three branches of legacy independent funeral directors in east yorkshire. they're investigating whether any criminal offences may have been committed. the bodies have been taken to the local authority mortuary in hull. a direct line has been set up for anyone who may have been affected . well. for the latest affected. well. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen right now or go to gb
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news. com slash alerts back to . mark. >> thanks, ray. welcome to mark dolan tonight. donald trump and joe biden lock horns this week in the battle for the white house. but which outcome is best for britain ? i'll be asking the for britain? i'll be asking the queen of us royal and political reporting kinsey schofield. plus, kinsey will reflect on prince edward's 60th birthday, which is happening this weekend . which is happening this weekend. and does the late queen's youngest son deserve more recognition? plus, tomorrow's newspaper front pages and live reaction in the studio from tonight's top pundits. this evening. actor and tv presenter, showbiz royalty , no less showbiz royalty, no less christopher biggins, former tory mp and now farmer neil parish and tv personality and broadcaster precious muir. they'll be nominating their headune they'll be nominating their headline heroes and back page zeroes. and those papers are on the way. of course , it's the the way. of course, it's the sunday papers. but first, my
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take at ten. in this increasingly tumultuous world, with wars and economic crises aplenty , it's always nice to aplenty, it's always nice to have a good laugh, which takes me to the duchess of sussex, meghan markle, who we are told is gearing up for a complete image overhaul here in the uk. good luck with that apparent . good luck with that apparent. this acting icon and front runner for world's greatest humanitarian is now looking for a new pr expert in britain. that's a tough gig, isn't it? meghan markle's publicist that would make a couple of weeks fighting the war in ukraine feel positively relaxing by comparison, the mail newspaper report that markle is seeking professional help to improve her brand . i think she should just brand. i think she should just seek professional help after a turbulent 2023, which saw the couple lose their lucrative podcast deal with spotify , and
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podcast deal with spotify, and with the fallout from prince harry's book, 'spare, seeing further reputational damage to both of them on both sides of the atlantic. this couple, in my view , are toxic and any efforts view, are toxic and any efforts to improve their public image are doomed to fail. the damage off the back of which they made millions is now done. they are the laughing stock of comedy shows like south park and even woke liberal talk show hosts in america like jemmy kimmel are making ruthless gags at their expense. the mail newspaper go on to say that many pr people are apprehensive about taking the sussexes on no sherlock. i would humbly suggest that hamas would humbly suggest that hamas would be a more accommodating client than these self—absorbed narcissists. let me tell you, there is no hope of meghan markle rebuilding her reputation here in the uk. markle rebuilding her reputation here in the uk . she's widely here in the uk. she's widely seen by the press and the british people as having engineered the split between
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prince harry and his family. now i don't like to lay the blame exclusively at meghan's door. people can be unnecessary , silly people can be unnecessary, silly and overly harsh on her. i think she's very smart . she's played she's very smart. she's played the game brilliantly and good luck to her. but harry, well, he is big enough and ugly enough to make his own decisions. so ultimately i blame him for all of this. harry is the one that turned his back on everything the united kingdom has given him. he's turned his back on the untold privilege . he's turned untold privilege. he's turned his back on what was originally huge public support. he's turned his back on his royal duties and he's turned his back on his own family. now charles is an emollient figure and will never banish his youngest son, which i think is right. but i'd humbly suggest that harry's relationship with his only brother is broken beyond repair , brother is broken beyond repair, as is the sussexes relationship with the uk press, who they
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effectively characterised as racist and who they spend most of their time suing, which is why a pr makeover for harry and meghan in britain is about as likely as mick jagger becoming a monk , or elton john experiencing monk, or elton john experiencing a sudden burst of natural hair growth. in other words, it ain't going to happen. harry and meghan are looking for pr , but meghan are looking for pr, but unfortunately they're going to be told to p. off. i was talking to my brilliant younger producer, katie about elton john.john? producer, katie about elton john. john? she didn't know that he's bald. she thought that was real hair. who knew? next thing you'll be thinking this is real. your reaction mark at gb news. com is it time to forgive meghan markle? should she have a uk comeback? is it time to welcome her back into the fold in this country? let me know your thoughts. mark at or get to your email shortly. but first, tonight's top pundits actor and tv presenter, the
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brilliant christopher biggins, former tory mp and farmer neil pansh former tory mp and farmer neil parish and personality and parish and tv personality and broadcaster precious muir. well christopher biggins a pr makeover for meghan markle in britain. will it work? >> i don't know what it is that you have against her, mark. i'm surprised tonight's, revelation lady. what? you can't hear me? >> she's a lovely lady. >> she's a lovely lady. >> yes, yes, yes yes, yes, but i think i think it's a shame. i think i think it's a shame. i think she's been treated rather badly. i mean, she's made some mistakes. we all make mistakes. he's i still he's made some mistakes. i still love of them. and i love the both of them. and i have friends who get very angry with me when i say things like that, but i just simply like them. and i think they've been treated badly by certain people in the press, within the family and all over the place. i think they need they need a good pr person to do something, to actually bring them back . and i actually bring them back. and i think it would be very good. he deserves to be here. he's a brilliant young man. i think he's done some wonderful things.
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the whole military thing that he's done has been fantastic , he's done has been fantastic, and i get really upset and angry. people's reaction to them. >> but biggins, he's made his bed. he's got to lie in it. >> yes, i agree that is very true . but i mean, i think, you true. but i mean, i think, you know, he he was provoked into saying the things he said or wrote in his book by certain members of his family. >> oh, well, by a certain wife, perhaps many people. biggins would say that it was meghan markle engines made the markle that engines made the split in the first place. she is the royal family's yoko ono, she's yoko ono . she's yoko ono. >> i disagree, but i, you know, people can have their views on her and, you know, and they i'm sure they will. but i think there's somebody rather i used to love her in the tv series . to love her in the tv series. she did suits. i thought she was wonderful. >> okay, well, listen, i've got to that i got in real hot to say that i got in real hot water online a few weeks ago for danng water online a few weeks ago for daring to criticise harry and meghan. i didn't realise that millionaire actresses and princes were the latest protected class , listen, polly
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protected class, listen, polly precious, i should say. what do you think about this business with the sussexes? do you think that the british people can forgive meghan markle and welcome her back? >> well, 100. >> well, 100. >> i believe that they deserve a second chance because everybody else has been given a second chance. and there's a lot of the royals that have been forgiven, so i don't see any reason why meghan markle and prince harry cannot be forgiven and welcome back to the uk. we also have to remember that meghan markle is a mum and she's also a wife, and we have to respect her and all of this. >> it's true. she is. >> we have to. we have to remember that she's a mom and a wife. that's true. and the cruel, comments and the trolls that go for her online and that just the horrific things that people say about her is disgusting. and i know as a beautiful mixed race woman, just like meghan markle, we have got to go through certain things onune to go through certain things online that some may not
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receive. and we go through trolls and comments all day long and we can't just be sitting on twitter blocking every single person . this is what we deal person. this is what we deal with on a daily basis. person. this is what we deal with on a daily basis . so do you with on a daily basis. so do you think negativity is not right? and we need to stop all of these comments because it's not right for her to have to deal with this, especially while she was pregnant. i think it was ridiculous. i think it's really, really bad . really bad. >> do you think that some of the attacks on meghan markle have been racially motivated pressures? >> i think that because she is with prince harry and he is obviously a prince from england, she had got the really bad negative comments regarding her race 100. i think if the prince was from nigeria, the comments wouldn't have been made . i wouldn't have been made. i really believe that it's because she is mixed race and this is why they also went for her. not just because she's mixed race, but that those were some of the comments that were made while she was actually in the uk. >> any of that
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>> of course, any of that trolling is truly appalling, absolutely reprehensible. before trolling is truly appalling, acome:ely reprehensible. before trolling is truly appalling, acome to' reprehensible. before trolling is truly appalling, acome to neilehensible. before trolling is truly appalling, acome to neil parish,le. before trolling is truly appalling, acome to neil parish, though, re i come to neil parish, though, let me ask you, precious , about let me ask you, precious, about the fact that she's a very famous woman. she's not a shrinking violet. she's been on tv. of course she's done all of the interviews, the netflix series, the podcast. surely she should expect public attention. i mean, you said that she was, you know, suffered a lot of trolls while pregnant. i mean, she's a famous person. welcome to showbiz . to showbiz. >> there's a certain level of, commenting. there's obviously everyone's going to have an opinion on your career, who you are as a person, but there is certain levels of disrespect , certain levels of disrespect, and i feel like some people onune and i feel like some people online just really don't know where the line is, and they go past the line. and i think that when you really criticise someone's their someone's character and their physical boots, and physical attributes boots, and you're saying that this person is this and that , it is really is this and that, it is really below the belt. i think that you can comment and say you don't like someone and you don't wish for them to be dating prince
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harry because you think he could have dated else or have dated someone else or married else, that's married someone else, that's fine. start fine. but when you start criticising personality criticising their personality and way they look their and the way they look and their career destroying them as an career and destroying them as an individual, i think it's wrong. and i that those evil and i think that those evil comments that are made online about her need to stop, okay. she is she is a human being and she is a mother and she is a wife. >> we have a lot of people. do you think a lot of people do think remember that? yeah, a lot of people do think she is one mother, what do what you mother, what do you what are you going begins. going to say there begins. >> said was very >> i said it was very interesting. at the break interesting. whilst at the break we i looking the we had, i was looking at the today's papers there's a big today's papers and there's a big double spread fact double page spread over the fact that prince , when the that when prince, when the prince along, prince philip came along, the duke edinburgh , he was duke of edinburgh, he was absolutely hated by five senior members of the royal family. they couldn't bear him. i mean, queen mary was one of them, the queen mary was one of them, the queen mother. they all hated. they thought he was too germanic. i mean, he went through a really bad time, which i didn't realise . that's that's
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interesting. >> it's great to get that historic perspective, briefly , historic perspective, briefly, neil, if you can. i think pressures put that very well. should britain give meghan markle a second chance? >> only if meghan stops actually putting out lots of stuff against the royal family. because let's face it, who started the war in all of this? it was mainly meghan and it was mainly harry who had to hype up their television shows to make them get the viewers. so i'm happy to forgive. provided that she's not going to come back and cause just more trouble. and i accept precious's point of view at all with the trolling and everything that should not happen. everything that should not happen . but i think, you know, happen. but i think, you know, let's be fair here. and i think there were a lot of the a lot of there were a lot of the a lot of the problems were started. dare i it, by, by both harry and i say it, by, by both harry and meghan and so the royals and everybody has got to draw back. but i think they have to two. so if there's going to be a negotiated settlement let's hope they come back and they actually
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are able to be friendly and then we can be friendly towards them. >> okay. well listen , mark dolan >> okay. well listen, mark dolan tonight is the home of diverse opinion . my pundits largely opinion. my pundits largely don't agree with me. what is your view market gb coming up, donald trump and joe biden lock horns in the battle for the white house. but which outcome is best for britain? i'll be asking kinsey schofield, the queen of us royal and political reporting. plus, kinsey will reflect on prince edward's 68th birthday this weekend. does the late queen's youngest son deserve more recognition? plus, we've been running a poll and it's a very simple one. does meghan markle deserve a second chance? the results are in. i shall
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next. well, listen. a very big reaction to my take at ten. meghan markle is planning a rebrand here in the uk. is it time to forgive and forget?
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actually we've got the results of our text poll. let's have a look at this. let's just pop it on the screen if you can. josh, i've been asking you all about harry and meghan, and it pertains in particular to meghan markle, look it's very markle, look folks, it's very interesting. about her interesting. it's about her future in america and in the uk. is it time to welcome her back? is it time to welcome her back? i don't have the text of the poll, so we'll bring that to you shortly. get to shortly. but let's get to your emails. no second chance till she makes up with father. she makes up with her father. says alexander. alan says have begins and precious been living on another planet. the markles are toxic. stay in america . and are toxic. stay in america. and how about this from john? last but not least, meghan is the only, is the meghan is the only reason why they get bad press because she's about me, me, me. how many chances have they had already? well, here is the poll. we've been asking a very simple question . is it time for britain question. is it time for britain to meghan markle ? the to forgive meghan markle? the results are in 91.3% say no,
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8.7% say yes. you're not in a forgiving mood. it's time now forgiving mood. it's time now for us news with the queen of american showbiz, royal and political reporting kinsey schofield and kinsey. joe biden's state of the union. he came back fighting lots of power . were you impressed ? . were you impressed? >> i'm. i'm probably more along the lines of kari lake when she called it the state of confusion . but no, i mean, no, i wasn't no , i mean, it was a speech and no, i mean, it was a speech and a performance in which he managed to stick to the teleprompter, which, of course, i try to do every night. >> how has the speech gone down in america , i, you know, in america, i, you know, honestly , i think that more was honestly, i think that more was made out of the fact that he got the young woman's name wrong, that he was trying to when he was talking, when he referred to her as lincoln. i mean, i don't think that it's been i don't know , i wouldn't this is not
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know, i wouldn't this is not necessarily my main beat. mark so i don't really think that this is something that's been on my radar very much, if i'm being honest with you . honest with you. >> of course, his supporters are very excited. what is the likelihood, kinsey, that in november it will be trump versus biden ? is it a racing certainty biden? is it a racing certainty now that it will be these two very old men battling for the biggest job in the world? >> i believe so, yes, that is what it looks like. unless something very dramatic, very drastic , americans have drastic happens, americans have pretty much accepted the fact that it's biden versus trump. >> and where is the smart money on the outcome? kinsey >> oh my goodness. honestly, i'd need to i would need miss cleo. i'd need a psychic to help me with that one. i couldn't tell you. i mean, if there if voters are anything like me , there's are anything like me, there's little to no motivation to wake up, get out of bed and go stand in line to vote for either one of these guys. >> well, indeed. mean, if >> well, indeed. i mean, if trump which many think trump wins, which many think will he's ahead
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will happen because he's ahead in polls, happens in the polls, what happens to america ? is there a civil war? america? is there a civil war? does the country have an instant collective nervous breakdown ? collective nervous breakdown? >> well, we certainly saw what appeared to be a nervous breakdown in 2016. you know, hillary clinton refused to come out when the polling seemed so high for trump. there was a very big party planned for her. and you saw the people waiting at the party. hillary was like refusing to come out to acknowledge that the polling was or her numbers looked or that that her numbers looked so looked like she so bad and it looked like she wasn't to win. and people wasn't going to win. and people just sobbing at party, just just sobbing at her party, just like their hands and knees , like on their hands and knees, just the sky. and just looking up at the sky. and it a very quickly , it became a meme very quickly, kinsey, let me tell you that, the camp, of course, the maga camp, of course, supporters of donald trump have released an extraordinary attack ad on joe biden. let's take a listen . whatever the hell they listen. whatever the hell they want . want. >> i. we
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>> i. we >> i. we >> i guess i should clear my mind here a little bit. >> we can all see joe biden's weakness if biden wins , can he weakness if biden wins, can he even survive till 20 2029? the real question is, can we make america great again, inc is responsible for the content. >> pretty devastating stuff , >> pretty devastating stuff, clearly the only story in town is joe clearly the only story in town isjoe biden's clearly the only story in town is joe biden's cognitive health. but do you think that ad went too far? was it a bit harsh , i too far? was it a bit harsh, i think that it's what everybody's saying. so no, i mean, if you look at even bill maher, who's a very famous liberal comedian, he's come out and said , we've he's come out and said, we've got to acknowledge his age. hillary clinton bizarrely saying, i think this week or last week, you know, we have to accept his age. i mean, do we do we? i don't, you know, it's i mean, we're acknowledging it, but i don't think we have to accept it as the only solution. >> well, indeed, let's get to royal news now, kinsey and happy
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birthday, edward. it's a birthday, prince edward. it's a special birthday this year. >> that's right. it's his 60th birthday. and you're seeing this very sweet video of the duke and duchess of edinburgh circulating onune duchess of edinburgh circulating online at the community sport and recreation awards on international women's day and in the video, prince edward is seen wiping away tears as his wife calls him the best of fathers and the most loving of husbands. and sophie described how similar prince edward is to prince philip. never si king compliments for himself. and you know, he just seemed, while clearly emotional and moved by his wife's acknowledgement and a mention of his birthday, you do see that element of prince philip in him where he's he shies away from that type. his body was like physically rejecting that type of attention . it was oh, so sweet to see. >> do you think that the queen's youngest son, the late queen's
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youngest son, the late queen's youngest son, the late queen's youngest son, deserves more recognition ? recognition? >> i mean, i agree that he's an incredibly valuable asset when it comes to the royal family, especially right now. while we have two key players out due to illness and recovery , but i also illness and recovery, but i also think he would probably prefer not to have any additional recognition based on the words of duchess of edinburgh of the duchess of edinburgh that, you know, he he never seeks those kind of compliments. so i think that he's appreciative , and but i don't appreciative, and but i don't think that that's something he clamours for that, that that type of acknowledgement . but i type of acknowledgement. but i do wish him a very happy 60th birthday. >> a brilliant stuff, kinsey. i wish we had longer. i'll catch you in a week's time. the fabulous kinsey schofield the queen of us showbiz, royal and political reporting. check out her excellent website and podcast, both of the same name to die for daily. now coming up, tomorrow's newspaper front pages and live reaction in the studio from my top pundits tonight it's precious muir, neil parish and showbiz legend christopher
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biggins. plus, they'll be nominating their headline heroes and back page zeroes of the day. the papers are next. see you
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>> it's10:00. »- >> it's10:00. >> it's10:00. >> i should say 1030. time for tomorrow's front pages . and we tomorrow's front pages. and we start with the observer . start with the observer. revealed legal fears over new gove definition of extremism. michael gove is set to announce a controversial plan this week to ban individuals and groups who undermine the uk's system of liberal democracy , despite fears liberal democracy, despite fears inside government that the scheme is at risk of legal challenge, officials working for gove, the secretary of state for levelling up, have drawn up plans for trailblazer departments to pilot the scheme, according to documents circulated to the home office in
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downing street. seen by the observer . okay, also, labour observer. okay, also, labour party steps up its preparations to govern all members of keir starmer's shadow cabinet are to meet top civil servants in whitehall departments before easter, as labour prepares for government and england's hero, england's marcus smith celebrates after a last minute drop goal to win the six nations match against ireland earlier today , sunday express now always today, sunday express now always a good read and labour are cowards over the boats crisis. perfect timing. labour has been branded a party of cowards and hypocrites for opposing plans to send illegal migrants to rwanda. home james cleverly home secretary james cleverly accused them of cynically resisting the flagship policy because are afraid it will because they are afraid it will work. in a blistering attack, he said that sir keir starmers party would rather carp from the sidelines than take bold action to tackle the small boats
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crisis. prince edward, at 50 sophie is my rock and that's the other story on the front page. >> she's brilliant, the express, isn't it? >> well, we'll talk about sophie wessex because she's an absolutely seems to be a fabulous princess and a great wife. why ? britain is now wife. yeah, why? britain is now the hollywood of europe last the hollywood of europe and last gasp as england end irish gasp glory as england end irish dreams. sunday. now dreams. mail on sunday. now diana's brother. how i was sexually abused at just 11 by school matron . this is a world school matron. this is a world exclusive in the mail on sunday. it's a devastating story. princess diana's brother, earl spencen princess diana's brother, earl spencer, has revealed that he was sexually abused at the age of 11 by a female member of staff at his boarding school. in an his powerful an extract from his powerful memoir , published exclusively in memoir, published exclusively in the mail on sunday, spencer the mail on sunday, earl spencer describes in devastating detail the sexual assaults and horrific beatings he suffered at maidwell hall and the lifelong damage they caused . he reveals how they caused. he reveals how a predatory assistant matron, whom he describes as a voracious
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paedophile, preyed on him and other young boys, grooming and then abusing them in their dormitory beds at night. a truly horrific and devastating story. sunday telegraph now don't march alongside extremists, gove tells protesters cameron urged to stop sniping at israel and chinese organ harvesters attended oxford seminars also , a crisis in seminars also, a crisis in masculinity prompts a labour strategy for men's health. sunday mirror mum joins first kindness class brianna ghey legacy starts in schools brianna gay's mother has inspired her. sorry brianna ghey murder has inspired her mum to go on a mission to make children kinder. esther headed into a classroom this week to launch a campaign to have mindfulness lessons made part of the school curriculum , part of the school curriculum, good idea. sun on sunday exclusive star and divorcee
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hugh's new lady. well, maria, katie and i were talking about hugh bonneville in the meeting before the show, but downton star hugh bonneville has been on a string of dates with an actress. the tv earl, who is an absolute teenager at the age of 60, and divorcee claire rankin, went back to his london flat months after he split from his wife lily . well, good luck to wife lily. well, good luck to him. he's a landowner. how can you say no to lord grantham? last but not least, daily star sunday tv snags exclusive the rocky horror show just 1 in 3 brits put on fresh socks daily, and a staggering number wear the same pair for an entire year. something has gone horribly wrong. there you go. those are your front pages. let's get reaction now from my fantastic punst reaction now from my fantastic pundits tonight. delighted to have the beloved actor and tv star christopher biggins, former conservative mp and farmer neil pansh conservative mp and farmer neil parish and tv personality and broadcaster precious muir. lots of stories to get through, but
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this one is a real shocker. and it's diana's brother in the mail on sunday. precious. how i was sexually abused at just 11 years of age by the school matron. there are no words really, are there? >> i mean, it's shocking, i think it's absolutely disgusting . and obviously i'm glad that he's coming out now, but it just it does concern me as to why it's taken so long for him to speak up, because it could have prevented other children from being hurt and abused if he'd had come, you know, if he'd have spoken up a little bit earlier. so i'm just. yeah, it's horrible . it's devastating to hear that. and would never really think and you would never really think , i know it's going to sound very but it's never very sexist, but it's never really a female being a paedophile. yeah. and it's kind of this is a shocking story of like this is a shocking story because normally it is a male. you know, person who's doing that kind of behaviour and it's just sad to hear that a just really sad to hear that a woman would actually do that to just really sad to hear that a wyoung nould actually do that to just really sad to hear that a wyoung boy.i actually do that to just really sad to hear that a wyoung boy. iactually do that to just really sad to hear that a wyoung boy. i think ly do that to just really sad to hear that a wyoung boy. i think it'so that to a young boy. i think it's stronger think, though. a young boy. i think it's strci ger think, though. a young boy. i think it's strci think think, though. a young boy. i think it's strci think it think, though. a young boy. i think it's strci think it happens|k, though. a young boy. i think it's strci think it happens a though. a young boy. i think it's strci think it happens a greatgh. >> i think it happens a great deal >> i think it happens a great deal. wow. and it's never, ever
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talked because purely of talked about because purely of that thing being a woman. yeah. but i think certainly at school there was the nursery. >> the nursery had vanessa george absolutely high george was absolutely high profile example. absolutely. but you taboo to you think that it's a taboo to draw attention to that draw attention to women that make this crime? make to commit this crime? >> i think , i think it >> well, i think, i think it probably has over probably has been over the years, i it shouldn't years, and i think it shouldn't be because i think it is. you're right. people knew right. you know, if people knew about there's about it, obviously there's a lot incidences that just lot more incidences that we just don't about. don't know about. >> you said, it's >> yes. as you said, it's probably the headline. >> yes. as you said, it's pro i'vey the headline. >> yes. as you said, it's pro i've never; headline. >> yes. as you said, it's pro i've never really line. >> yes. as you said, it's pro i've never really heard of >> i've never really heard of the headline. >> is that children >> nil. is that a small children in institutions like in closed institutions like boarding vulnerable. boarding schools are vulnerable. >> see to everyone, >> they are you see to everyone, not just boarding schools. there's homes, there's been children's homes, all things , hasn't all sorts of things, hasn't there? hospitals? the churches have been involved and all sorts . and so, yes, i mean, i think i take pressure at this point that it's usually men perpetrating it, but there are women, and of course, you see, when you are in a, in a boarding school or an enclosed area , young boys and enclosed area, young boys and these, you know, this matron was, had authority and had a
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responsibility of care. and of course, she just abused it. and of course, the trouble is, you know, especially, you know, going back, what, 30, 40 years ago, there just wasn't enough supervision in any shape or form . and you can imagine if he said anything at the time, probably nobody would have believed him, and they'd have probably just laughed at him. and you know what most males well, you what most males say? well, you know, you would you would know, well, you would you would have probably enjoyed it. well, well, definitely. have probably enjoyed it. well, well,mean tely. have probably enjoyed it. well, well,mean ,ely. have probably enjoyed it. well, well,mean , that would be that >> i mean, that would be that would have been the attitude at that time. >> ew— >> most definitely. mar—a—lago goes out guy. listen, goes out to this guy. listen, we've those marches we've also had those marches sunday telegraph there's the front march front page. don't march alongside extremists, gove tells protesters this, as it was revealed this week that the anti—extremism tsar suggested that london is a no go area for jewish people at the weekend. but listen and developing story from today's march. and this is quite extraordinary. it's a guy called nick ghorbani, who was on one of the marches, were in
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central london, actually . and if central london, actually. and if you look at this footage, you'll see him being apprehended by the met police. he's just basically been manhandled. now, this is a guy that was holding a placard that said hamas are terrorists. you can see from this footage that he's furious that he's now being apprehended very aggressively and physically by the police. but his great alleged crime was a placard that said, hamas are terrorists and he wants justice. he the police have denied that. i'll give you their statement in just a moment. but he's been on twitter. this guy has been saying, should complain saying, who should i complain to when speaks when the law enforcer speaks lies ? absolutely shameful. he lies? absolutely shameful. he says, i've got to tell you that a top lawyer has had comment on this. stephen barrett, who's a respected lawyer who's been on the show a few times, has said that the met police have blamed the victim. and he says you pushed him, took his stuff and
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arrested him. and you think that arrested him. and you think that a press statement admitting it, but splitting hairs over the technical reason for arrest will make it better? the police are failing, says stephen barrett. >> as a top lawyer, didn't friends of him have to go and prove show this film before they released ? released him? >> it seems so. now let's get that statement from met that statement from the met police shocking police but that's shocking footage. this footage. this guy has got this placard which says that hamas are terrorists. here is the met's police statement. okay, i'll read it out to you . and i'll read it out to you. and they say a video has been posted on x alleging officers arrested a man for having an anti hamas placard. this is not accurate . placard. this is not accurate. he was arrested after an altercation was ongoing and officers intervened to prevent a breach of the peace. he was arrested for assault. officers then received video footage and reviewed footage provided of the incident and he was later de—arrested. the arrest was not made in relation to the placard, but that said begins it looks like the met police have got their knickers in a twist here.
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>> well, i think it's very difficult for the police nowadays. i mean, you know, with all against this all these marches against this and that it's and against that and it's i wouldn't want to be a policeman. i they do very, very i think they do a very, very good and of course, there good job. and of course, there are who don't do a are a few who, who don't do a good who are, you know, do good job, who are, you know, do terrible sexually with terrible things sexually with people and have you. but people and what have you. but i think got to be very think they've got to be very careful things this . i careful with things like this. i mean, not good news for mean, this is not good news for the police doing this. the police to be doing this. well, definitely. >> certainly a good >> it's certainly not a good look someone holding look to see someone holding a hamas terrorist placard hamas are terrorist placard being and then being manhandled. and then ultimately, arrested . neil. >> i mean, he was very brave to go there at this march with, with a placard saying that hamas are terrorists because and he was controversial. absolutely right. think this right. and you see, i think this is its wider point where i think that, know, the police that, you know, the police actually are probably got enough powers . now they just need powers now. now they just need to use them more wisely. exactly and they got this one wrong. and to understand the situation, understand the situation and where is lot of where there is a lot of anti—jewish feeling going on, the police need to take more
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action. i don't think necessarily, mark, we need more laws. i think we need to enforce the laws we've got properly and as christopher said, it is almost impossible for the police. but they definitely made a mistake here. yeah. and i think they also making a mistake when they're you know, crying. we will drive basically the israelis into the sea, well you know, that is wrong. and they have to be tolerated that they've turned a blind eye. they have, you see, and they , they, have, you see, and they, they, they have they have enough powers present moment powers at the present moment because think parliament because i think parliament spends know, spends its lifetime. you know, creating more, more laws and more powers for, for the police. but half the time it's about enforcing it and not just putting more and more legislation on top of what we've already got. because in the end, you do affect freedom of speech as well. so it's getting the balance right. and i think here i think it's more the police have to view review what they're doing. yeah. however difficult because i think that's what the
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issue is. >> this guy is called a maniac. ghorbani i've invited him onto the show and my team are going to work on this, tonight and tomorrow to see whether we can get him on tomorrow night's show. but i believe that we've got a video him offering got a video of him offering his side take a listen i >> -- >> he told me, is it danger for your life and for the people when they see maybe attacked ? when they see maybe attacked? >> and what did your sign say, exactly? >> how much is terrorist ? this >> how much is terrorist? this is a yeah. >> no, that was the police. and that's what your sign said. >> i told the police they attacked me, and i want to complain . he said, go to police complain. he said, go to police station near your home. >> well, there you go. i mean, this guy has suffered an injury at the hands of the police. they've de—arrested him after watching video footage. i mean, honestly , you get better honestly, you get better refereeing at the fa cup final. what a shocker. we'll get you more on that as it comes in a couple of other stories, how
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about this one precious muir? labour are cowards over the boats crisis. now, i think the home secretary, james cleverly, has got a point because some people approve of the rwanda plan. it's morally plan. others think it's morally wrong. of course, it's very expensive it certainly expensive and it certainly hasn't yet. so up hasn't worked yet. so it's up for debate. bothers me for debate. what bothers me about labour is that they will scrap rwanda even if it works. >> yeah, well, i think personally it's not going to work, so they probably are wasting more money than we have . wasting more money than we have. and they're continuing trying to fight the situation where we're never going to resolve this. so let's just get rid of the fact that this is never going to happen. yeah. believe it. and happen.yeah.beueveit.and then happen. yeah. believe it. and then we can move on. i think both parties involved is trying to sell a dream that's never going to happen. >> you think? >> you think? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> i mean this is going to be how much of a political issue is this going be at the this going to be at the election? immigration election? illegal immigration crashes election? illegal immigration cra:well, i think it's huge. >> well, i think it's huge. >> well, i think it's huge. >> i mean, there's so many people to you know, people going to you know, obviously people obviously a lot of people have an opinion and an opinion on it. and we just don't uk just
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don't really want the uk just overpopulated with illegal immigrants . overpopulated with illegal immigrants. it's like i've always supported and i will always supported and i will always supported and i will always support because my father came here to the uk from cuba and wanted to start a better life, but he came here legally with his paperwork, with his documentation, with his passport, and he came on a plane. so at the end of the day, yes, i do believe that legal immigration is important, but illegal immigration is causing the uk a lot of problems. yeah, most definitely. >> neil, is this an opportunity for conservatives to make a bit of political capital? i mean, is this the game changing policy that could turn things around for them? >> i mean, it could do i think it's still a high risk policy because like i said, actually getting place the getting it in place by the election probably unlikely . election is probably unlikely. but i think what it does do is send a clear message that , you send a clear message that, you know, come across, you're know, if you come across, you're going get to and going to get sent to rwanda. and that's it's about, not that's what it's about, not really sending people to rwanda or sending the message for those that are paying a lot of money
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to these gangs, and it's really going to happen. i mean, think going to happen. i mean, i think it help . i mean, i don't it will help. i mean, i don't think it'll cure at all. so but i think where i think labour is really wrong that they have really wrong is that they have really wrong is that they have really politicised this. and of course, will that they course, they will say that they will illegal migration. will tackle, illegal migration. but they've got no real way of doing it. and so therefore all they're doing all the time is hitting conservatives. hitting at the conservatives. and know , haven't got and yes, you know, haven't got it right. but migration, you it all right. but migration, you look whole of europe, look across the whole of europe, you look at america, you look everywhere. is huge issue. everywhere. it is a huge issue. and you've had this very, quite right minister in right wing prime minister in italy that got elected to stop it. but she hasn't and she won't because it's very difficult, very swiftly. >> do you agree with precious that rwanda is dead on arrival? is it a white elephant ? is it a white elephant? >> i think it's in danger of being so. i won't go quite so far as as a total weight of it. but i think but i think the, the elephant is growing all the time. i think, i think they just chose the wrong place. >> think rwanda a good >> i think rwanda is not a good place send people to. i think
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place to send people to. i think they could have them they could have sent them somewhere else. monaco yes. perfect i've got friends there that put them up. >> well there is there's an element of snobbery about you have there's an element of snobbery about rwanda, isn't there? >> there is that. and i think the person chose who the person who chose that, who i don't it was, chose badly. >> interesting stuff. do you think that those flights will ever air? ever to take the air? >> i don't think so. >> i don't think so. >> not before the general >> no, not before the general election. they'll probably election. and they'll probably be afterwards. be shelved afterwards. >> certainly not. >> certainly not. >> folks, >> well, listen, folks, let me tell you that we've got much more come, more pages. more to come, more front pages. plus, visited parish's plus, i visited neil parish's farm in taunton and we've got exclusive pictures and video footage. i'm wearing wellies . footage. i'm wearing wellies. so, you know, this is a trigger warning for some of you. so look, there you go. my adventures in the countryside next. plus more front pages. and my nominate their my pundits nominate their headune my pundits nominate their headline page headline heroes and back page heroes the day. lots to get heroes of the day. lots to get through. you in two.
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okay, folks, one more set of front pages. and it is the sunday times. do your worst, josh. let's have a look. birthday boy. josh. director another year older, very handsome he he handsome chap he is. he looks about know, you're about 25. you know, you're getting when directors look getting old when directors look younger. absolutely. okay. younger. yeah, absolutely. okay. and is let's have and the headline is let's have a look. just my papers look. i've just moved my papers around. johnson flew for secret talks with autocrats. a bit of a scandal there surrounding, boris johnson. borisjohnson scandal there surrounding, boris johnson. boris johnson secretly flew to venezuela last month for unofficial talks with its autocratic leader, nicolas maduro . england slam irish hopes maduro. england slam irish hopes sunaki maduro. england slam irish hopes sunak i will squeeze benefits to cut tax and 33 grenfell tower officers sue for trauma. oh, there you go. those are your front pages. i'll get to my pundits, heroes and villains shortly . but let me tell you shortly. but let me tell you that just a few weeks ago, i visited neil parish's lovely farm. he's a former tory mp, but he's a very successful farmer as
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well. maria, do we those well. maria, do we have those outrageous images yet? all right, well, look what we'll do. i'll give you the exclusive pictures a moment. first, my pictures in a moment. first, my punst pictures in a moment. first, my pundits to nominate pundits are going to nominate their heroes and back their headline heroes and back page zero. so who is your headune page zero. so who is your headline hero today? christopher biggins margot robbie, actress. >> and >> yes, the actress because. and barbie. and tomorrow is the oscars and she will be ignored again. oh, and it's so interesting that that film has taken more money than any other film that's been nominated or what have you. and she, i'm pleased to say, has earned personally $50 million so far. that's right. >> why has she got points? >> why has she got points? >> she's got no, she's she's one of the producers. >> is that right? >> is that right? >> it's a wonderful film and >> and it's a wonderful film and i think disgusting how i think it's disgusting how they've treated her. >> you be the >> will you be watching the oscars with glass of bubbly? oscars with a glass of bubbly? >> i will, i wait . >> i will, and i can't wait. >> oh, good. indeed. listen, that showbiz showbiz there . that showbiz and showbiz there. can you, neil, your front can i ask you, neil, your front page hero president page headline hero president zelenskyy from ukraine. >> because i think he is holding back the russians. the west are
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jittery. they're not. we're not providing them with enough weapons. and i think the man's very brave and he keeps going. and the ukrainians are very brave and will rue the day that we don't actually support the ukrainians enough. i'm not talking about britain. i'm talking about britain. i'm talking about britain. i'm talking about america now, with the republicans paying stupid politics in, in, in the house. you know, we really need to help because you know, putin won't necessarily stop in the ukraine and there's going to be so many lives lost. and we've supported them so far, and we've got them into a situation where they've held the russians back. in fact, they took some ground, but they are now under huge pressure. we must support them more. but i think he's a very brave man. >> vladimir zelenskyy, your hero. it's a heroine hero. well, it's a heroine tonight. precious. >> yes. >> ea- ea“ >> meghan markle, because she called trolls on social called out the trolls on social media. she's highlighting the fact obviously there's fact that obviously there's severe abuse online and we need to stop, to stop. we need to stop, obviously for everyone, just obviously for everyone, not just meghan for everyone.
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meghan markle, for everyone. >> and on that, we can all agree. say in my take agree. and i did say in my take at ten that some the at ten that some of the treatment she gets online is unacceptable and overly harsh. briefly can folks, back briefly if you can folks, back page briefly if you can folks, back page who is your page zero, who is your zero tonight? christopher rupert murdoch, he's about to marry murdoch, 92, he's about to marry for the sixth time. he's engaged and i don't know why she would marry a multi—billionaire. yes. why? his good looks. good. why? just his good looks. good. well. he's gorgeous. >> exactly. neil, your zero. >> exactly. neil, your zero. >> well, mine's the other side of coin, vladimir putin, for of the coin, vladimir putin, for his absolute vicious war and continuing war, and he's just flattening and driving the ukrainians out, killing people, flattening and just a flattening ukraine, and just a horrible man who is taking us over a sovereign state. >> war crimes are plenty precious. your your back page zero keir starmer because i believe that he had not acknowledged that we need labour to have a female leader and he's not done anything about it. >> i think he needs to step down because we would we would really benefit from having a female labour leader. >> yeah . interesting.
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>> yeah, yeah. interesting. >> yeah, yeah. interesting. >> okay folks. well look, my thanks brilliant pundits thanks to my brilliant pundits tonight really enjoyed their company. is me down on the company. this is me down on the farm with neil parish. we had a brilliant times. lovely wife. sue made the most fabulous food. there is one of sue. >> well, that's that's not sue. >> well, that's that's not sue. >> he's a lot more attractive than that. that's right, that's it. that's a good, good hereford. >> that's a hereford cow. and that's , that's neil parish's that's, that's neil parish's head there, but as you can see, there's a really, really gorgeous creature there, but it's such a well kept farm. it's got beautiful lovely got beautiful land, lovely location. important to location. and, it's important to understand what the farmers do because they provide the food that we all enjoy. and we couldn't do anything without farmers . so we've got to look farmers. so we've got to look after them. not just neil, but everyone there. not just everyone out there. not just jeremy either. it's jeremy clarkson either. it's hard it's a great hard work and it's a great vocation, thanks to my top pundits, back tomorrow at pundits, i am back tomorrow at nine. headliners is . next nine. headliners is. next >> that warm feeling inside from
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boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office as we move into sunday. it remains cloudy and damp across many areas and we keep that keen easterly breeze too. and that's thanks to this area of low pressure . just sat area of low pressure. just sat to the south of the uk, feeding in of cloud outbreaks of in areas of cloud outbreaks of rain, tight isobars rain, the tight isobars indicating that brisk easterly wind there too for the rest of saturday into the early hours of sunday it remains cloudy. further outbreaks of rain, which could be heavy at times across parts of england and wales and then pushes northwards as we move towards the end of move through towards the end of the night, temperatures generally staying above freezing for the vast majority of us due to the cloud and the outbreaks of rain. so for most it's a cloudy, damp start to sunday morning. there could be a few glimmers of sunshine across central southern parts of england into parts of england later on into parts of wales, but for most of us it will be cloudy. further outbreaks of rain at times and
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nofice outbreaks of rain at times and notice the wind still coming in off the north sea, so eastern coasts particularly chilly for the time of year. best of the temperatures towards the west and southwest , temperatures towards the west and southwest, reaching double figures brighter figures in any brighter spells into monday. another cloudy day, the wind still driving in outbreaks of rain and low cloud from the north. see the best of any brighter spells will be across western but even across western areas, but even here it will remain on the cloudy side and remains cloudy side and it remains cloudy side and it remains cloudy right through much of the week. largely dry, though there will be some light rain and the winds generally start to winds will generally start to ease too. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> good evening. i'm ray anderson in the gb newsroom. headunesis anderson in the gb newsroom. headlines is coming right up. but first, our top stories tonight. the met police say they
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want to speak to two people relating to a report of hate speech following pro—palestine marches in london today. speech following pro—palestine marches in london today . the marches in london today. the force posted an image of two women using loudhailers , who women using loudhailers, who they say could assist detectives with their inquiries. they're urging anyone who knows them to get in touch. thousands of people took part in the palestine solidarity campaign protests in both london and glasgow. today. they're demanding immediate demanding an immediate ceasefire. the met police says there was no significant public order disturbance, but six people were arrested and one man was later de—arrested . the was later de—arrested. the ministry of defence has confirmed reports of a fire on board its flagship aircraft carrier, hms queen elizabeth, this morning. the royal navy vesselis this morning. the royal navy vessel is currently docked at glen mallan in scotland. the mod said the fire was quickly brought under control and there are no reported injuries. no ordnance was involved in the incident . they're now working incident. they're now working with scottish fire and rescue to establish the cause . the pm says


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