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tv   Patrick Christys Tonight  GB News  March 11, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm GMT

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gb news. >> it's 9 pm. i'm patrick christys tonight. >> i think that we have cancelled this film. and will not be showing it again . not be showing it again. >> welcome to blasphemy , britain also. >> and like i said before , it's >> and like i said before, it's my country has to come first. and i'm scared of what we're doing at the moment in this country. we are giving this country. we are giving this country away and it's got to stop now. >> lee anderson joins us live and bizarre and after the bizarre photoshopping of an official photo, is it time for the royals to come clean about the princess of wales? plus, who's side are our police on? on my panel tonight it's the one and only carole malone, trade unionist andy mcdonald and the daily express political editor sam lester . oh, and it wasn't a
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lester. oh, and it wasn't a happy mother's day in liverpool . happy mother's day in liverpool. get ready britain, here we go. a stark warning for the future of britain . next. of britain. next. >> patrick. thank you and good evening . the top stories from evening. the top stories from the gb newsroom. lee anderson says he would still have defected to the reform uk party, even if he hadn't been suspended from the conservatives. he became the party's first mp this morning after he lost the tory whip for claiming that islamists had got hold of the london mayor as recently as january. mr anderson said it was not a proper political party. he now says reform will allow him to speak out on behalf of millions ,
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speak out on behalf of millions, as party leader richard tice says reform would aim to build a red wall in traditionally conservative constituencies . conservative constituencies. >> i'm delighted to announce that i have found that champion of the red wall for reform uk. he's also, coincidentally going to be reform uk's first member of parliament in the house of commons. he is, of course , a commons. he is, of course, a person of great integrity, no nonsense and is the member of parliament in the county of nottinghamshire for ashfield. please welcome mr lee anderson . please welcome mr lee anderson. >> the government has pledged over £117 million to safeguard mosques, muslim schools and community centres over the next four years. the funding, unveiled today, follows the prime minister's promise to allocate more than £70 million to protect jewish community sites. the government condemned a recent rise in reported
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anti—muslim and anti—jewish hatred. ministers say they expect the police to fully investigate all hate crimes . the investigate all hate crimes. the energy regulator, ofgem, is looking at ways to protect consumers from spiralling costs amid a record number of unpaid bills, around £3.1 billion of debts are piling up as concerns grow over the high cost of household bills. it's after the price of energy in an average british home hit more than 3500 pounds a year last october. two other news the princess of wales has apologised for an altered family photo released by kensington palace . posting to kensington palace. posting to social media, she admitted that like many amateur photographers, she occasionally experiments with editing and editing, adding she was sorry for any confusion it caused . the mother's day it caused. the mother's day image taken by the prince of wales was withdrawn by various global photo agencies after suspicions that a number of edits may have been made . king
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edits may have been made. king charles has thanked the public for their support in a video message to a service celebrating commonwealth day, the queen joined the prince of wales at westminster abbey for today's service. this year's event drew on the theme of resilience against a backdrop of health worries within the family. queen camilla also attended a reception at marlborough house in london, where she met south african dancers and members of a samoan band. and though he missed today's events, the king reaffirmed his commitment to the 56 member countries. >> as i've said before, the commonwealth is like the wiring of a house and its people are energy and our ideas are the current that runs through those wires together and individually. we are strengthened by sharing perspectives and experiences. my belief in our shared endeavours and in the potential of our people remains a sure and strong
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as it has ever been . as it has ever been. >> for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or you can go to gb news. com slash alerts. now patrick, it is back to you . it is back to you. >> we need to face facts. there is no problem with some of the rhetoric being pumped out in mosques in great britain. a new generation of hardline islamist extremists are ready to take violent action. if you insult their religion . remarkably, the their religion. remarkably, the taxpayer is paying arguably for the radicalised action of some people. lewisham islamic centre in south london, for example, is chief imam. reportedly shakeel begg once called on young muslims to go to palestine and fight the zionists, was given 540 grand by the taxpayer between 2015 and 2020. the charity commission is investigating after a religious leader in southall scolded muslims who have not prepared for jihad. one in bradford
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forjihad. one in bradford called for victory to the mujahideen of palestine . varne mujahideen of palestine. varne one manchester mosque sermon at the end of friday prayers called for al—aqsa mosque to be freed from the dirty, usurping and aggressing zionists, while an onune aggressing zionists, while an online sermon praised hamas for their moral victory over israel . their moral victory over israel. and now the commission for countering extremism has published a report with these key findings about blasphemy by a new generation of uk based anti—blasphemy. activists are anti —blasphemy. activists are aspiring anti—blasphemy. activists are aspiring to make blasphemy a central concern for british muslims. tehreek e labbaik , an muslims. tehreek e labbaik, an anti—blasphemy political party in pakistan , appears to be in pakistan, appears to be developing a uk presence. islamist terrorist groups continue to call for violent reprisals for instances of blasphemy. now we have had a flashpoint and the report suggests that tehreek e labbaik, that group, has been at the centre of most of them. batley grammar school a teacher shows a picture to the prophet muhammad of the prophet muhammad. to some
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kids, massive protest. here is one man outside the school gates clearly calling for blasphemy laws. >> the incident from monday 22nd of march must also be investigated from a criminal perspective. yes, given that it was a clear attempt to stir up religious hatred, we also use this opportunity to call upon the entire british muslim community to review the materials being taught in their children's schools. >> there were protests in birmingham and many other places over the screening of that film. the lady in heaven was depicted muhammad's daughter. people mobbed up and cinemas caved in. cineworld sent an employee out with a microphone to apologise , with a microphone to apologise, confirming that we have cancelled this film and will not be showing it again . be showing it again. >> we value you as customers . we >> we value you as customers. we value you all as our customers within the heart of this community at a local level. it wasn't our decision to show this
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film, it came from above. we totally agree with what you're saying and we are not prepared at this cinema to show this film i >> -- >> roshan saleh, the editor for the news platform five pillars, wrote a review for the site describing the film as pure, unadulterated, sectarian filth. they wanted it banned because it offended muslims. it was blasphemous. in wakefield , an blasphemous. in wakefield, an autistic boy scuffed a copy of the quran. the local mosque demanded his mother and the police turned up to apologise. they put this on social they even put this on social media. they're saying, oh, the matter's finished . but matter's not quite finished. but then today it emerged the man in then today it emerged the man in the running to be the government's anti—hate tsar, government's anti —hate tsar, fiyaz quit government's anti—hate tsar, fiyaz quit before fiyaz mughal, has quit before he's even started. why? well, he does blame pushback from some far right extremists, but he also makes this very revealing comment. he says, i am angry because the government has been saying for decades, where are the british muslims speaking out? when we speak out, we are
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left our own the left to our own devices. the impact on our personal and professional enormous . professional lives is enormous. well, why is that? could it be that there is a problem within aspects of the muslim community that deems any pushback on islamist extremism to be blasphemous and punishable with extreme violence? he goes on to say, it's infiltrated our civil service as well. he says they have civil servants who have sympathies groups . sympathies with these groups. look, are these some look, the facts are these some mosques are platforming and spreading radical material. mosques are platforming and spreading radical material . an spreading radical material. an extreme anti—blasphemy group is operating in the uk, and we have seen anti—blasphemy movements with our own eyes, and extremists are threatening people who try to call this out and stop it . there people who try to call this out and stop it. there is people who try to call this out and stop it . there is another, and stop it. there is another, more damning fact though, isn't there? our politicians and our police are far too weak to do anything about it. they're too scared . let's get the thoughts scared. let's get the thoughts now of my panel. i have the wonderful columnist carole malone. i've got trade unionist
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andy mcdonald and the political editor at the daily express . editor at the daily express. it's sam lister. carole, i'll start with you . blasphemy laws start with you. blasphemy laws in the uk. i mean, how long is it seriously, before these are genuinely written into law? we need to root this out, don't we? yeah we do. >> i mean, we have blasphemy laws here until 2008 and thank god they were abolished god that they were abolished then. that was a victory for then. and that was a victory for thought. freedom and speech freedom. and it was good that it happened. but what's happening now, that group that you mentioned that in pakistan , that mentioned that in pakistan, that group advocates mob beheadings of and those people of blasphemous and those people are being given members of that party in the uk group are being given a platform in mosques in this country. that's that radicalises people that in turn causes terrible terrorism. we cannot have one religion in this country. britain is a secular country. britain is a secular country. we cannot have one religion that escapes criticism or censure. and that's what i think a lot of these extremist muslims are asking for. and you alluded to it in your in your monologue there where you said
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that we have cops who are scared to do anything about it. you mentioned kids. there were mentioned some kids. there were four i think, were four kids, i think, who were suspended in suspended from a school in kettlethorpe, had just kettlethorpe, and they had just scuffed the pages of a quran. my god, the fuss that was made over that. the local muslim a that. the local muslim mp, a labour mp , called it the labour mp, called it the desecration of the quran. it was not the desecration and the mosques had had to be explained to the local mosques that the quran hadn't been destroyed, that it was okay. then the cops got involved, then the four kids were suspended. have you ever seen that kind of reaction over a being damaged or the a bible being damaged or the torah being damaged? no you haven't. so one religion is already being it's been it's been allowed to do and say what it wants without censure. and to threaten our own mps. >> do you think that we need to have a bit of an investigation into what's going on in some mosques ? mosques? >> well, i'd say, yeah, particularly if it's taxpayers money to fund money that's being used to fund these, know, that's directly these, you know, that's directly unked these, you know, that's directly linked us directly our linked to us and directly in our interest. but know, interest. but you know, we've had secretaries the
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had five home secretaries in the last clearly, this last five years. clearly, this government taking any government is not taking any domestic seriously domestic issue seriously because, , the because, you know, the government have been on government should have been on top if deemed top of this if it's deemed extreme pakistan, is extreme in pakistan, which is a muslim country. you know, muslim country. yes. you know, imagine how extreme we'll find it as non—muslim country. it's it as a non—muslim country. it's absolutely there. yeah, exactly. it's that it's ridiculous that the government have allowed this to happen and it's gone under the radar. you think the security services you services or someone in, you know, large whitehall know, the large whitehall security machine would have seen this coming? security machine would have seen this corridiculous. i think it's >> it's ridiculous. i think it's fair. do think it's fair. sam, do you think it's that fear of being called islamophobic ? maybe. islamophobic? maybe. >> i think this is a big problem. and actually, was problem. and actually, i was thinking back, blasphemy has been an been thrown around as an accusation by all types of faith for many, many years. >> you only to go back to >> you only have to go back to the life of brian, example. the life of brian, for example. and a huge uproar then and there was a huge uproar then i going see jerry i remember going to see jerry spnnger i remember going to see jerry springer about springer the opera about 20 years was a protest years ago. there was a protest outside that theatre, but the difference was the protest was then. nobody who went to that theatre felt under threat. nobody had to go into hiding as a result of any of these actions. it's a very
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actions. and so it's a very different climate now. and i think actually all it's understandable that nobody , understandable that nobody, anybody of faith, they don't want their religion mocked or insulted . but actually the great insulted. but actually the great thing about britain is that everybody is open to mockery, everybody is open to mockery, everybody is open to mockery, everybody is open to being offended. that is the point of britain. it's the point of a free speech nation that nobody should be protected from being mocked or from being offended. and i think this is the big problem we've got now. >> and it's the rush to violence as well, is the thing. >> there is a rush of violence and we've seen it, you know, with of these protests, with some of these protests, we've our we've seen that obviously our own threatened. own mps have been threatened. you has now you know, the government has now had multi—millions to had to give multi—millions to have threatened. and have our mps threatened. and they scared tell us they even too scared to tell us what the are in case what the threats are in case they so we can't have they realise. so we can't have this, this kind climate where this, this kind of climate where this, this kind of climate where this and sam is right. this happens. and sam is right. no i no religion should be mocked. i mean, was also thinking, i mean, but i was also thinking, i was thinking, know, was thinking, you know, we've all once workplace have all seen once a workplace have been to remove a crucifix. been asked to remove a crucifix. can you imagine would can you imagine what would happen asked a woman to
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happen if you asked a woman to remove a hijab? i mean, that would be regarded as a gross insult. well, why is more insult. well, why is it more insulting than than asking insulting than other than asking a take off his or a catholic to take off his or her crucifix? think and her crucifix? so i think and i think a lot of people are angry now because think now because they think exceptions being and exceptions are being made, and that be the case. that can't be the case. >> know this individual who >> i know this individual who was supposedly going to be the government's tsar has quit government's hate tsar has quit before even begun. before he's even begun. he did mention threats he'd received from far right extremists , as from far right extremists, as well as, islamist extremists. i mean , he did devote i think it's mean, he did devote i think it's important to say a lot more time to the threats from islamist extremists, which i think does imply vast majority of imply why the vast majority of the coming from the threats are coming from them. you know, there is them. but, you know, there is a concern there, isn't there, that we just as a country now we are just as a country now getting extreme. whilst getting more extreme. and whilst i'm absolutely not, i'm definitely to excuse i'm absolutely not, i'm defi kind' to excuse i'm absolutely not, i'm defi kind of to excuse i'm absolutely not, i'm defi kind of behaviour» excuse i'm absolutely not, i'm defi kind of behaviour whatsoever any kind of behaviour whatsoever . when people do see things like batley what batley grammar, like what happenedin batley grammar, like what happened in wakefield, like what's the what's maybe going out on the streets every single saturday, etc. i worry that that is fuelling the far right. >> yeah, i mean yeah, it gives
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them kind of a thing to brandish and go, oh look, you know, even when probably 99% of british muslims are good, honest , hard muslims are good, honest, hard working people, they'll cling on to this 1. they'll go, oh, well, they're like that. and it's they're all like that. and it's absolutely, it's absolutely, you know, it's terrible . but, you know, on the terrible. but, you know, on the advisor, should have an advisor, we should have an islamophobic national islamophobia adviser. we've got a anti—semitism advisor a national anti—semitism advisor , lord john mann. don't see , lord john mann. i don't see a reason we shouldn't have reason why we shouldn't have a other one for islam. >> that guy had a point there when he said that he's not looked after. you know that a lot muslims speak out lot of muslims who speak out aren't taken of. and aren't taken care of. and i think is true. you know, if think that is true. you know, if a muslim condemns it, a terrorist attack by by islamists, they are in trouble in their community. >> do you think that there's a chance that this country is currently bullied by currently being bullied by islamists? you can't islamists? you know, you can't speak particularly speak out about it, particularly because never your because it's never worth your while. politicians while. we've had politicians try and it, and they always end and do it, and they always end up then quitting up apologising and then quitting at some point. >> i think that's the >> i mean, i think that's the problem, isn't it? actually, problem, isn't it? and actually, this phrase, islamophobia is a phrase government's phrase that the government's reluctant engage reluctant to kind of engage with. to it with. they want to call it anti—muslim i think anti—muslim hate. and i think
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that's it to that's because they want it to be racism, rather than be about racism, rather than about the faith itself . and about the faith itself. and actually, you should be free to criticise a faith. there are aspects of islam that it is perfectly legitimate to criticise and it should not be given a special status in this country. that that in a way implies that there are 2a2 tier system for citizenship . and system for citizenship. and actually we're all equal before the law. so it shouldn't be this special status for just the law. so it shouldn't be this special status forjust people special status for just people of islam. >> people just going to say the french have actually banned the word islamophobia because they say means can't say that means you can't criticise them , which criticise them, which makes total sense. >> absolutely. watch >> yeah, absolutely. well, watch this course, there this space. of course, there was a reports out a series of reports out recently, latest which recently, the latest of which was which that was today, which was that hardline basically hardline islamists are basically trying to impose blasphemy laws on us here in britain , look, on us here in britain, look, we're just going to whiz you through now to something completely different because spnng completely different because spring is in the air so is spring is in the air and so is your chance to win a garden gadget package. they don't get any these a shopping any easier. these a shopping spree and an incredible £12,345
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please check the closing time if watching or listening on demand. good luck , good luck. good luck, good luck. >> still to come, lee anderson's bombshell switch from the tories to reform uk has sent shockwaves through westminster. so is this a new dawn in british politics that finally blows apart the conservative labour rule? well, the man himself joins me live in this very studio at 10 pm. but before that , tory mp daniel before that, tory mp daniel kawczynski gives his reaction . kawczynski gives his reaction. what are the tories doing about this? but up next, in the head to head, as five of the world's biggest picture agencies recall, the princess of wales, now infamous mother's day infamous and edited mother's day photograph more photograph and even more conspiracy theories are swirling over is it time for over her health, is it time for kensington palace to just come clean and tell us all about kate king charles's former butler, grant harrold and journalist sarah robertson do battle in that in just a tick. it's patrick christys tonight. we're only on
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gb news. welcome back to patrick christys tonight on gb news. now coming up, tory mp daniel kawczynski gives me his verdict on lee anderson's shock defection to reform fm. how worried are the tories? but first, it's time for our head to head . so the our head to head. so the princess of wales was last seen in public at sandringham on
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christmas day before kensington palace made the shock announcement on the 17th of january that she'd undergone planned abdominal surgery and wouldn't be back on public duty until after easter. but in response to rampant internet speculation , kensington palace speculation, kensington palace reiterated on the 29th of february that the princess was, quote, doing well and that there would no longer be regular updates on her recovery. now fast forward to yesterday and a beaming family picture of the princess of wales and her children released to mark mother's day. it was supposed to put an end to all this speculation, but instead the picture has plunged the royal family into crisis. after multiple news agencies killed the image over claims had the image over claims it had been digitally manipulated. indeed, it's been pointed out that of princess that part of princess charlotte's wrist is missing. there's an inconsistency with the zip on kate's jacket and there it is. and the patterns on prince louis jumper don't seem to line up. oh, gosh. scandal
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scandal. and in a tweet earlier today, the princess of wales came clean. she said like many amateur photographers , i do amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion. the family photograph we shared yesterday has caused. but after fuelling more wild fuelling yet more wild conspiracy theories tonight i'm asking is it time for the palace to tell all about kate ? let me to tell all about kate? let me know your thoughts. email me gb views or gb news. com tweet me out gb news. while you're there, go vote in our poll. i'll go and vote in our poll. i'll bnng go and vote in our poll. i'll bring the results shortly. bring you the results shortly. but going head to head on this, i joined by the former i am joined now by the former royal butler, grand herald and royal commentator royal journalist and commentator sarah both of sarah roberts. and both of you. thank very much, thank you very, very much, sarah. you. sarah. i'll start with you. should the palace come clean about kate? >> long overdue, about kate? >> coming long overdue, about kate? >> coming clean,ng overdue, about kate? >> coming clean, patrick, ue, about coming clean, patrick, about coming clean, patrick, about going on with about what's going on with princess catherine. this has been short of a pr been nothing short of a pr disaster, which has actually turned into something rather sinister . turned into something rather sinister. the conspiracy theories that have been rolling now on the internet ever since
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the palace released that first statement to say that princess catherine was having abdominal surgery have just blown out of all proportion. and then yesterday we saw the palace. well, kate herself released this image of herself. it was a beautiful image of her smiling with the children. it was very happy. with the children. it was very happy- i with the children. it was very happy. i looked at it, glimpsed at it very quickly, thought it was lovely. and, you know, she did that thinking it was going to sort of do enough to deter the naysayers. but however, you can't professional photo can't fool professional photo agencies and people who are working in that governing body because all these mistakes on further scrutiny were shown up. i think there was nearly 17 mistakes that were shown, which looked to be the case of photoshop, but very, very heavily doctored photoshop. and what i would say is, do we really remote believe that princess catherine did this herself and released it in all innocence without kensington palace ever having seen it? no, i don't there's a lot more to
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this than what we're being told. and this is why they need to come and say what is going on, because yet again, as a result of this, it absolutely smacks of a cover up, as you've said. and as a result of this, the conspiracy theories are even worse. i'm not going to repeat them, but there's some really, really vindictive, vicious and perfidious things that are going around on the internet right now , not by the press, but by social media. and the palace could not have done a worse pr job they tried than this , if job if they tried than this, if they've just fed these trolls completely. that's why they completely. and that's why they need to do something now to put a it. a stop to it. >> i'll come back to you. look, grant, there's something weird going there? going on, isn't there? >> sarah is right. it is >> i mean, sarah is right. it is going to cause more questions than answers. i think what's than the answers. i think what's difficult , as i've said the way difficult, as i've said the way along the way, the palace work is obviously they do like to keep things secretive, but we've seen recently with the king actually admitting and talking about his health issues. obviously with cancer, i thought, is a great turning
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thought, this is a great turning point and obviously we've point. and then obviously we've now situation where it now got this situation where it appears that catherine obviously has had surgery, which we know about, but there's obviously something else going on that we're not being told about. and i think what's difficult is blaming catherine. i remember they private. they they they are very private. they they take their privacy seriously and they do not like sharing things . they do not like sharing things. but i think the difficult thing is you're the i know, is when you're the i know, senior , very senior members of senior, very senior members of the family, mean, the royal family, i mean, they're he's the next they're the next, he's the next king she'll be queen one king and she'll be queen one day. the are worried. day. and the public are worried. i i think the problem with i think i think the problem with this situation people this whole situation is people are getting are actually genuinely getting worried. phone worried. i'm getting phone calls, from friends, calls, messages from friends, family , journalists. can say family, journalists. can i say what happening? what is what's happening? because lot of because it's caused a lot of concern. and if only there was something do . again, something they could do. again, as sarah that picture, i as sarah said, that picture, i thought same . i thought, thought the same. i thought, this is great. this is actually showing that she's, showing that she's she's, you know, great. with know, looking great. she's with her but now this has her family. but now this has turned complete disaster turned into a complete disaster for think they've for them. and i think they've got be really careful with got to be really careful with this they want it this because they don't want it spiralling control more spiralling out of control more than has, because it
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than it already has, because it will. will cause more will. it will cause more problems them. will. it will cause more pro sarah, them. will. it will cause more pro sarah, whatam. will. it will cause more pro sarah, what would you to >> sarah, what would you say to people who go, just back people who go, look, just back off, this morbid off, stop this morbid fascination kate. she's fascination with kate. she's obviously leave her be. >> it's not the press that's doing this. the press always gets unfairly blamed. this is people on social media themselves . this people on social media themselves. this is this could be one of your colleagues. this is what people are talking about is what people are talking about is those water cooler moments. they're all the they're talking about it all the time. i was in the news time. when i was in the news agency this morning, some chinese came in and agency this morning, some chin
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why the agencies, the photo agencies pulled the picture last night because they weren't getting a response from the palace. patrick. they were getting no information. there was communication. they were was no communication. they were left floundering all night. so they know if this photo they didn't know if this photo was a deep fake photo. because of the number of the amount of photoshopping and editing that had been done to it, they'd never seen something like that before. so because of that, they had to pull the picture because they picture they thought, this picture is fake. has actually put fake. it has actually been put out the palace, but it's out not by the palace, but it's been altered with and we can't put out. reputations put that out. our reputations are at stake. they have to be seen be professional and seen to be professional and honest and trustworthy and have integrity. are integrity. but those are the very things that the palace is meant doing, is to be seen meant to be doing, is to be seen as trustworthy integrity. at the end they're public end of the day, they're public servants. serve us. i'm servants. they serve us. i'm a huge fan of the royals. i'm a massive royalist. this is this is a warning that they need is just a warning that they need to it carefully and more to play it carefully and more safely going forward. in the times that we're living in right
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now, and that means being more accountable and getting the trust back of the public, because the public now aren't being fed , believing what's being fed, believing what's being fed, believing what's being fed, believing what's being fed from the palace. they're not believing it. they want to see with their own eyes, and that's why they need to release the original photograph and just what was the and show just what was the original photograph. >> do you think they should release it? that's interesting. you think just just just release the i mean, the original? yes. i mean, i mean, there hide, patrick? >> w- >> what's there to hide? >> what's there to hide? >> there you go, grant. >> well, there you go, grant. i'll throw it your way. now, on this. i mean, what i can't understand is there would be a massive outpouring of love and support for kate if she did come out and say exactly what was wrong with her. understand wrong with her. i can understand initially not? but we are initially why not? but we are where are now and this where we are now and this absolute mess happened, absolute mess has happened, hasn't you know, hasn't it? and so, you know, this implies me that there's this implies to me that there's something bit sinister something a little bit sinister going what could going on, you know, what could it that would be it possibly be that would be holding this back? she would get nothing but love if she came out now said what was actually now and said what was actually going on. >> this is what i don't
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>> surely this is what i don't get. and interestingly, i actually what was actually agree with what was just about can't they just said about why can't they release original photograph? release the original photograph? because that would rid because that would just get rid of these kind of theories. of all these kind of theories. you if they gave you know, if they actually gave the is obviously the image, there is obviously something think we something going on. i think we all agree that. but what that all agree on that. but what that is, nobody and i'd like is, nobody knows. and i'd like to think that the modern royal family actually want family would actually want everyone to kind of know. i get they obviously want to have privacy. of course i understand. i we all agree that i think we all agree that everyone entitled that , everyone is entitled to that, but i we're all aware that but i think we're all aware that something and to something is wrong. and just to give of give us a bit more of information, said, people information, as you said, people would, her. you would, would support her. you know, going know, everyone's going to be there support and there wanting to support her and whatever and to help her whatever it is and to help her get through that. i think get through that. and i think this what's difficult is it's this is what's difficult is it's a that they don't feel a shame that they don't feel they that because they want to do that because she is thanking everyone for their continued she's continued support. she's she's aware of that. and, you know, the they'll be aware the of course they'll be aware of being said. and it's of what's being said. and it's also quite hurtful also going to be quite hurtful because will also read the because they will also read the negative as well. and negative comments as well. and so know it's them . i so i don't know if it's them. i don't know if it's the palace because, know, know because, you know, we all know what palace be like. and
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what the palace can be like. and when shut down, the palace when they shut down, the palace shut could that shut down so it could be that they've palace they've been told by the palace not information, not not to give the information, not to anything. this is the to say anything. this is the problem. don't actually problem. we don't actually know where actually coming where where it's actually coming from. the potential >> so there's the potential there that they are maybe being blocked from higher up. the royal . absolutely. royal food chain. absolutely. yeah. mean is the yeah. yeah. i mean it is the mind boggles both of you. thank you very, very much. really informative stuff. so look who do with? erica. is do you agree with? erica. is it time the to tell all time for the palace to tell all about on x says it's about k? genie on x says it's none of our business. it was a photograph she touched up. it's not she shared state not like she shared state secrets says. say secrets. khan says. can't say i really care . but it seems that really care. but it seems that not telling all is doing more damage and fuelling more speculation than simply coming clean. so probably. yeah, sean says it's time for kate to tell us about kate, not the palace . us about kate, not the palace. well, your verdict is in all, 33% of you think it's time for the palace to tell all about kate, 67% of you say it's not really fascinating results. that, isn't it? you know, it is one of those things. when these things come out, though, you know, and you look at the
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mistakes are happening mistakes that are happening and very situation, very very unfortunate situation, very unfortunate situation, we have to with the to contrast it with the debateable oversharing with our king compared to the under sharing of kate. but look, coming up as labour hire the former bank of england governor mark carney, who joins their ranks alongside former civil service chief sue gray is this proof that the deep state is alive and kicking in britain? fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie gives his assessment on that and asks why the media shy angela rayner has been hiding amid her council house scandal . she's been branded all scandal. she's been branded all sorts by her former neighbour, but first, it's the biggest transfer since becks left united for madrid. in a way. new reform uk mp lee anderson is live in the studio at 10 pm. for an exclusive interview that you won't want to miss, but his old colleague, conservative mp daniel kawczynski, gives his take on a tough
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okay. welcome back to patrick christys. tonight. we're only on gb news. fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie is waiting in the wings to, well, pick apart numerous different labour scandals . numerous different labour scandals. but numerous different labour scandals . but first, former scandals. but first, former deputy chair of the conservatives lee anderson, has sensationally defected to the reform party . this confirmed reform party. this confirmed weeks of speculation that he would turn his back on the tories after his controversial suspension, which he branded earlier today as unpalatable and a stifling of free speech. >> i've had to do a lot of soul
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searching about, you know, where i am, what i'm, what i'm doing, and when i find myself suspended, having the whip suspended, having the whip suspended for speaking my mind . suspended for speaking my mind. and by the way, speaking up on behalf of millions of people up and down the country who agree with me that me is with me that for me is unpalatable. it's a shocker if i'm honest. i cannot be a part of an organisation which stifles free speech. >> so reform uk is just five points behind the conservatives in the latest polls. labour mp and shadow paymaster general jonathan ashworth said this to gb news what i think this reveals is the sheer chaos in the conservative party, a government divided from top to bottom and rishi sunak too weak to exert any authority and a divided government cannot govern in the interests of the country. >> i think people have had enough of this, and after 14 years of failure, this proves once again that it is time for change. >> well, i'm delighted to welcome tory mp daniel
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kawczynski so how much damage does lee anderson's defection cause? your party then? >> well, he's. he was an extremely popular conservative member of parliament. >> i remember when he came to speak to my members in shrewsbury, it was a sell—out. >> he reached , parts of the, of >> he reached, parts of the, of the electorate that many conservative mps have struggled to reach out to. so of course, it's a tremendous loss for us, for him to leave the party and join reform. there's no doubt about that. but what i would like to say is mr tice and mr farage, are doing everything possible ultimately to allow sir keir to become the next prime minister. >> i mean, they say there's no difference between the tories and labour. really? so it doesn't matter. >> oh, there are huge differences . and one thing that differences. and one thing that i was talking earlier this i was talking about earlier this evening to some of your other guests, we had to borrow 400 billion during pandemic. billion during the pandemic. people have very short memories.
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they have already forgotten that to close down the world's fifth largest economy for a year and a half cost £400 billion. and that's why we now have higher taxation than we've ever had over the last 70 years. so high taxation and socialist high taxation and socialist high taxation has been proved . we've taxation has been proved. we've just demonstrated that high taxation is very bad for the economy, very bad for people and their livelihoods. >> and so but you could have had lee anderson out making this point and now you've lost him. >> well, you know, the reform party, take sufficient party, they will take sufficient votes from the conservative votes away from the conservative party to allow sir keir, if that is the case, to become the next prime minister. >> do you think it is that serious? do you think it is that serious? do you think it is that serious that lee anderson's defection, it casts categorically means the labour government? >> that i think he will >> i think that i think he will be the conservative mp. be the only conservative mp. i make this i make this prediction that he will be the only
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conservative party to move to reform, but it is regrettable , reform, but it is regrettable, but what i'm trying to say to your viewers , mr tice and mr your viewers, mr tice and mr farage, much as i respect them, both are actually working in a very counterintuitive way because we're going to have to face, if they are successful, we will be facing four years of a socialist government with even higher taxes, even higher regulation. >> well, the argument against that not just be why didn't you just do the stuff that they've been crying out for you to do and then we wouldn't have this problem, know, when it comes and then we wouldn't have this pr
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labour party and the lib dems have fought us all the way. we are making those incremental steps to deal with illegal migration, and the budget has demonstrated that last time, tuppence of national insurance, this time tuppence of national insurance . jeremy this time tuppence of national insurance .jeremy hunt is moving insurance. jeremy hunt is moving in the right direction after a monumental global pandemic, which has resulted in massive tax increases. we are trying to reduce taxation in a sustainable way . sir keir starmer, who was way. sir keir starmer, who was part of jeremy corbyn's shadow cabinet, the most left wing shadow cabinet in history, is determined to increase taxation , determined to increase taxation, spend more and increase regulation and reintroduce us to the european union. so many people in this country who voted conservative or who before and are tempted by reform, my messages were not going to have a reform government. it's either going to be a conservative government or a socialist government. and if you vote reform, going to end up
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reform, you're going to end up with keir starmer. with sir keir starmer. >> it a mistake to not only >> was it a mistake to not only take the whip off lee anderson for comments about sadiq for his comments about sadiq khan and about the general state of the situation there, but then to also follow it up with, you know , things like, you know, know, things like, you know, leading the budget with the statues muslim war veterans, statues of muslim war veterans, etc. did it look bit like capitulation? >> well, i have all sorts of things i'd like to say about sadiq khan , and nothing would sadiq khan, and nothing would give me more pleasure than sharing with you some of my own views about the mayor of london. but i'm afraid you've got to be as, as a, as an elected parliamentarian, which is a very privileged position. you've got to be, i'm afraid, in the society and culture that we live in very circumspect at what you say to make sure that it cannot be misconstrued. and i very much regret the situation that occurred to lee anderson. i wish the whip had not been. personally, i will go as far as to say that there are many tory mps who were concerned that the whip was withdrawn from him, so
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a of conservative mps were a lot of conservative mps were concerned that lee anderson was essentially i was certainly concerned and so were many of my members concerned that the whip was withdrawn. i'm not going to contradict the decision of the conservative party. it's happened. i was concerned , and happened. i was concerned, and now lee decided to leave. now lee has decided to leave. but i think he's made and but but i think he's made and i love him. we hugged as he came into the studio. we're very close friends, but i think he's made a mistake because he's playing into the hands of mr farage in not recognising that any vote away from the conservative party is a sure fire support for. >> there's talk of there's talk of boris johnson now going out on the stump for the tories in the red wall seats. so you're going to end up with potentially bofis going to end up with potentially boris johnson versus lee anderson. lee anderson, red anderson. lee anderson, the red wall you wall made flesh. i mean do you think boris johnson should be making more of a comeback as well? >> well, i think rishi sunak has brought back mr ashoori. i should lord cameron into the should say lord cameron into the cabinet. a former prime
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minister. if i think, i minister. i think if i think, i think this election is going to be so tough, we need all the support that we can and if support that we can get. and if bofisis support that we can get. and if boris is prepared to, to help in the election campaign, then great. >> daniel, thank you very, very much for your time this evening . much for your time this evening. that was daniel kawczynski mp. well, look, coming up, the man himself, lee anderson, he joins me live in the studio shortly with a few minutes away with just a few minutes away from stay tuned. but from that. so stay tuned. but next, concept of the deep next, the concept of the deep state laughed by critics. state is laughed off by critics. but hires former bank but as labour hires former bank of chief brexit doomster of england chief brexit doomster mark to join starmer mark carney to join starmer alongside former civil service boss is it actually no boss sue gray is it actually no laughing matter? kelvin mackenzie is live on that. plus this now infamous picture which plunged the royals into a bizarre scandal that i doubt even former senator kelvin mackenzie has seen before. although know thing or mackenzie has seen before. althabout know thing or mackenzie has seen before. alth about scandals now thing or mackenzie has seen before. althabout scandals he's thing or
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next. it's patrick christys tonight on
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gb news. coming up, i'm joined by the man of the moment, lee anderson. after he spectacularly defected to reform. but first, keir starmer's chief of staff, sue gray, has been hard at work restructuring labour's top team ahead of the next election with plans for a powerful new executive cabinet to make key decisions. so—called gang of decisions. the so—called gang of four will include shadow chancellor rachel reeves, angela raynen chancellor rachel reeves, angela rayner, and pat mcfadden. but at the weekend, reeves spelt out that there would be no quick fix for the uk economy. >> it is clear that the inheritance that a labour government would have if we do win the next election will be the worst since the second world war i have to be honest that war and i have to be honest that we're not going to be able to turn things around straight away. work on away. but we will get to work on all of that. >> hang on a minute. they've brought back this guy, mark carney, the anti—brexit former bank governor, has bank of england governor, has been by labour to help been hired by labour to help unlock billions pounds in unlock billions of pounds in private investment after the party was forced to abandon its £28 billion green pledge. so sue gray, carney headed two of
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gray, mark carney headed two of our impartial institutions . now our impartial institutions. now they work for keir starmer. as much as we mentioned the words deep state, you labelled a conspiracy theorist, but hang on a minute. editor at the sun kelvin former i kelvin mackenzie, former i should give time, should say, give it time, kelvin. you very much. i kelvin. thank you very much. i mean, this is pretty bonkers stuff, i mean, who stuff, isn't it? i mean, who else going to go for next? >> well, so mark carney was known never wrong for long known as never wrong for long when bank of england when he was bank of england governor hopeless governor absolutely hopeless constantly. to constantly. he was trying to forecast what the markets were like. markets aren't there to be forecast by by people like the bank of england governor. it's a very his main will not be to very his main job will not be to attract . his main job attract investors. his main job will be to look at the ways taxes work and work out other ways so that he can, so they can get hold of taxation so that they can get extra money and invest it in daft ideas. >> so, wait, do you think the appointment of mark carney is bad news for anyone with a bit of in britain ? of money in britain? >> honestly, appointments by >> honestly, all appointments by by the labour hierarchy will be
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very, very for good the skint and the dim and be shocking for the middle classes if they think taxes are bad now, wait until you've come up with some crackpot green schemes that need to be funded, because it's going to be funded, because it's going to be funded, because it's going to be great for you, and then you will discover what real taxation looks like. we are in for a very, very difficult ride, and reeves already getting a retaliation in in first. this is shocking. this is shocking. this is shocking , right? it's shocking. this is shocking. this is shocking, right? it's going to get a lot, lot worse. i don't think people realise that the moment labour get in they will they will be the most disliked party within half an hour. that is the nature of politics in the world today. thanks to social media. >> talking of another labour figure, right. so the developments in the angela rayner council house row, and i think this all feeds in really to what's going on. rayner's former neighbour branded her former neighbour has branded her an effing liar for claiming that she didn't live with her husband before an mp, and the before becoming an mp, and the labour's hit labour's deputy leader has hit back her spokesperson. back through her spokesperson. they said gossip and hearsay does change the fact that
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does not change the fact that angela rayner maintained own angela rayner maintained her own home childcare home while sharing childcare responsibilities with her husband set husband at his property. she set out family's circumstances out her family's circumstances and expert tax and has taken expert tax and legal which confirms legal advice, which confirms that no capital gains tax was payable the sale of her home. payable on the sale of her home. rayner hasn't done a live interview since the allegations first emerged. is she avoiding scrutiny ? scrutiny? >> well, as guido fawkes pointed out in a rather good column today, it's been 41 days since she's gone on television or radio. really. normally it'd be 41 seconds before you could get her off the television. and the truth about the matter is, when a cabinet minister was in trouble, tory cabinet minister was trouble . she led the charge, was trouble. she led the charge, giving gob loads on it. on breakfast television and all the rest of it. she'd gone very, very quiet over, over what could be a serious tax issue. it it's not for a lot of money, but the point about the matter is if, as this neighbour alleges, she hasn't been telling the truth, then unfortunately she will be running the country potentially
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in november . running the country potentially in november. and if she's telling whoppers about her own private stuff, what else is she telling whoppers about? >> the deputy leader of the labour party embroiled in which she denies? obviously, this capital got capital gains issue. we've got the the labour party the leader of the labour party who embroiled in still who is embroiled in and still remains embroiled in the issue with speaker whether or with the speaker and whether or not issues to play at with the speaker and whether or not house. issues to play at with the speaker and whether or not house. there|es to play at with the speaker and whether or not house. there you'velay at with the speaker and whether or not house. there you've got at with the speaker and whether or not house. there you've got the the house. there you've got the shadow culture secretary spending taxpayers spending 20 grand of taxpayers cash over the cash on arabic lessons over the course of years, and course of seven years, and obviously yet to see obviously we're yet to see any evidence she actually evidence that she actually has learnt a word it, although learnt a word of it, although i'm sure has. and you look i'm sure she has. and you look at it all the round and you at it all in the round and you think, well, hang a minute, think, well, hang on a minute, you know, civil servant, you know, former civil servant, impartial, as chief impartial, now working as chief of party, of staff at the labour party, getting things getting away with things that, frankly, just frankly, the tories just can't, well, unfortunately, every time the anything, seems the tories do anything, it seems to up on them. to blow up on them. >> but is that because of this deep state issue, it's because actually is always of actually the media is always of the and therefore anything the left and therefore anything that anybody on the right does is absolutely considered, disgusting and variously criminal. >> and so what we must hope is
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that there are more right leaning media as we go forward, whether that's possible under ofcom. >> i'm unsure now, very finally and very quickly . calvin, you and very quickly. calvin, you were the editor of the sun for over a decade. you covered countless royal stories. have you seen a pr disaster? the scale of what we're dealing with with princess of wales's with the princess of wales's latest it's true latest picture, it's true because we're in social because because we're in social media, is media, everything is a conspiracy . conspiracy. >> i love kate, the greatest person in to be part of the royal family in my lifetime . she royal family in my lifetime. she is carrying, almost carrying the royal family, almost on her own right. so i refuse to be massively critical. she tried to do the right thing. it turns out to be wrong. our problem with it now is this is going to hang around the royal family now, potentially one way and another. thanks to ai, thanks to conspiracy theorists hanging around in social media. it will be around us for a decade or so. i feel very, very upset. she doesn't deserve this and she definitely doesn't deserve it. while she's unwell, let her alone. she made the smallest of
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small mistakes and we should just move on from this. >> move on. well, we are we are moving on. calvin. thank you very, very much. calvin mackenzie , the former editor at mackenzie, the former editor at the sun. now coming up, the met police were the defensive police were on the defensive again at the weekend after arresting who holding arresting a man who was holding arresting a man who was holding a hamas terrorist sign at the palestine march in london. but after insisting that he was nicked for assault, then releasing without charge. nicked for assault, then relelondon's without charge. nicked for assault, then rele london's under»ut charge. nicked for assault, then rele london's under fire harge. nicked for assault, then rele london's under fire copse. are london's under fire cops just us human rights just gaslighting us human rights activists? shahid beheshti , who activists? shahid beheshti, who had his own run in with the pro—palestine mob. he was chased around at knifepoint . that was around at knifepoint. that was weeks ago. nothing's changed. he comes on shortly. but next. lee anderson has sent shockwaves through with through westminster with his defection conservative through westminster with his defec'to 1 conservative through westminster with his defec'to reform conservative through westminster with his defec'to reform uk conservative through westminster with his defec'to reform uk .onservative party to reform uk. >> i'll start by saying i want my country back. over the last year or so, i've had to do a lot of soul searching on my political journey . political journey. >> the man himself joins me live in this very studio to explain his decision and sir,
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accusations that he's simply an opportunistic turncoat. well we're going to be discussing all of that with the man himself. right here on this show. but now it's your weather with alex burkill. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> good evening. here's your latest gb news, weather update brought to you by the met office. eastern parts may have a touch of frost tonight, but further west it is going to turn wet and windy to an area of wet and windy due to an area of low and associated low pressure and associated fronts that are pushing their way in from atlantic. we do way in from the atlantic. we do also an occluded front also have an occluded front affecting parts of northwest scotland that bring scotland tonight that will bring some rain for a some outbreaks of rain for a time, but it's across northern ireland we're going to ireland where we're going to have the heavy rain and strong winds and that rain winds pushing in, and that rain will later far western will later reach far western parts scotland, england and parts of scotland, england and wales. we through wales. as we go through the early tomorrow in the early hours of tomorrow in the east, we see some drier east, where we see some drier and even clearer and perhaps even clearer weather, see a touch of
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weather, could see a touch of frost, perhaps even patches frost, perhaps even some patches of thing tomorrow. of fog. first thing tomorrow. but most hazardous weather but the most hazardous weather will the heavy rain and those will be the heavy rain and those strong, blustery winds across western parts. initially, heaviest over higher heaviest rain over the higher ground, especially the hills and mountains of north wales. and that rain then continues its way eastwards and there will be some heavier . but it does heavier bursts. but it does break up and ease little bit break up and ease a little bit with drier interludes with some drier interludes developing a time. some developing for a time. some strong, winds watch developing for a time. some strofor. winds watch developing for a time. some strofor. taking winds watch developing for a time. some strofor. taking the 1ds watch developing for a time. some strofor. taking the edge watch developing for a time. some strofor. taking the edge of atch out for. taking the edge of those temperatures, though they will touch higher than will be at a touch higher than they been recently. more they have been recently. more wet we go wet weather to come as we go into wednesday , a band of rain into wednesday, a band of rain pushing its way south eastwards across into northern england, pushing its way south eastwards across theo northern england, pushing its way south eastwards across the south 1ern england, pushing its way south eastwards across the south ofn england, pushing its way south eastwards across the south of thisgland, pushing its way south eastwards across the south of this staying two to the south of this staying pretty cloudy , brighter pretty cloudy, brighter further north scotland north over much of scotland but blustery , strong winds, risk of blustery, strong winds, risk of gales or even severe gales towards the north—west. more wet and windy weather to come as we go through the end of the week, particularly towards the northwest, but mild . northwest, but rather mild. >> are heating >> looks like things are heating up as sponsors of up boxt boilers as sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> it's 10 pm. i'm patrick christys tonight . night. christys tonight. night. shockwaves through politics. >> and like i said before, it's my country has to come first. and i'm scared of what we're doing at the moment in this country. we are giving this country. we are giving this country away. and it's got to stop. >> lee anderson defects to reform and mr anderson is fired up and ready for an exclusive sit down interview with me shortly. also shame on you . shortly. also shame on you. >> shame on you. nice >> shame on you. nice >> whose side are our police really on? i speak to this guy. the man chased at knifepoint by radicals as a pro—palestine march last year. and over at parliament square earlier today
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are. what are the human rights brigade? up to now? i will have all of tomorrow's newspaper front pages with you tonight with columnist carole malone, trade unionist andy macdonald and daily express political editor sam lister. oh and what's happened at crufts? >> the winner of the toy group is get ready britain. >> here we go. the man at the moment, lee anderson. next . anderson. next. >> patrick. thank you. the top stories from the gb newsroom . stories from the gb newsroom. lee anderson says he still would have defected to the reform uk party, even if he hadn't been suspended from the conservative, as he became the party's first mp this morning after he lost the tory whip for claiming that islamists had got control of the
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london mayor. mr anderson says reform will allow him to speak out on behalf of millions . party out on behalf of millions. party leader richard tice says reform would aim to build a red wall in traditionally conservative constituencies . constituencies. >> it's a to announce that i have found that champion of the red for wall reform uk. he's also coincidental going to be reform uk's first member of parliament in the house of commons. he is, of course, a person of great integrity , no person of great integrity, no nonsense and is the member of parliament in the county of nottinghamshire for ashfield . nottinghamshire for ashfield. please welcome mr lee anderson . please welcome mr lee anderson. >> the government has pledged over £117 million to safeguard mosques , muslim schools and mosques, muslim schools and community centres over the next four years. the funding, unveiled today, follows the prime minister's promise to allocate more than £70 million
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to protect jewish community sites . the government condemned sites. the government condemned a recent rise in reported anti—muslim and anti—jewish hatred. ministers say they expect the police to fully investigate all hate crimes . investigate all hate crimes. some breaking news this hour a manhunt is underway after three people were stabbed in greater manchester. they sustained non—life threatening injuries after the attack in bury market. police are appealing for information . greater manchester information. greater manchester police says no arrests have yet been made and an investigation has been launched. they also say there isn't a threat to the wider public, and they believe this was an isolated incident. to other news, the princess of wales has apologised for an altered family photo released by kensington palace. posting to social media, she admitted that like many amateur photographers, she occasionally experiments with editing, adding she was sorry for any confusion that it caused the mother's day image taken by the prince of wales was withdrawn by various global
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photo agencies after suspicions that a number of edits may have been made . and king charles has been made. and king charles has thanked the public for their support. in a video message to a service celebrating commonwealth day, the queen joined the prince of wales at westminster abbey for today's service. this year's event drew on the theme of resilience against a backdrop of health worries within the family. queen camilla also attended a reception at marlborough house in london, where she met south african dancers and members of a samoan band. and though he missed today's events, the king reaffirmed his commitment to the 56 member countries. >> as i've said before , that the >> as i've said before, that the commonwealth is like the wiring of a house and its people are energy and our ideas are the current that runs through those wires together and individually. we are strengthened by sharing perspectives and experiences. my belief in our shared endeavours
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and in the potential of our people remains a sure and strong as it has ever been. >> for the latest stories you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen. or you can go to gb news complex. now it's over to . patrick. >> welcome back to patrick christys tonight. now, earlier today, lee anderson, the former deputy chair of the conservative party, did this. >> it is no secret that i've been talking to my friends in reform for a while , and reform reform for a while, and reform uk has offered me the chance to speak out in parliament on behalf of millions of people up and down the country who feel that they're not being listened to. >> so i'm joined now by the mp for reform uk in ashfield. it's lee anderson. lee, how are you? >> i'm all right, my friend. >> i'm all right, my friend. >> yes. how has it all been going since your, defection?
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>> defection, it's been a hectic day, patrick. i've had lots , day, patrick. i've had lots, literally hundreds of emails of support, private messages , support, private messages, whatsapp messages. my phone has gone berserk . so is my laptop. gone berserk. so is my laptop. so there's lots of encouragement coming in, a call from my mother as well who's watching this tonight ? as well who's watching this tonight? she's she's a happy bunny at the moment. and let me just say this, that it was my parents who had a big part to play parents who had a big part to play in this. i know there are some idiots online saying that lee anderson has done his lee anderson has done what his mum's him do, but mum's told him to do, but i think your mothers and your fathers give good advice, even when when you get to my when you get when you get to my age, are saying? they age, what are they saying? they were me, lee, we were saying to me, lee, we cannot for you in the cannot vote for you in the conservative party but could conservative party but we could vote you're the vote for you if you're in the reform they've reform party because they've lost know, my lost confidence. you know, my parents first time tory parents were first time tory voters 2019. put their voters in 2019. they put their faith boris and faith in boris johnson and the conservative in conservative government. and in may, but years later, they may, but four years later, they feel they've let down, feel like they've been let down, that conservative party have that the conservative party have not their promises. not delivered on their promises. and think it's time for and they think it's time for change. and won't back change. and they won't go back to party because they to the labour party because they don't like zakia, they don't
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like labour stands for , but like what labour stands for, but they're looking for something else. think the now, else. i think the country now, patrick, for patrick, are looking for a different option. >> paid to joy river? >> no. absolutely not. not at all. 100. >> so you're so ridiculous , patrick. >> i'm not a mercenary. >> i'm not a mercenary. >> so your salary is your mps salary and that's it? yeah. >> i'm a salad from gb because obviously. >> well of course yeah. but obviously there was there was talk online wasn't there bet. talk online wasn't there i bet. yeah bet he's gone because yeah i bet he's gone because he's paid by richard he's been paid by richard tice. >> money. took he's been paid by richard tice. >.gamble money. took he's been paid by richard tice. >.gamble on money. took he's been paid by richard tice. >.gamble on myself. y. took he's been paid by richard tice. >.gamble on myself. reform ook he's been paid by richard tice. >.gamble on myself. reform party a gamble on myself. reform party have gamble on me. it's have took a gamble on me. it's a gamble i prepared to take. gamble i was prepared to take. it's i think i'll win. it's a gamble. i think i'll win. it's a gamble. i think i'll win. it's a gamble that i need to win. i need the british win. and i need the british pubuc win. and i need the british public now gamble me and public now to gamble on me and the party. public now to gamble on me and the right,arty. public now to gamble on me and the right, now, look, you >> all right, now, look, you were show on january the were on this show on january the 3rd. there we go. well, you've got the opportunity to explain what's changed. this is what what's changed. but this is what you said on january the 3rd, not a proper political party. >> by the way, this is a this this is a company nobody elected, mr tice at all. but you
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know, it's sort of spouting his mouth off saying , what mouth off saying, what a disaster this starmageddon what a disaster the labour party are. i shall be reminding mr tice it was him that helped them get got elected . hardly anybody in elected. hardly anybody in ashfield has actually heard of richard tice , he hasn't got that richard tice, he hasn't got that connection. >> all right. would you be willing to come on and have a class with him tomorrow? >> have class with him. >> i'll have a class with him. any time. >> so, cool. what's changed? look. >> come on, we grew up. we had aukus patrick, we grown men. it's a bit of politics. it's a bit of political banter. these things happen, you know, out in the real world. this is our men talk men in the real talk about men in the real workplace. got broad workplace. he's got broad shoulders as richard. got shoulders as richard. i've got broad shoulders. for the broad shoulders. and for the greater this country, we greater good of this country, we can any differences one can put any differences to one side on with the day side and crack on with the day job. so that's very mischievous of you, young man. >> presumably you were. you were talking through teeth talking through gritted teeth early . look, we've got you must early. look, we've got you must have you must have wanted to join reform now. >> well, you know, we've, we have a bit of banter and
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sometimes you have to throw the gutter, press off, you know, throw, throw the scent throw, throw them off the scent a little and let them go and a little bit and let them go and pick else. patrick pick on somebody else. patrick should by—election? should there be a by—election? well, again. this well, here we go again. so this is the nonsense from is the nonsense i heard from some the, the so—called some of the, the, the so—called journalists today in the, in the conference. look, we keep heanng conference. look, we keep hearing talk of a may election . hearing talk of a may election. if i was to trigger a by—election now, that would mean a by—election in, what, six weeks? and then maybe a general election may. what election in may. what a ridiculous scenario that would be. it's about 300 grand be. i think it's about 300 grand to over to by—election. it costs a a lot of money. the a hell of a lot of money. the taxpayers money. and now if anybody wants pay anybody out there wants to pay for come and on for it, then come and knock on my i'll about it. my door and i'll think about it. >> just think, hold >> so you're just think, hold off. wait. do you think there will a election, by the way? >> well, we keep hearing these rumours, we've rumours, patrick. i know we've got about i think it's another two before that. the two week before that. that's the cut could be cut off date. but there could be a election, i'm not sure a may election, i'm not sure whether the conservative whether or not the conservative party november party will want a november election. going have election. we're going to have another thousands of another summer of thousands of young crossing the channel another summer of thousands of youngsinglezrossing the channel another summer of thousands of youngsingle week g the channel another summer of thousands of youngsingle week . the channel another summer of thousands of youngsingle week . that'slannel another summer of thousands of youngsingle week . that's going every single week. that's going to the up. that
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to wind the public up. is that a vote winner? i think not. >> how did you tell rishi sunak? >> how did you tell rishi sunak? >> i didn't tell him, the news broke this morning on social media, and my phone was pinging from about 6:00 this morning. i've had no contact from the party at all. and i thought at that stage, maybe somebody would have given me a call to say, hold on, lee, are you doing hold on, lee, what are you doing ? think about it. nobody. ? have a think about it. nobody. so at all. the only so nothing at all. the only contact i've had, in fact, i've not had no contact from the from the when i the the pm, even when i lost the whip. i mean , that came from the whip. i mean, that came from the chief whip. didn't come from chief whip. it didn't come from the nothing at all. the pm, so nothing at all. >> was a, a tweet that >> there was a, a tweet that went out earlier on that was from a whatsapp group, and it's the home affairs select committee, whatsapp group , which committee, whatsapp group, which i think it was james sutherland apologised for getting the director there. it is james sunderland there. my apologies for what i've been directed to do. and then james sunderland removed lee anderson that to me indicates indicates a couple of things that, you know, he's
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clearly you've got support in the tory party. there are rumours that other people are going to jump ship to reform with you. >> i'm not sure about that. i mean, but that's not the home affairs select committee, whatsapp group. that's probably the home affairs group. >> which is separate things. >> which is two separate things. fair that's the fair enough, that's just the home affairs,. yeah, yeah, there is a lot of support. i've had a lot of, know, contact me lot of, you know, mps contact me some some cabinet members. >> do you think other people will go and join reform? then >> i'm not sure. i've not had that conversation with anybody, if honest. patrick but more if i'm honest. patrick but more importantly, literally importantly, i've had literally hundreds members from and hundreds of members from up and down country me. down the country support me. i know conservative posted a poll, this i think it was 75% this and i think it was 75% supported me, 25,000 signed a petition to get me, get the whip back. there's a lot of support out there for what i've said. >> could sunak have kept you? so, i mean, did a chat, so, i mean, we did a chat, didn't we, after the old sadiq khan issue , blew up and could khan issue, blew up and could they have kept you? >> i think they probably could. i mean, they could have tried to
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keep me, i think the problem is with with the pm. i think he's a good man. think he's a decent good man. i think he's a decent man. sometimes man. i think sometimes when you're it's far too easy to sometimes it's far too easy to pander to the to the baying mob. and try and make an example and come across as being strong and decisive . you know, i think keir decisive. you know, i think keir starmer's tried to do it recently with some of his mps. i don't think it was the right decision, at the end the decision, but at the end of the day, he's pm. day, he's the pm. >> the thing you've done a >> the thing is, you've done a lot party. lot for the conservative party. i you've argue the i mean, you've got to argue the conservative has done conservative party has done quite you well. quite a lot for you as well. >> yeah it yeah it does. >> yeah it has, yeah it does. >> yeah it has, yeah it does. >> you i don't think many >> but you i don't think many members of the public necessarily recognise this. but you were lot of the time. you were out a lot of the time. you were, you were kind of you were, you were a kind of golden ticket for a lot of tory mps to their mps to go to their constituencies, their constituencies, to go to their conservative constituencies, to go to their cons up ative constituencies, to go to their cons upative red wall made turn up as the red wall made flesh, it were. yeah. and flesh, as it were. yeah. and deliver. right. they've lost deliver. right. and they've lost that now haven't they. and do you. >> yeah. i mean like you just had kawczynski i had daniel kawczynski on i mean i his association six i went to his association six months raised , you know, a months ago, raised, you know, a couple thousand for him, couple of thousand quid for him, did members loved it. did a speech members loved it. i've been doing that for 18
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months, two years, to about months, two years, been to about 100 different associations, raising of raising tens of thousands of pounds for conservative pounds for the conservative party speaking telling party and speaking and telling them wall journey. them about my red wall journey. >> people might say, lee, >> but people might say, lee, you've now of you've been a member now of three different parties. yeah do you have integrity? >> yes, i've got lots of integrity. patrick also wouldn't be on your show. that's one thing. what will say about thing. but what i will say about being three different parties being in three different parties is politics haven't is that my politics haven't changed. all i want, patrick, is to live in a country which is safe. got police on the streets where we control our immigration, both legal and illegal, migration, a safe country for a hopefully if i ever have grandchildren for them to grow up into and to hopefully play my to grow up into and to hopefully play my part in making sure that happens. play my part in making sure that happens . and at the moment, happens. and at the moment, i can't see the difference between the labour party and the conservative party. like i said earlier today , i want my country earlier today, i want my country back.i earlier today, i want my country back. i think we've given the country away to people that don't like our country. we importing , we letting importing people, we letting people come into the country that accept adopt
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that don't accept or adopt a british values don't like our way don't like our way of life, don't like our history , our heritage, history, our heritage, our culture. just keeps culture. and it just keeps happening. and happening time and time again. and we've even seen you've seen it. patrick, you've reported it on show many, reported it on your show many, many we're getting asylum many times. we're getting asylum seekers in that to seekers come in that go on to commit horrific crimes in this country . and all we from country. and all we hear from politicians it's unacceptable. >> latest polling i saw from >> the latest polling i saw from ashfield has labour on about 47. i'm i'm reform on about 17. that's rubbish. you think because i was going to ask are you definitely going to stand in ashfield. >> yes, definitely. you've been up to ashfield patrick. you saw the you spoke to them. the locals, you spoke to them. you the, know, the you saw the, you know, the attitude had towards me to attitude they had towards me to suggest, don't know who's suggest, i don't know who's doing these must, must doing these polls. it must, must be it's absolute nonsense. so you're tempted to go >> so you're not tempted to go for clacton for somewhere like clacton where, people might where, you know, people might think it? think you'd walk it? >> applied to be a >> when i applied to be a candidate for the conservative party, get chance party, you get the chance to 6my party, you get the chance to apply for seats all over the country. for one country. i applied for one ashfield. i wanted to be the mp for not at all.
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for ashfield or not at all. >> are you at all concerned that you might now be about to destroy the conservative party? >> no. my concerns is, is this country is being destroyed and it's being destroyed by parliament and it's , you know, i parliament and it's, you know, i come into politics by accident. really? i never a career really? i never wanted a career in politics. became an mp sort in politics. i became an mp sort of accident . in politics. i became an mp sort of accident. i'm in politics. i became an mp sort of accident . i'm here now, of by accident. i'm here now, and i feel i've got a job to do. and you know, i said this today. it's country first, then it's a constituency, and then it's your party. now, if i've got a chance to make a difference and make this country a better place , you this country a better place, you know, i'm not big myself up, but i'm that i've got i'm in that place. i've got a voice. and you've noticed today, patrick, social media through patrick, on social media through gb news, the emails that come in, we've seen the telegraph's done a i think i know the done a poll. i think i know the other newspapers on poll. other newspapers on the poll. there's of support out there's a lot of support out there i've got say, there for what i've got to say, but sometimes these out but sometimes these people out there in their millions, like their get shut down on their parents, get shut down on social media and they feel like they've voice , but they've not got a voice, but they've not got a voice, but they've a voice, they've got they've got a voice, they've got gb and they've me and
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gb news and they've got me and just you're still not just finally, you're still not sorry the old sadiq sorry about the old sadiq khan islamist comments? no, i will never apologise. i will never surrender. >> all right, lee anderson, thank you very, very much. that is the new mp for reform uk for ashfield, lee, thank you very much for joining ashfield, lee, thank you very much forjoining us here on gb news. now, earlier today, i believe we went out and about to ashfield, i think, and, spoke to some people. so let's see what some people. so let's see what some of them had to say. >> it's probably doing it to save his own bacon, to be honest , because the people around here would vote for would probably vote for a reform. probably all reform. so that's probably all he doing it. speaks truth. he is doing it. it speaks truth. and that's a lot of people don't like that. so. >> well, i think it's very nice and i don't have any , issues and i don't have any, issues about him at all. >> don't get on with him . don't >> don't get on with him. don't agree with him. just swapping and changing . don't agree with and changing. don't agree with his views. >> well, i mean, it's not my prerogative what lee anderson does, but i think that it would suit his views more than the conservative party. and he's tried the labour party already.
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so yeah, i think, i think it's for him, maybe not for ashfield, but yeah, i think it's, that's his lane . his lane. >> it's reaction time now from my panel, daily express columnist carole malone , trade columnist carole malone, trade unionist andy mcdonald and the political editor at the express, sam . carole, i'll sam lister. carole, i'll start with lee anderson with you. lee anderson defecting to . he says he's had, you to reform. he says he's had, you know, millions of people getting in with him, telling him in touch with him, telling him it's idea. in touch with him, telling him it's you idea. in touch with him, telling him it's you know,3a. in touch with him, telling him it's you know, i'm a big fan of >> you know, i'm a big fan of lee's. love the straight lee's. i love the straight talking. i think he says lot talking. i think he says a lot of people to at of what people want to hear at the mean, a great the moment. i mean, a great quote, want my country back. quote, i want my country back. so of people, however, so do a lot of people, however, i mean, i kind of wish i think, i mean, i kind of wish i think, i mean, i kind of wish i got the chance to ask him the question, you know, three parties years. it's a parties and 6 or 7 years. it's a lot. and i don't know how, i don't know, i don't know if people will trust his commitment, you to, commitment, you know, to, to this party when he's been in the tories and in the labour party, i think he will. it's interesting. we've just been talking to him earlier. he says he's convinced going to win he's convinced he's going to win this the election, this seat come the election, which kind of good which is which is kind of good news, do think he's, you know ,
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news, i do think he's, you know, he politicians have a moment, don't i think lee don't they? and i think lee anderson is in his moment, where he's where he's , you know, his he's where he's, you know, his fears resonate among the whole country. you know , his worries country. you know, his worries about immigration, his worries about immigration, his worries about government, apart about this government, apart from anything else. and from anything else. yeah. and i think you know, but i'm think he's, you know, but i'm just not sure that going to reform is the answer . reform is the answer. >> and do you think that the three parties in six years issue is actually an issue? i mean, an argument could be that maybe his views haven't changed that much, but have. but the parties have. >> was thrown >> well, i mean, he was thrown out parties, you know, out of two parties, you know, suspended party suspended from the labour party for anti—social behaviour. and then the then he was suspended from the conservative party >> what was the labour thing aboutwas something around gypsy >> it was something around gypsy travellers. he'd made some nasty comments the comments about them. so the labour council labour group on ashfield council suspended know he's suspended him. now you know he's made nasty comments made some nasty comments about sadiq the tory have sadiq khan, the tory party have suspended and he's suspended him and now he's joined i think he joined reform. so i think he must sleeper must have been a sleeper agent for all this for keir starmer for all this time. bizarre, you time. it's very bizarre, you know, this year he was know, only this year he was saying, you know, a vote for reform a vote for the labour reform is a vote for the labour party. know, what it?
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party. you know, what was it? richard tice reforms answer to party. you know, what was it? richarabbott.3forms answer to party. you know, what was it? richarabbott. that's answer to party. you know, what was it? richarabbott. that's notner to party. you know, what was it? richarabbott. that's not very) diane abbott. that's not very nice. i some those clips. >> so yeah. look, i played some of those too. of those clips too. >> you know, is >> you know, that is hypocritical know you hypocritical object. i know you get but it is hypocritical. >> yeah. mean, he obviously >> yeah. i mean, he obviously says, he just says, well, look, he was just it was playing politics was he was playing politics i suppose. he then why did he suppose. was he then why did he go join blokes party go and join the blokes party i don't i don't know sam, don't know, i don't know sam, rishi sunak apparently didn't contact him about the old islamophobia stuff and hasn't contacted him today. now. and lee anderson claims that he could potentially have been capped by the tories as rishi sunak scored a massive own goal here. >> i think it is a real shame and i think they could have actually kept lee in the party. i think it's he's got very close friendships in the conservative party to party people are very upset to have as he said have lost him today. as he said himself, is a big voice. he himself, he is a big voice. he is a big voice. he speaks for a lot of people and it's a it's a real loss for the conservatives. and could and they could have they could have tried a little and they could have they could hav harder, tried a little and they could have they could hav harder, have tried a little and they could have they could hav harder, have kept! a little and they could have they could havharder, have kept him.ttle bit harder, have kept him. absolutely certain so absolutely certain of that, so i think, i there is a, i think, i think there is a, i think, i think there is a, i think there was a kind of error
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in the way they handled this. but i think actually, if you if you look at it from their point of view because of what happened in rochdale, to speak in rochdale, they had to speak out the antics of the out about the antics of the labour candidate there, and that made very difficult for them made it very difficult for them to , keep lee if he didn't to then, keep lee if he didn't apologise for the comments he made . so i think it was made. so i think, i think it was difficult for them, it difficult for them, but it wasn't impossible they'd made difficult for them, but it wbit't impossible they'd made difficult for them, but it wbit ofmpossible they'd made difficult for them, but it wbit of effort, ble they'd made difficult for them, but it wbit of effort, they they'd made difficult for them, but it wbit of effort, they could.i made a bit of effort, they could. >> the thing though, the >> the thing is though, the thing not even like he thing is it's not even like he made an islamophobic comment. what wrong. he what he said was wrong. he didn't. said was wrong. didn't. what he said was wrong. islamists control sadiq didn't. what he said was wrong. islami he's control sadiq didn't. what he said was wrong. islamihe's not control sadiq didn't. what he said was wrong. islamihe's not matesol sadiq didn't. what he said was wrong. islami he's not mates with diq khan. he's not mates with islamists. it's not, know, islamists. it's not, you know, a sense of opinion. he wasn't talking his concerns about talking about his concerns about islamism. the islamism. he said that the islamists the islamists were in control of the mayor could have. mayor of london. he could have. that untrue. that is objectively untrue. >> have said. >> he could have said. >> he could have said. >> he didn't. >> but he didn't. >> but he didn't. >> he he he could have >> yeah, he he he could have said but did. khan has said no, but he did. khan has had uncomfortable moments. had some uncomfortable moments. >> and what he what he >> yes. and what he what he absolutely say because he, absolutely did say because he, he that because he wrote back on that because what was what meant to what he said was what i meant to say khan lost say was sadiq khan has lost control have the control of london, as have the cops, absolutely true. cops, which is absolutely true. we all know that. and so i was just going to say i think that
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that sam is absolutely right when she says, you know, the party should have kept him. we were out there were talking to him out there and he said that he was and he just said that he was told day one, you know, told on day one, you know, almost that he would be back quite well, just almost that he would be back quite so well, just almost that he would be back quite so slowly. just if moved so slowly. you know, if you back who's going you want a guy back who's going to you the wall back and to get you the red wall back and is going get other people is going to get other people because need that wall because we need that red wall for the tories win the for the tories to win the election. they were too election. but they were too slow. just i'll just say slow. and i just i'll just say that actually did. that actually he did. >> in original >> also in those original comments starmer. comments mention keir starmer. let's wasn't let's not forget that it wasn't only also not only starmer is also not controlled but he wasn't only controlled by but he wasn't only talking about. >> of them are >> neither of them are controlled topic. >> @-- @ draw line under topic. >> draw line under this >> we'll draw a line under this for we will return to it for now. we will return to it though. look, coming up, though. but look, coming up, this day pic this photoshop mother's day pic that's world that's left the world dumbfounded. we'll investigate the saga the princess of wales saga alongside tomorrow's first newspaper in my newspaper front pages in my press pack shortly. but next, britain erupted in fury over the weekend when this man holding a sign calling hamas terrorist was bundled to the floor by cops and arrested. i will ask human rights activist shahid beheshti , rights activist shahid beheshti, who was chased and threatened at
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a pro—palestine march at knifepoint, what the hell is going on with our met police? it's patrick
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gb news. all right. welcome back. shortly. i've got all of tomorrow's newspaper front pages for you. but before that, here is the shocking moment . an is the shocking moment. an iranian niyak iranian counter—protester niyak ghorbani arrested by the ghorbani was arrested by the metropolitan police while he displayed an anti hamas banner.
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yes, yes . where's the police? yes, yes. where's the police? yeah, i mean, he was assaulted there, wasn't he? he was assaulted. he was dragged out of the crowd. ghorbani was forcefully detained by multiple officers, one of whom appeared to as he to destroy the banner as he walks away . but in a statement walks away. but in a statement yesterday, metropolitan walks away. but in a statement yesterrsaid metropolitan walks away. but in a statement yesterrsaid a metropolitan walks away. but in a statement yesterrsaid a videoopolitan walks away. but in a statement yesterrsaid a video has.itan walks away. but in a statement yesterrsaid a video has been police said a video has been posted alleging officers arrested a man for having an anti placard. this is not anti hamas placard. this is not accurate. he was arrested after an altercation was ongoing and officers intervened to prevent a breach peace . he was breach of the peace. he was arrested assault. officers arrested for assault. officers then reviewed the footage then fully reviewed the footage of the incident and he was later de—arrested. arrest was not de—arrested. the arrest was not made relation to the placard. made in relation to the placard. still former immigration minister robert jenrick has slammed the force, accusing them of two tier policing. well, i'm very pleased to say i am joined now by a chap who's at the front of the running away from of the pack running away from this lot. if you can see he was
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on or on youtube, he's a on telly or on youtube, he's a human rights called human rights activist called vahid now he was vahid beheshti. now he was chased and attacked by a baying mob pro—palestine supporters mob of pro—palestine supporters at well. after at knifepoint as well. after carrying israeli flag through carrying an israeli flag through the streets of central london. bearin the streets of central london. bear in mind that was months ago, and still here we are with all of this taking place. thank you very, very much . do we have you very, very much. do we have two tier policing in this country? what kind of threats are there against you and others , listen, i, let's put it this way. i think it's better instead of, putting finger pointing on police and blaming police officers. there are out numbers, there are scared . we have to there are scared. we have to shift our focus to our decision makers, to our leaders, to our policies, our weak policies that we are having, which we are encouraging terror ism instead of sending a right signal to their, to their leaders, to these groups that we are determined to stop this kind of
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act, we are sending the actually completely opposite signal to them that we are not determined to do anything. look, patrick, we have a big problem here. and our leaders, they are not willing to confess. we have a big problem of growing, extremism and fasciae ism in this country. and this is not the result of this year, last year or a few years. this is the result of 35 years of or inaction and investing of iranian regime. irgc islamic revolutionary guard corps in this country in order to brainwash our youth for today. let me put it this way. in 1976 or 1977, if somewhat somebody, told us in few years time we are going to witness public hanging
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in iran or flogging or stoning women for not wearing hijab in the streets of iran. no one would believe that actually, they were laughing at us and they were laughing at us and they were laughing at us and they were saying, you are out of your mind. but today , today we your mind. but today, today we are seeing this in iran. few years after that, we saw that in iran. i am going to see, unfortunately, this give warning to my fellow british citizens and our leaders, my wife, mattie heaven, she said this 15 years ago in european parliament today i say this if we are continue with this week policies and with the way that we are continuing , the way that we are continuing, we are we will witness in few years something in uk which now we cannot even imagine that that's terrible. like what? >> like what? >> like what? >> like what? >> like public hanging . i am >> like public hanging. i am telling you, even look, the idea of creating a party which is called the public, the party of
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islam is taking us there, maybe was rejected by the electoral commission, but they rejected. but even the idea of that taking us in medieval times, when they mix religion and ideology with politics and governing the country, this is exactly what happenedin country, this is exactly what happened in 1979, which i don't call it a revolution. i call it islamist, occupation in iran. this is what happened. and this is this is the look , the growth is this is the look, the growth of and the nature of extremism is like this. grow slowly, like a virus, when if infected, the whole society is too late to act tomorrow. actually, i have a very important event in the parliament with doctor liam fox and lord polak focusing on extremism and about me being outside of foreign office for 385 days, a start with 72 days hunger strike in order to place the mother of terrorism, which is irgc, on the list of terrorist organisations. and i
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haven't yet and i know a lot of people are very concerned. >> i know a lot of people are very concerned that we have been historically and continue to be very slow play. very very slow to play. some very dubious organisations on a terror suppose the terror watch list. i suppose the other of it is we don't other side of it is we don't tend to do huge amount with tend to do a huge amount with them they are on that them once they are on that terror but obviously terror watch list, but obviously we stay safe out we hope that you stay safe out on streets and that no harm on the streets and that no harm comes to you personally as well. and i know that you are very, very keen to point out and you are i think it's worth just for the context of this well. you the context of this as well. you are a practising muslim, is that correct? yes. correct? yes. well, yes. >> and as a muslim, i am >> yes. and as a muslim, i am saying this and no one can blame me islamophobia because me with islamophobia because what are witnessing, the what we are witnessing, the growing of islamist fascism in this country has got nothing to do with islam. this is a different ideology, which i don't know. you know what we can don't know. you know what we can do with it, what we have to , you do with it, what we have to, you know, act before it's too late because all our values, british values, are in great danger.
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>> okay, look, thank you very, very much for your time this evening. that is human rights activist , vahid beheshti. evening. that is human rights activist, vahid beheshti. i will just say, obviously, look , it just say, obviously, look, it is, i think, a leap to say that we will end up with things like pubuc we will end up with things like public hangings in this country. but vahid has got his view and he that on, on what he's he bases that on, on what he's seen in another as well. seen in another country as well. but coming up, the but look, coming up, the innocent mother's day snap that sparked biggest mystery innocent mother's day snap that sparkyshergar. ggest mystery innocent mother's day snap that sparkyshergar. ggeverythingy since shergar. is everything okay tomorrow's okay at the palace? tomorrow's newspaper pages . they are newspaper front pages. they are next. this is patrick christys. tonight are on
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gb news. all right. welcome back to patrick christys. tonight time to bring you tomorrow's news tonight. now, let's do the front pages. it's the metro. kate's photobomb. princess admits i doctored photo in bid to diffuse royal picture row. they've also got a lot about the oscars. the daily express , now daily daily express, now daily telegraph, silly me. daily telegraph, silly me. daily
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telegraph, sunak new gas plants ease risk of blackout. why are we at risk of blackouts? sorry, just just like, why is this a thing anyway? we're not going to have them now. so that's that thing we should never have had. we're now almost definitely not going get done. tories going to get well done. tories urged change course as more urged to change course as more mps may reform. had lee mps may join reform. we had lee anderson earlier. he wasn't anderson on earlier. he wasn't massively about a load massively concerned about a load of tory mps joining reform. it must be said. go to the must be said. let's go to the i tories delay british isa five k tax free savings until after election. fantastic. jeremy hunt said savers could invest £5,000 a year tax free in the british stock market. but alas, maybe not the daily mail. how did kate become a pr disaster? take photo, become a pr disaster. this is also the very latest picture of kate leaving windsor yesterday. it's a snapshot in the back of a car of kate looking away from the cameras as she's driven away. princess issues extraordinary mea culpa after picture she edited helped fuel wild conspiracy theories
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about her health. daily express expose lies of asylum seekers who become christian to stay in the uk. we have been hammering this on this show, whistleblower says bogus conversions are used to game immigration system . yes, to game immigration system. yes, we all know it. migrants increasingly fake conversions christianity so they can remain in britain. one more for you now the sun lay off kate attacks over edited picture absurd. and i will just say as well i do see the emails that come into this show. i do see the tweets and it is absolute fair to say that the overwhelming the vast majority of you are saying, leave off, leave off, kate, this is ridiculous. you know, she's got whatever she's got wrong with her and everyone needs to back off. i go to my panel now. it's my press pack. daily express columnist carole malone, trade unionist andy mcdonald and the political the express political editor for the express , sam lister, not carol. everyone saying saying, back off. leave her alone. it's. >> i don't think it's a case of
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back off. you know, kate wills are really important in the royal hierarchy at the moment, especially now with what's been going on with charles. you going on with charles. and, you know, taking more know, wills is taking more dufies. know, wills is taking more duties . kate is universally duties. kate is universally loved country. loved in this country. and i think people want to know that she's okay. it's not that i don't think it's that people want to know the finer details of what's been wrong with her or what treatments that she's had, but palace but i think kensington palace have conducted stories have have conducted the stories of recuperation incredibly of her recuperation incredibly badly. i'm not entirely sure. i believe that it was her who photoshopped this picture. i edhed photoshopped this picture. i edited this picture. i think it might have been somebody else. it's time she's it's not the first time she's a brilliant photographer. if she's going do going to edit anything, she'd do it but with her it fairly well. but but with her saying was her, that saying it was her, that that might heat out of it. might take the heat out of it. but think, i think all people but i think, i think all people want to is that she's going want to know is that she's going to okay. you for a 41 to be okay. you know, for a 41 year old to have a really serious operation which has rendered have right rendered her, do we have a right to know? rendered her, do we have a right to knget i rendered her, do we have a right to kn get i absolutely get what >> i get i absolutely get what you're i mean, do we you're saying. but i mean, do we do a right to know she's do we have a right to know she's got kids. this could be a this could something do with could be something to do with the kids.
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could be something to do with the it'ss. could be something to do with the it's not a right. it's not >> it's not a right. it's not that have a right to know. that we have a right to know. it's just, you know, charles did a when talked a great thing when he talked about, know, was about, you know, when he was going have prostate going to have his prostate looked it was said he looked at when it was said he had he great thing had cancer. he did a great thing because, you know, historically, the have hidden the royals have hidden what's been them. charles been wrong with them. charles changed was a good changed that and it was a good change. looked change. you know, if you looked at little statement that was at the little statement that was put the palace about put out from the palace about him, brief, but it was him, it was brief, but it was informative and it was all we needed know, think that needed to know, i think that kate's recuperation been kate's recuperation has been handled don't have a handled badly. we don't have a right i think right to know, but i think people want to know that people just want to know that she's to be okay. she's going to be okay. >> i'm going a little >> i'm going to play a little clip and i'll get some reaction to of the to this. so a member of the pubuc to this. so a member of the public had bit public on twitter had a bit of fun tipping sheridan smith to play fun tipping sheridan smith to play the princess wales in an play the princess of wales in an itv drama called the lost princess. okay, we can confirm for anyone confused that it was absolutely a joke , but it did absolutely a joke, but it did manage to hoodwink broadcaster gyles brandreth, who clearly fell for the fake news. oh, there we go. it's a tweet of it. i think we've got a clip of it
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as well. there we go. itv is doing the series now. >> just announced with sheridan smith called the lost princess coming later the year. coming later in the year. >> sam i'll start >> all right. sam i'll start with you on this. i mean, this is a now, isn't it? does is a circus now, isn't it? does everyone to leave do everyone need to leave off, do you think not? you think or not? >> look, think the sad truth >> look, i think the sad truth is it's obviously a very, very serious illness. that's serious illness. i mean, that's just obvious, think the just obvious, but i think the palace. well the palace is the pr machine is just not equipped for this kind of event. and it's let it spiral completely out of control. i think they they're so used to having everything on their own terms that they basically keep the at basically keep the press at arm's length. they give arm's length. they don't give them to anything, and them any access to anything, and then a crisis happens, then when a crisis happens, they're not equipped they're just not equipped to deal and i think deal with it. and i think actually the conspiracy theories that flooding internet , that are flooding the internet, the constant speculation, the reason so reason that everybody was so obsessed with this photo, they could put a stop to this. and yet they haven't. and i think that mistake. that is a mistake. >> it made it worse. >> it made it worse. >> the made worse. >> it made it worse. >> you made worse. >> it made it worse. >> you know, ade worse. >> it made it worse. >> you know, this worse. >> it made it worse. >> you know, this wasyrse. >> it made it worse. >> you know, this was supposed to public republic to stop that public republic have jumped on as have jumped on it as well. >> you know, group who
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>> you know, the group who obviously abolition of obviously want the abolition of the monarchy. i mean, they are jumping this mean, jumping on this now. i mean, there was talk, wasn't there was even talk, wasn't there? thought was quite there? which i thought was quite disingenuous, there? which i thought was quite disirfrom ous, saying, if was from people saying, well, if this woman , they'd this was any other woman, they'd be doing welfare check on her. be doing a welfare check on her. now where's well, it's not now where's kate? well, it's not like mean, they like that. i mean, they have said ill. she's obviously said she's ill. she's obviously ill, it's don't said she's ill. she's obviously ill, anyone's,t's don't said she's ill. she's obviously ill, anyone's,like,ion't said she's ill. she's obviously ill, anyone's, like, thinks think anyone's, like, thinks she's kept a basement she's being kept in a basement or you yeah. or something. you know. yeah. >> and it's bold for the >> and i think it's bold for the people saying that assume people saying that to assume that or whomever are that the police or whomever are not wherever she's not present wherever she's hanging but, you know, this hanging out. but, you know, this kind story, just like kind of story, it's just like a simple release. she's simple press release. she's fine. there's been fine. we know there's been speculation, mistakes made. speculation, mistakes were made. whatever. that chill whatever. i think that a chill out 80% of people on twitter or whatever called that whatever it's called that doesn't. it's just it doesn't. i think it's just it just says she's fine, just say she's fine, know? she's fine, you know? >> fine, clearly. >> but she's not fine, clearly. and the point, isn't it? and that's the point, isn't it? that's conspiracy that's why the conspiracy theories happening. i don't theories are happening. i don't think 80% of people would say it's what makes you it's fine at all. what makes you think went through think i mean, she went through quite surgery. think i mean, she went through qui'obviously, surgery. think i mean, she went through qui'obviously, surg> obviously, she's going to be like there's like ill, but there's no irregularities from the fallout from surgery. not like from the surgery. it's not like she. i'd assume so. she. well, no, i'd assume so. i'd so. like, you know,
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i'd assume so. like, you know, you know, always on it you know, i'm i'm always on it with charlie. he's a good with charlie. he's he's a good lad, no, i think just they lad, but. no, i think just they need clarify if she's if need to just clarify if she's if it's going as planned or not, but think the kind but but i think the king kind of the is out of the the genie is half out of the bottle isn't it? bottle now, isn't it? >> the king spoke, so >> it is. the king spoke, so publicly about his prostate problems . and then when he got problems. and then when he got cancen problems. and then when he got cancer, wrote, yes, kind cancer, he then wrote, yes, kind of went back into the kind of privacy mode. and obviously with, with kate, people want to know and you can't kind of do that half in, half out things they to know because, they want to know because, you know the we used to know, the queen, we all used to feel the queen was our rock feel like the queen was our rock in a way. >> we feel like kate is that, and just want to be reassured and we just want to be reassured that the rock is going to stick with latest picture. with the latest picture. >> you see >> i mean, you don't see anything but on anything serious, but it's on the of daily mail the front of the daily mail anyway. don't see anything at anyway. we don't see anything at all, but mean, all, really, but i mean, it's like like proof of life, like it's like proof of life, isn't it's like literally isn't it? it's like literally it's proof of photo, it's a proof of life photo, right? we right? she is alive. there we go. say. and i know go. i must say. and i know people going shouting people are going to be shouting at their television screens about i am over the about all of this. i am over the course of this show, i must say, i've come around
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i've increasingly come around to the that actually people do the idea that actually people do need a little bit need to leave off a little bit here, suspect there here, and i just suspect there is serious is something incredibly serious going all going on and, you know, all right, that. right, maybe that's that. anyway, coming dylan anyway, coming up, dylan mulvaney another stir mulvaney has caused another stir by gaga on by posing with lady gaga on international but international women's day. but should the trans activist have been celebrating special day been celebrating the special day for women around the world in the place? we'll get stuck the first place? we'll get stuck into that. and there's little into that. and there's a little clip as well in our clip for you as well in our greatest britain jackass. greatest britain union jackass. but news breaking tonight. but big news breaking tonight. bons but big news breaking tonight. boris reportedly boris johnson is reportedly making comeback for the making a huge comeback for the conservatives election in conservatives at the election in a bid to shore up support for rishi sunak in the red wall. all the details on that bombshell development be yours in development will be yours in just minutes
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all right. okay. it's time for some more front pages for you. now i've got the times. now. this is a story we're going to be focusing in on. johnson to join election campaign in red
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wall. tories hope that the ex prime minister can win over 2019 voters. let's go to the guardian. was he through that biggest tory donor looking at diane abbott makes you and i'm quoting now want to hate all black women. remarks by man who gave the party £10 million, raised questions over his behaviour in the workplace. let's go to the mirror. picture of chaos. kate. sorry for editing image and palace in a spin over extraordinary backlash right . okay, let's go to the right. okay, let's go to the times. we're zooming in on the times boris johnson to join the election campaign in the red wall. let me give you a bit of detail on this, okay? i am obviously still with my press pack. you all know who they are by now. so let's go to that bons by now. so let's go to that boris johnson story. the prime minister, minister, minister, former prime minister, looks to be deployed in looks set to be deployed in the red upcoming general red wall at the upcoming general election. thinking was johnson's thinking that was interesting , isn't it? told the interesting, isn't it? told the times. if there is a way you can help, that is right for him and
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for the party, he will sunak will, of course be front and centre, but boris always wanted to take the fight to starmer, just as he always supported the conservative party he will do so now right . conservative party he will do so now right. i'll start conservative party he will do so now right . i'll start with you now right. i'll start with you on this, sam, how do you think this is going to go down? boris johnson in the red wall. this cannot be a coincidence that this is on the front of the times. on the same day that lee anderson, defector for. >> don't think is >> yeah. i don't think it is a coincidence. and i think actually know actually express readers i know would boris would absolutely welcome boris johnson and the front line johnson back and the front line of politics, him of politics, they miss him greatly. feel , they were greatly. they feel, they were very sad to lose him in the first place. a bit like lee anderson. manages to to anderson. he manages to speak to people way that, most people in a way that, most politicians don't. he does not stick to the kind of robotic script that many do, he is a really effective communicator, and he's still very popular in a lot of the red wall. >> okay. i mean, you now quaking in the red wall boots. >> i mean, i'm terrified, you know, i'm from the red wall originally. i'm from the east midlands, and most people
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probably betrayed probably feel that he's betrayed them. he made all them. you know, he made all these promises during the these big promises during the 2016 referendum, in 2019 2016 eu referendum, in the 2019 general campaign . and general election campaign. and what achieve whilst he what did he achieve whilst he was minister? from 2019 was prime minister? from 2019 onwards? covid obviously was prime minister? from 2019 onwarand covid obviously was prime minister? from 2019 onwarand bulldozed obviously was prime minister? from 2019 onwarand bulldozed it,»viously was prime minister? from 2019 onwarand bulldozed it, but|sly was prime minister? from 2019 onwarand bulldozed it, but he's came and bulldozed it, but he's a disgraced former mp, a disgraced mp, former mp, a disgraced prime minister. disgraced former prime minister. he out because was he got kicked out because he was he lying. you know, he got caught lying. you know, i don't really i think this is quite reductive of people's feelings the feelings in the midlands and the nonh north party. >> not by people in >> you're not by the people in the wall. the red wall. >> well, he hadn't >> well, maybe if he hadn't lied. i would actually politely suggest tories allowed lied. i would actually politely suggesto tories allowed lied. i would actually politely suggesto deposetories allowed lied. i would actually politely suggesto depose aries allowed lied. i would actually politely suggesto depose a massivelyed labour to depose a massively democratic elected prime minister and helped do it. >> one of what will go down, i think, is one of the greatest acts of political suicide that the country has ever seen completely. >> and i think it's quite funny where whoever the spokesman says soonen where whoever the spokesman says sooner, of course, during the election, and election, will be front and centre and won't, not if centre and no, he won't, not if bons centre and no, he won't, not if boris on the election trail, boris is on the election trail, he will be. will they? he will not be. what will they? >> will his role be, >> what will his role be, though, >> what will his role be, thougmean, no, but he does >> i mean, no, but what he does go campaigning the various go campaigning into the various seats wall he's seats of the red wall and he's going to remember, you going to say, remember, you know, know , you voted for know, we you know, you voted for
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us last time. >> it again. and what have >> do it again. and what have they done since 2019 that's helped midlands they done since 2019 that's help north midlands they done since 2019 that's helpnorth england?/iidlands and north of england? >> delivered brexit for and north of england? >.start. delivered brexit for and north of england? >.start. so delivered brexit for and north of england? >.start. so let'svered brexit for and north of england? >.start. so let's not d brexit for and north of england? >.start. so let's not forgetit for a start. so let's not forget that all the industrial investment that have that all the industrial inves'to ent that have that all the industrial inves'to the that have that all the industrial inves'to the post—industrialive that all the industrial inves'to the post—industrial got been to the post—industrial got us of eu. us out of the eu. >> okay. >> okay. >> and he got us of the eu >> and he got us out of the eu and were and labour, labour were thwarting the way thwarting that all the way along. you as know, along. as you know, as you know, the promises and without boris johnson be the johnson we would still be in the eu, a lot of voters eu, the eu and a lot of voters in red wall i am from, in the red wall where i am from, as as is carol, i'm sure as well as is carol, i'm sure are very grateful for that. >> he promised all >> well, he he promised all these jobs. where jobs? these jobs. where are the jobs? you is the you know, where is the reinvigoration of the post—industrial johnson? post—industrial boris johnson? >> johnson he >> our boris johnson lied and he was for that then. so was booted out for that then. so we an urgent don't we need an urgent inquiry, don't we? rayner and we? into both angela rayner and keir starmer, keir starmer for allegedly speaker allegedly leaning on the speaker and rayner over capital and angela rayner over capital gains? >> t- w i'm sure that they >> i'm sure, i'm sure that they i'm sure that they will be reported. sure reported. yeah, yeah, i'm sure they be reported. they will be reported. >> are to have >> those are proved to have lied. then you should lose the leader leader of leader on the deputy leader of the labour party. >> think should be >> well, i think they should be punished. think there should punished. i think there should be kind something, be a some kind of, something, you it was the you know, it was it was the level went he he level that he went to. he he lied and and lied at the
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lied and lied and lied at the time starmer was cleared. time that starmer was cleared. >> was cleared >> do you think it was cleared of well, of breaking the rules. >> i don't think he's been cleared or condemned yet. >> starmer cops >> yeah. starmer was. the cops cleared well, said cleared him. well, the cops said about the speaker. about leaning on the speaker. >> calm again. >> beer and calm again. >> beer and calm again. >> oh, sebby's corner . oh >> oh, oh, sebby's corner. oh i see yes, yes, yes, i don't know. i didn't read into it. i didn't really about party really care about the party gossip. really care about the party gos most were sitting. really care about the party gosmost were sitting. he >> most of us were sitting. he did exactly what boris. boris had half a bit of cake in a cup of. >> well, $55 firm- em- >> well, i think it was the culture that he encouraged in number that number 10 and the culture that he number 10. the he allowed in number 10. the point was reason why point is, there was a reason why labour to get of labour was so keen to get rid of bons labour was so keen to get rid of boris johnson. labour was so keen to get rid of borand hnson. labour was so keen to get rid of borand there's a reason why >> and there's a reason why rishi sunak is apparently so keen to him is keen to bring him back is because votes, and because he does win votes, and actually would be actually the tories would not be in anyway, right in this position anyway, right now very best canines have now the very best canines have been to paw the been going paw to paw at the crufts show, but it's among the spectators was spectators where there was a real international real dog fight. international peter, peter who cares? protesters arena protesters stormed the arena holding a banner calling for a breeder boycott. and here's how security handled the situation. winner the tigress is a perfume
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pat cullen. >> there were 2209 dogs there on thursday evening. >> dress andrew and bev show . >> dress andrew and bev show. >> dress andrew and bev show. >> i just i love the serenity in the background . up next we have the background. up next we have fluffy winds swept pickle the pomeranian who comes from a long run in the crowds. oh, come on then. yeah, let's have it. i love it, andy. you know, i mean, did that seem a bit heavy handed to you? >> i have to say, i'm not sure who hitting who, but saw a who was hitting who, but i saw a lot that going on. i was lot of that going on. i was like, oh, my what's going like, oh, my god, what's going on? what is the country on? this is what is the country coming to? >> even go to a bloody >> you can't even go to a bloody dog show anymore. >> i was was shocked at >> i was like, i was shocked at that. normally they're lot that. normally they're a lot gentler, come you gentler, like, come on, you know, your over. god, know, your time's over. but god, yeah, but, know, your time's over. but god, yeaiknow, but, know, your time's over. but god, yeaiknow, good but, know, your time's over. but god, yeaiknow, good for but, know, your time's over. but god, yeaiknow, good for them, but, know, your time's over. but god, yeaiknow, good for them, you1t, you know, good for them, you know. you know, good for them, you knowhat they doing wrong at >> what were they doing wrong at that dog show to breeding dogs? oh, crime is oh, that's a crime now, is it? >> of them >> well, i think some of them are. do go a bit far and are. they do go a bit far and they do make a lot of dogs quite unhealthy. you look at unhealthy. you know, look at puqs unhealthy. you know, look at
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pugs the of bulldogs pugs and the kind of bulldogs they struggle breathe. they do struggle to breathe. yeah. is far the yeah. like there is far all the time. there there is a lot time. there is. there is a lot of quite of breeding that is quite unhealthy mean. unhealthy for dogs, but i mean. >> okay, okay. >> okay, okay. >> oh, doggy. >> oh, doggy. >> doggy. i'll shut up, because you're i get you're right. i mean, i get upset when i see the dogs. >> yeah, well, i it. but, >> yeah, well, i get it. but, you right. i think you know. anyway. right. i think we've got now to we've just about got time now to reveal greatest britain reveal today's greatest britain union reveal today's greatest britain uniyoh, god. god, forgot. >> oh, god. oh, god, i forgot. >> oh, god. oh, god, i forgot. >> right, carol, who's your >> all right, carol, who's your greatest right? greatest britain, right? >> esther ghey. she's >> mine is esther ghey. she's a mum of murdered schoolgirl mum of murdered trans schoolgirl briahna somehow briahna grey. she has somehow found meet up and found the courage to meet up and work the of work with the mum, of the of scarlett jenkinson. is scarlett jenkinson. this is scarlett. one of the girls scarlett. was one of the girls who who murdered you who who murdered brianna. you know, she's showing a total lack of hatred bitterness. she of hatred and bitterness. she said, know that she can't said, you know that she can't feel hatred for of the feel hatred for any of the jenkins family. feel hatred for any of the jenkins family . they have to jenkins family. they have to live with what's happened and she's through now. she's going to work through now. i'm sure i could what i'm not sure i could do what she's i think she's doing. i don't think i have the heart or courage to have the heart or the courage to do it, thank god there are do it, but thank god there are people this world. people like her in this world. all pressed time. all right, bit pressed for time. >> actually picking >> i do regret actually picking this given our this one, given our conversation. ago, this one, given our cchose ation. ago, this one, given our cchose angela ago, this one, given our cchose angela rayner. ago, this one, given our cchose angela rayner. given|o, this one, given our cchose angela rayner. given my i chose angela rayner. given my prezi, i'm just. i'll just. i'll
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move on. i'll move on, move on. >> you're not winning, mike freer, i think it's very courageous . obviously, we know courageous. obviously, we know he's stepping down because of the threats faced , from the threats he's faced, from certain protesters. but he has stood up today and made it clear that he thinks it's ridiculous that he thinks it's ridiculous that people who are gay are marching for gaz when he says, you wouldn't last two minutes. >> we've got a clip. >> we've got a clip. >> who's a gay man? when i see queers for palestine, i say, oh, what planet? if you want to be a gay man, you guys are. i'll pay your airfare . your airfare. >> let's see how long you last. but you forget nice curvy gaza, greatest britain, mike freer . greatest britain, mike freer. >> there you go. right. okay, time now for your union, jackasses. >> and lady gaga, who celebrated international women's day by doing a photo shoot with the controversial dylan mulvaney , controversial dylan mulvaney, who was not a woman trans woman. that is, a man who declared himself to be a woman . she himself to be a woman. she should had more sympathy should have had more sympathy and with women, and anyway, was with women, biological women who are fighting their rights currently. >> okay.
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w“ >> all right. okay. go on. >> all right. okay. go on. >> lee anderson, >> andy lee anderson, three parties, disingenuous clown. >> oh, gosh. you should have said that when you said , what's said that when you said, what's he going to do? we'll see then. i'll be honest with you, andy. i thought, this is how it ends. >> but no, absolutely not today. >> but no, absolutely not today. >> today. >> ofcom, not today. >> ofcom, not today. >> and see. won't we >> i'll wait and see. won't we just oil for planning just just stop oil for planning to ruin all our holidays again this summer? >> every time they talk about disrupting flights, it makes me want to take an extra one. >> all right. god all right, so lady gaga is today's union jackass. >> thank you very much. i show a stack full of variety and some levity at the end well. thank levity at the end as well. thank you, you, thank you, you, thank you, thank you, headliners next. will headliners are up next. i will see tomorrow 9 pm. have see you tomorrow at 9 pm. have a evening. a tremendous evening. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> good evening. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office eastern parts may have a touch of frost tonight, but further west it is going to turn wet and
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windy due to an area of low pressure and associated fronts that are pushing their way in from atlantic . we do also from the atlantic. we do also have an occluded front affecting parts scotland parts of northwest scotland tonight. that bring some tonight. that will bring some outbreaks rain for time, outbreaks of rain for a time, but across northern ireland but it's across northern ireland where have the where we're going to have the heavy strong winds heavy rain and strong winds pushing in, and that rain will later far western of later reach far western parts of scotland, england and wales. as we early hours of we go through the early hours of tomorrow in the east, we tomorrow in the east, where we see drier and perhaps even see some drier and perhaps even clearer weather, could see a touch of frost, perhaps even some fog. first thing some patches of fog. first thing tomorrow. most hazardous tomorrow. but the most hazardous weather heavy rain weather will be the heavy rain and those strong, blustery winds across parts . initially across western parts. initially heaviest rain over the higher ground, especially the hills and mountains of north wales. and that then continues way that rain then continues its way eastwards and there will be some heavier but it does heavier bursts. but it does break up and ease a little bit, with some drier interludes developing for a time. some strong, blustery winds to watch out the edge of out for, taking the edge of those though they those temperatures, though they will touch than will be at a touch higher than they been recently. they have been recently. more wet as go wet weather to come as we go
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into wednesday, rain into wednesday, a band of rain pushing south eastwards pushing its way south eastwards across northern across scotland, northern ireland england , ireland into northern england, two to south of this staying two to the south of this staying pretty brighter further pretty cloudy, brighter further north much of scotland, but north over much of scotland, but blustery, , risk of blustery, strong winds, risk of gales or even severe gales towards the north—west more wet and windy weather to come as we go through the end of week, go through the end of the week, particularly towards the north—west, mild . north—west, but rather mild. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boiler as sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> good evening. the top stories from the globe. newsroom. lee anderson has told gb news this evening. it was a gamble. he believes will pay off. defecting from conservative to from the conservative party to the reform uk party in january. mr anderson said it was not a proper political party. but this morning he became its first mp after losing the tory whip for claiming that islamists had got control of the london mayor speaking to patrick christys tonight, he once again refused tonight, he once again refused to apologise. standing by those comments, mr anderson also said he's not heard from the conservative party since his defection was announced . defection was announced. >> on myself. reform party took a gamble on me. it's a gamble i was prepared to take. it's a gamble i think i'll win. it's a gamble i think i'll win. it's a gamble that i need to win, and i need the british public now to gamble on me and the reform


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