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tv   Headliners  GB News  March 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am GMT

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gb news room. wenzler in the gb news room. your top story this hour. failed asylum seekers will be paid £3,000 to move to rwanda under a new voluntary government scheme to clear the migrant backlog. the agreement with rwanda is designed to remove migrants who have no legal right to stay in the uk, but cannot be returned to their home country. new to their home country. the new home plan is separate to home office plan is separate to the stalled deportation scheme, which blocked by legal which has been blocked by legal challenges since june of 2022. the safety of rwanda bill, which is designed to secure the deportation flights, returns to the week , downing the commons next week, downing street has said. comments allegedly made by a tory donor about mp diane abbott were racist and wrong. it comes as the police are understood to have been contacted over frank hester's alleged remarks. the conservative party's biggest donor reportedly said miss abbott made him want to hate all black women and she should be shot. mr hester has now apologised and says he abhors racism. miss abbott , who's now racism. miss abbott, who's now an independent mp, described the comments as frightening and
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worrying. meanwhile, shadow paymaster general jonathan ashworth says it's staggering that rishi sunak has taken so long to recognise the comments as racist. >> they're absolutely reprehensible comments. rishi sunak should now apologise to diane abbott and the £10 million the tory party have taken from this individual . rishi sunak this individual. rishi sunak should order that money to be paid back if these comments are racist, as they are, if they recognise these comments are wrong, they should pay the money back. >> in other news, children in england who identify as trans will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers. the government said it welcomed the landmark decision, which they say is in the best interests of children. puberty blockers, which pause physical changes in young people, will now only be available to children as part of clinical research trials and social media influencer andrew tate insisted that he's innocent of the charges laid against him as he was released from police
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custody in romania this afternoon in a court in bucharest ruled that he can be extradited back to the uk to face charges once his trial in romania ends. he was arrested after lawyers representing four of his accusers told british police that he was planning to flee romania, where he and his brother tristan now live . brother tristan now live. they're accused of sexual offences and human trafficking allegations . they've both denied allegations. they've both denied . and for the latest story, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now it's time for headliners . now it's time for headliners. >> hello and welcome to headliners. your brisk gallop through the next day's newspapers with three comedians. i'm leo kearse and tonight i'm joined by a father and son team. hey it saves us a cab fare. it's
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louis shaffer and jonathan colgan. how are you both doing. >> you know what it's like josh does the same thing. why do you, like, interject personal family stuff.7 in this world, people are interested in private . i know, i interested in private. i know, i know they're interested in it, but they but they don't need to know. leo. >> let's keep it between child services. >> eastenders theme. yes somebody should ring child services. anyway, that's the chit out of the way. let's chit chat out of the way. let's have a look at wednesday's front pages. the daily mail leads with what have they done with our loved ones bodies? times has loved ones bodies? the times has rwanda . the plan will offer rwanda. the plan will offer migrants £3,000 to leave. i'd go for that as well. the telegraph has. starmer will allow assisted dying vote and they also have a picture of kate middleton where she's photoshopped a blue hat onto her head . the guardian onto her head. the guardian leads with tory donors remarks were racist and wrong, says number 10. the financial times has inflation rises to 3.2, which challenges fed stamina for
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last mile and prices battle. if you're an economist, you'll know what they're talking about, and the daily star has peggy britain. oink! no idea what that means. and those were your front pages. means. and those were your front pages . and let's have a closer pages. and let's have a closer look at those newspapers, starting with the guardian. what have they got in the front page, louis? >> the big news. tory donors remarks were racist and wrong. and this is this is about diane abbott, who was. and this guy frank hester, who five years ago. but i don't know, was it before he gave £5 million to the tories? 10 million, i believe 10 million doesn't change the man. yeah, he said he said some things that on paper were probably offensive and they might be. you hate to be forced to call somebody a racist. it doesn't sound good. but then again , it's it could have been again, it's it could have been a joke kind of. >> well, this is the this is the thing. i mean, it sounds like he
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makes a lot of jokes at work that written down in a that when written down in a newspaper or written down, you know, maybe read out in a court of sound horrific and of law sound horrific and offensive. but then if what we said to each other before the show was written down and read out, you know, by a guardian journalist, it would probably sound you call me a sneaky jew just before. >> we would that on. >> we would never put that on. i did not. yeah, that's what he all no, it's what i am, all said. no, it's what i am, but yeah. no, it's, i mean, look, there are many hilarious things make fun of diane things to make fun of diane abbott i think race abbott for. i don't think race is i think that's is one of them. i think that's probably quite a bit out of order. unless he just order. unless he was just joking. to it sounds quite joking. to me, it sounds quite out but i mean, pick out of order, but i mean, pick on the fact anna, she, she on the fact that anna, she, she hooked with jezza. that hooked up with jezza. that is hilarious. hooked up with jezza. that is hilethat's corbyn. >> that's jeremy corbyn. >> that's jeremy corbyn. >> allegedly. allegedly >> that's jeremy corbyn. >> actuallyjedly. allegedly >> that's jeremy corbyn. >> actuallyjedljcelebrityily she's actually my celebrity crush, she's actually my celebrity cqueah. as in, she could crush >> yeah. as in, she could crush something, and i'd like that. okay my hips carry on. don't lie. shakira said louis, i mean, i think i think this is this is interesting. we're seeing people pounng interesting. we're seeing people pouring over. this is from five years ago. we're seeing people pounng years ago. we're seeing people pouring over what was said in
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whatsapp conversations, what was said the pub, what was said said in the pub, what was said in private meetings, and people are picking. think are cherry picking. i think everybody's, you know, made jokes be honest , everybody's, you know, made jokes be honest, i'm more jokes and to be honest, i'm more worried about the people who don't jokes, don't ever don't make jokes, who don't ever say anything that could be deemed offensive. at some point on telegram. yeah. sort of, on telegram. yeah. what sort of, you smith you know, matrix agent smith level psychopath are you if you don't ever crack a joke that somebody could get offended by? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and fact that she's >> and the fact is that she's offended by this is a offended by it. and this is a major where she's getting major thing where she's getting all victime. it's the whole thing is. so it's been done million. >> the reason why it seems so extreme to me is she went to let me finish my point. no, no, you just shut up. i'm talking, she went to the police about it. that bit extreme. that's that seems a bit extreme. that's where it seems be overkill. where it seems to be overkill. >> and also, you know, >> yeah. and also, you know, people the labour party, people in the labour party, diane has said diane abbott herself has said things that, that could be, could be construed racist. could be construed as racist. she white people love she said that white people love to, think divide white people to, i think divide white people love divide and rule, love to play divide and rule, which i mean, as a white person,
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i'm deeply offended. should i report it to the police for racism ? racism? >> where does this where does all this end? >> and the scary thing is, is thatis >> and the scary thing is, is that is that the police are going to do something about it. you going you know, the police are going to they to do something because they take like this. >> when the perpetrator is a white man. anyway, moving on, what the front what have we got on the front cover of the telegraph? jonathan. >> so that's slightly macabre story the daily telegraph. story on the daily telegraph. starmer assisted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote assisted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote . assisted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote . so assisted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote . so if assisted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote . so if can sted story on the daily telegraph. starm vote . so if can read dying vote. so if i can read this tiny, tiny print. so keir starmer promised to give mps starmer has promised to give mps a assisted a vote on legalising assisted dying labour wins the next dying if labour wins the next general election. now i'm in two minds assisted dying. i've minds about assisted dying. i've often that if you're often thought that if you're really , you know, suffering, really, you know, suffering, you've got a terminal illness or you're just super annoying, you should just be allowed to die. but the time, we've but at the same time, as we've seen canada, and i hate to seen in canada, and i hate to use this word because it is a fallacy, it's a slippery slope. they're advertising like they're now advertising for like depressed kill yourself. >> i mean, canada it's >> yeah. i mean, in canada it's not slippery slope. i mean, not a slippery slope. i mean, there are some benefits to assisted i mean , we want assisted dying. i mean, we want to inherit a house, don't we, but there are some downsides in
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canada where they've sort of they're further down the path with they have, they've with this. they have, they've put, like, not children, but but young people, a 23 year old, i believe, with diabetes. so, you know , treatable condition. yeah. know, treatable condition. yeah. was was put forward for assisted dying. and the 23 year old's mother only found out about it by accident or, you know, he'd be dead. well if i lived in canada, i'd want to commit suicide. >> and so maybe it's also like england. like the way the weather's been, like i mean, maybe it it does make sense in this country. yeah. to be so popular, it'll be our biggest export. >> i think by the end of it, people flying in, i think it's, i think it's , it's, it's they i think it's, it's, it's they want ofsted and i think that's what storm is. >> he's on the team that wants us dead. team world wants us. they want less of us. they want to have a free run in the car to the airport . the airport. >> right. so you think you think you know they don't care about the population, because they can get new people and without any
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problem whatsoever. there's lots of people who want to want to come here. so, you know, the, the lazy, ineffective , people the lazy, ineffective, people that are here, such as you and i can be, can be euthanized. >> and then we get turned into beyond meat. the system works. yeah. the system. >> think rich >> i think the really rich people don't even . they've got people don't even. they've got enough money. they don't need any money. could just. any more money. they could just. they just want a nice, clean planet. >> and they're immortal because they monatomic gold. look they eat monatomic gold. look into gold. into it. monatomic gold. gold. >> is . are you trying to >> this is. are you trying to flog some sort of herbalife thing? some of conspiracy thing? some sort of conspiracy theory level herbalife? thing? some sort of conspiracy the and evel herbalife? thing? some sort of conspiracy the and it's. herbalife? thing? some sort of conspiracy the and it's definitely? >> and it's definitely a conspiracy right but conspiracy theory. right but which we'll get to later. there's conspiracy theory. there's more conspiracy theory. >> of my son. >> i'm proud of my son. >> i'm proud of my son. >> you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, well moving on, what are got in front are the times got in the front cover? >> louis? rwanda plan to offer migrants to which migrants £3,000 to leave, which they're always giving money. this been this government has always been giving to leave giving money for people to leave anyway. i think what they're anyway. and i think what they're saying saying you saying is, they're saying if you go to rwanda, we're going to give 3000, we're give you another 3000, we're going as going to give £3,000. yeah. as if we kicked you if you stayed and we kicked you out so basically
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out from here. so basically people going to rwanda, get people are going to rwanda, get a vacation and £3,000 to a paid vacation and £3,000 to spend to spend there. this of course will not happen. >> well, yeah, it seems it seems pretty ineffective. obviously, if people are trying to get to the uk then they offer £3,000, which is probably less than they paid people traffickers to get them into the uk isn't really going to be much of an incentive. >> well, how far will £3,000 go in rwanda? >> they'll quite far , i think. >> yeah, yeah. if you could live like a king three grand in like a king and three grand in rwanda, well why would you living in deptford, right. i mean, it's definitely why mean, it's definitely a why wouldn't money wouldn't you just keep the money that going to give to that you were going to give to the traffickers and go to the people traffickers and go to rwanda, was your plan? rwanda, if that was your plan? >> obviously people are >> i mean, obviously people are coming because, know, coming here because, you know, i'm say the streets i'm not going to say the streets are with gold, but if you are paved with gold, but if you can't into a better country can't get into a better country such america, can't get into a better country such britain america, can't get into a better country such britain is, america, can't get into a better country such britain is, you america, can't get into a better country such britain is, you knowica, can't get into a better country such britain is, you know ,:a, can't get into a better country such britain is, you know , an option. >> did you say australia is a better country than england? >> australia is a much better country england. country than england. and i think knows that outrageous. >> england to the police. >> it's like england. but the parking spaces are bigger than
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the everybody's the cars and everybody's happy. >> both countries >> i've been to both countries and i don't think australia is like england all. okay well like england at all. okay well we're getting away from this rwanda plan eamonn. >> think is a palliative >> i think it is a palliative that, as we've seen with rishi, if he intent to actually if he had any intent to actually reduce migration , it would have reduce migration, it would have reduced by now. how long? i mean, how long have the tory party had to reduce migration. and it just consistently ratchets up year on year. it's what, 1.4 ratchets up year on year. it's what,1.4 million ratchets up year on year. it's what, 1.4 million in in ratchets up year on year. it's what,1.4 million in in a year net migration. now that's or gross migration the number of people coming. obviously some people coming. obviously some people are leaving as well. maybe a few more will leave if this if this £40,000 dying, this is if this £40,000 dying, well, maybe maybe if £3,000, well, maybe maybe if the £3,000, offer is available to native brits, then we will see more people leaving . people leaving. >> do you know what this is? it's. i think this is something that that i've noticed in this country. it's like how covid was used to get brexit through. and. and there's an ulterior and because there's an ulterior motive, they weren't that happy with covid. they didn't weren't happy were about happy that they were lying about covid. brexit covid. but it got brexit through. this is , is
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through. and what this is, is that we have a population that there we have a population shortage. need people to keep shortage. we need people to keep the economy going. so they're thinking you yeah , thinking what's you know, yeah, we're people in, but we're bringing people in, but our keeping ticking we're bringing people in, but our so keeping ticking we're bringing people in, but our so it's keeping ticking we're bringing people in, but our so it's a keeping ticking we're bringing people in, but our so it's a price3ing ticking we're bringing people in, but our so it's a price tog ticking we're bringing people in, but our so it's a price to pay. (ing yeah. >> but as the economy keeping ticking over i mean the, the sort national gdp increases sort of national gdp increases with, with mass immigration, but the, the gdp per capita, the amount that individual people in britain are worth , an urn that britain are worth, an urn that goes down. >> that's too tough a question. >> that's too tough a question. >> okay. >> okay. >> that's economics . we don't do that. >> we finish. well, hopefully this one's not going to be quite so high brow. we finished this section with a daily star jonathan have they got. yeah >> this is quite an interesting piece of journalism. piggy britain. oink. end of table manners with our manners as we chew with our mouths open . and it won't ever. mouths open. and it won't ever. and would. don't ever put the and we would. don't ever put the phone i mean, think this phone down. i mean, i think this is analysis. i saw i saw is a fair analysis. i saw i saw the odd person eating with their mouth open in a restaurant, and they their phone. and they were on their phone. and you know what? euthanize them, get up. get them to sign up. >> i think >> problem solved. i think britain is the home of
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britain is the is the home of good table manners. i mean, i was was raised by my dad was was i was raised by my dad was i was i was raised by my dad was i was raised by my dad to put my knife and fork, you know, on the plate 5:00 on plate like it's, what, 5:00 on the old people always the dial, old people always think the new generation has no manners . manners. >> so this is you. every year you could do this. you could have done this 100 years ago. do people have table manners anymore? don't . anymore? no, they don't. >> you don't even knock when you come in my because of bad manners. >> because you're lucky. you keep locked . keep your door locked. >> okay, that's a bit weird, but that's it for part one. but coming up, dan abbott gets the police involved. drug deaths shoot up again in scotland. and michael gove tells us who the
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welcome back to headliners. i'm leo castille, here with louis schaefer and jonathan kogan. and kicking this section off with the times. and the government is going to stop giving gender
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transition drugs to children. lefties must be raged , louis. lefties must be raged, louis. >> they're probably not going to be because it's not going to have no effect at all. this is what out. nhs bans what i figured out. nhs bans puberty for kids and puberty blockers for kids and this is part of this whole thing. there 5000 kids thing. there were 5000 kids wanting , puberty, puberty wanting, puberty, puberty blockers, sex change. now, now there are. ten years ago, it was 250. so it's been a huge pandemic. pandemic epidemic of yeah, huge explosion. >> it's become a it's become almost a social contagion. >> social contagion . so what >> social contagion. so what they're doing is they're saying they're doing is they're saying the they're not on the nhs , the they're not on the nhs, they're not going to give they're not going to give they're not going to give puberty with an puberty blockers with an asterisk part of a asterisk unless it's part of a research thing. so all these kids are going to now be part of a research program . please sign a research program. please sign the tick box saying is the tick box saying this is a research. and they're going to give them out in new york. can i tell you a story in new york, in new new york, they the new york, in new york, they the federal tried to federal government tried to enforce hand on enforce a left hand turn on a red light for new york. and new york didn't want it because a
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lot pedestrians. yeah. and so lot of pedestrians. yeah. and so they york said, okay, they so new york said, okay, we have because we get have to take it because we get the federal money. and, and what they did was they ordered 20,000 signs, street corner that said, every street corner that said, right turn on red is allowed unless there's a sign that says there isn't right . unless there's a sign that says there isn't right. i unless there's a sign that says there isn't right . i misstated there isn't right. i misstated that. yeah. >> i mean, it's getting away from the whole point of this. puberty blockers. you're every time i work with you gotta take your meds, dad. >> you know what it is? because he's got to go back and talk to his mother about me. >> but, i mean, getting back to this, we've seen this week the w path revelation. this is the world, for world, association for transgender health, the deals with the with puberty blockers for children and has been revealed that these doctors who present themselves as completely evidence based . and, you know, evidence based. and, you know, this is we've we've been studying this ages this studying this for ages and this this activists, their their this the activists, their their activists themselves activists and they themselves have admitted that they don't get informed consent from the children . an and, you know, children. an and, you know, a lot of it is quite experimental.
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what can you get this i mean, this is is horrific stuff. this is this is horrific stuff. this is real long terme damage to causes to the children causes infertility or can cause infertility, osteoporosis, all kinds of even cancer. the hormones cause cancer in one one of the children. it's i mean it's horrific. i mean, i'm worried that, you know, the government still hasn't got a grip on this. there's no it's still activists are still pushing this therapy onto children. >> i mean, a wide sort of view on this was it was experimenting on this was it was experimenting on our children. and if it is now only to be done in cases of actually like experiments, it is exactly that. yeah. they are literally experimenting on children now and the argument is, well of course children that young can't consent to this. they don't really know what they're signing. >> it's illegal. yeah. it's illegal they can't illegal to have it's they can't consent. and they used to be one place where this horror was happening, which is the tavistock and now it's tavistock centre. and now it's happening in seven places around the country. they're going the country. they're not going to keep an eye on it. to be able to keep an eye on it. and when you have a great ormond
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street this they're street is doing this and they're supposed to cuddly and supposed to be all cuddly and nice kids, but they're nice to young kids, but they're castrating the children. yeah. >> that there's , i >> and i feel that there's, i mean, there's sinister motive mean, there's a sinister motive behind this. we've seen behind some of this. we've seen on the left. been on the left. there's been movements, decade movements, you know, decade after you see the after decade. you see the movement for, you know, there's the paedophile information exchange you exchange and then there was, you know, move get know, there's this move to get paedophiles recognised . yeah, paedophiles recognised. yeah, move get paedophiles move to get paedophiles recognised minor attracted recognised as minor attracted people to try and take the stigma away from it. when i think there should be, if there's thing should there's one thing there should be attached is be a stigma attached to is paedophilia . and with this, paedophilia. and now with this, you they want to stop you know, they want to stop children puberty. so children reaching puberty. so what? they can reach age of what? they can reach the age of consent be children. consent but still be children. >> reckon that's what it is? >> you reckon that's what it is? >> you reckon that's what it is? >> i that's that's >> well, i think that's that's one, possibility. one, that's one possibility. i mean, trust the people mean, i don't trust the people buying this. they're not open, they're they they're not transparent. they don't motives don't seem to have good motives or good i think or be doing good things, i think you're right. i've thought you're quite right. i've thought andrew doyle show the other day, and it was very illuminating about this. and yeah, check it out. free speech nation every sunday. >> okay, well, we've got the
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guardian now, the government guardian now, and the government is to tell us the is going to tell us who the extremists are. i think i've already worked out. louis. >> is me again. >> yeah, well, this is me again. it's news. good news, it's good news. good news, michael to michael gove to name organisations by by organisations affected by by extremism. and of extremism. definition and of course, it's going to be it's going to be a melange, a mixture of the people who are actually out to kill us and just nutters, a few nutters to make it seem like we're all we're all in this together. and. and why shouldn't he be allowed? why shouldn't they be allowed to name the organisations? >> yeah. do you want to speculate as to who it could be? well, i mean, there's they've named some mainstream or named some, some mainstream or relatively mainstream groups terrorist extremist organisation. >> i've got i came up with the bbc, the royal family and my ex—wife. >> you don't talk about my mother like that. >> i think louis schaefer's fan club will be on there as well. yeah. if there's any justice. >> what find interesting >> well, what i find interesting about it's actually about this is it's actually quite to define something quite hard to define something like they like extremism. so what they said is it's groups that subvert british focus more british democracy and focus more on than pure, purely
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on ideology than pure, purely words or action. so any words or action. so it's any organisation that essentially tries to subvert british values. now you've got to define all those things. but yeah, i just hope that this doesn't get taken out of hand. and, you know , out of hand. and, you know, appued out of hand. and, you know, applied to other things that aren't extremism, which it seems to like the hate speech to happen like the hate speech laws stuff that. laws and stuff like that. >> yeah. we've seen in other >> yeah. and we've seen in other countries, you know, more authoritarian as authoritarian countries such as china canada doing china and russia, canada doing some stuff. rules, rules such as this be applied to this can then be applied to anybody who criticises the government of government is guilty of extremism they're extremism because they're subverting, they're to subverting, they're trying to subverting, they're trying to subvert or yeah, subvert in the state or yeah, the establishment essentially. >> that is that it's such >> so that is that is it's such a tricky isn't it? that a tricky thing, isn't it? that is the ultimate free speech debate. like, yeah, debate. it's like, well, yeah, i mean, we're sort of very pro mean, we're all sort of very pro free but yeah, just free speech, but yeah, just relax guys. >> it's a tricky thing because we sort of recognise an we all sort of recognise an extremist when one. but extremist when you see one. but defining pornography, i can recognise it when i see it but. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> okay. >> okay. >> and see it i do the meal now and things get even worse for humza yousaf, as it's revealed that drug deaths in scotland are
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shooting up, no pun intended. >> scots are dying from overdoses before they get a chance to die from their terrible diet. jonathan. oh so fury as scottish drugs deaths are the worst in europe, are already the worst in europe, surge another 10% as humza yousaf tries to blame brexit for snp's disastrous management of pubuc snp's disastrous management of public services. >> so the snp were today blasted for failing to tackle scotland's national shame, which used to be leo's nickname at school, and yeah, after a 10% rise in suspected drugs deaths in the country. so the new data has been published. it looks really, really now. drugs deaths are really bad now. drugs deaths are an interesting one because essentially it is an individual's they choose individual's action. they choose to do the drugs. obviously the circumstances that lead them there are often terrible and there's childhood or there's traumatic childhood or social isolation. >> but every childhood in scotland . scotland. >> yeah. but, a lot of these drugs that are killing people are because they've been cut with dangerous substances. now, if not to sound like the dirty hippie i am, but if we legalised all the drugs, you would eliminate, hopefully these kind of contamination .
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of deaths through contamination. >> i mean, apart from >> yeah, but i mean, apart from being completely ridiculous being a completely ridiculous communist idiot, i mean selam selam capitalist . selam capitalist. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> the i mean, the drug deaths in scotland are so high, i think they're already three, three and a half times higher than the rest the uk, by far rest of the uk, by far the highest europe. policy is highest in europe. so policy is clearly playing a part here. and the snp have rules, such as the minimum alcohol unit pricing which makes street drugs, you know, relatively more attractive from, from the point of view of how much money do you have to spend to get out of your tree? and also just the fact that under the snp, scotland is a place that's devoid of hope, it's devoid of aspiration because, know, is because, you know, business is stymied. most jobs are in the pubuc stymied. most jobs are in the public it's horrific. public sector. it's horrific. i've seen it with my own eyes. yeah. >> well i agree with that. i mean, i've been to scotland and, you're scottish, your other mother is your other stepmom or whatever she is, is . he's not my whatever she is, is. he's not my kid. >> just tell us. the thing is it? >> it's i love scotland, i love
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it, but when you, like, you say, when you got the best drugs in the whole of the uk, when you demoralise the people. i think it's especially the men. i think there's a much higher level of male death from these things. when you demoralise them, when you it expensive to buy you make it expensive to buy like drugs, alcohol, like cheap drugs, like alcohol, they're it on they're going to spend it on dangerous drugs. yeah. and i think what's happening . i think that's what's happening. i think that's what's happening. i think that's what's happening. i think that's why that's that's why it's happening. >> snp's focus on >> and the snp's focus on independence means that they're not the social not spending on the social programs , and they're trying to programs, and they're trying to blame brexit. they've taken the eye and they're eye off the ball and they're trying blame brexit. trying to blame brexit. >> i mean that's stretch. >> i mean that's a stretch. >> i mean that's a stretch. >> come >> eight years ago i mean come on. brexit affected the on. and also brexit affected the whole why aren't drug whole of the uk. why aren't drug deaths in if deaths surging in england if that's you know the cause is ridiculous. and they get under the barnett formula started to bang this. but the bang on about this. but the mismanagement scotland does mismanagement of scotland does get skin for some get under my skin for some reason. barnett formula reason. but the barnett formula means that scotland gets way more money per person. extra and above, over over what spent per person in england. so i think
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it's across the whole country. it works out to about £15 billion. this is westminster's money that is handed to scotland, but it's done deliberately . deliberately. >> england gives that money to heart. scotland. no, it gives them money as a bribe. i'm making a joke. oh, england gives that money to hurt scotland. that's how devious the english law was. that a joke? >> that was very cunning. >> that was very cunning. >> i think it was a true statement as far as i'm concerned. >> anyway, the times now and russian soldiers have had one of their biggest successes of the ukraine and unfortunately ukraine war. and unfortunately for are russian for putin, these are russian nationalists who hate him and have russia. have attacked russia. >> yeah , well, we don't know >> yeah, well, we don't know that a but that's we that for a fact, but that's we don't know it for a fact. russian fighters loyal to ukraine biggest ukraine launched biggest cross—border attacks on the war. it's times they're gung ho. >> i follow these guys on telegram. they're for real. the times isn't pulling this out of the air. this is. this is. you know, you can leave the criticism to when you've actually told us what's happening. >> yeah, i'll tell what's >> yeah, i'll tell you what's happening. is,
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happening. what's happening is, is that russians have is that is that russians have gone into the ukraine or living in the ukraine to fight against russia , to, to fight for the russia, to, to fight for the ukraine. and i don't believe that to be true. >> no, it is true. so many russian nationalists hate putin, hate the kleptocratic regime that he's got there, and one of one over throw, the one of over throw, the establishment there. >> how do you see this playing out in the next sort of year? what do you think's going to. obviously big question. what do you happen you think's going to happen with this. this particular this. well, this this particular thing mean this more of thing i mean this is more of a sort pr stunt. sort of pr stunt. >> so this isn't making it. so you it's substantive you are saying it's substantive substantive change, it's substantive change, but it's still to still a huge embarrassment to putin know, putin to have, you know, russians, russian nationalists. i managed to i mean, he managed to kill navalny. jail navalny. he's managed to jail strelkov managed to kill strelkov he's managed to kill prigozhin. prigozhin prigozhin. actually, prigozhin wasn't a nationalist. i wasn't a nationalist. but i mean, these russian mean, these are russian nationalists stand, who love nationalists who stand, who love russia, who stand for russia. and going in to fight and they're going in to fight putin's regime. i mean, putin's regime. that's i mean, that's a blatant that's such a spit in the face for putin. sure. but but over, over time, i
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mean, i think, i think ukraine is going to come out on top. i mean, the west already america's sort of stopped backing ukraine as much. i think europe's going to pull its finger out the artillery they've artillery drought. they've had an drought for a few an artillery drought for a few months now, but now they're getting a million shells from europe. they're getting a million shells, hopefully from from the us. they're also bringing down a of the bringing down a lot of the absolutely essential, airborne radar planes that russia, russia needs and their drone strikes. ukraine drone production is way outstripping russia's. ukraine drone production is way outstripping russia's . so outstripping russia's. so they're doing drone strikes 600 miles inside of russia on energy infrastructure and on military targets. so yeah, i think i think we're going to see ukraine triumph. >> i'm going to say something i know so little about this. and what i do know, i learned from worlds of with sir laurence worlds of war with sir laurence olivier he olivier in the 1970s. he probably didn't cover too much. yeah, it did cover it. and yeah, no, it did cover it. and i'll you something. this is i'll tell you something. this is an to the an existential threat to the russian i don't think russian people. i don't think that russians want russia destroyed. and what will happen is if the ukraine, if ukraine
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wins, russia will be destroyed. >> no , that's i mean, i think >> no, that's i mean, i think that's that's nonsense. i think what will happen is another gangster will take over in russia and, it'll be business as usual, but he'll be a bit more friendly to the west. more of a lukashenko than a putin. anyway, that's all for part two. but coming up, fake migrant conversions in the church and how being throttled how britain is being throttled by coordinators. see by diversity coordinators. see you
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welcome back to headliners the telegraph. now in a whistle blowing reverence as the church of england has been helping migrants fake being christian so they claim asylum anything they can claim asylum anything for a few bums on pews. jonathan. well thank god, it was just the whistle he blew. >> so, church of england, this guy on. that's all i have guy always on. that's all i have for this story. no. okay. all right. church of england accused of turning a blind eye to fake migrant the migrant conversion. so the church england has allegedly church of england has allegedly
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turned to fake turned a blind eye to fake christian conversions by asylum seekers, a whistleblower has said, been said, claiming he's been a victim of intimidation. well, first of immediate first of all, my immediate reaction isn't reaction to this is, isn't apostasy in islam like an absolute like you absolute cardinal sin, like you cannot once you've converted to islam, you can't just convert to another religion without but those. >> that's why they're saying they go back. they're they can't go back. they're saying what tell the saying that's what they tell the home office . i've heard me, i've home office. i've heard me, i've converted to christianity. i can't if i go back to, can't go back if i go back to, you know, syria or whatever wonderful, glorious islamic country they've come from, i'll be i'll be executed for being an apostate. >> but don't they also have that thing where you're allowed to kind of manipulate the truth in order to get ahead for the greater good of allah? taqiyya yeah. >> taqiyya taqiyya. it's okay to tell a lie during the shofar. yeah, it's all good to tell a lie if it's to advance the advance. islam. yeah, yeah . no. advance. islam. yeah, yeah. no. that's true, that's true. >> sorry. yeah. go on. thanks dad. what they were saying is they're now going to demand much more rigorous tests and evidence
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to these converts . faith. to test these converts. faith. so what i think they should do is actually just sneak up and scare them. and if they go, oh, jesus christ, then they're actually they're actually and they're believers. actually they're actually and they're chalk,elievers. actually they're actually and they're chalk, you ars. actually they're actually and they're chalk, you chalk . but one >> you chalk, you chalk. but one of them apparently. so nicolas de santo worked as a translator . de santo worked as a translator. he's panellist and he's a headliners panellist and he a translator he worked as a translator because he's iranian, iranian, italian and apparently they let him on this show. apparently one of the one of the people he was translating for, had converted to christianity or, you know, converted to christianity and said, i swear, i swear to allah, i'm a christian. now, i literally said that in an interview. i'm probably still, probably still made it because the church of england just wave anyone through . anyway, the anyone through. anyway, the independent now, and the indian leader is taking a robust approach to immigration. can this guy give rishi some tips? louis. >> yeah. well, this is this is pretty interesting. this isn't a written, narendra modi. he's the prime minister and he's they're they're going to be enforcing migration laws that exclude
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muslims. and this is a citizenship amendment act that was came in in 2019, which basically says, if you're coming from a muslim country and you're not muslim, you're allowed to come into the country. the problem with india is it's based on kind of like english principles of like tolerance and, and whatever those things that english people do, democratic, democratic and not being partisan to one or the other. and india has the largest majority. it's the largest muslim country in the world is india. it's got like 200 and something million muslims, but it's got a very large population. >> so that's, i mean, that's still i think what, ten, 15% maybe i think, yeah, something 1520, 20. >> yeah, 20. but but, but, it's going to make this is an important story for people who are watching because it says , are watching because it says, well, if they can do it, why can't why can't other other countries? >> we've seen countries like china. not that not that i in any way approve of the way,
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china has, has treated its muslim population, but they've been they've taken very harsh steps to preserve , what they see steps to preserve, what they see as their sort of their hand, their, ethnic majority. and india is, you know, taking just a baby steps in that, in that direction. i mean, it's, it's discriminatory. but then you could look at the example of countries such as lebanon, which was, you know, a majority christian country and became, you know, through immigration and through demographic change, became a majority muslim country. and it didn't end too well for lebanon . jonathan. well for lebanon. jonathan. >> well, i suppose critics of the law would say it violates india's secular constitution, which i think is it's a fair point, but i suppose they're not addressing the, i guess, the demographic questions that are being discussed here. that's very. yeah, very. >> well , what he wants to say is >> well, what he wants to say is there's a war going on between there's a war going on between the ethno state, which india would like to be, and the and
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the kind of globalist , the kind of globalist, multiculturalist, non—state team world. >> everyone's just like, whoa , >> everyone's just like, whoa, are you just throwing keywords out there ? out there? >> and that's, i think, what it is, it's right now there's a war. there's a war between countries that want to be one kind. this is true. >> we've seen it in israel. >> we've seen it in israel. >> and that's >> in israel. yeah. and that's why that's one of the reasons they is that they hate israel is for that reason. and other is that reason. and the other is that the there. but but and the jews there. but but and that's that's what it is. >> okay. well moving on, we've got the mail now revealing how britain is being turned into a communist nightmare by diversity officers. jonathan >> yes, we like to call this the long march through the institutions. i believe that's what called. i'm so smart what it's called. i'm so smart today. daily mail today. so in the daily mail march of diversity march of the diversity commissars, voted for commissars, no one voted for them. society is being them. but our society is being reshaped army finger reshaped by an army of finger wagging officials wagging council officials pushing a divisive ideology. look, whole point, okay? look, the whole point, okay? it's the same old story. local councils are claiming that they
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do not have enough funding. but then when the investigations happen, it turns out they're spending millions and millions on these programs trying to. >> are diversity, equity >> these are diversity, equity and yeah . which and inclusion. yeah, yeah. which is which is basically basically is which is basically basically is said, communist, is is like you said, communist, is being, i believe, instilled in people and, and it's, i mean, it's deeply racist, it's divisive . it provides no, no divisive. it provides no, no actual use or no, there's no product for the for the taxpayer. >> that's what you're saying. but but people out there, they actually think it's very important . important. >> so because people are crazy. >> so because people are crazy. >> yeah. so people people wanted communist revolution. >> didn't that communism >> it didn't mean that communism was great. >> but if you but some people do think that communism is good and even they think dead even the they think the dead people good. fact is, people were good. the fact is, is that this is diane abbott say that what the mail was. that what the royal mail was. well, he didn't she well, didn't he didn't she bicycle. across, soviet bicycle. bicycle across, soviet soviet union? she's not. his bike is the amount of money that's spent on this day that's being spent on this day on people is substantial. on these people is substantial. yeah, but it's not. it's like i think it's one point something
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trillion pounds that are going to these councils. >> the whole point of local council to your money. council is to waste your money. that they have been set that is why they have been set up.and that is why they have been set up. and god bless for doing up. and god bless them for doing their job. >> so they're basically theirjob. >> so they're basically just a keynesian stimulus. is, keynesian stimulus. and this is, this is actually an example of good business, because at least they're anybody's they're not getting in anybody's way, although honest, they way, although to be honest, they are and diversity and are diversity and diversity and eqtu are diversity and diversity and equity coordinators just gum up the works. you know, it means that instead of just hiring someone, you've got to take lots of boxes and lots of forms and run them past diversity boards to make sure which is good because you want them. >> you want the council to be gummed up. you don't want the council to be there doing, doing more and more stuff, fixing potholes as like i've said, i've said the tories, steel and labour wastes. >> well, i want javier milei to come in and just slash our. i reckon you could fire, but i've worked in local government. you could fire about 75% of the headcountin could fire about 75% of the headcount in every local government, and nobody would nofice government, and nobody would notice anything except things would get better and you don't
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pay would get better and you don't pay much well, we've got pay as much tax. well, we've got the now and it looks like the mail now and it looks like the mail now and it looks like the police recorded jk rowling misgendering by which misgendering someone, by which i mean someone mean correctly gendering someone as a non—crime hate incident. yeah well, recording i thought when i heard this, i thought they're like, they've got tape recorders. >> there they were. and they're following everybody around. >> gordon it's a fella. >> jackie gordon it's a fella. >> jackie gordon it's a fella. >> yeah, but jk rowling did call india willoughby, misgendered her. him, whatever she is, i don't i mean, now i'm afraid i'm afraid to say it. but the truth is, the truth is i have resentment because she's got a great name. because my name is lewis . in 1957, lewis was the lewis. in 1957, lewis was the name that given to a boy who name that was given to a boy who was beaten up by a kid being named lewis. in this country. right. there was a difference. and the fact is she gets to choose her name. her real name. your real name was what? jonathan, was it not? i shouldn't say real. whatever. it was original. original? i don't even know if you can say assigned yeah okay. assigned at birth. yeah okay. but she chose a name like india ,
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but she chose a name like india, which is totally offensive to the indian people. basically racist . this woman is racist to racist. this woman is racist to the muslims. >> trying to get in is very racist. >> and, and, and she, she could have she i think if you're going to change your name, you should choose the most popular name in the year you were born. >> i don't think this is about her name. >> can i tell you it isn't? >> can i tell you it isn't? >> can i tell you it isn't? >> can you talk about the actual story instead of whatever? >> why do we to about >> why do we have to talk about the story? because it's a the actual story? because it's a news says it's a new news show. who says it's a new it's show. you do, but it's a news show. you do, but i'm it isn't. i'm having i'm saying it isn't. i'm having a very day. this is the a very bad day. this is the worst show that had. worst show that i've ever had. i didn't any sleep. oh you've didn't get any sleep. oh you've had much shows this had much worse shows than this much today. >> you've had worse shows. much today. >> no, �*ve had worse shows. much today. >> no, ie had worse shows. much today. >> no, i haven't, rse shows. much today. >> no, i haven't, butshows. much today. >> no, i haven't, but you/s. much today. >> no, i haven't, but you know what? one. know what? the number one. you know what? the number one. you know what of the top what the number one of the top names of 1965, the year that she was born. donna and karen. >> i don't care about her donna dress. i want to talk about the police recording a misgendering or a or a correct gendering as a non—crime hate incident. >> again , this seems like >> again, this seems like overreach of the police. we've already promised that
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already been promised that non—crime hate incidents are no longer going to be recorded. yeah, so? so this shouldn't be a thing anymore . and i just also thing anymore. and i just also imagine calling the police over that. disagree with it. that. you can disagree with it. you be offended it. but you can be offended by it. but calling police. calling the police. >> abbott, the >> well, diane abbott, to the police are being called. you don't police. don't call the police. >> with diane abbott. >> everybody with diane abbott. >> everybody with diane abbott. >> i mean, there was >> there was i mean, there was a sort of, a overtone. he sort of, a violent overtone. he said shooting , said something about shooting, shooting her somebody. >> sure. but that's not to say he wasn't saying he's going to do it. no, i mean, it wasn't obviously a serious thing if i call the police, every time i was brutally my mum was brutally insulted, my mum would prison. would be in prison. >> all i'm saying. >> that's all i'm saying. >> that's all i'm saying. >> a non—crime crime >> recording a non—crime crime hate saying, hate incident is like saying, i'm write down that you i'm going to write down that you weren't very nice to diane. >> exactly. that's what it is. yeah, that's what it is. it's not. we're we're literally making a sort legislative making a sort of legislative criminal record on somebody's name and jk rowling's name. it could affect her if she wants to go and move to america or something, this could affect her. being done her. yeah. and it's being done basically because what basically because of what somebody perceives as impoliteness , which is
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impoliteness, which is a shocking state of for shocking state of affairs for the to be dealing with. the police to be dealing with. anyway, that's part three done, but the final section but join us in the final section for middleton. middleton for kate middleton. middleton conspiracy the snp conspiracy theories and the snp blowing 85 grand of your money on
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welcome back to headliners. we've got the mail now. and all the weirdness around. kate middleton going missing has got conspiracy theorists worked up. look, it's very simple. sometimes when a reptilian shapeshifting overlord is undergoing dna manipulation to assume human form, it can take longer than usual. it's simple. lewis, it is simple . lewis, it is simple. >> it's simple that she's the queen and we don't know anything about her are going to be the queen. and we don't know anything it. kind anything about it. and kind of a weird weird with weird anything that's weird with this. the story. weird anything that's weird with this. the the story. weird anything that's weird with this. the palace the story. weird anything that's weird with this. the palace handlingtory. weird anything that's weird with this. the palace handling ofy. how the palace handling of kate middleton's fuelled middleton's photo crisis fuelled yet theories . yet more conspiracy theories. and, i personally, the hands
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looked wonky. and that's the sign for i. i think by law , if sign for i. i think by law, if you use ai, it should automatically be set to six fingers on a hand. yeah. to let you know there's going to be some people in, norfolk or dundee who just everybody assumes that their holiday snaps. >> are i queen elizabeth has seven anyway. >> anyway , it's not that. it's >> anyway, it's not that. it's not that the picture is what is the future queen doing playing with photoshop? >> well, this is the hobby. this is the explanation she gave. she said, because there was a clear photoshop you can see in the cuff. it didn't match up. it was, you know, i don't even know if it was photoshop. it looked like ms paint had been used. yeah, but mean, she said she yeah, but i mean, she said she was messing around with was just messing around with photoshop, but why? why would you photoshop? you mess around with photoshop? >> something bad >> especially with something bad happening if she's not, happening to you if she's not, if not enough to if she's not healthy enough to go outside or even to the go outside or even go to the window wave, it's like it's window and wave, it's like it's like in, in sherlock and like in in, in sherlock and sherlock holmes with woman had sherlock holmes with a woman had the red hair and they got tied
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the red hair and they got tied the woman with the red hair to be window. you know what? be by the window. you know what? i'm know, know i'm you know, people know literally idea. idea. but literally no idea. no idea. but the some people might know this literally no idea. no idea. but the go, e people might know this literally no idea. no idea. but the go, oh, zople might know this literally no idea. no idea. but the go, oh, that'snight know this literally no idea. no idea. but the go, oh, that's an ht know this literally no idea. no idea. but the go, oh, that's an obscure this and go, oh, that's an obscure reference. i'm so that reference. i'm so smart that i know but something is know this. but something is wrong personally think wrong with. i personally think i'm going to make a joke about it, but i'm actually scared for her. she's up in the castle keep she's being kept hostage because she's being kept hostage because she wants to divorce those guys. >> you think she's our katie holmes ? holmes? >> yes. or even princess >> yes. or. or even princess diana . listen, they've done it diana. listen, they've done it once. they could do it again. okay, well , you heard it here okay, well, you heard it here first. is that wrong? should you say i was kidding? >> allegedly. they killed her. >> allegedly. they killed her. >> no, no . >> no, no. >> no, no. >> you're joking. no, that's that's obviously that didn't happen. no, but i mean, lewis, lewis didn't say that , we've got lewis didn't say that, we've got the times now, and the scottish government may have cut funding for public services such as drug treatment, but they've got enough money to give 85 grand to a hardcore sex show a cave . a hardcore sex show in a cave. >> jonathan, this is a >> jonathan, now, this is a story particularly fond of story i am particularly fond of as of degeneracy, i do not
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as a fan of degeneracy, i do not think degeneracy be paid think degeneracy should be paid for government. that's for by the government. that's just so anger just my humble opinion. so anger over our agency's grant to hardcore sex so scottish hardcore sex show. so scottish ministers are appalled after scotland's national arts agency awarded almost £85,000 to a performance company making hardcore shows set in a sex cave. also known as the snp headquarters. >> that would be the ugliest sex. sure. yeah, this is the world and its government funded. >> so creative scotland made the grant project centred on grant to a project centred on moving installation, moving image installation, featuring performers having non—simulated intercourse, which is something i really hope to try one day. >> non—simulated so this is actual hardcore sex or penetration done. and this is what the snp is spending taxpayers money on. instead of actually trying to save scotland from of them. drugs ls the from all of them. drugs ls the social ills that are plaguing it. >> the system works . >> the system works. >> the system works. >> yeah, well because that's that's what they are. they're all they got. they don't, they're having any up they're not having any kids up in and taking in scotland and they're taking too drugs. and some of them too much drugs. and some of them must into into the
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must leak into the, into the civil service yeah. i mean, you we're we're in a world it's we're in we're in a world it's not just scotland, it's collapsing. the whole the whole world is collapsing. it's such degenerate times. >> is. degeneracy has become >> it is. degeneracy has become mainstream degeneracy mainstream. degeneracy should be. us the outs. be. it should be us on the outs. >> should just be a few >> it should just be a few people. but it's the whole society. but we don't rac society. yeah, but we don't rac usually a horrific usually portends a horrific tilt in . in society. >> i mean, look at weimar berlin and i'm worried that that could be where we're heading now, the mirror and a council mirror now. and a council has raised thousands pounds raised thousands of pounds by fining littering when fining people for littering when they're just having a little wee lewis. >> yes. this is, this is up in, up in, up 17 miles north of here, the kings langley, which is like, sort of. it's near where i go film a lot of watford. it's right. it's where i film the war at warner studios over there. lewis schaffer i was filming today. not there, but someplace else. anyway and it says if drivers are stopping along the side of the road and they're urinating and, and 762 of them in one year, we're fine. wow right. £88. and so basically
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they basically they made like 72,000 thousand pounds. >> they're just they've stopped in a layby to just go behind a bush and have a little wee. this is what, you know this my mum used to take me when i was a little kid. no, i we did little kid. no, i mean we did have a toilet in the house as well. know, is just well. but you know, this is just something people do. something that people do. >> and how shocking it >> and how shocking is it because they were being penalised they violated penalised because they violated the environmental protection act and for, for accused of littering and littering? >> but where do where do they think ? think? >> i mean, when a cow urinates in a field, is that littering? >> and do you think that for £72,000 that they collected , £72,000 that they collected, they could have just put a urinal up and solve the problem? >> this happened in a single layby. it wouldn't have happened . happened if i screwed the joke up on me. i said the f word as well. well it wouldn't have happened a married i happened in a married layby. i got very good, jonathan. got it out very good, jonathan. >> it's worth the wait. i almost finally. got minute finally. we've just got a minute left got
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left to do this one. we've got the with warning for the mail with a warning for anyone thinking of a lion anyone who's thinking of a lion at weekend. lewis. at the weekend. lewis. >> it's the perfect >> oh, well, it's the perfect formula catching on formula for catching up on sleep. revealed, scientists . sleep. revealed, scientists. it's basically a long, long it's basically is a long, long piece. it could put any of piece. and it could put any of these kind of articles put to sleep. it's better to watch a youtube video. >> it says to tell people no. stay tuned to gb news. >> yeah, don't don't >> yeah. and yeah, don't don't watch youtube says watch the youtube video. it says basically make up basically you can never make up the sleep. the lost sleep. >> basically you if you >> so basically if you if you burn out during the week and you don't, you're up early don't, you're getting up early and going to bed then and going to bed late, then you can't for it. can't just make up for it. >> exactly. about, sleep >> exactly. it's about, sleep hygiene. girlfriend very hygiene. my girlfriend is a very heavy sleeper and she's very heavy sleeper and she's very heavy as well. heavy when she's awake as well. it's terrible . it's terrible. >> and sleep hygiene. >> and sleep hygiene. >> lewis, you said you had a bad night's sleep last night, which i did, i couldn't believe, hence the ring. >> let's get a close up on this ring, ladies. >> did get married? >> did you get married? >> did you get married? >> i didn't, got married in vegas. >> what happened is my my >> what happened is my is my girlfriend. to girlfriend. and i hate to mention it's there's mention it because it's there's a women out there who are a lot of women out there who are like, who waiting for lewis like, who are waiting for lewis schaffer still have a schaffer and you still have a chance this not going
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chance because this is not going to out. she she asked to work out. but she she asked me on, on, on leap, leap day, basically. congratulations yeah. >> please send in your gifts and flowers. >> your mother. i don't think it's worth. what am i pretending that you're my son? you're too funny to be my son. >> too handsome. >> too handsome. >> oh, yeah ? well, that's all >> oh, yeah? well, that's all we've got time we're just we've got time for, we're just gonna have a quick run through tomorrow's front pages . we ring tomorrow's front pages. we ring them up on the screen, then that's. that's it. thanks to thafs.thafsit.thanksto thanks that's. that's it. thanks to thanks to jonathan and lewis, we're going to be back tomorrow at 11 pm. tonight we saw the daily mail. it says, what have they done with their loved one's bodies? is also they're bodies? there is also they're not to show the next not going to show the next one anyway. watching anyway. if you're watching at 5 am. stay for breakfast. a.m. stay tuned for breakfast. but for now it's good night or good god bless . good morning. and god bless. >> i meant to put the papers in. i didn't do it. oh, god, i'm so sorry . sorry. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb
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news. >> good evening. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. whilst in the south of the uk, it is southeast of the uk, it is actually going to turn largely dry as into wednesday. dry as we go into wednesday. it's a different story towards the and west. that's the north and west. that's because we a system because we have a frontal system here is eventually going to here that is eventually going to start to back south start to edge back south eastwards. we go through the eastwards. as we go through the night, that is to bring night, that is going to bring some persistent rain some heavy, persistent rain across of scotland, across much of scotland, northern ireland then later northern ireland and then later into england and wales. into northern england and wales. as go through early hours as we go through the early hours of further south and of tomorrow further south and east across the rest of england and picture , but and wales, a drier picture, but and wales, a drier picture, but a cloudy one and a windy story for all. and temperatures for all. and so temperatures really aren't going drop really aren't going to drop much. staying in much. many places staying in double figures as we go through tomorrow then this band tomorrow itself. then this band of does gradually push its of rain does gradually push its way little bit further south way a little bit further south and but doesn't make and eastwards. but doesn't make much progress. is to much progress. so it is going to unger much progress. so it is going to linger and bring quite a bit of rain across northern england and some wales to a some parts of north wales to a dner some parts of north wales to a drier further south, the drier story. further south, the limited bright or sunny spells
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here, but temperatures rising to highs around 15 celsius. highs of around 15 celsius. windy for most of us, but the strongest winds will be across northwest scotland, where there's of gales. but there's the risk of gales. but also sunshine. as we go also some sunshine. as we go into again staying into thursday and again staying mostly dry towards the southeast. but elsewhere there will be quite a bit of rain around, outbreaks of rain feeding from the southwest feeding up from the southwest across many places, a band across many places, with a band of persistent rain across of more persistent rain across northern scotland northern ireland and scotland pushing showers to pushing northwards. showers to come as we go through friday. some of them could be heavy and then saturday to turn then saturday is likely to turn wet see you again wet again. i'll see you again soon. bye. soon. bye bye. >> warm feeling inside from >> that warm feeling inside from boxt , sponsors of boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> good evening. the government says we're going to need new gas
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fired power stations . otherwise, fired power stations. otherwise, the lights are going to go out. gosh, who knew? the home affairs select committee hears today about a conveyor belt of people crossing the english channel and converting to christianity so that they can stay. it's a level of abuse that is almost unbelievable. and a backbench conservative member of parliament suggests that the work shy those that are refused three jobs, should be conscripted and put into the army for two years. well, it's an idea, but does it have any chance of flying at all? well, before all of that, let's get the news with sophia wenzler. >> nigel. thank you. at 7:00, i'm sophia wenzler in the gb newsroom. your top story this hour. newsroom. your top story this hour . a newsroom. your top story this hour. a spokesman for the prime minister has said comments allegedly made by a tory donor about diane abbott were racist and wrong, but he was greatly to apologise for causing offence. it comes as the police are
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understood to have been contacted over the frank hester's alleged remarks. the conservative party's biggest donor reportedly said miss abbott made him want to hate all black women and she should be shot. mr hs2 has now apologised and says he abhors racism. miss abbott, who's now an independent mp, described the comments as frightening and worrying . lee frightening and worrying. lee anderson made his first appearance in the commons this afternoon since defecting to reform uk. he took his seat on the opposition benches next to george galloway. mr anderson was stripped of the conservative whip last month after refusing to apologise for saying islamists had got control of the london mayor children in england who identify as trans will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers . the government said it blockers. the government said it welcomed the landmark decision, which they say is in the best interests of children. puberty blockers , which pause physical blockers, which pause physical changes in young people, will now only be available to children as part of clinical


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