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tv   Headliners  GB News  March 23, 2024 2:00am-3:01am GMT

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the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . my medical team present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment . early stages of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock , and william and i have shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. privately for the sake of our young family . as you can young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time . it imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly , it has taken us importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me healin on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirits . having william by my spirits. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as
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is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both . we hope that you'll to us both. we hope that you'll understand that as a family , we understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy . while i complete my privacy. while i complete my treatment . my work has always treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy , brought me a deep sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery . at this time, i'm also recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. lives have been affected by cancer . for everyone facing this cancer. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone . are not alone. >> the princess of wales, speaking in a video released at 6 pm. today. let me just give you an email that's come in from andrew. before we get to the news headlines, i think it's apposite regarding what the princess has just said, good evening, says andrew, shocked
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and dismayed at today's news. my thoughts are with kate and all the family . andrew goes on to the family. andrew goes on to say, i just want to say, as a person fighting cancer myself, her words at the end of the broadcast meant so much to me. it's difficult to feel positive at times, but today i've been given a huge boost of positivity from the princess and it truly helps to face the future. well andrew, we wish you well in your battle against cancer as of course, we wish the princess of wales a speedy recovery as well. we'll bring long, lengthy , we'll bring long, lengthy, detailed coverage of this story in the next 60 minutes. but first, the news headlines and tatiana sanchez . tatiana sanchez. >> mark thank you. >> mark thank you. >> the top story from the gb newsroom, as you've been hearing, the princess of wales has announced that she's undergoing treatment for cancer in a heartfelt video message to the public, princess catherine said she is well and getting stronger. the king says he's so
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proud for her courage in speaking as she did . the speaking as she did. the princess was admitted to hospital for abdominal surgery on january 16th and tests after the successful operation found cancen the successful operation found cancer, the type of which has not been disclosed. she said. to anyone else who's battling the disease, you're not alone. >> it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january , i i'm so grateful. in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time it was thought that my condition was non—cancerous . the condition was non—cancerous. the surgery was successful, however , surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . my cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment . of that treatment. >> prime minister rishi sunak says he wishes the princess of wales has the love and support
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of the whole country. the labour leader has also paid tribute, saying his party's thoughts are with the royal family as they come to terms with the news. royal correspondent and writer michael cole praised the princess for her bravery . princess for her bravery. >> i felt that it would have been a good thing because of the trolls, because of all the speculation, because of all the, hurtful, speculation that's been going on that they should have come forward with a short, dignified statement not going into any great detail, but just telling us what's going on and what the problem is. and that is exactly what the princess has now done. i think that should shut up. i certainly hope it shuts up the trolls. maybe it won't stop them, but it will stop them being relieved . stop them being relieved. >> in other news, the number of deaths and injuries have been reported after a gun attack at a
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concert hall near moscow. that's according to russian . media. according to russian. media. dramatic footage filmed from inside the crocus city hall shows people hiding , inside the crocus city hall shows people hiding, while at least three people dressed in camouflage opened fire, leaving at least 40 people dead and several wounded. video also obtained by reuters news agency, shows a large blaze and smoke rising from the hall. following on from that attack, police are reportedly at the scene. we'll give you more on this story as we get it. and the football association is standing by. the redesign of the new england kit, despite criticism from the prime minister, nike says the redesign of the saint george's cross, changing the colours to blue and purple , was a playful update purple, was a playful update ahead of the euro 2020. they've also released a statement they say it was never their intention to offend, given what it means to offend, given what it means to england fans . rishi sunak to england fans. rishi sunak said the traditional red and white colours are a mark of
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pubuc white colours are a mark of public pride and shouldn't public pride and it shouldn't be messed with. for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news common alerts. now back to . mark. >> thanks, tatiana, and welcome to a sombre edition of friday night live with me, mark dolan . night live with me, mark dolan. with the news that the princess of wales is suffering from cancen of wales is suffering from cancer. she had a treatment abdominal surgery. it wasn't thought to be cancerous, but on closer inspection, she's now receiving preventative chemotherapy . she says that chemotherapy. she says that she's well, that she's positive about the future, but clearly a very serious and worrying diagnosis has been an outpouring of support from you listeners on the radio and on television market. or get to your email shortly. but let's get reaction from cameron walker , who is our royal correspondent. and my friday
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friends this evening, cecilia curci, the comedian and the barrister and broadcaster jerry hayes, jerry catherine has sent a positive message. she's going to be okay. this is something her family needs to know. and the nation, well , yes, but we've the nation, well, yes, but we've dean the nation, well, yes, but we've dealt with the king. >> we dealt with camilla, we've dean >> we dealt with camilla, we've dealt with catherine. we've dean dealt with catherine. we've dealt with catherine. we've dealt with william. what about the children .7 they are young the children? they are young kids. how are they going to process? how can we allow them to process this in a way that they can understand that their mum is really ill and things could go horribly wrong? how are we going to protect them? cameron's a man who can probably tell us. >> well, definitely. >> well, definitely. >> well, definitely. >> well, those those are reason the statement was happening today and that is because, of course, that her children were told time. clearly that told ahead of time. clearly that the had cancer, but the princess had cancer, but they've broken up for
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they've just broken up for school holidays, so now they can retreat into the privacy of windsor or norfolk as well, without other children or other parents bombarding them with questions. for example, having seen the news of the princess's cancer diagnosis and of course, just being out and about in windsor more likely to be spotted. so they the reason the princess decided to do it today, i'm told, is because she wanted to tell her children in her own time and then allow them the space and privacy, the whole family, to kind of recover over the easter period. >> sajeela what did you >> briefly. sajeela what did you make of video itself? you make of the video itself? you are performer and catherine is are a performer and catherine is one of the most photogenic people in the world, one of the best known women in the world. what? just what do you make of the video? just from from how she how she said those words? >> i think she came across really earnest and and really earnest and honest, and it really , you it was heartwarming, really, you know, she just looks like any ordinary woman who's going through a diagnosis at the end underneath all the princess title , everything else, they are
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title, everything else, they are just ordinary. well, they're not ordinary but they are ordinary people, but they are humans, all us. and they humans, like all of us. and they suffer same things that we humans, like all of us. and they suf1i r same things that we humans, like all of us. and they suf1i thinksame things that we humans, like all of us. and they suf1i think considering that we humans, like all of us. and they suf1i think considering she: we humans, like all of us. and they suf1i think considering she does do, i think considering she does have a cancer diagnosis, she looked well, but a little bit tired , but i thought the setting tired, but i thought the setting was lovely. i think it i think it was. it couldn't have been done any better, to be honest. >> most definitely. well, we have reaction now from showbiz legend, the actress joan collins. take a listen . collins. take a listen. >> well, i think we're all going to pray for her. and i think that she is going to survive. she's going to come out of this feeling strong. she's young and, i think that she was very, very brave to make the announcement herself very brave, very unusual for a royal to do that . and i for a royal to do that. and i had great admiration for her as a woman, as a person . a woman, as a person. >> the wonderful joan collins speaks for a nation , let's get
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speaks for a nation, let's get reaction from royal expert and author charles rea charles, good to have you on the show . should to have you on the show. should catherine have had to make this statement ? statement? >> well, i suppose after all the intense security , plus the fact intense security, plus the fact that, we don't know the status, but plus the fact that there are people attempting to find out her medical records from the, london clinic, it's probably a bit of she's been forced to into making this this statement, i mean, and how she did it with superb dignity , is absolutely superb dignity, is absolutely marvellous. and i'm. i'm just grateful that we have her and that she's done what she's done. and i just hope people now leave her and the family alone. as cameron has just said , you know, cameron has just said, you know, the kids break up today, so there'll be some private family time. together. and i just hope as well that all those terrible, terrible people on social media
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who came up with all sorts of awful, appalling things now crawl back into the hole from where they came . where they came. >> and she mentioned her husband, william charlie , whose husband, william charlie, whose support, she said is very reassuring. this is a big moment for him to be there for his wife isn't it? >> well, let's not forget as well that poor william has had to deal with the fact that his own father has got cancer , which own father has got cancer, which was, you know, hard enough to take as it as it would be for any other member of a family who has this who's had this scenario. and then to find out that his wife has, got cancer. i mean, the stress on him and the rest of the family must be intolerable. and i believe that , intolerable. and i believe that, you know, people were criticising him for not turning up to the, memorial service for the late king carlos, his godfather . and i understand that godfather. and i understand that that was the day that catherine had the diagnosis of a cancer. so that could well be the reason why he didn't. he didn't turn
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up. but he's got an awful lot on his plate. he's still trying to soldier on. he's got a father who's got cancer. he's now got a wife, he's got cancer. and late with catherine, he's had to explain to his children her ten, eight and five that, you know, mummy's not well, but she is going to get better soon. and that's, you know, that's this scenario is happens all over the country with people, you know, who've had cancer. i mean and cancer is does not stop at just one set of people. it could affect everybody , most affect everybody, most definitely. she's a very beautiful woman but clearly looks frail in the video. this episode , charlie has clearly episode, charlie has clearly taken its toll. it's been the most awful few months for her physically. well i'm sorry, mark, i sort of disagree with you. >> i don't think she looks frail at all. i think she looks brilliant. i think she looks absolutely lovely there. and i think she's done the right
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thing. and i'm sure there will be some people on social media who will think that this is a body double, just like they thought in the in the video. but it's nice to see and it's nice to see her looking relaxed , to see her looking relaxed, sitting the park, sitting on sitting on the park, sitting on a bench and just hope a park bench and let's just hope now she's asked for now that, she's asked for privacy , she wants to get on privacy, she wants to get on with it. let's let's hope that she gets privacy. we don't she gets that privacy. we don't start idiots demanding to start having idiots demanding to know what type of cancer it is or whatever . mark, the royals or whatever. mark, the royals like you and i and all the viewers and the listeners as well, are entitled to our medical records to be remain private. and that is not a bad thing . thing. >> most definitely. will this awful news, charlie, bring the family together? i'm thinking particularly of william and his brother harry. >> well, it's hard to you. i would like to think that harry has made a phone call and said something like, you know, i'm really sorry to hear this. i hope she gets better soon and all that. so i'd like to think
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that's what happened. i don't know if it's happened, the problem is these are two brothers who have now gone their separate ways, and they don't. they talk at all now, but they don't talk at all now, but we'll have to wait and see if, in fact, there is some sort of from montecito, communication from montecito, charlie ray, top royal author and journalist. thank you very much for joining and journalist. thank you very much forjoining us. pleasure okay. well, we're speaking to lots more royal voices, but now let's take another listen to that video statement issued by the princess of wales at 6 pm. this evening. here it is. >> i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i've been recovering from surgery, it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january , i underwent major
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in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time it was thought that my condition was non—cancerous . my condition was non—cancerous. the surgery was successful, however , tests after the however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . my medical team present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment . early stages of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock , and william and i have shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. privately for the sake of our young family . as you can young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time . it imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly , it has taken us importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me
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healin on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirit . having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both . we means so much to us both. we hope that you'll understand that as a family , we now need some as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy . while i time, space and privacy. while i complete my treatment . my work complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able . sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery . at this time, a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer . whose lives have been affected by cancer. for whose lives have been affected by cancer . for everyone facing by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone . hope. you are not alone. >> the princess of wales there with her remarkable video message. well, her brother has been on social media to pay his
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tribute. our royal correspondent cameron walker has more. cameron, what's he had to say? >> yes, he has james middleton has posted on instagram a childhood photograph of him and his older sister catherine. he says over the years we have climbed many mountains together as a family . we will climb this as a family. we will climb this one with you too, and i think that just shows the strength of the middleton family of course, they are very close units. carol and mike, catherine's parents, james of course, pippa and her family as well. george, charlotte, louis and william most definitely. >> well , now let's speak to the >> well, now let's speak to the editor in chief of majesty magazine, ingrid seward, who has also written a wonderful book about king charles and his relationship with his mother . relationship with his mother. ingrid. welcome to the program. your reaction to this shocking news? >> well, i'm sure my reaction was like that of everybody else's. i was shocked , shocked, else's. i was shocked, shocked, and full of admiration that the princess of wales was brave enough and strong enough to do
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such a very , you know, public such a very, you know, public interview because she wanted to make sure that it was her that did it , her make sure that it was her that did it, her that said it, not through any media, not through her office. she wanted to be there herself . so hopefully it there herself. so hopefully it would stop all the rumours and troublesome things that have been going on in the last sort of ten days or so. i mean , she of ten days or so. i mean, she knew that she had to be out there herself and very, very brave and awful to have to talk about, one's own illness and in such a public way. so i think the world, the world that cares anyway, is full of admiration. >> how are the press going to handle interest in her health going forwards? ingrid because obviously a respectable silence is what would be appropriate. but people will want to know more about how she's doing. so how do the press square that circle ? circle? >> well, well, i think that the
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press are actually in cases like this. they're very honourable . this. they're very honourable. and they i mean, obviously they're going to talk about it. we're all talking about it now, and people want to know a great deal and they want to know more , deal and they want to know more, but there is a limit to how much they can know that, because we don't know. but i do think that the british media are very respectful on the whole of the royal family because, you know, they are they're they are the, you know, the sort of social metre of this country. and, you know, we love them and the media love them. they're their bread and butter. so i think the media are going to be very respectful of this. i'm not so sure about the foreign media because it doesn't mean the same to them. obviously. it's you know, it's not country. it's not not their country. it's not their princess. so i don't know. but i mean, obviously the speculation is going to go on and on, and i think we have to well, we've got to be grown up and realise that what's and realise that that's what's going happen. going to happen.
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>> it not, catherine has >> like it or not, catherine has talked about healing her mind, body spirits. ingrid body and spirits. ingrid demonstrating that this is more than just a physical challenge that she now faces . that she now faces. >> well, i certainly can't imagine what it must have been like for her to go through, you know, her abdominal, abdominal sorry operation, which it sounds very, very difficult and unpleasant. and then to discover this. so she she and then have to be able to tell your children and not frighten them and then be somebody that's so in the pubuc be somebody that's so in the public eye. so there's lots and lots of huge mountains that she's had to deal with. and i think she's relied very much on her husband. and she's made that very clear. and also, her father in law is incredibly supportive, as is the queen. so and her her own family, as cameron was talking about earlier, the middleton family are very, very close knit. so she's got all that kind of support, but she's still out there . and to do this,
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still out there. and to do this, i'm very full of admiration and i'm very full of admiration and i think everyone else is too. indeed ingrid, we were just discussing earlier. hopefully this will bring the family together. perhaps bring william and harry together . together. perhaps bring william and harry together. is this also and harry together. is this also an opportunity for meghan and kate to rebuild their relationship ? you would think relationship? you would think that there will be some very supportive words coming from california this evening . california this evening. >> personally, i think that would be, a great aggravation. >> i should think the last people that william and kate want to hear from are harry and meghan . but that's my personal meghan. but that's my personal view. i actually don't know, but i would think because they've been so estranged and because of the deeply hurtful things that they have said about the princess of wales, i would think the last people they ever wanted to take a phone call from would
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be those two. but that is my personal opinion. i have no insider knowledge on that. >> and can you give me a sense of what king charles is going through right now ? of course, through right now? of course, battling cancer himself, he'll be devastated by this news. how do you think he's coping? ingrid >> well, prince charles, sorry. i beg your pardon? the king has a big heart. he's used to troubles and traumas, within his own family , with his. within his own family, with his. within his own family, with his. within his own life. and he will be doing everything he can to support catherine. and as we've seen in the past, he's openly talked about how incredibly fond he is of his daughter in law. and he will be there, you know, physically, mentally and spiritually. he will be encouraging her. >> well, ingrid, you are the author of my mother and i, a wonderful book about, king charles and his late mother, queen elizabeth the second. thank you for your time, ingrid. we'll catch up soon. >> mark, may i ask a question?
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>> mark, may i ask a question? >> gerry hayes is with me tonight. one of my friday friends. gerry. >> yeah. interesting ingrid was saying, because we've heard from the king, we've heard from the major members of the royal family. we've heard from the leader of the opposition. we've heard from the prime minister have we heard anything from harry and meghan? >> no. i mean, cameron, you've speculated that perhaps private messages have been sent. i mean, that's likely, isn't it? >> i mean, quite possibly i have asked harry meghan's team if they have been in contact. i haven't received a response. kensington palace does not discuss conversations discuss private conversations between . i between family members. i suspect, as i said earlier, i think harry and meghan would be damned if they did. damned if they didn't. if they said something publicly, everyone would accuse them of trying to draw attention away from catherine say something. catherine to say something. >> everything publicly, >> they say everything publicly, so it's surprising so perhaps it's surprising that they so far. they haven't spoken so far. well, can't even blame the well, you can't even blame the time difference, can you? because early lunchtime because it's early lunchtime in america. they will be up, why >> yeah, they will be up, so why not? well, may well have
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not? well, they may well have done, but behind the scenes we just don't know. >> know just don't know. >> of course we know that it would appropriate them to would be appropriate for them to issue publicly. issue some statement publicly. >> for me to say >> it's not for me to say whether or not it's appropriate or not, i do know that it's, or not, but i do know that it's, for prince william and prince harry in particular. the relationship good. relationship is not good. beanng relationship is not good. bearing last week, bearing in mind last week, both at the awards honouring at the diana awards honouring the their mother but the legacy of their mother but would be on stage at the would not be on the stage at the same time virtually so prince harry didn't appear via video link william had link until prince william had led left building. led the left building. >> brother's wife has got >> my brother's wife has got cancen >> my brother's wife has got cancer. surely you say something publicly. cancer. surely you say something putsajeela you surprised? >> sajeela are you surprised? before i'm going to speak to a top oncologist in just a second. are you surprised that the sussexes haven't made a public statement yet, no, because ultimately it's a family thing. i mean, you know, you don't make it public if you made it public, that would be a little bit crass. so i think i'm sure they've been in touch privately. and even if they haven't, i don't think that's really relevant actually. here. okay. >> more from my panel >> well look more from my panel in just a moment, let's get further intel on what exactly
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the princess is going through on a medical level. i'm delighted to welcome consultant medical oncologist at imperial college , oncologist at imperial college, doctor david pinoteau. doctor pinoteau, thank you very much for joining us, the princess of wales, in that video has said it's been an incredibly tough couple of months. can you give us a sense of what she may have been through physically going back to that operation in january ? january? >> well, thank you very much. well, i think it's actually quite difficult to get to the medical details of what has happened, partly because we are not really fully aware of what type of operation the princess of wales has gone through. and you know what i can tell is that depending on the type of operation, the recovery times might be completely different, it's actually very sad to understand that on top of a diagnosis that seemed to be initially benign, there seems to be, you know, this, this clear complication of, of cancer that,
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you know, was not known before . you know, was not known before. so, in a way, it's very difficult without having clear, a clear idea of what type of operation, what type, what were the organs that were affected by by the cancer , you know, what by the cancer, you know, what type of recovery she might have gone ? gone? >> indeed. >> indeed. >> it's, obviously important that she gets the best medical treatment , can that she gets the best medical treatment, can you give us a sense of how much support she'll be getting at this stage? how many doctors could be involved in her treatment? doctor pinato, i think in the uk, it's, common practice that every single diagnosis of cancer is discussed at a multidisciplinary level. >> so what that means is that every single consultant from the surgeons, and now that , you surgeons, and now that, you know, a diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, also, oncologists as well as, you know, many other members of the team are actually discussing the cases, jointly. and i'm sure that this has been the pathway for the princess of wales. what this means is that,
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you know, there is a lot of medical information that has to be analysed before an overarching treatment plan can be formulated. and so we know so far is that certainly surgery has been the cornerstone of this treatment plan. and what we understand is that surgery has been successful , what the been successful, what the princess of wales has described is that she's been through a course of chemotherapy, of systemic therapy for cancer , systemic therapy for cancer, which is very often something that i described to my own patients as, as an insurance policy type of treatment . so policy type of treatment. so something that is given when the primary treatment for cancer, in this case surgery has actually been successful . and so, you been successful. and so, you know, to a certain extent what what we are hearing so far is that the princess of wales has been receiving care from certainly a number of clinicians, so that the, you know, the best possible outcome, hopefully a cure can be achieved in her case. >> indeed. now, the original diagnosis was not one of cancer, but they have since discovered
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cancen but they have since discovered cancer. so why did that information change, do you think, doctor? >> it's very difficult to say , >> it's very difficult to say, but very often the presenting complaint that leads a patient to surgery might not necessarily be univocally associated with with a very strong suspicion of cancen with a very strong suspicion of cancer. and so every time, a patient undergoes surgery, the actual surgical specimen . so the actual surgical specimen. so the piece of tissue that is removed dunng piece of tissue that is removed during surgery undergoes a number of tests, by experienced clinicians that basically have a look at the at the resected specimen under the microscope . specimen under the microscope. and they formulate what we call a histological diagnosis of cancen a histological diagnosis of cancer. so they basically look at the tissues, they understand whether or not there is actually any clear evidence of cancer . so any clear evidence of cancer. so very often, particularly if the cancer spots are very, very small in the body, it could be that , you know, a small in the body, it could be that, you know, a diagnosis that was initially presumed as being entirely benign , you know, entirely benign, you know, changes over time as a result of these additional tests and analysis.
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>> and she's now receiving preventative chemotherapy. doctor, what does that mean, preventative. does that mean that she may not have cancer but they're going to give her this treatment like you said, as an insurance policy, correct . insurance policy, correct. >> so very often in solid tumours, what we tend to do is first of all try and understand why we're giving chemotherapy and the idea of preventative chemotherapy or as we call it in, in in our own medical jargon, adjuvant chemotherapy is the fact that the treatment that is given is not really meant to be, killing the cancer cells in the body, which might have already been removed by surgery , already been removed by surgery, but is rather to prevent the recurrence of the cancer in the long term, we now believe that the vast majority of people that are diagnosed with cancer every day, even though they might be diagnosed with a visible cancer, that might be very small, that might be very, very small, might actually have leftover tumour cells outside of the area where surgery has happened. and so as a result of this, it
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becomes imperative for clinicians like myself, medical oncologist, to combine , oncologist, to combine, treatment that is medical. so infusions or tablets to try and increase the chances of cure. first of all. so prevent the cancer for coming back and leading to very good long tum outcomes . outcomes. >> and do we know the possible duration of such preventative treatments? would you be looking at weeks or months, or is it hard to say doctor? >> it's hard to say, given that we don't know what type of cancen we don't know what type of cancer. again we're dealing with. but for the majority of tumour types of solid tumours, especially that the especially knowing that the princess has undergone princess of wales has undergone some form of abdominal surgery. so the type of tumours so again, the type of tumours are sort of restricted given the anatomical area that we're we're considering , we are probably considering, we are probably thinking either 3 to thinking about either 3 to 6 months of, of treatment for most of the tumour types that arise in that particular area , the in that particular area, the type of treatment can be very heterogeneous. so you know, we
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can think about many different types of drugs that can be given within those 3 to 6 months. and so the interval of the doses that are going to be given the mode of administration , whether mode of administration, whether it's a tablet or an infusion, can change greatly depending on the of tumour that we're the type of tumour that we're considering. roughly considering. but roughly speaking the insurance speaking, the type of insurance policy chemotherapy i was policy chemotherapy that i was describing to you before is basically a focus treatment in time. going to be an time. it's not going to be an open ended treatment, it's open ended treatment, but it's very focused in terms of short or longer months, if you like . or longer months, if you like. >> doctor pinato, thank you so much for joining >> doctor pinato, thank you so much forjoining us. my thanks much for joining us. my thanks there to the consultant medical oncologist at imperial college, doctor david penarth . well, the doctor david penarth. well, the legendary former bbc royal correspondent jennie bond is waiting in the wings with her reaction. but first, let's take another listen to the princess of wales's video about her cancer diagnosis , which was cancer diagnosis, which was released at 6 pm. this evening . released at 6 pm. this evening. >> i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you
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personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding. whilst i've been recovering from surgery . it has recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which i'm so grateful . in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london, and at the time it was thought that my condition was non—cancerous . my condition was non—cancerous. the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . my medical team present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment . early stages of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. privately for the sake of our young family . as you can young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time . it imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to
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start my treatment. but most importantly , it has taken us importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me healin on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirit . having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both . we means so much to us both. we hope that you'll understand that as a family , we now need some as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy . while i time, space and privacy. while i complete my treatment . my work complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy , and i look forward sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery . at this time, a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those
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whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. if you are not alone . hope. if you are not alone. >> the princess of wales, speaking in a video released at 6 pm. revealing her cancer diagnosis but with a positive message that goes out to her children , her family and the children, her family and the nation, which is that she's getting better and that she will be okay. and of course, that is an outcome we all pray for. let's get further reaction now from comedian sir gilles kirsch and the barrister and broadcaster jerry and the barrister and broadcasterjerry hayes. broadcaster jerry hayes. sevilla, a broadcasterjerry hayes. sevilla, a crack in catherine's voice towards the end of that video, and understandably so. >> yeah, of course. i mean, it must have been a tough couple of months, but there is reassurance because she says at the end that i want to reassure the children that i'm going to be okay. and she wouldn't say that if she wasn't quite confident that she is going to okay. and i know is going to be okay. and i know you the oncologist on you had the oncologist on earlier so got more earlier on, so he's got more of a, just just a general
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a, but just just as a general comment is that we should, i think, be positive that she is going to recover from this. there there that there are people out there that have stage four, you know, worse. you she's worse. and, you know, she's obviously time obviously caught this in time and treated by the and it's been treated by the best so i think i think best people. so i think i think it's a positive. we're in a positive place , but we most positive place, but we most definitely are. >> if you can, jerry, >> briefly, if you can, jerry, your concerns about the princess's ongoing privacy, will she getit? she get it? >> no, of course she won't . >> no, of course she won't. that's the most depressing thing of all. give us our privacy , the of all. give us our privacy, the royal family say. and of course they don't. whether it's in this country or elsewhere. but you've got kids of ten, eight and five of the royal family of really being brilliant at coming forward with, telling the people that they've had problems with their health. are the kids going to be expected to do the same thing? because there are lots of lots of families with children who've mums and dads have got cancer. who've mums and dads have got cancer . are they going to be cancer. are they going to be expected to do that, like
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walking behind the coffin of their mum and dads? yeah we've had tragic thought. >> we've been there before haven't we, jerry ? yeah. well haven't we, jerry? yeah. well let's head now straight to the united states and get the perspective from america. let's speak to top royal expert, star of fox news and newsmax. hillary fordwich, hillary, how is this devastating news going down in the united states ? the united states? >> well, good to be with you, mark. although ghastly circumstances, no one can speak for the nation. and anybody who says they can is ludicrous. but i will give you some facts. prefer to stick to some facts. kate is the most googled name in the united states of america far, so than trump and biden in an election year. so that tells you everything you need to know. and i will say, at least my personal experience is people that have never been interested in the royals are asking me left, right and centre. and something i'd like to add, because let's link all up because let's link this all up to tragedies we've all
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to other tragedies we've all faced regard to the royal faced with regard to the royal family. when the beloved former queen away, i going queen passed away, i was going into the fox studios right into the fox news studios right on pennsylvania avenue . and i on pennsylvania avenue. and i will you mark, that will tell you this, mark, that many the united many people in the united kingdom may not know within one day that next day , union jacks day that next day, union jacks were hanging lampposts were hanging from lampposts on pennsylvania avenue. that tells you, first of all, it was amazing. the government did something quickly. but that something so quickly. but that tells the american tells you the american outpouring for the british royal family that would happen so family that that would happen so quickly along pennsylvania avenue. so i extrapolate avenue. so i will extrapolate that you your answer as that to give you your answer as well, that i think this is ubiquitously including all the networks here. i've been on back to back networks. people are interested care. interested, people care. and last not in an ever last but not least, in an ever changing world, what this does mark, it makes the british royal family inadvertently or sadly at this time , though, makes them this time, though, makes them relevant in a changing world to the next generation. that is a good for the royal family. i think . think. >> and this is a reminder, isn't it, that princess catherine
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isn't just this globally known figure , but she's an important figure, but she's an important figure, but she's an important figure in the royal family because she represents the future of the family , the future future of the family, the future of the monarchy. hillary >> yes, i think this is a step towards that longevity and i think what is extremely interesting is, you know, how the yougov polls show that she's such a popular part of the royal family, what this does for the monarchy? i think is really important. mark, i can't think of any where that i've read anything negative about her personality whatsoever. i actually can't think of anyone in the world where you have such ubiquitous popularity and favorability in terms of reading and opinions. that is good for the royal family >> well, yes, indeed, i personally think it was a misjudged moment issuing the mother's day image, which proved to have been heavily doctored, which only fed the speculation that was so destructive. i'm on record as saying that . however, record as saying that. however, do you think the speculation will now end? we've seen
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catherine. she's made her statements and the public have the facts . the facts. >> i'm with you. i think that was a great misstep . and there was a great misstep. and there were a number of missteps. that wasn't the only one. i don't think that they were calculated, though, deception . they weren't though, deception. they weren't calculatedly deceptive. what i do think is this has, yes, rectified that because remember , rectified that because remember, she did not have to go on air. she did not have to do this herself. there are many that might have had a spokesperson come out. they could have read a royal proclamation which has been done in the past. but she was brave. she was courageous . was brave. she was courageous. she was was authentic. and i think authenticity and that think that authenticity and that down to earth statement, particularly recognising other people. and at this time she even mentioned other people who faced such a diagnosis. i think that will go a long way, mark, because she did not have to. >> hilary, stay with us because you're in the united states and we now have a statement from california and the sussexes. our royal correspondent cameron
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walker has more. >> cameron, i've just i've just received a statement from the duke and duchess of sussex who have said we wish and have said we wish health and heaung have said we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace. so a very short statement there, clearly echoing the princess of wales's belief that she wants privacy. and both harry and meghan, agree and are urging the pubuc meghan, agree and are urging the public to do so. would you mind repeating that statement? >> because i think it's very important to go through the sentiment and the flavour of what they've said. sentiment and the flavour of thweiey've said. sentiment and the flavour of thwe wishe said. sentiment and the flavour of thwe wish health and healing >> we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace, hilary fordwich, you've not had time to prepare an answer, but you're sort of instant off the cuff reaction to what you've heard there from the sussexes . sussexes. >> yes, mark. hearing cameron read that i was absolutely delighted because for once there was nothing in this about them . was nothing in this about them. there was no whining, there was
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no whingeing. it was short. brevity is the art of and being succinct. and i think it was smashing, actually , stay with smashing, actually, stay with us, hilary. jerry hayes, my friday friend, barrister and broadcaster. this is the statement that you wanted that you expected from the sussexes. >> it is the next question. cameron. no better than any of us. i hope. are they going to come over? >> well, i think when the king was diagnosed with cancer, their spokesperson was pretty clear that harry was going to come over straight away. i haven't received anything of, of that degree, so i probably degree, so i suspect probably not. i think relationships are quite rocky between the waleses and the sussexes, but clearly an olive branch has been extended here and at the end of the day they are family. prince harry is they are family. prince harry is the brother in law of the princess of wales , and it was princess of wales, and it was a statement which wishes them well wishes catherine's healing and asks for privacy and not about them and not about not about them. >> well, hilary fordwich, thank
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you so much forjoining us. the star of fox news and newsmax , a star of fox news and newsmax, a top royal commentator. speaking of which, now let's go to another legend of royal reporting . the former bbc royal reporting. the former bbc royal correspondent jennie bond. jennie, thank you for joining us. what was the main aim of this video, do you think? why was it a video and not a written statement ? statement? >> i think because, mark, we have forced her into this really by the social media trolls, by the mass media, then giving those ridiculous, absurd, painful, hurtful rumours oxygen of publicity, we have driven, vulnerable woman at a fragile state of her life into making a pubuc state of her life into making a public broadcast, which she probably didn't want to make. but i think it's a testament to her courage and bravery that she decided to show us once and for all what she is doing, where she is , and what the situation is, is, and what the situation is, but i think we should take a
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long look at ourselves and say, did did she really need to do that? and did we need to make her do that? >> jennie, i'm joined in the studio by our royal correspondent cameron walker, and cameron , would you mind just and cameron, would you mind just reiterating this developing story ? this is a statement from story? this is a statement from harry and meghan, the duke and duchess of sussex . i'd like your duchess of sussex. i'd like your reaction to it. it's just broken. jennie bond . so what had broken. jennie bond. so what had the sussexes had say? the sussexes had to say? >> yes, the last few moments? >> yes, in the last few moments? a very short statement from the sussexes. say we wish sussexes. they say we wish health healing for kate and health and healing for kate and the family hope they are the family and hope they are able do so privately and in able to do so privately and in peace. that's the statement there duke and duchess there from the duke and duchess of sussex. >> what's reaction to the >> what's your reaction to the wording of that statement? clearly it's appropriate. the sentiment is shared by everyone, not the most emotive message in the world, though, is it? jennie bond? there's no reflection of love or friendship or anything like that , i do. like that, i do. >> let's stop picking over every single word of every single
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statement. of course, they were going to send something, it's a brief statement. it's a statement of support, it's not about them. your previous people have said at least it's not about them. rather bitterly. no, it's not about them. and let's not make it about them. this is about catherine. this is about the mother of three young children, beloved wife children, the beloved wife of our who at our future king, who is at a critical point in her life. and it's about her. it's not about anyone else . anyone else. >> most definitely. well, i think sending love wouldn't have been much of stretch , but been too much of a stretch, but i take your point, what about i do take your point, what about king charles now and queen camilla? a huge burden for them . camilla? a huge burden for them. easy to forget, jennie that the king is also battling king himself is also battling cancen king himself is also battling cancer. we're really in unchartered waters here, aren't we? >> yes. he's issued a lovely statement , expressing great statement, expressing great support and love for his daughter in law. they're very close indeed. and he's saluted her courage in making this pubuc her courage in making this public statement. >> and he said he's been in close contact with her. they are very close and obviously both
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suffering from the same disease. whatever the details of those diseases are , they they've diseases are, they they've obviously been brought even closer and will be a great comfort to one another. but yeah, this is a very , very yeah, this is a very, very difficult time for the royal family. they deserve all our sympathy and catherine deserves every moment of the time and space and privacy that she has so kindly and articulately asked for. we didn't listen to the last princess of wales when i remember reporting on that, she asked for time and space because she wanted to withdraw from pubuc she wanted to withdraw from public life for a period of time . we didn't listen to her. we have to listen to this princess of wales, jennie bond always a privilege to have you on the show. >> thank you so much for making the time this evening on this very sad occasion. the news of a cancer diagnosis for the princess of wales, who released a video statement at 6 pm. this evening. here it is . evening. here it is. >> i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you
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personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding. whilst i've been recovering from surgery , it has recovering from surgery, it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which i'm so grateful. in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london and at the time it was thought that my condition was non—cancerous . the condition was non—cancerous. the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . my cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment . this, of of that treatment. this, of course, came as a huge shock , course, came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. privately for the sake of our young family . as you can young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time . it imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to
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start my treatment. but most importantly , it has taken us importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them. and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me healin on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirit . having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both . we means so much to us both. we hope that you'll understand that as a family , we now need some as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy . while i time, space and privacy. while i complete my treatment . my work complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able . sense of joy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery . at this time, a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those
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whose lives have been affected by cancer . whose lives have been affected by cancer. for whose lives have been affected by cancer . for everyone facing by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone . hope. you are not alone. >> well, there you go, the princess of wales, very bravely and very courageously revealing her cancer diagnosis. we wish her cancer diagnosis. we wish her a speedy recovery. i'm delighted to say that ben leo is up at nine in for patrick christys. and what a busy couple of hours you've got. you thought it'd be a quiet friday night. you can have a moan about the nike the nike football shirt. >> i was gearing up to have a moan nike and have moan about nike and we have scott morrison, former scott morrison, the former aussie pm the show as well, aussie pm on the show as well, who was going talk about the who was going to talk about the small boats crisis. but yeah, what emotional couple what a really emotional couple of for me, two main of hours. and for me, two main points over the of the points over the course of the evening, which have really hit home the fact home personally. one is the fact that understand now that we kind of understand now and have a bit of clarity about why kate has , i won't say why kate has, i won't say behaved, but, you know, been so discreet in private over the
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past couple of months because she was just trying to protect her children. and that's why, as we understand now, that the news has come out today, because the kids have finished school, it's said made the decision said that she made the decision to announce it today because she didn't want kids at school to be talking about it, and she wanted to protect her young children. and of two young and as a father of two young boys, that really hit boys, you know, that really hit home was quite home to me. it was quite emotional. and additionally, i've about prince i've been thinking about prince william well, and the weight william as well, and the weight on his shoulders now because he lost his mum as a young boy, he then arguably lost his brother harry, who he was very close to his dad was then diagnosed with cancer and now you have to think thatis cancer and now you have to think that is he looking at his own children , wondering, or had he children, wondering, or had he wondered when she was diagnosed , wondered when she was diagnosed, whether his own kids would be growing up without a mother? so you know, a lot to really take for, in for william. and yeah, i mean, it's just a really emotional evening. >> most definitely. well,
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comprehensive coverage of this very, very sad, very distressing developing story in the company of ben leo from nine. let's get reaction now from tv presenter and psychologist doctor arthur cassidy. and doctor cassidy. yes, we have a physical diagnosis here. there's talk of preventative chemotherapy, but this is a mental toll for the princess too, isn't it ? princess too, isn't it? >> it's very much this mark because princess catherine has had an incredible psychological courage and motivation to talk about this openly, with tremendous sincerity and has had a massive i've had an incredible impact positively on many, many young women and families who are undergoing similar forms of treatment at the moment. so she spoke with immense courage, but also with empathy and also with reality. this is something that she feels that she has got
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sufficient emotional resilience to overcome. this noted by her statements. there was a mixture of emotions going on. you could hean of emotions going on. you could hear, as someone remarked , there hear, as someone remarked, there was a crackling in her voice. this is demonstrative of the number of facial muscles that we have, which are connected to the brain's amygdala, which is the emotional centre of emotional control centre of the brain . so seeing here brain. so we are seeing here under incredible stress. princess catherine has been said, i want . said, i want. >> now i think we just lost the line to doctor arthur cassidy, but that's a very clear message. st giles' hsi mental and physical distress. and now, princess catherine does need time to heal and to withdraw. and it doesn't matter how long it takes. she needs that space. >> yeah. i mean, mental and physical health has probably let's face it, i don't think the media we haven't helped. you know, we've been speculating. we've done and i think jennie bond bless her, she she had a point like we you know we do
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need our rishi sunak really because we have been speculating. but then in a way , speculating. but then in a way, we had no other choice but to do that, but now knowing the news, obviously i think everybody's going to be very sympathetic towards kate what she's towards kate and what she's going through , and actually, i going through, and actually, i think, i think we should focus on the positive because we're acting like she's dying and she's not, you know, she's going to have this preventative of chemo, which i know it's called something else, but it's usually when, oncologist when, i think the oncologist sort stated quite clearly. so sort of stated quite clearly. so i think should be positive. i think we should be positive. but do think we should be but i do think we should be respectful of her time , you respectful of her time, you know, away and not do maybe like after today not do thousands of programs to sort of check on what she's doing because obviously the kids watch tv and they watch social media, which is obviously, you know, important of give them important to kind of give them that that's very true. >> well, that's very true. >> well, that's very true. >> doctor arthur cassidy is back, doctor cassidy, what does the princess need now to make a full recovery? clearly, the best medical treatment available. but
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what else will help her on her journey, on her path back to a pubuc journey, on her path back to a public role, back to opening hospital wings and being the princess that the nation loves . princess that the nation loves. >> but my feeling is professionally marked that the princess catherine needs to focus on building up her emotional resilience away from media, together with her family, with prince william, with her children . and also, might i say children. and also, might i say that this is a time for making profound psychological readjustment to family schedules? and also i would imagine that possibly king charles will be extremely supportive of her. they will have much to discuss about how they are sharing their coping. and so i would imagine that king charles would also be a massive pillar of support because he's undergoing something quite similar in terms of readjustment of schedule. so there will be a quite a lot of dialogue between the king and between princess zigi and princess catherine. i
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think also of the fact that they will have to undergo emotion focused coping and problem focused coping and problem focused coping and problem focused coping strategies, how they will deal with this, she does need time with her family and with prince william away from media, and to get time to be together. there will be many visits to oncologists , to visits to oncologists, to therapy, to treatment, but it's making that amazing, readjustment. and this is something which most patients will find demanding at the psychological to get her psychological to get her psychological health and well—being back to where it was. and i believe fervently that she will do that. she has saved possibly the lives of many, many thousands of women across the nafion thousands of women across the nation and further afield by being open about this . so we're being open about this. so we're so thankful that catherine has really , saved many lives, doctor really, saved many lives, doctor arthur cassidy , thank you so arthur cassidy, thank you so much for joining arthur cassidy, thank you so much forjoining us on this very much for joining us on this very sad occasion . sad occasion. >> tv presenter and psychologist, doctor arthur cassidy. well, lots more to come
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from the brilliant ben leo who's in for patrick christys. i'm back tomorrow night for a mark dolan tonight. we've got my big opinion. my take at ten and of course, my top pundits mark meets and much more. the papers as well. but folks are. all we can say is that we've had so many emails. those listening on the radio, watching on tv, sending their best wishes to catherine and the family. she is well and on the basis of my inbox, she is in your hearts as well. so my thanks to my brilliant guests tonight and the team for putting the show together at the very iith team for putting the show together at the very 11th hour, ben leo is next. the email. send in your remarks and thoughts gb views at gb news. com and ben leo is
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next. >> good evening to you. this is
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patrick christie's tonight with me. ben. leo, you join us tonight on gb news. and what's been an extremely emotional evening following the announcement from catherine, the princess of wales, that she's battling cancer in january , i battling cancer in january, i underwent major domino surgery in london and at the time, it was thought that my condition was thought that my condition was non—cancerous . was non—cancerous. >> the surgery was successful, however , tests after the however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present . present. >> what we've discovered this evening is that catherine, over the past couple of months has been trying to protect her three children, as only a loving mother knows best. and look, i'll tell you, as a parent myself of two young boys, her announcement tonight has hit me particularly i'm going particularly hard. so i'm going to you the of that to bring you the rest of that brave and courageous video in full very shortly. the world, meanwhile, reacting meanwhile, has been reacting to that tonight. meanwhile, has been reacting to thai tonight. meanwhile, has been reacting to thai thinktonight. meanwhile, has been reacting to tha i think that ht. meanwhile, has been reacting to thai think that she meanwhile, has been reacting to tha i think that she was very, >> i think that she was very, very brave to make the announcement herself . very announcement herself. very brave, very unusual for a to royal do that.
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>> well, i suspect my reaction was the same as a huge number of people. i felt really quite emotional about it. >> so a very, a very busy show in store. we're going to be heanng in store. we're going to be hearing from some top guests, including paul burrell, phil dampier, kelvin mackenzie and even former australian prime minister scott morrison. all that come after your news that to come after your news headunes that to come after your news headlines tatiana sanchez . headlines with tatiana sanchez. >> ben thank you. the top story this evening, the princess of wales has announced that she's undergoing treatment for cancer. in a heartfelt video message to the public, princess catherine said she's well and getting stronger . the king says he's so stronger. the king says he's so proud for her courage and speaking as she did in a statement this evening, the duke and duchess of sussex have said we wish health and healing for kate and the family and hope they're able to do so privately and in peace . the princess was and in peace. the princess was admitted to hospital for abdominal surgery on january 16th and tests after the
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successful operation found


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