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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-6:01pm GMT

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the martin daubney show on gb to the martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart of westminster. all across the uk. on today's show, the baltimore bridge collapsed . six baltimore bridge collapsed. six people are still missing and eight have been rescued. now we'll have regular updates on this dramatic story throughout the show, and there's been a huge development in the case of the former batley grammar school teacher , who is still in hiding teacher, who is still in hiding today. the prime minister his official spokesman, has said his treatment has been unacceptable. we'll have a full update on this dramatic and fantastic breakthrough . and after the breakthrough. and after the princess of wales announced that she's got cancer , there's been she's got cancer, there's been a huge surge in people visiting websites and giving people advice on the illness , a advice on the illness, a positive spin on that story. that's all coming up in your next hour . welcome to the show.
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next hour. welcome to the show. it's always an absolute privilege to have your company. we finished yesterday's show by speaking to paul halloran, a close friend of the batley grammar school teacher. he announced the fund raiser for the teacher is still up and running. i want to send a huge thank you from myself, from gb news, from paul and from the grammar school teacher himself, because you raise £4,000 since yesterday afternoon. all of that money will go directly to the teacher, and i've got some better news today. finally, it seems we are getting a political breakthrough. you recall yesterday, dame sara collins reports came out into extremism and exclusion zones around schools, specifically the batley grammar school teacher has been mentioned and i'm very , very, mentioned and i'm very, very, very hopeful and optimistic. we are moving towards a fantastic resolution on this case. we'll have full details of that throughout the show. get in touch all your usual ways and if you want to send a message direct to the grammar school teacher, i can get them to him
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for you. please send them in first, it's time for your latest news headunes time for your latest news headlines with tatiana sanchez. >> martin, thank you very much. the top stories this hour. a major search and rescue operation is continuing in baltimore after a cargo vessel crashed into a bridge this morning . this was the moment the morning. this was the moment the francis scott key bridge collapsed as it was hit at around 1:30 am. local time. we now know that the ship's crew had warned authorities of what's been described as a power issue on board before the collision . on board before the collision. these are live pictures of the aftermath in baltimore, where two people have been recovered from the water. one is still in a serious condition. it's understood multiple people were on the one and a half mile long bndge on the one and a half mile long bridge at the time. reports suggest six people are still unaccounted for. the maryland governor says it appears to have been a tragic accident, and our
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response teams are doing everything in our power to rescue and recover the victims of this collapse, literally, as we speak , people who as we speak we speak, people who as we speak are out. >> there are divers , our air >> there are divers, our air assets, people who right now are working to save lives and are doing it because the state asked i >> -- >> the director of russia's security service says the us, ukraine and britain are responsible for last week's terror attack at a concert hall near moscow . at least 139 people near moscow. at least 139 people were killed when gunmen stormed the venue on friday. islamic state has claimed responsibility . renee russian president vladimir putin has admitted that radical islamists carried out the attack, but continues to insist that ukraine was involved. allegations kyiv denies . involved. allegations kyiv denies. councils and fire services are to be publicly ranked on how they're ensuring unsafe cladding is removed from buildings, the communities
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minister told the commons today that some authorities are doing more than others to make buildings safer. the rally says the new ranking will ensure greater transparency so the pubuc greater transparency so the public knows how their local area is performing efforts to remove unsafe cladding have been ongoing since the grenfell fire in 2017, which killed 72 people. gb news can reveal the number of small boat crossings the english channel so far this year is now 25% higher than at the same time last year. another five small boats made crossing this boats made the crossing this morning, with almost 300 people on board, including a number of children. it takes the total number of migrants who have made the dangerous journey so far this year to just under 4600. three children who were killed in bristol last month died from stab wounds, according to an inquest. the bodies of farris bash, aged seven, jerry bash, who was three, and nine month old mohammad bash, were found in the sea mills area. a 42 year
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old woman was arrested on suspicion of murder earlier this month. she was taken to hospital for injuries that were non—life threatening and was detained under the health act . under the mental health act. juuan under the mental health act. julian assange's wife says the decision to delay a final appeal on his extradition to the us is utterly bizarre. us authorities have been asked to provide assurances on whether the wikileaks founder can rely on the first amendment, which provides a right to free speech, or whether he might face the death penalty. a further hearing will now be held in may. it's oven will now be held in may. it's over. an alleged conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information following the publication of leaked documents relating to the afghanistan and iraq wars. >> but the courts have done have been to invite a political intervention from the united states to send a letter saying it's all okay. i find this astounding . five years into this
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astounding. five years into this case, the united states has managed to show the court that their case remains unaffected on press freedom and attack on julian's life . julian's life. >> britain and the united states are accusing china of carrying out a global campaign of malicious cyber attacks. it's an unprecedented move , with britain unprecedented move, with britain publicly blaming china for targeting the electoral commission watchdog and the email accounts of mps and peers. british intelligence services believe that chinese spies are likely to use hacked information to target critics of xi jinping's government. to target critics of xi jinping's government . and the jinping's government. and the king and queen are to attend an easter service at saint george's chapel easter service at saint george's chapel, buckingham palace says the royal couple will spend the easter celebration at windsor castle this sunday, shortly after the easter bunny. of course , completes his delivery course, completes his delivery of chocolate eggs. the of chocolate eggs. it's the king's significant king's most significant appearance since he was diagnosed cancer. for the
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diagnosed with cancer. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to alerts. now back to . martin. >> thank you tatiana. now let's get straight to those updates we've been given on that dramatic bridge collapse in the united states. and these are live pictures from the wreckage in baltimore. live pictures from the wreckage in baltimore . officials there in baltimore. officials there have in the past hour said that six people now remain missing, whilst eight have been rescued. and singapore port authorities have said that the baltimore ship lost propulsion and was unable to maintain its desired heading, therefore colliding with the bridge . and here's what with the bridge. and here's what the governor of maryland had to say about that rescue mission earlier. >> to the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones , tragedy and their loved ones, all of our hearts are broken . we all of our hearts are broken. we feel your loss . we're thinking
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feel your loss. we're thinking of you. and we will always be thinking of you. we pray for the construction workers who are on the key bridge, and we pray for everyone who has been touched by this tragedy and their families and all of their loved ones . but and all of their loved ones. but maryland, we will get through this because that is the maryland spirit . and that's what maryland spirit. and that's what maryland spirit. and that's what maryland is made of. >> well, this tragedy unfolded in the early hours round about 1:30 am, and these pictures captured the moment a cargo ship collided with the francis scott key bridge. a statement a state of emergency was declared as the authorities launched an operation to save lives and to find out how it happened and gb news home and security editor mark wyatt joins me now. mark, welcome to the show story you've been covering all morning. now turning into a search and rescue mission. very cold water. what's
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the latest? >> well, some very significant news to come out within the last few minutes . that confirmation few minutes. that confirmation confirmation from the singapore port authority. of course, a ship was being operated on behalf of maersk air . it ship was being operated on behalf of maersk air. it was a singapore registered. it was going to be heading to sri lanka, but they are saying that the information they have is that this vessel lost propulsion and that then, of course, it was at the mercy of the currents and the river flow, which pushed it towards that central column on the bridge collided with the column. and then we know , of column. and then we know, of course, the structural integrity of the whole bridge just failed. and the that bridge , most of it and the that bridge, most of it at least collapsed into the river. so that very significant. and i think it really chimes with earlier reports we were
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getting and indeed video that we had from the early hours of this morning , which showed that morning, which showed that container ship as it was careering towards that central column, it had lights on, then the lights failed, then the lights went back on and failed again. and that certainly pointed to some kind of power failure on board the vessel. well, now, the singapore port authority confirmed that the information they've had from the ship was that a power failure was at the heart of this terrible tragedy that has unfolded . some other news that's unfolded. some other news that's come out as well, really pointing to the heroism of some of the construction workers that were on that bridge. we heard from officials that construction workers were on the bridge overnight carrying out maintenance work, filling in potholes on the bridge . eight of potholes on the bridge. eight of them were swept into the river as the bridge collapsed. one was
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rescued unharmed. the other is critically ill and six people are still missing, while other construction workers were aware of the fact that the ship was out of control and heading towards the bridge, they were able, it seems to flag down and stop vehicles from getting on to that bridge, moving any further into the central portion of the bridge, and undoubtedly saved many lives. we don't know. still at this stage, how many vehicles were on the bridge . some had were on the bridge. some had already passed through and were onto this bridge when it collapsed. the rescue authorities have said that maritime assets that are out there on the river at the moment are carrying sonar , and they are carrying sonar, and they have detected a number of vehicles on the riverbed and mark. >> so this is looking like a story of a runaway ship, a huge mass, of course. and then
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gigantic forces of physics when it collided with that bridge . it collided with that bridge. concertina down the domino effect. we can see on our screens there. mark. simply astonishing questions will be asked, of course, about the structural integrity and engineering of that bridge down the line. but in terms of the realities of the search and rescue mission, now , mark, very rescue mission, now, mark, very cold waters testing conditions, andifs cold waters testing conditions, and it's now been a significant penod and it's now been a significant period of time that anybody would have been in the water. >> yeah. i mean, i think if we're honest, the prospect of recovering anyone else from the water alive is all but gone . water alive is all but gone. when the temperatures fell as low as nine degrees in the water overnight. you've got, of course, a fast flow of the river. there is a tidal river as well. all of that has , you know, well. all of that has, you know, to be taken into play in terms of trying to find where individuals may have gone. so as
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well as looking at the central portion of the river around the collapse, they've been looking as well upstream, downstream, depending on the tidal conditions and on both river banks up and down the river banks up and down the river banks looking for any sign of survivors. as yet, no other survivors. as yet, no other survivors have been found. so clearly i think there's a real air of pessimism hanging over whether there will be any more survivors. and of course , as survivors. and of course, as i say, the big unknown, how many vehicles were on the bridge at the point of collapse? how many people were in these vehicles because that could well add to the death toll significantly. okay mark wyatt, thank you for that comprehensive roundup. >> and of course, we're back to you later in the show for more updates as we have them. thank you, white for joining you, mark white for joining us. now there's been a major development in the case of the teacher who's been in hiding for
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more than three years now after showing a cartoon of the prophet muhammad in an rac class class. and the prime minister's official spokesman today official spokesman has today said his treatment has been unacceptable . of course, there unacceptable. of course, there are protests outside the batley grammar school back in march 2021, and the author of a damning report into extremism that was published just yesterday , says the teacher was yesterday, says the teacher was totally and utterly failed by the authorities and i'm joined now in our westminster studio by our political political editor, christopher hope. chris, yesterday at the close of the show, spoke to paul halloran, who's a very close friend of the batley grammar school teacher. we managed to raise £4,000 overnight, money that goes directly to the teacher, which i found honestly incredibly emotional . found honestly incredibly emotional. but now it seems we may be on a political breakthrough. at least it's being acknowledged as a problem . being acknowledged as a problem. hopefully something might come of that. >> that's right, an afternoon . >> that's right, an afternoon. martin. yeah. in the meeting with prime minister's
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with the prime minister's official spokesman today, i asked half of gb news asked him half of gb news viewers about the treatment of the batley grammar school. school teacher should he get any help, support from the local council or authorities , even council or any authorities, even central government. and the spokesman that it was it spokesman said that it was it was unacceptable how he'd been treated . he wasn't aware of any treated. he wasn't aware of any specific measures in their case, but clearly the situation they've experienced is unacceptable, he said . it's unacceptable, he said. it's partly and that's partly why we're setting out plans to tackle . that's tackle extremism. that's referring back the dame sara referring back to the dame sara khan was discussed khan report, which was discussed in today's meeting with in today's cabinet meeting with all ministers in all the top ministers in government . and dame sara khan government. and dame sara khan said had met with this said that she had met with this individual multiple times. he's now ptsd. cut now got ptsd. he feels cut adrift of any support structures. the quote was interesting from dame sarah carter gb news yesterday. this was somebody who was teaching a lesson that was part of the national, natural, national curriculum that was signed off by a local authority , and he was by a local authority, and he was hounded out of his job and forced into hiding in our country in the 21st century.
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that, in summary, is what happened to him is now getting notice. going see notice. we're going to see a response to the dame sara khan report michael gove's report from michael gove's department. of the by department. by the end of the by the summer break. so by july, we'll wait in there what we'll wait to see in there what they what they say they make out, what they say about batley grammar about the batley grammar school school he school teacher because he was singled out being unfairly singled out as being unfairly treated in that government report. >> first of all, thank you very much . honestly. thank you for much. honestly. thank you for raising matters a huge raising this. it matters a huge amount. i get very, very emotional about it. you can probably like now it just probably tell like now it just really me this guy really gets to me that this guy was thrown under a bus and was just thrown under a bus and totally abandoned by totally abandoned politically by his school, by his union, by everybody in that community, apart from a few people, a few brave souls like paul halloran who stood up for him , started who stood up for him, started that crowdfunder which got that crowdfunder which has got through kept him through to him and kept him saying, alive. when you saying, kept him alive. when you said dame sara said yesterday that dame sara corner said he'd had suicidal thoughts , ptsd, not thoughts and, well, ptsd, not not suicidal thoughts of ptsd, which is the same kind of battle shot you get from a returning war veteran. >> but on a positive note, it seems at that the bubble
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seems at last that the bubble has been burst and people are starting to listen. >> and so we can only hope that he gets something that he deserves. i would like deserves. now i would like that to sort of compensation to be some sort of compensation package, sort of package, some sort of reintegration if we can reintegration package. if we can find and millions find millions and millions of pounds to asylum seekers, pounds to house asylum seekers, why money to take why can't we find money to take care somebody who so richly care of somebody who so richly deserves care of somebody who so richly desthere must be a duty of care >> there must be a duty of care towards something like the batley grammar school school teacher. i mean, the very fact, as sara khan said, an as dame sara khan said, an official government report that he he was he was teaching he was he was he was teaching the national curriculum signed off authority . and off by the local authority. and for doing that, it was picked on by local people in the community, and they took offence to that. now that the fact that he was all he was doing was his job right now , you know, he was job right now, you know, he was he was using visual aids that obviously got a reaction locally. but only doing locally. but if he's only doing his he's paying this his job and he's paying this price, seems unfair. price, it seems unfair. >> i found out again from >> and i found out again from yesterday, from paul halloran that co—teacher, the that the co—teacher, the co—worker in that class was a muslim teacher themselves , and
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muslim teacher themselves, and it had been previously used specifically to talk about religious extremism and provocation and freedom of speech as a learning aid. it wasn't shown deliberately to be inflammatory. it was shown as a learning tool. the whole situation has been mismanaged from the very beginning. do you think that the political will is there? dame sara khan yes , sir. there? dame sara khan yes, sir. i thought spoke with with grace. you know, with compassion. i'm a glass half full on this. what about you? >> yeah, i think she did. i think dame sara khan was an excellent advocate for what's happened here and what she's trying with her report trying to do with her report on if back, she's trying if you step back, she's trying to with the chilling nature to deal with the chilling nature of these, criticism of this, of these, the criticism from both the both the left and right. you've got to be able to have a conversation, particularly in schools, about things what things to understand what blasphemy without adopting blasphemy is without adopting what you're talking about. >> okay. and we'll have a quick update on the liaison next time. i'm afraid i have read i'm afraid i have to read a statement out and that is a spokesperson batley multi spokesperson for batley multi academy said this. those academy trust said this. those events required us to support
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all our students, their families and our staff, including the teacher involved for whom we provided counselling and wider support. we remain clear that we delivered on these responsibilities and that we followed due process. okay. now it's followed due process. okay. now wsfime followed due process. okay. now it's time for our great spring giveaway and it's the final week to see how you could win gadgets, a shopping spree and an amazing £12,345. 1234 £5 tax free in cash . make sure you free in cash. make sure you don't miss out. here's all the details you need to get your mitts on the moolah. >> it's the final week to see how you could win big. you could win an amazing £12,345 in tax free cash that you could spend. however you like. plus, there's a further £500 of shopping vouchers to spend at your favourite store. we'll also give you a gadget package to use in your garden this spring. that includes a games console, a pizza oven portable smart pizza oven and a portable smart speaken pizza oven and a portable smart speaker. you can listen to gb
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i >> earlier on breakfast. >> earlier on breakfast. >> huge bridge in baltimore that
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has collapsed after being hit by a ship. at least one vehicle has fallen into the water. this is an ongoing situation. >> three years ago, many of us said a house of lords committee said a house of lords committee said the intelligence and security committee said that we had to regard china as a threat . had to regard china as a threat. >> we do take measured responses, but we do take responses, but we do take response and of course we will always be vigilant and always look to what we need to do. national security is the most important thing. >> whatever the semantics of it, you've to your national you've got to put your national security first. you've got to put your national sec il'sl first. you've got to put your national sec it's not ;t. you've got to put your national sec it's not about semantics, >> it's not about semantics, jonathan money, isn't jonathan is about money, isn't it? you can't afford to tell them off. >> and she became all of a sudden, after year and a half, sudden, after a year and a half, this this, you she this victim, this, you know, she was a victim of trafficking. >> heard that from >> i'd never heard that from first of meeting her, first year of meeting her, singing in the rain. >> just sing in the rain from six. >> it's breakfast on gb news. >> it's breakfast on gb news.
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>> welcome back. and gb news viewers can now see live pictures from the wreckage in baltimore after a cargo ship struck a bridge there overnight. officials there have said that six people remain missing, whilst eight have so far been rescued. and we'll bring you updates from their live throughout the show . now to the throughout the show. now to the news that immigrants who promote extremism could be kicked out of britain. what took them so long? it comes after a report yesterday said that chilling levels harassment are posing levels of harassment are posing what it called a serious threat to our democratic way of life. earlier this month, prime minister rishi sunak said our streets have been hijacked by small groups who are hostile to our values and have no respect for our democratic traditions . for our democratic traditions. well, i'm joined now by international security and border control expert henry bolton. henry, welcome to the show. always a pleasure. what took them so long? >> oh, it's a very good question, martin. some of us
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have been trying to get them to listen to say what they're saying now, and actually do something about it literally for years, we started to see this influx into the uk, in a major way in about 2014, and that followed on. a lot of people say it's about brexit. it's not. it's about what happened in nonh it's about what happened in north africa, in the sahel and the maghreb, people coming across the mediterranean and so on and feeding through the, through the european union to the north french coast and then on to us, but but, you know, this has always been a problem. i myself was involved in combating people smuggling, down in the southern balkans for three years back in the early 2000. we knew i was working for the uk, 12 different government agencies. there was no doubt we detected my team, detected , detected my team, detected, extremists who had been infiltrated into the people smuggling networks in order to reach countries in that in this particular case, and the one i'm
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thinking of in scandinavia, with the purpose of recruiting vulnerable scandinavians to commit terrorist attacks in scandinavia. we know this happens , there is no doubt. so happens, there is no doubt. so why? it's only it's taking taking so long now. i just don't know. maybe it's because rishi sunak doesn't really believe in this, but he's being persuaded that, there's some, you know, benefit in terms of the election . he's he's he knows he's in hot water. regarding that, i don't know why it's taken so long. it's a scandal that it's taken so long. and now that they've acknowledged acknowledged it, i want to see something done about it. yeah, think you're right. >> yeah, i think you're right. i think the time for talking is oven think the time for talking is over, particularly henry, as we can reveal on gb news today, that the figures are up for small boats year on year by 25, 4600 so far this year, versus 3700 last year. rishi sunak, it seems, can't stop the boats any more than king canute can stop the tide , martin, i the boats
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the tide, martin, i the boats okay to say stop. that's a zero something, probably for years they won't actually be stopped, but i, i'll say now publicly that i believe that within eight months, with the right people there , with the right plan, you there, with the right plan, you could reduce the boats by 80% in eight months. that's what i believe. and i have done, done this work elsewhere in the world, ironically paid for by the british government. but they won't listen at the moment. so i believe it can be done . but i believe it can be done. but i think the problem here, martin, is that a the prime minister doesn't see it as a problem. not really . i think he sees it. it's really. i think he sees it. it's way down on his personal list of priorities, although he thinks that he's got a sort of kowtow to public opinion, but he thinks pubuc to public opinion, but he thinks public opinion this is wrong. public opinion on this is wrong. i that's problem number i think that's problem number one. number that one. problem number two is that the home office doesn't have the experience, the knowledge, or in fact, passion to engage fact, the passion to engage properly on it, but the experience the knowledge are
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experience of the knowledge are prerequisites to able to be prerequisites to be able to be effective. have it. effective. they don't have it. they need go outside. any they need to go outside. any other would other european country would seek assistance from the expertise it has available, whether within the civil whether it's within the civil service or not. this government, this refuses to do this civil service refuses to do that. >> okay, henry, that begs the next question . what about if the next question. what about if the labour party gets in? they talk tough last week about a thousand strong removals and returns squads. do you think that they will put the foot down on this, or do you think we'll be looking at more of the or perhaps at more of the same, or perhaps even worse? at more of the same, or perhaps evei worse? at more of the same, or perhaps evei thinke? at more of the same, or perhaps evei think we're going to see >> i think we're going to see a little bit of a mixed bag, martin. we're going martin. i think we're going to see possibly more see them possibly more be more efficient in some respects. in the although tony the early 2000, although tony blair opened the floodgates, particularly in relation to his reaction to what happened in the balkans , in kosovo, the labour balkans, in kosovo, the labour government then actually did put in place the resources in many cases to deal with this problem. they did enhance returns. but and this is a big but
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ideologically the labour party is very much in the space that immigration is a good thing. is very much in the space that immigration is a good thing . and immigration is a good thing. and i think now they've also got a very big sort of part of their party and their support base, which believes the same thing. so politically they're going to find it very difficult to deal with this. i think they will do enough to be able to present to the nation. we are being firm, we're being fair, but we're being robust at the same time, but reality , i think we won't but in reality, i think we won't see the figures go down. they might shift to another area of immigration rather than small boats. see sort of boats. we might see sort of these people just fast tracked from somewhere, i don't from france somewhere, i don't know. but, so i think we'll see a mixed bag and we've got to watch that very, very closely if they get in. but god help us if they get in. but god help us if they do, because there's other things you've been talking things that you've been talking about the programme, about already on the programme, which directly related to which are directly related to the importation of foreign cultures . and i'm not judging cultures. and i'm not judging those cultures. i'm not judging those cultures. i'm not judging those values, those social norms that come in with the immigrant
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community community, but they exist. it is absolutely disingenuous to say it's this is it's wrong. it's lying almost to say that they don't exist . they say that they don't exist. they of course they do. and that's not being managed at all. and i think the labour party doesn't care about that. >> okay . well, well let's wait >> okay. well, well let's wait and see. thanks forjoining us. henry always a pleasure henry bolton always a pleasure to you on the thank to have you on the show. thank you. there's lots more still you. now there's lots more still to between now and to come between now and 4:00. and reaction the news and there's reaction to the news that princess of wales is. and there's reaction to the news that announcement wales is. and there's reaction to the news that announcement is. and there's reaction to the news that announcement last week has the announcement last week has to led a huge increase in people visiting charity websites visiting cancer charity websites to get themselves checked out. but it's time for your but first, it's time for your latest headlines with latest news headlines with tatiana sanchez . tatiana sanchez. >> martin. thank you. the top stories this hour. an emergency call was made in the moments before a cargo ship crashed into a major bridge in the us this morning, plunging cars and people into the water below. this is the moment the francis
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scott key bridge in baltimore was hit at around 130. local time this morning. the ship's crew had notified authorities of what's been described as a power issue on board, prompting workers to try to stop traffic . workers to try to stop traffic. this is the scene now in baltimore , where it's just after baltimore, where it's just after 1130 in the morning. multiple people were on the one and a half mile long bridge. two were recovered from the water. one is now in a serious condition. six construction workers are still unaccounted for. the state's governor says it appears to have been a tragic accident . gb news been a tragic accident. gb news can exclusively reveal the number of small boats illegally crossing the english channel so far this year is now 25% higher than at the same point last yean than at the same point last year. another five small boats crossed the channel this morning, with almost 300 people on board, including a number of children. the latest arrivals take the total number of migrants who've made the illegal
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journey so far this year to just under 4600 councils and fire services are to be publicly ranked on how they're ensuring unsafe cladding is removed from buildings. the communities minister told the commons today that some authorities are doing more than others to make buildings safer. lee rowley says the new ranking will ensure greater transparency so the pubuc greater transparency so the public knows how their local area is performing. efforts to remove unsafe cladding have been ongoing since the grenfell fire in 2017, which killed 72 people. and the king and queen are to attend an easter service at saint george's chapel, buckingham palace says the royal couple will spend the easter celebration at windsor castle this sunday. shortly after. the easter bunny, of course, completes his delivery of chocolate eggs . it's the king's chocolate eggs. it's the king's most significant appearance since was diagnosed with since he was diagnosed with cancen since he was diagnosed with cancer. for the latest story, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen, or go to gb news. com
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slash alerts . slash alerts. >> for stunning gold and silver coins, you'll always value rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . the gb news financial report. >> here's a quick snapshot of today's markets. the pound will buy you $1.2632 and ,1.1654. the price of gold is £1,725 and one pence per ounce, and the ftse 100 is at 7921 points. >> rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> thank you tatiana. now, it's been claimed that young people are turning to pornography and social media to learn about sexual health. we'll have more on that after this. i'm martin
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welcome back. and gb news viewers can see on your screens now. live pictures from the wreckage in baltimore . after the wreckage in baltimore. after a cargo ship struck a bridge overnight in the early hours , overnight in the early hours, about 1:30 am. this morning, officials there have have said that six people remain missing andifs that six people remain missing and it's been reported in the united states that the ship lost propulsion as it was leaving port, and crew on board notified maryland officials they had lost control of the vessel. and then it obviously collided with the bridge, which concertina down almost half of its length. huge disaster. we'll bring you updates from there throughout the show . now to a concerning the show. now to a concerning story. and it's being claimed that young people are turning to pornography and social media to learn about sexual health. the women and equalities committee has said that sex education in schools is failing young people.
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well, caroline nokes is the chair of the women in equalities committee and she joins me now in the studio in westminster. thank you for joining in the studio in westminster. thank you forjoining us. it's a pleasure have in the pleasure to have you in the studio. tell us about your studio. so tell us about your findings. and more to the point, tell us why parents should be concerned. >> well, we had some real experts in rachel de souza, the childrens commissioner, claire dewsnap, who's from one of the leading sexual health organisations the country, organisations in the country, and a chris whitty. and the message got very clearly message that we got very clearly from rachel that 50% of from rachel was that 50% of young people think that the relationship in sex education they get in school is not of any use to them, not relevant. and so instead they turned to the internet to educate themselves. and the very obvious route they go down is they start looking at porn. they see all sorts of really hard core and disturbing acts of pornography, easily accessible on their phones, and they begin to think that that's what a normal adult relationship looks like. and in pornography,
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let me tell you, you very seldom see a condom used. and we then have spiralling rates of young people suffering from diseases like gonorrhoea, which we know has really bad antibiotic resistance nowadays , and resistance nowadays, and syphilis, which hadn't been seen in these levels since the 1940s. and to be quite frank, we all thought it was some sort of disease that nobody got anymore. >> now, this isn't a new thing. in fact, i was saying to you before i made a tv documentary called on the brain in called porn on the brain in 2013, 11 years ago, and we concluded at the end of that, we looked at young lads who were addicted porn, it was addicted to porn, what it was doing relationships doing to their relationships with they were with women. oftentimes they were overwhelmed by overwhelmed themselves by performance overwhelmed themselves by perffindingz overwhelmed themselves by perffinding it, they had to just finding it, they had to react to this template. the big question is, what do we do about all of this? we can't switch off the internet whether it the internet whether we like it or our or not. it's a part of our lives. how intervene or lives. how do we intervene or talk to kids? in a way, they're going to listen to in a credible way without feeling, oh, stop being or or going into being so square or or going into secrecy and doing it anyway. >> yeah. and young people don't
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want to be preached at, they? want to be preached at, do they? you're it has to be you're dead right. it has to be about high quality education in schools. the first to schools. i'm the first to acknowledge as a parent how hard it talk to young people it is to talk to young people about it's really tough, about sex. it's really tough, and that's why you need specialist teachers to do it. one of the messages that we heard very clearly was that young people wanted to have face to conversations. they to face conversations. they didn't their didn't want to get their education internet. education off the internet. we all pretty all know it's a pretty unreliable a whole unreliable source for a whole range of things don't range of things nowadays, don't we? reality is we? and the stark reality is that we have to be better at making sure that there's provision of school nurses. we have make that she, in have to make sure that she, in schools is high quality, that it's relevant, that it's age appropriate , that it's prepared appropriate, that it's prepared to the really difficult to tackle the really difficult subjects. with the internet, subjects. but with the internet, you're right. we can't put the genie back in the bottle and it's for it's a fantastic service for good, we all rely on good, isn't it? we all rely on it so much of the things it for so much of the things that every single day, but that we do every single day, but we have to decent age we have to have decent age verification how do we do that, though? >> because, you know, i spoke to about 45,000 teenagers across britain in a previous job
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talking about porn addiction from the best elite public schools to council estate schools to council estate schools behind barbed wire . all schools behind barbed wire. all of them. all of the kids in all the schools know how to get around internet blocks. they know to get around how to get around age verification. if around age verification. and if parents don't, parents think they don't, they're cloud cuckoo they're living in cloud cuckoo land. we if we accept that land. so if we if we accept that we the control all we can't stop the control all can we just teach critical consumption? >> well, i think we have to treat teach critical consumption. i think when it comes to age verification, at the moment you're just required to box. yeah, idiot to tick a box. yeah, any idiot can that, they? the can do that, can't they? the stark reality is, is your average will be able average teenager will be able to set up faster than i would set up a vpn faster than i would even what even begin to understand what one years one was. i can remember years ago having conversations with my colleague claire perry, no longer parliament, who was longer in parliament, who was very understandably, hugely concerned on concerned and pioneering on this. and i said to her at the time, why can't we have a system whereby you have to pay on a credit card, literally one to credit card, literally one p to access online porn, which of course cuts out the under eighteens they can't eighteens because they can't have they can
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have a credit card, they can have a credit card, they can have debit card. but you know, have a debit card. but you know, we look what we have to look at what the solutions really solutions could be to really stop you talk to stop them. and if you talk to the tech companies, they will tell you that they now have ai that them from a way. that can tell them from a way. somebody how they are somebody types how old they are within reasonable within a within a reasonable range. have to range. and i think we have to start at a making sure that young people understand what you see on the internet is not a real adult relationship . real adult relationship. >> i'll tell you what, i think it'd be useful to teach parents to how talk to their kids because they're they're terrified too. most parents are, i think. i terrified too. most parents are, ithink. i don't terrified too. most parents are, i think. i don't want to talk about it. kids are like, about it. the kids are like, well, want to talk about well, i don't want to talk about it so happens. it either. so nothing happens. and yeah, and ran around. we go, yeah, i don't think you're right. >> being in >> i can remember being in a debate westminster hall with debate in westminster hall with chris a decade where debate in westminster hall with ch|used a decade where debate in westminster hall with ch|used the a decade where debate in westminster hall with ch|used the phrase de where debate in westminster hall with ch|used the phrase to where debate in westminster hall with ch|used the phrase to me, where he used the phrase to me, i wouldn't want the honourable lady to me about sex, lady to talk to me about sex, ehhen lady to talk to me about sex, either. he's dead we're either. he's dead right. we're all squeamish. we all feel all a bit squeamish. we all feel uncomfortable, actually, uncomfortable, but actually, it's most important it's one of the most important conversations with it's one of the most important con'kids.tions with it's one of the most important con'kids. wes with it's one of the most important con'kids. we have with it's one of the most important con'kids. we have to with it's one of the most important con'kids. we have to be with it's one of the most important con'kids. we have to be able th it's one of the most important con'kids. we have to be able to our kids. we have to be able to teach to be safe. teach them to be safe. >> caroline nokes, excellent words. you joining words. thank you for joining me in studio . an absolute in the studio. an absolute pleasure to on
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pleasure to talk to you on important topic. now, since pleasure to talk to you on important topic . now, since the important topic. now, since the princess of wales revealed she's suffering cancer , there's suffering from cancer, there's been a massive increase in visits the websites cancer visits to the websites of cancer charities and the nhs as people get checked out. i'm get themselves checked out. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back 347 is your time. i'm martin daubney. this is gb news. the princess of wales has decision to speak out about her cancen decision to speak out about her cancer. treatment has prompted a surge of visits to the websites of cancer charities and the nhs. princess catherine announced last friday that she was receiving preventative chemotherapy, and macmillan cancer support says online traffic to its information and support pages was the highest weekend figure since the first covid 19 lockdown. well, i'm
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joined now by professor gordon wishart, who's the chief medical officer at check for cancer and the visiting professor of cancer surgery at anglia ruskin university. welcome to the show, professor wishart. so a story that's moved the nation. but this is a positive uptake. people looking at the exemplary outspokenness and forthright nature of the princess and deciding to do something positive about their own health. >> i think it's a great thing, martin, education is hugely important because i think we've all been brought up to think of increasing age as one of the most important risk factors for any cancer, and i think it's come as a shock to many people that it does actually occur in people under 50. and, you know, the princess was was 42. and this comes at a time where we've got increasing evidence that this is not just happening in the uk, but it's happening globally as well . globally as well. >> and we saw a report out today
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indeed saying there's been a 20% upfickin indeed saying there's been a 20% uptick in cancers in the under 50s since 2010. professor wishart so clearly more people need to get knowledge at their fingertips . so it's an amazing, fingertips. so it's an amazing, bit of silver lining in this, this story that people are stepping up and getting involved themselves . themselves. >> no, i think that's absolutely right. and hopefully they will be reading that, that many of the risk factors that we have thought traditionally increase the risk of cancer an older the risk of cancer at an older age are now some of the same risk factors driving this in the under 50s things like smoking, alcohol , well, obesity, a lack alcohol, well, obesity, a lack of exercise and, you know, poor diets, diets that are high in fats or high in red meat, high in salt and diets low and fruits. so i think there's a huge kind of public health message that we need to get out
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there. and i'm glad that people are taking the initiative themselves and looking for this information online. >> and it's also incredibly positive that the royal family are being so open about their health, because, of course, that gives permission for the rest of us to follow suit . us to follow suit. >> i think that's true. i think it's a very brave thing to do. you know, i think, having a cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy under the age of 50 is a challenge for any , for any is a challenge for any, for any family. but of course, they are doing this, you know , in the doing this, you know, in the full scrutiny worldwide. and but it is very brave, and i think , it is very brave, and i think, you know, hopefully this will stop a lot of the speculation about , you know, her, her being about, you know, her, her being unwell and what was causing that. and if we can turn this around into increased education about how to recognise the signs and symptoms of cancer, so that we can try and diagnose cancer and early stage, that would be a very positive outcome from what has been a very difficult time for them as a family.
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>> yeah, i think a lot of people at 6:00 on friday evening were thrown into quite a dark place, particularly if their lives had been touched by cancer in any way. and so to have such a quick turnaround and to make something so positive where numbers have been surging upwards, i think is a tremendous thing . so thank you a tremendous thing. so thank you very much for joining a tremendous thing. so thank you very much forjoining us on the very much for joining us on the show this afternoon. that's professor gordon wishart, who's the chief medical officer at check , and of course, check for cancer, and of course, the visiting professor of cancer surgery ruskin surgery at anglia ruskin university. now, 2.7 million people aged 65 or over don't use the internet. and that's having a huge impact on their lives. they're finding it more and more difficult to do simple tasks like make an nhs appointment or even do their banking. but now age uk is campaigning for public services to be more accessible for elderly people, and our yorkshire and humber reporter anna riley has this report offline and overlooked. >> that's what age uk say
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millions of british pensioners are . are. >> why? because they cannot or won't access the internet. it's leading to digital exclusion . so leading to digital exclusion. so the charities campaigning for pubuc the charities campaigning for public services like banks, utilities and even the nhs to maintain a more human approach. >> everything's online. >> everything's online. >> people assume you've got a smartphone with a with a mobile number and an email, and without that you don't exist in this world anymore. we've got to try and get the government to see that. it's so important to make people feel that they belong, because there's a feeling that the older generation just feel that they've forgotten they're in way . and we already know in the way. and we already know that anyway. it's just another reason them to feel that reason for them to feel that they're not wanted. they'll just accept it and they'll say, well, that's it, i can't do it anymore. and that's it. whereas other people would be really kicking screaming. so we kicking and screaming. so we need be voice older people. >> despite digital technology playing role playing an increasing role in our around 1 in 5 over 65
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our lives, around 1 in 5 over 65 in the uk don't use the internet. >> thorneycroft centre in pontefract , west yorkshire, pontefract, west yorkshire, provides a space for this age group to socialise and get help to go online. >> i'm not like good with mobiles, so when you mention anything about online ain't a clue what you're talking about . clue what you're talking about. >> your brain's not up to all these fancy things and not only that, when you're online, you get in these people. you have to be very careful in case you scammed. they're not considering old people who feel left behind. ihave old people who feel left behind. i have to ask my grandson, who's 14 year old, to do things for me. they expect you to know what you're doing and or they want to do updates and you think , what do updates and you think, what place is it at for the closure of thousands of banks is also detrimental to the older generation . generation. >> in a lot of our members watcombe, they tend to use cash
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and they don't like to use bank cards. i think a lot of it's trust or the lack of knowledge. they don't understand how it works. i think they're very vulnerable as well with online, it's really important that they're aware how to use it and how to use it safely. >> so in an online era, it's still crucial for many to have an offline option . anna riley gb news. >> cracking surfing i don't know about you, but it's not just pensioners that feel this frustration, so do i. when's the last time you tried to pay on a parking app for your parking on a cliff top in cornwall, when you can't get any reception, just take cash. now. six people remain missing after a cargo ship struck a bridge in baltimore. gb news viewers can see live pictures from the wreckage there. we'll have full details of this dramatic search and rescue story. i'm martin daubney on gb news, but first time for your weather with aidan mcgivern. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar . sponsors of weather on .
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solar. sponsors of weather on. gb news. >> hi there and welcome to the latest gb news forecast from the met office. a soggy night to come as rain moves north, falling as snow over scotland's hills . staying cold falling as snow over scotland's hills. staying cold in falling as snow over scotland's hills . staying cold in the far hills. staying cold in the far north but milder air is coming into the south and following the main area of rain, which is associated with this feature an occluded front moving north. we've got an area of showers pushing in, so a mixed bag for most of us over the next 24 hours, but the wettest parts will be northern ireland, where there's rain warning, as well there's a rain warning, as well as northern england into the midlands, wales south midlands, wales and the south east. during evening before . east. during the evening before. dufing east. during the evening before. during the hours that rain during the early hours that rain pushes much scotland, pushes into much of scotland, falling above 2 or 300m, falling as snow above 2 or 300m, settling above 3 or 400m. a cold night to come for scotland, then , but further south it's 5 or 6 celsius by dawn, albeit with another active band of rain moving through southwest england into wales , northern ireland, into wales, northern ireland, some heavy bursts and some gusty winds that . the
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winds associated with that. the first band of rain pushes through scotland , through northern scotland, continuing to fall as snow over the hills, although milder air is mixing with that, the snow is mixing with that, so the snow confined the highest peaks confined to the highest peaks and going and and it's going to be wet and windy, increasingly so for the far scotland, feeling far north of scotland, feeling cold mix of cold here. elsewhere, mix of sunny and lively showers, sunny spells and lively showers, hail and thunder here and there as well. before further bands of rain move north on thursday. one area moving across northern england into northern ireland dunng england into northern ireland during the morning . another zone during the morning. another zone of rain and showers moving into the southwest by the afternoon. the weekend, though, looks brighter with a mix of sunny spells and heavy showers . spells and heavy showers. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers . sponsors of boxt boilers. sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> a very good afternoon to you.
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it's 4 pm. welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart of westminster, all across the uk. first story this hour, the baltimore bridge collapse and six people are still missing . six people are still missing. and we'll have regular updates on this dramatic story throughout the show and how that royal bombshell , throughout the show and how that royal bombshell, dropped last week by the princess of wales, is helping to raise awareness around cancer. and that's all coming up in your next hour. welcome to the show. we've also got some dramatic news on some news from the cabinet. we'll have that soon. and also a breakthrough on the batley grammar school teacher appears to be on site . we ended the show to be on site. we ended the show yesterday with paul halloran, a close friend of the batley grammar school teacher, talking to us, and we gave the gofundme page a push and you wonderful viewers helped to raise £4,000
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for the teacher. all of that money will go directly to him, still in hiding, still unable to work. but our political editor, christopher hope, found out today by asking the prime minister's office, is there going to be a breakthrough in this case? and i think there is. we'll have more on that. and you can get your messages to the batley school teacher. batley grammar school teacher. if you send them to me, i will pass them to on him. you can speak directly to him via us. please get in touch. but first it's but first wsfime but first it's time for your latest new headunes it's time for your latest new headlines with polly middlehurst. >> martin, thank you and good afternoon to you . well, the top afternoon to you. well, the top story as you've been hearing from the gp newsroom is a world story. it's in the united states where a major search and rescue operation continuing in operation is continuing in baltimore cargo ship baltimore after a cargo ship crashed into a bridge, causing it to simply crumple into the water below. >> take a look if you're
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watching on television of the moment the vessel hit that bndgeis moment the vessel hit that bridge is called the francis scott key bridge. it happened in the early hours of this morning, and as that bridge goes down, you can see it just falls like a stack of cars. sadly, there were multiple people driving cars on that bridge and they were plunged into the water below . plunged into the water below. well, the port authorities in baltimore are reporting the ship lost propulsion and was unable to keep its intended course to go under the bridge. clearly just before that collision happened. well, as you can imagine , it has caused chaos in imagine, it has caused chaos in baltimore. and of course , there baltimore. and of course, there is now a search and rescue operation underway . these are operation underway. these are the live pictures coming to us from the scene . we understand from the scene. we understand two people recovered from the water so far. one of those is in a serious condition. but as i said, multiple people on that one and a half mile long bridge at the time of the collapse, and there are reports that six people may still be unaccounted for. the governor of maryland
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says it appears to have been a tragic accident, and our response teams are doing everything in our power to rescue and recover the victims of this collapse, literally, as we speak, people who, as we speak are out there . speak are out there. >> our divers, our air assets , >> our divers, our air assets, people who right now are working to save lives and are doing it because the state asked the governor of maryland there . governor of maryland there. >> now, in other news today, the director of russia's security services says the us, ukraine and britain are jointly responsible for last week's terror attack in moscow, though he provided no evidence at all. at least 139 people were killed when gunmen stormed a concert hall on friday. islamic state, the terror group, claimed responsibility for that attack , responsibility for that attack, but the russian president, vladimir putin, has admitted that radical islamists carried out the attack but continues to
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insist ukraine was involved, allegations kyiv denies . here at allegations kyiv denies. here at home, gb news can reveal the number of small boats crossing the english channel so far this yearis the english channel so far this year is now 25% higher than at the same point last year. another five small boats made the crossing this morning with almost 300 illegal migrants on board include a number of children. it takes the total number of migrants who've made the dangerous journey so far this year to just under 4600. councils and fire services are to be publicly ranked on how they're ensuring unsafe cladding is removed from buildings, the communities minister has told the commons today that some authorities are doing more than others to make their buildings safer. lee rowley says the new ranking will ensure greater transparency, so the public knows just how their local area is performing. efforts to remove unsafe cladding have been going on and since the grenfell fire
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in 2017, which killed 72 people. juuan in 2017, which killed 72 people. julian assange's wife says a decision to delay a final appeal on his extradition to the united states is, in her words, utterly bizarre. us authorities have been asked to provide assurances on whether the wikileaks founder can rely on the us first amendment, which provides the right to free speech, or whether he might face the death penalty. a further hearing will now be held in may. it's over. an alleged conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information following the publication of leaked documents relating to the afghanistan and iraq wars. stella assange, his wife, says today's delay is an attack on press freedom . attack on press freedom. >> but the courts have done have been to invite a political intervention from the united states to send a letter saying it's all okay. i find this astounding ing five years into
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this case, the united states has managed to show the court that their case remains an attack on press freedom and an attack on julian's life . julian's life. >> let me just bring some breaking news that's come to me in the last couple of minutes. we understand the armed forces minister, heappey , has minister, james heappey, has resigned, could pave resigned, and that could pave the understand, for the way. we understand, for rishi sunak to carry out a mini reshuffle his cabinet team. reshuffle of his cabinet team. let me tell you that the conservative mp for wells in somerset announced earlier this month he had planned to quit as an mp and that he would stand down as a minister before then. so that news for you once again in the last minutes, the in the last few minutes, the armed minister, james armed forces minister, james heappey, that heappey, has resigned. that could a mini reshuffle for could mean a mini reshuffle for the government. now britain and the government. now britain and the united states are accusing china of carrying out a global campaign of malicious cyber attacks. it's an unprecedented move, with britain publicly blaming china yesterday for targeting the electoral
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commission and the email accounts of mps and peers. british intelligence services believe that chinese spies are likely to use hacked information to target critics of xi jinping government in china . and just government in china. and just lastly, his majesty the king and the queen are to attend an easter service at saint george's chapelin easter service at saint george's chapel in windsor. buckingham palace made the announcement today, saying the royal couple will spend the easter celebration at windsor castle this sunday. it's the king's most significant appearance since he was diagnosed with cancer. since he was diagnosed with cancer . that's the news. for the cancer. that's the news. for the latest stories, do sign up to gb news alerts , scan the qr code on news alerts, scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts. >> thank you paulie. now in a few minutes, we'll have reaction to the big news about james heappey. but we start this hour with dramatic bridge with that dramatic bridge collapse in the states collapse in the united states and gb news viewers can see live
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pictures from the wreckage on your screens . now pictures from the wreckage on your screens. now in baltimore, officials there have in the past hour said that six people still remain missing. hour said that six people still remain missing . singapore port remain missing. singapore port authorities have now revealed that the ship lost propulsion and was unable to maintain its desired heading, therefore colliding with the bridge with dramatic results. and here's what the governor of maryland had to say about the rescue mission earlier to the victims of this tragedy and their loved ones. >> all of our hearts are broken . >> all of our hearts are broken. we feel your loss . we're we feel your loss. we're thinking of you, and we will always be thinking of you. we pray for the construction workers who were on the key bridge, and we pray for everyone who has been touched by this tragedy and their families and all of their loved ones . but all of their loved ones. but maryland . we will get through maryland. we will get through this because that is the maryland spirit. and that's what
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maryland spirit. and that's what maryland is made of. >> well, of course, this tragedy unfolded in the early hours, around about 1:30 am. this morning, and these pictures captured the moment a cargo ship collided into the francis scott key bridge. a state of emergency was declared as the authorities launched an operation to save lives and find out exactly how it happened. well, gb news home and security editor mark white joins me now. mark, welcome back to the show. when we last spoke, mark, it was looking rather bleak. the consequences of finding people now, the water, of course, very cold and some 15, 16 hours since this incident occurred. what's the latest, mark? >> well, we know that there were eight construction workers who were on the bridge. quite common, of course, in these large bridges for construction teams to carry out maintenance work during the night when it's a lot quieter on the bridge. this team was filling potholes
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in on the bridge . when these in on the bridge. when these eight members of the construction team were swept into the river. when that bridge collapsed, one was recovered uninjured, another was recovered and is critically ill. but but six others have disappeared so far without trace, and that doesn't account for the number of vehicles that might have been on the bridge. when when that bndge on the bridge. when when that bridge was struck by the ship and then structurally collapsed. i think one of the more positive news, elements to come out of this revelations is the fact that the construction teams that were still on the bridge and were still on the bridge and were made aware of the fact that this ship was losing power and drifting towards one of the central columns on the bridge, had the time to flag down vehicles and to stop them going
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on to the central part of that bndge. on to the central part of that bridge . and undoubtedly that bridge. and undoubtedly that action by these construction crews saved lives. there were those still vehicles on the bridge. we don't know how many . bridge. we don't know how many. it was 130 in the morning, so it wouldn't have been packed with vehicles, but a number of vehicles, but a number of vehicles were still on the bridge. and we've heard from the police and the fire rescue services that their boats that are out there on the river that have been conducting surveys using sonar have detected a number of vehicles on the riverbed . riverbed. >> and mark seems the most likely explanation. now as you said earlier in the show, a loss of power on the ship and able to control its course, and of course, an enormous amount of course, an enormous amount of mass . course, an enormous amount of mass . and then this huge mass. and then this huge collision. >> yes . well, i mean, it always >> yes. well, i mean, it always seemed strange as to why a boat would career into that bridge, given that there are pilots that
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go and take the controls of these huge vessels when they headin these huge vessels when they head in and out of harbour. and there were two pilots on board this container ship skippers effectively for the journey in and out of port. they know the river back to front. they do it that journey every single day, multiple times a day. and they know exactly where to go. so it had to be some kind of mechanical issue. and now the singapore port authority , this singapore port authority, this was a singapore flagged vessel that was working maersk shipping have said that the information they've received from the crew is that there was indeed a mechanical failure that resulted in a power outage . and of in a power outage. and of course, a power outage will effectively mean that you have no propulsion and you need propulsion on a huge ship like that to be able to steer it. otherwise, you're at the mercy of the currents. the tide, the
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flow of that river and the flow of that river took it right to that central column on the bndge. that central column on the bridge . striking the bridge. bridge. striking the bridge. it's a 100,000 odd ton ton vessel which is 300ft. well 900ft long, almost 300m long. it struck that central column with a very significant force. that was obviously enough to destroy that central column and then cause this cascade, this loss of structural integrity on the bridge, which saw about 80% of the rest of that bridge collapse. and fall into the river. >> okay. mark white, thank you for that comprehensive update. will, of course, come back to you later through the show as we learn more. thank you. mark white. now we have some big breaking news for you and our political editor chris hope has the story . chris political editor chris hope has the story. chris joins me political editor chris hope has the story . chris joins me in political editor chris hope has
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the story. chris joins me in the studio in westminster. chris, you just legged it back from the lobby meetings as you what's lobby meetings as you do. what's the news? >> yeah, ricky sharks government has been rocked by a double resignation today. this afternoon robert halfon, the minister that's number minister of state that's number two to gillian keegan has quit as higher education minister. he also says he'll stand down as an mp at the next election. that makes the 63rd tory mp to makes him the 63rd tory mp to quit this parliament and lost more than 1 in 6 of the total number in james number elected in in 2019. james heappey, forces heappey, the armed forces minister, has also confirmed he has resigned. we are waiting. we're getting on my phone is buzzing now with the exchange letters between the prime minister and james heappey and with robert halfon. i think what's interesting about these two, they are known to our viewers, i think, and to listeners, they are both highly respected mps . robert halfon is respected mps. robert halfon is one of the original red tories. he fought that and won that seat in in harlow , widely respected in in harlow, widely respected for campaigning on fuel duty and the like .james heappey, armed the like. james heappey, armed
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forces minister for five years. very interesting to see john healey who is who is the shadow defence secretary, saying this on social media. since the last election, we've had five chancellors, four foreign secretaries, three prime ministers and two defence secretaries, but only one armed forces minister. he's been a rare and constant in the turmoil of government, totally committed to defence and labour. thanks him for this. that's thanking james heappey. him for this. that's thanking james heappey . what you've got james heappey. what you've got here is people who are well regarded, who could be maybe future cabinet ministers quitting , and quitting the government, and that says quite a lot about the tory, the tory government. it's poll ratings . maybe they're poll ratings. maybe they're they're they their they're how they see their future in politics. obviously outside of westminster, 63 mps and counting a by—election yesterday a double resignation today is any any day a good news day for rishi sunak at the moment, chris? well, not really because there's also been concerns about the release of these two. neil reports the chief of borders chief inspector of borders finding holes in one of the airports in this country on the
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border side of it, also other areas that we're seeing , small areas that we're seeing, small boats arrivals the first three months, up 25% in compared to the same three month period as last year. the rolling 12 month penod last year. the rolling 12 month period is better for the government, still down by a third, but the trend is upwards. so in ways another so in many ways another difficult day for the prime minister. >> i'm also joined in the studio by political commentator andy macdonald. do you make of macdonald. what do you make of this, andy? i mean, here we go. it's the conservative party just seems to be collapsing by the day . day. >> yeah, yeah, it does appear so. i think it was keir starmer. he wrote, or he said something at a gathering a few days ago that the labour party are fighting the election, one by—election time. by—election at a time. >> benton >> you know, scott benton announcing he's for announcing he's going for a by—election and now by—election yesterday and now this resignation. this double resignation. ian, you said that you know, they've said that they're the they're standing down at the next i if next election. i wonder if they'll call by—election they'll call a by—election before but i before they get there. but i have to to continue have to say to continue with that kind of cross partisan, that kind of cross partisan, that appreciation , that bipartisan appreciation, you know, rob, health and the work that he's done on apprenticeships, i have say, apprenticeships, i have to say,
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even left leaning political even as a left leaning political commentator, admire the commentator, i really admire the work that he's done on there. so to i think to continue that theme, i think it a very, very big it really is a very, very big loss for the government and the conservative party as a whole. yeah. >> and rob, how a >> and rob, how did a lot of work boys he work on men and boys issues? he was outspoken advocate of was a real outspoken advocate of working lads, not doing so working class lads, not doing so well at education. nevertheless, it does give the feeling, of a sinking ship. and so from a labour party point of view, the polls are always going in their direction. the new the new poll out today from redfield and wilton strategies, labour on 42, conservatives on 22, reform on 14 on the labour party getting complacent though or could there still be a surprise? >> well, that's always the line, isn't it? you hear from rachel reeves and keir starmer never be complacent. you know, not complacent. you know, we're not taking anything for granted. but i have taking anything for granted. but i it have taking anything for granted. but i it a have taking anything for granted. but i it a bit have taking anything for granted. but i it a bit for have taking anything for granted. but i it a bit for grantedye taking anything for granted. but i it a bit for granted over taken it a bit for granted over the last few months. you know, their policy platforms off the back the last labour party back of the last labour party conference haven't really been that think conference haven't really been that are think conference haven't really been that are getting think conference haven't really been that are getting a think they are getting a bit complacent. know, complacent. but you know, realistically, you're that
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realistically, when you're that far ahead, think you're far ahead, i think you're allowed little bit allowed to be a little bit a little bit relaxed. >> getting >> chris, are you getting anything there? any more anything else in there? any more developments anything else in there? any more devi'm)ments reading letters >> i'm speed reading letters here, one certainly from the here, the one certainly from the prime rishi sunak, prime minister rishi sunak, makes very clear admiration makes very clear his admiration for james heappey. he's the forjames heappey. he's the armed forces minister, says no one will understand better. you do the considerable contribution are armed forces make the country, but also the security of others around the world. james heappey, of course, well known and listeners, known to viewers and listeners, was of medals. was wearing a rack of medals. yeah, remembrance he's yeah, on remembrance day. he's someone the respect someone who deserves the respect of many people who respect of many, many people who respect veterans country , rishi veterans in this country, rishi sunak james heappey you sunak says to james heappey you define what it means to be a pubuc define what it means to be a public servant and you should be proud of yourself. i have no doubt that you're going to continue to make a positive impact on life. thank you impact on public life. thank you for to the party. i for your service to the party. i wish you the best. and wish you all the very best. and briefly, i can just get to briefly, if i can just get to the letter from to robert the letter from the to pm robert halfon equally as halfon again, i think equally as as admirable, saying, you know, on your watch as you were saying, andy, thousand young people are starting an apprenticeship whilst supporting
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smes along the way. i mean, this all various achievements all of his various achievements in government over the years, you've the leading you've been the leading campaigner on a number key campaigner on a number of key issues duty, no other tory issues fuel duty, no other tory has campaigned harder to freeze fuel duty and that's correct because he's worried about white van he's worried about van man. he's worried about people incomes who have people on low incomes who have to around living. so to drive around for a living. so these are two significant tories, the future who tories, tories of the future who could have had a role, probably in the next tory government, who are quitting politics and quitting as ministers today for easter . easter. >> and interestingly, we are seeing, there's seeing, grant shapps there's a defence committee meeting today, james heappey, of course , james heappey, of course, expressed huge concern about the lack of will to invest in defence and that 3% gdp commitment hasn't materialised. didn't it, in the spring budget? is that the reason he went dedicated to his post? but he just wasn't getting the support he wanted. >> so he is concerned about that 3% target. there are about 2.3% we in the budget, didn't we? we saw in the budget, didn't we? the cuts, terms, in the cuts, real terms, cuts in defence spending. i think that's
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what we'll see. grant shapps being grilled on at the defence select committee, and we're going to have one of those mps in the shortly to tell us in the studio shortly to tell us what happened. >> have to leave it >> okay. we have to leave it there. gentlemen chris hope, andy macdonald, thank you very much joining the much for joining me in the studio. now time is ticking on your to win garden your chance to win garden gadgets, shopping spree and gadgets, a shopping spree and £12,345. that's 1234 £5 tax free cash lines closed this friday, so make sure to get weaving . and so make sure to get weaving. and here's all the details you need to get your claws on the cash. >> want to be a winner? just like phil? >> obviously whoever wins it next is to be as happy as next is going to be as happy as i was, they're going to get i was, and they're going to get even money this time round. even more money this time round. >> wouldn't you go in the >> so why wouldn't you go in the draw? >> so why wouldn't you go in the dra'enter a massive spring >> enter a massive spring giveaway? there's £12,345 in tax free cash to give your finances a spring boost. we'll also send you on a shopping spree with £500 worth of vouchers to spend in the store of your choice, you'll also get a garden gadget package. you have hurry as package. you have to hurry as lines close at 5 pm. on friday
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for chance to win the for another chance to win the vouchers. the treats and £12,345 in tax free cash. text gbwin to 84 902. text cost £2 plus one standard network rate message or post your name and number two gb gb03, p0 post your name and number two gb gb03, po box 8690. derby de19 double tee uk only entrants must be 18 or over. lines close at 5 pm. on friday. full terms and privacy notice at forward slash win please check the closing time if watching or listening on demand. good luck i listening on demand. good luck! >> get stuck in friday is that deadune >> get stuck in friday is that deadline now britain is producing the smallest amount of energy on record as the prime minister's windfall taxes take their toll, frightening away investors who would have thought what liam halligan predicted this a long time ago and he will join me very soon. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back. and gb news viewers can now see live pictures from the white house where president biden is due to make a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse shortly. officials there have said that six people remain missing. and we'll take that presidential address live when it happens . now for a shocking it happens. now for a shocking revelation. as britain is producing the smallest amount of energy on record . according to energy on record. according to reports from offshore energies uk , with production falling by uk, with production falling by two thirds since 2000. the trade body says plummeting gas and oil output is linked to windfall taxes imposed by the government. well, joining us now is our economics and business editor, liam halligan with on the money .
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liam halligan with on the money. liam, welcome to the show. always an absolute pleasure, mystic. liam, you've been calling this for so long, who would have thought if you tax the producers to the hilt, they'll simply wither away? and that's exactly what's happening, isn't it, liam? >> it is. and look for all the talk of net zero, for all the talk of net zero, for all the talk of net zero, for all the talk of renewables now accounting for 40% of our electricity, which they do when you take into consideration energy for transport as well. oil and gas still account for 70% of our energy requirements . 70% of our energy requirements. we use a lot less coal than we used to in generating electricity. we use less oil and gas than we used to in generating electricity, but it's still a hugely important part of our energy mix. and of course, until quite recently, the uk was a major exporter of oil and gas of the north sea. but in because of the north sea. but in recent years, north sea production has massively
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diminished and it's diminished even more. martin, since the government introduced taxation, heavy taxation on north sea oil and gas extraction, it's now 75% of any surpluses that companies make , those surpluses which are make, those surpluses which are meant to be used to, you know, service their debt to reinvest in the business, to try and keep it going are very capital intensive projects . and yet the intensive projects. and yet the tories have taken the oil and gas taxation from 30 to 40% of total profit, all the way up to 75. and now labour are saying that's not enough. they're going to introduce quotes, a proper windfall tax. well, god knows what that is. 8090. where does it end? let's have a look at some numbers here because we've had an excellent report from the offshore energies group , a offshore energies uk group, a group of that represents companies who drill in the north sea and elsewhere. ross dornan , sea and elsewhere. ross dornan, their author who people may remember from eye on the money
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show, he was off and on on the money. knowledgeable money. hugely knowledgeable young this young man. he's written this report it shows 40% of oil and report. it shows 40% of oil and gas in uk is now gas used in the uk is now imported, which is a very high share in this world of energy insecurity. when we have obviously rather fraught relations, to say the least. with the russians, a major energy exporter and indeed some middle east countries ,11% of middle east countries, 11% of the electricity that we use in the electricity that we use in the uk is brought in via undersea cables. again, i'm not saying this will happen, but you know, when i talk to my friends in the security services, they are worried about undersea electricity cables being sabotaged and they talk openly about that. our total oil output in the uk is now just 60% of our domestic demand . that's the domestic demand. that's the lowest ever share of our domestic oil usage accounted for by our own production . so in by our own production. so in this world of heightening energy insecurity , we are becoming more insecurity, we are becoming more and more energy insecure and the uk's energy production overall
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is down by two thirds since the year 2000. that's oil and gas energy production. so that's the report from the offshore energies uk group . and i'd say energies uk group. and i'd say it makes for pretty chilling reading. i'm wondering, martin, when the government is going to let rolls—royce get on with building these small nuclear plants, these modular nuclear reactors that are much, much smaller can be put together much, much more quickly . we've much, much more quickly. we've got a plant being built, a nuclear plant at hinkley point. it's way over budget and way overdue. sizewell c in suffolk. is that going to happen? we don't know. nuclear is very , don't know. nuclear is very, very important as a mix, part of the mix with renewables , because the mix with renewables, because you can use nuclear as baseload when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, which is often in uk, particularly in often in the uk, particularly in the when we need energy. the winter when we need energy. and say that what and so i would say that what this report highlights, and if anything, it's understated, what it highlights is the extent to
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which successive governments. this isn't a tory or labour thing in particular, it's successive governments have , in successive governments have, in my view, completely underplayed the importance of energy security. and nerds like me have been warning for years that this was a problem and now we have this geopolitical angst with war between russia and ukraine. now we have, you know, increasingly difficult relations with some middle east countries and indeed with iran and other major energy exporter. these things really need to come to the fore. we need to come to the fore. we need politicians to talk a lot about what they're doing in this area. martin because as many gb news viewers and listeners will know , certainly if they've been know, certainly if they've been listening to me in the years that i've been at gb news as the uk, both households and firms , uk, both households and firms, we pay more for our electricity than pretty much any european country, even though we've got the highest share of renewables, which are meant to be cheap. and it's because we've got the highest share of renewables that we pay so much because we pay to
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subsidise those renewables, their production , and we pay to their production, and we pay to subsidise gas fired power plants that must remain idle but ready in order to replace renewable energy, when it simply isn't there at short notice. so this is a major set of issues. and thank you for letting me explain it because so few people get time on television to explain this really complex stuff. but let's be clear, martin, you know , i want us to wean ourselves off fossil fuels. i think we should be using less oil and gas, but we need to be realistic and politicians need to understand that support across the general public for so—called net zero, which is now being questioned more than ever before, will utterly collapse if we have blackouts and those blackouts can be pinned on renewables and the big share we have of renewables and the fact that we haven't built the storage capacity for gas, we haven't developed battery technology in order to justify
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that high level of renewables. it's as if the politicians want to go for the easy win. the virtue signalling of building wind farms and solar power without understanding the technical realities of what you needin technical realities of what you need in place in order to facilitate those renewables. and i must say, in my long discussions with frontbench leaders in all the main parties, very few of them actually understand and what i've just said, though i know many gb news news viewers and listeners will. >> yeah, liam halligan i say it often, i'm going to say it again. if we have people like you in charge, mate, we'd have a fighting chance. liam halligan always on money. for always on the money. thanks for explaining the always on the money. thanks for expla today. the always on the money. thanks for expla today. now the always on the money. thanks for expla today. now stick the always on the money. thanks for expla today. now stick with; always on the money. thanks for expla today. now stick with us show today. now stick with us because president biden is due to make a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse. and these are live pictures from the white house. and we'll take that presidential address live as and when it happens. looks like they're getting just warmed up now. but first, here's your latest news headlines polly latest news headlines with polly
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middlehurst . middlehurst. >> the top stories this hour. middlehurst. >> the top stories this hour . an >> the top stories this hour. an emergency call was made in the moments before a cargo ship crashed into a major bridge in the united states this morning, plunging cars and people into the water below. let's show you the water below. let's show you the moment. if you're watching on television, the francis scott key bridge in baltimore was hit this is around 130 local time in the morning. the ship's crew, we understand now, had notified the authorities of what's been described as a power issue , a described as a power issue, a loss of propulsion on board, prompting workers who were filling potholes on that bridge in the early hours of the morning to try to stop traffic coming onto the one and a half mile long bridge. let's show you the scene now . live in the scene now. live in baltimore. now, during daylight hours . it's just after 1130 in hours. it's just after 1130 in the morning. multiple people were on the one and a half mile long bridge when this incident
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took place. two people we understand have been recovered from the water so far. one of those is in a serious condition . those is in a serious condition. and those six construction workers that managed to hold off more traffic coming on to that bndge more traffic coming on to that bridge are sadly still unaccounted for. as you heard in the last few minutes, we are expecting a statement from president biden. he will talk to the country about that bridge collapse in other news today, two government ministers have announced resignations , announced their resignations, with both heappey and with both james heappey and robert stepping down from robert halfon stepping down from government. mr heappey, the armed forces minister, announced earlier this month he'd planned to quit an mp and he'd stand to quit as an mp and he'd stand down as a minister before then. mr halphen , who's an education mr halphen, who's an education minister, says he looks forward to supporting the minister to supporting the prime minister from the backbenches. and the other headline today, gb news, can reveal exclusively that the number of small boats illegally crossing the english channel so far year is now 25% higher far this year is now 25% higher than at the same point last yean than at the same point last year. another five small boats crossed the channel this morning
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, with almost 300 illegal migrants on board, including a number of children. the latest arrivals take the total number of migrants who've made the illegal journey so far this year to just under 4600 and in a high court ruling, a former british museum curator has been ordered to return stolen artefacts within four weeks. doctor peter higgs, who was dismissed for misconduct, faces allegations of theft and damage to over 1800 items, accusations he denies . items, accusations he denies. the courts also ordered him to disclose records from his ebay and paypal accounts, following claims he listed hundreds of the stolen items for sale online. those are the latest news stories. do sign up for gp news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts.
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>> thank you polly. and as just said, we're expecting to hear from president joe biden very shortly. gb news viewers can see live pictures there on your screens from the white house. president biden, due to make a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse shortly. and we'll take that presidential address live as and when it happens. i'm martin daubney on
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welcome back. now gb news viewers will soon hear from joe biden at the white house he's due to make a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse. very shortly. we'll take that presidential when presidential address live when it happens. now, the last hour, we talked about how the princess of wales has announcement that she was suffering from cancer and inspired a huge number of people to check websites run by the nhs and cancer charities.
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i'm joined now by our royal correspondent, cameron walker. cameron welcome to the show. always a pleasure. so the nation had its breath taken away collectively on friday at 6 pm, when the news was announced that catherine had cancer. but we've seen the public do something incredibly positive off the back of that. tell us more. >> yeah , clearly it was a very >> yeah, clearly it was a very shocking news we all had on friday evening. >> but every cloud appears to have a silver lining because there has been a surge of visits to websites of cancer charities and the nhs of ordinary brits and the nhs of ordinary brits and members of the public looking up different cancer symptoms. >> because, of course, if cancer is caught early, it is far more treatable. so for example, macmillan cancer support said its online traffic to its information and support pages was the highest weekend figure since the first covid 19 lockdown. so that's in four years. close to 100,000 cases over the weekend, 10% higher than last year. over the weekend, 10% higher than last year . cancer research than last year. cancer research uk also spoke of a similar
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uplift in traffic to its website. the executive director of that charity said high profile cancer cases such as his majesty the king's and princess catherine's can act as a prompt to encourage other people to find out more. nhs england as well. they have said that 24 hours after the news broke, there was 2840 visits to its websites cancer page, almost five times higher than the same penod five times higher than the same period a week earlier. so this just shows the power of members of the royal family has and the and catherine in particular, her openness and honesty of disclosing publicly her cancer diagnosis and the preventative chemotherapy which she is now enduring, and having to try and cure her of this can have a huge effect on public health, and perhaps could potentially save lives too . lives too. >> and cameron, didn't we all just need a positive story at the end of all this? of all the
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conspiracy theories, the trolling and then the breathtaking announcement itself and more positive news now cameron king, charles, he will attend an easter service at the weekend. yeah, i was taken aback by this news, actually. >> very pleasantly surprised, i might add, because i was led to believe that we would not have confirmation that king charles would this easter sunday would be at this easter sunday service until the day service in windsor until the day itself. in other words, see how he the day . but no. he feels on the day. but no. buckingham have confirmed buckingham palace have confirmed five days in advance. that's the king and the queen will be attending the easter sunday service in saint george's chapel in windsor, accompanied by other members royal family it's members of the royal family it's understood it is going to be a scaled back service because doctors have advised the king not too many people not to be around too many people because of a kind of treatment he's having for his cancer. as for the prince and princess of wales and their three children, they are not expected to attend . they are not expected to attend. they want to spend the easter break in the privacy of their own to home come to terms with
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the princess's cancer treatment. but sign that the king but this is a sign that the king really wants to reassure his subjects reassure the public subjects and reassure the public that all is well, or getting better within the royal family, particularly after princess catherine's cancer diagnosis, which obviously has hit hard for a lot of people in the united kingdom. so a sign of reassurance from his majesty. >> thank very cameron >> thank you very much, cameron walker, a double blast of walker, for a double blast of positive royal news. thanks for joining us. it's always a pleasure. now we're expecting to hear from president biden very shortly. and gb news viewers can see now live pictures from the white house president biden is due to make a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse . we'll baltimore bridge collapse. we'll take that presidential address live shortly as and when it occurs. i'm martin daubney on gb news,
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okay. and now we can cross the joe biden at the white house he's speaking on the baltimore bridge collapse. >> several people in the vehicles, into the water, into the river, and multiple us coastguard units which are stationed very nearby.
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>> thank god we're immediately deployed, along with local emergency . and the emergency personnel. and the coastguard is leading the response to the port, where representatives from the federal highway administration, the fbi , highway administration, the fbi, the department of transportation, the army corps of engineers , as well as of engineers, as well as maryland officials in baltimore, police and fire are all working together to coordinate an emergency response . officials at emergency response. officials at the scene estimate eight people were unaccounted for. still not still were unaccounted for. that number might change. two have been rescued , one without been rescued, one without injury, one in critical condition and the search and rescue operation is continuing for all those remaining as we speak. i spoke with governor moore this morning, as well as the mayor of baltimore, the county executive united to both united states senators and the congressman and my secretary of transportation is on the scene. itold transportation is on the scene. i told them, we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. i mean, all the federal resources. and we're going to rebuild that port together every thing so far
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indicates that this was a terrible accident . at this time, terrible accident. at this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there was any intentional act here. personnel on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department of transportation that they lost control of that they had lost control of their as you all know their vessel. as you all know and reported . result, local and reported. as a result, local authorities were able to close the traffic before the the bridge to traffic before the bndge the bridge to traffic before the bridge struck, which bridge was struck, which undoubtedly saved lives. and our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident and all the families, especially those waiting for the news their loved one. right news of their loved one. right now, i know every minute in that circumstance feels like a lifetime. you just don't know. it's just terrible. we're incredibly grateful for the brave rescuers who immediately rushed to the scene , and to the rushed to the scene, and to the people of baltimore who want to say , we're with you. we're going say, we're with you. we're going to stay with you as long as it takes. to stay with you as long as it takes . and like governor said, takes. and like governor said, your maryland tough, your baltimore strong, and we're going to get through this together. and i promise we're not leaving. here's what's
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happening the search happening now. the search and rescue operation is our top priority. ship traffic in the port of baltimore has been suspended until further notice, and we'll need to clear that channel before the ship traffic can resume . the army corps of can resume. the army corps of engineers is on the spot, and is going to help lead this effort to clear the channel. the port of baltimore is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs , nation's largest shipping hubs, and i've been there a number of times as a senator and as a vice president. it handles a record amount of cargo . last year, it's amount of cargo. last year, it's also the top port in america for both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. around 850,000 vehicles go through that port. every single yean through that port. every single year, and we're going to get it up and running again as soon as possible . 15,000 jobs depend on possible. 15,000 jobs depend on that port, and we're going to do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers. the bridge is also critical to for travel, not just for baltimore, but for the northeast corridor. over 30,000 vehicles cross the francis scott key bridge on a daily basis, is
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virtually that well, it's one of the most important elements for the most important elements for the economy in the northeast and the economy in the northeast and the quality of life . my the quality of life. my transportation secretary is there now, as i told governor moore, i've directed my team to move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible . and as soon as humanly possible. and we're going to work hand in hand with the of maryland , to with the support of maryland, to support maryland and whatever they going to they ask for. we're going to work with our partners in congress to make sure the state gets the support needs. it's gets the support it needs. it's my that federal my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge , and i expect the that bridge, and i expect the congress to support effort . congress to support my effort. this is going to take some time, and the people of baltimore can count on us, though, to stick with at every step the with them at every step of the way until the port is reopened and is rebuilt. way until the port is reopened and is rebuilt . you and the bridge is rebuilt. you know, we're not leaving until this job gets done , are not this job gets done, are not leaving until then. so i just want to say, god bless everybody who, everyone harmed this
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morning and their families. and may god bless the first responders who many of whom risking their lives . and, i'm risking their lives. and, i'm going to the reason i'm not going to the reason i'm not going to the reason i'm not going to take a lot of questions. there's remaining issues that are open that we've got to determine what's going to happenin got to determine what's going to happen in terms of the rescue mission and the like. but i'll do you plan to go to baltimore, sir? >> and if so, how quickly i do and as quickly as i can. you said the federal government is also going to pay for the repairs. i'm just curious. this was a ship that appears be was a ship that appears to be at fault. any to fault. is there any reason to believe that company behind believe that the company behind the held responsible? >> and then also mentioned >> and then also you mentioned that not going to that be, but we're not going to wait for that happen. we're going to pay for to the going to pay for it to get the bndge going to pay for it to get the bridge what going to pay for it to get the bridyou what going to pay for it to get the bridyou make what going to pay for it to get the bridyou make of what going to pay for it to get the bridyou make of israel's what did you make of israel's decision attend this decision not to attend this meeting? this week? oh, i don't want regarding plenty of want to go. regarding plenty of time to talk about ralph. >> port. the >> you mentioned the port. the port? ask about cars? port? can i ask about cars? >> the port? thank you. >> about the port? thank you. thanks, everyone, for being out . thanks, everyone, for being out. >> that was joe. that was joe biden there giving a live
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presidential address at the white house on the baltimore bridge collapse. he said this was a terrible accident . we have was a terrible accident. we have nothing else that to point to any other explanation given, the he commended the workers on the bridge, the construction workers mending potholes , they closed mending potholes, they closed the bridge to traffic before the boat struck , undoubtedly saving boat struck, undoubtedly saving more lives. and the president praised their heroism . praised their heroism. baltimore, we're with you. we're going to get through this together , he said. the shipping together, he said. the shipping channel will be closed until the site is cleared. biden then went on to point out it's the top port in the usa for importing and exporting automobiles. 15,000 jobs, he pointed out , 15,000 jobs, he pointed out, depend on that port being functioning 30,000 vehicles every day crossed that bridge before it was demolished in one hit. and president biden went on
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to say that we will move heaven and earth to reopen that port and earth to reopen that port and to rebuild that bridge. you can see it there on your screens. once again, astonishing images of that bridge collapsing as it was hit by this, this huge vessel over 100,000 tons. the impact simply brought it down like a deck of cards. joe biden went on to say, in terms of the cost of rebuilding that bridge, the federal government will pay the federal government will pay the entire cost of the rebuild . the entire cost of the rebuild. a reporter questioned him on the veracity of the shipping company footing the bill, because the reports seem to indicate at this stage that the ship lost power and lost control and went into the bridge, causing this catastrophic impact should they be held responsible . president be held responsible. president biden responded, now is not the time to do that . we want to get time to do that. we want to get on and repair this as soon as possible , intimating that if possible, intimating that if that were the case, the cost
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would be would be taken back from the insurance company. the boat company down the line. to summarise again, joe biden called this a terrible accident, praising the heroism and the bravery of construction workers on that bridge in the early hours. mercifully, not as much traffic as there would have been at rush hour, 30,000 vehicles per day crossed that bridge. we will move heaven and earth to reopen that bridge. that was joe biden at the white house a short while ago. now i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel. i want to get your emails . don't forget on the emails. don't forget on the batley grammar school teacher . a batley grammar school teacher. a close friend of his was on the show yesterday. we've raised £5,000 overnight. send me your emails on that. we'll make sure they get to the teacher. but first, here's your weather with aidan mcgivern . aidan mcgivern. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar . sponsors of weather on .
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solar. sponsors of weather on. gb news. >> hi there and welcome to the latest gb news forecast from the met office. a soggy night to come as rain moves north, falling as snow over scotland's hills and staying cold in the far north. but milder air is coming in to the south and following the main area of rain, which is associated with this feature an occluded front moving north. we've got an area of showers pushing in, so a mixed bag for most of us over the next 24 hours, but the wettest parts will be northern ireland, where there's warning, as well there's a rain warning, as well as northern england into the midlands, the south midlands, wales and the south east. evening before. east. during the evening before. dunng east. during the evening before. during the early hours that rain pushes scotland , pushes into much of scotland, falling as above 2 or 300m, falling as snow above 2 or 300m, settling above 3 or 400m. a cold night to come for scotland, then , but further south it's 5 or 6 celsius by dawn, albeit with another active band of rain moving through southwest england into wales, northern ireland, some heavy bursts and some gusty winds associated that . the winds associated with that. the first of rain pushes first band of rain pushes
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through scotland , through northern scotland, continuing to fall as snow over the although milder air the hills, although milder air is mixing with that, so the snow confined highest peaks confined to the highest peaks and to and and it's going to be wet and windy, increasingly the windy, increasingly so for the far of scotland, feeling far north of scotland, feeling cold a mix of cold here. elsewhere, a mix of sunny and lively showers, sunny spells and lively showers, hail and thunder here and there as well, before further bands of rain move north on thursday. one area moving across northern england into northern ireland dunng england into northern ireland during the morning. another zone of rain and showers moving into the southwest by the afternoon. the weekend, though, looks brighter with a mix of sunny spells and heavy showers . spells and heavy showers. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news as
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well -- well . well. >> a very good afternoon to you. thanks for joining >> a very good afternoon to you. thanks forjoining me on the thanks for joining me on the show. it's 5 pm. welcome to the
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martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. today the us president has just given a statement on the baltimore bridge collapse. joe biden praised the emergency services and said they would have that they would move heaven and earth to rebuild the port and earth to rebuild the port and the bridge and gb news viewers can see live pictures there from baltimore, where officials say six people are still unaccounted for with a huge search mission continuing in the waters there and the other big news whilst we've been on air, two major cabinet figures have stepped down from the government. this spells yet more bad news for rishi sunak. and that's all coming up in your next hour . welcome to the show. next hour. welcome to the show. so you remember yesterday we closed the show with a close friend of the batley grammar school teacher, paul halloran
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joined us and mentioned the joined us and he mentioned the gofundme page, which directly puts money in the pockets of that teacher who still three years on, cannot work. well. i'm astonished and proud to say that gb news viewers have helped to raise £5,000 in 24 hours, going directly to the grammar school teacher. thank you so , so much teacher. thank you so, so much and please send your messages to me here gb views at gb news. com i can pass them on to paul and he can pass them on to the teacher directly if you'd like to pass on your best wishes. and also later in this hour, mark francois is coming into the studio. he had a bit of a dig at grant shapps in a in a defence committee meeting earlier on. we'll have full details of that feisty exchange lots coming up in your next hour, but first it's in your next hour, but first wsfime in your next hour, but first it's time for your latest news headunes it's time for your latest news headlines with polly middlehurst
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i >> -- >> martin, thanks very much indeed. let's bring you up to date with what's happening in the united states. and within the united states. and within the minutes, president the last 15 minutes, president biden says search and rescue biden says the search and rescue operation now a top priority operation is now a top priority after a ship crashed into baltimore's main bridge with all traffic now into the busy port to remain on hold . if you're to remain on hold. if you're watching on tv, this is the moment the francis scott key bridge in baltimore was hit at around 130 in the morning local time, plunging cars, their drivers and construction workers into the water below with no warning. the ship's crew had notified the authorities. we understand of what's being described now as an outage of power on board, prompting workers who were trying to fill potholes in the road on that bndge potholes in the road on that bridge at the time to stop more traffic coming onto the bridge. let's show you the scene now. live in daylight this afternoon, where six construction workers, the ones who stop the traffic, remain unaccounted for. well as
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i said, president biden has been speaking in the last few minutes. he's promised a huge national response from the federal government. here's what he said. >> we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we emergency. we respond to this emergency. and i mean all the federal resources, and we're going to rebuild together for rebuild that port together for everything so far indicates that this a terrible accident. at this was a terrible accident. at this was a terrible accident. at this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there was any intentional act here. personnel on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department of transportation that they had lost of vessel. as lost control of their vessel. as you know, reported . as you all know, and reported. as a result, local authorities were able to close bridge able to close the bridge to traffic before the bridge was struck, undoubtedly saved lives. >> the us president, a short time ago now i news here at home, two government ministers have announced their resignations today, with both james heappey and robert halfon stepping down from government. mr heappey , the armed forces mr heappey, the armed forces minister, announced earlier this month that he planned to quit as an mp and he'd stand down as a
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minister before then. mr halfon, who's an education minister, says he looks forward to supporting the prime minister from the backbenches . a former from the backbenches. a former british museum curator has been ordered by a high court to return stolen artefacts within four weeks. doctor peter higgs, who was dismissed for misconduct, faces allegations of theft and damage to over 1800 items, accusations he denies . items, accusations he denies. the courts also ordered mr higgs to disclose records from his ebay and paypal accounts, following claims he listed hundreds of the stolen items for sale online. the director of russia's security services says the us, ukraine and britain are responsible for last week's terror attack near moscow, though he provided no evidence. at least 139 people lost their lives when gunmen stormed a concert hall on friday. islamic state, the terror group, claimed responsibility for that attack. the russian president, vladimir
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putin, admitted that radical islamists did carry out the attack, but continues to insist ukraine was also involved, allegations kyiv denies . here at allegations kyiv denies. here at home, gb news can reveal the number of small boats crossing the english channel so far this year. the english channel so far this year . it's now 25% the english channel so far this year. it's now 25% higher than at the same point last year. another five small boats made the crossing this morning, with almost 300 people on board, including a number of children. it takes the total number of migrants who've made the dangerous journey so far this year to just under 4600 people. juuan year to just under 4600 people. julian assange , his wife, says julian assange, his wife, says a decision to delay a final appeal on his extradition to the united states is utterly bizarre . the states is utterly bizarre. the us authorities have been asked to provide assurances on whether the wikileaks founder can rely on the first amendment, which provides a right to free speech, or whether he might face the death penalty. a further hearing will now be held in may. it's
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all over. an alleged conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information . following defence information. following the publication of leaked documents relating to the afghanistan and iraq wars, stella assange says today's delay is an attack on press freedom . freedom. >> but the courts have done have been to invite a political intervention from the united states to send a letter saying it's all okay. i find this astounding finding five years into this case, the united states has managed to show the court that their case remains an attack on press freedom and attack on press freedom and attack on press freedom and attack on julian's life . attack on julian's life. >> councils and fire services are likely to be publicly ranked on how they're making sure unsafe cladding is removed from buildings, the communities minister told the commons today that some authorities are doing more than others to make
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buildings safer. lee rowley more than others to make buildings safer . lee rowley says buildings safer. lee rowley says the new ranking will ensure greater transparency so the pubuc greater transparency so the public knows just how their local area is performing. efforts to remove unsafe cladding have been ongoing since the grenfell fire in 2017, which killed 72 people. it's been quite an afternoon for breaking news today. i have some more to bnng news today. i have some more to bring you now. in the case of the chemical attack suspect abdul ezedi, we've just heard this afternoon in court documents that he was granted asylum by a judge who accepted he was a christian convert , he was a christian convert, despite concerns the sex offender was a proven lian that information revealed in court on records obtained by the media today and just out to us, we've heard this afternoon that regards to the chemical attack suspect abdul ezedi. he was granted asylum by a judge who accepted he was a christian convert , despite concerns that convert, despite concerns that the sex offender was in fact a proven lian that's the news for
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the latest stories. sign up to gb news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts . com slash alerts. >> thank you paulie. now we start this hour with that dramatic bridge collapse in the us . and president biden has just us. and president biden has just made a statement from the white house and what he described as a terrible incident. he gave special credit to the emergency services and said that he'd move heaven and earth to rebuild the port and the bridge. >> we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency , we respond to this emergency, and i mean all the federal resources, and we're going to rebuild that port together. everything far indicates that everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident. at this was a terrible accident. at this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there was any intentional act here. we're incredibly grateful for the brave who immediately brave rescuers who immediately rushed to the scene, and to the people of baltimore who want to
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say, we're with you. we're going to stay with you as long as it takes. and like governor said, your maryland tough, your baltimore strong and we're going to get through this together. and i promise we're not leaving. here's what's happening now. the search operation is search and rescue operation is our top priority. ship traffic in the port of baltimore has been suspended until further notice, and we'll need to clear that channel before the ship traffic can resume . traffic can resume. >> and gb news viewers can now see live pictures from the wreckage in baltimore on your screens there. and officials there said that six people remain missing. there said that six people remain missing . singapore port remain missing. singapore port authorities have now revealed that the ship lost propulsion and was unable to maintain its desired heading, and therefore collided with the bridge , a collided with the bridge, a massive impact causing that bndge massive impact causing that bridge to simply concertina into the river. a search is ongoing, and gb news homeland security editor mark white joins me now.
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mark, welcome back to the show. so since we last spoke, president joe biden spoke out, spoke out, calling this a terrible act evident and vowing to rebuild the bridge and reopen the port as soon as is humanly possible . what's the latest possible. what's the latest there? >> well, i think the time scale for when that might be humanly possible is likely to be some considerable time, because you've got hundreds, thousands of tons of wreckage from this bndge of tons of wreckage from this bridge that are now scattered across this river, some of it on the riverbed, others still visible, poking above the surface. all that is going to have to be removed, but that can't be removed until the search and rescue operation concludes . and of course, concludes. and of course, there's the search and rescue operation, which involves trying to find those six individuals who are still missing and accounted for, there , looking in accounted for, there, looking in the river, searching the river
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banks, both up and down this river. but remember , we're told river. but remember, we're told that there were vehicles on the bndge that there were vehicles on the bridge as well. my time authorities, the police and the fire and rescue services who have been using sonar in the river, say that they have identified a number of vehicles. they haven't given a specific number on that, but they have, identified vehicles on the riverbed. now, these vehicles are going to have to be lifted. first of all, as the priority before you then look at the effort to try to clear the wreckage of the bridge itself. so we could be talking an awful long time before that happens . long time before that happens. and remember, you've got a huge cargo ship. this container ship, 100,000 tons of container ship, 300m long, that impacted this concrete pillar of the bridge. there may well be damaged below
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the waterline as well. we don't know exactly what damage it suffered, but it clearly careered into that, pillar on the bridge with significant force enough to collapse the bridge, so it may well have done some significant damage to the cargo vessel as well that we can see on the screen there. so an awful lot of work that will be required to be done, before we can move the wreckage. and once that happens , of course, then that happens, of course, then they can reopen the port. but it will be much, much longer time before they can actually build a new bridge to take the traffic. this is a vital artery, through baltimore and up towards philadelphia and new york and new jersey . new jersey. >> yes. and wise, as you say, 15,000 jobs, president biden pointed out, depend on that port 30,000 vehicles per day crossing
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that bridge. and mark white, as you so accurately said, that is going to be one heck of a tidy up mission before any of the of those things, or even possible. thanks joining on the thanks for joining us on the show, mark white. that's the latest on the baltimore bridge collapse you can see on collapse there as you can see on your . now back to some your screens. now back to some big breaking news, because in the past hour, we learned that robert halfon unexpectedly resigned as the skills, apprenticeships and higher education minister. and it's also official that the armed forces minister, james heappey, will also step down. and i'm joined now in our westminster studio by our political editor, christopher hope, who brought us that news in the last hour . that news in the last hour. dramatically running back all that training is that marathon training is certainly helping you out, chris. but on a serious note, another double whammy for the prime minister. >> yes. i mean, we knew james heath, who was was quitting as a defence minister that was well signalled and signpost the signalled and signpost in the times rob halford, times newspaper. rob halford, less so. both these two men are quitting as mps for the tory
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party. halfon is a 63rd to announce he's going at the general election. no by—election don't panic martin, that's the blackpool south by—election. that's nothing to do with these two. but for me it's more how it looks . these are two individuals looks. these are two individuals who are well regarded, middle ranking, ministers. robert halfon is a minister of state. james heappey is i think it was a certainly a middle ranking minister. these are two individuals who would have thought to be maybe frontbenchers , maybe cabinet frontbenchers, maybe cabinet ministers were the tories to win a fifth terms in government. the fact they're bailing out now says a lot about, i think the party's poll rating still 20 points behind, unable to make any real mark on labour. >> and we also had some fantastic news. i believed earlier in the day you went to a lobby meeting , a briefing there, lobby meeting, a briefing there, and we had some developments on the batley grammar school. teacher, of course, was mentioned by dame sara khan in her report yesterday and it
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seems now the prime minister's office are aware of the situation . we can hope positive situation. we can hope positive action may come of it. >> yes, the case of the batley grammar school teacher three years ago, of course, he was almost chased out his job, almost chased out of his job, wasn't by by using basic wasn't he? by by using basic materials given to him. talk about of blasphemy . about issues of blasphemy. deaung about issues of blasphemy. dealing with image of the prophet muhammad now gone prophet muhammad has now gone into three years on, as into hiding three years on, as highlighted by dame sara highlighted by that dame sara khan published yesterday khan report published yesterday that discussed cabinet that was discussed in cabinet today. asked, i asked on today. we asked, i asked on behalf of gb news viewers in the lobby briefing today with the pm's spokesman. it was pm's spokesman. he said it was unacceptable their treatment. he said he's not aware of any specific measures in their case, the teachers case, but clearly the teachers case, but clearly the situation they experience is unacceptable and is partly why we're setting out plans to tackle extremism just quickly. dame sara khan said that this is somebody who was teaching a lesson that was part of the national curriculum, that was signed off by the local authority and he was hounded out of his job and forced into hiding in our country. in the
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21st century. dame sara khan met him multiple times. he's now got ptsd, apparently no one cares about him, and it's surely a duty of care from someone towards this individual who's just doing their job well . just doing their job well. >> chris. we care about him and gb news viewers care about him. it seems that way. yeah. and you asking these questions in parliament matters a huge deal to this. thanks again for doing that. and i think the viewers out there will echo that. we've been inundated with with emails on topic. want us to on this topic. people want us to pass wishes on to pass their best wishes on to the teacher and live in teacher and chris. i live in hope that something concrete can come out of this. i mean, if we can find millions of pounds to house asylum seekers, if we can find millions pounds for find millions of pounds for things surely this things like that, surely this gentleman, you know, who did nothing wrong other than teaching the curriculum, hounded out of his livelihood, still, to afraid to work. surely he needs to be compensated . to be compensated. >> yeah. the issue of compensation is one which i asked dame sara khan about. she hadnt asked dame sara khan about. she hadn't gone there again, asked to the number 10 spokesman.
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again, they wouldn't comment on the it does the specific case, but it does seem, i mean, prima facie, that someone help him because someone should help him because if teaching materials, dame if he's teaching materials, dame sara said from the national sara khan said from the national curriculum, you know , he's curriculum, you know, he's clearly offended local people there, but that's not really his fault . he's there, but that's not really his fault. he's doing what he's told to do. he's he's mandated to teach the curriculum says. teach what the curriculum says. and that, he's now has and by doing that, he's now has to or go into hiding to disappear or go into hiding for three years. that can't be right. >> no. and paul halloran also told that his told us yesterday that his co—teacher, that lesson was a co—teacher, in that lesson was a muslim teacher, and they previously used this stimulus in lessons before with absolutely no problems. but a single complaint got out into the community. people from outside the area also came in. this turned into a mob feeling that they were empowered. they weren't pushed back against. and paul halloran told us yesterday the teacher felt abandoned by the teacher felt abandoned by the school , by the union, by the the school, by the union, by the headteacher and by the local community and politically, yes .
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community and politically, yes. >> well that's right. and there was a statement, isn't it, from the from the school involved with the trust involved. >> read that out >> yes. and we'll read that out shortly. but for now, what does all let's go back all of this say. let's go back to the house and the double resignations. all this resignations. what does all this say the for rishi say about the future for rishi sunak? seems that his his sunak? it seems that his his ministers, his mps, 63 and counting now dropping like flies, more than 1 in 6 of the 360 or so elected back in 2019. >> many of some have fallen by the wayside through by elections. and the rest, i think it's the calibre of people leaving the government i'll be worried if i was a tory worried about. if i was a tory supporter, you were watching supporter, if you were watching this mp , you'd think this as a tory mp, you'd think these are people who would be part of, of the next part of, of a of the next conservative government. who were party to win the next were the party to win the next general election? i think so someone like robert halfon to go someone like robert halfon to go some has campaigned on fuel dufies some has campaigned on fuel duties campaign events almost the issue of the red wall, the working class, the blue collar tories. he invented this idea to him to leave and also james heappey. i mean, it was striking
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a thought, martin, to hear how the praise given to james heappey in the house of commons today, john healey made very clear that he is someone who the labour party respects and thinks a great deal of. and i think the fact that john healey, who's the shadow defence secretary, should say those about james say those things about james heappey says it says volumes about chris, another great heappey says it says volumes ab0|for chris, another great heappey says it says volumes ab0|for you. chris, another great heappey says it says volumes ab0|for you. thank|nother great heappey says it says volumes ab0|for you. thank yomer great heappey says it says volumes ab0|for you. thank you forgreat day for you. thank you for bringing all the news to us here in the studio. and as chris mentioned, spoke few mentioned, we did spoke a few moments about the former moments ago about the former batley school teacher batley grammar school teacher who been in hiding three who has been in hiding for three years and spokesperson years now, and a spokesperson for batley multi—academy trust said this those events required us to support all our students, their families and our staff, including the teacher involved, for whom we provide a counselling and wider support. we remain clear that we delivered on these responsibilities and that we followed due process. now it's time for the great spring giveaway now and it's the final week to see that you could win
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message or post your name and number two gb gb03, po. box 8690, derby de19, double tee, uk. only entrants must be 18 or oven uk. only entrants must be 18 or over. lines close at 5 pm. on oven lines close at 5 pm. on friday. full terms and privacy nofice friday. full terms and privacy notice at gb . forward notice at gb forward slash win please check the closing time if watching or listening on demand . good luck. listening on demand. good luck. >> lines closed. good friday, so fill your boots now. it's more misery for motorists as suv drivers in oxford face higher parking charges. if green party proposals are passed and first oxford next, could it be coming to a town near you? i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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>> 2024 a battleground year. >> 2024 a battleground year. >> the year the nation decides . >> the year the nation decides. >> the year the nation decides. >> as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election. >> who will be left standing when the british people make one of the biggest decisions of their lives ? their lives? >> who will rise and who will
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fall? >> let's find out together for every moment. >> highs, lows, the >> the highs, the lows, the twists and turns. >> we'll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024. >> gb news is britain's election . channel. >> welcome back gb news viewers can see live pictures on your screens from the wreckage in baltimore , after a cargo ship baltimore, after a cargo ship there struck a bridge overnight . there struck a bridge overnight. site officials there have said that six people remain missing. we'll bring more throughout the show as we have it now. moving on.suv show as we have it now. moving on. suv drivers in oxford will face higher parking charges. proposals tabled by the local green party or passed by the city council . the motion argues city council. the motion argues that heavier cars, like suvs , that heavier cars, like suvs, cause more damage to roads, or more likely to seriously injure or kill pedestrians and cause more illnesses due to pollution. however, the alliance of british
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drivers has condemned the plan as absolutely outrageous. well, let's get the thoughts now of the legendary motoring journalist quentin willson . journalist quentin willson. quentin, welcome to the show. always a pleasure . we hear a lot always a pleasure. we hear a lot about the war on motorists. this time targeting suvs because of their weight, and the charges could be astronomical. this idea first started in paris. now it's coming to oxford. can you tell us a bit about how it would work ? >> 7- >> okay, so 7_ >> okay, so the 7 >> okay, so the idea is that the charges will penalise people who drive heavier suvs and i guess, by implication, electric cars. although oxford council hasn't said exactly what they're going to do with with evs. but this is all based around this notion of, of suvs being heavier than passenger cars, therefore wearing out the roads more. now, this is an example of where stuff councillors and legislators read on facebook suddenly becomes policy. and the green party really do need to
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check their facts on this because the idea that, you know, an suv or an ev is going to wear out the roads more than a 44 tonne lorry or a digger or a petrol tanker or a bin lorry is nonsense . so you've got to make nonsense. so you've got to make this factually accurate. and this factually accurate. and this whole weight argument that these heavy cars are wearing on our roads is, is, is nonsense. there was a study. i've got it here in front of me from the university of edinburgh 2022. university of edinburgh in 2022. that said, real world tests found that overwhelmingly the wear is caused by large vehicles, buses, heavy goods vehicles, buses, heavy goods vehicles, road wear from cars and motorcycles is so low that this is immaterial. now, obviously, driving around a medieval city like oxford in an suv isn't the brightest thing in the world to do, but the idea that we should penalise the owners of these cars based on imperfect science that's been read on social media, i think , read on social media, i think, is completely wrong.
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>> and quentin, it's also worthwhile pointing out that suvs aren't the preserve of the rich and wealthy. the chelsea tractors, as they once called. they now make up the majority of vehicle sales in the uk, currently 60. and if the trend continues, three quarters of all vehicles sold in the uk by 2027 will be suvs . and the worry, of will be suvs. and the worry, of course, quentin, as we saw with ulez , the idea starts in one ulez, the idea starts in one town and one city, and when politicians see, oh, that's a nice little money spinner, it'll go nationwide. >> absolutely. and we can't have legislation made around imperfect science. so you've got to look at the claim that do they, you know, are they slaughtering pedestrians. where's the data for that. and okay, the emissions aren't great, but if you're talking about banning heavy cars and then you start banning electric cars in towns like oxford, then their clean air policy just tumbles, tumbles down, doesn't it? so what we're asking for is,
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is not to say, look, it's great to drive suvs . people make their to drive suvs. people make their choices and, you know , smaller choices and, you know, smaller cars are great in small towns. but let's not have parking restrictions based on stuff people have read on social media. >> and also some of the numbers when you look at paris, quentin, are six hour stay with an suv in paris. now cost you £192 compared to £64 for a smaller vehicle . this was voted through vehicle. this was voted through by a tiny percentile of the electorate . no one even knew the electorate. no one even knew the vote was going ahead. and isn't that the danger? as you said, when zealotry meets reality , the when zealotry meets reality, the loser is the poor old motorist. absolutely >> and you know, martin, that i'm very pro electric cars and very pro clean air. but when i see this sort of thing filtered into legislation, i'm just asking for someone who knows what they're talking about, that's all. not nonsense. and zealotry and real activism. let's make these decisions based on empirical facts and science,
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be it suvs or evs . be it suvs or evs. >> well, if we made those decisions based on common sense and facts , we might get and facts, we might get somewhere. i suspect it will never catch on because of those precise reasons. thanks for joining us. motoring journalist quentin willson, an quentin willson, always an absolute have the absolute joy to have you on the show . and the thing that we talk show. and the thing that we talk about these issues all the time, it's not just one town, because if careful, it'll be if you're not careful, it'll be coming everywhere because it's easy are easy money. the motorists are a cash cow that are being simply milked . there's lots more milked dry. there's lots more still to come between now and 6:00. in a short while, i'll be joined by the tory mp, who's given one of his most senior colleagues a right grilling today. that's mark francois. he'll first, he'll join me soon. but first, it's he'll join me soon. but first, wsfime he'll join me soon. but first, it's time for your latest news headunes it's time for your latest news headlines with middlehurst i >> -- >> the top stories this hour. president biden says the ongoing search and rescue operation is the top priority after a ship crashed into baltimore's main
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bndge crashed into baltimore's main bridge this morning, with all shipping traffic into the busy port remaining on hold for now. if you're watching on tv, take a look at the moment. the francis scott key bridge in baltimore was hit at around 130 in the morning local time as you can see, plunging cars on that bndge see, plunging cars on that bridge there. drivers and road workers into the water below with no warning . the ship's crew with no warning. the ship's crew had notified the authorities of what's being described as a power outage that took place on board, prompting contraction work. construction workers on the bridge at the time to try to stop more traffic driving onto that collapsing bridge. let's show you the scene now. live in daylight in baltimore this afternoon, where those six construction workers remain unaccounted for. president biden, speaking in the last houn biden, speaking in the last hour, promising an immediate response from the federal government and saying he'll visit the city as soon as he can. two government ministers have announced their resignations, with both james heappey and robert halfon stepping down from government .
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stepping down from government. mr heappey, the armed forces minister, announced earlier this month that he planned to quit as an mp and he'd stand down as a minister before then. mr halfon, who's an education minister, says he looks forward to supporting the prime minister from the backbenches and some developments in the case of chemical attack suspect abdul ezedl chemical attack suspect abdul ezedi. we've heard this afternoon in court documents that the afghan national was granted asylum in the uk by a judge, despite concerns the sex offender was a proven liar with a criminal past. a range of previously confidential documents show. for the first time, the lengths ezedi went to prove that he was now a christian convert. ezedi body was pulled from the river thames last month amid a major manhunt after he was suspected of dousing his ex—girlfriend with a corrosive chemical. those are the latest news headlines. for the latest news headlines. for the latest, sign up to gb news alerts. scan that qr code on your screen right now or go to gb news. com slash alerts .
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gb news. com slash alerts. >> for a valuable legacy, your family can own, gold coins will always shine bright. rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . news financial report. >> shall we take a quick look at today's markets ? let's do that. today's markets? let's do that. the pound will buy you $1.2634 and ,1.1661. the price of gold is £1,724.28 an ounce, and the ftse 100 has closed for the day to day at 7930 points. >> rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> thank you polly. now the prime minister faces growing pressure to boost military spending as threat from countries such as russia, china and iran grow. and i've just been joining the studio by a
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conservative mp who gave both barrels at a meeting earlier, mr mark francois joins me. i'm martin daubney on gb news. britain's news channel
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welcome back. gb news viewers can see live pictures on screen now from the wreckage in baltimore. after a cargo ship struck a bridge overnight. and officials there have said that six people remain missing . have said that six people remain missing. now, have said that six people remain missing . now, prime minister missing. now, prime minister rishi sunak is under intense pressure to boost military spending amid the growing security threats posed by nafions security threats posed by nations such as russia, china iran. defence secretary and iran. defence secretary grant shapps had his demands for the uk to spend 25% of our gdp ignored by the chancellor in the spnng ignored by the chancellor in the spring budget. well, the defence committee were in discussions just over an hour ago where more questions were asked of the uk's defence spending . and i'm joined
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defence spending. and i'm joined by our political editor, christopher hope, and a gentleman who was there at that meeting. conservative mp mark francois, who probed grant shapps earlier. thanks for joining me and thanks for running over in the rain. you are now officially a wet tory for the first time. mark >> so this is the first time for everything, right ? everything, right? >> so, mark, what happened in the meeting? and there's been a lot of tough talk about increasing spending but nothing on right on the table. right >> we put the job of a select committee is to hold ministers to account in detail. >> so we spent the best >> yeah. so we spent the best part of two hours on this. >> if i could explain to your viewers very quickly what's happened to the defence budget. this is the, the red book as it's known. it's the budget bible. >> and it gives the spending totals for all the government departments. >> so it's published after the budget and they're all listed here. >> and you look at defence >> and if you look at defence revenue, spending day day revenue, spending day to day spending in the financial year 2324, that ends in about a
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week's time, we were spending 35 billion on defence. >> this is for revenue. >> this is for revenue. >> and for next year, 2425. >> and for next year, 2425. >> it goes down to 32.8. so that's a reduction of 2.2 billion. and then for cdl for capital money for kit buildings it goes down from this year from 19.2 to 18.9. so that's nought point 3 billion. you add the two. that's 2.5 billion as a cut. and what the secretary of state was sort of trying to pretend is because we announced some weeks ago we were going to give billion to ukraine money. >> well spent. >> well spent. >> but you can't spend the same pound twice. >> they're trying to pretend that that money for ukraine, which from the treasury which comes from the treasury reserve, is part of the normal defence budget. >> not part of the core >> it's not part of the core budget. so we accused him of enron accounting and smoke and mirrors, basically. enron accounting and smoke and mirand basically. enron accounting and smoke and mirand that's|lly. enron accounting and smoke and mirand that's taking some >> and that's taking some money from a different and from a different budget and moving it yours. it looks moving it into yours. it looks strange nowhere near strange and it's nowhere near that's if you give the
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that's even if you give them the credit 2.5 billion credit of 2.5 billion on ukraine, standing ukraine, it's still standing still inflation at, you still with inflation at, you know, 4 or 5. well, the mod's strategic finance director was also there . also there. >> and he admitted under questioning that even with these numbers, it's a real terms cut in the defence budget next year. >> why does this matter? yesterday parliament was talking about a chinese threat. >> we have a war in ukraine. we've got british shipping being attacked, being attacked by houthis in the red sea. chris you know, my dad was a d—day veteran. you know, i've always come from on this the first duty of government above all others is the defence realm, the is the defence of the realm, the security nation. so we security of the nation. so we shouldn't be cutting the defence budget. >> we should be increasing it and mark that leads us to the next point. the confirmation today. heale he is today. james heale he is leaving. was one of his leaving. and this was one of his bugbears, wasn't it? the fact he simply wasn't given the financial tools to do his job. huge frustrations. we hear about the lack of percentile gdp to
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defence and now he's walking. must be a huge loss to the defence department. >> yes, well, we had defence questions yesterday and a number of mps on both sides of the house, paid tribute to james. >> i'm a former armed forces minister, although about a decade ago it's a very demanding job. he did it extremely well. >> i'm sure he did it better than i did it. and he'll be much missed. you know, maybe at some point will come on your show point he will come on your show and will explain why he and he will explain why he resigned. lot of people resigned. but a lot of people think really it was because he couldn't stomach these cuts to defence. >> so he's he seems to have resigned on a point of honour. >> is that what you've heard from him privately, mark? you from him privately, mark? do you think a defence think he knows how a defence cuts? no. >> to clear, chopper, he and >> to be clear, chopper, he and i had that i have not had that conversation. that is, if i have not had that conylikeition. that is, if i have not had that conylike the. that is, if i have not had that conylike the word that is, if i have not had that conylike the word ont is, if i have not had that conylike the word on the if i have not had that conylike the word on the street, you like the word on the street, james, i think hinted he may james, i think has hinted he may in weeks and months to come, have more to say . so really, have more to say. so really, ultimately, that's got to come from him. i think . but in the from him. i think. but in the meantime, he was a very widely regarded armed forces minister,
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and he's he's a loss to the ministry of defence . ministry of defence. >> if we widen out from james heappey to robert halfon, these are two individuals middle are two individuals as middle ranking respected ranking but well respected ministers, both by labour and the i think both , the tory party. i think both, who may have been hoping for a cabinet job in a fifth terms. tory government. what are they going? are they, are they looking at writing on the looking at the writing on the wall thinking this party is wall and thinking this party is sunk that election sunk and won't win that election this year? >> well, i've just mentioned james. rob halfon , i declare >> well, i've just mentioned janinterest.ob halfon , i declare >> well, i've just mentioned janinterest. he'salfon , i declare >> well, i've just mentioned janinterest. he's afon , i declare >> well, i've just mentioned janinterest. he's a fellowieclare >> well, i've just mentioned janinterest. he's a fellow essexe an interest. he's a fellow essex mp.we've personal friends >> we've been personal friends for 30 years. for crumbs 30 years. >> is loss . you know he >> rob is a loss. you know he you know he's had a mobility challenge for decades. he's overcome that. he's extremely popular in his constituency. everyone knows he's the mp for harlow and he's a very talented and passionate guy, particularly about education. he's not just a loss to the conservative party. he's a lost to parliament and to government and we're seeing this becoming a trend. >> not only 63 mps now and rising mark must be incredibly
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frustrating from your point of view. as you say, talented pubuc view. as you say, talented public servants, talented mps, simple reading the runes and figuring out there's just probably more like life outside of politics. >> it's now an incredibly stressful job. you know, there are a lot of pressures, not just on mps, but on their families. look at the gaza vote and everything that surrounded that. although personally, i think it's right that we kept lindsay hoyle as speaker. he made a mistake. he put his hand up, he apologised. i think the house should have accepted that contrition. >> it looks like we have. so that's good. >> but, you know, it's an extremely pressured job these days. extremely pressured job these days . and some people days. and there are some people who coming to the who are just coming to the conclusion would they conclusion that they would they would do something would rather do something else. >> so far seeing 63 of >> so far we're seeing 63 of your quitting as your colleagues quitting as tories, 1997. will it beat tories, 75 in 1997. will it beat that number? i don't know. you and the tea rooms, you know how the chatter is. you know there are numbers that you know who are numbers that you know who are leaving and haven't told us or their constituents how many more go. more might go. >> not going to put a number >> i'm not going to put a number on i mean, of
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on it, but i mean, i know oh or 2 others who are going to go, but, you i'm sworn to but, you know, i'm sworn to secrecy, and i wouldn't blurt that in tv studio. that out in the tv studio. forgive me even even to you, but more than 75. >> think we could hit a >> do you think we could hit a record number? >> if you if project >> well, if you if you project it graph, if it as a kind of graph, if you look at rate people that look at the rate of people that are over the last month are retiring over the last month alone, then if you project the line and you assume autumn line and you assume an autumn election, probably going election, we're probably going to going to be to they're probably going to be more than 75. >> astonishing. and when you look back to 2019 election, i stood in and we saw that 80 seat majority come in that would seem like an eternity ago. now, when you think about how victorious , you think about how victorious, how far in front the conservative party were to where we are now, mark, what does that say to you about what's happened from your personal perspective ? from your personal perspective? the huge sense of loss must be massive . massive. >> harold wilson famously said, a week is a long time in politics, so four and a bit years. by that comparison is an extremely long time.
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>> i actually think that we could we could still win this election . but if we're going to election. but if we're going to do that, we have to give people really positive reasons to vote for us and not just rely on saying that, you know , vote for saying that, you know, vote for us because we're less shocking than the other mob. simply attacking starmer and labour. although i think we're quite within our rights to point out the weaknesses is necessary but not sufficient. we need to give, you know , after 14 years of you know, after 14 years of government, people are compelling narrative of really powerful reasons why they should re—elect us and give us a record fifth time. and cutting the defence budget isn't one of them. >> okay, mark francois, we have to move on. i'm afraid. thanks for joining us in the studio and forjoining us in the studio and thanks for braving the rain out there, thank you much. there, too. thank you very much. now, police have raided now, federal police have raided properties owned by rapper p diddy as part of an investigation into sex trafficking. and we'll bring you the latest after this. i'm
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martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back. it's 549. we're on the final furlong. let's get galloping. i'm martin daubney on gb news. music mogul sean diddy combs, better known as p diddy, has had two of his properties raided by federal agents as part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation . the 54 year old investigation. the 54 year old has been the subject of several lawsuits in recent months, including for sexual assault , including for sexual assault, and he denies those allegations. but joining me now to discuss this is the entertainment reporter and the great friend and pal of the show, stephanie takyi. steph, welcome to the show. always a pleasure. so a dramatic federal raids on p diddy's properties. and also prince harry has been dragged
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into this. what's the latest. >> well martin, i have to say it's not one of those cases where it's guilty by association for prince harry. and it has been a bit of a fall from grace for p diddy over the last few months due to all these slew of accusations of sexual assault. and there's been one record producer, rodney jones , who was producer, rodney jones, who was the latest person to bring a lawsuit against p diddy, and he's claiming that, you know, he p he's claiming that, you know, he p diddy used to throw all these sex trafficking parties where people like himself were forced to do horrendous acts at these parties, which, of course, p diddy is denying . but a part of diddy is denying. but a part of the lawsuit. it said that some of the things that these people will get is they would get access to high profile celebrities, politicians and british dignitaries, international dignitaries such as prince harry. from what i've seen, prince harry and p diddy only met once in two thousand
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and seven after the concert for diana at wembley stadium, so i'm not sure what kind of relationship they've had since. but prince harry is named as but prince harry is not named as a defendant in that. he was just one those names that have one of those names that have just brought up being just been brought up as being associated parties, associated with these parties, and kind of reminds me of the and it kind of reminds me of the harvey weinstein scandal, where he used to have the toast of hollywood these parties. but hollywood at these parties. but of course, they were not involved in some of the things that accused of. that he was accused of. >> and of course, yeah, just to repeat, prince harry, not any suggestion of any wrongdoing, but were there was word but there were there was word that the duke of sussex's affiliation and other stars gave p diddy and his associates a legitimacy . legitimacy. >> yes. and that's the problem. you know, before these this story broke, p diddy was one of the most powerful people in the music industry . and of course, music industry. and of course, over the years he's mingled with so many celebrities . he used to so many celebrities. he used to throw the best parties in hollywood. so as this case gathers more information, we're going hearing more names.
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going to be hearing more names. and unfortunately for prince harry, it's a bit a kind of bit like prince andrew and jeffrey epstein . it's like sometimes you epstein. it's like sometimes you can be just tarnished with the same brush in such a situation. >> okay. thanks forjoining us. steph takyi always a pleasure. okay. we're wrapping up the show now. and as i've said to you throughout, i want to get throughout, i want to get through a few of your emails. and i was asking for messages to the batley grammar school teacher. now, of course, yesterday on the show, we spoke to paul halloran, a close friend of the batley teacher, who announced the gofundme was still going. and since that interview, 24 hours ago, £5,000 has been added to that total by you. wonderful gb news viewers. a couple of comments here. khan says this shouldn't this family receive millions in compensation from the state, as it's the state that has screwed him over? kim. this is also from twitter says why hasn't the teacher had any compensation from the rishi
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sunak or the country? he needs to sue this school, the council and the police. they all played and the police. they all played a part in this. the police were derelict in their duty. how many should be arrested of those bullies? the whole country needs to hang its head in shame. here's another one from mary who says this. hi, martin. this poor man and his family. says this. hi, martin. this poor man and his family . everyone man and his family. everyone i've known remains bewildered at the lack of support from all the authorities in the area where this teacher taught. please send him my best wishes and fingers crossed his situation improves soon. maybe, just maybe , after soon. maybe, just maybe, after that report yesterday and the continuing pressure from gb news news, he'll be able to get his life back. i'd like to let him know. lots of people care about him and the terrible situation that he's been put in. mary, thank you so much for that message. and we've had so many others along the same lines. and as promised , i will get your
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as promised, i will get your messages to paul. paul can pass them on to the teacher. i think it's important. he knows people care about this. and three years on we are still fighting. and it was mentioned in lobby today. the prime minister is aware of the situation. i'm in hopeful that we will be getting a positive resolution and the justice that teacher deserves . justice that teacher deserves. well, that's all from me for now. dewbs& co is up next, and don't forget to join us from 6 am. tomorrow. of course. and a.m. tomorrow. of course. and it's breakfast with eamonn and isabel, and that's followed by britain's newsroom at 930 with andrew and bev and then it's all the drama, with pmqs live at midday and that's with gloria de piero and chris hope live from the studio. that's at midday, and then tom and emily with good afternoon britain and then, of course, it's mine. mush. back at three, i'm martin daubney. this is gb news. now your weather with aidan mcgivern. >> a brighter outlook with boxt
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solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hi there and welcome to the latest gb news forecast from the met office. a soggy night to come as rain moves north. falling as snow over scotland's hills. staying cold in the far north. but milder air is coming in to the south and following the main area of rain, which is associated with this feature an occluded front moving north, we've an area of showers we've got an area of showers pushing in, so a mixed bag for most of us over the next 24 hours, but the wettest parts will be northern ireland, where there's a rain warning, as well as england into the as northern england into the midlands, and the south midlands, wales and the south east the evening before. east during the evening before. dunng east during the evening before. during hours that rain during the early hours that rain pushes of scotland, pushes into much of scotland, falling snow above or 300m, falling as snow above 2 or 300m, settling above 3 or 400m. a cold night to come for scotland, then , but further south it's 5 or 6 celsius by dawn, albeit with another active band of rain moving through southwest england into wales , northern ireland. into wales, northern ireland. some bursts and gusty some heavy bursts and some gusty winds associated with that. the
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first band of rain pushes through northern scotland, continuing to fall as snow over the hills, although milder air is with that, so the snow is mixing with that, so the snow confined peaks confined to the highest peaks andifs confined to the highest peaks and it's going be wet and and it's going to be wet and windy, increasingly the windy, increasingly so for the far north scotland. feeling far north of scotland. feeling cold a of cold here. elsewhere, a mix of sunny and lively showers, sunny spells and lively showers, hail and thunder here and there as well , before further bands of as well, before further bands of rain move north on thursday , one rain move north on thursday, one area moving across northern england into northern ireland dunng england into northern ireland during the morning . another zone during the morning. another zone of rain and showers into of rain and showers moving into the southwest by the afternoon. the weekend, though, looks brighter a mix of sunny brighter with a mix of sunny spells and heavy showers . spells and heavy showers. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers. sponsors of weather on gb news
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or not. also, are these votes meaningless or meaningful? will they actually change anything at all? also speaking of gaza, luton town hall has been flying the palestinian flag. i can tell you now opinion on that one is certainly divided. where are you on it? also uk housing has been described as the worst value for money of any advanced economy. what on earth has gone wrong here? and aid uk have warned that the increasing digitisation of pretty much everything, quite frankly, is alienating the elderly. do you agree with that or not? and my favourite story. i've been desperate to talk to you about this for three days now. tonight finally will be my chance. some criminals will be required to wear high vis jackets now and clean up the community that they have damaged. i this is damaged. i think this is absolutely fabulous , but other absolutely fabulous, but other people are saying it's wrong to humiliate the criminals. this way. your thoughts


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